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/scg/edg/ Dangerous Citizen Elite Star General #109

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Star Citizen information:
>Jump point and SubArt megapack

>Latest ATV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8wTqdDXplc [Open]
>RTV: (last week's) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnPrz48kB78 [Open]
>Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhJ_mqKHywQ [Open]
>Referral code randomizer:

>Citizencon Demo:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdCFTF8j7yI [Open]
>CitCon2016 Full Presentation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuDj5v81Nd0 [Open]
>Anniversary Stream Highlights:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oqhx7_RdDoQ [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0T3KLnL9uY [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31ei4SUjaRA [Open]
>Elite: Dangerous information:
>Gamescom info:
>Latest videos
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You brought this on yourself, furfag
Oh cool, thread's alive agai-

You had one job OP.
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>Super-Advanced-no-cockpit-single seat fighter when?
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how do we solve the dad problem
I was on mobile
>Making OPs on a phone

Please end yourself
I should probably listen to someone giving a fuck about a post layout no one gives a fuck about.

Oh boy
It's not going to be sans-cockpit just one-way-transparent armor and every one of those faint lines will be a strut.
Guys, what is the most expensive "one-man" "non-fighter" ship in the game's current catalog? Just wondering
Something like that
Probably whatever the biggest Hull ship is. Space trucks don't need a crew so much as a hired escort.

search says Prospector.
one man and a mining ship
anniversary price says $140 but its not buyable right now
>one man
Hull-E $550
But its no one man officially
See -->


I don't think those expensive HULL's are for one man

I was thinking Terrapin maybe? It's 195 dollars and devs defined the ship as a one man ship.
it says two man ship on the website though..
It's like Herald, there are two seats but you can pull the ship somewhere, or autopilot, and operate the computer yourself. It would they 10 seconds to switch between seats.
What the fuck is the other person going to do in a Hull-E? You could have a manual-only turret, that no AI can use for some fucking reason, and still not have anything for a second person because it's not like the thing's steering would be useful in combat. The pilot could put a brick on the pedal, get out and escort himself for all it matters.
It honestly feels like an arbitrary thing where they don't want a single person to be able to move that much cargo without having to split it with four other people.

The game is going to be severely biased towards multi-crew shit and solo players are just going to have to accept that.
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Is anyone willing to brief me on just two small things in Star Citizen I was unable to find myself through passive observation?

1) are there chick models in the game?
I remember they made a video doing topography scan with a girl like three years back, but I haven't seen a woman model in any video since.

2) How are they going to keep the MMO part of the game going without subscriptions? Micro transactions? They have like 2 million players already, that sounds like a fuckton of money towards the server.
And I would imagine even the more well off people, who already blew $500-$15,000 on a game that didn't even launch yet will think twice before feeding it more money to buy some cosmetics shit, unless the developer keeps pumping out and ading new content.
female models are a work in progress.
no but soon(tm)

Sales of game packages after launch in edition to Sq42 episodes.

Pretty sure sub will still be a thing when the game launches also CIG will carry on selling credit chips.
If they can cater to furries successfully, they'll have bottomless pockets for life.
Not yet, eventually

You'll be able to buy in-game currency, though only a certain amount per month. They've already got a healthy whale population so the plan is probably to milk them in various ways
The Genesis can probably be run solo with a handful of stewardess npcs but passenger transport seems like the domain of the autist to a degree, basically cargo+ with extra rules and very reputation focused. In fact it may end up being fairly lucrative if not many want to play space bus and demand increases, but you'll want escorts because loosing a cabin or two full of passengers will quickly have you pulling out the seats and hauling regular cargo until the world forgets your failures.
Well, CR strictly said there will be no subscription-to-play shit.
Also you can only buy 100k UEC max per month and 25k UEC max per day.
Really don't know how they'd milk this.
>inb4 selling stickers for ships in cs go fashion
anyone know why free flight seems to be disabled?
Will we ever be able to rent/buy the GT-215 Scorpion? Or is it a special Gladius only gun by design?
I fully expect them to sell fuzzy dice and premade noseart and I'm perfectly fine with that, as long as we'll be able to paint our ships for free and import our own custom images
>60K citizen number
>50+ bug submissions
>no invite
Because I don't suck their dick and got banned from RSI forums.
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i wouldn't worry about it you'll get a less buggy experience when it go's live in a few days.

I do wonder if their will be a perpetual PTU once 2.6 go's live to test balance/ship physics.
>got invite
>not even bothering to download until it's live
Feels good man.
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I fucking hope not. I'm not trying to make a series of charts. They need to be done so I can do something in depth that isn't voided the same day it's finished.
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So I know we're going to be able to earn the more expensive ships through normal gameplay, but I'm worried that because they charged so much real bux for them before the game even releases, that they're going to make obtaining them in-game a ridiculous grindfest like ED. Has there been any official word on how much in-game time is expected to earn the high-end ships?
They have said that the largest ships should only be affordable by orgs. I would expect extreme levels of grind, especially since you will be able to buy UEC with real money.

>I wonder who will be the first to spend a million dollars personally on this game, over time.
> I don't suck their dick and got banned from RSI forums.
Wow, we have some bad boy here, guys.

define largest ships

Javelin? Idris? Polaris?
Nope, no idea how much the ships are gonna cost.
Would not expect a solo player to be able to afford a capital ship any time soon though.
>especially since you will be able to buy UEC with real money
That's news to me, where did they say that?
Yes. Capital ships specifically, and the fucking huge mining ship (idr name) aren't meant for individual purchase, in game. Three grand for a cap ship now is probably the steal of the decade once the final prices are announced.
You can do it now, on Voyager Direct. I worded that poorly.
I'd reckon Orion and the Reclaimer may fall to that category as well.

I'd reckon the amount of players you need to run the ship is a good indication in how many players you might need to afford one without mass grinding.

It's been planned for some time, though you'd have a hard cap on how much UEC you can purchase per month.

No way that system can be abused, no sir.

To be honest, I imagine Idris will be on the less common side as we go along in the PU just because of scarcity from the production lines (they talked about how smaller ships like the connie and below would be fairly common ships for purchase, but you'd have to scout around for an Idris because they might not be available for purchase in certain sectors during certain times.)

Not that I'm opposed to making shit like the Jav (and to a lesser extent, the Idris) harder to acquire for people who aren't grouped up and pooling money to eventually get one, but something like a Polaris isn't what I'd consider a 'true' cap ship since it's basically a connie XL.
>It's been planned for some time
I'm calling bullshit until you provide a source
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>Thinking about how expensive cap ships will be to grind for.
>Concept sale was a pretty good deal.
>mfw I realized the $15,000 Completionist pack was the best deal imaginable.

since you're a lazy cocksucking nigger faggot

>the largest ships should only be affordable by orgs
You know, I'm actually totally okay with that. I guess I was just stuck in the ED mindset of needing to get into the biggest ship, but as long as every ship type has a role to play, instead of just being a worse version of the more expensive ships like in ED, then I'm good.
Might be fun though to go start an organisation with just Auroras and Mustangs where all the buddies work together to get their organisation to get a banged up constellation or a caterpillar to act as a mothership until you can finally afford a capital ship.
That's some bullshit then
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say it with me

Cap ships are group content.
Played by groups, payed for by groups.
Cap ships are not for solo players.

The game wont be quite that hard... Just think of it as being expensive to maintain, not own.

You could easily afford a connie even if you are poor in the game. It is just that it will take time to deck out.The more likely poor-org goal would be to get a beat up Idris or two, not a connie.

I see buying UEC as saving people from grinding, whilst still being able to maintain and insure their ships.
what is that?

Yeah, seriously. Because I don't know if I'm watching a trailer for one of those 100 upcoming Star Wars movies, or they released a new footage for Bengal.
Crazy has been new normal for a while now, in case you didn't notice.


I am totally getting that vibe ;)


2.6 when? I got bored with 2.5 a while ago. That said it was a decent series of updates... but there is only so many raids, and skirmishes I can do on a 24 player server. I want it to feel crowded in my sky... But lately I feel on the drift and bored.


Dat helmet glitch ~1min lol!
is Retribution just a cocktease or something people will actually interact with?

Probably just a story prop you'll never actually personally interact with since there's a whole (1) in existence to my knowledge.
I think we won't see it until episode 2. Its construction is probably some manner of plot device in 1.
I'm relatively sure they mentioned that it's under construction in ep1 and will appear in ep2.
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I didn't mean shit like being able to have one.
I know there is only one.
Hell isn't it like three times the size of a Bengal? I'm actually dying from anticipation to see a group of people coherent enough to actually man a Bengal, let alone something several times bigger.
I just want to know if it will be really just a piece of scenery or an actual ship.

It would be quite a bummer if CIG just went "and here is our Compensator class dreadnought, bigger than yo momma's ass, with guns that oneshot death stars, except it's gonna be parked here and you'll never see it in action..."
like that
Hey guys is E:D still a boring piece of poop with nothing to do. Kinda want to use my joystick again.
>Hey guys is E:D still a boring piece of poop with nothing to do
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It's Adm. Bishop's personal kingship deleter so assuming that he goes mankrik vs the quilboars with his fleet you'll probably see it once or twice in SQ42, probably at least once in battle and then he's gonna run off into vanduul space with it against orders. After that we'll either A(Unlikely) rescue it and bishop from certain death or B(more likely) find its wrecked stripped hulk along with the tatters of a fleet and a Bishopsicle with a permanent RAAAAAAAAAAAH KILL THE VANDUUL face frozen on.
>removed the your mother line
>didn't remove the embeds
OK, now I'm confused.
The ship was supposedly already used in war.
So it's "under construction" as in developers didn't actually made it yet, or are they building another one in-universe?
Theres only one, It's being built in 2942, which is the years SQ42 is set. Current PU years in soon to be 2947, So technically It according to the game timeline it was built 5 years ago, and everything in SQ42, including its completion and use happened 5 years ago.

SQ42 is set Slighlty in the past, the Universe/Star Citizen is what happens after the campaign, as for future campaigns thats yet to be determined, but probably set after SQ42 but before PU/SC.
I don't know about the P-72 but it's younger cousin the Merlin doesn't have countermeasures.

I'm guessing because it's you're next step upgrade from the basic mustang/aurora ships. I plan to keep my Avenger forever.

Something to keep in mind: As opposed to ED where ship upgrades are pretty much vertical, SC is likely to be more about having the right ship for the job at hand. IE: Unless you're an org or something, you won't have any real need for a cap ship.
Also, It would be neat as shit if they made a Messerite/Tevarin wars campaign set in the far past with according different spacecraft and weapons. like Avengers being the latest and greatest fighter, tevarin cap fleets being a thing that exists and doing your suicidal duty for Imperator and Empire.
Yeah Avenger titan is probably the gold standard rookie ship.
Is that Buccaneer size accurate? Damn thing thing is tiny. It's going to be so hard to hit that fucker.
buy2play with a cosmetic cash shop is well established as the modern mmo model for success.
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I'm slightly put off by the time frame choice of this setting.
It's licking 4th millennium, but most of it looks like shit we could very well have in next century or two.
Also ~700 years of interstellar spaceflight, including 200 years of expansionist dictatorship and humanity only settled 40 star systems in a galaxy of 100,000,000,000 stars.
and UEE is actually getting poorer and falling apart for some reason
>People spent $2500 for this gif
We don't really know what happens in much of that timeline. There could have been a scientific dark ages for much of it. Maybe Trump's bloodline was the ruling body for a couple hundred years sparking post apocalyptic anarchy.

Even after interstellar flight was possible, it may have been limited only to the very very rich for a long time. They may have had a hell of a time finding jump points as well.

shame about those humongous engine nacelles begging to be shot off by a stray shot
Look at the modern world of 2016, and tell me with a straight face that we're not in a dark ages now, about to be overun by muslim hoards, plunging us into a 500 year social and technological back pedal.
>CIG promises all of these massive ships
>It has taken them this long to complete just the Idris, they have many more bigger, more intensive ships to model, texture, etc.
Game will never come out.
LMOA this, but on the flip side, we now have sentient trucks murdering people on their own.


what you're actually seeing is kicking and screaming from a sandcult coming to terms with the fact that they're going to need their own version of the reformation or risk theological extinction.
Their large ship pipline is complete or near complete
Do you understand what a pipeline is?

The Javelin is already almost as far as the Idris, simply because it is reusing all the assets and the pipeline they built up when making that. Likewise the Bengal production has established a cap ship RSI set of assets, and the Starfarer for MISC. That is the time consuming shit.
And in 500 years time those sentient trucks will have wiped the earth clean of islam, and drive us to the stars?
*Fingers crossed*
Humanity does not have any FTL capability, and its expansion has been dictated by the discovery and stability of naturally occurring wormholes, there is not a wormhole from every star to every star and many stars get bypassed entirely simply because no jump point connects to them.

The tech does seems a little stagnant but then again tech does tend to do that under oppressive regimes and the UEE is definitely one of those even in their friendly cuddlier state. I mean we've used the M2 browning HMG for 80 years now and the B-52 has been our heavy bomber for 60. It's not totally unrealistic to imply that a particular spaceframe design became so entrenched and ubiquitous that it lasts for several centuries of active use. Particularly in a setting where the government is basically a massive dispersed semi-imperial bureaucracy.

We have Designed better HMGs between 1939 and now, but the M2HB does the job well enough and the supply chain already exists and none of the designs have been better enough to justfy replacing them all.
What gets me in both E:D and SC is the fact that it's the third or fourth millenium and everyone speaks the same English from thousands of years ago.

I know it's impossible to fully account for language change but maybe toss in a new slang word here and there.
>no "Best Ship Edition"

yer blew it!

English probably will remain defacto language due to it's adapabilty.

Early English doesn't look much like newer English, and I imagine it would be different centuries from now.
Furthermore Humanity has been Involved in three successive Interspecies interstellar wars, two hot one cold, and is tumbling rapidly into a fourth which is probably the most dangerous and destructive yet. Tech tends to advance during golden ages and stagnate during periods of extended strife. It advances rapidly during wars, but on the whole long periods of conflict tend to lock thinking into practical boxes and big changes in tech become fairly rare simply because big risks become unpopular, people would rather buy a dozen of a simple weapon they understand and trust than a single unproven supergun thats supposed to end the war instantly.

SC's humanity has been in a semi constant state of war for like 400 years.
I just got an invite check again
going to wait, personally
Chinese also seems to still be around in SC at least.
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fucking slowpoke
>Bengal class tard destroyer
>3rd or 4th Millenium
Its set 930 years from now, thats really not that long of a time. This is "Near future" sci-fi.

English is the Language because America and Britain have ruled the worlds oceans and thus the worlds trade for 300 years, not because its a particularly efficient or flexible language. It the US continues its political military and economic dominance then that trend will continue with it, if not, then it will be something else. If you want proof of how quickly this can shift, Look at the dominance of french in international relations until about 250 years ago and the rising importance of Mandarin in east and central africa as chinese industry take root there and chinese business begin to dominate the market.
How do we make exploring in E:D fun?
Oh please, act like this is one-sided. There's extremism on all sides, and that's the thing that's dragging us into the oncoming dark age. It's this complete and utter contempt for any way of thinking outside of one's own. Sure that in itself isn't anything new, but the more connected people are getting thanks to the internet, the more they're made aware of those with differing viewpoints and the more they backlash against it. On all sides.

I just hope the slide into totalitarianism and/or anarchy is slow enough I can just die of old age first.
Honestly have we seen anything other than that gif of the Javelin? We've seen plenty of Bengal and Idris stuff, but I can't remember anything Javelin related.

>Don't really care though, Javelin looks like shit deus
Up the amount of procedural content to explore. That's all you can do in an "infinite" game. You can't really add in a significant amount of easter eggs to find like CIG is doing with the stonehenge or the radio tower because people will either never find it, or take months to find it after the developer has given them hints.
I like the way Firefly handled things. I think most space games/franchises could learn a few things from Firefly, though I'm not sure Chinese is the language that would intermix. Probably Russian.
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>Its set 930 years from now, thats really not that long of a time. This is "Near future" sci-fi.

Feudal shithole with 80% illiteracy took less than 40 years to go from manually working fields with wooden hoes to actually inventing manned space flight - on a base of a weapon of mass destruction no less.

900 centuries is whole another ballpark.
Even today the technology evolves so goddamn fast people can't even keep up with most of it. You just kind of learn there is this new cool thing... 5 years after it actually hits the market, because there is godzillion of other cool shit coming out at the same time.

BTW "Near future" sci-fi is normally set in 2020's to 2050's exactly because guessing what kind of tech we may have 1,000 years from now is a mighty fucking tall order.
there was a fairly extensive greybox tour of one like 8 months ago on an atv or something. Theres also been multiple pictures of the layout and various "leaked" tidbits about it. the crashed ship in the Homestead demo was a javelin as well.

DESU I think we've seen moe of the javelin that either the Idris or the bengal.
*9 centuries
because I know there will be that one faggot who has to point it out
Not just add more interesting things to see and find, but make doing so a LOT less painful. It's one thing to honk when you reach a new star system, and another thing entirely to have to sit there and stare at a planetary body for a few minutes so you can get close enough to slow down and stare at it another 30 seconds to get exploration data.

Unfortunately, the underlying systems needed to make truly interesting procedural generated content just aren't there.
I wasn't aware of having to stare a planet for a few minutes. They made exploration worse??
IIRC (I haven't played ED in months) You have to get close enough to a planet/star, then hold your cursor over it while it scans to get full exploration data. Most people don't because it's just not worth it.
Oh yeah, that I remember. Used to do that with the star of a system just to make a tiny bit more money. Sounded like they artificially lengthened the time it took to scan shit, which was already annoying.
What if there was an exploring module for ships that let you use orbital mechanics to move around the system?
Planning orbits in KSP is pretty fun but I don't know if it would work without time warp - like in E:D.
>Time Warp

You're going to experience that 12 hours of planetary slingshot and you're going to fucking like it
directly proportionate to the resources involved in making that ship

giant ship will be expensive, but until we know how much money can be made doing things that arent ICC, we can't know.
Pool resources with other single ship pilots to buy a multicrew ships, use multicrew ship to do more lucrative work, split increased profits from multicrew missions to buy your own multicrew ship, repeat cycle for each ships scale/cost tier until you can afford the desired hull.

Anyone trying to jump from an aurora to an idris is retarded and deserves the punitive unending grind they are going to get. It's a multiplayer game, use that to your advantage rather than treating it as a problem.
fully agreed. build a solid economy among you and dedicated freinds with the common goal of earning a [cap ship], or enjoy working your way up solo.

"multiplayer online game"
Well, there's supercruise. Maybe there could be a new kind of supercruise that's faster when you have a planned orbit. So instead of
>point at it
>max speed
>75% speed when you're 10s away from the body
>stop when scan starts
>fly away when it's complete

It would be like
>plan orbit, potentially visiting several bodies if done right
>engage supercruise
>run experiments like in KSP

The good thing would be that, when done correctly, you take much less time to explore the system. Maybe you could send the data back home like in KSP, so it's less risky, but also you need solar panels for that like in KSP. And also if you fail your orbit you could crash and destroy your ship instantly like in KSP, but it's not a big deal because exploring is now more dynamic and fun.
I fully understand that the biggest ships might not be achievable solo, but I'm gonna be pretty sad if the biggest ship I can get solo is something like caterpillar desu.

Even if it takes a long ass time I want the Endevour or Orion
Anyone got the missile size scale? I remember seeing s1-5 in comparison to a person all together somewhere.
caterpillar is probably the biggest thing you would want to operate solo anyway, even then you're asking for trouble with no gunner crew or shield management, etc.
Survival element. Mining resources to repair your ship. Gathering materials to build outposts and harvest fuel and power, being able to build vaults to store materials and resources, and marking visited places with beacons.
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Anybody else happy that they fixed the stupid problem with the Mustang series if you had to go in through the hatch?
The problem with making giant ships solo pilot-able is that you start running into ED issues where these massive fuckers are nothing more than glorified fighter craft, just slower.
True but neither the Endevour nor the Orion are fighters though, I want them for research/Exploration/mining, which should be able to be done solo
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The three on the right are S3, the second one from the left with the strange triangular engine is S5. Dunno about older comparison images, they're probably outdated, considering they redid missile sizes for 2.6.
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I can't see much combat-significant maneuverability in 2.6. You can't evade fire, strafe & boost-stafe dodge is ineffective, and you can't really sustain a knife fight (to get under enemy weapon arc). There is a lot of AB & chase. Combat can take place at closer ranges, but it seems more efficient for pilots not to close - thus they usually do not. It doesn't seem closer than it was in, say, 1.3. Consequently, combat favors aim and dps. Of the ace pilots, I've seen only one squeeze any meaningful maneuvers out of a ship in 2.6. Imo, this FM is the lowest skill ceiling I've seen since 0.8. The return on skill gains quickly becomes negligible.

This FM is exactly what many of the theorycrafters have wanted. I can even see why CiG went in this direction: it's accessible to new players, does not require much skill to learn, allows new players to compete with veteran players quickly. The problems are: it's quickly mastered, because there are no complex piloting skills to master; aim over piloting puts a premium on high dps alpha strike weapons, which leads to shallow gameplay; it leads to a rigid ship hierarchy as 1 or 2 moderately maneuverable ships with the best meta weapons rule the combat game; and it gets boring very quickly, because pilots are flying the same way with the same minimal effort in the same ships using the same weapons.

This is how MMOs fail.
I kinda wish there were actual stright flying torpedos ingame, like battlefleet gothic armada, unrealistic but would be really cool to aim a broadside with the larger ships against other massive ships that can't turn quickly enough
>aren't fighters though

I know. Neither are the cruiser liners, but they still act like overgrown fighters in flight style, which is what has to be avoided.
Why did they settle on these generic designs when the first missile designs were so interesting?
Just make the pilot controlled guns dogshit, or remove them altogether on some ships, give them missiles or something, that way you won't be turnfighting
Initially torpedos were supposed to be unguided, but they either ditched that or haven't implemented it yet.
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pretty much none of the bigger ships in SC are designed around the captain doing most of the shootbang though

most of the actual firepower is delegated to turrets and weaponry stations manned by someone else

so even if someone 'solo'd' a idris or jav, no one is going to be playing those like a glorified fighter craft in the slightest

It's not the weapons that's the issue. It's how they (the Orca and other thing) maneuver. Even if you take away guns, they're still gonna turn fight to stay out of the line of fire.

True, I'm just making the assumption that if a larger ship were to be flyable solo (no crew) it would be nothing more than a giant version of the smaller ones.
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Are you sure you want a hella expensive munition, of which you don't carry that many to begin with and you actually have to restock it after you expend it, to be unguided?
Just curious.
Theyre guided and will probably remain as such.

Even the tali torps got a buff in tracking and are now hitting things, perhaps because of the new FM.

I dont see them going unguided unless theyre super big torps designed to be noticeable to a bengal on hit.

Also how many of you guys managed to finish a game of SM? or AC? I can't last more then 5 minutes before i get randomly booted.
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Well I'm mostly thinking it'd just be on the capital ships, like pic related. And they'd be so powerful/slow that they'd mostly be used against other capital ships.

Maybe the retaliator could carry 6 or so as a dedicated capital fighter
Yeah I'm seeing that complaint a lot (reddit loves it though)
Is anyone else invisible?
Are we going to see any notable ship customization? I hope there's some sort of decal system like War Thunder, maybe we can figure out how to put swastikas on our spaceships.
>maybe we can figure out how to put swastikas on our spaceships.

Well this is exactly why most games these days don't allow for any customization. The few gotta ruin it for the many sadly.
This game isn't supposed to be kiddie or family-friendly, I don't see why CIG would particularly care as long as it doesn't get out of control.
They want to make the paint system availible to players at least.
It would immediately go out of control. There would be swastikas, dicks, and swastikas made of dicks.
Shit always gets out of control. Have you even seen some of the shit people pull with warthunder? One of the pinup girls someone has made to look like she's deepthroating.
Legit though, it'd be cool if customization could convey some sort of meaning to others. Like in WT, they have decals for people who get x amount of kills, x amount of objectives so when you see that on a guy you're like "oh shit this guy isn't a noob", stuff like that would add to the gameplay.

I've never seen that, but I don't play a ton of war thunder. I did see one where they figured out how to crop a decal so it says "TRUMP" with American flags on either side of it. I kind of appreciate cleverness like that, though. Funny af when you see it.

>not using the horse decal to mount the pinup girls

If you are playing 2.5 right now, its totally fucked, abandon all hope. 2.6 is the fix for it
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>pledge for the game
>forget about it
>check out the new site
>find this
what fucked 2.5? it was 100% stable. Now its literally unplayable, worse then 2.6 with all its DCs
They already have Bird and Turtle people. Bring in the Kilrathi and they'll be set for decades.

It's probably going to lead into reveals about some recently released prototype ships, though I can see stuff like:

>"Oh no, [Soon to be Playable Race] is acting aggressively. Stop them!"
>A few months later
>"[Playable Race] and [Race ships] are now welcome into the UEE after treaty signed!"

I want the red one.
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They problem changed some server-side software in advance of the 2.6 release.

the bird and turtle people are hideous though

actually, none of the SC races are something i'd considering aesthetically attractive
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bird people are fine. the heads we saw are very far from final but in armor they look great
>Aesthetically attractive

What, does everything have to be fuckable?
>that chick I banged looked really good when we turned off the lights
oh I just read up further and realized you degenerates are talking about races you want to fug. no pls, keep aliens alien, no fucking asari. people who have fetishes for aliens should, both in and out of lore be treated as the worst kind of deviant and get the same attention homos do in Russia; strictly negative public reception and occasional trouble with the law.
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>not wanting some of that hot xi'an cloaca pissflap
>not wanting to cluck a female tev
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>tevarin empire and culture cucked, destroyed and absorbed into UEE
>bird-based onomatopoeic derivative of cuck
>from cuckoo
>a bird
>tevarin are literally cucks
we have come full circle

Couldn't find a related image so have a comic about a dog eating bees
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>wanting to cluck a female tev
Agreed. I like the idea of reducing SCM speed, because jousting was a serious problem, but cutting them in half was maybe a bit heavy-handed.
Coloration and size of beaks/certain feathers.

Putting boobs on obviously non-mammal species to give them females is the laziest fucking shit I swear.
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hey kid
>But many are struggling to find work elsewhere. As one source put it to Eurogamer: "The German gamedev scene is pretty bad. Unless you find a job at id or Foundry 42, you will likely have to move abroad with family, so you keep hoping it will work out."

CR buying out Crytek when?
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inb4 shitters realize that AB scales and you can sustain 2.5 levels of SCM speed for long periods of time, rather than short bursts of 2.5 levels of useless cruise speed
The males should have really colorful head crests while the females should have more muted colors, would be a very good way of making them look almost identical like realy birds while also allowing players to see if they're male/female
>Buying out Crytek

Probably never. Why would he?
Why would he buy out crytek?
I actually want that, to keep them alien and extra-terrestrial. You can do that more easily in a video game than you can in a live action show.

PS, I also want CIG to go all out with their fake shows. Imagine the release of more player clothing options to coincide with a parody of America's Next Top Model, but full of aliens.
Top Gear in spess is classy.
What you want here kills brain cells.
he's already headhunted all their talent lol, let that toxic brand die and keep the rights to the new StarEngine, now without any strings attached in the form of a patent holder for the previous iteration CryEngine. Why spend money when you get the same results for free and none of the dead weight?
>shitters using throttle
keep dreamin

I think it was a joke, anons. CIG doesn't need to since they bought full rights to the version they use.
CIG will leech a few select crytek devs like last time and others will go elsewhere.
Might help speed things along with SC VR possibilities though, since remaining Crytek devs made VR improvements to later CE releases. Maybe. Guessing they'd need to start over in "star-engine".
giving females the eyes of #4 would honestly do the trick, outside of talking face to face you don't really have a reason to care what their gender is anyway
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Anything worth picking up with those during the sale?
so he can modify cryengine and make it amd-friendly with vulkan support : - )
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Doesn't Cryengine come with built-in FPS support?
Say what you want about Crysis but all of them had solid gunfights.
Why do firefights in this game look so shitty and awkward?
Number 4 looks the most interesting. It looks like it's just inhaled 3KG of cocaine and then watched the destruction of its bird nest.
Can't they do that already?
I don't wanna get my hopes up but the current model sounds like exactly what I wanted all along; the ability to push yourself way beyond optimal performance range so you essentially become a fucking bullet, so skilled pilots operate somewhere in the middle overmax range with limited but existing maneuverability, acting essentially like classical dogfights rather than endless circle strafes, since doing a 180 to joust takes forever to slowdown and stop, leaving you vulnerable long enough to die, while shitters will just overexert their ships and end up splattering themselves against the scenery, unable to control the maximum speed but too dumb to consider flying at anything but the highest possible.
unified first and third person views
>Doesn't Cryengine come with built in ARMA

try playing it and then tell us how you feel

Kong pls
>They have said that the largest ships should only be affordable by orgs.
I would like to have the source because they never said 'only', they always sold the idea that any player could afford anything in a reasonable amount of time and effort. That's why they are making npc to play them solo.
You won't be using capital ship every time because they are slow, because there's plenty of small jump gate they can't go through and because they won't be supership that kill anything.

Else that would defeat the point of getting away from shitty MMO model
ARMA is a combined arms warfare simulator you fucking donut I'm talking about first person shooter mechanics, for which Cryengine has the Crysis character and his guns with all the movement and functionality as the default when you boot it up for fuck's sake.

The only place I know this could apply to was the cover system, because I know the player character model was actually mr. Fantastic every time he popped from behind something. Whole torso was stretching to actually allow player to get a good field of vision while quasi staying behind covers.
Star Marine doesn't have a cover system, so that one wouldn't be an issue.

Other that that, the characters don't even react to being hit, you could stagger people depending on where you hit them since first Crysis.

Also everyone either is a fucking bullet sponge or nobody is hitting shit in those videos.

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>Other that that, the characters don't even react to being hit, you could stagger people depending on where you hit them since first Crysis.
You stagger like fuck when you start taking bullets.

Actually play the game before you bitch about shit you ignorant retard.
That's gold
>Star Marine doesn't have a cover system
yes it does, a quite comprehensive one at that
>the characters don't even react to being hit
uh yes they do, it throws your aim and you can see enemies throw their gun all around when hit with a burst
>Star Marine doesn't have a cover system
Yes it has
SM is not a default FPS, it looks like a shitty average TDM on a tiny map, but under the surface it's a test-bed using systems that will have to work in the wider large-scale universe MMO thingy, which is part of why it took so long to do on an engine that does indeed have built-in FPS support.

Some of the new vision stabilisation stuff in SM will affect how FPS works at Kareah, for example.
I hate these kinds of automated leaning systems, Battlefield probably have the best/smoothest ones and they're still wonky. Just give me buttons and let me do it.
Anyone else just excited for the scale of this game?
>See tiny dot with flashing lights deep in space
>Decide to go and investigate
>The dot slowly grows to be a fuckin Javelin Destroyer
one man can get anything eventually, but this being a large multiplayer game, with ships designed for large groups of players, it's obviously going to make more sense to find other people willing to work toward that goal. theres plenty of money to be made playing solo but youre cheatring yourself by trying to pretend this isnt a game for large groups of people working together
We do need the ability to lean while free-standing, I'll agree with you there.
Okay, what easy to reach buttons do you want to use for leaning up, left and right?
I thought we did get free lean, it just wasn't in yet? I hope it's not restricted to while in cover, that'd be a bit shit
When you're against cover? qwe
Left and right are the obvious ones, Q and E like in almost every single fps.
Up I dunno, X, C or Z could work, although Z is usually used for prone
Q and E, leaning up would be automatic with ADS or firing

like every other FPS ever with a basic cover system

If Q and E are used for other shit, they could do like they did in System Shock 2 and Theif.

Alt + WASD to lean where you want.
Not him but Q and E for left and right, ADS or possibly (optionally?) space for leaning up when crouched. I know what you're going to say, but you can release/tap crouch again to stand back up. Might be slightly unintuitive and wouldn't work with EVA, though you can just thrust up/down instead and roll/strafe to lean sideways.

I don't think they have ever actually confirmed free-lean, and only confirmed the contextual cover-oriented leaning systems like seen here >>163366554

Free-lean used to be in the game, along with an early version of the cover leaning mechanics and grav-boots, and an early version of the push-pull system, including surface-interaction and movement, and leaping off surfaces into space. All of this was taken out for revision because it was horrendously WIP. Grav-boots aren't coming back because surface interaction with them is too wonky (It really was). The push-pull system hasn't been talked about much, but as a replacement for that and grav-boots, they're looking at a kind of hybrid with EVA where you can align with a surface. That might require suit thrusters though. It was mentioned briefly during the holiday livestream, or possibly one of the interviews with Tony Zurovec.

That could work.
>If Q and E are used for other shit,
Or do what every other game does, use qe for leaning and use other buttons for the other functions, what things are that important that you need them right next to wasd anyway?

Grenade, some gadget, bandage or whatever, what else?
>QE for left right
>ADS for leaning up or out

This is usually the best method. ADS especially when you're attached to a cover object, with QE being used for manual leaning.
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So do they intended to give smaller fighters more boost time than medium/heavies?

Currently it feels like my Gladius has just as much boost fuel as my Hornet does
Crouch-walking towards cover with W and popping up when you just want to go forwards and stay hidden might be an issue there. I think ADS would be a better solution.

Including some stuff that's yet to be implemented, but is reasonable: cycle fire mode, scanning, stance change, run/walk(shared keybind?) hold breath (shared with run), drag (shared with USE?)

There's still some room, especially with modifiers.

I like >>163367708's idea of having some kind of modifier like left alt for lean, perhaps sharing it with walk so strafing when close to an object doesn't move you too much. Could use double-tap movement keys or just release alt and press "inwards" to cover for faster ohshitgetdowntheyrefiringatus.

It would also go some way to cucking third-person shitters because holding alt and going into third person camera with f4 would end as you'd expect.

I have already seen two people do this on streams when fucking around with the new camera system.
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fresh and original
>my Gladius
yeah you've been promoted to whipping boy, congratulations. at least you can kill auroras! just avoid the LNs.
The amount of boost fuel you have and how fast you burn it will eventually probably maybe be the domain of components with different stats.

For now ya git what ya given.

Another thing to consider is that the Hornet may be intended to out-last the opponent using it's slightly higher armour. A longer engagement time makes sense with a higher boost fuel capacity, as after a Gladius runs out of fuel it either has to fuck off or die. Especially considering if they both run out of fuel at the same time the Hornet will always win.

Dunno. We'll see. This also affects racers a huge amount, many of which are super autistosalty about these changes to the extent that the guy who had the fastest lap melted his racing ships. Then posted it on reddit. Before 2.6k was even out.


guess you missed the 2nd part

>my Hornet

I'm set whichever way CIG's shit balance team goes, I was just vaguely hoping you'd see more than just Hornets and Sabres and maybe a Vanguard.
>cycle fire mode, scanning, stance change, run/walk(shared keybind?) hold breath (shared with run), drag (shared with USE?)

Most, if not all of those are functions in every FPS game, if they can squeeze them in with lean on Q and E, I see no reason why it can't work that way in SC
>today we're gonna squash that nasty little bug that nearly ruined our reputation and destroyed our sales
>okay so we're gonna log in on Youtube
>now go to the "Holiday Stream 2016" video
>then we click "Delete"
>and confirm with "Yes"
>okay that was it, looked easier than it was but hey

>shitting on 0.8

I really liked bits of 0.8, mainly that ships were responsive without being twitchy and they were actually fragile. If you got caught out you generally died.

Auto-aim back then (was that 0.8?) was a net-negative, but at least you could use all of your fucking guns at once.

I fully expect CIG to do another complete balance pass on flight once they have un-fucked gunnery.
Yes, there's still room.

yes greendiamond commander was 0.8
Along with being unable to roll when in decoupled, and being unable to yaw in coupled (I think).
Anyone worth their salt can kill a SH or Sabre with a Gladius in the current model, jsut gotta be smart and not tank their fire If you let them get a bead on you.
You're probably someone who thinks combat is about going nose to nose and circling each other until the winner is declared though.
this faggot in the video is literally complaining about having to do throttle management now.
Q and E currently have no function in 2.6

leaning up from low flat cover doesnt even require a keybind and is almost always automatic when ADSing or hip firing from cover, if anything make it W. vault is still a seperate keybind so if they added that right now it would not mean you're jumping over it.

modifiers are completely unecessary for this basic FPS function

Surely a hotshot spaceman like yourself has some gripping gameplay footage of you dominating Hornets and Sabres with your Gladius to back up your statement.
blacking out no longer completely blacks you out, the screen just goes fuzzy, interesting. I do agree with this guy they need to greatly raise the bar for how much you can take before blacking out but lol, melting all your ships before the patch is live is pretty sperg of him.
Do you think they could put a stable version on live in friday?
you can definitely go full blackout or redout in 2.6, only managed to do it in an m50 and gladius but it's possible

you have to try really hard to do it in the 2.6 flight system because you don't lose your forward momentum instantly like 2.5 and earlier, it's quite hard to achieve the amount of centrifugal force needed to make it happen now
>"top tier"
>complains about there not being a middle ground between SCM and max boost, when there is

lel, shitters
Aside from being kicked quite a bit and losing connection, shit seems fine.
I do, uncompressed, from 2.6 ptu. I'll probably cut it together into something, sometime.
Top be clear, I am talking about 2.6, not 2.5. 2.5 is dogshit through and through.
2.6, default Gladius weapons dont seem to pack a huge punch, but, you can sit over a Sabre for days, while they try to turn into you, and now that their shields aren't fucked you can actually do enough damage to kill. I'm finding SH tougher prey, but again you can outmanouver them by a lot, but you have to be careful of their yaw tracking and their v strafe. I can only imagine a copilot gunner on an SH would be a nightmare for a Gladius to deal with.
the (game) half of it is completely playable aside from contatn network d/cs in SM and crusader.

but if it gets delayed for anything it will be the fancy new UI that you still have to disable to not run into issues.

2.5's equipped weapon/armor bugs are still very much there. pistol sticking out of hand, assault rifle iron sights gone, etc. sniper scope stays put so far but if it's like 2.5 it'll steadily fall apart over time

A two man ship being difficult for a one man ship isn't a bad thing.

Considering the two man ship would get teamstered by a two singleseaters.
He's just pulling lateral gs which "blacks" you out that way, has done for a long time.
Flight suits will probably change these limits when that kind of thing works.

They still will promote though. CIG always pushes buggy builds over the holidays and gets around to "fixing" it later.
Anyone who expected differently has memory problems, less than a year following SC, or a case of the stupid.

He was actually competitive, just sick of trying to compete in a game where the flight model changes so often.
Or at all.

In SM yes but weapon scopes fell off in a stream I was watching of PU the other day. earlier version but I don't expect a fix when there are such higher priorities right now.
Absolutely, and judging by the AI turrets in Pirate Swarm, and the turret gyro stablization thats gone in for PU, turets seem like they might actually be viable.
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>this benny's forced meme
stop it, CIG.
well in the video the guy is apparently losing all ability to input control, you see it multiple times where he just goes straight and crashes but still is able to see.
forgot my linku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7u6A7IHrk8
Yeah I don't care how you perform in a pre-alpha game.

I could hit the #1 spot on the leaderboard by abusing broken weapons/equipment/ships without a whole lot of trouble back in the early days before I realized thats all it is. Anyone taking it seriously is pathetic.
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lol. did they actually take it down though? it disappeared for a while. I never got to see it
Yes, but it's still up on twitch.
I just learnt about supercharged FSD at neutron stars.
Now I'm making 130-140 LY jumps from neutron star to neutron star and I only take 1% damage to my FSD module, sometimes 0%. I still have 90%.

What's the catch?
Where in the ring is it?
Our wonderful compadres over at the forums forced it and made CIG run with it.
> turret gyro stablization
no shit? is that in 2.6? that's a big deal, surprised I haven't heard about it
that HUD is quite sexy, are all the different suit HUDs unique now? I noticed they actually customized the Gladius one as well. would be nice to see them all get some love.

Thanks doc
yeah what the fuck, is that some halloween skin they never changed back or what

actually now that I look closer it's just graffiti lol
>tfw some retard sperg out in the RSI chat
We should make our own memes and force them down their throats!
I can't stop looking at this shitheap. Send help.
that is excellent to see.
ikr. I've not checked it out in the build, but now I want to.
still too big, it should be able to fit into a typical transport like an actual F1 does, at the very least you should be able to comfortably put one in a single Cat bay

looks like it's working even while the ship is turned off; that Cat appears to be adrift. good to know running from the pilot's seat to a turret to defend myself will be possible, if not exactly viable.

Why am I the only one who likes this?
They took down the whole vod of the stream from youtube but uploaded the pre-recorded snippets show during the stream, to hide all the technical issues and cringy roleplay
it looks cool, but it's not something you want to be caught in open space with

I wanna park an argo in the middle and self destruct, do argos have a self destruct timer?
argos can't even get that far
good point. can they fit in a caterpillar?
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It's at the end of an easter egg quest that starts with a datapad at Kareah.

If you follow the mission hints, they explain it through datapads.

Honestly the Big Benny's shit was funny until it normies and forumdads tried to force le epic so randum xD big bennys!!!

Like, it was a cute little machine, song made me chuckle, but normies ruin everything.
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>muh 100+ ship battles
this is a 10v10. how many people would even know what was going on half the time in double this amount, let alone ten times as many
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>Drake quality HUD
I hope the honesty knob comes back in the pirate skin.
>all that unreadable shit
>all those unused monitors
once they actually have stuff on them, and have that navigation system they showed for system screens though, should be pretty rad. also, you're looking down, right?
Thanks, I found what must have been some in between data pad at gim. Now I know where to start.
what the fuck
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>also, you're looking down, right?
hey you never know, >>163376267 looks basically like the Avenger layout at one point
>furball where nobody is communicating in any way is hectic

really fires the neurons anon

but a 100v100 would also have a hefty chunk of that in multicrew / cap ships.
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Just hunker down behind some asteroids.
I don't think there will ever be 100 ship battles, probably 100 player battles though but then most people would be in capital ships.

Hopefully they'll clean up the UI a bit if you're in parties with other ships etc
I said 100 ships anon, which is what people always clamor for
50v50, same deal
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Try harder, we're used to Chris treatment by now..
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>CIG in charge of HUD design
It's not like players would want to see the radar, their ship, shield and weapon status and target info or anything.
if you think it's gonna be effective to fight any other way i'm not so sure. target priority is really the only communication needed between fighters. it won't look any different from the outside

either youre getting shot or youre not, being in some fancy formation trying to bring jet fighter sim strats into this isnt gonna help in space
Yeah, tell that to orgs that run in groups on SB. They clean up shop piss easy.
looks like you're zoomed in pretty good
That's the default view on the Avenger.
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Yes. Target? Yes. Though weapon status can easily be below sight along with shield status. Trying to find a screenshot of Falcon BMS to demonstrate that not everything needs to be view-able at all times. As long as they make a real quick way to look down.
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You can't see half of the radar and the entirety shield/hull status and target info without looking down. Hell, you have to look down every time you lock a new target to know what ship it actually is and how far away you are. That's worse than on the Sabre.
There's no reason to place vital information in retarded spots for immersion purposes or whatever the fuck the reasoning is.

>You can't see

No shit? I said that those you need to see, but other things you don't.
Oh, right. Yes. I cannot into English today apparently.
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>Trying to find a screenshot of Falcon BMS to demonstrate that not everything needs to be view-able at all times

You're zoomed the fuck in there, m8. Can see way more cockpit information than you can in an Avenger if you weren't. (not that this is an F-16)

The F-16 in BMS also has the advantage of a proper HMD
It's not my screenshot. Just a random one I chose. And even in practice you'll find yourself looking directly down at the MFD instead of up. Especially when you interact with it
Which combo sounds better to you as? "LTI Sabre + Herald" or "325A + LTI Terrapin". I want one two-men explorer and one fighter as my ships and 275$ is my max amount to spend.
we have pre-alpha PU now tho, at least they call Crusader that.
shame about being a year+ off about SQ2 eh?

almost comical
I use short bursts of AB all the time. I've never run out of boost, except the one time I held the key down to see how long it would take to run out.
Hi guys!

I'm just spreading the word of this org I just joined!

They seem like some cool guys and if they have that many members they must be the best!!!

catch you all in the verse!
>get ODST dropped
>miss the fucking planet
>die of old age in your pod hurtling through space
>crash through some old lady's house on an entirely different planet hundreds of years later
CryTek is a licensing studio with more red ink than black. Mitt Romney would buy Crytek to liquidate it before CR would ever think of purchasing that dumpster fire.
>working class gender equal pleb org
>not being in The Patriarchy
>Missing a planet

Crappy chinese engineering
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Does anyone else feel like the Javelin is going to be THE flagship capital ship for orgs, the concept just seems so balanced.

>Very large but not fuck huge giving good amount of control
>Great amount of turrets placed in really good positions
>Massive main battery, on what's possibly a turret
>Decently sized missile rack
>Small one ship hanger for a transport or scout
>Relatively small minimum crew of 20ish for such a large ship
Put $15 with that and you got a Cutlass Black or M50 (if it goes on sale). Both very choice, imo.
I need it explained how crappy it is. How do you even escape the gravity of a planet? You'd have to be launched from the moon to the planet, and at that point you're not really an ODST, right?
can do != going to
Pulled by the gravity of both the planet and any nearby moons, get slingshotted off into space, gets stuck in orbit of something else, repeat
Afer trying it in Pirate Swarm for a bit I'm not sure what to think of the Avenger. I often found myself running low on boost because otherwise the Gladius and 350s would just fly circles around and/or outstrafe me. Have to use Sawbucks (which are now full auto instead of burst fire) because those are the only guns with the same projectile speed as the nose gun. Once I started running into Sabres the damage just felt lacking and the game crashed before I got there, but it would probably take most of its ammo to kill a Cutlass or Vanguard. At least it looks cool.
On that note, the new pickup system is kinda stupid, especially since CIG thought it wouldn't be necessary to restock countermeasures despite pirates shitting missiles all over you every wave.

Already have a Cutlass, not particularly interested in the M50, or any racing ship really.
I think the issue with cap ships is running costs. I think their intention is to make the ship too expensive to run, unless you had an org to support it and absorb the costs.

Could a solo player do it? I'm sure plenty will. Will flying a Javelin solo make any sense at all in the final game? Who knows, but the dev's intention is to discourage that.
>distance-fired toward conflict zone
>calculate trajectory using outdated metrics for some other planet
>skip off atmosphere and nearly escape orbit
>end up doing slingshot maneuver instead
>Could a solo player do it? I'm sure plenty will.

Not for long
I forget, are ODST's launched from space or from atmosphere?
Space I'd assume since they're Orbital drop troopers, but either way the canon in whatever universe you're in goes I guess. Depending on the technologies available surely you could launch pods from across the star system if you feel like it
I have a question, is it better to turn with yaw or pitch? If the ship matters I have the herald, it seems pretty sluggish except in speed.
low orbit, so kinda space
I'm not sure what else is worth spending in that range. 300 series is about to get a rework and may be real cool after. I'm not really a fan of the Avenger.

Why not convert it to UEC?
I have an Avenger Warlock I could unmelt once they add the next token, but I'm not sure if it's any use apart from just fucking around and crashing into shit while losting thruster control after EMPing.
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The Herald is the definition of potato in each direction axis by thrust/mass, worse in roll. Your best stat is lateral strafe, but an Aurora makes more thrust/mass in the vertical strafe than you do in any direction.

Drag racer, no turny.
>Avenger Warlock
That's going to be a great fuck you ship in the broader game, once piracy is real.
no doubt it's better at boom and zoom, but sometimes you don't have a choice. especially in the tiny AC maps.
that potato looks more unimpressed than anything, like it just caught daymarr foolin with it's hair extensions.

herald was always meant to be a bullet; it's meant to get in and out quickly, but not really supposed to be in combat or anything.
Why would you try to fight in a Herald anyway?
to git gud
Not much you can do. Try to hide behind shit and pop out for a quick shot, then zoom away. You're not turning with anyone. No matter how slow you get to tighten up your corner, almost anyone can out turn you at any speed.

>AC may not be a good choice for a Herald.
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Take an Aurora LN or Mustang Delta then. You're just punishing yourself. There isn't enough room to fight with a Herald in AC.
what >>163384798 said, take it to Yela if you want to fight, in AC you'll just be hitting the barriers in any fighting style that's herald-viable.
>Does anyone else feel like the Javelin is going to be THE flagship capital ship for orgs

Absolutely not, that's the opposite of a Orgs ship, this is a game born from spacefighter blowing up huge ship with torpedo bomber covered by fighter.
So there can't be any other answer than a giant Carrier so all member can spam in and go defend or attack in group.
Beside, the only ship meant for Org is the Bengal, you can't npc-crew one you have to capture/repair one.

The Javelin is going to be played solo with the hope of blowing up a Bengal (but more likely Vanduul)
Don't get any combination that includes a 300 series. Even the poorer ships still at least have a niche in the combination of tasks they're for or the style of fighting or even in size for their job; 300s don't.
I'm amazed they thought of that.
I don't really see a lot of appeal for stuff like this. Orgs won't need space-bases to operate out of, for any reason. Groups will want to meet safely planetside and then go fly out to destinations within moments. There's nothing in the planned navigation system that would necessitate long-term deployments like you'd see in Wing Commander when normal jump travel is so fast and accessible to the majority of ships.
What if nothing but huge ships could actually jump and everyone had to negotiate with scheduled flights and shit to get in and out of systems by docking with them while they jump? That would REALLY make org-capships important.
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that environment looks way too fucking complex and detailed for a MMO with editable everything.
Either these frogs are fucking magicians or this is whole lot of easily avoidable disappointment
They've got 1 massive server with no shards and up to 10,000 players. They've done network testing on it.

To be honest I think CR should bite the bullet and just email their lead designer to ask for advice on fixing StarEngine netcode.

Dual Universe won't have graphics as good as Star Citizen but it's only been a few months since kickstarter and it already has a working scanning mechanic that looks 10x more impressive than a golf swing mini game. Also I like their digging/sandbox stuff but it really needs graphical improvement. Disappearing debris is immersion-breaking.

If 3.0 drops with shitty netcode is when that would have to happen. Not right now.
So I have PTU access and it's gonna take a while to download those files.
What can I do once I'm inside? Will I be able to fly any ship?
There isn't enough to do in singular systems to make people wait for scheduled shit in the persistent universe.

If you wanted a partial effect of this, it could instead be a thing at main sector-connecting jumps, with the rest of the systems fine for small vessels to hop around in. And then there's still a hellish multi-system, asteroid-filled, Vanduul controlled back route that individuals or smaller groups could attempt instead of waiting anyway. Always give options.
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>They've got 1 massive server with no shards and up to 10,000 players.

I don't think you know what you're talking about at all my amigo
Don't reply to me again.


How is it a game that only just got funded on Kickstarter manages to have more people in the same server as a game that's been in development for 4 years?

Since we are in theme, give me all your brabenmemes.
Well, have the DU devs been rewriting an existing engine?
A task that should take 2-3 years tops? No, looks like they chose something that works before they started.
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who thought of what?
CIG thought of having the player fall if he enters back into gravity upside down.
>2-3 years

>The original concept and technology prototyping for Dual Universe was started by AI & Robotics expert JC Baillie in 2011.
>Many of the scalable and cloud-based technologies necessary were not yet available to support a project of this size, but we believe that the time has come to make this dream come true.
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>this entire post
well they had to have something happen. pretty sure it just fell out of the ragdoll system
all melee has a 20% "knockdown chance" in the stats which isn't yet activated
Isn't that the same tard that got his SC account hacked, then proceeded to complain that CIG "stole his money" and refused to contact support because "they wouldn't help him anyway"?
I'm starting to think this guy has highly functioning autism.

Not when he articulated most of my criticism about nickel and dimeing for vitual goods. I bet he received many death threats from cultists.
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. .


Been gone for a while. Anything new updates to Star Citizen in the past year that I missed?
Nope. Hoping Ac will launch soon. Getting real tired of this hangar. Fish tank is nice.
human relativity missiles confirmed
>spacecraft needs spoiler and splitter to generate drag and downforce for reasons
t. hobbins
because if someone wants you dead you need to know how to be not dead

flying away at 1020m/s isnt always going to be an option, for that 0.00001% of cases where you have to fight you should be good at it with your ship

slap a pyroburst and 2 suckerpunches on there and anything short of a cutlass will probably fuck off - especially whenever suckerpunches actually disable systems and the herald's ewar features are playable
all the race tracks we have right now are in atmo, and atmospheric drag is being modeled for future releases.
all comes down to how easy it is to make money and how capable a ship is without other players. in reality i dont think cap ships are going to work out solo period.

if someone wants to work for a week making money with other ships just to afford a couple days of dicking around with a full NPC crewed javelin all alone for some reason they can go for it.

NPC turret AI is already a thing and it's very effective at kicking your ass in pirate swarm, can't imagine it's far off here
I like it, anon. I would never, ever, ever buy it. But if you buy it, I'll look at it and admire it. It is unique, to say the least.
So I haven't been keeping up with SC updates since about July, did they add anything cool since? Is it still not worth getting yet?
Star Marine probably this week.
Are the suckerpunches useful in the ptu atm? I was able to pick a fight with a Herald using a pyroburst and two repeater but I know those two pee shooter were not doing much work. Is there a best pick for size 1 weapons?
Is that the singleplayer?
You can try to fly a ship. But you'll instead just get disconnected every 6 seconds.
No, it's the space cod.
I don't think you understand what the parts that anon just mentioned are for.

Downforce isn't useful when you're flying.
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wow, how do you play SC right now for more then 5 minutes?

Is it impossible?
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To be fair, the M50 has a spoiler like a JDM ricefag. It didn't really stand out until the MISC tragedy.
5-20 is normal. Strings of crashes are normal too.

>Normal play is not normal, be suspicious.
I made like 40 minutes 2 days ago.

Past that it hasnt given me more then 6.
Suckerpunches are only good when paired with powerful weapons like the pyroburst as they eat shields and allow the more powerful direct-damage weapon to exert maximum fuck you directly onto the enemy's hull.
2.6 stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11B81QpGLgc2GeFsfLnVQLxGrqIfhKDKW1BiZ44E2HV8/edit#gid=2125521889

>m50 spoiler didn't stand out
>m50 spoiler wasn't buggy as shit and broke engines and power when it broke off for a long time
People noticed the spoiler, but those were people who actually play the game.
People who buy MISC ships never want to get shot at anyway.
if this....thing is space F1, is the 350r SPASCAR?
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the sturdy m50.webm
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m50 is fine, everything is fine
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Did anyone actually manage to beat Pirate Swarm yet?
Why do I picture a 5 kilo cod in a space suit.

Someone needs to draw this as the new SM logo.
I made it pretty far before the inevitable DC.
So is it worth buying a T.16000M stick as my throttle and turning controller? Or should i stick to keyboard/logitech G13 stuff?

My aim will most likely still be with a mouse if I dont get REALLY good with a stick.
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I made it to wave 17 in a Sabre with 4 Pyrobursts, but had to eject twice in earlier waves because for some reason all of my weapons stopped functioning at the same time. I wonder what the last wave is like.
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I heard the last wave is a boss wave and you have to fight an Idris by shooting its weak points.
is big benny the most cancerous meme of all time?
Thats actually pretty based
if you're losing a life anyway why not ram an enemy at least, hell get close and self detonate
Well they can't use the old one any more.
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it's not real you mong
Fully AI crewed Connie andromeda is the wave 18 "boss". AI manned turrets firing at you accurately

4-5 vanguards with AI turrets
4-5 gladiators with AI turrets
4-5 cutlasses with AI turrets and pyrobursts

stand still and die, get hit by the connie main guns and die, focus the connie before the others and die

basically 4 pyrobursts or mantis' wont save you, and freinds won't either since half the fucking weapons don't work online.
i'll ad that there are actually 2 connies on wave 18, 1 is the boss, you see a lone connie in wave 15 or so.

theres 3 people in the PTU on the leaderboard with wave 18 on co op cleared if that counts for anything
Am I missing something or is there really no way to resupply countermeasures in pirate/vanduul swarm? I just tried to play PS again, but died because I lost all of my guns to a missile I couldn't avoid due to a lack of CMs.
New build soon fellow citizens.

That should probably happen when you pick up ammo or something. look on the IC.
theyve been switching it up between patches, and it's literally updating at this moment again - but earlier today there were actual pickup drops you need to fly into for 25% repairs, ammo, missiles, fuel on every few enemy kills.

yesterday it was a random pickup gain from each kill without needing to collect anything
Godammit, I just downloaded 12 gigs for the last new build.
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>New! Star Marine – Whenever a player respawns, all players will experience a lag spike
Appears to be out now.
I knew I was right not to bother
Maybe I'm retarded, but does the new menu include the option to form a party and join Crusader as a group? If yes I haven't found it yet.
How big is new update?
10 gig.
How do the mantises perform in 2.6? I saw the Avenger main gun got higher fire rate, Sawbucks are full auto, laser changes, but heard nothing of the Mantis, Longsword, or Tarantula
I think the goal is to automatically put you in to a instance that people on your friends list are already in. No idea if it is actually working yet.
mantis fires laser beams made of bullets and are essentially perfect accuracy. they desperately need to replace the weapon model but functionally theyre amazing in 2.6

all miniguns still have that bug where they refuse to start firing at random and you just gotta click til it fires

solo'd my way to wave 18 pirate swarm with 2 mantis and a pyroburst
I'm not too annoyed, it isn't taking long and the launcher is no longer throttling my network.
Had a DC on wave 16 with a life in reserve flying a SH with 2xPyro, 2xTarantula 870, 1 TMk3 on the chin and 4x size 2 Dominator missiles. Very fun, would recommend.
>Pirate Swarm

What? They finally put that in?
download halting issue fix nig'd from kekkit

I know a lot of people have been frustrated with the updates stopping at the end and never finishing. Just helped out a buddy and the following worked:
1: Right click network icon in lower right 2: Open Network and sharing Center 3: Click on change adapter settings 4:Right click on your network adapter then left click on Disable 5: Repeat step 4 but this time click enable 6: Pause the Star Citizen Patcher 7: Resume the patcher
This worked instantly hope it does for you also.
Yes. The AI Constellation has AI turret gunners too.
Holy shit nigger thank you

the fact that ive spent as much time trying to finish DLing these fucking patches with less than 1mb left since saturday as i have playing the game is pretty bad.

all other fixes failed, but ofcourse it's something so blatantly cave man primitive as resetting your internet.
Glad it worked for you but thank kekkit.
And upvote if you're a fag that uses kekkit I guess.
I can't figure out the mouse sensitivity in SM, it's either too sensitive or not sensitive enough.
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fuck off back to your shithole faggot
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There aren't any cheats in SM yet, are there?

>Some fag with only 80 ping
>Shoot him in the face for a good 5 seconds
>Looks at me and kills me instantly

Also I'm pretty sure going prone is bugged and increases your health.

>Go prone in a hallway
>Three people shooting at me and nothing hurting me
>Shoot a guy gong prone in the face
>Brushes it off like nothing
Star Marine is literally unplayable.

You either go from 60 fps to 0 fps because reasons every time you get near someone. Or you see someone and they see you but when you ADS you start breaking your M1 because it wont shoot.
>Literally unplayable

But I just recorded three 7 minute videos of myself playing no issue.
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I just finished a match where 3 players had pings north of 140...I hate people sometimes.

Unrelated, I really hate that I can't jump ON stuff in star marine...grappling is fine and all but you tellin' me I can't jump on this knee high box? I feel like I'm playing resident evil 2 with the illusion of an environment.
>when the weapons suddenly stop working
That annoys me about my Freelancer so much
>playing on a toaster
what are you doing here?
The ping wasn't the issue, but I can't explain how I was able to put 20 some rounds into him and he could immediately turn around and nuke me.


Do you mean vaulting? I'm having issues with vaulting.
aim head shitter
like this twitch tv/nelerath/v/109073935
>Aim head

The fuck do you think I was doing? The neck up is the only thing I aim for.

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Best ship.
What even is that?
I need help. I haven't really played the beta in a very long time. I just dl'ed/patched it up and now I have all these options and nothing is at all familiar. Can someone get me up to speed on what I can/should be doing? For reference, I quit when you could first fly your ship in dogfights against AI (I remember reading about a space station but that was after my time).

We did we merge with ED? I remember there being a ton of shitflinging between the two generals back in the day.
Ugliest ship in the game
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Oh and here's an old picture in the hopes it will attract more attention to my request.
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My hanger is empty...

Have they still not implemented the freelancer?!
Neither general could survive on its own and we realized we'd just been tsundere for each other
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nice try, but you can't fool me
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Well its nice to see you boys getting along.

How is ED doing nowadays? I wasn't much into it but was glad so many people seemed so excited about it.
An i5 4690 and a Fury Nitro with 16GB of ram and the game on an SSD is not a toaster.
This hanger looks nothing like the one I signed up for.

Also why is everything so fuzzy/hazy looking?

Can someone please help me out here? I feel completely lost.
stop playing 2.5 you dirty peasant
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Well, the elevators are kinda cool, I guess. But there is nothing to do in the office upstairs.
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I have just spent the past however many posts saying I haven't played in forever and asking someone to help me. I don't know what 2.5 is or how to stop playing it or even why I should.
Whats being said is to give Chris your final 10$ for a sub so you can get acess to the 15 GB a day 2.6 PTU.

Also getting salty niggers trying to tell me killing them in PTU gets me banned from the PTU is hilarious. I hope they dont make tali torps any harder to hit, cus them fuckers generate mad salt.
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CIG/RSI is charging for betas within betas now? What the bloody fuck, do they really need even more money?!
2.6 comes out tomorrow ([friday] Saturday) so wait for that. you're going to need to unlearn anything youd get from 2.5 anyway.

2.5 started life as a buggy mess, and it's issues magically got worse and worse over time for everyone somehow without any patching or hotfixes being involved. almost all server resources are going into 2.6 right now, while 2.5's level of unplayability has reached infinite time space collapse levels

just show up "tomorrow" for 2.6 going live.
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You mean to tell me that nothing has happened in the past year plus is something worth taking a look at tonight? I realize things are gonna change tomorrow, but the changes from the last time I touched this are more massive then that by degrees.
If you're for real then the following has changed:
There's now a ~1mil km wide level surrounding a Jupiter like planet with various space stations and missions, sandbox style
around 40 flyable ships including variants and yes, the freelancer
they've shown full scale in-engine planets that are supposed to come in 3.0
and some other shit I guess honestly it's hard to tell what's new and what isn't when you're checking for news like thrice a day
Well the 10/20$ sub gets you some other shit too, but i guess the main perk is almost guaranteed early access to test builds.
Is there anything earnable/unlockable?

Right now I seem to be like wandering around on a planet. There is a clinic or hospital or something and I'm in the "Jobwell Division" right now.
That's ArcCorp, the first landing zone. Originally planets were supposed to be inaccessible except for landing zones, and basically landing on a planet would transport you to the new level, but that has been scrapped, and I guess ArcCorp is mainly for them trying out architectural stuff
don't ask me though how they're gonna generate city planets
And in the PU you can earn aUEC and buy personal armor and weapons right now
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> earn aUEC and buy personal armor and weapons right now


Also, is there some doc I can read or video I can watch so I'm not just bombarding you with what I am sure are asinine questions?
Wait for 2.6, the new UI will have a nice big fat button saying "Persistent Universe"
oh yeah you can also earn REC in Arena Commander and rent ships and components for Arena Commander
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Hull E folded and landed.

Shit taste. >>163415995 is way uglier.
look up a guide on youtube
>Also getting salty niggers trying to tell me killing them in PTU gets me banned from the PTU is hilarious.

The thing is, that is an actual rule in Evocati.

IMO, it probably should be in place in the PTU too - PTU should be a bug test first, and an subscriber early access perk second.
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Can't wait to count out your coin!
Yeah but what if in PTU a weapon is buggo? How will we know?
Man, that looks way worse than I remember it.

The full rule in Evocati is no non-consensual PvP - you can test shooting all you want, as long as you aren't interfering with someone else actively trying to test something else.
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Is there one you'd suggest? Or perhaps a channel you generally find informative?

Your unhelpfulness is only exceeded by your inability to read a thread.
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The funny part is they always said that right before they got brutally killed in a completely one sided way.

Really tickles the neurons.

I think the logic is that if people get caught up in pvp, they'll lose sight of everything else.
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How about you turn around so I can stab you in the back!
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SO I acquired my friends 350R for 40 dollars(The cost of a game he wanted in trade) along with his account, which is a very old account that has pretty much all the early back perks and rewards.

Do I transfer the 350R to my account and melt it for store credit($135 Lightspeed LTI package) Or leave it in the second account to retain the second set of perk loot.

I like the 350R but I dont like it $135 worth and I could use that credit on something more sensible. I could also Side grade it directly into a Freelancer DUR or Ghost hornet.
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You picked a bad time to get lost, Friend!
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>posting fucking Skyrim memes
How pleb can you be?
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For real tho I can't decide what to do.
On the one hand an LTI lightspeed package is no longer available and fairly rare. On the other the 350R is a useless toy made of tissue paper that I will probably never take out of the hangar.
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You wish to board my ship?

Ryujin no ken wo kurae!

post that SC sword concept jpeg
Just keep a racer so you can have access to more of the game

I can just get one in game for credits if I want. Also racing is for dads and thier disgusting spawn.

I might also grey market it, never actually done that before.
Faggots like you are what is wrong with the world. Get the fuck out of the basement.
You'll stow that aggression on my ship, understood?

We'll bang ok?
youtube channel/UCosXOhWpRaEcjXAqWv4gRgg
>Ryujin no ken wo kurae!
This must be the faggot known as NKATO from test Squadron.
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what the fuck is wrong with this fucking clownman's voice jesus christ
Have they put any word out on when we can expect 2.6 to hit the main servers, or is it still just endless PTU patches that fix about 4 things each?

Hey, occasionally TEST fucks up and makes something decent by accident - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkDcXG9T9yg
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>release dates
pic related
no update since friday
But several support tickets have strongly hinted/confirmed that it will be promoted this week.
The freelancer is flyable. You have to manually add ships and flair to your hangar by selecting itemports on the ground.
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So the Polaris is the space equivalent of pic related, whats the space equivalent of the coast guard?
A swarm of Cutlass Blues.
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>check frontier store for whatever they released today
>asp scout chrome

they really hate money do they
cutlass blues are police vans
Dad money works in mysterious ways.
>Now little Timmy, I know you're worried that there's nothing under the tree, but I've gotten something EXTRA special for you this year.
This. Their """festive""" skins are all atrocious too. Hell, if they had Python or F-D-L with christmas ornaments I'd buy them, but not this colorless mess.
>"So when can I use it"
>"your grandchildren will, Timmy"
>bought python
>made 25m on bounty hunting/trading community goals in the same system
>can do missions/trade/bounty hunt/explore at the same time
Is this what happiness looks like? Am I finally free?
A chrome Hauler.
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Really fires up the neurons...
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Someone post the version that has the actual funding stats on top of it.
>lel they're making money
>still no real game
2.6 just makes me want 3.0 more even more
i just flew around the rings of Yela in a herald it was super comfy
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teppest kekkery. quantum game is in flux.
Honestly this guy just seems like he needs psychiatric care, he's literally more obsessed than the hardcore fans that want the game to succeed
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All this talk about blacking out not working right when there's literally a bugsmashers video linked regarding that issue a few posts up.
>Once butthurt asshole gets a refund because he doesn't own a calendar?

Why do they care so much? I bet all of their negative press has wound up selling more starter packs than all the gushing fan boys have sold.

Streisand effect is real, and Derek Smart is CIG's best cheerleader.
>romance is an expensive meal
every day google disgusts me more.
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They nerfed the Herald hardpoints to gimbaled S1s on the wings instead of S3 hardpoints. Plus it has 2x 4 S1 missiles now instead of 2x 8 S1, without the ability to change the missile racks.
Also the gimbals on it still don't work for some reason. I don't think they ever worked.
How the hell is racing for dads?
theyre fixed S1s currently, and the nose is an s3 hardpoint.

slap a pyroburst and 2 suckerpunches on there and tell me how nerfed you think it is compared to 3 of any current 2.6 size 2s

also direct combat is the last thing you need to be doing in a herald
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>tfw he said that I would never be able to play Star Marine
>tfw I literally stopped playing it 5 minutes ago

It's a surreal type of feel.
He is just shit at it and doesn't understand why you can't fly full throttle and just win.
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Isn't this thing supposed to vaporize me? Never found one before.
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>fixed S1s currently
Oh wow, I assumed they wouldn't just downgrade by 2 sizes.

No, not really. Even if you shoot it. I'm pretty certain I recall someone soloing it with a sidewinder. They're giant static objects.
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>if you shoot it
Oh shit, I guess I know what I'm trying next.
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Maybe the sole reason DS is bitching about SC, is that he wants the game to be finished as soon as possible, and that he thinks he's pushing them to be more productive so he can be proven wrong as soon as possible?

What if DS is actually paid by CIG to cause all this free PR in the community.

But on the other side, I feel at least 50% of his followers are people who follows him just to get that daily butthurt feel to make their own life feel superior.
It will shoot back at you, but it's pretty easy to deal with. They're incredibly underwhelming. Especially because they're the only capital ships in the game for years. They should have been updated years ago by now. I wish they would have actually added in fleets with varying sizes in ships. It's very strange to go from the Corvette to suddenly something 10-20x larger than it.

No, he just legitimately has autism and a grudge.
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If the game ends up good that will probably be something along the lines of his excuse.
Along with goons saying they were merely pretending to follow development closer than the RSI forums.
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It's hilarous how every time something happens he takes credit for it and if something doesn't happen he goes full on 'they didn't do it just to prove me wrong'.

I wonder how DS's games would end up like if he spent at least 5% of the time he use on bitching to actually try to make something.

His games reminds me of some shitty freeware game that war included in cereal cartons in the early 2000s.
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Herald was outgunning the Gladius

>something had to be done.
He makes up credit for himself all the time.

Calling something that wouldn't happen in the first place and then say that he is the reason it wouldn't happen.

He reminds me more and more of the people who wrote the bible but with an even more aggresive form of autism.
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Seriously who the fuck is this guy even?
I remember the name from somewhere, think he made some space game way the fuck back, like 20 years back, and now I see screencaps with his tweets shitting on Star Citizen, like he's fucking Carmack of Space games.
Have you been absent from 4chan the last 2 years?
Not that long, but a long time.
Also took a long break from following SC development.
He's a sperg who's never made a decent game in his life. He has a raging hateboner for Chris Roberts for reasons I don't think anyone fully understands. Mostly jealousy, because Chris has been successful and he hasn't.

He has spent literally the last 4 years of his life writing articles and constantly tweeting (multiple tweets per day) about how Star Citizen is shit, how it's a scam, and how Chris Roberts is talentless.

No one actually takes him seriously, but a lot of people support him and egg him on for the lulz. He doesn't realize they're lying to him.

If you want some first-hand experience, just go read his twitter yourself. I wouldn't recommend it though.
they were never at any point s3 hardpoints on the wings

it was either 3 s2s as the wbsite states and all concept/development footage showed, or the 2 s1's and 1 s3 that it is in reality.

3 s3 hardpoints for this ship? literally who told you that
furthermore, the 8 missiles that can't currently be used are the future Ewar related missiles/decoys/hacking missile

they can be found, deactivated, and not activatable in the list of powered modules while in the ship HUD.
>they were never at any point s3 hardpoints on the wings
You obviously never played the first couple of 2.6 builds.
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Pic related.
well then theyve been absent from all PTU Builds. clearly a mistake someone made for evocati builds
They really need to tweak the shield effects. Just got to the last wave in pirate swarm but could see fuckall due to the permanent shield flashes in my face.
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Who is Grafton?

What did he do?

I see a lot of people on the RSI forums carry a signature about he should get a MVP award etc...
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>I see a lot of people on the RSI forums
What are you even doing there?
>Japs is a slur now

Fuck these humans
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>glass canon
>fast and maneuverable

I fucking hate this guy now
Catphishing for internet spaceships

> bagged me a cutlass, so not all bad
Guess it's time to lurk the forums.
Jap/s has been a slur for over 80 years
>In the United States, Japanese Americans have come to find the term controversial or offensive, even when used as an abbreviation. In the past, Jap was not considered primarily offensive; however, during and after the events of World War II, the term became derogatory.
Because dual universe will have extremely simplified physic and interaction. like ships handled like single-point entity with homogeneous mass repartition and no care about thrusters positions.

That's the sacrifice for Scale versus Quality.
If you are lucky they'll avoid Elite Dangerous error and actually make the simplified gameplay interesting.
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What are they talking about?
What an awkward way to end a video.
According to Sandi, 2.6 Live Sync.
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Boys n stuff.
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I would like to round up and gather and many opinions as possible regarding the 300i, regardless of how loathsome or nonviable they are.

If you're a 300i owner, have owned one, flown one, or just are a fan of serious but currently do not own one or simply believe you have practical advice regarding the entire 300-series then please reply to this post with your thoughts, concerns, ideas, ect relevent to the 300 lineup.

Such as:
>Things you like about the 300 lineup
>Things you hate
>Improvements you'd like
Note: I am not a CiG Developer or assosciated with Cloud Imperium Games in any form nor am I under hire or payment by the company. This is simply a fan gathering what I expect to be mostly negative opinions from this image board.
its shit
When I first saw this I actually kekked at the idris part.
325a was my initial pledge ship, back before the hangars existed. Back then the specs made no sense, like cargo units. Also everyone was up in arms because you could clip through the ship and see a bed built into the wall but you couldn't use it...sounds stupid but back then CIG was beating the drum that you could only save your game if you were napping in space. The interior in general has always been meh as fuck.
The idea behind it is great, and I even like the general shape of its outline, but the interior needs to be completely redone from scratch with modern metrics, and actually use all that wasted space to make something that feels genuinely comfy and luxurious - it has to feel like a step up from the Aurora and the Reliant.
i like the 350R, the rest are shit. except the 325A gets a better missile system which isn't fair.

i hope we can unlock better UI and missile systems in game instead of this cash shop bullshit.
How many more quick concepts they can squeeze out for a new years sale $$$
He fell for the AMDATI meme.
so wheres 2.6
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By the way. "The agent" was D.smart using info from AT LEAST Beer4thebeergod. whom are both now banned and refunded. the last info the agent released was complete BS likely fed to B4TBG to weed him out.
>"The agent" was D.smart

wow... color me surprised...
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>goons get lucky once and pull off a decent ruse in EVE just by being sycophantic retards until someone trusts them with officer privileges
>suddenly believe they're GOAT web 2.0 KGB psyops
>try to do the same thing in the very next game
>everything fails because of their childishly transparent schemes
>get mad and try to take the game down instead
>everything fails because et cetera

Do you think Lowtax stays in Pleasant Hill, Missouri because he, too, lives in shame of what he has created?
the missile rack placement pisses me off. put them on the wings and keep the things that look like intakes as intakes.
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>"The agent" was D.smart
In other news, the sky is blue mostly and if you pour water on someone, they will be wet.
>pull off a decent ruse in EVE just by being sycophantic retards

Popcorn is popping now. Story time?
Someone else can probably run the details better than me, I never played EVE much but from what I understand
>goonfleet locked in long running war with rival corp Band of Brothers
>manage to ambush BoB's titan and destroy it
>massive BoB retaliation
>it is revealed that one of BoB's high-ranking officers was a goon infiltrator for years
>he deletes BoB and defects, greater BoB alliance thrown into disarray allowing goons to overrun most of their territory
>goons hack BoB's private forums, leak all the private shittalking they did about their allies, alliance breaks up for good

After that the Goonfleet chairman was apparently made some kind of official community liaison whose job was to keep EVE employees honest, that's why they tried to shill themselves so hard to get the same treatment with CIG before Benny dropkicked them
Different person here then the one who asked you the question.
I am familiar with what you outlined, but can I as how Ben locked them out? I never got that part of it, just that it has been his one good accomplishment.
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>a picture of Sandi I don't find repulsive

is she secretly attractive?
but seriously it's fucking banter

do they seriously expect people to refer to japs as "japanese people" or "japanese person" at all times? it would seem weird to say "hello, japanese" and it doesnt work the same way "hello, american" does
not in that picture
He basically told them they weren't appointing any kind of "community representatives" iirc, I think there's a screencap of his PM somewhere but I don't have it saved
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If you like femdom maybe
hi im new is this game too big to fail
Yeah Deutsche Bank on suicide watch from all the F42 DE + Crytek bailouts.
Does this mean 2.6 today?
7-8pm EST tongiht / 4-5 hours from now

it's either patching the PTU again or going live. i'm not seeing anything big enough currently to keep it from going live but im sure theres something that they'll keep it in PTU for.
I'm just finishing getting a new PC up and running that will be able to play Star Citizen.

I was a kickstarter backer, and this will be my first time getting in game besides a few minutes in an old, old hangar module at ~10fps a year or two ago.

I have an Origin 325a with LTI.

Any advice?
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If you don't have 2.6 wait for 2.6.

Looks like 2.6 is expected this month?
You might be disappointed with the way the 300 series performs at, well, anything.

I backed for a 300i too and bumped up to 325a, but about a year ago bumped that up to a Cutlass Black, which I'm more or less happy with.
2.6 should be released by Saturday.
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I asked a very similiar question last night and got a ton of unhelpful shit like >>163462664

My advice: Load the game. Hit "Universe" Goto "Crusader" Go to the central room and use one of the monitors to summon your ship. Follow the signs and get in it. Hit F1 and bring up your missions and just select one. Try and do it and crash and shit while you learn the controls. Game runs like shit and crashes at times. But I had plenty of fun last night for several hours and plan to do so again soon. In addition, you'll earn credits that you can supposedly use to rent shit (haven't gotten this far yet).

Oh, you can repair/rearm/refuel at CryAstro stations, just land on the pad and a menu will pop up.
>unhelpful shit

What in that Anons post was wrong?
2.5 is completely FUCKED because of 2.6.
If he wants to get into the game, he should wait till 2.6.

Please fucking kill yourself faggot.
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2.6 should give a much better impression than 2.5 sometimes it's just best to wait. Also Racing gives the most REC.

Does Star Marine give REC?
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wrong =/= unhelpful
Learn to read, retard.

Listen. Take a step back and look at it from our point of view. We haven't touched this whole entire thing in a VERY long time. Even if its shitty by your standards, we haven't ever had anything like it before. Let us have fun if we can.

You want a food analogy? Its like a shitty hotpocket. You've had your fill but we have been without food for over two weeks. A shitty hotpocket if good enough for us in the here and now. We'd rather have that shitty hotpocket today rather than wait for a hamburger a few days from now.
Semantics, what he said was as helpful as your post.
2.5 isn't 'bad' it's straight up broken and bugged.
pls kys
what a fucking retard.
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Please, make no attempts to actually address my points. Plummet to the depths of nothing but name calling and not understanding the concepts behind simple words such as "semantics." Please continue this charade of a discussion.
2.6 will hopefully be out within the week, and if you have downloaded 2.5 before it releases you will need to download all ~30 gigabytes or whatever it is again, just fyi
autist alert
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That's a point that should honestly be considered.

It does not apply a a major concern to me, but I can see how that could be a major deal breaker to others. Thank you.

You better check your cores.

That's kind of a shame. I upgraded my 300 to the 325 because it looked like a good jack of all trades one man ship.

I'll probably spent ~50% of my time flying solo, and the remaining 50% flying with 1-4 other friends of mine. One of them has a Caterpillar and some other expensive gunship type craft, one has another 325, and a couple have Auroras. I don't know what our "focus" will be or anything yet.

If I were to upgrade/sidegrade the 325 to something else, what's a good all purpose ship for cruising around the universe in? Needs ample weaponry and a little bit of cargo space.
The 300 series was just made too early, and as such is not as well thought out internally as many newer ships. It is scheduled for a rework and may turn out as a great design. Currently, however, it sits as an under performing poor design.
>ample weaponry and a little bit of cargo space

Pretty much exactly why I upgraded to the Cutlass. I'm planning on mostly soloing too and I figure with the top turret slaved to the main guns I can pull that off without an RIO seat.

I don't want to downplay the 325a too much, but it pretty much can't go toe to toe with anything, isn't fast enough to outrun anything, the cargo is tiny, etc.

It is due for a rework though like >>163466492 said so maybe you'll get lucky.
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It was made by those Mexican fucks mfw I still have a 300i.

300i was made by Chris Smith in LA you dolts, he wants to rework it after the Constellation variants are finished.
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So why did they introdude a not-holotable? I thought that thing was universally disliked.

- i7-6700k
- gtx 1080 hydro copper
- 16gb ram
- m.2 ssd
- full water cooling

It's my first desktop in like 10 years, I overspent a little.


Ok, I might hold off for 2.6 then just to avoid download 30 gigs for a couple days of play.


I assumed it wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with dedicated fighters, but I was hoping it would be sufficient for defending myself or harassing lesser armed larger ships like transports.

If it's due for a rework, I'll hang on to it for the time being. If post-rework it's still shit, maybe I'll buy up into something else.

Holotable was awful, but this interface is actually very good. No more hunt-the-hardpoint, as everything is clearly labelled and can be filtered.

There are a couple of minor issues, in that the 3D view control is sloppy and that equipped items are not labelled at all (which means that to equip X missiles/guns of the same type, you have to scroll through the list and pick X identical things without picking a thing that you have previously picked).
Man she is a frigid cunt.
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Cutlass Black with 5 size 3 Tarantulas are really fun!

I don't like flying the 300 series though.
The M50 is fun to fly around in but I would never go into a fight with it.
Aurora LN is really good too. Good damage and is quite easy to aim with.

Sabra and Titan is really fun too, but the Hornet feels a little sluggish compared to them.

Question! Does the game has some kind of target lock or sligth auto-aim feature? It feels like my view kinda "latches off" the target the moment I kill it.
So, I bought a starter pack a couple years ago and upgraded it to a Freelancer later on, because it seemed like a decent all-around kind of ship, but now I also want a dedicated fighter.

What's a decent, relatively inexpensive fighter?
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Oh lawd, I can't even type.
I feel it's getting late.

There is no auto-aim but ESP is on by default, which dials down mouse/stick sensitivity when you are aiming right over a target.

I don't like ESP in principal but realistically it is extremely difficult to aim and manoeuvre smoothly without it if you use fixed guns.
Mustang Delta.
>a decent, relatively inexpensive fighter?
Gladius is overpowered at its price point, considering it's a light interceptor and has stats aslmost as good as the Sabre.

Wait until 2.6 officially goes live and play them all to find your favorite before buying anything.
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I'm quite certain that we've already established that the 2.6 meta doesn't favor undergunned fighters that are supposed to rely on maneuverability over the course of the past few threads.
Arena Commander is for combat. If your ship isn't the most armed then you aren't going to be the best at combat.

Gladius is OK, and like half the price of a SH. The guy asked for a decent cheap fighter. Is the Sabre or SH cheap?
Considering that its missile loadout being equivalent to a Gladiator minus torpedos seems to indicate that devs want it to rely on those, I wouldn't necessarily call it cheap. Those cost money after all even though we don't have any idea how much. A Delta is cheap and has quad S2 and dual S1 hardpoints. Good value.
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>tfw just played kinshadow in Star Marine.

What a noob. Styled on him like a boss.
And of course they had to remove the ability to swap the rocket pods for guns again in 2.6. God damn it.

Gladius is anything but OP atm. It only has class 2 weapons, and not a great set of hard points. The fancy gun is just ok, but the 2.6 FM makes all the ships kinda feel the same, so no real advantage for being light and it's not really small.

>The Gladius' only strength is vertical strafe and pitch rate, everything else is meh, at best.
>add to corpse
Loading star marine, or even the PTU is fast as hell. They did a fucking great job in whatever they did.
yeah its glass, slow, fly like a brick at low altitude

a-10 is the biggest memeplane
Yeah I get into matches in seconds, and even the menu's are really snappy. I hope they apply this wizardry to all the other game modes.
Why are grenades such garbage? How do you fuck up making grenades?

Not just getting into matches quick, loading the game, loading PTU, everything is fast now.
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I'm trying to play the Combat Demo for Elite Dangerous, but I've been getting an error code saying I don't have "VCOMP110.DLL". I installed the .net Framework to make it work to no avail. It still says I'm missing it. Pic related, the error that pops up on execution.

Does anyone know what to do to fix this?

(Does VR even work in the combat demo?)

I just want to try the game in VR. I played the combat demo some time back before I formatted my PC and reinstalled my OS, but never in VR.


Elite Dangerous on sale for more than 33% off ever?
Same poster, I'm in the EDG Steam chat if anyone can assist me. Thank you.
probably tomorrow. chill out my man.

What game is that pic from?
That's a Windows file. Try running system file checker. Or reinstall it from here:
How does flying strafe-only with a HOSAS work in 2.6? I haven't heard if AB works properly with it yet, would suck if it doesn't.
AB works with the main engine only. AB only applies to forward strafe
So it does work with strafe only then? Thats fantastic, didn't want to have to figure out how to bind joystick to adjust throttle.
Webm or it didn't happen
No, I mean you only get AB with forward strafe. lateral and vertical strafe are limited to the boost output, not AB. Use x for anything other than forward, but you will shred your fuel if you abuse it.
/VG/ group where?
I ran SFC and came out clean.

Which VS redist am I supposed to install? I've installed/repaired with all of them to no avail (x64 architecture, since I have an x64 OS).
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An update. I installed the x86 redist of 2012, and now the game launches but crashes immediately upon doing so.
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Steam, but the janitors hate it and you have to be invited to it.
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Beware, though, there's one with no one in the chat that claims to be from /vg/, too. I... Uhh... Don't know how to tell you to get there without saying its name or someone in it and being banned.

All I want is to be helpful.
What does Boost (not AB) even do in 2.6?
I cannot see any discernable effect from using it coupled or decoupled.
Is it supposed to "boost" roll/pitch/yaw?
Is it supposed to "boost" lateral/vertica/rear strafe?
It seems to do nothing?

Also, is it a bug how fast the acceleration forward is of decoupled AFB with gsafe off, cause that shit is nice (but insane) compared to coupled gsafe off throttle 100 + AB.
We'll I'll try to find it when I get home. Thanks.
Boost adds about 30% more thrust, but it only applies to mav thrusters, so it is a minor effect.
30% should be noticeable though? I just cannot see an effect from it at all, stick your ship yawing right, see it rotate, put boost on, no perceptible difference?
So your saying strafe rather than roll pitch yaw
Point still stands re Strafe, imperceptible difference in acceleration?
Only group I know of is the Vederation
Mav is every thruster that is not the engine. Yeah, boost is pretty weak. The scaling for AB and boost is the same on most ships, but the thrusters put out so much less than the main engine, it seems really small.

Strafe and roll axis are all done with thruster output, some ships are better in some axis or direction than the other.

This chart is old,>>163346065 but it shows the thruster to weight balance for that patch. It hasn't changed drastically since then, but you can see some ships definitely favor one axis or direction over the others.
Does ED have anything to do in it yet?
Define "do".

Anything other than look at pretty planets and go through the same cutscene every 45 seconds when you travel
I got Horizons installed. It's ready to go. I'm watching the SC launcher update 30 gigs instead, if that tells you anything.
You can do all of this!*

*in a few years. Maybe.
I don't know how old that footage is, the YT page said Dec. 9. Why the fuck would they use prerendered CGI for a game that has already released?

>Do they think people are not going to look at YT and see that trailer is bullshit?
yes, they don't...
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Star Citizen Patch 2.6.0n
Welcome to Star Citizen Alpha Patch 2.6.0n, PTU Testers! For the complete 2.6.0 PTU patch notes, you can find them here
Your launcher should show “2.6.0-490682-c” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Live client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test.
Please do take full advantage of the PTU Issue Council to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.
>Important Issues
Be advised that, in order to receive new lobby invites, you will need to restart the client after every match.
Star Marine Leaderboards are not in-game.
Missile rebalance is ongoing.
Flight Balance Changes to include Acceleration, Afterburner, Boost, Fuel Rates, and Jerk are ongoing.
Fixed some missing collision from the OP Station Demien landing pads.
Fixed a number of issues with occasionally disappearing HUD and MFD elements in ships.
Fixed a number of issues where players attempting to join an Arena Commander match would sometimes be routed to Battle Royale, Broken Moon regardless of selection.
Fixed an issue where the gates in New Horizon Speedway would sometims not appear.
Fixed some issues that prevented servers with party members and contacts from appearing on the new frontend UI.
Fixed an issue where death and respawn in Star Marine would cause lag spikes.
The acceleration and thrust for the Mustang Gamma has been retuned.
Fixed an issue where Million Mile High Club appeared as a blank entry on the Universe menu.
Fixed a number of client and hub crashes.
They push out patches this late?
I just checked, apparently they do. Fuck.
>Fixed an issue where death and respawn in Star Marine would cause lag spikes.

neat, I recall an anon complaing about that
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The fucking madmen
Well, I guess nobody can claim they aren't working hard enough.
I'm having fun playing Star Marine. Luckily the updates aren't taking too long and my internet isn't being throttled any longer so I can still stream shit, or play other games.
You can haul presents for a chrome skin for the Eagle.
It was a known issue in notes in the previous build.
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oh wow I hope that's all ironic
Hope rides alone and is dead
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Is this motherfucker's last name really Smart, or does he just tell people that and no one looked it up to be sure. He could be Derek Dangerous for all we know.
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How does Terrapin justifies costing +110$ more than the Herald? You could but one Cutlass and one Herald instead of one Terrapin.
Because mechanics like scanning and component damage aren't really in yet?
It's like you're calling a Tekken 7 useless.

Not that I would buy one based on the concept of it.
Pls put 2.6 live
how to become tester?
Play a lot, submit bug reports when you find bugs, be a concierge backer, be a dev subscriber.
Have a low citizen number and/or submit bugs to issue council regularly.

Either that or pay $10 a month and subscribe.
fug. so since they just patched 2.6 for testers, I assume they aren't gonna release it for the rest of us plebs for a while?
This whole week has had 10GB patches everyday to PTU, its not impossible tommorow at midnight we get 2.6 live. Im sure theyre rushing to get it out before christmas
2.6 will probably be in live alpha release in 1-3 days.

PTU is like a buggy half playble broken release sent out for mass bug and stress testing, over the course of a given patches PTU there will be MANY build released in quick succession, usually every day or two, then there will be a live alpha release, maybe one more hotfix/bugfix patch and then no major updates for a couple months.
Looking at the patch notes for 2.6n, there's barely anything stopping it. They'll either disable a few things to keep it stable and launch it tomorrow (then patch those things in again later as 2.6.1 when they fix them), or leave it another week and put it out fully done.
k was mostly there.
l was plagued by relentless disconnect bugs.
m still had some d/cs.
n for i've not tried yet.
Soon. (tm)
2.6.0n looks good for the live. They can add the megamap and the other thing in january, no need to delay this further.
What actually IS Megamap? They keep referencing it as a blocker, but no-one's ever explained what it actually is...
Its just the thing that dynamically changes map between games in starmarine and maybe also in AC, a totally not needed QoL thing.
Its a big map that contains all the star marine maps and arena commander maps(?) so that you can hotswitch between them all, with no load times. (I think)
last thread on board
thanks for the legitimate, non-troll answers guys. (not sarcastically)
The interior is utterly atrocious.
Take away the (terrible, cheap-looking) leather walls and it becomes painfully obvious how poorly the interior is laid out.
In my opinion it feels like someone dressed up the interior of an old semi-trailer truck to look nice.
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>every npc-pirate can blow up your shit if you're not a pirate
>every npc-advocacy can blow up your shit if you're a pirate
> when neckbeards collide
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>I was entitled to a game I payed for
Aaahhh, there it is.
What's the use case for that tho? Just for the low latency?
Megamap is the ability to start another game of AC (or switch to another gamemode and adjust loadouts iirc) without having to go back to the menu.

I really don't know why they are holding 2.6.0 back over this, the load times are really not that bad.
You know I didn't really like Ben because of my own prejudices about fat people, but that story turned it around for me.
No idea
Supposed stealth mechanics
They can just strap a radar as strong as the one on a capital ship on it while still having the signature of a fighter-sized craft. Also it serves an entirely different purpose than the Herald.
I'm pretty positive megamap is not the primary reason 2.6 isn't out yet.
Load times off an ssd in 2.6 are literally 3 seconds for AC/SM.
they removed megamap from 2.6
2.6 is just bugfixing now
>shift from WASD to ESDF
>now weve got Q, T, A, and G for lateral movements and a number row for vertical movements
>go patrician tier and use DFGH pinky to index, with T as primary forward, and now you've got easy access to half the keyboard
>on a PC, with 101 keyboard inputs, a mouse, and any number of other peripherals, its hard to find alternative setups

The biggest problem with control schemes is that if you try something new, people lose their fucking minds, even if that "new" thing is just shifting their hand to the right by less than an inch.
>in the vastness of space, lets stay within a football field of each other

It's not really the game's fault that people are fucking stupid, now is it?
Do you think its redundant if I want to keep both my Herald and 315p? I know Herald is not an exploration ship but I think they both fall under roughly the same category of ships. Maybe I would be better off If I melt the 315p and use it to upgrade my Aurora LN to a Cutlass or something. But I also want to explore while using Herald as my main ship.

In the forums someone told me to melt everything and buy a Terrapin, but there is no way I'm going to buy a ship without seeing what it actually is.
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star citizen rap?
TEST :-)

TEST is a reddit org

Sweet, thanks anon. Got a link to their org page?

Do they accept otherkin?
Exactly. Your point...?
>Why do people draw tits on animals and lust after them? It's pretty degenerate tbqh.

That's pretty close-minded, anon. I thought /scg/ was a safe space.
he said big
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Yes, this. I'm looking at Kong now. Is there any others I should know about?
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le WTFOsaurus face

Thanks, anon, but I know that's not a channer org. What about this Vederation that I keep hearing about in my mentions?
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How come this guy is still alive?

Is there no sane people living near him?`

Why aint he in a hospital?
because his healthcare costs money, and we all know he has none
But he aint making any money right now is he?

I thought he lived on social welfare for being useless at everything?
>Flight Balance Changes to include Acceleration, Afterburner, Boost, Fuel Rates, and Jerk are ongoing.

>23rd December
>Ongoing balance
>Pushing updates to PTU


>People complain if they work
>People complain if they don't work

People complain.
Why were several posts deleted? Did I commit some transgression by asking about star citizen /scg/ guilds?
I complain that they always repeat the process of deploying a patch too late because they were too slow, have it be basically unplayable over a holiday period, before finally getting around to fix it.
you are clearly being a shifty hebrew
>My company, 3000AD, has been operating at a loss since it's inception in 1992. All my money, that of my mother's and indeed development funding and expenses from three publishers were sunk into this game. Any normal, sane person would have quit. I didn't and my refusal to quit has absolutely nothing to with respect, financial loss or any such trivial issues. I am well educated and even if I hadn't even gone to college and amassed three degrees, years of experience in hardware and software alone, would have ensured that I got a decent job somewhere, in fact, anywhere on this planet.
Dsmart, 1998
It doesnt seem like he put's all this "knowledge" and "experience" to any use though.
>have it be basically unplayable over a holiday period

You want to play a buggy Alpha during the holidays?

I realize this is the chans but dear god man, do you not have a life?

Did Derek ever just go to work any studio or was he always independent?
>Falling for the winterjew event

I'm away in a different country, but all the same it took them until late Jan / mid Feb to fix it last time.
I think he got fired from take2 and proceeded to beat up a coke vending machine.
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RIP my Retaliator shipfu again.
I'm pretty sure he has always been independent.
Nobody wants to work with a guy like that.
>>Falling for the winterjew event

I guess. I have family and friends I'm going to hang out with and it's going to be a welcome break from my shit job.

The last thing I would do is boot up SC or any other game in early access.
Because it used to lead to shitposting the mods have adopted a scorched earth policy
that guy is a shitposter though. he was baiting people to link or name ved, and when nobody did he mentioned them himself.
>got ptu invite ages ago
>away from home
>playing vidya on my laptop in remote streaming
>starting the update via the launcher fucks my connection up
>can't update ptu or I lose my remote connection to that machine
The only way to fix it is by rebooting. Which I do have setup as a daily task but I still don't want to risk fucking my connection with that machine up just to try the ptu. Is it REALLY worth it?
>Is it REALLY worth it?
clearly not, just wait for the live version
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>Why are grenades such garbage? How do you fuck up making grenades?
how did you fuck up using them?
>throw animation
>.5 second pause
>grenade starts flying
Also grenades go absolutely bananas in zero G areas.
the throw lag is pretty ridiculous
>Have low ping in SM
>Everyone with higher pings kills you in a second
>Have to put a full mag into their heads to kill them

dsmart unbanned from ED forums lmao
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Again? Isn't this like the third time?
2.6 live when
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Probably today.
As i said multiple times back in november (and you called me a goon!), after christmas.
Shut up goon
> shitty opinions

nobody cares what you think, go back to sa
>NO fps game has two sets of animations for first and third person.

This is such a simple thing to look up before you make an ignorant comment, come on D
On the 26th
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such is the magic of dsmart that has enraptured so many. this level of confidence, paired with this level of ignorance, in a field one has supposedly dedicated their life to, simply isn't seen.
Translation: No one cheered when the space ships in my games went hyperspace! This is a farce!
I was going to compare him to Uwe Boll but at least Boll finishes his films
Can the spaceships in his game even go through hyperspace?
whenever you feel like
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no they don't even fly off rails ATM
The P2P aspect may be whats messing up your connection. Have you tried to set the launcher to http instead?
2.6 live NOW
I've never seen a game with such clunky grenades

Looks like I missed Christmas.
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