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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 771
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Ana and Widow duels edition

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info



Previously: >>163165021
Say something nice about pharah.
Pharah is for holding hands and starting a loving family with.
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Who is the cutest Overgirl and why is it Widowmaker?
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I love Hana Song!
I hope symmetra doesn't get nerfed despite the shitters whining
I hope she will, torb+symm is a whole new level of nofun allowed right now.
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I wish D.Va and Winston got some better skins.
dead game
then torb armor should be nerfed. maybe just make it so the armor takes damage priority over shields
play pharah, spam rockets at their sentries from out of torb range
why does qp have a 5 minute queue time, but I can get a shitty mystery heroes queue in less than 20 seconds
Top quality posts.
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>Actually, unironically saying to nerf torb
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>work at walgreens as a pharmacy assistant

>hate my job and life

>have a shitty asst. manager that is retarded and is always trying too hard to assert authority

>she's an egyptian immigrant

>everytime i play pharah i think about work and get sad and start hating life

does anyone else do this

i mean she could be hot if she got new glasses but she's old and kind of a bitch. playing pharah just makes me think about how much i hate my job even though pharah's really fun to play
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>torb armor should be nerfed
Go back to your fucking forums, goy.
>hack Genji every time I get the chance
>watch him panic when he realizes he can't use either of his get out of jail free cards
>unload a bunch of bullets on his face

This happens way more often than it should.
Also, Sombra is way more fun than I expected, if they fixed either her spread or damage she would be perfect.
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>torb armor should be nerfed

Fuck that, his armor is probably the main reason people don't immediately start losing their shit when I pick him on Defense and Attack
Ow in discount and i'm poor going to hang myself
Need to let her hack without being interrupted by damage otherwise she'll never be viable in comp.
He does decent damage too. I swear I've shredded through so many Reinhardts and Roadhogs who thought I wouldn't be a threat.
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How should D.Va be nerfed?
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>open crate
>see flash of gold
>oh shi-
>tumblr zarya
>It's duplicate antique Bastion

I've gotten about 25 crates and not a single christmas skin. I ain't shekeling out, Kaplan, your game is awful.
People always underestimate the Engineers.
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>there are people that think Symmetra is overpowered
>she might get nerfed and ana + tank meta will go untouched
Well then.
I dunno m8, that sounds like a bit much.
But it should be buffed though, maybe let you take -some- damage so that you don't get interrupted if you are hit by a single D.Va pellet, or make the whole thing slightly faster.
I got a couple gold dupes this time around but I got Tracer's new skin so that's okay.
That's how the Blizzard meta works. They don't balance around actual strength, they balance around what people are whining about. Simple solution would be better netcode so that her gun doesn't lock onto you through walls and such.
>Jingle changes Tracer's pulse bombs into peppermint candies

Make her even uglier

does she work in attack
Why is it that this game always gives you win/lose streaks?
Yesterday I won and played 4 times in a row before I stopped, now I'm on my 3rd lose it's fucking baffling.
And I was 2971 already and now i'm dropping sr like it's nothing again.
make their meka reveal their bulge as a weakpoint from behind, similar to bastion's power core
I would never gave known. Her bomb is always a scary flashing red icon in the corner of my screen that i get away from asap, nothing more....
10 minutes to find a mystery arcade at 540 am wtf I thought this game had millions of players.

When I do find a match it's the same people over and over wtf?
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I really wish people would stop going mercy.

She's so fucking shit, Im tired of these 5v6s
when do winstreaks start upping your SR? I'm on a 4 winstreak but I'm still getting 30 SR per win
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she broke my arm
I tossed one down at the end of a round and saw it before it blew me up. Also, if you do an emote you can see them on the back of her harness.
Would you let her stomp on your balls?
d.va's junker and Winston's yeti ones are pretty dope

but yeah, the rest are pretty bad
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>be GM
>Zarya main (With Mei/Ana flex)
>Getting tired of always playing the same 3 heroes
>Decide to jump into QP to learn to play Tracer
>Get wrecked because my MMR is too fucking high
>Cant even practice my shit Tracer because I immediately get pummeled by 5/6 man stacks going full meta
>I tilt and switch to my mains just to have a chance at winning

Should I just make a smurf account to practice heroes? Because right now its impossible to do so in QP with my MMR.
>changing her critbox from her front to her back

People are already total shit at flanking d.va, that "nerf" will only make people bitch that they can't kill her at all.
is that a golbin
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>go into comp
>win a match
>lose a match
>win a match
>lose 2 matches
>win 3 matches
>lose 5 matches
Blizzard should do a seasonal MMR reset. Put the GMs in with the shitters for a week and vice versa and let it sort itself out.
>Tracer keeps her bombs strapped to her at all times

Someone loves danger.
i have huge social anxiety issues, even with multiplayer online games, but i am somehow interested in playing overwatch. any tips for a fellow friend /owg/?
Icy Pharah best Pharah
That might be the ugliest wm i ever saw
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I dont get it. Why in team multiplayer games like overwatch there is jo like personal overview . I mean like in counter strike, people can vote if you are a leader or a joker, they can also add a "troll" option a "selfish" and "disconnecter" or whatever. So all the hanzos will be matched together in a selfish teams and if they understand their mistake of being selfish they will actually try to earn back a status of "teamplayer". Easy as that
>tracer magically gets a new bomb out of nowhere for shooting people
>junkrat magically gets a new tire out of nowhere for shooting people
>pharah actually makes sense because she has the chance to resupply after using ult since she always dies
>ana nanoboost is also easily explainable through magic granny pee
>bastion gets ammo and missiles out of fucking nowhere

Only ult in this game that makes sense not being on 24/7 is sombra since EMPs usually need a capacitor discharge and those need to take a break after each use to recharge. Probably mei too since it works with a fluid.
junk's tire is on his back retard
And after he uses it wheres does he get the next one?
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Who is the Junko Enoshima of Overwatch?
Whoever the gay character they eventually decide on is
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allahu ackbar love
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Damn goys...
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roadhog delivers it duh
From his back, duh.

Ever seen a surinam toad?
>everyone gets unlimited ammo
We can go on for fukken hours
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play with bots.
rude ):
Atleast Tracer having unlimited ammo makes sense since she recalls her pistols each time after unloading.

stop trying to push your shitty koth on me game
Sombra. She's the puppet master.
Yeah I love nepas too
KotH is masterrace tho
>Winston's weapon generates electricity and can literally charge itself
>S76 manually reloads the empty clip
>Symmetra makes magic light ammo or some shit
>Roadhog carries a junkyard full of scrap metal in his back pocket
>Pharah pulls rockets from her shoulders to reload her launcher
>McCree manually reloads his bullets
Everyone else's reloads make no sense.
Yeah that's way more realistic.
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>overwatch has started an update
les schwab
>pick widowmaker
>teammates report me for griefing
I haven't felt this way since the early days of TF2, it's a good feeling
No limits box grind

6 symmetra

Wtf there's no way to counter this?
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she's too young for him
You missed quite a lot.
>Mei's gun is refilled from the tank on her back
>Ana, Junkrat, Widowmaker, and Sombra all manually reload like 76 and McCree
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this is nasty, dva is young enough to be his grand-daughter
6 winstons, just make sure you destroy the generators
Can you make it out of platinum if you have a 10 dollar logitech mouse and an old 60hz monitor
If cykas can blyat, you can blyat

You just have to believyat in yourself
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Do you guys sometimes dress up as Overwatch characters and pretend to be them, /owg/?
Get a good mouse and a large pad and learn to aim with your arm. 144hz is nice but not as important
fffffvuh ?

what kind name is that.
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Meta duo
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How do I get good at windowlicker. Sniping in this game feels like ass compared to unreal, tf2, csgo/css with both snipers and broken r8, tribes asced, ect

It seems to fire a split second after the click and the still have travel time ruining aim.
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I think he likes them a bit older and rougher around the edges...
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You're right, sniping in this game is bad and not rewarding.
Don't play sniper.
I think the auto-snapping of torb's turret needs a little nerfing. But that's all I have to really say when it comes down to it, aside from maybe give Torb's ult some slight downside, because overall it HAS no downside. Also I really dislike how, you basically can't really hack his turret, well you can, but there's no point, it's better to just fill it with lead.
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>Competitive, Masters
>Play Mercy because tired of Lucio and Ana
>Only healer on Defense in Hanamura
>"Change to Ana pls"
>Rest of the match will be screeching in my ear to change at how useless I am
>They don't take the first point
>We try to rush into the side room even though they have a Mei
>We eventually all get in
>Everyone dies and I get a 4x Rez so we can continue the push
>We take the first point no problem
>"Oh we only had one healer"
>They only just now realized

Fuck your meta crap, I'm tired of it. Nerf Ana already or piss off I'll play what role we need but I'm not going to do Lucio or Ana every single match.
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why aren't you exploiting this hero for free wins yet anon?

t. silver
Despite being 60 tickrate, there is a bit of delay from the time you fire to the time the bullet gets to the intented destination. Learn to lead your target and shoot where they're going to be and not where they are.
go be gay someplace else
t. silver
>playing Mercy

or alternatively

>play comp
>playing what you feel like even if it hurts the team

fucking sloot
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I'm brand new what do?
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>needing to justify your decisions (to a bunch of angry nerds)

Gotta work on that confidence, brah.
>get fed up with RNG and buy Jingle
>get Yeti, Nutcracker and Peppermint in the next three boxes

I've finally mastered the box spray pattern
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t. genji mains
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I am gay everywhere anon.
>There is a Reaper voice line mentioning Doomfist: "Doomfist should do his own dirty work."

So the nigra will be depicted with typical black person traits such as laziness. Isn't this a bit racist?
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How can Overwatch help me stop being so horribly alone?
>getting surprised when people get mad that you don't choose the objectively better choice
so then just go away
>Team needs a Reinhardt
>"Anyone good at Reinhardt?"
>"I'm sick of playing Reinhardt I refuse to play him"
>Team winds up without a Reinhardt

This happens more often than not in every match I go into. Why is Reinhardt magically considered 'a must pick yet we understand if you don't want to play him' but everyone else *has* to be picked?

They were very autistic in their screeching yes, I think I should just not join team chat. I've always listened to people in the voice chat and it's always, always negative, never anything good. It's so tiring, but I want my competitive points for the end of the season. (I'm comfortable with my rank, I just need the wins.)

>We all bum rushed the side room for attack
>They all died to Earth Shatter and then Mei ultimate
>Rez from the top floor
Oh yes, Nano boost would've brought them all back so that we could continue our advance.

Make an overwatch waifu tulpa
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Nah. I will just not respond to you further, that's easier.
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Reindhardt's ult can singlehandedly change the tide of a losing battle. he's a popular pick for a reason.
Why are koreans allowed to play on NA servers, as trump would say they arnt bringing their best and brightest, theyre all shitters too bad for the asia servers
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I know, yet still we get people who say they tire of playing him, and that no one winds up playing him because they're bad at him or they're tired of playing him.

People seem to just not care because we have a Zarya, Winston and D.va so that suffices apparently for a 2k frontline shield with a game-changing ultimate. I just wish the same standard would be help to healers; We have a Mercy, we have a Lucio, that's two healers. The specifics who cares. Oh, you DO care? Then pick Reinhardt and stop bitching.
>"I'm sick of playing Reinhardt I refuse to play him"
>Team winds up without a Reinhardt

climb to a better rank then you trash
her rare, epic, and legendary skins are all good.
>getting 9 wins in arcade mode
Why does this dogshit mode even exist?
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reminder not to be toxic on the internet

rad out
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Reee please help there is no new players guide in the OP
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>Top 5% is trash
play lucio or soldier
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Reinhardt is an insanely boring and mandantory hero.

You literally just hold W+M2 and you'll block about 20k damage in a match.

I hate playing him a lot, I want to have fun when I play a game, and rienhardt is a chore.
>he wants to have fun

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And Ana is a chore! I want to play Mercy! She's fun!
>comp is muh metawhores
>qp is torbsymm all day erryday
>snow battle is luck instagib tryhard meis
>1v1 and 3v3 shouldn't even exist
>Now thanks to Symm+Torb defense always wins
mercy is the most boring piece of shit hero ever invented

kys you pathetic beta cuck
t.low test nu-male
t. wood player
t. plastic
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>thinks master is top 5%
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I bet you main roadhog you skilless piece of shit and think he's balanced
this game is literally made so a 12 year old could play it without needing help
Mystery heroes is meant to be a "fun" game mode but yet people seem to treat it like comp and bitch about picks. It also doesn't help that you need to win to get the loot boxes.

I'm also a little salty since I went on a massive losing streak in Mystery Heroes.
I main Sombra. She has the highest skill ceiling.
I stopped playing comp because I'm on a winstreak and I'm afraid to end it.

I'm still getting 30 SR per win, but I thought it was supposed to go up on winstreaks?
>he has a main

t. foam player
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It is where I am
t. s2 platinum
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So you're telling me acting as your teams bitch and hiding behind a shield 24/7 is less manly than fucking killing things.

Pussyheardt is how you're supposed to play him. It is the most effective way to play him.
and it fucking sucks.
Only as Mercy. I'm a guy
t. dirt
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Protecting your allies from certain death is the manliest fucking thing you can do in this game. Compassion makes the man, not mass murder.
I'd be perfectly fine with it existing if I didn't have to participate just to maximize my chances at getting boxes with 3 duplicate sprays in it.

Blizzard knows it's dogshit and anti fun else they'd not need to basically bribe people to play this trash.
I think your spoiler was meant to say I'm a gay
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i like the way you think, anon

wanna have buttsex?
What could you possibly do while pretending to be Mercy as a GUY? This makes no sense.
suck dick
>Reinhardt is an insanely boring and mandantory hero.

t. bad reinhardt player with ZERO balls
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I play d.va

I can block things to, but also have much better brawling power and the ability to drop nukes on people.

I can't think of anything more manly than throwing an exploding robot across the map into someones face.

Especially when doing it as a korean girl.
How are ranks derived from placement matches?

Sis and I took nine of our placement matches together and she got gold while I was thrown to bronze, complete bullshit
rein's ult is better than d.vas
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Mei is best girl, deal with it shit skin lovers
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Well now that's just strange. I don't understand that at all.
>Worst character in the game
>DPS character that can't solo-kill, so she has to take a Support role
>Losing heals for a shitty health-kit camper
>I can't think of anything more manly than throwing an exploding robot across the map into someones face.

what about sitting while peeing?
Nah, you see with Ana (and the other healers) your teammates preferably don't die in the first place.

Assuming your using 2 healers you can have lucio ult or Zen ult to counter that (Assuming there in the right position, the same as mercy would be) and not die after the ult as Mercy often does.

The main reasons I don't like mercy are the fact that she requires constant protection and cannot fend for herself or run away as well as lucio could and she's a one-trick pony without the utilities of other healers.

And for some numbers, Ana grenade plus lucio amped healing = 72hps along with whatever teammate Ana is focusing getting a maximum of 222hps near Zen ult level heals with the rest of the team getting that 72hps which they both do without mercy's weaknesses

This is opposed to Ana healing one teammate at 150hps and mercy healing another at 120hps, I think to match the situation above you would need a lot more technical skill and awareness

But this isn't counting the usefulness of lucio speed boost and Ana's sleep dart

tl;dr I don't like mercy that much
she's yellow
that makes her a piss skin
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What's strange about wanting to be a smart, radiant, beauty that everyone on the team loves and appreciates.. Then be used for a bit of sex?
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>shit skin lovers
like you have room to talk
Wouldn't it be skill floor?
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does she have pretty feet?

You think i'd know? i don't lust over my family, anon-kun
you can find something objectively pretty without wanting to fuck it, anon
if she took off that mask, would he die?
Well if that's the case then no, she doesn't have pretty feet because I do not know what constitutes pretty feet. Pretty normal feet if you ask me.
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i bet mei has cold farts
that's a shame

what about her pits?
is there such a thing as a GOOD mercy player?

Find the flaw here
why though, I don't understand the mindset of you people

don't you want to win?
A sexual one?
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Mercy needs protection for that
objectively no
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ana's pussy must feel like an old leather glove

i rather fuck lucio's tight bummhole tbqh
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Asking the hard-hitting questions
Hanzo is better on offense than he is on defense
He basically does the same thing as Roadhog except even his forgiving logs aren't as forgiving as the hook
>9 game long loss streak in arcade mode

I really don't know why I fucking bother with this shitty game anymore.
nobody cares about arcade mode or about you
literally mad because you're bad
nobody cares about your foot fetish or shipping either
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>Current year
>People still auto vote the healer for commendations
>Even when it's something miserable like 33%

Fuck off
>people voting for people who do their role as intended
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Shit skin > pig skin.
As opposed to what battle mercies?
b t f o
i vote for who played the best on the enemy team
>be genji
>lol guys look at me i pull out dragon blade and kill people pls vote
>be torb
>lol guys have some armor haha pls vote
>be rein
>lol guys stand behind me haha i got powerful shield pls vote
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Anybody else hate mystery heros with a fucking passion? I want those weekly lootboxes but whenever I get a game we do well at first then the RNG fucks us over and we lose to 2 d.vas, 2 zaryas and 2 anas.

It keeps fucking happening every game.
>be mercy
>somehow do your job so pitifully you get a measly 33% of damage healed
>"b-buh healing is hard, rein just h-has to stand there"

literally you
Still better than
>be Mercy
>lol guys im a subby healslut pls bully my prostate with your cocks
Why not just play Mei's Snowball Offensiveâ„¢
It's less stressful than mystery heroes.
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Calling all Winston mains.

How do I git gud with Winston? And I don't mean gud, I mean GUD.

A few days ago I had a gold weapon Winston in my team in quickplay and he got 15 Jump Pack kills card in the end. What the fuck.

I already know the most obvious stuff like "don't pick him into Reaper/Roadhog" and "use your shield to zone enemy fire". But what the fuck are the nuances of the character? Most of the time, I'll jump in, maaaybe get one guy, then die before I can jump back out.

Tell me your secrets.
every role has a job to do

just vote for who did their job the best

numbers don't matter if you got the win

fucking retards
>immigrant milf from a muslim country
>prolly fought woman oppressing assholes all her life
>desperately craves authority
seduce her and give her the "authority" she deserves. then realise you are literally fucking Ana and start loving Pharah as your would be could be step daughter.

get on that milf train brah. it can only get your life better
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who are the best overwatch streamers?
don't jump into a group of people. stick with your team until you see someone hurt backing off for heals, then jump to him and finish him off.
when 1v1ing, when you need to reload, jump straight into the air. by the time you fall back down you'll be reloaded and will do 50 jump pack damage
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It's just as shit. Every single game I play, always one person leaves or we get steamrolled. Can't carry either because their five remaining Meis will trap me, and get easy pickings.

I honestly hope we get more PvE content. I played junkenstein thr whole event, I only play mei's shitfest for the weekly boxes and never touch it again.
>Numbers don't matter if you got the win

numbers matter in the specific situation where you need to vote who did best, voting for someone who played like shit is counter intuitive because it'll make that retarded mercy main even more obnoxious because they think even when they're doing nothing that they're still valuable to the team

also grow some balls and reply to people properly you fucking cakeboi tranny faggot
Yes. But what are your alternatives?
>1 shot snowball fight with an entire team of ugly fat chinks
>no limits that is full of children who worship dipshits like McCreamy and do 6 torb on attack for the 60th time that day
>1v1 bastion fight
I mean I guess 3v3 is ok. Better than you getting nothing but terrible picks while the enemy team gets a balanced comp that also happen to be their mains.
Im honestly not impressed
Annoy the enemy, try to pick their healer. Don't jump on Zenyatta as he will show you peace with discord and volley of headshots.
free for all mystery heroes when? If someone gets an advantageous character, everyone else will end up focusing them
>prolly fought woman oppressing assholes all her life
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Stop playing tanks. Stop playing Ana and Lucio. Stop reinforcing the meta.
what was the meta before quad tank
Because queues are long enough without splitting up the player pool even more.

Just remove the 3 weekly boxes from arcade mode that is literally all that needs to be done.
>Stop winning

no fuck you
2 dps, 2 tank, 2 support
Let's assume you are a top 10% player stuck in elo hell, and there are others who are stuck there too.

The probability that the other team doesn't have anyone as good as you is 0.9^6 = 53%. Even if you were a top 1% player, there would be a 6% chance that the other team also has a top 1% player.
consider the fact that these heroes are running around all he goddamn time, especially tracer. probably full of rough and toughened skin.
i like those odds
yes i would pls fug me
no, she exfoliates and applies moisturizer
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>start seeing less beaners, more gooks
Got me to think
Is the current meta the worst one yet?
at that point, it does not matter anon
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>''Hey. Anon. Look.''
the current meta is always the worst
Stick with your group, even though you have this awesome mobility it will just get you killed if not used correctly. Do NOT jump into a mob thinking his flimsy barrier will do any good to protect you.

Tickle around corners; don't set yourself up to be charged by Rein.

Watch your DPS - as they are engaging a target, you can jump in and tickle to help them finish.

On engaging snipers - you have great mobility to get to them, but you can just as easily be hit or even outright picked out of the air if you aren't careful. Try to flank a bit first, with a more straight line jump to the sniper if you can - the less air time the better so you can get the drop on them. Also - use your head, don't chase too much. Harassment and making them move is the goal, the kill should not also cost you your life.

Your overall goal should be annoyance - make them pay attention to you, chase you a bit, then disengage. Your team is doing the killing mostly, you're setting them up.

Ult to save yourself if you have to, unless your team is full wiping then just save it.
mexicans are shit at everything
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think of him as a fat version of tracer

poke and pick offs are your goal

but being a fattie, don't forget to protect your supports
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i want to support what to main?
>poke and pick offs

Doesn't hog just do that better
Shut up, dumb healslut.
oh, and also use your ult to zone for payload/objective maps to get the win
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On to your shit Varg, you're just going to take the tanks yourself for the easy win aren't you?
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I am not dumb
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>tfw 5-0'd in mystery duel and on tilt ever since
>miss your hook
>achieve nothing

>tickle cunts with your twizzler
>guaranteed damage
Don't worry, love. As long as you have partial control of your gag reflex, you are not completely useless.
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yes you are
When discussing if a character is good or not we generally make the assumption that you can aim.
>tfw people in this general used to insist that Reinhardt's ult was among the single worst ults in the game
post hook accuracy
post tits first
>aoe stun
>ever considered bad
go back to church burning you convicted asshole
They were so fucking insistent that it was.

Seriously, during the early days of the game dozens of people in /owg/ were insisting that Reinhardt basically had no ult.
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any recommendations on good players to watch on twitch?
wtf, i hate /owg/ now
Mercy is the best. I bet you run in 1v5 because a mercy is healing you and then blame her because she wouldn't follow you. The damage boost is great and unlike Ana, you don't have to aim your healing and potentially miss because your teammates won't stop spazzing out.
tfw lvl 4, i'm getting queued with level 55 senpaitachi

nice matchmaking

t. seafoam player
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Am I the only retard who constantly tries to Reload D.Va's cannons?
are they good skill wise?
are they entertaining?
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Stop being rude.
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>tfw constantly tried to reload Hanzo's arrows during Halloween brawl

Can't be worse than instakill bodyshot Widowmaker
out of all the heroes, hanzo is the one with the highest skill potential. you can kill almost an entire enemy group without an ult in 10 seconds.

why is no pro practicing him?
>tfw you figured out that recon mode actually does more DPS than turret mode if you learn his spread pattern
no its not. the previous meta of "oh shit we're losing lets just go 5 torb and a lucio next round" was the worst
too easily countered

unreliable damage

shit on by more conventional offense heroes
>6 Winston meta during comp early days
Hanzo has a forced reload after every arrow. There's a pause, a break, between each shot that corresponds to reloading.
Meanwhile D.Va can fire her cannons until the heat death of the universe without any breaks, any form of reload soft or hard.
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>its koth and in overtime
>everyone switches to stall heroes
>2 tracers
>2 winstons
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>Bulging eye model
>Everything looks like greasy cardboard
>Noise in dark areas

Why is source engine so disgusting?

he's only unreliable because nobody is good enough to use him, hence why I said practice.
>hanamura point B almost capped
>suddenly 6 DVA
I would take hero stacking meta over tripletank ANY day.

S1 meta required you have some aiming and movement talent to make it to the top, now you just do cheesy shit.

Rank #3 NA right now is Harrybutcher, a Reinhardt main who had a season 1 high of 72, over the course of 700+ games. Then Ana got released and he started duo queuing with Ana mains doing ult cycling. He's been 4600+ ever since.
Are you retarded. Symmetra and Torb counter Sombra. She can't hack Symmetra turrets, she can usually only hack Torbs turret with her EMP because it will interrupt the hack otherwise. Both turrets interrupt hacks meaning to hack a Rein shield or any enemy you have to reveal your location destroy all turrets in range of you, then leave because now everyone knows where you are. Not to mention additional health from shields and armour (armour especially because it reduces damage) means she can now kill basically none of the roster at all.

If the enemy is running Torbjorn or Symmetra, Sombra is a bad pick.
They should have an overheat mechanic
sombra is a good pick to take out the generator.
Is this a meme? Sombra counters Symmetra. Her ult strips shields, including the shields on the teleporter/shield gen itself. She's also the second best character for killing Sym buildables after Tracer.

I'm higher ranked than you, so I'm correct.
>practising my aim with zen in custom skirmish
>someone from my friend list joins
>lul why dont you just use mccree he requires the most accuracy and it carries across all heroes
This is bullshit right? How would practising hitscan help with leading my shots?
Does Symmetra's shield gen give shields to Junkrat tire?
actually sombra is better than tracer for killing sym buildables. when she's invisible she can't be hit by sym's turrets, so she can safely check rooms instead of taking damage waltzing in
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Symmetra or dva gold gun? I'm leaning towards sym but that would mean I would have 3 support guns, and I play everything not just support.
Your friend is an idiot.
you're effectively saying to ignore Sombra's purpose of hacking enemies, picking off weak enemies etc which she can't do if she's having to go in purely to destroy fucking turrets, and just using her to destroy a shield generator or negate it's effect for 6 seconds on a push. That is not a counter.

You might as well play Tracer or Genji.
If you already have 2 other support guns, get it for something else. D.va's can look alright if you have a skin that matches
Because shit's old and doesn't go well when you cram modern stuff in it.
mang this ana character is good
destroying the shield generator is like doing an instant 450 damage to everyone. It makes a huge difference.
In a 1v1 duel Symmetra shits on Sombra even without turrets or shield gen. 120 DPS autoaim laser and smallest hitbox in the game > 160 DPS SMG with huge spread
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>I'm higher ranked than you, so I'm correct.

There's a big problem when you take a chaotic, messy ranking system as an undeniable proof of whether you're right or wrong about something.
And the worse is, that kind of retarded mindset is extremely common in the community.
lmao no mr. silver, symmetra only has 7m range and sombra has the mobility to stay out of it
Either someone needs to make a better film maker, or porn artists should learn Maya.
>lets take Symm and turn her into a killing machine with free barriers and shields.
Blizzard are so fucking retarded.
Sure destroying the shield gen is great, but the fact Sombra is capable of it does not mean she counters Symmetra or that you should switch to Sombra to do it. Genji and Tracer are capable of the same thing and have a much better damage output.
The fact that turrets interfere with Smbras intended purpose in the first place is reason enough not to use her against Symmetra. You have to go in and out with Sombra, you have a very small window to get a kill or a hack and if you're using that window to destroy turrets instead you're next to useless to your team. You may as well play Traver or Genji, stick with your team and clean out turrets the old fashioned way, then later flank for the shield gen.
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>master in a gm game
>go soldier
>they all bitch and whine because I'm lower
>reliably kill pharah
>die 1 (one) time
>"soldier you're fucking shit go lucio"
>last time I didn't switch someone fucking threw so I comply
>he dies to the pharah every single time
It's 10m until it breaks again, with no aim requirement at all. It doesn't even break if the target goes behind Symmetra. Good luck maintaining >75% accuracy vs a bunnyhopping Symmetra.
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With that being said, they don't want to learn Maya because it's a lot more easier to just do a basic animation in an already "everything's ready for you" software and rack in a shitload of tumblr (you)s, as well as potential comission.
>symmetra only has 7m range and sombra has the mobility to stay out of it
Are you actually retarded? Sombra's gun is most effective at almost exactly that range, and her "mobility to stay out of it" means teleporting out of the fucking fight, resetting and trying again.
you're implying symmetra latches onto her in the first place, you also say she does 120 dps as if it doesn't take 3 seconds to charge it up
Let's just hope Valve updates their engine some day
Supposedly Source 2 is already pretty much done.
The big deal is, they want it go out at the same time as Half Life 3, which is supposedly also developed at the same time
It's the Mercy mains who are defending Symmetra. Now they have a DPS hero they can play with the exact same playstyle (auto aim beam) and still pretend to be support.
It really is amazing how people are self centered in this game, on the look out for the slightest fuck up from their team and ready to shift the blame at all time.

I mean, this is just fucking incredible concidering this is a TEAM game, implying cooperation is expected AND required.
And before someone flip their shit and soil their panties at me, I'm not saying we need a hugbox, I'm just saying people need to calm the fuck down.
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streaming some draws, gimme requests
draw young ana :3
Draw a titty
>Keep getting matched against 3 tank comps in qp
>My team always seems to think that Roadhog alone is enough to tank
Do you draw lewds?
do both at the same time
>play Hog
>landing delicious hooks left and right
>few hours past
>can't land any
>incredibly frustrated

Is this tilt?
>tfw not dying in Winter Mystery and getting POTG and 7 votes
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How many aimbotters do you see per day?

I see at least a couple each day. I play a lot of competitive and it's mostly master ranked gook soldiers doing it. I'm so fucking tired of it all.
>Instakill bodyshot widow
>On 2 characters
>One of which wouldn't be possible if she retained her bodyshot damage
>The other is beyond annoying/difficult to kill already in the hands of someone not retarded
I just gotta disagree with you man. Other games can have the lightest character die in a single shot, so can overwatch
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>mfw console 4500 is ultimate comfy
ive never played this game but its on sale so im thinking about it, what are the highest skill heros to play? it seems very casual friendly

>present captcha
>it's CP.
>nobody stays on the point
OW is probably the most autistic community I've sen.
Never actually met one.
The only time I had a doubt was with a very precise Hanzo that could nail me square in the head with a log as Lucio speeding the fuck out.
And I mean several time in a row with near pixel perfect accuracy.
>Your mains will get nerfed because dps babies crying about tank meta
Not looking forward to next year
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0, because I play on ps4
>never played before
>wants to start out with the highest skill heroes
You keep messing ip, so your confidence goes down and you only try safe hooks. Fuck that son, keep throwing mad hooks and fuck the sucessfull hook %, you'll see you'll gain back the confidence very fast the moment you land a good hook
im asking if there even are any

cause it doesnt look like it
Well considering cheese pizza is illegal I'd see why no one would want to be there.
>the last 12 lootboxes are 10x blues, a soldier highlight intro and the shitty zarya skin dupe

F U C K YOU BLIZZARD, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Play Genji or a sniper in ranked.
If anyone asks you to switch or complains just tell them you're trying to get good with genji and refuse to switch
In games where sniper rifles kill with 1 bodyshot, assault rifles kill with 2 or 3.

Instakill headshots are bad enough when they are hitscan with infinite range and can be spammed almost 2 shots per second
>im 12 btw.
I want to fuck Star Butterfly
>Want to play game
>Remember three tanks and Ana
>Lose will to play game

Changes can't come fast enough to be honest.
Wow, I'm jealous. That's one thing you consolefags have that is objectively, undeniably better than our PC version. RIP
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This is bretty gud so far, anon.
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Genji don't make me kill you again
>watch moonmoon
>he gets 3 korean aimbotters in a row
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Once you learn joysticks it's really easy to aim. I reliably kill tracers with mei. Plus everyone has the same stuff so aiming comes down to skill. Even the keyboard and mouse users can be negated with a dva or monkey.

Jokes on you I play Zarya.
>finally get into Diamond after spending last season in the gold trench
>close to master
>game became significantly less fun
>every game is roll, every team on any payload defense gets a instapick sniper who 9/10 times sucks dick

Whoever said that the game becomes fun the better you get at it is a fucking liar.
Not that this game really needs aim with the huge hitboxes and aim assist.
Anyone got the checklist for winter items?
how to parah?
MoonMoon deserves it. I love the guy, he's funny, but he's also a real piece of shit, throwing games, and bad manners in comp.
I like when he solo ults already dead enemy bodies
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Aim assist is ass. I don't have it at all. Most high level players don't.
>the better you get at it
you didn't get any better, you're just shitting up the master ranks like any gold from last season
that's the reason the season is so fucked when you can either get ex-grandmasters or ex-golds

when does he throw?
>have this one faggot on voice chat for the whole damn game going on and on criticizing everyone
>literally all he uses the mic for is to constantly whine about other people messing up as if he's apparently the perfect fucking player or something
>'guys, why didn't you go on the point, I killed two of them'

Maybe it had something to do with you not telling anyone on the team that you were moving in and to make a push you fucking faggot. You flying in and getting a couple of kills means absolutely fucking nothing if no one at the choke actually fucking knows what you're doing because the only fucking thing you've used the mic for the entire game is to bitch and whine like a fucking cunt!

This match alone made me realize why some people just completely disable the voice chat so they can't hear anyone. It was one of the most irritating experiences I have ever had while playing a game listening to this whiny jackass.
I see it in QP very rarely. Usually it's some Zarya shitter duo'd with a sub 25 player. Probably just playing QP to get them into comp then getting them a free boost.
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Would people complain about the tank meta if hero categories didn't exist?
I got to masters with such a setup by playing Zarya Dva Rein Ana and Lucio. Current meta favours no-aim shitters like us.

People would just bitch about high health classes.
Winston would probably not even be called a Tank. Ana would still be on the chopping block.

Nothing would change.
Same. I feel like its actually worse for aiming, especially when half the heroes have projectile weapons. I don't know why anyone would want the crosshair to slow down when trying to lead shots.
Yes probably. People would group heroes together depending on their kit, such as higher health ones being tanks/juggernaughts while flankers would be assassins and supports being healers
That's because Blizzard bans in waves. Even if the cheater account gets banned eventually, there is enough time to boost another account.

High level Zarya duoed with a low level Widowmaker is always a red flag.
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Nothing better than playing Pharah and making enemy soldier get salty.
>60 dps
>High mobility
>Shit bubble
>Annoying ultimate

Why would I not just play Tracer or Genji if I wanted to be an obnoxious cunt? Those at least do enough damage to actually secure kills.
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good lord anon pls more
Next time do it without a pocket Mercy or Zen orb
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Do more happy Gengis
Draw Dva interacting with Gremlin Dva
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>top 100 bastion on attack
>trust him
>we go full cheese with mercy and rein
>works well
>while I'm healing him pharah keeps shooting at him
>constantly healing him but he still dies
>"where the fuck is my pocket?"
She's 14, legal in my country.
Draw Pharah masturbating and squirting on a Reinhardt poster
He throws all the time when he gets a multi kill and jumps off the map
I feel you. It's the same with Dark Souls 3 on PC, fucking everyone cheats (yes, that includes you dropping items/souls to gear/level your char you imbeciles.
stop living in third world countries
How does initial placement matches calibrate? Is it primarily based on win/loss, how you perform or what? Will I get screwed for playing healer, even though I do well?
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Draw Ana tucking Pharah in bed.
i don't remember seeing this ever
>top 100
>wheres my pocket
no way dude
Europe, man. Not everyone's as stuck-up as the US.
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Old enough to breed
Denmark? 15 is legal in Sweden.
Check mate, I normally don't have either. ;)
Draw Widowmaker begrudgingly wearing an ugly xmas sweater
Her forearm is shorter than her upperarm. It's weirding me out.
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So, this?
how do I get out of gold shitter tier? how to git gud?
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t genji mains.png
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>want to main support
>killers can't kill shit

what do

>tfw the youngest you've ever fugged was 18, and now I'm 28 so it's getting weird fucking <18, but I'm a hebephile ;_;
stop living in third world continents
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Draw Zen hitting Hanzo in the face with his balls
Bonus points if it has Genji in the back cheering
Do some cute Zarya art! We do not have enough.
I was actually talking about games where there's only one character that gets bodyshot where most other non explosive weapons take upwards to 5 and beyond to kill

Does it twice in this one video.
>When you get gud with zenyatta and start getting potms
7 months and only 2 heroes, Can you consider Sombra even relevant?

Blizzard need to start pumping shit out fast, This game gets really stale with the small hero pool.

I mean if they stop catering the skin babbies and worked on something useful this game would be great all the time.
Would nerfing Hog and Ana fix the tank meta?
Yeah that's me atm
What's the cartoon on the top right corner?
do more lewd
>friends complain when we have 2 or more tanks
>muh "low dps"
why they gotta be such shit?
>never miss a hook on a tracer
>she aggros you til you hook her again
>resorts to use pulse bomb on me even if I'm out of position and no one else would get hit

I can taste the tears from miles away.
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Ana is the core problem for most problems in the game.

Also only one new map which is shit.
Is E54 Bastion's model or serial number? Because the play vs AI icon has a B73 Bastion who is orange
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That's not happy!
Tilting Tracer's with Hog is the best. No matter what, they will try to 1v1 you. Doesnt matter that you're a 600 health tank with a self heal and a 1 hit combo, they will try. They will ignore your entire team and only go for you, then you kill them again, ult on their corpse and carry on, effectively making any team fight a 5v6
Yeah that german map is complete fucking shit.

And Blizzard thinks they can do some kind of amazing e sports with this unpolished game?
How does Ana even work? I've hooked a very low health Ana and she grenades, restoring herself to full heal and doing a shitload of damage to me. I've been hit by a friendly Ana grenade and had a little bit of health restored, not all, just a little. I've seen Nanoboosted Rein's run into our team, not taking any damage at all, and when I ult our Roadhog he dies in three seconds.

How the hell does Ana function?
Is that based on something?
ANA ult gives a dmg reduction
Rein has armored hp along side the ana dmg reduction
Roadhog has no armor only the ult dmg reduction which is why he still melts pretty fast when focused

Ana needs nerfing.
Reaper needs small buffs (Ignoring armor.)
Rien needs to be less essential.
Dva needs nerfs or someone needs to have a counter utility to matrix spam.

All of these things would help the tank meta.

Supports in general still need balancing (Lucio is still non-negotiable and Mercy is useless).
Winston needs something to make him viable over Dva.
Many of the defense classes are still very bad.
Pharah and Sombra are still ass.
Soldier is too good and makes other DPS classes worthless.
Anyone else feel like they've gotten an extraordinary amount of 2cp the last days? I've played four games today, and three of them has been assault.
Normal shot does 75 hps and 150 hps with nade buff.
Nade does 100 healing and doubles healing received while blocking enemy healing completely,
Ult gives 50% damage increase and damage reduction.
Winston would be improved a bit if he had an armor shield split.
200/150/150 instead of the 400/100 he has now

Would give him a bit of passive healing and a little extra bulk with the armor.
>Play mystery heroes thinking it would be a good way to get my boxes
>Very quickly learn that it's roll attack or lose

I mean it's not like the game isn't like that anyway, but rolling randoms every death seems to be a problem for defense only.

Armor in general was just a mistake, it makes characters that are already the bulkiest in the game even bulkier but in such a subtle way it can't really be appreciated.
Pharah gets 250 total health, 50 of it is shields and 50 of it is armour. Fixed.
moon-wraxu is the best
Why would she have shields? If anything it should be armor that would make sense seeing how she's in a full suit of it

Make his bubble not garbage. There's a million ways you could do this but just giving it more health would be a great start. 600 HP is nothing for a target that big.

Give him more ammunition or longer range on the lightning so he can give himself more distance from his targets. You could just increase his damage to constant 80 dps so Lucio existing doesn't absolutely destroy your ability to get picks. He would still have the lowest DPS in the game like this.

Or you could further increase his mobility my reducing leap cool down which would improve his longevity tremendously.

His ultimate is still ass even if you changed all of this.
I want Winston to have a speed boost everytime he uses a skill. Or at least after every skill, make his taser tick much faster.
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Buffing winston directly makes a monster out of him in Koth though, so I bet Blizzard is taking that into account
It has inline shielding to protect it from stray shot.
what does that say?

Even if Blizz went full retard and gave Winston 100 dps and 1000 HP shield I'm pretty sure reaper, Hog, Rien, Zarya and Dva would Win a fight against him every time.

The way he does damage fucks him over harder than every other character in the game.
Winston is really only a monster in KOTH because of enviromental kills with the ult.
Plus discord orb or reaper just counters him outright.
OwO What is this? :^)
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Dude, Niice

Buff his ultimate. Make him immune to traps and stuns and buff smack damage ever so slightly.

Buff his shit shield too and call it a day.
>one mode ruins all other modes

This is why all the characters should be balanced differently for every mode. It's like how Arena in WoW caused normal PvP and PvE to become fucked over because things that happened in that specific special mode caused classes to be nerfed and buffed horribly in ways that fucked over the other modes.
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is it encouraged to learn all champions or just go "meta"
>10 - 20 meter range
>8 - 24 damage per round

>no range penalty
>29 - 125 damage per round based on time spent charging

Don't even get me started on that ping pong pinball arrow nonsense.
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>''Why haven't you impregnated Fareeha already, Anon? Where's my grandchildren?''

Is Winston even used in KOTH anymore? What's the point when he can't touch tanks and there are four every game?
the tank meta falls apart if you pick off their ana. the reason tanks are viable in pro play is because they protect their ana. randoms probably can't

This doesn't help Winston whatsoever.

He loses to every tank in the game.
needs sombra

Winston is not a good class to chase the Ana. She has the stun and Biotic grenade can stall her own death until Soldier can pick off Winston.

It takes four fucking seconds in most situations to kill the Ana and an aditional two or so if she splash the grenade on herself.

By all this time has passed you are dead.
id rather impregnate ana tbqh
Because your daughter is autistic, and i'd rather impregnate you
I wait until she uses her grenade on teammates before jumping on her
If sombra actually did a thing you could pick off ana with it. But they chose to play it safe and not go for a OP stealth char that everyone will whine about more then any other OP character cause it has stealth.
So lets get some doomfist speculation going
Left-click - Punch
Right-click - Movable 1k winston shield barrier that is held like rein barrer
E - Charges forward a short distance and grab slams an enemy into the ground(stuns like rein ult)
Ult - Doomfist does a winston leap and when he lands he does massive damage and bounces enemies like a pharah concussive grenade.
Just learn them all there really arent that many and none of them are really that complicated
But I already have, she hasn't told you?
sure you don't want another daughter instead?
That would be so dissapointing for a ult.
Also no shield. A new mechanic for a tank to do its job would be nice.

You better hope Lucio isn't around to nullify your damage with passive heals!

You better hope she misses the stun!

You better hope you land the splash!

You better hope soldier isn't there to obliterate your tin foil bubble and tear through your ass!
Because she has a futa dick
Winston is bad this patch.
Even Miro is not playing him this season.
This shit is kind of reddity, the whole "new character idea :D check out this new hero i designed" brand of autism

Plus i feel like the tank pool is pretty stacked right now, the last thing we need is another OP tank to make pentatank a fully fledged viable comp

Honestly given sombra's nonimpact on the offensive meta another offensive chatachter might not be the worst idea
One of doomfists abilities will be a huge knock back and anyone who collides with a wall gets damaged. Probably ultimate
>open crate
>see flash of gold
>it's Sunyatta
>already had Ra
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so whould i play arcade?
What about stop asking retarded questions you massive sperglord?

I really, really want him to be good but he has so many fucking checks and even if Dva gets nerfed again she will be better than him in every way.
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To play "fun" game modes that are more frustrating than any kind of fun
Gentlemen, what if we gave Winston a small monkey companion?

It rides on his back normally and has the same gear as Winston. When he's got people in his lightning the monkey jumps on them and does extra melee damage, hopping between multiple people being zapped if more than one is being zapped. RMB on a target commands the monkey to leap at that target and damage/distract them for two seconds, has a 15-second cooldown. When Winston goes into Primal Rage the monkey uses its jets to fly around for the same duration and pepper enenmies with lightning ball blasts.
> he doesn't want 3 free lootboxes
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>be Zen
>defending round
>everybody picks dps
>other team is full two tank two healers, 75 and McCree
>we get carried by our Hanzo who absolutely demolishes enemy healers and dps right at sight
>headshots discorded tanks
>shits wolves almost every minute
>opposite team tries changing to Widow, Tracer, Genji and other sometimes, eventually even Bastion
>still can't do shit against our team and Hanzo

good lord now I've seen it all, he wasn't even using aimbot

That is the most unnecessary and over complicated buff I have ever read.

>Barrier brought back to 1000 hp and starts cooling down immediately upon placement (It was like this originally but was nerfed because double Winston was too strong)

Just give that a shot and see if he needs more help.
In both of those, the round was already over.
Shields are so she has some chance of healing up a little without a Mercy. With the armour on top a shit from 76 or McCree won't be as damaging and she has more time to drop and find health
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I think my arm is fucking broken, I can't aim for fucking shit all of a sudden
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Shit you love seeing
>Roadhogs who can't get kills without hooking first
>They miss a hook, slink away and wait for the cooldown
Bad Streetswines are adorable
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Whatever happened to that second arcade map? Wasn't it called Oasis or something? When is that getting released? I remember getting announced when arcade was first announced but haven't heard anything about it since.
>the "if you collide with a wall during knockback then X happens" thing
Blizz did something like that in HotS too back when I used to play it and idk how I really felt about it, it just feels a little unnatural. Id rather they include a mechanic that like blinds enemy players that feels a little more proper.
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Would monkey lightning blocking all healing be too good? I'm thinking of ways to increase gorilla disruption in a way that does not directly buff his damage potential.
>About to win a round of mystery heroes
>Enemy team rolls three dvas and we roll three mercys


Oasis is a normal koth map and will likely be January's content. It's been on the PTR for several weeks now.
Since you're doing Ana how about switch to Jack and Gabe to complete the trifecta?

Jack and Gabe making silly faces to a 3 year old Pharah. Both are trying to prove who is more fun with kids. Pharah is actually not amused with either of them.
Heal increases or blocking are mechanics that shouldn't exist in a game like this.
>lost 87 Sr in one game.
>gained 21 when I won.

Just let it penetrate armor for fuck's sake
Yeah some korean no-lifer who's been playing overwatch for probably an average of over 18 hours a day for over a year and probably has occasionally played over 100 hours consecutively. Who gives a fuck desu.
I guess it's fun if you're low level like me

>Lightning ignores armor
>2 meter range increase to let monkey stay out of hammer range

>Almost 2017
>Not creating a Rein counter
That's because you're fucking trash and you deserve losing so much faggot.

I earn around 50 -60 and lose only 10-15.

how do I become good at highway pork?
U feeling okay champ?
U feeling okay in bronze champ?
>mystery heroes attack on Hanamura second point
>we manage to get 4 fucking roadhogs
>they all timidly hide in the bottom right room occasionally peeking out to try and hook someone for several minutes until a D.va sends an ult into the room taking them all out
It was very disappointing. Those day fucks should have pushed
Use M2 to make things die.
What was the SR difference to lose that much?
Only time I see that much of an SR loss is if I get disconnected
>System is perfect so you get what you deserve meme
A bad mei with no right click aim getting properly kited and the frustration setting in as she realizes that unless she can get up close with her slow shes literally completley useless
>Yeti Winston has monsters inc voice lines

>never fucking says them

nice game
Oh shit I didn't even realize. Thanks anon
>no more big tournaments until next year
This is booooooring
>Enemy hyper agressive Lucios and Reins
>Enemy Merys that don't switch when they're getting thier shit kicked in
>Syms that don't shield and run at you
>Enemy Lucios locked in healing boost all game
Not the same guy but it's pretty comfy here in platinum ;^)
QP is so fucking trash lmao.
It feels like roughly the same as gold
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>bragging about being in plat
Honestly feel like I regularly have more successful and enjoyable games in No Limits than I do in gold.
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Yesss, thank you!
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>Comfy in platinum

Then you're the same trash as bronze shitters.

I love playing Pharah and seeing the other team desperately try to shoot me down but miss every shot. Doesn't always happen but when it does it feels great.
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> lose first two rounds of koth
> people swap around, run 3 dps (one of them mei), 1 tank and two healers
> win next round
> guy starts complaining about how the meta is triple tank
> insist someone has to swap to tanks

But it was working...
>Torbjorn stacking
Literally what the fuck is the counter to these abhorrent subhumans?
>Enemy Zenyatta is the only one trying to shoot you down

Robo pope ain't gonna be tranquil for long.
Platinum is super comfy my man
Pharah or Any sniper, Full D.va team works as well.

They can't fix each others turrets so as long as you get a few picks you can stroll right in.
Wi what if anything puts symetra in the medic Class? I genuinely don't understand
Because it's called "support" not medic?
Its called support not medic
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>Torbjorn starts replacing 76 at protecting tanks at medium range
>new Symm starts replacing Lucio as second support, there's much less healing for the tanks
>Ana is going to get nerfed, she cant heal 3 tanks at the same tanks now
>Combo Torbjorn+Symm starts making 350hp Tracers, Genjis, Pharahs and Reapers
>Genjis and Pharahs start killing all the Soldiers
>Tracers and Reapers start busting all the tanks and the Healer (nerfed Ana)
>There are no healer that can counter all that dps
>Healers are not used any more
>Now we got a Turrets+Dps only meta
>In defense maps attack is literally impossible

Screencap this post
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Then why is the symbol a medical cross
I want a third shotgun hero

What kind of new heroes do you want, /owg/?
Why is Roadhog in the Shieldbearer section if he has no shield?
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>not wanting Donkey & Diddy
People think that the pro meta works in all situations and at every skill level for some reason
lootboxes and fun
Someone fun like Zenyatta. He is the only reason I even play this game anymore.

You mean fourth?
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Be nice to your waifu

Scout from TF2. Fast, high mobility, retard high damage at super close range.

Tracer does damage by mashing down Lclick and waving the mouse around. I want to flick and land meatshots again.
Sound Quake. I want him to be a mix between Lúcio and the Juggernaut.
Does D.va count? She has like, full auto shotguns.
Symmetra is way too fucking overbuffed holy fuck
>Beam can reach you across the map through walls to murder you instantly now
>free Reinhardt shields whenever she wants on demand
>75 shields that STACK for 500HP Symemetras that regen instantly if you don't manage to burst them down
>infinite turret spam for free slow
They overbuffed her tool set way too fucking far, I hope when they finally nerf her they nerf her back into the fucking dust again and nobody ever plays her
>Scout from TF2. Fast, high mobility, retard high damage at super close range.

As fun as that would be would pretty much invalidate reaper and tracer
But she likes it when I'm mean
>Ult is slowing down movement speed by 30%
>Deafens enemies for the duration
>can either counter Lucio's ult OR be countered by it

Give me this

I didn't even consider her. Yeah, she would.
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>There are adult ''''''men'''''' placed at gold right now
bad cuz bronze
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I just want him NOW.
Jesus Christ, you are the eptiome of every bad player whining about how any change at all ruins your ability to be mindless.
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>tfw finally reached platinum yesterday

Tell me there will be no more junkrat mains from now on
is it worth it to buy the upgrade if i don't play any of the other games?
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Yes goy, give some credit to the hard working dev team.
congratulations youre still shit
symetra dmg is actually pretty strong. plus new barrier generator. Idk man its pretty funny she is classified as a support.
So, we've got four Tanks who use shields of some sort and one Tank who has nothing but a huge hitbox, 600 health, and a self-heal that feeds massive Ult power to the enemy.

How do we make another Tank character that doesn't use shields and isn't a walking meat wall?
Do some Rein and Zarya together, they seem to be bros if the lines where Zarya was on Rein's birthday and let him beat her in arm wrestling is anything to go by.
I always am.
It basically boils down to whether or not you want to pay $10 for those five skins or not. And maybe you might, I don't know what your tastes are.
>walking meat wall
that's literally all tanks are. take away that and it wouldn't be a tank
Zen's also pretty strong if you can aim his balls, anyway
He's been seeing a bit more use in the tank meta for his discord as well
Still falls short of Lucio or Ana of course but it's something
t. Symmetra main who doesn't want their absolutely broken, uncounterable toolset to be touched in any way
I'm pretty sure a Tank character can be made that doesn't rely on energy shields or massive HP to work.
literally just stand more than 7 meters away from her and shoot, unless you're an autistic genji main
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Really makes you feel
>75 shields that STACK for 500HP Symemetra
How about you stop playing 6 Sym no limits
no, because that's what tanks are
Make deflection based tank
>fuck huge hit box
>right-click deflects all projectiles but gives you extremely limited vision
>melee hero
Even Genji can stand 8 meters away and fire shurikens
There's literally no excuse
Is Moon2 /ourguy/?
No. No one is fucking "our guy"
$0.02 has been added to your account
Is (you) /ourguy/?
So there's absolutely no other mechanic that you think can work? Or are you just against the very idea of a tank not having shields and tons of health?
Propose to me a mechanic that would allow a low hp, no shield hero to work as a tank
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Just got a lucio that yelled at the top of his lungs WEEABOO BEHIND US!!!!! whenever enemy genji tried to flank
fucking hilarious, he had a slavish accent on top of that
Well the only thing is an evasion tank but problem is how do you make the enemy want to focus you first.
This isn't like an MMO where threat generators exist.
xD epic
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
As someone mentioned above, a character who deflects enemy fire, with a passive version that's perhaps 35-40% deflection rate and an active ability with cooldown that bumps it up to 60%.

Also when I said massive HP I didn't mean remove it, I said Roadhog's only gimmick as a tank was his massive health and self-heal that shouldn't be done in the thick of a multi-man battle anyway.
I thought up some kind of vampiric effect maybe but then that's basically Reaper's passive
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>Group with friend in 3v3 so he can get his boxes
>Third guy on our team is an absolute retard
>Have shit to do anyway
>Leave just to fuck them over

what about like a tank that could disguise himself as someone on his own team

and his ult was pretending he was that teammate using his ult just to bait the enemy team into blowing their ults
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So an Evasion Tank?
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I like the idea of Doomfist being an absorption / sustain tank, who uses fisticuffs.

Punches as a basic attack, has a super sprint that lifts his arms up in front of him causing him to have a barrier in this moment (only at the front) so he can get close to his opponents, and any damage he receives gets fills a passive meter that he can use to replenish his health or shield or whatever so that he can continue fighting, but the cooldown for it is a bit long and the restoration isn't 1 for 1 either, so like taking 100 points of damage replenishes 50 health or something so it's used as a last ditch effort to survive and keep punching on.

With no barriers he's not about shielding people but more about pushing everyone back out of fear of dying; similar to a nano boosted Reinhardt, he drops his shield and everyone flees in fear keeping the team back.
>#1 boss

Did he steal jack's cup again? Or was it mcmeme trying to get into his good graces
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redemption when?
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what is this, how is her popcorn on fire
Evading in an FPS is a DPS/Healer thing, the Tank absorbs/blocks/deflects.

>Tank vaults over a missile
>missile keeps going and blows up the Healer
Hijab skin for Widowmaker when? I love her playstyle but her sinful body is a crime, inshallah. Besides she is french so it would make more sense.
its cocoa with a lot of whipped cream
I liked the explanation for this pic where Jack moved onto the floor because Gabe was getting too touchy on the couch with him and after Jack feel asleep Gabe stole his cheesy mug and then used him like a foot rest.
kek I just realize they're stepping on 76 and not a carpet
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literally this, who wears that cleavage to a gun fight
Without reading your post and just looking at the thumbnail, I thought that was fanart of an Ana skin.
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Suicide toi l'ami
Agreed. Muslims will be the majority in most European countries by the time the game is set in anyway, Blizzard should look at statistics and trends and try to make their game represent reality more accurately.
As-salaam-alaikum, brother. My imam forbade me from playing the match if a Widowmaker was present. A fair compromise.
>and his ult was pretending he was that teammate using his ult just to bait the enemy team into blowing their ults

Seems a bit gimmicky may as well just run a tank with an actual ult that does something in that case.
>D.Va hardcounters Symmetra
really makes me think

Please fucking stop.
We do not tolerate bigotry in /owg/. Go back to /pol/, friend.
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but anon we are actual idiots
looks like prison school and considering her name is hana as well... probably
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Fuck new tank ideas.Blizzard where's my vampire support that passively gives my team lifeleech
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>rook at me guys, im a G4MURRGR1LL RAWR xDDD
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We will never EVER just get slice of life comics with the 3 of them. It's literally the most interesting thing Blizzard has written about in years.


You've got the drama between Gabe and Jack.
Offset by the voice of reason Ana.
And a cute kid that looks up to all of them unknowingly.
La bonne façon de dire cette phrase est «assassiner vous-même», mon ami
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>Being that jealous that you're shit at vidya compared to the great Hana Song
>Play Soldier
>Full health Symm just walks at me and presses M1
>Press M1 back, land every shot
>She kills me faster

Yeah you can fuck off with this shit
>Ana, Sym, 76 and Dva are running the show
>they're all so easy to fix

Dva: hp -100, barrier CD to 3 seconds
Ana, grenade no longer fucking doubles/negates healing
76: damage lowered by a bit
Sym: Tether length reverted

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mé on sen fou de l'ortograff xD
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France is quintessentially Muslim, friend. Overwatch should represent the changing face of Europe if it is set in the future.
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she doesnt even exist and i dont even play the game
Terry Crews may be playing Doomfist.

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Let's play a game:

Make a hero more viable by giving him/her a slight change
>hard mode: no dmg increase

I start, Torbjorn can now give armor to his turret and his turret is affected by the shield generator.
>he doesn't know
Didn't you wonder why November came and left and First Strike was never posted?
What if when Ana throws her piss jar, the more people it hits the less effective it is?


Amelie wasn't even a sniper before Talon got their hands on here though, she was a trophy wife for Gerard. They pulled MKULTRA style brainwashing on her along with physical conditioning to make her an assassin.
>play a game
>2-3 people want to stay as a team
>i accept too
>they are always French

why so many french people play the game ?
I have stayed as a team with randoms 4 times and always they were all french except 1 dude was spanish once
>she doesnt even exist
happens all the time in qp already it feels like.
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Pharah's rockets are now hitscan
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>slice of life comics with the 3 of them.
I doubt it honestly. Crews probably bugged Kaplan to let him take a tour, they let him, and then they told Crews he didn't fit their "vision" for the character.
Grenade no longer does damage
No longer doubles healing
Is now a single target skill
Can still target enemys to negate that single targets heals

No more AoE bullshit. Boom, Ana is fixed
I absolutely hate slice of life storylines so I couldn't care less.

I just want to see more Omnics get demolished.
>he thinks a slice of life comic of soldiers that fight omnics wouldn't have them fighting omnics or mentioning it at the very least scattered throughout
>Symmetra shields stack

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>a slight change
>Pharah's rockets are now hitscan

>symmetra is now the retard class
I think it'd be fine if he actually fit but we seriously have no fucking idea what he's actually like (or any of the previous) for that matter, aside from their epithets
All the Doomfists so far have been African so as long as Crews could pull off an African accent he'd be set.
also I see way more D.Va retards
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>get invited to a group
>one person is referred to as a she
>they get on mic after a few games
>really transparent forced high pitch voice and they never say anything more than a few words at a time and it's almost never actual conversation, just repeating something someone else said
This keeps happening.
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This, pretty much. Save for maybe Crews bugging Kaplan and the vision part.

It's not uncommon for people to take tours at developer companies, it's just more notable when celebrities do. It's probably a coincidence, although I'd love a Crews Doomfist.
this moonmoon guy is so bad, how the fuck is he 4400?
Just like Jonny Cruz's great Brazilian accent for Lucio, right?
>Lucio with Gold Elims
Should I just drop this match here and now
nice blog bro
totally subscribed
If Terry Crews is the VA, what other big name actors could get gig as a character?
It's not coincidence though anon Crews has been shoehorning how much he wants to be Doomfist on twitter for a while now. And people have been supporting him.

Then he posts he went to the studio and how people are freaking out over the fact he's "confirmed" Doomfist.
he plays reinhardt in 2-3 stacks
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Your speculations for the next meta?
He never plays ranked outside a teamstack

Actually he did once this week, and plummeted to 4k
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>playing KOTH comp
>everyone except for one guy is Master
>average team rank is 3800
>check his rank, he's never made it into masters
>he fills and goes Ana, I'm Lucio
>our 3900 S76 can't hit a fucking thing
>after getting stomped two rounds, he asks to go DPS
>S76 swaps with him
>we win the next round but end up losing 3-1
>cards come up
>the diamond has 67% kill participation

DPS lowered to 60 from 80

Biotic Grenade now has to "climb" to reach 100% healing. Impact now heals 50 HP, Grenade healing buff starts at 30% more healing and climbs to 100% across its duration.
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Winston's leap now works like Tracer's blink, with 3 "stamina" charges
Groups with better players most of the time. When I saw him solo queueing on his second account last season he was only high 3400 or so.
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>people in diamond refuse to play healers
>yet are too terrified to actually do damage and confirm kills when playing damage
>and don't now how to push when playing tanks
>and run away at the first tick of damage even if an Ana just grenaded them and is shooting them nonstop
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Girls should love girls.
Boys should love boys
Whoa there!

I love OW but the art-style is pixar enough, I don't need to hear celebrity voices when I'm playing a game too, and there's no guarantee they'll be any good, if all the lazy phoned-in shit in animated movies is anything to go by.
Responding once to a super popular thread on reddit about how he should voice Doomfist is hardly shoehorning. The thread might very well be what landed him the tour.

>Then he posts he went to the studio
Well, yeah, the social media is for that. If a celebrity visited another country it wouldn't mean they're moving there. As someone who recently got into gaming, he's excited to tour dev studios. For a huge black guy, he's super adorable and excitable.

Obviously not ruling out the possibility of him voicing Doomfist but this could easily just be him visiting Blizz and not much else.
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>DVA ults in the shield room
>Block it then melt her plastic gook face

I don't care if they revert Symmetra's gun range just being able to block shit is good enough for me.
I'm pretty sure some people are only good in coordinated stacks. I played the random brawl with a 4.3k last night and we lost all of them and I always got two to three golds. I expected some easy wins when I saw that guy in my team.
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Canonically, they already do.
But they just can't let the feud go.
That's a very festive Mei
Congrats on the Mei
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>The Overwatch pro scene has reached a point where five heroes are core, only two heroes fit the sixth flex spot, and three different takes on counter lineups have appeared, albeit built around a tank-heavy core.

Ana and Tank nerfs when? or either a new tank buster?
How did we reach this low point?
>the pro meta applies to me, blizz pls fix this!
It'll probably be nerfed to 6m which is still more than enough for a 120 dps no aim weapon
>No limits is ruined because everyone picks Symmetra

Please try and defend Symmetra's current state
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>People with good aim can kill squishys fast
Not really surprising.
Roadhog also 1 one shots almost all the non-tanks in the game with combo.
Tanks are pretty much the only ones that can live at that level of play.
I honestly don't want celebrities too but I'm worried this might open I'll the floodgates
That's how Blizzard has been balancing their game though you moron. Symmetra has not bee getting any notable tournament play since day one and what happened? She got reworked.

76 wasn't getting picked in tourny at all, almost as bad as Symmetra. What happened? He got buffed.
The reason No Limits exists is because it is no longer how Blizzard believes the game should be played anymore.
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>No Limits
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I really don't want him to be the voice actor because he will be more annoying get a hold of when they need him to do lines. As for celebrities showing their support doesn't mean shit regardless of how much they think they matter. At most I could see him play some random character in a trailer or be a announcer.
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We wont see a meta change until the season is nearing its end, or has ended. They never change anything drastically during the meta.

I can bet your fucking ass they'll nerf Ana, but it will be so fucking insignificant that nothing will have changed.
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I haven't played the game for 2 months now and I don't really know the changes, but what happened to Reaper? I thought he was supposed to be the go-to tank buster?
>Symmetra has not bee getting any notable tournament play since day one and what happened? She got reworked.
nobody above bronze played Symmetra/Soldier last season you drooling retard.
>Ranked isn't fun
>Just play quickplay bro no tryhards there
>Quickplay isn't fun
>Just play arcade bro no tryhards there
>Arcade isn't fun
>lmao why the fuck are you playing no limits

because you fucking kikes told me to
Symmetra has not been getting any notable play outside of tournament either, though. Outside of stacks, I almost never saw her. I saw pre-buff Zen more often than pre-rework Sym, I'm pretty sure.
Ana happeend
Second reaper gets in range to bruise up some tanks he gets sleep darted and murdered.
I suggest stop playing the game since you obviously can't handle much in your life.
I hate the "slice of life" part, I do not care what else is sprinkled in. Following the day-to-day lives of characters and the ordinary things they do is really boring, annoying, and not at all compelling to me.
>They never change anything drastically during the meta.

>McCree, Mercy, Zenyatta, and Reaper
How the mighty have fallen.
>He gets sleep darted and murdered
No, no, if it was just that nanoblossom wouldn't have been a thing before

He's just been crowded out by D.va and S76 who both can tank bust adequately and do other shit

>Trailer for Doomfist has him narrating
>"And now meet my successor-"

Would be good way to fuck with people.
If you want to practice a hero? That's just kinda stupid.
What are you talking about it just solidified the meta more?
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She deserved a rework and is not overpowered. People only have trouble with her because they rarely played against her.
Ana happened, and the fact every team has 4 tanks, Reaper has to go through a meatwall of huge HPs, shields and barriers, while also having to stay close to deal significant dmg.

Also, 76 or D.va can do his job better.
And Symmetra changed nothing, still. She was similar to Sombra; being that niche picker "I CAN MAKE IT WORK!" before people quickly realized after a few days "get off that shit she's garbage" before she fades out of existence.

Ana's biotic grenade *makes* the tank meta, if they change it the tank meta will drop the fuck out of orbit and suddenly everyone is running around frantically wondering "Well what the fuck do we do now?", as opposed to "this one character did a thing, let me try make use of her!!!!!"
Zen is actually higher than he was last time, iirc
>he will be more annoying get a hold of when they need him to do lines
That's not really true, though. Do you think voice actors conversely have a lot of free time? In fact, many OW characters had their lines recorded over distance because it was not feasible to fly the VAs over (Ana being the most notable example). I also imagine they wouldn't cast him if they weren't sure he'd be tough to get a hold of.
>How did we reach this low point?
Ana got many consecutive buffs in response to her being weak at release that snowballed her out of control. She is now the absolute best healer in the game, Lucio is only relevant because of speed boost. She excels at everything except mobility which isn't that crippling.
D.va also got many consecutive buffs that snowballed out of control and now she is an incredible nuisance able to deal much more damage because of her move speed increase. More D.va means more stalling and drawn out fights due to defense matrix.
Roadhog is still as busted as ever, and because of most teams regularly featuring 3 or even 4 tanks, being able to confirm a kill is that much harder and demanding. Roadhog becomes even more of a necessity then, being able to grab an easy kill every 6 seconds.

The ultimate changes make all of the above even more prevalent. When you can't rely on ultimates as much to initiate or carry a fight, you're more reliant on Roadhog to secure a kill to start a fight. You're more reliant on how powerful a character's base kit is, and characters like Ana have insane base kits. Soldier 76 is another example of this problem, he is a jack of all trades character that is becoming too good with no drawbacks. This is how you know the answer to this problem is nerfing these characters, their problem is the lack of drawbacks.

Tanks are too bulky, deal too much damage, and there is too much healing for Reaper to do anything. He has been destroyed by power creep. 76 is a better tank buster than D.va, 76 can often beat a Reaper in a close-range 1v1 fight now.
>implying a team full of hanzos would vote someone else positively, much less as a "teamplayer"
captainplanet is a meta reporting GOD
>can;t handle much
>It's a fucking video game

sorry I forgot there's turbo virgins like you who literally base their worth as a human around their rank
S76 can deal shitloads amounts of damage from practically ten times further than reaper while being able to heal himself in the process
>Do you think voice actors conversely have a lot of free time?
From my understanding they actually spend most of their time looking for their next gig and the less fortunate ones have to work other jobs
Meant to say 76 is a better tank buster than Reaper*
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I never even brought up anything about ranks but it shows you can't handle much if everything is unfun to you.

New comic boys.
Pretty much this I done the same thing I did before as Symmetra except now I can do go on offense without people telling me to fuck off.
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Ayyyyyy Tracer confirmed dyke
Generally, yes. Both impede their schedules.

Tracer's VA is an actress who also stars in a TV series, yet apparently she finds the time to record new lines. OW VAs' lives don't revolve around OW, most of them lead busy lives. Ana's VA is a casting director for dubs in Egypt, afaik.
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what the ffuc
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You were born JUST IN TIME to see reaper76 anon die.
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>tracer, the game's mascot, is an omnic-loving dyke
>there's no reason for either of these things, she just is

Really activates your almonds
I'm not talking about what it was like last time. I'm talking about their peaks.
>Get mei, pharah, zenyatta and sombra christmas skin all after another
MChanzo tards BTFO
saw it coming a mile away. soldierxreaper faggots btfo
I am not shocked she is a dyke it was this or be really into bestiality.
Thing i've never really understood with VA's is why they need to specifically go to a companies studio to record lines.

Aren't we at the point where they can just rent out a room at local studio while getting intructions from a director remotely?
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>no chronal accelerator on Tracer
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Oh man. This comic really hits hard.
>damage blocked counts towards damage

Can this meme end please?
Audio quality, as far as I'm aware.
Confirmed for gay. Wheres the shitstorm?
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Wake me up inside
>Tracer is the dyke
Really fires the brain.
She has it plugged in nearby
I guess it has some range to it
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She looks old enough to be her mom.
I'm just glad Zarya's straight, I want to see her in a wedding gown
It's sitting right next to her.
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>pharah and possibly her dad
>genji and mercy writing each other
>tracer is a dyke
>widowmaker visiting gerard's grave

What else is there?
>Clang clang clang
>Not bong bong bong
Shit comic.
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It should count. You want to destroy barriers.
Tracer the dyke? I knew it.
Why is blizzards fucking comic reader so wonky?
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the face of a dying game.jpg
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>Not being top 10
Then you're the same trash as bronze shitters

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>genji and mercy writing each other

fucking chu
>Soldier and Ana spending the holiday together
>Mcree and Sombra hanging out
>lesbians were already accepted 20 years ago

>It was Tracer the entire time.

Reaper watching his ex-wife and kid with their new husband/father
Soldier and Ana being depressed old people
Reaper just wants to be a real boy
McCree passed out drunk
Roadhog and Junkrat not giving a shit about Christmas
Man, Reaper all alone hit me hard
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ahahaha get fucked pharah fags she's taken
>Chu pushing his shit again

Someone fire this cretin.

Consistency in product. Remote studios may not (in fact, are likely to not) have the same acoustic qualities as when everything's done in-house. And trying to level out voice lines from a dozen different recording studios is a lot of effort.

Plus, for voice actors if they have to interact with each other, it helps to get them all in the same room so they can look at each other and improve their performance.
They did a good choice with Tracer being the lesbian. Reaper76 btfo, Pharmercy btfo
whos with pharah...
Given the grey hair I assume it's her dad
He looks quite a bit older, maybe that's her dad?
whenever there's a junkrat on my team i try my best to lose the game no matter if ranked or not. the fact that people who play this character have a bad time is more important to me than my own will to win a game.
Possibly her daughter and grandson, isn't Gabe like 70?
>team doesn't want to play and feeds
thanks team
good pick for the lesbian

wheres her accelerator? under her shirt?
>/pol/cucks now trigger themselves randomly
It's almost as if you enjoy being angry.
Sorry my mom only lets me play Junkrat or Torbjorn. :^)
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I assume this thing under a tree keeps her in reality.
>Genji writing to someone, probably Mercy while Zen haves fun with snowballs
>Pharah having a dinner with probably her husband
>Roadhog and Junkrat having fun at a Lunapark
>Hanzo starving for cake
>Reaper is literally the grinch
>Mercy reading Genji's letter most probably
>McCree and Sombra drunk in the bar

Im glad that Widow still thinks about her husband enough to put a flower on his tomb. Ana and Soldier are mostly a bored couple.
I don't understand Torbj and Rein's scene though. Is the blonde girl torbj's wife?
What are you talking about.
widow is alone too
What are you talking about? We just want the game to represent our culture more accurately.
>engaging party mode
ok that was cute
>Widowmaker never goes anywhere without her clawboots and spider visor
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>main Tracer
>she's a lesbian
>Genji writing to Mercy

>everyone else is wearing casual outfits sans Reaper
>McRee is still cosplaying a cowboy
That's exactly what it's for, ignoramus.
So is tracer a lesbian or both her and the red hair just really love the monkey dick?
Because this comic can be interpreted both ways.
>playing a gamemode where the bots walk in a group in a perfectly straight line, almost never using their abilities
and you want to be prepared to play against real people? k.
tldr: bots are nothing like people you fuckin sausage.
Jokes on you, win or lose I'm having fun blowing things up and you're busy being a salty retard.
They are watching the Ducks game in Egypt? Let alone hockey in the first place.
>boot camp has you shoot paper targets and you want soldiers to be prepared to fight real people?

How old are you?
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Way to make her even fucking more depressing, Blizzard.

Redemption when? Stop her suffering.
Winston created containment rooms that have the same effect as the chronal accelerator while he was developing it. At the very least, tracer lives in an apartment outfitted with the same technology.
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