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SGDQ 2017

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Thread replies: 628
Thread images: 147

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Now: """speed""" run of Earthbound.
Next: Surprise entry

>Sans is Ness confirmed.
>Mysterious 1000 dollar (((donations))).
>every single emote has been banned in twitch chat

>that pic

please tell me this isn't a real thing
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>"And in conclusion we have shown that Ness is his own mother. But hey that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY. THANKS FOR WATCHING!"
Smash Fortress is one of the only fun things left in TF2 other than LATE-STAGE CAPITALISM
Continuing with the Summer Dicks Gone Quick 2017 dump.

This is the shift wafter from a previous GDQ. I regret not being able to record that original webm in a higher resolution because it really was a strange moment.
>Shout outs to the donation table: Filtering out the best donations to protect the snowflakes out there.
they aren't getting 2 mill
Could anyone here understand the runner during BOTW? Not trying to shit on her for being trans, just legit curious if she was easier to hear over the stream, because it was like listening to a different language for 40 minutes.
Are you implying that Saxton Hale servers are dead?
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His smile and optimism: Restored
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>another shout out to the retard crew
At least they haven't fucked anything up too bad recently
/ourguy/ did it, lads.
Undertale memes are absolute trash but who cares about localizing Mother 3 at this point? The fan translation has been out for almost a decade at this point.
I couldn't hear shit.
I'm implying Saxton Hale servers are not fun
>chibi's redemption arc
Oh yeah all of the webms with sound that I posted in the /wsg/ thread are still there.


During this guy's run there was a wife's son donation and that was when I started recording audio when necessary.
Undertale community is like the bottom 10% of the 2hu secondaries community
No gameplay
Shitty western artists
Terrible secondary works
Ok soundtrack/secondary music
Shit porn

He won't be back.
I love video games
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Goodnight /v/. Was somewhat fun week.
See you during EVO and then ESA in few weeks.
This nigga got his brother killed
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I am monitoring this thread, /v/.
Even the runner seems annoyed at the Undertale shit. I don't blame him, I love the game but the Mother 3 stuff is better.

That's what I thought, at least it wasn't my ears.
Did anyone get a screenshot of "I've made the decision that you're Sans, no matter what."

would be great for filename threads
mysterious anon donations right at the end.
anyone here speedrun
>Spike sees Proto
what's the point of speed running a turn based rpg?
>Shit porn
The robot as some pretty decent SFM
Bye, anon-kun. Will I ever see you in /a/?

>over making a public statement about localizing Mother 3

How autistic are you?

Why would Nintendo give a shit about some speedrunning meme event?

Everyone with a three digit iq already played the gane ten years ago in English anyway, I don't care what Nintendo does for the sake of mouthbreathing fanbiys wanting to "support their friend"
Since we're near the end what was your favorite run? Prince of Persia SoT for me.
And just like any modern family, they all hate him.
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is the anon with the small mother collection of pics here?
>ok soundtrack
You can throw shade at Undertale if you want but don't be retarded.
Obligatory GDQ image.
link to the past

Aside from chibi cheating in his speedrun, any other reason he is being left out of stuff?
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He was very cringy
I've done some speedruns of Dark Souls 2 and 3, it's actually a pretty fun challenge run.
What happened? Did they finally stop fucking with him?
200,000 worth?
what's this
I do it, yeah. Currently trying to write a thorough set of notes for my obscure ass game so I can route for it.
I love video games
Hopefully we'll cross paths again during ESA. Any Uma poster is a friend of mine.
Heard the odd word like "charge" but I couldn't make sense of the mumbling. Couch guy was quiet too but at least he could speak coherently
He's a socially inept autist who shrieks and tries way too hard to insert himself into things.
No, closest I got was the Speedlunky trophy in Spelunky HD.
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Gee, if only there was a bonus stream after this.....
So are the SGDQ people still on a massive power trip?
He's a pedophile who sends pictures of his dick to kids.
Im trying to think of a game to get a WR in just for the fuck of it, but I dont want to put in time or effort.
Ok, added some games to the Tier list as per anons suggestions.

Should Halo stay in good or move to great?
Were there only three god tier games?
Were there only three shit tier games?
Should tranny tier be renamed?

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Swordless)
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Ratchet and Clank
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
Donkey Kong 64
Diablo II: Throne of Baal
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
Ninja Gaiden (Sega Master System)
Freedom Planet
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
Onimusha: Warlords
Jet Set Radio Future
Dark Souls III (DLC1)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Tetris The Grand Master 3: Terror Instinct
The Firemen
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Silent Hill 2
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Halo: Combat Evolved
E.V.O.: Search for Eden
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Mario Kart 64
Rise of the Triad
Ys Origin
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Portal 2
Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Mario Kart Wii
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
The Maitre D
Super Metroid
Dark Souls
Silent Hill 2 Ending
I Am Bread
Tetris: The Grand Master
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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Now that the event is nearly at an end, what were your personal favorite runs /v/?
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What do you think, anon
This SGDQ has had too many trannies, but aside from that it has felt a bit better than a few previous GDQs. Am I sick in the head, or did I just miss all the shitty runs/cringeworthy runners?
How's the event so far? Was out for a few days, just got to start watching now
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lemme see
I havent done it to anything in a week, I could probably even fap to Edobean
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who /stopped watching the stream but still posting/ here?
>>every single emote has been banned in twitch chat

Seriously? What the fuck?
this https://exhentai.org/g/1030512/768ba1b7db/
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Why no Mirror's Edge?
Because it's unofficial and Ninty is beginning to slam down the ban hammer on ROMs/emulation because of their "virtual console" games that they want you to buy.

Yeah boi
yeah. knew about 8 games and did a few marathon runs.
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Earthbound is one of those games everyone jerks their dick over that I will never understand. It's so fucking boring and slow, I can't stand it.
Please explain to me what its appeal is supposed to be; because I don't understand.
goes to show that even having a big dick doesn't stop you from being a degenerate
where can i even watch these now that BOOTLEGS is all unlisted
I unironically do speedruns for a Flintstones NES game
Literally internet moderators in real life.

>fingers can't stop running up and down the hole punch in their cargo jorts pocket
>ywn over train your pokemon and have them disobey your orders and dominate you
google money laundry.
Of course they fucking are. The random "papers please" tag checks is evidence of it.
>take a bathroom break
>guy behind them stands up and runs away
Good time to start watching, the marathon is almost over. You can trust this list if you view the vods >>383354487
>shake shake, shake shake
The list above your post is pretty accurate, but I'm going to have to add a personal opinion that KH2 was my favorite. I don't know what it is about that game, but the way they use every tool available to them to just destroy the game is incredibly enjoyable to me. Actually makes me want to pick up a PS4 for them all.
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I think splash should do in good tier
He just didn't want to get aids or some super-gonorrhea
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i notice she has a mug

you're mine
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Stopped watching when BOTW run started, still here.
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Is that a question? Did you miss it earlier when they made us all hold up our fucking badges?
>stating the total of how much you donated

Yeah, donating is all about patting yourself on the back
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Now that SGDQ is over, are there any other GDQ-esque events the rest of the year?
What the fuck are restreams for?
the voice of the tranny reading the donations
I'm listening and still recording just in case but yeah. That BOTW run ended it for me.
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This morning? If you mean like 16 hours ago, I think it was my pic of Yuffie shoving blue materia into her bellybutton.
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Mmm, yes. Yes you will, in some Magipoka thread for sure. Other than that can't say where I'd predict myself to post.

Much love based Yuffie anon.
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ESA in a couple weeks
>>Mysterious 1000 dollar (((donations))).
What's that supposed to mean?
Suicide done quick
All year any time
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Remember to kiss your gf anon
The Mario relay race was meh tier, if you want to stop someone from watching four hours of it.
i hope those mugs topple and fall
also she doesn't have a mug, it's a cup
Still surprised I seen he had a gf
Typos aside, too bad he spergs out around people.
>guys pls pay attention to how much i've donated this week
Super Monkey Ball goes into great tier

I-is this gonna make barneyfag show up...
What exactly is esa?
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>all the same type of mug

sit on my face
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is Doctor's without Border even a real charity?
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you made the right choice. fuck that selfish tranny for wanting to run it first
what about nier automata?
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>Because it's unofficial
I would bet you real money the official translation will be garbage in comparison

But we ll know the elder cabals of mario have to give their blessing for it to be good
wr is impossible at my point in time.
Safety Warning: Do not perform this maneuver. It produces lethal mustard gas.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say European Speedrunning Assembly.

I might be WAY off.
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As long as it makes you happy, anon.
What was wrong with BotW
What did the trannies do?
PCF (AGDQ) is sort of questionable, not bad but not the best, but MSF is very well known
i mean if you really care about donating you would have donate to an actual and effective charity
instead of donating it to an organization that uses 80% of the money for "organizing" the event
Let's see..... inappropriate touching and unwanted sexual advances. Maybe you should enforce your fucking rules GDQ? Or do trannies and females get a free pass?
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Best part was how casually he mfw'd in real life
European Speedrunning Assembly. Basically a smaller event with less rules and more Europeans.
>And we have another 3000 dollar donation from Anonymous! "Don't read this donation on the stream- GDQ staff"
>Wow we have a lot of these!
Stiv resisting the urge to stroke his swelling divorce attorney.

is that LI Joe?
No thats a RWBY character.
>Remember to kiss your gf anon

By gripping her fucking head and force kissing her.
Protos partner seems more chill
oh fuck I left that out accidentally.
Should it be great tier or meme tier? or 'glitchless' tier on it's own?


What about it? I didn't watch it, where should it go? Is it notable enough to include?
>obese bitch wearing a mega milk shirt to try and rope in beta males
one of the most disgusting people I've ever seen
I'll bet you the same amount that they recycle the fantraslation with very minor changes like they did for Earthbound Beginnings.
Did kyoani hire Kojima?
who /foppyplushhere/
they heal a lot of terrorists in Iraq and Syria, help smuggle thousands of Africans into Italy with ships.
Sometimes they do good work after natural disasters, but that's about it
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>wears Mega Milk shirt
>has no cowtits
Great tier, I'd say. Or "Glitchless". The actual runner was superb.

Also Nier Automata was great, especially since it was one-handed.
>points at smiling person
"Are you having fun?"
>person shakes head
"are you?"
>shakes head
'This ends NOW"
>grabs doge
>daintily walks awy
>faggots and trannies everywhere
>clear money laundering 'donations'
>funding shady shit like MSF

Chewy Jewy
how bad was BOTW?

Dark Souls III almost deserves great-tier just for the shenanigans and a clean run, but I'll agree with it.

Also SM64 and Majora's Mask are about good-tier, both missing at the moment unless I'm just blind. They might even fit into comfy, I can't tell, enjoyed both. Especially MM had good narration.
>Ratchet and Clank
What was so good about it? I had the stream in the background during most of it but it didn't seem worth looking at.
Sounds good. I'll probably check it out.
Classic doomguy. He's a favorite from this marathon for sure.
share more mother pics anon
Most unfortunate for you! /spoiler]
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Call me female.
hes got the fag walk lol
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kill jestr
Any nice trans want to be my girlfriend before the event ends and people hunt you with pitchforks?
That's the third webm I've seen him do this in now
Runner was fine, although she died a couple times to random stuff. The fights were solid.

The problem was that it was almost impossible to understand her, she was horrible at commentary and nobody on the couch seemed to want to talk.
Sent should really stop emulating humans.

>dark souls in meme tier
>reddit jedi outcast run ranked second

MSF isn't particularly shady.
Anyways EU agreed to close ports to migrant ships now so no need to worry about the migrants.
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his enthusiasm is infectious
That's the lowest hanging fruit, anon.
other runners agreed not to submit a run, he did it anyway
He just wants to be a meme

Silly goose, not even waterguy became a meme
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>You'll never be as happy as this guy
>Made donation
>My username was "kneegur"
>It was a super niche ammount (55.55)
>They didnt read it

Should i cancel it?
dumb kumiko poster
Migrant ships should be welcomed with 20mm shells.
RPGLimitBreak on Twitch, reminds me of the good ol' GDQ days.

Once there was a guy that gave a very lulsy speech about how he almost killed himself because of his depression but his story implies forgot to pull back the safety, which is how he lived.
Freedom Planet and Ape Escape deserve a pretty high tier ranking. Both runs were very good.
Hah. just downloaded this mod earlier today
turbo hale, on the other hand...
BOTW was totally un-optimized. The BOTW community didn't want to run it this year until it was a little more polished because GDQ doesn't usually allow for the same game to be ran twice in a row.
She submit himself as a runner at the last second.

the run itself was lame. he died 3 times and got a shit time
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Legitimately my hero. A shining ray of light in the black of night.
>want to see a botw speedrun just out of interest
>its tranny time
oh for fucks sake why are these people allowed to leave the mental asylum
I didn't know private pyle liked speedruns
It didn't do a great job at showing how fast BOTW can be played, aside from the first ten minutes or so. It also had a lot of amiibo cheese, which is boring, but understandable for the sake of a marathon run.
It was also run by a tranny, but he wasn't as obnoxious as the other trannies
There should be threads for it here when it starts.
Yes. Also, your name isn't clever.
not as low as """"her"""" fruit does
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That's not even remotely subtle, come the fuck on.
Not very subtle, dumbass.
No, that's his balls
Only webm I picked up of Sven. There were more moments but I didn't bother.
concisely, it doesnt take itself to seriously. Goofy Enemies, pop culture references, fun towns. The only since that this is a negative is that it hasnt aged well into modern gamer stigma. It can seem quirky which makes it attractive to people who are more concerned with image than game play (read: edobean), but this image wasnt really a factor when it was released so you cant really blame it for that like you can with Undertale.

If you're referring to it being a speedgame specifically, then yeah its not great. people just run it because they like the game not because the run is compelling.
Anon just send them back.
Shells cost money.
>giving them views
But jester is our friend!
ESA on JULY 22
>not being Dan Druff
We should still be capable of some alturism, surely. Sending them back is cold, and pretty harsh for the countries they came from.
Holy autism
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can't find mine
A lot of weird things are happening at once in this one.
>It's mah money. Kill em
>not donating $14.88
You serious nigger
I thought there was a donation incentive to get the run.
pretty sure I don't count or anything since i'm using streamlink
they read "Nick R." a few days ago
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Isn't Swedish nationalism banned in Sweden?
>the chat isnt polite
tone policing bullshit

Try this:

>"Greetings from Italy! Love seeing this classic game from my childhood destroyed. Shoutouts to my boy Pucci who first got me into this game!"
theme song for this event:
I mean, I realize places like Eritrea are authoritarian shitholes. But they should travel to adjacent countries and follow standard refugee laws rather than b-lining straight to Europe.

I have no problem with the other stuff MSF does by the way.
>suitcase full of eightballs handed off
>weird very fat guy with blanket
>fat bald android walks by
no, it's just embarrassing to be nationalistic in europe
prob. banned in germany tho
yeah, there was. you can read about it in this plebbit thread

that's way too obvious, the only troll name I've seen get through this event was "ILoveCMen"
>That crotch slit
I put them both in great, I don't wanna create too many tiers

MM dragged on a bit at the end, so both go in good

Same as any god tier run, above average run and top level commentary

Freedom planet's already in, Ape Escape was great for sure
I will try again
We can spare some ammunition, we've got a load kicking around and arms manufacturing will stimulate the economy.
Look at all those tranny cock suckers. #OPPRESSED
so this... is the power of dark souls speedrunning
>5 hours ago
has bubble finally lost it?
They had to stall for Majora's Mask at the end because of tech delays.

I'm dead fucking serious on that one, the audio crew gave the runner a thumb's up and he finished his last glitch.
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>saving in a speedrun


Maybe we could do a charity run to finance the shells.
>first time donator here. my wife, her son, her daughter, and her big black bull all love watching sgdq with me. much love to the crew for all their hard work!

How the fuck did that one slip them by?
I love video games
>almost 2 hours of video
I don't have that kind of time. Too busy watching Earthbound.
>what is RNG
This is where I'm stuck in EB, this level is so unfun.
Reminder: Sit up straight.
They will never release mother 3.
Miachel Jackson song.
Game features trannies/drag queens.
Timed rhythm attacks will probably not work right in virtual console.
It will never happen.



It's hard to take them seriously.
amiibo faggotry killed that run.
Post more Junko
Only 3 hours left guys
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Oh hey it's 'making up inappropriate statements' anon again.
>not before or at Threed
h o w
why does that boss have a No.3 in the background
Nohomo but I would play games with Matt Patt. He seems like a genuinely cool dude in his off script stuff.
He is the third strongest mole
With the boss? If you use Flash, his hit rate drops a lot.
Missed FP on that list, but very much agreed on Ape Escape. WR runs deserve a high spot, especially during a marathon.
sounds like a GDQ wet dream
Everyone already knows these people are lacking in hygiene, this isn't news.
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I'll think about it.
They are hitting 2 million, arent they.
>Anonymous has donated 1k dollars, no comment
it's a joke in the game about every mole boss in the cave being the third strongest mole
Not the faggot you quoted but there better be a dick under there or I'm going to be disappointed in you anon.
I'll put it at the top of good then, it's one of the most popular games to speedrun on twitch so it's not like it's a hidden gem or anything
these jews are brazen
poor hollow knight plush has been through hell this past week
I'm just stuck in the dungeon lost and without the willpower to play more. This game has an overabundance of similar looking caves. Maybe I'll pick it back up.
>Ape Escape
I missed Ape Escape? Oh, god dammit.
Wait, is OP memeing or did they actually ban emotes entirely? because that'd be fucked up.
Why don't the moles all just fight each other if they can't decide on their own power levels?
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No worries anon
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What dick. That's just a cute girl. No dick at all no way.
The community behind BOTW agreed to not sign up. The runner today signed up in spite of the community.
This is why the community decided not to sign up:

>March 5, 2017 — March 11, 2017 - Open Game Submissions
>BoTW Release Date: March 3, 2017
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>look up who orcastraw is
>a fucking trannie

why are they worse than girls when it's comes to attention whoring?
he's the third strongest mole
HDNMarathon starting August 19!
??????? theres no Michael Jackson song in mother 3 and theres literally rhythm games on virtual console
I really wanna fap to her
Yes. What's the point of routing a game if you can just spawn shit on the go? Gamegenie-tier.

The addams family treasure hunt whateveritwas was good, not particularly interesting but damn it was fast and fun to watch. Commentary was OK.

Source: It is one of the only no-name games I remember from mid-week, so it at least stands out a bit.
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OP is memeing, chat still is emoting away
>viewer count is %50 what it was when EB started
>everyone checked out because no reason to keep a room at the venue for an extra night with nothing the next day
This isn't going to have a final push like Undertale or Super Metroid
I had to take a break when I reached the desert, too. If it helps you get through, the maps should be available online.
The Phantom Pan
The moment Caleb choked and didn't know what to do.
vgmaps my man
what a boring game for a speedrun......
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>fapping to despair
You must be a sad, sad man.
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It's a mental illness, that's why.

>waaaaahhhh, i'm not getting enough attention as a guy, I'll become a "girl"!
>oh, you're so cute!
>so brave
maybe another day it'll be enjoyable.
um, anon, this is the result of the PASSION of thousands of hours of precision maneuvers
>it's okay to want to fuck your mother

Did he really just say that?
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Cool, thanks. That will probably help a ton. Poison is fucking awful in this game.

Its too late at night for it to have that push.

What was the game were you possessed stuff to rescue your girlfriend? That run was great.
The 'third strongest mole' stuff always makes me smile.
Game Genie is 3rd party. Amiibo is 1st party. Not a cheat code, it's add on DLC that the game was designed around. Don't like it? Don't run that category or pay out for an Amiibo. But if you're just gonna stew and complain, I will call you out on being a whiny pissbaby
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fuck i know her

god damn it get your SHIT TOGETHER
It still baffles me why they keep Sent around as a prize pusher when he continues to keep his appearance so unprofessional.
>The legendary chokemaster
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He's probably friends with Mike or something.
These long games just suck the life from the event.

As much as I loved FF7, it was... too long, although the couch was fucking perfect.
What is wrong with his arm?
There is some song owned by jews that would cost millions to license.
Anyway it does not matter, Nintendo would NEVER EVER release a game with characters like the Maji in the west.
Does he have a condition that prevents him from using a shower?
Where did all these trannies come from? Some one fill me in
>The souls community when combined with speedrunning is even worse
not surprising.
I am.
But it feels so good.
>But that's not the point, just for some context.
But that was totally the point and it was very embarrassing for all of them. Bubbles is a faggot lol.
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xir thighs are nice though
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>arm sores
I actually find Sent incredibly relatable and appreciate that he gets stuck with merch year after year.
i think he's great
he has that item management look to him with his low-hanging glasses and his eyes looking around over them

10/10 librarian
I agree!
>makes fart noises
>hon hon hon, fart fart grunt
someone redpill me on gdq shemales
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i am watching right now
pretty comfy
That's knowing how to back up fucking up though, it's a poor idea to attack him during that attack. That was shitty RNG so he had to camp on the wall until he did something else (which the attack afterward was more shitty RNG that he can't do anything against).
Some sort of disease you catch when you sleep in a grave.
Why are the tranny games immediately put into the lowest tier? At least give them a fair rating. BotW and Tetris were both Meh Tier, and I didn't watch X-Men.
Literally this in his case.

>goes to LGBT center and inquires about trans services
>doesn't get approval for HRT from the doctors and psychologists at a fucking LGBT center

These people literally think there's a conspiracy of doctors keeping people from doing radical life altering shit out of spite and not from concern for their health and safety.

Trannies are currently in vogue.

So if you're a worthless, overweight, underweight unambitious manchild autist.... get instant validation, praise, kudos and employment, just by growing your hair, applying lipstick and announcing you're a woman.
Making an effort at least. Unlike those Tetris .... things.
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At least you admit it.
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I mean, I'd lube up my dick and get myself off inbetween his thighs NO HOMO but I'd probably feel a little bad about it later.
Where the fuck is Titanfall 2fast4u
Nice to know you're enjoying it too.
>of black
What did they mean by this?
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>implying i speedrun

Some anon mentioned you need like 10 amiibos now because faggots even spawn boxes to stasis launch. Also you're using external hardware to aid you in the game. Do you use turbo controllers also?
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Do people who like earthbound enjoy this run?

I like Sent.
He's like a videogame shopkeeper.

No, it was just some pirate-looking guy running at incredible hihg speed.

PS: Bloody captcha whatever did I do yo you to deserve this?
That's pretty homo, anon.
the only thing these trannies are running is Transition low%
Hands up if you did this too.
They get their own category because they are special.
>No ghosts n demons again
you're a nigger.
Are there any playlists of older gdq
What a handsome dude
i'm really turned off by him but people say he is attractive so who am i to judge?
There's a speedrun?
Speedrunners became trannies or trannies became speedrunners?
but which of the cops was the third strongest?
It's a valid question that I think needs to be researched.
this shit residentsleeper as fuck. games shouldn't be allowed if it takes over an hour to speedrun them.
yes, it is
>chill commentary
>good game
>no donations reading or cheering
is comfy lerdit now too?
Probably, they just enjoy Earthbound being seen.
How can it not feel good to submit to a body like my Despair Queen's?
If the turbo controller is fist party, I don't see anything wrong with that.
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In the past 5 days, I have seen every color of hair on the spectrum in the audience and forgot my own gender.

See you in December, GDQ.
meme names and edobean's voice kinda ruin it
All of them are on youtube you fucking goof
>Track marks
>on the outside of his arm
that's poor hygiene
Gayfag here. He's incredibly handsome.
how horrible was the botw run?
i fell asleep
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Yo, two things I love, is Justin Bieber, and yo ass nigga, wassup witchu?
First time I saw this at the event, but it wasn't the last. I eventually stopped recording them when they did this.
anons probably just mad at you using "comfy" since over the past few months, "comfy" has turned into a normie saying
Dark Souls 3 had a bad run at AGDQ to be fair. I heard the Bloodborne run was pretty bad too and its one of the reasons why it was never run again.
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>nap at the computer since GDQ started
>can finally go to bed and enjoy a proper sleep when it ends

I'm glad it's nearly over
the best speedruns take between 30-50 min to finish.
once you get past that its a Lets Play.

It's not bad, but I keep tuning it out to follow the threads here. It's a classical speedrun in that it's just a rapid run through the standard event sequence.

trannies become """speed runners""" and because they're shit and not really into it and just want the attention their games just end up like "lets play"

You'll never see a tranny do a speed speed run (Mario 64 etc)
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tbqh, with a lot more whoremoans and some makeup lessons, he'd pass a lot easier.
He better have a tiny dick, because mine is pretty average
Watched a few minutes, looks solid so I'll chuck it in good

they were all meh tier anyway, so they'd be down the bottom.
If there had been any great runs I'd probably have canned the tier, but here we are.

Didn't catch it, I watched it at another marathon and it was solid but not standout, should it go in good or great?

Nah, just dumb, where should it go?
She's nice but how the fuck can you understand her? Terrible commentator.
no, he's not entertaining and the couch sucks too.
So how long have you been masturbating to anime /v/?
also thought the same of Jon Snow because i thought his long curly hair was disgusting
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they are gonna hit 2 million bucks arent they?
These guys were a breath of fresh gay air. I imagine even they were disgusted at the tranny clown show on full display.
>beard guy practising his pelvic thrusts
>playing a game in a way the designers did not intend
>living life in a way that god did not intend
at least they are consistent?
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Did his dad use him as an ashtray or something?
multi bottle rocket
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>quiet tranny voice
>game with target practice boss
>clapping heavily after every little thing
>game over x4
>((((donation)))) with no comments
>I'll finally stop being distracted from this video I've had to edit for a week
>The enemies in this part of the game
more into night elves
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Look, you may think I'm gay, but I ain't gay nigga, there's a big difference between bein' optimistic and bein' gay, nigga. There's opportunities for bein' gay, but I ain't really gay, 'cause I ain't really gay if you know what I'm sayin', I'mma suck that dick.
Imagine being this gay
What's the point in them doing this exactly? Do they seriously expect people to get in without one of those things?
Not unless they pull out a surprise Life is Strange run or something
She needs some more confidence talking and it would have been pretty good.
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I like how all the /pol/ shitposters and meme forcers have left. Pretty comfy.
Average is better than small.
The tetris setup was so long.
nice to know
thank you

it is just that i hate the whole pumped up donation cheering
you are chilling watching a good glitch, and suddenly

It is OK on my side, but i am using headphones, so that must be it
Game is decent, but the tranny wasn't chill at all. A better runner would have worked.
Just get 4chan X, use legacy captchas. I gave up on Japmoot's shit.
I masturbate to cartoon pornography almost exclusively.

I can count on one hand the number of times in my 13 or so years of masturbating that I have masturbated to something other than anime.
This, microdicks on traps are disgusting
i doubt it. hype has died. people are leaving
Really doubt it, considering t-shirt donations have been added directly to the total this year.
Those do really look similar to cigarette burns, you might be onto something even if you were joking
If he just cleaned up his beard he would be more presentable.
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Yep this is the best time foe nice gdq threads
that's L.I Joe,isn't it?
that doctor possibly saved xir's live by not handing out the HRT.
Suicide rates are pretty damn high for MtF, especially post-op. And no, it's not because CIS WHITE MALES are oppressing them and making their lives a living hell.
it's way past their bedtime, anon
this also correlates with twitch chat
Well depending on how manly the show was they might have came to just see that, get some ideas, then go into their hotel room.
Microdicks are gross but below average small, cute dicks are nice.
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>want to watch vods
>but my ps plus is expiring in three days, andI I have to pay all the shitty games that suck ass
I know I got an erection too
My only regret about this nonsense was that I was actually interested in watching the tetris action that I didn't have the player zoomed in on these two. So the resolution is small. This is a wider version of the one that gets reposted for (You)s that I made to show that Kevin didn't know what happened until afterwards. If he did react to the kiss when it happened I would have lost my shit.
>$300k in 2 hours with time on player name ending soon
>audience isn't even giving a fuck about fuzzy pickles anymore

Won't happen.
My point is a speedrun should be just you and the game. I don't see the point in running a game if you have to use cheats/DLC, especially when the game is already open ended from the beggining. That's just my opinion though.
Doesn't really matter, they go doctor shopping and get pills anyways. Look at Cosmo and his self-regimented HRT and how he turned out.
sounds like a lose lose situation.
If she would either slow down or speak up it would literally fix everything. Again, she's nice but it was just painful trying to understand her, and the audience around me seemed to agree.
What run was that anyway?
>Can you explain Moonside?
>No I can't.
>not wanting a trap gf that's insecure about her big penis
I don't like this run.
I have to wonder what it going through KevinDDR's head after that and during that interview he was a part of. I have a feeling he hates having to share screen time with them.
I'd rather watch the trannies kiss in tetris than play Until Dawn
I missed it how was BotW run?
.yag era sparT
That's fine. There are categories for little pissbabies like you, but the big BOTW run that actually matters allows Amiibos and that's what it is.
Fuck you, Until Dawn is cool.
He is too dry of a person to deliver a joke like that successfully.
mumble core
Different anon here, I wish mine was insecure.
Mine just doesn't want to use hers.
What do?
Emotes Only/10
Andy's LTTP run was awesome. 4 sound webms are on /wsg/ right now.

run was ok
runner was fucking awful on top of being a shitty person.

the only reason that person was running it was because they snuck it into the marathon without giving other people a fair shot
right the fuck back to transtwitter with you, get out

we were having a nice thread
I say put it in good, the run was good, the runner had fun, and the game itself looks cool as shit


And... good-bye!
>wanting it in the ass
tnera yeht on
Endergay oesday otnay attermay asway onglay asway eythay areway
Do you think undertards know that calling Ness Sans is a jab at how stupid they are?
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Well, they better be embarrassed because their huge cock isn't going up my poop chute
>named the characters sans and morty
This is the most reddit run I've seen so far.
>not wanting a reverse trap bf who is insecure about his innie pussy

This is how retarded trapposters sound
Too dense to notice.
Patty reacting to a final potato pun donation being read.
>no more Junko

>Not wanting it in all and every ass.
What are you gay, anon?

Yeah I'm sure that's why the put it in
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>still pretending i run
>still calling me a pissbaby
>defending his toys this hard

BotW is like 4 months old and the scene is already a joke. What a shame.
Yes it is. Just accept it.
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how dare you say that about our starship trooper
>Mother 3

Best run was the completely unintelligible orc dude running that furry game with the hype british commentator. That was the hardest I've laughed in a while.
I haven't played either games. what's the deal?
>wanting cock in your ass
Go speedrun, mongrel.
This one was pretty good for a laugh listening to all the shit people imagined what was on the piece of paper to make him react like this.
how so? i haven't played either game
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yeah that was definitely a highlight
are they actually ignoring the donation incentive? lol
edobean is actually being pretty chill on this run
freedom planet

that runner was great, but the enthusiastic commentator was really awkward and the type of guy to make big bang theory jokes in social situations
How was Breath of the Wild? I woke up late and I'm only watching Earthbound to be there for the end of the event, really not my cup of tea.
Why is the donation reader talking so much?
who here ready for sub incentives for SGDQ 2018

Well if you can show me where cocks done quick is hosting, then by all means.
Reverse traps are a thinking man's fetish
Freedom Planet
That was Freedom Planet. I agree, it was a great run. I think the Brit was on cocaine while commentating.
what game did he run?
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>2 hours left in the marathon
>Don't think that's enough time for me to knock another one out

I'm beaten /v/...
>having a trap bf and not fucking them and getting fucked by them
hey webmfag:
during the BOTW run, there is a pretty cool moment when he is trying to enter the gates using the horse, and then he dies somewhat crashing it into a tree on the others side

it is in here
twitch tv/videos/157295442

about 35:00:00
(yes, 35 HOURS)
High energy Star Wars run.
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that's what they said about cuckoldry
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>these spawns are traps

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I'm more interested in dom incentives
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Why can't there be cute reverse traps?
Why is it always MtF?
God life is fucking unfair.
She blew out her voice with the first day of poyos. She is still being annoying with the fuzzy pickles shit.
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Maybe, but genki tomboys are the best of all.

>not wanting cock in your ass.
Nigga you gay
But why are there so many trannies, they are what 0.02% of the population yet there have been 7 at SGDQ so far, what the fuck?
>First two player names with 10k dollar leads are skipped
>"Let's choose Frisk instead"
>Last AGDQ did a similar act, taking Bepis out of the listings when it was catching up to first place

Well then, who wants to riot?
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One more on the house, just for you.
Oh, I missed that one. I'll watch the vod now. Not really feeling this Earthbound run.
Thanks, anon.
Moment the game crashed. He had it back up within seconds. Figured it's a common problem.

Nah, SuccinctPunchy was really solid as a commentator. Really engrossing and informative, with a little nice humor mixed in.
Ninja Gaiden.
>wanting aids
Protip: giving it is safe, receiving it is a death sentence

If you are a degenerate use a dildo (boiled) or something
or he was excited by the large audience on top of his talkative behavior
Mental illness and social isolation are correlated.
Definitely one of the greatest runs. I've also really enjoyed Megaman X6.

And this event had the greatest surprise of all: an 8 hour long speedrun of a JRPG was the comfiest shit and actually fun (FF7). I wasn't ever able to watch a speedrun longer than 2 hours before.
>having fun
We need a new thread. My folder is almost done.
Iwata is already in the credits, what a dumb incentive.
>blocking thicc girl
and an extremely low energy couch
Some hellhole I assume.
/pol/ please
my trans gf has a bigger penis than me but she's a total sub but still lets me play with her penis
They don't have schizophrenia (sorry "dysphoria") they just want attention
just woke up, anything worthwhile happened after the dark souls run? How was the mario 64 run?
I explained this in an earlier thread and it surprises me that people don't get it.

Video games are for recluses. Nobody who is social plays video games. If you are gay or trans or whatever the fuck, odds are you aren't as social because people don't accept you as much, meaning that you're more likely to be a recluse and play video games like a lot of people here. That's why so many gays are on /v/ I am one, as an example. On top of that, speedrunning is fucking autistic in a lot of cases, and people who are trans tend to have other issues as well.
>I've also really enjoyed Megaman X6.
Aw man. That would have been great to see.
the creator of undertale first make a room hack of earthbound with a edgy ness and shit later he made undertale that is inspired by earthbound and that guy from gametheory that give the pope a copy of undertale make a theory about undertale been a sequel to earthbound and his fans believe that
Biggest cock goes in, virgin. Enjoy AIDs.
I'll take either one.

Why don't people like reverse traps more?
Is it just all homos in denial?

The commentators were amazing, god tier couch crew for covering the runner.
eh,i dont know,at least they arent as annoying as the poyos
>cute reverse traps

But they dont want to be cute
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Holy shit did anybody notice the hips on that NPC in the elevator? Jesus christ.
are the mother games worth playing? Why are they good?
aids isn't real you fucking retard
glad you ate up reagan's propaganda
How much are you willing to let me fall into despair for her?
Post more lewd Yuffies
There werent this many trans threeyears ago tho
>liking super gonorrhea
They dont exist. Why would you make life harder for you?
i unironically enjoyed that 8 hour ff7 lets play desu
Earthbound is pretty great imo. Never bothered with Mother/M3
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Nigga where have you been? There's at least one great picture of her with a fat ass.
>people who are trans tend to have other issues as well

Only if they fail the roll on their yearly sanity check.
>But they dont want to be cute

Well MtF want to look like girls and that doesn't happen, so why couldn't a FtM look cute accidentally?
Super Gonorrhea is the best thing that's happened in years
how do you even tell them apart on a folder?
He's pretty willing anon.

They're just weird and off-beat in a way that feels more natural than what a lot of games are capable of. I like Mother 1 because it's a little less in-your-face about it than Earthbound, but they're all worth playing. Just use a turbo key to minimize the tedium.
Yes. It's the little details, because as games they're nothing special. Play Earthbound, then Mother 3.
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All the way, anon.
Because they realized they were accepted at GDQ events and have crept in more and more, it's one of their only guaranteed safe spaces

I have no problem with them being there I just don't want the entire event to become dull as fuck because nobody is allowed to do anything that could be perceived as offensive
>lying online
Because Testosterone is way stronger than estrogen
run was great
commentary was great and informative
people were likeable

well worth the watch, one of my favorites this event
Was pretty good, makes me look forward to the 9 hour FF8 run at ESA.
I remember that, someone post it pls
FtM is actually much easier than the reverse, since the process results in some pretty impressive growth. They don't get a real dick but they sure as fuck look like dudes. They have beards, really short hair (skinheads are common) and they lift so they look more manly than men.
>Nobody who is social plays video games
you damn well know this isn't true. maybe in 1990s but certainly not these days. phones and handhelds let people play games in short bursts and then go be social
Earthbound and mother 3 are good mother one is a generic grindfest. They are cute and quirky games and personally I love that you can play earthbound with just your left hand so I can vape and spin pens while I play.
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Man, that fucking moment. It was awesome being in the thread and realizing they got everyone.
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Webms? If they don't have a thumbnail for you then look up a small program called Media Preview.
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That's the fun part anon.

They do. I used to live in Japan and would often visit reverse trap cafes.
>mods override bepis and hella as name options, pick R.N.G. and Morty instead
>runner and annoucer bitching about current player names too, will probably get ""sniped"" by Frisk from fucking nowhere

What's the fucking point of accepting them as options if you bait & switch anyway? Fuck these people.
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>aids isn't real you fucking retard
Except it's not just fags getting it.
Yeah until there's a farmville speedrun on GDQ this is a meaningless point.
Is there a Discord I can message then
I mean the dedicated audience and not casual phone shit, /v/ is a good example of a gathering place for a lot of people who genuinely care about video games
Here's some THICCCCCC
You should have a problem with a disproportionate amount of fake girls actually pushing any real girls out of the scene.
Strongly assuming that it's /v/'s standards dropping to rock bottom due to hypersexuality. Perhaps penises are more attractive to them because it's what they're used to.


What do you think I've been doing all this time?
does ff8 take longer or shorter to run? i think its 4 disks for ff8 on my ps1 as opposed to 3 for ff7.
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Hahaha oh fuck I forgot I set my JPG save quality low for a joke a couple of days ago.
>reverse trap cafes
Wait, trap cafes are actually a thing? I always thought they were only a joke in my Japanese doujins.
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I put a lot of stock in Super Gonorrhea, I'll be damned if it goes under in a year.
>Except it's not just fags getting it.
What do you mean 'it's not just fags'. that's what makes it great, all non-virgins are getting slammed.
go install a codec pack
there is plenty that add thumb capability to file explorer
Why was hella even allowed to go so far if they changed it at the end? Sleazy way to get donations imo.
Then p-please help me... Discord or something, please
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He doesn't one.
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Do we really need a new thread? Maybe just all go to bed now?
if you like one, you'll probably enjoy them all
That's those women's problem and not mine if it is actually happening, I have no idea about it and would make no claims about it
you're fucking delusional if you think trannies are pushing real women away from the scene. i can't believe any person is stupid enough to come to a conclusion like that.
They removed bepis again this run, swapped it for R.N.G.

Someone needs to complain that it's false advertising to allow for people to "bid" towards options that they'll ultimately delete if they win.

The threads must flow.
Nah man.
I used to hang out at a cafe where girls dressed as Shinsengumi guys.

I was usually the only guy in the cafe though.
It was funny, many of the other customers tended to be girls who worked at the nearby maid cafes.
>real girls
Firstly, this isn't happening. Secondly, if it was it'd be a good thing.

He's not delusional. I don't think he really believes it, either. He's just grasping at straws to win an internet argument.
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No you degenerate, go get yourself off elsewhere.
There were tons of other women at SGDQ dude, I think you're a little crazy here.
If I was an ugly female speedrunner I'd be afraid to go to GDQ and have people think I was a tranny
>panty lines
Nice, but this is the one I was thinking of
>Not wanting to see things though to the end
were you pushed out because of them?
ann is the worst p5fu
Typical plebbit
How many real women ran games this year compared to previous years? Not counting trannies and proto's 5 runs from last year.
Super Panga World run was entertaining. Should be at least good to great tier.
Please! I need my despair, I'm begging you!
Is SpikeVegeta super popular? I don't know much about the dude because I haven't followed the scene that closely. Maybe hes a cool guy but his voice is unbearable.
doubt that
realistically it'd be
"if i were an ugly tranny speedrunner i'd be afraid to go to GDQ" but SJWs encourage uglies to be flamboyant
Sounds like fun. You enjoyed Japan the way it should be: really fucking weird.
Dunno if the average run of 8 is shorter than 7 but the schedule has a 9 hour gap from the start and finish. FF8 is 4 disks, I'm guessing it's just cinematics that pushed it to 4 though and not game length.
He's an oldboi. Doesn't really speedrun much anymore.
Buy a Dreamcast
Get pizza

People latched on to him in the early GDQs because they thought he was funny(???) and they actually liked his voice(???). All the games he runs are the worst shit though. I think he finally gave up on Rayman at least.
Semi, he actually fucking hates GDQ though, if you watch him on twitch he always has to pause and pick the right words whenever anyone asks him about it.
>Surprise entry
Wait, so Earthbound is not actually closing the event? That's wonderful news.
There was an ff8 run a few years ago at a GDQ that was 12 hours.
Remember to get the model that lets you play burned games.
nice roll. Have fun
He's charismatic.
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Sounds like a fun night
are you ready for a 24+ hour relay run of FFVII remastered?
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No Anon, find your despair somewhere else. Good luck, I know you can do it~
Akechi could've been a good antagonist/rival/husbando/etc. if they didn't goddamn hamfist his story, it was so disgustingly obvious.
Wh-what do I have to do? I need this so badly, I'm going mad!
Yeah, when it comes out in 2025
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"I don't like this guy because I bet he does X"

nice I like it
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This run is boring as fuck why is this the last run? Undertale was ten times better last year fuck this game and their gay fanbase.
no he was an awkward fuck and I was just describing his style of humor in terms easy to understand

nice try though

nice I like it
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tf admin.jpg
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>Smash Fortress is one of the only fun things left in TF2 other than *the whole game
Fixed that for you
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