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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #405

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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #405

Taking Responsibility Edition

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E (embed)
Friend list: http://ofo.jp/j/OgjO

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Dec. 23rd - Dec. 25th.
> Sharr, Z077 Cashlove, Shanti, Black Ivy, Jheet, Valkyrja Beth, Aiolos

Dec. 30th - Jan. 1st.
> Lucian, Z101 Raklet, Cow Demon Queen , Milky Way, Ravian, Metatron, Jiho

Jan. 6th - Jan. 8th.
> Victoria, Nerua, Sarmir, Leah, Damien, Choi, Felix

Current events:
Kri' Veya Rival Match: 12/11- 12/25
Hyun Rival Match: 12/4 - 12/18
Jess Rival Match: 12/18 - 01/01
Qiyou Boss Match: 12/18 - 01/01
7 Gits from Presty: 12/08- 12/18
Quiz Event: 12/08 - 12/22
Let's play together once again! 12/08 - 12/23
Winter Scouting Event 12/07 - 12/22

More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread >>163179101
first for taking respnsability
RIP to anyone using a utility striker.
They'll only fix them 5 months from now when they finally do a balance patch.
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Private lessons with Presty
I'd take responsibility
I use Uriel though and she's fine.
Does anyone remember what we got last christmas?
Shit, deception and lost hopes.
I'm awaiting for the same this christmas.
You mean secretly OP just as she's always been.
I only wait for balancing.
I know what I said and I said she's fine.
then tomorrow is the day anon
>full hp Shu pen full hp Choi
Yeah fuck you too bb
This doesn't prove Choi is broken, but proves Shu is garbage.
I feel bad for mih to be honest. He needs buffs badly.
Can Perial and clovers proc on fairy matches?
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>pic related isn't a dragon
>she is an attacker
>a shitty one at that
WW is kill faggots.
Her EE will make her good! R-right?
It's probably going to be an upgrade to her healing skill, so no.
Half ww ees have been good.
Shanti was, Evylin wasn't
Magnus was, Saramir wasn't.
VF was. Guess how good Thicc cow will be.
>recovers 50%hp with an attack or pass within the position
Best ww healer for backline.
I like her skills actually. Now i gonna have zombie leader and attacker. Its a good day to be a wwfag, who loves zombie girls.
Why don't we talk about gbf anymore?
Because that game is as alive as Jcuck
I'm not gonna write her off as shit yet, but her EE will have to be pretty impressive to make me want to use her over VF.

Could be okay in the backline though, especially in PvE. Just what ww needed, more backline players.
Does anyone have a full pic of THICC cow that isn't the one posted above?

>This doesn't prove Choi is broken, but proves Shu is garbage

Nothing can safely pen though choi though after he fully ramps up and gets a buff stack going.

>60% + 75% +75%(TB) attack buff
>60% pen
>30% DR
>30% crit rate (TB)
>75% reflex

Entire lines vanish when trying to pen through that, and he can just sit at 1hp disintegrating them all.

Choi on the frontline also benefits from his own pass totem. This only lasts for 2 min, but after he passes the stiker shoots and a moment later a backline player will try and pen through Choi:
>75% more attack
>50% more AS

Frontline choi is far more difficult to pen through than Elaine. You take thousands of damage for the attempt and are even more likely to be stopped.
check the last thread or the one before
Only way for her to be good is if this >>163365838 happens.
But it's WW, so it'll be a self buff upgrade. She's doomed to be another shitt ww unit.
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>Why don't we talk about gbf anymore?

Anime starts in January. They will have an influx of /a/ in their threads.
>tfw i have a cow fetish now
>cancer being discussed in cancer board
Makes sense.
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>Developer’s Comment: We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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One of the 5 snowballs that aren't completely disgusting.
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also we had mumu for a while now
ES Jheet can.
Almost all OP players only got their OP status after EE. And since she has a solid skillset, she can still be very strong.
cause I tried it after playing Shadowverse and it ended up being a more complex Rage of Bahamut.
>and they think she doesn't self-buff
>fed my vitos to the dogs
>utility strikers gets nerfed
So that's how you're going to play it, you shitty fag. I will make sure you're deleted from this game.
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If she gets a self buff as strong as Rudiel or Victoria, she can actually be decent replacement in PvP, or even better in some PvE matches.
Thats why you stick to under the radar strikers.
And no Shanti isn't under the radar.
All of them pretty strong before EE, and still strong with, even though 2 of them get the title of broken.
All the new EEless ww players are near decent, but not strong enough to be usable, and she out of all of the rest has chances to be good enough to save anything
Just another dissapointment.
Man, Vitos sucks and going to suck even more, monolight cancer is almost on the sight.
Yeah should have went with Sharr or Willy :^)
Is Aiolos really as bad as some make her seem?
shes ok
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Shes really good, if you can win some time between enemy shoots.
>using base vonchi skin
gattor pls
>Shooting at Aiolos
I guess she's good if the opponent is retarded.
Tell that to the people that shoot at Silk too
>not shooting Silk to prevent mid and front being buffed
I underestimated her, yes, my bad. But if you clumb - you can always put her against striker, right? So no problem here.
She is shit because she if half a frontline totem and half a backline totem, and in the end she isn't really great at neither.
Power strikers will kill your gk before she procs her ability and utility strikers are shit tier after this patch. There are better units to use, especially for a ww backline.
>but after he passes the stiker shoots and a moment later a backline player will try and pen through Choi
if the move before that wasn't a Choi steal then he's gonna be getting 1 stack each and not be particularly stronger than other fighty characters

I like my midline Choi almost guaranteeably getting 2 stacks each by the next time he gets attacked
right, i tend to forget about managers really

>tfw im a full-fledged furry now

fu ssg tbqh
>tfw im a full-fledged furry now
No anon, you are into monster girls which is a low level of furry. Full fledged furry fap to literal animal looking things filled with fur, like Sonic and Tails

At the start of the match he is manageable on either the front or the mid, but as things drag out both are goign to ramp up.

It's like you get one free kill against choi at the start of the match (if you can) and then for the rest of the game you are fucked.
Well. If you are rainbow - then, i prob agree. But mono ww needs only magnus and, if possible, duran. Theres still be place for her. Also, dont forget - she still dont have EE.
wow i feel relieved now,
thx anon
Now enjoy your new world anon
>white guardenia this week

am i wrong or the event points thing ends right before the wg match ?

dick move bb,
dick move
still a fag though
>It's like you get one free kill against choi at the start of the match (if you can) and then for the rest of the game you are fucked.
that's why front Choi is too risky for me
Resolution is his best fight buff and the only reliable way to stack it in the frontline is getting hit thanks to frontline leaders playing safe with attacks, which is no good at all
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How do you get 4* common stones?
He is not fapping to female(male)
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Now puzzle & Dragon on the other hand is getting dangerously furry.
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I love Uriel!

Evolve 3* common stones. Just run a lot of hell matches and you will have a surplus in no time. Level up a few and one is bound to become 4*.
More like FURiel
Same here my friend

Completely forgot about hell mode, thanks anon.
How do we balance Choi and Victoria?

Shu-tier downgrades.
I haven't had a 3* evolve ever since they introduced the new stones made me think they took evolution out completely.
>everyone complaining about stacking strikers changes
>they are now just like a power striker before shooting
whats so bad about this
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It was already furry when I played that shit.
>But mono ww needs only magnus and, if possible, duran. Theres still be place for her.
No, WWs backline is too full to put Aiolos in without removing something important.
>Without Silk or Saramir you'll be eating crits against all shots
>Jin will always run Kiki for the affection chain
>BT needs a healer and Miho is awful in mid while Linmay can't heal her without being in the same line
>Aslan :^)

Couple that with the fact that Aiolos takes 3 entire actions to remove buffs and it's hard to justify replacing the other vital players with her.
the complainers are the ones that just started to bandwagon bora,vann and kirin after they just started putting their resources on them
nice, but vann shouldn't be much affect as he position buffs after shooting
power shooters are strong
stacking strikers are weak without their stacks unless they are vann or kirin who already has something going for them
should have made the effects on every shot not just active
power strikers normally get all their buffs only when shooting

only exception is william with 150% natural crit dmg
Sharr is easy to steal. Vonchi, Bora and Vann arent. This makes sense. Now all strikers will be stealable.

Except william. Best case scenario you nab the ball and survive with 1hp. he is almost as dangerous to try and steal from as Choi.
Stealing from William is not nearly as dangerous as stealing from Choi. After William nerfs, my magnus can steal from William without getting on death's door.
What did BB give you guys last christmas?
I didnt start playing then
was it worth it?
>BTW im bronze
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sure it was

>pic related
I don't remember much from 2015 christmas, I remember that on the christmas of 2014 we got like 500 crystals, some 5* player boxes among other shit. At the time it was pretty good.

What I remember from 2015 christmas was that there was an event that you would get a bunch of shit if you logged in, and the event lasted for some days.
Wasn't that the year before that
it was both
2015's event scout had that skin
If william is not shooting, the only thing he has is 100% crit damage, if he doesn't crit, he doesn't even have that. how would you die because of a player who has literally 0 skills when being attacked?
Dense magma or PoME on jin?
Rerolling for ST or ermlation better?

line is kiki duran miho silk, meta CM
On 2014, they put Fontus match up, but Fontus only appeared like that in the match, when got him from the match, it was usual Fontus. Only a year later, when they implemented skins that they made an event for it.
>If william is not shooting, the only thing he has is 100% crit damage

Plus Elaine stack, plus his ace if it's active.
>the typical WoMilly buffed with elaine having trouble critting off defenders
Dense Magma is better, but if you wanna reroll, reroll for ST.

You mean that Dense magma is better than ST? I'd love to save my d-stones for another legend instead of this RNG business.
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>Still no Miho EE
Fuck you BB
personally i would go with DM,

i keep hearing that ST on jin is op tho
Not even that guy, but stop being a bronzie.

William is easy to steal from. Use an actually decent backline instead of bandwagoning to WW or no reflex Ardor lines.
Both have its advantages, I have seen both and I don't think its worth rerolling the stone slot for ST. I don't think your Jin is going to survive another shot just because you used DM instead of ST.
CI Orses would be fine?

Awesome, looks I know what to combine for then. Thanks anons!
If the opponent william got all his buffs from Elaine, and his stacks from WoM, and still didn't win, it was a shit william.
People cry rivers over ST Jin because they are using strikers that doesn't do much damage.
Alice alone is enough to neuter him. And Orses hits like a truck.
st bt and st kei are a lot scarier for strikers that don't do any damage.
I want to try ST Kei + Duran but FUCK WHERE ARE BALANCING NOTES??? I wont do any move before nerfs.
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Are any of these five star sluts good?
Nice ardor legendary, Evylin is good if you don't have any assist for your frontline
>another patch without ardor nerfs
>they killed off any striker that can complete with sharr and william
I like how they threw bora into the incinerator so it doesn't seem like BB is biased. I don't know throw money at them.
koreans throw a lot of money at each other for new years. wait 2 weeks, the balance patch might be then if they're smart and want to make money.
>I meme'd stacking lots of CR and debuffs with my backline
>this new patch most utility striker won't have enough crit when attacked so they won't crit my backline nuking them
I am starting to like this change

balancing notes are right here anon

Evylin is shit, Sharr is OP.
Posting it again, in case someone didn't see it in the last thread.
>yfw EVERY power striker got buffed
>Uriel,Lucid, Sharr, Shanti and William are further broken
Dev comments:
>Jiho: We want it to be even stronger, so we gave her even more utility
>Felix: We want it to be shit, so we gave him a selfish buff
>Felix: We want it to be shit, so we gave him a selfish buff
Nice try thunderfags, nice try.
For my monolight should I Uriel or Latios?
Kei goalie, no legends but about to buy either beth or duke depending.
Nobody will spend $$$$ for a gayish thunder gayfag male, desu.
Everyone want THICC awdow desu almost loli grill.
And yeah. Monothunder = monowaifu, no dick allowed, fuck off Robin and Felix, better complain about how shit is raklet :^^^^)
I hate the whiny thunderbabbies playing this game, but even I feel sorry for them after the Felix EE especially when compred to what Jiho got.

Then again, Thunder has more than enough totems so they don't really need more.
He literally got 20% crit and 20% reflexes on EE.
While Jiho changed from "50% AS debuff in position after being attacked 2 times" to "30% AS and 15% CR debuff to the whole opponent team after being attacked"
Reddit is literally cancerous right now if you bother to go see them crying about Felix EE. The way they are complaining it's like he is shit as Shu which is far from true, Felix is very good as a player but thunderfags wanted him to:
>teamwide heal
>probably teamwide buff and also debuff enemy team
>going on reddit
kill yourself.
Well, he is not as shit as Shu, but his EE is definitely shit. What did you expect? Reddit is literally thunderbabies and tryhard bandwagoners.
Now I thought how Aiolos is shit. Both Aiolos and Jiho are players that have both defensive and offensive totems as their main gimmick, but one was done right and the other was done wrong.
You first mr autism, with such attitude you are probably equal to the most annoying users in here.
1-4 uriel
5-8 Latios
9-0 Whichever shows up first :^)
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Is this supposed to be a Kirin-exclusive counter passive? or am I just reading this wrong?

Seems pretty stupid to create a passive that is solely for one specific gimmick that only few players have.
One of us! One of us!
>unable to move
Such as when she dies, anon.
If she gets KOd it triggers it.
If your opponent backline decides to breakthorugh her, they will get fucked.
>1 min
>kirin usually gets more than 1 min to do another shoot

felix is a viable cm for thunder so i can use felix and keep the broken guin burst ace but still felix is actually not as op as metatron


must sound something like this
Time to get an issilia and scrap Kei.
>a new shitposter is born
Urielfags are the worst.
This, only Sharrfags are tolerable.
>want to finish strikers teamwork, he is 2 points away
>go to storymode 1-1, striker alone in team
>done 37 matches, no teamwork appeared
Watafak, how can I?
I guess I'm wrong because of the description being worded like that.
How do we stop the Urielfags once and for all?
We nerf her
(No changes)
But she will be indirectly buffed with this patch
Wouldn't that only embolden them and make them meme harder?
>Evylin is shit

She is comparable to Shura as a passer and has a similar totem skillset, as well as stats, except for one big difference:

>Indentical active skills (40% pass and 25% crit rate)
>Both have an addition 30% pass skill.
>Both have 30% reflex totem
>Shura has 30% crit rate totem, Evylin is 20%

Evylin's unique skillset:
>25% crit damage totem
>70% crit resist
>Heals 30% hp and 15% spirit when attacked

Shura has:
>random backline debuff stack has 70% chance to trigger on enemy action
>10% defense and crit resist per stack, stacks 5 times (lasts 5 minutes)

On a longer match Shura will definitely pull ahead thanks to that debuff. Evylin is more durable, but not durable enough to matter.
Make Uriel male and a furry
They are like thunder players, they will cry regardless of what happen to her.
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Must be fun not giving a shit about a bit of esports and just following your dick.

>Balmung Uriel
The only ones not crying are the ardorfags.
But uriel is a well balanced striker. Are you saying she's overpowered?
Fucking spilled my drink
Uriel is cute!
I want to do this but I keep getting males
>bullying cutest and best striker
Honestly Uriel is probably the weakest striker in the game. The only thing she has is the Action bar buff.
but that's not irru
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Where's the Bea buffs?
Y-you guys said there would be Bea buffs
>t. Uriel player
I don't think a single good thing has happened to uriel in a long while.
Nice argument. Name one thing uriel does better than any other striker besides her AS gimmick. I'll wait.

She needs help pretty badly. I am one of the few remaining people who bother to take her to Galaxy anymore. I only met a single Beatrice this season and it was in Diamond.
A lot of strikers are dying to get more crit rate, Shura not only has 10% base more, but she also has another skill who can improve their crit success even further.
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>Name one thing uriel does better than any other striker besides her amazing gimmick that she's designed to do and does extremely well with
I managed to bring a Beatrice to Champions, but I don't think I will ever bring her to Galaxy using only WW girls feat. Magnus.
Name one thing William does better than any other striker besides his gimmick. I'll wait.
>besides her AS gimmick

What? The ability to sustain her entire backline at 100% AB with just a bit of help from beth and her healers?

She is a striker who has one of the most powerful backline buffs in the game. As long as Uriel keeps shooting the enemy is not getting another shot on your net ever again.

Uriel provides a perfect defense as a mere byproduct of attacking and she has all the time in the world to kill you.
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they can't be compared at all. The primary goal of a striker is to end the game by scoring, which is something uriel can't do.
Solo shoots a lot and make the entire team move fast because of AB recover. """only""" this
BESIDES his gimmick. I'll wait.
I thought this was the big gk patch
what the fuck blueballs
>itt: bronzies with 25% pen Uriel complaining she is weak
Woah! That mouth is so bad it makes Narane's look great
active heals render all the AB you collected with her useless

funny how the best counter to her gimmick is her own element. virgil, BI and beth can cycle all their actives one by one to break through the 80% AB cap, while their cheetos in the back can continuously bully your frontline dry of their AB
it's a light and ww backlines buffs
>both backline are fast and can attack the nerfed strikers taking less dmg
> Huge Ravian nerf
I get the feeling that this change is going to cripple her ability to kill a GK with any kind of healing. I think my only choices are to find another cute striker or to just not put any points into Spawn.
The other strikers I have are Blade (assuming I can find a good dark/thunder ace), Lucid, Latios, Bora, or >>Sharr.
Lucid's kit looks pretty bland unless penetration is actually amazing, and you can just build her like Sharr with DI and AP?
[spoilers]The noise Lucid makes when she gets KOed/stolen from makes me diamonds.[/spoilers]

What are you other Ravian users planning to do?
my thunder dream is dead, I just finished superbing and statting up Vann
and for what....
Exactly. There's no point in using Uriel if you use Virgil, BI and Beth, which all decent monolights have.
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>wake up, no balance patch
Well fuck
>except for this ravian nerf right here
Van still has crit dmg outside of his active, him and Kirin are fine.
thank god because I still love him and want to use him forever

The backline doesn't sit at 100% the entire match on a normal light team. It goes up and down as skills are used and they cannot sustain it.

Uriel keeps it high and then the healing is there mainly to bring it the rest of the way to 100%. Being able to get a full bakline once versus being able to sustain it makes a huge difference.

It's true healspam can give your frontline a chance to act against Uriels backline but it will be a 100% line meeting a 100% line. Odds of you ending the match right then and there is slim.
is Askaladd good?
Yes, PvP and PvE. Specially when her active pass 100% AB of the receiver.
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>still no balance patch
Ass is good in PvE but otherwise shit in PvP
Wouldn't a latios be better for sustaining the team though?
I know right? Fuck BB for nerfing Ravian again.
yes, especially because of her totem.
Thats fine, don't really give a shit about PvP
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Uriel gets enough indirect healing in most matches. Having virgil act more often and with more opportunities for healers to use their skills is huge.

Every girl with a tail deserves a buff (besides Kiki).

All those cute succubus and dragon girls sitting on benches need some love.
>x reason stopping him from using cute units
Nice reasoning, e-sports kun.
In PVE she's amazing

In PVP Thunder has no other options
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>get every new star unit but the one i want
I just want Hamerus to finish my monodark team
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Have you even seen a lilith in the past 6 months past gold?
just started playing yesterday and i just hit rank 30 and got serestia as my 6 star is it a good enough card to warrent building around or should i stick with the thunder/ww i was currently using.

current 5 stars i have are shanti, veronica, nikita, jeunese, ronald, lucian.

all my current level'd up characters are 4 star thunder or ww all around level 20-23 except for veronica whos 41.

any advice on what to build towards would be apreciated

Normally we would say "wait and see what the balance patch does" but the balance patch turned out to be a meme.
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I actually saw a lilith in diamond just before the end of the last season.

Was he someone testing a mono-dark team? He probably threw her in to fill a vacancy to test an ace burst.
Is latios would be better why do people use uriel?
Have I just discovered the reason everyone hates urielfags so much? their autistic devotion to a less useful striker?

Fuck, I miss that old outfit. Just breast tassels and a skirt that could be mistaken for a belt.
Serestia is good but not going to carry your team by herself, esports and cash saving suggestion is to reroll for a double legend account or just commit to whatever you enjoy the most
Old busted unfunny meme
It indeed looked like a monodark test team, but it had enough strenght to be in diamond. His backline was pretty strong.
>Old devs would have never let the balance get this bad
Epic7 take me home
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Yeah, they would've killed the game already
Enlightenment can be achieved by playing non e-sports games like Potion Maker
>Old devs made the hugely successful in korea
>Playerbase and appstore rank has been steadily dropping ever since the new devs took charge
Really makes you think.
I'll stick around for a bit and see how she deals with the nerf, I'll probably quit if it kills her. The only other striker I'm interested in is shanti but it takes months to catch back up if I switched to ww/dark
Is there a graph of the appstore rank?
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Old devs made Elaine and Sharr
New devs made them stronger
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>after all this time
Fuck you and your rigged rates, BB.
desu, the only reason it got hugely popular was because they spent a shitton of money to make that Season 2 event. The old devs idea of balance was powercreeping the shit out of it, and make more strong male players, the metagame was basically a sausage fest before.
trying to not namedrop

thank you for the referals anon, wish you luck

(guess this works also as a general ty to all anons trying to give as many refs as they can)
Remember when Hiro was unequivocally the best striker in the game? Those were the good old days.
>also the time when thunder and WW were at the top, ardor was shu tier, and light just got nerfed by gravity

No. Best days are when William one shot everyone and Milky infinite.
No they would've killed the game and not released any form of balance at all.

I don't think you even know who the old devs are.
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IMO the meta that happens a few months into the game is meaningless for what's actually great in the lategame

Playing some of the newer games in /mbgg/ reminded me of how utterly dumb tier lists are when nobody really has any idea how things work, and the whales think they're the best thing ever by beating all the people who have jack shit hypermaxed at that point
Leventor was still better, wasn't he? Hiro and Beatrice were just the 2 best non legend strikers.
Hiro was better because everyone ran Zibroi
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>D-stones was not in existence
And it should not have had.
Yeah but Leventor could just OHKO most GKs regardless. I remember seeing him OHKO Jin.

I also remember Godbroi making me rage swap off Sharr :^)
Presty lewds when?
Wrong. Leventor was king with 100+% Pen.

Hiro was the best non legend striker and all you needed though.
Hiro was so good because of his ace allowing thunder/light, which was strong as hell at the time. Plus he was easy as shit to build around in the front line because he gets some of every stat, and back then people were retarded enough to not max their GK.(or just hadn't played for long enough) Also being one of the few strikers with EE, which I think gave more stats then if I remember because it was special training and evolution built into one, he deleted everything.

This game has been through some real stupid shit.
Wasn't this also the time when pen mechanic was ruined? With the current state of the game old pen mechanic should be reinstated and DI be deleted or be integrated with pen.
Abuse Ardor cancer to carry Ravian to Galaxy at least. For actual esports I'll just use Lucid or Sharr or something; game is a joke so nothing really matters.
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It's a christmas miracle.
This was when Pen was broken. They didn't "fix" it till early 2015.
>old pen mechanic should be reinstated
there will be literally nothing good coming out of making it possible to pretend all GKs have 0DR, or actually using their DR against them to deal even more damage
>this drama as if Ravian is dead
They're either falseflagging, or literal retards.
Falseflagging on my guess, she will still deal her damage when active shooting. 2min is very little, only faggots abusing Alice stacks would get a CA anyway so it's well deserved
>BB nerfed raivan too many times
This is unacceptable, Ravian is not some dumb slut like Milky.
>Got dark guy 3 times and even more Elizabeths that I don't need
I just want one qt

Having lived through >100% Leventor days I can safely say no thanks.
>for every man ravian fucked, she made a scar on her body
>she uses bandages to cover up those scars
This is the slut you're all crying over, faggots.
Just cap it at 0 and its more balanced than DI will ever be. Besides that BB should stop adding more Pen/Crit modifiers and give more emphasis on HP vs Dribble to make it easier for them to balance shit.
>Having lived through >100% Leventor days I can safely say no thanks.
Its practically the same now with Elaine active + EBM + Sharr class + 2x ardor Crit damage. Its more acceptable for Leventor to do this than that bitch Sharr
>if I make shit up, it will look like your life is more miserable than mine
I actually feel sorry for you, especially since you would have to resort to memes to make a reply.
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Say that about milky again and I'll fucking murder you, reprobate.
Literally, what are you talking about?
a90210 doesn't like it when you insult his waifu.
>it's ok to bully sharrfags, milkyfags, thunderfags and wwfags being sluts
>talk about ravian being a slut and he instantly gets all sensitive and defensive
Wow, what a faggot.
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>a2931 waifu
Milky Milky on the wall who's the sluttiest of them all?
>when Milky bullied everything to submission causing infinite to be deleted
>when many others rely on this mechanic but only Milky can abuse it to unholy levels

Milky should be deleted and atb recovery/destroy be back to 100%/0%.
>Just cap it at 0 and its more balanced than DI will ever be.
you don't understand, the old pen mechanic means every point of pen is equal to every point of effective DI against 50DR targets and pen gets astronomically better as the target's DR goes up

they tried to kill pen over three major patches and introducing pen-resist for a good reason
You know what does bungee jumping and Milky Way have in common?
They both cost a hundred bucks and if the rubber breaks, you're screwed.
>a hundred
Shs sucks dick for free.
You both dispelled "Linmay"
>implying you're paying for Milky's service
You now know how expensive good condoms to protect you from interstellar STDs are.
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That is not how you spell Uriel
>insulting Uriel
The mods are urielfags too. Enjoy your ban, you piece of shit.
Proof urielfags are the worst.
what emulator do you guys use to play on pc i tried on bluestacks and it says you need to play on a mobile device
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>gravity down nerfed
>then nerfed again
>then ca chance nerfed
>then balmung nerfed
>now active ultra nerfed
>spawn literally useless
Hold me
I use a mobile device
>Lurk /ssg/ for the duration of 8 threads
>still don't know if Uriel is a good striker or not
Run an Uriel team and see for yourself.
She is not considered a strong striker, but there is people who can bring her to Galaxy. Her biggest problem is that since she doesn't hit hard, and her gimmick is to recover action bar on the team, she heavily relies on her team.
If you get her like 50% pen and decent crit rate, yes.
All you have to know is that they're the worst.
Thunder needs a legendary GK that reflects 25% of the damage taken to the entire enemy team.
She's not a good striker, but can make a team very cancerous thanks to action bar shit.
So, if you have the proper team, she's good. If not, she's shit.
sup leddit
WW needs a CM that destroys enemy ATB on an action and gives the total ATB stolen to your whole team.
>failing to mention the part where she got a free persistant pre nerf wom and 125% atk power buff

Utilityfags really are delusional
Fuck off

Lets ignore the part where she used to rape teams even without superbs last year.

It made no sense that 12 minute active strikers LOSE their stats after the active. Meanwhile 2 minute utility stackers kept them and got stronger than the 12 minute strikers after a few shots.
Not to mention, most of them are built to hit fast, so literally in 10 minutes they can get their full stacks, and every shot after that would be a literal destroyer.
Shit should be in 3 minutes on top of this nerf, and now it's time for individual nerfs to Kirin, Vann and Latios, the biggest abusers of the bunch.
>i can't beat the weakest strikers in the game so now I hold a grudge against her
Woah you have to let that shit go senpai
Bora is far more cancerous.
>shoots, empty your spirit bar, you can't use actives
>she is at capped AB after shooting
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Yeah, her too. Miho was devastated to uselessness while this bitch kept her shenanigans.
Come on, this bait is too obvious.
she's heavily dependent on her team. some uriels are good, some are garbage.
>5 superb Virgil, BI, Beth
Time to become cancer incarnate.
Not enough.
Post rest of your planned team and we'll tell you if it's cancerous enough.
If those are the only good units you have, you're going to be fucked.
you'll need meta and shura too
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>Utility strikers fucked
>Wait, that's me
>It's nothing and I'll still make it to galaxy with my waifu team
Feels good.
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I love Linmay!
Post IGN or didn't happen.
add me

Silla Milky GodUriel
Beth (Sammy or sky) Mikael
Virgil BI Elua Cheetos
Kei or Issilia,

Kei is +5 superb, Issilia 0 superb
Am I ready to become cancer, destroyer of fun?
you're ready to lose games
Get Jibril and then sure.
I thought you stopped playing

Uriel shines with a meta ace too. It is possibly worth giving up monolight for it. Meta provides supplemental AB and hp healing and Uriel puts both to very good use.
I did, but i'm gonna play this again until I get bored again
Why Meta ace?
You need Meta Badly, and replace your Mike with something else since you can't mono.
Also, a real GK like Angela.
Because Meta is a high caliber slut like Uriel and they're destined for one another.
It's Dark/Light and lets you splash Alice and Shura without going off color.
>high caliber slut
Fuck that shit. Mono light because Light has the best waifus, objectively.
When I first started playing I wanted to go dark/light but meta cucked me and never showed up
>used by literally everyone
>penetrated thousands of times in a daily basis
>not a slut

That is one of Coh's go-to teams last I checked. Lightball Uriel with meta/Shura/Alice splashed in.
I'mma stick Magnus in my backline. He seems useful.
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>light has objectively the best waifus
>he's light only because he was cucked
Shit. You will never crit and Milky buff is gone when Uriel dies (she does easily). Literal zero damage.
>overlord poster
My club is named Ainz Ooal Gown
>tfw while posting here you don't know if you're arguing with someone on your friends list or a guildmate
I've probably argued with friends and club members or even people I've met in real life from here for years

Still love you guys though
I know I haven't because I don't belong to an /ssg/ club because they were full at the time, and now I don't want to betray my new allies.
was this you?>>163397152
You're on my fucking club aren't you faggot. Which one are you?
>tfw you funpost on purpose when you know it's someone from your FL
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>325 posts
>46 posters
Someone's samefagged over 250 times
Or people are just having conversations like you're supposed to here.
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>tfw all your posts in the thread are funposts
I am rarely ever helpful or informative here.
>tfw I falseflag as every element just to stir up discussions
All me desu
Almost all of my posts are used to stir up discussion.
I pretend to be retarded to get people talking.
I'm also an urielposter
I dont even have to pretend to be retarded to sound retard lol get on my lvl fags
I do that too.
Don't tell me we've been fooling each other this entire time.
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A-any good?
>We're all pretending to be retarded and falseflagging to entertain each other
I'm completely fine with this.
What kind of shitty math is this?
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>I too do this
>people fall for our shit
>sometimes we fall for each others
>we have fun enraging people and stir up discusion in the process
I love you guys. Never change
y-you too
Great totem, nice recovery, delicious tits.
Bretty good if you ask me.
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Oh shit nigga
That ass is meant for ST.
>nerfed butt
A shit.
Is it too stupid to farm stones I need while farming D-Stones from chains?
Just do you.
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I'd be better if you do me instead
>Bora more cancerous than Latios
I know you guys don't like Ardor but come on...
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Welcome to the family anon.
This is literally me except I chose the dark side
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>use all of my FP
>get only penguins
New player, should I reroll?
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Forgot picture
by god yes
Yeah you try to roll a legend or at the very least a striker
You can rush to 30 to see what legend you get. You can fill in 5* players overtime but getting one of the top tier legends is better than having some 5*s and a shit legend.
Is there a quicker way to reroll besides making a new account?
A legend is awaiting for you in that mileague, anon.
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Why you do this? ;_;
>he listened to him
>he listened to me
>Patch in an hr

Hopefully we get a good christmas event.
There's a log out out button in the etc tab
Log out and play as a guest to reroll and login in. It'll prompt you to choose which profile to keep. Keep doing this until you get the legend/striker you want
If you want to reroll for a legend, any of these is good
If you don't want to experience that hell and want a striker, any of these is great to go with it
Good luck, dear anon.
>Listing utility strikers
>With the upcoming nerf
Nice one
>he thinks it's a big nerf
Fuck off apocashit
To add to the list of strikers, Uriel is probably the main one to watch for.
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>No Vitos
Vitos is actually more scary than Bora or Lucid.
The only striker I've gotten out of like 7 rolls is Evylin, should I keep rolling?
W-What is this deliciousness' Where can I get it?
>tfw lost all matches on club match
O-oh, w-well. I-it's not like I wanted those cyrstals anyway!
How so? Bora is plenty scary.
Striker is a player who has the role Striker and a Shoot Active. Evylin is a passer(Assist with a pass active)
How many crystals?
I didn't win because I never play that until now for Irene.
1000 for first, 900 for second, etc.
Anyone below rank 5 gets nothing.
Top 5 crystals. I'm fucked now, everyone will pass me, etc. I guess that's what you get for being a shitter.
I'm currently n3 and doubt anyone will care much to steal that from me.
Does this mean it's free 800?
5-9 still okay to do with Lucid post-stone nerfs.

So glad I don't have to succumb to rerolling for light slot on Vann or Malcolm to do this shit.
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Sorry, but I lied!
It's 500 for rank one. That means you'll get 300 for r3.
It's still a free roll, so I don't care.
>MFW my club doesn't suck so its actually a struggle getting into the top 5.

Fuck man
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>Not spending crystals to refresh battle balls and overtake everyone in the last hour of the season
>pc too shit to use this
>will never make my own soccerslut video collection
Fuck me.
>implying you can climb 1.6k points in club battle in just a couple hours
>implying it's worth it
I can understand refreshing to get Irene faster and in time for stone discount event, but refreshing on last day is fucking scum. Imagine if the top 10 of a club started spamming their crystals for rankings, so much would be going to waste for this retarded system.
If we were to make my own clubs the last day of the season, would we get 500 crystals?
A club needs a minimum amount of members to do club matches (4 or 5 I think).

Not sure if you'd get the #1 reward at 0 club points and being only member
>so much would be going to waste for this retarded system.
That's BB's plan.
What level do you need to be to join a club? I might go full autism and make 4 burner accounts.
I can't wait for the patch to finish so I can play more Soccer Spirits, /ssg/!
fuck off shill
What's in the patch?
Make a club the last two weeks, enough people might join in that time
Stone discount this week, lads!
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just build a new pc
Few minutes until it's up?
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How do I git good?
Take a time machine back to 2015 where your team would have been relevant
Slap some swirlies onto your team.
Use Sky CM
Aces I've noticed so far
Baltheon ace is AS and crit now
Yuri ace is attack power and AS
sills ace (no changes)

It's up
Cool I guess. I wanted Cow Demon though. This is like my 4th legend in 2 weeks.
>Veronica can finally get her recovery power ace changed
>It got fucking nerfed
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So this is the team right now, with both Alice and Duran at 3 superb. I have one 5* littre. Who should it put it into?
fuck you kebab
I didn't ask for this. I would've preferred Bell for Chains.
Isn't Baltheon's ace just a gimped version of Ravian's ace?
With Ravian's nerfs nobody will use her so you can use Balth ace instead with a better striker.
those chains
It's okay, she'll be buffed next year.
Maintenance again. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
I didn't even save my game!
>those chains

By far the best chains in the history of the game. Having all four up Will make her a lot more powerful than I expected.

Did anyone see what ace skills changed? I am assuming SSherder has some data-mined info?
Silla ace was buffed :^)
>tfw leventor is completely under the radar
This is the worst timeline
Why is this a bad thing?
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Throw the Milky down the stairs
Feed the Milly to a pack of bears
Kick the Milky in the face
Teach the Milky its proper place
Punch the Milky with your fists
Cut the Milky on its wrists
Sting the Milky with some bees
Stab the Milky with your keys
Push the Milky in front a bus
Bullying the Milky is a must
Which fresh account should I invest in and has more potential? Baltheon+meta or Felix+bell?
Baltheon meta
But youre going to HAVE to get presty down the line to not have a shit team, but I guess if you go with the thunder account your gk will be shit either way
What did he mean by this?
He probably meant it's a good thing that Lev is kinda immune from nerfs and further bitching and crying from retarded thunderfags might encourage BB to buff him instead.
>Still re-rolling
>eternal maintenance
I'm never gonna get to play
If you end up not using the felix/bell one, I'd actually be really keen on it, I've been wanting to go mono thunder for a long time.
Forgot email [email protected]
Extended 2 hours
>major maintenance fuck up
>40 ST and 1 prem ticket compensation
Thanks a fucking lot BB.
bet they keep picking the wrong color of the 6* penguin on boss scout
Anyone get a look at the next event before it went on maintenance?
>Complaining that BB is doing their best to fix the bugs and make the game more enjoyable for us
Game stopped being enjoyable after they overbuffed ardor
Use ardor and have tons of fun
Feels nice transfering +160 off Kiki

Le cat is old and busted, back to the bench you go.
>animal abuse against best retarded cat

Meh.... no more Blade 96%AS ace.
>tfw I sacrificed my +120 Kiki to give it to Sam
No regrets
>Another hour
Rip ded game
I hope we get a free legendary box
>check reddit
>thunderbabies still crying and blaming wwniggers
Waow, reddit at it's finest.
Can't wait for them balming Lightfags too
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I should've finished dailies before patch.
Updated SSherder with fixed english descriptions

Also, I'm surprised nobody mentioned the material bug yet. Material counts weren't decreasing server-side, people were able to infinitely use litres, mera, beelz, etc for an hour. Rollback incoming, or maybe manually resetting abuserse.
Lul, now I understand what they are fixing atm.
>Rollback incoming, or maybe manually resetting abuserse.
Nah, they are just gonna pretend they have done something and let it go. Maybe at best they will push a bit of the abusers.
Beelz, Litre and 5 tickets apparently

Korean maintenance notes I think is saying they're resetting investments made during that one hour after maintenance, then returning the non-bugged amount back to users.

Maybe Narane can translate if he's around: http://cafe.naver.com/soccerspirits/952583
All 5* please
Presty's final gift was a huge letdown after giving a 5* then unique.
>transferring stats ticket is a letdown
For most veterans, yes.
Then fuck off, """""veterans""""""
>t. scrub that don't know to invest in good characters
>not wanting to branch out and try something new
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we memes now
we always memes, fool
Please restart the game
Works fine here ;)
>new event bugged
Time for more MAINTENANCE!
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Thanks based free draw
Someone drew Jin and Vonchi.
Given up on getting Legends, something new is all I want from draws these days
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Poor guy, getting 2 shitty legendaries must be depressing.
They reverted accumulating active shot nerf too
>those chains
>my retarded team can fill them all
And considering how common Meta-Vic is, I will have all 4 up for a total of:
>50% HP
>20% Defense
>40% Atk Power
>10% crit rate
>10% reflex
>10% action speed
>clop drew duran
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>tfw you weren't noticed when you drew 2 legends back to back
>draw two legends
>both are male
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>no silla
Waow, Baltheon got new quotes, they are MUCH EDGY than previous
I r8 this 8\8
Vonchi and Beth VA for their EE sounds VERY different, fuck this
Who even plays with sound on lol
B-but m-maximum thrill...
B-but the game told me with voices on it would be exciting!
Do you really want your battery to drain even faster
Jokes on you, I am now playing in emulator most of times
>btw im esporty faggot and im ok with this
>not keeping your phone plugged in 24/7 and walk around with 10+ power banks just incase you have to go somewhere
Are you even trying?
>Khirel lost to Choi in a penetration
meanwhile Khirel deleted fullhp Felix+Frejya+Bell mid coopefending.
Le Kek.
>She trusted the people and gave herself in while they performed questionable experiments on her
Metatron confirmed for mindbroken by the Nebrios people
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S-so did I do okay?
100% schizophrenia, i feel myself divided too
doujins when?
instant reroll.
Linmay is good, Jeunese is meh. If you are rerolling, I wouldn't keep it.
I was just hearing the JP voices last night, they are so good. Fuck it being JP exclusive.
>btw i dunt knuw lnguage but i liek it :^)
JP voice pack when? Korean is impossible to listen to, it's so disgusting
So, this is what a mental breakdown sounds like.
weebs should be gassed
>complaining about weebs on weebchan
I just want anything but korean, I'd be fine with a german, russian or even icelandic language pack
Russian voices would be pretty great desu

>Russian Metatron MILF voice
>Russian Kei sounding like a stern coal miner from Siberia
yes plz
It's just me or vonchi ee background image changed?
Try to get a decent goalkeeper or a striker if you are bothering to reroll. If you are more autist and have time, try getting a legendary while rerolling because it will help you a lot, as long it's not Shu
So, Vonchi isn't a cripple anymore on his EE, huh.
Of course he is, Milky probably broke his penis.

And yes, it's possible for this to happen IRL
New voices fucking suck
Thanks for nothing, stupid gooks
The worst is that someone got paid for this, how the fuck can't developers check the quality and compare?
Say that to my face and not on an imageboard
See what happens
Why the fuck aren't stacking strikers nerfed?
>penis slips and she pushes down hard
you're now cringing manually
Ah now I get it, why new EE voices sucks. It's so people will purchase the legendary skin for them, motherfucking BB ... I just saw your moves you damn koreans.
>penis slips
That only happens if your dick is small tho
Are you accusing that anon of having a small dick? That's evil anon.
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>KOd DurAngela more than once in this pre-season
>can't KO this Erica
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>tfw I said he would be amazing with that patch notes but thunderfags said he was shit
As indiviual player it's impossible for anyone sane complain about him
>Decided to play again after dropping it
>Looks at all the skins on sale, a bit sad Inmissed some of them
>Looks at Beth
>She has a hellion skin
Holy hell the madmen actually did it. So what does this mean for Duke? And do we have any active guilds I can join in the old server?
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Have friends, not twin-accs :^)
>impossible for anyone sane to complain about
That doesn't stop thundercucks.
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Yeah man.
Worst is to know Ysirnoth lurks here and he uses a shitty ass thunder team and have the balls to complain "thunder is weak".
>Holy hell the madmen actually did it. So what does this mean for Duke? And do we have any active guilds I can join in the old server?
Global server probably has high level /ssg/ clubs with space
Alright hcoyok, we all saw you begging
Mamuru has 2 open spots
NiceBoat has an open slot

Lolibutts has 2 open spots
That's what you get for joining inferior AND dead club.
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Nah, 1/3 of the important ones were mine, everything else was from random chinks.

I even told all of my friends to refer someone else since I had an alt account.
>having open slot
fuck off shit clubs dead bodies
>as an individual
Anon, Rudiel is individually stronger than Metatron. This isn't how you should determine if a player is good or bad.

Also, that stat screen doesn't look very optimal. Considering that he wants to have a solid midline with good reflexes on both wings, he is going to use reflex totems, this way he can take out some of the reflex stones to put in speed to prevent him from being wrecked at the start of the match(since he only gets tank when he doesn't have the ball, and doesn't naturally have a slot for Battalion).
He has higher co-op chances than most players by default and in monothunder he will have decent defense to make it even easier. That fucker will have retarded reflex in CM and co-oping randomly which should be more than enough to call him cancer, he also teamwide heals easier than Meta
He dont have ATB recovery when gets hurt so meta is better :^)
He only has 10% more chances of coop than Metatron, not having reflex on the wings because "Felix is going to co-op" doesn't sound like a good strategy. And if you don't give him speed, he is going to get destroyed at the beginning of the match if he starts with the ball.
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>As indiviual player it's impossible for anyone sane complain about him

Felix is still notoriously vulnerable to a WW midline. His 40% DR should have been always on instead of just when not holding the ball. Neither this skill nor reflexes will help him when WW kills by steal damage.

Very resistant to other teams that rely on penetration though.
Also, Battalion is a stone that was tailored for him, since it basically covers his weakness, since coop and reflex isn't going to save him from being stealed, and his tank skill only works when he is not holding the ball. The problem is that he doesn't naturally have a dark stone slot, and between his other options I don't even know what would be a good stone for him, PoL is probably the best choice, or you could go all-in betting on not starting with the ball and give him Calm Icicle, which sounds pretty fun desu.
We are playing soccer spirits, anon, 10% are equal to 100%
>Felix is still notoriously vulnerable to a WW midline.
If you were to say vulnerable to Light surely something would be wrong.
>10% on the opponent = 50%
>10% for you = never

It's just that there is a 100% chance that he will instantly be killed by Nera as the opening move of the match if he wins the flip.

That has nothign to do with element advantage, Felix is just really vulnerable to steal damage.
This, all my encounte with Felix in last season that fucker would co-op with like 60% chance.
I am not very familiar with Light midlines, are they fast? If they are, Felix will still have some problems, since all it has to keep himself alive in that situation is his 30% of the lost HP healing.
They have average speed, Light backlines that are fast because of Chitose.

Light midline has unremarkable steal power and both Duke and beth are slow as fuck. Felix should be fine there.
>Pol is probably the best choice
Well, you could stop trying to make him tank a winning flip, and just give him a TW so he can help in the situations where he doesn't co-op. If he at least had an Ardor slot he could use Mark of the Bond.
>it's "we funpost about how Felix is really bad" episode
>not reading the thread
We're funposting about how autistic thundercucks are and that he's actually decent
some here seem to imply he is 'average'
Applied. Ign is Razets

Is there any especially fast player on thunder mid (100+ speed) that he can hand off to? As long as he clears the ball to a faster player at the start of the match he should be safe.
Her chains are the only good thing she has.
>rainbow totem
>shitton of hp and healing and dmg
Are you bronze?
>first time purchase bonus gave me bt
>I use Jin
fuck this shit
Jin is better at not getting critted

She seems on par with pre-EE vivid fear, and far better than VB or Enthia.

She also has the right stone slots.

When her EE lands she could be the top WW attacker.
lynia, especially after her self buff
>thinks rainbow totem is such an amazing thing
>thinks self recovery for a weak unit that won't penetrate is good
Damn you're either naive or retarded
Literally, everything is better than Enthia and VB. It would've been an insult if it was rose than those turds.
Hopefully her EE will make her good, but with WW's luck it'll only buff herself, and it'll still be shit.
t. Angela users who can't even build her right. You probably haven't even used Ravian after her nerf to team-wide gravity.
Felix's EE art is really cool. For that alone I wish to have him.
>Check new voices
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Stolen reddit pic of Felix in combat.

That is with VF debuffs so maybe he is quick enough to escape steal-rape at the start after all.
with WW's luck?
fucking WWfags acting like their overpowered element is bottom tier.
I don't use Ravian because I'm not a cancerous faggot, and don't use Angela for the same reason.
Keep crying though, just proves Ravianfags are only using her for e-sports
If you change to an older skin will it switch the voice back? I miss friendly autist baltheon
He isn't in monothunder right? I saw Felix with 130$ crit dmg before and about 90 speed
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>overpowered element

Their mid and back are good.

The front without rainbow players is very lacking. Shanti needs Elaine and/or shura to thrive, beatrice is near obsolete (and loses baltheon), and Kirin just got nerfed. Kirin still remains their best hope.
Yes I think
Yes if you change back it will change the voice too.
Are BI/Virgil backlines the best strategy for club matches?

Healer spam is very helpful for clubs, yes.
>take a look at christmas event
>little free shit and little gold
>a shit
>check out the club match tab
Damn, this is actually pretty not shit
I'm steadily sweeping 3 teams 1K above me because of my cancer backline
What is it?
Various healers are good if your GK tend to get critted
Black Ivy, Virgil, Mikael, Kevin Angela
Club matches might be broken, I used both BI and Virgil heals and in the next match the cooldown was gone
>Club matches might be broken, I used both BI and Virgil heals and in the next match the cooldown was gone
I think they never fixed a bug that if you swap player position if refreshes the CD. Cooldown is apparently tied to the place the skill was used
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>found a chink with rudiel ace
>vero/luka/bea front
>laugh at it
>enemy neraizel steals from me and passes to beatrice
>i laugh at her
>she active shots
>jin hasn't enough spirit because i started with the ball, so no active block
>3.6k crit
>not even using thunder goalie
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This skin and these stats :^)?
did you forget to put stones on your goalie?
Not using Angela either I assume.
This is nice to know, friend.
I mean, a clubmate uses those two, alice and cheetos on her Isillia with Silla ace team, and it's quite durable.
Think I could do the same without Silla ace considering my Jin has a fair amount of DR thanks to Kevin, maybe could use magnus instead and neraizel/sky ace, and with Alice there it'd be easier for those two to kill shit.
It's 45% slow for 15 in-game min, that's why it's durable.
Didn't had a unique for her, and now that I have and know nerfs aren't coming, guess it's safe to invest in her once and for all.
No, just got overconfident.
Don't really know, didn't check. But those totems seem correct.
I don't use Angela though?
>Don't really know, didn't check. But those totems seem correct.
It's probably the same guy, I faced him like 4x within those 2 months. Sometimes he uses Uriel ace too.

People here really underestimate Beatrice because most of them are dogshit with 40% pen and low crit dmg/crit rate
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What ace is that? That looks near identical to my glab bea but has 10% more pen than mine does (better ghost stats I presume). Same crit rate, damage, and dribble.
Pic the chinese whale was using Uriel ace (100% AP gain if 100% hp )

The rest was his team buffs and stones

Disregard, I missed the rudiel ace part.
How come the only light/thunder aces are from fuccbois? FUCKING BULLSHIT!
hahaha waifufags ON SUICIDE WATCH
This cow is soo fat she broke the row lul
Wait, Altair has the same ace as Dynames. Silly me. But still, >draw only. FUCKING BULLSHIT!
>i don't use angela
Guess there can't be any qualitiy expected coming from assobliterated wwcucks
>lightfag talking about wwcucks
Urielfag pls
>tfw couldn't find raiden before they removed him from scout
>he still hasn't been made re-available

7 fucking reverse chains.
>only new unit I have is Roberto the Lion

He isn't new anymore though :^)
>have smugfu
>didn't even wanted her
>don't use her
>won't use her
Guess I'll wait to see if her EE is broken, if not I'll just sell
>thinks he's kidding
>check Pablo Escobar's page just in case
>he is
>he doesn't read patch notes
I bet you also think the Cow is good and EE'd thunderfag is bad
So, theoretically, any clubmatch backline would be durable with that as long as the goalie isn't shit?
Yup. Monolight with Light is the best choice for clubmatches.
>, any clubmatch backline would be durable with that as long as the goalie isn't shit?
Yeah and if you make use of the 15min slow debuff of BI by destroying the enemy GK.
Is the one time purchase thing live yet? don't want to part with my shekels for no reason.
>there's people who use meiran front unironically
For what reason, she's a free pen, there are lots of better options if you want inspiring there.
Fuck, makes me mad.
Yes. I'm this anon, still mad >>163439360
got another linmay
If I don't buy Alice skin now, will it not be available after christmas?
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>Vitos and 4 Elite Demons
>Jheet a Demon
>Orses a Demoness
Huh, who are the last two? Samuel cant be demon, shes the betrayal. And Zibroi aint even demon.
So Empire is going to have another good player soon?
Why playing in PVE though? We all know he's broken.

Holy shit that's like 4 whole Raklets worth of damage!
Well, Aiolos appeared, and Presty is a thing too, so there may be something new there.
>their mid is good
Wut, 4 raklets with 11k HP? Damn son i never knew this is possible
I want Serestia to introduce me to her void
But they are not EMPAIEAH team.
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>look at pic
>suiseiseki flashbacks
>play colo 36
>bora stacks buff her regular shots
Literally, what?
How much gold on average do you think it will take for me to scout a specific player?
I've spent over 6 million in total so far with no dice.
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What would YOU do?
>spending gold on scout
Ill fuck her just kidding she will fuck me
Kiss her, fondle her breasts, make love to her and spurt all of our fluids all over that shitty diary.
Then have sex with her again and impregnate her. After I impregnate her, propose to her, and if she accepts a pathetic weakling like me live a happy life with my dearly beloved Lindy.
He's probably talking about JIssouseki, it's old as shit, I think it is as old as 4chan itself.
>get pome
>get wom
>my wom gets defensive substat
>pome gets offensive substats
Seriously, this shit hates me.
You can always spend dshekels to reroll substat :^)
Are crit rate/CR aces any good?
Because without that player I can't finish my new team. It's the striker.
>order my team from oldest to newest
>my oldest players of each element are kevin, saramir, iggy, rasiel and alkyde
What are your oldest players in your box /ssg/?
"return it immediately to our empress queen Bell
you unworthy nigger girl
Oldest are Virgil, Kei, and Hiro.
a born Lightfag.
Zibroi is one of his four you retard.

Lucifer might've been the other
really think no,it made a slamm bit of sense with in the ohko meta i guess but i find dr/hp/ap aces overall better,

if you care about crit/cr just bring silk or alice on the team
Why did Beth fall for Vitos? What the fuck is wrong with that stupid bitch? How can a high ranked angel like her have such behavior without anybody doing anything?
For new years we're getting a choose 5* classic player ticket.
You heard it here first.
Vitos, Metatron, Kei and Malcolm, using them since April 2015. Born to be DarkLight, forever DarkLight.
Lucid, Anael, Serestia, Isillia. Dark/light since the start
>free gaphyl to everyone

i would hope the balance patch really comes next
The fourth one is dead, Baltheon killed him in his new and edgy EE story
Vonchi, Beta, Saramir, Elaine and Lucifer yeah, I'm a reroller
Someone at BB has a cuckold fetish
She's Vitos' daughter.
im not sure how much better that makes it
Latios, Erica, Magnus, Veronica and Lynbell
So, she's Vitos daughter and then he fucks her and Patricia is born... Wow so we /umineko/ now.
Beth and Patricia are sisters, not mother and daughter.
and ofc then the mother is
it all makes sense now
Where's Beth ass
>he's a bisexual
>he's an edgelord
>not even making sense
Fuck off shitty fanfiction.
It's obviously Melchior
The only person she fucked was killed by her, so no.
Obviously not in front of you, Duke.
Is it wrong to use my club members' teams to soften up the opponent's teams?
i think no,
but i have noticed you get more points the more club members are "alive" at the end;
(ie:10 bonus if all alive)
Denk is a cute girl
I thought the bonus was for if your team was the one that beat all the other teams.
You're telling me I can use the gigawhale club owner's team and stil lget 10 points?
Clop is my senpai
oh im actually not sure now,
i generally always go first since the others are scrub in comparison, so i either beat all of them on my own with the 10 bonus or fail near the end get less,

never tried if someone else beats everyone for me, so guess i can't say for sure which is which, sorry (you may try to see how it goes tho)
>have like a brazillion sun elementals
>only 1 rainbow elemental

Yep. That is what most people do when farming points.
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I dont get it?
I will trade you 2 rainbows for 1 ice swirly
How badly would a trade feature break the game?
I know it wouldn't happen because mobage shekel antics, but if it were implimented would all teams improve immensely?
My S rank meme team beat that guy's SSS rank meme team. Thank fucking god he didn't have a real frontline.
Probably, I have a good few top tier Ardor players that go unused and am missing a few key WW players.
Would turn into an item shop game probably
>Selena gave me a Littre and Beelze as an early Christmas present
Suck it, losers!
Its Jibrils presents, stupid.

one could make it work like the recall ?
with rarity instead of role, so you need to part with a legend to get another legend, but in the end one could still get a shu and reroll on another account to trade it with the latest op legend, and keep doing this, unless trading would require also ds.... or restrict to 100+ levels.... idk... or just.... No.
best auntie
Too small blackbar!! I know it's you Elizabeth!!!
>Wild Lust
>have both 6* kuma and beelz
>player book says I don't
I have this problem too.
Proof or reddit.
>no debuffs
I've had this problem with littres as well.
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>No balancing
So, uhhhh, you guys want to talk about lore or something?
Lia's breasts are still growing according to the story mode
That's the real lore
This patch was beyond fucked. How did they managed to break goalkeepers if there wasn't even anything related to them in the patch?
How did they break them? Aces?
What do people think of the new and edgy stories some of the legends got
Sorry, I meant gatekeepers.

And the count apparently didn't get counted serverside, so you could just reset game and get the used material back.
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>First time combining for unique stone
>Go for ardor stone
>Get Ignition Catalyst, the only one I don't need.

Kill me.
Which legends have new stories?
And does anybody actually know what they mean by
>2) 유틸 스트라이커의 액티브 슛 개편이후 유틸 스트라이커로 시련의 콜로세움 일부 매치가 클리어되지 않는 오류 수정
- 유틸 스트라이커의 액티브 슛은 개편전으로 롤백 예정이며, 오류 수정 후 추후개편하도록 하겠습니다.
2) Utilities striker's active shots have been restructured, and the striker's colosseum has not been cleared.
- The active shoot of the utility striker will be rolled back before the reorganization.
It means they didn't nerf them yet
Valkyrja Beth (Light), Duke (Light), Vonchi (Light), Baltheon (Dark), Metatron (Dark)

They reverted the nerf to stacking active shoot.
Thought so. And this was rumored to be a balance patch. Not only they didn't do that, they didn't even do what they told they would do.

How did these devs even managed to get hired is beyond me.
Didn't they say the balance patch would be a major patch? Guess that means in another 6 months.
people mentioned this wasnt the balance patch,
and the next one should be the one,

im expecting either more postponing actually,
bb always seems lazy with their
"we plan to fix things, but later... ehm.. if we feel like it......"
At this rate the game will be dead by the end of winter. The cancer has matured and whales have no more reason to spent money on current meta. They need another players to bandwagon to.

Last info I heard is that's going to be second patch after the major patch, but looking at their current fuckups, I'd say they will try to nerf utility in the next patch again instead of actual balancing.
I feel like a dumbass but after coming back to tge game i cant seem to fnd where evolve elementals... ???
BB has to embrace cancer to keep the game alive.
Every season switch the meta to a new attribute.
Make this season the rise of Darkfags.
Aside from Presty, who's going to drive the interest in Dark? Andor still reign supreme.
cow demon queen?
>utility strikers still stack their stats
What the fuck is this shit?
They decided not to go through with the retarded change.
>allowing utility strikers to keep being broken
Bravo, you managed to succesfully prove us you're all a crew of incompetent retards.
Fuck yoiu BB. If next patch isn't good, I fucking quit.
Who's with me?
should i spend all my crystals and tickets on the 30th i dont wanna wait anymore..
gibe account
I wanna quit again. H-help.
No, they just realized it changes PvE too much and it would become either impossible or a joke. The next patch will be them fixing this instead of expected balance patch.

Fuck their incompetence.
Wait for the new years day, then leave for at least 21 days.
>how to fix utility strikers
>add a minute to their cooldown
Fixed, motherfuckers, it's so easy.
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looks like you couldn't use some of the new utility striker actives if you were playing certain CoT matches, so they're gonna introduce the nerf once they actually make it work
>how to fix utility strikers
>apply stacks only on shoot/active shoot
Fixed, this is even better.
Fuck out of here and your power strikers bullshit.
>power strikers bullshit
>when utility strikers are stronger than them in every sense
Wait for your chemo, cancer-kun. It'll hurt and no amount of bitchy whining will fix it.
>How to fix power strikers
>Add another 10 minutes to their actives so they're actually countered by active block goalkeepers
Only if this is implemented.
>btw i use sharr and willy
>not reducing goalies cooldown
This shit is what should be done, strikers as a whole are already too strong, while only goalies that are worth a shit nowadays are Angela, Presty, a huge powergap, rest of non active block goalies, another powergap, block goalies.
Specially with utility striker bullshit it should be done.
Seriously, whe don't even work balancing this shit game and we do a better job in seconds than BB in months
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>Vitos is Tomaru Sawagoe
>btw i use ravian
>btw i'm so retarded i don't know how to make her good without her being cancer
>implying i use shit like that ugly cunt and that literal assburnt faggot
I use cutest female WW striker. Guess who.
Why should people who play power strikers care? It won't affect them a bit and only change that will happen is that the utility strikers will not be power strikers with faster cooldown.
Did they BB changed elemental drop rates? with a 99 clover team i always used to get 5* every 3 or 4 matches.
I think BB just found fatal error in this update allowing infinite Beelzes and Littres and wasnt able to fix it during maintenance.
So they decided to roll balancing back and work harder on it.
Is he trying to clone himself?
>Thinking they'll reduce active block cooldowns
Jin's one plus is that his active block cd is lower than the other active block gks. They can't lower the other gk's cds or else they would have to rework Jin or give him a 5 minute cd active.
Good. Then he'd finally be worth a shit.
Fuck off, jcuck.
Skins and new players are still in, aren't they? It's not like they rolled whole patch back.
Fuck off retard there's no cute WW striker, this is your last (You).
they rolled back just the ones they mentioned in that note of course because they're the only broken ones
>roll back utility striker stuff
>roll back gatekeeper stuff
>they still think irru is a girl
>t. thunderbaby mad because his element is filled with ugly bitches
Wtf is up with that genealogic tree? It's weird how half of the tree are basically the same guys.
You can basicly see the effects of inbreeding if you look at the Hajime-Rio-Risa-Rika line
GKs weren't even supposed to be part of this patch I can't even imagine how they managed to do that. And they probably just added the utility strikers nerf without any testing and it blew in their face during the maintenance.

This patch was the worst embarrassment in SW development I've seen in years. And that's even without the complete failure of communication when they kept everybody thinking thinking this will be balance patch until the day before.
Bretty good
Terrific, no need to change anything
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New player here, how is my team looking?

Any advice?
I also noticed how Kagura Inou fucked so many guys that there is a part where it says "Various fathers"
Exactly as I would expect from new player.

Take notes on the other anon's team.
Still same >>163457827.
Save yourself a pain and reroll.
See what you get from your legend box before deciding
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Suck it, losers!
Hiro is a subpar striker.
Evylin is a subpar passer.
Robin is a subpar GK.
Gaphyl is an OP healer
I-Is this series worth a shit or is this meme the best thing it has?
Jokes on you I already got her from milage before!
Got her twice when she first released :^)
Depends, are you a member of Niceboat or not
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semen demon patty.png
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Don't mind if I do
Oops! Broke her!
>Hiro is a subpar striker
I never thought I'd miss the days of hiroball.
gaphyl is the only good thing in it,

rest is still viable with some heavy investment(still outclassed by others),
gaphyl alone can carry you far im sure

>tfw still looking for gaphyl
I have no idea, I just have this image saved.
What does that have to do with anything?
>you can do 23 rolls per account when rerolling today
Because this series is why Niceboat is a thing
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