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One Piece Games General - /opgg/

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Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 162

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Goodbye movie content edition

Last chapter: >>163259782

General guide, read before posting

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>One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.
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>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

- Special Events -
>Dec 7-25: Colo Batch- Ace, Coby, Hawkins, Ben Beckman, Lucky Rux
>2 day returning fortnights coming soon:
>21st-23rd Afro Luffy
>23rd-25th Brook
>25th-27th Okama
>27th-29th Franky
>29th-31st Wedding Nami
>CYO Turtle Times
>2x skill up on Jan 2nd, lasts for a week
- Fortnights -
>Dec 6-13 :Morgan and Breed
>Dec 13-20: Smoker and Young Arlong
>Dec 20-27: Alvida and Tom Workers
>Dec 27-Jan 4 : CobiMepppo and Tsuru

>Dec 16-19: Young Robin + Nami
>Dec 19-21: Gran Torino
- Raids -
>Dec 23 : Aokiji
>Dec 26 : Ivankov
>Dec 30 : Duval

>Dec 12 - Jan 4 Free evolvers for 5*+ Zoro and Nami
>Dec 13 - 26 special islands with rainbow evolvers one time clear
>Dec 29-31 2x skillup
>Dec 23 - Jan 5 Clash of Clashes!
>Dec 23 - Usopp'un & Heracles
>Dec 24 - Boa
>Dec 24 - Sabo
>Dec 25 - Buster Call
DR > orbs
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2nd for bait sugos
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A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot
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Remember to remove your DR socket for resilience, the true superior socket
>afro luffy fn for 1 day
I will pray for you guys who will farm this fn. Last time I spent 10 gems + natural stam on 1/2 stam and it went on for like forever
I'm not sure it's worth if you're planning to farm for usopp socket. We will probably get the new year straw hat fortnight as our next fortnight.
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first for you niggers need jobs
Why do the shitposters like Jew always talk like black people?
Thats not me

coming to collo goys

Zephyr is better except if you want to speedrun stuff. Free spirit will be shit on global for like one year. Ok f2p captain I guess
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We are getting a chapter tomorrow right?
ye, spoilers are out
Should I get books for the SW Luffy that I'll hardly ever use, or the two sockets to finish the SW Luffy I'll hardly ever use?
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>Sockets are here for 2 days
>Books 2 weeks

I wonder what's the better choice
Aren't colo Dorry and Brogy used on a few absolute madman f2p slasher teams?
>Still skipping Alvida
Afro Luffy is 2 days. The second the timer dips below 48 hours (which is instant), it shows up as 1 day remaining.

When there's actually a day left, you'll see 23 hours.
Best Marineford unit to farm?
Sugo fest is less than 48 hours my broskis
Sugo fest is less than 103 hours my broskis
>exactly 60 stamina when full
>do the Afro Luffy thing twice on hardest difficulty
>1 usopp, 0 luffies, 2 choppers, 0 stamina
Ah yes, 'farming'.
So when we getting another free pull of the day

2nd Anni?
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You wish.
Did a yolo pull and got Boa

She any good my broskis?
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Pudding is evil evil EVIL!
Don't fucking mess with me man
I really REALLY want this to be true
Puddingfags BTFO
Second ann isn't going to be all that special. It'll only look that way because half the general has been saving for months and even people who haven't been saving can probably expect to have around 70 gems from mid Jan to Valentine's. The abstinent players will have around 300-500 so of course it'll seem like there's a lot of legends being pulled. Don't get memed.
It is
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Carrot for next nakama!
Best socket for Alvida? I was thinking of automeme, but CDR seems tempting for teams that need low HP.
She's trying too hard to be evil, it's why her vein is popping.

Pudding wouldn't have had that flashback with Lola if she was truly evil. She will probably get the key of Sanji's handcuffs from Reiju before the Germa scram from Whole Cake.
Did the movie really need to tell us his origin story so many goddamn times?
Autoheal is the best choice predominately because you use her in forests extremely heavily. It's also great to have in Colloseums. CDR I could see as a good alternative but I think you'll get more value on the autoheal.
I just bought around 160 gems for the clashes. Gotta max them all.
Has the game been laggy for anyone else?

I guess the servers took a hit from everyone and their grandma doing last-minute farming.
and how much money was that?
At least wait until the chapter is released before posting spoilers.

i've been having lag and freezes and crashes since the freeza update.
god they really need to rework older fortnites like Alvida's

Alvida's absolute shit. They should scrap it and give us a Buggy Alliance FN with better drops and EXP.
>have to use Corazon to beat colo Ace

This is going to take so fucking long but I need those tomes before he leaves.

Hold me brothers.
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Is Colo Apoo even worth it broskis?

I mean I do have Gear 3
Depends on your situation. If I can farm him reliably, I'll probably socket my RR apoo, otherwise I'm good since I have Sabo as a Freedom booster.
Just get her books and stop running her, eventually we'll get colloseum alvida to socket her.
You might want to max colo apoo so you can get raid sabo on your freedom teams
I'd rather wait for fat Usopp raid for farming sockets, farming sockets on FNs is absolute cancer
manga spoilers
Pudding was actually evil
oh for fuck sake, I don't know what I expected though
Big Mom vs Germa
well I guess that's how it's gonna go then
could players with good sockets on their rays put them up, trying to clear whitebeard forest with this team and i need the sockets


gold boiz
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>Have 150 ATK CC just sitting there
>Refuse to feed it to anyone because I can't decide who is most deserving of it
>Will probably just build up CC until I have enough to give to Croc, Cavendish, Raid Sabo, and Kizaru (who I'm pulling tomorrow) all at once

Feels bad man
Cavendish > Croc > doesn't matter
Chapter's out.
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how will he ever recover from this
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>Today's Chapter

Naw... Come on now, don't make Sanji Suffer.

Pudding x Sanji fags BTFO
>tfw Sanji will never find true love in his lifetime
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Will Sanji hit her?
Translations were extra edgy today.
so what exactly does the 3rd eye do? i kept hearing theroies about pudding having it but i never looked into what it actually does?
when you enter stage 20 of WB forest, does he do a static amount of damage or does he do a % cut
cause i am on stage 19 right now and i can stall for more but if it is just a % i can push forward now
Oh it's Mabel. That's why.
>She actually was a stone-cold bitch
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>do a bedtime
>sleep for almost 4 hours
>only 20 new posts
Also not enough of them were in reply to me.
Movie content is gone now, we're going to slowly die back to what we were before we got Zephyr, or worse.

It'll only rev up again for 2nd Anniversary and then we'll probably die a month or so later due to extreme burn out and disappointment.

Look at it this way: either she revealed everything to Reiju, who she captured for reasons we are not yet privvy to, for no reason besides dumb, overt villainy or it's a double reverse ruse to get Germa and Big Mom to fire on each other during the wedding so Sanji and the Straw Hats can escape

It could also be to set up Reiju as a hero
It's fucking obvious that it's all an act. This is the only way she can stir shit up and stop the wedding.
Why do you say that?
The part where she fucks it up is when she says that she is working with Big Mom on this. But Big Mom's goal is to get the Germa as allies, not fucking shoot the groom on the wedding day. Killing the entire Vinsmoke family does not benefit her as much as making them her allies.
She could just been vindicitive of something the Vinsmoke family did in the past. I'm just spitballing things here
>Marineford Bay is legitimately easier than Jaya
>The gem stages are just normal mobs that do absolutely nothing special
>Smoker has 11 health
>Moriah does nothing
>Mihawk does nothing
>Borsalino does nothing

"Does nothing" is apparently the tagline of marineford part one.
F2p/Zero sockets the entire thing almost.
Oh well, free gems, but feel weirdly let down.

>The most predictable twist of all time
>A character actually get married or change significantly in one piece ever, especially one where being single is their major character trait
>Pudding has already been shown with three eyes before

Fuck me Oda, it's been years, get a little less obvious.
>tfw it's a double double cross and she's lying to her family and luffy for no reason
>It won't happen though
stop posting spoilers you fucking retards get the fuck out to >>>/a/ I'm tired of having to hide your retarded posts
if you have time to post this you have time to read the manga
>bitch, fucking etc

shut the fuck up, mabel
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>excessive use of cursing for no reason
>not edgy
shut the fuck up ponyfucker.
I agree.
>literally 4 words in 19 pages
>go back to church mommy
they are spoilered you fucking mongoloid
>ever going to /a/
no thanks
It was so piss easy, I just used almost any team I wanted.
I just realized they didn't even give it double drop for the opening week.
And apparently it doesn't have half stamina at all, according to github?
It had double drop for five hours, but there's really only mihawk worth having and he's still really fucking whatever.
>was too busy with movie content for colosseum
>cleared Coby and Ace already without too much trouble
>start Beckman
what the fuck is this shit
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Why the fuck would a marine say that?
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Because the translators for Bandai are a bunch of Thai rice eating children, who have no idea what they are even translating
>Not knowing about the intricate inside job where a group of traitorous marines helped Whitebeard attack Marineford
what's a good team for COLOSEUM Afro Luffy? 3rd stage in Beckman colo
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Enel can do it easy if you have a bind and gloom socket.
I did it without either but I needed to use Qck Marco from the healing lost from gloom.
Buggy's stage is a fucking nightmare without Mansherry
I used 3d2y Luffy's, works just as well.
I am so fucking pissed at Bakarat. I blew 8 gems on stam refills and what was my reward? 2 fucking posters. 2! FUCKING 2! Igot manuals galore for shit I don't need, want or own and I couldn't get more fucking posters of that black whoreslut.
Why would you want them.
She has absolutely no use outside of her captain ability.
>Fat ussop
Never ever
It's been 9 months, global devs must think it's a yearly raid
so for some reason the 1.2x boost for certain units on marineford doesn't work until the 5th chapter
anyone else smell a gem?
GUP here, can someone put up a SW Shanks? Thanks
I don't have one
>colo Apoo
well that's nice, but is he worth maxing? his special seems weird
Apoo is amazing, and he is very often used in F2P teams, both as a sub and as a captain

Also need to socket RR Apoo
ye I was considering only socketing RR Apoo, but I guess I'll try to get him to a usable cooldown at least
>suddenly you realize that you need to farm 80 copies of apoo for your colo and RR units
I havent even started with my RR kid
there will be a meat-up event for a week, thank fucking god
just farm him on natural stam, he's gonna be here for dozens of days
that's what I did with Hawkins and now I have a max/max/max hawkins
>never watched One Piece
>see a better version of Schierke and Tatsumaki

Now I'm interested.
I need the slut to farm sugo isles and evolvers
Her special and sockets aren't really going to help.
Maybe cdr/orbs, and even then very marginally.
CDR/Autoheal is the only option on Bakarat for Princess Turtle runs.

>Orbs, what a laff
Not even sure how you'd do that.
Baccarat/Baccarat/Squard/Tilestone/Two waveclears, then Kuro's boat?
Orbs or DR?
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Honestly I have no bloody idea m8, just seems to be the general socketing consensus around here for Baka-raticus and I'm just parroting what others have said. Probably just the same as normal Princess Turtles but without the 2 Duval leads, which you'd probably need max level autoheal/CDR to survive with because of the extra stalling required
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Completely depends on the character, and the team. Getting DR on characters like Tesoro and Shanks is much more beneficial, since they already have a mechanic to fill your board with matching orbs. (in fact, my Tesoro's DR literally just saved me on colo Buggy stage, I survived with 62 HP). On other characters who depend more on speedrunning and taking very few hits, orbs is better.

Frankly it's all a matter of preference, since they are both extreme luxury sockets, and you shouldn't gimp 2-3 socket characters with them just to minmax an extremely specific team. Although stat-wise, DR has a much better scaling than Orbs, because 15 points for an additional 5% chance is absolutely atrocious.
tilestone for boss, 3x 5k damage dealers with <10 cd in case secret stage is what I run
5 AH?
my Baccarat has AH and CDR if that's what you were asking
I don't have maxed AH on that because Sanji and Vista aren't socketed, but it's ok
Cabinboy Helmeppo and Manticores are also great since they reduce defense to 0. And if you have it once it comes out, Enel's Boat can one-shot a Princess Turtle.
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Objectively best/most efficient PTT teams? (once Moria books hit global of course).

14 turns with max CDR with Baccarat, 8 if you're using 2x Duval instead for faster runs (probably more efficient if you're willing to gem).
>Auto-heal on Squard...
And then you need to use him as captain for Colis like Smoker and you are completely fucked.
Ah shit, yeah I thought something was wrong. Probably just Raid Enel in his place then and swap out PSY Enel with literally any other FDD that hits all enemies, does slow it down a turn though.
Fuck off GUP nobody except total hobos like you needs Squard for colo smoker
I spent so much time and stamina trying to perfect units like Inuppe and General Zombie for their 'quick' special animation for speedy turtle runs, but if I'm not mistaken banner animations are actually slower than full screen ones due to special skip.
It's shitty too because in the past few weeks with all this movie content, especially after special skip being brought to global, just how many of those fucking banner specials there is. Shiki made me want to throw my phone at a concrete wall with all his shitty cut-ins, it's not like the runs weren't stressful and long enough as it was. Special skip seems to SLIGHTLY cut the time on banner specials (maybe some kind of placebo) but nowhere near like full screen ones.

Every FN boss wants to tell you their life story, I just want to attack and see big numbers, not read a visual novel.
fucking hell Beckman is hard for being such a shit character that can't even be used to socket another RR
>Squard on Smoker
>Not just bringing a Mirage and then literally any team you want
>Struggling with one of the most f2pable colos
I like It, it's completely secondary content you don't have to do at all, but it's still a challenge.
he'll evolve+ into "Ben Beckman, Red Hair's Left Hand" and be a must-have unit most likely
that would be included in the eventual Red Haired Pirates batch
>Getting DR on characters like Shanks
>On other characters who depend on speedrunning and taking very few hits

I don't even care about the argument, but that's fucking retarded.
Forget it, 90% of the thread agrees DR is better on Shanks. Your arguments have just outright lost.
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>try running ace's colo
Not him but it's not because they are a lot to be wrong that they are right.
>it's retarded because I said so

Brilliant counter-argument my dear Watson
piss easy with a Shiki+Fuji driven team
Just zombie it with Pell or Laboon.
I literally said that I didn't care about orbs vs dr in my sentence, but I wouldn't expect you DR fags to listen to anything.

My entire point was that it's retarded to not throw Shanks into the "characters who depend on speedrunning and taking very few hits" because that's exactly what he fucking is.

>Brilliant counter-argument my dear Watson
like, you seriously have to realize how stupid you look
>Pull Shanks, a PSY unit that can shit out PSY damage with the right units.
>Build him as a fortnight speedrunner
Loving Every Laugh. Just because he's the worst legend doesn't mean you should build him like that.
i cant even beat the duncan brother with double BB, really wondering what im supposed to do
>hit declavans
>use BB*2

That's right, double down. If you never admit that you're wrong, then it's impossible for you to be wrong.
it only bring him to around 10% and he then kill me with his special
Do you remember
the 25th night of September?
This raid was changing the minds of shooters
Along with Strong World Usopp and Franky

Our hearts were rockin
Because we had our anti lock sockets.
As we danced in the night,
Remember how Bamco stole the night away

Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - when Global got Zephyr
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day

We're clearing content
With the Striker ship we're feeling so conent
Only SW Ace dream team, remember
how we thought that Z was here to stay

Now December
came and the movies we shared in September.
Was just talk from Bamco,
It's just a shame
they couldn't stick around and stay

ah ah ah
Ba de ya - say do you remember
Ba de ya - when Global got Zephyr
Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day
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That's right Croc, tell the spoiled brat like it is
new JPN colo units

1401: 5* Gladius, STR Shooter/Ambition, Cost: 40
1402: 4* Dalton, PSY Slasher/Knowledge, Cost: 20
after fucking how annoying Sabaody and Thriller Bark were, I'm fine with it.

Part II is where shit really happens though.
I have a job, sometimes i play at work
I think it's supposed to be easier because you have a 20 turn limit, and the game is designed around the fact that it's a mobile game for casuals, so they have nothing maxed and they can't use any specials because they're all above 20
damn I really really need Raid Enel because Jozu isn't cutting it out anymore in the chaos colos.

Is Colo Apoo supposed to be easier than the Kidd and Coby chaos colos?
>croc was beaten by moisture
>took timeskip Luffy's g4 to beat Doffy
Well they aren't equals
>Croc killed Luffy and left him to die in the desert
>Doffy couldn't even catch him when he was half dead from his own G4
>And that was before we've seen new world Croc with an updated skillset
They really aren't
>And that was before we've seen new world Croc with an updated skillset
And he developed that where? In a fucking cramped prison cell, bound and malnourished?
Spending 2 years in the New World you speedreader.
easier than Kid, harder than Coby
>unironically thinking that Oda (who said ages ago that he used Croc too soon) won't give him his actual deserved powerlevel
>Forgetting that he's the most popular antagonist too
Really nigger
Marineford was before the timeskip you dumb Spee D. Reader
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We're talking about New World. What are you even talking about?
If he does that he's a retconning hack

fuck off retard if you can't even follow 5 sentences of conversation don't reply to me at all
between Marineford war and the current events that are currently happening, Croc was not in a cell, he was out and about with Mr. 1 for 2 years
please stop being retarded
>If he does that he's a retconning hack
>Oh no Crocodile was so stuck up his own ass in Alabasta that he refused to use Haki against a rookie like Luffy
>He could have used it against Akainu though to buy time for them to escape
Just because you're asspained doesn't mean it's hack writing.
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>If Oda says someone got stronger during the 2 year training arc timeskip it's a retcon
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>If he does that he's a retconning hack
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Don't reply to the Doffy shitposter, he's just assmad his favourite edgy character got absolutely BTFO.
>his Smile and SMILE factory, gone
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Whoever designed the Buggy stage in the Beckman colosseum is the devil himself
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>even the Nips had taste when it came to the villain for once
>Sanji lives with no visible health left
>when you have all specials ready for next stage
>50k damage
>Sanji 4th
>killed Luffy
>new world croc
You mean the croc that was in jail the whole time? We're talking about comparing Croc to Doffy at Marineford, so don't even pull the timeskip croc junk
Clearly Buggy designed it.
I do love how low BB has fallen. It's totally deserved too.

Jaya BB is GOAT. Everything since then shouldn't have even made that list.
How do you beat him? Haven't gotten to chaos Beckman yet
>comparing Croc to Doffy at Marineford
All right then
>Doffy scared of Yonkou's like a little bitch
>Croc goes directly for a Yonkou's head the moment he gets to Marineford
>Croc faces the strongest admiral without a problem
>Doffy is scared of Tsuru
Don't even need timeskip Croc to see who the shitty copy is
I beat it with double SW Ace, but double Doffy probably works too, you just need hp
>croc fears no man
>Doffy knows his power level
Cool, now let's talk about thier ACTUAL powerlevel.
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>Just used 6*Law and Inthawk
Piece of cake
Excuse me, Haki? How would that have helped against Luffy? He doesn't have conqueror's haki, the only one that comes to mind that would help is using it defensively when Luffy started storming him.
Do you have enough high HP units on your team? are you taking too much damage in the early stages?
>thier ACTUAL powerlevel
You mean the guy who can control all of sand or the guy who had to have an ability of turning everything into strings asspulled?
>he doesn't know how Haki works
please stop posting
>Croc is a fucking idiot with more mettle than he deserves
good job, well described
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Buggy Colosseum is easy, just use Halloween Robin.
>with more mettle than he deserves
>when Doffy is the one that got everything handed on a silver platter to him
I fucking hate post timeskip speedreaders
terrible post
There is no question how stupid and asspulled Doffy's powers are. I was actually just thinking about how retarded the birdcage is and how much it pisses me off.
But still it's kind of ironic that Doffy has some of the most creatively overpowered uses of his fruit and yet Croc is the one who lectured Luffy on using his fruit flexibly, despite not doing more than Garaa with his powers.
i had the correct team but i wasnt hiting hard enough on duncan on the first turn
it was a terrible bait
Alabasta Croc was a bitter man who was BTFO'd by WB and went back from the New World. He mastered his DF but lost himself to rage at Luffy's ideals throughout the fight until he slipped up completely and got rekt.
Luffy kind of reignites his flame in a way and I'm sure we'll see proper Croc when Oda uses him in the New World.
we wont see enel or croc again
holy fuck the picture they used for thatch is hilarious
I'm pretty sure Oda has confirmed we will see Croc
Enel, doubtful
Who's that tied with Sugar?
>he doesn't know about Beckman despite us having a literal colisseum with him in it
I'm just gonna forgive you because colo Beckman is from the time when Luffy was young
I think that's dragon based on the eye scar/tatoo
Dragon is the 81st with Wyper, Nojiko and that guy with the horse from Long Ring Island
that's pretty sad
Yeah I just noticed that, I guess that might be beckman. Doesn't look much like how I remember though.
these "polls" are paid bullshit anyway or they only let the biggest sheep vote
you might want to reread the marineford chapter when Shanks stops the war
I'm pretty sure that image is from there, when he aims at Kizaru
he has white hair now
Anime and manga follow different color pallets. I wouldn't be suprised if someone confused manga Thatch apart from anime Thatch.
>my opinion is the only valid one
>I shitpost on a video games board as a hobby
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>SW ace team
>get 2 greats
>half my health is gone
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If you had used Halloween Robin then you wouldn't miss your perfects.
do you even know what Halloween Robin does
Removes blind of course
Garp and Ceaser were released for Burning Blood today.

IIRC, we were supposed to get them if we purchased Wanted Pack 2. But they still have a price on the PSN store.

Bamco fuck up?
>Pudding is fucking evil
Fuck this series. The one good thing we got after Rebecca's faggotry and the furfaggotry of Zou is now utterly destroyed!
>5*+ Chopper
>INT Fighter/Cerebral
>CA: boosts cerebral attack/hp x2
>SA: boosts fighter attack by 50
>special: 2 stages
>lvl1: 12>6 turns- removes poison, paralysis, burn, and sleep and heals for x69 character rcv
>lvl2: 22>16 turns- removes poison, paralysis, burn, sleep, confusion, attract, leech seed, and impudence, and heals for a gorillan hp
My fault for clicking the spoiler, but now I don't feel like getting caught up
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>Most boring character this arc actually has something going for her now
>I fuck up so badly at like I can't even quote posts properly
Clicking on the spoiler is the least of your worries there champ.
Which one of them
I assume they're all converging to one form.
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>>>>>if you have Caesar you don't need Shiki

>story mode
>no drop
Tbh it's the hardest story mode boss
Ok, what the fuck is burn, sleep, confusion, attrakt, leech seed and impudence?
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>Need to farm Shiki, one of the hardest 60-stamina raid bosses that requires a very specific pool of captains as crew to beat Kizaru, a story boss.
Something doesn't add up.
>SA: boosts fighter attack by 50
holy shit new staple member on the jinbe dream team?
No, that would be Moria.
Even Enel or Lucci are harder than poozaru
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Damn dude, really?
Do you need a stepladder, or maybe some stilts
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>mfw I cleared literally every stage in the colosseum with Shiki+Fuji

Driven teams are so fucking good
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>tfw you fuck up your specials and have bad orb luck and end up not killing Beckman
someone post a fucking team
I'm using this shit and I need to rely on orb luck
Koza is there to make sure I kill Sanji without trouble
1st turn Doffy move block to Shiki and Shiki special for at least 1 guaranteed red
2nd turn Fossa + other Doffy
anything better or improvements?
G3 G3
doffy hawkins
koala hack
>tfw no Koala
Is Kizaru a good starting legend? or is he one of those guys thats only broken with hard to get stuff?
I did it with double qck Marco, but Enel, Marco could also be possible.
Level 5 Auto heal needed.
Marco - Enel
Brook - GPU
Ain - qck healer, beatstick or socket slut

Blowing Sanji without getting hit < 50% is the key, use Enel + Marco.
Once you're on Ben, hit him, use gpu just before he gets locked, use Ain once she's free (anti lock sockets is recommended) slowly beat him down, use specials when needed.
Get fucked no Zephyr
He's good for 1 of the 2 teams you can run
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yes he's great, he also has 100% clear rate
Wait, is he even going to have a 5*+? Because he doesn't even have a 5*
God no, do you know new Sanji
HP 2,603
Atk 1437
RCV 260


Captain ability: Boost Str characters by 2.5, if below 30% HP, by 3
Sailor Ability: Boosts HP, RCV, and ATK of all characters by 50
2 stage special:
Stage 1 (11 → 6 turns): Reduces damage received by 50% and amplifies the effect of orbs by 1.5x for 1 turn.
Stage 2 (20 → 15 turns): Reduces damage received by 70% and amplifies the effect of orbs by 1.75x for 1 turn.

He boosts EVERYBODY by 50 HP, Atk, and RCV
I put him on literally every team I can.
>Most boring character this arc

That would be Yonji.
oh my gooooood senor pink is now trash and I only just tomed him
Well you have to pull him, that's RR Timeskip Sanji, I have no idea what his 5+ will be.
So you can still use Pink until then.
Hey, being one-dimensionally evil is still better than being tryhard waifubait
Senor Pink will win sometimes since he's Psy, plus Sanji's books won't be out for god knows how long so it'll be Pink's 14 turn cd versus Sanji's 20
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>Sanji gives himself an orb
>Sanji is Free Spirit
>You will pull Sanji
Why can't people see that most characters are great in their own way and it hardly happens where one RR character completely replaces another?
just happened this chapter. she is evuuuuul

then why did she do it with the straw hats. and how did brulee and the seduction woods people know Luffy was coming, where he coming at, and who was among the party to disguise.
what is the translation of that site? 3D2Y Sanji has 95% but I'm not sure if it's clear rate or clear rate for specific stuff.
Clear rate for Non-colloseum non-forest content that they're allowed in.
So he can clear 95% of raids, fortnights and story mode assuming it isn't something like "Str only"
>not being able to do dream team taps purely through the sound effects

>playing this game with the obnoxious sound on

>jelly he cannot hit perfects
>steals others insults in an impotent rage

Many such cases.
even without it you should be using the character animations to help you
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>spend the night transferring account back to my phone since you cant buy gems on emulation
>get this

rate my multi yolopull.
guess who

its garbage
Selling account. Email:
WildLifeMattErZ AT yahoo DOTTY com
Not again man. Second anniversary is so close.
I'm not the ace guy, and I've been playing long enough to know the timings this game has without sound, SFX, or animations.

You're still a faggot for playing with sound on.
Good bye
Inazuma is trash
Machvise is trash
Sabo is "meh" but more leaning towards trash
Hack is good
Mr 3 too.
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I've been getting less and less active in most things except work and my kid. He's my world now. Heck OP got me through a lot, but eh... Time to cash out while things are good. Might as well make sure my account goes to someone dedicated.
Don't listen to this faggot. Every unit has its uses... yours may be a little situational but they're far from trash
Hack is good though
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Inazuma is good if you dont have Giolla, also a good qck slasher
Machvise probably has alot of niche use, decent int powerhouse beatstick with a better buggy special
Sabo is Sabo but for Sengoku teams, very good buff
Inazuma has a few niche colo uses on Enel teams. Actually I just used him to beat Oars with Cavendish, too.

He's not a great pull but I wouldn't call him a bad one.
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Damn, good luck man, those are some wise words. He might not be your biological seed but he's still your kid damnit, the colour of your skin doesn't determine parenthood. Take care of Lil Jamal and yourself, we'll miss you.
a 833 attack unit is a "good qck slasher"?
fuck off mabel
shes a good qck slasher because of her special, not her stats.
fuck off ponyfucker.
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>stats are the only thing that matters
I can hit perfects without looking at the screen. Sound makes it really easy to play while walking. Not everyone is a neet like you.
Playing in public place is even less reason to use the sound you autist. I bet you have some retarded vidya ringtone rather than keeping your phone on silent too.

You're the sort of person everyone on public transport hates.
>you cant buy gems on emulation
this is wrong
>too poor to afford headphones

We all get it anon, you are a NEET with no money.
>public transport

I tried to buy on Nox but it kept failing, any idea why?

no im not using the modded apk
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Nope, extremely attractive cis white scum.
have you tried bluestacks?
sometimes the emulators crash when you try to buy but ive bought stuff on bluestacks and droid4x before
only people ive seen use headphones in public are niggers and those apple earphones are all women what kind of brown manlet are you really?
I think it's that redneck that used to post before the election, he's got a small penis and lives in poverty just ignore him
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>implying I'm not a federal agent

>paying the petroleum jew

Keep using that epic MGS codec call ringtone with your ! SMS alert lads.
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All this low effort bait
>this banter

it checks out
ive tried both before but Bluestacks and droid4x run like shit.
Nox is the most functional and stable by far.
oh well.
>only rednecks dont like niggers
yeah sure whatever makes you feel safe mudman
why the fuck would you want to live on the westcoast absolute shit i suppose it is the only place where you can walk around playing this socially retarded game
Report and ignore
It's that easy
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byebye anon

goodluck with your yung 'un
Nice wallpaper faggot, this proves nothing.
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I really want Mach
Hey, shitlord, just because he did not provide the sperm, nor have any genetic link at all, does not mean the child he is putting all his effort and resources into raising is not his.
for what purpose?
Is this Loss?
I have over 30 manuals. I should better feed him to that fat fuck. Plus I need more Int beatsticks for my Sanji team.
>its a hate us cause they aint us episode

Stay jelly. What is the weather where you are at like? I am loving this crisp 68 degrees.
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Street view afp hq fagalag.
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>to australian too timestamp
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>STILL no timestamp

Just exif my shit up my dudes.
>exif data is not auto-purged on 4chan

What year do you think it is? Are you living in 2006?
It's hard to tell without the time stamp.
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If you have max levels on your bind resistance, despair resistance, cd reduction and autoheal, consider the following if you have more than two empty sockets:

When it's easy to look for matching orbs in some stages that don't shuffle them halfway through, slot chance is useful to counter your awful luck. When you need to stall more turns for your shitty underleveled cooldowns, go for damage resistance to make sure your fatass thumbs don't accidentally hit the screen.

Get a mix of both you retards, and stop bitching.
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>The Sugar loli poster is an Australian Fed
Really makes one think...
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Trying to setup nox so I can automate rerolls in the sugo but nox can't connect to the internet to update google play shit while bluestacks can just fine anyone know why.
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>DR > Orbs

I like you
Holy shit, I just remember why you're a cheeky cunt, you fatfuck.
>not having Mansherry
Hey guys, it's normal to keep fucking up chaos colo stages, right? Or to have difficulty with them?
Abso fucking lutely.
Chaos Colo is fucking hell.
No, its not normal to fuck up, pay more attention and stop making mistakes. Once you have a team and strat locked in, you should be fine and have no failures.

If you mean you are fucking up on team building, then yes.
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>Shiki rapes the entire fucking colosseum

Holy shit whoever said that he is a shit unit and doesn't needs to be maxed should be hanged from the ceiling

>that hp pool
>that orb control when the game wants to fuck you
>those fucking sub units
>that synergy with Fuji

Shiki is my new favourite f2p captain
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>That Synergy with Fuji
I thought you were using Shiki?
Shiki+friend Fuji
>loli poster is retarded
Color me surprised
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Damn so you're telling me Fuji, one of the best legends in the game can clear Colo easily.
This is definitely new information.
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goddamit KungfuDugong, I'll miss you
Luffy would have lost to Law if Jump had counted Lucy and Luffy as different characters like they did with Sogeking's first appearance.
Why don't you keep playing every once in a while? I got into mobile games because I no longer had time to autismo it up in a pc.
For real right. I am so glad I maxed Lao G special also. Full board orbs for everyone with shiki.

God damn magical.
What units are you using and what coliseum ?
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I wish maxing characters didn't take forever. We need more keys for piggus.
Depends, I currently raped Ben Beckman, but I'm farming Coby with Shiki too

Doffy is always on the team, Perona can be used as a driven DMG reducer, Colo Smoker if you need more orb boost, etc. There are a LOT of good f2p Driven units.
its not 9:45am where i am so you are lying
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>wasted litrerally every single gem on the marco sugo
>already up to 47
Machvise starts at 15 turns, it's already usable 90% of the time.
3 berry 2 cola from snails today. Wonderful event blamco.

Guess I should not complain too much, turtles are shit tier as well, but still better than berry and cola.
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Australian Family on 4chan.jpg
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>DR > Orbs
Well we can confirm you're australian at least.
Gotta max the Anniversary Sunny before it becomes shit.
I can't believe there's no "Panties" title.
this game shits out gems

the key is to save them for 2nd year
It comes maxed, you know?
Is Shiki as good as LL? I feel like I can clear almost anything with LL.
It comes shit as well. It is a 2 part joke.
Hey shitters, Shiki is only useful unless you have Fuji, then he's absolute trash just because you found an ez mode team doesn't make him any less garbage
Git fucking good
Why isn't there a Legend Garp?! What the fuck Bamco
He has a raid and an RR, that's good enough for someone who's sole contribution to the series is normal punching
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Doesn't even post the link, what a faggot.

>Gladius sockets are in a colo
I knew this was going to happen
How the fuck did you ever reproduce? Was it rape? I bet it was rape. KFD is selling his account to pay for lawyer fees.
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wait a minute.....jpg
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>annoying doffy
Don't gem for Aokiji tonight. Wait for when he's back on the 5th during 2x skill-up.
>Implying I'm going to run Aokiji during afro luffy, one of the only times Usopp is at a high drop rate.
>Colosseum arc character inevitably gets a colo unit
Crazy, right?
>he doesn't like brown
I know it's a little weird with the orange hair, but come on.
I'm bothered by how they select which characters go into a colo vs a fortight.
For example the Whitebeard allies batch
Oars Jr and Doma get colo's
Squard and decalvin bro get a fornight
Whitey bay is the rare spawn in said fortnight
But out of those five Squard is arguably the most useful
so its... odd
>red hair
>tanning ever
yeah this is 100% bullshit i cant even stand in the sun without feeling like im being burnt
>sticking your dick in something shit colored
for what purpose?
Better than sticking something shit coloured inside your dick.
I have 183 gems and I want to do a single pull later. But those 5 gems might be the difference between another multi-pull during the anniversary.
Why don't you calculate the amount of days left to second anniversary, and add a gem to your total for every day, since you get a daily gem. That's even absolute worst case scenario.

Not hard, retard.
seriously dont pull this sugo its HORRIBLE

half the rated up units are log units that are all garbage DONT FUCKING PULL
Don't, the new RR trash batch is in and the Log replacements are not only in too but also boosted your chances of pulling anything worthwhile is practically nonexistent.
>Don't, the new RR trash batch is in
You say this like they will for some reason be removed during the 2 year anniversary.
Well it makes sense, you don't want to keep all useful characters in chaos colo because then no one is able to get sockets for them. You gotta spread the content out, if you have some useful characters in a fortnight then those that have them and can't farm colo yet will be able to get them.
Well, pretty much. They're all silver shits so you're at least halving your chance of getting them if you wait til an all-gold sugo.
I didn't say anything about the 2nd anniversary I was telling him why it's a bad idea to pull for THIS sugo in particular.
The argument that log units are boosted was fine.

Throwing in that the new RR trash is in the pool is fucking retarded to state.
Not really considering >>163482132
With those you're going to want to wait for better Sugos, like an all-gold, with better boosted units now that there's more trash clogging the system
Please control your autism
>almost 70 gems
>want to do a single pull
>know I'll regret it
>could get more box space since I'm gonna fill up before the skillup next month

I guess I can single pull and still get some box space, as long as I can do at least one multi on the anniversary I'll be happy.
>Blackbeard 67

Fucking nips 2 nukes weren't enough
Box box box. Always go for the box.
B-But I could do both
We really lost something valuable today
All on box.
>90 Shiki copies
>30 forbidden tomes


Alright you're probably right. I'll drop enough on space so I have enough for a multi leftover. I've been putting off box space for way too long anyway. Only 500 at plvl 170 is fucking shameful.
good riddance
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This is Kizaru, I've arrived
so aokiji fucking when?
Yeah! Arm Point Chopper. I'm done.
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It's time

Post your yolopull
Want to reroll for him, but seems less useful now that Z is gone.
right now actually

uh so should I pull?
I kinda wanna pull
I'm level 120 and been bustin my ass
or just save em?
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First pull, I now have Shanks, Sabo and Rayleigh... Why can't I pull a good legend?
The sugo is full of crap. Pull once if you have to, but you'll probably pull something shit like me.

Mr. 5 and Vivi
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damn those are some shit pulls
Glad I went for box space, thanks to the anon who changed my mind.
Just use the guaranteed bind tome we got back in September for nami fortnight rankings.
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Merry Christmas faggot

yolo pulled log chopper

im definitely not pulling anymore
everyone is getting dog shit
Cheers dude.
If you pull shit, just post anyways so we don't bait people

>abdullah and jeet

Pretty meh sugo even though I got two new units. Abdullah and jeet sound useable at least.

And the rest minus a nojiko.
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Do not pull

Repeat do not pull
someone pls post the tier list
im too lazy
If the tier list is that stupid one that keeps getting posted with Ray in S tier and Marco in C don't bother
I spend every single one of my gems if I knew I would get him.
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nice bamco.png
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If you need some motivation to not pull

Good thing I still have 100 gems saved for Anni after this
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Got these buddies, I'm okay with them.
Seems semi-decent to me
hack and kaola were dupes
>1 pull
>to intellagent chopper
Immediately close app
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Can't post the screenshot for some reason.

2 log choppers
Log usopp
Log zoro
Impact usopp
Senor pink
Those cunts from skypiea
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>Get a decent amount of golds and a red
>all dupes and 3 Log Zoros

For the record:

5 Stars:
Abdullah and Jeet
Lao G
Log Zoro

4 Stars:
Baby 5
Log Zoro x2
Dream Chopper

V1 Zoro

I did
Are there any legends that don't require a specific unit to have a high clear rate?
>one roll
>log ussop

Welp, i'm done and happy until the anniversary
Log Luffy and Borsalino just roll with what you get them because they're already OP as shit.
kek yolo pulling for Sabo gave me better and actual STR units than this shit sugo.

Pulled twice and got Monet and V2 Zoro.

Pulled three times for Sabo and got Lao G and the terrorist brothers.
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Pretty good, last poster was another Sentomaru
Mr 5 is still in the pool? Well cheers otherwise dude.
Hope someone posts that new Nami.
Dat china dress.
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>decide i can do 3 single pulls
>say if I get a ledge, I'll do a multipull
>got myself a ledge
why did I do that to myself

Now I'm honourbound to piss all my gems away
Got you senpai
>I have the old Log Nami
Is there any way to trade her in?

>this post convinces me to pull 2 more times
>both pulls are dupes

pls stop posting false hope guys
I dont wanna waste more gems
>1 pull, 3D2Y Franky

I pulled him last sugo as my single pull, what the hell
So far this thread has pulled
>SW Shanks
>SW Ace
Anyone else get any legends so far?
Holy shit, just pulled my first legend and it's Sabo. I'm aware how shit everyone says he is but is he usable at all on global?
>Log Nami and Log chopper

Two cutest Strawhats
My first multipull
End up doing a second one, got 9 new unit/11 so I'm ok with that.
He isn't that bad. I managed to clear Mihawk forest thanks to him
yeah i like using him from time to time but i always use him with leo and lot of the good free spirit unit on global are RR right now
I use him anytime there's Freedom content, like Tom's Workers right now. I didn't use a meat on him though, I don't think he's worth it.
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>singlepull on this shitfest of a sugo
>this happens
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> multipull as a christmas present to myself
> 9th legend

hey nice
Did you cheat to get him?
Cheers, we're Shanks brothers now. You got the xp to max him tonight? I don't.

Mesh top, very yes.
That alone is tempting me to pull.

One of my regrets is not obtaining Log Robin, can't wait to see how she will look.
Cheating was just for shiggydiggy and that was because Kami wasn't maxed at the time. Only got shiki to 23 turns too so I'm not happy with it either way
sadly I don't. I have a meat for when I evolve him, but I cleaned out all my box for book/copy space right before the skillup event.

guess ill use my keys for porcs
every sugo i waste gems on i get closer to the light

how do i exercise self control
whens the next time we want to pull friend point units?

ive stocked up over 40 and its giving me anxiety
It's a shame we JUST had both his book fortnights, Butler and T Bone. Gonna be a while before we can get his skill usable.
How much is Hannibal's interupt on death damage @30?
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I'm actually a little jealous of these Shanks pulls because the more coliseums we do and the more we get shit like Aokiji, it makes me realize that we have no good F2P PSY leads except Tesoro and even then, Shanks with his Red Force is one of the top contenders for speed running ANY content in the entire game behind Sengoku.

Be happy you got him, friends.
I remember it doing like 599 or 699 with Alvida, so like 3k to 3500.
It's cool that you hate fun, but could you please keep it to yourself?
I mean yeah I'm happy to get him, but when I saw that red poster my heart glowed with happiness, then my hopes swelled to thinking it was Borsalino or Ace since I have a max Zephyr, and SW Franky and Usopp.
Then I saw it was shanks and I thought "Well, at least it wasn't a dupe"
Did my standard pull until silver/dupe.

Oars Jr
Log Chopper

Acceptable. Still over 200 gems. Cannot wait for 2yr so I can multipull all over the place.
>3d2y Zoro
>Lao G
>Didn't farm books

Just end me now
>bad jokes
>lazy humor
>ranking score 100000000000000
>one pull
Gonna call this one a draw
>3 sockets
For what purpose?
Don't feel bad, I have 3D2Y Sanji and Zoro and only got a combined total of 4 books after farming them.
I did it
transferred back to my phone
no more cheating
I feel dirty
gotta clean all these bacarrats from my friends list

how can I redeem myself?
You can't.
If post ends in 4 you feed your Shiki and Z to Cabin Boy Coby.

delete your Shiki, Tesoro and Zephyr

I don't understand, why do baccarats = cheating?

I use baccarats all the time, will I get removed for being a cheater? Because I'm not.
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you heard the man
Just reveal to us your name.
Why do you care about being removed, this is a single player man

I'll post his lvl 1 in a second, need a second to edit the pic together.
Cheaters cannot die and do infinate damage. They are attempting to get x2 drops from everything because they can't die
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>Implying Aokiji, Smoker, BB and Breed arent at fault too

dont worry I'll end up getting shit pulls forever

if post ends in 7 I'll do it
You wont
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Here's the new Luffy CA and Special
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Body swapped Smoker & Tashigi fortnight with Kuzan books arara
das it mane.
whats a good Ussop'un speed team?
Got Maynard, Allahu Akubar, and new tashigi.

Any good?
Tashigi is amazing.
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Did the mutlipull, it went as you'd expect. Only notable ones were Kuma, Diamante, those two paki lads and Maynard.
Usopp~un is just about dragging things out so it's important to have lvl 3 anti-bind and a short cd special to pop Usopp's resillience.

so... anyone want to translate this guy
I'm trying to get my brother but he's playing FFXIV so if no one does it by the time he clears his dungeon he'll do it.
Reddit already did. Go look it up there.

Captain ability is something like a 2.25x boost to all units, additional 1.25x when you land 4 perfects.

Worse than G3, but a great F2P captain.

I yolo pulled Lao G while trying to get Xmas Sabo

now I have to wait forever for his books.
Captain ability
2.25 atk
1.25 hp
if you hit 4 perfects, boost another 1.25

Special, deals 40x atk to all enemies and delays all enemies by 1 turn.
>9 multis
>on one of the worst new unit sugos in global history
>only 2 legends
god I love chinese dresses

i should buy my wife a chinese dress before she gets fat
Do we know minimum special charge?
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So I stopped playing and lost my account about 6 months ago and am rerolling this sugo to start again, should I keep going? I've got 2 days so I probably will pull legends again, I've been aiming for Kizaru but should I just keep Sabo?
Based on the other 5+, it's 16 turns.
keep going
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dw ill keep her slim
what's special about the anniversary sugo?
>decide to do 2 single pulls
>Mr.5 unevolved
fuck this gayme
I started with Bellmere because I didn't bother rerolling

think of the step up from Bellmere that Sabo is
several legends get rate boosted and they remove silvers. You can still get fake golds but the pool to pull from is smaller so people see it as an amazing thing. It's not really.
so ive seen literally no one pull smoker at all on any stream or video

did anyone in the thread pull him? only seen a couple tashigi's doesn't seem like anything but log units are rated up

I might keep rerolling then and start to settle for less in the last few hours so I don't get a Bellmere.

It's only been an hour and a half and I had Sabo so I should get more legends since I'm just rerolling all day and marathoning the English dub during the Christmas break.
just reroll till you get kizaru i started with ms valentine and don krieg 400 days later i got my first legend

on dokkan i rerolled for god cards for 2 days on naruto i rerolled for 3 days to get an account with 3 of the 4 6* characters just reroll till you get something good
this game keeps giving me 3d2y Sanjis

I'm in my 6th dupe counting the ones I got in past sugos.
no one ITT pulled smoker no one on twitch or youtube pulled him either report bug demand free gem
Just keep the account as a backup, get the passcode or whatever.

Then keep rerolling. Sabo is one of the shittiest legendaries.
Post as much timeskip art as you can
do you only need to reach 30 combos once to get the triple boost from Bastille's CA for the whole match?
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>one pull
>dupe kid for the 4th time
>tfw all my favorite nakama are pulling Goku
>liking a cheater

Is he any good ?
a powerhouse booster that's not even a powerhouse

i guess he could be cool for powerhouse/striker teams along with a striker booster since he boosts himself for 2.8x
for the whole round*
No. It's per-turn. He's like buffalo or funk brothers.
>not taking advantage of people's work, whether legit or not.
its not like there's pvp in this game. So when a buddy who knows how to play the game gets a legend there is only benefit.

if i cared about ranking even one bit i would have removed him but i just clear them for rewards and its not an important enough thing to be bothered by
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>not liking cheaters that will make future gamewide mission events like freezer easier for everyone else to reach bamco's ridiculous goal
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>not liking the original
pleb taste
Compared to a china dress? It's no contest dude.
Just hit 200 gems and haven't pulled for months. God damn I'm getting awfully tempted to singlepull.

Also became a wageslave this week, so no doubt I'll be pumping some dollarydoos into this game that I've spent 500+ days on, so I can get at least 10 multipulls. Just waiting for Google Play cards to go 20% off at Coles/Woolworths and then I'll wait for an in-game gem sale to maximise my gem gains.
is aokiji worth maxing out his CD, he is a decent INT beat stick with a orblock and a good captain, but is it really worth it?
If you have Sabo, absolutely, otherwise it's debatable.
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>keep rerolling for Kizaru
>get slut instead

2 reds in 2 hours though, I should definitely get Kizaru before the sugo is over
Oh absolutely.

just keep going anon
I believe in you

shoot for 2 legends or at least a great starter man you can do it
how many gems my fellow Kizaru lover?

I pretty much just yolo pull twice to get either sockets for the SH or just more fodder for Rayleigh shop.
in game gems will never go on sale ever they will only ever give you extra stuff for buying them like turtles and socket books

dont pull this sugo not even once seriously its the worst sugo in this games history period including all filler sugos rate boosted log units is like rate boosted silvers
well i might as well i suppose even though i dont have sabo, maybe in the off chance i get him in the 2 year sugo
Thank you friend, hopefully your luck will get me through the grind

None yet, I lost my account and phone months ago and only got a new phone last week, was waiting for this sugo to start again.
I wouldn't unless you're maxed out on Doffy and Eneru already since they're coming back in january.
doffy is, eneru is only like 2 or 3 cd away from being maxed
Holy fucking shit I remember spending over 1000 USD in gems trying to pull sakura Nami but this one is way way better. Gonna burn through my gem stockpile to get her, fuck the 2nd anniversary.
don't you fucking idiot, she'll be IN the 2nd anniversary. This is a new permanent unit
>Do a multipull
>2 red posters
>One is inthawk that I already have maxed and the other is marco that is fully socketed and maxed special
When are we getting the ray shop?
Oh fuck thanks bro for looking out for me. Cheers.
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>This is a new permanent unit
6.0, along with Sailor abilities.
I'd say you're still lucky, that's 10k points in the ray shop, ships are 7500 so you'll be able to get rocketman instantly.
>switch devices
>have massive download
>get a gem out of it
Is there a way to capitolize on this, is my download not counting all the stuff I'm redownloading and only the new stuff?
>want to x-mas multipull for Kizaru
>The only boost he has is on the extra pull.
Bamco does this with every new legend. Does JP have them boosted with their intro-sugos?
>Does JP have them boosted with their intro-sugos
of course reminder cavendish wasnt even boosted for his own fucking sugo instead ace and shanks were
Yeah I know the new ones better but NOT liking the original is straight foolish
Strike that, I don't think it's getting any closer.
Law was double boosted and in a Psy up sugo back during his
Shame that was a bait sugo with only him being new.
>Shame that was a bait sugo with only him being new.
yeap its like we cant ever have anything thats fucking good you know what the last good sugo was?

fuji cause it was 2x legend rate and int rate up and he was boosted and got 50 attack candy
The droprates of Chopper are pretty gud in this sugo. Should I go with Automeme/CD if I plant to use it as a sub for meme Fossa teams?
Why didn't you start during the freezer event? We got enough free gems for a single multipull.
I bought my first gems when they had the "free 5 star Unit" promotion. I got Shanks, which is a pretty gud unit for my Sengoku team.

I'd suggest you to save your shekels unless we get more shit that's better than Turtles, or until the second anniversary sugo happens.
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meant to reply to this post

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u wot
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>Do 3 pulls
>Don't get Kizaru
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>Did four multis because the Fuji chances were so good
>Got fake reds Corazon and Lucci instead
woe is you to get a dupe of a useful legend
>King Corazon ruler of the forests and colloseum
>Fake red
Kill yourself.
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i love pulling new legends because i get to plan sockets and stuff.

do people put DR on shanks or orbs
Is Bind/CDR good on GPU if I mostly rely on RRs with no farmable sockets for damage?
i have orbs on mine because he is the best psy slasher i have for my rainbow slasher team, freeing up everyone else from it
>sns transfer game
>"you need to download Google play games to continue this game"
>close out and reopen
>goes to level select screen
Fuck you too, google, I don't need your shit
>Realize now that I have SW Shanks I have a team that could run Boa
FUCK EVERYTHING! I can't even farm her. 40 Stamina murdered me.
Corazon needs legend subs for the harder forests and the only colo I've used him for thus far was Ace.

He's shit, anon. Corazon being good at forests is a fucking meme. Fucking fortnight Brook with rocketman is a better zombie lead than Corazon. He's only good for newer players that don't have a wide variety of teams and have no choice but to spend 6 hours cheesing shit.
>Corazon for colo
You have to be mentally insane to farm with Corazon. Forests rely on having good RR guys themselves, and a ton of legends can flex a team for most forests now.
He's not useful. Even his special is too high and does too little to be useful.
I got the Hannibal secret boss. I suppose I shouldn't let his cd go down or something? I mean I already killed him, but what's his schtick?
Nobody pulled Kizaru?

Put him up already
One guy did
if you dont kill him, your team is locked forever, even in other runs.
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Is Despair/CDR/Orbs good on Colo Coby? I just felt like Despair was fitting for him.
Well that's what I meant, when they add like +8 gems or whatever when buying the biggest pack + tomes and shit. I know it's not much but it's something and I'm almost certain they'll have something like that to lure even more people into the 2nd Anniversary Sugo.

I've bought probably $100 worth of gems in the last ~1.5 years but I'm happy to spend about $150 more and that'll be it, should get me to around 500 gems by February.

Yeah as above, definitely waiting for the 2nd Anni Sugo, I'll just hoard the Google Play cards until a sale pops up and buy the gems then.
I've barely leveled him but I put mine up on a random team.
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I'll pull once this bait sugo
what the fuck is this from
Who are you? Don't think I have you added.
A dead game
>new batch
>2 multipulls
>one new unit

great sugo honestly get baited by this one everyone
>Abdul and Jeep
New, not bad
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Does this look right? Best Driven team I can do.

Don't want to waste colo smokers when he comes back.
I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't rely on friend captains to finish sockets. You don't wanna miss out on that +1000 heal just because you've got a bunch of Fuji friends who haven't had a chance to tome their Fuji yet.
3d2y Franky, Dream Chaser Franky, and legend Mihawk
And story Chopper and Sanji.
How'd I do?
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You didn't do a multi?
What's the solution?
Most fujis have maxed sockets from what I have seen.

I really really hope we get Young Diamante, Young Lao G and Young Trebol in some FN like Kid Law and Kid Buffalo.

A FN taking place inside of Capone with both Sanji and Caesar would be pretty good as well.

Very interesting.
>that mikanberry set
Finally some r34 of her and Carina
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>single pull
Get on my level plebs
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645 344 734

I'm probably not on the op list.
List is full.

Add Goodgoy on the friend list if you can, you can use my Ace with your Kizaru.
>Make Japan account
>Figure I'd barely use it
>All this content on JPN while Global doesn't get shit
>Already have a better f2p on Japan than Global

What the fuck are they doing brehs?
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>do exactly two pulls every sugo, regardless of shit/bait sugos
>fifth legend pulled with this method in the first or second pull
>Still 200 gems waiting for second anniversary

Am I blessed?

On the other hand
>No legendoffy
>Didn't farm shiki because he was during my busiest days
>Didn't farm coby because no driven team, and movie books seemed more important

Universal Skillbooks, maybe Shiki maxxing won't be a total meme.
Almighty Manual x 5. Holy shit!
>5 universal skill books

Should I go full madman and give them to kizaru next skill up?
Kizaru owners, wait for the base skill-up increase then use them.
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You fucked it up, it's one and done
Or you could have just put your pride aside for one day and hack him, it's not like Global didn't absolutely fuck over 95% of the playerbase by adding him when they did, and consequently removing him when they did.

I have absolutely no regrets using the modded APK to max my Shiki.
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Legend #3, better than the last two, but still not a based Admiral
>He had to cheat to max them
Yeah no you're a shitter and a coward stop trying to justify it since you have "absolutely no regrets"
>be low level with no good units
>cant farm a unit thats gone forever
>either gimp yourself for the future or hack
sounds like a coward shitter or a smart man who does what he has to not not gimp himself?
its ok anon
the promising rookie war is over
anyone still mad about it is a cuck
You're just a lucky motherfucker. im saving too doing only 2 or 3 pulls a sugo and have yet to pull legend this way
>able to farm Aokiji finally (both gemwise and unitwise)
>decide to get on with it
>2nd stage has everyone with 1 turn cooldown 2 times in a row
>get hit with double Marco so I basically lose from there
yeah fuck you Aokiji
I don't care if he cheated.

Get over yourself.
Literally could not get enough Marcos to refresh each time he was here, I realised after the second appearance I was never going to max him unless I installed the modded apk.

Doesn't bother me what so ever bro, stay mad at something I did in a single player game. I'm sure those of you out there will be enjoying my maxed Shiki when he's needed and it won't make a sliver of difference whether I got him legit or not.
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Get over it Shanks.
Isn't Hannibal a valued unit? What's he used for?
>inb4 check the stats
I'm reffering to what teams use him.
Oh I see, Ceasar driven teams.
When is the anniversary anyways?
Wow, some stages of story/colo can be beaten with very defensive teams of DRers and Delayers.If you struggle with bursting an enemy down, try thinking about a slow and safe way if at all possible.
>Recieved 5 Almighty manuals
Um, I don't remember a memo about this. Am I just retarded?
except for marineford.
Anyone got a good INThawk they can put up?
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>got this

eh... New entry at least
I got you family, already friends.

t. Lycaroth Pirates
there was no memo, it was their christmas surprise
presumably with more to come, probably some gems on the 25th
Mind recording him?
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Another dupe
thanks friend
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What a shit fucking meme
> battery going down while charging

get a new charger or some shit jesus christ
Please. Just give me one multipull. Before you pull more fucking Laws.

The christmas spirit, you know.
How much have you spent this sugo?
What should I do with my skillup tomes? Give them to Shiki?
He's actually great, even though skillbooks never-ever.
He works with conditional boosters against delayed enemies or def-down enemies, has decent stats and fit's nicely into a QCK team.
200$ one last multi for my bros
Never tried to record my iphone's screen. My old android died and I had to resort to this stupid locked phone. I will try though
I had that problem recently.

Problem was the charging port. Had to replace my whole damn phone, since it was under warranty.
Cheaper than paying for the fix.
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Fucking finally i can stop
praying for kizaru bruh
please die
hey i was late (>>163512368
) but glad you got him man. merry christmas
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Shit's so fucked these days, just easier to replace things than fix them.
don't know what half those things stand for
making a new one is extremely automated
fixing one requires a (relatively) skilled worker to identify what's wrong with it and then also being able to replace the appropriate part(s)
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do it for her.png
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She could be just one pull away...
True, but it goes to show what a wasteful society we are. More landfill vs a bit of trainig to fix a product.

I have to return my little brothers turtle beach Xbox headset for the second time in 1.5 years because the exact same issue happened to a brand new pair I got replaced in the first place. Not even going to go for a third pair, refund for sure.
As a dumbass consumer with absolutely no experience repairing phones, I had absolutely no problem identifying the issue.

I'm just not going to try to fix it when this type of phone is literally glued shut, and taking it apart voids my warranty.
yeah I agree, it's just better costwise to have a machine make more than train someone to fix small things like headsets or even phones
wonder if we'll ever get to that point with cars and bigger shit
it's a bit depressing to be honest
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wew guess im doing better on global than i thought
Looks nice but it's missing log units.
There is no legend sabo in this
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Thinking about playing on JP with an emulator and potentially streaming later. which one do you guys prefer?
I'll add them in once we get the art thumbnails.
Not to sound too anti-establishment and what not but it's definitely in a companies best interest to keep pushing new products and replace products because it keeps people in jobs and more importantly, keeps the fat cats running the shows pockets lined.

I've worked in manufacturing my whole working life (9 years) and I can count on two hands the amount of times we've fixed something vs just completely replacing it.

Same reason shit like electric cars and all that hippie sustainable stuff doesn't actually get more funding, because it doesn't make as much money or create as many jobs as the dirty stuff like oil and coal. (being an Australian I can see the effects first hand what a lull in those industries does to an economy)
I put Bind/AH/DR on him, considering how his special works.
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Have only pulled a few times since the last all gold Sugo a few months ago, feeling the effects of not having anything to level/skill up very very strongly now and am itching for 2nd Anniversary, hit just over 200 gems today.
post comfy Aokiji teams
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>5 universal skillbooks

that's pretty fucking neato
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JP but I needed to update myself anyway. You missing Sabo though which would also be marked off. My white whale at this point would be basically any of the 1.75x Fighter boosters because otherwise I'm stuck either using Namule or using Fighter/Tough only for 3D2Y Sanji (which isn't bad but still).
>40x STR damage
he'll be great with Fossa fuck yeah
Imagine how I feel after not pulling for a year
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Uh how is this related to anything I posted. But here's what I'm using.

I can't even imagine my hombre, it would be truly suffering.
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I really hope this is the last mistake I make
Is this the worst sugo we've ever had
this is fucking disgusting, and it's fucking christmas too thanks bamco
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new Luffy is fucking great all around

his captain ability gives a 2,8* ATK boost to the two hardest hitting units while also boosting your HP, and EVERYONE'S ATK

special has good aoe damage and delay

his stats are amazing

he might even be able to clear some forests

all-around excellent unit
yeah sorry didn't mean to quote
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For last stage story Magellan, I just use an Enel QCK team with Mansherry slapped on, right?
>Is this the worst sugo
literally yes
theres 2 units you want the red and tashigi
also theres a bunch of silvers on rate up+ a new batch of literal silvers
fuuuuuuck thissssssssss sugo
I did it without Mansherry, but that would just make it a lot easier
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>do a pull anyway
>sixth Nojiko
my harem grows
this makes me wanna kill myself
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>Aokiji's fight with Tesoro and Boa
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If I could just get a inthawk and kizaru, I will finally complete the dream slasher team.
Are you going to differentiate old logs somehow?
>Beat Magellan
>Cutscene where Luffy says "We escaped!"
>Enel end of level line: "No to set off for Endless Vearth!"
No. I'm not adding secret RR characters either.
Does Bon Clay and Franky have the same VA?
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>Evolved Nami

At least I got baby.
>those pulls

jesus fuck
Yes. Also, Franky was specifically designed by Oda for that voice actor.
Oh, interesting. I'm fond of most all the Japanese voices, and Franky is one in particular I am quite fond of.
>pulling this much during the worst sugo of all time
and this close to anniversary too, what a fucking dumbass
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Here have more pulls
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I'll pray for you
>Pulling out of spite.
So was it worth it? I hope you at least feel better, cause you just wasted 20 gems (Hack is nice if he is no dupe.)
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I already have the old version but the new looks pretty based as an unevolved version already.

Only pull btw
Only favorited are new units. Oh well, it's not like I was going to get anything good during anniversary anyway.

Now if you excuse me I'll go smoke another cigarette.
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I know I should be happy but no Kizaru
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heh i like you im also a shitlord myself whats your id? let me put you on my friends list
So after Thriller Bark II, does the stamina requirement ever kick back up? Because most of Amazon and Impel are like 10/11.
now that's an old meme I haven't seen in a long time
Shanks is legit garbage. You shouldn't be happy.
na it's pretty much like that forever. last one of marineford is 16 stamina though.
i would multi if it meant tashigi, shanks and nami
Tashigi and SW Franky are good though

Feel free to add me but I will only accept your request if you're pirate level 300+
you're barely over 300 yourself pup
what if im almost 300+ i think im 290 or 291 now
Alright, if you're 250+ and have at least one legend captain I'll accept you.
I don't care if you pull until you run out of gems or something, but PLEASE clean your goddamn notifications, anon. That's so annoying to see
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>Kizaru's special animation
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Only because you asked nicely
Oh, that was so nice of you. I want to add you. Please do!

Well, I've officially joined the "Holding for Anniversary" crew, lest Blackbeard batch comes first.
Let's do our best.
Your box is getting tight. Can you stand the 10 days till skillup?
l261, Got a max Rayray and working on Ace.
really fucking tempted to use my manuals on either Caesar
>lest Blackbeard batch comes first.
you know 2nd anni for japan was 3 days and on all 3 days different RRs and legend were boosted yeah?

so timeline wise niggerbeard should come out during anni aokiji next month then niggerbeard then akainu then legend zoro then buggy then legend robin
what sockets for MCHopper?
My friends code is here lazy boy

Most likely no considering I have to farm Aokiji. You'll see me shitposting about box space in a few days.

Ace is good though. I'll accept you.
stop right there mother fucker
orbs and cooldown
bind and cooldown
How many gems did the gooks get for 2nd anniversary? Can we expect at least 30 in events and shit?
Yes but we all know Bamco does not like to follow schedule.
>but I will only accept your request if you're pirate level 300+

Such a shame... I'm only a level 132 shitter. See you in a year, I guess. Still gonna try add you anyway
is this book guaranteed a skill up?
no lmao
>Pull once
>Got Ricky

Well, I'm both pleased and dissapointed.
What the...
Pull shit yesterday, clear marineford today do one Last pull, I do it blind (quittent the app before pulling) because thats like that that I got my first legend.
Now time to farm colo ace...
I remember your name. You added me awhile back but when I did a friend clean up I deleted you due to low level and shitty captains. I will accept you under the same conditions. I'm currently at 297/200 so you should be good for a few weeks.
Hannybal fn is so comphy
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Pulled Corazon. Was hoping for Kizaru but I'll take him.
You guys are making me want to pull
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ace wont be back for awhile
We still have the 26th
Yeah I know, I have coby to farm too.
His sp is max, not his socket, but I guess I can still farm cobymeppo.
I hope I will get a few good socket this weekend. I have to find a reliable team too.
Coby appears on many different occasions, so you're pretty good on that. I'd focus Ace more.
>Coby appears on many different occasions,

Does he show up often in japan?
considering only the batch is yhis sugo worth pulling?
Aokiji comes during skill up Jan 9th so no need to stuff your box full of him.
Can I perma stall with double Monet in colo bosses that don't hit hard to build up Elizabello's special until it can OHKO them?
I'm going to grab like 10 rebeccas and then I'll make her captain of her own team and make her become defeated on purpose. I'll then pretend after she was defeated she was taken and used by all the soldiers who beat her

however I will keep one rebecca pure, she will be my own personal rebecca and my girlfriend.
you cant put the same character on the same team
what boss is elizabellos 700k special going to OHKO?
idk, but he has his own FN, colo, Garp's raid, and Alvida's fn (which he drops more on hers than his own)
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>mfw we will never be allowed to make a SUPER team with 6 Frankies

>use WB special
>use mihawk special
>use one punch man
>>>>>>>>>>>>Garp's raid
literally 0.001% drop rate
see, you've just proven how shit Rebecca is as a character on like 3 different levels
Just saying, Coby is everywhere, more common than half the strawhats. Thank god they removed him from the RR pool, otherwise we'd be pulling Cabin Boys left and right just like the old days.
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But they haven't removed him? I pulled him two sugos ago.
Anon are you on drugs?
Really? I haven't pulled him in forever, I thought they removed him with the East Blues
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tfw no 3d or 2d gf
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nope I pull him every sugo
him and cabin boy helmeppo are still in the pool

also did a multipĂșll in one of my spare freeza event accounts and got mostly shitty new units from the fake gold update

I still have like 10 of them so from now on I'll always use them to test the waters
only villains
why tho
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>tfw girlfriend of 5 years breaks up with you because you became an ULTRA NEET and she couldn't hack it anymore
>tfw she was the perfect body shape (spoon) and you know you won't get to sex that up again, and won't probably be having sex at all for months or more because forgot how to woo ladies after 5 years of comfy relationship taking up majority of your early-mid 20's
>tfw now miserable wageslave laborer with no experience even after 10 years out of high school and living back with your Nanna but hate your life and just want to hang yourself from a nearby tree but too much of a pussy
Spoon? Like has big boobs and no ass?
I just googled it and apparently it's exactly opposite. I'm used to calling it the pear body.
what the fuck kind of spoons are you eating with?

what >>163522457 said, it's more commonly known as pear shape body
Alright but what does this have to do with One Piece.
Ah, now I get it.
Kinda like this, I remember seeing a chart on /fit/ where spoon was more applicable than pear for my now 'ex'. Dem hips but with a little 'shelf' almost, but she also put on a bit of weight during the relationship but it all went to her tits and ass. Probably started as a medium B cup and a slight handfull to to a large C cup and easily a handful with overflow. Shit was so cash.

Now she's thrusted me into to the friendzone so fucking fast I have whiplash and she's filling her time with work to distract herself from the pain, by the time she has time to process everything she probably won't even care any more. Literally has 2 days off from work in the past month (those days being Christmas and Boxing day).
ignore and report
>Oh well, it's not like I was going to get anything good during anniversary anyway.

What are you, an emo kid from 2005?
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You guys are probably the closest things I have to friends these days, all my other 'friends', the few I had left, have fallen into their respective relationships so fucking far that the only time I ever see them is if their girlfriends are busy doing something that isn't with them. To the point where I don't even bother talking to them anymore. 2017 is looking mighty grim for me, probably the lowest point I've ever been in my life right now and suicide is constantly on my mind.
is the rcv socket actually good in enel and sanji? i see lots of them with maxed RCV up
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We all have problems mate. I come to this thread to leave that all behind and have some fun, don't ruin it.
Sorry my opgg brethren
What should I socket with skill books legend dof or mihawk
if you are one of those retards who put orbs on MChopper I'll punch you in the face
mihawk books are coming out in two weeks also save them
No, the RCV socket raises the crews RCV, not the captains.
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come on then
>In two weeks

In one month and a half.
We are probably gonna get the "new year" fortnight before (Kimono robin/usopp/chopper, kimono jinbei, kimono croc).

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