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So, what's the /v/erdict on Quake Champions?

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So, what's the /v/erdict on Quake Champions?
Ripped Doomguy models when?
fun but /v/ hates it because it isn't devoid of skill like pubg or overwatch
Very fun and lots of potential but still clearly early access, netcode is fucky and balance is far from perfect, fix these issues and I will play this for a very long while.
People who will like Quake Champions
>Newcomers who don't wuss out when they aren't instantly pro
>Vets who wanted something to spice up Q3A

People who will not like Quake Champions
>Newcomers who don't like having to work for kills
>People who try to play it like Call of Duty or Counterstrike
>Old farts who hate anything that isn't 100% the same as what they used to play
>People looking for a single player campaign
>People who need a community server to build their self-worth around
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This desu.

You will hear complaints about heroes and shit from quakedads but the choice is literally:

>play QC and have the hero shooter shit but with really solid Quake mechanics like the movement underneath
>play any other game where you still have hero shit but none of the good mechanics
Actually really enjoying it. I was more into UT growing up but seeing as UT4 is basically dead atm I decided to pick this up.

I fucking suck but I love it. Trying to gitgud.

I dunno if it is just me being bad but Nailgun and Triblaser thing seem bad. Am I just retard?
I honestly don't think the champs make an earth shattering difference. It is obvs hero shootery but this is dipping your toes in tier. It feels fairly balanced, just don't play clutch.
Super Nailgun isn't good, but it's useful in blocking narrow corridors, and is ok at close range. Starting Nailgun is a joke. Tri-Bolt is a horrible excuse for a weapon, especially one that you have to go out of your way to pick up.
Nailgun is good at close range. I've gotten plenty of kills with Tribolt by peppering a room.
last I played was a month or two ago

Is lightning gun still stupidly OP?
It's shit for veterans:
>Low TTK
>Timings are fucked
>Duel ruleset promotes ultra defensive playstyle and all the maps play the same

It's shit for new players
>Too many movement systems to learn
>No practise mode

Also fuck Sorlag.
Yeah, feels it. Mainly because people freak the fuck out when you start shafting them.
I'm gonna be honest, this is the first Quake game I've ever played really. I remember I briefly borrowed Quake 4 when the Xbox 360 was new (it was pretty shit if I recall) from a friend but besides that I've never touched the series.

Is it worth playing Quake 1 and what would I need to do?
No, they nerfed the range.
Never played it and it will 100% go the way of the Battleborn like every other hero shooter not named Overwatch or Paladins. It also takes some semblance of skill so that basically destroyed any fragment of a chance it had to be successful.
>Is it worth playing Quake 1
No, you won't find any games on QW and you'll get raped. I'm a CPMA (Unknown hours) / Reflex (1,200 hours) / Quake Live (8,000 hours) and when I've tried playing QW i just get absolutely raped.
At least iD is trying to tap into the waifu market with Nyx.

I honestly think that's part of the downfall with Battleborn and Lawbreakers, not tappin into that power demographic.
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I mean the single player mode and the "mission packs".
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i can't stop playing it
Oh. They're only fun if you're looking for a challenge otherwise they're pretty braindead. Play on Nightmare mode.
the worst part is that this game launch when it has an entire con after it, it was announced during E3 during bethesda's keynote and its fucking free.
>it's fucking free
Not on steam
Not saying that i hate the choice of champions, but i believe that they do make a BIG difference, for example, the blue hair chick can get one shotted with the rocket launcher as fresh spawn.
And this could be just me, but the lizard dude seems way to easy to kill someone with his ability
Clutch is ok in team oriented modes. Same with Galena. Scalebearer and Doom are the opposite because they're only good in 1v1 and Deathmatch, respectively.
>it's fucking free
No yet, you need to buy the champ pack to play unless you already got a beta key before.
ah screw it im gonna get all the champs today for 30$

Did they add fun team modes like CTF yet?
I will agree sorlag is a bit BS but the blue haired woman has a tiny hitbox compared to most and she moves faster making her much harder to hit.
LG is still in a really good place right now because you can't stack as high as in Q3, while the damage is also higher on LG in general. It has weaknesses, but god am I sick of seeing so much of it. They nerfed the range, but it's still a bit too good.

Not even the best character anymore. Anarki is much more of a problem.
is there a meta tier list for the characters yet
Sacrifice is just a better version of CTF, it's far more active and you don't need a designated flag defender and boring shit like that.
Nope but they're adding CTF soon
Bretty good

>Anarki gotta get nerfed somehow
it's a good number considering how small the quake community is. Anybody who thinks the game needs at least 10k players is either delusional or a shitposter.
lore found
c-can I play with you frens if I get it too?
Agreed, just like emo chick and lizard dude
What am I meant to be seeing?
how long will this game be in early access?
about a year?
They made her hitbox thiccer recently
Something something dead on arrival something something. It doesn't show the Bethesda people playing on the launcher.
you want to fuck sorlag?
Sure, add http://steamcommunity.com/id/dfjono

No ERP shit though
A lot of fun. Seriously
I think they said early 2018 so 5 months or so?
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I just picked up a rival 310
I wonder if I should try this game out
X has left the match
I had a match that was just Rangers v Doom v BJ in free for all.
Reminder that doomguy is the best champion to look for lores
I like it a lot but you can see the tryhards already, Anarki's hitbox and maneuverability is gay as fuck.
>Top scorer: Sorlag/Anarki wthi Lightning Gun
Yeah every fucking match.

Still can't believe how fun this game is.
Jokes on you. I play sorlag all the time and I suck shit with lg
how is she so fast with such a big butt?
In the last thread I discovered that tits and ass do not jiggle. It's clearly not a good game.
Why is that?
If i use Bethesda launcher now (i beta tested) and will jump into steam version once the early access ends, do I retain unlocked heroes, progress, stats etc?
yeah, it asks you to link your account
Press F at the beginning of the match
HHEEEAAAAAAAAARGGHHHH around the map at the speed of sound
Punch dem pots or stomp them
>FagAt AnalKi has left the server

to add my 2 cents, get quakespasm to run it. It's an engine based on the engine and makes it run (and look) really well and good, even at higher resolutions.

there's a simple guide on quaddicted which helped me.
Nice gonna stick with Beth launcher then. Its cancer and I'd prefer steam version but i already have Galena and Visor unlocked, by the time they officially release hopefully ill have more. Honestly i only care about slash and sorlag anyway.
Former beta tester here, gonna give you the lowdown on this.

Hitreg is fucking awful. You can have the best aim in the world but if the server is in a bad mood, shit isn't gonna hit. Rockets are delayed so it will fire and then a second later the rocket will blink into existence. It's just overall bad.

>hero abilities
Absolute trash, they've taken all the skill of good movement and game sense, and made it all irrelevant with abilities such as Scalebearer's charge ability, where he literally just presses one button to kill everything infront of him... or Nyx's ability to go "oh shit i've over extended, oh nevermind im invisible now and faster so fuck consequences"... or Clutch's "keep shooting me, you will totally break that shield soon".

There's also the fact that all the heros have different health/armor/speed stats, which shouldn't be the case in a quake game, because that creates metas and we don't want metas in a game about skill.


Bethesda has got it's greedy fucking paws over this game, forcing the free to play version to be stuck with one champion and nothing else. Granted most of the unlockable content is purely aesthetic, theres still the fact that you dont get access to all the good characters because "buy our bullshit dlc pack that gives all the heros plus this one really cool hero you cant get anywhere else".

As a beta tester even I didn't get it, which is a fucking insult on top of the injury of nobody fixing the netcode issues reported since day 1.

All in all, go play Quake Live. It's 100% better than this microtransaction bullshit, and it's just another example of Bethesda milking every IP under their control for every cent its worth *cough*skyrim*cough*
I want to git gud at Visor because I really dig the character but the ability is kinda useless compared to, say, Scalebearer or Doom or even Ranger.
>Complaining about Clutch or Scalebearer
>Not Sorlag or Anarki
Scalebearers ability is not that powerful, deals around 75 damage so it's never a 1 hit kill unless you have been damaged before
Nyx can be countered by Visor, he probably need to get buffed tho
And you can hit Clutch from behind and above, if you cant maneuver around him you should stop whining and git gud
>complaining about the most useless champs
How does matchmaking work? Is it MMR based?
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Is this a Quake 4 Strog reference
He's a former beta tester. Didn't you see that in there ten times?
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Considering there is a Strogg champion coming out no
Even in beta Sorlag and Anarki were bastards compared to Scalebearer and fucking Clutch.
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I'm enjoying it but the Run-away meta from stacks being shit for all characters is kind annoying.

DoomGuy's skill is trash and needs a buff.
Sorlag is easy to circumvent if you just git gud and avoid his acid. Yeah, its a stupid ability, but it isn't broken.

Anarki isn't that broken too. Like sure, his fucking trail is aids and stolen straight from Tron. And it's stupid he is the only one with CPMA movement, but again it's not completely broken.

Scalebearers ability is supposed to limit his turning speed, but a dpi switch defeats this with literally no effort. Furthermore it will kill most squishies such as Galena (my favourite).

The fact that you can escape punishment in a single button from most players just because they don't have a wallhack on is enough reason to classify it as broken.

Clutch may be able to be hit from behind, but in 1v1 situations, clutch will still have the upper hand with his shield provided he can track aim and isn't a shitter.

I didn't realize that I was complaining about Ranger.
You're getting Slash and Anarki mixed up.
Er. i cant recall if it was anarki with the trail or someone else.
Visor was actually a Strogg in Quake 3/Live but for some reason they changed him to be a cybernetic clone, still my favorite champion
>calling sorlag a him
>thinks anarki has slash's trail
>complains about pubbearer and crutch
>thinks ranger is useless
Are you sure you even played the fucking game?
Ah, yeah thanks. I keep mixing those two up because i think of slash's trail and i think "tron ripoff", and then i think of anarki's model and I forget the steps that got me there.
>sorlag a him
didnt read any further.
yep I agree all games based on press Q to win and that heavily rely on luck suck haha! thats why i really love quake champions!!!!!!!! I love iconic movement types being a feature on only certain classes lol! fuck yeahhhhh my bro whenever i think of a quake game i think about everyone playing having different armor, health, and speed traits based on the class they pick! epppiicccccc! lol making a f2p that you need enthusiast hardware to run at 144hz is simply EBBBBICCCCCLY AMAAAZZZING! thanks zenimax u rock!!! damn i love having a class meta in my arena shooters! who wouldnt????
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>Sorlag isn't broken
>Anarki isn't broken
>actually complaining about Scalebearer
>actually complaining about Clutch
>Ranger is bad
what fucking universe are you from
Its fantastic. /v/ doubted Id with Doom 4 and it was GOTY. Same thing here
The universe where I actually call shit out for what they are based on my opinion of the game instead of following the sheeple on this site like you.
How many weapons have you unlocked?
>Q2 RL
>Q1 LG
>Q4 LG
>press Q to win
I think you mean E for the lightning gun, Q is the rocket launcher.
You never played the game, stop being retarded.
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>Quake with powers
>where I actually call shit out for what they are based on my opinion
Hate to break it to you, but your opinions are retarded. And some of them are literally false
wwwooooowwwwwwww i cant believe that turning a quake game into a fucking HERO SHOOTER would somehow unbalance things wtttffff
your opinion is retarded and worthless
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Apparently that is also the universe where you didn't play the game and are talking out of your ass.
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That's your opinion, and you are wrong.
a game that is already dying in early access is fucked. it won't suddenly jump up in popularity on the "real" release
shhh, /v/ actually thinks theyre good at first person shooters for once, just let them have it...
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>AAA dev doing EA
they know it's gonna be DOA
Anarki has regen, Slash has trail
Except the full release will be free
that also doesn't account for all of the players still playing on the bethesda launcher, which are all free
Do you faggots have to doomsay every single fucking game now?
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if you play it you get fat boners and have a big dick
Didn't we already give them Tribes Ascend? what happened to that?

ah. I never played slash, nor anarki.
Same deal as DOOM. If you are a purist who literally want the identical game as Doom 1993 and Quake 3 Arena, then you will shitpost about it to no end.

Here's my real answer though, Quake Champions does what no other """hero shooter""" does, which is the arena shooting still outweighs every other aspect by 9:1, so the game is actually very grounded in the Quake fundamental trifecta, weapon toolset, advanced movement, and map control. That 10% of hero non-sense is actually not non-sense, and when it can be argued so, it's easily dismissable or countered through classic arena shooting. You can outgun and outthink anything.
"renting" content is the most shit thing a F2P game can do.
>bethesda launcher
lol, I'm sure all ten people who installed it are playing quake
is this supposed to be impressive? ive seen faster movement in counter strike.... hitting a target who isnt even bhopping (because their class doesnt let them, lol nice zenimax) and is going in a straight line, WHILE youre going pretty slow yourself, is not impressive
People who actually love AFPSes and played them their whole lives (me) are enjoying QC, the poorists are posers thinking hating on new things makes them hardcore.
oh i played it, and i knew that the key wasnt mapped to Q because even zenimax wouldnt let their '"""inspiration""" be that blatant. also mentioning your two favorite guns does not mean that they are the key to winning, you absolute faggot.
Do early access games ever go on sale? I'm already juggling 4 other mp fps games and I can't really justify spending $30 when I probably won't even play it too often.
I'm pretty close
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then buy it?
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Clutch is (sadly) garbage, the only time he wasnt was when his railgun did good damage back in beta.
Now hes just a large walking target who can stop a few shots every x seconds, except he cant fire back so its kind of nullified.

the heroes that are good are all with movement or abilites that benefit quakes movement system.
>hurr just pretending
Also I mentioned LG as a joke because it's overpowered, now stop being retarded.
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>not dabbing when getting a frag
what a bunch of casuals
This is why Ranger is good. The Dire Orb is great for flanking.
>a class meta in quake
>everyone starts out with different HP
>a 'oh shit this kids about to fuck me, good thing i charged up my ultimate' button
>if you want to move fast then fuck you, you have to pick a class designed to do that, we cant have everyone speeding around the map or the /v/ aimlets wouldnt be able to get a hit!
I finally unlocked a champion, that means there's 7 champions to go
Here. courtesy of /arena/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rt3_xvqeiY
mute it if you're a sperg about music
Only Clutch and Scalebearer are fucked with speed. Everyone else is fine.
>that last hit through the floor
nice hit-reg.
the thing is though, i wasnt pretending to be retarded. i didnt say the correct keybind to an ability and you assumed that i didnt play it.
all classes can go fast, I think clutch is the slowest when doing strafe jumping but he has the crazy 700+ speed double tap dodge
My only problem with Sorlag is the fucking cooldown on acid spit is like 5 seconds. Literally guaranteed acid spit everytime I spot one.
you could at least go fast in tribes ascend
It's safe to assume that you didn't play the game for any decent amount of time considering you think the abilities are even barely relevant compared to health pools and hitbox sizes.
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>that screen clutter with the frag message and XP
not going to watch a video but ill assume its just a person with pretty good aim handpicking the best kills he's got. this isnt evidence of the game being skillbased, in fact the majority of /v/ liking this game suggests the opposite
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bring back sarge
how have the great fallen
Not really. Its definitely better than the lol model where you save up forever to get a hero which might or might not get the nerf hammer some day.

In QC you get enough money to rent a hero in one or two game tops, and you can try any of them even the new ones.

Plus, heroes are not such as big deal, you are still playing Quake with all of them.
do you see how you people are talking? it does not sound like youre talking about a quake game at all, individual characters being better than others at certain things instead of the game relying on the player to do it themselves and better than everyone else since they all are the same is stupid
>not going to watch a video but
how to make your opinion irrelevant with only 7 words
>multiple currencies
>heroes and power
>ui clutter
>no mods
>no servers

It isn't quake.
you can just watch a stream if you don't want cherry-picking, QC is certainly far more skill-based than any other current popular FPS and it's still very much Quake
>the majority of /v/ liking this game
You don't seem to know what the word "majority" means
>it's still very much Quake
it isn't quake whatsoever in any way
You still do all the things you do in a Quake game. Being good at the things that make you good at Quake still beats everything else.

Core gameplay is still mostly Quake.

Everything you complain about can be fixed by simply playing Quake Live, which is really good
theyre all relevant, and abilities breaks the flow of the game, that robot faggot with the shield is super unfun to play against
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>got in the beta
>never even booted up the game
>its still very much quake
cant tell if you actually believe this, making a hero shooter where everyone starts out with different stats is not 'very much quake'.
the robot faggot is quite literally the most useless champion in the game, his health poll is shit and the hitbox gigantic, he's completely worthless without the shield and even with the shield you can just circle strafe him or do a 360 and walk away, the CD of the abilities are way too long for them to be too relevant
git gud
>got in the beta
>played for a few minutes
>you can completely and totally strafe jump wrong, hit ledges, and still maintain speed and keep going
>3 or 4 different currencies

uninstalled, and I used to play comp quake1 with some of the very best players.
Good: Sorlag, Anarki, Nyx, Ranger
Shit: everything else
Good thing you can buy it as a real game and it's half the price of $59.99.
you can do all the things you can in a Quake game? so you can start out with the same movement speed and hp as everyone else in the server?
Why do you people insist on holding opinions that aren't based on actual experiences?
tim willits is this you
Post more slipgate memes.
$30 is actually the discounted price. When it comes out of EA, it will be officially $40.
>criticize a game
The gameplay isn't as smooth as QL so I don't know why I'd play it over QL, also they still haven't released the 2 best game modes.
why do you insist on pretending you know the first thing about quake when you literally weren't alive and I played in qtest and talked to people like romero daily on irc?

yeah that's right shut your fuckin mouth
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>people saying it's like quake

Quake was an arena shooter.
Arena shooters were designed to be
>all players are equal in terms of stats
>it's about mastering the map and the random weapon/pickup spawns in the arena
>hence the name, arena shooter
this isnt making a good point friendo, because youre implying that all players who choose this class will be at a disadvantage from the very start, a thing that doesnt belong in a quake game
You clearly haven't played it yes, if your only argument is "IS NOT QUAKE REEEE"

This post is so believable, anon.
It makes the point that you are an idiot who complains about the weakest champ in the game, making it clear that you have next to zero experience with the game.
It is like Quake. Only difference is the first thing you said.
i made an actual point though, try to refute the inherent shittiness of making Quake a hero shooter :) PRO TIP: even if I never played the game in my life, I wouldnt even have needed to for that opinion to be valid since you said it yourself
Last time I checked in older Quake you would force everyone's player model to Tank because he was the biggest and turned on bright colors to maximize competitive advantage. Your argument is fucking flat. In QC you have champions made specifically for higher level Quake players with faster speeds and higher skill ceiling abilities that you should be taking advantage of, but clearly you are a little bitch who is avoiding them like the floor is lava.

>make champions with pro speeds and pro air control
bro you cant step to me about quake period i am 35 i was part of the community you were not.

quake champions ain't quake. ice cream rule.
Sorlag is my waifu, not a man.
It's fun. Fuck the haters.
just... shut up.... shhhhh. hush hush you little pissbaby. shut the fuck up and never talk again
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Did anyone realize that no-one would pay xx for just better graphics, more maps and maybe new weapons.

shittier shooters were crucified for this retardation, quake is not getting away with it.
>>make champions with pro speeds and pro air control

do you honestly not understand why this is bad?

tankjr is the largest model, all models have the same hitbox. differing hitboxes ruins and contaminates the game type

quake champions is not an "arena" shooter, it's a hero shooter, end of story
>moving the goalposts
You showed your complete lack of experience with the game but you still think you can hold a valid opinion on it, you can complain about it having classes but unless you actually play the game then your opinion is nothing but an empty knee-jerk reaction.
if you have fun with it then great, but dont claim its a Quake game or a legitimate arena shooter
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The only complaint I have is the different health pools. Otherwise I don't know how people don't think skill trumps everything else here just like the other games? Every Quake has been different ever since the first game.
Will QC satisfy my need to go fast and shoot people fast?
>i am 35
Even if this was true, you're admitting that you're a 35 year old pissbottler that still comes to this place for some reason and still types like a teenager.
You really expect me to believe everything you claim?

brap boosting
also Titanfall 2
>Nyx bhops next to me


>F2P to B2P
>browser and plugin based
>rent a server
>premium and pro subscriptions
>server options paywall (lol)
>gift tokens
>dropped OSX and Linux
>in-game ads
>more UI clutter than Q3A
>no mods
I can do this too
uhhhhh you outright said that one character that i mentioned was worse than the others because thats the only way you couldve refuted my argument, then it came back to bite you in the ass since one class being worse than the other means imbalance. dont need to play the game to figure that out.
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Ignoring you your existence is of no consequence to me

35 year old who was in qtest, part of efnet #quake, knew people from stomped.com, aftershock, other sites like that, tested the first alpha of threewave CTF by zoid who would later go on to make metroid prime, tested the first alpha of teamfortress with 1 map and 5 classes, tested mods like runequake and airquake you probably never played, made a few mods, invented movable boxes for the first time in any FPS game in my mod BoX, contributed to the first true total conversion ever for a game (After the Fall), contributed runs to the first quake done quick and embarrassed myself, played with high level early comp gamers, and fragged all members of id software in-game

Ask me anything

Oh, I also have a tiny amount of my work in a published id software retail product, Extremities for quake 2. fuck with me kid.
hmmm i wonder when THAT happened, maybe when a certain company acquired the Quake franchise... hmmm who could that be....
Tank didn't change the hit boxes but he is still filling out the hit boxes more than anyone else, so therefore it was a competitive edge.
how much will EA last? I don't want to give the kikes a single dime.
I never denied that classes can generate unbalance (that is extremely obvious), you can stop being retarded now and throwing shit at the wall to see if anything sticks.
Mmmm quite pungent
Q1 2018 at the earliest
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>the system req for the game

Top kek, this game won't do well with req's that high.
No, but you still have to get health, armour and weapons like in Quake.

I mean, I like classic Quake too, I still play QL almost every week, netcode is still a lot better.

I dont understand why QC should be Q3 HD, QL is already good enough at that. The only thing QL could benefit from is ranked duel
/v/ always bend over for Todd and his overlords. If you supported Quake Live, it means you're no better than anyone else.
yeah of course it was a competitive adavantage, you always had a competitive advantage in quake games from configuring your game correctly. I don't know what that has to do with QC being bad because it's a hero shooter though
Yes, but it might take a while before you get there...
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>ARENA shooter
>clan ARENA is still not in
you did though when you downplayed a heros viability to make my point seem invalid and implied that this is an actual quake game, and also hiding behind the 'git gud' tier argument of 'u didnt play it'
This is a lot to claim without any proof.
grabbing an image off of google images real quick doesn't really help either.
is it higher than doom?

>playing CA

>he keeps moving the goalposts
I don't care if you don't like classes, just don't pretend to know what the fuck you are talking about.
You've already been dismissed
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>is it higher than doom?
>Quake with powers
sounds fun, where can I play it?
I have a system below the minimum reqs and it runs mostly fine, D44M runs like absolute shit though
1gb VRAM is the only thing that cucks me and makes it stutter when loading stuff
ive been trying to make the same points as I was originally, youre just making invalid excuses and i keep on telling you why theyre either wrong or are a problem itself
That's pretty convenient for you isn't it?
Just another poser on /v/ that claims to have been a hardcore quake player to make their opinion sound more valid. Par for the course.
Steam, its 30€ on early access, will eventually be free.
Reminder that this should have been a remake of Quake 1 SP and not a meme shooter
Because all purists do is not acknowledge how the game is reliant on crutches and always bring up how the game is based on having the same """even""" ground (not). Remove textures, force player model to do the biggest guy, give him a bright ass color. Counter-Strike could be cancerous in some ways but not even they do this. In fact you have to show demo evidence that you do NOT do any of this especially lower color depth and low resolution smoke otherwise you are disqualified. CS fags actually show more sportsmanship than any of you.
yeah, new f2p games need to be toaster friendly, no time for that Nvidia bullshit.
Is the optimization even good?
The only people that can play it on Steam are the people that bought the Early Access $30 champion pack.
nice, thanks anon
should I buy the character pack?
Your "original point" was a nonsensical shitpost about "pressing Q to win", I don't know if that even qualifies as an actual argument.
>remake anything
Don't ever come into Quake threads in the future
The early access price gets you the Champion Pack.

I'd say its worth it if you have experience with Quake, if not I would wait till the tutorial is worth a damn, maybe for bots.
>all this shilling

how much are you getting paid mods?
Most of this stuff has since been fixed and updated.
>any positive side in a discussion of a game I don't like must be shilling
can the mods get this hothead out of here?
It deserves modern recognition like it's older siblings.
>tfw lifelong AFPS fan
>tfw greatly enjoying QC
>meanwhile posers (who play shit like PUBG) nitpick the most pointless things because in reality they don't care about AFPS but they want to look cool
>do you see how you people are talking? it does not sound like youre talking about a quake game at all
Quake 2 and 3 are not real Quake games anyway
whoah wtf quake having the feature to make your aim more consistent makes me HATE that game now, and now i love quake champions because you refuted the fact that there are actual difference in the hitboxes, unlike the quake you were mentioning, thanks dude im running out to get this epic game right now!
Why are the Elder gods so cruel to Ranger? BJ just wants to free 'Murrica from Nazis and Doomguy has become the boogey man for the Demons but the Elder gods force Ranger to fight for all eternity.
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>open first Re. loot box
>hope to get Doom Slayer
>tfw gets him

What champions have you found in boxes?
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>any positive side in a discussion of a game I don't like must be shilling

you even sound like you're from reddit

>anyone who doesn't like QC is a FAKE AFPS FAN

Consider the noose, champ.
Just play Quake Live. It needs more players

QC is a lot of fun, espcially BECAUSE there are champions. I loved learning new types of movement and characters. It's nice having the option to change around your playstyle on what you feel like doing.
Being a rabid one-game-drone doesn't make you a fan of a genre.
>he says as he posts an image with a reddit filename
because if it was the 'le epic high skill quake game' you think it is it wouldnt include the feature in the first place. im not judging you for liking the game, but this feature is not needed in a game where the better player is supposed to win...
Doomslayer (Love him to death once I got his Arena skin), Nyx, Slash and Anarki
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>get into the QC beta
>enjoy it but don't like the varied health pools for each character
>decide to see how classic Quake is supposed to be since QL is on sale for likew 2 dollars
>theres maybe 100 people playing
>lowest ping with good amount of players is 80
>get in
>everyone is just bitching about QC in chat
The ratio of people who care about classic Quake online is a lot higher than the ratio of people that actually care. So yeah. Play some Quake Live
But the better player DOES win
You're just deluding yourself into believing that they don't
Only Anarki, which is fine as I have the skull for him
>pointing out that making it a hero shooter with abilities make it objectively less skill based than other quakes and also means its not an arena shooter is nitpicking
>and also means its not an arena shooter is nitpicking
yes exactly
So why was BJ chosen for the arena? Sure, he killed nazis but when compared to what Doomguy, Ranger and even Scalebearer did, he really didn't do much.
100% guarrantee you were never even above 1800 ELO in any arena FPS. You don't know what you're talking about.
Forced marketing for Wolfenstein, obviously.
bro everyone played with their settings that way. lol.

computer games were better when people who were good at computers had an advantage anyway. i'm 100% sure you are a normie and have no place in pc gaming
wow i love opening lootboxes for skins that i cant see ingame for heros that I also have to unlock! this really has that authentic Quake feel, having to unlock the ability to make your gun not look like a clunky piece of shit!
Hey man, why are you evil?
Obviously for marketing, but for in-game canon? BJ has dealth with the occult multiple times, all Wolfenstein games are canon, even Woflenstein 09 where he used a magic amulet to fuck shit up.
>complaining about useless cosmetics
you're really desperate now
Let the dad gamers enjoy their legacy Quake. There's probably a few hundred people still fucking around with CS 1.6.

They act like adding some variables in the form of characters turns the game into a MOBA. Absurd the game still boils down to skill.
Are you ok? I was just responding to the fact that I enjoyed seeing an up rez version of the Arena Doom skin.

Well duh, I know the real life reason. BJ makes sense in that aspect but in universe?
the thing youre not seeing is that there is a force outside of the players actual skill affecting the outcome of the fight
He's killed a lot of dangerous shit
Promoting New Colossus
>All Wolf games are canon
>Anything Doom related up to 2016 is canon

Quake universes joining into one when?
>There's probably a few hundred people still fucking around with CS 1.6.

There are hundreds of thousands of people playing cs 1.6 in china and CIS
But the netcode hasn't been fixed, there are still glaring issues with it.
>a few hundred
try 7k :)
I love Slash!
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stop dude!

The only thing that QC changed about duel is that it's objectively more aim-based and less control-based.

What is the invisible force you're talking abut that affects the outcome of a fight? You do realise everyone can play the same champions, right?
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Because why not? If Doomguy is in the game why shouldn't BJ be invited to the party.

>tfw no QT Loosum in QC
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It's pretty funny how unoptimized games of today are.
I was talking from a lore reason. Hell, I am the type of person that wants Douk and Lo Wang in game.
so lets say I did have an elo above 1800, would you listen to my opinion then? what if I even had a higher one than you? then you would have to accept that my opinion is right, the higher ELO means a better opinion!
Man UT3 was so pretty, doesn't matter what people say about it
a skin that makes the rocket launcher not look repulsive isnt useless, and this is in a quake game faggot
It runs well on my outdated PC. PUBG runs at a measily 25 FPS on the lowest settings and looks horrid.

Meanwhile, QC on lowest settings runs at 120FPS and looks great.
See >>388882801
Visually cluttered though.
i think it is shit
you dont completely improve as a player, you only improve and get used to with the stats that your character as. its less skill based than other quakes, and you have to pay or rent the champions. again, there is definitely fun to be had with this game but it is not more skill based that previous quakes. the outcome of the duel mode is again, affected by the heros you choose and their stats and abilities. a real duel mode would have rounds where you can actually fuck someone up, in quake champions the person can just come back if you dont reach max health and get a kill
Those guns are literally the key to winning though stop being retarded.
I'm pretty sure that everyone that has actually played is assuming you haven't played it
the key to winning in this shit game is spamming Q just like the casual bitch you fucking are. get the fuck out of here if you think youre fucking good. you dont even need to learn how to bhop.
No, the only issue with duel is it's round based format, not the champions.

How is having to learn to play and counter-play more champions less skill based?
i was saying that it was part of the genre that overwatch created which is why i refrenced the button but thanks
Runs at 80-100 fps on my 660ti with everything on low and resolution scale at 95%, it's pretty well optimised for toasters.
what?? i thought that you could counter ANYONE based on your individual skill... why would you eed to learn to counter any champion if this is true? :)
The only abilities that can one shot are Ranger's and Nyx's. All the rest do damage but you still need the rocket launcher or Lightning gun 90% of the time.
Duel me faggot right fucking now
Put your money where your mouth is
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I'm pretty sure half of this thread is shitposters larping as quake oldfags.
Confirmed for never playing the game. Why are you in this thread?
no ability should be able to one shot

i have a Q macro set up, i can press it faster therefore i win
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>shitposters larping as oldfags.
pretty much 90% of /v/
Just no I'm sure there's an overwatch general somewhere, you're probably better off hanging out in there
yeah youre right i havent played quake... well, this FAKE version of quake that is... however i can tell you that i have over 10k combined hours across multiple quake games, i know what im doing
post steam and I will gift you QC just to wreck you and prove you wrong
can you stop forcing memes, there is no comedy in this game therefore no comedic value, for fucks sake youre like those rainbow 6 fagboys

what is it about class based shooters that attract you kind of people
If the game gets Duke and Lo Wang I might nut
Rainbow 6 is a good fucking game. What games do you like, faggot?
>why would you eed to learn to counter any champion
Learning something is improving your skill in said something.

Are you genuinely retarded?
ok my steam name is John

i was lying btw i dont even play quakes because im not a tryhard fag
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i think /v/ should visit /vg/arena/ someday.

really, the shill against id, QC and even the ol quake games like Q1SP there is becoming stupid as the days goes on due to autistic cpma fags, OW kids who goes there to shitpost about EA(which they will never admit that overwatch also is for PC) and YuropCykan fags who keeps shitposting about "Muh QL"

ok that quake community is divided as fuck, but this is fucking retarded.
i just hate games like these where theres a meta and forced memes, just like overwatch, if there were no classes and uplay i would probably love rainbow 6
If you watch in slow motion you can see it was just a bug showing the railgun ray lower than it was supposed to be, but in reality he didn't shoot through the floor
>using a quake related image in a quake thread is forcing a meme
Trying a bit too hard to fit in there bud.
>due to autistic cpma fags
>implying it isn't all just blizzard agent provocateurs
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>Mfw Overwatch babbies call Quake Champions a ripoff
>Mfw Overwatch is literally a ripoff of TF2
>Mfw the original TF was a Quake mod
you claimed that no matter the champion, the outcome is decided by whoever has the most skill, implying that champions are more or less irrelevant.
try harder next time kiddo
if having to learn things that dont actually improve your skill makes you more skillful than MMO players must be the best gamers of all time
I'll even stream the duel for /v/ and go all game without using my ability just to prove how retarded you are
uh so youre saying that because there was a class based mod for quake, that i mustve played it and liked it? very convincing argument
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>fucking piece of shit won't even start up
fuck my life
show the 30 USD in your steam wallet, then we'll talk
you forgot
>people not running sli NVIDIA TITAN Xp and quad cpu motherboard Intel Xeon E5-2679 v4 with gigabit internet to run the game on low
No, I claimed that you can pick the same champions as your opponent if you are so worried about a champion being "too easy to play" and thus, not being skilled based.
Why were you not first post?

Still best post
Not buying until I get classic mode with no abilities
i dont give a fuck about quake or arena shooters my dude (though i haved played like 12 hours in one of the betas) stop giving me (you)s
if /v/ wants to build the ultimate weapon against the empire of /ow/ R34 SFM waifuing

>All quake champions models can be ripped to 100% SFM smut ready but it needs Rigging

all models are up and ready, and it needs only rigging.


>shitty 1060 here with a 1150 i3 4150
>played nuDoom flawlessly when it was released, also played the Beta

it runs on high and without slowdowns, only the 60hz monitor slows down
I have a 960 4gb and an i5 and I get 1080/60fps on high, you're just autistic
So you don't know what you're talking about, glad to know you've finally realized that and gave up on spewing shit.
no but i dont think you refuted my arguments and you think you did, in my mind i am victorious and in yours you think you are. we can both walk out of this thread as winners.
i dont think any right minded Bethesda suits guy would be happy with those figures, they're prolly raging about how much investment they've lost
asymmetry is anti-competitive

quake is supposed to be a benchmark that proves raw skill vs raw skill
ANY gameplay element that causes there to be a difference in the player's options should be removed

tl;dr give competitive mode
also give dedicated servers, what is this fucking matchmaking shit in every modern game?
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>60 fps
>arena shooter
so low
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Fun but Klesk isn't in yet. Seems kinda strange when it's common knowledge he was the best.
thats not true at all, all players have the option of taking up specific positions so therefore it is fair because they all have the same advantages

Corporal Kane?
then explain why better players will consistently win
Like I said I won't even use abilities during the duel rust to prove how retarded and wrong you are. now are you going to fight me or scatter back to /owg/
You're lying, I have a 960 4gb with an i7 and I have to play the game on low settings otherwise I get slowdowns when there's a lot of action, and in a game like this getting dips to 40 fps is very annoying.
no your'e definitely a fag
not relevant to the conversation
except for the fact that he won and you lost
uhm who are you replying to, that anon that was arguing with him is long gone
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Shit. Stick with Quake live
I don't like it because of the abilities and stats per characters

this game is shit
your opinion is shit
i wonder if someone is going to say something that hasn't been said a dozen times already
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I'm having fun. It was worth the $30 already.

only the blizzards shills from /arena/ decided to shitpost here about the game
but they changed those lines
True, but forever in my heart
you said maps had to be symetrical for competition to work but then i disproved that by saying better players will always win
Indeed, because people have modded in class systems into the old Quakes

is this the ultimate Damage control mode, when the de itself shows up to silence someone for pointing HOW SHIT the report system is?
>randomized spawns with asymmetrical maps have always been a thing in quake
I hate how long it takes to get in a match. 1 miunte of matchmaking and then 1 minute of warmup and when the game is finished you have to do it again.
Agree. The rematch system also sucks and is even worse than manually requeuing.
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>click rematch
>play button reappears
He probably thinks it's not working when, in reality, everyone just disconnected
You agree to the rematch, you're stuck in the room until it times out. Literally no way to leave other than to exit the game.
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