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4ccg /utg/ edition

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Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 116

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Previous thread: >>125643243

>Main Page:


>Pastebin containing relevant info:
http://pastebin.com/pkVWgKxm (embed)


>2016 Winter Cup:

>/vg/ League 5:

>Previous occurrences:
Blenderanon's Alive!
Everyone waiting for /utg/ to get destroyed
First for burn horses
Awful, awful OP.
3rd for Rorona and inb4 thread is deleted
A solid joke but you may have made a bit of a blunder with the image choice
>yfw /utg/ starts accidentally clicking on this thread because OP is a fucking moron
you dipshit
6th for Slutsandra fapfics

fug :DDD
First for bully the goat
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Giddy up
t. Alberto Barbosa
/champs/ more like /chimps/ amirite
Any more shipping fics? I need to fap.

When are we getting an EA/Rorona/Obasu/Keksandra pussy party?
what the fuck is wrong with you
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>comes to /4ccg/
>doesn't ship cup sluts
That's lewd.
We need a cute heartwarming sfw fic, about a sweet date or something. optionally with some angst and drama as well
Why is it always porn?
I want an amis fic with Lazyturd, Lyrafag, Hessen and Allu titled "BOT ANAL - GOD ANAL"
Which grills should get shipped for it?
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Reminder that Boris is truely our boy and totally not a planted horsefucker.
Seconding this so much
I honestly don't know them at all, so I don't care.
Whoever more compatible I guess.
A cute christmas date/celebration, that'll be nice
/4ccg/ sings when?
Compatibility helps. Let's figure it out.

EA/Rorona: ?
EA/Obasu: ?
EA/Keksandra: EA admits that she'd rather fuck Keksandra than Rorona
Rorona/Obasu: ?
Rorona/Keksandra: ?
Obasu/Keksandra: ?
Can someone link that remix of the commentators to the cancan?
here you go sempai
Great thanks mate! <3
Can we have something like a big Christmas lunch with all the cup people? And presents exchange? That would be cute.
It's good to see you still alive
Also those shins look fucking amazing
>yfw by Winter 17, /m/ will literally be a team of giant robots
>yfw by Winter 16, /m/ is literally a team of giant failures
If /m/ is a giant failure, what is /trv/, /co/ and /biz/?
Mediocre with a lucky run and then an unlucky one
An even bigger failure
welp for team "Even during the VGL I hope /v/ gits gud"
swap NepNep with BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY /5n@f/
Get a life, weeb. What kind of circlecrap shit is that
I-it would just be cute, there's nothing wrong with that once in a while.
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Let's be progressive and have a yurific between the two transgender cup people. Check your privilege.
lets be progressive and remove the toxicity that is yuri from our lives
>those retard-sized shoes
Boris must have a colossal penis.
All the biomass that was meant to make his eyes good was funneled into his penis. He must have a monster cock.

When is the VGL btw desu senpai
2 bongs
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Yuri is love
Yuri is life
There's so much potential in him, he could be so cute with a few changes
less than 1 bong before the knockouts! Get hyp!
also, is there a pre-show anywhere?
So we're switching to 16 for winter right?
Not comfy
comfy kills the hyp
Fruendlu reminder that /5N@F/ getting their 2nd star this league is literally destiny. All the "good" teams in their way are about to get exposed.
No. It's a crap meme.
You're a crap meme desu senpai
Stinky doodoo head
can't rig the /@/ team being this awful desu
Which Dangan would you Rompa?
nope rip idols
More like
lol nope
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>Tony hasn't been around since the PES16 decrypter was released
cucked to death
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4chan please stop swapping images
It's not the same ;_;
hi Koala
It only messed up the thumbnail.
PES16 announced *officially* when? 6 more hours until the announcement right?
Who wants to talk about MURDERS?
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>this game
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>autopilots at it again
>Sleep Deprived Moyes
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/aceg/ might be willing to auction off a V2 if you want to reset this twisted game
>Group B was the strongest group in the VGL
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they can't use it because /mlp/ needs to get their second star in winter
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Yes please
Can we get a new OP?
I see.

That's very sad because I was looking forward to it! So sad that this is a priority...
Ey 'Arry
New OP when?
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Should have trusted my gut, I should have put 5 in the back after the 3-0 lead. At least I held off the memes for most of the tourny.

Soz to all of /mgg/ and its fans, Obviously we will see Kaz "one man clan" Miller again in the actual /vg/ team, and we showed that we arn't really shit, just gotta work on the defense.

I need more sleep...
About that V2

Crapawa is in leagues with PES and also fuck Konami
you let me down, senpai.

seriously, there is no one left. Who do I root for now?
I hope we win this cup. /ksg/ strong.
So, if a team loses after holding the most dangerous lead, is it lead poisoning?
Jump onto the /kspg/ wagon with me.
no, fuck you.
you people aren't even videogames
So when's the next REAL match?
We'll prove that Katawa Shoujo is a game by winning this.
Whenever PAVAL streams the next champions game
Why is Spongebob in the Smash team? He's not a playable character in the game.
it's not about playable characters, it's about memes of the general.
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4 hours + decision-making time.
It's 5
Actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism.
Ah yeah, forgot to convert timezones for a second there.
shit meme

and by the Goalkeeper, no less
>this entire game
bullshit, but I'll believe it
/ssbg/ the /mlp/ of the /vg/ League?
>/utg/ deflection
everything is the /mlp/

Even /mlp/?
Is /mlp/ the /mlp/ of /mlp/?
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Not mages
The . is important
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>evoweb takes 4CC's decrypter, wraps a GUI around it and rereleases it
>Copyright 2015 Rasuna
top lel

Can't Brian sue him for this? Someone kill him on his bullshit
They do nothing but sit on their asses waiting for other people to get shit done to steal their work and mark as own, and if they develop something themselves, they just tease each other and never release it. No wonder that TP is such a useless cunt if he comes from a "circlejerk" like this.
>blenderanon finds out all this shit about blender and modding
>shares it with everyone
>Tony finds out all this shit about blender and modding
>doesn't share any of it
It's an absolutely Evoweb kind of real fuckin' cancer going on
>All them Benuldies
Mr. Lark's Wild Ride never ends
>lark in charge of not PESing his way to victory
>all these faggots literally AB/rlg/ based solely on their manager
literal cancer to be honest with you family

Nah, it would be an evoweb kind of cancer if Tony didn't do anything himself, but rather "stole" it from BlenderAnon and then slapped his own name and a copyright on it.
Ask a professional football referee anything
It's a merc team with a merc manager and that's all there is to it. I'm shocked gw and QD allowed that merc shit in this. Big mistake.
So salty /)
>tfw we could have had /ss13/ in instead of /rlg/
Why didn't you go to specsavers
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You keep saying that word. I do not think it means you think it means.
My vision is plenty apt
I'm from /mlp/ too, I don't get why you replied like that but ok...

(\ there you go ^:)
You yourself admitted to being a merc. You are a merc, you merc'd a team, all you care about is shitposting and e-fame and you should have been banned. Fuck off you cancer.

>b-but I play game

Fuck off cancer. You lie again like you lied about /diy/.
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Are you upset that despite mercing /diy/, >lark is still more of a positive on the cup than you?
>/rlg/ had literally no posts about the game while everyone on /twg/ was watching
Yep, I totally merc'd /diy/
Full disclosure (I basically said I was from the beginning)

But I'm not mercing /rlg/.
Go die in a fire you salty piece of shit
Completely untrue you Lark-buddy circlejerker.

I hope you die of cancer so you know what it's like to have little Larks inside your body. :)
>I basically said I was from the beginning
no you didn't, and you betrayed lear's trust in the process

>"y-you're salty!"
kill yourself horsefucker
>implying you have ever done anything aside from shitposting this thread

It's not against the rules to be a merc.
I want to cuddle Megumi.
sure, but it doesn't make you any less of a piece of shit if you do merc
I won't post with my trip because I don't want the circlejerk to turn against me, but rest assured I did more than the average person which is not saying much but is true.
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If you would care to elaborate on how I'm a cancer to the cup and its community that would be excellent.
o i am laffin
>It's not against the rules to be a merc.
Only if you're mercing for a team Boris likes.
>uses the only retort horsefuckers know
it literally wouldn't surprise me, you can't get any worse anyway desu
Mercs are cancer and you are a merc therefore you are cancer. Look, you are mercing right now!
As someone who doesn't care about any of the teams currently playing in VGL, who should I bandwagon?
Do you have any evidence that I am mercing /rlg/?
I have evidence to the contrary, which is how I became manager of /rlg/.
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>this commentary
>these teams
See you at /lolg/-/fgg/
Just like how you were legit for /diy/. You are a liar.
see you in two hours then senpai
it's like the boy who cried wolf at this point though, do it once and your reputation is forever tainted
>tfw no crusade on EA
<DescendingBear>: lark, just stop responding, there is nothing worth fighting for
<DescendingBear>: it's probably just some random /sp.erg who still cannot get over the Autumn

found LIDF shitter

Not really. You're just a very, very salty person who is using paperthin arguments to try and justify all this saline.

Not surprised desu senpai
you keep using that word
and you are falling for very obvious baits right now. It's not even the same person

It's an accurate description for your current emotional state.
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>Actually use "You salty" and claim you aren't a horsefucker.
>Then the /mlp/ defense force of /s4s/ managers defending you.
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>implying /mlp/ came up with the whole salty thing

Holy shit son, how fucking new are you?
>Furfags dead
Thanks /ffg/
Yeah the term we use is: PURE PLOT PWNAGE ^:)
>/mlp/ defense force of /s4s/
not really worth any (you)s, please try harder
If you don't want to be associated with /mlp/, why do you use a phrase associate with horsefuckers?
>b-but they didn't come with it
Of course not, they don't make anything new, they just steal other people achivements and claim it as their own, like the Cup. No wonder why Tony fits in Evoweb so well.
so glad I came up with a win though today. My entertaining plaything /rlg/ is so good! Whos with me? /)

So was Lark a planted horsefucker the whole time because holy shit
I mean come on, somebody actually had to tell him to stop replying
Worked better than I expected. Good game, QD.
me lad ^:)
>EA likes KoF

Truly best girl
>Athena player
Shit taste desu
Athena is cute though ;_;
During the OutlelBowl on wednesday, EA told that she's not into fightans and knows nothing about them. She's just raising her popularity among her worshippers by picking popular choices. Wake up, sheeple
Angela and Kula are better qts
Dude, that's the only fighting game I own, that and skullgirls. I didn't even buy it, it was gifted to me. That's literally all I know about fighting games
vagina privilege is a real issue in meme divegrass
I'm not dude, dude
Rorona pls
I'm a woman in my head but I was born and forced to be a boy. Will you like me as much as the other (low-tier cis trash) girls?
only if you post le pom poms
only if you have cute feminine dick
is this a false flag I can't even tell
Nah, I've got my own tranny camwhores: http://mlpg.co/3dpd/res/499.html
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Not really, we played like shit. You played good, though. GL in the QFs.
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>lolg getting undeserved win
of course
>EA getting undeserved attention
of course
omg Nomo so salty /)
>giving not me a (You)
Why are you people putting penises in your posts ???
Looks like this is the taste of current VGL. 3rd one was won by /mlp/ incarnate who barely lucked out of their group and drove on badly detected offsides, 4th was won by a team that didn't change anything from default PES and was mostly autopilot. 5th will be won by a one that uses fluid unironically and is PESing heavily in order to advance. It's like it's impossible to see one legit star in this invitational.
>using fluid is a bad thing and not a sign of skill
you almost had me, too
git gud
>/vg/ league stars

It's a Mickey Mouse league. No one cares about /vg/ league stars.
(\ ️ /)
>legit stars
>in anything PES-related after 2012
you first, /f17/
8===> (_(_)

Watch out EA, I'm going in!


8===> (_O_)
>Legit stars
>In coinflip tourney with teams hand-rigged by GB
Not a single star ever was legit desu
/trv/, /tg/, /mlp/ were all legit
good one too bad it cost (you)
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>weeaboo tears
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gg /fgg/ gotta admit we got lucky that game but good luck next league
/sp/'s stars are the only legit stars des sempai

bad bait but here's a (you)
bait about legit /sp/ stars is absolutely terrible, but have (you) for being generous anyway
win against something better than /biz/ and /gif/ and avoid bringing biggest thrashing ever upon your team to prove your point, JB
>at least half the quarterfinalists undeservedly in the quarterfinals
>implying that was me
I agree though, and one game doesn't invalidate fluid
playing mostly aainst team that have no slightest idea what they are doing is not a proper valuation of fluid though
wonder what are you gonna say after 0 pointing your group in Winter
>neckbeards ITT still refuse to admit JB is a good manager
He threw the final to /mlp/
nice try no (you), gay manlet
the literally hundreds of games where fluid has failed does however
desu it's not ENTIRELY undeserved for /ksg/ and /ssbg/

/mgg/ fucked themselves over hard by taking out their silver AMF and using a formation that had no chance in hell of getting anything past their own half on any slider settings, and /ssbg/ looked far better after their halftime changes
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>a bunch of retards who don't know how to use fluid but still use it invalidates the people who actually know how to use it
This desu.
Meme managers can make any tactic look bad,
>invalidates the people who actually know how to use it

All zero of them?
>catcha is 112

You could look and you wouldn't be able to find a wronger post on 4chan than that one right now.
Of course there are, but JB will claim that those teams were clueless while he's the tactic god thanks to his vast real divegrass knowledge just because he has lucked out over a few babby teams, pretending that shitty of /fit/ in Summer 2015 did not happen. We've got rid of one >Art and instantly have another.
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I don't understand the viewpoint that fluid is the definition of a tactic. It's a part of it, and it can play into how you approach a game, but it's certainly not the be-all-end-all. /fit/'s success or failure doesn't ride solely on whether fluid is 'good' or 'bad', there's multiple layers to every game of pes. Trying to say that any particular game comes down to whether one specific tactical element worked or not diminishes the work that any manager puts into a match.

I've never said I'm particularly great, I merely think that fluid is worth more than people give it credit.
JB is basically Fitzlsperger 2.0

>good against shitty teams, but instead of getting close wins like fitzl, he flat out dominates them

>shits himself against teams with managers that know what they're doing (/u/, /an/, /tv/)
Have you retards actually looked at Johnny's fluid formations compared to the retards who have players moving all over and changing positions?
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Just because you don't know how it works doesn't mean no one knows.
except the /tv/ game went to extra time and /u/ was extremely even the whole way
JB enabled fluid as a meme. There was no difference between their kick off, in possession and out of possession formations. The whole thing is a ruse and you all fell and are still falling for it. JB is playing you all like a god damn fiddle.
Isn't the way to make fluid work is making the three fluid options the exact same, basically admiting it doesn't work?
No, you idiot, that's just the meme.
>knows what he's doing
Topkek. /an/ had an amazing team, but not because Collie knows PES inside and out.
Yes, you smart man, that's just the reality.
You know whats a meme?
/fit/ being good
better than Weasel, so I'll take it
Just because both >Art and JB:
>like /sp/
>like /fit/
>play pokemon
>watched more anime that you've ever had in your life
>still call other anime watchers weebs or neckbeards
>claim to be pro at understanding real life divegrass strategies
>lecture more successful managers on tactics
>are really obnoxious on IRC
>use dubious strategies that backfire at most vital moments, yet defend their tacticool jeans to death when anyone questions it
Doesn't mean that they are one and same person :^)
>retards still haven't noticed what that does
It's nice to see all these free points.
Would make a sloppy mess out of boipussy
now you're just grasping at straws
instead of posting smug non-animu faces, you could, you know, give an example. or prove yourself by winning anything worthwhile.
>no one will grasp your cock
/fit/, /mu/, /bet/
you funny man, I like you
as soon as they get thrashed, managers go into "we weren't trying at all!" mode
we released the decrypter as public domain

Who cares what those little shits do.
>as soon as they get thrashed, managers go into "we weren't trying at all!" mode

When did that happen? The 3rd place game vs /b/?
shouldn't Jeb be busy with his campaign instead? xD
Somebody tell him he's a fucking stupid cunt
>having a campaign
fuck off Smugleaf with your furfaggot shit bandwagon
<Tunabrain> Is PES16 a go for Winter Cup?
<bent> yes.
<bent> I saw enough data two days ago to be assured that we can pull off autoATF during the holidays

<Cyclohexane> the people who are currently arguing about fluid in the thread should be advised that I’ve been running the exact same tactics for /lolg/ since the dark souls game
<Cyclohexane> so really so much about tactical genius
I want to thank Brianfish
Nice shit cancer team that you're going to instantly dump the second something just as bad comes along
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Go /utg/ tbqh
is Tony finished?
No, he's just going to pretend Evo-Web made the decrypter and that he's needed.
He's not allowed to finish.
<bent> I leak all my own posts and then blame Powdi

Not this time, Bent.
Powdi stop
Hi bent
You're ok in my book
hi bent
Reminder that

t. Ony
You know, the one person we actually don't need at all is (You)
That's not even me
I just came back online now, get fucked
>tfw have to root for shitposters to get rid of bigger shitposters
VGL is suffering
That and the /soc/ game in Spring I guess, but by then we were through and I literally couldn't be there for and my then-comanager at the time was dead in all but name.

As for the /b/ game, whilst I'll admit we were getting thrashed, once I started trying we did manage to go from being down 5-1 to 5-4. (That said, >PES probably had a good hand in part of that)
But what if I'm Tony?
Tony isn't online.
Probably busy fucking horses or being on holiday

if no one watched the cup it wouldn't exist. Every shitposter in this thread is necessary to the cup's survival.
Did you know the cat dick shitposter goes to both generals
Can we, like, stop going to benuldies? Not one team that deserved to win ended up still winning through benuldies.
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This, desu senpai
>Not one team that I like ended up still winning through benuldies.
Based mexican shitpost lord
>Can we, like, stop the VGL? Not one team that deserved to win ended up making it to the knockouts.
Roronabest : Fuck yeah.
>one week later, still buttblasted about /utg/ and happy to watch them suffer
Worst /4ccg/ waifu ever
what in the fuck is this commentary
She just cares about her team because she's not a merc
Is any of you senpaitachi watching Osomatsu-san? Because she reminds me of Totoko a lot
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But everyone hates /utg/ regardless.
shit manager
shit waifu
It just means she is passionate and has real feelings unlike your robotic EA waifu.

Go buy yourself a sewing machine it will be the same lmao
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A sea of endless tears.jpg
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>/kspg/ and /wotg/ fight to the death tomorrow
At least one of them will get in semifinals
>/utg/ fangays
she's explicitly thanking /kspg/ for wrecking them. Any sane person would be happy about the team that relegated them winning the tourney, as you can just say "well, nothing could be done, we've faced this year's champs". But no, she'd rather admit that she's terrible at tictacs and og /utg/ is a fluke, then /vitagen/ is even worse.
>>one week later, still buttblasted about /utg/ and happy to watch them suffer

But everyone's happy to watch the /mlp/ of /vgl/ suffer. They're shit, their fans are cancer, Admiral is a special kind of AIDS, and their misery is everyone else's glee.
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>the thirsty white knights of /4ccg/
I can't wait to see this exact post when /mlp/ gets knocked out after PESing a team in Winter
/fn@f/ is the /mlp/ of VGL
fuck /utg/ furfaggotry, but also fuck managers who cannot take their losses with a bit of diginity.
>the butthurt furries of /utg/
/utg/ is the /mlp/ 2.0 of VGL
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She apologized and the /utg/ manager and her made up, she's just joining the rest of us in celebrating a /utg/ blowout.
>/out/ not only playing in an elite but winning a cup
>/vr/ can into elite
>/kspg/ making a quarter final and stomping the most cancerous team in the VGL while doing so
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>graceless in defeat
Trip on Admiral
>being a cuck
Fuck, if I get relegated in Winter I'd better make sure to kiss the winning team's ass. Otherwise I'd be a salty sore loser.
>de graceless de fending of undershit general
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/utg/ found a way to surpass them.

/wotg/ did, actually.
Which means she's wasn't sorry at all and is still at peak of salt intake. She wasn't talking about /utg/ before and now is strictly AB? Watche her holding a grudge against /utg/ for 20 seasons straight, because this is exactly that kind of person.
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good game Kerbals, the defense finally came together in what it was in testing, but it can't do anything when the attack just put the DETERMINATION in to finish it out. Still could get that sexy sexy Golden glove tho.

Good game guys, hope the last matchday is as exciting as this one.
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>what is sportsmanship
>what is common decency

>not throwing a tantrum over memeball

keep it up boys, she'll fuck you if you defend her enough
Trip on Admiral
>implying i'm defending her
Real soccer fans don't do that so why should she?
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>Cancer gets cured
>Underfurries saltier than the dead sea
>Try to deflect their sodium onto the team they fluked against anyway

See what happens when you just

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>tfw old and tired goods in every sense of the words
okay with not bein compared to horsefuckers anymore though
what does that make /lisg/?

>/utg/ found a way to surpass them.
They didn't win the league.
Rorona has always been ABfurfags.

I ain't defending shit but then again neither was /utg/ :^)
>what does that make /lisg/?

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Trip on, /c/ manager
she's also always been a salty cunt

t./ag/ as well
Why is the /kspg/ music so good?
Sorry for being so quiet the last two matches, my head is hurting like crazy
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>They didn't win the league.

And they became more insufferable than horsefuckers anyway. Good job!
See me in /ag/ right now.
>common decency
Reddit pls go.
maf desu
Just a reminder about "roll 0 and your team wins /vg/league or some shit" post
Yeah that's what I thought :~)
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Daily reminder trash talk is a negative stat
Daily reminder Leicester will be midtable by season end
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DocSax and Rorona please ravage my anus
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>what is sportsmanship
>what is common decency
>not throwing a tantrum over memeball
>This guy doesn't know real football

Hi ved.
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Just came back to post, get fucked.

Too late, Jeb already did.

Now go play in traffic you miserable sub-human.
>your general's manager
>how long would it take for you to notice if someone stole his trip?
>how long would it take him?
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Weebooo generates leave
>/mgqg/ and /utg/ both PES'd the fuck out of /vitagen/
>both got anally destroyed the very second time they played a worthwhile team
/utg/ missing the VGL6 signups deadline when?
what are you gonna do about it bitch nigga
Same desu
Brother :^)
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Please you and Rorona save /vitagen/ in VGL6 and playing EDF2 with me sometime
Which team didn't deserve to lose in round of 16 and why is MALE TO FEMALE COPULATION?
He leaked his trip on /a/ when he retired
Because it's Perfect Heart
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>having good taste
You're ok in my book
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After confirming with Bitten himself, I will now reply to this with "based bitten" and an anime girl as I had originally planned to. Ahem,

based bitten
/utg/ probably won't be alive by VGL6 so it's likely
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/utg/ will be it's own board by /vgl/ 6.

Look what happened with /mlp/ (^:


/neps/ desu
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Did somebody say memes?
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>/vitagen/ staff and thirstposters still so assmad about being PES'd last week that they're posting smug animes to celebrate someone else's victory
>no one gives a shit that this is the best that /kspg/ has ever done beyond that victory
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Hey lads Check the main page for an important announcement
>/mlp/ banned from the cup

wew lad
>that picture
Was really hoping for a dose to be there desu
That's because no one cares about Katawa Shitju
And here we go.

Thanks, Doc.
I was expecting my dose, you disappoint.
I'll dose twitch again later tonight don't you worry.
tbf /utg/ started it by posting caps from the chat
Thanks doc
>The first decrypter, called pes16decrypter, is a command-line tool and was written by members of th.e 4chan Cup community.
>members of th.e 4chan Cup community
/kspg/ not /ksg/ newfriend
Salty bandwagoners no better than horsefuckers honestly

Rorona started it by literally only speaking up when /utg/ went down. Nice fuckin apology before that's proven to be disingenuous now lmao
>Various people will try their best to speed up the transition and work flow
>Various people
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I'm not a staff or thristposter desu I'm the /a/vitagen/ fan that isn't Nomo.

>tfw no Puni ball
thank u based tony :)))))
>Do not create a team from scratch or randomly pick one. Please note that the current 4CC Beta DLC will produce a default save file that already includes all 4CC teams. Please use this save file when you start working on your team.

Does this include /his/?
>The first decrypter, called pes16decrypter, is a command-line tool and was written by members of the community

>one banned faggot and one guy who never heard of the cup

afaik not, but there are reserve slots for exactly that purpose
>many big teams finally make their way back to the elites
>the change to PES16 will kill them again
>except /mlp/
The future was looking so bright.
Keep deflecting, she's not supposed to be a /utg/ fan now because they beat her team. That isn't how this works at all.
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expect nothing.png
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I need my meds, doc. I expected a prescription refill.
I wish for this to be true but seeing how fucking /5n@f/ survived so long despite it having a California-tier drought of actual content and seeing how /ksg/ still remains on the board I don't think it likely ;_;
Nobody said she had to be a fan now but there's a neutral mode between fan and salty faggette
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So they are lifting Koala ban then? (^:
of course not
>please stop bullying my furfaggot team!
go away koala
/5n@f/ survives cause it keeps getting new stuff every few months. Actually in the middle of the biggest drought of content ever until the dumb RPG spin-off comes out next year. /utg/ doesn't quite have that luxury, although good point about /ksg/ I guess, /utg/'s situation is more like theirs than ours.
>please stop bullying the grill I like!
can do this all day
>please stop bullying my furfaggot team!
Try me faggot
Wait, am I replying to Gman?
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cheeky smile.png
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>Call yourself /merit/.
>Steal credit after doing nothing.
get a room you two.
and invite me to watch
>please stop bullying the grill I like!
trying in progress

lolno, gman's probably crying about the other furfaggot team
desu I don't really care for credit, I just think it's funny how suspiciously non-specific that is.
The salt runs deep.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Admiral was chatting shit about /vitagen/ ever since the win?
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could yall chill?
its just a game man, try to have some fun with it.
The did it too with Blenderanon tools.
Granted, they have more ground to stand there, but you are banned so you aren't part of the "community".
In fairness, he was responding to Rorona chatting shit to him/his co-manager, plus it was only banta, which is kinda what you do with football
Why are you guys actually still arguing about this? Both teams are featured in the /vg/ team and neither are winning the league
Who cares about managers
this tbqh

I'm sure Rorona/bitten and CuriousAnon/Admiral both don't really care much about the politics of the matches.
The pharmacy opens when I get back home, don't worry.
Blenderanon sounds chill. Is his code online? Can I submit a PR? no homo though
I did it non-specific because you can credit yourself on github and might not be keen on being named where you don't have any control over it.

As for 'various', I don't feel like listing dozens of names in the news post and then have people not help out despite being named, or forget someone and then have drama, too. Whoever is available and is willing can help, simple as that.

Besides, namefagging is circlejerking and we can't have that.
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My only regret is not end in four place again.
10 place isn't badas expected from breasts
oh and if you're curious about it, this is what was sent to Tenko for a combined anthem

http://puu sh/lUycY.mp3
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The VGL5 final day poster is ready (it's hidden so that the folks who missed the games live and are waiting to see the replays won't get spoiled). Someone should send it to Tenko so he can use it tomorrow (I don't have skype and I'm unable to send it to him via IRC).
>and might not be keen on being named where you don't have any control over it.
that is the shittiest excuse I've ever seen for being this salty.

>Besides, namefagging is circlejerking and we can't have that.
Then dissolve /merit/ you dumb shits (^:
>Author: bent
>Author: bent
>Author: bent
>Author: bent
Feels weird not seeing >us on knockouts day 2, but I'm not so mad. Now do the same with /m/. Please.
Thanks bent you're our greatest ally <3
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Whoops, I thought I checked the spoiler box on
>the metropolis of me
<Smuggles> >/merit/ take Koala's work right off him and claim it as their own
<Smuggles> Hahahaha, what a cuck
<Smuggles> You can tell how salty he is by his posts in the thread
<Smuggles> "I-I'm relevent, guys!"
Koala blown the FUCK out once again, hahahahaha!
>I did it non-specific
You mean non-factual, since neither of them are members of the "community". At least I don't think you can count people part of the community when they are literally banned from all of the community's services.
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I came here to nep at you.jpg
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I will try but i can't promise anything i expend more time making the heads tha actual testing

I have send him the link to the pic, if he isn't drunk he should see it.
Thank you!
<Powdinet> >tfw my sister has photographed my erect dick
<Powdinet> >tfw my sister has photographed my erect dick

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nigga you have sis con.jpg
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Siscon always wins baby.
Facts have never stopped /merit/
Well, there is no external site to contact anyone in case something doesn't work, so I gotta refernce the maintainer/idiot to contact somehow. I would rather put the whole stuff somewhere else, but uploading a whole bunch of windows-only batch files and binaries I stole together from various sources to a place like GitHub is just terrible on so many levels.

I am also not too happy with how that compilation turned out, so I don't feel like rethinking the whole thing until I find the time/need for an overhaul.

Fine, I'll bite.

>active in various cup circlejerks
>commentated on unofficial(!) event (not sanctioned by /merit/)
>posts in this very thread
>helped working on a tool that benefits this community
>totally not part of the community
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damage control.jpg
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>Is his code online?
Nothing new is online, just whatever version(s) of the blender tools that anons keep passing around

I'm currently trying to hammer out a bit of a fresh clean version and escape the original author's use of global variables that permeates the old versions

Come to think of it, I've never used anything like github for this kind of work before. Most of my experience with such services has been "to get X working grab latest version Y files from github compile/install/etc..."
Anyone up for Dice Wars?
I'll get myself reamed again
Nice, do you have any other cool rage comics from reddit?
>>active in various cup circlejerks
You mean the unofficial unsanctioned IRC channel Koala was forced to when he was banned from the community?

>>commentated on unofficial(!) event (not sanctioned by /merit/)
Unofficial shit doesn't count. Just ask Ved.

>>posts in this very thread
Posting on 4chan is hardly being part of the "4chan cup community".

>>helped working on a tool that benefits this community
Tunabrain did it for Koala, not for the community. And if we start counting any contributions that the community uses, might as well add Konami as members.
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kris 383.png
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What's going on in this thread then eh
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merit secrets.png
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Here's one
>posting scat
>Chat created by banned people
>/4ccg/ is nothing but shitposting - /merit/
>Did it as a programing challenge
>I use a pen->NASA people use pens->I am a rocket scientific
>Smugleaf backstabbing his brother

Never trust a Scotsman
If you ever consider putting the code online, let us know. I'd be happy getting my hands dirty with 3d model export, it's closer to my line of work than byte poking.

Github is popular because it makes it easier to collaborate than e.g. zip packages, but other sites work as well (say, bitbucket).

Excellent choice
Smugleaf is just scared of BIG PONY.
>>posts in this very thread
Oh, so now we are part of the community for /merit/?
/4ccg/ is only a part of the community when it fits their little story, every other time it's "angry shitposters"
Problem solved. Bed time.
into the cuck shed you go
Not even mad cause I know she's legal.
I wish we had voice sluts like that. Imagine all the fanfic readings.
who is this semen demon?
I wish I was a girl, I'd love to do that
<Smuggles> I'm intimidated by large tits.
Just do your best girly voice
there isn't too much bit poking to be done yet, as most of the file formating is known already (should probably write up some documentation on it). The only parts of the file that are a total mystery is the extra data following the geometry data. If that mystery could be solved, the export model files could be generated from scratch or on the fly and would simplify things.
I've been able to work out how to parse some of it but am at a lose for what that information represents.
This took me a long time and it doesn't even look good.

It's inspired by that time Bors commentated in Tenko's Autumn test cup and said that he made frequent escapades to convenience stores late in the night. It's a very Gondola situation if you ask me
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Of course he is.
It still sounds masculine and weird because trying to do different voices makes it crack a bit. It sounds like I'm a teenager again.
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bors and gondola.png
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Me in charge of posting images
Why the fuck are the cooldowns on /vg/ so goddamn long?
good taste in doujins, Anon.
what i missed?
This is now an official thread.
I like you. Keep going
what is a Gondola situation?
A feeling of melancholy in the air. Gondola, with no arms and never talking, walks the earth in silence, observing completely content with things as they are.
>sexualizing the Yurus
Stop. I did this once for that body paint doujin but immediately felt horrible afterwards. I'd like not to feel like that again.
It was god-tier though
It's just Spurdo without arms. He says benis and does funny stuff.
he doesn't say benis
he is the incarnation of taoism.
Yes he does I saw it on Facebook and Reddit
they did it wrong.
Only use officially approved memes.
So are they going to play monopoly?
Give up, it's a normie meme now
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>actually posting an image containing my post in it
>tfw I was the one who did the "roll 0 and your team wins" post in the first place
how about jenga
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>tfw don't have to care about divegrass for months
Nice wooden spoon and blown leads faggot
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all right you sons of a gun its time for some family fun time no jenga no connect 4 no monopoly just a fun documentary for you guys

Todays poison is Red chapel, its a doco about two dudes who are doing a comedy special in North Korea

link is vaughnlive tv pybro01

comfty time is best time
I'm neither of them because they both still have to give a shit about divegrass tomorrow
I am playing the game
>no reddit??
fuck's sake never noticed that
>no reddit!
>Beta save: None! The DLC should create the proper test save when installed correctly.

>It doesn't

all of the kits are showing up as pitch black wat do
Works for me you useless cunt
Who do I have to contact in order to get my team's pitch, kits, and blenders moved?
Do it yourself
That pic must have been huge if that is just the crop
It works perfectly fine dumbass
Works fine senpai just go in the fucking edit menu
Hey I'd like to manage /fa/, who do I talk to?
Obtain Rick Owens' personal endorsement first, then we talk
Contact that.king.lear on skype for starters and tell him you're interested.

Otherwise, I recommend finding the old /fa/ manager, Foojile, and getting his blessing first. :^)
Which NHL team do you support?
The winning one.
At least you're not a
fan :^)
Smugleaf is such a furry.
Never watched a match before. Where is the schedule. I don't want to miss the 2016 season.
There is no 2016 schedule yet. Games will be played February-ish.
Friendlies when la
Fucking never
Unfriendlies when?
>you will never be salty enough to exclude a team from the friendlies
/4ccg/ sure is salty /)
Hold your own friendlies then. I'll sign up.
I just want to watch divegrass.
So who looks like a good candidate to win it all tomorrow now? /kspg/ and /drg/ seem like good bets to me but then again I haven't watched much.
Kerbal vs Smash
>/kspg/ and /drg/

I hope for this final
>implying /rlg/ won't tear /ssbg/ a new one
I don't think anything is going to be able to stop the Kerbals now.

a /drg/ vs /kspg/ final would be awesome
when do we draw for winter?
/lolg/ might not, but /ffg/ and /wotg/ might have a chance tbqh.
>implying DocSax won't lead kerbal to a 2nd place choke again
>implying Jeb won't choke for /vg/ in Spring
>Implying /kspg/ won't finish last in VGL6
It's like you haven't been paying attention the last year
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well i hope you guys enjoyed this dark and fun film, next week were gonna dive in to Lovechild, a couple who has an addiction to online gaming and a contreversy that ignited the fire. Good night and safe tidings
Reminder that, despite recent developments, we absolutely need Tony.
This entire cup must be purged
But then where will I go to shitpost?
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ded thread
Wanna talk about PES16?
I don't know anything about it but I can download and try and figure things out.
There are more cut scenes for substitutions now. A nice touch.
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VGL5 Final Day.png
4MB, 1920x1763px
oh boy oh boy
Nice idea. Could use a little bit of blur/mix with background around some sihoulettes, namely Sigmund and Master of Romance, to make them look less like cut cardboard figures.
Needs more bounced shots off the Maus
>Bouncing anything

Did you last play in the beta?
I read yuri pornography for the feels
Maybe not in game, but he bounced well enough on the field today
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Das Maus.png
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I tried
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True enough.
Actually kind of hype for the next match
Anyone have that map of where managers are from?
Also how recently was it updated?
It was last updated after winter 15 iirc.
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reddit team when.png
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/reddit/ team when?
go to bed, Ved.
>update guy
Damn what is it about Florida?
>no chart for the rest of the world
Still pretty cool.
/rlg/ and /lolg/ are PESing faggots that literally do not deserve to be in the knockouts but >putting faith in PES >ever
SDA - Australlia
Soryuu - Philippines
OMP - South Korea?

It is pretty out of date anyways.
So salty.

Consider the following: PES will suck these two teams' dicks tomorrow and they will beat /ffg/ and /ssbg/ handily and meet in the finals. It's inevitable.
Pato - South Africa
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Based wotg.gif
651KB, 500x249px
/wotg/ is currently one of 4 teams that have walked into the quarterfinals with all wins behind them in the VGL.

The other four are /acg/ from the VGL1, and /pdg/ and /lolg/ from the VGL 2.
Subs list:
Test Post Please Ignore
The Button
Chairwoman Pao
Back To Reddit
Slashdot Effect
me irl
Novelty Account
>not Delete Gym, Facebook Up, Hit a Lawyer as your backline
Apply yourself
Argentina - Ronery and Pato
Brazil - Shucklel and Golden_hue
Mexico - Tuna
Honduras- Aitor
Canada - RollFizz, Technetium, >Doyes, Sargbot among others
South Africa - Cabbage, who managed /vp/ for like 2 games
here we go
wombo combo
I need a list of women associated with the cup, be they managers, players or members of the community.
Your mom, Jack's mom, you're waifu a shit
None of them will fuck you
WilhelmK is from Brazil too
>will never hug Purple Heart
fug :DDD
How did you know that I planned to list them all with blank ratings so that /4ccg/ users could rate them based on how much they would fuck them?
Ken when he's wearing a skirt
It's not exactly an original idea.
Also in the last best 4cc gril poll we had, Hamuko rigged the results for herself.
Do meme women like Jack's mum or Powdinet's sister count?
4cc girls are all in and of themselves memes
When are the next games going to be?
http://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Jon_Memorial_Cup Jan 2-3

http://implyingrigged.info/wiki/User:CaptPlanet the very next week and the week after
Depends on what kind of games you want.
VGL finals are tonight
Kurisumasu Cup will be around Christmas
The Unfriendlies will probably be a few weeks before the Winter cup
The next official 4CC games will likely be in February.
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4ccg Grill Rating.png
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do it faggots
will add more grills if necessary
Why is this a 1 to 10 scale when it's a yes or no question?
You're missing Molly, Hamuko and page 9 Anime poster
0 is "Wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole"
5 is "I'd probably do her once"
10 is your desire to absolutely rip her holes apart until she drowns in your semen
Is it just me or are there no seeders on the PES16 torrent on the wiki?
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125KB, 940x1021px
Disclaimer: Am totally not Powdinet
just use the RELOADED version from any torrent site of your choice, fuck the wiki
got 98 seeds myself la
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le thirst face.png
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Disclaimer: Majority of girls on this list are not for lewd

if you see red bars it means I would not touch said girl
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>de Powdi
Gross but oh so good
I would never fuck a horse... but human versions? That's a whole different story lads
>no installer in PES16 torrent
>have to use iso's again
I know it's easy but it's a minor inconvenience
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tbh la.png
99KB, 940x1021px
I approve of these
I create memes.
Shut up mom
>what is your contribution to the world
I make game tips
It existed before bent, but bent made it better, funnier, and more watchable than any of us could've expected back in the days of PES12. The Cup, as it exists today, cannot exist without him. You could at least concede that, but you won't because you're an ingrate nobody who has nothing to contribute but anonymous whining in a shithole general.

Everybody you relentlessly mock is infinitely more based than you because of what they do. This would only make you angry, as it does, if you were incredibly insecure.

Ask me how I know you're an insecure manchild.
Anyone know where this is from?
I entertain people all over the world by being a punching bag for people to meme on
Hi Powdi
Which team would be the best to win VGL
Which would be the worst

I am literally correct
>literally correct
>Not wanting to be an astronaut
even if /ssbg/ is a good choice
PES 16 is really really gay almost as gay as me and I do not support moving to PES 16 because it is gay

t. Koala

Smugleaf please ream my anus
Are you literally retarded
Reminder that without Koala and his friend Tunabrain PES 15 would be used for winter yet the news item on the wiki makes no mention of them.
What, you expect /merit/ to actually act as though the world doesn't revolve entirely around their pea brains?
>Calling other retards because they want Kerbals to win the League

Easy there Rorona.
Reminder that the road of attention whoring leads to Gman
You're memeing on me for (You)s, right? You're not actually unaware that /ksg/ and /kspg/ are different things right?
But if you think that way why did you get Brian to help make the encryptor?
When does /wsr/ play?
[No yous for you]125967782
Bent pls.
>merit when Tunabrian showed up

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>2016 - 11 days
>/wsr/ still does not have a team

don't really care desu

IT'S 2015
Why is Hiro destroying this site?
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How is he supposedly doing that?

I received enough headpats and compliments already, I'm fully satisfied. :3
Not every board needs a team, Bent.
He's adding these shit boards with no purpose that nobody uses. Soon every stupid topic will have a subreddit- I mean board.

It's also destroying the cup because every dead board will be taken over by a merc like Lark.
If "nobody uses" these boards then how come they have thousands of posts?

Look how stupid you sound. Stop posting immediately horsefucker.
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You are the horsefucker and that's why you call me a horsefucker because you try to invalidate my concerns in the eyes of my fellow /4ccg/ anons by trying to brand me and by extension my concerns as horsefucker stuff but in actuality what horsefuckers really want is more boards and more teams which is the opposite of what I want so they can get rid of the boards that are bigger than them.

Look at this pie chart. /k/ is on it twice by accident but you get the point. We don't need more teams.
>/trash/ is faster than /mlp/
Nice damage control, horsefucker.
Has he added another board yet again? I agree that /news/ is pretty stupid, but /his/ turned out to be better than expected. /aco/ wasn't Hiro's idea as far as I know, since even moot himself mentioned the idea of a 2d porn board once if I remember correctly. /trash/ is retarded and should've just been /b/; I'm glad it's hidden from the board index though since otherwise it would attract even more cancer.

He can always remove boards if they turn out not to work. The goal is to have boards which actually have an active userbase. If it turns out not to have that after the hype has worn off, or the post quality is abysmal, he can always just remove them.

Hiro's style of being generally more hands-on hasn't turned out as bad as I've feared it would, and I'm pretty sure the senior mods of the site are doing their best to advise him. He just needs some time to get familiar with the culture and we need some time to get familiar with his personality.

I just miss moot as that reliable kind of guy who could take extreme measures completely out of the blue, but without giving in to user demands at first because he knew things need time to settle down before he can say whether the changes were good or not. I feel like Hiro does not yet have the confidence for stuff like that.
>We don't need more teams.
Don't add more teams, is that easy, /merit/.
hi bent
>pony porn vs quest threads - the board
Not surprised at all desu.
FYI, /vg/'s post rate is slightly inflated if you go by increase of post counters, since we skip the non-zero repeating digits. Somebody else can do the exact Maths on that though.
Has he added another board yet again? I agree that /pol/ is pretty stupid, but /mlp/ turned out to be better than expected. /news/ wasn't Hiro's idea as far as I know, since even moot himself mentioned the idea of a news board once if I remember correctly. /u/ is retarded and should've just been /c/; I'm glad it's hardly used though since otherwise it would attract even more cancer.

He can always remove boards if they turn out not to work. The goal is to have boards which actually have an active userbase. If it turns out not to have that after the hype has worn off, or the post quality is abysmal, he can always just remove them.

Hiro's style of being generally more hands-on hasn't turned out as bad as I've feared it would, and I'm pretty sure the senior mods of the site are doing their best to advise him. He just needs some time to get familiar with the culture and we need some time to get familiar with his personality.

I just miss moot as that reliable kind of guy who could take extreme measures completely out of the blue, but without giving in to user demands at first because he knew things need time to settle down before he can say whether the changes were good or not. I feel like Hiro does not yet have the confidence for stuff like that.
Once I went on /trash/ to see what it was like. On the first page there were 6 (SIX) threads with /mlp/ related OP. It's literally a red-/mlp/.
>exact math
For 100 posts there are 10 post IDs that are skipped. You literally multiply by 0.9.
Acktshully it's 9 post numbers, because 00 are still in, so it's 9% less posts. Thank you.
I'm tired, gimme a break
What do you expect? Is a single board dedicated to two shows at best, this causes a group of shitposters to shitpost all year long about nothing, and when the show airs, all the bronies from Reddit and Tumblr come at full force.
Is no wonder they love the cup, is the only thing they have betwee seasons which doesn't involve killing each other.
It also explains why /merit/ productivity goes into a negative when MLP is airing.
/mlp/ should be closed down when the show isn't on
/4ccg/ should be closed down when the cup isn't on
IRC should be closed down when there aren't any verifications.
4chan should be closed down, period.
Our border with Mexico should be closed down.
All dubs are removed except for those ending in strings of three or more zeroes. For every 10 numbers, there is one ending in repeating digits, and for every 100 numbers with repeating digits, one is kept; the others are discarded.

Effectively, the post count increases by 1000 every 901 posts.
>Taking the logical and reasonable approach
Where do you think you are?
i thought removing dubs was a meme
You can get double 0s m8lad
I've never once seen a post end in double 0s that weren't part of a string of 3 0s or longer, so I'd like to be proven wrong if that's the case.

If it is, then the post count increases by 100 every 91 posts, or 1000 every 910 posts.
What about Blenderanon?
What about Tunabrain?
Checkmate, nerd.
In a place /merit/ will refuse to read.
I will get you one in this thread
/m/ has 6 months between Babbys
Tunabrian sends his shit to Evoweb
King me, shitlord.
So basically the post counter is going 9.9% faster than it should.

Now if we could find the first post number where that rule started to apply, we could calculate exactly how many posts /vg/ has had.
Without /4ccg/, blenderanon wouldn't have a place to release his tools
And then (You)r team wouldn't have any aesthetics, unless you're a horsefucker that is
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objectively best taste.png
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Am I too late to post mine
>Tunabrian sends his shit to Evoweb
No he doesn't
>/m/ has 6 months between Babbys
The cup extensively makes use of his scripts for aesthetics for all teams.
That % is based around /vg/ never having dubs, which is incorrect.
Well, yeah, but if we just calculate the speed from, say, a month then it's prefectly accurate as fun hasn't been allowed for at least that. The problems start when you reach the period when dubs were enabled.
Nope, that % is based on /vg/ having all 00's.

Never having dubs would be 11.1%. Having only strings of three 0s or more would be 11.0%.
>/merit/ trying to kill /4ccg/ so another even like Decryption tools don't happen.
So salty :^)
And no, we already know Ved is the King of Shitlording since he is a redditor.
Well, technically it's a percentage of skipped post numbers to all post numbers from a range and I think you mean the posts skipped to posts unskipped.
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You kids do realize that Italian girls are very hairy down there right?
>I think you mean the posts skipped to posts unskipped
That's what being X% faster means.
Yeah, I (>>125971973) wasn't precise enough, I should have said "The real rate is 9.9% slower than post numbers suggest". The thing is, we're talking about calculating the actual speed from the post number difference given in the chart, so I just assumed it would be clear enough.
/wsr/ team when?
Paging WEBMarshmellow

Put /wsr/ on our page as a rivalry, THE WORKSAFE DERBY
>our page
/wsg/ has fans that's we have WEBMarsemellow
What the fuck I thought /wsr/ was just some /vg/ general you were bantering about
Hirohito you absolute fucking madman
inb4 is it "precise" or "accurate"
so, if Winter is going to be in PES 16, which team is going to fluke its way into a star?

/soc/? /cm/? /o/? /s/? /r9k/? /mlp/?
I hope /soc/ so IRC has a meltdown.
I'll be putting a cheeky fiver on /out/.
/mlp/ has the best chance honestly
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How old is she exactly
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>Skeletons everywhere
She's doing this on purpose
Who is this boring cunt and why is she getting viralled so heavily on 4chan
eugina cooney, basically shes a younow attencion whore and basically shes refrenced as ms skeleton (last time i followed her hype) also theres some tit linguering but its flatter than a balloon thats been left in the cold for weeks
You can see her pussy when she slips
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Okay I looked it up and she was born in 94 so if that clip is recent we won't go to jail.
Hi Tenko
who is this skelly nelly?
Stop giving her attention holy fuck
Her shitty webms get so many fucking replies relative to how interesting they are, it's depressing.
Calm the fuck down EA. Maybe if you showed us your VJJ we would care about you this much too.
Wrong. Guess again.
And I forgot to mention but pink means 2pure4me
derpy hooves is not for sexual
>not wanting to hear her retarded moans
Then why do I want to fuck her little retard brains out
I've literally never heard about her. Does she post this shit on /gif/?
I think I've found my waifu.
Wouldn't surprise me
The only reason people know her is because she literally looks like a skeleton
>wanting to fuck anorexic children
And people say horsefuckers are bad.
You're waifu a shit.
No, seriously, I genuinely feel sorry for you if that's really the one you want to call your waifu.
Fuck off. I'd love her tenderly and fill her up with my sausage.
New queen of /4ccg/!
She needs filling up alright, she looks as if a breeze could dismantle her
Get some better taste you faggot
kek'd heartily
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Goodness... some of Tenko's pre-show MUGEN matches
So, he shit the bed like I said
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Lilly (2).png
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Who Lilly here?
Fun fact
With this last goal, crapawa shitjo has scored a total of 13 goals in a single tournament, a feat only accomplished once in the entire 4cc history by none other than Cunt Destroyer in his original 2012 Autumn Babby Cup run.
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>Katawa Shoujo getting a gold medal in /vg/.
Is like potery, it rhymes
reminder HOPE is the first step in the road to dissapointment.
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Comfy Sigmund.png
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>tfw no / S I G M U N D / golden boot
>that filename

>crapawa will have the most goals in virtual memeball history
He's trying to make everybody know that crapawa shitjo is indeed a game.
gg capatawa shitjo
and Pato is basically gone now

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>mfw no-one will ever know where I'm from
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ms skelly.webm
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dem bones
merit knows your IP
>tfw accidentally doxxed myself and all of IRC knows where I live
Live is suffering when you're retarded
SDA please...
thats legitimately scary
The mere fact Katawa Shit actually has a general (a VN, which isn't actually a game, with terrible art and plot, made solely for the purpose of self-pleasuring the reader) shows the state of decay of our society.
unlike Danganrompa, which is deep and emotional work of art designed to cure the world rather than please the readers?
OMG so salty /)
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How so?
Bad entertainment products have always existed and will continue to exist as long as there is a market for it.

Go be an edgy high-schooler somewhere else.
So Salty /) for /4ccg/ when
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>he says, in a general dedicated to virtual memeball tournaments
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No DocP for you until the end of time, MAGES.
>no colliesis
Apply yourself
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Wishing Wand.png
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I dont even know what the fuck is going on anymore
>Lark is going Wild on the /vg/ League
>he wins and gets crowned king of mercs

omg so salty
hi lark
not me desu
me desu
thats me
t. me
damn, how'd you know
I love this meme!
That's 5pb
I fucking hate you





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