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/wtc/ - Witcher, Cyberpunk, Forced Memes and Gwent General -

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 218

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Cosplays Edition

Standalone Gwent is announced !
>Gameplay demo (E3)
>Gameplay Demo (Gamescom)

GOTY Edition is out !

Patch 1.30 is out !

>Latest patch, free DLCs, The Witcher books(first 5 are official, the remaining fan translations are of varying quality) and short stories
>Experimental first-person perspective mod for TW3

>Pastebin containing Witcher gear locations, TW1+2 and books info
>Debug Console Commands
>Where do I find Gwent cards?
>Witcher lore series for newfriends
>All vanilla Gwent cards ready to be printed out
>Gwent Standalone cards
>Redirect to the current thread
>Discord server

Cyberpunk 2077
>First trailer
>Creator about Cyberpunk 2077's world

Previous thread
>Fuck Yen and Triss, Geralt. Stop being pussywhipped. Come and ride me.

Cerys is love, Cerys is life. Prove me wrong, faggots.
Wait she really said that?
Thought she just said stuff about Yen.
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Geralt and Triss OTP
No, faggot. She just kept teasing him about being pussywhipped towards Yennefer. Not all female in W3 are fuckable. You realize that?
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REEEE, why is her ass censored? that's probably the hottest triss cosplay pic i've seen
guess you have to buy the set
i'll foken buy it
Does anyone have the uncensored ones?
yen and philppa are streaming gwent

feel free to upload it to imgur if you do
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Don't think I will after, it's 30€ for a single fucking picture. I may be a virgin NEET, but I'm not that retarded.
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How many dollarydoos?! You could fuck Triss for that much


What Yen is it?
Don't know mate, should be around 30$ too, I think they're pretty much the same nodaways.
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don't be a weirdo


was a simpsons reference
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>Cosplays Edition
Stop it. Masturbate somewhere else.
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Lambert Lambert, what a Prick
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Triss cosplayfu is really cute
too much photoshop
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which one?
i main monster deck.
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>discussing gwent on a waifu thread
fuck you autist
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I wish Maria Hanna (Hannuki) was still around. She did a nice Yennefu


yeah she has cute freckles
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>getting triggered this quickly
The more I think about it, the more I realize that all these cosplay women are just whores selling their naked images to needy, virginal fans. Sad part is, you don't even get to fuck them. My recommendation to all the people buying their shit it to buy a costume of their preferred waifu and pay a proper hooker to wear it while you plough them instead.
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>buying pictures

> i main monsters therefore im so retarded that i cant see that the one in the middle is a monster card

kys my man
Find me a redhead whore, and I'm on board.
My recommendation is to find a gf who's into cosplay instead.
I want to inform you all that i finally got the Villentretenmerth card
Queen Trissfu rules my heart with gentle, yet sturdy hand :3
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yeah but cosplay gfs aren't as cute as slav girls on the internet
Literally looks like a trans
Some people can't afford whores :'(

Kill me.
They are attainable though
I know you guys only post the best stuff but it's given me that the witcher cosplayers are a cut above the rest.
Meant for >>163004909
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because it's mainly slavs who cosplay it, no chubby yanks
I wish ;_;
Stop shitposting this lame line.
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this is the best shit ever
This general makes me sad...

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you make me sad
Is Lada Lyumos /ourcosplaygirl/?
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>tfw no slav cosplay gf
Too shopped but very pleasant / 10.

Holy shit.
anyway got 800 scraps again, wondering whats the best > neutral card
i kinda play everything, but got borkh decoy zoltan and ragnarok already
>tfw no cosplay-loving qt gf
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show me your decks faggots
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just gotta take up photography, be attractive and move to russia

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greedy wolf
MOAR like horny wolf
>just gotta take up photography
I took a class in high school
>be attractive
working on getting fit right now, my face is not bad
>and move to russia
don't know if it's worth it, seems cold and cryllic looks hard
>and move to russia

Move somewhere where the KGB can bust your ass for simply being gay or showing any signs of contempt against his holy imperial majesty Putin? I'd take a week in the USA over a decade in Russia any time.
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last one for a few hours.
Lyumos is definitely /ourgirl/
I want to use that ass as a pillow
Don't we all?
Wow, this general is absolute shit.
compared to what?
Do you kiss your mother/waifu with that mouth?
To what it used to be before all this waifuautism shit.

Kys faggot.
>To what it used to be before all this waifuautism shit.
Well yeah. That's kind of all that's left now. With occasional gwent discussion. Still not as bad as when it was all trissposts and no discussion of anything before the expansion.
These are the dead hours, so everyone here is for the keks. Come back five hours from now.
It is, but to be honest all there to be discussed about the series was already discussed to death, it will remain this way until the Gwent campaigns start coming out.
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Was he the devil?
>Gaunter O'Dimm
>G_____ O'D___
Or whas he god?
His design is perfect considering his character, his voice actor did a phenomenal job, and he was well written.
Fuck me that DLC was amazing, i wish the entire game was this good.
Amazing catch.

Also who else HoS > BaW?
No, he is Satan.
He is a mirror seller, and is name is "GOD", the opposite of God being Satan, he is the latter.
Sorry if that's badly explained in english, but the mirror show the opposite of what he is ; and he is not God but Satan
That makes sense actually.
I reloaded the save at the end to see what the alternative i didn't choose was like, and man, Olgierds screams of agony fucked me up. He deserved some shit to happen to him, he sacrificed his own brother ffs, but that shit was rough. Seems exactly what the devil would do. But then again, that's also what i'd expect God to do, punish him.

How is BaW compared to HoS? It's the only thing i have left. I think HoS was 10/10 expansion.
Blood and Wine won game of the year. Almost everyone agrees it's better than HoS, but personally I lean towards Hearts of Stone.
>>163022572 continued:

I think BaW was too pretentious and hammy. Changing the location altogether was meh. HoS is set in the same locations as the main game and the story is much more contained and engaging.
BnW had the worst main story in the series, but had some damn good sidequests.
When are we gonna get an expansion to play as your own character paralel to the story?
Is it worth collecting all of the Witcher sets before starting ng+?
they're worthless in NG+, no
Were Geralt and Yen on the Isle of Avalon or the Isle of Avalach?

Both Witcher 1 and 2 says the latter iirc, while Witcher 3 says the former.

Did the devs mess up, or were they on both?
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lyumos is cute


It'll get better once Cyberpunk and Gwent come out.
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fucking on a boat
I'm out leveling my quests kinda way too fast, how the fuck do I level up slower? Also, is there a way to remove XP bonuses from weapons and armors?
change to death march
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Witcher 1's sex cards >>>>>>> Sex animations in Witcher 2/3

I popped a boner for some cards in 1, didn't even pop a chub in 2 or 3
I'm already in death march

they couldn't make the sex too realistic or it'd get banned
>Witcher 1's sex cards >>>>>>> Sex animations in Witcher 2/3
objectively true

>you will never be a virgin boy that Kiera milks daily for potion ingredients

why even live
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Same anon who kept posting legendary kegs after a 2 week drought of nothing but shit cards

This is my 4th Legendary in 7 kegs over the span of 3 days. Did CDPR bug my account to only receive legendaries or something? I like it.
Does anybody know where I could get "Visual Wounds" mod for TW1?
>find a gf
you realize where you are right
reeeeee why do they all wear yenfu's shitty outfit
I tried finding it, I really did, but I can't help you anon. Sorry.
never my friend. just let the witcher setting go quietly into the night
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is this better for you?
>not being an autistic neet while taking care of yourself and how you look while being able to pretend you're a normie with a quirky sense of humor and odd interests that pike the interest of pleb grills
I'm just saying, it's not impossible...
Things that never happened
t. boring cuck with low self esteem
The devs just didn't want people to think that they were in the isle of the character "Avallac'h".
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I found it, it's a part of "Texturen" mod on moddb.
Where's that tent?
It's in the start of "Price of Neutrality" adventure.
Damn, I forgot to do that.
Is it worth it?
I don't know that yet, just started it, sorry.
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5 legendaries in 8 kegs... completely F2p

What the fuck is going on with my luck? Is this a glitch?
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Can anyone do me a favor? If you have a Witcher 2 save you can load up, can you check the stats on the armor piece called "Thyssen's Armor"?

It's supposed to give +50% to bomb damage according to every source on the internet, but I don't see that listed on the armor in-game. Did my game bug out or has this been nerfed at some point?

30 for a single picture
I think you might just be that retarded.
I don't know, Google wouldn't give anything.
I don't have the game installed, but maybe check whether you're running the EE or not. Maybe the alternate version to what you have had the bomb damage, and was added in/removed later on, and that's what all the internet is based off.
I'm running the EE. It should work in the enhanced edition because the other changes to the game are reflected in the wiki and other game forums, but there's no mention on Google of this armor being changed anywhere.

Oh well, I guess I'll buy Dragonscale Armor instead if it's still available. Thanks.
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what's the optimal amount of special cards to make use of frightener?
If ciri is supposed to be daughter and not for sexual then why did they make her attractive???
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>tfw stuck in russia
I'm sorry Ciri
Will the new Keira card be good?
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>when he keeps on placing units instead of using d-bomb or clear skies right away
only 7 damage epidemic lol noob

just kidding, he got destroyed
Both would've been nice.
If you loved Kaer Morhen, you will love this questline, it is about Eskel's destiny child and how he got that scar of his, not canon in the books obviously, basically a must play for any witcher fan.
Because they needed newcomers to want to protect her, if they brought over the Ciri from the books which they definitely didn't they would have needed another shallow reason to make manchildren want to protect her.
essential TW1 mods?
>all this pretentious nonsense.

First, Ciri was also attractive in the books. Second, you don't need to be a "manchildren" to enjoy the fact that a character is good looking, the first ones who wants attractive characters are the normies, and that happens in every possible context.

I mean, I got that you are just trying to find an excuse to feel superior, but at least try to write something that makes a litte more sense.
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Would you fuck him?
i'd let him rail my butthole, sure
I'd let him do me in any position he wanted yes.

Nah i had the same thing and pulled 4 Legendaries out of 6 kegs .
It is just luck

And for all the people who are interested in the new cards:

All these cards are going to switch up the Meta.
Personally i cant wait for Geralt + Aard = Gaard because it would make monsers my bitch.
Pushing Wild Hunt cards in the fog would probably lead to many abandoning fog

Who plays Epidemic in the year 2016?
1 in 25 games i see somebody playing it
Just use a monster weather deck, put weather out of wazzo and then add some archgriffin to play before the frightener.

Alternatively use the 3 witchers and spam swallow potions or thunderbolt potions.
If anyone has the these please upload to imgur
You'll be known as a nation hero
So there is a gold special card. Resurrect a Gold unit. God fucking damn it. Time for some more FUCKING BORKH!
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Would you "sit and chat" with this genderfluid woman?
Even though Phillipa is crazy as fuck, I would still fuck the shit out of her.
A choice between Triss and Yennefer would be hard as fuck in real life, I don't envy Geralt
Why would she need a lantern?
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Lesbomancy truly only magic worthy of praise
With pleasure.
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I have 475 scraps. should I use it to craft some -200 cards or save it and get the heavy hitting 800s?
ST benefits a lot from legendaries. Getting Decoy would benefit all decks, so I'd suggest that.
Why not have geralt in your deck?
There are two kinds of cosplayers: decent cosplayers and delusional cosplayers.

Guess which kind are the ones in your picture.
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I'd stick it in all 5 of her holes.


ugly slavs
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shani looks soooo cute here, I'm in love
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If you want to see her naked, she's done a Shani Witcher 1 lewd set. Sadly no Witcher 3 Shani lewd set yet
>I'd stick it in all 5 of her holes.
Do you count the eye sockets?
Toruviel - Alerirenn is my favorite interaction in the game

You play against idiots, then.

Is an awesome card, incredibly good in Control decks.
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Of course.
tfw no qt wraith gf

tfw no qt succubus hooker
useless. no interaction with my other cards and robs me of a potential hawker / mercenary / commando
A twelve strength gold isn't useless, a hawker that can be easily removed by pretty much any removal is certainly not the better choice.
1. get decoy
2. this deck will be better with 4 decent golds in it
3. you dont like geralt but use zoltan, who is only +3 strength over 3 rounds if you dont draw it in round 2 or 3 or it doesnt get removed before round 3. geralt is good and is consistent. but use whatever golds u want, i think u should have 4 though
4. getting a new hero power will help this deck a lot
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i want to retire to the vineyard with Anarietta and Vivienne
sure, that's why I have multiple hawkers. I fully expect to get at least one of them torched. the deck relies on special cards and multiplier effects to overpower the enemy by turn 2 and Geralt does nothing at all to achieve that goal. having another clear skies to drop another mercenary into a thunderbolt is much more valuable than a reliable +12 from my experience.
Zoltan is only in there because I don't have anything else. he's not great, but better than Geralt from my experience because he can support my buffed hawker in turn 2 or even 3 if it comes to it. what Golds would you recommend? currently saving up for Aglais and possibly Iorveth I guess.

what are hero powers? is that the same as leader power? I find Francesca to be surprisingly effective to dig for commandos/ mercenaries

i want to make her cry with pleasure while her Mistress watches
Not shit talking but your deck looks very easily countered, if it's working continue with it but i think you'll probably need to change it up pretty quickly. I almost never see hawker supports anymore.

why can't she and anarietta do lewd stuff together
oh it sure is, Three Jackdaws absolutely annihilates it. luckily no one ever plays that card in my player pool so I mostly win with the deck.

but grinding for better cards is integral to CCGs which is exactly what I'm doing I guess.

so I'm back to my original question: which cards should I craft to improve my deck?
Saw this general while browsing and figured I'd ask this gnawing question.

I romanced Triss, because Yen is an absolute cunt. Broke it off with Yen after TLW, everything. Yet I'm at Kaer Morhen and everything is still so Yen-heavy because of the story. But now she's even more of a cunt because I cucked her. Does Triss ever come back? Or does she just up and vanish after the lighthouse and that's all you get in return for abandoning Yen? I hate this shit.
off yourself
Lyumos is /ourgirl/.
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>Yen is a cunt
>i don't know what good banter is
Name on time Yen was a genuine cunt to Geralt, ONE.

Also, the story is more focused on her because she's the obvious canon choice, don't really know how you can choose Triss after the second game and if you read the books.
She has giant breasts and she's making the most out of it.
If you read the books you'd know Yen literally cucked Geralt, so that instantly makes her the worst choice.

Also, treating Geralt like a fucking errand boy and a dog generally makes her a cunt. There's a difference between banter and completely dominating your man.
Decoy's universally useful so it's a good suggestion.
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when did she literally cuck geralt? They never had a defined relationship and were just fuckbuddies until Ciri


wouldn't you?
When she fucks that one guy and tells Geralt about it and he's like "ok". Textbook cuckoldry, though Geralt is too alpha to be cucked. Just because it's not a defined relationship doesn't make her a slut for doing it.

In any case can you please just answer my simple question, what happens to Triss after the lighthouse? Is she coming to Kaer Morhen like she said? Or does the romance just end there until the ending?
Don't worry, Trissfu comes back and you'll get some very beautiful scenes with her.
> she's done a Shani Witcher 1 lewd set

Be a great mate and tell me where I can find it, google just links deviant art and reddit.

she goes to Kaer Morhen if you ask her, then she fucks off and bangs Eskel on the DL.

Also, Yen and Gerry were just fuckbuddies during that incident. They weren't adoptive parents yet.

It's on her Deviant Art and Reddit
Oh, didn't kwnon you could post genuine lewd set on deviant art and reddit.
>fucks off and bangs Eskel
Gonna need a sauce for that
You will also get to see Geralt explaining why he is so much happier with Triss at some point of the game and there is DLC too and Triss is in B&W if you romance her. It's the prefect ending to the trilogy, I couldn't have asked for a better one.
Nice, so at least I have more Triss to look forward to. Thanks.

all that lowkey flirting and sexual tension
No problem, enjoy, I wish I could experience those scenes for the first time again. Triss is the best and really makes Geralt show his sweeter, gentler side. He just seems so damn happy when around her.

They literally don't speak a word to each other in the game, but hey, it's not like I don't ship Yen and Istredd(you can find his letter in the game saying he is still waiting for Yen, I was instantly sold). Besides, I want the waifu who gets dumped to be happy and Eskel is a nice guy.
i want to hug vivienne or anarietta
i want to gently caress triss' butt cheeks.
>wanting Yen to be happy
Dumping Yen on the ship is hilarious, and it's even better when you get to Kaer Morhen and make her sperg out about Triss. So satisfying.
I don't hold any animosity towards Yen, in fact I quite enjoy her dialogues with Geralt and she genuinely made me burst into laughter a few times. I love her sarcasm and I see her as a fun ex wife.

I got no real pleasure seeing Geralt dump her, but a man has to follow his heart and my Geralt's heart belongs to Triss Merigold.
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fucking bully
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I just had the funniest game against a Mad Rad player.
He left during the 2 round and no GG =(
>the woman who loves Geralt so much she's willing to help him get his memories back even though she knows he'll remember Yen and she'll likely lose him, just because she wants him to be happy
>selfish bitch who treats Geralt like an errand boy, shows up after Geralt spent months looking for her and recieves him poorly, constantly invades his mind without permission, and makes him help her catch a djinn so she can undo his wish for them to be together forever

Why is this even a contest desu
Well, that's not exactly true. Trissfu did act shady and kept Geralt's past from him while embracing his advances and starting a relationship with him. Triss doesn't know whether Yen is even alive(last time she saw Yen, she died alongside Geralt), but if Geralt is alive, there is a reasonable doubt that Yen can also be, and I can't deny that Triss could have been more insistent in bringing up the past even after Geralt told her not to. On the other hand, for Triss, it's like finding a bag of money and no owner in sight. It's an interesting dilemma, to take it or try to find the rightful owner? People would have different reactions, but Triss took the money for herself. Is it wrong? Yes. Is it understandable? Yes.

One of the subplots of TW1 is Triss helping Geralt get his memory back. She claims the best way to do it is to let it return on its on while Geralt tries to form his personality again and not get influenced by the information he might get from people he once knew. This can be interpreted in two ways, either Triss was stalling and trying to prevent Geralt from regaining his memory or she was actually telling the truth and his spontaneous memory return is the result of her advice. Things do happen just the way she predicts and Geralt's memory do starts coming back on its own. Coincidence or not, it's up to each player to decide.

As far as Yenfu is concerned, sure she can be a bit harsh, but Geralt can take it and it's part of their dynamic as a couple. She also lost her memory and although she got it back before Geralt did, seeing Geralt being in a relationship with Triss could have made her upset and also she learned about Cirir and switched her focus on that. As far as the wish is concerned, I get why she wants to know once and for all where things stand between her and Geralt. It's hardly something I can take against her.
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she could've helped him get his memory back right away. She didn't. She raped him.
when she fucked Istredd. really made me sad for Geralt
>They never had a defined relationship and were just fuckbuddies until Ciri

>Yen and Gerry were just fuckbuddies during that incident

fuck both of you, they weren't just fuckbuddies during a shard of ice. They've been living / travelling together for quite some time and Geralt fully thinks that Yen is committed to him when talking to Istredd the first time. their talk literally goes like

>Leave her Geralt, she's better off with me
>I share much more with her than you ever will
>doesn't change that she's mine noe
>actually I just fucked her this morning lol

there's no way they were just fuckbuddies at this point, at least not in geralt's eyes
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That's also not true. Geralt wasn't forced to do anything and he was the one who initiated the romance with Triss.Their relationship happens not because Triss seduces him, but because he seduces her. Triss even demands Geralt to act a certain way to prove he is serious about them being together(giving her the ring, behaving a certain way around Alvin) before accepting him. The romance happens on his initiative and Triss' guilt lies in not insisting on bringing up his past again once he starts showing interest in her even though Geralt told her he is not ready to talk about it yet. She embraces his affection. It's a selfish thing to do for sure, but it's not like she goes a long way to create some elaborate plan for seducing Geralt, she just accepts the advances of a man she has loved for years but couldn't be with. Nothing suggests Triss had any way to help him get his memory back, and the course of action she suggested ends up working in the end.
This, Yen is a disgusting whore, Yencucks BTFO
>i-it's ok if she fucks other guys if they aren't technically in a relationship...
Are Yenfags literally cuckolds?
Yen's actions in "A Shard of Ice" were wrong, she acted horrible. She should have made her decision like a mature person without toying with them like that. I don't know why people try to find excuses for her. It's not like she hasn't made up for it since and proved her loyalty and love for Geralt. There is no reason to deny her past mistakes just because you like her. Waifus are flawed and that's ok.
>I got no real pleasure seeing Geralt dump her

Watching her heart shatter when Geralt told her he didn't feel anything any more was very well animated and I felt bad.
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Was there ever a specific reason why Yen was not in TW1? it somehow feels like she was supposed to be and Triss replacing her was just an afterthought, kinda like the Alvin /Ciri thing.

was she just cut?
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pretty much that. Yen was going to be Triss in W1


Yeah, I'm a Trissfag but it was really hard for me to break it off with Yen, that shit sucked.
Well, it's something that needed to be done and Yen kind of set herself up with the whole situation. Her sadness is understandable, but she seems to take it take it well later in the game and she soon regains her recognizable feistiness.

We don't know, all that we know is that Geralt wasn't even suppose to be the main protagonist, Berengar was and it was changed to Geralt some time into the development. Yen was never mentioned so we can only speculate. Maybe CDPR wanted to separate their story and make it more independent from the books.

>Yen was going to be Triss in W1
That has never been said anywhere, if you have any source or anything to back it up with, I would be curious to see it.
Doesn't it make better narrative sense for Yen to not be there? You have a story about guy that has lost his memories and having Yen not be a part of the recovery continues that feeling of a lost connection with his past.
Yeah, that too, amnesia subplot wouldn't have made too much sense if they added Yen and Ciri, the whole point was to give Geralt a fresh start. Book Geralt was pretty much done story wise, there isn't much to go from there, so the amnesia provided a perfect plot twist. If I recall correctly, that is the only thing they consulted Sapkowski about and he was ok with the anmesia,
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I saw the first Witcher novel on sale yesterday, are the books actually worth reading?
The old bastard would have been happy with anything that screams NOT CANON.
Personally I'm absolutely sure that he hates how TW3 was much more similar to his books.

ask marcin
Yes, they are. As a game fanboy, I was immediately hooked once I started reading. I recommend them to all the people enjoying the games.

Sapkowski literally doesn't give a fuck about the plot of the games, I doubt he even knows what happens in them other than Geralt coming back with amnesia. He clearly said on several occasions that the canon begins and ends with him and that the games can do whatever they want as it can never be considered canon or a sequel to his work.

He is glad to have gotten the money, but he is not interested in the games and holds little respect for the medium in general, considering it vastly inferior to literature. He gets annoyed when game art is used on the covers of the books and seems to have a hard time accepting that games have a bigger following and success worldwide, but I'm sure he likes the money from the increased sales it has brought him.
Don't read Shard of Ice unless you're into NTR cuck romance
Which one? There are literally hundreds of them in CDPR.
Yes, especially the first 2.

>Sapkowski literally doesn't give a fuck about the plot of the games,

Of fucking course he doesn't give a fuck, that's exactly what I was saying, my point was that the only thing he cares about is being considered the real author of the witcher universe, and how anything not written by him isn't cannon, he doesn't care at all if the ideas put in the game are good or bad.

>. He clearly said on several occasions that the canon begins and ends with him and that the games can do whatever they want as it can never be considered canon or a sequel to his work.

Yes, and my point is that that's only what he cares about, the amnesia thing screams "not canon" so he liked it.

Yeah, I bet the turbo betas like you got nightmares for an entire month after reading it.
>Mom, mom, women are super scary!
>Yes, and my point is that that's only what he cares about
Fair enough, I don't know about his motivation for approving the amnesia thing though. I don't think he though the games would have enough success for him to even worry about them being considered a sequel to his work, he just took the money. He's done the same with that movie, although he is openly calling the movie shit, while he chooses the words more carefully when it comes to the games. Maybe he realizes they had a huge impact on his sales increase or he just likes the guys from CDPR.
>turbo betas
You mean like the kind of men who are totally cool with their women fucking other dudes? "s-she still loves m-me, y-you're just insecure..."

Typical cuckold mentality. No manhood left lmao
Geralt cucked Yen plenty of times not to mention that he left her in the middle of the night because he was afraid of commitment. Then a really old friend appears and asks her to marry him, meanwhile Geralt refuses to even tell her that he loves her.

The whole affair was caused because Geralt didn't think he was capable of loving and Yen didn't think she was capable of being loved.
Being so hysteric about what some women do isn't manhood anon, it just shows how pathology insecure you are.

>Holy fucking shit this character was fucking two different men!

Stop ingurgitate meme and find a therapist, such level of turbobeta mindset isn't healthy.
go cry in a corner, manchild.
Yeah, Geralt's been banging other women all the time. Not really fair to Yen to not be allowed to do the same.
That's all great, but it doesn't excuse her for fucking Geralt then going to fuck Istredd only a few hours later. Geralt's semen was still warm inside her when she decided it's a good idea to fuck another guy.
So I am playing Heart of Stone now and I am on the weeding part, shit is fantastic but why are people arguing about waifus when Shani is clearly the best one ever?
A key that opens many locks is a good key.
A lock that gets open by many keys is a terrible lock.

Based China
>y-you're just insecure
Like poetry. Thanks for proving my point, betamale cuckold. I bet you think "polyamory" and "open relationships" are totally normal things that all guys do kek
> trying to save his delicate pride with an angry line just because he got told on 4chin

I mean, it's cute in a pathetic way, but reading that after that the previous load of pretentious nonsense is hilarious.
I am running nearly the same deck as you. A 12 strength Geralt is amazing because lots of ST's combos take a few cards to really get going. A 12 strength Geralt is the best counter to decks that require multiple mechanics, like SK discard or NR Gold promotes.

Get rid of Zoltan for Geralt, Get rid of 2 of your hawkers and replace them with Blue commandos and Dol Blathanna archers. Get rid of both Ad. rushes and the swallow and get a Decoy, and 2 lacerates or something
Agreed, I love me some Trissfu :3
When will Yencucks give up and realize Triss x Geralt is literally OTP
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Do i have to wear the full armor set if i want the bonuses from witcher gear?

Say i want to use the Cat School armor and its bonus, but i don't like the look of the pants, can i use any other pants and still get the bonus?
Oh come on now, both Trissfu and Yenfu are lovely. Every person can enjoy whichever one they find best. We don't all have to agree or chose the same and waifu wars lead nowhere.
Next thing you're going to tell me is that Sony and Microsoft fans can coexist.
1 geralt = 1 card
12 strength hawker support = 4 cards (assuming no thunderbolts/swallows)

that's the worst case scenario.. gonna have to have it not thunderbolted/weathered down too
When you say "the first two" books are you just talking about Sword of Destiny and The Last Wish? It's sort of interesting that the second book comes first chronologically.
>Triss cosplayer whores herself out on the internet
Truly the worst girl.
I haven't played the DLC for 3 yet but I was rather pissed that we didn't get some good Triss nudity like Yen had in 3 or Triss had in 2. This is properly fulling that desire.
there's no Triss nudity in the DLCs either, get fucked Trissfag :^)
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nice. aeromancy OP
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really makes you think
Which one?
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He's probably referring to Disharmonica.
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I laughed for some reason.
I want to squeeze Triss' firm buttocks.

They're not firm.
How is she whoring herself out? The nudes behind a paywall?
>implying anyone would pay slav cosplay girls money instead of just downloading the pics and masturbating to them

No, he's just butthurt yenfag
I don't care, I want to use them as a pillow. Triss has the best buttocks.
Pretentious nonsense or not to your mind, it is a sad fact for most gamers no matter how hurt your feelings are, the hobby may be indeed fun, but most partakers in it (including me to a certain extent) are just childish.
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Best girl coming thru

you just KNOW


firm buttocks aren't nice pillows though. It needs to be a mix.
>firm buttocks aren't nice pillows though. It needs to be a mix.

Wise words.
>firm buttocks aren't nice pillows though. It needs to be a mix.
Triss' buttocks aren't athletic firm, they are just firm enough not to be soft. The sweet spot of butt firmness.
One would say you've been with Triss. Shut up, autist, your beloved Triss does not exist. You'll never meet her, you'll never caress her, you'll never help her through hard times. You are lonely. Triss is not real.
I don't know which I find more cancerous, waifu posting about the actual game characters or the manchildren fapping over some attention whores cosplaying as said game characters.

Not that I did not fap at all, mind you, just saying.
Triss talks to me every day. She is 100% real. We are laughing at your ignorance right now.
But Triss is out there, somewhere! Just like Ciri, and Yen, and Geralt! :3
>page trissfu

page anarietta when
page amrynn the elven prostitute when?
>be reading baptism of fire
>realize milva is pregnant
>see her every day in gwent taking an arrow in the gut

I can't cry... don't know how

that's just what the elves call abortion


page var attre twins
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Any news on cyberpunk 2077?
i love anarietta. i wish i had a good pc so i could pose and play with her model
They're releasing it in a joint collection with Blizzard's next game: Starcraft Ghost.
Witcher 3 can run decently on a very modest PC.

not my 15 year old hunka junka

who is this semen demon
You have a sex scene with her in B&W
I'm actually excited to replay it after upgrading my computer. Got a new graphics card, RAM, and processor since the last time I played.
Every /wtc/ thread ever:

Person 1: Yen better than Triss.
Person 2: No, Triss is best. Yen is bitch.
Person 1: Maybe Yen is bitch, but Triss is Rape. Rape worse than bitch.
Person 2: No, Triss not rape Geralt. Geralt want Triss. Want mean no rape.
Person 1: But Geralt no remember Yen. Triss knows Geralt no remember = rape
Person 2: Triss= best waifu

really? guess i should go play it



And then there's the Shaniautist.
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Comfy af
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i love all girls. i just prefer blondes more
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Hey guys, what's the right ammount of cards for a gwent deck, just started playing this against players but when I tweak my deck I'm not really sure what everyone else has quantity wise. I'm wondering if 25 is what the normal is.
It depends but yeah 25 is the optimal hand. You should count the amount of "deck thining" you can do. So you build your deck accordingly. For example with Monster you can use units to think your deck with Skellige you can discard your cards and with ST you can use special cards to thin your deck.

Alright cool, Whats a standard northern realm deck that I can use starting out? I've opened a few kegs but I'm not sure what I really need.
How are you niggas playing the gwent game? Is the beta out already?
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>tfw you will never hang out with your witcher bros
Triss fans will like this fanfic:

For anyone interested, here is sauce on the cosplays


Close Beta.
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>tfw no lore accurate porn with these girls, Elena Samko, DamnAvenger and Maria Hanna
Starter decks are really bad right now. I would focus on weather starter decks mostly because it is the easiest way to play control decks without having the cards to do so. I would say that playing ST control decks is kinda doable with the starter cards as well.
When i start ng+ at what levels will the dlcs be?
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whatever happened to Hannuki? she made a cute yennefer
Raven haired girls to me are Elder God Tier, so Yennefer all the way. I also love how Yen and Geralt are like an old married couple, they talk shit all the time but you know they mean the world to each other.
>Elder God Tier
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Blonde Girls are the best.
answer this you useless cunts

scaled with you i assume you cunt
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>receive Gwent beta code forever ago
>finally decide to try it
>level 1 with the starter decks
>every opponent has nothing but amazing cards
I don't know what else I expected from a P2W card game.
Is actually not P2W, since you can get kegs really easily. The only problem is that the strategies people used with starter decks before the patches no longer work and most people now have no strategies for new players because, well most people have already several cards.

I have been playing the game for almost 2 months now and I haven't spend a single cent on it and have almost every card in the game with the exception of 9 legendary cards and 3 rare ones (I always forget are rare the purple ones and epic the blue ones or the other way around?)
naivety is a fool's blessing
I guess the matchmaking is just trash then.
Oh yeah it is, CDPR knows it and they said they will kinda fix it once the next patch comes, which should be in a week or two since they said it will be out by new year or so. Besides balancing matchmaking and the like, it will add a ranked mode and 20 new cards.
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Why do you like that shitty filter so much
I find it visually pleasing for whatever reason.
Only if he wears the ears.
God fucking damn it. I am trying to play High power Monsters deck and they fucking suck. I have lost like 10 games straight with them. I switched to my traditional Skellige deck and I won 5 matches straight.

I think I need to get good at identifying winning conditions for Monsters, For Skellige is pretty straight forward or at least after 2 months I kinda have the winning conditions hi wired into my brain already.
the problem with shanifu is that she's just a normal human. she would die long before geralt and would never be able to have kids with him.
Shani is side-ass. Reliable side-ass though, and that's what I liked about her. They fuck and it's over, she's got her own life and so does Geralt.
Fucking this so much! raven hair and violet eyes, doesnt get better
yeeee she cant resist giving in to geralt, and he knows it.
"why people attack an armed witcher, ill never know."
I was caught off guard by a high powered monsters deck while playing my annoying control ST deck. I got BTFO'd by a frightener on the last play.

Pretty weird seeing something that isn't discard SK/Isengrim ST/Control Rad when you're level 97
Pam paraam pam pam paraaam
raaaaaiiiiiiiin, i liiiiiike raaaaain!!
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>tfw no girl will ever look at you like that
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but i want
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So cute ;_;
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that's the best ciri picture I've seen in a long time, thank you
oh fug! i like dis one
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100% true objective fact.
Ciri sleeps with old witchers for money
moar like this?
when will we see who is weak?
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Ciri orange.
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how can other waifus even compete?
inb4 autistic trissfags.
>ywn threesome with yen and ciri
threesomes are shit
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So how is ps4 versions in current state after all the patches? My toaster is nearly done, but I never got into expansions after main game and was thinking of getting goty edition for console.
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i want to warm Anarietta's bed


pritty good and pretty


Kiera is more straw colored desu.
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ah, gwent update incoming. ranked mode!
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patchu hypeee>>163166742
i guess you should just GIT GOOD
ur ghey, and your waifu a shit
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new patch and new cards in 30 minutes, everyone will be level 10 again because ranked mode. Up and at 'em, ya lazy mingers!
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ever had one? it's vastly overrated
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Is her hair blonde or light brown? It's hard to tell with the piss filter.
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>Up and at 'em, ya lazy mingers!

i want that as my alarm
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same guy who replied before, this is actually my favourite picture of ciri i've EVER seen. and im a collector of ciri pics
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>all this Ciri-posting

ciri and anarietta would be a great femdom couple
>tfw no way to fugg Gallo during the heist
>tfw no Gwent invite to drown my sorrows
patch is live
Premium Milva is breaking my heart, dammit CDPR
>mfw i lost 54 level

Feels Bad Man.jpg
> Coral
> Spawn Fog and Rain in the enemy's side


Also, Alzur's Thunder is seven now. Holy shit.
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Saw that too.
Probably going to integrate her and Gaard in my deck to fuck with people

Also opened this keg and got moving Milva
I'm surprised, Skellige and ST seem to have been nerfed a lot.
Well, some, in general..
I opened 3 kegs and got only commons and rare. And not even one of the new ones, just scraps.

Feels bad man
gaard isn't the savior of weather, but damn if it isn't fun

if anyone is interested
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> Radovid now nods, laughs and pulls Philippa's leash

Muh dick
Holy shit Corl and Gaard are so reawrding i nearly aped out

>Play against monsters
>Lose first round because i have NOTHING
>Second round
>He plays mergold shit weather
>He plays Wild Hunt Riders
>Plays His 10 Silver card
>Plays Horn
>Play Coral
>Play Gaard and push them into death

The great thing about it the -1 from Gaard is applied AFTER he pushed them into the rain so they all died
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>spawn fog and rain on opposing side only

so they changed her from trash to something cool?
anyone got the card details for Yennefer: The Conjurer?

and does the Kayran card allow you to target enemy cards? it just says "pick three cards of your choice"
>and does the Kayran card allow you to target enemy cards?

If it's enemy cards that would be op af and i would craft that shit so fucking hard.
So which worldwide rang are you?

330 reporting in
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finally a legendary draw

if only draug was imlerith tho
>So which worldwide rang are you?
>330 reporting in

I just checked.
> ''2'',
> ''860'' points

Whatever that means.

I got 50 ore thou, that's ok, I guess.

i was only lvl 33 before the reset, i don't play much and i have shit card so i am kind of surprised.
I lost almost 170. I was 180 up to this morning. I hope I get to go up in ranked mode.
wtf scoia is dead
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I think i'll pick Cerys since i like Skellige.
Wow now i'm 16x that was pretty fast
haven't you seen the patch notes?
fuck that pick yen
saw someone on stream vs Kayran... it ended up with 25 base strength
Wow reddit is saltier than the Pacific after the patch notes released. Poor babbies. ;_;

Gotta love people being angry at open beta games.
who /NR/Memesters/ here?
So if we already got the patch and new cards, what will the CDPR stream even be about?
Nilfgaard and open beta announcement. Heard it here first folks.
probably explaining shit

if they waited to release it tommorow, they might end up having to work into Christmas, or leaving it until the new year for hotfixing.
Nekkers/monster absorb looks fun now
So is the patch an improvement or not?
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what this dude said
Card gets stronger the longer it's kept alive. Noice. After 5 turns the damage should affect half the board. Sadly it's cannon fodder for Radovid.
I opened up 12 kegs and got this card, a repeated legendary (operator), the new queen card and Twisted mirror.

I also crafted Geralt Aard and will try it out on some decks.

Also when is the CDPR stream?
What do you guys think are the chances of getting new factions apart from Nilfgaard in the future? Toussaint and the Church of the Eternal fire seem increasingly more likely since there is still not a single character from these factions in the game. The leaked Nilfgaard cards also don't include any units or characters from Toussaint so it does seem suspicious.
sure the fuck is, just the demeritium shackles which allow every deck to deal with gold is an amazing improvement
Patch is nice but r/gwent is crying so hard already that CDPR will most likely undo all the good changes next patch. Can't these plebs leave gwent alone?
Toussaint: 20% chance. I struggle to think of more than 3 leaders for that faction, and there are barely any subfactions or basic units. Might not work in the long run.

Church of the Eternal Fire: 50%. Many potential leader cards and gold units, bunch of subfactions, lots of possible basic bronze units.

I think if they add a new faction it would be the latter.
they really fucked scoia over tho
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aelireen sucks now, saskia was good to combo with dragoons (who were mini-isengrims). Now she's weak.

good fuck elves
>waifu posting
>p2w gwent
>stale memes
This thread is worse every time I check in on it. CDPR has destroyed the Witcher fanbase
p2w gwent lol nice b8
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>watch streamers
>they have spent hundreds of dollars on kegs
>they have pretty much all the cards
>still ranked higher than them and only spent 40
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ohh boy, i sure like to draw no dim shackles vs a deck that has 1 weakness, shackles, even tho i redrew 3 cards, and draw another 3, and i run 3 of them LMAO

and in the last turn ? LMAO guess what

seriously tho, a cool card
I'm allready annoyed.
They nerfed the deck i liked into the ground and buffed every shit deck into heaven.
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the entirety of the witcher novels are about what waifus is geralt banging

also p2w lol get good
Same, dunno what to do right now really.
Kayran and renew is going to be the new meta
Only a waifufag could see it that way.

Every time.

>also p2w lol get good
I don't play p2w games so I haven't touched gwent.
n-not anymore :(
of course you ha
of course you haven't played it*

it's not p2w at all lol you get a legendary in a week. I've already built competitive decks (plural!) in less than a month playing. This ain't hearthstone dummie.

Actually I don;t like Triss, which is why she's getting tortured in that picture. Also, you haven't played it so how do you know it's P2W? gay boi
Nah, these will be integrated either in NR or Nilfgaard, but won't make up a whole faction. The only future factions i can see are Ophir and Zerrekania. They can basically come up with shit, since they're barely in the books.
Holly shit. Coral and Geralt Aard work so fucking well together. The only issue with them seems that it doesn't do shit against Siege units other than the rain I believe, so far I won 5 matches with both of them by basically sending everyone on the front row to a horrible death in the fog. Shit is fucking fantastic.
What quests in the Witcher 3, including its DLC, have the biggest payouts? I need to make mundo money and don't feel like wandering around to all the question marks I haven't explored
>he hasn't even tried gwent
>he bitches about it
seriously, go kill yourself you whiny cunt
was the beehive glitch patched?
We have a new Discord now. Join up:

How come Triss and Keira aren't already at Kaer Morhen when I already got them both going there before doing the Uma quest?

Also why no foursome option?
They'll be there, keep playing.
I figured, just woulda been interesting to see them during the dinner
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Half the fun of gwent are the known characters though. I don't see them making up entire factions out of basically nothing.
this is what annoys me to no end, every row is kinda counterable except siege

also since playing a bit of ranked i realized im SHIT at gwent
I just had someone rage quit with Coral and Geralt. Shit was fantastic. He was playing ST dwarf deck and most of those are on the melee row. He won the first round and then he proceed to buff his units that stay on the board, meanwhile I demoted his 2 gold melee cards and waited, he did a commanders horn on the row and since I had card advantage since I used my spies on the first round I waited and stalled the game, shit was fun. Once he finished he had like 150 in buffed dwarf, I just played Coral and then Geralt Aard and Kill the entire row...
I don't know. I think this is also a reason for the single-player campaign. Witcher isn't Warcraft where there are gorillions of NPCs. Sometime they will run out of characters. Even now they already printed Geralt, Ciri & Yen twice. But the campaign opens up to new horizons so they can fully explore Zerrikania and add new creatures and stuff.
God I'm already regretting playing ranked. I suck donkey dick at it and placed like 7000 worldwide. May as well just play card collector with casual matches or something.
There are still a lot of known units and characters left, yet I think 1000 cards is the highest CDPR can go without making stuff up. Which is also why I hope that rotation stays unnecessary. No sense in having set rotation with only 1000 cards.
remember that time geralt hunted zougel in the sewers? whole questline about that, cards swimming in shit
Honestly that sounds terrible. I think the amount if possible cards is huge even without making stuff up.
>all of Nilfgaard
>all of Toussaint
>entire Order of the Flaming Rose, Salamandra, Witch Hunters etc.
>dozens of Monsters and Vampires
>bunch of Northeen Kingdoms
>more witcher potions&spells

Now I'm not a sperg who cries at the thought of having black people in a fantasy card game, but Ofier and Zerrikania should never become full factions without having substantial amounts of lore backing them up. A few foreign units as neutral mercenaries is completely fine (I would like that a lot desu)
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How does she keep her shirt in place?
w-wow gerulta-san
nipple piercings
I don't think you'd want piercing attached to a shirt
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yennefer farts lilacs and gooseberries

sheer will due to the fact it makes roche confused and horny
is roche a faggot? why isn't he sucking those tits?

>Ves isn't a romance option

Newfag to witcher series here. Should I play the 2nd game before the 3rd or is the 3rd the only one really worth playing anymore?
play witcher 2

yes, you should also play the first game and read the books
Hjalmar+Coral+Gaard seems to be a really good combo. Also, Bran is useful now and can replace Ermion now that Skellige has some more good gold options.

I did. I fucked her and imported my save. I wanted to fuck her again.
I'd advise against it desu. Witcher 3 is fantastic, 2 is mediocre, 1 is hot garbage. You'll only appreciate 1 if you played 3 and fell in love already or if you're just REALLY patient.
she doesn't fart you lewd rude guy
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What are some recommended Witcher 3 mods?
Auto Apply Oils
Ciri mods Pack
Crow's Perch and Hattori Fast Travel
Increased Creature loot
Indestructible Items
Lore Friendly Witchers
More Money for traders
The Witcher 3 HD reworked
Vaginas for Everyone
Nitpicker's Patch
No Fall Damage
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>cheat mods
>useless nitpicky mods
That might be the worst list of recommended mods I've ever seen.

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I need to stream down the deck and take out cards and maybe add more cards, I removed the Craite raiders because they were worth really little by itself and now you need to have them on your hand and not just be able to take them from the deck with Ermion so to avoid problems I just remove them.
I'll check it out, thank you!
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It's not rape if she squeals like an unoiled hinge.

t. Henselt
Delete this ;_;
Indestructible items is not essential but the vanilla way of weapons and armors breaking is shitty.

Wouldn't it be better to drop the Warships and get something else?
You are not discarding that many unit cards anymore.
>Vaginas for Everyone
why? also, does geralt get one?

ves/henselt sfm scene when
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>stlm is bad maymay
stop posting
Yeah I was thinking the same but they work great for baiting out removal, people kinda see them and start to freak out and remove them as soon as they see them.

I hate that now most SK units are all 5 ST in general, they are prime target for an early scorch or Epidemic. CDPR should change at least one unit or 2 in strength to avoid this crap, No idea why the nerfed the pirates from 6 to 5.
What is Ciri's favorite anime?
Ciri hates anime and weebs.
Is it rape if a flea bites a lion with 6 inches of steel?
>Spends money on games, music, movies
>Doesn't just pirate them

>woman he loves cuckolds him first then escapes judgement by calling it an open relationship
>nods his head and does not utter a word

Book Geralt is a cuckold
How old is Geralt? According to himself and Ciri he's pretty old.
Is Vesemir the oldest one in the books as well? How old is he?
And how long is a witchers lifespan if he isn't killed by some monster?

And where do i look for the books? Ebay?
>being this insecure about relationships
>Geralt fucks anything with a hole
But he was devoted to Yen since he met her, he didn't go back to shagging anything that remotely resembles a vagina until Yen cucked him and told him they were in an open relationship after all.
whats a cheap monster or NR deck i can build
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I wanna be inside her so bad
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Her body language and that outfit are so at odds with each other.
That's her "Roche is so cute, why won't he notice me" moment.
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Speaking of Ves, in TW3 there's a quest where you help rescue Ves from Nilfgaardian soldiers, and at the end you can choose to either kill an injured Nilfgaardian or let him live.

Does that choice change anything at all?
I let him live, because i trust Roche, but at the end of the game i couldn't see if that changed anything.
No, didn't change anything
Not that I'm aware of, maybe a line of dialogue with Roche when you ask him for help later on, but honestly I'm not sure, I can't remember exactly, but nothing major anyway.
wow bekkers twisted mirror is trash. Someone used it on me and it just swapped my barons health with the lubberkins health. I didnt even realize the stat swap can stay on the opponents board.
best part of ves's outfit is the easy access crotch hole. i bet that gets used a lot
Yeah, i bet she pees at least twice a day
Yeah it can that is why you want to have the lowest unit on the board and not the stronger, it is great for ST.

I love her cosplays
Disharmonica is sauce
Help, I'm addicted to Gwent and I'm really pleased with each patch. I'm used to hating every patch for games I play, so I don't know how to handle this.
guess you don't play scoia
I used to. Now I'm having lots of fun with Skellige.
man, philippa feels underwhelming as fuck now.
I invested heavily on scoia :( I don't really have cards for other factions, feelsbadman
share your skellige deck?
Did the patch change her even more? Vanilla Philippa was OP as fuck.
Scoia can still work though. I tried a few games, and neophyte/special spam still won me some games. Malena is decent.

It's similar in theme to the one anon posted above with Coral and Gaard. Adjust according to taste.
How do you know what the mod limit is? How does it work?
It really is though. Any graphics mod that makes your game look worse than vanilla most of the time is bad.
PSA: Quen doesn't protect against Borkh like you'd expect. He can still burn a protected unit plus another one. Dunno if it's a bug.
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Really wish I had a place to hang all these swords...
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Any thoughts on my Dagon Weather deck? I added Aard for testing and seems to work fine.

Should I add Foglets for deck thinning?
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Caretaker is absolutely useless when you're going to spam weather.
I use it as graveyard hate mostly. It's real fun to take out medics to revive my own units, or Priscilla, or even Sarah vs other weather decks
Did anyone make a new guide for how the rewards currently works? It feels like now is more harsh regarding the amount of ore you can farm in a day.
isn't that the point? if you play a lot and level up you get your shit and don't have to worry about a timer.
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Which one is better?
leshen is actually a terrible card, as are foglets, a foglets are exilent card bait

ard seems a fun idea

frost giant is a literal bait card as is feet girl

2 lacerate lmao is also terrible

shrooms dont fit as you have no revival

deco is situational

you need atleast 2 w warriors

1 a thunder is generaly great

its pretty much to early to tell this early into the patch

just test shit out in casual and have fun

also this is what i run but nithral if you dont get him in your 1st hand is dead w8, also he will get instagibbed if you dont force out removal and atleast 2 of them, hence the feet girl
I feel that I get ore for two kegs faster at least. It might be the case that you get less if you play a lot though.
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forgot image again, but i am drunk so
No, that is how it works. Queen protects against damage special cards not destruction special cards.
>no Imrelith
this is kinda true but more rewarding for beginners cuz they will win atleast 1 round which everyone was complaining about

less farm for advanced dudes, more for beginners

also there is ranked so hardcore fags will play it anyway for that ladder shitposting
I see. That's what I get for just jumping in I guess.
Decoy is great for card avantage, which is crucial to avoid DBomb or Clear Skies. Appart from that, seems like a solid list, how is Draug doing for you?
if i had him i wouldnt run avallach, he triggers me to much, draugh won me so much games vs ST i wouldnt remove him for anything, even when i rek my own, they usually only have removal in special cards and 8 str is sometimes insta win in the 3rd round

ofc this isnt in ranked
noone runs d bomb anymore and c skies is literal who plays whos dagon 1st

i dont know in 20 games i played decoy atleast 3 of them were great vs mirror , everything else if you werent winning 1st round you were dead
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Having good success with this deck. Not sure if I like Blueman but he does synergize well with Harald.
I think I might have played you.

I lost because my top-deck was shit.
What? It controls the board with fog and if you have foglets is a 16 golden card. Is a great opener to thin the deck of the foglets and then you have 3 wolf that can be used for thunderbolt.

what i learned is that you actually need almost no wounding to harrald to be effective

hes in my opinion the best leader card placed in a now shit deck , second to radovid or dagon

not that your deck is shit, its just they are forcing 2 meme king queen decks

so hes pretty much if you ahve every card available hes great, if not not so much

now that i think about it if you had Yen instead of RGK i could do some sweet things, you draw RGK against monsters and you are fucked
>no one runs D bomb
>What is every Skellige deck ever?
leshen is terrible and is no control, maybe vs NR, who actually dont care cuz the y run promote

also hes + 16 if you dont draw any +2 foglets, and you probably run 3 w horses and the draws can be terrible, you dont want repick 2 fogs or w horsmen, you could get both back viceversa and you auto -1 draw

plus every deck sides monters runs atleast 2 clear skies

i can go on and on, and only in mirror its sometimes works well, but most monsters are dagon now anyway
That is actually pretty good. You are protected from Skellige Coral/Geralt Aard combo but I see low rotation of cards you need less control and more discard cards.
Wow you are pretty bad at the game if you think that Leshen is bad. Is by no means a Meta card but for a weather deck is a must have. I would rather have a Leshen than a fog card. Also you have to be retarded to draw 2 foglets, you know how the mulligan works? You basically ban the card you are discarding and all similar cards to it to be drawn in the mulligan, if you have 2 foglets and 2 raiders you basically dismiss one foglet first and then the raiders.
> skellige isnt dead meme

also i see there are like 2 people in this tread

i am speaking purely from experience which isnt that good, but in most of my cases its terrible for me, especialy if you cant play foglets and or w horsemen and the opponent suddely passes and you are fucked next turn if you draw any of them
this is not what i meant

this game is on 3 rounds in which you drwa 11 may discard 3 then draw 2 and 1, atleast

this is why monster wicthers run jhonny, cuz they dont want to draw the wicther card in the seond round>>163216250

If you were a monster deck I probably did

I'm rank 2
>> skellige isnt dead meme
It isn't. In Ranked I am seeing very diverse decks and Skellige is still being played with good results, the patch and ranked really changed the decks in the games since people are trying new stuff and adjusting their strategies to the new cards.
I'm getting this slight micro stutter and it's starting to drive me insane. Anyone know of any fixes?

I have a 290 and i4690k with 8gbs of RAM
>New blade runner to bring cyberpunk back into public consciousness before CDPR the greatest cyberpunk rpg of the decade

What is wrong with his arm

also level up to 4k at least for fuck's sake
Then it wasn't you. It's a nice deck though, I want to try it.
roll back and/or update your drivers
fuck NR we /kayran/ now
Damn, I'm so incredibly hyped for both.
Who /2scared4ranked/ here?
Quit being a wussy.
quit being RUDE to him!
gosling and ford?

sign me the fuck up. i don't normally get excited for movies anymore but that looks fucking good.
>page triss the guardian angel of wtc
the decks in casual and ranked are the exact same thing, you're gonna see less people experimenting on ranked though

I'm like 15-10 on ranked which is about the same % I was in casual before ranked. I'm even playing my shitty Isengrim deck and winning with it being completely gutted now.
also I calibrated at around 1.5k rank and got up to 500ish pretty fast

I am very surprised at how "full" Gwent is in its closed beta state. There are very few bugs and the gameplay mechanics are deep enough to be rewarding every now and then, even after nearly 1k matches I still feel the urge to do my 2 levels a day and not be bored after nearly 2 months. Can't wait for the single player campaigns to be released. Hope they're able to be purchased with ores because im a poorfag
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Is it worth it to pick the foil brouver hoog? I already own a non foil copy of him. Also what does everyone think about the patch?
If you have to choose between non animated cards that you don't want/need just choose whatever if you have to choose between non animated cards and an animated card. Always pick the animated, even if you don't want it.

Because you can mill it for the worth of a superior rarity (animated cards are worth basically the double than their non animated pears).
Yeah i thought something along those lines, cause its kinda like a legendary showing up along with mythics isnt it?
I am actually expecting the single player to actually spend money on the game. I don't like buying kegs and I basically got most cards in the game by playing and opening free kegs. But a single player campaign? Damn son. Also how much should be worth in Ores? 1000 Ores/2000?
Yeah pretty much and if it just happens to be an animated card of a card you actually use, they are pretty badass.

Also the patch so far has been great, the new cards are fantastic, specially Coral and Geralt Aard, my issue is that it seems kinda OP either people will keep 2 clear skies all the time against Skellige or they will quit as soon as you gain 2 card advantage over them.

my meat is bloody tough
How long has then been going on for?
Does Kayran allow you to take your opponents units or just your own?

autism lasts forever, anon
Just your own, but it can be a great answer to control decks without a Dimeritium Shackle on hand. Buff up your units, then consolidate their strength into a gold card. I've been having fun outplaying Radovid decks with it and the new Neckers.
papa, fill me up
Mind posting the deck? thx
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anyone know who this is
redanian soldiers' cumbucket

Nah, that's bullshit.
Premium cards are worth the same as non premiums.

You mill a premium epic for 50 scraps, and a legendary one for 200, just like the regular ones.
I'm till angry they nerfed Skellige because the nerfs were uneccasery.

Why was Ermion nerfed for example?

Why was the Clan an Craite Raider nerfed from 5 to 3?

Why was the Pirate nerfed?

The deck is fucking shit now compared to even Scioatael now .

Laughable really
Also Bear nerf
Sigrdrifa nerf
Shitton of units with 5 strength round 1 (hello scorch)

Ermion should be discard 1 > draw 2 > discard 1 if they really wanted to make it balanced.
>Why was Ermion nerfed for example?
To fuck with Skellige players, mainly. A shame, imo.
> Why was the Clan an Craite Raider nerfed from 5 to 3?
I'm pretty sure they were 4 before. And yeah. unnecessary, since they already nerfed the whole discard strategy in general.
> Why was the Pirate nerfed?
No idea. I assume that they did it to ''balance'' the new Skellige weather archetype and because it was pretty much a stable card in all/most decks.

Shitty changes, overall.
>Shitton of units with 5 strength
Yeah, this is worse than some people think.
Epidemic can fuck you up too.

Is a similar thing with all those 6 in the NR siege row.
I would love to ejaculate inside Ciri's sweet, stanky vagina

And Alzurs Anal Pain is 7 now destroying even the strongest unit i have from Skellige.
I can do nothing now.

I tried various builds but i doesnt work
The problem is even with Coral weather decks dont run consistant with Skellige because the Gold cards are bad compared to every other faction.

Now Ermion lacks even behind the Silver card where you actually draw 2 cards and than mills.
Bria Bran is bad, Cerys is now nearly useless because you cant draw and mill fast enough.
Madman Lugos isnt good and Kambi and Heimdall players are way to specific to play for me atleast ( i dont have them and i lack 1800 Scraps to craft them
Have you tried any Tuirseach Axeman deck?
I'm level 8 and only opened like 15 packs so don't have many cards.
His ability got buffed but lel 2 str round 1.
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i must be in the noobie bracket
>first ranked game
>5 cards ahead
>he's scorching himself
can I fap to this?
>Alzurs Anal Pain is 7

Yeah, I don't particularly like either.
I understand why is there, I think. Is a way to completely kill 75% of the cards, but this game seems heavily focused on destroying.
Sure, you can fap to anything, anon.
Funny thing is that the meta is pure control so increasing the power of Alzurs Thunder only reinforce the community and make them gravitate towards control decks. In reality the best decks are the ones that can combine control with other form of synergy combo but not a lot of cards actually do that.
would it grant you some satisfcation to know I'm fapping to pictures you post here?
Maybe a slight one, I wouldn't jump around screaming with joy, but if someone wants to do a quick fap to them, that's cool. Not even I fap to them.
Yeah, that's why you have so many Mad Rad Control
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wow they nerfed the fuck out of it
Is there a good way to build Nekker/Nekker warrior decks?

It seems like you're massively prone to shit that knocks off your green buffs, and the build up is slow as fuck anyway.

You can't make a deck that's just full of absorb, because you can't fit protection against everything that'll fuck you up.

I thought about ghouls + A'z thunder (to kill things on the first turn for ghouls to eat), and then clear skies/anti-weather griffin.

On another topic... it feels like Gwent is letting buff/debuff/anti-buff getting out of control. The mushrooms/Skellige buffing base strength, but then you have the strength flip-mirror, demetrium stuff, multiple scorch sources, dudu
that new vampire Katakan and grave hag seem a bit at odds too. Like one just takes longer to eat stuff
imho we shouldnt treat gwent as other cardgames and use word "control" so often. in this game card adv is everything and decks with control elements are the ones with an actual interaction and that is what cdpr should be aiming for. Imagine having gold cards in hearthstone, shit would be abysmal. Mtg has hexproof and similar abilities but also shitton of options in terms of efficient removal. Also, mtg would fucking explode if there was a "free time walk for each extra card at the end of the game" rule.
If i were to choose between having dagon&eithne meta or some dumb foltest combo decks staring at each other and hoping that opponent has worse hand i would choose control meta anytime.
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If they were to make another Witcher game, what would you want out of it?

A prequel?
A Ciri protagonist sequel?
More Geralt adventures?
A new character protagonist?

I would definitely love a prequel with Vesemir in his prime. It's stated several times he is the most experienced witcher by far, so to see his younger days would be cool. He did bang that old woman in HoS, and seeing the attack on Kaer Morhen could make for a cool story.
Well I kinda agree, if the Golden Roach-Olgierd era taught us anything is that type of combo is a pain in the ass. Golden cards at least now can be interact with with things like Dimeritium Shackles.

Still is kinda sad seeing how badly some decks do against meta control decks, which are mostly the same old decks. Currently Ranked doesn't have that many control decks (at least not in Rank 4) but most people do run some form of control cards to combine with their combos at least.
new character either set during the prime of the witchers, or exploring lands we haven't seen yet.

ciri has already saved the world, please no more of her.

geralt's story is over, they've already said that and it and i'm fine with that, no need to water him down with countless sequels, sometimes it's good to end it on a high note.

vesemir is boring as fuck, so no to him. i say the same about eskel/lambert, they are fine for supporting characters, but a game based around them...no, thank you. i would rather have letho in that case, but neither of the remaining witchers have that protagonist charisma.
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>vesemir is boring as fuck
>neither of the remaining witchers have that protagonist charisma

They could easily get it though, Vesemir especially because of his age. He says multiple time something along the lines of "believe it or not, i too was young once", which means he changed over time, which also means they could do almost anything with his character at a young age. Provided it doesn't rape his book character ofc.

I agree on Ciri and Geralt though.
>ywn play as a fresh-out-of-ban-ard mage and travel across the world in search of power with your buddy witcher and some edgy ass assasin bitch
i know, sounds retarded, but i would love a different perspective into this universum
sorry, but i don't see any appeal to vesemir as a protagonist, same with the other witchers, they simply aren't interesting enough to me.

new witcher created by cdpr would be my pick. let's see how they approach the protagonist in cyberpunk first, that should give us an idea what we can expect in a potential new witcher game.
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Well, fuck this new gwent, all the good cards are gone and have been replaced by cards that are fucking bs.
Lambert witchin' in Ofieri.
Speaking of Cyberpunk, do we even know what kind of game it will be?
Will it be an open world rpg or an action game for example?
I assume it will be an open world RPG that heavily focuses on story, similar to TW3, but the info is scarce, we'll probably see more in 2017.
What are you talking about? The Kayran, Coral and Gerald Aard are fucking fantastic cards. Kayran works perfectly as counter to Borkh and a great way to basically have the 3 witchers and shallow them out the ass and then consume all of them and be able to use weather to control the melee row.

Shit is fantastic. The Keyran is not going to survive the patch at all.
it is rumored to be similar to witcher 3 in terms of locations (one big map and several smaller locations), only bigger. story is said by cdpr to be NOT about saving the world.
Same engine also
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Lada Lyumos obviously
i'm looking forward to her lewd triss

I''d pay her many rubles to do an Anarietta
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how many triss pictures do you have? Can you make her do lewd stuff to Anarietta?
My Triss folder currently has 1317 images. The best I can make is an image like they are about to kiss, but nothing too lewd.

that's a lotta triss.

can't you model swap brothel girls?
You need to seek help
He has, in the form of Triss :3
Currently 100th in ranked mode. I should play some more but I guess this is all for the day, Monster Kayran deck and Skellige Geralt Aard/Coral deck so far has been amazing for me in ranked.
I can, but when I try to use a female to female models, they get wide shoulders like Geralt and their body becomes buggy.

I know, right?
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Ciri reunites with Geralt.webm
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okay how about geralt banging anarietta
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Man, I love beating Rad control decks. This one used Borkh, but I killed it first with Iorveth.

I'm scared of ranked mode...
I played it twice, won the 2 matches and got 100 scraps, I think, but still.

I never payed attention to that stuff in online games.
My Geralt only bangs Triss, but yeah, pretty much all male/female combos are possible. Still, I can't post lewd pics here and I don't take that many lewd pics anyway.
If that dude had a promotion, you would have been fucked though. Still I love Gerald Aard, such a powerful card.

And ranked isn't that bad, it depends mostly of you rather than your opponent.
Ciri's voice actor is so shit, shouldn't have recycled her from bioware's biggest blunder.
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ur gross


ciri has a good voice you bully


excuse me. my anarietta only bangs geralt
More Ciri :3
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Never had any complaints about Ciri's lines, but Letho's voice actor is god damn awful in TW3. It feels extremely phoned in, and even the cutscenes with him are worse than some PS2 era shit. Fuck, even his model looks like he's suffering from AIDS and cancer at the same time, at least compared to TW2.

Not saying his VA did a particularly good job in TW2, but it was far better than in 3. And the model looked good.
>excuse me. my anarietta only bangs geralt
Mine has an appetite for artistic souls, Geralt isn't her type :3
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Did Emhyr seriously plan on raping Ciri, his own daughter, to impregnate her in the books? For what reason?

And if so, why doesn't anyone bring that up in the games, Geralt or Ciri especially? That alone is reason enough to never even considering taking her back to see him.
ciri is for slapping and ploughing
They didn't want the authors fetishes in the game clearly

prophecies. plus he just married a look alike and not actually ciri


anarietta wants to settle down in the vineyard with geralt. Dandelion is a whoremonger who doesn't deserve her majesty
>plus he just married a look alike and not actually ciri
Why would he do that if he only did it because of "prophecies" ?
>anarietta wants to settle down
What other man is worthy of her attention? I think she would find young king Radovid most impressive now that he has defeated her cousin Emhyr.

Geralt is worthy of her attention. It's why she summoned him to Toussaint. She wanted his sausage
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How hard would it be for someone who has never made a mod in his life to swap the Viper Armor texture with the Kaer Morhen Armor texture?

What would i need?
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I want to do stuff to Ciri!
Yeah, I remember thinking he sounded like he was trying too hard in W3, it's like they forgot to tell the VA that he wasn't a villain anymore. And agreed that he looked like garbage in W3, though I blame that on the 3d artists being shit at porting the characters to W3 as Roche, Ves and Philippa also looked like shit.
I think this is the mod you need anon.

>Roche, Ves and Philippa also looked like shit.
Idk, Roche looks pretty good to me, and Philipa looks alright. Ves does look pretty bad though.
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Shit man, thank you so much.
Me making a mod wouldn't have worked out too well i imagine
Man every new good deck tat i see use cards i dont have with scraps i dont ave to waste.
Kinda regret buying Coral in the first minute saw them because i didnt read the Patch Notes what happened to Skellige.
Dude just get Geralt Aard and Coral and you are set. While Ermion is shit currently you can always run Last Wish instead of him and you free a Gold card for Geralt Igni or other card.
No problem, Triss always teaches us to help others when we can.
>If that dude had a promotion
It was Geralt Igni. I played like shit, I recognize that, but I won the match.

> And ranked isn't that bad, it depends mostly of you rather than your opponent
I've played another 2 games, won both.
But they seem like really easy opponents, if you ask me.
One was ST, which was ok, but the other was some crazy shit with Henselt and siege towers.
I won and I still had 3 or 4 cards in my hand.

>Did Emhyr seriously plan on raping Ciri, his own daughter, to impregnate her in the books?
> For what reason?
Ciri's son was prophesied to conquer (half) the world.
He wanted to have a child with Ciri so Nilfgaard could conquer their world.
> And if so, why doesn't anyone bring that up in the games
> Geralt or Ciri especially?
Geralt knows it. And so does Yennefer. Not so sure about Ciri, thou.
>Why would he do that if he only did it because of "prophecies" ?
Cause he felt like total shit after thinking about it.
Dude, he killed his own wife and started a bloody war to fuck his daughter.
He realized it was insane and got sick of the world.
Ciri's double was a peasant and innocent girl. He married her cause he saw her as something ''good'', imo.

There is also the matter of Cintra, but that's not very important.
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I disagree. Roche became a pudgy potato and Philippa's new look is really bland and generic compared to her W2 self.

Did you play the same game as me?
How often do you get Gaard and Coral?
How often do that work when everybody and their mom has a Weather card in their decks.

Its 1 card Combo in a deck made out of 25 cards.
The draw engine is shit now
Yeah I do. And I have been winning ranked games with both of them without issues. I usually build up card advantage so it doesn't matter if the opponent save up a first light.

I usually build card advantage with Decoy, Donar, Birma, Uldrayk, against decks that are low on card advantage (like monsters or NR) it is great and I usually have 2 or 3 card advantages on the last round so it doesn't matter if they save up a first light.

Also you build up a good synergy with discard with Birma, Donar, Pirates, Ermion. With does you gain 9 cards, with a first light on the deck you gain 10. Then adding the 13 you get from the game you can circulate up to 23 cards, 25 if you add last wish to the deck.
Should I try Witcher 3 if I didn't like Witcher 1 or 2? The combat system was just boring and shite and bosses were crap, but storywise it was really good, but gameplay sucked so much I couldn't bear to play it till the end. Are combat mechanics and enemies different in W3?
It's similar to witcher 2.
Like a much improved version of 2's combat.
It's probably not going to win you over but if you've already played 1 and 2 you might as well finish it out
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I agree that he looked better in TW2, but considering the changes to most of the returning characters i think he looks good. He looks like a proper seasoned commander/warrior.
Characters like Letho and Ves went to shit, as did the average elf, there's just something about the TW2 models that makes them better. They sacrificed that "something" for better facial animations in TW3, i think.

Also, that TW3 Philippa is unfair as that is a modded face, she was not designed to have eyes, but i agree she also looked better in 2.

Hell, i think overall Geralts new face was a downgrade in some respect. Geralt without a beard looks pretty bad in 3. He lost some of that manly chin he had. In TW1 and 2 he was designed to not have a beard, he was designed to have one in 3. My English isn't perfect so i have some trouble putting my thoughts into words, but in TW2 his chil is longer, its more forward, while in TW3 its lower, and not so forward. A bit more flat i guess.
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What happenned with Phillipa ? She's still (and more) cute but damn her face changed a lot.
ABout to start ng+ for the first time, should i even bother crafting grandmaster sets? Will they become obsolete next to the legendary versions?
>I agree that he looked better in TW2, but considering the changes to most of the returning characters i think he looks good. He looks like a proper seasoned commander/warrior.
Oh I agree with that, it's just that they made him look a certain way in W2 and then just randomly uglified him in W3, it's like pick one, not both.

>Also, that TW3 Philippa is unfair as that is a modded face, she was not designed to have eyes, but i agree she also looked better in 2.
It just shows her face shape which changed a lot as well, even if you disregard the eyes. They made her look much younger for no reason and it's not like they had to make her look more appealing since she's not even a romance option. It's just change for the sake of change, not really a fan of that.

>My English isn't perfect so i have some trouble putting my thoughts into words, but in TW2 his chil is longer, its more forward, while in TW3 its lower, and not so forward. A bit more flat i guess.
No worries, I get what you mean. I think the general problem is that they simply made him too handsome in W3. He didn't look like a male model in the previous games yet in W3 aside from the eyes he doesn't even look like a mutant.

Well that's the problem, I don't think Phil should be described as "cute". It's hard to pull off the braided look as a 300 years old witch without looking like a schoolgirl but somehow she managed it in W2, sadly not in W3 though.
Why does Ciri have a rose tattoo?
Her girlfriend Mistle was getting one and Ciri decided she wanted a matching one! :3
please answer
>Ves is supposed to be a black widow-style seducer for the Blue Stripes
>W3 gives her face like potato
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fokin ell

that was fun
Her rapist got her drunk and pressured her into getting it as a child.
I've had two matches like that too, it's pretty incredible to see.
cuz she's a SLUT
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>Mad Rad wins the war if you leave him be
Isn't he SERIOUSLY outnumbered by Emhyr?
That's quite the feat.

I hate that CDPR made a Northern victory the less favorable outcome. Mad Rad slaughters innocent people, including people like herbalists and pellars.
And while Dijkstra rules somewhat better than that, at least according to my interpretation of the ending, he expects me to just let Broche, Ves and Thaler die..

Fuck Nilfgaard and their high horse.
Rad wins because he's unified all his forces through faith, while Emhyr is struggling with internal dissent. I also assume that logistics is harder for Nilfgaard. It's not all about numbers.
>It's not all about numbers
I get that. In the ending at least, if Nilfgaard wins the war, its implied that was Emhyr's main tactic.

Goes to show that Rad knows his tactics.
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Is there a real difference between the Aen Seidhe and the Aen Elle? Besides their home world ofc.

All of Eredins crew, including Ge'els, are tall as fuck, but Avallach is the size of a human, and all the Aen Seidhe in the games are that height as well.
Is Avallach not an Aen Elle? Or is he just a manlet?

Is there a difference in their power? In magic for example?
Avallac'h has been described as tall in the books, I have no idea why CDPR made him a manlet.

Aen Seidhe and the Aen Elle should be physically the same, although the latter should be more advances culturally and due to that probably magically too. Aen Seidhe stagnated due to human persecution and domination over them.
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So they are the same race, their culture is just different?
It's the same as if humans were in another world?

What about their home worlds.
Are the Aen Seidhe originally from the world the game takes place in, and are the Aen Elle originally from the world Tir Na Lia is in?
I ask because i heard something about human graves near Tir Na Lia, and don't know if the Aen Elle took over that world like they intend to do with Geralts world, or if the humans came into that world later than the elves just like in the world of the Aen Seidhe.
Is it better using Mardroeme or Alzur's Thunder in the current meta? Appart from Nithral, A-Foglets and Redanian Elite, I can't think on any other good unit that it's not killed by Sportes but does by Thunder
does anyone else feel like ciri has a crush on geralt?
I thought someone in the game commented on Avallac'h being smaller because of the curse placed on him but I could be wrong.
who wouldn't, he is all that is man.
Is there a way to control which decoctions will activate on metamorphosis? I can't take them out of the inventory
In Blood and Wine is there a way to Save Syanna as well as Regis?
His smile fair as spring as towards him he draws you
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Gwent closed betafags don't forget to do the advanced tutorials again for free 100 ores and 80 scraps

the tutorial rewards were reset with the patch so you can do 'em again

Nah, is not that.
They've included some ''new'' tutorials.

In the keg I opened I were given the choice between Borkh, Cerys and Gravehag.

Got Cerys cause I was already planning to craft it (Even if SKelllige is meh now) and already have Borkh.
Has the follower mod been updated to allow Yen?
What about Daddy(Adoptive) and Daughter Love?
Anyone have that video of Geralt taking on three dudes, one with shield, where he executes all three at the same time?
This one?

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how are you fellow ranked friends doing ?

lost 3 games today purely by missclicking rally instead of clear skies
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Thoughts? I'm trying to build a consistent deck by drawing as many cards as possible. 25 cards - 2 Riders - 3 Foglets - 2 Wish - 2 Avallac'h seems pretty decent in the best case scenario. Not sure if my leader should be Dagon or Eredin, though.
Naw, it was in-game. It was the final encounter with that dude that sought to restore honor of some slag by dueling Geralt and this time he brought 2 friends with him.
dagon or else that giant won't see very much action with only one frost.
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My first attempt at a monster absorb deck that feels like it works (using cards I have)

Alzur's Thunder gets the 1st turn ball rolling, so Ghouls can eat (you get more immediate control over the graveyard then as well).
Nekker Warrior to make more Nekkers
Frightener / Katakan gets 2nd/3rd turn play
Archgriffin + First Light as anti-weather
Regis + Cow + Nekkers roll over between turns.
Normal Griffin is for stealing corpses/specials away from rez effects, but also to feed Frightener/Katakan.

Caranthir + Geralt are the only other golds I have. At least in theory, Caranthir can frost, then clear with Archgriffins, but I barely manage that.

I guess Grave Hag or Giant Toad could fill my last silver slot.
Kayran could take a gold slot, and Caretaker could replace Caranthir.
I am currently 118. I was 97 earlier in the day. I tried to play meme NR control deck and I suck fucking ass with them.
what to craft?
-The Last Wish
-Dragon who kills everything in 3 turns (still good despite nerf?)
Ciri game when?
get syanna's ribbon from the little meth girl in the LoaTF
what does Ciri's ass smells like?

only shitstains run borkh
>only shitstains run borkh
sounds like i should run borkh then
like shitlac and pooberries
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top 100 wew

i dont even know how this ranked works

also anyone still alive and or drinking cheers mate
Ciri dying is the best ending because Ciri deserves to pay for the crimes she committed with the Rats.
which deck are you running?

I am running a virtually unchanged ST Isengrim deck and am more or less 50% win rate.. rank 950 or so now

I want to meme my way into the top 100
think she already got a pretty hardcore treatment mate
still a cunt though
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Let's show 'em what real art is
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Just got to rank 60. My win/lose ratio got fucked up for trying new decks in ranked, I think that with Radovid Meme control deck I played like 6 or 7 ranked games and I won 1, lost 5 and tie the other. With Monster Kayran deck I basically got a 1/1 ratio so far, my Skellige Deck is by far the best performing deck.
show me your skellige deck. I am still using my Isengrim deck like an idiot and barely breaking 50% win rate

Show me the Skellimeme.

I've been spamming Monster weather, Northern realms, and ST this entire closed beta but Skellige is the only deck I haven't played once
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