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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 718
Thread images: 251

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No one cares about those links edition


>Helpful Links
Champion.gg - usage, winrate, and build statistics
Counterplay.xyz - pick, ban, and winrate stats by elo
Probuilds.net - what it says on the tin
Surrenderat20.net - news and patch information

>Match and Summoner Info

Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson.
>be me, G4 jungle main
>get matched up vs a P2 graves jungle one trick who absolutely fucks me

remind me how this is far?
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How is Eve jungle now for SQ, is her early clear ok? I feel she will dump on the non coordination shit show in ranked
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who cares about these links?
does anyone get a random key fragment without notification at all once in a while?
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So i've been wanting to try out LoL since Dota just released a big update but it's still very buggy. If i'm 4.5k, what rank should I be in this game? Also, are there any mechanically challenging heroes? Those have always been my favorite, such as Arc Warden, but I also like pretty no-skill heroes like Kunkka, anything like those two in this?
Better to get matched vs better players, because then you improve more
>Super Pedos
HE'S LITERALLY 15 not that I have a problem with that.

>better to get matched against players who make you totally redundant by the five minute mark

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I wanted to report this fuck
Annie and Kayle both take a lot of Skill.
all champions are the same shit, don't list to anyone who says otherwise

>being this assblasted about being called names in a videogame

laughing at fucking you

grow some thicker skin faggot
that's a shame
are there really no mechanically difficult heroes?
By mechanically difficult I mean takes more than like a few hours to understand
I don't report people for just calling names

I report them for both feeding AND being a butthurt faggot
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why would you play camille if she is BadJax?
If you were actually focusing on improving, then next time you won't be redundant at five minutes
maybe gangplank and orianna but they are as hard as timbersaw really
Whats his height?
Oh, ok i'll look into those two
i'm guessing there's some kind of bloodstone-type item one of those builds then?
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Should I do it?
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Whats in the booooooooxx?

Whats in the fucking boooooox?!
it is more about timing how to do whirling death in the middle of timberchain thingy
Sion champ shard

>IP boost

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I noticed that too, is all gey manga really that short?

like whenever I saw an anime that I liked enough to look for the manga like tonari no kaibutsu kun it was at least a decent size

these ones dont even last
Elementalist Lux
I wanna cuddle jinx
Vi only wants to peg men, Anon.
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Why does this game want me to become a teemo main?
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Same 2bh.
She can mating press me then! :3
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>not embracing our lord and savior Satan
Damn. That's a good skin. Better than Elemetalist Lux or Spirt Guard Udyr.
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I'm guessing it's because the stories end after the main couple confess their love and get together. There's not really anything else the author could add to the story unless you just want to read about them doing comfy things, which I totally would read, but most people wouldn't.
>All those skin shards.
Why don't you make a reroll fest? Are you a pussy?
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Post A cropped lewd of your main.
is that actually the pinnacle of mechanical difficulty for this game? That's kind of turning me off
I wish I knew how to get S ranks on champs other than Leona.
I would but I honestly have no fucking idea how to play teemo and he's so far from the style of champions i play its not even funny.

yeah I agree, I was being hyperbolic, I actually really like that skin and Im glad to get it.

I have 10 more skins shards not in the pic, its just that I wanna craft all of them but I keep getting more and more shards that I wanna craft. Im addicted.

>Rerolling shards, ever

Id rather de and craft the others sicko.
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>Le epic teemo is satan meme.
So funeeh dude
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>Letting Vi rape you
>go to /d2g/
>it becomes /pol/
Praise LoL's mostly separated servers.
I do, dumb frogposter.
I love Jinx
And I would fug Jinx while getting fugged by Vi
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yes it is
this shit is braindead as fuck, they don't have balls to even implement proper micro
believe me, if you played dota you'll find every champion a piece of cake
most of these actually dont really have any drama

like no random bullys makin fun of them for being gey, no "IM ACTUALLY STRAIGHT!" crisis, no "how do we do segs?" stuff, no "what will my parents think?"

like theres so much to work with but they just let it end so quick

lame as fuck
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Me too, anon.

Me too.
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Why do I keep this crop anyway? He fucks a blonde Ahri by the way.

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Ok, will ranked be a stomp then too since every champion is braindead easy? Also I know there's positions in this too, what would you recommend I go if I want to have fun and carry my team
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>tfw your team actually waits out the enemy teams baron and you win the game because of it
how come i've ragequit easily 200+ ranked games since S6 and i've never been outright banned?
Dont listen to that guy, there's champions in this game that will take you a bit to get used to. Nothing on the level of meepo since there isnt microing in this game, but still

Try out Azir, he's among the hardest champs to get used to. Also unironically fiora or riven. People are gonna meme about those champs but unless you honestly put some time into learning them you're not gonna have much success.
>another waifu bait
What? It's been 3 or 4 years since we got any waifu bait.
sauce me? couldn't find this one.
>He fucks a blonde Ahri by the way.
Shame on you, Anon.
Its brainded, but its still a MOBA. You're playing against real people. If you arent just as good at the brainded shit as they are, then you're going to be absolutely fucking demolished. Just less shit to work with.
Mind sharing full pic azirfag?
tried watching imaqtpie's videos the other day, couldn't stand more than 4 minutes.

Is there a high level player i can watch that is actually entertaining and comfy instead of saying unfunny memes and overreacting all the time?
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If you want a difficult champion to really master play Draven.

There's a difference between a good one and one who can juggle 3 axes and teamfight without getting hit by a skillshot.
Dyrus he has no emotions

>You'll never experience these things

"Donaught" is the artist.
Source on this one? its new to me.
>that anatomy
Are you here to samefag and dickride Dota or do you actually want to learn?

Lee Sin and Riven are considered difficult champions, especially if you consider their skill ceiling. Playing Master Yi at his highest potential literally requires savant level reaction times because Q and W are very deep skills. Vayne Yasuo and Zed are noob stompers but get extremely difficult at higher levels.

Just try Lee if you want mechanical shit. You can start with ward hopping and flash kick for basic combos
jungler since it is so fucking ridiculous overpowered right now

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There's not enough Yorick lewds.
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The things I do for...something.


Upon 2nd viewing apparently its not Ahri...huh.

Dude, Draven's probably the hardest champion to truly master. Azir and Aurelion Sol after that.
Alright, i'll look into Riven, I know her basic stuff because even I've heard about how toxic Riven players are
then again, I play a game where people call each other niggers and deal with russians all the time so i'm sure I can deal with a little stigma against me
>juggle 3 axes and teamfight without getting hit by a skillshot

You can count on one hand how many players can do this consistently.
Hell no, I agree with Azir and Draven but A Sol is not difficult. Playing any escapeless AD is harder than that.
>"Donaught" is the artist.
o wait kek I just saw it yesterday
man my memory is fucking shit
the day meepo, timber, slark, ursa, batrider and techies have a counter part on league I will say this game isn't braindead anymore

and no teemo doesn't count as a techies counter part

if you wanna do mid, xerath is 100% skill shots, but if you git gud with him he's pretty great

top is easier to carry from, though and ekko is one of the more dota-like champs in league and he's great in top and also jg
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>decided i would main lux this season, at least in LAN

good luck to you anons in your rankeds, hope you get to your desired ranks

>Stay positive!
Bless fellow azirfag

If you find riven to be your fancy, try yasuo as well. I guarantee he'll be unlike anything you've tried in dota.
I guess I should also ask, which of these guys should I buy first, since I know you have to purchase characters in this, something i'm against but i'll deal with
That fox is from that Fire Emblem game.
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>Let's play some jungle
>Bot is 0/12
>Mid is 0/7
>Top is 5/7
>If I go toplane mid and bot both feed a kill while I'm top
>Same thing goes for any other lane
>Your team has agreed with a surrender with 5 vote for

Titty Shitting Christ jungle should not be this hard.
too bad draven is just plain shit
Welcome to Season 7 where everyone feeds and blames you
Now I wanna post 2x4 lewds desu.
start with buying master yi, use him to learn jungle, he's inexpensive and still relevant pretty high up the ranked ladder

after that, its a question of if you wanna keep playing this long term or if you wanna just bash your head against ranked awhile every now and then

the best way to do it is start at the 450s, and work your way up if you're in for the long haul, becuause that way you can cheese the 6300s into being like 4800 ip

It has been like this since 2009...
You might be disappointed, she's pretty easy to pick up. She's just stupidly hard to master because of the sheer number of interactions her kit has, especially when you buy Tiamat (active item that does aoe damage)

try shit like Vayne Yasuo and Lee too, they're actually really fun if you're halfway decent
also master yi is BadJugger
hand holding anon, how do you feel about jinx futa?
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i still love you
I don't
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A million times yes
The bigger/longer/thicker the better but small and cute is fine too
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r8 my masteries
shaco's rework pretty much killed him for me, i haven't played him since and if I could I'd replace him with taric
i would also replace trynd with karma
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Selkie? I dont remember her having a scar.

I say Aurelion because picking him up and knowing how not to fuck up and do consistent damage is still kinda hard to do. He's not the hardest champion but the amount of time to spend to really nail him down is pretty high compared to most. Thats my take at least.
Got shards to disenchant?
I can assure you I probably will not have a difficult time mastering her because of interactions, simply because I play a lot of Arc Warden, a hero who has a ton of active items and abilities, and then your ult summons a copy of yourself with all your abilities and items on a separate cooldown
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Why is this show so good?
good stuff, my nigger
Already did it,but I just realized that I can disenchant wards too, so yay I got enough
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Academy Ezreal when?
/vg/ vs /vg/ where?
Good shit.
I have a spare account that my friend gave me if you want, it doesn't have a lot of champs but it's under lvl30. You can test some shit on it if you want

ID and PW are both league97531

Yasuo Riven Vayne all challenging but fun, I'd recommend getting those first
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lux is cute and huge!.png
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Right after Infernal Brand
Nah, I think part of the fun of picking up the game would be making a new account and getting to play with people who are new and gaining all the champions on my own, thanks for the offer though
/vg/ vs /vg/

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>only 5 placements in
>already want to kill myself
I don't know if I'm gonna make it
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Post n rate
it's not
super lovers is hot garbage desu
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plz I need this skin, its perfect

just finish em and start the climb bud
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kill yourself
if you want ive a low level alt I can walk you through some of the basics with, and differences

assuming you're on NA. you pay money to switch servers here. or have to just have another account on the other region

not joking
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Forgot to add that's support Mao and jg voli.
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Then sounds like you'll feel right at home playing Riven. She's more about button combinations and being efficient with inputs than skillshots or things like that. Yasuo is kind of like that too if you want to try him

Vayne = reaction time and sidestepping
Draven = multitasking and accurate movements
Yi = just pure reaction time and predictions
Different champs for different folks
Should I consider it a rule of thumb from here on to do so? Now if they have source information I'm not going out of my way to find the source for you in that case.

Jinx X Cait: http://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2189748
you dont have a single lv 6 or 7 get the fuck out of my sight
Anniebot is pretty comfy
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tanky guy/10

adc gf/10

It's always fun cockblocking people going after my dmg dealers.
Should I main pantheon
1 - 4 Yes
5 - 8 no
0 , 9 kill myself
I enjoy Valkrin immensely

he's comfy and explains whats wrong/right about plays
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you should give some actual good bl a try
I have plenty of recommendations if you're interested
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oh hey bl anon whats up?

finished this yesterday, gonna read ganbare nakamura-kun today
What are some in-game names that would make me sound like the worst type of person?
5/10 indifferent

8/10 you give me mixed feelings

7/10 You're a big guy
Ok, i'll look into all of those
So Riven is a top, Yi is a jungle while Draven and Vayne are ADC?
oh and also last hitting is super important in league I hope right
I absolutely adore having a high CS
stream it please
Have the name of your main in your ign.

For example

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>be adc
>come back into lane
>see pic related with ur jg and supp

what do?
keep in mind its ur promos
You won't hear this anywhere else, but the hardest champion to truly master is probably Taric. His decision making is unparalleled of all champs in the game. Then there's his ultimate. His ultimate is League's single most influential spell that can either make or break a game and takes hundreds of games to truly understand. You have to pay attention to EVERYTHING, every single cooldown on the map, plus every position of both your teammates and your enemies. His W also requires these things.
Its just 2 players playing the same game. No one said it has to be fair.
CS is the most important thing in the game

Most high elo games are farmfests where there are no kills until 40 min
What are you niggers, gay?
>someone does not understand the power of good peel
I'm never save you ever again!
Does anyone have a high refresh rate monitor? I'm considering getting one but I'm not sure if it'll help at all.
go back to csing and thinking about Senna
last hitting is still an incredibly important metric
denying is not a thing though. closest you get is killing yourself on enemy turrets via execution so you dont give the enemy a kill
thats typically if you're proxying

also no more creep camp stacking in the jungle
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good stuff
nakamura-kun is really cute but I don't think the scans are caught up yet
defintely worth reading what is done though

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Best girl is Harle. All other girls are shit.
I read up to the 5th chapter then couldnt find anymore

still bl is short as fuck

>tfw no qt bf to have my own bl with
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Super Fab.png
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As a Fabulous support expert
I approve of this message
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Bi if i'm gonna be honest

If you're legit on saving your adc then I was wrong.
9/10 unsung heroes of League.
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Oh, you play League of Legends too? What rank are you haha? :)
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>sissy fetish
is Lucian eternally cucked?
some people believe you see your loved ones again in the afterlife but Senna's soul was taken by Thresh. What if when Lucian dies, Senna isn't there waiting for him?

I'm sad now
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>all those words
>adc giving a support main 5/10

He's trying to find Thresh and save Senna
this shit is ridiculous getting matched against 5 man premades in normal.
Don't worry. Even if Lucian fails and gets turned into a cyborg in the future, Yorick is still going to fuck the Shadow Isles hard.
Yep, those are the "proper" roles for them although you can play around with it if you want. And oh yeah, last hitting is EXTREMELY important in League. 15 cs is roughly equal to one kill. You can't deny the same way here obviously but there are still strategies to prevent your enemy from farming.

Btw you can refund purchases up to three times if you don't like a champ. You can look up videos too and see if you might like something
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but lets stop talking about league and lets go to your place so i can BOOST your eloooh
Yes, good goy! Reading is bad for you!

hoping to actually play some league this year.

Or you could just have an actual female to worship your cock, you virgin loser faggot that reads too many doujins.
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I always try my best to save my team no matter how dumb they are. Maybe that why I have so many deaths. Trying to save everyone. I'm start back playing rank Monday.
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>No coaster
>rank 7 no skin
>Yi is hard to master
Lol I'm in silver and even I know that's a troll
Man I want to fuck that thing so badly. I know I'm a furry and I don't care.
Why does League of Legends attract so many gay people?

He's got a high skill ceiling with certain things, but in general he has a retardedly low skill floor.
because its a popular game and gay people are vocal about what they like

sadly its mostly shitty stuff like Graves and the furshit since theres only one feminine male champ in the game
Winner of round 1 is Jinx

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I also rarely see support Mao and Voli I assumed you were more of a jungler. Honestly though a good peeler is like a gift, they're the most rare things. Good peelers are based as fuck.

Was there ever any doubt.
I sometimes do this to make the enemy laner think I am a shit lord especially when they are on free rotation.
If he's so damn easy why don't you play him to Challenger?
Gays are notorious for being the loud minority in every single community. Being gay also defines their entire personality so they have nothing else to discuss other than their own gayness. Just let them be and they'll get bored eventually.
fuck whats her name again

i know shes from germany
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how vanilla can you fucking be.jpg
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Why not both?

Imagine all the fun threesomes you can have being the daddy of two littles.
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>dick in clear view
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Why the fuck does she look like Keyori's equally autistic wife
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>that face
This is almost 3 years old and it's still relevant

You're stupid too, getting to challenger with any champ is hard, it doesn't contradict what he said. He's still wrong though.
Slut of the Law.
>normies voting caitlyn

Nah I'm a tank support main. And I just got Mao support to rank 7and I plan to rank up nautilus to 7.
is there a problem with her gender?
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It was designed with sex appeal in mind, so you're fine.

When you start wanting to fuck OTHER pokemon, that's when you need to stop and evaluate yourself.
this isnt r9k and league is like the most popular game in the world

obviously cait would be picked

voted morg btw
Fuck off back to gold.
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Did I do good?
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Ayy Naut! Love that guy! Best of luck
help i am a slave to my dick

everything here turns me on
how do i fix myself
not him, but is there some tie to r9k hating steampunk?
What's wrong with Lucian? I keep hearing he is weak but I don't know why.
Still gay.
Go outside.

>implying that a vanilla fetish isn't boring
Oh so you're challenger right? Okay buddy. I forget there are mentally ill people here sometimes.
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Play Shaco and channel that sexual frustration onto your enemies
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>that file name
Thanks I'm stop being lazy this season and climb forever.
no r9k hates normies and cait is like THE normie waifu
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>play alistar
>get key fragment
>craft key
>open chest
>get alistar champion shard
>Cool! Awesome!
>add to loot
>shitpost here
fair enough
thanks for the reply
is there vg vs vg up?
what that is?
Easy mode: cut internet for a week.
Difficult mode: camp in the forest for a week.

Option 2 has helped me greatly.
can we post the real lewd shit?

none of this pussy teasing shit:


give me the REAL stuff
Caitlyn wins round 2

>cait is like THE normie waifu
Retard. That's a tie between Ahri and Sona.
Any kind of passive aggressive name like "gg this team" or "Y bot feed" and direct insults like "K Y S" or "UrSht" just make me think they are some scumy little kid so try those.
u guys have shit taste
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>people vote Ribbon
>not voting Illaoi
What you guys afraid of a woman thats stronger than you?
>unironically voting for riven

but we hate her r-right guys?
>people voting for illaoi

i know riven is shit, but illaoi is even worse
Riven a shit, but she is still better than Illaoi.
Even with a muscle fetish Illaoi is still revolting.
>removing the mask
there's another half to it to: http://i.imgur.com/Rk8Sjm5.jpg
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Is there a custom up?
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All I have is this
Delete those two furry sluts.
Illaoi is a tranny, Anon.
mutes arent normies, neither are furrys

im calling cait a normie not the faggots that make them their waifus

if we go by that then lux is the normie waifu
Titanic or Ravenous for trundle?
Spotted the actual normie. Like pottery.
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>tell team to ban lb yasuo vayne or zac
>they ban zyra and jayce
>enemy team has a zac vayne leona trundle
>we have a fucking jhin
>proceed to call them all fucking idiots while locked in as poppy
>someone dodges
:) idk why I need to do this to win games but ok
>That glass cup she's holding
>Cow outfit
Absolute slut!
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>not having the balls to actually fucking save and upload here under the guise of a Spoiler
top/ support, titanic
jg, ravenous
There is no right answer champ select ban phase atm. If they banned what you said, then they would have chosen zac and jayce.
Titanic if you are losing lane/building tank. Ravenous if you are fed/going ad heavy.
am I supposed to buy zz top every game
>constantly carrying with a "bad" champion

You guys lied to me.
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subtle anti-fa propaganda, yahwee
What ever happened to that guy who rolled ADC Zilean was he banned for trolling yet?
Anything works below plat. Hell I could play jungle ahri and still carry.
Actually if they banned what I said they wouldn't have a zac or vayne since people normally ban those 2 first.
Jayce can be dealt with
Zac w8th GA doing damage with tank items protecting vayne with Leona and trundke can't
Riven wins round 4

tell me someone got that clip of bjergs mom walking round in her underwear
I would do if i didn't got them in my bookmark bar already

I picked Janna because

I bet she gives better BLOW jobs
This is where my foot fetish kicks in.
/vg/ vs/ /vg/ when?

It's true, I don't. I got banned last time ;;
u make it
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yeahh, fuck you bjergsen
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>People voting janna

I always knew your heart was in the right place, /lolg/
Riot just, literally right now with the hotfix, broke custom games so we'll have to wait 2 days
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dressed as academy ahri with that cute tie and stuff!

with pants though to calm down normies
Lulu is cute and adorable! I love lulu!
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>implying I wouldnt vote for my husbandos waifu
>implying illaoi is better than any waifu other than karma
/vg/ vs vg up
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>Ezreal cross-dressing as that furry slut
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You still can.
jokes on you, i am never adc

...sometimes im support though
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he needs the skirt, hes dressed to fit his dance
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Holy shit, why has lolg been so insanely gay the past week or so? What got all the faggots crawling out of the woodwork?
Which champions would be canon Batman fans?
Which would prefer Superman?
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2/6 in placements
2/10 here I come
Ezrealfags is why.
fuck, you finally reminded me why ez is portrayed as a girl so much

his dance!
You'll have to do better than that to convince me!
why do you care? scared youll turn gay cause your waifu is some no tit trap like Jinx?

get a high test waifu and stop being a closet homo
Lux wins round 4

There's only 2 of them, just don't give them any more attention.
You're the gay one.
I was 2/6 last season and ended up 4/6, and still placed very decent
You can do it Anon ~^~
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that tie and blouse are very cute and actually unisex...
If goatslut wins im gonna be mad.

>lux won


>"youre here and you already want to help yourself youre taking the right steps

>Its 4chan
>its /pol/

Hello where is the /vg/ game?
Bjerg mom walked into stream in her underwear lul
actually I found out that theres another one who has secret images hes been hiding

gonna need to step it up and find new shitt
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I was 6/4 last season
I've only gotten worse
plant titties
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hey guys, is this skin any good?
I've never seen it before, dunno what it's from
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damn not bad
It's rare yeah.
Pretty fucking rare, anon. I believe it was only sold during the 2010 Winter Olympics. It's gonna look like shit, but it's rare shit.
this isn't oddshot
what is it
No it's shit you should re roll it or disenchant
It's very rare, but it's trash.
it's an old legacy (former limited) legendary, so it's low quality by the modern standards

btw isn't it sold right now or they need another occasion for sport skins
They opened the vault, so I think they're selling it again.
How did your promos go, lolg?
Nope, Red Baron is up for sale but not Ice. I'm pretty sure it was only sold during the Winter Olympics, but I'm probably wrong.

was 7/0 as sion till i got a yi and brand that both went 2/20/3.

both of them just started running down lanes after 15 minutes.

ended 9/1 with a 90% wr on sion and got bronze 1 from plat 1
3 games 3 wins so far, I got two pentas already

I'm too anxious to finish though
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post >yfw riot leaves vi nerfs until 7.2 so her skin can sell for a bit first
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7-3 got gold 5 My best promos ever.
Soraka wins round 5

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i've been sitting on mine for awhile since i just don't play corki
How dare you?
>Soraka wins
Oh come. Who would want to fuck a goat?!
> tfw you get a good skin for a champ you don't play
> keeping the skin jic it becomes your main
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>vi getting nerfed
>when she's still niche
>tfw people are thinking CotC is good on her when it's still situational, more so than how SotA was good on her.
>tfw people are building shit like steraks and full tank on her for le ebin cotc
>when that makes her absolute trash

niggas not going TLD are a fuckin disappointment.
>red baron is up for sale
holy mother of shit where's my fucking wallet
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I still have 4 more games to go honestly. I don't know if I'm still too busy learning other champs to prep myself for the rest of the season, or I'm afraid of the results of getting placed into something like Bronze 1 since I ended at Silver 4 this season. My highest was silver 3 for a while.

But I wont 4 out of those 6 games, so I guess that's decent for now.
vg vs vg na server password vidya need 3
Bullshit. I was plat 2 I went 7-3 and got gold 5.
vg vs vg tell me what's in it for me gee
lamb buttes

>highest WR champion in the entire game
>over 600k games played

this is bait right?
3-4 so far. 1-3 on my main which is really depressing me.

I'll reiterate by saying; I was tilting hard as fuck after I dropped from D5 and wound up with close to G1 mmr before season ended.
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Won them yesterday I'm gunning for gold this season. Placements sent me starting far back though.
After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal... to save the Freljord. But my old approach wasn't enough. I had to become someone else. I had to become something else.
I had to become the Frost Archer.
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>98 lp
gold 1 but now i'm plat 4 tho
Ap nasus is broken as fug
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yes it's bait.png
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>highest wr

come on anon, at least be honest about the winrates.
Help, I'm getting addicted to crit runes.
>99 lp
>next win +0 lp
At least it's not season 3
Dude, that Sion wr has been the same for a while now
hopfeully the last promos i'll have done for this season

just passed 500 lp now
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um lolbabbies.png
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post about a relevant server that people here actually play on

also your point about steraks just isn't true because her highest WR core build is warrior trinity steraks at 70 fucking percent.
>>163033785 >>163033793
triforce or bc+iceborn?
I get Yasuo in a mystery champion shard
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Is Camille another champ like Riven, Kat, Fiora, GP, Karthus, Aurelion, etc etc where the champ looks braindead as fuck but actually has a lot of shit that allows someone who understands their gameplay and knows how to use them correctly can discern themselves from a shitty player fairly easily?

I'm leaning towards no but I'm not sure, she's overloaded as fuck and her abilites are also simple but I don't know how much potential for big boy LCS OUTPLAYS she has.
why are so many niggers asking this
the answer is bc and always has been
>Xerath and Ziggs

Oh god please don't let these two be meta ever again.

>file name

You just need to know how to position correctly is all.

He's been gutted to fuck though. He doesn't have any good matchups anymore that I'm aware of.
>has a lot of shit that allows someone who understands their gameplay and knows how to use them correctly can discern themselves from a shitty player fairly easily?

>Riven, Kat, GP, Karthus

All of those literally are Braindead Gameplay: The Champions


It's a natural reaction to 'muh assassins' unfortunately, people want long range + poke

Rylais being nerfed also took down most other mid laners so those two are pretty great right now.
>tfw playing special forces gp
it is certainly legacy, but they indeed could sell it in 2014 the last time

originally it was 2010 limited
>bronze players

whats next Azir is easy to play?
>Players who break the summoner's code lose 23% more games

Is this true?
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>it aint me starts playing
yeah sure man
she takes skill and has 2 everests of skill cap
the nerfs she'll get soon will separate the good Camilles from the great
the amount of skill and outplay potential on this champion, it's just overwhelming
this is probably riots best champion release yet
It's not "range + poke" it's waveclear. I know a bunch of faggots here will try to debate me on this, but waveclearwars was the absolute lowest point in League history. 50+ minute games every fucking game where literally NOTHING happens.


i'm toxic as fuck and i have a 64%WR so far this season over just aboit 90 games

does that imply that i'd win 90% of games if i was nice? lol i don't fucking think so
/lolg/ in a nutshell
>I ended at Silver 4 this season. My highest was silver 3 for a while.
Literally me. But it's likely we'll get placed in bronze somewhere. But then again, during season 5, I went 2:8 in my promos and somehow landed in silver 5.

>not braindead
nice bait

Well I don't know much about mid so you're probably right.

I hate playing vs Xerath especially so hopefully he remains a hipster pick
Ashe wins round 6

>read that entire screencap of sexuality and beta males in society
>immediately go back to fapping to traps and pictures of females
not everyone is a weak minded cuck you fucking retard, I can and will fap to whatever the fuck I want, you weak piece of shit. A beta subjects himself to the will of others. A man walks the path he wishes to.
Riven is the champion that is always balanced on a razor's edge between winning or losing by her wits alone.

Incredibly high risk, requires incredible skill to play. Has to out think opponents in lane (if she is) because she isn't strong there. Weaker jungler.

She is like invoker put into a champion. No one will reach peak with her for years probably.
Just returned to the game after 1 year off. What do I need to know? And who should I play to carry shitters?
original promos are nearly guaranteed to get you silver
Spotted the bronzie. People meme about Riven a lot, but deep down most people know she's actually very mechanically intensive and difficult to master, for league standards anyway.
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>that ending

fucking neither.
id rather fuck a goat which is a living thing than a plant
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I have 6431 IP. Post ending in 4 decides which champion I should buy next, /lolg/.


can you even into per cents, it's like junior school
Wait do people ACTUALLY think that riven is easy to play?

I know there's a whole stigma about >riven mains but she's difficult to play properly because you gotta animation cancel and all sorts of shit

Play against a good riven and you'll see what I mean, they're rare but when you fight a REAL riven main there's fuck all you can do.
>calls other people weak
>can't even control his anima so he has no choice but to fap to traps
Just throw the whole fucking rod in next time
she's easy if you compare her to dota where everyone has animation cancel
Not so fast.

>64+23 = 79

Here's your (You) but yeah
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Braum it is then.

Might as well buy the sexy dad-tier Santa outfit while I'm at it.
Where is the quality, in house games @?
Aren't league animation cancels like orb walking? where you auto, and instead of waiting for the second part of the animation to finish (i.e. after you already dealt you damage) you walk the other way? So when playing riven you just cancel the ending part of her auto with another q and resetting her timer?
braum already won

i pity your teachers (and parents)
it's 64*1.23
Is Jhin autistic?

>play 100 games
>win 64 (-23%)
>play 100 games
>win 23% more of those 100 games

3/10 for making me reply but still
Dude this is a well made bait
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How's Kassadin?

I'm thinking of learning him. He looks fun.
Prepare for Mana problems when you first play him.
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skilled yasuo.jpg
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do Yasuo mains have a collage like Aatrox mains?
Katarina wins round 7

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No but we have this.
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>Decide to play a normal to test out a new champ and also see the winter map
>Get a 3 stack on my team
>Their mid laner starts feeding hard
>Spam pings me in the jungle when he dies
>He and his buddies start flaming me
>Just mute them all and ignore mid because he's a feeder and an asshole anyway
>he and his adc buddy start following me through the jungle to steal farm
>Alright, fuck this then
>afk farm my jungle and call all their movements in all chat
>They can't see me talking so the enemy team catches them every time
>They get demolished
>Enemy team dances with me and tells them to fuck off in all chat
>Enemy team wins
>Get to see them exploding with rage and REPORT PLS in post-game
>Never even gotten a warning so I know I won't get banned
>Get +5 Honorable Opponent after leaving lobby
>you sure know how to use that fucking licky tongue

are they playing pokemon?
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strike out.webm
3MB, 1152x720px
>bottom of the 9th
>bases are loaded
>rest of the team is dead
>nexus is open
>you only have one chance
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>mfw vi is a top tier girl but furfags are still going to vote kindred
I've only seen 2 good yasuos in plat and they were diamonds last season.
and then you are suddenly banned
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>open bedroom door
>see this

what do?
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big guy.png
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what are the most boring lane matchups
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Okay, I got your airborne champion concept ready, but I'm going to have to admit... her kit might be overloaded. Here's the basics:

Passive: Nephilim
>Celeste willfully imprisons herself true form in a clay body, limiting her power, but increasing her durability.
>When at 75% or above health, Celeste gains Stonecore, reducing damage dealt to her. The hardened clay augments her strength, causing her basic attacks bonus physical damage.
>When at 25% or below health, Celeste gains Celestial Body, increasing her attack range and causing her basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage.

>First Cast: Celeste rips apart the very earth, holding up a chunk of it.
>Second Cast: Celeste tosses the large stone onto target area, dealing magic damage and knocking enemies airborne upon impact. The knock up duration is increased the further the rock is thrown. This can be cast while airborne, increasing the cast range and missile speed.

>Celeste leaps upward, becoming airborne.
>Anytime Celeste is airborne, Ascension is replaced with Descent.
>Descent: Celeste dives to target area, dealing magic damage to enemies.

Force of Nature
>Depending on her health, Celeste either reforges her clay body or embraces her celestial form.
>When at or above 50% health, Celeste gains a damage absorbing shield. While the shield lasts, she gains Stonecore. When the shield expires, Celeste is restored health equal to 50% of its remaining amount.
>When below 50% health, Celeste gains Celestial Body. During this time, Celestial Body’s bonus damage is also dealt to enemies around her target and all enemies struck have their movement speed reduced.

Fall From Grace
>Celeste grabs ahold of an enemy champion, then ascends into the heavens, causing both to become untargetable. Afterward, she will land at target point, slamming the enemy champion into the earth, dealing magic damage to them and a reduced amount to nearby enemies.
>All struck enemies are stunned.
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Pic related
Murder her.
Janna is pure! Don't taint my waifu!
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vi is much worse than kindred as a girl
even though kindred is they

where is zephyr
i want to tell him i have his summoner icon and that he is so cute! albeit i use arcade ahri icon currently but i won't say it
Tank vs Tank

Most people vs Nasus

Most people vs Heimerdinger
Anything vs. Mundo or Nasus
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204KB, 737x555px
Any matchup with malphite in it
>Tumblr : the character
>better than anything.
nautilus vs malphite
shen vs rammus
/vg/ vs /vg/ up please join!
nautilus vs mao
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Lying cunt.
What's in it for me to join?
riddler's dick pic
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SS-tier thighs are beating S-tier
Anon, both Kindred and Vi are worst. They're sluts that wants to rape men.
i already said to you that you can't into the basic math and you try to do your retarded shit

25% more of your wins should be counted by multiplication
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will I be bullied this time?
plat 5, was gold 5 last season.
>sivir actually beat kat
>the guy is pretending kat won

Is it the highest rated stiffy in the world?
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>wanting to shag an animal

just grab the nearest rope and fucking hang yourselves you subhuman scum

holy shit i didnt know about this

who wrote it
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>tfw just want to enjoy the game but you stuck on gold with kiddie shitters who have no clue how to fucking play the game besides running to the enemy and fighting making "plays"
seriously each game just makes me physically sick,i never was the big "sick plays maker carry guy" i just know how to win my lane,not over extend and focus on objectives.
i was doing fine on high plat when people often made retarded plays due to greed and what not but generally everyone knew that laning phase is fucking over when a tower falls.
how the fuck you spouse to play let alone enjoy the game when gold kiddies have no idea and just keep running to their lanes jumping at every opportunity to go balls deep into the enemy just to die.
i guess with enough grind i will be able to reach normal elo again but this is just so fucking dull playing like that.
yea im a god
vi is worse, she is a pig, a police officer
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So can Jhin be scary?
/vg/ vs /vg/ on NA. +5.
And Kindred is a smelly sheep that is in a nude. Plus, she's a furry. Guess we have to kill both junglers.
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fuck you i just had this matchup the other day

it was the most intense shit

>rammus almost kills me
>o shit
>q him for max speed
>hes about to hit me
>he flashes
>he hits a minion
>lee sin q outta no where
>barely dodge it
>his lee sin gets attacked by my graves
>o sht.jpg
>rammus tries to go help
>graves flashes over wall
>lee sin tries to follow but fail flashes
what server?
EUNE here does anyone even plays there?
Kindred wins round 8


She probably got votes after. I call it at 10 minutes.
>Play against mordekaiser
>Lose lane
>Lose game

Fuck that champ. Fuck his double damage. Fuck his rylais slow. Fuck his ghost. Fucking garbage ass champ
It's implied he does scary shit in his lore to the point where average people question their sanity, but as far as his character goes... he's not much,
>stop playing league in season 4 in my plat 5 promos
>come back to league
>the past 20 games are 100% blow outs with all my lanes feeding except bot lane with me supporting
what happened to this game while I was gone?
how do i play shaco jg

someone link me videos please, he seems fun enough
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>Losing to morde
>Come to 4chan expecting sympathy

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well if youre gonna put the winners against the winners to get to the top waifu you should really check each poll afterwards to check the TRUE results
Wait riddler is playing? Fuck I wanna play now..
>Kindred wins round 8

sheep power!
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Oh yes, re-rolled those shitty skins and got that sweat mf booty skin that i was actually thinking on getting.
/vg/ vs /vg/ up hotshotgg is in the lobby
People want to fuck a furru at first, then change sides to characters like Jinx and Sona their thicc ass and tits.
Those tits are fake as fuck.
Well which team hes on loses since hes so washed up
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Snowdown sweets.png
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These Icons are fucking expensive.
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If sona wins all of this bullshit i'm going to be furious
join and find out pussy
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>Finally able to carry a garbage-ass bot lane.
>It's normals

Kill me.
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Dota Wukong
>actually designed to look like Sun Wukong
>abilities reference Sun Wukong
>enlarging staff
>72 transformations
>is an actual monkey, can hop on trees
>Jingu Bang
>Monkey King Bar

LoL Wukong
>some moving Katarina ult
>some cheap clone ability
>a dash

The furry must be defeated.
Trying to collect rare icons?
Is sona or nami a better support?
danke, now I'll proceed to play only yorick for a while
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Bot "must carry edition"
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As it stands now, not really. The majority of the playerbase loves him for all of his other campy/autistic/artsy shit and they see him as more charming or intriguing than scary now. Creepy is a better word to describe him and how people view him, but as genuinely scary? No.

Though League getting a genuinely scary champion would be cool. How about a jungler who does some kind of jumpscare gimmick every time it attacks?



Oh shit anon angered Hotshot
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>no Bane
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Playing the new map with this song makes the game a little better damn
PTSD, yes
I really love that DOTA's Wukong has his 72 Transformations, However, I dislike that all three of his basic abilities are related to his Jingu Bang. Couldn't at least made one of them related to his clone making or his invincibility? But, overall, DOTA's Wukong is more fun and cooler. But also, I feel that LoL's Wukong is more of a trickster than DOTA's, which is a core aspect of the Monkey King.
Diana wins round 9

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thanks for reminding me annon going to listen to the whole dkc soundtrack now
/vg/ vs /vg/ up hotshot won't wait any longer
>he doesnt know what choice is
oy vey!
evens try out rework yorick
odds practice Jhin
/vg/ vs /vg/ +5 on NA.
Fuck, it's surprisingly hard to choose

I cannot imagine a morte comfy theme

Probably the best one out of all of the login themes

I hate ekko more than anything, but credit where credit's due
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+3 now!
only 3 (three) more!
pass is vidya
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Unified Waifu Chart 2016.jpg
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Chart updated with Camille added

Made a few tweaks to the bust chart again
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vandal jax.jpg
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Jax VU when?
Right after the 8th Ryze rework
where is she in the top left chart
>this is the guy who cant even do double barrels let alone triple barrels.
>tfw 7 on all my mains but two
I hover around s- or a+ for every game I play on Lulu and Nami. I run them both as supports, but no matter how well I play it's not enough for an S or S+.

Why is it so difficult to get them on support?
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>tfw no ninja wife
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Where's Ezreal?
>reddit the taste

dude so edgy
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/vg/ vs /vg/ bets.
I never really claimed to manage that one so I don't really fuck with it. Someone else attached it to the charts I manage so I leave it up there as a memorial to autists gone bye.
Akali exist.
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jayce is such a fucking vile champion
Leona wins round 10


>play like a pussy during laning phase by csing from long range
>finish major item (TF), now play like an opportunistic pussy
>late game your entire game play is shitting out barrels that do way too much damage and "barrel combos"
>congrats, you can play gangplank from bronze to masters
Ezreal is a man and thus disqualified
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Pick Poppy or Nautilus and collect your free MMR.

Fuck yeah, im not the only one that loves that theme.

Its definitely jhin/asol tier.
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for you maybe

Ezreal is still my waifu
>that feel when you favorite keyword combo updates on panda
>it's one of those dirty old man cucking you stories


Also carried 2 games on twitch today like a beast, how is your climbing going /lolg/
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>using op champions
good for you anon

he's still not a girl
no but hes a waifu, thats a league of legends WAIFU chart thus he should be in it
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He could be a girl for you if you want him to be.
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>tfw every milf lewd book now is about old men or little boys taking advantage of spineless whores


Fuck picking 3, I'm picking 10. Riot's music game is too good.

>1 - Jhin's theme
>2 - Taliyah's theme
>3 - Aurelion Sol's theme
>4 - Braum's theme
>5 - Camille's theme
>6 - Jinx's theme
>7 - Gangplank's theme
>8 - Diana's theme
>9 - Draven's theme (April Fool's remix is good too)
>10 - Kindred's theme
Has anyone had this super fucking weird lag issue? It only happens when I play with other people. If I go custom by myself it's there for a second in loading then it disappears completely and my ping's back to normal.

>Check ping in custom, it's fine
>Go for game with people
>Suddenly have 90-120 ping, typically around 105
>Constant miniature lag spikes every second that cause shit to not update in game, like spells and damage or whatever
>Bigger spikes every 30 seconds or so, cause full on nothing updating except HP bars with models sliding around half of the time, other half it's like I'm disconnecting
>After round disconnect from wifi
>Suddenly bro on other computer gets the lag mid game
>I reconnect and the lag issue is gone
>Bro's still affected by it the rest of the game

And then today, I reconnected 3 times and unplugged my shit for a few minutes but it's still coming back as soon as I jump into any kind of game with any other person. Then I went to custom solo after having a game with the lag and it went away as I said at the beginning.

I can't figure out just what the fuck this is. No issue otherwise. Doesn't seem to affect other games as bro hasn't had the problem at all.


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>mfw this image is still relevant after 2 years or more
>Not being a big-dicked old fat guy
>Has swords for legs
>Not in 'Sex will probably kill you tier'
i fap to the first lewd reply
>tfw gay and even this upset me
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four years
he is so old his price got reduced
Nerf her ass, Anon.

cropped dont cut it for me
>implying she'd be so sloppy
>enemy team has a sion, maokai, yasuo
>nobody picks a single tank or cc monster
>fiddlesticks support
>already dodged for today
>because all plats were thrown into silvrr I actually have a REAL silver player on my team
Didn't want to win anyway
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>clingy women tier

she can cling to me all night:^)
gangplank morphs into a new champion once he hits lvl 13 holy shit
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how do people go into ranked with this retarded idea that "oh, I'm behind, better keep trying to fight"
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>Draven gets a buff for his early game when it was already decent if you were an average player.
>Now with his buff it turns any shitter into a fucking Mac truck of damage.
>Now suddenly The Janna+Draven botlane combo is back.

Nah, fuck that, fuck this. I know I did bad on Jhin but literally any kill that son of a bitch gets snowballs him into the most fucked up thing ever.
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All these NTR doujins always have cute boys as the MC who got cucked. It's such a damn shame. The only light is that I like to think afterward, the MC realizes how much more loyal and better cute boys are.
Are we going to have NTR stories involving the female champs? We need some.
it doesn't matter since draven's kit doesn't synergize with the items from the game for 3 years now
Poppy wins round 11

sauce ?
chilly mitt or ton o damage on yorick?
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>go 2 mall w/ sona
>here u go bby try this on
>where is sona.............
>meanwhile sona is getting plowed by draven in the changing stall
>she can't cry for help bc she is mute
>only the sounds of her ass slamming against draven and her tits flopping around the mirror can be heard
>she cant even yell his name

like this if u cri every time
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all is well
Jhin is much easier than Draven though. All his kills are straightforward but with Draven you have to multitask. You have to become a Draven main like how there are Gangplank mains to DRAAAAVEN. There is no such thing as a Jhin main other than fotm spammers that just started playing him but they don't count.
>ugly as fuck yordle shit
>beat irelia

>chill sexy bounty hunter
>bad french accent stronk independent woman
>Poppy wins
God damn furries.
Damn, that was quick
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You are now imagining a world where Riot readded Bloodthirsters 100 AD.

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where would you put ez on this chart?

im thinking clingy tier, and near lux on the sexual skill/purity area the other two are obvious
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Poppy isnt furry shit, she's shortstack shit

stop mixing up my degeneracy with other people's degeneracy
>still no comedian champion who kills people by laughter
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>all votes for MF
I'm calling it. Miss Fortune dominates 14.

That's because Fiora is a Tumblr OC like Vayne.
>Tfw only fiorafag

i think lee killed himself after that game
plat I, journey to diamond comes to end soon
I swear if ugly cancer beats pretty cancer im gonna be pissed
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>no Invoker
Poppy needs to be more human.
Shortstacks sucks.
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>Shortstacks sucks
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>Jhin just walking back into you
>Noone attacking the maiden
>Literally no CC chain even attempted
I'll assume you maxed W second so that is way noone attempted to attack it
Why is Poppy so cute bros?
its alright we have better invoker, she just has huge tits and plays music

unless youre a fujoshit with bad taste then we have Vladimir
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I like humans aswell, but poppy should stay as she is.
Shut up. I bet you didn't even play her when she was broken as fuck.
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>Shortstacks sucks.
I don't think Jhin himself wants to be seen as scary. He wants to be seen as an artist that goes around making people "beautiful". Honestly that's even more fucked up.
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how are people this fucking bad with ryze holy shit this makes me angry because he'll probably be buffed when he's already insane as fuck
He's bad in low elo, and they're already nerfing him because he's good in nice elo.
Now we know what you just lost to.
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Nope. She needs an adult woman body to look sexy. No man wants to screw a shrimp.
You know it's true, Anon. That's why you don't see regular people marrying little people.
>my jungle is a first time yasuo
>he starts soloing baron without smite
>we were winning
>the enemy steals it
>enemy wipes us and wins because of this

I'll climb eventually, r-right?
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weebshit (97).gif
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Anyone wanna play and have some fun?

I haven't been playing very long, I'm only silver and I'm not good. I just don't wanna play with people who are assholes. Summoner name is Luyoka, I like Malphite.
Careful you are going to trigger vladfag. She should be here soon..
Why does nobody ever stay inside Kench while chasing for the ms buff? God damn.
Malphite is a good champion. Sent.
Karma wins round 13.

> Lulu vs Nunu
Anon it's supposed to be a contest with equal chances for every champion.
if they had any resemblances of an intelligent thought, they wouldn't keep fighting me in melee form as ranged character
>Noone attacking the maiden
i have higher dps than maiden, and whoever attacks the maiden is attacked back by her
>Literally no CC chain even attempted
jhin and soraka tried to hit the snare but i sidestepped
lee sin for some unknown reasons did not use his ult though
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>She needs an adult woman body to look sexy.
Look mate, sexy is what you make it to be.
I think short girls with relatively large assets are sexy.
I respectfully disagree with all this humanization thing.
No? I was looking at what the worst winrate in plat+ right now
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caught splitting again.png
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Vlad would prefer Vayne so Vayne is better.
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alright lolg I thought we were alike, I thought we were friends

naw son

dont talk to me anymore, goodbye
> Plat and diamond
> Nice elo
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nidalee 5 votes, lulu 0 votes

puma power!
>tfw you had to vote lulu so it wasnt so one sided
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it's true though, ryze is insanely broken to the point where he's perma pick/ban in the highest elo
there are champs that have to be balanced for the high elo play, because otherwise choosing which champion to play would not revolve around teamcomps, but rather on who gets the op champ first
what did he mean by this?
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collecting lewds and shittalking kids is more fun than actually playing this game

prove me wrong
Who is the Nidafag with the VPNs?
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>liking old noxian ladies
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Would Rammus top be a decent counter pick to Riven or Jayce?
this is a dark skin girl thread now lulufag, you're not welcome here
haha same
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>Bronze 3
>Ivern and Thresh did more damage to champions than a fucking Jinx.

How do I get ADC players to kill themselves?
if ur waifu was annihilated round 1 kys
apparently the most broken champs are vi and ahri, koreans wins the most with them and we all know that koreans are the only who matter

i voted for nida, she is my former main~

tfw they still didn't add a bow to the tail of french maid nid cat
If by counter you mean survive the lane then yes

Anyone versus Azir in midlane
Anyone versus Zed in midlane
Anyone versus Nasus in toplane
Singed vs. Singed mirror
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>dumb dipshit takes deathfire and teleport on urgot
>punish him for ruining my champion
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I want to main adc to diamond this season. I need to know how to keep my cs up. I always roam mid-top after I get bot tower but this fucks my cs any tips?
Nidalee wins round 14.

delete this
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Rampage corrups everything he touches.
I can post some dirty shit too.
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>Playing Best Half Breed
>With Camille Top, Yasuo Mid, Caitlyn ADC, and Zyra support
>Enemy team builds full armor
>Not a single MR item even on their Sion with Thornmail, Ninja Tabi, Frozen Heart, and Sunfire.
>Zyra has 60k damage to champs
>Everyone else has 25k
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pls, vote correctly!
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/vg/ vs /vg/ results.
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>fp aatrox for easy win
>maokai and sion next two picks
>I'm ok with this
>my team proceeds to pick tryndamere, and fiddlesticks support
>they easily coukd have played useful things like taric, janna, thresh
>watch them feed a fizz jungle like they've never seen a fizz played before
>wards on the map, fizz coming
>they walk right into fizz
>fizz 10/0before 15 minutes
>im 1/0
>they start crying waah waah aatrox why aren't you tanking
>i end uo shutting down fjzz who cant even aim his ult
>wtf why were they having such a hard time
>call my team trash
>tell enemy team to end already

So fucking brainless lol
>picked aatrox
>wants them picking a meta support
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the new /lolg/ times best seller:
Rumia is the new Sid: My time at a vg vs vg game
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Ask a yasuo main anything
thats actually not too bad, his elise one actually got me off
Here soon?
>everyone flaming eachother while i hope something i did didn't lose us the game
j-jeez these are a lot more hardcore than I thought
does cutie lulu garen even play lulu or garen?
new vg game when
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>He wants to be seen as an artist that goes around making people "beautiful". Honestly that's even more fucked up.

He himself wants to be seen as an artist.

But he wants his work to be seen as both beautiful and terrifying.

Like some other anon said, he mutilates his victims to such a profound extent that it makes some people question their sanity or their views on life. Overtime, enough exposure would probably permanently fuck up one's psyche, which is supposedly what happened with Zed.

It's just speculation and wild guessing but I think Jhin does this in an effort to"reach out to his 'audience.' In his own twisted and fucked-up way, he wants other people to see where he's coming from, and he wants them experience the insanity that encompasses his own mind.

So tldr; his art is scary shit because he tries to use it to drive some people insane. Perhaps as insane as he is.
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/vg/ vs /vg/ bets
which champ should i play whilst listening to this:

listen i didn't know my adc had less testosterone than kooba alright it's not my fault

well only a little bit
Sometimes he gets it right, but that image isn't the one i wanted to post.

It's this one (inspect at your own risk): https://img.rule34.xxx//images/2043/385ab3360c20a19599c1c662d44bd7f2.jpeg?2212954

now which chapion should i play while listening to THIS
I don't think the first anon was meming you tho. pls delet this shit
dont bully koob

hes CUTE
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jhin mind broke zed?

that's hot and unexpected

where did you lose void ahri :3

also garen <3

his best skin too, hot af

obviously yasuo
Ahri wins round 15.

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I didn't join the next one cause I was talking with the Vi and GP for a while in post-game lobby.
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red has cutie lulu but blue has rumia

it's a draw
So who are the people in /vg/ vs /vg/ that people hate? Who are the who suck and don't want them on your team?

Who are the cool players? Who is fun to play with? Any new people who are fun to play with?
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Why is soda on the highest tier of butt but not the highest tier of breasts?
I'm not even gonna look at the results for Orianna, one of the many countless qualities that make her best girl is that plebs are distracted by dumb sluts like Ahri
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i didnt need to see that


My turn


Who should I play when listening to this?
Jhin would make a great Batman villian
Money on top
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zac or annie
>Ahri wins round 15.

vote with your heart, vote right!

ahri is donald trump of the lol!
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Holy shit Rumia you're a fucking SAVAGE. I have mad respect for you now even though you went 2/15 that game, but then again, Cutie Retard literally did negative damage.

Rumia is a real nigga.

>calling people while in a /vg/ vs /vg/

>Gumi, Sid, and Cutie Retard on the same team
Juggador is the worst

just a shitty personality in god damn custom games
0/10, you play the gayest champions
Talon lvl 7 (500k mastery points)
Yasuo lvl 7
Zed lvl 6

Silver 4
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a good day of ranked.png
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Should I go a different build on noct? jung item into triforce into tanky

looking for opinions
>Talon lvl 7 (500k mastery points)
>Yasuo lvl 7
>Zed lvl 6
>Silver 4
stop playing talon plz
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because while she has a generous bustline, her cup size isn't as big as MF's. Likewise, MF doesn't have the extra volume on her butt that Sona does

basically it's because she's fatter than MF
You have a main too so fuck off. (probably a mage or a boring tank)
>tfw 8 game win streak
>tfw as soon as i said something about it I get actual brain dead retards

like, my fucking top lane tried to get into an extended fight against the darius at level three and fed first blood + 2 kills all before 6 minutes
Do you still play Lucian?
>asymmetrical mastery
no I really like Talon, I just dont want shitty silver edgelords who also like zed, yasuo, and darius to play him

you probably dont even build him correctly
MF's ass is hella thicc
Sona is only drawn fat af in her fan art. but we only use canon splash arts and ingame models (well i only go by splash arts, but in certain ones it's hard to tell)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Talon lvl 7 (500k mastery points)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yasuo lvl 7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Zed lvl 6
>>>>>>>>>>>>Silver 4
>actually voting for Nami

are you all mentally challenged
>sona gets 4 votes in 1 minute
nice rigging
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kill yourself friend


6/10, only a bit low cause of the gp

8/10 love the xin. i play him but its rare to find people who main him

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that last kled game was basically a 1vs9, i've never seen such an awful cait, she spend the entire team fight pushing bottom, when we lost the fight instead of taking the bottom tower she run into their blue and got killed for free
good thing I fucking love kled's passive and it helps having 2 lives for hard carry
I haven't played him in months since he's not good anymore. I've been playing Vayne since she's fun.
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its too close
Why doesn't Juggador tripfag on here anymore?
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be my bf/10
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get help.jpg
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I'm too curious for my own good
well that depends, are you a girl?
Oh okay.
I build him
-black cleaver
-boots of ludicity (or merc treads if i'm against a mage in which case i'll also build hex)
-infinity edge
-the last items will be determined according to everyone;s end game build
Also, if there's no tanks i'll just go ahead and build the duskblade instead of black cleaver.
what's your point?
Nami wins round 16.

Okay okay

but what champion do I play to this song:

how can you be a bf of a girl

d-dolphin pussy

poor sona is in tears
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Which junglers can go toe-to-toe with graves in the early game?
For /vg/ vs /vg/ who do you guys like to play with? Any new people that you guys like to play with? Was thinking about joining a game
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nami extra SFW.jpg
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Malzahar literally rapes your mind with his e and r
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no, and im kidding youre probably not qt anyway
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And everything is right in the world
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I vote Nami literally just to spite you god-awful fucking annoying cancerous retards.
i will not show you my masteries because it's too shameful -_-
Faggots ruin this board. Why don't gay people just go away?
i kinda voted for nami just so sona wouldn't sweep the whole thing
i like playing with your mother

kys, don't join.
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>jhin mind broke zed?

To an extent. It was one of the major factors that led to Zed going off the deep and and betraying the Kinkou order.

It's stated in Jhin's lore that Zed and Shen began investigating into Jhin's murders at a young age (most likely late teens/very early 20's) and that the investigation lasted for 4 years. This took a huge toll on Zed, Shen and Shen's father - who had to investigate all of Jhin's insane murders.

Basically Shen lost his humorous and light hearted personality, it sped up aging for his father, but Zed was affected the most. He couldn' focus on his studies or see the world in a positive light anymore. Zed wanted Jhin killed but when Shen's father refused it, that sort of became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Zed, which later led to him mistrusting the Kinkou order, killing Shen's father and etc etc.

So yes, he sort of did mindbreak him, if indirectly.
>tfw as soon as i said something about it I get actual brain dead retards
I could swear this happens almost every time. The moment I post my match history of 5+ ranked wins on /lolg/ I literally always get drooling monkeys the next 2-3 matches. I've decided to stop doing that.
This is why the contest is for the least contentious girl not the best
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r8 h8 and masterb8

Swap slayer for mafia

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Whatever helps you sleep at night
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wow dude, I cant believe you forgot your pic again

there you go, NOW you can get a ton of (you)s buddy!
Magician or Underworld TF, if not, gtfo.
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>trying to be me

The file name's not even right you cunt.
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no surprises in this poll
I fucking hated Zed in game but that is still sad.
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I only play Jungle.jpg
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>win 2 games
>next 2 games
>bot lane 20 kills combined mid and top 10 while om at 0
>next game after that someone dcs from the game
>second dc of the day

So just carry harder right.
I think I'm staying out of the jg until I rank up. Don't even get a chance to play
Because they like the attention they wouldn't otherwise get for being a special snowflake and also to reaffirm their false belief that they're not mentally ill.
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I bet I have higher mastery then you on her.
Needs Radiant Wu, Commando Jarvan, and Imperial Xin. Everything else is top tier.
>caught him in the act
>this damage control

TOTALLY not you dude, nope, definitely not you trying to incite hate even tho everyone calls you out on being an attentionwhoring piece of shit
Never roam top.
If their adc are mid push their tower so they can't be whit their team and are forced to contest lane. When you're in mid take the raptors and if the lane on bot is pushing go bot again and if their adc is mid push the lane
I'll give you underworld, but I still like highnoon more than magician.
>jungle main
I actually use Radiant Wu, but I fucking love his original classic splash,

Same goes for J4 but I use Darkforge.

I feel the same about you, adc bab
sure you do, i play for less than 2 months after a hiatus

and im not very autistic too :3
>stomp one game
>play the next game like I'm as fed as I was before.
>Play the next game more humbly and cautiously.
>Play the next game like I'm fed.

>tfw you win every promo game
I think that says it all, don't you?
You'll find it fun for him, otherwise...
Go Big or Go Home!
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