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/rpgmg/ - RPG Maker General #168

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 735
Thread images: 147

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Trial Download: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/free-trials/trial-rpg-maker-mv
Trial Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!HNRDmQKS!6YhUUEA3YpRYEaruDgfUmFD2kZcOB7pv3rSssUOM2bs

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The /rpgmg/ podcast (Updated every other Wednesday):

/rpgmg/ Chain/Collaboration Game!
Status: Pt. 14 (The Real Finale) is in development.
Currently working:
Bubbles !u696zUYxpM
Version 13B: http://www.mediafire.com/download/89tsrb5ka31g36h/rpgmgcollab_v13B.zip
Previous thread:

What is your story about?
Make me interested in your game.
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Monsters for gaem.png
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Mysterious mirrors start popping up all over the gritty, urban hub city, and it's up to MC (a grizzled detective) to figure out the mystery, venturing into mirror worlds and interrogating monsters in the process.

You also get a sarcastic sidekick. Here, have some enemy sprites. You can get them on your team because it's an SMT clone.
well done with the small shading change that fixes the egg king nicely.
so I'm completely new to rpg maker, got 2003 gifted to me
I thought I'd have a little bash at it
Wanted to import a sprite that's 64*64
when I import this I get the "Invalid image size" prompt.
I'm guessing the engine just has some arbitrary size minimum or something but I have no idea what it is. I don't have a whole new tileset so I can't turn it into one of those and lay out the sprite in 16*16 chunks. I'm truly baffled by what to do.
Can anyone help me out with this?
Thanks anon! Yeah, I took your feedback into account. It did kinda look like a dick.
now there are two timelines
Wow, that's a blast from the past.
What kind of sprite did you want to import? A character? A chipset? They have specific image sizes.
Take a look at the resources you have in your folders.
i was just going to be a chipset I guess
a large table
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Working on replacing old sprites.
Does this look better?
Also do you have any suggestions for the new one?
You are improving a lot.
The arms look like wet noodles, though.
New is def better. It's really good, too. If I were to make a suggestion, maybe make the symmetry less obvious. Maybe have the new one, but in the old one's pose.
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Hey guys, it's been a while.
We've finished our second demo of Eulogy of an Insect if you guys want to try! It's so much more polished, extended, with a lot of nice things done in RMVXA's engine.

I'll be posting a few screenshots, we'd really love feedback. Here's a link;

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just an upscaled version in case anyone wanted to see it this way
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oh, right.

i played it, and got passed the plot-forced defeat.

then on the next area, there was a missing map error, i believe. iirc, 71?

i was digging the creepy atmosphere, though.
Damn, no fucking way. I know what caused it.. fixing that shit right now
Here's a working version. Sorry about that
That sounds great! I am actually play- researching SMT4 right now.
Are you also going for different routes you can take?
this build's fucked too. don't dl
i may shoot myself if this build craps out as well

I am not familiar with you game, what is it about?
Not hit, but from the old demos I played, it is a Yume Clone with combat.
try it! just be sure to dl from >>155430334

It's not really a YN thing
Maybe more like Sweet Home?

I mean, the demo I played last year only had like 6 maps, so I can't say there was much gameplay. But it was most definitely a "surreal horror where you walk a lot" sort of deal.
Are you sure you played it? There was an entire dungeon last year. It's not like what you're describing at all.

I mean, there was an even earlier build but I never posted it to 4chan way back when, just Moons of Pluto, if you happen to be from there. And that was a very different kind of game.
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Tried making an art gallery system via the event system thingy, but no luck, all I got were awkward broken messes, so I sucked it up and used a moghunter script :v
Now that the timelines have converged again:

>I should probably say this, too: Thank you all for the feedback. The only way to make a better podcast is to know what you guys (our audience) want. I'll try better to tailor our content for the guests we have on-board (ie not ambushing relative normies with a complex topic) and remember that even if the casters may not care, the audience still wants to hear about cool news (like the doodads plugin).
I still found a lot of the discussion relevant, especially concerning grinding and padded boss health. It was an interesting outsiders' perspective on RPGs that may help RPGM devs, even if the presentation was a little lacking.
Also, personally I think the music always fades in a little too early and over too long a period of time.

But still, keep up the great work, the podcast's always something to look forward to!
It's a strange combination of all my not-inherently-lewd fetishes as a generic fantasy game.
old boss looks a lot spookier desu senpai
I really dig the music and the artstyle.
Not sure how the strike first mechanic really works, do I need to be in the animation when the enemy bumps into me? Hitting them from afar doesn't seem to work.
The messages in battle are too quick, I can hardly read what is happening!
The puzzles in the mine were really nice, I enjoyed them a lot.
Sometimes it's hard to see if I can interact with something or not, there is no indication for this.
For some reason I am unable to find the Don so I'll take a break there.
I quite enjoyed the demo and I'm sure your game has potential! Keep up the good work.
I also saw your homages there.
>Not sure how the strike first mechanic really works, do I need to be in the animation when the enemy bumps into me?
Yeah, as long as the animation is being done/you're holding A, you should get the first turn bonus.
It's this way pretty much as a result of RM's limitations, specifically with the free movement script.

>The messages in battle are too quick, I can hardly read what is happening!
Noted- we may do a battle log. If it helps, icons next to enemies you select during a fight show what kind of statuses they have. I've found it useful so I know not to keep debuffing or what have you.

>Sometimes it's hard to see if I can interact with something or not, there is no indication for this.
Any examples? Just curious how to improve it

>For some reason I am unable to find the Don so I'll take a break there.
Do the target practice and shootout, he'll show up

I appreciate the feedback and thoughts.

which homages senpai

I almost typed \c[6]spoiler
Why don't we do faces of /rpgmg/
I want to see what my fellow devs look like
Are you sure that's something you want to see?
You all are cute Anime girls, right?
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Old pic. Still have that shirt, though.
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Does a screenshot of my ffxiv character count?
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I may or may not be the cat.
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Progress on the demo is around 70% done now!

What's left:

>make artwork for the unlockable art gallery.
>add music to some cutscenes
>do a slight rewrite on the cutscene after the boss.
>add extra dialogue ( and redo one or two ) for some npcs
>make the optional boss fight with a clowny character

Glad to come this far!


There's one of me floating around on my twitter, but that's about it, ain't gonna show a pic of myself on 4chan.
Ask me privately and I can show you tho
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Me, hard at work(?)
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05 NPC Hatmage Black.png
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And here's another NPC I drew to prove that work on the game is still going.
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Only if mine also counts. This pic is like a year old though
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Good night bump
>Try MV for the first time, wary because someone said it was laggy
>Test a blank game map, go in and out of the menu a few times
>Notice lag before the menu opens, try it a few more times and it gets even slower
>Pressing it more makes the game crash

I'm concerned already.
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....are they fighting her on top of a bed?
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Mine isn't remotely as laggy now.

Perhaps it is a language installation issue? Mine was laggier when I had my laptop configured in Spanish.
>Are you also going for different routes you can take?

At the moment, no. It's gonna be like SMT, but it's not gonna -be- SMT.
I don't know, but I keep trying this, and whenever I test the game, pressing the menu button quickly in succession just flat out makes it freeze in a black screen.

This is a copy of MV I just installed and a game I barely did anything to beyond a test map with no scripting.
there are updates to mv 1.3.1, so perhaps you'll see a difference
I bought it on steam, shouldn't it be the latest version?
I woke up this morning full of drive. No more procrastinating. "I'm going to work on my game"

8hrs later. The kitchen is clean, The bathroom is scrubbed. Took care of the recyclables. Called in to confirm my eye appointment. Watered the plants...wait is it Thursday? I forgot to masturbate, brb.
>Watered the plants
This action will have consequences.
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Tags: bukkake, watersports.

God almighty.

I giggled. Go back to /lisg/, anon.
Does writing down 250 words of lore so I don't forget stuff count as progress?
Is it appropriate progress for 90 minutes of "work"?
You inherit a restaurant and massive debt from your estranged father who is missing. The restaurant is on an island country home to world-class chefs who are incredibly skilled in the ancient magic arts, which is banned throughout the world for causing wars and being too dangerous in general. You find out that your father was the best among them and you have a chance to also become the best. Fortunately(or unfortunately), there is a rampant beast problem on the island to hone your skills and gather ingredients.

In addition to getting out of debt, you have to find out what happened to your father, what caused all the beasts to appear, and bring all the magical chefs together in order to destroy the beasts. And possibly fall in love in the process?

Another updated build. Fixed easy mode crash, because we always tested on normal like men
>250 words of progress due to next week
>Haven't even started yet
I'm pretty sure that could describe most games around here, it sums up mine pretty well
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hue, i like it, thanks anon!
savin' it.



Kinda tired of doing battles, will start putting some secret collectible thingies now.
never saved anything this fast
Stop trying to make me gay
It's only gay if the you stare at each other's eyes anon.
250 words? That's like a paragraph, anon. Maybe two.

I mean, I suppose it's the equivalent of a prelude. The Star War opening crawl is like 75 words.

There’s a big magic tree growing on the planet. The planet’s name is Gaia, named after the Creator Goddess. The tree’s fruit fell to the ground, and in the heat of the two suns they shriveled up and became Elves. In the beginning there were no women. These man elves smoked the leaves of the great magic tree and engaged in a year long orgy - until the magic tree bore new fruit. This time when the fruit fell, they did not shrivel up in the sun because the men had dug shelters in the earth to hide from the sun. Instead, the fruit rotted and oozed. Out of the ooze grew humans, their dicks shaped like mushrooms. The Human and Elf men join together in another year long orgy. On the third year the men did not wait for the tree to bear fruit and picked the blossoms in spring. The petals were silky & soft. A year long orgy had been pretty rough on their assholes. They wiped their bloody hemorrhoids with the petals. When they tossed the petals aside a miracle happened – in less than 10 minutes this post reached 224 words.
250 words is more than nothing words, anon
any way to make the music cycle in battle? like a new song plays when one finishes?
No. You're going to inhibit him saying things like that. Push. 3hr for only a few notes? Come on, anon. You can do better than that!
How could I visually convey that a NPC inside a dungeon is crawling on the ceiling and not walking on the floor?
Shadow on the floor.
shade it/cross hatch it with transparency or black lines

>tfw all your fetishes are inherently lewd

The knowledge that I'll never get to slip them in a game without anyone knowing makes me sad.

Or maybe I'm just not being creative enough.
it's probably possible, I'm trying to hide my fetishes within a sea of more commonplace fetishes
I figure my self-serving fetish characters won't stand out as much if literally everyone is sexualized somehow
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I'm not shy about my tight bodysuits and mind control fetishes.
Hell, my characters might as well have painted skin due to how tight their clothes are.
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it's better than nothing.png
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This shit ain't PG-13, boi
I want to have Guard multiply DEF and MDEF by 5, so that it becomes a lot more valuable since I plan to keep numbers very low so most attacks will do 1 damage and Guard can reduce even the strongest attacks to 0 damage.

Using YEP_SpecialParamFormula, do I do that by just changing Guard Calculation to [damage - (user.def * 5)], right?
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Just tested it. It works! Progress!
Does anyone remember a game called Three The Hard Way?

I'd like to play it again as I only stopped like ten years ago because I got stuck and didn't know where else to go

It's one of those games in the back of my mind and I need closure, I thought it was pretty great
So does anyone know why the steam version of MV in particular might have a weird problem where pressing the menu button in-RPG rapidly would cause the game to rapidly slow and then stop responding entirely?
You raise good points. I musn't give up hope.

Somewhat seriously, I wonder if I should make a straight up lewd game or stop somewhere short of explicit. I've been too busy to work on anything lately, but when I do it'll probably end up heading in that direction because I'm a perv, unless I end up doing something more surreal. The only question is how far to go.

I've always gotten the impression that people are less open to sexual content in things that aren't outright porn, but I might be misjudging things. I've spent too long in the wrong parts of the internet.

Of course, the worst thing I can do is never start.
if it's 1.3.1, i'm not too sure. i used to use it just fine. i'm on win10
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Have things ever grown outside of your control, /rpgmg/?

It started as a simple porn game, that's all. NPCs are randomized, nice and easy, and sorted into families. After seeing some shennanigans like red haired dad, blonde mom, and black haired children, I thought - Hey, maybe some internal consistency might be nice. One thing led to another, I applied some basic high school biology to the randomizer, and so the physical traits of the parents are randomized, while the children are built randomly out of their respective genes.

Then I realized, I'm making Punnett fucking Squares for the hereditary consistency of make-believe families in a porn game where none of this really matters. What am I doing with my life?
>Have things ever grown outside of your control, /rpgmg/?
Every single time.
It's the little things anon. At least it means a step closer to a more polished game.
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Does your game has some hard choices?
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>Give a class 100 luck to test my attempt at changing the crit rate
>Do literally nothing else
>Defense stat breaks
>fluffy tail is an option
>Implying there is any choice at all.
>Skill that does the player's current health in damage unless they're guarding in which case it's supposed to do 0 damage instead leaves behind 1 health and heals 1 health if guarding

I accidentally reduced all damage by 1 somehow help
you want to know how to be productive? stop being distracted by social media and video games, then just start working.

it's that easy!
>Remove all plugins
>Everything works as intended again
At least the only plugin I've used so far in this project is Gab Window.
Would robots even need to wear clothes if their creators didn't throw stuff that needed to be covered up on them?
>if their creators didn't throw stuff that needed to be covered up on them
Yeah, "if."
The name definitely rings a bell, but now that I look it up again, I'm pretty sure I've never played it. Must be one of those RPG Maker games I told myself I should play and promptly forgot about.

Sounds worth a try though, considering it was actually finished.
What do the mountains in your game look like?

How do I make an event in a battle wait a turn before continuing? I'm trying to have an enemy announce that they're gonna use a powerful move on the next turn and then continue the event in the next turn but instead everything happens at once.
You just add more event pages with different turn conditions.
Announcing adds a State.
Then you check that the State is on to launch an attack.
I don't think I understand. How do I set up the turn conditions?
Troop Events.

And you can check Yanfly's Solar Beam Tips and Tricks for more info.
Not exactly motivated to work on my own project right now.
Anyone need help with their story or writing in general?
Yeah, it's set in the same universe as your game.

How should I develop this side plot?
I know how to do turn conditions, but I don't think those would work because they count turns starting from the beginning of the battle. Also Yanfly doesn't seem to have a Solar Beam Tips and Tricks.
Uh, I could swear he had one.

But you should be using the State I mentioned early, not counting turns.

So the Troop announcing an attack also adds a State to itself. And in the Troop Events, you make it so the Troop performs the powerful attack 100% of the time if it is under said State.
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Game Inspiration Chart.jpg
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I do. Want an e-mail, dropbox or do I just dump things here?
Not him but I only recognize Digimon from that chart.
[email protected]

Not sure I follow.
You really need to check out Wakfu and Twelve Kingdoms then. Both are really cool fantasy worlds. Magic the Gathering has a lot of fucking comfy fantasy worlds too, although Lorwyn is probably not their best job (still nice to draw references of Celtic Mythology)

Venture Bros is pretty funny, but hardly rpgmg related, though.
Sorry, I should have been clearer with this situation.

The enemy wouldn't actually use a powerful attack after saying it will. Instead, the battle event continues with something else happening. In fact, I already gave the enemy a powerful attack by giving the Wait command a state and only using the attack when it has that state. However, there didn't really seem to be an obvious way to have, say, a character say something after a certain point in a battle and then say something else on the next turn. I think I solved it by giving the enemy a different state when the event starts which lets them use a skill that calls a common event that consists of the rest of the event. It seems like an incredibly janky solution though.
I liked it back then, and it always pops up in my mind every few years
Do you tackle any philosophical questions in your game?
what is the point of being skilled at a video game? my video game?

that is the fundamental question..
That's pretty meta
The ethics of being a hacker in a world where just about everything is connected to the internet.
I was making some mad progress but now I have a splitting headache.
Good night bump.
I was watching some kid movies where the bad guy uses magic to take control of the kingdom. And the good guys fight him of without question. Like, it only out of loyalty and group identify that they fight change. They dont wonder if their kingdom would be better under a new rule.
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been redrawing this damn portrait for the past few days because of proportion issues.

drawing without sketch lines: not even once.
Do you guy's name your seas?

I want to name one "Fanta". You can dive for pearls in my Fanta Sea.
*wink wink* *nudge nudge*
i read that as futa sea fml
Anyone know an easy way to create and select subfolders for things like pictures and music? Scrolling through 6million files seems a bit annoying :/
I don't think you can. What you could do however is name your pictures appropriately, so rather than looking into a subfolder, you look at the pictures that start out with "NPC" or "NPC Town 1"
Smug as a bug
There are some plugins that refer to custom folders and subfolders. It isn't native of MV, but maybe can be worked.
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rpg maker r34 exists. It's mostly dudes from rm2k -2k3. Actually it's all RM2K. There aren't any actors from XP or above. We need to fix this.
I remember an rm porn game from milftoon called "MILFTOWN" from a while back. had all kinds of vx porn goodness as well as a hilarious plot. battles sucked and were grindfests though
How do I make it so that it always requires 100 XP to level?
under main

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler def exp_for_level(level) return [0,100,200,300][level-1] endend

just add 100 to the sequence for every level up to whatever your level cap is.
sorry, should have mentioned that is for Ace, what version are you using?
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Who knows, maybe their creator is a perfectionist for details.
Your MC is ____!
Please fill in the rest.
A slightly doughy schoolgirl
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An asshole. Everyone's an asshole in my game
a hunka-chunk
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that game is full of hard choices, truly a role model for us all
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Not sure if I like this line... maybe it's the contrast that it causes with the whole cutesy atmosphere of everything.
A detective
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I drew my first boss character! (Not the first boss of the game, but the first boss I've managed to sprite.)

This guy is probably the most evil character in my entire game.
lewd. LEWD
Is she gonna be alright?
She will, she's just very anxious and panics easily.
She's not exactly used to mercy considering the place she comes from.
I don't know the context, but you could try alternatives like "Please don't hurt me!" That sound less-strong.
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No bully!
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a robot
"Please don't deactivate me!"

Just replace all instances of kill with with something like that, since they're robutts and it's all half-lewd PG-13 stuff.
Just made this music for my game, what you think?
You could have just used the same guard state, but remove the guard flag and add a 500% DEF and MDEF traits.
Makes me feel lost and spooked.
*gently bumps into you*
Do not bump gently into the night?
i liked it until 1:20, the rest sounds kind of boring but it depends on how you use it i guess
"Please don't kill me" does make the whole scene seem a little sad, yeah. Might be better to change it to something less harsh if you want the scene to seem lighter.
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I'm thinking of using hypnotic suggestions to bring the player into a deeper state of immersion.
All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. It just takes a willingness to look beyond the face-value of something, and see something that isn't really there.
the only thing that bugged me is the first note of the "B aA bB cC bB..." melody. it's more noticeable when you have a ticker/beat alongside the melody.

it starts on B, and then goes into that "aa bb cc bb" thing, which feels like it's accidentally leftover or something, even though i know that's not what it is.

it's not necessarily that you need to change it into the same "Aa Bb Cc Bb" timing as what i'm showing, because the "aA bB cC bB" that you have now is fine.

everything else is fine, and the movement you go into later on is fine to me if that's what you're going for.
It's designed to be a little disconcerting.
Thanks for the analysis!
"Please, I don't want to be turned off"
"A-Am I going to be discarded?"
"No! I don't want to be shut down!"
"Please, at least let me embrace the anons from /rpgmg/ with my thicc legs before you finish this!"
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First pixel thing. Only took me about an hour, i fucking hate practicing new stuff
Nice first attempt. Maybe make the bubbles pop if you are gonna refine it?
For some reason I thought the guard animation only comes on when the Guard flag is used. This solution works perfectly.
The spritework is really good; animation needs work. If you had that sprite with some fluid animation; 10/10.
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Like this
Yeah! That's a lot better.
Thanks. What's your game, anyway?
What do you guys want to see?
MV cover characters
The XP thief girl getting gang raped by orcs

^^My devblog^^

I've also posted in this thread a bunch
Thank you, now i feel motivated again!
And wow yeah that looks so much better
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MM Opening.webm
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Pic is me, but I honestly haven't worked on it in a while.
Want to read more about your idea.
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>mfw installing an rtp for a maker i've only used for less than an hour
Bubbles, are you still alive?
Since everyone is dead no one will notice I'm not working on my game
Name some generic, stereotypical fantasy RPG monsters.
Mr Skeltal
Is there anything wrong with making a game sequentially ie making everything in the order the game is supposed to be played?
You pretty much need to do it this way, do you not?
if there's anything that's introduced later that you didn't build your old maps around, then you'll have to go back and correct things.

it can be a mechanic or just something aesthetic.
Vampires, werewolves, rats, medusae, "ropers", slime, bats, skeletons, skeleton bats, some eyeball thinger with wings, ghosts, bandits, elves, dwarfs, fish that are somehow floating onscreen, kraken, octopus, angels and demons, fishmen, kobold, goblins, orcs, dragons, cute woodland creatures, creepy dolls, a goddamn t-rex, pirates, ghost pirates, zombies, mummies, alraune, succubus/incubus, manticores, chimera, giant robots...
So what do you guys think of RPG Maker on iOS?
I don't even have a smartphone so I don't care at all.
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bumping with a rohbutt
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By any means can we go thicker?
What do you all think of having a character that you need to fight and lose against for them to join the party? And if you win the battle then either you can never recruit them or they join much later.
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i'd want it to be made really explicit or have the proper setup.

>Brat: Maybe I'll join you guys if you're weak enough to need my help! Ahahaha.. Just let me see how pathetic you guys are first!
>PartyA: Ugh, this kid's inferiority complex is ridiculous.. Well, at least it can't hurt to let him win, right?
>PartyB: I guess so..

that'd be fine. if some random enemy popped up
>Bandit: Give up the goods, or DIE!

and i was punished for winning a winnable fight? i'd be pissed. maybe even rq.
It would be not okay to get punished for winning a fight. I would be okay with them joining later, though.
damn son she flat as a board
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I'll admit I feel like there's a severe lack of hot metrosexual dudes in RPGs so I might be getting curious about your project.
I Will Then Make America Great Again
what's the main story behind your game amigo
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M-Me? I'm not the other anons, just curious about that filename.

But it's kind of a clusterduck of ideas welded together - a villainous MC wants to build an empire (as opposed to overthrowing one). You start small, maybe you're an ex-soldier leaving the military and slowly recruiting people for your bandit hideout. Maybe you're a mage whose contracted a succubus and are slowly seducing hapless women into your underground sect. From there, your organization grows. Expanding into the city is near suicide - organizations and people far more powerful than you will kill you if they notice - but reaching out into the wilds, away from human lands, is a labor in its own right. But it is possible. Perhaps you have settled in cave network. Perhaps a city. Perhaps a castle. You recruit, you expand. The end game is a little amorphous, but I've got some ideas. The game is also innately very lewd.

The only selling point it has going for is sRPG combat and the NPC dynamics. I've laid the framework for a massive system of families and relationships, including but not limited to romance. The way it's currently set up, a player could ignore the overlord thing entirely and spend his time working in a shop and slowly try wooing the young owner, eventually marrying her. And then corrupting her, so that she's open to other wives or whatever dastardly deeds you might commit. But marriage is just a tool, not a goal, and your wife will be your most trustworthy asset in all that you do, provided your actions has not spurred her to plot behind your back in jealousy or malcontent.
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wasn't the artist responding lol; anyway, i'm definitely a fan of pretty guys as well.

even though i'm focusing a lot on the presentation of the game to make it aesthetically pleasing, the attention it gets from it will lead to a lot of disappointment, unfortunately.

it's going to be a bullet hell / action game hybrid with grinding and farming. the action game elements are abilities like dashing, blocking, instant blocking, slashing bullets, etc, and it's going to be a pretty skill-based game.

just creating the core game's art assets is taking wayyy too fucking long, so if things go as planned, there's not going to be much story and possibly even very little characterization. i'm *really* not looking forward to going back to animating sprites again once i'm done with the portraits.

buut if i feel like never releasing the game by attempting to create an actual story scenario, this character would be the sexy senpai of the party that *knows* he looks good. and while the protagonist is in a party with 3 girls and this guy, this guy would've be the only character the protagonist reacted to nervously because of attraction. lol

solo dev life, though, mirite?
>solo dev life, though, mirite?
We all are going to make it.
We just have to work diligently!
Good night bump
Bump to the rescue
>bullet hell / action game hybrid
that sounds like an odd choice for rpg maker, is it all map based or are there separate battle scenes?
It could be an interesting change in gameplay, but you'd have to understand that losing is what you need to do.

Note that RPG Maker games are unlikely to find a Walkthrough or Guider, so it'd be annoying to have a character that most skip.
Meant to quote>>155604976
Is MV better than VX Ace?
It has pros (mobile support, mouse support, much better character generator, fully editable code, built-in sideview battles) and cons (lag on music, lag on tile animation of huge maps, smaller maximum size for maps).

And some subjective stuff (shitty RTP, JavaScript instead of Ruby)
Ha, okay. So I can keep using VX Ace, it's not a straight upgrade, just a newer, alternative version.
Does anyone have an empty transparent grid for tile sheet?
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heavy breathing.jpg
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Here is one for the Animated Water tiles.
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More NPCs, just because I like sharing what I can.
Also redrew the main villain, but I don't want to share that.

>solo dev life, though, mirite?

We just gotta keep on truckin'
Anon used Bump!

I'm going 'ugh' because I just got back into this kind of thing and spent a while trying to decide between Ace and MV, and eventually settled on MV because I assumed it'd soon enough crank up to being the most supported version, and I liked having three background layers and sideview battles out of the box.

But the lag I'm getting from basically fucking everything in this game is atrocious. I know my laptop isn't exactly a rocket ship, but a 2D game of this type, especially when I'm on a new project file with basically nothing, having so much lag and instability is fucking bonkers.
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I Want To Make America Great Again
From your posts (I assume you are the same guy who complained about the menu lag), it seems to me like the lag you experience is noticeably larger than anything I've seen reported.

It might be a virus or an incompatible plug-in in your browser.
b u m p
u m p
m p
>Yume Nikki-style game
>There's an optional Tower of Hanoi puzzle in a section
>If you beat it, you get a little story secret
Should I explain the rules, or would that go against the design of YN fangames? I think being purposefully vague for a non-essential reward is the right move
Yes. Surrealism is ruined when it is explained.
Good examples of unique/creative battle systems on RPG Maker?
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Clothed and bottom one is the original template I'm using. Middle one is modified.

Which is better? I think the original one have arms more strong, poses more confidence in the walk. The second one have thicker legs and thinner arms, maybe I can use that for the female template.

I hate when I tinker too much and destroy something good trying to get something better.
Post progress, what is everyone working on?

Pic related, working on sprites.
The new arms look good, not as strong as the original, but not bad. The legs tho, you gotta work on that. they are just boxes.

>if you're going to make a [not turn-based rpg], why use rm when you can use [not rm]?
no matter what engine you choose, and no matter which genre your game is, you HAVE TO script things yourself.

the most user-friendly maker out there is along the lines of Game Maker. the only type of game GM can create faster than RM are the shitty "1-day game challenge" "games". absolutely nobody cares about those.

and if you're not making those "games", you're not going to be sticking to GM's "event commands". anything provided by GM, like physics and collision detection, is still going to be rewritten for your own game. you need your own game-specific accelerations and collision methods. they're simple things to write as well.

and ontop of the fact that you need to do similar amounts of programming for the base game, you give up a lot of things by not using RM: menus, inventories, equipment, and just the overall class structure of the system, $gameWhatever. i do not care one bit about figuring out how Yanfly created the instanced equipment, and i'll gladly build my game ontop of that.

i definitely don't want to care about things like "when scrolling pages with PageDown, you should realign the cursor to the lowest visible item, because you don't want the 'currently selected' index to be longer than the visible list".

so whenever i read "use something else", i see the poster as either:
1. an RM user who doesn't know the first thing about programming, so they'll just say "use anything else than RM, because people tell me it's too hard in RM. i don't really know why, though."

2. a programmer who's completely unfamiliar with RM, so they'll just recommend anything that's C++ or C#. "..Well, okay, fine. now that Undertale's out, Game Maker's part of the list of accepted engines, too."

touhou wandering souls
usg a new beginning
a little world
aurora wings
deus cards
I didn't say to use something else, I was curious how he was going about it, no need to blow up about it
most people I know learned to code in C or Java, so they go for something they're comfortable with or with a similar GUI
there's nothing wrong with doing unusual stuff in rpgmaker, but people usually do it for a reason
after a while, the language doesn't really matter much. they all have their quirks and annoyances. the main differences would be from the code base they're given to work with.

...but since you are just asking about the specifics of the game,

at first it was built as its own scene inheriting from scene_base, but there were things that scene_map took care of that i needed, so i spent some time converting the project to a scene_map version.

and since yanfly's doodad plugin came out, it's especially good that the project's now integrated directly into scene_map. map making process should be even easier now.
I saw this and thought of Tomb of Friends.
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Reminds me of life.
>Wake up after a healthy sleep of 13 hours
>Page 10
That looks comfy bro, are the monsters animated?
What are some better substitutes for a world map?
Something node-based like mario rpg
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I've worked more on it. Thanks on the tip.

The arms aren't strong as the original, so I think I'll use this template for slim actors (thief/mage/commoner) and females. Will work on a stronger version for the fighter/barbarian type.

Would love more tips on the work.
Not at the moment. I am debating adding a bit of animation in, but for now everything is static. I like the way static pictures moving around look, gives a "Early chess program" vibe.
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Oh fuck
Drawing a map and using it as a super small world-map. That way you can make it fit in with your game- such as a classical fantasy map or some weird sci-fi screen with glowing bits. Like the fallout games when you fast travel.
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Do you have any minigames in your game?
back to work
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King of Diamonds.png
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Blackjack. I was pondering putting some kind of cardgame to put into my game, and I woke up in the middle of the night realizing how I could just straight up put blackjack in.
And so I did.
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>He doesn't even give you your coin back
Wow, what an asshole.
Hey this fucker stole 2 coins
Tell me something interesting about the first town the party visits.
It is inhabitted mostly by pixies.
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Is Gardenia or Dogma better in End Roll?
I am finding multiple fonts under those names. so I am not sure.
Oh, I meant the RPGmaker game.

My left arm feels like spaghetti for some reason, no idea why.
I'm going to make this into a status effect.
Do you have any interesting status effects in your game?
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element attune.webm
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Well, elemental attunement is technically treated as a status effect under the hood.
(Trapped in a )Bubble: Can't attack. Immunity to Earth attacks. Pops if dealt damage.
There's a status effect that prevents using the Defend command.
Using defend gives you an additional action next turn.
There's also a skill that grants your party a chance of an additional action for 5 turns.
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Like this?

I'm gonna try this too.
You may be having a stroke.
He might already be dead. RIPIPIP in Peace, noodle-arm-anon.

I say we should at least talk with the Tomb of Friends guy to include Noodle Arm Boy in Tomb of Friends 3.
Stop jesting Anon.
I can't die before finishing my project.
I have a status effect named [WARNING] just for a boss fight.
Aside from that, drunk status effect is best status effect.
But y'know, different strokes for different folks.
My left arm was very very cold like 2 weeks ago, i has with a 20/12 blood pressure anon. Take care of yourself please. Night bump
What a bumpy ride
Very bumpy
VERY bumpy
Good night bump
I have no one else to wish a good night
I feel like it might be worth experimenting with simple animations, but I can see the appeal to the static ones. Maybe you could have a toggle for it, and make a decision later or even leave it for the players to make use of.

Incompatible browser plugin? Would this actually affect RPGMaker itself or do you mean it's just Firefox being dumb bloatware on me again?
Serious game: You're a scout in the military on an island recently discovered and populated, while on a mission the island experiences a cataclysmic event that fucks with the magic in parts of the island, along with the biomes. You manage to survive and the story starts with trying to learn the fate of your squad as well as what caused the cataclysm in the first place

Lewd game: Whore master, you and a group of friends start a prostitution and drug ring in a poor part of town with dreams of paying your way into the inner city (where you'll whore and drug up the rich).
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Is there still no ships for MV?
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RPG Maker MV, why are my autotiles not aligned to the circle? For all intents and purposes, all the characters should be aligned with the grid at the very center of their sprite, and yet playtesting is acting goofy like this.

Can someone explain what's happening?
provide the tileset and/or charset
Just finished playing tomb of friends, great game
but i couldn't find all of the dogs
am i missing out on something good?
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The characters are probably displaced a little bit "up" to make up for the edges in many tiles
So I'm measuring this again, the circle is centered, and the auto-tile is aligned as well.

Are you saying a script or something is automatically moving the characters' sprites a bit up?
Yes. That is what I am saying. I believe the game naturally aligns the characters about 8 pixels up so they don't stand outside the edge of an autotiled cliff, for example.
This probably sounds like a stupid question, but I just woke up so bare with me.

I got these 2 attacks, Air Launch and Gravity. Air Launch is supposed to deal more damage when the enemy weighs light, and Gravity deals more damage when the enemy weighs heavy.

If I replace the Agility stat with one called Weight, what sort of damage formula will I need for each attack to have their desired effects (using VX Ace)?

For Gravity, I assume that simply using something like "b.agi * 10" or whatever would work, but what about for Air Launch? How do I make it deal more damage by having LOW agi?
Make the formula like 5*(100-agi).
So does yanfly's doodads plugin just not work with the cracked version?

I keep getting a node-webkit window pop up whenever I start my game stating that my version's below 1.3.0.

I wouldn't be surprised since it only came out like a week ago.
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well is your pirated MV 1.30+ or rather your games rpg_core.js
>tfw you want to use Yanfly's doodads but you game has very strict artistic style limits.
The crack is supposedly 1.3.1, but it shows 1.3.0 due some bug or something.

Tried checking the core but I haven't found anything related to the version.
Anyone know of a plugin that makes tile to tile movement without animating between them?
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I'm definitely not playing below version 1.3.0, that's for sure.

Most of my game's soundtrack thus far is on my soundcloud

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now go to your projects js folder and check the versioning on the rpg_core.js
I am just blissfully ignoring the idea of soundtrack as I have no musical talent at all. I'll burn that bridge when I get there.
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menu mockup2.png
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How do you guys think this menu mock-up looks? The 2 rows there would be in the same place, toggled with a button press, and the 5 party members would be stacked vertically like that
the lines on the left will be a simplified skill tree, that's a placeholder currently

I feel it might be too cluttered

As you can see there's nothing there for me.

Is this normal?
that means your projects rpg_core is outdated.
Did you create that project with that version of MV or an earlier version, it doesnt update your projects js files, you gotta do that yourself. create a new project and look in its rpg_core, this one should be updated. if it is, copy paste it in your project and replace the outdated file. To be safe just update all of those js files if it turns out the new project files are updated.
It looks very nice.

thanks man
So I backed up my game and tried replacing the rpg_core with a new one like you said, but it gave me a different error this time.

Also replacing all the js files causes my game to stop working all together.
Pretty good songs in there
Most my stuff is pretty WIP, but this one is more or less finished https://soundcloud.com/hoodlumbandit/time-to-strike
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making an inventory screen slide
wow this sucks. Any script guys know if there's a way to make it not do that?
looks really nice, the leaves need some shading though
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/rpgmaker/ reporting in, I'm making sprites right now but I can't decide which type of portrait would look better for the characters, either pixelated like the bottom portrait or thinner / sharper like the top one in pic related.

I can't into art so I need to use references almost all the time, I'm not entirely satisfied with the results but it still feels much better than using external resources
I don't trust that fucking wolf. I bet the village is full of demons
I like the sharper one better, but the thick lines in the bottom portrait go better with the thick lines of the interface and the environment.
I messed around with the files a bit and ended up with this. It turns out that it's Yanfly's doodads causing this too. When I turn off the plugin, the game runs just fine.

So far it seems the plugin and 1.3.1 don't seem compatible at all, but that can't be the case.
thanks! :-) might throw up a gif later in-game
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Then I dunno man. It might be your pirated version i got no problems on my steam version sorry.
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bumping with robot furbait
Oh good Lord... How many fetishes will you include? Please add more.
Wait, is that a man?
>robot with fur
What is the fur made of?
Some kind of polyester?
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Does anyone know what command or where to find the command for displaying messages for buffs being applied, removed, or failing to be removed?

Example: The player is under the effects of blind(modified so it doesn't expire at the end of battle). There is an item with a 50% chance to remove blind. In combat, there are messages displayed for the blind remaining or being removed successfully. But if you use that item out of battle, the buff is dispelled/remains without any message to the player that the item succeeded or failed, except for looking at whether the buff icon went away or not.

As far as I can find, this would be the place to include such a thing, but only because I can't find which script actually handles buff application/removal.

> VX Ace Scripts
> Scene_ItemBase
# * Use Item
def use_item
Do you have something lewd in your otherwise non lewd game?
I'm thinking about adding a brothel the player can go to but the scenes would fade to black.
A lot of my characters are naked, but they don't have naughty bits so I hope it is ok.

And if it isn't ok, then whatever. I am not putting clothes on a dryad.
continuing to work on this, looking through Window_BattleLog and Game_Battler to see how exactly the game handles Buff/Debuff State changes. I wanted to use that change because I could use the built-in text boxes that are already available, but I'm wondering if an easier way to go about it (only because there seems to be more information on how VX Ace's scripts interact just because it seems like most people just download someone else's scripts and it's hard to find discussion or documentation on how shit actually works) is to somehow attach the pass/fail messages to the item being used. (using Notes? Not sure how to access that data yet from a script)
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Cops can handcuff you, preventing normal skill use and forcing you to use a lockpick item or the Struggle skill that you're given while handcuffed.

It's not a lewd game yet. :`)
so you want to have a similar "Blind was successfully removed!" message pop up in the item menu?

this is a little tough because the item scene doesn't have a "message" window to display that kind of information.
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it's a yume nikki fangame. there are 4 characters you can pick from by changing the order of your party. and one of the harder to find effects is going to be "Naked". The characters react differently to some of the effects.
I mean, I don't mind making one if that's necessary. I've already mangled the status and equipment screens to display the information I want in the order that I want in those various windows. I just need some direction. Like, should I look at the equipment screen and see how it handles the message box at top so I can duplicate it for the item screen? There's plenty of space there to add one. I can do that. No issue.

The issue is how to actually access the State change happening. I want to access the State being removed/failed to being removed and use its built-in messages as text to be displayed.
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status screen.png
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Or utilize the top message box that already displays item descriptions. That's also a possibility. Here's an example of the work I'm doing with the status screen. I'm not using level or MP so those have been done away with. I'm still working on that info text, but since that's not really critical right now it's still just displaying the mangled placeholder text.
Put me in a bonnet and call me grandma, I'd let that wolf fuck me.

Just saying.
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You don't need a script. You just preface the filename with a !
It's super dumb, too, since you have to go through all your events and reassign them.

But if you're using Actor_A.png it instead needs to be named !Actor_A.png

You can also add a $ if there's only one character, if for some reason you're using individual sheets instead of collating them. You can combine the two, too. So you can have a $!Actor_A.png if you want.
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>You outsiders look so silly walking around all backwards

She is looking a bit TOO flat, isn't she? Should I add fungus patches or mushrooms?
Another pirate here, updating the project itself just broke my game even without doodads.
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Finally a new enemy.
Two major issues:

One, the right side has way too much whitespace (blackspace?) The menu options should fill the space provided.

Two, that's a lot of fucking information for the party screen. Generally you use the status detail screen for all that information. You probably should condense that down to just the most important information the player needs to know. Probably skills, HP / MP, maybe AP and AS(?). Probably not equipment.

Think about an average player and what information they need at a glance and what can be left for the status detail or equipment screens.

IF HOWEVER you are using this to replacing having a status detail screen and you're okay with the information that usually provides not being there because you're not using it, then something like what you've got is fine, if a bit cluttered. The small text on HP&MP compared to everything else is weird, and how large of a space you have for equipment as compared to the rest of the data.
Nurse with tit-missiles and a mask or bald guy with a hat?
Still looking for non-animated movement. haven't had any luck. Everything seems to be going the other way toward smooth pixel movement. No love for jumpy grid movement at all.
have you looked at the scripts at all yourself or are you a "hands off, plugins only" type person?
thinking about this more, you might want to have the display swap between showing skills and equipment, moving the skills over to the right and reducing the equipment spaces by half so you fit in six where three were before. The space where the skills are might be okay blank since that places more importance on the name/level identifier for the character.
Fuck I was just being an idiot and forgot to update index.html
Doodads still won't work, some error with pixi.js stuff
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Have a bumpo
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Is there any way to force RMVXA to be locked into a stable framerate? Whenever I move diagonally the framerate drops to the 20s.
Which do you prefer?

a) Enemies having a fixed loot table, so you can look up and know exactly which enemy to beat in order to get the Awesome Rod of Doom* (*my game will not include an Awesome Rod of Doom)?

b) Enemies randomly dropping one of many available artifacts, similar to how many roguelikes and roguelites handle items?

My game will (likely) not feature any random encounters - aside from an optional end-game area, but rather only boss and mini boss fights.

I also plan to include a series of artifacts that grant abilities and power ups, and I intend to have most of them drop from said enemies.

Approach a) would allow for reliability and planning on my part so I can theme it appropriately, while b) would allow for replayability and randomness making things more interesting. Then again, I'm already planning for a rather large scale, so maybe that randomness is just over the top...

Also: bump
Bald nurse with a hat.
It depends (I know, that sounds like it really helps) on the type of game. Roguelikes do well when you're expected to run through the game lots of times to see lots of content. Otherwise it's probably better to have fixed loot.

Take the Elder Scrolls series for example. Morrowind had fixed loot, so yes someone with a spoiler list could find all the best stuff really quickly, but it also helped tell the story in why things were placed in certain areas. (like Dark Souls) Meanwhile Oblivion and Skyrim mostly have random loot everywhere, mostly tied to your level, so it doesn't really matter _where_ you go because you'll get something, but there's no reason for it to be there rather than anything else.

Again, roguelikes don't usually tell a story, but because of the fast pace with which you usually play through and the multitudes of times you're playing through you get unique experiences due to the randomness of the loot.
it's not necessarily vxa's fault.

i used to use an 8way script for my vxa project at full fps
Fixed loot table.
Especially in your game, it would be awful to defeat an enemy and not get Awesome Rod of Doom because I was unlucky.
How are you planning to balance your game when you have random loot with fixed battles?
Either players would have extremely different experiences or equipment wouldn't mean much.
You were right. I'm using a "free movemet" script so the player can move in more than 8 directions.

I'll just deal with the low fps until I can get a better script.
What ever happened to that guy who said he was working on a remake of Final Fantasy 1? Did he ever make any progress?
Yeah, I'm leaning towards fixed loot myself.

There's plenty of story, so having to deal with that again and again doesn't mix well with the random elements.
Some of the story elements, however, change based on the powers certain characters have acquired - be that through finding artifacts or gaining power in other ways. That's something that could benefit from randomness, but at the same time there'll be a lot of powers to choose from, so different decisions when it comes to powers may make it varied enough already.

And it makes for a more coherent experience to not find an icicle artifact in the desert, so it may indeed be best to have control over these things.

If I was going down the random loot route, beating the Great Stone Warden and not getting the Awesome Rod of Doom wouldn't mean it's lost forever, because instead you'd be guaranteed to get maybe the Fantastic Fiddle of Dreams or whatever.
Plus, balance is achieved through other means as well.
Currently I plan on levels giving HP (and MP, if I even include that... currently not likey), and regular equipment giving stats.
I'm even planning to balance the game to be beatable without ever using one of the artifact items or gaining powers by other means. A hard mode, if you will, so by design getting one of these artifacts is supposed to make the game easier, more varied, and fun, as they essentially serve as items that grant prestige class abilities.

Thanks for the input, did tip my leaning towards fixed loot over to it completely.
I would poke around if I knew what I was looking for. I just don't know what to search for for "the movement of things from one spot on the grid to another."
Check in Game_Character or maybe Game_CharacterBase, but I think it's not there

I'm not sure, because I only poked a few seconds, but I would follow the functions and class calls and look at what's being called in terms of move speed especially, see if you can find a step size and it might be as simple as changing the step size / move speed to that of a single tile length/width.
Then I guess I'm glad I found out early. Thanks for the info.
Instead of enemies dropping loot I have the treasure stored in a room after the enemies and those have a loot table, but since it is a lot of treasure chests or whatever it feels nicer for the player.
Do you like difficult settings in RPGs like those made with RPG Maker?
not really. even though i'm a tryhard, i definitely choose easy settings most of the time.

if the game ends up being good enough for a replay, then i'll eventually get to the hardest difficulties.

most rpgs don't tickle me that way, though, so i'll always only experience them on the boring baby mode.

the only ones i did play on their hardest difficulties after a while were star ocean and tales. stuff like persona and etrian odyssey.. ezmode and shelved
It depends.
If hard mode just means more health/damage for the enemies then no thanks. That is just tedious.
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Time to make some progress
Generally RPGs shouldn't have difficulty settings I feel. At least not a traditional Easy/Normal/Hard or whatever selector. If it's something more like the player can pick a more difficult style through class picking or stat allocation, or even just through not-grinding, then I feel like it's much more of a rewarding experience for the player.

And like >>155767238 says, if it's just adding health/damage to enemies that's just tedious and not fun at all.
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What the fuckballs is going on with my damage here?

Hiro's ATK and MAT are both 10.
His level is 1.
So how the fuck is he doing LESS damage with his skill and spell than with a regular attack? The enemy has no weaknesses or resistances. There's no extra factors in play here. What the fuck is going on?

I feel like 'more health/damage' may make things tedious and awful in things like action games, SRPGs, and plenty of other game types, but I feel like in JRPGs specifically there's a certain level where it's not actually that bad.

Especially since in those other game types, most of the challenge should come from precision/movement/tactics, but in JRPGs that's not exactly doable.

If a JRPG adds challenge by making enemies tougher so you actually want to bother using skills/combinations/status effects because it's better than just mashing attack, then that's legitimately making things better, isn't it?
i feel like i remember the regular melee attack formula being
>a.attack - b.defense / 2
It was a.atk * 4 - b.def * 2
Well, if I can beat the game just by mashing attack then the difficulty is just bad. Something like this shouldn't even be possible.
I concur in this case, hard mode would be better and probably the way the devs intended the game to be played.
But why not have the game be like that in the first place?
>>155769153 has it right. Which is absolutely terrible for artificially inflating values. Personally I've toned it down to a.atk * 2 - b.def as well, which makes me surprised to see other people like >>155768129 doing it as well.

Though, that power strike math looks wrong. Like it's only doing a.atk + ( a.atk *3 ) - b.def unless my order of operations is off. In which case it's doing (a.atk + a.atk) * (3 - b.def) which is even worse. Either way it's not the ((a.atk + a.atk) * 3) - b.def that it looks like you want it to be.
Would it be too much if the "easy mode" means that you'll only fight bosses? I mean, no grinding, no random encounters at all. You'll just enjoy the story, the dialogues and the boss fights.

I was thinking about adding some complexities to the enemies' AI. In average difficulty, bosses will have predictable attack patterns, while in challenge mode there would be more conditions to determine their actions. They would also have more skills and different actions to make battles harder.
Quick, I need a number between 0 and 59
58 it is then.
For some reason I expected this outcome.
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Checking in again on this now that it's later. I still haven't found where the buff messages are called during battle.

There is this:
> VX Ace Scripts
> Game_Battler
# * Remove Buff/Debuff
def remove_buff(param_id)
return unless alive?
return if @buffs[param_id] == 0

Not sure if that line at the end has to do with it, I'm not familiar with what @result points to.
It's in Window_Battlelog, right at the end.
Huh, okay. Thanks! This looks like the code I need to get started to actually display the text during item use outside of battle.
>Make some progress
>Listen to the music people from here made
Life is good
So how important is the art style of an eroge visual novel type game?
Is it possible to sell it on Steam censored/uncensored if it's just like an eroge visual novel with sex scenes here and there? How important would any actual/other gameplay be then?
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Let's give this thing another whirl
Wow, shit. Free Space + Lewd and that's basically it. Thanks for making me feel better about my project!
The art style should be at least decent, not MS paint tier.
Afaik you have to censor your sex scenes but you are free to provide an uncut patch of course.
Okay crew, here's a question I've had bubbling while I'm working on other stuff. How hard is it to implement cooldown timers on abilities? I've looked only briefly at skills so far, but nothing jumped out at me right away. Like using a status effect or some sort of variable to keep track of turns until a skill can be used again..
Shit art and decent gameplay will find a fanbase. People will throw money at amazing art and shit gameplay, though.
Only poison outside of battle!
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thats a bingo.png
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I'm planning to replace all the RTP graphics eventually.
Hey now, MV's face generator is kinda decent
For females maybe. the male options are terrible. Hitting random on females is a waifu generator, hitting random on the males is a horror show.
This should be exactly what you are looking for if you use MV that is.
Then make girls and say they are boys.
Problem solved.

VX Ace, actually. I started seeing if I could do it with States, making a cooldown state, but when you use the skill, currently it's giving the cooldown buff to the enemy! :V

Gotta figure out how to apply it to the character using the skill instead. Unless a skill can't effect both the user and a target at the same time? I might have to do something like make the first skill activate the second skill (like a double attack?) where the second skill actually applies the cooldown debuff to the user.
I think you need a custom script to link skills like that.
I didn't even need to link a skill, just called a Common event to apply the status to the player.

Of course this means that every skill the player uses will need a Status and a Common event, and enemies will have to have their own set of attacks, but this is fine for what I'm doing.

I might have to see what I can do to actually communicate the cooldown timer status to the player, though. Showing how many turns a skill has left before it's available again.
If you look in your picture, the lines are cutting across the grill's throat.

If you look in this picture, the center of the circles are aligned with the center of their faces.

The problem seems pretty apparent.
Works well enough for at least two people here.
Making progress feels good
Good night bump
Using only the default assets to make a small game to familiarize yourself with the engine.
Yes or No?
Standard recommended practice.
definitely, more fun too because you dont have to put a whole lot of thought into it
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I tried to draw a simple face base, how can i improve this? Something feels wrong
The left eye looks like it's too far from the right one, giving it a slight retarded ayy lmao look
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Da best maker of za history.png
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I hope i get a demo from this in 19 days, but is a private project for obvious reasons.
how do I get into this and why should I
Buy or pirate a version of this program you like. Trash with it a little, and if you want what you see, start seeing tutorials in youtube and make or search resources for your project, if you have an idea.

And, by the love of god, make back ups from time to time. I lost some of my projects because i was careless back then.

And answering the spoiler, i find it somewhat fun.
Nevermind, I'm retarded. I figured it out.
The order of operations was weird.
It was written as a.atk + a.level * 3 - b.def.
It should have been a.atk * 3 + a.level - b.def.
So before it was taking my ATK (10), then tripling the level (1, so +3) and then subtracting defense (4) with some variance, so we were getting about 9 damage.
But now that I fixed it, it's taking ATK and multiplying it by 3, to 30, then adding +1 for level and then subtracting DEF. Now it seems to be working as intended.

Don't RPG-make when you're tired, kids.
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rpg dimensional tower game, only set in two
areas, one village, but upgradable and will end
up turning into a town, etc, once you go up high enough, but not trying to be that Azure dreams, I SWEEAAAAR.

But the game as a sexy feel too it, as most of the characters are just plain weird or sick fucks. you'll see
It's a game about this Noel guy and his friend Marshal who decides on visiting there, something about Noel's father, story goes from there.

Arena battles, etc
This is a dungeon "within dimension-quese" crawling game where you venture inside what we called "The Void" where adventurers dwell to discover the mysteries within to find and seek out hidden legends, and to fight the hell out of demons whom appear lately, for what reason why, is up to speculation. A young man whose pretty much a nobody & his guide & friend enter the Void for the first time and enter a world full of adventure as they encounter new allies and enemies. Or give up as the meaning of the game, as it can be hard in boss battles and such. Because of the Enemy Levels javascript, but you can switch it off, it's optional.

Properly self explainable. copypasta
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Quick, roll a random number on this chart and make a map based on what you roll!

thanks for the input
I agree about the empty space, not sure what's gonna be going on in that column yet for sure, was mostly posting for the status part

I was also worried that the info was excessive and looked cluttered, but we did want this to act in place of personal status screens, possibly with the smaller HP,MP,LVL, etc blurb being on a header outside the menu

the skill/equipment idea sounds interesting though, I'll try that as well and see how it looks
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Just getting started
Tell me about your MC. Why does he wear the mask?
You this guy >>155422636 ?
Looking neat in any case, though the UI stuff doesn't look like it fits all that well.
Years of programming have taught me to never trust order of operations and always use parenthesis to avoid any mistakes with math.
He's a big guy.
That's a good idea.
That, and I am fairly sure one of the biggest complains programmers had when RPGM moved to JavaScript is that the order of operations is internally fucked and inconsistent, so at least in MV you should always use parenthesis.
I am indeed that guy, though they are 2 different game projects. The one with all the monsters is just a concept.

The UI is still the default assets; the sprite for the MC is the only custom so far. Like I said, I'm just getting started.
Do you have a blog? Would like to see some devlog on these projects
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bumping with a shopbot!

21 more to go to complete the unlockable art gallery
Are you working hard on your game Anon?
Not today. But I did yesterday.
I don't want to sound like a weeb, but does anyone else get tons of ideas and even motivation when listening to Vocaloid songs?
Just made one.

What is the name of your MC?
And why is he/she named like that?
No, I'm taking a break to check in on this thread.
Because he wears a bird mask
Debug, because I'm still databasing
Instructor. Because he's an instructor
Erica, because I just added an A to the end of the default character name. it's placeholder ofc
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Cat walk
So I tried to create an "edgy" theme for the story.

My theme of my story:
-Ignorance is bliss
It's alright to be ignorant and some sidequest show that knowing things lead to destruction.

ie you tell a guy that his wife is cheating once in the past because she is drunk, he proceed to murder his wife and that send him to jail. If you don't tell him then the wife feels guilty tries her best to make him happy and got her happy end.

-Racist for the right cause
It's alright to be racist to protect your own species and homeland.

ie the Weredog race letting the Werecat race live with them because the Werecat nation is at war. However, most of werecat are ungrateful shit and rape some female weredog. This ends in a civil war with a lot of Weredog casuality and the tribe leader regretting his kindness.

How about it? Edgy enough?
I'm sorry Anon but this is not edgy at all.
This is realistic.
Nonsense, the edge can always be increased!
It's fine with me so far, but I enjoy edge.
apart from the wife feeling guilty
I think you should pay attention to the gameplay. Always "take the easiest route" is probably not the most exciting way to play a game. For example, while I prefer Chaos personally, I find playing Neutral in SMT is the most fun because it is the path where I get to fight more bosses (and in the early games, to recruit more demons).

So, I don't really mind causing a weredog genocide if it gets me an extra boss to fight.
Well, I don't want to be needlessly edgy like eating babies or something.
Thank you. I'll try to draft more edge on my script.

I plan on branching path like visual novel and Witcher 3.
Adding bosses and bonus to player for every route sounds like a good plan but I'm scared of the scale. I will try to do it, though. Thank you.
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when i get lazy, i teach instead of work..
I should, but no. I planned a city ruins type dungeon today, doe.
Tomorrow i will work at full force i hope.
That is Lust from Nanatsu No Taizai.
What do you teach senpai?
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what a qt
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just general figure drawing stuff

that shading pic was to help illustrate how people shade when they don't think about light sources and how objects will be affected by that light. i don't know the term for pillowshading in a non pixel art context.
>Teaching drawing
I need to get into art soonish because I want to create my own art for my project. But I can't draw anything besides crippled stick figures.
How should I proceed then?
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i'm not too sure about someone completely fresh. i guess just draw a figure using whatever guidelines you know of. like if you learned to "start torsos from an ellipse", then have at it.

i don't have any kind of system like that myself, and i wouldn't know which to recommend. i just like to give anatomy tips that are more helpful than just "learn about the human anatomy".
So just throw myself at it with some guides and when something looks wonky ask for advice. Got it.
Check /ic/ for resources as well
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The best part about it is that our currency is called Softies
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*sigh* lieat and your game basically have the type of window skins i'd like to have
Hello /rpgmg/, how's that collaboration project going?
I think Bubbles is kill.
My collaboration partner is being way less of the 'ideas guy' I was hoping he'd be. While I was doing graphics and systems programming I was hoping he'd do a little more of the content creation/planning.
Man, those guys that actually work are the worst! All they do is come up with implementations and assets.
I mean, it's not so bad. I can still bounce my ideas off of him and the project isn't stalling out or anything. I just hope he eventually helps with like, a skill list or make a map or two or something. I'm counting on him at least wanting to help with a pass on the dialog and hopefully writing some non-main path events.
Good night bump
After finally exhausting every dumb clothing and hair suggestion from people, I can safely say "fuck you" to all of them, and get back to actual productivity tomorrow.

Jesus F. Christ, where the F stands for Fucking.
Who's your villain and why should I hate him/her?
A random Bandit chief, you're a cityguard thats why.
It's my first practice project.
You can do it, anon!
Lieat is pretty cool, awesome inspiration. I was thinking on maybe doing some textbox like the one I did as free asset, but I don't really know the screen size people are using and don't know how to do vectors aswell...
I've got a few, mostly because I can't decide on a central plot (I'll probably go episodic).
The first one I've got set up is a penal battalion that went rogue and took over a small banana republic. Seeing as they're all death-row criminals with (low-grade) military training and hardware, war crimes are pretty much a given. Lock up your wimminz.
>Finally start having the drive to work on my game.
>Go to doctor.
>Find out I have a sign of deadly inoperable cancer.

Make a game about discovering you have cancer and cash in.
Better hurry up and finish your game then?
Nah. That'd be boring,

Doubtful. It's the sort of thing that would take me 3 or 4 years to finish. Not sure if I'm going to live anywhere near that long.
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How does one into good grass tiles? The orthogonal kind.
How do I make a rabbit throwing contest minigame? I have 0 programming skills
I too would like o know this but first let us narrow down this vision.
It it like a galatica shooter with unlimited rabbits thrown up, or limited rabbits that fire slower?
Or like angrybirds sideview throwing?
It it to hit a goal or an attacking enemy?
Or is it like pick up all the rabbits you see and throw them away/offscreen to clear the screen or area?
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will never finish.png
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The party's majorly college age, but if 30's the new 20, then 20 must be the new 10.
My game started out as a Kirby fangame but changed into something wholly different. I'm currently going through the process of removing the importance of "the elements" from my story.
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Making conversation gifs is tough
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Progress on the unlockable art gallery, working on npcs now.
14 to go.
Damn, I wish I could draw as fast as you
Serious question. Should enemies have a HP bar?
I like it when you have to scan the enemy to see its HP bar
You shine on, you crazy diamond.
Reading that post while listening to the soundtrack for the most recent Kirby game makes me want to create my own Kirby RPG.
Let us all work hard on our projects!
The first to be introduced is an Ogre-like creature who terrorizes villagers for fun, and to lead an easy life.
The second is a lazy and corrupt cop/ranger/military officer who takes advantage of the lack of supervision to mistreat the people under its care.
The third/fourth are a neglectful 100+ year old child king and his overprotective momster..
The "true antagonist" is a reality warper on a power trip and who believes nobody but himself is real.
The final battle is against an eldritch abomination who would probably just go around murdering everything in its path for all eternity if it was allowed to move around freely.
They are not that hateable for the most part. I think that is fine since you don't kill any of them, anyway.
Maybe later.
I'm revising endings for my game, /rpgmg/ what makes for a satisfying ending to you?

That sucks anon. Got anyone you'd trust to finish your game for you?
>Or make a ton of notes about the story, setting, theme, and what you want out of the game and dump it somewhere for someone to finish.
Try to put things in a pros vs cons to decide. For example:
Another element to play with for battle mechanics. Enemies could have attacks that hide their HP Bar or even make a fake HP bar, for example.
Allows you to know if you are outclassed immediately, which could be important if the player had the chance to accidentally walk into late-game dungeons.
Might add flavor if you have a flavor justification.

Another element to take into account graphically. Could obstruct animations or just look bad in your graphic style, for example.
Removes some surprise elements from most fights.
Probably not that realistic. Might sometimes remove a little bit of immersion.

You have information regarding the opponent's HP, so HP-based AIs are more predictable
All plotlines coming to a close.
I like endings which are are surprising. If I can predict the ending two hours into the game then it's not as fun.
The build up to the ending is also very important, if there is a final battle happening then the last dungeon needs to be just as intense as the last fight.
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I'm considering doing that. Just making a huge plot dump file and saying "Have at it, if you want."
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Gave half because it looks but isn't.
What is your most favorite trope?
Wasn't there already a project like that here?

I remember some anon found an incomplete project in the laptop of his dead roommate and decided to complete it.
What RPGM games are you looking forward to the most?
Not just from the thread, but from the entire community as a whole?
The one I look forward to the most is yours.
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still working on that inventory popup
>I remember some anon found an incomplete project in the laptop of his dead roommate and decided to complete it.
The dead guy's name is Emmet. I wrote it down because I'm using him as a character in my project.

Whatever happened to the anon working on the game?
It's just a sign, right?
Nothing confirmed yet?
I don't want you to have cancer.
Sorry for this late reply, I haven't been browsing the general for a few days, you can add states to the caster of the skill if you use "a.add_state(x); c" in the damage formula, where x is the state's id and c the damage formula.
You can do a lot of silly things with the damage formula, there are a lot of guides for that.

However, I highly recommend you to use Yanfly's cooldown manager for that, though.
Dying is verboten
Reading Dungeon Meshi as research made me want to return to my cooking RPG.

Do you have any old ideas for games that you want to return to one day?
I want to have some sort of Daemon Portal where you can insert certain keystones to open a portal to other worlds.
They would function similar to that world teleporter thing in .hack.
The one I picked up and made a bunch of content for last month but haven't touched in weeks.
I'm sure with a clear vision and some script tweaking and events, it's plausible.
What kind of weapon does your MC use?
Spear and shield
Scythe, chain or a bell (using it kind of like a hammer)
Its to hit a goal! Like when they throw things in a olympic game that's supposed to hit a specific spot (archery, for example), but a spot on the ground. I don't know if it's possible, tho. A friend told me I could do it with events, but I don't know...
Two-handed spear.
Got some ideas for a collectable card/whatever item game. Just need to make it addicting enough, commission some artists for the collectable thinger, and give it waifu simulator properties.
>and give it waifu simulator properties.
I'll buy 10 copies
an older model laptop
Etrian Odysey's loot table, fixed drops for specific win conditions. leaves some mystery and encourages the player to be creative.
somebody made some nice additions to it that are easy to add. forgot where but it should be easy to find.
Sword, axe, or spear. His weapon is less of a factor in his identity than the grimores he collects.
Spear and shield.
How do you update rpg maker mv ?
>Two-handed spear.
>Spear and shield.
>Sword, axe, or spear. His weapon is less of a factor in his identity than the grimores he collects.

Lots of Spear guys here. I'm excited about the next gen of game devs
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i think i'll be adding some time of design on the transparent fabric, but overall it should be done, unless someone sees something i'm overlooking.

swordsman or magician next
It's not like I question my sexuality when looking at this or anything.
Do the mage.
Weapon: Mace or Axe.
Sub W : Shield or Warhorn
Mace increase the stun chance and effective against armored enemy.
Axe inflict bleed and effective against flesh enemy.

Shield give you protection skills.
Warhorn give you battlemaster skills.
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Wow, playing around with Yanfly's doodads and this is fucking great. The man outdid himself this time. Once I start getting serious I see some very good potential with it.
My only gripe is that I can't zoom out or that it doesn't tell me the coordinates as used on the editor but other than that i's gr8
Holy nigger. It's so pretty.

Btw, did you create all that resource or you have link?
Should the border in the dialogue/menu windows have a color similar to the default font so it looks "unified" or similar to the background screen as to not distract too much?
I'm finally getting the hang of an Advance Wars-style system I decided to set up. But how do I make the "cursor" (currently set up as a party member with a placeholder character) not show up in the party?
>Advance Wars-style system
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full screen.png
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The flame is the cursor (using a placeholder graphic). The human and helicopter are friendly units, the skellington is an enemy unit, and the robot and case are leftovers from earlier.
Staff, he's a monk
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unit event screen.png
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Currently I can move "units" step-by-step and add/remove them from the party for management and battle.
Things I need to do:
>Move units multiple spaces at a time, possibly by following the cursor "character"
>Start battle events when a "unit" and "enemy" make contact with each other
>Indirect fire
>Limit unit movement/firing ranges
>Player and enemy turns
The very basics are in place, but I need much more to make it playable.
Does anyone know where I might find sprites/generator parts for Bee-Girls for VX Ace or MV?
What about terrain?
I'd look here:

Or maybe in pixiv.
Magic dagger that transforms depending on the MC's build (actually, it IS the MC's build).
are there any scripts/resources that simulate the pages of a book turning?

I wanted my save screen to be shown like that, since saving is done using magical journals.
Any way to stop the map from scrolling, or do I absolutely have to make the player character invis and use a substitute sprite?
Nevermind, I found out it's better just to manually scroll the map with the event going on.
Save first base bump
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more npc sketches
They're from PVGames Medieval tiles.
You can find them in the store. There's about four packs out and I think the dungeons pack is coming out soon.
Does anyone have Katakura Hibiki's Lord of Darkness RPG MV dlc to share? i dont have the money to buy that pack :(
Time to bump the thread and make some progress
Does anyone have any good, lesser-known spoopy recs? I've played Ib, Lisa, The Witch's House, Ao Oni, Mad Father, Misao, etc.
Did you play Blank Dream?
Fleshchild. But it is incomplete.
More pics of meido plz.
My window skins suck. How do I make good window skins?
Copy windows skins you like
What makes a dungeon good?
do you know any good (maybe german?) >RPG< maker games ? so im looking for RPGs not for some adventure/action shit
Enemies with poison skills
Have you played Vampires Dawn 1 and 2?
yes also unterwegs in dusterburg and all other games from marlex
A sense of accomplishment.

Putting a dungeon there just to waste time is annoying. You need to make the play feel like they are actually doing something worthwhile, whether its bits of lore that fleshes out the world, puzzles that make them feel clever for figuring, or just making it look nice. Even a really valuable item hidden away can be enough.

In short, don't have a dungeon just because. Give it meaning, even if it's just a character moment that move's the story along. Something to make a player feel like they did something that had significance.
r8 my shitty mage
is aight. a lil scribly
Her hip is a little bit too wide
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Reminder that this game (Final Fantasy Legend) with this fantastic mapping, was the first FF game to sell over a million copies.

Never lose hope, anons.
You ain't from 'round here, are ya?
We like our hips nice and big 'round here.
You gay, son? It's the waist that's a bit too wide.

Here's the finished product
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Sorceress sprite.png
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Another finished product
looks pretty good here. I take it this is the in-game scale?
i'm not a fan of "antialiasing"/blurring on sprites. it's okay on shadows, but the arms, legs and especially head look dirty.

perhaps the only fix i think you should do is to use a hard eraser around the outlines.
Added more minor details

I usually polish my sprites up in gimp to counter the blur you described
Any Yanfly Patreons want to request a MumBoh JumBoe Tips and Tricks?

Doing him with common events is kinda wonky
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Same, figure it's as good a place as any to keep stuff.

finished product
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>try YEP's Word Wrap
>doesn't work with $gameMessage.add('text')

>try YED's Word Wrap
>works with everything ever
>but must painstakingly add <wrap> to every fucking textbox, refuses to enable by default
This shit.
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Have you guys seen Red Trees? The graphics just feel good.

I too liked Mother 3.
what is this gif from?
Good night bump
May you sleep well
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hit test new.gif
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Special attack progress.
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i've been having trouble applying my shading technique onto her face.

something about it is just too generic anime, and it's hard to see it with actual shapes and form.
Not so fast there, champ
Once more.
How much customizability is too much customizability?
I think she looks fine.
>something about it is just too generic anime
Maybe, but in an oldschool anime kind of way. I'm not getting the same vibe from it I'm getting from modern anime characters. I don't know shit about character proportions or anything, but my gut feeling says it has to do with the shape of her face, especially the shape of her chin.

Right-most version looks great the way it is. Simple, yet with a nice amount of detail.
>it is just too generic anime
I donno. A lot of anime has gone to such pedo-bait moe shit that something that looks older than a 10 year old stands out as different now.
Brings to mind VN's of the early 90's
I can't go more than a few weeks without convincing myself that my story sucks and starting over.
Try showing, some of it, to other people anon.
It helps to have more opinions on it.
Spear, though you can spec into three different fighting styles: lance and shield, 2H spear and short spear and knife.
I think she's great. You're getting this "generic anime" vibe because of her eyes, I suppose.
What is your process for deving? What do you prioritize?

I have all the plot points set, some of the core mechanics ready, and am working on the skill/class database with the help of an Excel sheet, but I don't have more than two maps and three battlers ready. And not a single piece of dialogue.
Concept, mechanics, Excel/databasing, and the gameplay system all come first. Everything else is window dressing. If the system works but I can't get any art assets, I can refluff as necessary, but if I have assets but no gameplay mechanics, then I have no game. The game is what matters.
What makes for a comfy fantasy adventure story?
Graphics first, because I can't work with mechanics unless I know how they look in action.
So I've downloaded RpgmakerMV a few weeks ago
Watched a few tutorials. I'm still not satisfied with resources, I need urban stuff, like roads, buildings, it should be a british settting.

Anyone care to help me out please?
Die monster
You don't belong in this world.
no u
Setting, imo.
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i'm glad you guys think she looks good as well, and i agree, but only as a standalone item.

the previous characters, including the outdated tsundere, have a face shading applied to them that gives hints about their lips, cheeks, chins, brow ridges, etc.

i think it's been tough to do for the mage because the flat side of the face that usually exists to counterbalance the detail is being obscured by her hair. all that's visible is primarily the excessively detailed face, so it makes the face look strange.
She's the only one without any angle to her face too.

Do a little shading under the nose, make the shape of the upper lip in shade, and bottom lip I'd say. At least enough to hint at the same details as the other portraits.

And check and make sure she matches everyone with the angle of shading- i.e. girl and guy on left have the left half their neck shaded.
Setting I suppose, though mine is about a cityguard defeating a bandit leader
How do I make an interesting surrealistic game?
Anyone remembers the name of that game, where there is a scene of one of the villians murdering an entire town, and making one of the villiagers squeal like a pig before killing her too?
Suikoden 2
Bless you anon
>tfw I had two hours to work on my game but slacked off and now rpgmg is dying
You could have prevented this
Well, I would start with a visually interesting "premise" that is also nice for gameplay and is just weird enough to be open to interpretation. For example, a man who travels through outer space in his van or a group of fishermen who ended up in a really weird ocean.
When your players stop feeling that the numbers mean anything
Do I work on my normal project or do I start a new lewd one with lot of decadent fetishes?
>doodad script

dear god its beautiful
Stop pretending to be dead
..fine, back to work
You can work on two projects, anon.
You all are working REALLY hard, right?
Been working hard all week, actually. I may have something for the thread this time tomorrow
Working on map tiles. Scrapping the plot I was working on and going to try to maybe salvage the one I was doing before that.
Guys. Help me name these skills:

Deal wind damage to a charactrer.
Deal water damage to a charactrer. Reduce the targets attack. Wet.
Deal fire damage to a charactrer. Reduce the targets defense.
Deal earth damage to a charactrer. Counts as physical attack.
Deal ice damage to a charactrer. Reduce the targets speed.
Deal lightning damage to a charactrer. May cause flinching.
Deal non-elemental damage to a character. May poison.
Deal wind damage to everyone.
Deal heavy wind damage to a character. May remove from battle.
Deal heavy water damage to the opponents. Reduces everyone's speed. Wet.
Charges a very strong water attack to all opponents. Wet.
Deals fire damage to all characters. Reduces everyone's defenses.
Deals heavy fire damage to a character. It cannot heal HP.
Deals heavy `earth physical damage to all characters.
Creates a pit that deals earth damage to 1 character equal to 10% of HP.
Deal ice damage to all opponents. Reduce their attack.
Deal heavy ice damage to 1 opponent. Might become frozen.
Deal heavy lightning damage to a character.
Charges a very strong thunder attack.
Deal non-elemental damage to a character. Ensures poison.
Create a poison cloud around opponents that deals non-elemental damage every turn.
Deals very heavy fire damage to all opponents. The user is KO'd.
Raises a wall of rock. Crashes it on the opponent the next turn.

Heal HP of a character based on your magic attack and its magic defense.
Heal HP of a character based on your magic attack alone.
Fully heal a character's HP.
Redistribute health.
Average health with opponent.
Fully heal in two turns.
Reflect a status ailment to an opponent
Make yourself immune to debuffs

Attack and drain MP
Attack everyone and drain MP

Absorb next physical
Absorb next magic
Evade magical attacks
Intercept magical attacks targetting other character
Counter magic attack
Reduce next damage you take
Create a substitute who absorbs the following attacks

Any name for any skill is ok.
And these:
Slowly regenerate MP
Change enemy's mood
Create elemental walls
Create MP Barrier
Grant self-resurrect
Become invincible

Raise magical attack
Deal wind damage that drains the opponent's MP.
Deal three instances of wind damage to an opponent.
Deal water damage that hits physical defense. Wet.
Create a wall of water this turn and deal water damage to an opponent the next.
Deal fire elemental physical attack that hits special defenses.
Deal fire damage to target character and it can't heal for three turns.
Deal earth damage to an opponent and increase your m. attack
Deal three instances of earth damage to all enemies.
Deal ice damage with a high critical rate.
Deal lightning damage to an opponent that doesn't account for the opponent's M.Def.
Deal lightning damage twice.
Deal non-elemental physical damage. May poison the target.

Physical attack. The opponent is blinded
Physical attack. The oponent is muted.
Physical attack. The opponent is trapped in a bubble.
Physical attack. The opponent is put to sleep.
Physical attack. The opponent is doomed.
Physical attack, Random mental state.
Attack and then become a spirit.
attack and then become crystal.
Physical attack. Reveal an opponent's true form.
Magical attack. Reveal an opponent's true form.

Absorb HP with physical hit
Attack everyone and drain HP
Absorb MP with magical hit
Attack everyone and drain MP
Counter spells with full party healing
Counter attacks with full party healing
Heal HP and adopt Physical guard
Heal HP and adopt Magical guard
Fully regain MP and fall asleep for 2 turns.
If sleeping, increase your defenses by 3 points,

Become a Crystal and gain reflection for all magic.
Become a Spirit and Poison the opponent.
Block an attack and heal debuffs.
Block a spell and heal ailments.
Gain immunity to everything for a turn.
And these:

Lose half your HP and gain three levels of defense.
Lose half your HP and gain three levels of m. defense.

Target character is healed, but its speed is lowered.
Target character recovers from all ailments, but its attakc is lowered
Target character recovers from all debuffs, but it can't attack this rpind

Add an additional instance to all buffs and debuffs of target character.
Target character regains full HP and falls asleep.
User becomes a Spirit. Target character becomes Charmed.
Target character is trapped in a bubble and gains reflect against all spells.
Target character is muted and gain high defense.
Move all your debuffs to target character.
Target character gains plague touch
Target character becomes weak to an element of your choice for five turns.
Target character is frozen in time.
Deal damage of a certain element and gain a barrier of the same element.
Revive a fainted character. It becomes charmed.
This character loses all HP. Buff all of your allies stats.

plz halp. These aren't even half of the skills I have to name.
>Deals very heavy fire damage to all opponents. The user is KO'd.
Super Jihad
Eh. I guess I call it that in the database for now.
This is really a lot of stuff.
You should first determine in what way you want to name your spells.
Final Fantasy took normal words like Fire and morphed it into Fira for the stronger variant of the spell. In some cases it is Fire2, though.
SMT went another route and either their names have a meaning in Japanese or they simply made up words. Fire is Agi and Agilao is a stronger fire spell.
You could also go with (faux) Latin words.
Ignis means fire so you could go with Ignis Fortis as a stronger fire spell.
So far I was using just english words for everything and paying little attention to developing a vocabulary of prefixes/sufixes, but I guess a little bit more structure could help the player remember what each attack does.

Using a foreign language like SMT might not be a good idea for my game, though. It feels a bit too dark/cryptic, while my game is rather lighthearted.
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This is appropiate place to ask this, I guess?

What do you guys think of Ao oni? Ignoring the shitty reputation it got from jewtubers like pewdiepie, I've always been fascinated by it.
I think it's pretty good for what it is.
It was really tense because the monster(s?) could appear at any time and not even changing maps would save you. You needed to be quick and know where you could hide.
Maybe it became a little tedious after a while but I think it was pretty solid.
It even got a movie.
for real? like a legit movie, or an independent film?
I think the part that bothered me the most was how much the story interest kept disappearing. In a lot of the earlier versions there seemed to be a lot more mystery and intrigue to the mansion, such as when the demon freaks out when you take the photograph of a family.

It seems a tad petty i guess, but it always dissapointed me.

Legit film, two infact. First one is pretty sucky, second one is okay but a bit more fan service-y. They are both b-movie tier so expect that if you watch it.

It's even getting an anime series and animated movie apparently, the shit is all the rage in japan unlike here, where as soon as jewdiepie stopped playing it everyone stopped caring.
True, there were a lot of changes in the versions.
I remember the monster was kinda gruesome on earlier versions with bloody tusks and whatnot.
Can anyone recommend a good guide from writing basic plugins? I want to try changing some values but everyone wants not to change to files themselves and use plugins to do it.
plugins can be as simple as copying the only function you want to change, and save it in a new text file with a .js file extension instead of .txt

like this could be a plugin you'd include into your game
>Window_MenuStatus.prototype.windowHeight = function() {return 420}
save that in a new text file, add it into your plugin list, and you're good to go.
That helps, thanks.
Now I just gotta figure out why
Don't effect the player like I thought they should.
those functions are called when you're going to change an map event. this can be BOTH the party's walking sprite and random NPC events that you create, so you might not actually want to change those functions.

what are you intending to do with them?
>what are you intending to do with them?
Change the walking of the party and the NPCs/monsters

I got the monsters and NPCs moving how I want, but it doesn't seem to effect the player at all. They still move at the defaults.
perhaps you'd create new functions like Game_Player.prototype.setMoveSpeed
I didn't make progress today but I learned some things and what felt like a giant obstacle is gone now.
This is great, tomorrow I can make lots of progress.
>Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setMoveSpeed = function(moveSpeed) {this._moveSpeed = 9};

>Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setMoveFrequency = function(moveFrequency) {this._moveFrequency = 2};

Is what I am using for NPC movement. (Thanks >>155762260 for setting me on the right trail for that). It makes them look like they are hopping from tile to tile, which fits the retro feel of the game. Now I just need to change the player's speed (which I can do in map events but I'd rather have it in the plugin) and Frequency. The frequency seems to be the big tricky part. To get the effect the player has to be forced to stop movement for a moment after each step, even when holding down the button, otherwise the speed will send them zipping around the map.
Setting the frequency in a map event doesn't seem to make that happen, unlike setting speed which works.
good night bump
I'll join you, I hope your bed is big enough.
1. Wind Slash
2. Splash
3. Wildfire
4. Rock Lance
5. Frostbite
6. Lightning Strike
7. Toxic Cloud
8. Hurricane
9. Air Divide
10. Aqua Ball
11. Tidal Wave
12. Explosion
13. Painflare
14. Earthquake / Ground Shaker
15. Pitfall
16. Blizzard
17. Frigid Coffin
18. Thunder Havoc
19. Skysplitter
20. Poison Gas
21. Flame Burst
22. Stone Wall

23. First Aid
24. Heal
25. Cure
26. Blood Bond
27. <????>
28. Regenerate
29. <No Idea>
30. Immunity

31. Magicide
32. Soul Steal

33. <No Idea>
34. Aegis
35. Mirage Step
36. Cover Magic
37. Spell Counter
38. Adamant
39. Decoy
1. Invigoration
2. <No idea> Provoke? Threaten?
3. <Element Name> Wall
4. <??? What it do?>
5. Revive
6. Resolute

7. Inspiration
8. Wind of Change
9. Air Thrust
10. Aqua Laser (High Water Pressure)
11. Flood Wall
12. Meltdown
13. Heat Stroke
14. <Increase M attack? No Idea>
15. Rock Breaker
16. Ice Gust
17. Lightning Blast
18. Twin Lightning
19. Poison Edge

20. Blindside
21. Silencer
22. Sealing Strike
23. Sleep Powder / Knockout Strike
24. Deadly Strike
25. Mind Strike
26. Etheral Strike
27. <No idea>
28. <No idea>
29. <No idea>

30. Blood Edge
31. Life Steal
32. Drain Magic
33. Osmose
34. Resolution
35. Vital Flair
36. Guard Heal
37. Resist Heal
38. Lullaby / Resting
39. Sleepwalk

40. <No idea>
41. <No idea>
42. Purify
43. Cleanse
44. Annulment

1. Ironflesh
2. Manaflesh

3. Recuperate
4. Convalesce
5. Rectify

6. <I don't understand. Increase duration?> Extend / Torture
7. Sleepyhead
8. <No idea>
9. Reflective Wall / Reflective Sphere
10. Silent Focus
11. Stamp
12, <No idea>
13. <Element Name> Crush / Break
14. Stop Flow
15. <Element Name> Wall
16. Marionette / Puppeter
17. Everlasting Mercy
Thanks man. Best wake up gift.
Derp two "<Element Name> Wall"
Change the last one to "Invoke <Element Name> "

No problem. It's fun making up chuuni name for skills and magic.
I dunno. Dungeon Meshi is the comfiest fantasy story I've read recently and the setting was pretty much D&D. It just covered an aspect that I had genuinely never given much thought.
That is a very good point.
Also you have Excellent taste.
What are your plans for today, anons, namefags and tripfags?
Make progress and play video games.
Not in that order, though.
Write more story, i hope.
If all goes well, there will be a new episode of Defeat the Darkness in less than 14 hours.
Try to get my plugin fully working, maybe make some more sprites.
Finish drawing a cutscene, and send a memo to people doing stuff for me.
Spreadsheets and other boring stuff. Gotta plan your steps before you can crawl.
Slack off
I gotta find and hire someone that knows ruby to help me convert my engine but I don't want to have to do the post minimums to get access to the classifieds on the rpg maker site.
I want to see your maps
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2MB, 1018x740px
How does it look so far lad?
That looks gorgeous, gives me a Baldur's Gate vibe.
Are you using the doodas plugin?
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hay is for horses.png
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Literally limit breaks, boys. The button replaces the regular "Attack", just like in the good old days.
you got more?
That's pretty cool.
Did you make that yourself?
Evil page 10

Whoa, this plugin is really cool, but a bit difficult to understand. This is probably the best way to implement a parry system.
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Oda Nobunaga.png
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Update from the tomb. Look at this dude.
How is Tomb2 coming along?
What is the most favorite food of your main character?
Stir-fried beef with mushrooms.
Pie. Fruit pies, meat pies, he just really likes pies.
I want to hold your MC's hand!
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2MB, 1022x734px
Yee. I love that plugin so much.

Here's one more.
What is your game about?
Right now I'm just playing around with making maps and stuff.
I'm aiming for a Late Medieval or Renaissance setting.
Are there any sites with classifieds not hid behind post walls? I want to hire someone but I don't want to have to spam 30 posts of "Nice work :D" beforehand.
Hello, fellow makers, it's me again bothering with questions.

I want to do a short trilogy with 2 different set of characters who will merge in the last part.

For this, i need to know if it possible to use a "new game plus" mechanism where the start of a new arc is in the main menu after clearing x requeriment in the previous chapter, using the save data to keep the levels, equipment and items from the previous party with them and starting fresh with the new characters.

I got the las part covered thanks to the "multiple iventories" from Hime, but i need help with the rest.

I have a back-up plan just in case, but i want to see if i can do it like my request.
I think it would be much easier to just use chapters without any "New Game Plus", but Yanfly has released a New Game Plus plug-in, I believe.
I saw it but i dont know how to change the start point so i can put a parallel proccess where i can do the changes.

And yeah, that was the other option i thought, but i wanted to see if i could complicate my existence with the other form.

Thank you for the answer.
Not a graphical style I personally prefer at this point, but it does look nice. Great amounts of details and business going on.
Up you go
>13 hours and 39 minutes ago


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I based most of Red Trees on early Pokemon actually
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This is pretty fucking good for the PS1 version of RPG Maker
Haven't worked on my game in like 2 weeks. I'm a terrible person.
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I still love you Anon.
But please try to work on your game when you have some time.
Good night bump
Morning bump
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Nicely! The demo should come out.... Soon-ish. Here's a few friends.
I am feeling like my items don't serve much of a purpose in gameplay other than balancing. Should they be kept for the sake of flavor and player expectations? How do I make things like a Potion exciting?
me in the middle
>Should they be kept for the sake of flavor and player expectations?
Why not?

>How do I make things like a Potion exciting?
This got brought up in the podcast ages ago, but keeping it labeled as Potion helps new players get settled into your game. Having it be something else for an arbitrary reason is silly. Anyone who boots up your game will know what a Potion is, and what it will do. Renaming it Band-Aid or Handy Snax or whatever draws attention to itself, and would need a reason to be named as such (modern setting, different kinds of healing, etc.).
I like it when items have their own flavor. Grilled Newt in Lufia was basically just a potion, but it is my favorite item in an RPG because it made me think of the characters eating food like real people. When I see "Potion" it just makes me feel like the devs are lazy and don't care about the world of their game.
Thanks! And yes, it's a part of my combat system that makes you wonder why I didn't just use a whole different engine but now I'm too deep into it.

Also, I need feedback. I've been tinkering with other ways of displaying the hp bar and name, and came up with pic related. In relation to the other pic I posted in >>156186753 , would something like this be too much or an improvement? I was thinking the cogs could rotate at the start of the battle when the rest of the box-machine-thing drops down to give a kind of mechanical look to it.
Err, the thanks was directed to >>156186753, not myself. I swear, I'm not schizophrenic
New thread soon?-bump
I think it would look pretty nice.
It depends on what you are going for, really. As long as it fits with the general interface then it should be okay.
It's easy to overdesign stuff, however. If the interface is distracting/confusing the player then it's too much.
Yeah, I agree. I have temporarily removed the enemy HP bar because it looked like it was a part of the player's hud, plus two of those "boxes" take up a lot of space so I should probably try to be a bit more conservative. I asked a question here earlier about how people felt about seeing the enemy HP, and I'm trying to decide whether it should be gone forever or be desplayed as a mini hp bar when the enemy takes damage.

Tough decisions...
I can respect that. Grilled Newt is so far out there that it demands attention
Tell me about one of your antagonists
They are a group of bigots that refuse to let go of the past and continue to horde power and wealth.

So basically, Congress with magic.
He is an assassin but doesn't know who his target is.
Only a few posts left
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Still deciding whether to use drawn or real life pictures as battlebacks
Drawn unless you are going dadaist / some-other-postmodern-movement and want your game to look bad on purpose.
Just send photos through a photoshop filter or two.
Her hobby is skipping her job.
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Bump. Here come Yotam!
Time to play through my entire game so far and make a bunch of notes about all the problems.

See you in an hour.
Oh shit whaddap
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dude its the weed number.png
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So after years of meandering on different game ideas, I finally decided to start working. I figure if I make myself actually post regularly then I might remember to keep working on my shit!
Using RPGMaker XP, what's the best way to animate a door? Is there an easier way than just changing the graphic manually?
That's great!
What kind of game are you planning?
Use a move event to change the facing. It starts facing down, then you tell it to turn left, pause, right, pause, and up.
Done. Total content is about an hour, maybe less if you beeline straight for your destination.

Notes on what I need to change: http://pastebin.com/MgAxc8U1
File: 1474864326332.png (97KB, 762x898px) Image search: [Google]
97KB, 762x898px
Didn't tell it to pause, that's what I was doing wrong.

Thanks anon
A starpunk fantasy story about space, astral fire from the depths of said space, immolation and some monster girls in non-lewd scenarios.
>tfw you made your game too quirky so now you need to dequirkify it.
We need a new thread soonish
I'm not sure what starpunk is but I really like sci-fi in general.
Be sure to post progress every once in a while.
Actually we need a new thread NOW. We're on page 9 already.
We can live on page 10 for about 30 minutes at this time of the day.
That's like living on the edge.
Is anyone on it?
I deem you worthy of making a new thread
New Thread >>156296860
Thread posts: 735
Thread images: 147

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