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>Blizzard took bc server down in less than day New York

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>Blizzard took bc server down in less than day
New York is safe my ass...
I don't believe you, post sauce
I cant find a not cancer website.
>Americans are slaves to their corporate masters

Didn't need a take down to tell me that. Why do think most the good stuff is hosted in Russia?
>Why do think most the good stuff is hosted in Russia?
russia is starting to crack down too
>Why do think most the good stuff is hosted in Russia?
Yeah like.... krokodil?


im glad i didnt wait
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What happens when you beat the content in under a month and get bored of it?

That's just...it? You just stop playing yet expect someone to continuously host the servers?
youre retarded arent you
Pretty much
Good thing that bc content takes more than month to beat
I can't stop laughing.
they start speedrunning the raids
>beating TBC's content in under a month
Pffftthahaha, good fucking luck. Back then people didn't clear expansions the week they came out.
>Good thing that bc content takes more than month to beat
I beat BC content in under a week lmfao
>flail your dick at Blizzard spreading the news over mainstream media websites
>get shut down
wow even wowscape knew better
Let me guess... you haven't played BC since you were 14 years old? Once you know the progression, you beat it quick as fuck. The only reason it took you so long when you were young was because there was no meta progression.
Yeah maybe post-nerf, felmyst was pre-nerf. You couldn't just meme your way through with badges.
the only reason blizzard isnt creating legacy realms is because they are afraid of them killing the current content, akin to what happened with runescape
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>months of shilling
>for this
TBC is inferior to WOTLK anyways
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>doesnt know about the soft launch


Wotlk is inferior to MoP anyways
It was 6 hours
Still would be a much more enjoyable experience than legion lol
>Still would be a much more enjoyable experience than "x" LOL
Salty posters really can't post
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On Legion i assume?
>5 hours

I've had wank sessions that lasted longer.
>New York is safe
Does it have some sort of law that made them think this?
now chinese firewall is coming to us even faster.
stop hosting your shit in here.

our country is some shthole. and now this. thanks obama i guess?
Reminds me of the recent shit show with M 4 remastered they bundled it with their shit new game because they knew no one would fucking buy it otherwise.
No, Gummy was just a retard who thought his hyped server, that got articles on GameSpot, would be small enough to escape notice.
The real challange back in the days was actually getting 40 people that cared enough to give it their all, in vanilla and tbc there where 25-30 retards, and the rest people who actually cared, as in the "core" team the rest was just fillers.

There is a reason people down ragnaros within the first 2 weeks of a vanilla server starts up. This time around its 40 people who care, who know rotations, who knows the tictacs and with the addon ports and improvements we have way more advanced addons for vanilla and tbc to help out on boss fights.

Back in the days the fight where a joke, the struggle was with the players themselfs
I know the raids where 25 men in tbc, but the point still stands, 5-10 people who cared, the rest casual retards.
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Have fun on your next illegal server, constantly living under the fear of shut down and losing hundreds of hours of progress!
well if you believe all the retards that defend them, the game is still gonna have plenty of people who play on current if they created legacy, since so many people on the forums are so quick to shit on "nostalgia babies". What are they so afraid of?
why didn't they just host their servers in some backwater country where blizzard's lawyers couldn't get to them???
do the content on alts? move on to another era server? or maybe just be content with your favorite era?

for instance in vanilla, the main draw was the pvp, because the honor system was so robust in vanilla. people can pretend that it was all about raiding if they want, but no one remembers the niggas that cleared naxx back in the day, they remember the dudes that got rank 14
Post your mythic Kil'Jaeden parses.
I will never understand this mentality.
"I complete content" WHERE IS YOUR MYTHIC CLEAR. It's like I'm on fucking youtube comments right now.
Legion is so shit you'll have trouble finding people with Heroic parses.
>I completed content but I didnt
kill yourself
>post mythic parses
>when one guild has killed mythic KJ because of how overtuned it is
Yeah dude I bet you are in one of those guilds that does 800 mythic KJ pulls a week

LITERALLY when did dragon slayers start thinking they had big dicks, it disgusts me what blizzard has done to this game
>shilling the server all over 4chan
>gets taken down after a few hours
get cancer and die subhuman
>He thinks mythic mode matters to the general player population
>When everyone will just farm the transmogs next expansion
>When the gear will be replaced by welfare gear in 7.3 thanks to titanforging
>When the only items worth a fuck are just as good with the raid finder version then the mythic version due to them being trinkets.

No I refuse to jump on watcher's wild ride.

Legion content is boring as fuck and repetitive, and mythic mode doesn't make it worth playing the game like a job and grinding out boss kills on a 20-40 hour a week raid schedule.
private server players are the subhumans
anything you have said applies to literally every part of WoW except for the LFR item part, which is just wrong and retarded.
Serves him right for being retarded enough for hosting in U.S..
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>All this shilling
>F I V E H O U R S
>g-g-guys! nostalrius may have been shut down, and elysium was run by corrupt russian shitheads and kronos is shit run by p2w and the other servers have shit scripts and 0 population but the next one will definitely work out!
>g-g-gummy's TBC server will DEFINITELY be our salvation!!

oh lawd these nostalgiaKEKS are so desperate and delusional it's actually making me feel bad.
>when did dragon slayers start thinking they had big dicks

The day AQ40 came out. A C'thun kill was equivalent on my server to rank 14.
Thank fuck I didn't trust Gummy's shillers.
Draught of Souls was so damn good that the RF version was a 100k DPS boost for melee classes
any hope for private wow servers? I wanted to give one a try
Gummy's Scamcraft 3.0 didn't even last a day.
Did he become too greedy?
Elysium still the only choice if you 't want to play on server with x10 xp rates or epic/character shops
Haven't played on private servers in 2 years but if you think that there are only 3 servers with good scripting you're fucking delusional. Now go farm your gated content like a good goy
Corecraft 2050.
>Allows private servers, even advertises project1999, the server for the first three expansions
>creates progression servers allowing people to progress from vanilla to live on a regular basis
>recently launched a progression server that stopped at one of the earlier expansions that people had been clamoring for

>world of warcraft
>less than 10k players
>World of warcraft retail
>Around 5 or 6m players

Crestfall for vanilla. Planned 2017 release, probably 2018 though.
yeah AQ was over tuned just like naxx 40 was, it was impressive to clear it, but at the end of the day it was still just dodging bullshit. It's like having 10 competent players and the rest have to be treated like retarded monkies because they can't do basic human functions.

It amuses me that people thought launch wow was about the PvE, when blizzard, aside from diablo, was almost STRICTLY a PvP oriented developer, and it was based on, you know, WARCRAFT
Gummy's Scamcraft 3.0 was doomed from the beginning.
Admins are busy with uni, test server is still up.

Ruskis with Chink infestation, bans you for no reason unless you're a Chink RMTer.

Pick your poison.
Maybe they thought that because the PVP in WoW was extremely lacking from the start and didnt have any proper incentives compared to any other mmo on the market.
EQ is more active than that, certainly not WoW levels but they're a half decade older than Wow

plus according to Wowcensus, there are only about 1.5m active CHARACTERS (doesn't factor out alts) between levels 20-110. Meaning the numbers for WoW are way less than that.
You must have missed the massive drop during WoD. Blizzard would be lucky to have 1.5m tops right now.
the delusion on this guy
more like wow its fucking nothing
this d-damage control
might as well link vgchartz
Don't worry Blizzard will talk about it at Blizzcon!

>"so private servers"
>audience starts clapping
>"but before that here's some legion info you already know"
Why did Blizzard kill interesting quest rewards and turn EVERYTHING into stat sticks. FUCK WRATH for this.

Legiondaries effects are cool but they should just be slapped onto epics from long quest chains.

Getting AP AND GOLD from a gigantic quest chain is like waking up on christmas day only to realize your parents are dead.

Its fucking pointless and terrible.

And stop wasting time on player garrison/halls. They barely effect the game and waste resources that could've been used on making the isles bigger better and dungeons or raids better.

And FUCK Blizzard would have absolutely zero problem hosting private servers but they don't know how to make money off it yet. That is the only reason.
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>Blizzdrones in full celebration mode
>meanwhile these same asshole retards probably download free music daily and skirt copywrite laws ALL THE TIME

I think....i'm just done with the stupidity of the modern vidya scene

time to get a life
t. Mad private server cuck from a third world country
Wtf dumb nigger I'm 8/9 TOMB.


Do you hold record percentiles for any encounter?

Do you even have a single mythic kill in current content?

Do you even have ALL of your legendaries?

You aren't fit to even be in the same room as my fucking piss bottles.
Can't he just rent a server from eu
Old School Runescape didn't kill Runescape 3. Runescape 3 killed it.
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Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night I can feel my warrior, and my shaman. Even my bank alt. The Azeroth I've lost. The guildies I've lost. It won't stop hurting. It's like they're still there. You feel it too, don't you?
rest in piss
He needs more donations.

Will you donate to the private server?
People beat Ragnaros within the first 2 weeks of a vanilla server starting up because it's coded like shit and they're fighting the heavily nerfed version on top of it.

Ragnaros was theoretically impossible to kill initially.

Also no one is talking about the shitty guilds you were in, even high tier guilds had a hard time clearing Sunwell.
Scamcraft 4.0 when
Why is Gummy's server called scamcraft if he didn't take donations?
Legion isn't all that fun. I left after nighthold mythic because the grind isn't worth it anymore
t. Mad poopsocker who wasted his life and in front of a screen
He was soliciting donations through discord to help keep the server up and hosting funded. Hosting a server with 1000+ people on it is not cheap or free.
And they were using exploits commonly found in private servers.

They involved the dog whistle and mechanical yeti
>was planning to hop onto Felmyst some time next week
>see this thread
oh ok then
lol did anyone even level to 60 before the servers went down jesus christ
I talk shit about piratefags and stream movies or tv all the time.
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Yeah that's what i fucking thought kid.

Pic related you.
>Around 5 or 6m players

It's hilarious that you actually believe that.
And then everyone clapped on the train
He previously ran two vanilla servers, both of which he heavily embezzled funds from.
I think the highest was like, level 15 or 20.
Uh high pop server have 10-20k players and there's like 10 of them maybe. The rest are all sub 2k.
most retarded post ITT here's your (You) prize
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>Putting the server for an american made game in America
How were ele and enchant shamans on vanilla
If your class can heal then the only viable spec is healing.
lel the private server owner ran away with all the underground PayPal donations he scammed from idiots
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>this faggot


It's true. It's a repeat of what happened 5 years ago. He had a server just like this one, got a few grand in donations and shut it down
maybe if they didn't raise the prices of both the expac and a sub by 300% in 5 years and tokens didn't cost millions wow wouldn't be so fucking dead
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>Around 5 or 6m players
>thinks his opinion matters when he can't even do the content.

Also you only need to reply once cuckboy.
Already did it on LFR. It's the same shit retard. No one gives a shit about your mythic ''progress'' autism
That's the fate of all popular legacy servers for WoW. It gets shilled everywhere even on major media sites, Blizzard notices then shuts their ass down especially if they been taking in donation cash from players.
>haven't even played wow in years lol

I just couldn't miss the chance to tell you to kill yourself. Seriously, it's ok, you where a massive disappointment to your parents anyway.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize I was talking to some mentally deficient. Have a nice day okay? Remember to breath in and out.
You realize projecting won't make your parents love you right?
>hasn't played wow in years
And your opinion doesn't matter
domo arigato mr autismo
It was never hard per say just a gear check, something that wasn't easy to gain back in van.
that faggot knew this would happen, he was autistic enough to create his own game he shouldve just done that from the beginning
There were more GMs than people who cleared Naxx 40.
They even shilled this private server on a fucking GAMESPOT article, the same website that had exclusive interviews with the WoW devs. They had the shut down coming.
Ferals are good at off-tanking,and shamans are still good if you just accept that you are a support even if you dont heal through totems.
Paladins are a dumpster fire at best
They don't even have to create legacy realms. Just sell licenses to third-party operators that are willing to pony up for it. It boggles the mind why Blizzard is ignoring a pretty easy source of revenue. Imagine playing your favorite xpac without donate2win and the other cancers that plague private servers now. It would be worth paying a modest sub fee for.
>It would be worth paying a modest sub fee for.
lol nope. the majority of people playing on private servers only do so because it's FREE to play.

>losing progress

It's a video game, anon. The purpose is to have fun while you play it, not necessarily to work towards something.
so you don't get mad when your entire memory card full of save data gets corrupted
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Modern WoW is garbage, but privates aren't much better. This shit is why i don't play on these servers, much less pay blizz for a shit experience

pre-cata Wow i can still see in my head, I'd hate to tarnish that playing Vanilla on some shit server with the 2017 autism community. Let your pleasant memories remain as such, keep your fond nostalgia

It's time to stop clinging to the rotten corpse of Warcraft and let go, be it retail or otherwise lads
And with f2p comes bugs, third world cancer and donate2win. Paywalls are a good thing, anon. Stop being poor.
You mean CoD 4?
>lfr shitter

is it hard for you to think?
Imagine being one of the people who went into every single MMO related thread to spam the link to that server.
Oh wow, I didn't expect Blizzard to take my report seriously. Yesterday I jokingly sent them a ticket saying that this server was doing illegal RMT and they actually shut them down in less than 24h holy fuck
Feral can't maintain aggro.
If you actually think your report shut it down you're delusional.
Seriously, if you have made an account on Felmyst and use the password or username ANYWHERE ELSE, then go change them right now, because Gummy has already leaked one database in the past UNSALTED.
every report counts
The server has been in development for years and in beta for months. Blizzard has had their eye on it for as long. They don't want another Nostalrius problem.

So, no. Not every report counts. Especially not ones that are made on the day it releases.
get fucking rekt
I'd agree with this but there's literally nothing else to play
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The mentality is so hard to imagine that I can only laugh at the thought
>Boy better spread word about this illegal thing we're doing
>Oh boy it's gonna be great when everyone's in on this
And now that they've successfully thwarted yet another private server, everyone who was playing it or going to play it will now go and subscribe to World of Warcraftâ„¢ 2017 Editionâ„¢

Well done Blizzard you did it
Yeah, this has convinced me that I don't actually like older versions of WoW. Blizzard has shown me the light.

Gonna go buy a year's sub and a few shop mounts, later bros!
fucking sheep
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It's not even about getting people to subscribe, if you were implying that.
Stormblood, unless you live in a third world country
Yeah, it's just making people despise Blizzard more.
You can just take sleeping pills whilst watching the latest moeshit anime and the result is pretty much the same.
>Implying there is any reason to care about people who already decided to use private servers
Woah all those non-customers sure are a great loss buddy!
>Wow Activision sure are dicks for shutting down the theft of their IP
I mean fuck off, they're absolute garbage for hundreds of reasons, but this sure as hell isn't one of them.
I know dude, but WoW is long since over. for me at least

I've not played since mid-Panda
Undermining the competition is a tactic as old as capitalism itself though. At this point you're basically hating them for being a successful commercial enterprise.
If WoW was meant to be a pvp game they would have cribbed wholesale from DAoC instead of Everquest.
This is the most hilarious day in private server history
Explain to me how the "theft", in this case specifically, harms Blizzard, WoW, or literally anyone at all. Just because something is against the law doesn't automatically make it wrong

>guy smokes weed in his house, harming no one
>gets arrested

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Only retards who refuse to grow up hate Blizz and blame them.

Anyone who's not retarded know that modern WoW, on the whole, is better than Vanilla - Wrath.

MoP was one of WoW's best expansions, for example. You probably just went 'FUCKING FURRIES' and called it shit after playing for a couple of hours.
when they further inflated their egos by renaming heroic to mythic
>Anyone who's not retarded know that modern WoW, on the whole, is better than Vanilla - Wrath.

Holy shit you people are actually real.

And no, I actually liked MoP.
redditors aren't even hiding it anymore

please leave
I think MoP was launched okay but was drought ridden so it really turned people off even though the overall quality of the expansion was good.
>It's okay to steal if you don't actually harm someone!
That's not how it works, anon. To be fair, copying something isn't actually theft either though. The issue here is that you don't get to cherrypick which rules and laws you do and don't follow based on your own moral compass, that's utterly absurd. Or rather, you can do so all you like, but that doesn't make you getting fucked for breaking those rules "unjust"

>How does this harm Blizzard?
Numerous reasons that you can educate yourself on, far too in-depth to discuss at length on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. The least of it is diminishing their trademark which is still actually a huge deal.
>"Daily repetition - The expansion" was actually okay
People like this exist?
>Numerous reasons that you can educate yourself on, far too in-depth to discuss at length on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>I can't be assed to actually defend my position. Do my research for me.
Have you played WoW before? That's par for the course since vanilla, double downed on since TBC.
Yes, there was a content draught.

The world, content and features were still better than anything before it.
I'd call Legion the Daily expansion more than the others, they really love pushing those world quests.
>The world, content and features were still better than anything before it.

I've given you a reason to do your own research as well as a basic argument as to why they would take it down, anon, you're now just making excuses.
What the fuck did he expect, though?
World quests are good.

Remove AP and legendary weapons, apply world quests to the entire world with unique rewards.

Bam, WoW is fixed.
WoW has been daily repetition since TBC at least. Grinding rep, grinding badges, grinding sunwell isle dailies, etc.
I'm not talking about the content drought though, I'm talking about forcing daily bullshit down your thought or having you fall behind, daily quests for anything but completely optional cosmetic shit is terrible.
>getting to 100% your old favorites with a spotty memory so it's kinda like experiencing it for the first time again
Sounds like a good time.
Grinding rep is fine, you could do that one day out of a week and be done with it, daily lockout repetition is insufferable and inexcusable.

Not being able to allocate your own time as you see fit is what ruins MMOs for me.
Okay, and you think WoW hasn't been doing that since TBC?
Also force them to get on the Warhammer Online private server and learn what good world quests look like.

Maybe they'll learn something about world pvp too as a bonus.
>he's a PvPfag

Opinion discarded
No, I could appreciate the way they handled dailies in TBC, though it got out of hand with shit like Sunwell. TBC usually still offered you options for doing things by grinding tokens, buying them, grinding dungeons etc. You had options, you could ignore or skip daily quests and compensate for them through other means effectively.

It was, without a doubt, the beginning of the end, but it was tolerable in the way that they had done it then.
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>He fell for the private server meme AGAIN
>Shill actually dared put "steady stream of content" in that list.
My sides though?
there's new content on retail all the time. meanwhile on private servers you're stuck on a single buggy patch forever.
legion has been steady with content updates, but I get where you're coming from
They wouldn't know. Private server cucks don't play the modern game and then proceed to bitch about it all the time.
Serves yoi right. Stop stealing someone else's work. HAHAHAHAHA
>he's someone who enjoys part of the game that's been a selling point from release
I prefer the PvE but PvP is just as much a part of WoW. Especially the adaptive WPvP
that's funny considering we're going to have 4 months of just tomb and nothing else
4 months of tomb versus 12 months of naxx
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versus 14 months of siege of orgrimmar?
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I think J. Allen Brack was right about the whole "You think you do, but you don't" thing.
Sure, he said it in a bad way but think about it: Pretty much everyone remembers Vanilla/BC for the tightly knit communities and the amount of trust between people and not the rest of the game.
Besides, if you were playing it now you're not going to experience the magic of WoW as you played it back then and the vast majority will rely on guides regarding gearing, rotations and backported addons, forcing you to comply with them rather than keeping with the the mixed quality of gear you had when playing.
Also, botting. back then, the most advanced you had was Glider, now bots are common place on vanilla servers and are much more advanced than then.
>I-It's a steady steam if we compare it to nothing at all!
It's sporadic chunks of content you shilling fuckwit, get your terminology right.
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I've seen mmo private server downies have dedicated threads on the fucking WoW forums.

They deserve it all.
Hahahaha, Felmyst got destroyed in a matter of hours?
And all you fags were hyped as fuck.
This is common sense to anyone but actual autists. People grew up, the game is generally better now, by all quantifiable means.
TBC was daily lockout repetition.
At some point regular dungeons didnt give you rep anymore, so the only source of rep became heroic dungeons which were on a one day timer.

Speaking of: Gearing up for raids was also shit with lockouts like that.
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>there's new content on retail all the time.
Thats if you consider the non stop ap grind, titanforged rng gear grind, rng legendary grind, m+ grind and having 1 new raid every 4-6 months which is cleared in a day as content.
Most of it probably could be justified if classes weren't gutted as fuck but nah, had to ruin that part of the game as well.
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>blizzard is still scared private server kill their trash retail game

fucking lmao scumbag company.
Oh I agree with the man there, while I hold that vanilla/BC was the prime of WoW, doing the same shit AGAIN isn't going to give me the same experience at all so why would I want to repeat it? I might enjoy going through the content again once more but it'd get old fast, and the community isn't and never will be what it used to be.

Old MMO's (like Ultima Online) could get away with private servers because they often relied on custom GM events to create unique content, but WoW just has you repeating and retreading old content that you've probably seen dozens of times already, just to re-grind shit you already had on live.
And lets not forget copied and pasted world quests which are always the same shit.
Great fucking content there.
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Private servers have been popping up and getting smacked down since the game first expanded. Why do people keep acting like this is just "nu-Blizzard's" fault
Lets also not forget just remaking old content because fuck making actually new content.
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How to fix WoW in 1 (one) easy step:
>make legacy servers for every expansion
>you can transfer/copy your character into new expansions (some items might change though)

Now you can have the vanilla experience and once you're bored you transfer your character to BC or maybe WotLK in case you didn't like BC. Obviously staying in one expansion is ok too.
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>pve shitter thinks hes good

pic related; u
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Why aren't you guys playing Stormblood? It's much better than retail WoW AND private servers.
WoWfags are truly pathetic, just fucking move on with your life, there are other games out there, there are other things to do, you are probably the only bunch that suffer from an extreme nostalgia disease syndrome.
>What happens when you beat the content in under a month and get bored of it?
You mean exactly what happens in every single expansion? Did you have fun with that year of SoO?
>That'll be $29.99 for an expansions transfer.
Fuck blizzard and fuck this game. Tired of their Jewish practices.
>Wow PVP at that
>Literally even the devs keep saying they fucked it up and it's a shitshow
>"B-but muh epeen ;_;"
Play a real PVP game you fucking shitter.
>make a character on ancient servers
>transfer it to current after getting rare shit
>now everyone has Black Qiraji Battle Tanks and Amani War Bears

Fucking stupidest thing I've ever read
No pvp, braindead pve, 2.5 gcd, boring classes with flashy animations, gay asian theme.
FFXIV is everything that's wrong with WoW without any of the fun parts.
>I absolutely cannot stand playing a mmo so I bitch about having stuff to do
>muh epeen
>coming from hyper autists who brag about muh mythics when the only skill involved is memorizing phases
wrong, try again.
>Implying Blizzard ever follows up on C&Ds
They literally send them out for the sole purpose of appeasing the copyright office. If they didn't, they'd lost the rights, which would instantly be bought up by Chinks to sue the shit out of Blizzard before turning the game inside out for a few weeks of profit.
Every single private server that goes down to 'C&Ds' are either lying or pathetic cowards.
so? who gives a fuck if some other dude runs around on a rare mount?
>Spend 4 of the last 10 years or so of your life working on a private server so you can have friends again because you can't physically leave the house any more.
>Get shut down almost instantly by jews.

Goddamn man.
>Implying I'm him
Work on your reading you retarded lemming, if you can't spot the plethora of differences that'd give it away you're a fucking moron.

Epeening in MMOs is retarded in general, and you've just proved that beyond a doubt.
Most WoW players won't even consider Stormblood out of pure pride anon, which is sad because it offers the most similiar old school WoW experience.
yeah that was pretty fucking brutal
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>What? A new private server?
>How dare they try to recreate old content. If they aren't grinding our newest skinner box they must be punished.

Remember goyim
Keep grinding AP
Keep grinding Mythic+. You'll get that titanforged BiS!
Keep grinding and hoping you get your two BiS legendaries.
Keep knocking your face into the gearwalls of ToS until we nerf it
>Oh Method class-stacked to kill Kiljaeden.

FFXIV is less of a grind than WoW atm. A fucking asian MMO is less grindy than WoW. Do you realize how fucking insane that is?
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I saw the punchline a mile away and yet it is still funny as hell
Most WoW players I know have tried XIV. I don't blame them, the game is honestly the most boring shit I've played for the few dozen hours.
>if you can't spot the plethora of differences that'd give it away you're a fucking moron.
That doesn't make you any less of a faggot. PVP is any game is the only part that takes any skill.
Does Method still exist? I thought it imploded after the guild leader tried to turn it into an esports organisation.
Let me guess, you are 13 years old and can't afford a sub, that's why you play WoW on private servers and only played the trial of XIV, which you didn't like out of pure hatred for another game taking the modern MMO crown.
>FFXIV is less of a grind than WoW
Maybe endgame, sure.

But I'll pass on that 100+ hour compulsory MSQ that's entirely singleplayer.
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They do. Still the only guild to keep giving blizzard the middle finger to terrible tuning.
Blizzard did actually follow up on C&D's in the past with WoWscape, weird ride. See


> because it offers the most similiar old school WoW experience.
Oh yeah "skill" that wonderful piece of bullshit that means whatever you want it to while not ever meaning what the other guy thinks it does.

You're like those retards who argue constantly about what a 'sport' is and constantly get caught up on how hurt you get because you're a braindead moron.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
>Joe started playing in Legion
>See some Chadd on his Black Roach
>Black Roach can't be obtained anymore but Blizzard offer Joe a chance to get it but he has to work his ass off
>He actually tries to double down
>He somehow doesn't understand that he shouldn't go full retard
>But I'll pass on that 100+ hour compulsory MSQ that's entirely singleplayer.
You can skip it with a boost just as you can do in WoW.

Story is pretty great towards the end of ARR too. Unlike the shitfest WoW is atm
There is a difference between Japanese MMOs and Korean MMOs.

You wouldn't touch it either way anon, you only hate XIV because it's not WoW, simple as that, you will probably never get to like it even if it was the best MMO out there.
>Oh yeah "skill" that wonderful piece of bullshit that means whatever you want it to while not ever meaning what the other guy thinks it does.
Having to react to things in real time instead of having every aspect of a fight memorized and planned out before it happens isn't skill related at all, gotcha.
pve babby detected
>Grinding 600 trillion ap for new trait with 0.000001% dps increase is considered worthwhile content now.
>Grinding EN and NH for a chance at rng legendaries which get heavily nerfed mid progression is considered worthwhile content now.
>Grinding m+ non stop for a chance at some titanforged rng gear is worthwhile considered now.
>Spend 24/7 wasting time doing the above to be outgeard by casuals with welfare gear next patch is worthwhile content now.
>And having to do all this with gutted trash classes with literally 50% less abilities than you had in wrath.
But nah be my guest, keep wasting your time with this skinner box piece of turd that is nu-wow.
>I literally hate playing MMOs and bitch about grinds even though shit was just as grindy in the past
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>Post YFW you didn't fall for the private server scam meme

Hope you fuckers who signed up changed your email/password because they got all that info ready to leak.
Everything in Legion outside of mythics is pointless busywork, it's almost at the level of mobile games and only slightly above garrison shit.
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>Just as grindy in the past

>Do dungeons. Potentially get loot
>Some MMO's forward-thinking. Do dungeons/raids to potentially get loot. Otherwise get currency that can EVENTUALLY be traded for loot allowing you to avoid getting cucked by RNG (FFXIV)

>Do dungeon
>Maybe get loot
>Maybe maybe it Titanforges and is actually useful
>Maybe maybe maybe you get a legendary too
>MAYBE its your BiS
>Tune mythic content around BiS legendaries and Titanforged gear.

RNG upon RNG upon RNG.
Keep doing your world quests anon! Stay subbed!
That one's a bit weird, as it looks to be over the way people accessed the servers rather than the actual servers themselves, unless I'm reading that wrong.
what'll it take for blizzard to make wow f2p
You should know how a fight is going to go going into it anyway :^)
its rng loot vs rng loot
literally the same shit.
as a matter of fact, gearing up these days is much easier because bosses drop more items.
>just pay up goym, and skip like, half the game xd
Yeah, no thanks. I can level to current content in WoW in a week, and unlike XIV, it doesn't make me want to kill myself.

But I did touch it. I got to 40-50 and saw things weren't getting any better. I was playing a singleplayer MMO with a shitty story that didn't do anything interesting except look mildly pretty. And then I stopped.
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>Post YFW you didn't fall for the private server scam meme
Well I don't currently play WoW private server or retail, but fuck you blizzjews, your new stuff sucks giant orcballs and you know it. That's why you are so pissy about private servers about which you didn't give a shit a few years ago.
>>I absolutely cannot stand playing a mmo so I bitch about having stuff that I absolutely have to do in order to have a chance to do what I actually want to do
rng loot vs rng loot on top of more rng.
maybe if you're fighting lemmings or pve babies trying to pvp for some cosmetics.
Don't bother, most of these people didn't actually play vanilla, where even the early Elwynn quests took hours to do, despite being just 'kill 12 bears'.
Kepp sucking that brown blizzard dick drone :^)
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Too bad you stopped because it just kept improving with every patch and expansion

Probably sub numbers going below 1m.

Which won't happen unless they make a really shitty expac. And given they got away with WoD, it'll probably not happen ever.
its all rng.
legendaries in vanilla and TBC were even worse rng.
Fools. Once gaming journos get wind of something like this, they often almost always contact the publishers/devs, and dont usually get a response either, but the damage is done and a C&D is sure to follow in the days ahead.

Anything for muh exclusive story and first hand response, no attempt at keeping anything under the radar, game journo sites are responsible for untold hundreds of C&D's just by bringing awareness of something that would usually normally slip by undetected for a longer while. Fuck any "journalist" that reports on these things and fuck them more if they attempt to CONTACT the dev/pub for their "opinion" on the matter which is of course a fucking C&D.

The LOTR total conversion mod for Skyrim got fucked over with C&D once it entered mainstream awareness thanks to game journalism sites and even facebook news sidebar, you report on shit like this AFTER its finished, ffs.
yeah. thats exactly what you sound like.
look for a more casual genre.
legendaries in vanilla and tbc were extremely rare feat of strength things and not required for raiding.
>reviews/popularity = quality

That means CoD is the greatest game ever made, I guess.
>Reducing the rate of getting good gear by adding layers of RNG is somehow okay
>Making gearing-up take even longer to have any hope of doing any mythic bosses.
As long as you stay subbed Anon blizzard is happy - allows them to make less amounts of content last longer.

Do you think they were required to clear content you dumbass?

Good luck getting into any mythic raiding guild atm without 55+ artifact traits and your BiS legendaries.
...Legendaries in current WoW are also not required for raiding, even at the highest tiers.
If you're reacting to everything that's happening then you're shit no matter what you're doing.
>not required for raiding
>so strong that every guild felt the need to farm molten bore every week even though they progressed way past it
>Yeah, no thanks. I can level to current content in WoW in a week, and unlike XIV, it doesn't make me want to kill myself.
Because WoW makes all of its past content useless and the game is designed around making you grind as hard as possible once you're max level.

Farm AP anon.
Farm it.
What? Even as a baby I got to level 20 relatively quickly and I could only play at my friends house since the entire senpai had subs.

UD mage
I'll play your shit game again when it doesn't take quitting my job to do the only content that's fun.
Good luck getting into mythic groups then.
They farmed it because they wanted the legendary for bragging not because they needed it.
I went with a dummy email though I do use it for various shit like this.
Buuut even I'm not retarded enough to have signed up with the password I might have used for something.
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>...Legendaries in current WoW are also not required for raiding, even at the highest tiers.
Confirmed for literally not raiding.

Your two BiS legendaries easily add over 100k DPS to most classes, if not more. Thats a sheer 10-20% increase based on certain content.

Bosses are scaled around it
>See: Mythic Star Augur
Some give a 10% damage boost, at poopsock tier they are required but those guys play so much they already have all legendaries. Friend of mine in a 6/9m guild has 24 legends in bags lol.
Back then you had lockouts on fucking heroics, thats literally designed to prevent your retard ass from having a chance at gearing up quickly.

Now you can run dungeons as much as you like.

And artifact level 55 is fucking babby shit right now. You get that passively by just raiding.
>They farmed it because they wanted the legendary for bragging not because they needed it.
>...Legendaries in current WoW are also not required for raiding, even at the highest tiers.
A single legendary can boost dps by up to 15%.
Get the fuck out of here shilling retard.
>i can't keep up my argument so i just shitpost
legendaries were impractical and not required for progression
>Now you can run dungeons as much as you like.
Exactly. Keep grinding that skinner box while more RNG is added

Thunderfury/Sulfuras was not REQUIRED to clear BWL by sheer dps-check you retard.
>exactly, keep playing that game instead of getting locked out preventing you to actually get the shit you want so you waste more money on subscriptions
The best progress guilds took people with suboptimal legendaries with them.
What other game should we play anon?
Im happy that you faggots can't be happy playing your faggot game.

>those fingernails

No surprise that all private server players are miserable manchild failures.
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>advertise new store opening for months
>"i dunno man. i heard somebody else tried that and they got shut down within a few months."
>official store employees literally waiting in line with cease and desist order.

i don't understand. what in the actual FUCK did they expect would happen?
Gee anon. There are literal hundreds of games out there. Maybe you should realize what you find fun in WoW and look for it in other games.

PERSONALLY I enjoy FFXIV because it allows me to raid and progress through raid content/difficult bosses, while also respecting my time with regards to grinding. (Tomestone gear + EX primal gear only takes a week or two from hitting max level).

Once I've cleared the hardest content I unsub and wait for more to get added unless I get into PvP.

If you truly enjoy doing mindless Mythic+ dungeons with strangers, keep playing WoW.

Unless you have a tight-knit group of friends (friends make anything fun) then keep playing WoW.

>The best progress guilds took people with suboptimal legendaries with them.
Maybe in EN. When people were getting fucked by RNG. Both Nighthold and ToS Mythic were cleared with raidcomps having almost all BiS legendaries and barely beating enrage.

Feel free to go check their armories.
Reminder that the C&D letter than Felmyst got was fake. The owner just called it quits because the server hosting got too expensive and stressful and was cutting into his medication budget.
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>shut down a private server run by a depressed cripple
>have a dance party the same day

>New York is safe
Said nobody ever
arcane mages any good?
>What is off-GCD weaving
I hit buttons just as much as I did in WoW

Don't even try to bring up gcd/rotations anon. WoW's is terrible atm

Ret Paladin is literally 5 buttons, 5.
BM hunters are worse.

Last I played WoW the only spec that required a brain was StM Shadowpriest.
They're better than Fire but Frost is the best Mage spec right now
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>all the shitposting on /wowg/ about how gummy is gonna save WoW
>dies within 12 hours


Yea that's how it seemed. I honestly don't buy bullshit that the letter arrived JUST at that time when he was having issue with too much population he even had to call his provider for bandwidth etc and it still wasn't enough.
If you go by popularity then WoW and ESO are more popular anon
>server is ran by a guy drugged up on 10 different pills
MoP had easy as piss dungeons and locking endgame armor behind faction reps was retarded as hell.
>be blizzard
>read literally everywhere on social media that a "super good server" is coming soon and it WILL be hosted in the U.S
>see obviously lots of people being interested in it
>make a draft of a c&d letter
>put it somewhere
>mind your own business for months
>check your calendar, today's the day
>pick up the dusty c&d letter, give it to a goon

im about 99.9% sure this is exactly how it happened.
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>wait for nostalgia-fueled nerd losers to level to 60 for a year and waste their time
>close the server
This is such a retarded argument. Does anyone just play the game for gear and then when they get it quit immediately?
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>wasting an easily accessible key for Mage Armor
>AP, PoM, CS all plain abilities, not macros
>putting a spammable ability (AE) behind a modifier
>not putting Evocation behind a modifier
>Spellsteal not in an easy to reach, easy to spam key
why you do this my man

alex is a sperg, good
gear is substantial, but its merely a tool.
hardest content requires good loot.
loot is not a goal, but its important to reach the ingame goals.

if you had played the game you'd actually know this to be true

>jewish colony

>safe or having freedom

I'd have preferred they did that, at least I could've had some fun for a couple months leveling with friends. How it ended was just so anti-climatic.
>tfw allie haze got fat
upboat fellow redditor xD
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>Mage Armor
MoP had good class design and TOT, everything else was pure shit.
>this is modern WoW
Complete and utter trash.
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If you think you need to grind AP after concordance you're mentally disabled. It is a literal 2-3k dps increase per trait. It was supposed to be a "fucking stop" trait but you can still dump your AP into something that isnt a vendor.

Legendaries also drop much faster now, if you haven't gotten 3 in the first week of 110 you're just a casual.

No one grinds mythics, people do their weekly 15's for the cache, and some hard core people push keys into the 20s as competition, for which there is now a prize pool from Blizzard.

You really don't have a clue what you're fucking talking about my man, Legion has it's problems, but you're full of shit.
A company sells a product they made in a way they decide to sell it. But then weird edgy teens are like

enjoy losing your account
I'd gladly pay them if they actually made official servers of their old stuff.

>inb4 No you wouldn't

complete meme spec involving pressing either arcane blast or explosion to do damage
>Legendaries also drop much faster now, if you haven't gotten 3 in the first week of 110 you're just a casual.
Well it is midway through the expansion anon (only Argus is left?). Even autists have their limits when it comes to RNG-drops (what was it on the first few months of release? 1 legendary per 2 weeks if you constantly grinded and were lucky?). Blizzard has always nerfed shit/made shit easier to keep people staying longer

I quit after I cleared Mythic Nighthold to prevent brain damage given that constant clears of Heroic/Normal and Mythic+ were done for the sheer promise of Titanforging (Memento of Angerboda anyone?)

>No one grinds mythics, people do their weekly 15's for the cache, and some hard core people push keys into the 20s as competition, for which there is now a prize pool from Blizzard.
Likely because the ilvl disparity in ToS doesn't force them to anymore.
this. we all want to subscribe to Legion. we just think we dont.
>this. we all want to subscribe to Legion. we just think we dont.
Yes indeed anon.

The thousands that played Nostalrius and other servers are simply misguided. Poor things.

So then what's your point? My reply was to a statement about how RNG filled Legion is, and all you did was agree with me.

The biggest RNG issue in Legion right now is certain specs doing top damage based solely on RNG.
sure you would pay for them but what about 99% of the private server community full of poor as fuck yuropeans, brazilians, peruvians, chinks, etc.
Misread you then. Its amusing that they finally put a -fucking stop- trait after the original system of how AP worked with flat % damage increase.

And yes. the RNG in Legion is downright absurd. its more World of Diablocraft than anything else (gear-wise).

Whats the main spec-issue? Certain specs doing insane DPS if Concordance lines up with their CD's?
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I cancelled because of: RNG weaved into every single spec, RNG weaved legendary drop rates, RNG weaved into boss/legendary spawns.

I don't want to play RNGweavercraft.
I want to play WARcraft.
PVP is also absolute trash in it's current iteration. Losing access to stat manipulation is the single biggest kick in the nuts to the pvp community that I've ever seen.
>What happens when you beat the content in under a month and get bored of it?
You won't run it in under a month, after a year though the majority of the playerbase will be bored of it and move on. Which is why blizzard won't do official servers they know after a while it just becomes unsustainable and then every media outlet would make them out to be the bad guys for taking the game away. Which is also why they don't go after foreign private servers too hard they know most of that playerbase isn't going to stick around for too long and the ones that would aren't the types to pay for it. If the guy hadn't been an idiot and opened it in the US he would've been fine.
only to warriors

There are certain specs that have to hope for or wait until procs to do their best damage output, like outlaw rogues and arms warriors, this isn't based around conc but their core abilities. Conc is actually not a very large dps increase overall, it can be if you just happen to have your CD's when it comes up, but waiting for it to instead of using your CD's normally is just a dps loss. Basically, no one is basing their rotation around it, it just happens when it happens.

This all realistically only matters at the hardcore level, if you want to play a rogue you're playing sub, want to play a shaman you're playing elemental.


And that's perfectly fair, I'm not going to defend RNG in an mmo, certainly some is needed but I'd love less in Legion.
>get a sleeper agent instated as GM on the server
>observe the top-tier raiding guild of the server's progress closely
>just as they are making enough progress on Illidan, send a server-wide announcement of 'YOU THINK YOU WANT IT BUT YOU DON'T' and shut it down
You realize there's plenty of private servers that are still up right? There's even a thread on the official forums about elysium, this guy was just a dumbass and opened in the US where blizz actually cares about enforcing their trademarks
Opening your private server on US soil has to be the dumbest fucking thing you can do.

Has this fucker not heard what happened to WoWscape? Servers were hosted in America, Blizzard found out, then sued them for 88 million in damages and using the WoW IP without permission.
doesn't wowcensus require some shitty addon to log you? nobody really knows the actual sub numbers because blizzard doesn't report them, for all we know it could range from 2 million subs to 8 million
Yes all it is is a /who scan which makes it completely useless
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>It's another "WoW's endgame is all that matters" post.
The only people who I know that like leveling and world pvp are girl gamers.
I can't believe the number of utterly braindead shills already starting to hype up Crestfall which is going to suffer the exact same fate. These are the same people that hyped up PlayTBC for literally no reason other than "it's a new server".
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It doesn't look that bad based on simcraft results outside of Outlaw, but you should know what you're getting yourself into with that. I know it always makes you feel worse than the sim data suggests though.
Endgame players are pure cancer. It's the questing and emergent gameplay in vanilla that made it good.

Go back to playing CS:GO, you "PLAY TO WIN, PLAY FOR THE NUMBERS" cancer faggot. You're the worst type of player. In any game.
To be fair that is the only fun part of the game.
what is feral? too bad it's a shitty spec and it's getting a rework

300% mad
I don't even play wow anymore, I'm just telling you that when I played most of the people who enjoyed that stuff were girl gamers. Why are you getting so defensive?

I've never even played cs:go either.

You're right, and like I said, it only really matters for the bleeding edge performance, overall there aren't any dead specs in the game like there would be in early times.
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>He still plays WoW
Beta male or girl gamer confirmed
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>Sitting in Ironforge all day, spamming chat about raiding Blackrock Depths for the 700th time, begging people to link their gear, only so that once you finally get going, your elite group of players is shit at the game anyways and you get lost and get wiped in stupid ways and you take 6 thousands years to regroup for another attempt at what wiped you, exactly the same as a regular, unscrutinised raid group with normal gear would have.


No, questing is fun. Exploring the world we seen in Warcraft 3 is fun. Not your faggot repetitive endgame. Neck yourself.

Why do I even come to neo/v/?
None of you have any fucking taste whatsoever. "Hardcore gamer" cancer. Go play minesweeper if you think WoW endgame is fun.
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Look at arms and fury for warriors.
Arms is RNG centric with it's mastery effecting CS.
Fury is not as dependent on mastery as it is on haste.
Look at that fucking gap!
>Collecting boar ass x8 was fun
Get a job irl.
>No, questing is fun. Exploring the world we seen in Warcraft 3 is fun. Not your faggot repetitive endgame. Neck yourself.

Yes, because the "Go kill x number of mobs" and fetch quests aren't repetitive and are exclusive to one zone.

I also got to experience the Warcraft 3 world and see a lot of it's memorable characters due to raiding. It just seems to me like you're afraid to try to see endgame because it's not as "tryhard" as you describe. You can be in a casual guild and experience raid content.
Vanilla WoW's world was better. The fact that is was actually mildly difficult made you need to work with people for quests. This made it actually feel like an MMO. But then there is terrible anti-party mechanics like only 1 person being able to look a quest item. Getting less XP per kill. It feels like the game was designed by morons.

Raiding. It is literally the same shit has always been. Get a group of autists on a schedule.

I guess my point is what Vanilla WoW had a few things better. But it also had a few things that made the better worthless. So WoW was never good.
Questing is not fun at all. Exploring might have been fun on day 1 but I've seen every inch of the world a hundred times over. Working to get better and better at the challenging content is actually fun and repeatable. Trying to optimise gear and rotation and strats is actually fun and replayable. Working as a team and sharing the experience of doing group content is what actually makes mmos worthwhile.

Maybe you should check out these little series called The Witcher or The Elder Scrolls instead of whining about how no-one likes the boring parts of mmos. They're actually made with you in mind.

>implying I don't play minesweeper while cunts are off smoking between pulls
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>tfw we'll never have official TBC or Wrath servers

I just want to play TBC again and experience "The Best Expansion" Wrath since I never got to play it.

And to escape these fucking Panda players ruining everything.

Aren't pandas the smallest player demographic in WoW?
suffer you fucking faggots. fuck wow, fuck mmorpgs.
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This is what you retards get for hyping another TBC server up again.
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> a SINGLE day
Yes actually, I have no idea what people are upset about. Come back to me when its GW2 Charr levels of players running around
I like having pandas around, but I wouldnt play them.
its the vanilla experience you faggot I bet you play retail at 1920x1080 lmfao look at this nigger
>That chink RMTer
not a gummyfag but I'm sorry you've never had fun in your miserable life
Pandas are like the African Americans of WoW.

Small pop, lots of problems.
that guild chat
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>Nintendo putting retro games in the wii market, now re-releasing the fucking SNES
>Pokemon made a brief comeback with an app
>Roland, Korg, etc. re-releasing classic analog synths

I don't think that I need any more examples. The time to cash in on nostalgia is now, but Blizz is just too goddamned retarded or stubborn to accept this fact. They're probably going to release legacy servers in 5 or 10 years when nobody gives a fuck.
i played prime UO, before trammel. that alone > any WoW fag fest.
That picture is so perfect. That's what I imagine /v/ guild players as
>Pokemon made a brief comeback
what years did it ever go away
>That Windwalker
What the fuck man
No, retail WoW is boring, he's just pointing out that Brack was right about legacy servers, which isn't going to happen. Even the private servers out there now aren't true to what the original game was. You've got J. Allan Brack pulling for "you think you do, but you don't", Mark Kern riding the wave of "We totally do", and the nost team running market research so they can figure out what the fuck people actually want out of the whole thing.

What we're going to get ranges from "everything you asked for" to "you get nothing!", with a hefty chance of "we didn't ask for this" in the middle. Now if I'm wrong, happy day, hallelujah, we get legacy. If I'm right, we continue the downward spiral retail has been spinning down the last 9 years.
I mean, made a comeback amongst people in their twenties and up who aren't pokemon nerds.
I still replay guild wars after fucking more than 10 years
And let's not even start with single player games
>and experience "The Best Expansion" Wrath
Trust me, you don't
Wrath had all problems of modern wow
They took action against the BC server because it is current content that people pay for.
To be honest I stopped paying attention to monks after they took all the fun out of Tiger Eye Brew stacks. They did it by taking out the randomness so I guess it makes sense that they're super low variance because I don't think they added any randomness in.

Honestly, there's enough odd races in Warcraft that pandas don't seem particularly out of place to me.
Pokemon demographic has always been people in their twenties and who aren't nerds. They're fucking called normies and gamer girls.
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All the Chinese art clashes with the traditional fantasy stuff Warcraft always has.
Kind agree on this one, most of outland looks more azerothian than pandaland itself, a place not far from kalimdor/EK
The environment is the only thing I can give MoP credit for.
yeah, all that traditional fantasy stuff, like the giant crystal spaceships
Any TBC private server that's worth playing?
Username: Whatever you've used previously
P/W: Gullible
Change your Password ASAP.
>t. wrathbabby
I always love when this shit happens.

>Spam your shitty private servers for months
>Get shut down in a day/filled bots/gold sellers

have fun
I put ADULTS who enjoy pokemon on the same level as pedophiles. Grow the fuck up. It's a childrens card game that man children lapped up. No different than MLP.
I resubbed back to WoW and am actually enjoying myself. I mean it's braindead easy right now because everyone is running in full heirlooms but me, but the new talent and gameplay changes are really smooth. Can't wait to get to Legion content when things even out and the game because less face roll easy.
>What happens when you beat the content in under a month and get bored of it?

You play a different video game? Fuckwit.
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>Can't wait to get to Legion content when things even out and the game because less face roll easy.
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>all this fuss over some over hyped/over shilled BC private server
Why not just play on Warmane's Outland server? Its a BC private server with loads of players. What made Felmyst so special?
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You are not even the best player of your class in this thread.
Yea like the traditional UFO's, motorbikes and mechas. I cant hate it because the Chinese stuff is located strictly to its own areas and doesnt clash with the rest of the game, since its SUPPOSE to look foreign, in this regard it actually does.
>What made Felmyst so special?
they got mentioned in a Gamespot article.
>$10 to play
Shit's P2W.
>Why not just play on Warmane's Outland server
>x10 exp
>epic shop
>character shop
Some people still have selfrespect
I thought Warmane was just a bunch of legacy arena servers. I always had this idea that it just had Stormwind and that space out the front of Stormwind where people duelled until their queues popped.
there were tanks, submarines, helicopters, and other shit like that long before wow. outland managed to look unique while still staying with the original art style.
really? All their other servers are free I think
Though it was like the Lordaeron Wrath server. Never mind then.
They have like 3 wrath servers. One is for arena battles and such, the other is legit WoW and I don't know what the third one is about. They got a Cata and MoP server too but those are fucked with 12X XP and or something like that. And their new BC server(have not tried that one). I only play on the 1X Wrath server
kill yourself and stay on reddit
>Still the only choice
>Still the only choice
>Still the only choice
>Still the only choice
>Still the only choice

Literally brain damaged or something
Slow down chief, Im not saying that stuff clashes with the Warcraft universe, Im saying its not traditional fantasy, like, at all, which makes it hard to wonder why people have a problem with fantasy China island in the game, how is THAT a step out of line but nothing else is, it still looks like the same artstyle, the architecture and environments are just different.
how many parses are there for feral?
>You are not even the only player of your class in this thread.
wat, it's free
Enjoy being stuck in hour long queues
Donors get certain perks, like not having to wait when entering the server. Its always full
You would to well to actually research the other side of this issue instead of assuming every company is just a dick about trademark for no fucking reason.
>needed 10 good players and 30 retarded monkeys

sounds like it was tuned for a raid of half competent players, unfortunately that's "overtuned" to retarded sloths
I got in straight away when i tried it yesterday
They fake server pop to put up queues, whihc you need to donate to skip.
Maybe they changed it because I haven't had any queues
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