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/wfg/ - Warframe General

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Thread replies: 774
Thread images: 187

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Never Ever edition

previous thread: >>162661413

>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: http://pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: http://pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: http://i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: http://deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
News: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE LAW OF RETRIBUTION: http://pastebin.com/dMMdZRpY
THE JORDAS VERDICT: http://pastebin.com/NLPSMBed
Damage 2.n: http://i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: https://github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: http://i.imgur.com/14PT5m4.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: https://gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

> https://forums.warframe.com/topic/715768-update-19-the-war-within/
> https://forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: http://pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: http://pastebin.com/iAgtMahh
but warbros isn't recruiting
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You gonna smooth out the chumps on the right, yea? The lines are edgier than your typical Ash Prime
gonna try something, but for now just gonna move onto the last one which is nekros
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Nidus is and will be shit
Bard will be musically inaccurate and have 1 ability worth using
Next prime will be Limbo to promote his rework in July
Nidus being health only with a shitty static and minor life regen passive is going to suck dick
but his #2 looks really fucking useful for loot setups
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Warframes are for_______?
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pure tenno
Tenno is kill=warframe also kill no?
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>Reminder: DE fired their only talented artist when it came to Warframe remixes. Chroma Deluxe is a cheap knock off to mimic his style. DE claims to love Japanese lore but fail to create anything that looks close in appearance.
>he doesn't know
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>permanent nightmare mode
How level up frame
Well they're supposed to be a bastardized Japanese aesthetic mixed in with pure weirdness.
braching away from the Lotus and forming their own faction where they can do whatever they want.
And that has proven to look like shit. Everytime.

Post pictures to prove otherwise, and the art most be from this year.
loki and loki prime look gr8 m8
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Honestly sorry Nekros, kinda gave up on you.
nekros is witch doctor from diablo 3
Are you from /tesg/ by any chance?
>dude lets put sword sheathes as his hair lmao
nah, never been to /tesg/.
weelll fuck it, im done and moving to the next one
loki,titania,oberon,valkyr and ash the Faggot Burned Ass Face Jester
American ignorance at it's finest.
anybody with titania mind posting noble stance with her front and back, not seeing any good references
Do I look like a whore to you? Load up Warframe, buy plat, and boy her stances goy
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What should I aim for when rolling rivens for the Vectis?
forgot to say ill still do the ember edit, just gonna move onto the next one
the good stuff
Riven mods ruined this game.
How so?
Is there any reason I shouldn't trash frames when I get the primed version other than liking the originals look?
Riven mods didn't make bad weapons good
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>vauban wrong
who is the 4th frame
mesa for win?
an invisible loki
if we're going maximum defense mode, it'd probably be the assimilate+shield nyx or a limbo
Excalibur Prime ruined this general
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anyone got the image of DE's fuck ups?
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i gotchu senpai
Baby carrier looks fun
>mfw the kuva hype is fading
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Wait, he's health only? Why revisit that idea so soon after Inaros?
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postan fuckups
Blade wouldn't be that bad if it pointed the other way
Right looks better
good nyx skin

>Things they definitely fucked up
Arm Tumour
Spikes on blade

Thigh gap
Leg spikes

>Inb4 no Headblade
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>continually butcher the concept arts of the only dude to make decent deluxe skins so far
>dude gets sick of it
>starts arguing over the fuckups
>gets kicked out
hope you're looking forward to all future skins being Asuri-tier
that's the one ignus designed, i am glad we agree!
Yeah, with winter coming and all she can use that face-blade to rake up snow.
>Kind of hype for a helm without blade-head
>They add the dumb blade-head
Saves me from playing the jewmarket I suppose
all of these deluxe skins kind of suck
in all honestly if they fuck the deluxe skins there is nothing that i need in the fucking game, there is no reason to hoard plat at all.
Link to the post? I want to see the fallout.
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>guy gets comissioned to design useless shit
>gets asshurt cause people who comissioned it wants to make changes
yes, he totally was in the right here. Also ember is useless shit so who gives a fuck
do you notice that no one is taking the bait, right?
try in a few hours.
What's the point of making small change on the right?
Only thing that stand out is the blade on the head.
gotta justify dat salary
Minky needs to mark the territory.
EVERYTHING related to art will be fucked by him somehow.
Removing the smaller spikes/merging them into larger growths is probably for the sake of in-game optimization.

I don't know why they added the half skirt and head knife though.
>what? you're hard anon? you're a pervert. Let us help you with that boner
wat do
Man, the ingame models are so low-quality those spikes wouldn't impact anything.

They dun fucked up the arm *again*. Banshee would've been 200% better with her original spiky arm.
Thing is, the selling point of games like these is being able to be run on shoestrings and matchboxes.
>we can't afford all these spikes in the polygon limit
>lets add them to the dagger and head instead
What's the story about this one?
I'm guessing the left pic is the original and some how it change to the right one?
it could also be animation restrictions. Bendy spikes on the hips and elbows ain't too nice looking.

>but they could just make animations that aren't shit
that would require work and also replacing shit made in the mid-2000's for other games
Implying we don't already have EXTREME clipping with syandanas and weapons and being able to modify the holster of only melee weapons.
Making weapon appear and disappear out of nowhere with "le void powers" meme is not fun.
>Animations restrictions
>100% of the time something is clipping on the warframe anyways

Let's not make up excuses.
I wanna put my dick in that
>guy makes popular skins
>art team feels threatened by it and fuck them up
>dude finally has enough and calls them on it
>DE takes their ball and goes home
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At this point should I build all these or try to sell them to someone?
not making excuses, just trying to see their thought process

that's pretty much the only reason I can think of them smoothing the ridging on the hip for

You can only sell them built.
Ok well then change in question, should I build them and use them or sell them once built? I currently use the Rhino one only.
where i can go to level up stuff, akkad is full of shitters that are out after 5 rounds.
>inb4 Draco
Keep the ones that you feel might be worth using in a build for those frames if you feel you might change your mind. Though good luck selling them I've been trying to sell a Avalon helmet and nobody seems to care much.
>akkad is full of shitters that are out after 5 rounds.

you probs bringing a nyx and using chaos
Is it just me or is the Sarpa's shots loud? I seem to be alerting people rooms away when I use it.
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Essence (+15% efficiency -5% armor) and Coil (+25% range -5% shield) are decent, others are meh to bad.
Thanks mate.
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>When you are at your foundry it shows you how much you own
>when you are at the market it shows you how much you own
>when you choose which relic reward you want it doesn't fucking show you which ones you already fucking own
why? Why is this not a thing? And to top it all of they're all the same items too. "oh dang did I have this handle or did I have the handle for the other thing?" WHY WOULDN'T YOU MAKE IT GOOD?
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ITT we are the DE design team and we """""""""improve""""""""" IgnusDei crude drawings.
7/10, original needed to be on the left, also not enough tumours
>No spikes on it's left arm
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his designs look over designed as hell, he's shit
Do you know what a fucking headband is? Jesus Christ some of you here are hopelessly retarded.
>tfw still don't know what the secura lecta sleek is
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We at DE listen to feedback from our lo- USERS.
>thinking that's overdesigned
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So I'm confused as to why I can't activate the junction on Earth. I've done all the little checkmarks, and I can enter it and kill the frost specter but I can't actually activate it afterwards?
If almost every aspect of that pic were used in a game and had meaning. I'd buy it.
seashells and starfish?
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You forgot one thing.
getting there, but also too much detail on the jacket still, smudge that shit up
also, don't forget to to sign it
>Copyright Mynki 2016
>seashells and starfish
The guy liked going to beach every so often. Or maybe it's a memento from a time with his family or a significant other.

Then again I've always like overly-complex designs in art and music. I notice different things at different times
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what weapon goes well with nova?
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What do I put in here/ level up so it becomes good?
like every frame a good one
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Not him but
Your dick.
Something with a semi-fast sustainable fire. Nova doubles damage so you don't need to bring slow firing high damage weapons.
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I really like the Synoid Simulor in general
drop rending strike and heavy trauma
add reach and fury
condition overload. relentless combo and dispatch overdrive are probably good as well, i've not had experience with them yet though.
nova's 4 double flat damages, so just don't take crits based weapons and you're fine
I thought the flat damage mods were great on loki because he got the stealth multiplier which favours heavy hitting over fast hitting?
I already have the ignis and goes pretty well with her
I was wondering if there was "one" weapon that was perfect for her
looks like some nice weapon goes
thanks anons

it doesn't affect crits? it's good to know that

I wish
>flat damage
what did they mean by this? nothing involved is a "flat" value, they are scaling values (200% total damage from nova, IPS mods scale as % of the individual type)
gotta play a weapon to its strengths, orthos prime is attack speed and range
its biggest IPS is slash, so you want to try and focus on multiplying that the most.
All of them. Seriously, she makes everything better.
i'd say boltor prime
I'm seriously fucking disappointed this guy left. His designs were the one thing I was actually looking forward to in this game.

Not only did I like his style, allowing him to redesign all the frames would've brought some consistency to the frames' art.

Fuck, I would've loved to see his Wukong. I just hope DE won't trash his existing designs because that Frost and that Mag are fucking great.
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This was posted in the forums
You mean reddit?

you damn redditfag
someone strobe dat shit
>body less LOOONG
>thighs noticeably thicker
>loose shirt could be good or bad depending on the 3D model

head blade's mega dumb tho
reminds me of that shitty nyx tennogen one
That may have been where it was from originally, but I got it from the official forums.

>>body less LOOONG
>>thighs noticeably thicker
Irrelevant to the actual design. The propotions won't be carried over, just the actual design will be, and they made it worse.
>Irrelevant to the actual design.
When we're looking at two images side by side it is a relevant comparison. DE's edit has a less retarded body type.

They also added a more retarded head knife thing.

And a potentially fucking retarded but also potentially good bit of cloth.

my verdict is 4/10 probably wouldn't pay for it in either form because it's just a bunch of swirly pseudo-style nonsense
>When we're looking at two images side by side it is a relevant comparison.

No, it's not because the images themselves aren't what people care about, it's the actual design. You know the shit that will actually end up in the game.
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As much as I prefer the original design of Hanako there, I can see how it probably had to be "dumbed down" a bit for the game. All these little spikes coming out of various places, twisted like a dying flame looks pretty goo but probably would go way over the max polycount these models are supposed to have.
Also I quite like the thing on the hip on the new version, giving the impression of a little skirt. It's cute actually. The elbow bit should be a bit spikier rather than round to keep with the theme and for gods sake remove the WoW Warrior Tier 2 Helmet Blade.
Then it's actually not bad.
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Let's not think of it as a skirt as people keep saying.
I highly doubt dumbing it down would have caused an uproar. The problem was the blatant chances that have nothing to do with the orginal.
no, this still isn't acceptable
there's nowhere near enough cloth physics for this to be a [DE]sign

gonna need unnecessary dangly bits everywhere
round sphere tumors use more polygons than spikes
isn't it just memeing strike + blood rush?
i don't even have any damage mods on mine just 60/60 elements and the required spin2win mods
shit carries to 2k cryotic and effectively dispatches mutalist osprey as well
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>quanta vandal
>sustained fire, drop AMD
>drop another, 1st AMD now orbiting 2nd
>drop another, 1st and 2nd orbiting 3rd
>aim elsewhere, prevent AMD's from exploding
>drop 5 more AMD's
>not making the obvious shoop with the latest art style and replacing his feet with hooves
You can call him Poni
You could do it yourself you whiny bitch.
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Honestly, would be fine if the guy left if it is his own accord or DE decide to move on to a different artist. Though somewhat bad way he left because of butting heads with the art team.

Thought he would be around slightly longer so he can either reach to Hydroid, Mesa or Ivara. No idea how they are going to do Mesa Deluxe.
why do people say skirt
this is more oriental blouse or some shit
don't give a shit either way, probably gonna be summer by the time i care about aesthetics
>sick cephalon suda syandana
>halloween palette
all i need
Refined spikes
Thicker thighs
Slightly Longer Legs
bigger chest

im ok with this.

sad that the designer will never work with DE again.
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do you think we will get Nidus today?
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Did they reduce the droprate of E1 on the Pluto excavation? Seems impossible to get one.
We already got our update for the week.
>60p for three slots
Everyone is on vacation.
Supposedely there is a sleek that lets you get the onkill effect with abilities,
I can understand simplifying the spikes to make it look good on shitty PCs and consoles but
>that head
>that hip cancer
>that elbow growth
Pure shit
If you look at the back view the orange blade thing was supposed to align with the center of the helmet. I think that's just a lazy, hastily done change that doesn't reflect the final design very well.
Any peaks about new frame?
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>dat patrician inspiration fucked over by a headknife
>Finally get Kavasa Prime collar
>realize I can't put it on my cat
I don't know what I was expecting.
because it is just a skirt pulled up too high.
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>skirt pulled up too high
aw yisss
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>Your weaponfu will forever be shit
What's her name /wfg/? Mine is the Amphis, I still remember our days soaring over shitters.
I can't imagine how happy DE are that Ignus gave them an excuse to make him fuck off.

His skins were good and obtainable only with plat. But now the only good skins will come from tennogen, so they'll be getting a lot more money.

vid related, it's DE's studio right now:
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>hek and tigris
set for life, I hope the pump action shotgun coming up is good too. I fucking love shotguns.
Fist weapons
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I want to fuck Rebeccas asshole.
What's the fastest way to get Polymer Bundles? It's like the only resource I'm actually low on frequently. I assume Uranus Survival with Nekros or something
What's the best way to level weapons and frames quickly now days?
Reminder that the only people who complain about relics vs keys are trade chat dwelling jews.
And just generally people who aren't retarded.
I just beat War Within, and I get this useless 5 ability that is;

- Slow
- Cannot parkour
- Cannot doublejump
- Has 100 HP, no shields
- A useless UI to indicate reserve power
- A stealth ability that doesn't last long and won't do shit in huge rooms (which are common)
- A DPS beam that doesn't do shit past Mars
- A 'melee blast' which is shit
- So noticable and weak that an enemy will turn around and 100 HP is gone
- Not able to be upgraded in any form
- Forces you back to the Frame if the Frame is found and takes 30 damage

What the fuck is the upside to this?
We have already proved last thread that it is you who is retarded.
I'm not reading an entire thread to find your stupid bullshit, just know that you're a worthless dumb fuck if you think it's better.
Why does infested frame looks so much like Mesa?
Kuva, stealth in a pinch if you play a non stealth frame. Basically just Kuva though.
But I can just shoot Kuva like any other units
Unless those fatass guardians show up?
When you Tenno-fus-roh-dah an enemy down and press E, your potato does the fist execution. It's really silly.
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Man, if only I cared about a retard's opinion that completely ignores facts, I might get upset.
But anon, much like any gimmick, its pretty much useless and shit after you hit the 25+ stuff
It's really sad you don't care about your own opinion. Have more confidence, little anon. And even when you start caring, don't get upset just because others point out what you are, just try to understand why and work towards improvement.
Keep ignoring facts that are in front of you, yoru
're going to grow up into a good little SJW.
Yeah, but you can be a career useless shitter in sorties with it and annoy people.
You didn't present any facts, little anon. It seems like you're deluded, and you're starting to not write coherent sentences anymore. Are you okay? Is your mental condition getting worse?
>I have no arguments and I must argue
Like a clockwork.
But I didn't argue with you. It seems you're still in a state of delusion. You didn't even understand the questions. Make sure you take your medication on time, little anon.
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lmao arguing over a video game fucking losers.
What a great ass.
Guess who has a buzlok Riven with 110% multishot and 100% flight speed
>100% flight speed
come back to me when you have 300% damage 100% multishot and firerate
you won't jew me
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thread turned into shitshow. story time!
>flashback to weeks ago
>breaking loot boxes in Pluto, Hieracon as Volt with full speed
>might as well since these guys usually stay til 2k
>had luck finding statues beforehand and telling teammates where they are
>couldnt find statue and group decides to leave early
>oh well
>timer counting down, speeding towards extract, miles away
>"theres a statue near extract anon"
>asks everyone to get off extract
>everyone does except 1 guy
>"lol just hurry anon u can make it haha"
>doesnt make it

share your bad warframe stories
>excavation with volt

Playing Heiracon, lobby with two MR10's.
>we're going to 2k right?
>I'm not so sure, tell them to worry about it at 1200
>they lose MULTIPLE excavators before 600
>I just cut my losses and extract
>"What's wrong, dude?"
Fucking shitters need to stop ruining farming spots.
Give me your Nezha deluxe skin ideas
chinese dress
>That goddamned iPhone on his wrist

Shit, someone find my sides.
china dress with stockings
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>looking through my prime parts to sell for jewcats
>see that I have all nyx parts except the chassis
>look up prices

why are they all so high?
2 days farming, 0 Frost Prime relics from Hieracon.
Any guide or idea to optimizate the farming?
with a cute bulge
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>play Akkad
>we have a secura lecta but the two others try their hardest to take all the kills from him
>we have a tonkor/simulor but the retards desperately try to stop the infested from getting to the pod where they can all be killed easily
>we have a speednova and vauban keeps throwing bastilles
>fucking snowglobes every time a frost joins
>seriously fucking everyone is determined to make the waves go as slowly as possible and minimize efficiency
>they keep dying in toxic tar
>at least one person extracts at wave 5 or 10

It's been happening all fucking day.
farm, sell your parts
buy frost
Are the prices from the market universal? I'm from Spicland and never traded outside from some friends.
realy? i'm rich then
if i remember well i got few nyx parts and a ton of olds relics
when i go to akkad i just take chroma with effigy build
Aren't you supposed to extract at wave 5 for credit farming Akkad?
fuck off fag
no u
If you want to credit farm, you take a chroma/nekros and a secura lecta and go for as long as you can efficiently kill things or until you get bored.

If you don't have either of those then it's best to extract at wave 5 but you're supposed to do that while playing solo instead of being a fucking little shit and wasting everyone's time.
I'm on Akkad right now with my nekros could you explain how chroma does it/builds for it? Also why the Secura Lecta? (I'm just coming back to the game.)
>tfw playing vauban on akaad, throwin vortexes in front of the pod, EZ PZ
>accidentally hit 3, now I have to run around to all the doors and kill the hanging infested as fast as I can so no one calls me a shitter
secura lecta kills and chroma's effigy increase number of credit drops.
Chroma's effigy has a chance to make more credits drop around it. Secura Lecta guarantees credit drops and also doubles the credits dropped from whatever it kills.
Chromas effigy build = boosts credit drops
secura lecta (syndicate melee) = if you kill an enemy with it and it drops credits, they will be doubled.
>>we have a secura lecta but the two others try their hardest to take all the kills from him


>running akkad with clanmates for credits
>wave 24

gr8 game
I freakin love Dex Sybaris. Semi autos have never clicked for me until now.
>queue pug sortie
>defend the autist going on a walk
>hide somewhere, stunlock an enemy somewhere with max duration trinity
>heal it through allies damage
>"Dude stop you Fucking queer"
>"it's a game lol y r u even mad lol xdd"

The true endgame is shitting up sorties with bright neon and edge, in my opinion.
What do you do to shit up sorties, anon?
Anyone has a idea why the salyx syandana has the darvo deal mark on it for 21 days while no actual discount is on it?
>I want a cute femboy with stockings
>With a bulge
>fuck off fag
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>implying I want any of that
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Time to get neither Rare drop
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Brand spanking new player here. In fact, I haven't even downloaded the game yet. But I'm thinking about giving it a try. Is it worth even the free download?

I like cooperative games in general that have some sort of goal or improvement you can grind towards. Like Payday 2.
stop posting porn to fish for replies
Escape before it's too late
there is no goal, the endgame is just grinding to get the ability to grind more
>What do you do to shit up sorties, anon?
I actually do everything i can to make the sortie go as smoothly as possible.
>summon specters
>revive everybody
>use team heal and energy
>make sure the objective is secure
I actually get a few thank yous and friend invites every couple of sorties.Feels good man.
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Are people buying Telos Boltaces for high prices too? Or is it just Secura Lecta
I find it better than Payday2 since it has goals instead of just lol I wanna do this map. You farm for specific items/frames to farm easier/better later.
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>join a nightmare spy run(no shields) on mercury
>alls going well, piss easy hacking
>get one console teammate gets next
>go in for last one, its the one in hate most
>"no big deal I finally figured this piss out."
>hack console up and down to turn off lasers uptop
>go for jump
>go down
>"really scrub"
>finish mission
More angry at myself but fuck that cunt
same brother, a shame it's ugly, i hope DE make a sybaris prime
Saryncuck with a freshy maxed Torid here. How do I mod and forma this gun to squeeze the most use out of it?
You use a different gun
Ignis doesn't give me satisfactory results when fighting anything past level 50 enemies. Granted, I have no idea how to mod/forma it for high damage either.
How much do Ash Prime Systems and Neuroptics typically go for?
>not using lombi for spy
Systems for 60-70, Neuroptics 6-10.
Try gas damage, shitter.
Viral or corrosive with 100% status, thats what I use for anything over 80
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i bet you can get a good buzlok riven for coins anon, isn't a popular weapon.
>its up to you guys to kill them all
>brings an mk1 to a sortie

how about you stop being a shitter and buy a decent shotgun like vaykor hek/sancti/tigrisp
Thanks anon
Thanks for the legitimate response. I think I'll start the download now.
>I have never heard of gas Lanka
He said the same thing i said retard >>162733507
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Something like this?
I did hear about high damage Lanka but I also heard it needs a fuckton of forma.
Hes a work in progress, cut me some slack
I'm going to be the shitter here and ask. What the fuck does Gas Damage even do? I keep hearing about and seeing people post "amazing builds" that use Gas damage. Am I missing something obvious here or is it sleek
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it's not a meme, buy a mutalist cernos mod really cheap and try to get something good.
torid damage falls of even with big numbers.
multishot on M cernos is the shit with saryn.
You didn't specify how it's grinding for the sake of grinding better, faggot.
>I also heard it needs a fuckton of forma.
do you see any polarities on your torid?
Its not >>162735805
In my first post I'm actually asking how to polarize it. I just don't know if unpolarized Lanka is better or not. If you would be so kind as to provide some %high level% builds for both I'd really appreciate it.
really scrub
Every time I see someone using goy prime I whisper them saying "nice p2w frame" and they always get mad lol
Not being the state of which it currently is and has been.
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>Mfw reading through the IgnusDei
>All these wannabe artist neckbeards talking about their indie work experience
>"Do you even know what concept art is, it's not meant to represent the final product goy !"
>They act like everybody should touch the design as they wish instead of leaving it to the one hired to be in charge of it
They're also forgetting that DE hired him because they were too incompetent
>ignus skins sells like hot cakes
>minky gets utterly buttblasted
>minky shits on the designs just to prove that he is in charge.
>ignus fucks off
>fucking minky remains

and it's not the first time this happens, when someone asked Steverino if they could remove or at least give the option to remove the tail in nemesis skin, he said he can't because it was part of "the artistic design", meaning fucking Minky lash out everytime someone even suggest to remove a fucking skirt or some awful design.
Sure thing, hit me up if you wanna farm sometime. Relynia
DE really loves skirt and heels on their characters man.
At least some look like regular shoes or boots.
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>Kuva Fortress
I'ma pub this just to see hoe many are going to get downed.
it's minky, notice what happened when everybody made fun of nova's long neck? he added the rings in prime as a fuck you instead of fixing the model.
if the original has a skirt? every version (deluxe an prime) will have a skirt because fuck you.
people disliked the lobster tail in trin, what did he do in the prime?

that man is a egotistical retard, why we can't get a good designer for once?
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Shoulda been here for Defense a few days ago. That was nuts with pubs.
But anon, if the designs were good then who would be buying tennogen skins? Ignus had to go.
>people still care about the Ignis drama

Has anyone here even been in a team environment? Genuinely curious
I did the Defense, but no one got downed as much because we camped outaide of the defense room with the traps.
Do you honestly think that has anything to do with this? Genuinely curious.
no anon, you are the only adult in the entire general, congrats.
all i know is that the only thing i was looking for (the redesign of older frames) is now fucked.
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>Have never been messaged by anyone who friended me
>even got ignored when I asked if they wanna come on a vault or something before
>and I mean "player is ignoring you"
The worst part is, the people I jew on the market are the nicest to me.
Damn, two exterminates? Is the 1st time sorties have had two of the same mission types or do I just have a bad memory?
Each time I did it the operative wandered into the gas room. Luckily I had Nezha but everyone kept following me in there even though I told them to stop.
okay, wtf is a pub? Is that short for public, as in players who only ever play public because they can't play the game on their own without failing every mission?
>Is that short for public
>as in players who only ever play public because they can't play the game on their own without failing every mission
Yes. People who would probably be stuck on Salad V if they didn't have others to help.
There was two defenses a few days ago.

Shit I wish I had people asking me to do vault runs. All I ever get is this one faggot in my guild that wants me to do shit for him that there's no reason he shouldn't be able to do himself, like completing a mission on fucking -Earth-.
Are Nightmare levels easy shit or what
It says low levels half the time and the modes don't sound remotely problematic.

Are they worth my time?
They have unique mod rewards.

Go read the wiki.

Ask yourself do you really have anything better to do with your time?
I do them all the time, with pubs of course, but it'd be nice to have a dedicated group who would do more then 5 without someone leaving each time.
No, so I may as well.

Alright, cheers my dude.
>riven for killing l30+ enemies whilst carrying a hobbled dragon key

Into the trash it goes
>there is no goal, the endgame is just grinding to get the ability to grind more

Not even that dude, you grind to get more stuff that you don't even need in order to keep on grinding more stuff that you don't need, either
>Being this bad at a simple task.
Your bullet jump isn't slowed.
you do vault runs with pubs? you meannjust randoms from recruiting? because the inability to actually just pub derelects infuriates me.
Is there an option for excalibur that lets you just hold down the melee key instead of tapping it while using exalted blade?
>hard sortie
>2k endo
>easy sortie
>4k endo
If doing pub vault runs always do exterminate. It takes longer than the other missions but the vaults are way easier to find.
Why is there literally no porn of Equinox?

fucking hate excalibur, sounds like podesta's box springs on pizza night
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>doing Heiracon
>level 3 leech with weapons being leveled as well joins
>"retard is down!"
>stand over him while clapping waiting for him to die
Leeches neck yourselves. If you bring useful weapons then great but otherwise fuck off.
There is
No, you need a 3rd party macro for that or you assign some button on mouse software to be M1 on repeat. Then you have to consider what to do if you have Berserker on or not.
Some people don't understand what "literally" means. There is definitely not enough Equinox porn.
I always bring a fully leveled Akstiletto Prime, keeps me going for a while. Always bring a strong fully leveled weapon.
Thats what i do and should always be done
yes, people are fucking idiots that shouldnt be left to make decisions on their own. Let the Ideas Guy tell the pawns where to move. the better they follow, the better it will turn out.
>pub vaults
I feel like you're missing something.
Didnt mean to quote anyone
>Tonkor completes tonight

I hope this is actually worth the 90k credits and isn't a meme weapon like most of the stuff I made.
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>instagibbing careless teammates with orokang defense lazors
Nothing feels better than something like this in a coop game.
Trust me. You won't regret blowing the shit out of literally everything especially if you put forma into it.
17 minutes to complete a sortie that should have taken less than 10 I love exterminate spawning

Why do I still play this game AHHHHHHHHH

At least it wasn't Nitain
I bet you are one of those guy who intentionally get radiated and turn on your teammates.
I'm one of them
I miss Ash

Killing your entire team and the defense target was great, they're just there for me to get extra focus anyway
Is there any point in actually doing any of the Kuva Fortress missions?
>help random people in recruit channel
>help friends
>help clanm8s
>while helping do crazy parkour kills
>''dude you are awesome''
Ah feel good all day.
>do some recruitment for the clan
>''do you have full research?''
Nobody wants to join a shit clan with no research literally the only point in joining one.
Why is she such a messy eater?
>be at hieracon
>have 3 levelling stuff, leech/make that sweet exp
>faggots getting mad while i smoke them mobs
>fully level weapons
you can't stop me, for i am not a person
Nidus is a dumb name
She likes to get a little dirty
better than the one that faggot from /wfg/ kept spamming the thread with
>Nobody wants to join a shit clan with no research literally the only point in joining one.
All people in my clan joined without asking for research.It is true that the clan has full research but i never advertise that and the moment you ask if the clan has full research you are blacklisted.That is the only way to get quality clanm8s.

This is a great way to separate the shitters from the cool people.
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the Grineer are clones but have females

the Corpus don't have females

where are the girl Corpus?
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Hmm. What do?
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>when you finally get a non-retarded team on Akkad
Desk jobs
I think some of those super tall, high level roller-blading Corpus enemies are women.
>the Corpus don't have females
You are a retard.Go and check the corpus syndicate.They clearly have women.They simply don't send their women to the battlefield.They are not expendable clones after all.
The ones that nullify random abilities and use heelys are female. I think.
This guy wants to trade me a boltor riven mod for sybaris riven mod. Should I do it? Both are unrolled with shit stats currently.
Well ehhhxcuse me, I don't ever go to that cuck hole
>doing akkad


>not doing akkad


>caring what other people are doing


Uh huh...
Just admit that you are a shitter so we can be done with it.

Just saying, it's pretty hard to find people who aren't retarded while doing something retarded
>doing akkad just to brag about ez no armor lvl 30 infested kill count


that's good as fuck

sell it to me for 50p
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I know you are but what am I
I guess that's why warframe itself is full of your kind.
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Actually, you are limiting your clanmembers to shitters who can't even play this game efficiently enough to know that you should alway make sure the clan has all the research.
>implying that i am the same guy



I go akkad solo up to wave 5.

Can I join your clan anon? Im only at about 50 hours played.

Are there any scheduled obligations?
I can easily identify cucks with the Frost/Ember Prime syndanas that paid DE actual money. 60 dollars worth and god knows how much in plat.
I don't know Riven values too well. Good as is or reroll?
>butthurt shitter
Did you get blacklisted by one of my recruiters?
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>where are the girl Corpus?
>Warframe crashed
Never seen that before, not a disconnect or anything like that, full blown crash.
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There are voices for both male and female Corpus in the game's files (male has two variants, the horribly distorted one used in game and one that sounds definitely much better). Here, try them, they're in XWMA, so you're going to need Audacity or some other editor to play them.
>Can I join your clan anon?
>Are there any scheduled obligations?
To have fun, no schedule but the one you make with your squad.If something big comes there is usually an announcement on the steam group page.
I don't recruit from \wfg/ since it is full of shitters,you can still join by a chance encounter on the recruit channel,the forums or steam.

These things are female? I just made it to Europa and started to run into them.

They seem to spawn randomly though. The Elimination total counter keeps going up when they spawn on me, basically making them not count as elimination targets for some reason.

Okay then.
>Space Hulk Deathwing launches today
>no infinigrind
>30 hours of game play then done

Really wish there was an alternative to WF that was carried by a sleek engine and art team. Even OW feels slow compared to this game.
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I wish I had gotten into this game sooner. I remember downloading the game when I first bought a PS4 for Bloodborne last year but then never tried it even once.

But recently for whatever fuckery reason I started playing it on Steam and I've been putting in major hours. Actually got time gated at the level up test twice because I played so much.
good as is, use it on your ampex, replace your multishot mod with it

it will do tons more damage
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Nah, Lord of Shitters, I'm in the most venerated clan that ever was or will be and could not give 2 shits about your dime-a-dozen smalltime operation.

we happen to have all the research
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Did I do good, /wfg/?
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>replace your multishot mod
Nah. Stackin' that shit son.
aimed at

Barrel + stock is already 20+ plat.
TGDM pls go
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Damn, put those hoods up on those ugly tater tots.
you shouldn't have room to stack
best be joking
>people asking if they did good on trades with total net worth about 20p

These amounts of plat are not worth the time invested talking about it and meeting up in dojo.
Hmm? You use Argon Scope/Bladed rounds or something?
>clan name

I chuckled
>yfw thats an actual news site about warframe
you should have critical delay, point strike, and vital sense

serration and heavy caliber

high voltage and another elemental mod of your choosing which status chance on it (I use malignant force)

and split chamber which I suggest replacing with that riven mod because punch through is very viable on the amprex but multishot is more important
Farming bosses for mods waste of time yes no?

Are fansites really still a thing? Back in my days we had dedicated fansites and forums for everything and that's where the biggest communities were.

Now it's all about having a little section as part of big social sites like leddit or communities formed around content creators.
>critical delay
Nah man.
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Whelp, Space Hulk Deathwing came out. Guess I'll be doing that until Nidus gets released. Time to purge.
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I had to join these guys since Warbros is """full""" again
i was always uncertain about critical delay

should I replace it with metal auger?
Shred is better than Metal Auger.
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Should have posted an image in case people don't want links.
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>shotgun rivens
Alliance is ded as fug anyway, if you want raids, raidbus is the only way to go since there are like only 6 people in the whole fucking alliance who care about raids
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Hek here we come!
but it has less punch-through
>3 types of weapon rivens from ONE source
can you say fucking dilution
depends on the mod and the boss, honestly. If there are other enemies that drop it then don't farm that gated garbage, but sometimes you don't have the option.
>a bunch of stuff we already knew about how rivens are great and nothing is wrong so they're gonna make more of them
>So why limit initial capacity to 15 and why sell a bundle for more? In our first Riven workshop we stated that the maximum is a reflection of our desire to encourage creativity and choice. We want each Riven in your collection to be carefully considered. Should you keep it, dissolve it, or trade it? Maybe you choose to focus on Rivens for more powerful weapons, or since those are already capable, maybe you’re a curator of the more obscure weapon Rivens.
I mean that's what I had assumed. I was suprised they let us purchase slots. I still don't like that we can, because that means some (richfags) would simply be able to purchase more slots and hog all economy loot.

>Our current plan is to include these new Mods in the Sortie reward pool so that if you receive a Riven reward, it has a chance of being either a Rifle, Shotgun, or Secondary Riven
Well that sucks. I was hoping they'd take rifle mods out and we'd be able to jew them out for more.
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>Hope getting the right shotgun Riven will be easier to get since the shotgun pool is like 1/10 the size of the Rifle/Sniper/Launcher, secondary, and melee pool
>Shotguns will be added to same pool as all the others
>hek with hells chamber and scattered justice and a multishot riven
Infinite pellet works!
shotgun rivens are going to be rare/expensive as fuck
Is there any way in hell I'll get 10 cat genetic code things in 1 key or whatever?

I genuinely have no idea who that is?

All I know is us, test clan please ignore and you all in warbros were among the very first clans when that went live

wasnt until about a year or so ago I heard that tennoclock news was an actual fan thing, ours was just a joke in the beginning. Far as I know there's no correlation between the two
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>Forma can only be used on maxed equipment and frame
>Said equipment and frame is then reset to unranked

It seems I underestimated how grindy this game is.
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Leveling up anything from 0 to 30 takes about twenty minutes
you have not yet even befun to grind!
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Anyone got a clue how the fuck should I go about this one?
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Frame Rivens when?
>Blue Potato from sortie
You're gonna need to get a friend or two to carry you. Just sit back and let them do all the work.
Bosses like alad v who die in 3 seconds?
Shade or Huras Kubrow I guess. Infested ones are probably your best bet since they come to attack you when you start scanning them instead of running away.

Or you can just get someone to help you.
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>+80% slide distance
>-90% power efficiency
Boy i can't wait.
I had to do that solo because fags in my alliance wouldn't help me. Bring stealth dog or a shade with high status proc electric/blast and use nezha because his slipperyness isn't affected by hobble.
Exterminate, have someone else kill the enemies, then you come and scan when it's safe.
Better than the Greater rock lens I got.
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When did these get put ingame?
So after doing every sortie I have Daikyu, Gorgon, Quanta and Vulkar riven mods. They're all garbage but are any of them worth the kurwa farming to reroll them for decent stats? These weapons aren't very popular from what I can tell. If I can't easily sell them for 100+ plat I'd rather just not bother.
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>+40% fire resist auto parry chance
>+45% resistance to ice levels
>-50% power stronk
>Oberon only
I can see it now.
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what the fuck is this?
my first main weapon
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The fuck is this
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kulstar isn't even that shit
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>That syandana
It's a good thing I kept some of my plat from my last trading spree.
Winter event prolly

Also all check market skins and syandas are out
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Soon guys, soon.
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Just shoot at your feet with Dyx absorb Aug 10o.
>Also all check market skins and syandas are out

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It's pretty nice actually. Anyone able to find anything else not on the main page?
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>Like 5 good affixes
>Like 20 useless ones
ahhh never change DE.
you know guys, i don't farm for specific shit, not any more. i just farm for PLAT, jew the fuck out of trade chat. so much easier now with endless fissures, and an influx of new players.
>nikana p blade for 10p
>vauban p parts for 10-15p
>receiving saryn chassis for saryn systems
>sum of individual valk/ember/frost prime parts significantly lower than whole set
>various other rare "trash" parts for 10p
i don't know none about the old key system, but the new void fissures work very well for me. more so with endless
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More stuff if you search festive. Ger your candy cane.
anyone here use the Gorgon? opinions / is it worth crafting?
kubrow red nose and hat is for free

also winter interior for ship
>can't even preview solstice daedalus armor
Use the Prisma with a +DMG/+Multishot/-Zoom Riven.
At work right now. Anything for Ember, Nyx and Banshee?
there was a hotfix yesterday right?
Under optimal circumstances. And that still means a lot of hours wasted grinding so why do you even bother with your trivia?
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i don't understand why they did this. just max out your gifting limit with the lowest costing piece of shit in the market
>boys and girls club

Okay that sounds nice

>of London

But I'm not a Britbong

How much is that jewcape
I want
1: Primed Chamber
2: Primed Chamber
3: Primed Chamber
4: Primed Chamber
5: Primed Chamber
6: Primed Chamber
7: Primed Chamber
8: Primed Chamber
9: Primed Chamber
10: I want IgnnusDei back
so is this the buy-plat event or an actual series of themed missions?
how readily available is the currency needed to buy it? I'm fairly new to the game and I haven't dealt with Ducats yet
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Is that a fucking jew star?
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> a begging event
WEW. I'm all for charity but

also the solstice syandana would probably look tight on deluxe frost if we ever get him I thought it was gonna come out before new years :(
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>tfw banned
>Built Angstrum
>huge delay between press button and actual rocket firing

Is the Kulstar like this too?
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Looks a bit more like a lotus snowflake, but kinda.

>How much is that jewcape
picture related
it's fucking nothing
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>Loki Riven
>+120% duration
>+100% range
>-100% power strength
>-80% shield capacity
The dream
Just FYI guys the Festive stuff like the hat/nose for dog, candycane/ringers, and ship interior stuff is all 1 credit. No plat needed.
>Need to gain plat in those 20 days.

Fuq, hope luck is bestowed upon me, I would like to gain as much as I can. Already bought the new Syandana
Somewhat difficult for new players since you guys don't have much relics. I'd wait a bit till you're a bit richer.
Can I use this skin and color the patterns differently?
I'm gonna need sauce, friend
Angstum "loads up" rockets when you hold down fire and releases what you load up - increased magazine size increases potential.

Kulstar is waaaaay better - fires a projectile in a straight line that bursts into a popcorn shower of death on impact.
Got any stance or Warframe mods you wanna part for tiny sums of plat?
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What happens if I buy it?
I don't want something bad to happen though

Should be able too
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Seems so.
the shekeling has begun!
Negative auto parry chance master race.
Wow what a generous move by DE! This is game changing and will reunite the community after all the dogshit updates.
Did you choose 2 blue colors or do the linings inherit the main color you apply?
Depends what you're looking for.
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I hit random. Here are all colors picked to be super different colors.

One of the gold stances for heavy bladed weapons, eternal war and vampire leech
Okay thanks, I'll buy it for an Edgefrost.
Is that carrier's big brother?
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What does this icon mean?

I've never seen it.
I'll just assume it's something to do with the limited time market.
Can the Phage be made into an actually good weapon?
probably a coding mistake that has to do with the new syandana with the same model
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Pr'good for that
OmniXVII you around? I managed to gather some E1 relics.
It's ok, but with Shotgun riven mods coming, I can't wait for something like +damage +multishot + status.
They need to make fire rate adjust the alt fire time
and you think torid will give you the results lol
baro jewteer's this friday isn't her? are we expecting anything seasonal from him? he should have kiteer leg armor this time, at least, right?
That and possibly a festive skin
Warframe newfag here. Is there anything I can farm in the early-mid game to trade for a few plat?
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I need a more suitable color palette to be a certified edgelord.
I guessing you mean Tempo Royale I can give that, can't get extras of the other two as I'm not in their syndicates sadly.

ign Conciliun
Haha holy shit. I'm at work atm. That was surprising ti see my name. Won't be home for another 5 hours. Just add me and I'll buy them off ya soon. Thanks based anon.
Do endless missions for relics, do shitty relics with randoms and spend traces on good ones to do them with 3 other people, which you find in Recruiting chat.
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wtf is this.png
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the hell is this?
>open a riven link from clan chat
>can't exit the riven description screen
>have to restart the client
sasuga DE
an inbox
People like you are why pizzagate exists.

Not coming home for a while, I'll shoot you a msg later. What is that going for on that market site?
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darkest black from smoke colors and darkest red from classic saturated

>tfw they fucked up the sigil colors
We ARE the fucking system's children, for fuck's sake. Where's the help for us?! Screw all those colony brats who're going to end up as relay rape bait, anyway.
Thanks for the info. I'll start grinding for relics and see what I can get.
>Never Ever edition
same for umbra ;_; i want to play with him so bad
Jesus Christ what frame even is that?
I want my Excal to look as edgy as possible but I don't know which attachments to buy for it.
What is the dream team for a Heiracon 2k cyro run? My guess would be double frosts for 2 extractors at a time for the early levels. Then a Nova and Nyx for mass CC.
Finally got around to making the akstilleto prime, don't have primed pistol gambit but was wondering what you guys thought about hydraulic xhairs with normie gambit and some dual stat mods for status and hornet strike with barrel diffusion and lethal torrent. D-did I do good anon?
thats easy even 4 chromas for a shekel run can do it
One frost and 3 guys with okay(ish) weapons will get you to 2k, you should try recruiting rather than going with matchmaking, I've noticed I get a lot of shitters trying to get carried if I just let matchmaking put me in.
what treasure room mods only drop from level 20 missions?

you hardly need a dream team to make 2k, but if i was trying to build one I'd say 2x boobin, 2x nova with a pair at each extractor.
Seriously, the fuck is this? Some kind of christmas thing?
Also, what are the new for sale items? The ones that sell for 1 credit.
Ash prime with locust helmet

Buy the stalker set goy :)))))
So randoms can buy me stuff off my wish list? Thats nice but as usual i expect nothing.
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WTF i love the opticor now
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Why is Frost considered good for Excavation? What about a Cataclysm LimBO? Or PuddleDroid? Do the Ospreys and zappy crawlers and so forth necessitate a globe?
You could deal a million damage with a sniper and they'd still be worse than a Tonkor or Ignis, simply for the tact that kps>dps
That's why Banshee sucks despite being one of the strongest buffers in game.
Because snowglobe can push enemies out and can be put in multiple places. Cataclysm can't
Vauban is best, especially with a team that does not suck dicks, and knows that killing nullies is a top priority.

Bastille can be spammed allover the place, given Vaub has Zenuric.

channeling your inner symmetra there eh?
2016 truly has been the year of nothing
Why is Hieracon still the most popular choice for excavation? Don't the easier high tier excavations like Cholistan have the same drop rates?
From my sim testing Corrosive/Heat is still better than Corrosive/Cold even with Primed Cry rounds. You might want to test it yourself as I could be wrong.
How do I get a perma invisible Ivara?
Infested are easy to kill
idiots attempting to combo up on affinity/resource bonuses
the resources on pluto are common as shit and the affinity from infested is way less than other factions + excavation is garbage for affinity purposes

and now captcha is asking me to identify "locations with an outdoor seating area" what the fuck
>Get a Riven mod
>Perform finishing blows on 6 sentients alone
I can't even kill one sentient alone
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>mfw its not a meme anymore
I dunno, I think DE made a strong case for why it was actually the year of losers
What's your mod setup? I have an opticor in my foundry atm.
>loki prime
>synoid simulor

chances are your gear should be sortie level since you've completed war within, literally git gud
Just be a tank. Wukong is prob the easiest entry way with no real investment.

All hail the "Laser Cannon Death Sentence"
Is Mag Prime worth getting? She is dirt cheap on the market and I'm guessing it's because she's trash so, worth it for the titties?
Normal Pistol gambit is fine but Primed Target Cracker is a must - the basic crit damage mod is complete ass. If you don't have that, just build straight damage elements w/two dual stat mods.
Shes fun
Use Transference and hit them with the Beam when they adapt, that removes their immunity to the damage.
if you have spare slots then yeah, mag's got great titties, no reason nit to gild them. swap for the basic mag helmet though, that prime hat is derp as fuck. mag's pretty garbage on her own too, magnetize does a thing but there's not a lot of application for that thing, so don't get her and expect to use her much
She may not look it, but she has the biggest tiddies ingame, anon.
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When is her deluxe coming?
I've been saving my Mag P sets just in case it increases. Really want to sell them, more waiting.
All primes are worth getting for the collection. Gotta catch em all. Excal P never ever though.
>tfw formaing a weapon and watching it grow more powerful the more you forma it
after frost and probably ember, though who knows about ember considering the backlash revolving around it right now
Jesus Christ.

Post Riven

But big numbers dude. Plus cryo lets you burn through corpus shields without changing mods for randoms. I do like heat proc for the CC though.
I wished DE did more with the festive decorations you can buy in the market. Kinda sad that it still only does a makeover of your cockpit and nothing more.
I love dumb floating rings around the head
Wasn't there implications that when Black Santa was pulling a Chris Benoit on the operator that warframes are semi-sentient? My theory is that "Tenno" refers to the sum of the Operator (the soul) and the Warframe (the body).
I thought it was the operator doing his transference shit while outside of the cradle. Makes sense since they learn to do that reliably during TWW.
but who is the mind.
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I'm like 1 mod, 1 form and a meme away from surpassing those stats. We both fail due to ROF being shit.
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>100 kills later
>still 2.5x
how the fuck am I suppose to do this?

The problem is not even being able to hitting enemies part. It's about being able find enemies. And then after 125+ hits/kills I get teleported outside of the map FOR NO FUCKING REASON
Get Drifting Contact.
Relentless Combination helps Slash weapons reach 3x with ease if it ever drops for you.
Try Relentless wombo combo + combo duration + Telos Boltace.
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Anyone else get perma-nullied today on Sortie 3? Is there just something I'm not aware of or is it just sleek.

Thankfully I was puppy frame and don't need no abilities to stay alive.
Don't know if they fixed it, but you used to be able to melee a downed capture target for stacking combos
I'll try using Relentless Combination, but I was already using drifting contact. I was using volt + war and running across the map to find enemies. Would ohko groups of enemies quickly.
A too strong weapon might make it harder since you just 1 hit everything and can't build well.
I haven't played TWW yet but from what I heard, The Operator may be a transhuman approaching a post-human mindset that most people have difficulty grasping unless you have a PhD in metaphysics.
The warframe didn't move on its own, the operator moved it like >>162754570 said.
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Alright so after I get my next Nitian I can make either Saryn Prime, or Wukong.

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1 for me
Truly a better sniper rifle than sniper rifles.

Better than -zoom, that shit gets really annoying. It will just make your 3D model disappear. 1st person shooter frame is nice but the camera is in a weird spot for it.
>Every time I didn't get the reward I want, the spy mission gives me a relic back.

This is very nice, thank you.
Saryn is "more useful" Wukong is just immortal with no utility on him.
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what's the riven?
>struggling for nitan
>"a r-resource 8 forma saryn with 8 forma spore buster is =more useful="

bad advice from the wrong perceptive
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Thank you anon! It actually worked.
Unfortunately picture is what I got.

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>first reward on the tennogoy event site is supposed to unlock at 5000 gifts
>only among the top 10 gifters there were already more than 1000 gifts given out
>no doubt there are at least another 2000 among the rest of the entire fucking userbase
>the reward slider hasn't moved an inch since the site went up
I'm blind

nice mod, shame that the third bonus is a complete waste
You can reroll that to get a good mod. Dex Sybaris is pretty good, if you have it that is.
I need so much fucking Alertium why does DE have to be such kikes with rare resources
>tfw they release Wukong Prime
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and why the hell would you 8-forma a saryn, tell us a better answer then genius, I would've said nothing of the above but if he's struggling to choose better to give him advice rather than shitpost.
Well DE does answer to their chink overlords butt the pattern is boi/boi then girl/girl.
SSJ Wukong incoming
The slider only updates every day.
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>"hah wow ivara must be one of my favourite frames i really like her :33"
>"thats cool dude"
>"oh look at this riven mod i got... aw it requires me to slide kill things which I cant do with her"
>"oh you mean like my loki can?"
>instant salt and mad
this fucking guy, i just do not fucking understand why i keep playing with him
Wukong is shit, Saryn has several easy builds that are more useful than wukongs whole kit.
It happens sometimes when you either fall out of bounds (in the water too)
He already did give the advice i.e. Saryn is the worse choice. If the guy doesn't have enough alertium for both then he's almost certainly new, and based Wukong doesn't require any forma invested and specific weapons to be useful and can carry an undergeared new player through sorties. He can facetank level 100+ enemies easily without dying. Saryn is just a waste of space in most sorties even when modded properly, let alone for a new player.
Wait, every frame can slide and kill.
So the snowball event is reallly throwing knives only conclave. no unqiue throwing animations, just finger flicking balls at each other. what a joke
Sliding with Ivara kills her Prowl.
I dunno, my dude. Maybe the riven involves not being detected or some shit.
Proto-armor still best Exaclibutt skin? Finally recrafted him again at MR18
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>Joining shitters inc
A new player has a fuckton of content to go through before they get to the sorties. Saryn shits on the entirety of starchart and that's exactly what a new player would want.
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wasn't my first choice. a-at least they're active ;_;
Is the FAQ current?

I just started playing this game a few days ago.

I have skimmed through the FAQ, but still have no idea what warframe I should build

I have all Rhino parts, is he kewl?
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>DED as fuck
300 active players

lol who cares

Get Rhino and use it to run derelict vaults , get corrupted mods and then get other frames
>You can now buy the Multi-pallette randomizer, Tenno! For just 30p now the randomizer will choose between 2 pallettes with each subsequent buy costing the double!
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We are full because Killsaw miscalculated by going to Mountain Clan tier shortly before everybody decided they wanted to play again.
We went from 50 actives to like 300+ actives in a week, that's why the floodgates are closed atm.
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>Is the FAQ current?
oh you poor misguided soul

OP is a piece of shit, use this instead (OP steals from it anyway):


Rhino is very good for newbs
is this shit?
7 to go for my Vauban prime. I feel you mang.
It's for the laser rifle. What do you think?
That's a sentinel weapon.
can you put on a trip already. I'm not a bigot but it's taxing to deal with the mentally ill so often - autism being a mental illness, you understand

for those reading this new to the general https://gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663
But why when Ember already exists and is better for just about everything than Saryn? He already has that role filled. Saryn is completely worthless for him.
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>Fixed incorrect colors appearing on Sigils.
finally, the stalker sigil is still odd because of how reflective it is, but at least it isn't getting that bizarre tint or whatever it was now

why the fuck is the wait time 60 days?
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Dude, take a pic of their dojo, I want to see all the silver statues.
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Nah, I'm not new just lazy when it comes to getting the nitian alerts.

I have every frame except Wukong, and Atlas. When it comes to Prime's I'm only missing Saryn Prime, and Frost Prime. Probably going to go with Wukong because he seems like he'd be fun to play. Which I'm more worried about anyway at this point.
After weeks of farming Syndicate only through maxing daily quotas, I finally got the Synoid Memulor, but now I wonder: is it good only with Mirage?
not just a sentinel weapon the WORST sentinel weapon
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>that fucking cat
it's at least kind of endearing when it barks
can you not reply to me, thx
If you put a trip on then nobody would reply to you and your problem would be solved.
>300 active
Let's not fool ourselves. These people are seasonal players, they only come to leech off clantech and beg for prime parts. In the old day they'd be useful for being carried in events, now that the clan is non-competitive they'll just log in and bugger off within a week. This happens every update. If anything Killsaw should do monthly purges.
could anyone give me a spare axi e1? I could also pay plat if you aren't selling them for to much
please this general would be much better off if you filterfags actually used filters instead of saying, "look at the filters I'm using, aren't I cool is anyone looking?
Do a lot of people buy those $80+ prime packs?
shit i managed to forget typing that in but yeah, you're right, has to be while cloaked.
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>do sortie 3
>forma my weapons expecting my team to carry me
>play equinox with maim though
>finally run into the lvl 100 manic bombards
>minutes pass with maim on
>maim is still 0
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We have redecorated since your last visit.
> Expecting anything from teammates.
>piss yellow
Or you could use a trip.
>telling people to use trips on an ANONYMOUS vietnamese spice rack market
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DE could only spare the piss yellow event statues for us, it's a shame.
Whos ever designed that room tell they are shit at colors
or you can use a trip
that's the point
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Just join up and tell them yourself.
>filterfags can only filter the most obvious and shittiest of my posts
>so I use their replies to my casual douchebaggery as an excuse not to use a trip
>which would make it possible to filter me completely
jesus christ, enjoy the (You). this is just too retarded to watch without comment
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Nobody gives a shit you spergs, just ignore eachother instead of shitting up the general


2 pm ET.

How far do you think it will have raised?
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>thats the point
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this is all I could find. I guess they don't put out the silvers
>Kuva cycle cost is gonna be capped at 3500
Get ready to watch the forum praise DE for "listening"
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its this episode again
Or you could use a trip
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Search for a room labeled "SHAME"
>april 2016

it hurts to remember when warframe used to be not as shitty
>Rivens added for secondaries and shotguns

surely DE will stop at weapons, right?

SURELY DE will never release frame rivens, right?
Frame rivens are already in the code.
i hope so. make oberon shit on everything fuck over the entire meta warframe great again
Just because it's in the code doesn't mean it'll be added. DE's been known to add shit like Prime Streamline or Banshee Prime
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>Oberonfags over the moon that their frame can be good now
>Because there are so many oberonfags, the affinity is faint
You only have yourselves to thank.
Best plat one.

Graxx next best if you got fast food money to spare.
But it's their new hip and hot thing that the young kids want.
protip: go to your arsenal, choose your frame or weapon, and press the Y key on your keyboard
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>loki relatively underused and will have strong affinity
>decided to try this trash game again cause im burnt out on overwatch
>trying sortie
>new grineer map is a literal clusterfuck
>enemy spawns god knows where
>10 mins of searching before quitting
waste of time at least overwatch is fun. how can people still play this hot garbage?
I just want to see if these warframe riven mods will have negative modifiers.
you sound like you're a baby and also bad at the game
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It's really just these 2 golds...over and over. Especially the Stalker one.
Is there a good way to figure out how much I can sell stuff for? I want to get rid of my Paris Prime and a few nightmare mods that I doubt are worth much.

Paris prime ( as a set) goes for 20 or less

post corrupted mods

also >>162762763 >https://warframe.market
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what is going on in that room
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Thanks for the images.

You can't make this shit up, they're more pathetic than I could have ever imagined.
and you sound like you have no sex life please acquire one asap
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sure, whats your number?
Friendly reminder that there will be a Kiteer Festive Syandana tomorrow, as per dataminers.
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See >>162748153
sorry I dont like fat boys hit the gym first
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Saryn is the girl who tried out for the football team and arm wrestles other boys for fun. She acts all girly but is really a huge tomboy
Valkyr is the Tomboy who acts like one of the guys. She constantly tries to make people think she's tough but deep down she really likes girly things.
Nyx is the bookworm who many people mistake for a boy at first. She really wants attention but doesn't go out of her way to get it.
Nova is the quiet girl who is average at everything. She enjoys sweets and has all the guy frames swooning over her.
Mesa is the lazy girl who fails everything despite being really smart. She secretly loves playing with her ass.
but I'm a girl?
Please go to bed
>being gay

>being gay
half true
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yeah sure ya deranged fatso
Im fine with this
>Beam weapons nerfed
>Amprex still neutral
For what purpose.
Noob question.

Empty my savings and Max the health and shield mods? Or are there some magical number I can hit and not level the rest of the way, at least not until I'm doing "end game" stuff?
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The only relief is that if you're this productive in real life you will kill yourself in the next 3 years.
thanks for the 13 (you)'s
can the skins for normal frames be used on their prime version?
change your pillow case ya fat greaseball
make them rank 8 instead of 10
>implying I did not predict this very reply
Immortal Skins yuh. Any other skin, yup.
The Default Vanilla ones? Nope, we have been asking for this for a long time, DE still haven't said stuff.
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>Implying i was implying
>implying you diddnt get baited for this exact response
so gullible easiest bait of my life

Sometimes the last level costs twice as much as all the other levels before , so at least for a while leveling mods 2 or 3 from the top is alright
Thanks friend
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so any of the purchasable skins can also be put on the prime frames?
Those are the "you participated" trophies, where DE switched from 1st/2nd/3rd trophies to threshold trophies.
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Did I get robbed
Please use a trip already, you fucking faggot.
Yeah, you can wear any skin on the Prime except the Normal frame look.
alright. thanks for clarifying it for me, man.
>Finally get off my ass and farm for Equinox
>Get to listen to Tyl's voice every time
Best bossfight
God how I wished they would do this already. Saryn body is so much better than saryn P. People shit on valk, but her prime design is just fine, her helmet is a little off but her body is the perfect way a prime should be, like nyx or vauban, where its basically the same with some gold shit hanging off, not like saryn and nekros where its fucking disgusting cloth physics enveloping 70% of the frame
Took me 47 consecutive runs to get equinox. Never got tired of regors voice
what arcanes do I want for inaros

Take your pick.
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>tfw I don't have a pedestal prime for every ayatan statue and said statues on display in my ship
Multishot one
>Ugly freaks
>Said by a Grineer
That's gotta hurt.
Right definitely
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Needs forma and more re-rolls. Thanks
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Should I be playing on PC
Whenever you actually have the option between console and PC, the answer is ALWAYS PC. Consoles are only something you do if you can't play a certain game on PC for whatever reason.
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>called ugly freaks
>by a Grineer of things
>have only trash that needs to be leveled
>friends don't switch from public
Right, obviously. Fuck, im jealous, that mod is amazing.
I mean it's alright butt not amazo. Braton only has 10% base crit hax anyways.
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>farming run on a survival mission
>someone complains they're bored
PC, unless you've got friends who already play on console.
Go where you have more friends and depending on how strongly you want 10o gen 10o.

I just went solo and got a target that I could find on an Earth exterminate. Took my time, used silenced weapons, and let Shade invis me before scanning the target. It was long and nerve-wracking, but I got it on my first try.
>He doesn't know
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>that small bulge on emberp crotch
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Depends on the game imo, in most games I'd use a controller anyway I'd go with console just because it'll have a larger playerbase.
Are Vauban Prime's parts easy to farm? Or would it be less of a hassle to just jew the parts off trade chat?
>Puts it at 96% with point strike
every single part is the rare component of its respective relic

so it depends entirely on your RNG luck
Farmed him about 2 weeks ago or so. Not many people doing those runs, might be hard to find people to run with.
>kill The Raptor once

Why? I thought you had to spam that shit before he comes after you
>Boys and girls club of london

Why would a canadian company be donating money to a organization in london instead of doing something actual charitable with it
But prime streamline went out on chinaframe and banshee was just [de]layed, no denials, only dream frames now
Which Region is the most generous? North American serverbro here
Aight thanks guys...I knew there was a reason why I wasn't seeing too many "WTS"'s where he was involved

Yooo, you're that guy who bought it for me a few days ago! How are you liking the mod?
>Banshee was delayed
Yeah, delayed until 2035.
it's fucking awesome, working on the 4th forma now

the crits are real
Wanna play a game, /wfg/? Solve this, and I'll send you a gift.

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>Valkyr skin on sale

Well, there goes my plat.
>go to tennobaum forum thread
>post my wishlist
>hunhow bundle(for that sweet, sweet scimmy skin), forma bundle, frame slots
>get the bundle, 4 forma bundles and 6 slots within 20 minutes of my post
Why are you not shilling your wishlist?
it's a fuckload of numbers
where do I meet you for the gift
I solved it:

It's just a string of random numbers you literally punched out by repeatedly slamming your palm and fist on the keypad. You're pretending it's actually a code we can decipher to get spergs to work on it for hours on end when it's just a random string of numbers, so you can feel so smug and clever about yourself how you managed to fool a couple of people autistic enough to chase that idea.

What do I get?
>Solve this

the answer is Anonymous (141) 12/14/16(Wed)18:15:59 No.162770415

Wanna play a game, /wfg/? Solve this, and I'll send you a gift.


You're retarded, but I agree that I probably should have given a hint.

It's part of an equation, and you use it to graph things. Tupperware.
fuck off
which banshee skin should I get
My point still stands

the boys and girls club is probably one of the worst "non-profit" organizations
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which frame would you fug

I dunno, giving kids a place to do stuff away from a broken home so they don't grow up to be fucked up sounds like a good cause.
>use 2 radiant relics
>get bronze shit rewards both times

this fucking game

they should at least make it easier to get the relics if there's this much loaded RNG bullshit in it
>not futaloki or futaash
absolutely disgusting
I don't think I'd say no to those, I just like the pussy
trap liki seems strikingly appropriate though
"it's part of an equation, and you use it to graph things" is that the algorythm or what that string decodes to

is tupperware the encryption key?

cressa tal
Your favorite(s)
See me later in my office and we'll talk about how fuq it is.
All of them.
Except ash, fuckim.
What about femAsh in deluxe skin form?
we need a chain or minigun
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fem chroma.jpg
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move your pathetic asses
Look up job corp

Much better, you can actually live their, get an education, get a fucking careerpath, get job experience

Boys and girls club is just a bandaid
No, I was trying to get you to google "tupperware equation" because that gives you what you need to solve it. It's a number you plug into an equation. There's even a site that will do the math for you.
>Stuck in place unable to do anything after manic dies pushing me down
>Have to alt-f4
I solved it

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Should I keep or reroll? Seems like a big downside, but the crits are alright.
That will end up being a straight DPS decrease.
Ask me again after it's become canon that frames can live without being controlled by children.
okay gimme your phone
I got a riven mod that would have me keep a 3x combo meter up for 30 seconds.
Would someone be able to lend me Drifting Contact or should I just do all the nightmare missions that drop it until I get one?
How is it a DPS decrease if you can ensure retarded crit chance? You always use Argon Scope with a Dex Sybaris anyway, as far as I'm aware.
just go do a low level capture and melee the target after you down it
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