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/cgg/ - Cuhrayzee Games General

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prev thread >>125062273

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqpMeaoxOmk [Embed]

>All the entries of VST7 will be streamed here on December 19th, 6 PM EST:

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>We Shall Wake
Indie Cuhrayzee game, dev posts here most of the time. Blog updates every Saturday mostly. Development is still ongoing. See their blog at
Patreon ongoing. Support them if you'd like.

DMC, Bayonetta, We Shall Wake, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, Ninja Gaiden, Wonderful 101, Vanquish, Sengoku Basara, Rising Revengeance, Fairy Bloom Freesia, Rainblood, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae.
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you lazy fuck
At least he didn't fuck up the link and then leave it as blank text for several OPs in a row.
Hi :3
Fuck right the fuck off, you fucking cunt.
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no bully
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well, this is embarrassing
So how are those games going?
Like this thread!
DMC lives in my heart.
cuhrayzee is in the heart
your hearts are dead
kh3 cuhrayzee confirmed!
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One handed Vanquish was pretty cool to watch

Not sure in terms of entertaining but either of Caleb Hart's AGDQ runs can be used as a guide of sorts. I did.

Also seeing Nelo Angelo made helpless like in this sequence:

was very enjoyable to me after having spending WAY too much time trying to survive and S-rank his mission.
* Caleb Hart's Ninja Gaiden Black runs
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I dont like Bayonetta. I've tried to like it, I want to like it, but I just cant. It sort of drives me fucking crazy, because everyone else loves it so much and I just can't. I love DMC with a passion and I just dont get the same thrill from Bayo. Its not even that I think its objectively bad. I just personally can't like it. I've spent so much time thinking about why I don't like it and I could probably write a six page paper about why I personally don't like it.
There. I said it.
This shit is making me feel cuhrayze.
share with us anon we want to help you through these tough times
>share six pages worth of subjective dislike for Bayonetta
do you honestly want to read that
Thanks. I just needed to drop a rant somewhere, and this seemed like the proper place. Honestly, I feel like I would need to play more to really get a more proper opinion, but Ill throw some thoughts out anyways. Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong and stupid. I did play through the first, though it was a bit ago and my play through was sorta awkwardly broken up.

To start, in the first Bayonetta I felt like the weapons all felt the same. Like, using the fists compared to the sword gave the same combos, just with a different look. And the claws had a couple new moves, but mostly added elements to those same combos. I couldn't really tell when a situation called for one over the other. They all felt interchangeable.
still better than orderposting
the DMC1 speedrun is very good, it has a lot of neat tricks that you can learn, it even has people asking stuff about certain parts of the game. Shame the background noise and the the game being displayed in that window for ants on the left instead of take the full thing.
I want to make a Bayonetta fangame, but 3D combat is hard to animate and code and I'm alone on this boat. Should I make it a card game instead?
yeah everything has a launch combo, a sweep combo and so on
command moves (especially charges) are all very different from weapon to weapon, and they all have a few unique combos
it also sounds like you're not done with the game since you only mentioned those weapons? things like the whip, rocket launchers and ice skates have much more pronounced differences
1. go to /agdg/(amature game dev general)
2. card game, gtfo
3. card game is ok, as long it's full of lewds
Don't worry about it, Anon. I love you just the way you are.

There's some overlap, but every weapon has different charge modifiers and properties, so there's enough difference for me. I could see how some people feel so but once you get into it, you might see how different weapons are different and have different effects on enemies. But a lot of these weapons do have some unique attacks anyway.

Also like >>125634693 said, command inputs can be pretty different, also there are multiple weapons that are pretty different from the others, like Shuraba, Lt. Col. Kilgore, Kulshedra, Odette, etc.
fucking amateur
I got the whip and rocket launcher, but not the skates. The whip was neat. The rocket launcher sorta felt like strongest slowest fists, with the shotguns being stronger slower fists. Bayonetta 2 did a better job of adding a variety of weapons from what I played. The upgrades in the shop looked all universal. Which of those would you recommend for fun comboing? Which should I pick up for utility?
>fun comboing?
after burner kick, stiletto, maybe breakdance and witch twist?

>for utility?
air dodge, bat and crow within, umbran spear, tetsuzanko

there's a technique shopping lists on the wiki iirc

That's alright, I wrote a seven page essay on why I don't like MGR
you're right in noting that most weapons share a lot of moveset

figured, am I right in assuming umbran climax is crutch mode for shitters?

That's why when I posted list of "bread and butter" attack string I didn't had to describe if they are for B1 or B2 or any specific weapon.
because these canned attacks works for most of them across both games.

However, you're wrong to say that diminishes variety.

Main differences in weapons comes from charge effects, like holding punch button "feels" completely differently depending if you have gun or a sword and gives very different effects.

There are also differences in wicked weave output.

B2 actually has more weapon variety (both visual and in vast differences in wicked weave forms), you can argue how useful they are, but one can't deny that they're all very different.

It's a shame that gunchucks -- weapon with one of the most unique movesets is hidden away behind grind gate.

Also sword has two unique paused combos:
could you share why you don't like it?
no need to mention Camera, QTE filled bossfights, unskippable Monsoon monologue, camera, no real time weapon switch etc.
Just buy all of the upgrades eventually.

You're going to want After Burner Kick, Tetsuzanko, and Heel Stomp especially though.

Definitely buy Bat and Crow Within too.
congratulations, you just spent more time on criticising the game that baboons who made it spent on designing combat and balancing it
isn't it kinda self-evident?


I don't think I outright hate the game, but I see almost zero replay value in it. For comparison, I bought NV Ultimate Edition at $20 on Steam and have 100+ on it and I still have tons of things to do on it.

I bought ninja gaiden 2 and DMC HD collection at around $50 for both and have 80 hours or so put in them.

MGR I bought at $40, and have less than 20 hours even when I have completed the game on all difficulties. It's just that dull to me
Thanks for the recommendations. I've already gotten a few of those, but I honestly wasn't using some of em too much. Ill probably be looking at that wiki for a bit. Try and get an idea of what I could be doing differently, and go play through Bayo 1 or 2 for a bit.

I spent most of the game using the fists due to initially being put off by the shared combos. Probably my biggest mistake. Ill have to look more into those charge attacks. I used the guns for juggling, but not much of the others. Some of those BnBs I became familiar with on my play through. Thanks for your advice.
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>unskippable monsoon dialogue
You mean the best part of the game? Do you not like cats?
> animating 3d combat is hard
tedious, maybe. hard, no.

> 3D collisions
don't most game engines have this made easy for you?
I had an idea for a 2d fan remake of DMC3, controlling like Dante does in UMVC3. If I ever learn to program and animate I could make it happen.
It's hard to make it look good. You know, to add weight, proper reactions to every move, etc...
However, I may want to wait for the Wii U emulator to work better in order to rip animations, models and other stuff.
>best part of the game
I don't want to experience the same story/cutscene again after multiple playthroughs. Imagine being FORCED to watch the cutscene before Vergil 3, Azel etc boss fight with no way to skip it. Pretty sure you will have less favorable view towards the boss fight.
Not saying Monsoon is as good as Vergil 3 or whatever
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Yeah, but you can look to the right and watch the soldier play with the kitty.
I used to think the same as you, especially because I also love DMC, but then I decided to really git gud at Bayo and I fell in love.

If you really want to like it, you could always look up more stuff to learn how to improve at the game and maybe learn how other people play.
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>needing wii u emu to look at the animations

or you could, i don't know, practice. if you want to copy platinum games, just use motionbuilder for everything.
Which do you like more, mind me asking?
I started to get good at them fairly recently.

So far I prefer 2, although I haven't given 1 a real chance because I want to keep practicing with Bayo 2.
2 seems to have more variety in abilities n such. I'm debating if I should go replay 1 or just continue on 2 where I left off.
In what part are you?
Last I remember it was the big flying boss fight with the old guy. I lost a few times, put it down for a bit, and haven't really picked it up since. I would probably replay the level or so up to it as warm up.
If you've finished Bayo 1 go play through Bayo 2. It's a lot more interesting on a first playthrough and it arguably teaches the core mechanics better. It also doesn't have insta-death QTE bullshit
Once you've invested some time in both you can decide which you like more.
Hey it's fine man. We all have our preferences or things we don't enjoy.

I personally don't that bayo is so floaty and "free". I'd like games to feel more methodical.
I also don't think godhand is that complex creatively speaking.
I think MGR is a shallow piece of shit.

That said I love the designs and animations in all of these.
>big flying boss fight
Welp... I can't remember right now, and fuck, I just played some Bayo a few hours ago.

But yeah, go finish Bayo 2.
Reposting. someone help

So I was just practicing muh dmc4 and something happened that I don't know how it works. i tried converting a webm but it keeps going beyond 3mb

anyway, what I did was:
high time
a 3 hit aerial rave in the air
trickster, royal guard: guardfly
air trick

Now normally the rainstorm goes over the enemy in an arch like with most inertia rainstorms. But now there was a more forward and straight momentum and dante just flew over the enemy in a rainstorm in a more straight line. He also covered quite a lot more distance than usual. I'd say 2-3 times as much.

Any idea how this works? Is it just the combined inertia of a guardfly with a tightly following air trick and rainstorm, or is it positionally influenced?
>inertia of a guardfly
i'm pretty sure i've seen people do what you're describing before and that's exactly why it happened
guardflying makes weird shit happen
Okay, so I want to get the PC edition of DMC3:SE. I've heard a lot of negative things about the port though.

What is so bad about it? Is there any mod out there that can fix its problems?
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So I was checking the Bayo pastebin and I noticed that it hasn't been updated since 2013. What do you think if I add this video?
port is fucking garbage. Nuff said.
get styleswitcher. check the OP in the mods section
Here is a small guide that the general made

I cannot testify for it, but considering that many DMC players use PC, I think it's good enough.
>port is fucking garbage
Can you explain how? I'd like it know.

Like, does the framerate run at 30 fps or something? What makes it garbage?
that video is less than perfect but it might be the best resource we have on the topic
maybe we should write our own guide

time: don't fuck around too much
damage: don't get hit
combo: dodge offset
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Thanks for all the advice on Bayonetta guys. Im gonna go to bed and give the series another shot starting tomorrow. If I ever need more advice, I know where to come. You all have been awfully friendly. Thank you!
>I'd like it know
and I want to know why you have these retarded questions since that knowledge is useless.

framerate is inconsistent. Sound engine is so fucked that Background music will fuck up the framerate. Game will fail to properly recognize your gamepad in most cases. Graphics are ass with weird lighting fuckups if I recall correctly.
Yeah, I consider that it is kind of redundant, but if you are just getting into the series it can be helpful, because knowing that much is better than knowing nothing.
It's not useless senpai.

Knowledge is power, and if those issues demotivate him enough, he could choose to get a console version instead.
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anything interesting on the trish/lady/vergil radar pop up recently? i've been out of the loop in terms of combo vid stuff for a month or two
Absolutely nothing new. Dude with the mechanics site started compiling the Lady/Trish info we listed. Other than that, naught.
For what, death?



Hell no
no, fuck off
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aw, that's a shame.
ah well, hopefully vst turns up something, haha.
here's hoping there's some cool trish stuff in there that's new!
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You sure you rainstormed after Air trick?
Because Air Trick doesn't conserve inertia from previous moves at all. You'll kinda stay in place.

Compared to doing it right after skystar, full house, or guard flying, doing a rainstorm after air trick pretty much slows you down.

over and over and over and over and over and over again. How the hell do you not get tired of doing this shit over and over and over and over?
i started with 4SE so just goofin' around with that kinda stuff pretty fun still, haha.
how come you didn't quote the m12 one? i figured that one would be more stale for folks.
where do you think we are.jpg
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Thoughts on Bayonetta on Smash?
to quote Kamiya, NOTHING
my new main, just that.
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Whatcha playan' /cgg/?
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Guilty Gear

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Ominous Tracks >>> Every other Ambient track >>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything else

If you're going to actually tell people about the DMC3SE PC port instead of just telling them to check the OP then you should be explicit in telling them that the style switcher mod fixes all the worst shit and nearly everything in general while simultaneously adding functionality that doesn't exist in any other version instead of just telling them stuff that's going to discourage them.

Although really you should just be telling them to check the OP instead of spoonfeeding them at all.
it's all worth it for BayoxPit /ss/
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Steam or console? Wanna fight? Let's see if you FG skills are as good as your CG skills.
trying out a few action MMOs.
Blade and Soul: not liking it much so far. I don't think I understand the mechanics and cancels to enter P2P which is apparantly the true meat of the game. But game just doesn't feel fun for me.

Dungeon and Fighter: who the fuck added anime shit to this game. Glad to see the miss chance is still a thing, seriously why. Trying out discount Gunslinger

Vindictus: Seems relatively unchanged apart for a couple of new classes, combat is still crunchy as ever although the game lags a lot, currently playing as a guy who specializes in summon swords

Black Desert:really intrigues me from a pure role playing perspective, combat isn't that bad

Terra: playing as an Archer(bad choice I think) game doesn't leave much impact on me
PC, but I'm shit at fighting games and I only bought it so me and my roomates can have something to play together. I literally get destroyed a good chunk of the time online
Ghost in the Shell Online

It's call of duty with good ol' anime
>Ghost in the Shell game
noob here
What the hell happens at 0:08?! He is with RG on, but move fast and then change to Gunsl and do a Rainstorm? How did he fly that way?
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How can someone who plays japanese action games and supports a companies that literally started off making fighters/beat em ups for a living that are pretty much using the basics of a fighting game and beat em ups as their floor front be terrible at fighting games, and vise versa?

Beat Em Ups =/= 2D Fighting Games -> 2.5D Fighting Games -> 3D Fighting Games -> 3D Action Games

They all come from the same place.

>Dungeon and Fighter

Perfect example right here.
Now, I never said that I was particulary good at /cgg/ games (I'm way better at them though). I never even had an interest in fighting games because I used a PC all of my life and in my godforsaken town we didn't have an arcade.
>and in my godforsaken town we didn't have an arcade.

truly suffering.
This is not necessarily true.

Even inside fighting games, you'll have people that are superb at one fighter and not great in another. The same way you can see someone being really good in a cuhrayzee game and being bad in another. And in the same way, someone can be high level in fighting games and trashy at cuhrayzee, and vice versa.
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What if I told you that I'm good at everything I touch, it's nothing more than a false ego, right? Sadly it's true. Whenever I play a game I seek to become the best. There isn't a single game I've dedicated time to that I didn't reach high level or PRO (Semi Pro) is what they call it.
Daily reminder that judging Bayonetta and MGR on their combo depth makes you a retard.
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Well, good for you.

Wanting to be good in every game is not a bad thing, but not everyone will do that.
How about you post how you think they should be judged instead of opening with an inflammatory statement? Or is that too much to expect from you?
It's not about being good at everything, it's about being good at whatever is my FOTM. Anything I've played in the past usually doesn't get a second chance, I've moved on. Sadly that is my definition of fun for video games. I wont play them unless I can achieve something of valve from them that doesn't mean just getting from start to finish. Usually this is link to having a competitive mindset even if the game is single palyer only.
That's a trap?

Damn. Cosmetics really IS in the Dark Arts Category of Magic isn't it?
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>That's a trap?
It's Maximum potential.
Games should be judged primarily based on their goals.

Bayonetta(/2)'s goal was to create an action game based around deliberate dodging and strategic use of available pre-baked combos. The systems and AI are all focused around this, including the systems that prevent extended DMC-style comboing under most circumstances. The limit on dodging means you can't simply mash it out and the necessity of dodge offset means your attacks must be deliberate as well. The challenge is in keeping your cool and reacting appropriately

MGR is about speed and a reckless all-or-nothing approach to combat. While it shares Bayonetta's focus on reactions, the pace of MGR is much faster, and there is far less focus on being deliberate. Instead the idea is to attack attack attack, even attacking while defending. The player is rewarded for relentless pursuit and perfect timing with full health and meter, and at the same time is extremely vulnerable as damage values are remarkably high.

Judging these two games on their combo potential is missing the entire focus of these games.
But you shouldn't exclude their combo potential too.

Not much on MGR, but, Bayonetta has a lot of different weapons and while they have mostly the same animations, the number of different moves and weapon properties, with the fact that you have stuff like panther and umbran spear offset, interaction with the enviroment in some aspects makes possible to various different players to show their creativity.
> MGR is about speed
> speed
> action interrupted by QTE slow-mo slashing mini-game each time you want to "properly" finish an enemy
> speed
> vestigial "stealth" as a lip service to the license
> speed
You're embarrassing yourself anon
Except even if something achieves its goal (whether said goal is explicitly stated or is one person's perception of that goal) it's not as though the goal in itself should be immune to criticism, and without regard to what (you think) MGR was trying to achieve, or whether it achieved it, the end result was lacking in depth. Is that because it pursued the wrong goal or simply because it failed to achieve depth within the confines of what it pursued? The end result is the same.

Great counterargument.
very bad doge. super uncute too.
YOU are talking about what GOALS the game is trying to achieve

Zandatsu is literally a GOAL in the game that is reflected in rankings.

Saying that MGR is about speed is laughably contradictory when crucial part of THE GOAL is interrupting the action while you are watching cool and empowering animation of Raiden pulling spines for five inactive seconds.
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I approve of the /ss/

However, I dont think it makes since. Bayonetta flirts with every enemy, what makes Pit special?
makes since?
Equivocation doesn't make you look smart, anon.

Neither does liberal use of caps.
There is a difference between criticism and complaining.

Criticism is when you specify something wrong.

Complaining is when you specify something you personally dislike.

MGR and Bayo are not bad games because their goals do not coincide with your desires.
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Okay dude.
She's got a fever and the only cure is more dead angels
>Fanfiction consists of all the different ways Bayonetta, tortures and kills Pit over and over again.
You are talking about GOALS and pontificate that entire design document of MGR can be summarised with "speed" while conveniently forgetting that game itself is very much designed around Zandatsu which are always slow and always show you uncancellable animation constantly interrupting that supposedly fast action.

Your post is self-contradictory and your responses when others are denoting obvious flaws in logic are nothing but pointless conflict-mongering sneers lacking of any substance.
perfect combination of being shota angel ripe for plucking
Do you not understand what equivocation is? Do you need me to link you to a dictionary?

It's kinda cute that you think Zandatsu having an animation with a different camera angle somehow negates the way combat in MGR works. It's like babbys first debate.
post your id
> Zandatsu having an animation with a different camera angle
Not a single time I mentioned camera angle or anything.

Problem with Zandatsu are NOT camera angles.

What is the problems is?

I already told you: speed. Lack of it. ZANDATSUS SRE SLOW, I am saying for the fourth time.

But you continue to meander around that simplest contradiction.

And the point about GOALS was to close the any wiggling room for you to try to exclude Zandatsu as something not related to combat.

Z-s are very much integrated into the game through rankings with game mandating certain amount of them done to reach "perfect" play.

> debate
2+2=4 is not up for debate. Nobody is going to Oval office based on results of your pointless eloquence here.

Speed is like a pregnancy: girl is either pregnant or not.

You're claiming MGR is pure and fast while I point at zandatsu shaped eight month old hump on her belly.
He hasn't put up an actual argument since his second post, dude. Just drop it.
Ok, I see, you're still equivocating but it's not out of stupidity or spite, English isn't your first language.
There's nothing to argue. I made a point and anon isn't refuting it, he's just repeating that "Zandatsus are slow" and making very poor equivocations with the terms "goal" and "speed."
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Not 100% sure, but fairly sure yes.

When you do certain moves you gain something we call "inertia".
a ground move that does this is the backstep and punch move (done with R1+back+attack with gilgamesh).
When you charge it, by holding attack, you can cancel it if you press dash while still holding attack. If you stay on the ground while continously attacking you will not lose the "inertia".

Now if you go into devil trigger, and press forward+R1+ attack, you will do an auto kick combo that is longer than the non-devil trigger version. It ends you in the air. So if you hold royal guard during this kick combo, you will fly forward in this weird straight line.

tl;dr read it fag..........................
>So if you hold royal guard during this kick combo

As simple as that?! Damn, i need to try this...
Also, this is the same concept of the "Royal Fly" or whatever it is called, where you use trickster, RG and jump in a fast and weird combo to change direction mid air?
No matter how many languages I know (three), you're still wrong

If you wanted to put up some game as an epitome of exhilarating speed, there are much better examples even within limited /cgg/ approved list.

NGB for example is much faster than MGR could ever be, also it is quite simply much better designed, better balanced and more polished game.

You've presented it like MGR was designed to give exhilarating speed, but

-- it's obviously NOT fast with constant interruptions of cutting gimmick QTEs (not only Zandatsus but they are simply the most common types)

-- it's still not as fast as the game it's trying to mimick -- NG

Going by your definition -- MGR is a complete failure because it's not reaching THE GOAL you've made up in more ways than one.
>No matter how many languages I know (three), you're still wrong
No I'm not, you're misinterpreting my words based on your limited understanding of English.

>If you wanted to put up some game as an epitome of exhilarating speed
I didn't and don't.

>You've presented it like MGR was designed to give exhilarating speed
No, I haven't. I'm talking about combat flow and player incentives, not the literal speed of the character and animations.

This could've all been avoided if you swallowed your pride and looked up the term equivocation the first time.
Holy fuck dude shut up.
>I'm talking about combat flow
Which are interrupted by Zandatsu QTEs

> player incentives
In-game rankings include Zandatsus as an integral part

> I'm talking about combat flow and player incentives
And I've shown Zandatsus stunt both of them.

Girl is still pregnant.
>is outright told he's misinterpreting the basic premises of the conversation
>continues to do so
I was wrong, you're also stupid.
I have heard that the PS3 version of Bayonetta has some lag and slowdown issues, is it still worth picking up? I don't own a Wii U so it's really my only way of playing the game at the moment and I'd really like to
Well uh sort of. You have to do that charge punch before it I think. I forgot. Anyway check this page. It has everything about inertia, probably.
PS3 Bayo was ported by a third party and originally had horrible load times and framerate issues.

Platinum put out a patch that made things bearable, but the game still runs much better on 360 and Wii U than it does on PS3
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Practice practice practice
if you're not practicing, go practice practice.

I hate practice.
English is a nuanced language anon, you're being far too literal and focusing in on an incorrect interpretation of >>125678265.

Zandatsu's existence does not invalidate the idea that MGR is about speedy engagement and all-or-nothing scenarios. Zandatsu is a huge part of what makes that assessment true, as it is what makes reckless offensives viable in the first place. Without Zandatsu the player would need to be much more conscious of their health and positioning and the game would require a much more defensive approach.

You're confusing different connotations of "speed."
I am not.

Speed has a very simple physical definition which one can very much measure.

It's very much tied to APM . Fast action game = high APM.

Seconds long animations of complete inaction after each zandatsu dump APM considerably.

Hence the game stops being fast.

I am only misinterpreting because I don't consider playing cutting mini-game and watching five second long cutscene to kill a single enemy as FAST.

You probably think it's completely alright and still fits into your elastic definition of FAST.
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>I am not.
You are not what? I'm assuming your native language is from a high-context culture. You need to be specific in English.

>Speed has a very simple physical definition which one can very much measure.
Speed, like nearly every word, has multiple denotations and nearly limitless connotations.

>It's very much tied to APM . Fast action game = high APM.
No, you're misinterpreting things.

>I am only misinterpreting because I don't consider playing cutting mini-game and watching five second long cutscene to kill a single enemy as FAST.
Now it's almost as if you don't know what misinterpret means.
okay, let's try it from another angle

If MGR is supposedly aims for fast action why is dodge move is so slow?

If MGR aims for exhilarating action why are parrying timings are quite literally seconds long before incoming attack hits?
This argument is the equivalent of someone screaming at a large concrete wall with "learn2speak" written on it, for 2 hours.
>let's try it from another angle
>exact same misunderstanding
Not him, but, if he can't understand what you mean, why don't you explain what you mean?
he is just trying to prove that black is white and hopes to "win" by attrition

I am actually playing MGR right now, and with each time I am grabbed by a tripod and get a stick waggling prompt or any other example of this game going out of it's way to stop me dead on tracks the notion that this is supposed to be "about speed" is getting even more ludicrous

It's like I'm saying to you "this soup is rich" and your response is "No, it's cheap," and no matter how much I explain to you that I mean the thickness of the soup and not its price you keep coming back with "I only pay 5 dollaru you wrong it cheap"
Well, the game can be fast, to be fair, more if the person is good with that whole blade mode cancelling thing.

But i wouldn't say that Metal Gear Rising is about this, is about cutting stuff, it is the gimmick of the game, it was always the gimmick. And i love that game, not enough to put time like i do with bayonetta, wonderful 101 or the devil may cry series, but more than i like bayo 2.
Now you're missing the point in multiple way, this keeps getting better

Do you think DMC isn't about combos if you fuck up your inputs and can't JC?
>But i wouldn't say that Metal Gear Rising is about this, is about cutting stuff, it is the gimmick of the game
Yes, exactly.

MGR is about cutting.

Hence blade mode with free blade rotation, hence rewarding the player for winning cutting mini-game inside blade mode, hence onion-like multiple levels of super armour on enemies so that they don't simply get sliced like butter under hot knife after simplest slash, hence each boss having each own type of blade mode mini-game, hence the game rankings including zandatsus to encourage player to get spines out of each enemy.

MGR is about slicing and dicing.

Most of it's design decisions and mistakes are revolved around Konami's requirement to make SOMETHING out of melon slicing prototype.
Then stop being a cunt and change your vocabulary to fit your target audience. You're in cgg, not literature.
Anon, the diction in his missive is far from magniloquent and sesquipedalian. Perhaps the transgression lies with the perception of the assemblage as opposed to in the phraseology itself.
u w0t m8?

Of course it's about perception. But Isn't everything in life?
What's the funniest cancel you've ever encountered?

Will post mine in a second with a webm.
/cgg/ - Diction General
Why don't more games have Turbo Mode?

I fucking love that shit so much. Can you imagine if some games out there had Turbo Mode? Like Bayonetta?

Or other non-cuhrayzee games like Dark Souls?
To be fair, Devil May Cry is pretty slow without turbo mode. Bayonetta in theory doesn't need one.


There is a glitch that happens sometimes in alfheims or in the angel slayer chapter, where all the slowdown(not only the frame drops, but like, the dodge slowdown, etc) of the game simply ceases to exist, the game gets considerably more faster, more fun, and less reactable.
Mainly because having a turbo mode requires everything to be tied to a single unified timescale in such a way that turbo mode is possible without breaking anything.

Often the shortcuts taken in console games preclude such a capability.

For example, the unlocking of FPS in Dark Souls II introduced a bug where weapon durability was a fraction of what it should have been because it's calculated based on the number of frames the weapon is impacting a surface for.
>the game gets considerably more faster, more fun, and less reactable.
Can't wait for PC emulators to get to the point where we can have this glitched out speed be the default speed for the entire game.
>Devil May Cry is pretty slow without turbo mode
It really is. I don't know why it took me so long to fucking press that Turbo Mode button on the options menu. I guess I never thought it had any meaningful effect on the game. Stupid me.
Is there any sort of design document or analysis concerning the AI behavior of various character action games, but more specifically Bayonetta 1 and 2?
I don't know if it's just me, but rather than each enemy acting on its own AI, I think each of the enemies are connected to some kind of mega AI for each stage/verse, kinda like an opponent in an RTS game that controls each of the enemies. But I'm not 100% sure about that.
Imagine is NG2 had a turbo mode
one hour has passed anon. C'mon.
there is a dark souls turbo mode, its called bloodborne or dark souls 3
Are enemy spawn positions in Bayonetta 1+2 based on your position or are they static? I'm having a hard time telling through these LP videos.
Every enemy encounter in bayonetta 1 and 2 are determined.

But some enemies (i can only think now of grace and glory/gracious and glorious), will spawn in different points of the encounter, like, you'll see the light representing them, and the light will turn into the angel.

This is also the way of they positioning back in case you send them off the arena.
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I don't just play BP though.
And can't the same be said for people that play their respective games? Not every single stage is fun to play for everyone.
no I mean the individual enemies within the battles, not necessary where the battle starts and the door locks.

Unless that's what you meant.
Dungeon Fighter Online.
I would replay Bayonetta, but this stupid MMO grabbed me by the balls with events.

Is it any good? I'm a GitS fanboy, so I'm hella curious about it.
gawrsh I dunno
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Xenoblade Chronicles X and DMC4.
Each enemy that will appear is also predetermined.
>wake up
>sees massive fight bout MGR
keep it up
no i mean where each enemy spawns, if it is dependent on player position within the arena or if it is predetermined like you said.
Hoooooly shit the people in this general are fucking retarded.
what else is new?
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what the fuck is wrong with her boob

they are literally fake boobs, with nanomachines
Actually, her boobs are still natural. This is canon info.
They straight up tell you they're au naturel in game.
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I need to get more cuhrayzee soft-lewds
why are you fags even posting this shit? why not post some gameplay at the very least.
Because you're getting a whole lot of that in 2 days.
Besides I think people don't want to put up new shit as it will spoil their entries.
If people only bumped with gameplay this thread would die all the time.
>no smooth, cold, steel mounds to rub your johnson between.
You fucked up Kamiya.
>Associated with MGR
Wow son you better stop before you hurt yourself.
I just assumed cus its made by Platinum. Plus it seemed like something Kamiya would do.
> Kamiya
> wanting big boobs

what if you like...didn't do zandatsus. I understand you're looking at this from the angle that you want to S-rank a stage, but at the same time, a computer telling you that you did a good job is a completely different metric from what you think a good job is.

Maybe you juggled four mastiffs at once and then sliced them off limb from limb, I would consider that impressive, but that negates zandatsu which would lower your rank. But does your effort or previous ass whooping of the mastiffs go to waste because a letter on screen isn't an S?
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>replying to an eight hour old post in a shitty argument
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I feel like I should stop posting for a while. I clearly don't know what I'm talking about.
that doesn't make it ok to spam "hump" with dumb screenshots from games we play.
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why would it not be ok
Do you not understand it son?
We use it to bump the thread.
Besides, there's a chance that the general will be alive after the stream.
Be it shitposting about certain entries, praising someone's work, people asking tips of games they found interesting from the stream or even newcomers who will stumble upon the stream.
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All right I was defending you earlier but I think bumping every twenty minutes is excessive.
it was page 9
apollo justice was a mistake
The thread isn't in danger of dying for several minutes (like twenty at least) even after it hits page ten, you realize that yeah? New threads don't get made as often on /vg/.
>tfw waiting for this to go on sale
fuck you trucy best girl
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boy it sucks when you do something cool by accident and then the enemy lives with a tiny bit of health left when you try to recover the combo
Fuck off.
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t-thanks anon

v true, playing a bunch of transformers made me remember that not every game necessarily needs to be combo-centric to be good. like no i guess if you define 'cuhrahzee' as minute-long combos, bayo 2, mgr, and transformers aren't even close, but they're incredibly fun (and incredibly well-designed) for what they are.
Dude in what universe is MGR trying to mimic NG... like... they have nothing in common.

This shit right here. it's just a jump and pressing fwd+atk and then back+atk. then repeat
+ MGR isn't a person so it can't try
I hate how people insist that Kamiya totally worked on that game when he literally had nothing really to do with it aside from working at the same place that made it.
speed and camera angle?
The guy who made MGRR is called Takahisa Taura, right?

I looked at a press release for NieR: Automata and it has named Takahisa Taura from Platinum Games as the game's combat designer.

And the press release said that the man was the game designer for MGRR.
Not him but I honestly feel like MGR is practically a better Ninja Gaiden 3 than Ninja Gaiden 3, Razor's Edge included.

I don't like how he compared it unfavorably to NG at all but they really do share some similarities in gameplay. MGR is like a more combo-oriented NG almost.
I have no idea dude.

Wikipedia lists MGR's director as Kenji Saito, Nier Automata's director as Taro Yoko, and the combat designer as Taura Yakahisa.

This is wrong in so many levels, the design philosophy is completely different
It's not completely different though.

It's like Bayonetta mixed in with NG.

Combat is more about being efficient rather than stylish combos.
No real time weapon change.
Ranged subweapons that even work just like NG's.
Bosses being able to grab you not unlike NG

About the only thing is NG being more defensive-oriented, while MGR is almost purely offense, but then it's not like NG2 and onward hasn't made the game more offensive.
>It's like Bayonetta mixed in with NG.
Somewhat redundant statement considering how much Bayo takes from NG.

>Combat is more about being efficient rather than stylish combos.
We could argue that but alright
>No real time weapon change.
>Ranged subweapons that even work just like NG's.
>Bosses being able to grab you not unlike NG
The mechanics are completely different

>NG being more defensive-oriented
Again wrong

i'm not an expert on ininja gaiden but from what i've played I can tell you that you havve no idea what you're talking about. someone who actually knows the games can easily prove how wrong you are
you're all retarded
Bayo takes a bit from NG, as well as DMC and even GoW, but manages to its own thing, even feeling quite different from DMC.

Not so say that MGR doesn't do the same.

I guess since you're always defaulted to using the high-frequency blade as your main weapon (a design flaw imo), you can technically 'switch' weapons if you have a subweapon equipped.

Even still, you have to go to a menu to switch weapons.

>>Ranged subweapons that even work just like NG's.
How the fuck is that wrong? They work almost the same, aside from NG2 and NG3:RE letting you charge your bow. And that's what I'm referring to, b/c I know MGR doesn't have anything like the basic shuriken like in NG.

>>Bosses being able to grab you not unlike NG
>The mechanics are completely different
Not really. Bosses in MGR have grabs that you cannot escape from, much like NG.

>>NG being more defensive-oriented
>Again wrong
So I'm literally arguing with a retard then?
>check this place after a few monts.

>dumb arguments
>Bayo2 apologists still defending a game nobody cares about
>No gameplay

And now I remember why players that are actually good barely bother coming here.
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Alright I've put up the NG2 guide in a proper paste now. If anyone would be so kind as to include this link in the new section of the NG paste so that it's always the most up to date version of the guide



>NG being more defensive-oriented

But it's really not. At first glance it can appear to be like that but it's a common misconception that arises from the difficulty of the series. Besides it's highly contradictory with the idea that the games are about "efficiency"
you figure you their AI after minutes of individual practicing with them

For lower tier angels you don't even need it to research their AI because how easy it is to simply overpower them.

Angel dogs will always try to hit you with paws if you're standing by their side. Which is why it's a good idea to get up close and personal with blue angel dog (it's has more random attack that more passive yellow dog).

When starting verse with Jeanne or two Jeannes there is 50% chance of them trying to shoot with green lasers which you can parry for free magic. Generally, when wicked weave connects and they are thrown away, the moment when they land on a ground there is about 70% chance of Jeanne doing wicked weave right away.

Joys and Grace & Glory are very RNG. Joys moreso than GnGs.GnG actually do have some logic in their behavior, but with Joys just kill them asap and spare yourself a trouble

They also have predetermined canned punish responses to some attacks but thankfully not to the levels of robotic DMC4 Dante.
>But it's really not. At first glance it can appear to be like that but it's a common misconception that arises from the difficulty of the series. Besides it's highly contradictory with the idea that the games are about "efficiency"
I don't think so, it's certainly more defense-oriented than DMC or Platinum's games.

Just b/c you still need to attack doesn't mean that defense doesn't matter. Even in NG2, you have to abuse i-frames like no tomorrow.

I think you misunderstand

It's about as defense oriented as any action game is. You need to always be on the watch for any attacks, but that doesn't mean you actually ever have to play "defensively". By this I mean that you must always take an offensive approach because the sheer number of enemies and the complexity and speed of their AI is going to completely throw you off balance if you decide to just sit back and try to take a defensive approach. You must always be disrupting their attacks, always finding the fastest way to kill them because just crippling them doesn't do the job.

If you focus on avoiding damage you're going to get nowhere because the number of incoming attacks from enemies outnumbers the number of i-frames you can acquire and chain at any given moment. When you no-damage a fight it's mostly because you keep all enemies at bay through a very aggressive approach, not because you abuse i-frames a lot. While it is necessary to use i-frames, a lot of the time those i-frames come from offensive moves like counter-attacks, guillotine throw, izuna drop, ninpo, flying swallow etc. There's no purely defensive move in the game that gives i-frames
NG is the only one that gives you a dedicated block.

I don't think I was trying to argue that it were literally purely defense, more that defense were more important than any other character action game, which it is.

Of course you're going to get offensive, of course there's an interplay between defense and offense, but enemies in NG are very aggressive and put up a good defense themselves, so it's all about waiting for the right opportunity to strike or opening them up for attack yourself.

DMC has royal guard
V joe, godhand, and bayo has an entire subsystem revolving around dodging
Basara has a dedicated block and parry much like NG

not really sure what you're trying to say here

I still don't see it though. Having a block button doesn't mean there's a bigger emphasis on defense. I could say that DMC has a larger emphasis on defense as well because it has Royal Guard, but that wouldn't make it any more true.

You can't wait for the right opportunity to strike because the enemies don't let you get it. The game actually punishes you for being defensive and waiting for an enemy to just finish their attack so that you can catch them coming off a combo. This is the reason why all enemies have grabs. If you sit and block and wait until an enemy is done attacking there's a very high chance of the enemy just using a grab that completely disregards your guard. Likewise, if you just run around waiting for an enemy to do something other than pursue you then you're not really going to ever do anything.

The games practically force you to take an aggressive approach. There's tons of grab and guard breaking/guard crushing moves designed to stop you from just "playing safely". There's no waiting for a window of opportunity, you have to make that window yourself

Now the actual difference between NG and other games is simply that enemies are smarter and they don't abide by any "fairness" rules. They won't stop attacking you just because you can't see them. If you are attacking an enemy, immediately another one will come in and strike you from behind. Enemies will always try to disrupt your attacks as much as you do it to them. That's the actual difference; you can't stay locked in combat with a single enemy for long because crowd control is key. You want to kill something as fast as you can, while keeping everyone else away or stunned so that they can't hit you. The more enemies you hit per action the better, because it means they're going to be unable to attack you
>Even in NG2, you have to abuse i-frames like no tomorrow.
Spoken like a true individual who lacks skill

Sure, in MN you need some iframes here and there but, aside from a couple of situations, you don't really need to 'abuse it', let alone in Mentor or Warrior.
Does anyone have any exact numbers for how much the health of enemies goes up when they go into Devil Trigger mode in DMC3?

It feels like their health goes up at least 10 times its regular health.


Alps where's the pre VST hype video
christ you frauds must I keep watch all night?
so who wants to switch over to irc with me

1996 style fools
ask your mom

I decided not to make one because Youtube doesn't show videos by subscription anymore. However people really seem to want me to do one so I guess I can make one quickly.

Around a whole day before the actual stream but whatever.
Implants, dick cut off, etc, etc, etc. I think being a small asian boy helps too.
Yeah it's pretty fun.The voice acting and presentation is A+++ same actors too. The classes and character skills influence you to stick together with your team and play with a brain rather than just running and gunning like call of duty.

Just beware of these motherfuckers. Although they already said it would not be Pay to Play like everything else they release I wouldn't trust these fucks. HOWEVER there was another good deed completed by Nexon recently with there Maplestory game. Kudos? I guess. Maybe they are changing, but I would need to see more change before going all in. It might be because GiTS is a huge license, they can't shit on it like all the other games.
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here ya go
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It's no problem anon, relax. Sometimes shit just doesn't click.
this will continue to the grave.
I thougt this was 3dcg when i first looked at it
Your brain could tell how much of it was artificial, apparently.
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see for yourself.
Kek. How does a game with no evidence of being cuhrayzee suddenly pop up on the cuhrayzee list. And then we got people like the Onechan bro fighting to get Onechanbara on the list and it's still not on there yet.
I'm so glad to see that there is more bayonetta than my entry, and even more glad that it seems combo video material.
last I checked, general was favorable towards Onechanbara Z2 chaos, and potentially Z Kagura according to the strawpoll
le platinum games meme

he's kinda cute no homo
>giving a fuck about the list
That's not the point. I thought in order to qualify you must first show footage of the game while explaining the engine's feats or rather mechanics. We will then all form one big huddle and decide whether or not the game is cuhrayzee. I'm asking how did it end up on the list if it didn't abide by the rules?
no clue. Day 1 shit looked cool/deep enough to sucker in people + people in general either stayed quiet (in the board) or just had a "fuck it whatever" stance to the creation of said "list"
Also, I'mma repeat this
>Day 1 shit looked cool/deep
Where's this cool and deep day 1 footage you're reffering to? I was here and I know there were no cool or deep webms posted at all when everyone was discussing the game.

>giving a fuck about the list
Well it somewhat matters to new people who come to cgg and see what's available to play. If someone playing Transformers rolls in and find that no one here likes Transformers because it "lacks depth" he'll roll out.
Mgr is understandable since there's virtually nothing but bayonetta has roughly as much if not more tech than dmc. Why do you say that?


>Bayonetta(/2)'s goal was to create an action game based around deliberate dodging and strategic use of available pre-baked combos. The systems and AI are all focused around this, including the systems that prevent extended DMC-style comboing under most circumstances. The limit on dodging means you can't simply mash it out and the necessity of dodge offset means your attacks must be deliberate as well. The challenge is in keeping your cool and reacting appropriately

While yes, that's partially true, bayonetta has just about the same style of combo ranking as dmc. It's not 1to1 but I feel like they track whether you use the same moves/combos repeatedly. That in addition to the fact that she has more actual precanned combos in addition to I THINK more moves(usual lock-on back/forwards, tetsuzanko, bullet climax, afterburner kick, witch twist, portal kick, etc...) And I'm pretty sure there's more potential in there than dmc.

But I dunno

It's their core health * 4.

I think the actual number is that they have a defense modifier that weakens your attacks by 1/4, but just to make it simple, it's health * 4
>If someone playing Transformers rolls in and find that no one here likes Transformers because it "lacks depth" he'll roll out.
People here don't like MGR because it lacks depth. People here don't like MKH because it lacks depth. People here don't like LoK because it lacks depth. Not all the people in any of these cases, but enough that are vocal about it to give the impression that it's a majority opinion (I don't care if it is or isn't actually a majority opinion).

The majority of games on that list are bitched about more than they ever see any kind of love, so this imaginary scenario you've concocted where I should be bothered by the thought of someone coming here specifically to talk about Transformers and leaving when nobody is interested? It's already par for the course in this general for the majority of games that supposedly fall under our purview.
Perhaps, maybe just perhaps since the beginning there is no idealology or basis for anything being on the "list" and the general was just a haphazard collection of games that people generally talked about.

maybe, probably, just saying.

and maybe, being that nobody wants to talk about certain shitty games that you're interested in for the past 2 or 3 years you can take the hint that your shitty game doesn't merit staying
Talking to yourself again anon?
Oneechanbara gives everything away for free.
No matter if people here dont want to discuss a game. Thats not a good indicator because even the games on the list aren't discussed.
>games on the list aren't discussed
good meme
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How often games on the list are discussed, in order of occurence.

1: shitposting about whether they should be on the list or not
2: Helping noobs out
3: lore/story discussions
4: miscelanious bullshit about characters
5: What's your favorite weapon/character/ass in cuhrayzee game X
6: posting self made art
7: discussion of game mechanics
8: people actively trying or working together to find new mechanics or do creative shit

Yeah, good meme.
>replying to shitposters who make accusatory posts that reply to nobody in particular in order to be as generalizably incendiary as possible
I sincerely hope you're not the same guy from the other idiotic eight hour argument because if so then you seriously need to learn when to not fucking reply.
Yes boss.
>That Bayonetta 2 clip at 1:03
>10 different offensive inputs used
>only 3 attacks connect when boss is mid animation and isn't infinite dodging
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Hey guys, I found Bayonetta's weakness.
i dont get it
It's hair removal cream.
Hey /cgg/.

Since it is my first time working on something similar to a combo video (my freestyle entry will be mostly combos).

I need some advice.

1st: Let's say i manage to do a combo, and i found it really unique, cool looking, etc, but the enemy died a second too early (let's say, in a PPPPP string in bayoneta, he dies in the barrage of punches instead of dying for the wicked weave).

2nd: What you guys normally do when you do 2 very similar combos, and you can't choose which one to put in the video?
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Nigga you seriously think a 500 year old witch doesn't have spells or potions that can counter any threat to her source of power?

Only Sparda can give her a Wicked Shave this time.
1st: I don't mind it at all.
2nd: If it has the same starting 3-5 strings but then changes completely into something else then it's fine. But if they're literally the same and has only one different move, I wouldn't suggest it.
Unless you're desperate to add time to your video.
Thanks for the answer anon!

Now, time to separate all the footage that i find worth and see how long it will be in total.
Did anyone care enough about We Shall Wake to get good at it and upload videos? I'd like to watch some, if anyone's aware of any.
>Oneechanbara gives everything away for free.

I play tested it. If i have some extra time left i kight record sokething but its been a while desu.
Everything cancels everything. Movement is already super fast. Doing tricks makes it just a small bit faster but that doesnt feel as impressive because you're already super fast.
Its super easy to stay in the air.
Right on. I'll appreciate it if you do but I understand how things go.
Oh, you're the guy that ignorantly bought into the hype then posted a bunch of mindless casual tier gameplay. Nevermind then.
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Very simple almost cool combo.
Why is he knocked diagonally backwards when you land?
Sorry for the dumb question
The helm breaker kick has some weird ground bounce, and for what i've seen, they are expanded if you are using the shotguns or durga in the feet, or something like that, i didn't try to see how far and how it works exactly.
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>Oh, you're the guy that ignorantly bought into the hype then posted a bunch of mindless casual tier gameplay. Nevermind then.

Kek. All those so-called cancels and that clown couldn't even design a proper combo let alone play the game properly.
So what are some non-cuhrayzee action games that /cgg/ likes? I've been playing Yakuza 4 recently and having a lot of fun.
Abyss Odyssey
Zeno Clash 1 & 2
Said it before, but Xenoblade Chronicles X is a game I've been playing a bit. I used to mod Skyrim as well.
Getting into the souls series with Dark Souls. Enjoying it.
Star Ocean 3
Nightmare Creatures
Hey guys does anyone want to try Blade and Soul? I was lucky enough to have a spare key. I'll teach you all the goods, just come play!
>Records all the video material necessary.
>Put them in a decent order.
>Doesn't know what song to use.

This would be much easier if i played devil may cry, i swear.
>Have song planned
>Record footage and put them in order with the song
>There's gaps around
>You don't have enough footage to complete the whole song
Why does song selection matter so much? Who are you trying to impress, this isn't a date anon. Just go with your own taste in music even if others claim it isn't so great. I'll still enjoy it if your gameplay is awesome. Music makes the world go around, but we're here mainly for the gameplay. Also could I maybe get a sneak peek at your work, please?
>Why does song selection matter so much?
Because music really helps out the vibe of a video.
Everything's better when it's set to music, and if it's well set to music then even more so.
I like to think that the music should fit with what is happening in some way. Since i play bayonetta (mostly, but my video is 100% bayonetta), i'm having trouble to find something that fits the atmosphere, if i don't find anything, i'll just use part of the game soundtrack.

>Also could I maybe get a sneak peek at your work, please?

Well, while not actually a sneak peak, since it is basically stuff that i didn't find worth to put in the video, but those webms are mine:
Dont you worry, you'll be told exactly what to do.
You could go old school and have a dozen three second clips of the cutscenes
Nah, that's MAD style padding. I can just put them all together and leave it as that.
It's cool to sync with the music but it's not too serious.
some MMOs, Dead Rising games, thinking of getting into more games+more cuhrayzee since I bought a PS3 checkmate bumfags
I'm playing again Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Is a game that i love, and in this star wars time of the year, i felt the need to play again, i just really love how much freedom you have with the saber and the force powers.
>Because music really helps out the vibe of a video.

No it doesn't. The only transition is from fighting normals to bosses. That's why we have boss fights. If you're just doing Mission 2 DMC3 or BP DMC4 anything can go with that clip. When you reach the boss room that would be the only time to change your track to set a tone of whatever you wanna call it.

In Mission 2 DMC3 I can play any genre of music and it'll fit. Whether or not people like the song is up to them. You faggots will pick a certain type of genre because you'd rather cater to your audience preference instead of your own.

TL:DR? Yes, I agree that boss battle should be epic. No, I don't agree that you can't pick any fucking genre and stamp it on Mission 2 or Bloody Palace or any video game that follows the same linear path.
>and in this star wars time of the year
Oh, you observe wookie life day?
>since I bought a PS3
what is there other than vanquish and sigma?
Sengoku Basara 3/4
Fighting Games
Warriors Orochi lol
Gundam Breaker 1/2
Gundam Extreme VS
Sigma sucks.
Those Dark Soul and Soul-ish games that I here are popular and even seen talks about them here.

Just to name a few.
i finished bayo 1 on normal, replaying it on normal again and i'm not having (almost) any trouble.
should i start bayo 2 on 2nd or 3rd climax?
Dammit I forgot DMC HD Collection.
Third, Bayonetta 2 is a fucking joke in comparison.
thought you meant ps3 exclusives

also isnt basara 4 ps4 only?
Sengoku Basara 3 and 4 vanilla last I asked they were cuhrayzee, Onechanbara Z Kagura cuhrayzee or not I want it for the lels. Thinking of getting Tales of games.
no, 4 vanilla is ps3 only
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>isnt basara 4 ps4 only?
>Not knowing Sengoku Basara 4 is available on PS3

Clearly a PC bumfag.
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muh bad, so just sumeragi is ps4 exclusive?

>that one guy asking if you can enter with LoS 2

my fucking sides
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>Onechanbara Z Kagura
No-chan still here. The only difference between Z1 and Z2 are having access to 4 girls at once instead of two, new modes, new stages and the items skills were tweaked to be more stylish and less of an assist. Z1:N has slight modifications and most importantly Nonono, making it the best version.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2?
>nobody reads the fucking rules
No sumeragi is also on ps triple

better get in on that, any big changes from utage?
System Mechanic changes (can do a dash jump from things even if they can't do a dash cancel by buffering the input and then jumping)

Everyone has a new move. Characters like Kotaro have an entirely new aspect to gameplay because of how it works.

Can tag cancel Basara's.

General balance changes too. Ieyasu's charge times have been drastically changed, and how they are carried through moves is different. Lots of characters have new air moves, as well.

Sorin can go Out of Bounds. I learned Keiji can to, and his works in Vanilla SB4 as well, and it's really stupid. Also possible to make a psuedo training mode on one stage, because going out of bounds makes a character have infinite HP, but the downside is your ally has to be Sorin or Keiji.
no, I biblically watch Star Wars the christmas special
1st- maybe dodge/panther offset the first few attacks and continue in the middle?

2nd- long hair, don't care.


Just do what you like. Clearly the length of the song has to fit the vid though.

Not him but, ew
>Clearly the length of the song has to fit the vid though.

What if the song is bigger than the video, and i cut with fade out?
>No, I don't agree that you can't pick any fucking genre and stamp it on Mission 2 or Bloody Palace or any video game that follows the same linear path.

so are you telling me that this is ok?
Not him but yes, what's wrong with it? Game sound would be nice but not everything DMC related has to be teenager tier screamo metal.
>/v/ trying to talk about action games again

What surprises me even more is how some of you actually bother responding to them
that doesn't make it ok to fit a really bad hip hop beat.
I never liked DMC4, since Nero's moveset is really limited. The fucking devil arm has like 3 moves, and he has the same sword for like 13 levels, it got old quick.

I really feel like Dante's parts were too short.
ok, it's almost like people have different music taste and aren't 17 year old metal edgesters anymore
If you biblically watched the star wars christmas special then you would've played along with the joke, liar.
yeah none of us like dmc4 dude, shits old news
nah, I just read the recommended games list and saw that it said DMC4 perfected the genre
You're fucking retarded. Shut the fuck up.
Everyone just plays bloody palace because it's the only part of the game that feels finished
>muh credentials

I'm bored as fuck, sorry. That guy might be our new Mr. Starkiler.
I've been reading that thread for a while, the credentials guy is pretty funny
i'd rather listen to edgy screamo than listen to terrible beats any day.
but in all honesty it's mainly the asian players that still keep holding onto the screamo genre while everyone else kinda just pick whatever they want.
>ok, it's almost like people have different music taste and aren't 17 year old metal edgesters anymore

The funny thing is... this is true. Go back and look at all the old school Halo montages. Nothing but teenager music. Now they use hiphop, kpop, and a lot of shit in all montages. DMC kids still living in the past.
kpop is truly cuhrayzee, it requires you to know how to sing AND dance
So... James Brown, Michael Jackson and Elvis are the original cuhrayzee artists?
MJ is cuhrayzee
yes of course

knowing only how to sing/dance exclusively is like not using styles in dmc4 or not using iframes in ninja gaiden
so, DDR will be considered cuhrayzee if combined with karaoke?
it was the first thing that popped up when searched "DDR crazy"
>So... James Brown, Michael Jackson and Elvis are the original cuhrayzee artists?

What the fuck, since when was it that you had to ask cgg what type of music is allowed YOUR created content?

like I said you faggot would rather cater to your audience preference instead of your own. That's why so many combo videos use the same type of music.
You misunderstood what i said there...
no, ddr only has four steps + combinations you need to know

just dance on the other hand...
b-but the co-op potential!
I will stop now

>Not editing your song to fit the video

6 tournaments and nobody notices the splices I made, feels good man
Enemies on DMD! take half damage compared to Normal mode. DT enemies take 15% damage compared to Normal mode. In comparison to DMD nonDT, DT enemies take 30% damage. For example, first slash of Rebellion has a base damage of 100. To a Hell Pride on Normal, it does 100 damage. On DMD, it does 50. To a DT Hell Pride, it does 15 damage.
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>up until last week VST had around 10 entries
>in the span of a day the number of entries has doubled
good anons enter last
>cater to your audience preference
more than half the people in this general who have a youtube channel barely have more than 500 subscribers, who is this audience you keep talking about?
>The number of subs you have matter
Your games community. Like, duh! I know people with 200 subs but their videos get thousands of views.
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>tfw feeling depressed and it makes you a worse player

i just wanted to play some cuhrayzee
why depressed?

It actually makes me ridiculously good. I think because I stop caring about everything and this somehow frees up my expectations of how to play the game. I start doing really wild and innovative stuff. When I'm feeling good, I tend to play pretty repetitively
>Nightmare creatures
My nigga
>Onechanbara Z Kagura
Be careful what you spend your money on. Try and see if you can test it before you buy
pfft, anybody who bought it without knowing what it exactly is retarded + playing it right now, I am amused with it
just 10? oh shit i hoped there were a lot more and noone would notice my shit entry. fuck
Way of samurai 4 if it counts.
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>Z Kagura
>Not buying the superior No-chan version.

...in peaces
I am surprised by how autistically you keep replying to negative posts about oneechanbara, champ.

VST is a recurring series of community competitions. The goal is to win votes by favor of the viewers by being as stylish as possible with your gameplay! But even if you don't believe you're amazing, it's fine. VST is meant to be fun for all, and the more the merrier. Think you have something, anything worth showing off? Then put it up for show!


-Devil May Cry (Any but the DmC reboot)
-Bayonetta (1 and 2)
-Ninja Gaiden (Any 3D game but Yaiba)
-God Hand
-The Wonderful 101
-Sengoku Basara (3, Utage, 4, and Sumeragi)
-Viewtiful Joe (1 and 2)
-Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
-Fairy Bloom Freesia
-Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage

I thought it was always allowed to pick any action game for freestyle.
they changed it because some people put really random entries for freestyle.
literally one person (or two) is responsible for that change. Complete and utter bullshit.

The rule was it could be any game so long as it's mechanically interesting enough or good enough on grounds to warrant streaming attention. Lords of Shadow 2 got rejected from Freestyle earlier today for that reason.
You mean that guy who threatened to do goldeneye?

That's kind of subjective. Also how do viewers know if a game is mechanically interesting enough if they haven't played it?
So does this mean Alps watched the video and used his own opinion to reject something from VST or did he just rejected it from the beginning without even watching the video to see if there's some tech in it?
It's fucking LoS2. Why else do you think it got rejected.
but which method did he use? both are harsh as fuck. more importantly Alps should post the fucking video since it's not an entry for VST7. Yeah post a link for the lulz.
he posted it in the group and everyone else had the same reaction
Because people who judge without looking exist.
Not him but I'd like to see the footage.
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>all those slowdowns
OK so, I really thought this was the entry (APR 2015) and was about to go bat shit insane.

Let me just say that VST freestyle was put there for a reason and if someone is playing an action game no matter if it's cuhrayzee or not they should not be banned from a Freestyle entry.

Now the people who bring in FPSers and such should be banned at the front door. Those aren't action games, this is an action game that wouldn't hurt anyone if it was put in as a freestyle entry.

>bat shit insane
Because I thought ALPs banned a 1:00 clip of LOS2. Like really, who is that hurting?

>the gameplay from that video
It was competent, it's a showing off skill after playing for serveral hours. It's not the most technical game or anywhere near the cuhrayzee games, and it's not going to win freestyle either. But what it is... it's an action game, therefore deserves the right to be entered in VST Freestyle. Shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js7NtmsJfeg should be an instaban. The fact that this video got into VST6 and then a fucking action game is banned from VST is retarded.

I'm not the LoS2 guy, I'm not supporting LoS2 in any way. What I'm supporting is action games of all form.
Honestly I just think that freestyle should be the games within the list but you just have more freedom to do what you want.

Like you could either go for a combo video, showcase good clips of you clearing a wave a certain enemies, crazy moments with bosses and etc. Considering that VST is literally Truestyle rules slapped onto the list we games we have, why not make it so that you can only use the games we have on the list? Because let's face it, unless someone is a super fucking guru at some unknown game and tries their hardest to make it look competent, people are going to ignore the entry altogether.
whats wrong with it? some guy just enjoying an Action game everyone tends to overlook and is trying to show us why he likes it. I see nothing wrong with it.

Personally I'm not a big fan of this game and dropped it after around 3 hours of playing.

That was the other purpose of bringing in any game you wanted to freestyle. Bringing attention to games that are new enough to this general to appeal as well.


The video is right on the Ask.fm wall you dummy.


First of all, putting an obvious joke video on the same level as something that wants to be taken seriously is retarded.

Second, you could've just said "if it's an action game we should allow it", which is disagreeable for plenty of good reasons. VST6 was almost 3 hours by approved games alone. Attracting the wrong crowd with an inconsistent standard with even more videos is a pretty bad move to consider.
I get that it's not wrong for /cgg/ to be more welcoming and expansive but changing VST's Freestyle dynamic so drastically is not the way to do this. It makes it worse for /cgg/ familiar people and gives a misleading impression to newcomers since even you admit that kinda stuff isn't on the same level as our games.
if you bring some other game people ignore or don't consider crazy and do something cool with it, other may see this and check it out, have fun with it, maybe they will become guru and share cool stuff with us later who knows dude
>go for a combo video
Why? You can make a combo video any day of the week and the same people will watch it and more. I'm sure many of you google or youtube "DMC Combo" with the search results showing the most recent upload. I do that all the time just in case some nobody uploads something really good.

>showcase good clips of you clearing a wave a certain enemies, crazy moments with bosses and etc.
That's pretty much Traditional.

Considering that VST is literally Truestyle rules slapped onto the list we games we have, why not make it so that you can only use the games we have on the list?
Because we have Traditional which uses this same set of rules.

>Because let's face it, unless someone is a super fucking guru at some unknown game and tries their hardest to make it look competent, people are going to ignore the entry altogether.
100% correct. But this is "Freestyle" which allows the use of mods and such, meaning nothing is suppose to be taken seriously from this bracket. When people wanna tryhard that's what Traditonal is for. Traditional shows off your true skill in the game and nothing less.

>Taking Freestyle Entries serious
You're apart of the problem. You're the reason why newbies are afraid to enter VST. Because of your mindset towards an bracket full of "don't take any of these as serious" videos, that's why. If someone wants to do LoS2 let them and then maybe they'll join /cgg/ and pick one of the games here. That's how you welcome someone to /cgg/. All you're doing is playing gatekeeper.
>You can make a combo video any day of the week and the same people will watch it and more.
of course but if you want to make an impact with your video, you have to have originality.

>That's pretty much Traditional.
Traditional isn't clips of cool stuff. It's clearing a room or fighting a boss.

>You're apart of the problem. You're the reason why newbies are afraid to enter VST. Because of your mindset towards an bracket full of "don't take any of these as serious" videos

By that logic the entirety of /cgg/ and VST Traditional need complete overhauls too, but you're saying it boils down to them picking a game from here anyway.

Must be real nice to have an active imagination when someone disagrees with you. In any case stop being a total retard and channel that intention to doing something more active and intelligent instead of babbling subjective hypotheticals on this thread. Ask Alps to host your own "Free for All" VST sideline tournament if you're that concerned. Or better yet do it yourself.

You just got here. Yeah you just got here. You wasn't here for VST6 or VST5 or VST4 or VST3. or VST2 or VST1. You're acting like LoS2 or any other "shit action game" is the worst thing to have ever be mentioned, thought of, and... actually made it into a VST tournament. Keep up with that circlejerking you fucking pawn. You're nothing more than the slut sissy boy who gets his ass gangbang by the full /cgg/ roster of players.

When I say this I speak for all of us, Do us all a favor. FUCKING KILLYOURSELF.

I've been here since VST1, nice try kiddo.

Even assuming I am what you're projecting, that has absolutely nothing to do with what either of us were talking about in the slightest.

Shut up and go back to Bujingai, stopsign
lmao holy shit someone screencap this dude, wonder if his brain suffers from as much slowdown as LoS2 does.
>I've been here since VST1, nice try kiddo.
I'm sure you have, that butt of your must have no tightening after getting fucked so many times.

>Even assuming I am what you're projecting, that has absolutely nothing to do with what either of us were talking about in the slightest.
Yeah sure. Just keep following the orders that have been given to you.

>Shut up and go back to Bujingai, stopsign
That game isn't on the list and will not be apart of Freestyle. Get back to your position and close your mouth before the gatekeeper puts a dick in it. You're used to that, though.

Just a few more hours till VST7. Try to keep you butt dry for this one.

Ok Stopsign
house cleaning confirmed cuhrayzee

Is this zoro's voice actor?
I think it's kind of cool. I'll give it a try sometime. Too bad about those slowdowns. I assume it's not possible to turn them off. Is it for pc? maybe no slomo mod?
Really shitty of you guys to make a laughingstock of someone who took an honest crack at contributing some action game footage, but this general is full of people who'd rather tear someone down than build them up so that's no surprise. LoS2bro, if you're still here, I would've allowed your entry. C'est la vie.

We didn't though

Also if you weren't retarded you would know the LoS2 guy wasn't even trying to get it to be viable, he was wondering if it was eligible for VST. Those uploads are old as hell.
>But this is "Freestyle" which allows the use of mods and such, meaning nothing is suppose to be taken seriously from this bracket.

you're a fucking retard, it's the exact same thing as traditional but without the "finish the room" objective. Pick a game, do whatever you want, then go.

you can kill all enemeis
you can fly for 3 minutes
you can sit in a room picking your ass
you can beat a stage without killing anything
whatever floats your boat, because it's freestyle.

I'm not even remotely worried about dropping this because of retards like you
different guy but what if we had all this and then something completely different in a small box in the corner
Absolutely, yes. Don't tell me you guys, who all love dmc because it allows you to "express yourself", are barring certain kinds of music.

You can't want to be a special snowflake and bar other people from being their snowflakes as well.

Man, I remember back when 4 was first released. People hated it so much. Times sure have changed.



I'm so sad I'm going to be working. However, I'll still try to catch the stream on my phone.


shut up paincloud
>The day of VST7 is the same day as Kamiya's birthday

Was this intentional?
>[game poster does not like] is allowed
>:C :C :C :C :C :C
Holy shit how did you know?

It was the multi-quotes wasn't it?
is it too late to send alps my entry?
Maybe. It's 1 AM his time right now he could be asleep since the event starts at 7 AM for him. You could try sending it on his ask fm and see if he accepts it.
If it gets declined then just upload that shit nigga
Alright, I'll try and hope he accepts it.

>just upload that shit nigga
I'm not so sure if you guys are ready for this one, it gets pretty gangsta.
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I'm pretty gangsta myself.
Did you guys just say gangsta? Because I think you just said gangsta. Anyways my vst entry contains unrivaled levels of gangsta. Darkwave is the name. being gangsta is my game. watch out for my entry.

If I can find out where to upload it.
If I can still send it in.
If Alps accepts it bcuz it contains some non-cgg
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Good luck.
go on his ask.fm and be very nice
and edit out any lords of shadow
We should invite him to the stream desu
If you're willing to brave the "BLOCKED" gauntlet then go ahead.
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he already blocked me for suggesting he kind of looks like krilin from DB
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kek. will do
Psst you guys.


Did you finish your entries?
That was really good (whatever for the song. It's not a good beat at all, but it didn't offend my senses). Also ties into the discussion we had previous thread, about "how to use Devil Trigger". This is the way I was saying is cool to use it.
I see how it might read like that, but that's not what I meant when I wrote that. My bad.
So show us what you think constitutes a good beat, anon.
not him but i'd rather see a DMC vid with something like this attached.
anyone know the right color of blue for vergils coat? i want to be accurate.
that helps a lot. thanks
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How could platinum make beast within even more broken? I have to do my doges in the exact frame.
Don't touch the thumbstick if you don't beast within
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>check pastebin for number of entries
>in less than 24 hours went from 10 to 24

I know some of you're busy but shit you all really took "you have until the last day to submit!" to heart
Kingdom Hearts II FM
God I feel like a moron now, I move the thumb stick by intuition, but yeah thanks
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Think I'm just going to post my entry here. I'm not happy with the end result, feel like I haven't done enough since I started playing dmc4 years ago, and feel like I totally missed the point of cgg and vst. I'm sorry for being a faggot.
here https://youtu.be/1JZRXS-hgyw
>Scarecrow Juggling Simulator 4

U dun did it now
At the very least I was entertained. It definitely felt premature, though, and it's probably for the best that you withdrew. Without knowing more about Ishin I couldn't really say for sure, but you either need to get better at the game or (more likely) get better at making the game look good. You had a few moments where you were onto something, but, with how little the AI fought back, you didn't seem to have much opportunity to play off them, leaving you to rely on the samey-offense options the game gives you. I recognized the gun cancels that you posted about a while back, but it didn't seem like you really integrated them into combat fluidly. Again, without knowing the game better/at all, I can't really say. If there's more to be done there then I'd like to see it, but if that's the peak of the game then I'd say your time would be better spent elsewhere. (I'm betting the Ishin would've gotten your entry rejected had you submitted it, and I'm sure some people are annoyed that you included it at all, but eh)

For DMC4 I'm not sure how much of the content was "serious" versus how was only included for comedy value (i.e. the "damage boost" bit), so all I'll say is if you're actually selective with the footage you include then you're at least good enough to include DMC4 footage in future entries without needing to feel ashamed of your skills.

Not much to say about the Alien footage. I liked what I saw and if there's more to be had there then push it, if not then it was good as it was.

I genuinely like the music until it went apeshit, and had a chuckle once it did.

There's all my dumb opinions on your video. You went to the trouble of uploading it so I figured I'd say something about it.
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Guys, just so I don't miss it. vstream is an hour and a half from now, right?
It's 4:37 EST and the stream is at 6:00 EST.
So yes. Thank you!
reasons. i'm feel better now but thanks for asking.
why'd you keep doing the same move over and over

Starting soon!
Thank you for the feedback. It's spot on, besides that the dmc4 footage wasn't really comedic value. I just didn't have time to do things better. I hadn't played the game in months if not half a year. Had only a short amount of time to "relearn" everything, and mostly forget about long range air combos and guardflying.
That said I was never that smooth in binding things together. Which is why sometimes in the yakuza footage there's these pauses, even if the game is sort of sluggish by itself. The footage you see is actually pretty smooth though. It's just that I didn't read the freestyle rules until halfway through editing and thought I had to clear a fight, mostly without taking damage. The dmc4 footage with the knights is also a result of that. An attempt to survive that room without getting hit. Besides that "damage boost" I didn't get hit for 3/4th of the fight. I called that a damage boost because I wanted to get on that platform but fell short, then got hit up there, which sort of felt helpful.

I think though that the most important thing I learned is that just because I can find mechanics easily in almost any game, and do some advanced techniques it doesn't mean i'm any good at making it enjoyable to watch without some lel funnay video editing. The thing I'm missing is just hard work, which I never really put in enough. shamefur dispray.

Lack of recording time and good footage. recently got a 40hr job, which didn't help with preparing either, but mostly I'm just a lazy bum.
mfw chat creaming themselves over this bayonetta video and I honestly don't find it that impressive

if this is all it takes for a bayonetta entry i should have done one years ago
Is Beat Down Fists of Vengeance cuhrayzee
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The best
I guess my dog became famous.
your dog is stylish as fuck, anon
Happy birthday, Kamiya and Bayonetta!
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You know it's hard as hell to pull out good shit in bayo because the game is floaty.
A few days ago, I posted that I was trying to beat NGB on Very Hard and was stuck on the optional fiend challenge in the archives. Well, I'm still stuck there. Someone tried to tell me before that unfair situations don't exist in this game, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that this is just not true. The problem isn't those cat fiends, surprisingly enough, and the red ninjas aren't in this challenge until MNM. It's those monk fiends which can teleport from anywhere in the room, even if completely off-screen, and attack you while in the middle of an un-cancelable animation. It's also that triple-circle attack which they can use while you're in the middle of an izuna drop and deal unavoidable damage when you land. This one unavoidable hit has occasionally resulted in my being combo'd to death by the other enemies. Oh, and they're not any fun either. Maybe I'll think differently when I eventually try this on MNM, but I kinda wish I was fighting red ninjas instead.

I'm strongly considering using much cheaper methods of getting through this challenge than just staying on the bottom floor and fighting normally. If anyone can explain how I can avoid that circle attack when it just happens to sync up with my landing from an izuna drop, I might change my mind.
>Really worried about my entry, thinking that it wasn't up to par and because it was a speedrun I'd get shit on
>People seemed to like it

This was a lot of fun. Glad I took part in one of these finally
Oops, I meant to say I was trying to beat it without using any items. I've beaten VH and MNM normally in the past, including this challenge. The lack of items is what makes this ridiculous.
it was alright
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I'd tell you just to not use izuna drop yet. I've talked about this in the NG2 advanced guide, the ID is a problem because the last part of the combo has a vulnerability period that cannot be cancelled. Because of that you're completely vulnerable when coming off the in-air state so it's not always the smartest choice to use ID if you know there's enemies that can abuse that period of vulnerability.

By now you should have the windmill shuriken. You can just kill all of the monk fiends with it and keeping the Basts stunned with wind path. When the monks do their ground attack they always have a clear audio cue and it takes a moment before you actually get hit, so if you're standing inside the circle you can dodge the attack before it hits you. This also puts the monks at a disadvantage because you can bait them into using this attack and then counter with a flying swallow or the windmill shuriken

Also if you're using a combo on one of the basts and you see the monk's attack coming just tap block quickly and the combo will get cancelled.
Thanks to everyone who uploaded a video. Fun was had.
Great stream, wish I had had the time to do something as well. Bah.
>no mgr
>no vanquish
>no vjoe

what went wrong, /cgg/?
12 MGR entries next time, just like dead Bayonetta until now
Well back to the drawing board. First up: actually getting good at dmc4 before I ever say anything about video games again.
VST playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdy7ZkDOI7GKrBFuw6asIp88ELmmjB_ud
>I'd tell you just to not use izuna drop yet.
I had a bad feeling that this was the answer. I pretty much always use that move and I'm pretty dependent on it and other aerial combos. Not sure how I'm going to handle the basts and monks at the same time without it. I've pretty much never used wind path, maybe it's time to get adjusted to it.

>By now you should have the windmill shuriken. You can just kill all of the monk fiends with it
Good idea. I wasn't using the windmill shuriken.

Opinions on entries everyone?


>implying we don't already know who half the participants are
FQ77-L3M6 wins everything..
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>VST: Bayo & HWAH Edition

Well that was different and I have to say I actually enjoyed ever bit of it, especially the GodHand freestyle entry. That one has tuned my interest in Godhand. Also the Bayonetta 1 entries, man they were fucking sick. Reading the chat made Ninja Gaiden runs funny and more entertaining, but I can never keep up with the fuckton of stuff happening onscreen. Anyway that was a great display of skill from everyone. Let's bring even more for VST8!
I'm glad my entry is not the best bayonetta entry.

And i'm glad to see Kail back with dmc.
>VST: Bayo & TWOAH Edition
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I hope you guys enjoyed my W101 video. It may not have been as stylish as the other clips, but I'm sure as hell trying to reach that untapped potential. I'll be working on more stuff in the far future, but for now I want to take a break. It sure was fun watching this whole event. It was the first time being part of the VST for me.
Wait, was VST today? Did I miss the stream?
Yeah you did. Encore's playing now, though you'll mostly be alone

but there were only 4 HWA entries...
I was surprise how good the transformers game looked
I loved your entry.

In general i liked a lot of entries, the bayonetta ones, the transformers, the dmcs, the TWOAH.

Well, was it at least good?
Why the fuck did you not peer-pressure Alps into adding this?
I'm sorry for posting that mediocre Azel boss fight. At least the finish was ok
When I got home vst had already started and to make matters worst the link was cut off at the end of the message I sent him. I didn't want to ask alps during vst. If he wants to he can add it to the vst7 playlist as a DQ'd entry I guess.
girl next door liked yours the best I think. Mostly because of the game itself, not really your gameplay. But it was fun to watch for me too.
>the struggle against your wrongly trained muscle memory
I hate this. It's like my hands won't listen to me.
When it clicks, it'll suddenly be fine. That's just how it works.
Freesia dude, I'm killing myself trying to remember what that song you used is from. Help me out here?
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Jesus christ. Of course. How could I forget.
Yeah I found a way to deal with it just now.

Too bad this shit is too fast to learn perfectly the first times. It's a giant trial and error process.
Your entry was dope as fuck btw. Good job. Made me want to try this game out.
your entry was awesome and nice choice of music. I'm going to buy this game because of you.
I wonder how many copies of Freesia that video sold, lol.
>inb4 "everyone is a pirating bum"-guy sees this post.
Thanks for enjoying. Seems I did my job correctly.

You missed some codes on the overall list.
>posts the link to the video without fixing the poll first

holy fuck alps step your game up
I'm not that self accepting. I'm that autistic guy saying let's go the fuck home then. FUCK what am I doing here pitymyself bumposting. let's do it back to practice go better work it bitch
practice practice practice
Ok ignoring the fact that trying to go itemless in NG is a bit retarded are you also trying to avoid using smoke bombs and incendiary shuriken? because both work against the monks. Also the Lunar has a couple of combos that stun them, the issue there is making yourself room to keep the combo alive in-between the catfucks trying to kill you.

To be honest I don't quite remember a lot about the first game but in that particular challenge I believe it was 2 cats + 1 monk? you can try to kill all the spawning cats first and leave the monk horde to the end to fight them 1 on 1.
I'm playing through Yakuza as well I'm only on 2 bought the entire series since its so cheap
ggxrd, souls series/bloodborne, capcom fighting games and that's really it. i started yakuza 1 recently and i'm enjoying it. it's going to be a long time before i catch up to 5 or even 6.
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I also recommend you learn counterattacks, the lunar counter is very useful. And guillotine throws are kind for clearing out difficult mobs when you have to watch out for ranged enemies
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Here's the updated pastebin:

Remember to copy it into the new thread's OP.
gotta get good enough to enter the next vst 'cuz god damn the entries were good!
NGBro, you finished the guide?

Watch out for me next year, baby. I'm comin' in red hot.


I loved your entry. I hope you keep doing W101 stuff, I can never get enough.
Well, I just copied his updated version of the NG2 advanced guide.
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i'll be waiting vjoe anon

not quite, see


Just the latest update
Well, I ended up cheesing that archive fiend challenge. Stayed on the 3rd and 2nd floors, killing monks on the 3rd floor, and when there were 3 cats active at a time with no monks (which ended up happening every time I killed one or two monks) I would charge up a lunar UT on the second floor and wait for the cats to come by. Still had some close calls.

I do use counterattacks. One of my biggest problems, though, is that I'm somewhat unfamiliar with every weapon that isn't the dragon sword. I'll have to give the lunar's counterattack a try.

Maybe I should've tried those. Oh well.
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>VST7 in a nutshell for me
I'll be voting tomorrow. Definitely need to weigh some of the entries against each other.
Question though, can't you just votespam on strawpoll? I'm not sure if it's the best option... (Then again, i have no idea what the best option would be)
DMC4SE blown the fuck out
I don't mind Bayo, but there was a ridiculously excessive amount of Bayo, so this tourney felt a little same-y, imo
you can set the strawpoll to detect if the same user is trying to vote more than once by detecting the IP, unless Alps didn't choose that option. I haven't voted yet
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Wake up in the morning feelin- IDGAF WHAT YOU FEEL LIKE GET PRACTICING
I'm sorry I deleted my entry, but after seeing a few first one I decided I did way too bad. I will do a better video and post it here later. I promise.
I know that feel bro
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practice practice practice.

Will the DS4 work for Sumeragi on PS3? Last I heard it only worked for some games.
isn't there a list of games it works on on google or sumthin?
If you're playing Bayo 1 you can also use lock-on and jump like in DMC
Yes there's a few but they seem to be mostly games tested by people so it doesn't mean somebody has tried it yet. I've not seen the game appear on any incompatible lists either.
Practice practice practice
is this going to be the new meaningless bump post allong with Mwah, Hwah, and Hump?
>not TWOAH

first song?
Sleepy /cgg/
It's the sound of furiously playing Razor's Edge
I'm just into Vanquish and dear god, the God Hard mode is insane. No weapon upgrades and at the start of the game there spawned 2 heavy robots to whoop my ass up amidst bullets flying everywhere. After 3 tried I went to hard mode to improve myself but how the heck did you guys managed to beat that mode? And being cuhrayzee while doing it?
And where can I find good cuhrayzee Vanquish gameplay so I can use it as a reference to improve my skill?
This one is spot one. Though contrary from you, I absolutely love the game despite how barebone the gameplay is and how mechanical the difficulty feel but I'm probably biased because MGR was my gateway game to the cuhrayzee genre.
Whenever someone want to read a shounen manga or anime, I recommend them MGR and hope that some of them will start to want more games like it.
I'm posting it whenever I'm practicing and need a small break to stretch my hands. If you don't see that post anymore it means i've failed. If you want I'll get a trip so you can filter me
practice practice practice
>how the heck did you guys managed to beat that mode?

honestly god hard isn't that hard, it's really annoying.

The problem with GH is that there are very specific spots where the game has a huge difficulty spike, Giant is notorious for being one of the toughest spots in the game despite being super early.

When all else fails you "could" lame it out and get some completely safe spots to snipe, but where is the fun in that
Tell me about it.
Little place to get yourself covered, you're super fragile, bullets fly everywhere and your teammates fall like leaves before you even get the chance to use them as shield, and then enter 2 (or 3?) big ass motherfucker to lure you out of your cover.
I gave up as fast as I could but after I've played Hard for a little while, I started thinking that this training is completely inefficient to beat GH mode. In GH mode you're rendered too useless to do anything remotely even close to hard. ASR burned out like crazy, high regen time, super accurate enemies, etc... It's like I jumped from normal to infinite climax in Bayo.
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practice practice.
What's a subtle looking effects mod?
Also I want a bloody palace replacement that isn't so bright.

I want dat realizm.
>how the heck did you guys managed to beat that mode? And being cuhrayzee while doing it?
How did you reach that conclusion?

I stopped playing God Hard a bit before midgame or something, it was boring as fuck. In Normal and Hard you can be as "cuhrazy" as you wish, there is plently of room to try shit, but GH is such a borefest. You usually have to take "cover" (not exactly cover, but stay behind things without taking a cover stance) and snipe things from there. You will be scared of using ASR, since it burns super fast and you will need it to clear some problematic spots. Add the fact that you can't upgrade weapons and a single hit from anything kills you and basically you have "no fun allowed, the difficulty".

tl;dr loved Vanquish, but I think GH wasn't well done/executed
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>"cuhrazy" in quotes
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>Got all excited about Bayonetta being in Smash
>Remember that I bought a copy of it a while ago, never got around to playing it
>It's the PS3 version
who here on that MKH
Oooh the disappointment. I can understand. I sold my hacked 360 and figured I'd buy bayo on ps3. It was shit. ;/
it feels like game is becoming slower and slower. not much but bit by bit. do you feel this too?

you should probably try again, it's very easy to do meter management, the only time you should running out of ARS is during a hit or when the game auto forces slow on you.
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What game?
Why even play an action game if it isn't 60fps? You can't get good with all those frame drops.

Alas the wii u emulator is almost available.
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>Why even play an action game if it isn't 60fps?
So what did you guys think of this VST? Favorite entries, etc?
MKH entry was the best entry.
Nah MGR was.
I loved the Bayo entries and I liked the god hand freestyle a lot. Honestly didn't really like transformers cause it looked super repetitive and overall it was just sort of meh

i liked some of the HWA entries but some seem just half assed. Like one of them was from the newest game I think (has to be because it looked the prettiest) and the guy just kept getting hit and it was almost like the game made it look cool rather than the player being actually good because everything was happening so fast that you couldn't tell if he was doing anything like complex and stuff

I still don't know why everyone continues to jizz themselves over the freesia entry. It was nice but like idk it just doesn't feel like really great

I'm still undecided on my favorite overall entry though
>I still don't know why everyone continues to jizz themselves over the freesia entry
I feel the same about the Bayonetta entries getting a load of hype, I think people are just excited that a previously unpopular game has some decent entries so they're valuing them too highly
too much ng3 but fun
sword waifus son
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the ng2 entry that starts with e1m1 got me super hype. god damn that is the perfect choice in music for that kind of hyper-aggressive play

meanwhile it's a long road ahead for me to get to vst level. still gotta play the dang game a lot more instead of farting around w/ combos
Have you done any room clearing practice with Trish?
It's funny every time I see it.
I also need to step up my game, my dog-level bayonetta play is not enough, but i'll practice a lot more, and i think i'll enter again only when i get a capture card...
Which one was your entry, Dogman? I want to re-watch it
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>tfw you render your VST entry and it looks good on your PC but when uploaded to youtube the quality becomes garbage and the framerate drops
Look for the S4FZ-0981 entries, those are mine.
You realise youtube has a processing time right, if you uploaded in 720 60fps it will appear in 720 60fps in an hour or two depending on the length of the video.
Trying to improve those basic dante air weapon switching combos I can hardly do.
I can now sometimes do 2 loops of aerial rave, divekick, lucifer triangle attack JC loops. Been practicing only those since VST7 ended. It's tough but my motivation seems endless once I start.

practice practice practice
none whatsoever. that's why it's such a long road, haha- i've no idea what to really do in regards to incorporating her tech while clearing rooms out. normally when i play her i just play to efficiency and do round trip garbage

so stuff like that webm's JCing a divekick off a different enemy to sideswitch below the one in the air is brand new to me
Any other cuhrayzee games for pc?
I checked the recommended image, have played them all unfortunately.
take the final video, upscale it to 1080p (or 1440p) re-render it.

Upload that larger file to youtube. Congrats, you're one step closer to surpassing youtube's shitty compression.
thats all of them sorry

if you're hungry for more look for games that might have potential and try to figure out if they're any good and come back to us with results
How the hell one of the entries has more than 1000 views on yt already?
Bayo owned this entry.
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I didn't know my wrist could sweat
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>promoting your own entry outside of /cgg/ and letting the other entries rot
>tfw no friends to promote my entry to

No offense but I was looking at the russian CGG polls and they have absolutely terrible taste in entries as they seriously seem to favor flashy shit over actual creativity and skill
I'm rooting for the underdogs. Everyone loved the Bayo entries, meanwhile there's barely any talk about Sengoku Basara and Wonderful 101, and I thought they were pretty cool.
Basara looks boring as shit, honestly. For those that enjoy playing it and watching it, right on, do your thing, but Basara is the type of game that'll unfortunately never get my vote, and it's not even out of spite.

TW101 entry was pretty good and I considered voting for it.
>Basara looks boring as shit
Coming from a DMC4 player, I always thought Basara looked pretty cool. It has it's own style, as well as other /cgg/ related games.
give me your entry i'll share it
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i was joking, i didnt even submit anything

good joke anon

ya got us
I like Basara but there were a lot of very similar combos and I lost interest
So much footage of explosion man beating up electric grandpa
dont ever complain about not having friends
i forgot that you guys are my friends :)

>tfw I actually liked dmc

Thanks for sharing.
>page 10
we're truly out of motivation
waiting for the TWOAH! pics.

I don't know, maybe is because high level dmc 4 players are more common, but i always get more impressed with dmc 3 than dmc 4.
I don't know why we didn't see more DMC3 entries now that weapon swap has been added to the style swapper.
I was not talking about this. But, style switcher, and stuff like that can only be used in freestyle, since it is cheating.
>I was not talking about this.
Yeah, no shit, otherwise you would've been the one to bring it up, not me.
I've never really understood this decision; I get that messing with some of the .ini options is blatant cheating, but as for just using the 6 styles alone, what's the harm?
I spread the news about VST and people are wanting me to win....
Good thing there is a code replacing my name that only those who recognize my "style" would know it's me. I only really display my entry after votes are done.
I'm pretty sure it's not because "it's cheating" but rather because it's not "traditional". As in, it's not the base game.
Also helps balance the competition for that specific game. Let's say some people are playing on PS2, others on EMU, others on PS3, and the last ones on PC (>implying there are enough DMC3 entries for that). In that case, PC players would have access to a drammatically different DMC3, with more options and more unseen shit.

This video gets fucking crazy from 4:30 on. At 7:00, he was murdering the camera, and I've never seen anything like what he did at the end against the vanguard outside of DMC4 Faust/Mephisto fights.
what was the vid ith the dog?
I think you're probably clever enough to figure it out for yourself.
Same here. While I really don't play cuhrayzee outside of DMC, I appreciate the display and try my best to use my knowledge of DMC to understand what's going on. Obviously I miss the nuances, but I get an overall picture.
I wont deny that I am likely to get bored, but I tend to appreciate high level gameplay of other games (even if I dont like it, like DmC), especially when it comes to stylish stuff, though it can be anything really.

The Weapon Switcher is relatively new and not exactly reliable to switch between 5 melee and 5 ranged weapons. I'm certain an update will improve things. Some have had trouble installing the mod too.
With the exception of a few things like infinite DT (for Vergil while retaining his non-corrupted form for Summoned Sword formations) and GMD, which aren't really base game for DMC3 and DMC4.
Correct, yeah.
I think that small things like that are fine. Or Turbo. But DMC3 with Weapon/Style Switching is a whole different game.
What's the differences between DMC3 Dante and DMC4 Dante (aside from style switcher), and who is more complex?
Tons. However to lazy to write.
As for the complexity part, it depends. If we are talking in terms of what you can do at once (without referring to menus for different weapons and such), definitely DMC4 Dante. If we are talking about overall complexity, DMC3 Dante.
For simplicity sake, complexity, for me, also includes mechanics in the game such as what happens to certain enemies when hit with certain weapons and whatever
> who is more complex?
Dante who has more weapons.
This question... is a hard one.
Anyway, at a single moment in time, DMC4 Dante is more complex. More Weapons, all styles, some abuse of the inertia system.

But overall, like if you're trying to learn anything one or the other can do, I'd say DMC3 Dante has a lot more to learn. All the possible combinations of weapons, and specifics setups you can get for each one, etc.
If you just look at 475's (Shinago? Shinako?) video above, you can see how many variations of Gun/Sword rave variations he can pull. DMC4, because of it's enemy system, and moveset, does not have this kind of variety, or at least I don't think it does, although I'd like to be proven wrong.

With that said, my first answer still stands. At a single point in time, DMC4 Dante has a lot more options than DMC3 Dante. (If you include SS and WS though, forget it. DMC3 blows 4 out of the water).
>For simplicity sake, complexity, for me, also includes mechanics in the game such as what happens to certain enemies when hit with certain weapons and whatever
This is true as well, I should've also said that but I don't know how to word it since saying which game is better encompasses too many things.
>If you include SS and WS though, forget it. DMC3 blows 4 out of the water
How does SS fit in DMC3? I mean, the game was designed to play through a stage with one style right? Adding a style switcher to it and I feel like I just ruined... something? It just doesn't feel really right or something, to use a lot of styles when you're supposed to use one style only.
SS fits in fine. The only problem with it is that we don't have visual or sound feedback. I've said it before, but it's like you're "empty switching".

Anything else is just people not being used to having that option, in that game. I mean, you've seen the game be like it is for 10 years now. Anything different will feel awkward at first.
>How does SS fit in DMC3? I mean, the game was designed to play through a stage with one style right? Adding a style switcher to it and I feel like I just ruined... something? It just doesn't feel really right or something, to use a lot of styles when you're supposed to use one style only.
I always felt like the game was incomplete without style switching. I figured it would unlock when I finished the game on hard or something. Then I looked it up on the internet. I think they intended the game to have style switching, but they ran into memory constraints
Hud switches the Style icon when switching styles.
Not as great as the flash Dante gives off in DMC4 (which was a fucking briliant idea, even if similar things have been done before), but it's good enough, only requires you to see your hud. Plus difference in color makes it EZ

By the way, seeing how SS was implemented in DMC4 makes me thankful that they not only made a hud that shows the different styles, but distinct audio cues as well as a distinct flash of the character.
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>weapon doesn't even connect on all its damage frames
Hmm, I can't tell if you agree or disagree with me. From what I gather, you're saying "Hud is good enough feedback" and then saying "Good thing DMC4 did more than just have a hud change. Otherwise it would suck, as SS has shown me."

Sorry, just trying to understand what you meant.
>I mean, the game was designed to play through a stage with one style right?
Trickster, yes
but game would have benefited from Style Switching, regardless. Gives you more freedom and options to do shit.
>weapon doesn't even connect on all its damage frames
what does that mean? Enemies get hit before the animations?
PS3 bayonetta say a weapon hits on 2 frames and deals damage each time, it does that.
It will get the first hit, lag and skips the next damage frame missing half the damage
Guy after several years I finally started playing God Hand. I just don't know what the fuck I was doing earlier, Jesus Christ this is the best shit ever. Anyone else that's been putting it off drop what you're doing now and go fucking play it.

I also need the God Hand comic, pronto.
Dunno, Sword Pierce + RG cancelled Spiral spam + trickster to escape + whatever else you wanna throw on top comes really close to breaking the game; it at least makes the Chess Pieces highly redundant with the right equipment
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>God Hand comic
why is this allowed
it's just yet another name for a genre with nebulous definition only this time it's pushed by fans of popular youtube let's player
>spectacle fighter
Character action, cuhrayzee, whatever, this shit's old and not worth arguing
>The point of a Spectacle Fighter is to destroy your enemies efficiently and stylishly
>the point of
at least they got the stylish part right.
>Usually Nintendo Hard in difficulty
uhm. debatable?
>list of spectacle fighters
>Dante's Inferno
>No More Heroes
>Splatterhouse reboot
>before this "list"
>The gameplay in general being Difficult but Awesome, rivaling Fighting Games in depth.
>BamHam etc
That's the one. Cheers.
>TV Tropes
>Even once
>decides to watch that famous (or infamous), dmc video, terminus.

What... how... why? so.. much... editing.
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Why hasn't anyone tried extending the life of action games via DLC?

Just hear me out for a moment, I know Capcom would fuck it up with prices and on disk DLC, but just listen;

- New moves for existing weapons
- Balance changes for existing weapons
- Option to revert back to the default weapon settings
- Character Customization
- Character creation
- New enemies added
- Enemy balance changes. Ex. The # of enemies in a room, adding new moves, new mechanics, making them more/less agressive
- Custom Bloody Palace. Make your own challenging floors than upload them to a server for other players to download
- New story content
- New outfits

>Balance changes for existing weapons
What I mean by this is, Helm Breaker could revert back to DMC3 Helm breaker, meaning when you use it on an enemy it doesn't bring them to the ground. And you can revert back to the original setting whenever you'd like at the mission menu or something. So I don't mean to nerf or buff a weapon, but to change the way it works which in return will change the way you play the game. Refreshing.

If this came down the round like after a month or so, and if they release it in parts, and hype it up, it would definitely extend the life of their action game. Why doesn't anyone put this much emphasis in action games? Why is it also just one and done or special edition with barely anything new?
Because no one knows what to do with the genre and anyone that does doesn't have the creative freedom or funding to do so.
>Because no one knows what to do with the genre and anyone that does doesn't have the creative freedom or funding to do so.

Capcom has Street Fighter and Monster Hunter, though.
y'know, I kind of expected and even sort of wanted Capcom to continue support for DMC4SE via DLC missions. But game sold like crap anyways so I guess they won't. RIP
DLC costs money, action games are not profitable today, that is possibly the reason, MGR had dlcs, but there is so much you can do with a game like MGR, the same can be said about Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition.

More recent cuhrayzee games that are completely new, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, are pretty much complete games that aren't making a lot of money (bayo 2 probably sold well to get dlc if platinum wanted to make it).

Does transformers have dlc?

Watch the bayonetta amiibo be attached with some extra content for bayo 2 or 1 on the wii u
>Does transformers have dlc?
>Bayonetta Amiibo
I want that, and I don't own a WiiU and I don't care
>action games are not profitable today

Because for some reason they've never tried the DLC formula. DLC attracts preople, it gives them a reason to continue playing. With action games they just release the game and leave them be. The only DLC you might get is a preorder bonus.

What if Platinum using this formula with Nier 2, do you think it could possible attract more sales? Wait, didn't Final Fantasy XIII do this? I know it's not an action game, but didn't they release new gameplay content outside of the main game?
Mostly because action is a dying genre, for many reasons.
>they've never tried the DLC formula

They tried, action games had dlc before. A game having dlc doesn't attract new buyers at all.

And games like DMC 3, Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 have extra content worth more than most dlcs in video games today...
How are they dying when they continue to come out?

Yeah but I'm not talking about basic forms of DLC, I'm talking about extending the life of the game the same way MMO do it, but in the form of an action game. The things I already listed would definitely be welcome into any action game over the course of a year or two. That would cost less money than re-releasing the game on disk for the second time with little bits of new content. Sure they would need backers, but no one knows if this shit would even work because no one has ever tried to do it.
>How are they dying when they continue to come out?

This is something that i don't understand either.

Even if you exclude bayonetta 2 and transformers because of their mixed reception, Wonderful 101 is still a complete, well put, and done action game.

There is just as much action coming out nowadays as there was in the ps2 or early ps3/360 era.
Oh, so what anon meant is that his particular favorite game is ded(DMC?), and therefore, because his game is ded(is it DMC?) the entire action game genre is ded, too.
>lists three games from the same company, one of which had absolute shit sales
>"Yeah, action games totally still come out at the same rate as the PS2/early 360 eras!"

Are you retarded anon? Really. Consider the massive shift away from singleplayer, 3D action as the go-to console game to push out. This was before the huge mainline rush for more online-focused titles, especially shooters, became so commonplace for the market, and before AssCreed and Batman set the standards for how most action titles played. And more recently, with the huge takeoff of casual and mobile gaming, even the prospects of a game that needs a controller to be played correctly is shaky.

Do you remember how much goddamn shovelware used to be made up of action games? Now that's been completely replaced. That, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing. But as time goes on, the genre has less and less to offer to the public.

Be honest here - Is DLC that does shit like change balance or add new weapons in a singleplayer game even worth making when only the most niche of autists are willing to spend the time to learn the learn the mechanics at all? Especially when fucking 90 percent of players drop out before ever completing a base game in the first place?

Then you have to consider the culture we're in. These days, marketability goes beyond just advertisement - If a game is made so that the thousands and thousands of streamers and let's players can lap it up, it'll reach countless millions of more potential customers. And if those customers have already seen a game's singleplayer campaign played to completion, and few have ever touched it themselves, and it DOESN'T have a multiplayer or sandbox mode where they can constantly get fresh experiences, hardly anyone is going to buy the fucking thing for the chance of maybe seeing some DLC levels down the line.
Holy shit, really? Fuck, maybe I should I give up on PS3 Bayo and wait for Wii U, which is probably by the end of next of next year.
Can you play God Hand on PS3? I remember there's a PS2 emulator for PS3 but I don't know if it would work.
didn't dmc4se actually help capcom a fuckton in sales? like it's listed as one of the major reasons why they managed to double their profits in that one quarter or whatever alongside the actual big titles (some version of monster hunter iirc)

but also yes where the hell are the DLC maps/missions/costumes i fucking hate the LDK sparda outfit gimme the DMC1 outfit and the a BP variation that uses the DMC3 top of the tower as it's setting

i guess DmC had a buncha dlc but bleh
How should I feel about the notion that perhaps that cuhrayzee games best chance of survival is via e-spurts? Given that amongst all the genres around cuhrayzee hasthe most overlap with what makes mobas popular,
the farming stage verses braindead mobs,
the jungle featuring enemies that can actualy fight back,
large boss monsters as the prelude to the end,
most companies that make cuhrayzee games tend to have their roots in fighting games, so they IN THEORY have some notion of pvp balance,
the rpg elements,
the opportunity to style on kids,
am I crazy for seeing this? or have I stumbled upon a good idea?
and of course the final question of wether it'd be better to die pure and untarnished or to live on as an infected being.
you can get it on PSN. You get input lags and frame drops. You are better off emulating with PCSX2 if your PC can handle it
Guess I will go with the emulating option then though I dislike it. The setup is a pain in the ass, not to mention all sort of problems could occur.
>What if Platinum using this formula with Nier 2
You can bet your ass on it. Not because of Platinum, but because of Square Enix.
You'll get new costumes, more songs and a few extra missions; but don't get your hopes up, it'll probably be just to expand the story, don't expect new enemies or bosses.

And games like DMC 3, Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 have extra content worth more than most dlcs in video games today...
continuing on this train of thought, upon booting up SE again i finally notice that there's a store option right there on the main menu

man i don't even know what the heck they were thinking
Anyone arguing that developers/publishers should be selling any kind of DLC other than substantially sized, meaningful releases that legitimately couldn't be included in the original game, within budget by deadline, needs to tie a sack of bricks around their neck and jump off a pier.

ASSFAGGOTS guy you're retarded but you can stay.
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I just watch that entry
Holy shit
It was a good entry but if it's left you speechless I think you might be retarded.
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So I decided to replay Bayonetta again.
Who has a weapon tier list?

Also is the Kilgore Glitch something to be ashamed of in Non Stop Infinite Climax?
>checking a WEAPON TIER LIST before getting your cuhrayzee on
I can neither slam nor jam to this.
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Not to mention even CONSIDERING the Kilgore glitch
Exactly the kind of answers I was hoping for (kinda)
Not him. but let's see.

Creativity - Check.
Technical Knowledge - Check.
Fighting against enemies that are more than training dummies - Check.
Combos - Check.

While there is a lot of room for improvement in bayonetta in general and for that person, it is probably the best display of skill for the game in the last what, 3 or 2 years?
There being basically no Bayonetta videos of the last 2-3 years helps, while it was definitely a good entry people are hyping it pretty hard just for being competent Bayonetta for once.
as I said the day we get a moba game is the day we lose our soul,
but I fear it may be inevitable seeing as the moba market is doing so well atm, and Cuhrayzee fits the standard moba conventions like a glove, combined with the fact Cuhrayzee dovelopers arent doing so well, so an attempt to cash in on that market may seem more and more apealing to them.
That can also be said for Freesia. I'm surprised it's even competing with the God Hand entry.
I'm surprised about that one too honestly, God Hand should be running away with it.
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Exactly this. I don't get why am I "probably" retarded for feeling impressed about it.
>people are hyping it pretty hard just for being competent Bayonetta for once
And what's wrong with that? Or are you saying that their hype is simply herd mentality, that people like it because a lot of people like it thus they're dumb?
I arrived late.
What are you all taking about God Hand, Bayonetta and entries?
Stop trying to analyze it this hard, people just like it more than they otherwise would because there's been a drought of good Bayonetta.
Rub those brain cells together, anon. Entries, hmmm, entries. What type of entries would we probably be talking about?
Dude, can people just be happy about getting some fresh Bayo to whack off to? Wow. The hype will die down, no need to be a hater.
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Partially true, but while not n472a level of bayonetta in 2010~2012 (i honestly want names of something better or close to that), in general, was a really good entry, (i'm talking mostly the traditional here), the creativity (like killing the beloveds without using an attack button).

And there is also the good side, VST has finally decent bayonetta representation, this can only be good, seeing good gameplay is inspiring for other players of the game (for me at least it is), and for the person playing it, it might serve as feedback to get even better.
Yes? And
>what's wrong with that
So hyping over rare new GOOD things are bad now, huh.
Did some random kids or retards yelling OMG THE BEST THING EVER trigger you or something?
I'm not hating, I voted for it, it even inspired me to bother doing Bayonetta stuff again.
Oh my god this is gold.

I've been around actual retards and they haven't said anything as stupid as this post
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In case you didn't notice, the last line was intentional.
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unite bump?
not bomas but 3d arena fighters. they're big in japan already. look at school of ragnarok, gundams, pokken and the new ff dissidia. this is where the character action genre is going.
How is the transformers game? Is it fun?

Didn't even know it existed until I found it while looking for games on steam. Don't know much about transformers.
Your post is almost as stupid as the post you replied to. Well done.
I hope you like witch time in your transformers game.
great reply. you sure proved me wrong.
I agree. Good talk.
I see that the DLC is some skins (who gives a fuck) and some weapons.

Do the weapons change gameplay significantly or are they just some pretty trinkets with improved stats to make people feel like the DLC is worth it?
The weapons make or break the game. When you get to the last difficulty you start getting the max rank of weapon drops that can, literally, 1-3 shot all enemies / bosses if you upgrade them correctly. So if you wanted to play for combos you need to upgrade a weak weapon in a way that has stun properties instead of damage etc.
>want to play dmc4
>remember you play the game again in reverse instead of more levels
>don't want to play dmc4

This is a load of shit and it sucks.
Who the fuck thought this was acceptable?
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>kamiya is making a shitty action rpg for babies on a dead system
>the rest of plat is making watered down action games for the masses
>team ninja is making a souls clone
>mikami sold his soul to zenimax and will have to make garbage for the rest of his life
>istuno getting a real budget for a new dmc is near impossible after his last game initially bombed
I feel like you're talking about the weapon mechanics in general whereas I'm specifically asking whether the DLC weapons have new movesets/introduce new mechanics or are just the same shit but with better stats. Basically I'm saying I don't care at all about the costumes in the DLC and want to know whether the weapons in it make it worth it. Easy mode statboost DLC weapons would not make it worth it, three new movesets might.
>want to do something in DMC4
>use debug mode to do it
>don't come to /cgg/ and whine
Oh, DLC I have no idea, considering how broken the main game is I wouldn't be surprised if they're super strong though, but I honestly have no idea.
well i'm not saying the game is balanced with the ssw. They obviously didn't test cross style combinations.
how would that even work?
Well hud is enough to make style switching reliable, but even more so with the audio cues and flashes.
What I mean by the last part was that how SS evolved from having no cue (which definitely sucked), to words and sounds, to finally an easy to distinguish icon. Just this evolution makes you realize how much thought devs put into a simple feature (which should be a given though never ceases to amaze me)
well.. capcom have proven themselves to have zero integrity, I wouldnt put it past them to cobble something together to try it. I assume the basic moba formula would remain unchanged, each character having one maybe 2 fighting styles/ weapons, no support since that dosent really work in cuhrayzee ability to upgrade combos
I've never played a moba

so I assume 5 player moba style action, with movesets the size of the average dragon's dogma character?
>Helm Breaker could revert back to DMC3 Helm breaker, meaning when you use it on an enemy it doesn't bring them to the ground

DMC3's helmbreaker brings enemies to the ground. DMC4 helmbreaker is the same (being different games they're obviously going to have incredibly small changes in hitbox and frames).

I assume you were watching DMC3 gameplay that included helmbreakers that we JCed before they even hit and/or combos with DT enemies, which can ignore the knockback of attacks to a certain degree. Perhaps even confused with DmC:DmC because that game's enemy step cancels the knockdown of helmbreaker.
Nevertheless it's possible to hit with Helmbreaker in DMC4 and cancel the knockdown so it appears the helmbreaker simply stunned, but it requires usage of lucifer pins, mostly.

Surprised no one pointed this out in CGG out of all places. Nevertheless I concur with your idea to an extent. I feel that instead of modifying existing moves to this level, simply adding more moves should work, or improving previously shit moves.
probably a slightly larger moveset, but yeah, pretty much
>Nevertheless it's possible to hit with Helmbreaker in DMC4 and cancel the knockdown so it appears the helmbreaker simply stunned, but it requires usage of lucifer pins, mostly.
I think i've cancelled a helm breaker like that with just a jc.
Impossible unless you were combo'ing on an enemy that wasn't in a helpless state or was recovering from a combo (like fucking frosts do on higher difficulties)
If you did, you probably found some new and useful tech for the style community my friend.
>kamiya is making a shitty action rpg for babies on a dead system
Nigga fuck you, that game is looking fine. Looking forward to it.
>you probably found some new and useful tech for the style community my friend.
probably not. I was practicing my aerial rave, gilgamesh divekicks, lucifer attack air combos. I still mess up often, and a helm breaker sometimes comes out when I double switch after the divekick. I think I might have confused it with something else. If it did work it probably happened when jc-ing off an enemy other than the one I hit.
>implying that a game where the director was forced to review his game can come out fine
scale bound looks like shit and it runs at 20 fps. co-op will also be a giant cluster fuck with 4 people and 4 dragons fighting a boss.
So what other games does /cgg/ play?

After gettin' gud at games like this, most shit bores me, but I need something new to tackle.
didn't we already do that this thread or was that last thread?

how often do we need to go over what other games /cgg/ plays?
>implying I come to /vg/ more than once in a while to see if anything's been added to /cgg/

I don't live here like you.
Thread's been up for five days, faggot. You don't have to live here to know what's gone on in the mean time.
What sort of thing are you looking for? New? old? sort of genre?
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Just something single player and challenging, I like about every genre, except maybe RTS or Grand Strategy.

Something that won't put me to sleep while playing it, which is hard to find anymore.
Okay I'll just name some shit.

gradius V for ps2. horizontal shmup. turns into bullet hell once you finish the first loop of the game.
tenchu 1 for ps1. stealth game. very methodical controls.
act raiser 2 for snes. super hard and methodical
demon's crest for snes. capcom platformer. basically megaman but more serious
f-zero for n64 and gamecube. cuhrayzeeest racing game.
Might actually go back and replay Act Raiser 1 and 2 since it's been years. Thanks for reminding me of those.

Also Demon's Crest was such a bitch, might return to that one again as well.
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I'll also remind you that act raiser one had those horrible town building segments.
Yeah, they're pretty shitty, but an interesting concept so I don't mind doing them, really.

More games need to at least try interesting stuff like that, only other game I can think of would be Dark Cloud 1/2 that mixed game types "as well"
Without people who live in a general there'd be no general. You're welcome.
been playing xrd and lightning returns mainly
also started a magic build for the first time in dark souls
also ffxiv
Best song in entries?
S4FZ-0981's freestyle, for sure.
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The new OP must be Christmas edition.

Post some pics, /cgg/.
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>that font
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Which is why Bayonetta is in Smash and DMC4SE sold a fuck tonne for what is a re-release of an unfinished game
the guy who used music from Doom for his NG
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Were you talking about something like this for helmbreakers?
copy paste below as OP, includes updated NG guide


>All the entries of VST7 will be streamed here on December 19th, 6 PM EST:

CUHRAYZEE THREAD FAQ (please read this and CUHRAYZEE NEWS before asking questions):



STEAM GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CUHRAYZEE
WIKI: http://cuhrayzee.wikia.com/wiki/CUHRAYZEE_GAMES_GENERAL_Wiki
FORUM: http://cuhrayzeegames.boards.net

>We Shall Wake
Indie Cuhrayzee game, dev posts here most of the time. Blog updates every Saturday mostly. Development is still ongoing. See their blog at
Patreon ongoing. Support them if you'd like.

DMC, Bayonetta, We Shall Wake, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, Ninja Gaiden, Wonderful 101, Vanquish, Sengoku Basara, Rising Revengeance, Fairy Bloom Freesia, Rainblood, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae.
>VST stream still in OP

>VST stream in OP
sorry, I iz retarded, whoever does the next one, remove VST7 announcement and stream, replace with this
that patreon link hasnt been active for ages either, theres no patrons or rewards etc
that's weird
new thread
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