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what the fuck /v/ these battle royale memes are unironically

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what the fuck /v/
these battle royale memes are unironically pushing dota/cs concurrent numbers and keep on growing

I know you don't like this game much, but what is this phenomenon exactly? Not a single game ever managed to be that high on steam top list for prolonged periods of time, what's happening?
Can't speak for h1z1, but pubg is fun as hell. First multiplayers game in like a decade to make me feel like playing it all the time.
People have shut taste and like sitting around doing nothing because it's "epic" so they play shit like pubg. The twitch stream help.
It's a fun but flawed game. Just like dota 2 and csgo.
I had it gifted to me and have been playing it for around 200 hours these past two months.

>the normie masses eat up shit

What's new? Why do people care what's the most played? Since when did film fans care about what's the most watched? Do you see cinemaphiles getting butturt about transformers and capeshit sales?
to be fair dota2 and csgo are equally as bland as the flavour of the year battleground games, so it shouldn't really be that big of a surprise.
I am not butthurt, I've never seen a massive shift like that so. Flawed, expensive games that gain so much hype and keep growing. Feels like a discussion worthy event desu
The reason I enjoy PUBG so much is that I have never ever got mad at the game. I'm literally learning from every death and once you start getting to the top 10 in the match the adrenaline rush is amazing.

You may die after 30 minutes without getting a single kill but I never feel as though I wasted those 30 minutes. Also no matter how much better equipment the other player may have I like that if I get the jump on them I can still kill them with a basic shotgun or pistol.
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It's just the Twitch flavor of the year. Some new game will dethrone them by next year.
2000's had shooters
Early-Mid 2010's had MOBAs
Mid-late 2010's it's battle royale types.

There are fads in gaming? WHO KNEW?

It's a very well priced game that I've sunk over 80 hours into. I'm having a blast.
Not an argument, the only word the shills know how to use.
It's the evolution of DayZ, turned into an arcadey format
Normies love it
try harder
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but it is fun
>ITS just the flavor of the week guys!
>ITS just the flavor of the months guys!
>Its just the flavor of the years guys!

And yet /v/ is always wrong
No progression, short sessions. All that's left is the game playing itself and we have a masterpiece for xbox generation.
we need to downvote this game

Good, I hope cs and dotard die.
Fun is a buzzword, you just can't think of any actual reasons to why the game is good.

You have wasted your goodboy bucks to play a rehashed alpha battle royale 0.5 simulator and that's fine, stop shilling on /v/ now.
>No progression

That is the fucking point you moron. You land on an island with 99 other people and you have only the clothes on your back. It wouldn't be fun if you landed and get instantly shot by an AWM with a 8 scope.

It's a fair playing field.
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xaxa funny joke comrade
go fucking kill yourself you freak
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Take my rarest (you).
I was just saying how they work, contain yourself, sperg
Was 850k on dotes a few days ago. Hint : people work and shit
>Since when do film fans care about what's the most watched
I see you've never been to /tv/
nothing normalfags like is discussion worthy

kys yourself
Not an argument. Take your ASSFAGGOTS game produced for the idiot masses somewhere else.
prob the best homoerotic series
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You gotta stop using words you don't know the definition of, my man. You make yourself look like an imbecile.
Red dot or Holographic?

2x or 4x?

I personally don't like using the 4x. I have a harder time playing my shots.
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>you wasted money on playing a game you like
>having a thread and liking an indie game on /v/ means your a shill
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>pushing dota concurrent numbers
>Not even half as many players as dota
The concept of 100 players enter but only 1 can win creates hyper competitivity which has always worked well in pc gaming.
They're good games
>early access
>open world

of course it's popular

also who the fuck does this guy think he is tom clancy? get the UNKNOWN ass name out of the title
Fun is a buzzword for you because you can't grasp the concept, just kys you insufferable faggot
>not an argument
end yourself lmao
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>fun is a buzzword
this will never not make me laugh
It's "fun" in the same way how Big Bang Theory is fun and good.
Battlegrounds is too generic. PUBG at least makes it stand out in queries, websites, etc.

hahaha reee normies get out! :)
Rocket League would like a word with you
>Fun is a buzzword, you just can't think of any actual reasons to why the game is good.
why does a game have to be anything more than fun, my man

counterstrike: source looks like shit and yet i can't stop coming back to surf
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>You may die after 30 minutes without getting a single kill
sounds disgusting
Why does /v/ care about what garbage mainstream faggots play?
Every 10 god damn seconds Steams pops up showing me my retard friend is playing this, what is it about?
seems fitting for a generic game
i just realized i got baited, nice
100 players are dropped into a big-ass map with nothing in-hand. You stealth around and gather weapons and kill each other until 1 person is left.

I think part of the appeal is that it takes what's fun about DayZ etc and distills it into proper half-hour matches instead of being a once a week moment.
The game is fun, the game is a battle,

If it's not fun why bother, if it's not a battle, wheres the fun.
>fun is a buzzword
>everyone shits on him
but it IS a buzzword
Fun is the RESULT of something being a good game, not the reason
something about the game has to cause it to be fun, it can't just BE fun
>Do you see cinemaphiles getting butturt about transformers and capeshit sales?
All the time actually.
>grab a car right off the bat and drove across the entire map to get to a good loot spot.
>nobody else there because the plane didn't fly that way
>get some decent weapons and equipment but nothing amazing
>circle is all the way back where I came from
>start driving back but I fuck up and the car flips and becomes unusable
>start running back but can't see a single other vehicle
>start taking damage from blue circle
>get to safe point with a sliver of health
>get ambushed as I make my way to the next circle
>kill him but my healing only gets me to 60%
>take a guess where the final circle will be and make my way there
>holy shit I'm right
>go prone and watch as the shit starts flying around me, people dying left and right
>1 other player left
>final circle
>both of us prone, tons of bushes around that provide cover
>smoke, smoke, frag, frag
>turn up the volume to 100
>hear the slightest sound directly in front of me
>full auto with AKM

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

this is what pcbros want. this is why yakuza and persona will never get ported. maybe sega can develop a poorly optimized open world survival game just for pc (:
It's the ultimate casual FPS where litlte Jimmy whose mommy bought him the game can sit behind trees for the entire game in thirdperson, collect one kill per match on someone who isn't looking at him, then go into the next game to do the same thing

These low-TTK third person campfests are VERY popular among children and casual adults because you need zero skill of any kind to get a kill in them.
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Just don't play games dude.
I can guarantee it has more NA players than Dota.

Dota is surviving off russian/peruvian/filipino teens. The prize pool is inflated by chinese whales.
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Can someone on here explain to me the significance of these numbers and why they warrant responses?

Why do we care what mainstream majority fags play?
survival games let streamers stuff in the most funny reaction faces and overreactions you can in a youtube video. Children then eat it up.
i mean of course it's fun because of various reasons (controls, the way that PUBG plays, etc) but it's much easier to just generalize it with "fun"

like if you expect me to write out a five paragraph essay on /v/ why a game is effective in being a fun experience then you can fuck outta here
It blew up with DayZ didn't it? The core components are:

>Expansive map
>Free for all
>Light mil-sim and survival mechanics

It's basically a new sub-genre of shooters if you can call it that. Stalker sort of scratches the same itch minus the multiplayer.
It's fun, not good. Fun is a jargon that idiots use, the same people who use that lingo have artificial fun with crap games like these.
There are going to be 1st person servers later this month.
This is the new call of duty. A shitty game that normies eat up while the intellectuals are the only ones that can see it for what it is.
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>me, as an intellecual
normies have taken over this board
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>the same people who use that lingo have artificial fun with crap games like these.

Wew lad, sorry you have some sort of complex. Some people can just have fun.
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i only bought this game cuz my fav streamer play's it lul
Long matches, all or nothing, tacticool, adrenaline-fest
of course normies like it

Because they are insecure. They don't like that their favourite game isn't more popular.
It's the fad of the moment. People will lose interest once they realize how shallow and repetitive it is
because LoL and csgo faggots cant stand to see a game become more popular than their own dying games, because now all they can do is spew shit while their favorite streamers slowly switch over to this game
They're dumb then because its a good thing if your favorite gane isn't popular. Look what happened to the souls series.
Why the fuck do people care what is popular?

Play whatever you want and have fun.
>implying contrarian fags on /v/ wants their secrit games to be popular
because /v/ is full of insecure manchildren

>watching streams
kys yourself
>/v/ hates normies
>devs create a normie containment game
>/v/ hates normies are playing said containment game en masse

Why does anyone (unironically) care about what normies play? If you can't get over what your friends enjoy playing, then you were never their friend.
but dude these people are having fun and they're playing something i conceive as bad, how could they

Where do you think you are, anon?
I hope no one is taking these replies seriously. This looks like bait central.
not an argument, shill is the only word faggots know how to use
Kill yourself
only if you do first
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You sound like a viral marketer.
We have to fucking stop this game from overtaking Dota 2
Any plans guys?
Csgo is outdated garbage and mobas have always been shit.

At least battle Royale is relatively fresh and new.

Siege is the best cs replacement.

Battlegrounds > kotk
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When will it die?
Nice reddit spacing shill.
>what is reading comprehension

I never said I watched streamers you
buttfucking hobgoblin, I was telling you the reason why so many people are pissed off about it.

They're fun and easy to get into without going onto a wiki to catch up on years of strategy and tech development. Shitters can hide for a half hour and get top 10 to feel good about themselves while people with actual skill who want action can drop in the shit and hunt people down for gear rather than running around and looting. PUBG at least loads you into a game instantly. You can spew vile and rascist shit in the pregame lobby without fear of being banned.

Shit's pretty fun.
im buying a copy just for your asspain
and you sound like your average faggot /v/ contrarian, whats your point? is there a reason for your faggotry?
Well time to leave this board again y'all bitter fucks can't enjoy Vidya because it's popular on steam? Get fucked. Please
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What separates PUBG from every other battle royale survival whatever game?
i like pubg and it has nothing to do with twitch, and i like the ability that you get to just chill sometimes. like in long car rides or waiting to see people.
Kill yourself you waste of space.
but dayz is an unplayable slow piece of shit game. everything is glitchy and bad and you have to walk or gun for hours just to find one gun then die. how is that good ?
>fun is not an argument
lmao, what else do you play vidya for you pretentious virgin?
Your desperate attempts to separate fun and good gives me some solid ideas about what you think you are and what you think exactly what you are not. .
>implying the blatant shitposter is wrong
Battlegrounds has pretty much perfected the streambait formula so it will be "popular" for a while.
It's not quite so much of an unpolished mess as the other games.
>does not like 3rd person.
when socom 1 and 2 were great games.
The word fun says fucking nothing about the game, you retard. I had fun sticking twigs in the ground when I was a toddler, but that doesn't mean shit,
>keep playing vidya as a useless shitty hoby past 18
>doesn't even require it to be fun

It must be a miracle you haven't killed yourself already.
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>this thread
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>CSGO and Dota 2 will never leave the top 2 for another 3-4 years at this rate

Valve cocksuckers day of rope when?
the gunplay is just better and it just looks and feels better, the guns and items look cool and are very realistic looking, also function like they are supposed to.
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To all fans of Tyler Perry's Battlegrounds, how do you deal with the knowledge that you will NEVER get good at video game while you're playing that low TTK casualfest?

the best FPS player on 4chan
It doesn't mean shit because

>when I was a toddler

If you are having fun doing something right now, there must be something right with it. If having fun is not your primary concern in playing vidya, AND you still insist on playing it, there are no words magnitude of which is enough to describe your stupidity.
yeah weird as hell considering how shallow they are

but there's no way this is going to last, a new one will take the crown every two months until people get fed up like they have of zombies
>posts a picture of some kind of unreal tournament shit clone.
holy shit you're terrible

play something that requires a bit of skill pls
>caring about what the casual majority flock to
I would never want to see my main multiplayer games up this high, stuff like Vermintide and RS2 woiuld be unplayable if they had the same kind of scum populating valve and f2p garbage
Be glad there's a containment
>look at me i can move my mouse and click on things. i have skill.
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Sorry my buddy, there's no third-person camera to save you from superior players in this game. You're going to have to learn to aim and move, whether it's now or when PUBG's flavor-of-the-year status has expired.
I don't play those games mate, I'm just saying that you think you're hot shit playing the most casual game to ever exist.

Learn to play shitter
you can see people through walls and you say this game needs skill. lol.
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Sorry my buddy, there's no skilled players to kill in that game. You only had to learn to point and click.
You make a point I guess. Wouldn't want insurgency to be filled up with CSGO faggots.
this is supporting steam so I am okay with this.
>every fps is casual trash now

No sir, not what was said.

But Overwatch is.
It basically is.
>with how much aim assist and bullet magnetism is has
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>Sorry my buddy, there's no skilled players to kill in that game.

Who do you consider a 'skilled player'? I've been playing FPS all my life, long enough to identify who's good and who isn't, and all of the monsters are playing Overwatch.

Did you know the #1, #2, and #3 Quake duelists all play, or played, Overwatch? And they had AWFUL results, not only in tournaments but in ranked play. Rapha, who is the #1 dude in Quake, hovered at ~3800 SR. The grandmaster threshold is 4000 SR. I'm 4500 SR.

people with friends makes even the worst shallow garbage tolerable
Just wait until the next shitty battle royale/dayz game comes out....
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There is no aim assist in Overwatch unless you're playing on console. The reason you can't do this is because you're not good at FPS.

Overwatch is casual but that has nothing to do with the guns, TTK, models etc. From a pure perspective of aim/shooting Overwatch is the most skill based shooter out currently. It has a Quake tier TTK with headshots enabled. The tanks and ultimates are what makes it casual.
LMAO at your hitboxes
>literally just searching and running for like 45 minutes to have 20 seconds of "fun" getting sniped

Back to R3ddit
>what is this phenomenon exactly

Barebones PVP. Fun at all levels and no gimmicks, these kinds of games have always been popular see Quake, CS, DayZ, etc.
By the way, I wreck shit in Battlegrounds when I care to play, but I don't play because it is a really boring low-TTK game where chickenshit third person corner peeking is the only viable way to play. I like games that encourage movement and aggression, rather than punish it because shitty players can't do it.
>that blatant aimbot
Please do proceed to explain to me how it's actually skill.
>fun is a buzzword
God damn /v/ is so contrarian it makes me laugh. What's even better is the people who don't admit it.
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I'm going to start adding 4chan accusations to my collage.

'Time to Kill', ie. how long do you gotta shoot someone before they die. PUBG and similar casual games have the TTK very low so that bad players can spaz-rapidfire thirty shots, hit three bodyshots accidentally, get the kill and feel good about themselves.
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Why are you so mad that other people have fun with a game? Is your life so shallow and meaningless that you need to lash out at other people because they enjoy something?
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This. I always laugh whenever I see some kid claim that Overwatch takes skill.
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The aimbot is wired into my arm, you see
Damn you're embarrassing yourself really badly.
Most "pro" player use aimbots

Ahk color bots are undetectable and there is no program which can detect an ahk color bot. The reason you can't detect this bot is, because it can make mistakes and it doesn't always hit the target.

As a widow main you will increase your accuracy from like 13 to over 60 %. Sure it isn't 100 %, but the bot gives you a huge undetectable advantage. If you get banned you can just say that you did nothing and Blizzard can't really prove that you did anything.
Nobody gives a shit about your stupid fucking ego, you shit drinking faggot fuck.

Overwatch is a piece of shit game with even shittier players, you are a great example of just how incredibly shitty and idiotic the playerbase is.

What a fucking faggot.
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I've seen your stupid ass post since you started posting here, you can stop now.
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The kill cam has significant lag, it's like 5 tick. Every kill looks like this with the cursor lagging behind the shot.

Overwatch has fucky broken things, the shooting isn't one of them.
csgo and dota are boring as shit

pubg and br games is also boring as shit but at least people haven't played it for 5 years straight
Lmao god you're pathetic
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Hey PUBG babies, come play Overwatch. There's special characters made just for you called 'support characters'.

Just know your place. You're beneath me and other honed FPS players like myself.
Normies are brain dead and eat shit up, in other news rain is fucking wet: who knew?
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Damn, these Overcuck mouthbreathers are out of control
Imagine being a casual fuck and genuinly thinking that you are good playing this
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Taking casualwatch this seriously.
Reminder just to hide and not to reply like I just did.
So many goldtards believe that the killcams, replays & PotG highlights are realtime, and use these gifs as "proof" that everyone they play against is hacking. It's pathetic.
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You retards will never understand that Normies run everything. Thats why the trash that is overwatch and the disgusting filth that is the switch will do so well. IT PISSES ME OFF
>stop having fun playing video games
>Fun is a buzzword, you just can't think of any actual reasons to why the game is good.
How does it feel being so pathetic that you need to repeat posts from a screencap to get someone to respond to you?
The switch is fun, sorry you don't have one.
Oh no, you got 3 sequels and a spinoff.
How horrible it must be to be in the souls community.

My condolences
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I genuinely pity players of casual FPS because you're never going to know what it's like to be in the groove. With every headshot it feels like planets aligning in your head, tumblers clicking into place in some vestigial part of your spinal cord reserved just for this purpose. Sucking the joy out of the enemy team with every shot you beam into their forehead, like a long distance vampire.
>what do you mean games are meant to be fun?
Fun is the first and last thing you want your game to be mate
Why even discuss things on this board? If you like a game people call you a shill, if you don't people will just call you buttmad, there's literally 0 reason to attempt to talk about this game constructively
>pushing dota/cs concurrent numbers and keep on growing
Probably because Valve are indavertently killing their games with dumb business, creative and community decisions.

Dota 2 used to be a fun game to play with friends but it's virtually impossible to play any more without everyone being a gigantic tryhard faggot who will report you for building a divergent item on a hero, even if you win. And you will get banned for it because valve put zero effort into their automated report system. Same goes for CSGO.

Fuck Valve.
>shit comp matchmaking
>means nothing because it is based on rng and if you get a good team
I 100% agree, all these fags responding can neck themselves.
But pubg players have skill overwatch doesnt
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>>means nothing because it is based on rng and if you get a good team

On the micro scale, yes, your wins/losses over a period of a few hours depend on luck. On the macro scale you're the dependent variable. You will end up where you ought to be.
Both of those things are good though. Dumb Toddposter
The op didn't ask why it was a good game. He asked why it's a phenomenon, the answer boils down to it being fun.
I spent 40 usd on pubg and played it and enjoyed it for 300 hours you just shit mang
I should add it also comes down to the I don't want to be left out syndrome which gets people to buy it in the first place. The fun is what keeps people.
I'm happy FM is still holding strong on the most played.
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>With every headshot it feels like planets aligning in your head, tumblers clicking into place in some vestigial part of your spinal cord reserved just for this purpose.
is this what it means to be gregor?
is gregor merely... a state of mind?
>top quake players are bad at overwatch
>arena shooters and team-based shooters are the same thing
bad argument IMHO, especially given how hard it is to solo carry in OW
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I like how people call dotards normies. From what I've seen hardcore dota players are uberautists, no one comes even close
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DOTA is a normie game, like all MOBAs. These are games no one actually enjoys, they just play them because their friends do. 'Social games', like WoW was before it fell.
If you aim close to somebody or between their legs then the bullet bends into them
But when someone asks why a game is fun do you just say, "Because it's fun."? Are you that kind of fuckboi that you can't give a 5 sentence explanation as to what you think makes it good?
>flavor of the week
>flavor of the month
>flavor of the year
pubg is here btw
>flavor of the decade
dota and cs are here
>flavor of the century
But I have beaten players on 1v1 every time they say I should be where I am and I outplay them as a silver i can take holds easily why are you lying bliss dev?

Here's a list for any devs on /v/ to get your game turbo-successful


>Be able to run on the worst toaster pcs possible - this opens up the slavlands and turkroach audience
>make it competitive with talk functions to said slavs and turks and curse and swear at everyone in the game with their tincan microphones

congratulations - you've just made billions of dollars/euros/pounds/rubles
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I've never seen this happen, do you have any evidence?
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This, I've been trying so hard to enjoy this but I feel only people who are really slow can.

There's way, way too much downtime and then when shit actually pops off you can enjoy trying to win a gunfight with shit gunfeeling and poor optimization.

I wish I only put two hours in so I can refund it (for the second time) but I'm a fool. Really wanted to enjoy it.
The normie way of playing DayZ was loot & shoot deathmatch, not zombie survival. Battle royale games like this trim the fat and condense it down to 20-30 minute rounds of looting and shooting. They also use (marginally) better engines.

>having to suffer 200 hours of shitty matchmaking only to get slightly less shitty matchmaking
The problem is that there is no rating where "you ought to be". The matchmaking is so inaccurate that any active player will fluctuate hundreds of points up and down and that is *after* they eventually plateau. Because this is the same for every player, and player skill is a sum of many more factors than just MMR, any given match will have an incredibly random selection of players who have fluctuated high, players who have fluctuated low, players who are still climbing, players who are intentionally throwing the game, tilted players, players forced to play a role or character they're not good at, etc.

Team-based "competitive" pub matchmaking is a fucking joke in every single game that's ever had it. I miss the days when any serious tryharding was done on Clanbase or ESL, casual play was done in pickup and gather IRC matches, and no one on pub servers gave a shit about the actual outcome of the game and everyone was just playing to get good frags.
Maybe you haven't played Eli hell before but anything below silver gets you matched with retards who "main" characters or refuse to change when the team is losing random team members should not be aloud in comp
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Friendly reminder that low-ranked FPS players have significantly worse reaction time than high-ranked FPS players.


>Researchers have reported medium-sized correlations between reaction time and measures of intelligence: There is thus a tendency for individuals with higher IQ to be faster on reaction time tests

If you're low ranked in FPS games after you've had a few months of practice you are probably literally retarded.
Hey guys I'm only replying to let you know to not pay attention to this Enumbre child, he's here because the entire #chan Overwatch community ignores him.

He's posting month+ old webms because he has little else left in his life but his alien hands and his keyboard. He's trash, and don't pay him any mind.
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>Maybe you haven't played Eli hell before

I've boosted hundreds of people from as low as silver to as high as the top 100, there is no elo hell.
Here is an example: Saudi petroleum company guy wanted his account and his six sons' accounts boosted to the top 500 so they would get the animated spray reward.
Whoa no way. The people that dedicate their lives to games are uberautists? Like everyone that dedicate their lives to video games?
God awful chaos lobby full of screaming autistic children, follow me I'm a snake meme, constant explosions and gunfire.

Parachuting down and ending up nearby/ontop of a building and this is where the game starts.

That house you went in? Better hope that random chance of a gun treats you well because if not, the guy from the house next door is about to bust open with a shotgun and make the last 3-4 minutes of waiting around in screaming/loading screens all that not worthwhile.

Manage to make it passed that early game? Sweet, now spend time running/driving across empty lifeless fields with no other players in because electric wall.

Make it to other end? Sniped from fuck knows where.

9/10 games is 20-30 minutes of literally nothing happening.

Not for me this game, and I cannot understand why my workmates play 6pm-3am every single night non stop.

Sometimes I join them, and its just running around and then dying, and they are all like "Phew that was a good one!" ???
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VERY skillful game imo
Seems the man not running around like a retard shot him....hmmm...
game is supposedly a better version of the usual battle royale/survival games around right now from what I've heard. The fact that twitch streamers are streaming the shit out of it also helps it. Nothing to be surprised about honestly.
>have to pay to get boosted out of El o hell.
Nah seems shit any game that lets you do this and calls itself competitive is a joke the amount of rng it takes not to get retards who troll pick champs they can't even play is too much and you know this
Seems the man hiding prone behind a rock or a tree while periscoping above the grass using the 3rd person camera shot him.

1st person only lobbies fucking when
Yes, it seems like the person who happened to be third-person camping the right tree at the right time won, as is the nature of this ``game''
>It's just the flavor of the week/month/year
Yes, every single game dies eventually. I don't understand why that's an argument against it.
Yes, when the circle is that small. You should probably hide.
>people are unironically boasting about winning in the most casual fps released in years
>posts babbys first shots webms
thanks summer
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Dota 2 players live in their own bubble and are unaware of the existence of other video games. I should know, I'm one of them.
that's the risk you take playing the edges of the circle and have to haul ass to get into the circle.
>that's the risk you take

Not in a good video game. In skill-based games campers aren't rewarded with perfect one-way vision of anyone playing aggressively.
>playing the edges of the circle
>it's completely random where the center of the circle ends up being
You speak like it's a choice
This will keep happening grandpa, as more and more people become teenagers and the teenagers that grew up in this fucked up generation become adults, this new gaming scene will become the norm.

The days of WoW, HL2, CS 1.6 and all the other pre PS3/Xbox360 classics are over, Minecraft, Candy Crush and Facebook AAA normie tier garbage reigns now over us.
Overschlock not even listed

there's no good fps games
OW is not in Steam.
and yet football manager is in the top 10 year round, year after year since forever

Overwatch isn't on steam cause Blizzard doesn't want people to see their game's player counts :^)
>Fun is a buzzword
>dota and csgo as the most played games
It's truly a dark age for pc games isn't it?
Autism is a buzzword tho
So jumb off the window faggot
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have you been asleep for 5 years or are you just fucking dumb?
You have a choice for how long you're going to loot houses and head for the circle. You can choose to get in a car and attract attention and get deep into the circle. You can also get a pretty rough estimation where the next circle is going to be and head there early.
Jumb is a buzzword
This desu videogames suck go get a job and a healthy hobby
I missed a "still" in my post
>Act like they're showing all the times they were top in the "history of esports"
>Ignore the multiple entries their competitor should have in that list.
>implying there are other solid multiplayer options on the market
japs keep shooting themselves in the balls making fightan expensive as fuck
Fun is not a buzzword, but it's not a reason for why a game is good in and of itself. You need to explain WHY it's fun or not fun, and if you lack the ability to do so, your opinion isn't very valuable.
I bet you haven't even gotten chicken dinner yet you little bitch
>You need to explain WHY it's fun or not fun

can we please some clever anons in da house to explain pubg popularity in long eloquent posts, i am to dum to grok it
Are soccerfans the OGs of autism?
complete and utter waste of time when any 'reason' something has for being fun is almost entirely subjective and will not convince the typical pessimistic /v/ denizen.

explain to me why your favourite food is delicious. or your preferred archetype of woman is pretty. etc. etc.

some games just hit your buttons perfectly despite their flaws, and trying to pretend everyone's buttons are identical and laid out the same is just idiotic
oh am I laughing
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technically, PUBG is the sort of game /v/ wants
>purely gameplay
>purely unscripted
>no cinematics
>no QTEs
>zero-to-minimal story
>no hand holding in general
>concept of FUN
>allows you to play in different ways
>some skill needed, but mostly quick-thinking, on-the-spot improvisational senses to be decent
>the more imaginative, creative, and improvisational a player is, the more fun he can potentially have
>if you lose, you just lose; if you win, you just win (and get more coins)
Name one (1) good, competitive multiplayer game. Ye can't my man
It's thrilling, also it has a lot of random elements that can be in your favor or against it, but the games are fairly quick so if you get fucked over you can just hop into another, landing in the school and scrambling around while other people land right next to you getting a shotgun while prowling around blasting anyone you come across is Heart pumping, but you can always been on the other end of the barrel so it's rng heavy but like I said when it's in your favor that shit is 10/10
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upvoted, good post xD
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Shill detected.
i bought the game maybe during the worst period of time to buy it. it was during the steam sale and servers were laggy as fuck, i'm pretty sure it was so shit that they had to release a patch to fix the early game lag, but i had already refunded it.

i just bought it again through gmg for $21 and now enjoying the unlaggy experience. also surprised how much better native downscaling looks compared to lower resolutions upscaled.
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the more i hear people complain about their hands not being held, the more i think PUBG reminds me of old 4chan
IF you're not a retard, those are entirely possible.

My favorite type of woman is the bratty princess type. I am dominant, but enjoy a challenge and pure subs tend to be lazy. The brats acting up gives me a reason to be dominant. This also means there's no weird gap between how they act in the bed and how they act in public. They're the same person with you no matter what.

My favorite game is XCom: Enemy Within. The range of difficulty and second wave options give me something enjoyable no matter what mood I'm in. The base building is a nice break in between tactical combat sessions, and while the combat can be very rng based, it makes it more unpredictable and keeps runs from getting stale and repetitive. It teaches you to be adaptable without being too punishing and in combination with the range of difficulty options, keeps the game from being frustratingly difficult or mind numbingly easy. The slow paced combat means I can take my time and actually think, but the long term consequences mean I'm never quite comfortable despite that.

Now you go.
This game is FAR from needing to be shilled on 4chan, but remember /v/

no vidya
/v/ buys shit
this is why fifa and madden are the most successful franchises
>why do people like 45 min slow crawling game?

People play Arma that is the biggest "nothing is happening for 30 minutes game. "
just got done with a few rounds of battlegrounds, the game is on point for a casual gamer. no bullshit, just pvp killing
i'm literally doing it for free because truths need to be told and i will do it every thread to remind everyone. you are the one afraid of the game here ;)
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>that many people still playing fucking GTA Online

we're never gonna get another single player focused GTA, are we?
>From a pure perspective of aim/shooting Overwatch is the most skill based shooter out currently
This is what Overbabs actually believe
This is sad and pisses me off. Everything except shills (even ironic or "free") are okay. They are real degenerates
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>i'm literally doing it for free
Post pathetic post I've seen on /v/ this month.
Sure theres alot of downtime.. Nearly everyone ive played with also happens to be smoking so we just smoke and chat shit whiile the new ciircle appears if we're already pretty equiped.

Thats my experience tho
i don't know, man. these people complaining about a game they haven't played is pretty bad. people literally admitted they haven't played it in previous threads, and they always admit it after 10+ posts
Im playing the game at 30 frames on lowest and its one of the best games ive played in a while, mainly because i dont give a shit about how well i do just having fun while playing. If you want to actually win, solo is enjoyable from a planning/scouting/positioning standpoint.

Also, proximity voice chat.
Alright, that looks pretty fun. I'm buying it.
That doesn't make you any less pathetic my dude. You're as pathetic as Rugarell, hell I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually you again.
>early game
>running around to find house to loot
>hear loud dune buggy
>fuck i'm already dead
>"oh, hey, how's it going?"
>as he runs me over
fun is a buzzword
>muh downtime
You can always drop into the most populated areas if thats your concern, but you're going to secluded areas and hiding because you want to win. You're the only person to blame for your downtime.
It's not even half of dota.

Plato once said that if you can explain why you love something, then it's not true love
It's fun

more specifically it's fun with friends

more specifically: *gaming isn't about chasing a rank or mmr and so many people have forgotten that*
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i know. i'm doing it for free while i don't care and you do, while you turn this into a personal, "pathetic" thing
That's pretty sad, that you get so assblasted over people not liking yet another early access turd.
Its literally only fun with friends.
If you play it alone you will get bored.
At least H1Z1 had a mode where you could just chill and make new friends on the map instead of having to kill them.
just land where a lot of people are noticeably landing if you want to do that -- or pretend to be AFK. even better is landing with a lot of people near a bunch of buildings so you can pick up guns and start shooting
Unironically this though
>why is the game good?
>it's fun
You might as well say "it's good because it's good"
Explain why you find it fun you dumb faggots
Battlegrounds is the most reddit game in existence right after counter strike go.
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If saying that makes you feel better about yourself then keep going. I'll just have a laugh and leave while you autistically waste your time arguing on /v/
It might be boring but it's the first game of its kind to be properly managed and developed. A lot of normies and kids flocked to it from other more shitty games that are stuck in early access for years. Plus there's twitch.

Most of my friends play it, but I guess I'm too jaded to pay 30€ for a multiplayer only early access title that will bore or anger me.

If there's constant downtime the game is not fun. And for me this game looks like it's 90% downtime.
buzzword is a buzzword
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>not liking
i'm fine with this. some people just straight-up parrot false info about this game. and seeing how /v/ likes these sorts of purely-gameplay games, i will correct them. it doesn't take long, and it's really easy when the other side has no idea about what they are talking about ;)
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somebody is mad because they know i am right
buzzwords are a meme
Here your reply enjoy.
It's fun because it embodies 'Battle Royale' (game, film, manga, scenario) the best way so far whereas mods, dayZ, h1z1 and the rest of them have all been mediocre compared.

It feels more balanced and realistic with better gun mechanics that can only be improved with more additions to the roster and ammunitions. Not to mention the sound is fantastic, the pops, crackles and snipes going off around you and in the distance are so compelling and you're able to work out the distance and rough wareabouts because of it.
It's not as stupidly sim as arma and not as faggoty and arcadey as the h1z1.

Early access is a bitch but the developers are focused and communicate well.

is that enough?
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This thread is literally half shills/marketers

fun -is- a buzzword and everybody who browses /v/ knows it
tfw I've been in this shithole longer than 6 years
what am I doing with my life
Wtf happened here are they at a gas stattion?
With friends it's great whether your playing for shits n giggles or going for the chicken dinner as you tactically move about the map.

Solo is also fun since theres pressure on you from the start as u have no one to put your faith into but yourself.

First person mode is comiing very soon and it's gonna be the best thiing yet in my oppinion as it will force different strategies and people wiill be less inclined to camp and sit behind walls.
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this nigger was behind me the whole time

>anime avatar posting
>using smiles
>shilling for free

Even if it's all "le epic trolling xd" I hope your entire family gets murdered and you become disabled so there won't be any time for you to post here, friend.
I could go on but to be honest i would rather play it so fuck off and make ur own oppinion and stop browsing /v/
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One group i play with has fell in love with vehicles, we've played at least 20 rounds of nothing but finding 4 vehicles and just wiping any group that decides to cross a field and doesnt know to go for the tires.

Thanks to Virtual Audio Cable/Audacity the first thing they hear is the WEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of Gone Guru.
>I've been in this shithole longer than 6 years
A significant chunk of /v/ is at at least twice that and they'd still be called newfags by the people that were here when /a/ was still merged with /b/. How did that even work out?
>warframe is still that high
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cute !
b-b-but normies only play on console!!!
2009-11 was the moba resurgence with LoL and HoN mid-late 2012 was zombie survival games mid 2015 was battleroyale
In 10 years nu-/v/ will be gushing nostalgiaclly over it and how no game since has managed to top pubg as the quintessential game in its genre. How do you feel about that.
>watch battle royale in 2000
>amagad this would make such an amazing video game
That is this phenomenon in a nutshell. I haven't played a single game of this type unless DayZ counts, but holy shit if they were around pre-2005 I'd have played nothing else.
if they implement that vaulting mechanic I'll feel bretty gud about it
the people who hate this game are actually switchfags. they feel threatened by this game's popularity because it takes away from BotW -- and especially because PUBG "looks" open world

and they thought they could quietly get away with this kek
When a game is so full with random shit that fuck-ups don´t feel like the players fault
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>half as many
source me bro
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cs still the best
football is 90% downtime too, that's why the sport is leaps and bounds more exciting than any other

one thing PUBG isn't is frustrating or angering, if you die you analyze why you died and learn something. If you can't do that the game isn't for you
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High TTK is literally the casual consolepleb mechanic. It lets a player who can't position himself, use tactics, or plan still have a chance to turn around and shoot the guy who used those skills to get the upper hand (especially when on controllers, since aiming is so slow). Low TTK on the other hand means the game is decided based on actual mental faculties, and not who drank the most energy drinks to jack up the aiming reflexes.

High TTK is trash for casuals.
I love elitism in the "I know the correct tastes to have when it comes to my dear video games".
The game capitalizes on the thrill of constant danger in a pvp setting. DayZ tried this but failed to most that aren't massive Arma II fans before the game's release as it had a confusing interface coupled with a plight of terrible connection issues. The movement in Arma also was cumbersome, something PUBG and H1Z1 do very well. By movement I mean inventory/looting interaction, vehicle interaction, and actual player movement throughout the map.
(The gunplay in both games are solid with satisfying sound effects and proper gun-models.)

I don't care for these style of games but I see why droves of popularity exist to these titles.
>shill shill shill
Not an argument, the only word the neckbeards know how to use.
What did the fatass Pajeets shill by this?
what is ttk?
Lmao, just apply what conclusion you can draw simply from the word "fun". Fun is the main attraction any game will have, every other trait is secondary or a component of fun itself. This game is fun for most as it has a competitive side while also being casual in a tense atmosphere. It's a game where everyone else is a loser besides a select (or even lucky) few, this I imagine rectifies the butthurt side of people when losing.
can't wait for the first person vjiew servers.
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But he's using it correctly you mong. It's not like the numbers are getting pushed "ironically"
>Too dumb to get the joke and realize you're a living meme.
Time To Kill. E.g. Halo has a high TTK because you can literally unload an entire mag of many weapons into another player without him dying.
Red dot and 2x on SMGs and ARs
4x+ on SKS, Kar98k
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BTFO kekked hard at the really edgy post one of them ended with
I thought it was another meme survival game until I read it was round-based rather than persistent. So it's an actual game rather than a timesink for kids. I'm kind of interested now
funny how the thread slowed down after he left, huh?
lots of things, but the main thing is, its not a MOD of a game, but an actual game made from scratch. and also its on an actually GOOD engine for shooters, unreal 4. so the shooting is actually good.
>implying it's 1 person
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>implying i play PUBG in third person
>scope in on a tree
>warps into a new model
>unscope, returns to the original distance model
The draw distance of shit in the game is atrocious.
damn I wish you could choke you to death with my bare hands
Isn't that because it's being developed using a mangled version of the Unreal engine rather than a dedicated engine designed for large maps?
>Do you see cinemaphiles getting butturt about transformers and capeshit sales?
They shouldn't, but they do anyways.
>but I feel only people who are really slow can.
Nah you just have ADHD.
>hating normies
Because ASSFAGGOTS and CS are just memes too.
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kek i would love to see you try
.t friend that got left behind
"normies" aren't a pol thing
its (you)
Edgehogging was viable when the circle had a higher chance of being concentric. They've further randomized the circle recently, which gives the advantage to players in the center who will have the shortest average travel time to the next circle.

I do think that the circle shouldn't be faster than holstered run speed, but whatever.
I had already been playing the hell out of doter and CS as an underage b&, then my tastes improved.

Though I still have Civilization in common with my friends.
>sunk off top seller list
>constant shilling by buyers to rationalize purchase
>already not FOTM
>already becoming forgotten
I would literally destroy your boipussy, trust me, I've done this before.
this. so much this.
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>dota2 only at 7k today
good, good... The dip continues... 3 more years and the will be NOTHING.
Yeah that is a good answer. I just felt my duty to reinforce the notion that "fun is a buzzword" is absolutely 100% true and we need posts like this one. Don't act like this was some kind of hard thing to do, typing detailed and specific arguments should be minimum standard for 4chan arguing
>Are you that kind of fuckboi that you can't give a 5 sentence explanation as to what you think makes it good?
Even worse is it's born off an Arma Mod. Just a copy past with a new engine doesn't make it a good game.
Wait until FPS servers are live
Yes, and only contrarians faglords who hate "popular" things will tell you otherwise. Game is fucking good, shame I don't have a proper pc to play it right now.
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I'm still waiting for a MMORPG from the survival/battle royale angle. The parallels between the genres are obvious.
>imagine being so crippled by autism that the mere though of other people having fun makes you mad
get aids faggot
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