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Games Done Quick

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Thread replies: 515
Thread images: 127

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GDQ for Hurricane Harvey relief is going on now until 8PM on Sunday.

Twitch stream: tv/gamesdonequick

Schedule: https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule
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first for djdjrifjejejjfjsnehduxuwnqksks r n
Who /'djjdmdjajosjfjfirnfu/ here?
Greetings from a murky grave!
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I like watching speedruns of this game. /v/ please help me.
What's this new meme?
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>frame perfect to go where you wanna gjsndjenxjjdjejdmmfjrnfn
High level mash tech if you've played this game as much as me
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Someone post the vampire panties again please
I actually dig this music..
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>This music
It's a shitty game but that soundtrack tho.
What a shit ost goddamn
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oh yes.gif
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when is this autistic GDQ faggotry going to die already
Any cute girls(boy)?

fuck you I hope hurricane harvey fucking destroys your entire town
true autism never dies
so that was not a particularly the best
when we find a way to kill it.
That is literally me.
I really wanna donate a large chunk of money to harvey relief but i lost my job 2 weeks ago and i feel like i need to hold on to what I have. Maybe ill just donate a little.
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but it left already
take care of yourself first
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Don't. You already sort of do anyway through taxes and FEMA.
might come back
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>Houston got the wet-side
No wonder why it was worse than Ike.
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Go ahead and try
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>undertale OST is bad
how contrarians can you faggots get?
that fucking gif
That gif seems fitting
>anime avatar
>shit taste in music
What a surprise...
It's the only thing i really liked, if only it wasn't used in a shitty game
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it's autistic but still they donate money
>you are not allowed to have fun
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Just a reminder that /v/ sucked undertales cock when it was first released.

>Normies ruin everything
You don't have to watch it you know.
yea they donate money to terrorist and criminal organizations like doctors without borders
And? /a/ also enjoyed Akami ga Kill and Sword Art Online when they started to air.
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"doctors without brothers"
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>Sword Art Online
objectively wrong, we only watched it ironically
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we still /a/ here today?

I really hate undertale and its cancerous fanbase
>no fun allowed

>LUL is an official emote now
Fuck off furry
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>it's been almost 2 years
I hate you dragon maid posters and your cancerous fanbase.
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>hates cancer
>watches maid doragon
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I wanna fuck that dragon.
if undertale never got swarmed by tumblr, would you faggots like it?
answer honestly.
Why can't /a/ posters post good anime?
it would be just another meme game like OFF
I like it even though tumblr got a hold of it.
I don't let a fanbase determine if I like a game or not.
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I'm not even from /a/ and look at me go
Because there is no good anime.
I like it anyways
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I like to trigger /v/ with the flavor of the month
FINALLY. Somebody thinking with his head and not his ass.
>Not using LuL
I wish I could still use !LUL, at least I could type that while holding shift instead of alternating
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>esa barely breaks 100k while having every donation doubled over the course of a week
>gdq does a spur of the moment weekend stream and breaks 100k in one day
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so why is twin snakes bad again?
This desu
went to make food what did I miss
I'm not entirely sure what ESA even donates to
Runner started furiously masturbating on camera
>worse VA
>worse music
>level design was not made with first person in mind at all, it completely trivializes the entire game
>retarded shit like missle flips
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Oh yeah the "aklsdklasjdlkasjdlkasjlk" run
people still get AIDS?
who knows
wow. Chat just got SLAUGHTERED
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there is no good anime
fags do.
you ain't seen nothing yet
hol up how did he just skip the stinger part of the hind fight
the game is bugged as fuck
oh nvm he wasn't supposed to have the stinger at that part
He danced so hard he killed someone
Last one donated to human smugglers who stopped operations when Italy forced some inspectors to be on board their ship.
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>kumiko plebs
>$7 is 21 meals
>$0.33 meals

what the fuck are they feeding these people?
Abdul Import Directive Ships
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Instant noodles?
Realize just how much you overpay at the store
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when your clover gets a !.jpg
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try THIS on for size
You know all the shit you can't sell after you slaughter an animal? Stuff like bones and certain organs as well as bad cuts. If you mash all that stuff up to turn it into jelly it actually doesn't taste so bad.
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>If you mash all that stuff up to turn it into jelly it actually doesn't taste so bad.
you mean chicken nuggets?
Announcer needs to get his shit together
You can feed a lot when you buy in bulk
this is actually a pretty fun run
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Boy they'll just jump on any bandwagon to make money for "charity" wont they?
>random audio cuts
I know they did this in a hurry, but come on.
you should quit while you're ahead
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uh oh
blame discord
Is the run over yet?
somebody give me the rundown
*gives quick rundown*
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>talking over Snake Eater
Careful, anon. You might trigger Susan.
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>Snake Eater for MGS1
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>Snake Eater starts playing
stop talking over the song fucking faggots

Pretty much, you can get a lot more stuff from bovines and porcines.
This is getting dangerously close to being 'fun'
wait why are they playing snake eater?
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reminder that Ribbons did nothing wrong
>glasses off
>sunglasses on
its time
>that sunglasses quip

this guy's alright
The legit food banks and relief charities get their stuff direct from the vendors, cooking some shitty rice and giving someone .22 cent chef ravioli cans is not expensive.
>hated by normies
>is always right
>gets elected president
>is making Kitauji great again in the new movie
wtf I love Ribbon now
they would've banned this guy from GDQ if this was at the venue
I just want to remind everyone that CovertMuffin is the best runner in this whole event.
god I wish I'd known about the infinite combo when I fought liquid for the first time
think I've never been as angry at a game as I was when losing 80% of my hp from a single headbutt
They aren't paying retail prices you know.
why can't I just buy factory direct?
time for our boy
are you ready to take a bath?
good luck on your run covertmuffin
>snake eater stars playing
This run was pretty good.
Because most factories will only sell massive orders not individual items
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>Canned chicken
>S P A C E M A N
long have I waited
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CovertMuffin? More like ChadMuffin
The best lips and asshole meat money can buy
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what if I wanted to buy a 100 cans of ravioli?

You can if you want to convince them to ship massive quantities of stuff directly to you.
Then you probably can
>best man is lagging
bath status:
[x] not taken
[x] taken
What's so great about this guy?
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>it's reddit: the run again
can someone give me the rundown on covert_muffin?
*gives quick rundown*
>schrodinger's bath
i meant
[x] not taken
[ ]taken
takes profuse amounts of adderall before running games
reddit's favorite
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>there are anime posters angry about best run from the best runner posting in this very thread, right now
stay mad
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this guy sounds so happy
Thats nothing, 4-8 cases.
He's happy, he's upbeat, he isn't autistic, he isn't a tranny, he's a nice man!
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>reddit this
>reddit that

what isn't reddit at this point?
Is this nigga high?
Best runner
>reddit spaces
fuck out of here
the most reddit thing in existence is a low quality shitpost about leddit; they get enamored by the prospect of being anonymous and think they're free of any responsibility
amphetamines or manic as fuck as far as I can tell
>the only way to save this run is to kill Rosh
>tfw no one piece laugh

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who /wolverines/ here?
Yes on life
the jedi outcast run was a far more cooler run
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Hell yeah

Fuck Ohio
I'm praskoo, and this is my rrrrrr shop. I work here with my rrrrrr and my rrr, RRRRRRRRR. Everything in here has a rrrrrrrrrr and a rrrrrrrrrrr. One thing I've rrrrrrrrr after 21 yearrrrr rrrr r rrr rr u nerrrrrrrw WHATRRRR is RRRRRRRRRRRRR tRRRRrRRough TRRhARRT doRRRRRRRRRRR

pls someone explain
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Damn those lightsaber effects are cool
Have I missed any good runs?
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why are you and ohio such rivals?
the MGS run was great
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his laugh is the best part
This is more fun than runs in the event room
tfw he's completely docile now that there's 2 others commentating
because we're in the same division in the BIG10. One of us has to beat the other to make it to the conference championship and then have a chance to make the football playoffs
>took me like 30 hours to beat jedi academy
>this guy is almost finished in 10 fucking minutes

greetings from freh894t3'qtlg;r;elsgmrskl.
>good at his run
>no sjw bullshit
This guy was the best part of SGDQ, and he's gonna be the best part of HurricaneGDQ.
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>his JKA and JKO runs at earlier events were the best
>now he's about to score the best run of HRDQ as well
can anyone stop covert muffin?
half of these runners are getting banned
okay, that makes sense. I went to a school with a shitty football team.
I want to CUDDLE covert_muffin!
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>literally *teleports behind you* to skip
Can't get banned if you're not there
>white cis male
>having fun
>being excited

This guy isn't making it to the next GDQ is he
I prefer speedruns like this over the ones where they spend half the game out of bounds, I'm not one of those guys who hates glitches but walking around out of bounds is just not very interesting to watch
Ellery movement tech runs with good commentary are GOAT
His run at GDQ was one of several perfectly happy and good natured ones which were received warmly by everybody.
his third event in a row, always like that
he's the only reason i keep returning to gdq
Reddit called it cringe
will we ever get another game like Jedi Academy?
Out of bounds stuff can be good if it's actually fast paced and mind-bending. If it's just slowly walking round a ceiling, it's boring
Reddit has a huge projection problem
No they didn't, faggot
He's the only speedrunner that I can watch stream without getting bored, even if he's just jumping up the same wall for an hour striaght.
He's very entertaining.
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All the time.webm
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Take a bath
>Greetins from Houston, my family lost everything in the hurricane
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Houston, take a bath
Is there a more perfect human being than muffin?
>infectious enthusiasm
>great commentator of his own runs
>cute as a button
>iconic laugh
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>pre-heat the oven
>bake a batch
>take a bath
why is covertmuffin so based
Rosh gets to die, nice.

What's the secret behind his laugh?
Will they hit 100k before the 24 hour mark?
we have to see what his parents laughs are like to determine that
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>Strong Style
Is it just me or are these more fun than the official ones?
i've never been into speedrunning but this guy is based as fuck
baking a batch
GDQ is a money laundering operation.
>Actually watching Gay Drag Queens
check out his SGDQ 2017 Jedi Outcast run after
Am I obligated to donate, or can I just watch it for free?
>take out the couch + crowd format and suddenly GDQ is infinitely less autistic
The runners and commentators seem more chill, probably because there's less pressure.
>Everyone having fun

shredded pennies
Was Corpus Christi mostly unscathed? Makes sense Houston and surrounding area was fucked.
thanks, will do

I always thought of JK games as being similar to half life 1 in terms of level design and combat, I think games like that won't be coming back unless there's some kind of gaming renaissance
this shit looks like the early gdq events, where everyone had fun
fucking perfect
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how do we summon hurricanes so we get more of these GDQs
looks like Houston had the most red so it had no time to recover and drain away
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they didn't have time to get a shit ton of sponsors and rent out the hotel and sell badges and invite trannies and ban fun.
It really maeks u think
He's like the speedrunner equivalent of a small puppy. It's entertaining to watch.
>some kind of gaming renaissance

man, i'm 35 and took the quake, starsiege tribes, doom, and half-life (plus mods) era for granted. i thought vidya would improve but it regressed bad. fucking sucks
I just received info from a trusted source. CovertMuffin will be banned from future GDQs for bullying Rosh.
plus he plays the best speedrunning games
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>boba fett is a lightweight even in a video game
when will he catch a break
The bridge was there all along!!!
he was always a shit side character. IG-88 is cooler anyway
>literally 2 minutes of screen time mostly consisting of dying in a giant sand vagina
>huge fan favorite

Fucking nerds
When 1313 comes out he'll.. oh wait..
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show's over, no point in watching anymore
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opposing force
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it's rare that I enjoy a speedrun of a game I've never played but that was nice. Lots of cool tricks and movement stuff on display
I don't think it's all bad but I feel like with the technology and knowledge we have games should be a lot better than they are
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shit i forgot, you're right


>opposing force

stay tuned, lad
It was the best, it's all downhill from here! Maybe DrtChops will make it a fun one though.
Please don't post the anal idol.
Are you looking forward to any of the upcoming runs?

I'm gonna watch alexh0we doing Half Life since he did a good run last GDQ
PC blocks are the best
any choice autism this event?
Aw dude 4 strength 4 stam leather belt
what's he playing?
The best part of this event is that there's no pinball to delay the schedule 2 hours.
I miss the community, mostly. I run my own HL and mod servers since 1999 until 2010. At the start, we had mostly older engineers and tech guys and young nerds. They all worked well and some made great mods. As time passed the community dissolved and turned into retarded kiddos and young "adults."
Everything until Chrono Trigger looks good. Even that might be alright for comfy
Where are the trannies?
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>tfw Austin was not completely destroyed
Nice to see they still suck
The skips were fucking impressive.
Where are the video games?
uh where's the video
So they want to name the horse Houston? What if it dies during the run?
Hoping it dies in a thunderstorm.
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>no regulations to make chemical plants flood proof
>chemical plants get flooded
>chemicals leak
>flood waters turn into poison flood waters

These runners are finding any excuse to host their damn event. Every time I turn a corner there's another one waiting for me.
Dishonored, but he is very good at explaining stuff.
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>already using glitches
i was told there would be vampire panties?
They had one as the first announcer, and the infamous run had a guy with a weird voice who was either a tranny or just fucking with people, you should go back and watch it anyway.
>ideally we would have gotten that on the first try
yeah no shit
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>10:57PM: Chrono Trigger Glitchless 100%
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>even during a short 2 day event they refuse to drop the 6 hour """""""""""""""""""""""speed"""""""""""""""""""""run meme
Don't talk to my speedrun like that.
it was a joke
There isnt't one.
You fell for bait
why don't they run time splitters? fuck great game
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Don't lie to people, that's not nice.
Please apologize.
>commentary by edobean
>inb4 I was just pretending
This run is neat
I still like it, but I will never say it out loud. Maybe I would if not for tumblr.
holy shit that was pretty good
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So what are you guys going to do during the Chrono Trigger run?

I've just beaten Dead Space so I might move to Dead Space 2 or Evil Within. I also have to study for CCNA.
>cash grab done quick
>this time just random streamers all over the world taking turns
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gotta cap on that natural disaster money!
I'm gonna sleep.
Watch it while doing some programming, drinking, and snacking.
I'm gonna miss the first part because I need to do dishes, then I'm gonna get comfy and play some Pokémon.
The Twitch chat is retarded. Everyone is accusing the guy of using "glitches" just because he's good at aiming quickly and peeking through portals.
This run is good
They're joking
>using a turret as not intended is a glitch
>using a camera as not intended is not a glitch
I forgot how much I liked glados. She's fun
Not as intended is different to glitched
4chan doesn't have the monopoly on ironic shitposting

That doesn't make them less retarded because it hardly qualifies as a """joke""".
who /opposing force/ here?
>250k incentive for mk64
oy veeeeeeey
welcome to twitch chat
>implying I want to donate to help save nog lives
>implying I want to donate to help north africans catch the ferry to Italy
>implying I want to donate to niggers too dumb to leave the most affected areas of Texas
Watch Mirror's Edge run from SGDQ 2017.
wow, an actual portal run with puzzles
So twitch chat and /v/ in a nutshell? People just pretending to be retarded to be "funny" is fairly common.
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pretty sure it was 25k, but yeah. oy vey indeed
Do hurricanes tend to have weird ass paths like that?
Shoutouts to the hurricane
oh no not another tranny
It's not a tranny.
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hol up is this the same guy that ran the portal 2 co-op run by himself
>tfw the runner is younger than the game being run
That's not a tranny, is just a cocker.
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damn this guy has some fluffy hair
he isnt, he's just a dude with long hair
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Heey it's cocker spaniel
Howmany any% transition trannies are on the stream today?
is this streamer a boy or girl?
I want to marry Asuka
oh fuck it's that guy again, I can't tell if he just has long hair or if he's attempting to become a tranny
That's what they want you to think.
he's more like a trap
How long until he forgets to clear his throat and sounds like a raspy robot?
It's Amanda Seyfried
iirc he said on twitter he just likes having long hair
the fact that he cares about a game younger than him is quite neat though
Curls are too strong, they are at Jew level really.
That's fair
>those dick-sucking lips.
this guy is really really REALLY cute and is making me question my sexuality
The half life games have aged well.
To be fair, this faggot was one of the highlights from the last event.


are you serious? what kind of faggot are you?
He's a girl! A GIRL!
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Are hurricanes racist? They seem to target POC a lot
i mean older, fuck
never say they didn't, they're still fun as fuck
Daily reminder that Traps =/= Trannies

Traps can convincingly pass as a female
Trannies barely pass
Alot of black people live in the south.
they target poor people because they cant afford to completely leave town and they dont have any options
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No, worry about yourself first dude. The thought alone is good enough. I wanted to donate to but don't have any spare money so instead I'm volunteering.

t. Houstonian
>say trap
>get banned
Really make me think.
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dr awo.png
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>Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual. They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.

I'm gonna finish Agents of Mayhem, it's not very good but I'm at 70% so I figure I might just finish it.
Blame ProtoDramaqueenTranny.
t. prudes

chill out and fuck some boipussy
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a lot of white people live in the south too
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Alex is a trap right?
I understand that. These two statements can be true at the same time.
no, but he looks like if he wanted to, it would be successful
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god these event is really lame for drama come on someone misgender someone
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Striped socks & Feminine cocks
I love traps
It wasn't just the south though, parts of northern Houston and the bayous everywhere including close to downtown flooded.
Houndeyes have such great sound design
>not being cute
its ok to be jealous normies
The drama gets annoying, but when it's not there it does kinda suck. Catch 22 I guess. I miss the crowd cam and the couch. Happy doom guy was the best.
I want those titties on my face
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>the future tranny telling chat to not ignore their problems
The fucking irony
If they aren't skipped the bosses get cheesed so it's dumb to complain about that.
t. crono trigger 6 hour run fan
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has this guy ever heard of a let's play?
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tranny any%.jpg
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Was there a better joke than THIS ONE yet?
that's reddit for you
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>the most androgynous face known to mankind
>woman's hair
>in a literal Hormone Replacement Done Quick event
>partial fag lisp
How many years until this guy is protomagicalfag's girlfriend?
god damn that's good
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Holy shit
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>the one person who could actuall make a passable amanda seyfried trap is not actually a trap
Who is this BotW runner and is the 2 hour run worth watching?
>implying he doesn't moonlight as a trap escort on the weekends
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>Hormone Replacement Done Quick
who's this?
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>filename isn't tranny%
Goddamnit, /v/
turkroach cosplayer, Anzu
hes cute though
My girlfriend, do not save that picture.
There was another amazing one during SGDQ, but I can't fucking remember it now. Dude got some many yous
at work rn. pic?
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He is the ideal type of person what a trap should strive to be: a functional person by day and a degenerate by night.
i'm straight, but i'd fuck that guy with no regrets
(s)he is cute
>amanda seyfried
literally who
some furry, might be okay
holy fuck what a cute twink
I bet he has a dirty asshole
He could make a good trap but the deep voice ruins it desu
>an actual cis male looks more female than every autistic tranny to date

trans mutants btfo

>this boss
>that portal (vault) behind him
>made by Gearbox

Is this where Randy got the inspiration for his Borderlands games?
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No wonder he looks like a dog
he should never go to jail
That's not your brother
What happened to Gearbox?
fucking furries

Probably desu
Why can't people just be autistic anymore? Must they all be a freak too?
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>girl is gone
now what
>That manface
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why are the speedrunners at GDQ always either furries or trannies
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Yeah this dude is totally a fag.
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austin man baby.jpg
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that's a man, baby
your brother looks like ben stiller
internet (and mainstream media and universities) are full of enablers
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>tfw no tranny friend to get a little bit adventurous with
>I showed you my dick
just remembered this was on. anything exciting happen yet? the line up looked like shit for a 3 day marathon.
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at least he has good taste in pokemans
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Good taste in pokemon.
How many dicks has your brother took?
How many times has he been cummed inside?
How many times have you two fucked?
>DOOM 2016 next
Oh boy time for this:
fuck off
dude, gross
>no webcam
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It's the same?
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>Doom run on easy and skipping through all the combat

Fuck this shit
Answer me you fuck
Effeminate man > manly looking tranny
are you retarded?
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Is hell a bad word?
In Germany it is
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>i thought it's the classic doom run, not nu-doom
>"Well, it can't be that bad!"
>skipping combat
>no webcam
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>another doom

why? this is the third time I watch this shit in the last couple months.

>Hurricane GDQ

>doom speedrun
>its nu-doom
For a second there I was about to watch it
please call it heck instead of h-e-double hockey sticks
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TGDQ Tranny%.jpg
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I made a shitty thing
Depends on who you ask. In US it's PG at worst.
FPS speedruns don't become more interesting on higher difficulties due to how boring combat in FPS games is in general. It doesn't make it harder, the runner can play through it on hard fine, it just takes longer and adds more boring shit.
>skipping combat
It's a speedrun.
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Is BotW All Dungeons & Ganon going to be any better than the Any% run at SGDQ? That run was not good.
you'd love to suck some protomagicalcock, wouldn't you
don't worry
if this is anything like the speedrunning formula that guys like Distortion2 have been following, there'll be a couple of sections where you have to kill a shit-ton of enemies efficiently so as to save time
>anime image
>implying you have taste
the BotW run at SGDQ was awesome and had a cute as fuck runner, so fuck off
Hopefully. The bar is set pretty low. It wasn't horrible, just not fun. Maybe some cool new tech was discovered.
>That run was not good.
It wasn't even supposed to be ran, the BoTW speedrun community wanted to prefect their route before submitting it to GDQ.
3/10 made me reply
yeah no
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i really hate you people
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Have there been any major chokes yet? I love those for some reason
too late, I already hate myself
yeah yeah
Mario galaxy 2 runner lost his internet
So what happened? Did the tranny pissed them all off?
no yeah
the biggest choke
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Probably as much as you can piss of autists on the internet
The Zelda community didn't want anybody to submit a BotW run because they felt it wasn't ready. The tranny that ran it was only able to do it because it went against the group decision and sniped the submissions so no other runner could submit a run.
>tech crew can't run an event for shit
>smart enough to get cheeky with gifs
what are they supposed to do?
The runner doesn't have a webcam
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who /FSU/ here?
Do they say rip and tear anywhere in this game?
yes, at the beginning
man despite all the cool skips this run is actually kind of boring
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it just doesn't have the same flare that classic doom has.
lack of combat does that
Probably because games lose all sense of atmosphere when you leave boundaries
did i miss any good runs today?
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what did he mean by this?
The last few hours have had a lot of good ones. Its honestly been a pretty good day.

People can be affected by a hurricane even if they do leave.

>live in the path of a hurricane
>evacuate immediately
>come back after hurricane
>suddenly be homeless

inb4 you think greedy insurance companies cover everything
he ignored the girl comment he probably gets that a lot and is annoyed by it
jedi academy run was based as fuck

the opposing force speedrunner was a dude that looked cuter than most women
will this run be breath of the amiibos or will it actually be worth watching
it wont be worth watching regardless
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who ready for /frenchfurrytrannyspeedrunning/?
Any anonymous donations yet?
imagine being limited on the amount of times you can speedrun a game in a day because you don't have enough amiibos.
>the opposing force speedrunner was a dude that looked cuter than most women
he legit looks like a girl I know
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Sonic boom
I stayed awake till 2AM for this?
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why is mclovin on the stream?
>Sheikan STEIN
lol what
Holy fuck now I can't unsee
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>the fluffiest hylian
Oh god lol
It must suck being tight-cast.
new bread

>I'm straight

You're probably bi then. Fucking a man is gay even if it's pretending to be a woman. Just saying you would fuck that forfeits your straight status.
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