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/v/'s thoughts on Space Station 13?

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/v/'s thoughts on Space Station 13?
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All I ever hear when I'm on Mumble are two of my friends screaming and saying "oh god." I imagine it must be a pretty chaotic but fun game. And something about clowns and space bears.
If the circlejerking got removed it would be 10/10
that clown made me stop playing
I like the aliens vs marines server.
/vg/station is bad

/tg/ was good until the redditors took it over.

Goon is the only good server now.
no medium RP servers left
so I lost interest
lame game for redditors and something awful posters with autism that enjoy doing 1000000 menial tasks while looking at ugly sprites that don't even move and LARPing and having to play by a 30 page rulebook

it's fucking trash.

I still hop onto /tg/ sometimes. Better than dorf, at least.
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Autistic game for LARPer SA posters. Literally minecraft for (man)children, except even cosmetically uglier. No skill required and you have to abide by a massive autistic rulebook. 10 years ago you actually used to be able to fuck around and kill people, now you have to play by the (autistic) book to the letter or you get banned. Nothing that requires skill. Literally kiddie shit.

No thanks. Sounds like a fucking job.
Whatever happened to that SS13 game the DayZ creator wanted to make?
>be traitor janitor
>mop the floor
>officer runs by
>slips on the wet floor
>cut his head off with an energy sword
>put him in a bodybag and stash him in my office
>go back to mopping
>another officer slips, repeat
>didnt even want to kill sec, they just came first
>as I am stashing the bodies I can hear on the radio they want to get in my office
>somehow they found me out already
>door opens, detective and officer come in
>just try to slip out through the backdoor
>they rush up to cuff me
>I just tell them "Henk"
>the codeword activates my explosive implant that I prepared because I knew they'd get me
>explode, officer and detective dies too

Such is life on a spacestation
It has such a steep learning curve, how does anyone have the patience to learn how to do cool shit like killing your crew and serving them as today's lunch special?
Once you get used to the controls the rest is pretty easy
barotrauma is better
t. you
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Cry more faggots.

wow such a fun game, totally not minecraft for 30 year old libtard SA posters with autism at all
Go play TTT if you want TDM nigger.
dont bother, he is probably some mentally ill idiot who cant hold back his urges for 30 minutes so he got permabanned because "Dont grief" is just too complex as a rule
Your life is fucking trash/
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>not having the ss13 edit
>tfw addicted to throwing people into the supermatter
Scrapped Ion and is doing the same thing but making it more wacky TF2 style art, it's called Stationeers or something
is d20station still dead?
ick ock
I've read into the wiki. Looked through the shit. Yet I still don't understand it. Same with the "ace attorney" roleplaying thing. I just don't get it.

I should also mention that I have actual autism and haven't spoken a word (literally made by my vocal cords in over 2 years) so maybe I'm to asocial for multiplayer games.
>not using encrypted voice clients

You know, this guy is an autistic troll but he also has a point. Most SS13 servers are brutally restrictive when you consider that all the tools needed to deal with griefers are already in the game. There's security, the AI, all in-game tools to help deal with these problems without resorting to the all-seeing admin, yet admins are too busy power-tripping to let the game play out as intended.
I play on the Game-that-shall-not-be-named's adminless server sometimes and everybody still roleplays and those who don't get beaten and murdered pretty quickly by the game's equivalent of police. SS13 mods need to chill out.
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W-What is it?
Never really played it, but I missed playing a few other BYOND games.
I sort of understand what you mean, but I think that the role difference of antag and loyalist with different rulesets for each is needed in ss13 due to the amount of damage a person can cause.
If rules were lax I could go scientist and use toxins every round to blow the entire station in under five minutes.
I admit that one of the reasons I stop playing ss13 for a while is because I get burnt out on not being antag, because doing your "job" tends to get boring after a while, like stocking chemistry with healing chems and doing nothing else, or setting up the engine as the engineer then doing nothing else.
Then when you get antag, you get to loads of fun stuff like turning people into slimes, causing massive explosions and carnage, clicking other peoples sprites until they go horizontal and so much more.
Having said that, fuck it im booting up SS13 right now because its still such a fantastic game.
You could always try out the new flavor of the month server.

Spoiler: It's WWII
I rather deal with the occasional redditor than the constant circlejerk that is the goon station.
had some fun, community can suck massive dong sometimes, barrier to entry is a fucking Iron curtain, and the thing was coded using fucking glue and macoroni. If someone could code it and move it to a platform people actually know about I'd play thousands of hours of it, but considering the complexity of the code and the systems the games keep track of its basically impossible, there's been like 8 different projects to port SS13 and nothings gone through.
Maybe, but most of the shitters who RDM people usually don't put in the time to learn anything beyond the basic controls, play assistant and just robust everyone on the head with a toolbox. I feel that most people who play high complexity roles (engineer, scientist, security) will be more vested in keeping the station together.
But maybe I'm just too trusting. After all, the Game-that-shall-not-be-named isn't public, you need the IP, and there's no wiki. The controls are also so obtuse that a shitter would have to put serious time in to even engage in basic combat. SS13 isn't really like that.
How do you grocery shopping?
I always enjoyed /vg/station aside from the metaclub and coderbase-wank being real. They really stuck to lite-RP while still finding creative ways to fuck up the whole station. I haven't played there for a few months now, but I still want Rail or whatever his name is to finish Doomstation.
Game: 11/10
Available servers: 0/10

>codebase is shit
>it's publicly listed
>it's dead
>it's an admin circlejerk with a metaclub

Pick 1 or more.
you mean good servers right?
Also you can simply ignore the drama and go direcly to the serv
>implying the codebase wasnt shit in the first place
>A shitload of servers available
>Over 500+ players

fuck off kolith
>30 pages is long
How did you even make it through school? Oh, wait...
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Kolith wants /vg/ to die, he doesn't play here. Just sits in our discord and shitposts about drama and new admins (calls them shit to make himself feel better about being the worst admin in history)
>Also you can simply ignore the drama and go direcly to the serv
The issue is the metaclub affects the game, don't expect the rules to be the same for everyone, the more time you spend in the admin discord jerking them off the more equal you will be.

And every one of those is one of those 4.
Anything that goons like must be trash.
Killing people with a toolbox is unimaginative and boring
Growing THE best slipspace tomatoes ever is real fun
Well im a 3rd world shitter, so equality is not so important for me, i just like the lag-free code of the serv
_____no :^)______
fucking sucks, all I saw were tryhards who knew the recipes that let you be a walking inferno, constantly igniting plasma canisters at point blank and coming out alive and well while everyone is effortlessly burned and suffocated in the breached and scorched remains of what was a room on the space station.
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>mfw playing the WW2 server

as shitty as it is, it is oddly fun to play, like CM.

seems really cool to get into but byond is such a shit engine
More focused, but hardly "better". It's a different kind of game.
Paradise best server for newcomers.
To much autism. Several servers have mods that just spectators 24/7 so if you try to have any fun they get pissy a role play God. If you are role playing everything else then why do you break role play to stop a serial killer who is hiding everything and no one saw me except for the faggot who spectates 24/7. People actually were believing the sheriff was the murderer before the autismo slayed me a revived his friends. (I was bio chemist). I was killing people then hiding the corpses in sheriff's locker (stole his key at start of match). This is why no one plays such a autistic circle jerk /vg/ and /r/ gaming could only dream of such faggotry.
If you want to play the video game and hit things and kill the bad guy, play HIPPIE

If you want to play the game, hit things, kill the bad guy and also talk to people and roleplay, play /vg/

If you want to mostly talk to others and roleplay with a side order of hitting things and killing the bad guys, play BAYSTATION
They didn't find you out mod cheated like always you killed one of their friends. Just be glad they didn't just resurrect their friend and ban you.
This is exactly what I spoke about in >>/vg/182045907 some people just don't have fun and only find fun in banning others/restricting their play. I want a server where everyone can just relax and have a good time after a hard day working the 9-5 at the oil refinery. The hatred in the soul of those that take the government dole ruins the game for many. People with no job, no goals and nothing but this game. They don't even like the game, they don't like anything. They hate those that can enjoy things. I miss the early days when everyone playing was just here for good times. Lifeweb captured that for a few months but the major problem here took over there but worse. It's only up on weekends and the neets with nothing better can spend all weekend there, hopping from server to server and making everything about them. I just want to settle down and run an Inn, I don't want no trouble or bad times. Just a relaxing conversation, that's too hard to let happen for some people, they can't let people have fun in their own little corner.
You're right and anyone who disagrees will type and autistic page of text trying to disagree cause they are in said powertrip.
I read your post like 20 times and I think I've figured out what you're trying to say, are you saying that you broke the rules by murdering people for no reason and an admin stopped you?
that's pretty helpful, I'll keep that in mind for next time I play.
Glad someone agrees. You seem to sane for /vg/ you'll probably find more fun away from that place. I joined a couple of generals for a bit to much avatar fagging not enough playing games is like this everytime rs6,gtag,ss13 etc etc.
You mean astroneers?
>Get arrested by the SS while being a german soldier
>They take me to a farm house and beat the ever-loving shit out of me

It was pretty fun
I looked it up after he mentioned it, it's something completely different called Stationeers heavily inspired by Space Station 13. Seems kind of interesting and it's supposed to be released this year. It's on Steam if you want to look it up yourself.
Every day I play I try to roleplay and make the game more enjoyable for others, knowing it inspires others to do the same.
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>playing as heavy weapons infantry for the Germans
>using an MG34
>mfw gibbing people's limbs with short bursts of 8mm Mauser

It's enjoyable when you throw a potato masher at someone with all the shrapnel hitting them. I kinda like this server, playing Kanonier is really fun too
>WW2 SS13
how the fuck does that even work
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Oh yeah, the Kanonier is fucking horrifying for the Ruskies. Especially when it's night and the only thing you can hear are the distant explosions that slowly close in.
Keep your VG bullshit in VG please.
>German side
>Russian side
>Germans have to siege a town that Russians hole up in
>wonky as fuck combat

I find it funny as fuck that a 2d spessman game has a WW2 server, it's not the best but it's worth checking out for some laffs
it's lifeweb
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does it have any wiki? i don't want to shit everything up by not knowing what the fuck is going on
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Persona 5 is talked about a lot in /v/ though.
>you will never experience Goroposting for the first time again
Nope, but it's 'laid back' as far as you not getting flamed for doing something wrong. Just join up and ask around. You'll get the hang of it in a few rounds, it's not too difficult.
/tg/station sucks, any 4chan station usually sucks, and goonstation is great with the exceptions that more often than not, the admins suck.

I have to keep quitting the game to enjoy it in doses. I'll immerse myself in the game grossly.
Not that Anon, but I can't find the server on google
It's on the byond list of ss13 servers called no man's land.
Just play as a rank-and-file soldier and go from there friendo.
it was an edit? fuck now I thought joan cornella was actually cool
>killing people is griefing

you're literally retarded, it's amazing. you used to be able to play a chaotic role, now it's just powertripping mods that want to make the game a reddit circlejerk. I want to serial kill people without randomly being designated as a traitor and having mod faggots spec me 24/7.

I actually want to have, you know, FUN in a multiplayer game. something that takes skill. not play a low skill ceiling LARP game where I have to pretend like it's a fucking job, I have enough of that irl already.

You larping fags literally made this game reddit. Your game is literally loved by reddit and something awful. Kill yourself ss13cuck.
>I just want to kill people while not being a traitor and not be called a griefer

Nigga that's griefing, the fuck is wrong with you?
>I want to serial kill people without randomly being designated as a traitor and having mod faggots spec me 24/7.
That was literally not allowed already for a long ass time

I'd argue that most jobs lend themselves to some form of openness. Chemists, bartenders and probably HoP don't have a lot of options for going off and doing something fun, since they're expected to be at their desk at all times, but scientists obviously have a ton of shit to do, engineers can construct new wings of the station if they want, cargo gets to horde all the wealth and be ambiguously traitor-like, and the rest of medical will never stop rushing around after about 20 minutes. It's a shame that new content tends to focus on jobs that already have plenty to do.
>/tg/station sucks
Only because of the playerbase. Last night we had a meme round because someone crashed the server with freon. Meteor mode was enabled and everyone evacuated to lavaland where I discovered the golem ship and everyone else built a new base complete with a functional atmos system, power generation, R&D, dorms, and we were working on a brig when server runtimes started to fuck up and the server eventually broke on its own because bad codebase.

You really have to wait for (relative) low-population to kick in to get great rounds on tg.
No it's called actually having fun and introducing chaos (which is fun in a game), instead of having a second job and obsessing about the hierarchies of poorly designed pixelated characters like an aspie. you fucking loser nolifer.
this game is not for everyone
I personally love improving the station's atmospherics system and trying to make ridiculously powerful engines

/vg/station has in depth engineering if you are in to that sort of stuff
They probably had suit sensors on and med/sec could sees bunch of dead people in your office
>do anything fun whatsoever
>BWOINK, banned for a week
>next update removes fun having potential

Repeat ad nauseum. Like I get RDMing should be bannable but nowadays all servers are so orderly and boring compared to days of old.
Grinding on Seika, the murder mansion game, mafia, and that wanna be dorf fort where if you were lucky you'd be spiders or a vampire, and the castle defender game were my go tos, along with SS13.

I tried getting into the new SS13, but there's too much new content. I played on the original map. I think I stopped playing when they were coding in Separate body parts. It went from turning people into monkeys to revive them and throwing butts at people to making pizza and buttrobots.
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Ridiculously powerful engines are fun.
>when you wire it directly into the power grid and suddenly there's dead assistants everywhere
If you have an imagination it's quite possibly one of the greatest video game experiences you can have, and it is truly a phenomenal community achievement.

If you play vidya to minimax and take it too seriously it is a terrible game.
Shouldn't you be in summer school champ? It's the job of the Traitor to 'introduce chaos', not some mid-round joining faggot.
>halfway through an FPS round, shoot my teammate in the back of the head
>halfway through MMO dungeon, start healing the enemies
>halfay through racing game, turn around and start ramming into people whenever possible
>kicked from lobby

I can fucking smell your trenchcoat from here.
Autistic bullshit for rp autists with overactive imaginations. It astounds me the amount of garbage I've tried because of /v/.
the problem is that if you give everyone a 'license to cause chaos' the game will devolve into deathmatch
that's why only antags can murder for no reason
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I just want to have fun, do crazy shit, kill some people, fuck some shit up, sometimes contribute and build cool stuff, you know, have fun in a game? But then you get banned. The game is straight up for nolife aspies. It's like second life, but for people with a slightly higher IQ instead of maybe one of like 85-90. You have to stick to your rigid little role like an autist, you get mods breathing down your neck. And you deviate? BANNED!!!! RDMING!!!!! REEEE!!!!

It's like a sub reddit. Which is why the game is beloved by reddit and something awful. It's reddit: the game.

Even on the "4chan" servers like vg and tg it's really 99% redditors (like the /v/'s recommend games wiki) that ban you for saying "tranny".

If you play this game and actually like it and get boners over your rigid little pixelated structures you should honestly go to a psych to get checked for autism. I'm serious. It's like minecraft except for people like 2-3 years older than minecraft's target audience.
I wish the drones on tg were half as autistic as the MoMMIs on /vg/.
We get it you're autistic.
Most of the time they only breath down your neck if you kill someone
Maybe hippie would be your playstyle
THANK YOU. ss13 sucks. fucking LARPer redditor autist game. It's just like minecraft except for 16 yo autistic microdicked redditors instead of 12 year old youtube eceleb watchers.

LARPers: the game.
you are right that this game attracts nolifers

>Even on the "4chan" servers like vg and tg it's really 99% redditors (like the /v/'s recommend games wiki) that ban you for saying "tranny".
the /tg/ server is no longer a 4chan server. Now they call themselves TG and they are quite shitty
/vg/ is definitely a 4chan server, you can call the admins tranny nigs in OOC chat with no consequences
stop running around with insulated gloves as a librarian on high RP then
One of the headmins pretty much stole a gamemode from another coder and buffed it every time people found a way to counter it.
And the reason she was made a headmin was because one of the previous headmins was a whiteknight and nominated her while the others just let him.
>Calling everyone else autistic
>Has been going on a rant about how he can't do what he wants to do in the game NOW!!!111!

Seek help.
what's your ckey
Tried to get into it because it looks fun but there is too much shit to learn to be able to play anything other than Janitor or Assistant.
>0 and 24 players on two servers

??? dead as fuck
Don't EVER reply to my posts
>I just want to have fun, do crazy shit, kill some people, fuck some shit up,
if you wait your turn like a good boy you get to do this when you roll antag
Cow RP
Sorry, i'll take note.
guess the server
>not publicly listed
>if you shill it on reddit you get banned
>medium population
>very little lag compared to other servers
>total antag freedom
>indepth engineering, xenoarcheology, medical, and xenobiology
>no SJW admins who ban for mean words
>no furries
when are they gonna port it to doom
sounds like /vg/
I could never learn what to do and everyone made fun of me for being new. I mostly ended up being janitor and clown.

I remember I was a space merc and couldn't put on my jet pack. Everyone made fun of me and I never made it into the station.

I was also a vampire but couldn't figure out the controls to bite so instead I just punched the victim repeatedly.
You really don't quite understand how the game works.

SS13 relies on only a few of the players being traitors at any given moment. It is completely intrinsic to the design of the game as essentially a 2D space station simulator. You just don't seem to get it at all.
The first time i was playing i choked myself with my starter bag as an assistant thanks to the not so user friendly UI.
/vg/station praise the chikun
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>join SS13 server as an assistant
>do not bother reading the rules since rules are merely spooks designed to prop up the shoddy construction of society
>run to cargo bay, kill everyone inside and steal their IDs because it benefits me and is therefore the logical course of action to take
>order weapons and ammo in a consensual exchange between me and the vendor
>run to the bar, blast the barkeeps head off and steal his food and drink because it benefits me
>Banned from the server by [GER] YiffyHans :3
SS13 is a spook.
I don't understand why people think this game is a TDM. If you're not an antagonists then killing people should not be top priority on your list of things to do that round (probably shouldn't even be on the list at all unless it's self defense from antagonists). Just don't kill people it's that simple. I was an admin on HippieStation for about two years and could not understand what drove people to break the rules and start killing. There were three different reactions from people when asked on why they broke the rules:
>"I dunno." They were probably bored and didn't care
>"WTF I DIDN'T KNOW I COULDN'T KILL THEM EVEN THOUGH I STARTED IT I THOUGHT THIS WAS A LIGHTRP SERVER HE DISARMED A GUY ONCE." They get really pissy because they can't possibly fathom that breaking the rules has consequences
>They don't say anything and just leave (easist to deal with)
This game's main aspect is not about killing, go play traitorstation or TTT if you want that. This game is about surviving on a station filled with horrors, disasters, and clowns. It's about creating experiences for you and others, not taking those away from others by killing them when they didn't need to be killed.
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First round stories?

>arrive on shuttle
>got the wiki open
>trying to figure out the controls
>slamming on windows and beating myself in the face repeatedly
>eventually figure out the basics of the UI
>walk into the airlock door by accident
>peer out into the corridor
>radio appears very quiet and the station corridors are dark
>the fuck is going on
>trying to work out what's happening
>walk out into the arrivals lounge, red warning lights everywhere
>hear honking in the distance
>try to figure out how to speak
>honking gets louder
>Clown starts beating me to death with a sword
>as I lay there dying he tosses me shivering out into space from the airlock
>welcome to Space Station13
>enjoy your stay

The game rewards continued investment in it. At first you barely have any idea what the fuck is going on but gradually you start to understand the "rhythm" of the game. You get a feel for what is going on on the station at any given moment, what the different departments are doing and as you try each different job you start seeing how they all fit together.
guess the server
>team deathmatch
>with horrible balance
>can't shoot diagonally, only in the 4 cardinal directions
>admins spawn themselves as killing machines
>if you manage to robust one they will rejuvenate themselves
>tons of snowflake characters
>Area of effect stun that can't be countered
>table climbing
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Only good thing to ever come from /vg/ was this server, bless Pomf, the gay injun turkey host.
What's the easiest role to learn other than janitor and clown? It has to be chef right?
chef has a really high skill ceiling actually
depending on your code base, robotics can also be pretty easy
also try cargo
CM, xenophiles and kid admins alongside a war veteran host make a bad server, who knew.
Chef is really easy but roboticist also tends to be good when you get nore comfortable with the UI and general playing.
The best way to learn the game is as Cargo Technician.

>forced to learn how to use your hands
>easy job that has little impact on smooth running of the station
>in a comfy little team so can be taught the ropes if you tell them you're new

On the other hand if Cargonia occurs then you'll be in a full on shooting match with station Security.
Depending on the codebase Botany can be fun. You rarely get bothered by people and can go at your own pace. It's not hard to grow simple stuff to give to the chef and whenever you want you can explore mutations and creating some pretty fun stuff like exploding or bluespace tomatoes.
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You ever had one of those rounds?

Not THOSE rounds, not the awfull shit rounds, just memorable and honestly dumb as fuck rounds.

Once on you know where, we got ourselves some guys pretending to be the 12th Platoon or whatever, a sort of legionaire force, and they hired about any greyshit or clown they could find. I actually managed to organize them, built some barracks, stashed some spears and shields and convinced the legions boss guy to go get better equipment and tovget legitimacy.

So we essentialy just went all to cargo, got us riot gear, stun batons and swords and then orderly all went to the sec lobby to talk to the HoP.

Now, imagine about 6 or 7 full riot geared nerds and a leader just standing by the sec desk, as the HoP just uttered "what the fuck" as a legion of dudes came rushing in and demanded he grabted them a license to become the new security force on the station, somehow non harmfully managing to capture the HoP and dragging him to maint, aresting the HoS, making him hostage, eventually releasing him because he was polite, all because I incited this and because the head legionaire, a QM, was wrongly arested by the HoS and wanted to kidnap him to tell him he was shit.

We eventually got legitimacy as the final 5 minutes came around, what was left of the legion boarded the shuttle and we all just came in and drank some rum and coke, while everyone was flipping out at a fully non harmfull sec overpowering that managed to be legitimate. Cant make this shit up.
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Good game.
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I had a bit of a commissioner Gordan round once. I was HoP or something like that, and we figured out fairly early that there were changelings aboard. A hard-nosed detective was on the trail, with suspicions that the ling conspiracy could go all the way to the top. We basically spent the round in an ebb and flow of me getting ambushed and deathstung, but the detective rushing in last minute with a paramedic or keeping me alive with CPR until the effects wore off. Ended very noir style with me and the detective quietly burning the struggling ling in the incinerator.
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i miss d20station.
CM is good for mindless fun. I never play marine though. When I did there was some useless commander that got whitelisted because he was a meme.
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The best part about this is there's some furfag attached to the character, playing out some memey romance, and she RPs cucking him for some fetish about getting raped when "taken" I suppose.
Later I did actually play into her guro/painslut fetish for a short session.

One time I ended up doing a peaceful alien meme and had a threesome with a female crew member and other alien.

The game is too niche to be great for ERP but it has its moments.
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>go to secure storage to hide the insulated gloves, which are my property
>CE screams at me demanding I explain what I just did
>tell them to go fuck themselves because authority is a spook
>they stun baton me, then slip and hit themselves
>strip their ID, cablecuff them, and shove them into disposals, their misfortune is my good fortune
>LOOC: Furryfaggotowo: Be specific in your ahelps kids
>explain myself to the admin and resume playing because I am immune to spooks
>total antag freedom
So I guess no server then?
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