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/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1201

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 763
Thread images: 162

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■ Current Update (12/7):「幻創の母なる月光」 Part 2
└ http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-merry-christmas-collection-introduces-all-class-takt/

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ http://pso2.jp/players/news/?charid=i_boostevent
├ Google: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=pso2emgquest%40gmail.com
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): https://twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: http://pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Brilliant Winter (until 12/21)
├ Gurhal Collection 2 (until 12/21)
├ Sacred Star Keeper (until 1/11)
├ 2016 Year End Support Item Collection (until 12/21)
└ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until ???)

■ Next Update (12/21):「幻創の母なる月光」 Part 3
└ http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-esca-falz-mother-bursts-into-action-on-december-21st/

├ General Information: http://bumped.org/psublog/
├ http://pastebin.com/CxBP1mEA
├ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: http://pastebin.com/raDBtSpa
└ /Pso2g/ Discord - https://discord.gg/0sog9XJpU6zGLpEV

□ Database/Wiki
├ http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
├ http://pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
└ http://pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: http://arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: http://pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: http://4rt.info/psod/

Previous thread: >>163095269
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first for GAY
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>Lang & Koga together
>but now they're all grown up

Where has the time gone?
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New lang looks a lot better
He just need better haircut
What gimmick should the next free field have? The less you control your character the better.
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And you, years gone by and you still walk around in your underwear
There will be a weather condition in it that turns the sky red and spawns 24 gel wulfs that stay until the weather changes again.
Stealth segments.

Use of terrain to your advantage
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Tea time.gif
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I don't see any underwear in that picture.
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>actually wanting to play artificial content twice over rofl
>actually wanting to play an artificial game
>actually wanting to artificially shitpost about an artificial game that is an artificial piece of artificial entertainment on an artificial board/site dedicated to an artificial form of cartoons from an artificial foreign country while on artificial constructs such as time in this artificial simulation we are in known as life
How's the cater
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Can I artificially avatarfag my character

It's only artificial
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Define artificial content.
Could you also do it without memes?
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He's doing okay
>I'll just keep reposting the same obnoxious image while having nothing meaningful to say
im lonely
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First for partner harem
>i'll just keep posting the same post complaining about a shitpost that can easily be ignored but i'm too much of a pussywhipped crybaby bitch


fuck off spic
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wow so hard
Come play with me
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Ok Lilith
Nice try but no cigar
Ok Clover
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That's not Lilith, you're speaking with his tulpa.
why wont the other avatarfags and anons just report and ignore lilith again? it was working so well last week
Hi Lilith, heres a (you)
So how stupid are the Mother collect files going to be? They're basically going to be stronger Austeres, so would Sega make them just as tedious to obtain?
i would ask a friend to get him banned from pso2 but he has morals
>Trying to get someone you don't like banned because you caught feelings by them

Any rough idea how long maintenance will last?
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ok guys

i haven't spent money all boost week

i haven't bought an AC lobby action in a YEAR

what's the BEST la to get per pound of meseta?
the usual 6 hours, unless the devs say otherwise
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artificial cat butt.jpg
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I to shall post my artificial character AND artificial music before I rest my artificial physical body and allow my consciousness to escape this artificial 3rd dimensional construct and travel the astral planes in hopes of experiencing the TRUE lasagaverse only to wake up the next day continuing this artificial experience. https://soundcloud.com/1-n-f-1-n-1-t-1-corp/teardrops
i want to see him banned because hes a literal parasite
even if someone did try to get him banned sega wouldnt do shit to him

Everyone should get it. Not even joking. Would be perfect for your flat newearl.

Drift is fine too
Vo performance 2
Will pso2g buy tea/patty dance la?
Kitty needs to switch to indoor formula. Chubby kitties are fine but fat kitties are unhealthy.
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41 m and overly girly

36 m and I don't like the dance

16 m but inferior to the ORIGINAL /la console
solus do you have any other costume that is not zelsius?
something that does not resemble a battle attire at least
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276「PRポーズ」 to idle with?
225「プレゼントボックス」 to hide in?
the former i would rank around the same as emilia
no to the latter
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Ara ara
I'd rail the fuck out of this if you didn't type like a 12 year old.
Oh well, at least you're still good for a fap.
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Nice hat
Find another slut and have them use kayleth's char file.
Mother cluster field bosses when?
This looked like two men from the thumbnail. I can't be the only one who thought this.

have you done YOUR part supporting POS2 with TEN THOUSAND star gems?
It's that time of week again guys. Post a screenshot from the last week. post a screenshot from 1, 2 3, or 4 years ago to the day (not time)
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>tfw all the pics i took up until a few months ago is in old pc
>haven't transferred them yet
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That's 8 months, not 1-4 years.

This is 4 years.
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Only started playing last year, so here
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Christmas soon.

What are you getting your team mates / friends?
Excuse me, Miss, but you seem to have doughnuts for ears.
i dont have premium so i cant get my friends anything.
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>got all of my friends gifts
>know I won't get any in return
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Did you know you can take screenshots in this game?

Did you know you can hide your units?
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Wanted to get older pics but there all on an old hard drive and I don't feel like getting it.
And yet you're still an annoying attentionwhore constantly vying for it to the point of being insufferable after your last fiasco.
m8 how often do I even post my characters anymore
I'm wearing the trip for the sole purpose of being filtered by others.
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I love how huge and pointless banish arrow''s range is. I broke a crate at the end of that line from that point with it.
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I hugged you once in the shop area, hope you were afk or didn't mind
did someone mention hugs

is it time
jesus christ
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cute but why so serious?
nice tits
you too
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hug rappy time?
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Remember when the only thing we had to worry about was a crippling existential crisis and not our community falling apart never to recover?
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my hdd with old pics is dead, too bad.

so ill just pick a random one thats oldest from the new hdd (early this year, or late last year i cant remember)
>mfw normal bow shots can go that far if you account for the arc
>mfw you can't actually do shit with it because LOL DISTANCE DECAY and LOL MOB RENDER DISTANCE LIMIT
>mfw banish is the only other thing that can go that far and travel time would render it unusable anyway
>mfw I have no face
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Which graphic options would you guys recommend to turn off for better visuals?
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good times
is that you kazami
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Why are fighters held in high regard when deadly circle 0 spam is the second easiest way of getting a lv20 effort ring?
I die a lot as FOTE
Is PP really that important? You run out super quick because it's useless without the PP regen to go with it.
Should I HP extend or something?
Because FI/HU is the highest single target DPS in the game right now.
>that unit
>that PP
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you are like a little baby. watch this:
FO/TE is one of the classes that needs a deep PP pool the most, yes.
Practice boss patterns and learn to avoid damage instead. If you aren't using one already then get a Talis and practice with that. A Rod is just asking to get fucked up on a lot of fights and using Zondeel might as well be suicide.
>fire talis
>50 inventory slots
lol, is this the fabled shitter fo/te with a single skill tree I keep hearing about?
there's a point to where this all needs to stop and we've clearly passed it
I'm FO/TE and only have one tree too.
sik joke
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Friendly reminder that the difference between 150 atk vs 220 atk on a weapon is about a 2% difference while the cost can range from 5x to 10x more than 150 attack.
matoi a cute
Depends on weapon type, units and skill trees, and we have an affix that gives 2% damage by itself now. Also,
>scoffing at 2% damage
Reminder that focusing primarily on ATK when affixing is a meme.
You will almost always get much more DPS out of extra PP, people are just retarded and think their Guren doing 1k more damage is preferable to being able to throw out another PA before having to auto.
how about 60atk vs 150atk units?
Eh, there's a point where that isn't exactly true. A good mix of both is optimal, because while the extra PP will be more useful in bursts, when it comes down to it unless you're ra/x or gu/ra it doesn't matter what your max PP is once you hit 0 pp unless you wait to regen it all.
Literally just take the maximum amount of attack you'll have in any situation and see how much of a % increase 60 and 150 would have and compare those numbers.

Its as if people don't realize that 1% of your attack stat=1% of your damage.
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before it was tainted by earth npcs
>Being so wrong
Dude the game has been out for like 4 years now and stacking attack is literally always better
Affixing is all about reaching breakpoints. If your new affixes don't let you survive another hit, cast one tech more or kill enemies in one hit less, you're throwing money down the drain just to satisfy your own vanity. Once more percentage based affixes start popping up, all of these 200 atk weapons will become obsolete, outperformed by 3 slot gear with new affixes.
The only one I can even think of right now is Ultimate Buster and that's 12* and below only what else is there
>1% of your attack stat=1% of your damage
This is wrong.
How so? If you increase your attack stat by 1%, your total damage will increase by 1% as well.
Phrase Weak
The damage formula isn't just your attack multiplied by a constant, it have several more variables.
The Christmas Talis have +2% Dmg on hitting Elemental Weakness as special factor.
I doubt it will take all that long before those kind of affixes become more common.
Yes but those are all resistances and defense stuff, the stuff that you are in control of are your attack stat and multipliers. So, if you attack any single point on any single enemy with the same multipliers, but a 5% difference in attack stats, you'll have a 5% difference in damage. If you wanted to be a pedantic asshole about defense and resistances you could literally never give an answer to "How much stronger is X than Y?"
>new scratch
>no ragol memories
Motion blur
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It follows an exponential curve, you can check it yourself on the calculator. Just put a weapon with 0 atk and give different values to your unarmed atk.
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All i want is everyone back to the game

All i wish for is to play with my old friends again
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>when i tried playing a shitty female character instead of a male character
nah nah
You missed all the bigger giveaways since PSO's 15th Anniversary was last year
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ayy guys, wassup?
what is it with people and ugly MAGs
for example the patty and tea one everyone is using
like 9024 out of every 9100 people I play with have an ugly MAG
damn it all
w-what do people think of the Loser MAG?
that one is okay but calling him looser, it's luther
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I ain't coming back
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>Christmas Qunas scheduled
good, good
the mag is lusher actually
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Luther is for his regular form
But the Dark Falz is always Loser
It's Dark Force, get it right.
>too retarded to spell loser correctly
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what about best mag
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>maint happens
>game is as dead as before
love this
I miss using it but Patty and Tea were too strong
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So /pso2g/ what are you doing to pass the time until maint is over?

what are your plans for the holidays?
playing purse owner 3

spending time with my___self
I want to clean my room but it's only 7am and I can't vacuum without disturbing people yet. it's also too cold to open the windows yet. so I dont know what to do but I want to clean now and not later so i can do the first mother eq when it comes
waiting for my friday the 13th beta to finish downloading and playing ffxiv
overwatch probably

will get on before first mother at 6 am
Is that 6am EST?
Yes. Assuming I did the calculation from 20:00 JST correctly
You did
Doing my first playthrough of Morrowind
werent sawtooth and sign dating or something
friend gave me friday the 13th beta code, tried one match, got bored.
Who does pso2g think has the nicest body?
>Sawtooth and Sign
>Anyone retarded enough to date Sign
Sawtooth was dating Atma, aka worlds worst Force and Hunter player.
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Post pictures of the lobby titan
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Hi Bert.
Oh ok, and why so much hate for atma?
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>Loser S-ATK mag
>Moogle T-ATK mag
>Opa-Opa R-ATK mag
What does that make me?
what about room titan
Thinks he's good at the game when he's not but will spout he is. Also can't farm Quartz Dragon for shit, just spams Ilmegid.

Also thinks an extended Elder Pain out damages a 13*.
Extended Red Weapons are better than most 13*s unless they are super upgraded though
serbers up
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>everyone making a tiny flat pedobait girl
>not wanting a tall, dark skinned amazon sex goddess
it's like you fags are gay or something
>Using a stock character
>paying to play doll dressup
>Sex goddess
>Worn out used pussy
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>not wanting an ara ara that kills a battleship
literal potato
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is this better senpai?
nice male
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>dat sideboob

you guys were right, default sucks compared to the fapbait.
you dont want to go down this road, stop posting.
what road?
Is the server up yet?
it is
It's been up long enough that when I logged on 15 minutes ago, 3 blocks were premium full, and I missed my chance to jew elegant boosters.
Where can you farm for Vegas Illusia effectively for the new collection file?
It's gotta be riding quests
they did boost their spawn rates in them a few weeks back, if I recall
vegas. farm the weapons directly
Fuck I'm gonna get stuck on the shitter blocks for Mother
I actually logged off so I could play es, get multiple arion daggers, and check out bio belds effect.
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Ahh yes, we've been expecting you.
you're gonna have to BE WHAT YOU WANNA BE
just farm the weapons from the bosses unless you're SU, since natural +3 pancakes don't drop
19% per boss kill with only a 250 and 30 daily tri up
XQ2 if you ain't a bitch nigga
tfw no cute girl to /la stroke
They count there right? Seems fast enough
files dont progress in XQ areas.
If you die like a piece of shit and can't complete it, sure.
Yes they do, why do you guys always make stuff up
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Look at this sad bitch
The only two places gauges do not increase are Story Quests and Bonus Quests

This might not prevent the item from dropping in such places naturally as a regular drop (which would complete the target item). Meaning it can jump straight to GET!, it just won't boost the gauge.
Can't get much sadder than you.
Would fug her anyway
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so what are the dibs on the nox gauge taking years to fill
How the hell did you fill the earth crystal gauge so fast?
direct drop
You'll have to excuse me while I call you a cunt.
How many kills does it take to fill the ghidoran/illusia gauges?
It's probably the usual
I did the arks quest for train, 19% per kill with a 250/30 daily tri
illusia on the other hand filled quick, I would say at around 30% per kill on riding quest
wait there's a way to boost the % gain? i was running it with some random japanese dude and getting 6% per train.
all RDR boosts increase the % gain
RDR boosts always boosted file gain
It's /stroke to pat people in ffxiv too
No it isn't.
Because you're fucking autistic.
It literally is
/pet and /stroke will do the exact same emote
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You don't even know who I am
受注条件の内容につきまして、記載が漏れておりました。お詫びして追記させていただきます。(2016年12月21日 15:10 追記)
quick reminder that you need to be 75/75 to run Mother EQ
>75/75 for artificial content that requires you to use a rideroid
Artificial requirements for artificial content :^)
A proper boss battle follows the rider phase
>Proper boss battle
So the quest ends if you die then? There's actually something to fail now?
No, it's just like every other raid boss since Elder. Why are you wasting your time soloing it?
Never said I was doing it. I'm waiting for actual challenge to be put in this piece of shit.
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Haha guys who wants a drank, haha look where it's at lamo
how can i fap with all this clipping
Fuck off Enju.
I'm not enju you piece of trash
Looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, it is a duck.

Fuck off Enju.
wwhy pso2g is piss why pso2g is piss#italiano
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Fun eq.
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u wot
direct nox drop from mother
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this EQ is actually...good? Potentially better than Loser cuz it woke me the fuck up
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fucking amazing
Dat cube attack
>People will defend this
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Artificial fun WTF I HATE BOXS NOW
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just me or mum keeps saying something that sounds like kudake yo with very fucking attack
We fucking sucked at the rideroid part
will mother give me the succ now
Is PSP2i still 100 times more enjoyable than this game? Have they fixed the entire design philosophy behind the "it's best to hyperspecialize so you do less things as you progress" character growth in the game yet?
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>only 1 or 2 other people being able to catch up to Mother during Rideroid phase
>no one figured out that we were supposed to stop the cubes from merging with the vortex
my entire mpa got wiped by it the first time lmfao
including me ofc
psh like i care *pops katana combat and collects FUN from mooning everyone, shifts up glasses* too easy.......
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we did it
>grinding boost
>clearing mother gives grind boosts
oh I'm laffing
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Good job, nice 8 ten stars
How does the Rideroid part work, please explain.
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>immediately after eq finishes
what did he mean by this?
Loser is still better
I got a B rank and 9 cubes. Being in a full melee party didn't help. rideroid part failed? I don't fucking even know what the spin thing does.

Gonna need a tutorial for this sucker.

He saw the loot pool.
Now that the dust has settled, is Apprentice Gia still the most difficult raid quest?
spin is point blank damage, hoops heal you, use missles on cd if you're not point blank and have direct LOS on mother, save overboost in case you fall too far behind or you'll immediately be killed (screen will flash warning)
can someone give me like a paragraph synopsis of EP4 up to this EQ
cuz I haven't done or followed shit lately.
Apprentice herself is easy as hell since the entire MPA can just dump A.I.S. blasters into her. Boss vs. boss Mother is easily more difficult.

The quest as a whole though? Maybe.
You can do damage to her by getting in close range, spamming missles, barrel rolling her balls, etc.

There's a timer on that phase. If you do enoguh damage before If it reaches zero you automatically move on to the traditional boss battle part and the most you can walk away with is B rank.
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I really didn't like it
The "racing" part is slow and not fun at all, all you do is dodge shitty aoe.
Fighting hands is a bit of bullshit, we had to kill them 6-8 times or so inb4 git gud git full mpa of br/gu
Last part was okay, just shoot the core while dodging all those melee attacks nothing special.
Btw the music is shit, I had to turn it off in middle of EQ
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>tfw I actually liked the entire EQ and especially phrase 1
the music was pretty nice too with how it swelled when mother's health was low during the rideroid part
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>dudu boosts for finishing
So, what's the plot behind this quest? I think Mother is already eaten by Ardem.
it was ok

the worst part was the voice, nah fuck that noise
I loved the tracks themselves but the transitioning in the sympathy system is as jarring as it ever was
I thought that fight was a total mess but then that was the first time I played this game since riding quest
Only saw 2-3 people besides me in the riding part actually attacking the orbs, made me think a bit
First part should have had this BGM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjeKNsizC2w
I missed the bit about the orbs, but I was probably the only other person who actually stayed on Mother throughout the whole race.

Can you actually fail the race? What even happens?
It only auto attacks if you point it at something. Given how shitty rideroid controls are, this can be kind of hard. This is like magatsu all over again, nobody will want to bother with mother regardless of 14* drops. They should just flat out remove the rideroid segment.

You get a B rank and 8 cubes.
well thats kind of dull
rideroid controls shitty and doesnt feel like you are even damaging her
second phase spends too long on arms
and then the drop pool blows
probably going to be dead once people max their astras
According to Siera, the remaining aether on the moon seems to be coalescing into Escafalz Mother on its own and it looks like it will be doing this in perpetuity

It's not clear if Ardem did this on purpose or if taking Mother just sort of left everything here to its own devices
I was spinning to win but it was like "why should I even do this? I can't see if it's supposed to be a parry or actually dealing damage because there are no numbers popping up"
What are the astra potentials
>drop pool blows
you get like 25 +4 or above 10*s to grind with
or cubes if you're that desperate
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You fail if the timer reaches 0 before you kill her, which seems to have happened to a lot of people. If it happens it guarantees B Rank no matter how well you do on the actual fight
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That new pet seems like it's made just to counter that cube nova. It's a mob killer, isn't it?
Yeah, the damage numbers are important feedback. The only reason I can think of that they're hidden in this is because the HP/damage scaling is probably strange and not in-line with expectation

Like maybe all your attacks did like 5 damage but the balls only have like 1500 health or something

There's probably not much variation on this part between the difficulty tiers either
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Sega just can't get anything right can they?

Father units when.

It was more they're not shown on the cubes but shown on the main body it seemed, WHICH YOU CAN'T SEE WHEN YOU'RE SPINNING A CUBE.
Okay so how does auto mode differ from manual mode for Ride droid controls
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guys help
what pose is this
/fla PRpose
When you have it set to auto, you'll automatically go full speed all the time

Manual mode allows you to stop and start or go slow (purposely missing the JA timing).
>OH can't even fill a mother mpa to 1/12
Not him, but whatchu mean?
Your thoughts gents?
how do you toggle
Under the general settings group in the options menu the Rideroid page is the last one (below estee and communication)
a lobby action called PRpose (276「PRポーズ」)
fla version, the third one iirc because it has 4 poses per gender
For what it's supposed to be, it's barely better than ray. Attack i s shit, resists are lackluster, pp isn't high enough. I wager they'll be uprgradable in 4 months when the final final boss of ep4 hits, akin to invade > austere. Inb4 union units are better and you require ray units to upgrade to them.
What factors affect 14* drops? Winning ride part? Destroying all cubes when Mother charges killer attack?
What is set bonus?
Getting an S rank requires clearing the ride part and that does at least the amount of drops you get at the end

More drops means more opportunities, presumably

Destroying all the cubes probably doesn't matter unless they count as boss parts with their own drop tables but I doubt it
It doesn't have one (with just units, apparently it has one with weapons, currenltly unknown), which is in part what makes it shit tier.
Wasn't the pattern we're seeing with 12* units is that they individually have ingrained bonuses that, when totaled together, are comparable to a set bonus without technically being a set bonus
>expert blocks are full
It's time to harden restrictions. Make it so you have to clear stages 6-10 too.
Can you recolor layered wear? Never bought one before
Yes, which is honestly kind of shitty for something from a boss that's supposed to be an episode ender (even though there's another bigger one coming after it). At this rate union units will be far easier to get, farmable, and better than everything else. They even have the 'released' look compared to ray like austere did to invade.
Only the outer wear. You're stuck with whatever color basewear/pantsu you buy.
I fucking want Izane units.
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>get killed by bees mid cutscene
>mfw episode 4 is saved by the raddest fucking EQ in a year
>Playing with Starbros trash
well that's one more ticked off the list, got 'playing with edf trash', 'playing with hyperion trash' and now 'playing with starbros trash'
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No toasters
Shut up Haidaraa
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Nice job really good
wow rude if you're going to insult me, insult me properly and not my friends
First part went hell of a lot smoother that time
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Fuck you, I'll potato battery as hard as I want to
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Yeah just needs a couple people on point.
Boss's last phase is still just a chaotic mess to me as a melee.
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It's the little things.
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This blue planeeeeeeeeeet
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Welp, didn't log in time to get into expert blocks, poor damage, 27 minutes in the quest noticed that multiparty is 10/12, left, didn't find a new muiltiparty.
When's the next EQ?
Plot the number, retard.
Get a dozen points and plot them.
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You're welcome, people of Earth. Also that Rideroid is pretty cute.
famitsu donuts not working anymore?
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visiphone wiki was right about the astra potential numbers
3 and half hours
why wouldn't it be
are you still that hung up about sonic fever
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Boring fight
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>you will never have pso2 gf
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fuck up solus
It's mindblowing that I can play with people born in 1999
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14 star drop when

Holy fuck
>oh is alive they said
>can't MPs new large boss day 1
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I love my pso2 gf (male)!


Shut the fuck up Nhite and kill yourself already.
Implying shit 2 has any mpas
>talking about non-existent bf in a videogame
>bad mouthing teams publicly on the fucking arks card of all places
>uguu kawaii 10/10 personality

females are garbage

Don't know if this has been pointed out yed, but Mother's theme is "Death Place" from Phantast Star II
SEGA is riding MegaDrive's corpse like you ride a rideroid.
>20 people online
>only four people joined for team mpa
At this point I would just disband team because it obviously doesn't work.
>Unless you're from ARKS Lumiya/Seiga, they're dookie
Fuck you Kevin, stop showing everyone my deviantart, you piece of shit.
I saw SEES and 711 running MPAs atleast. That's 2 official /vg/ teams already.
Say... you suppose the Early Rise ring would work here

Asking for a friend
Yeah, I actually got more than 10 cubes this time. I found RA gets gimped pretty fucking heavily though unless you wb everything you attack.
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But did you knooooow that the "falz" in Esca Falz Mother is also a reference to the final boss of the original Phantasy Star???
>ability 4 factor on 14* from mother
Stop the motherfucking presses, we have a shit tier factor here.
[citation needed]
well then, EPD spotted
>Too poor to take a screenshot
needs to show affixes
Around 1458 base would be fucking stupid
Like i'm going to leave b20 to do one EQ in b3 that's a guaranteed S rank anywhere because EP4 is all about catering to new players. Get real.
he did, check the rest of the tweet
That little tab on the icon means it's recolorable, right?
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I think "phallus" is official spelling.
It has 1443 attack at base. should be 1948 +35
I like how you can tell from the other items in his inventory that he is a massive casual and doesn't even play Fo aswell.
>Drop only fags will defend this
So are 14 stars good or not
They're irrelevant
Chances are you will never ever see somebody using one until they change and add shit at a later date.
Can I at least learn how much they cost to grind
20 all attack is very far from shit tier?
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>Come back after not playing for 6 months
>70m in shop

That's grinding costs covered
What is new 13* and 14* potentials?
It's NT so it depends on what rarity fodder you use
On a unit, sure. On something like a 14*? It's a pittance. If it had something like a 10pp no attack factor it'd be amazing.
13* is 12% damage increase and 40% attack pp regen increase

EPD boosts element convert by ??? and reduces tech pp costs by ???

I don't remember what the other 14* pots were datamined as but they're pretty much confirmed to be correct.

Nah. 20 attack is 20 attack no matter what.
What else you going to do on b20?
You always can hop on a decent block to ult after EQ
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>Spread needle actually spreads
Earth or Arks Fleet timed ability for this new EQ? I'm guessing Earth because it says "Earth and Moon" but just making sure
inb4 it's only cosmetic and actually hits targets like a normal rifle.
Dunno which, if any, would affect it, but both the race and the actual Mother fight are on the moon.
Which weapon types got 14*s? All or just a few?
Only 3 for now. Rod, Rifle, and I think Katana?
>Vegas Boss on the collection sheet
>Thinking you have to kill the enemy listed on the sheet
The sheet is literally free outside of Mother. It takes like 3 RQs to finish the rest.
Haidara is such a fucking square, why even hang out with bearhead? You both are trash...
Riding Quests
Which class is the easiest to fight mother as? I'm having a shit time as melee.
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Earth timed ability says it affects moon as well
Anything ranged is easy as shit on it, melee gets forced to dodge through swords and deal with lasers and void zones to do DPS. Ranged can just sit back and nuke away, you only have to step out of stuff occasionally.
I don't see that on my quest list

How do you get that
I don't know, you don't have to do anything special. Just unlock all areas and it should pop up somewhere along the way. Probably after you do Koffie's Vegas quests.
unlock las vegas explore, talk to koffie to get military raid CO, and then clear it
or, if you already cleared that explore before, just talk to koffie to clear that CO
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>have to do ride quests for the astra sheet

There's a reason I completely skipped the form weapon sheet.
>have to do ride quests for the astra sheet
You don't tho

Does nobody know how sheets work anymore?
You can either knock out a quick 3-4 RQs or farm other stuff for ten times as long.
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is this the first nigger in pso2 ?
Isn't Hans one?
if I didn't do three riding quests which is enough to clear every single sheet, I would have had to hunt bird darkers, kill quartz, kill fang banshee, and kill sil sadians
yeah no I'd rather rq which is fun in the first place anyways
No, the first nigger was the one that died to a Dagan back in episode 1. Too bad they removed that scene.
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no hes american
Except you can get to 100% on some of the sheets from a single boss kill
Vegas Illusion? More like Vegas Elusion, the bitch doesn't spawn when I need her.
Fuck women.
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How do austerecucks feel now that there are weapons as strong that are a lot easier to get (and to grind)?
But a lot of Gix weapons already shat on Austere
I actually felt like it's about time to upgrade since I've been using the same weapon for an year
>not expecting this to happen in a vertical progression gear treadmill game
It just isn't fun and if I'm not the one flying then the RDR quality is shit. Stuff dies too quick and it's boring.
And which bosses would those be?
They all quit ages ago after realizing how dumb they were paying to get btfo.
>There's a reason I completely skipped the form weapon sheet.
because (you)'re a faggot?

not that it matters, you fags will probably just keep humping your gix since it hits harder, assuming nothing fucks you over, and you all assume nothing ever goes wrong.

and I will continue being pissy that frieza dragon refuses to drop his shit. I want my permanent massivehunter, you faggotass dragon.

>knowing how things work
you're funny.
>humping your gix

Ultimate Amduscia is super boring too.
>Mother has 75/75 requirement
If I found a weapon, to that collection file, do I need to keep it until I find them all?
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No, you only need to pick them up. You are free to do whatever after you pick them up.
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Do you think they removed this scene because of 'dats raycis'?
They removed the scene because it's ridiculous
Nobody fucking dies to a Dagan
I died to El Dagans a few times before I got decent units.
Same, and Rockbear kicked my ASS
is the game good yet?
too bad gix is very unwieldy and annoying due to not being able to swap (to orbit or another weapon) on top of the annoying potentials with ramp up time.

and I was just about to ask gix or astra katana, but then I realized astra would probably just be better.
Katana is arguably the best weapon to use for gyx though.
Does it matter if the collect file weapon is boxed?
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>wake up
>go check for fagsona la
hope those jews find some buyers because not spending more than 40m for it
It doesn't matter
Although if you're screening drops you won't be able to tell what it actually is
Is there a set place where people on ship4 hang out or is everyone spread out?
Go back to shit2 enju
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Nice mpa OH
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>astra gunslash drop
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pubs weren't as bad as I was led to believe
Nice red and yellow color you got there.
yeah but that doesnt address the swap or orbit thing. banish combo is still good for a few things, and not being able to orbit swap for pp battery...

i just dont want to waste my mats and time on a gix if astra is simply better 99% of the time and less hassle without having to worry about no mates/swap
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>A force spamming safoie and fomelgion on Mother
Nice mpa E.D.F.
I love how the roid just flies in going 'AAAA I'M NOT LATE FOR THE GROUP SHOT AM I'
it's so cute
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That vortex cube thing's unclearable, isn't it.
Blowing up cubes reduces the damage significantly.
deal more damage my friendo
it's a 'dps check' akin to doritos' tower mechanic
Only cleared it once out of 9 times.
just knock out enough cubes to make it not deal quad-digit damage
you gotta break them cubes
Half of my mpa was just running away from them and there was always one or 2 charging their photon blasts.
Pity it isn't a dps check on the level of odin.
Too fire spec'd to care
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damn if this thing doesn't look cool as fuck though
Oh, so you really can't stop it. Thanks, it's helpful info.
Yeah I love it when I get paired with a shit group and get punished for it, that sounds like a great time.
oh stop whining, you were probably fun to have around when loser was released
But I was just thanking you guys for telling me how to do that part.
well if you really want to get technical, if you have good timing you can parry/JG every single hit
Is there info abous Mother weapon set potentials?
You only need 2-3 decent people to clear Odin's though
>25 fucking minutes to clear mother eq
Jesus Christ. Even my 3 pubs runs only took 18 minutes at worst.
>charges pb instead of breaking cubes
>still fucking dies
Good work asswipe
22 min :)
>Yeah, but you need more for Mother's
was to early. it is was 3rd run and 1st with randoms and i am dont know timing
Hello moon (floor),
the earth says hello.
Yeah I misread that, my bad. Does combat finish hit multiple cubes or just one?
>ESC-A darkers created a clone of Mother's falz form because they wanted it to be there
Why does this game even pretend to have a story?
They seem to all count as just a part of Mother, so 1 person can only hit 1 at a time. Similar to PD's bits.
Being counted as "one part" of a boss is really fucking stupid for attacks that would clearly hit multiple parts. It was (and technically still is) a problem years ago with varder, but for them to add something like that to mother retarded. Makes shit like sphere eraser that would otherwise melt the cubes like ice damn near worthless.
You can't be serious, right?
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How do people like panzer dragoon pet so far?
el dagans have always been kinda hax for their levels, especially compared to normal dagans, presumably as a noob trap. but it was normal one in that scene anyway so yeah wtf.
Does not shit like dispersion strike goes over that rule?
also anyone tried straight charging through them,it must feel great
Nope, totally serious. That's apparently the reason why we're fighting her even after purifying the real Mother.
Post parse logs
New parallel slider/one point mobbing meta?
We rewrote history, that's whe he doesn't die. We saved everyone, except Gettemharuto.
They've always gone out of their way to make an excuse like that to justify the EQ recurring in perpetuity.

Elder escapes in his defeat cut scene and returns again later, Loser's corpse was eaten and copied by Double, and so on.

The reason they're using here is rather similar to the one they used for Apprentice, actually.
"It is constantly willed into being by darkers" is pretty different from "We can only seal it temporarily"
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i'm bored what do i do
So why does [Mother] have access to all the other Dark Falz's attacks?
In practical terms, it really isn't

You remember the way those bugs ate the Anga corpse at the end of that story quest? When the Escadarkers appeared they'd constantly "disobey" and act independently it's practically their nature to do something like this.q
>Now that the dust has settled
oh hey another filter
because austere was strong for a year and a half?
didn't she absorb Aru and take his dark falz powers or something?
That smoke shadow DF thing being brand new/blank slate from the Profound Darkness it might just take after the ones that came before. Phantoms in general are twisted imitations of the original things too

Of course the production answer is that they probably didn't want to devote resources into coming up with an entirely new, fifth set of Darkers, at least not right now so they remixed a few instead
wait for nier demo with me
I blame vita
>run tokyo for 2 hours
>gauge fills before I get an earth crystal random drop
jesus fuck sega.
that's some unfortunate bullshit, but imagine if you didn't have the gauge and still needed one to drop
Dude you get like 25℅ per RQ run
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In another life, the guy who drew this picture would have never even realized his greatness.
So anyone made the comparison charts for Austere vs Astra yet?
Ride quests suck, it's more fun to grind.
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Actually, I just modded it in to see. Can confirm that (assuming that's not a shop) that the 14* is actually quite special. The weapon is told to make a spread shot from server side.
nice rappy bro
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you like Rappies?
I recognize those tits
Only nab rappies
What is Astras' potential anyway?
Just realized this looked like shit. Have a recording:
I like when they explode.
so it doesn't spread?
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humming rappy.png
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fuck off imgur scum.
The real one probably spreads, assuming that pic from before is legit. I would guess more that it's the server treating it a bit more uniquely which seem neat.
Go make a webm yourself. I can't be assed to record and render it.
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i heard you like rappies..
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Good night /pso2g/.
inheriting the whole "shaped by people's fears" thing from phantom not directly made by mothercluster, and like all the boost cores on phantoms it's reading from ARKS' memories instead of earthlings'. clearly.

since a falz is basically a suped up darker, one can infer that the escadarkers just keep pooling their negaphotons/ether to replace their lost "leader".

just imagine them grabbing a random mook and being like "okay fred, it's your turn." and juicing them up into EF [Mother].

"seal it temporarily" is a pretty good joke as far as referring to "BLOW IT THE FUCK UP"

>implying RQ shit isn't also grinding
ha! ha! ha!
Good night, Rappy.
is that the anime where all the girls have really larger than normal eyes?
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>just imagine them grabbing a random mook and being like "okay fred, it's your turn." and juicing them up into EF [Mother].

You're making me want a PSO2 comic about retarded darker shenanigans to exist.
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1st phase
you failed
Firesword was bottom in every EQ I've ever seen him in, stop spreading lies.
get fucked boi, post some parses you salty cunt
elite /pso2g/ player right there
you seriously it's more fun to spend two hours on a shitty free explore than 40ish minutes on riding quest?
thank you, i am realy glad to hear it
Yup. Ride quests are boring and I'm not murdering things. It is just a giant boring clusterfuck and my performance means nothing in it.
your performance won't mean shit in a free explore either
Your performance arguably means more in an RQ than in any other quest except TD.
It just isn't fun to me, I know Ride quests are quicker and a better way to fill the gauge than hunting one at a time.
>Playing pso2 for fun
How many Marons do I need for stable damage output?
you play a non shit non meme class

inb4 that one faggot who needs a trip shows up
He's too busy mod farming.
5 with respawn rolls, 6 without them.

I enjoy these.

I take it that's meant to be the anime fuck.
why dont all you cucks on the shit team in the shit ship get a trip.

also not surprised hes doing that, it takes serious autism to and not want to blow your brains out.
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lel pls
i installed both the regular english patch and the large story patch and yet 90% of the text is still runes, is that just par for the course?
To my knowledge b3 but the majority of people will probably be in the XQ blocks.
Urban, Volcano, Quarry or Sanctum for solo exp AQ grind?
Would you happen to know if a modded in sarce punisher keeps its special attack animation?
Urban is generally where most would go but Sanctum's maps can be pretty big sometimes.
Why are you so angry?
Nobody invited him to modfarm because his team is dead.
Him, Donuts, and haidara would get trips. However... lilith's annoying ass won't cause LOL EBIN SHITPOST GUARANTEED REPLIES XD" because most of you faggots and discucks won't stop giving him attention
Fuck I won't gather that much before Christmas expires.
Which post is the gayest post in this thread?
Dont people only go urban because of PSE bursts though

I dont think i'll get that on my own
modfarm is done by literal neet autists that should blow their brains out holy shit it is SO fucking boring

you'd have to pay me to go to one of those shits
You go Urban because darkers there are weak to fire and have weakpoints, meaning you can oneshot them with rafoie by subbing Fo and equipping an all class fire rod.
Maybe of you are slow, which you probably are since it takes long enough to bore you.
you keep assuming all these things you retard

it is

to do the shit over and over and then hope for a fucking unit eventually when it actually happens
Not that guy but

>Doing mod farm for 5 hours
>Not boring

You are literally deluded if you think otherwise
See, that's why I only do it for 4 hours.
You just described the whole game aside from lobbyfagging.

You have to know when to stop.
>noko and lilith can mod farm upto 5+ hours
>pso2g can't
can't make this shit up
How many modulators is enough modulators?

Can you truly have enough in the current state of the game?
If you could only pick one, would you choose Orbit Launcher or Orbit Bow? They're the only orbits I don't have at this point but I don't think I have it in me to farm another 180 pleiades in order to get both.
Quick newbie question. How do I unlock Featured Quests?
Launcher for WB duty pp regen, you can get astra katana or bow for Br.
Good point

Guess i'll run Urban SHAQ for a bit then
If you feel bored is because you've had enough.
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why are you all so aggressive? Did the darkers plug everybody with infection cores? It's not normal to be this angry and combative.

Please get better soon, /pso2g/
if you think the whole game is not fun aside from lobbyfagging you should go fuck off to second life, seriously.
He meant that your description was so vague that you might aswell have described the whole game, as in running the same shit over and over, hoping for drops.
What do you expect of neets who having nothing in else in life besides their pride in a japanese f2p net game blended together.
I said the whole game is repeating quests expecting a drop, what YOU said isn't fun.
you two should post your logs, its pretty obvious on discord or in team/party/whisper right now
That's how most of this site is, lots of ad hominem that just comes off really juvenile
>changing the subject
I said mod farming wasnt fun, not the run the game for drops part. Care to guess WHY mod farming is fucking boring? Bonus points if you can do so without trying to assume slow or bad at the game.
Because you're slow, bad at the game and so insufferable that nobody wants to run it with you.
You can keep your points.
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Being slow =/= amount of fun had

Why do you not understand this, and its even the argument that is being said here, no one ever said anything about slow runs
Slow runs = no fun

Why do you not understand this? Try to get faster times and you'll understand.
Repeating some boring ass TA quest over and over consecutively is not fun

No matter how many layers of gold you cover your shit in its still shit
sofa, stop being so fucking obvious, for christ's sake
That's because you're slow :)
So yeah, you're slow and not attempting to go faster
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How fast is too fastt?
that's a cute anime girl
There's no such thing as too fast.
We must go faster.
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You do know that they never said they never went fast, or that they never "attempted to go faster"

do you autists literally not get the point being made? it's the core fucking point being made, from the guys bonus point comment to this, all different people, and you two retards STILL dont get it.

christ how fucking STUPID can you two be?
Don't worry anon, going fast isn't for everyone.
You can get the modulators from my shop, don't worry, I have enough for all your needs and then some more.
>Being this autistically mad at autists being autists

So, I managed to pass the Japanese captcha and downloaded the 40 gig torrent. I'm installing client now. After install, I need to first check any updates to the game THEN install the English patches, right?
He even added a :) and you somehow still missed the sarcasm.
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gdi ghidoran

Update sfirst then patch later
>Noko posts skilled webms
>/pso2g/ spergs
>lilith gets accepted into NA
>/pso2g/ spergs
>Noko, lilith and other autists mod farm and multiship
>/pso2g/ spergs

Noko and lilith are literal fucking memelords that you fucks get BTFO'D by on the daily LOL
>noko samefags yet again
Okay thanks. I recently quit WoW because it sucks in it's current state and I don't want to pay monthly subscription fee for a game which I don't like. I switched to Black Desert Online and now testing PSO2 too because I like Monster Hunter a lot so similar quest structure kinda could be nice. Not so sure how many people still play this but... Let's see.

So, Ship 2 it is then.
must be hard being retarded.

I make far more money with other methods and the reason I dont do the boring trite that is mod farm

but it was my mistake to ever bother and suspect anyone to ever think about things instead of go for the lowest effort shitposting possible

oh look its shit2 hours, that explains it


it was a low quality shitpost, but I felt like being generous with my (You)'s today
Why does sign, enju and luna mention this lilith person so much? it kind of annoying ...
>>I make far more money with other methods and the reason I dont do the boring trite that is mod farm
All other methods that make more money involve not actually playing the game. How can that be less boring?
This is why no one like you noko
Sometimes i wish i was just some B1 autoword spamming piece of shit

I feel like i would be a much happier person
>Ship 2
Fuck you, I like noko
noko stop samefagging
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Where do I go then pls no bully??
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go to ship 2 if you want to play with other people, go to any other ship if you wanna be a super cool solo player
Stay on ship2.
You will drop this game in two days anyway.
Are you able to farm Story Mode Mother for the collection file?
he's just memeing, ship 2 is fine
What are pet switch strike and pet switch shoot useful for?
No, because the tile is limited to the mother EQ.
do you enjoy pso-w and redditors/emote :) spam/autowords? ship 2
otherwise any ship (but 4 has a few of us still from the older days)

beware of all the reddits/pso-w that try to drag you into the filth with them.
>People getting baited by Noko and lilith this hard

You people are retards
Autistic min maxing or people that only have one mag essentially.
can i get namedropped too?
you left out one unit set, the most important part and rather expensive to make another good set.

its why i use switch strike
Nice joke but >>163387731 is correct. If you want to play with reddit and pso-w users then ship2 is for you. Ship4 has some people left.
I figured that generally people that bought more than one mag would also have a unit set to go with the mags they bought. Also generally the difference between a good and mediocre unit set is smaller than the difference caused from class base stats or stat up skills.
just name drop yourself in desperation for attention and people who aren't yourself are bound to say something about you eventually.
ok here I go

>solus can just stand there
>pso2g cant

You realize you can just join a team and never have to deal with any redditor or psow shit, right? You won't be able to join an actually active team on any other ship unless you're japanese. Also are you implying nips don't spam autowords and smileys?

Please join our (oh) MPA for mother, we are struggling getting numbers.

Only requirements is to not be a shit 2 memer.
Ship 2 has a larger English player base. Even if you don't get along with the majority, you might be able to find some friends to party up with
Ship 4 has a small English player base, but if you don't get along with them you are fucked for options
Every other ship is pretty much JP only, and you'll probably encounter JP death squads that will mass report you if they find out you're a gainjin
White knight more like beige knight baka
>ship 4 is dead
Ship 2 then find someone to invite you to either Gun Valkyrie or Log Serenity, their team leaders are cool girl(female) gamers and they're totally not a shit team
Calm yourself, shitposter-kun.
>Every other ship is pretty much JP only, and you'll probably encounter JP death squads that will mass report you if they find out you're a gainjin

Why do people think this? I've played on ship 6 forever and haven't ever had any problems. Even when people are acting out, most JP players just ignore it; sometimes they'll even join in.

Just stick to your small group and don't be a 12th place shitter who eats all the fucking moons in the MPA and you'll be fine.

Also learn some fucking basic japanese.
>he says as he posts the most shitposting answer in the thread
lmao dead ship
Reminder that shit 4 couldn't get a day 1 MPA for mo
not nearly as often, and never smileys in my experience.

and you realize there is still english on other ships, just in a bit smaller numbers. If you are on 2, you will still see the dumbasses shit up say or autoword or in your mpas (unless you only ever team up with the team for anything, which is not realistic)

fuck off shitposter.

there is plenty to get along with on 4, and on 2 you will still have to deal with retarded english on the level of obnoxious BRs that are awful on 2.

and that last one is just a meme.

no seriously, ship 2 is a containment ship for a fucking reason.
Go back to being ded kolb
No but really you shouldn't be trying to meme on new people
shouldnt you guys be posting on reddit or psow?
>oh treat their members outside the circlejerk like shit
>surprised they can't MPA anything
I bet shit2 is behind this.
Outer haven is literally a twitch/psoworld/reddit team since GM just invited anyone who asked lmao
OH is like TD era ship 2 edf
He barely plays on 4 and is more busy on 2.
I will investigate matters further. Ship 2 or 4, I don't know. I will probably play this game for 5 years or so, I'll never drop anything before I get to the top.
and its an actual problem i have with it, since the current leader is just a pocket of GM and gm doesnt even fucking play here anymore. the problem is there is a lot of long time members who would never move, and it would be easier to get a leader that actually does something.

who u, funposting or serious? I dont even know why im asking
>and its an actual problem i have with it, since the current leader is just a pocket of GM and gm doesnt even fucking play here anymore.

I doubt he will ever give it up.
>Sign has been falseflaggimg as lilith
>now he wants liliths new character file

But you arent on
>Has no reading comprehension whatsoever
Did you not get the not suble joke
thus the conundrum. no way to try to move the bulk of OH, no way to really change leader, people join OH because its the biggest most active team on 4 for here and english.

the only idea I have is to see if managers could kick the problems but unsure if the drama would be worth it
Most don't want to leave because tree.
>attentionwhore damage control
as expected
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>It's a "the general shits itself over being triggered by avatarfags, attention whores, and shitposters" episode
I haven't done Esca Falz yet, and it's coming up. What's the gist of the different phases and avoiding instant-kill attacks?
so business as usual?
thats the other thing, a ton might as well not exist because they dont go to mpa (when it happens), dont talk, dont party with anyone, just use the tree. they should just make their own tree and water it themselves. if they are pure solo they dont even contribute TP to feed it anyway.
>and never smileys in my experience.
Dude, they have a dedicated text command that gives them all the smileys. JPs love smileys and autowords, why else would they be in a japanese only videogame? There is no significant difference between jp and gaijin cancer aswell as player skill. The only reason you think otherwise is probably either confirmation bias or the fact that japanese is a foreign language to you.

>unless you only ever team up with the team for anything, which is not realistic
I basically do that. The only time I don't is when I decide to stay up until 3am to run an eq, it's an EQ noone really cares about like seasonal or I want to do an SHEQ for XP. It also probably helped that I generally ran on unusual blocks like b2 or b211 when I did pug, so this is probably why I didn't encounter what you described on ship2. Sure there is a significant gaijin cancer base in b1 and SH blocks, but they pretty much never leave there nowadays and are easy to ignore.
But which one are you?
>muh tree
Fucking cunts
If they only play with pubs they don't need tree boosts and I wish they would fuck off to bro fist or something.
Yeah, if you're only in a team for the tree then maybe you should go be antisocial somewhere else.
Guess so.

I just like making the occasional retarded meme picture.
Emphasis on retarded memes.
which avatar fag isn't a literal homo?
so you might as well play on any other ship and avoid the cancer ship. a fair amount of good jps ignore it for such a reason. ship might as well be meaningless to you if all you play with is 11 other fuccbois, so you are very much not the norm of why ship 2 is cancer and avoided.
>a fair amount of good jps ignore it for such a reason
But ship 2 is generally one of the better ships when it comes to rankings?
Names that go from M to S
The only reason why we still have 11 people regularly is because we were able to get new people constantly since we're on the ship with the largest english population, or invite people from other teams to fill in for us. We certainly aren't a group of 11 fuccbois that only play with eachother.
having a very very tiny portion able to do a bit higher than other ships does not mean the very vast majority are any good. players at that point probably dont care about ship.
Generally anyone who's been playing the game long enough to actually be good or whatever will know that there's no real difference either way. The groups you get on other ships during the dead JP hours are just as bad as the ones you'd get on ship 2 (and trust me I know I've played on multiple ships)
yeah, during dead jp hours its just neets and whoever else randomly might be on from other parts of the world.

but during jp hours it is certainly better on other ships than 2, this is also from experience. the general experience has been better on other ships, minus less english speakers. but when the far and above standard english on 2 makes me want to gouge my eyes out, its far preferable, and i get the quirks of being not on ship 2 (aforementioned pugs, for one, when our team doesnt do things)
is the anime of this game good?
no, god no

im not even memeing its really that bad.
its awful, really.
I actually don't care and I watched it already
I just bumped your dead thread because it was the last one on page 10 and I needed a different general to die

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phase 1 is still fun
wonder how long it'll last
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So how do you deal with the cube phase as a gunner since you're being pushed back away from the cubes?
jesus christ that race segment, i've never had less idea what was going on.
>Got a red processor from Mother
>That's it
Please tell me this EQ is happening more than once this week, I was ripped off. I know Falz just wants people to suffer but this is OVER THE LINE.
Switch to a long range weapon or focus on evading and let someone else take care of it.
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i got this fukken siqq rocket launcher
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>Escarde Soul
I didn't even get anything of value on my item. Just some shit like Spirita I. This is something I expect to happen on norma
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Wish we could just use AIS, It's faster, more agile and has better weaponry.
Wait for the katana combat res
Aim your Arwing at Mother's balls, when your reticle is on her or the balls your Arwing fires shots automatically--mix this up with repeated uses of your missiles for more damage
Your basic gameplan is to destroy the balls so that mother staggers--whenever you make contact with either Mother or the balls, barrel roll for more damage
Whenever you're too far away (You'll know because of the music changing and the popup), use your boost to catch up
Loot is, sadly, dependent on phase 1 of the EQ. Fail it? Say bye to all the loot.

what does escarde soul even do ive played this game for like half a day
But can it graze bullets?
it would be more fun if you could move vertically without it having to be a huge ass jump
ais would make it dumb and unfailable just like it did yamato
it is stated that mom uses the moonbase as is during our part 1 because the ais wont fit, thus rideroids.

she saw how much we fucked up the battleship
well you can't fail part one anyway
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What can I do with these? give me an insight as I have no idea what to do with 12* units (T-atk wise)
Not stopping her completely guts the loot so I'd say you can
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if you fail the ecode you get a B rank and like 5 pieces of loot
so yeah a failure
I currently have a shitty affixed Saiki set extend lv8 PP.
the music on phase 1 is good, i like it a lot, and a ton more memorable than phase 2 music which is just.. i dont even remember it.

you can fail the loot part.
>still won in 29 minutes
I've made more from jewing the market than I did from all the farming I did this boost week. Farming can be cathartic but the only real way to make money in this game is to stare at menus.
Not him but can someone else verify this as well? Just on the good teams part, been looking a while and the first one's name sounds cool for once.
That's probably why, nobody knew what they were doing on part 1. I saw people stuck on walls the entire time.

So we get another chance at this soon, right?
Every time they add a new EQ they spam it for the next few weeks. You're going to be tired of Mother by the end of January.
>phase 2 music which is just.. i dont even remember it.
I can see the confusion and pity in your eyes. I will never forgive you for what you have done.
Plenty more coming up. It's the new thing in and sega scheduled plenty of this EQ. It might even be as spammy as when the boat EQ was the new thing.
Buying and selling? That sounds boring.
Which one of mother's attack inflicts poison?
>It's the new Boat EQ
Oh fuck, I thought this was an annual end of the year thing, I ddin't know they were planning on running it into the ground.
i know it doesn't really matter, but why am i in tokyo fighting t-rexes and attack helicopters?
It's the mistake we call episode 4
It was a promo for Anno's Godzilla movie, it's now obsolete.
your settings are shit, the fuck did you do. also you are ugly.
maybe if it was actually engaging. I can farm ult fine because it requires a tiny bit of attention and you can die real fast if you fuck up like during the anga laser dragon mobshow.

Other farming? not so much. inb4 you are the autist mod farmer from earlier

and yes being a visiphone warrior has always been the best way to make money.

or getting lucky.
nah man, this shit is my jam. I actually like phase 1 more than 2, 2 is too drawn out with hands and clone attacks, nothing ever feels good like loser or PD did.

This is very gay.
my brother from another mother
>the fucking guitar riff
Nah not him, XQ is my farming spot of choice.Not the most consistent farm but that's what you sacrifice in order to have a 20m run once in a blue moon.

The mindless part of it is what makes it so relaxing. Running the same thing over and over on autopilot with calming music is a nice way to unwind. The last thing I want to be doing after coming home from looking at spreadsheets all day is logging into pso2 and looking at the shop for deals.
No, those are actually pretty shit teams.
Sanctum's music is so calming

yeah I dont mind mindless too much, but it has to be a bit engaging.

I always tend to forget about solo xq, i'll probably do that soon as well. the stage to kill from behind is kind of a pain as bo, and even with the weakness bonus jet boots are kind of meh.

and yeah, im not a big fan of shop sitting for deals either. probably why im so poor, because its not very fun. oh well, super unit sets and LAs will stay out of reach (and some accessories/double colored hair) because of it.
Astra potential.
Is it time for the GOAT Falz boss?

I told you it was worth it.
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dude i'm gonna fuckin chum in my britches
Thank you?
is it an issue if I make you nut, but there's no quality time because I forever grind

this is not an excuse I just wanna get loose

that's old nigga jargon, girl you're makin me harden
ah dude I'm about to splash wet readily set steadily sticky inside my drawers
bro I'm gonna go to chum. i'm gonna cum bucket from the chum bucket
aeuuh golly I'm gonna splurt and splort all over my shorts ay caramba
uh oh bro i'm about to spit it from the icky wicket
man no way not now I'm gonna.... i'm gonna freaking shoot hot CREAM
geez louise sport, i'm gonna unleash a torrent, a tsunami, i'm sorry japan you'll have to accept another 7.8
Sorry, but i manly play the game and kill things erp literally not on my list i've only done it once or twice and i'd rather not have 10 people hounding me to have e-sex with them
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shoot good buddy i'm fixing to bust! im gonna might have to let the thermostat rise. nothing turns me inside out like a girl gamer who meshes all her favorite consoles together. im gonna steal her from lazy kai. anyone who uses the word dookie is pretty fucking funny irl. shit man i might not... i gotta sploosh
this can't be real, dick extended stick intended to poke on the rope no nonsense no joke i've never euh oh no it's already too late i'm gonna fricken sklork
Kill yourself already Nhite.
jesus christ i gotta go to the grocery store just looking ati i smaking me wanna splish asplash take a bath in a river of my own ejaculate
fuck off back to xivg
alright which faggot and their discord got bored after mom and came here to shit up the place MORE THAN IT WAS

because you really need step up your game, we shitpost ourselves much better.
Good call, thanks. May have been close to making a mistake.
I'm antisocial in my own team; I'd probably only invite people who don't use the english patch.
>taking advice from pso2g
>such as rolling on ship 2 for starters

why not join a jp team then faggot
Why don't you?
>join our """""""""""glorious""""""""""" ship4
>(we don't actually play the game though)
>(especially not with you)
what's the fucking point. at least you'll actually find people willing to play the game on 2.
I've been on Ship2 since 2012.

I just haven't gotten to know the big teams, they're always changing it seems.
I mostly only wouldn't want people who use the english patch because it's fucking obvious when you use it, and the lower profile the better.
>Play a nip game
>on a nip majority server
>doesn't want to play with other english people
>stays in an english team

You honestly should fuck off then.
I didn't say I don't want to play with other english people, simply that if I wanted more people in my own team, that would basically be the only requirement. For the most part I've noticed that people who don't use the english patch generally aren't assholes or talk blatantly in public etc.
You sound like a real asswipe.
>Last weeks featured weaponoid chip isn't boosted for this weeks ES EQ
>Clusterfuck of anime fuck chips are instead
At least I know I can hold onto my rappy medals.
No sense of timing on Segas part to release the new ES EQ alongside the mother one, I don't even feel like participating.
Actually, the es eq is lined up to be completely doable while not missing any mother eqs.
tfw only people who never play FO will get 14* rods and I will never get anything
I'm a bit of an asshole, it's true. I wouldn't say I'm an insufferable cunt though.
I made a point of putting on a lottery ticket instead. If I'm going to win the lottery it may as well have a tangible prize.
next op should be sure to update it
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