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fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

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Thread replies: 838
Thread images: 217

Prev >>162980076

>[Grand Time Temple Solomon]
Players must clear Babylonia to participate, Servants will receive a scaling Attack bonus dependent on their Bond Level.
>[Solomon Pick-Up Summoning Gacha]
-From 12/22 to 31/12
-5* Merlin (Caster)

>[Babylonia Release Gacha]
- From 12/7 to 12/31
- 5* Enkidu (Lancer)
- 4* Gilgamesh (Caster)(Bride)
- 4* Medusa (Lancer)

>[Babylonia Gacha Part 2]
- From 12/14 to 12/31
- 5* Quetzalcoatl (Rider)
- 4* Gorgon (Avenger)
- 3* Jaguarman (Lancer)

>5* Demonic Buddha
50% NP Charge, Increase Overcharge by 2 (1 time)
>4* Room Guarder
Star Attraction +300%, reduce 300 damage
>3* Seeker of Miracles
+15% NP damage up when equipped on Divine Servants

- 1/2 AP all Orders
- From 12/7 to 12/21 everyone is getting 2 Golden Apple per day
- Fate Project TV CE (+50 Mystic Code EXP)

- Latest changes: http://fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- FGO Special Anime will air on 12/31. TV Project series confirmed for next year.
- Da Vinci-chan Code event Japan only



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

>another year with 0 good doujins for F/GO at comiket
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First for best knight.
How will they upgrade Herkek's animations?
xth for crashing Solomon's temple with no survivors
>tfw too intelligent to add friends with lvl 100 grailed jeanne alter
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>Andersen at 10
>Gil at 9
>Karna, Alex and Ko-Gil at 8
>Lancelot at 6
I'm pretty fucked
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New Years Gacha confirmation when?
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Reminder that Solomon just want to hold a Christmas Party
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Medb's time to shine.
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Are you ready for Archer Liz, Avenger Liz, Beast Liz, Berserker Liz, Rider Liz, Ruler Liz, and Shielder Liz to come to FGO?
>no info about the 30 quartz
>no info about half AP Babylon
>no info about animations update
New thread pls
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>actually leveling your bond level to 10

Simply epic guys

Now you will be wasting bond points during the event. Leaving them at 8 or 9 is the smart decision.
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Don't do it you fool!
As expected of LAWFUL GOOD, sticking to the traditions like a good person.
Post supports!
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Nobu a CUTE.
>linked the last thread
>no failed (embed)
>no edition
he is ok
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>played since release
>spent 35$ for one guaranteed gacha (sanzou)

am i ready for final raid?

He'll use some of the capoeira moves he had in UBW TV. Probably.
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How are you guys going to take down the Arts resist pillar? I'm thinking Rider Kintoki is going to shine against the Buster and Arts resist pillar.
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>- 1/2 AP all Orders
My servant with highest bond is Kyo. I doubt she'll be useful though
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Comfy sneks
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Xth for those silly pirates.

Is it wrong that while I think Liz's third outfit is cute, I use her first two instead?
Hello Nobu bot.
I'm sure my fridge has enough space for any Liz variant.
jack/okita/scat all bond10 + rider kintoki
>Christmas Party
You mean Hanukkah
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Clearly this is the team with which you are meant to take on Salmon. I hope yours is maxed out.
Sorry for bringing up past thread's convo, it was going well.
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Yes pls.

Nah. I just love her third a lot though myself. Especially the art in the final.
The merlin gacha part is new at least, better than that earlier shitty thread from that nerofag.
Cu, Gil, EMIYA and a little girl?
Where are the onee-sans bullying them?

I will never get over just how fucking miserable Lancer looks here.
>Buster and Arts resist pillar
Support Dantes or something. I don't have any Quick meme Servants
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Hello cutie
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I'll bust in my Rider Kintoki and pirate sluts against the Buster and Arts pillars. Arts is going to be a little tricky, hopefully Shiki can pull it through.
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How likely is it that Dr Roman is the evil mastermind behind everything? Wouldn't be Fate if they didn't use an overused cliche like that.
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I don't see how the loli will help against Solomon.
>Gilgamesh's second interlude points out that the mastermind has a foolish, destructive hatred
>caster Gil mocks the grand caster Solomon in myroom
>In the vision Solomon portrayed as apathetic or lost all hope
>Nursery Rhyme says something about Roman laugh being hollow.
>mashu says Roman a pessimist
>Gil and merlin treat Roman with respect unlike every other person on the planet
>Roman has a gold ring
>The vision says to build the temple and to accumulate the bands of light in order to reach Solomon. while conversing with Kingu, Solomon claims he's finished collecting the light bands, >when you finish the order, he's sent his temple on a collision course with Chaldea.
>Solomon's Temple was said to be constructed on a high mountain. Just like Chaldea.
>The year for Solomon temple is 2016
>We still don't know the first servant that was summoned by Chaldea
Did I miss anything?
>was going to grail dantes
>rolled jeanne alter so started investing in her instead because OP
>this response

this is karma right
Yeah, they separately name the mud from Tiamat as the same thing. Could be coincidence though.
He needs better bait.
>Missed Rider Kintoki

I'm so sorry, anon
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Don't worry it will be easy
>Sherlock Holms specifically told you not to trust him
>Sherlock Holmes said it
I've completely expected him to be a villain for months,
Can't bully them anymore when it's 3v2.
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There. Kariya has been fixed. Now he (female) is perfect.
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>tfw not enough cost for dream team
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I hope so. I also hope the pillar quests are going to give tons of bond points.
Did anyone ever translate swimsuit Mary and Anne's bond CE
I don't because my favorites are knight class. Feels bad.
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What's going on here?
>no Okita
>no Gil
>no Scathach
>no Waver
>no Ozzy
>no Jack
>no CuAlter
>no Retard Cat
Why should I bother to keep playing?
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Another one joins EMIYA, Mata Hari, and CasCú in the Level 10 Bond Club
I was gonna say to not care what the hate hivemind of /fgog/ thinks, but then you had to say you invested in her because "she's OP", not because you like her. You should fuck off.
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So /fgog/ what Servants have you grailed so far?

>lvl 90 EMIYA
>lvl 100 Gil
>lvl 90 Euryale
>planning to ascend Cu or Medusa lily next
I'll say it again: Holmes is actually Moriarty and now that King Hassan dropped his grand status he'll take it and continue with his true keikaku.
There'll be an Onigashima rerun at some point.
>Implying they would resist.
They'd probably have Gorgon restrain the younger Meduseless before they get to attending her.
Will you be rolling in the last gacha of the year?
Is the kiara CE too much asking for the gacha?
Shiki or Kerry on my support slot
>lvl 90 Ibaraki
I'm very picky with my grails.
Hard to say that Roman is Solomon when in Okeanos he goes "72 demons can't be real" though. If he were Solomon wouldn't he know they were real?
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I kinda wanted Long hair Lancelot in the third sprite of saber lancelot.
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>Find out bananashit is a filthy traitor and a coward
>Go into friendlist to delete everyone who uses her
>Only three people removed
Feels good to have friends with good taste
Why did she got a so ugly bond CE?
There's always that one support that can carry you through everything nonetheless, anon
>level 100 Okita
>level 100 Jackie
>level 94 Enkidu
Only have 12 grails because I took a break for 3 months or so, so that's all.
>Gilgamesh's second interlude points out that the mastermind has a foolish, destructive hatred
>caster Gil mocks the grand caster Solomon in myroom
>In the vision Solomon portrayed as apathetic or lost all hope
>Nursery Rhyme says something about Roman laugh being hollow.
>mashu says Roman is a pessimist
>Gil and merlin treat Roman with respect unlike every other person on the planet
>Roman has a gold ring
>The vision says to build the temple and to accumulate the bands of light in order to reach Solomon. while conversing with Kingu, Solomon claims he's finished collecting the light bands, >when you finish the order, he's sent his temple on a collision course with Chaldea.
>Solomon's Temple was said to be constructed on a high mountain. Just like Chaldea.
>The year for Solomon temple is 2016
>We still don't know the first servant that was summoned by Chaldea
>both Roman and Solomon name the Tiamat mud the same thing
>Roman refusing to believe despite the evidence that Solomon the bad guy
Did I miss anything?
Only level 90 Nero. Waiting to roll Tiamat to grail her
Level 100 Void. I'm keeping the other 10 for future servants.
Medea and Lancer Doggo to 80. They have both pulled their weight in Camelot/Babylon.
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Supports really benefit from party wide effects provided by the bond CEs. Tamamo especially.
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>* The treasure effect differs from the case when it appeared as an NPC servant in Chapter 7.
What did they mean by this?
Is Kiara better than kalideoscope?
George to level 70
Martha and Martha to level 90
Jeanne to level 94
Maybe I'll grail Ibaraki, Lancer Vlad or someone else later.
They removed the initial team heal. Only HP regen, NP regen and star gen is left.
Level 100 Scathach
Level 100 Scathach Assassin

Waiting to see some future servants before I grail any more even though I still have some servants I'd like to Grail eventually
I guess, but who knows how hard they'll be this time around.
All my 500 quartz was saved for this one gatcha ever since he showed up in lancer arturia interlude
Maybe they aren't real or maybe his memories are bad or he was faking it not much longer till we find out
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>Level 80 Medusa
>Level 80 Mata Hari

I'm being a little stingy with my grails, but once Sakura is released I might get Medusa to level 90 and my recently rolled Gorgon up to level 90 if I end up with some leftovers from getting Sakura to up to 100.
>be emu fag
>finally get a phone that can play
>all my friends left me
wwhat happened?
>Level 100 Tamamo
>Level 80 BIlly
>Level 80 Kotarou
Probably going to grail Lancer Tamamo if I decide the qp and exp hell is worth it.
Sucks but still very nice. My best caster is Medea so i will definitely roll and maybe whale for him.
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>People arguing if Cleo still like Cesar even though he is fat as fuck

She doesn't care if he is fat, she just doesn't want a betafag like you.
She was fighting against another enemy in the meantime though.
>Find out bananashit is a filthy traitor and a coward
Huh? Wasn't she helping (you) in Babylon?
Often 50-60% gauge just isn't enough. Kaleidoscope still has its uses.
He didn't exist before 2004, so his existence is likely tied to the Fuyuki Grail War.
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christmas liz.png
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>lvl 100 EMIYA
>lvl 90 Kiritsugu
>lvl 90 Gawain
>lvl 90 Caster Gilgamesh (soon)
saving the last 2 for someone who I might like later.
Fat is power. Just check NTR doujins.
I could be your friend anon, my supports are decent.

From time to time I look in my friend list to remove people who haven't logged in 80+ days.
Sanzou to 100
Really want to take ruler Martha to 100 too but I have a np5 10/10/10 level 100 friend so it feels counterproductive
And where was the first Grail we got and the first order?
>284 quartz
>want Kiara CE
>Shit rolls
>come back to roll
>wrong gacha, get 4* avenger medusa
>enkidu np2
>left with 100 quartz
fuck you desire sensor
NPC was
Heal party <Level>
Heal/NP and stars per turn (5 turns) <Overcharge>
Now it is
Heal and NP charge per turn (5 Turns) <level>
Stars per turn (5 turns) <Overcharge>
It's probably gonna come in real handy in the upcoming raid, especially considering I just rolled Waver a few weeks back.
>Roman is actual Solomon
>Solomon is a faker
>His true identity is Beast I
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Gil Gil and Gil
>NP charge (level)
NP5 is broken
I'm more than fine with that
They'll probably have around 1mil health or more per, but I doubt they'll up the damage of the pillars.
Since Cu was taught much of what he knows by Scathach, doesn't it make sense for her to be pretty good at much the same things he's good at?
Da Vinci says he's hiding a trump card that's kinda like a grail but not quite, and he's afraid to use it.

She also says he's definitely human and above average but not a genius. It remains to be seen how much of this is true, since if he is Solomon he should be considered a genius.
So when are we supposed to get mats 3?
Im 247 kg, She will like me
>His true identity is Beast I
This is very possible maybe the beast stole the grand caster container and kicked Solomon soul out of it
Why is he drawn so huge when he's shorter than cleo
>level 100 Nursery Rhyme
>level 96 Dantes
>level 90 EMIYA
>level 90 Gawain
>level 85 Medusa Lancer
Hoping for another grail so I can get Ana to 90.
I don't mind. Julius is a nice catch.
They could still update it back with an Interlude later
Thank you.
True, it's just a matter of time.
It's available for physical purchase as early as the 29th.
Didn't you hear Nobu? Grail your favorites.
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>no servant above level 6 bond
I'm so fucked
Her Wisdom of the Dark Realm A+ is pretty broken in lore
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Post how fucked you are in the raid.
I can't see them scaling it past 10% per turn, that'd just be too broken. Something like 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 10 would be suitable.
Based Caesar. I still want his thin version though.
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DW has forgotten what are NP interludes anon. Karna is about to have a year without one.
Me too.

Well, Weiba is bond 7 but he can't do anything about damage.
Cleo used Imperial Privilege to become cute and small. Manlet Ceasar doesn't like tall girls
>makes fun of betafags
>while he self inserts as a fat duck
I can stop being beta right now by going outside and talking to people anon, you can't stop being a obese slob because you're too lazy to do it.
Available for purchase from the 29th, photos will surface within a day after that, scans will surface within a couple of weeks later. I'm still butthurt that this Comiket will only feature a single mats volume instead of two or three.
Cleofags cucked the fuck out
So how will the bond level boost work? Just need to get to bond 5 or do you need to max everyone?
Remember he only is fat because you fucked up the summon and because he is stressed by all he does to help you.

Yet he is called the 1st untrustable servant by his comrade.
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The cucking will be on legendary levels when Slim Rider Caesar comes out
I'm fine
Since there'll be three pillars with the default resistances, what are the odds the rest are Buster/Arts, Buster/Quick, Quick/Arts resistant with the final one being resistant to all of those?
Pretty good, 5 solid bond 10s and three solid bond 7s
it's explained on a graph inside the official announcement
Gorgon needs a hug.


Cleo is literally out of a JoJo manga.
>he's definitely human and above average but not a genius
Considering we're apparently the last human and even Gil values his opinion I'm calling bullshit
Who said anything about self-inserting you insecure beta fuck? Was saying how Cleo still likes him for his personality.
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I don't know if it's that great. Chiron has a skill which does pretty much the exact same thing, but it was never treated as a gamebreaker.
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Maybe there will be an NP resistance, a crit resistance, a debuff resistance...
In the OP
>Players must clear Babylonia to participate, Servants will receive a scaling Attack bonus dependent on their Bond Level.
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5 - 7 - 10 - 13 - 15
What'd be the point when they share debuffs? It doesn't make sense for one pillar to debuff your team's Arts and another to debuff Buster/Arts.
Lv 100 Ishtar. Waiting to get Jack before using up those grails.

Then from there, thinking of grailing Bedi or Rama.
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Still my best ST lancer. NP2.
There much of a difference between an 80 grailed cursed arm hassan or a 90?
>grailed jeanne alter memer
80-90 will do wonders for most Servants. 90-100 has diminishing returns for most.
Is Romulus' spear the same as Rhongo or was that just speculation? I don't remember.
And sent.
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I hate you
>waste apples on bond leveling

Those could work, while the big bad is resistant to everything.
It's not the same as much as it's the opposite, but yeah. It's from the material book.
It's another world pillar spear, yes.

Only if you're really close, otherwise it's really not worth it. Just get it naturally.
Rhongo is the spear of the end.
Romulus has the spear of the begining.
Mostly the same.
Wait. I'm sure the event will have bond farming areas.
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>had a real hateboner for Jeanne Alter
>liked her but didn't get her
>hated everyone who got her
>hated the people who said she was good or even the best
>got her from a single ticket
>can finally agree with all the good stuff about her gameplay wise

Feels good
DW might be bad at balancing but even they aren't that dumb. They're not going to let the NP4 or NP5 stats become the baseline for the modified NP.

Just make sure you have at least about 15 gold apples left for the occasion you actually need them.
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If only every event was as entertaining as 2016's Halloween and Christmas events.
Do you love a servant enough for him/her to be your MVP against? Then do it, if not, just ignore it.
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>leveling doggo
Good taste
>says three times in the game she hates the way he is now
>someone draws a picture of the two together
>omg she loves his personality
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This is everyone who hates a servant in most cases
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When is he going to come back? How hard do I have to "Wait and hope"?
Aren't you always referred to as humanity's last Master, not the last human? Though yeah, Gil consulting him throughout Babylon is pretty weird as fuck if he's merely 'above average'. Guess Da Vinci-chan was blatantly lying there.
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Vlad will be my only reliable source of damage
When will Camelot wanking stop?
Merlin should not be a Grand Caster candidate.
>didn't influence any other magecraft legends
>no one knows what magic he practiced
>no books like solomon
>no alchemy
>give him wankvalon anyway
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dat Medb
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>enkidu can't BBC
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>not King Hassan
Think we'll get an Ireland order with a new Cu, Ferdiad, maybe Cu's kid, and Scat's sister?
He'll secretly appear in the next raid to mess up Salomon plan and save us.

Please DW
He waited more than 10 years for his vengeance, I'm pretty sure you can wait a couple of months.
>I am such a betafag that I'll ignore photo proof and hang on to my headcanon

The lines didn't say she was fat, she said she liked him even though he was fat, dumb autistic EOP. Stop using reddit translations.
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scat can't either but her NP and crits are far more superior
>is an immensely famous character closely associated with the franchise's mascot
You forgot this one.
But he can B.C. by a few thousand years.
Are you retarded? Merlin is basically the most famous wizard in legends you can think off.
>2nd most famous wizard in the world after Harry Potter
>maybe 3rd after Gandalf
nigger really
Since when is alchemy necessary to be Grand Caster?
What I was angry about is that he can't brave chain buster with his NP
How long did he wait again ?
He was in prison a long time and then he took a really long time again to prepare everything.
Isn't it more than 20 years ?
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Just use low tier CEs and you'll be fine
Fuck off with your arthur wank. The real arthur probably didn't even have a guy named merlin around
Maybe 4th if you also count Odin.
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>almost 100 quartz again once the month is over

I can't save enough for Void.
I'm waiting and hoping that'll be the case.

Perhaps. In part it's because I wanna at least see more Dantes supports in my friendlist. I only got one and that's it.
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>The real arthur
>low on prisms
>roll 200k in the fp gacha
>roll angra
>get enough prisms to get my first copy of the ce
>still only get 912 bond per boar quest
>medb isnt even level 7 yet

I'm ruined aren't I?
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90 Lancer Vlad
90 George
Will grail Medea if they update her animations too
The real arthur probably didn't exist at all.

Even if you claim there was inspiration, they have nothing in common with King Arthur except maybe a similar name and a prestigious position in whatever society you take.

Merlin is still famous as fuck. THe disney movie was nammed Merlin not Arthur.
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You and me both buddy.
>halcon's C91 doujin still not listed on melonbooks or toranoana
I hope he's not only selling it on-site at the event because that'd be salty
Dumb makiposter. There was a King called Arthur.
>Sugita servant next week
Reminder that Solomon got fucked up when he tried to fight whatever it was that destroyed the world past 2016 and his mind was ripped out of his body and inserted into a human being in order to trap it there, erasing all his memories, becoming Roman.

Reminder that the Solomon we interact with has no personality of his own, he just mirrors the personalities he comes into contact with, as if he's lacking a mind of his own. His body is just doing things to attempt to recover his mind.

Either that or ten of Solomon's wives DID cheat on him.
14 years in prison and 9-10 years of preparation I think, so about 22-23 years of waiting.

I can add you if you want.
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mind if i beat that thing
You all see Salomon will be divine and the MVP will be ruler Martha.
Did people really got their account stolen for posting too much information about their accounts?
You mean Artorius surely.
>5 translations by 5 different people are wrong
kek, okay this is my last (you) from me, enjoy imagining women are actually attracted to fat slobs like you.
dumb makiposter
>literal who
>compared to one of most famous advisors and mage to king arthur
norse kek pls go
I have already most of the infos of a few players here.
Won't take long before I steal their shit.
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Of course. Everyone knowns "King Arthur" was really a blonde girl. Lancelot was a black dude too.
>>literal who
Are we living on the same planet?
Reminder that it's canon that Liz qualifies for every single class in existence and is the strongest Servant because Archimedes chose her to become his lapdog and she also beat Gilgashit
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You mean Scathach
Please don't steal mine anon, collecting waifu is the only reason I have left to live.
>translations made by trusted anons here show that Cleo likes Caesar
>b-b-but the translations say it's not!

Stop lying.
So would you recommend I get Medea to 90? I really don't have any other good casters.
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I-i'm fine, r-right?
She is actually the Lady of the Lake
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Meh, it will be another faceroll easy event. They didn't even list it as "ultra super hard difficult".
>beat Gilgashit
No she didn't.
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>Reminder that Solomon got fucked up when he tried to fight whatever it was that destroyed the world past 2016
God King Galahad aka Lancelot Alter, it will be the last fuck you to Mashu.
>Servants that should be grand
King Arthur (male)
Most bible fags actually
King Hassan

>servants that should NOT be grand
poo in the loos
everyone else
Only if you like her
I'm just happy daughteru keeps getting more friends in her social circle.
Do we know how much is the boost given by each bond level?
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I want to pour all my buffs over Ishtarin's face!

Play CCC you EOP
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Mention a wizard from mankind's lore more famous WORLDWIDE than Merlin.
>Bond level 5 and above
Gee, I wonder
Marvel isn't enought to make it famous out of your nerd group.
Ask the average people on the street.
what's your master name?
Harry Potter.

Checkmate Camelotbabby.
>turn 8
Looks like it isn't worth it anyway.
Reminder that Fake Richard was actually Lancelot using For Someone's Glory to disguise himself as Richard.

Reminder that his danger rating to the humanity foundation value is higher than the three goddesses combined.

Reminder that even though Gareth sacrificed herself and Gawain got a direct hit on Fake Richard with Galatine, Lancelot survived with literally no problem and showed back up unharmed.

Harry Potter.
>Harry Potter
>Albus Dumbledore
>Dr. Strange
Sorry anon, Edison W.F.D. is too stronk
I have.
Babbage should've been Sugita.
so yeah, king hassan on 1st january then?
>Servants that should be Grand
Nursery Rhyme
Pale Rider
King Hassan

>Servants who shouldn't be Grand
Everyone else
Are you memeing right now or are Americans really this stupid?
That's what I meant by Camelot wank. He wouldn't be that strong if not for the mascot being associated with him.

He's one of the most famous wizards but Casters can range from witches to sorcerers to alchemists to demon-summoning kings.

>forgetting Yen Sid

It isn't. But alchemy was more influential to human history and legends than Merlin. Alchemists founded chemistry which should be at least Tesla's god lightning level in Fate. An alchemist as Grand Caster would have been more understandable.
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Don't hold back!
Yes, please. Beware, my only unit with actually fully leveled up skills is Medusa.

The Wizard of Oz and Jafar
Even Harry Potter has Merlin as an incredibly relevant wizard.
The Line of Merlin unbroken? Y'know, the ruler of the Wizengamot?
she is even even more a joke character than taigakek
You know who's a famous alchemist who even made the Philopher's Stone? Paracelsus. You know who doesn't meet the qualifications for Grand Caster? Paracelsus.
Servants that should be grand
>my favorites

Servants that shouldn't
> all the others
Not really, no. I know Harry Potter but I didn't know Merlin was in Harry Potter, let alone relevant.
I'm meming.
But you should admit no one know of Norse mythology without personal investigation. The only who will know are the mytho fan and the metal heads.
She does in CCC, quite easily too. Meanwhile she gets BTFO by Lancelot in Halloween.
I see Melvin is after his daily (You) quota. Keep up the good work, buddy.
Pls don't make this Patreon locked
Why is people so triggered about how many turns you use to clear the missions?
That's besides the point though. You asked for a more famous wizard and we gave you lightning scar.
Tesla should be a grand desu, he gave the lightning of the gods to humanity
Do you people really think this is how Nasu decides who he makes a Grand/Grand candidate?
The Grand Servant thing should be a feature like the grail ascension, to further upgrade your favorites.
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>tfw I alter everything on a constant basis and keep in contact with nip support to verify certain things on a semi scheduled basis.
come at me dude.
so why DW decided to make jeanne useless? Melvin can fill her niche just fine, even better without any drawbacks
>I tried pretending to be a mage, so how is it, do I look the part?
>What? Was King Gilgamesh was a mage in life? Fuhahahaha! You idiot! As if I'd be something like a mage!
>This time, all of the magic that I control comes from the countless magical staves in my vault. As long as I have my treasures, I can manage to manipulate even magic from the Age of the Gods. Of course, I do not have much experience with it.
Grand Caster knowing magic is a meme
Because Nasu and Takeuchi are Camelot-wanking hacks.
So grand Prometheus when ?
just servant when ?
No she doesn't.
>it's e-celeb suck-off hour
I usually take 10-12 turns on just about any later mission in Babylon. Slow and steady wins the race.
>maxed LB
Looks good enough to me.
holy shit, if I were to deleted all grailed memeu alters from my list it would be left with like 15 people only
>Nobody every discusses who would be grand berserker
Who are the candidates?
>Tesla is on the level of Prometheus in terms of importance in the Nasuverse
In the world too
Based Nips, I'm loving this
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>REGEND as Grand Assassin
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>Grand Shielder Achilles soon
>Nursery Rhyme
Babylon was a lot easier than I excepted.
He also became a Caster just to mock the Grand Caster, so the position of Grand Caster itself being anything exalted is a meme.
What if DW intentionally misspelt Salomon because we will only meet the fake one in the raid?
Thank you! I'll add you later, anon
Melvin and Gudako
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Prometheus Grand Avenger confirmed.
>Grand shielder Achilles
>Not grand shielder Athena
Someone who's angry as fuck
Match when?
That's because we all know Melvin is the best choice
>Achillesfags will forever suffer the fact that Heracles can do every class better than he can
Feelsgood, you fags are complete shitters
ok we will see.
I hope your name is not fish/misora. those are the first one I'm taking on
>misspelt Salomon
>English speakers are this dumb
They wrote it in Latin just like how Babylon is written the Latin way.
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Don't be so pathetic. It's just a run of the mill hentai artist working under an alias with way below average fame compared to the average industry artist.

Honestly we haven't seen a stronger Berserker than Herc yet.
Let me tell you why Medusa is going to be Grand Berserker--

[/spoiler] Fuck it, not gonna spam that pasta.
Me after rolling the gacha
Gilgamesh described berserker Enkidu as being unstoppable.
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>Jeanne Alter

I think I finally perfected my Crit Meme team. Who should I pull out and replace with Mashu so I can enough AP, equip some good CE and deal with Solomon?
Not just angry as fuck, but also way stronger and nearly unbeatable when he's angry as fuck.
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Is this mentally diseased child murderer the least polarizing and most universally appreciated character to come out of Fate/Zero?
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Romulus 90
Caesar 80
Hassan 80
Medusa 80
Cu 80

Lancelot is far stronger than Herc though
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Jeanna and a dragon when?
Yes, he's popular enough to be a posterchild for blood donation in Japan. Nips love him.
>but also way stronger and nearly unbeatable when he's angry as fuck.
The Hulk? Godzilla?
Flat pls
More like the most universally appreciated character to come out of Fate
>loses to a ginger boy with a shemale king
>loses only because his master was shit
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Spartacus is going to be Grand Berserker. Trust me, my DW works at dad.
What do you mean?
that's gilshit

Haha, no.
>herp smash that can't even hit an all C Servant
>better than a fucking Country Buster Satan 2 Lancelot
Yeah sure Hercfag, kill yourself.
>posterchild for blood donation in Japan.
I'm seriously not sure if this is a joke or not. It seems really likely considering how much the nips love silly mascots.
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>Sounds like it would be fun
>Not limited to how much power she can utilize if she allows herself to be summoned as a Servant
No, Im Grand Berserker
Medb CE when?
That makes too much sense for the Nasuverse.
Ask me anything

Heracles is still indisputably stronger than Lances-for-brains.


>D rank Satan 2
>beating Godhand
Oh shit, you're right. My Saberface that works at mushroom just confirmed
>Lily at 100
>Ko Gil at 75
>Serenity at 80
>Hans at 80
>Bedi at 80

Want to start leveling my 4* servants to 90 next
Deciding between Cat and Sluts
Emiya is best wife as usual
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"Let's create paradise together"
wfat if theere is a crosovero with envangliom?
Does that footnote under Merlin say that they nerfed his NP or something?
That's wonderful. Thanks.
Will I get a girl friend.
Uranus is more likely
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>became a caster for shits and giggles
>ends up qualifying for Grand Caster
When is nasu going to include (Me) as the servant
Does Melvin finally fucks off on the future?
>got acknowledged by Gilgamesh even at his worst
>didn't get acknowledged by Gilgamesh at his best versus him
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Helena is gonna be a mother!
Is that ki ni narimasu on the bottom poster?
How smug are you, anon?
>tfw too intelligent to be a Grand
What about yours?
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>Hercameme is the strongest bersercar
>this is what herkekers actually believe
Nice try, shitposters, but it's already being confirmed that Lancelot is the strongest berserker in lore by Nasu himself. Lancelot could just KoH God Hand and Herkek is BTFO for good. Plus he can KoH Nine Lives too. Lancelot really is the strongest servant. And his Saber version is even stronger. It's honestly scary.
>can't land a single hit on ALL C Saber during the forest fight despite having ME active
>confirmed to be an unskilled shit in his first encounter
>his NP is a fucking meme that loses 7 lives to any A+ beam that even Mordred has
>killed by a human, TWICE
>killed 6 times by EMIYA who didn't even UBW
>obliterated by Gilgamesh
>can't even get past fucking Kojirou who can't even damage him
Yeah your Memezerker sure is strong, Hercfag.

As if we needed any more confirmation that 'magus' means nerd in Nasuverse.
She's going to be my mother!
tell me about the man in blue tights, why does he hate the redman?
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If even the Hassans can donate blood, so can you.
Aw man there it is.
It's just not a Melvin post until he whips out the Chris Evans gif.
Tits too big.
I hate that retard so much.
That post is so bad I'm giving a (You) to the post above you instead.
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>Heracles is still indisputably stronger than Lances-for-brains.
Nice headcanon there Hercfag.

And yet it was said that Gil can't win against Lancelot if Diarmuid is taken out.
>highest bond is level 8 on Saber and Hans
How does the damage buff work? Is 5 just normal damage and anything above that just a slight increase?

>Yeah your Memezerker sure is strong, Hercfag.

I'm glad you agree.
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Because he's too smug for his own good.
Where can I get archer or caster skill gems. Today.

Do they only drop in dailies?
Thank (You) for the (You). I actually thought I deserved it.
Yeah, looks like Chitanda.
>Implying the Grand berserker is going to be anybody but japawank Susannoo
Heracles is incapable of landing a single hit and injuring an all C Servant, he sucks and is much weaker than Lancelot and even Lu Bu, just face it.

More than 7 lives gone from Overload, the rest are taken out by swordbeam. You Memezerker sucks.
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Remember, if you ignore Melvin he will starve and go away.
Yeah it's chi..ZZzzzzzzz
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>Lancelot shitposting hour

The thirst for (You)s is real
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If Herc is going to be a Grand or just even a candidate it's going to be in the Archer class. He's not at his best in the Berserker class.
The fact that Heracles is already low key implied to be a Grand and ((((he)))) is still shitposting against him is downright sad
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Lancelot reminded him of Enkidu, he outright says he hasn't had that much fun in ages. Read the Novel.

By the way the Novel, the actual canon, has not even a hint of Gilgamesh acknowledging Herameme.
But Uranus wasn't mad enough to be Berserker, Kronus was mad enough to eat his own sons.
Apparently the only qualification necessary to be Grand Caster is having EX rank Clairvoyance. You don't even need to know magecraft.

Who knows what absolutely retarded requirements there are for any Grand title?
I tried, I really did
Post Deviantart to confuse the shitposters
>He immediately gets pissed off and flies off the handle into a rant at being called Edmond and not "Gankutsuou"
There, I made your shit comic IC
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But I do.
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>Directly responsible of destroying the world 2 times and instigator of another 2 times in the aztec mythology
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>rolled him twice in a row
Feels good man.
Is the future good civilization?
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The smuggest.
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Pretty fucked I think
How am I supposed to beat queztlaoctazlf if most of the attacks including NPs just hit for 0?
Just when I thought this general couldn't get any worse.
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But I have her.
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Same here.
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he is fine.

but you will be as mad as him when you can roll him again in his gacha
>Heracles got acknowledged by Gilgamesh
Oh look it's an anime only fag. Shouldn't you be on reddit?
git fuckin bad
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Support Cleo
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>fell for bait gatchas
>now only has the new 30 quartz and the other 20 for maybe 2 ten rolls for Merlin

Fuck this shit. I'm sorry I did not listen /fgog/. I just thought when he wasn't in the pokedex
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>Kronus was mad enough to eat his own sons.
Kronus wasn't mad, he knew about the prophecy and wanted the golden age of humanity to end.
Zeus killing ended it.

Also Uranus put her own sons in Tartarus first
>spouting buzzwords even though it was Nasu himself who said it's expanding on the canon
How sad
>Grand Berserker
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There's always been furfags, though. It's not like Fate doesn't have a fox that doesn't want (You) or anything
No only the golds.
>Enkidu reminds Richard of Lancelot
Why is Richard so autistic? That doesn't even make sense. Lancelot isn't known for his speed.
That's creepy for a kid campaign
> Heracles getting new animations
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What if Merlin is a bait gatcha to drain you out before King Hassan?
The fact that Lancelot is already low key implied to be a Grand and ((((he)))) is still shitposting against him is downright sad
>DW have to bribe people with 30 quartz to finish Babylon

Maybe if you didn't release it one day after the CM and gave a week or even 4-5 days notice people would have gotten it done.

I finished it but it took me a lot longer than Camelot with how annoying some of the fights are.
Richard doesn't even know Lancelot personally in the first place, not sure where he gets off making that comparison.
>yfw this would have been the superior final art
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I-I'm sure he's happy to save more people
What if both are bait gatchas before Emiya alter?
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But I already have him. I use him more than my Jeanne Alter, too.
Which gacha did you roll?
It's not a bait gacha if you're rolling one of your favorite characters.
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Do they truly mean all servants appeared in Fuyuki? Is there a list for all fgo fuyuki servants?
She doesn't love. Or at least she won't until Valentine's Day.
So you accept that C NPs can bypass God Hand as your canon? That's nice, that means all Lancelot needs to do is BP the Satan 2 and Heracles dies over a Trillion times over.
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I haven't rolled a 5* since July despite rolling constantly. Can my luck change just for Merlin? I'm bound to roll another 5* eventually, right? Right?
>people need extended notice to complete an Order

How? That doesn't even make sense. We knew Babylon was coming sometime in December and were fresh off farming some rewarding raffle boxes. What is there to prepare for?
I honestly expect nasu to pull something out of that region again just to be obscure and look cool.
Fucking hell, Kurikara knows how to draw some tits.
I'm been using a Quetz from my friend support list for a few hours now and she so fucking strong holy shit. A single Art card hits harder than my main Saber's Buster.
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Time to leave. Those boar hearts aren't going to farm themselves, unfortunately. Bevahe, /fgog/
I rolled for Gorgon but did not get her.

>2 10 rolls
>all monthly tickets
>around 7 or 8 singles throughout the few days

I just got lewd buddha CE, at least. ;_;
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Long Archer.jpg
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EMIYA Alter will be the shadow Emiya from the First Order OVA and will come out the 31st of december. Screencap this.
Which part of she took a life with Excalibur did you not get?
>100 altera

thats it, was thinking to make waver 100 but seems not worth it
Lancelot is known for being a giant faggot though
They said FSN Servants, how is this not cleared up by now?
Oh sorry to hear that anon-kun.
>tfw got her but benched her because I'm working on other characters at the moment.
Trading when?
good luck
Yet most of us finished it in 3 days. Since the battle were nothing like the boss fight in Camelot and jus t pool of HP.
There are people who had hard time against Quetz
What are the odds of getting Merlin with 60 quartz?
Enkidu has never met Lancelot how can e
he be reminded of someone he never met?
Nice, I'd do the same if I had more grails.
I have a feeling they want to keep the books close to the same page count, so they may be waiting for more designs to fill Mats IV.
gambler's fallacy

2016 has been a nightmare for me, tesla on march, finnally giving in on the anniversary guaranteed gacha and got illya

thats it. That 1% rate is bitch
But releasing it earlier was better than another week of nothing.
50/50, you either get him or you don't.
Not sure if it is just me but I always try to set up a free day or move things around so I can spend the whole day finishing a order the day it comes out.

I originally assumed Babylon was going to be out the next week after the stream as that it is usually how it typically is done with events. The fact it was the next day made it impossible to have free time to finish it as fast as the other orders.
>DW should've started Babylon a week after they released the CM!
>Then people would definitely have finished it in time for the raid even though they would have less time to complete it!
And people are going to do exactly what during that week, not complete Babylon? What a retarded complaint.
Is that a -

Here are the servants without renewed animations from FSN
Cursed Arm Hassan
unfortunately not the faces
>lvl 100 Jeanne Alter
>lvl 100 Scathach
>lvl 90 Bikini Scathach
>working on lvl 90 Bikini Martha
After that I have one grail left that I'm not sure what I'll do with. Maybe wait until we get another and get Lancer Alter to 90.
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Sorry but that's hammer of the wind king
Hey, they included the loli that was gonna be the gratuitous drama for Weiba.
The complaint is that they should have said a week prior to the CM that it was coming out that day and not make it a surprise that it would happen the next day.

The fact only 1/4 of people finished it so far with it being easier than Camelot is proof of that.
Forgot Alter but she's already confirmed anyway
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Someone need to edit this pic with the scene of Can you keep up with me? of Archer
I do feel salty about that.
>Level 100 Gankutsuou
>Level 100 Nobu
The first one because ever since I got him during his event he has, bar none, been the most useful and least jobbing member of my team.
The second because I'm a fucking worthless Nobufag.
Holding on to the rest of my grails for future servants.
Are you complaining about how they are bridding us with 30 quartz to finish Babylon?
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>both can easily handle the GoB and EA
Of course
I dont get it
Have you tried reading?
Hm, I still don't get it. If it was released a week later, aka this week which is about to end, you'd still finish it in the same time as you have now because you try to finish it in one day.

What difference does it make if they release it early when you have no free time? You're still going to complete it within the deadline.

Honestly, the reason many people haven't been finishing the order is probably because they only released the date of the raid today.
Even Mashu looks like she thinks it was a bad idea, so I guess George asked her.
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Only Nero to 90 for now.

Planning to Grail Gilgamesh to 100 since he's my oldest golden Servant and I like him a lot, and Dantés because also like him a lot, but then I'll be out of Grails and also wanted to give some love to Nitocris.
More Grails when
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>Level 100 Astolfo
>Level 92 Arturia
>Level 90 Hans
>Level 90 Caster Gil
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>level 90 EMIYA
>level 96 Jeanne
>level 96 Jeanne Alter

Tempted to give one or two to Anderson or lancer Cu. But need to have at least one 100 first.
Sorry, I can't read Japanese
IA was already cutting Heracles and making him bleed. If he takes damage from C NPs he is fucked.
Use a support Cleopatra from a friend
If you cleared Babylon on the first day, do you still get the 30 quartz?
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Bye Lancelot.png
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>Think about burning servants that are useless enough that they don't pass the basic threshold
>Realize there's a better use for them than prisms
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>1/2 AP all main quests
Looks like procrastinating on Babylon was the right choice.

Also, can you find an original tweet using the URL of an image? I want to properly link the source on this when uploading to Danbooru.
Yeah, no. Totally different in UBW, IA got dispelled completely, the kill was a mini Excaliblast.
It's alright anon, I understand.
>blow many tickets
>don't get Gorgon, only a sad Vlad
>roll 30 quartz
>get trash (did get the first 2030 at least)
>roll login ticket a few days later, get Gorgon
Then read the countless english translations you fucking mongol
They should have said a date when they showed the first image of Caster Gil and announced Babylon. It did not have to be push back a week but give people a bigger heads up what is going on. The stats alone proved that the release what messed up even with it being not that hard.
>got Sansou
>not even bonded

You wasted your money on getting her and not using her?
I think the day they give the quartz it'll only check for your account's babylon clear flag, so you should be a-ok.
>roll login ticket a few days later, get Gorgon
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>Lancelot isn't known for his speed.
Read Accel Zero.
Webm or get the fuck out
>let's browse through weeks worth of /fgog/ shitposting
Or you could just tell me what the fuck is the point of this fight
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>FGO part one ends after solomon
>"oh no of course we won't shut down servers! Don't be silly!"
>event reruns until playerbase drops to very low
>FGO 2
I seriously, seriously doubt 3/4ths of all FGO players play like you do, trying to set aside one full day in your busy schedule to spam apples and complete it in one go.

You are literally the only person I've heard of complaining that it was released "too early", whether on Japanese twitter or on here. No, I don't think it's a legit complaint at all.

It's far more likely people were waiting on the raid announcement to decide if they wanted to rush and spam apples to complete Babylon.
Lancer Eli to 92
Nero to 100
Jeanne to 92
CasLiz and Brave to 85
Lancelot berserker is not useless, he is one of the best berserker units in the game
Sure he is buddy. You play with whoever you like.
Yeah, he's definitely somewhere in the top 25
There is no such thing as a mini Excaliblast and Saber did the same thing against the Tentacle Monsters, besides Heracles was already bleeding from IA, just accept C rank is enough to beat GH or accept your "Gil acknowledged Herc" is non canon.

Even the no name Excaliblast is enough to take at least 2 lives and cover an entire forest in blinding light, read HF.
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Done, and read all of the chapter without skipping. And I was at work most of the time.

Fucking git gud, scrub. Or stop pretending you're """""""""""""""playing""""""""""""""" the game while you shitpost here all day.
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Do we play today?
Top Dialogue option gives her more health and attack buff
Bottom gives her less health and only the defense buff
Both give her the defense buff
Pick the bottom for an easier time
The defense buff halves damage by Evil servants and reduces Good Servant damage to 0, but doesn't affect Neutral servants.
This is based on Alignment.
Cleopatra is an Assassin and her alignment is Neutral.
It was obvious she was in love with him. Did people even read the Halloween event? After the shock of his new appearances passes, she would be used to it.

If she were to drop him for his appearance, I would burn her. I don't like unfaithful sluts who would abandon their husbandos and father of their children over something so superficial.
>Liz and Nero

Braindead anon you're not asleep?
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>C rank is enough to beat GH
>mini Excaliblast
Nice headcanon faggot.

>meanwhile Herc does 20k
Where are you guys getting this "Enkidu reminds Richard of Lancelot" thing from? All I can recall Richard saying about Lancelot was how he wanted to be a "Knight of the lake" like him.
remember the nero event?
nero match was a firing squad, finished the challenge in 5 turns with lancelot as only damage unit meanwhile you were waiting for a nerf.
>/fgog/ archives
Wow you're actually retarded. Just kill yourself already. But before you do maybe open your eyes and see that there's an OP and if you want a real shocker there's search engines such as google.
How to record video to convert to webm?
>level 100 Saber Alter
>level 100 Cu Alter
>level 90 Mordred Rider
>level 70 Manjew
My highest two servants are Heracles and Gilgamesh with 8/10. I think everyone else is 6, maybe a few at 7. So, decently.
>Look at what happens when I give all these buffs
You may as well have just had Waver do it himself at that point.
Herk also doesn't die when he's tickled by a pebble.
I agree, I still want him.
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Hammer of the Wind King in Fate Zero against Gilles.

Gilgamesh used all E and D in that scene.
Thank you anon
>Gilgamesh used all E and D
>''Although vexing, only the highest class of arms will work on that man''
Guess Excalibur is E or D in that case
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Hm,did I downloaded the bugged version?
to add to this,
>I still cleared nero pre-nerf with my maxed Gawain.
Herk does 20k on basic Busters in BB chain bud.
Merlin is the archetype of wizard we have in mind, retard. Gilgamesh is the one who was wanked.
> Look mommy! I can play smart with my buffs!
Just kidding, Gil is at 7/10, Heracles is at 8/10, everyone else above 5 is at 6/10. The only reason Heracles is so high is because he's in the back line of all of my parties. I don't do any bond farming so that's just gained from other play naturally.
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>Tokiomi CE is actually really good
Oh look at this faggot saying only EX works on Heracles. Highest class are apparently from C and above for Gilgamesh.

Another one, want me to show you Herc bleeding from IA too?
What's he saying?
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I'm fine.
see >>163002865
he is on turn 47, he abused plugsuit to do that
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no wonder you're intimidated by a big strong man
>even Richard knows Lancelot is the best
Of course he knows who the strongest is, even Saber does, everyone does except Bedivere.
>25% star rate up
That's not news, but it is worth pointing at him and laughing for.

Pretty sure he posts tumblr gifs all the time.
She needs some serious defrosting...and a hug.
Thanks, anon.
The only time Lancelot was mentioned was when Richard said he'd always wanted to play at being the Knight of the Lake and defeat someone by using a branch he found on the ground. He says this right before picking up a branch and Excaliblasting with it.
>so much autism he actually changes whatever filename he gets from google
And glad to know you have to derail because you are aware you lost.
shhh I can feel you literally shaking from over there
>30% star up
fixed, put it on Enkidu,Gil or an assassin ez pz.
>Americans wake up
>thread turns into absolute shit

Every time.
>shitposters can't read
why are you surprised
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>you can't roll me Aaaanon
Two matches to go, around 80 minutes.
Cleo giving Caesar training regimes and low calorie foods would be pretty cute to see
I'm not into Vore.
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Why are 3* archers the cutest?
Good. Vorefags should all die.
>he doesn't want to impregnate his mom
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Read the translations
He looks like he wants to choke the living shit outta her.
Tiamat has some serious emotional problems.

The whole being thrown away while the world doesn't need you anymore because life can expand without you and your factory womb must've been a factor in it.
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>this much blood from a cut from IA

STR was B too by the way :^)
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I'm not into vore either.
I just want to hold tiamat by her horns while she gives me head. Then I pour my seeds on her womb and call her mommy
>pour my seeds on her womb
why is he sad?
Just like Sakura in Fate and UBW routes.
>faggot that wants to get eaten or killed in the end by her

Even she can't believe what kind of a faggot you are when you summon her and ascend her giving her more power so she can kill you in the end.
but that's how it works in my doujin
He's no longer special.
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Reminder at this point in the fight Saber (B C C using a C rank NP) didn't have a single scratch on her.

This is what Hercfags like to use as canon :^)
Only if you're reading the Laruffi translations.
Tiamat isn't good or anything but comparing her to Sakura is going too far anon
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>want Simosi tits
>rolls with Tickets and Quartz got me nothing
>could spare a little cash to grab some Quartz and try again

S-S-Should I? People actually seem happy with Gorgon.
I want tiamat to be my pet
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I'm not worried. My Cat is above Salmon level.
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Will other players' bonds affect their Servants' damage if you use them as support during the event?
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I know I want her to bear my child already
Be honest with me /fgog/, what are the chances of the Solomon raid giving us a free 4*?
I just can't roll the only thing I wanted since I started playing this game.
He's sad that his class isn't uniquely for him anymore.
he has friends for bowling now
1%, and that's only because it already happened once.
Post comic plz.
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Today I will remind them
Is the Kiara CE limited?
>hercfags get their info from the wiki
CEs introduced with story gachas are never limited, retard.
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What skills should I focus first for Quetz?
>Hercfags using the wiki as source
Hilarious, but that still doesn't make you any less tumblr.
Oh boy here comes the falseflags.
Where does it say Tiamat eats humans?
They give you a non limited 5* ticket though
You should burn that beast instead
Correcion: the STORY translations
Using the wiki is funny and that guy is dumb for doing it, but that doesn't change the fact that you're tumblr.
>Lv 94 Medusa
>Lv 85 Ana
>Lv 90 Lancer Alter
>Lv 80 Cursed Arm
>Lv 80 Ko-Gil
I haven't been very wise with my distribution, though I do wish to have both Medusas at 100 someday, I still want to share some with other Servants I like.
While I do like Ko-Gil, I regret not using them on EMIYA.
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>burning the god of the sun

lmao Anti-Quetzfags when will they learn.
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Not done yet
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Main wrecking machine:3>2>1
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Today I will remind them
>go to get some solomon fanart
>80% of it is him tentacle raping david
How in God's name is this pairing so fucking popular?
>hercfags literally accepting they use headcanon for their arguments
Oh no.
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miguel el shitpostero.png
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Today I will remind them
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What's the quickest way to finish the last chapter? If there's a method of cheating I'll do it. I've got all the apples, but I don't want to waste time. I've got almost all CEs including Kaleidoscope and 2030. Halp.
Too bad I didn't roll her, I'd make a gif of it to trigger all you tasteless shitters.
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Support it is, she'll support Cu Alter nicely.
David is pretty so fujos want to see him violated.
>He didn't exist before 2004

This was a terribly blunt translation. Holmes found no information about him before 2004, in the sense that he completely flew under the radar and didn't appear in any accessible records before the year he showed up at the Grail War. They could have used the computer to sort through individual human's information to find more about his past, but that would have taken them ages and the machine was just about to break.
>when you accept all you argue is bullshit
No fanbase has ever fucked up this hard.
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Today I will remind them.
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Is this a good idea?
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Not a fujo, and not gay, but he is pretty suave. And nakamura VA.

can't wait to use him to beat the shit out of Solomon with his shepard stick.
>jeanne alter
>shitoria alter
>tamacuck lancer

So reddit it hurts
>quick meme
Sell your account.
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Why would it trigger me when you are a burning your own 5* I could give less a shit if you burnt all your 5*'s anon. Hell I hope you roll her and do it so we can all laugh at you.
What isn't a meme to you, friend?
quick team? yes
meme team? no
Needs Scat.
yeah, playing
Yeah I'm reddit. Nothing you can do about that :^)
Give me an answer or fuck off
Sorry saved the image from two threads ago. They gave me the source there but didn't bother to look it up.
Literally everything but quick. Quick crits deal about the same damage as a non crit buster.
Best place to bond farm? Last node on Camelot gives like 860+ from a LB Chaldea Lunchtime CE.
>I have everything
>hold my hand in finishing the game please!

Why do you even play?
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There you have it. Lancelot is the strongest no matter how many bad arguments you shitpost with.
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have fun anon.
RUTON's twitter, I think.
> At the rehearsal dinner before the wedding, Samson issued a riddle to thirty of his Philistine wedding guests. He told them that if they couldn't answer the riddle they each had to give Samson one of their finest robes. However, if they were able answer the riddle, then he would give one fine robe to each of the thirty guests. They got all psyched up about the idea of getting some free swag, so they agreed. Samson presented them with the riddle, but they were totally stumped.

>The guests eventually got pissed and told Samson's wife that they were going to fucking set her and her father on fire if she didn't tell them the answer to the riddle. So she of course immediately went home and cried and whined to Samson until he finally gave her the correct answer. She immediately went back to the Philistines and passed the info along, and they were then able to answer Samson's riddle correctly. Just like that - BAM - he had to come up with thirty fine robes. Luckily, Samson, being the resourceful man that he was, knew just how to do this.

>He got SUPER fucking Omega pissed, traveled to the Philistine village of Ashkelon, killed thirty dudes with his bare hands, stole their robes and presented his asshole wedding guests with the pilfered shit.

This is on the lower end of things he did on his story. At one point he got so angry that he tied foxes together, lit them on fire, and set them upon a village and its crops so that everything would burn down.

A lion tried to ambush him once, it didn't work out too well
Fuck off back to your containment site cancer
I need the prisms for anniversary blond
>last thread
>anon literally posted a guide
>what is CTRL + F

Fucking banana posters have no brains, I swear.
Being a Solomonfag is suffering.

>80% of his fanart is parental incest
>10% is BDSM art of him
>5% is footfaggotry
>5% is fucking normal
>he'll never be obtainable
>have top servants
>how do I win guys
double waver and jeanne memer, babyboy
>t-totally not mocking me
feet god
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>Not the luckiest fellow
>Suddenly feel that if I open the game and roll right now I'll be lucky
>like 100% confidence, no doubts at all, it's just a matter of opening the game and doing it
God damn I have an older sister now
I'm going for crits and lots of pretty stars. I don't care about memes. I just want to know how good this idea is.
Don't you have your own LB lunchtime Banana shitter?
Collection. The gameplay is shit. I was happy until dead apk

no u xD

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Thanks fellow Quetzfag.
Both arts and buster can also make lots of stars. But without actually lowering your damage into the ground.
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Nice falseflag Gilfag
Do you have a screenshot the "You pulled the trigger now, Gilfags" post or whatever it was he said that one time? I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine that.
You definitely did not imagine that. Every now and then his jimmies become so rustled that he does tantrums like this.
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>all the powerlevelfags are subhuman ESL
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>farm mountain for first time
>Ibaraki drops 2 gold chest one is the brain heart thing

Am I going to have shit luck from now on?
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Congrats anon, at least you didn't have to use a blood sacrifice to summon her.
I want the synergy too. Okita has busters covered. Liz in the back too. I'm not a gameplayfag, I like to use who I like.
Scratch that Ibaraki was somehow a one time battle for 1 quartz. Back to boars.
Quetzal actually hated blood sacrifices and refused to accept them.
Seriously, what kind of shitty-ass construction is held together only by two pillars?
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Who best benefits from this lovely, lewd, CE?

I want more of Kiara.
Twin tower comes to mind, just on a different scale.

Am I going to trigger murricans now
Hey guys I have every servant in the game a NP5 10/10/10 and at least one copy of every CE LB. How do I beat Babylon though? It's so hard :(
Enough power-level wanking for now.
Who's Valentine's chocolate are you looking forward to receiving?
Why so butthurt, Gilfag?
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>im not a gameplayfag and use who i want
>i have great quick synergy with this
>and she can use busters
>do you think this team is good?
>im not a gameplayfag
>i use who i like
Medea Lily because I finally have her
new version of Medea when?
Do event servants count?
Well she came to me when one happened at my job. She looked pretty pleased too.
Rider Kintoki
Cu Alter
not me since everything I get when I try to roll it is enkidu
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>im not a gameplayfag
>i use who i like
I knew this was coming. I use who I like, but I want them to work well together.

Are you literally too retarded to understand that?
Saber Alter's again.
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Whatever amigo
The one who posted the tumblr Lancelot image wasn't me.
Gorgon's. But I figure she might be the one to eat it instead.
ah ok
>no soy un robot

It was funny to read.
I'm ironing my shirts with your post. If you're asking for opinions then you don't use who you like.
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This one?
>it's a 3rd world subhuman ESL trash argue over powerlevels episode
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>I set up my phone to spic because I'm learning the language
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/sm/ fetish
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miguel el shitpostero.gif
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Fuck you guys are stupid as fucking shit.
This is why reddit is better, they actually can answer questions and not shitpost.
Learning a shit language. Tu eres una fresa puto.

Hang on I remember this. Didn't this lead to a discussion of
>play on toilet
>enjoy your haemorrhoid

or some shit?
Explains the DBZfaggotry, at least.
Braindead faggot?
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>This is why reddit is better
You are free to go back if you want
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Lucha Feet
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My fucking sides, I remember posting that picture that day
Yeah, that's it. It's even worse and funnier than I remember.
thanks for the (You)s
>tfw fgog is overrun with Redditfags calling Scathatch 'shishou'
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I never knew I loved feet as much as today.
Sure, buddy.
>you are a strawberry bitch
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Will you be buying Zhou Cang's (served in Zhuge Liang's/Waver's army) open-world game /fgog/?
Wait, did they announce a Dynasty Warriors 9?
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>posting traitorous cowardly banana shit
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I got that gif from that thread so it's possible
Would you roll for a genderbent loli version of your country's greatest national hero?


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>totally smooth despite her wearing nothing but sandals at all times
It'd be better than what they did to him already.
fuck, day 1
I assed (not aced) spanish for 6 years. Invented half of the vocabulary for my last exam and passed the discipline.
Your sentence like like one I could use (without the puto)
of course I would
Ronald McDonald?
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If only so I know who my country's greatest national hero is.
Scathachfags can't handle the fact that she is literally a female Lancelot, and as always, the Male is always stronger.
I might try for Atalanta's. I didn't realise how much I wanted it until it was too late.
Stheno's since I didn't get hers last year, and Shiki's.
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Napoleon ES.png
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Yes, I get used to it. Not the first time. Better than nothing and as a girl he get better treatment.
Into the trash.
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Lu Lingqi 4.jpg
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Mother of god

The Hype is Real.
I guess. I don't really need another Rider, but whatever.
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Brace yourselves for this one.
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I think it's time to purge.
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The same reason Mordred/Arturia is popular, only that Solomon/David is clearly the patrician's choice.
I fucking love you bros. r/fgog/ is the best subreddit on r/vg/ :)
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Grandest of them All.jpg
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Leave him alone. He doesn't deserve this.
>Sukifag was a brofag all along

It all makes sense now.
The thing is, nobody actually knows, who's my country greatest hero. Hell, very few can actually name some other heroes.
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cute nio.gif
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>Henri Guisan
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What if Melvin is a cute mexican loli?
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kill me
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UMU I love you too bro!
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If Warachia can create a Shiki copy, can Warachia kill servants?
Best girl
What is the most cliche grail war roster possible?
Where are you guys from, then?
People like him are always cute and small, KyaaAA!!! XDDDD <3 <3 <3 <3
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please don't
FSN one.
No. My country doesn't have any interesting heroes either.
They're from America, what other country would be so ignorant?
Wallachia can kill servants himself.
Nah, man. Americans would put up any literally who they could in order to seem like they have any history whatsoever.
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Good taste
Saber: Saber
Archer: Archer
Lancer: Lancer
Rider: Rider
Caster: Caster
Assassin: Assassin
Berserker: Berserker
she is
Servant riding a mechanized Statue of Liberty when?
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>doesn't know his most famous heroes
I stand corrected, there are people in the world more ignorant than Americans
Stalin, Lenin, Rasputin, Ivan the terrible, Katherin are well know around the globe you know ?
Toistoi since writer count too.
I would role for any cute loli.
>Japanese dubs are better than the original English version

It's not fair bros. How come Japan gets to cuck our language so hard?
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Who here thinks Enkidu is great in game?
I sure do.
It's rather fascinating how people here seem to actively frequent reddit/discord/other currently trendy hate sink just to bitch about them here
Wallachia would be a shitter in any world with Servants. This is canon by Nasu. So fuck off.
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nice meme, thsi scene is better in english.

Naturalton works fast.
Peter the Great as well, I suppose.
The phenomenon of TATARI wouldn't' be affected by that. So stop being so triggered. Learn not to get emotionally invested in powerlevels you autist.
>greatest hero
Yeah, none of those count as one.
>100 dantes
>100 atilla
>90 shakes

Next 5 are going to getting shakes to 100
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>implying a grail war using the containers themselves wouldn't be rad
Was Merlin based on Gandalf?
Stalin was Georgian and Catherine was German.
I think I'll grail Leonidas.
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Keikaku da
When the fuck do we play?
You forgot Putin
t.jealous EOP who can't speak the glorious Nippon language
5 minutes
There's a video of Ian McKellen doing the UBW chant out there, so probably.
Pushkin as the African Heroic Spirit when
Use something cute.
this is sparta is unrivaled
Can he? I thought they'd utterly wreck beings like him, but he'd eventually revive.
Things sure are picking up lately.
Rusfag here, Putin's more of a meme than an actual hero to us, considering his way of raising his approval is basically putting out shirtless photos of himself.
http://hijiribe.donmai.us/posts/2556628? Use a Shuten if you please.
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>Kono hikoki o kurasshu sa seru
I immediately replaced him with Quetz when I rolled her putting her on my bond team.
But she isn't cute.
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I prefer the French trailer dub.

I think he is shit but now that I rolled him I have to like him and shill in his favor
5 minutes.
If you don't mind my asking how do you think the general populace feels about what the west perceives as his intention to recreate some kind of Soviet Bloc?
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>omae ga da
>loli Hitler

Would whale for.
>10 quartz

Shit didn't see that coming today
Now we have this
30 for babylon
Christmas quartz bonus
Ajax would probably do a better job, even if his shield isn't as broken he's the one actually known for protecting himself and allies with it.
To be honest I'm kind of surprised they don't do the 30 Quartz for completing a chapter thing more often, it seems appropriate and encourages rolling.
RT member
Cocky guy
Cocky Irish guy
Greek person
Person with a book
A Hassan
Half-naked big angry dude
Loli Ivan was already made though.
I just collect garbage from everywhere and then let /fgog/ do the rest for my anniversary and thread images. I need to pile up as many memes as I can.
I prefer 2030 for the extra cost.
Nasu explicitly stated DAA don't exist in worlds where Heroic Spirit summoning is possible. So please go fuck yourself vampireshitter.
TATARI doesn't exist in Fate universe, at best you'll have some random vampire Wallachia who can be killed easily by Vlad.
>accidentally rolled in the part 2 gacha
>rolls after that are shit as usual
A-At least I've still got Ana. Really wanted Caster Gil and Enkidu though.
Well I already have Jack yet no 5* Caster so I need Merlin more than Hassan.
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