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SGDQ 2017

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 592
Thread images: 172

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Now: Earthbound
Next: Depression
Later: Suicide
ESA trannies will be prettier because yuros have fashion, r-right?
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>5 hour estimate
>"RNG manipulation"
>earthbound finisher

Why is it always one of these games?
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The only thing I wrote during the entire event was just now
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So where are you guys going after this?
I'm going back to /vg/ threads
Why are there so many braindead autists watching?
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Cartwheel anon, slather me up with those webms!
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is that Mirrored on the right?

holy shit, has /OUR GUY/ made his triumphant return???
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I'm off to bed. Just wanted to let you know that I had a great time shitposting with you guys. I love you all. Bye-bye.
This exhibition sucks, the older one was better.

This guy is so boring, I don't think I can live 4 hours of his monotonous voice.
Anyone else?
ESA has trannies? Is nowhere safe?
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>run hasn't even started yet and they're choking
vg kinda sounds like vagina haha
honestly I'm surprised I wasn't banned for logging in and saying nothing
imagine if they actually had a finale that was a good game
Doing my annual rewatch of Bobobo
Anon. We've come so far. We're at the end. Please, don't leave me now. Please.
I need you.
Bye anon. I'll miss you
I still remember his voice and its not even close
Chibi in the house?
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Is Earthbound the Dark Souls of Undertale ripoffs?
I'm asexual.
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All right guys. Webm making pissant here. Are there any webms you saw but didn't get a chance to save? Now's a good time to describe them and I'll try to find it.
they're doing glitch exhibition first you autist. the real run is """"glitchless""""
This year was fucking trash I'm glad it's over.
>uses glitches

needs a "futagay" option desu
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goodbye friends

I dunno. I don't even play video games.
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>when there is a run you're actually looking forward to
There's no RNG manipulation if they are giving NPCs names of random length.
There's a disturbing amount of hermaphrodites on /v/...
fuck that sounds like fun, been forever since i've seen that show
Straight, white, cis male, born and raised in America.
Reminder to manipulate your RNG today
i'll keep lurking on other boards
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>Next: Depression
You have a long wait. Earthbound is RNG as fuck, and this is already looking like it'll go over estimate by about 2 hrs.
Admit it, sgdq 2017 sucked. Agdq sucked too. The flame is fading.
I love you too, anon.
fucking memes
You got one of any of the Trannies hanging themselves?
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are you fucking serious
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kill me
oh for fuck's sake
xD san
>no "i'm straight but I like traps" option
I know why they weren't running time dumb dumb
I was asking why twitch chat were retards
I'll read some manga, and I'll wait for the EVO threads
>that lone clap
>name is Sans
We did iiiiiit ;|
Undertale clones have been pretty popular lately.
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>ness is sans


They're starting the actual glitchless run now.
Undertale was a mistake
>Now: Earthbound
>Next: Depression
>Later: Gender Reassignment Surgery
god I'm gonna fucking kill myself
how is it not hella jeff? it was ahead by like 3k
but its just a theory
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Edobeaner has taste
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Sounds like my kinda tradition
I really wish everyone who liked Undertale would just explode
Fuck this gay earth.
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Do you think Edobean cries over the fact she'll never be Asian?
Well that was disappointing, worst choice of the three
and it gets worse.
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>finish getting food
>come back and hear edobean's voice
I really wanted to stick it out for the whole finale. I really did. But this is gonna be hard. Edobean's fucking voice has the same effect on me as two styrofoam containers rubbing against each other.

No, sir, I don't like it.
At least the favorite food is anime.
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>Jeff is not Hella
>Morty won
Fucks sake
>morty wins

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what the fuck happened to Hella Jeff
fuck you

mmm animeme
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Last run. Be happy that we got to see games for charity.
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It never gets old
What the fuck is this image based on?
>RNG won
Time to fucking end my life
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dude aNIME
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Please stick around Yuffie anon.
does this person have a voice effect on?

they sound like a chipmunk
That's the most popular request I get but unfortunately I wasn't recording ~5 years from now. Sorry.
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It had some good runs, but yeah pretty much
Still one of the few things I have to look forward to every year
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Same here. I'll probably see some of you in the EVO threads. Stay fresh, my niggas.
Fuck off back to /pol/
>more viewers than ever
>more donations than ever
Love wins.
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West midlands bros if you're still here email me

[email protected]
this is probably the only pepe/wojak shit I'll ever crack a smile at
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>calling a hyphen an apostrophe
>not BEPIS
fuck it
>not bepis
>not hella

Reddit won.
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>all of these autists in this thread
You guys really are pathetic
Is Anime a normalfag thing now? Literally I fucking despise ironic weebs
>leaving when the thread is finally settling down
Bitch. Good night.
I love to eat anime xD
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what's the joke with jeff being names Hella???
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post bepis
should have donated

Jesus fucking christ
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pls stay yuffie anon
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Never said I wasn't going to try.
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is Earthbound worth watching or can I go to sleep?

Yeah, but at least we accept the fact that we're guys.
The game is enough of an Undertale ripoff as is.
I just loaded the stream, what main character names won?
>no bepis
>no hella jeff
fuck this
Gaming is dying. Even Steam sales are unfun now.
You don't want to know. Homestuck
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I don't fucking believe it! They kept telling me my run was up next and now they're doing the last fucking run and I never got to play my game!!!
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It's almost over
My god the announcers voice is annoying. Who let her have the mic?
The same way Hella lost despite leading all the way.
GDQ staff vetoed it.
she isn't asian?
sleep tight fluffer
Unff I want Edobae to sit on my face
>more donations than ever

But anon, they broke 2 mil in previous years
So wait why did so many people get triggered over a few transgender people?
"anonymous donations"

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You better be around for ESA.
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It's always been decently normalfag with shit like Pokemon and Dragon Ball, but it's a lot more normalfag nowadays
>not knowing about Sweet Bro
Kill yourself
Dude I'm a leftist and I find this shit cringey.
sleep tight fluffer
This game looks a lot like Undertale.
It's impressive how painfully unfunny the name choices always are.
I just loaded the stream, what game is this?
wait is dat actually Edobean? She's perfect omg, the voice and the looks. I'm going to jizz on this photo and send it to her to see if she'll marry me.
why don`t you watch it until you sleep?
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>ness is sans

Got to love the salt of neo-/v/
wow fucking newfag
Sure is summer around here
every character is called "my name jeff"
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>almost five hour-long turn-based rpg
>edobese on the mic

A fitting end to the worst gdq so far. I'm going to bed
This runner is a qt
Pardon me?
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>Sans and Morty
I wasn't gonna watch the run anyways, but goddamn if this isn't a recipe for disaster
Gimme all your cute girl (female) webms from this event.
>no luck manipulation
what a shame. LET'S PLAY
sleep tight flutters
I hope you guys know that the Sans naming is making fun of MatPat.
Japanese Undertale ripoff.
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Shut up.
thanks to ironic weebs and reddit normalfags.
Looks like my first lay.
I'm gonna go fuck my girlfriend (female) and go to sleep
reminder that a speedrun is a speedrun no longer how long it is, adding your "quotations mark" won't declassify it as speedrun
>"but its a a paced lets play!"
hes playing a 30 hour game in a span of 4 hours, is a speedrun
Are you trans? Didn't think so. Back into your dumpster, CIS mongrel.
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So what were the must-watch runs this year, /v/? I can only think of these 3:
>Pokemon HG/SS for the train wreck
>Ninja Gaiden (Master System)
>A Link to the Past for actually being fun
It has been for several years. Oh and it will continue to get far worse leading up to and during the Tokyo Olympcs. Enjoy~
sleep tight fluffer
btw if anyone missed the "WOOOO-"

https://clips.twitch tv ClearInterestingApeDBstyle
I missed BoTW, how was it?
shoould be called games done quack because theyre ducking crazy
>favorite food
im such a weeb xd
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>wait is dat actually Edobean?
No, and you're stupid.
No, go to bed and have a good night. None of the fun names won and runner is boring as hell.

Unless he chokes super hard it's going to go out with hardly a fizzle.
how hard was /v/ lusting after orcastraws dick?

I was at work all day
Did the BOTW run happen?
virus do not click
Because they're equally reactionary as SJWs

I think rational people just wanted them to shut the fuck up about it
Webm guy you are the best.
Did you get any footage of that woman dancing/hopping around between runs?
I would donate some of the free twitch bits I got if they didn't ban my main account a few years ago.
>love wins
1. protomeme tries to get everyone banned (being ugly doesn't help)
2. orcastraw bypassed the community who all agreed to not run BOTW at the event this year (not attempting to transition doesn't help at all--you can't just put on a dress and say you're trans)
3. that blondey gets ragged on for being a RULEBREAKER by PDA with ugly prototoad

Lemme see the tweets nibba
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>4 hours
sauce on 2nd?
twitter is still private
End your life.
how did you get banned?
>le horseshoe
Every fucking time with you redditors.
>>more laundering than ever
I think it's because it's increasingly obvious that you're run will get accepted of you're a tranny. It's uncanny how many tranny runners there are.
thnx, momma always said stupid is as stupid does. also anime is for fags. momma was a smart womyn
that's fucking hilarious
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Color me surprised
Remember bonus streams?
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tpyed 'fuck niggers' in chat
nice fat shaming
Us normal people,huh.
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>this commentary

this shit is not comfy at all. should have save FFVII for the finale
>banned from twitch
>uses twitch
All of these add up
>play gamu
I need a full length music box webm
>It's uncanny how many tranny runners there are.
how many exactly?
Yuffie is the best FF girl!
Like actual females? Sure.
Cute though? That's really a tall order. I'll just post all of the creepy shit and you can decide what's cute.

If I did it's probably been deleted now. I don't recall anything that fits that description but it's possible I was sleeping at the time.
She cant cry. too busy poyoing for donations.
Cartwheel loli you fag.
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When will TobyFox make a $10,000 donation?
I can smell the newfag from here. Do you not remember the right-wing moral panics over vidya in the 90s and 2000s?
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It's a cosplayer from my town, but I imagine its probably what Edobean wishes she was.
So, is she going to be talking this whole run? Don't they usually just read donations?
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>anime is for fags
But Yuffie is vidya.
Only if they let the ending play properly
its a speedrun anon, playing a game thats around 40 hours to beat in 4 hours
They were fun until 5 viewer streamers started fucking with everything and ruined it for everyone.
where can I watch the FF7 run?
fuck you nigger
If this happens I'll be so mad
>dog fight
When's ESA?
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When has that useless cunt ever donated anything?
I have, but only because I can afford hookers.
i thought she was the swarthy kind of asian
He's waiting for the 2mil last hit
open up your toilet lid and stick your face in
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>So where are you guys going after this?

I'm probably not going to wait for it to end since it's 4 FUCKING HOURS, but I have the following planned:

-Playing some Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone.

-Gonna try and watch either some Toonami Aftermath OR that new Castlevania Anime by netflix!! I'm really excited to see if it's good or not!!

-Maybe some Drawing? I've got a lot of pictures I need to finish for /tg/ , but it's been so hot I can't get any work done during the day.
>waaaah it's x hours long run of <a game i don't want to see>

just how fucking stupid are you? go put on a VOD instead of watching shit?

the only reason you'd want to watch this live is if you're an underaged twitchkid who loves memes (most of this general I'd reckon), since you lose absolutely nothing by only watching the VODs
starts july 22
lasts for a week or so

Worst person in thread detected.
He did for Undertale at AGDQ.
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>4 hours of THIS
>muh feel's
HOLY SHIT fuck off if you think im reading that
a GDQ whiteknight mod chatbanned me for saying something mild about a girl on stream, don't even remember anymore. Now I just shitpost on alts
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In like 2 weeks
Damn, it makes sense.

>trannies and faggots are okay though, please respect their pronouns, also no mentions of history.
fuck GDQ
There was also a cute girl sitting in the second row of the audience between two beardguys.
He donated 10k for the name "bepis" last year during Undertale. The name got removed.
slut literally doing that for the camera
you sound gay...
Please be comfy
I don't have a full length music box one. I'd have to reduce the quality significantly to get longer than this. Someone else posted a longer version

I deliberately did not make any webms of the children. Other people did. I wanted no part of it.
Would making an 'exceptional' build with a 1080 ti be a good idea?

seems like a good point to pick for me
>4 hour ""speedruns""
laughing at your life
sans undertale
How much shit did it stir? I'd have suspected there'd be a lot of BoTW submissions.
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Holy shit why does this guy keep saying "Doh-Goh". Does he not know that the fucking root word of it is "Dog"
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back to /co/ and /tv/ for me! see you fags for esa.
does gay sex count as losing your virginity?
in finnish pepsi sounds like "bepsi"
Instead of speedrun full of RNG manipulation we get speedy Let's play, because naming characters had to be incentive.
>*makes out with another man on live camera*
what u gonna do bout it, shitlord?
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What speed games will you play after this GDQ?
Just got this stuff today.
Fuck this, i'm watching /our guy/ vinesauce
Steam World Dig
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Xhe used amiibos and essentially cheated, died three times, then beat the entire boss gauntlet without dying. it was a confusing mishmash run that made both BOTW and the runner look stupid.
Probably endure depression.
I enjoy some runs. I enjoy the chat
I enjoy /v/ shitposting I enjoy Edo
Kinda sucks when it all just ends
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Not thick enough get this out of my face
He'll donate next time after he gets the full amount from the Undertale hard copies.
enjoy Plok anon, lots of fun
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Why is the thread so active, this is Earthbound, the most boring speedrun
Who told you I'm watching this run?

Fucking debil.
my feminine penis sensors are tingling
There was an agreement between its runners to hold back and submit an optimized run for the next AGDQ, but he still submitted one at the last moment.
Stop posting this pairing
Looking forward to it. Take care.
we won't miss you you stupid faggot
Hello /u/ anon
Castlevania Is good as fuck
Don't buy a GPU right now.
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/v/ really is 14 year old edgelords isn't it
my le childhood
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If there's gonna be good games, then the chances are pretty good.

Yuffie is best everything girl.

In all seriousness I'm really thankful for you guys because gondola is my all-time favorite meme.
posting a thumbnail of this dumb arab cow wow
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>>Undertale cancer in Earthbound
Is that a witch!
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this is my favorite sgdq2017 webm
pretty sure that red head is trans
Yo is that chibi siting to the right of the couch?
>the estimate is an hour above WR time
>auto cancer babby mode

oh god damn it
>Castlevania Anime
Its pretty good man I enjoyed it, definitely worth a watch. There are some problems but I think it has potential if they continue it.
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Chibi needs a place to stay guys
Amiibos are used in the current world record, as well as in the majority of the leaderboard submissions.
fucking bitcoin niggers
>tfw bought big box earthbound brand new at Best Buy for $10
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That's the white beard guy's wife. I didn't make any webms of her because the quality wasn't very good and she was heavily obscured. She did look like she's been taking better care of her hair. Maybe we'll see more of them at AGDQ.

For anyone who doesn't know this is the "victim" of the seat sniffer from last AGDQ. There's more of her on the second and third days.
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gb2 high school
continue grinding tempest trial

have some more fun on my junkrat only account

maybe to sleep but probably not
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The games are more interesting at least

Fuck that one though, played it and hit a gamebreaking bug not even an hour in
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How are the anonymous donations of 1k money laundering?
I'm going back to /vg/ as well. I'll probably play some Stellaris or BotW. Maybe watch anime but I don't know what to watch.
How do you fuck up a date on your plane flight?
Thats retarded. Essentially lets them pay2win in the speedrun submission. might as well enable noclip in steam source games.
I just want a physical copy of the guide, I don't care for the cart
>my idea of femininity is anime girls doing exaggerated movements

He can stay in my car
Your yuffis have been a good distraction form all the shit posting
No RNG manipulation.
This really is a lets play.
feel sorry that u need that kind of validation from total strangers
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which dan are you anon?
fuckin' my summer car race makes the entire event
That fucking bounce
They can't even make bras strong enough to contain those
I'm sure people who actually run the game will value your input.
>129.99 dollaridoos, plus mandatory U.S. tip
well that's expensive but not too bad actua-
>seems to be the box only
what the fuck man
have any meme dragon yuri pics?

I was on the lookout for him but I didn't see him. I wanted to make a joke about him being in a ghillie suit, crawling under the chairs placing tactical coke bottles but I never got the chance.
He sniffed the seat? I thought he was doing something else. Been awhile since I looked at it
What is the ideal marathon-closing game?
dirty dan
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Good luck anon. If you start now you should have time to get in a practice run before AGDQ2018.
Is that patty in the couch again?
The event's pretty much over at this point, I hope someone puts up a tier list of good/bad runs soon
Yes, I value the opinion of people who think that diversity and "inclusion" are more important than hiring talented people.
I always liked the Super Metroid Race or Mario 64 100% as a finale.
Im dirty dan!
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/co/ To post my shitty webcomics!

Here, you guys can have one on the house
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Beard-stroking guy smells as bad as you all would think.
>tfw had an Earthbound cart and my sister lost it
Why's the estimate for this so long? Apparently it's an hour over the world record by the guy playing which is 3:47
a 10-15 hour RPG run. duh.
Have you seen chibi on stream yet? Do you have any webm's of him?
Wonder how many times they'll die just driving to the shop
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>wake up
>boring run
>spammers spam yuri
Continue playing FFXIV
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I have a history with this game, so it means a lot to me. I really want to buy a physical copy but I'm aware that it will probably be impossible to buy an original for a reasonable price, should I just opt for a repro?
Please fix the text.
No. I cut the video last AGDQ at the proper moment to sell the story. Someone else brought up the idea and I rolled with it. Credits to him for coming up with it.
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Not him. But here.
is this the new from homura subaru?
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>irl animeposting
Gone Home :)
Yes. It's retarded and will cause a huge amount of issues for anyone wanting to submit an all dungeons run or other longer category for AGDQ. Most runners use amiiboo spoofers to get around having to buy expensive amiibos, but SDA has a strict rule requiring legitimate hardware only.
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can someone post the tier list of runs
I can't, The art program's anti analysing sucks :(
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airing out the fat rolls.webm
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There are, she's just too whorish to wear one b/c muh sausage fest attention.

I can't help smiling with him. : D
I saw Chibi on stream once, but he wasn't doing anything other than sitting with awful posture. After an ad he was gone so there wasn't any opportunity for a webm. There are still pictures of him though.
Because lack of RNG manipulation due to donation incentive to name characters

Owning a physical copy of Earthbound can be fun if you get the cart of someone who cared about it.

When I bought mine I got some idiot's save file where they hadn't even gotten far enough in to input their real name.
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Earthbound honestly does hold up the most when it comes to pop culture references and atmosphere.
i'm surprised that i wasn't banned for spoiling a game ending
Nope, Falexxx1. I actually hadn't noticed the similarities until you mentioned it. He's good, he runs Lufia II and Legend of Mana as well, you should give him a watch.

Waifuposting is a nice distraction, yes. But it's always a pleasure to know that others appreciate Yuffie the way I do.
even if old
How was the Mario Race and Majula's Mark?
>Undertale tries to copy Earthbound's humor
>fails horribly because of pure faggotry
>neo-internet doesn't care because they're too retarded to know better
please kill everything
Just get a crack of photoshop, nigga.
So what is it about this game that people like so much. Genuinely curious.
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he already found where to stay
Isn't that him sitting on the right side of the couch?
work harder in the future so that your comics arent phsyically painful to look at
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holy shit is that chibi on stream
one (1) guy
But the Music!!
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Who else permabanned from SGDQ chat?
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This is it, ain't it bros.....
Did you design the new Splatoon girls?

No, but I can name some of my favorites:

Super Mario 64

Sonic runs were pretty decent too, and Freedom Planet had great commentary by a fast-talking british gentleman.
>Mega milk
That's a heavy misuse of that shirt.
get one of those SD card reader carts and call it a day
before giving in to the collecting meme set yourself a top price you're willing to pay for a game, buy everything you find interesting under that price and toss the rest in that SD
>neo-internet doesn't care because they're too retarded to know better
Earthbound is overrated as fuck, if anything autistic earthboundfags got triggered by the retardation of underfags
Right now? Can't really tell but judging from the hair I'd say no.
You did remember to feed your lolis before the final run, right?
>"Alright man you can stay with me but DON'T tell anybody it was me who helped you."
>He does this.
Great music, plot is really out there when they decide to get into it. Quirky humor that is done in earnest for a change.
my old dog fucked up my cart, I miss him but that pissed me off big time. It was around the time EB was starting to become a cult too
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You are not an anime, stop laughing like one
I hope he survives
>typical /v/ users.webm
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Stay here and play vidya until EVO and ESA.
>the only "merchandise" they had for people were shitty twitch shirts
This year felt awful in terms of structure and scheduling.
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>fat dyke with a mega milk shirt
she fucking RUINED IT
she could be cute
someone tell her to lose 48 pounds by cutting 500 calories every day for a year
Are you the femanon sitting diagonally behind him?
everything but the gameplay
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How long did it take you to get your Sword of Kings, anons? In my first run it took 6 hours.
I'll try.
Shit, you found out.
Maybe I should.
It's humorous and has charming characters. It also hits you with unexpected feels. But I've never played it so who really knows?
Have been for 3 years
>comfy music
>pleasant, confident, consistent talk
>good announcer (edobese is fine stfu)
Good finisher. Will fall asleep to.
freedom planet, link to the past, ratchet and sonic were all pretty good
ok, where the SPEED?
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I feed my lolis every night.
I was until I appealed it
Was he actually on the couch or were people just too scared to move him off?
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I don't even know what to do after this.
Sleep I guess? feels bad man
I have an Earthbound cart that I've never touched. The VC version seems better due to more save options.
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>fat girl
>small tits
>10 year old meme

>autists still find her attractive enough to save a webm of her

Playing female really is the easiest mode
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She is looking to SMASH
>I'll try.
dont forget to make them not suck too
I never liked Earthbound that much to be honest, but I always understood how others found it interesting.
I never understood the whole Undertale craze, though.
Pretty much every reference is from something super iconic, which is why they probably never fell out as time went by.
Using groups like The Beatles and samples from things like Monty Python pretty much guaranteed it would age pretty well, unlike things like Gex.
>all those carbs

That's gonna be a fat loli
I really don't remember. But it dropped right when I was ready to give up.
Thats a qt right there, my lads
Back them it was a very odd game that took a unusual approach on RPGs, the setting, the jokes, the characters, the combat system
I wonder how many drank her mega milk this gdq
are there any runs worth watching this year that i can watch instead of sitting for 4 hours on this run?
What a shit game to end on.
I wasted 8 hours and never got it. Didn't have a need for it after that,
She is OUTTA there.

Interesting settings that become progressively weirder throughout, open-area world design, a variety of interesting items and moves, compelling NPC dialogue and scenarios, slightly novel battle mechanics. It's also a really fucking long game so if you actually enjoy it there's a lot there for you.
Well my fans believe I'm a pretty funny guy, so that shouldn't be to hard I hope.
I make sure she gets a good workout, too. ;)
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>Shit happening in my life so I missed almost every run
>It's almost over
God damnit.
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I imagine it must be a nice feeling.
Growing up I tried my damnedest to find a copy at garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets.
My luck was terrible, but I managed to score a SNES for $10 is stellar condition.
I've only ever ran into seemingly legit copies at game specialty stores and as time goes on I've seen prices go from $100 to $200, and the most recent copy I remember going for $300.
I'd love to have an OG copy, but I've lost hope without having to pay up the ass.
2 hours for me but i was listening to stuff so it wasnt so bad overall
Is that a woman wearing a fedora? M'lord?
>Favorite game
>Hold WR
>Know the game by heart
>Have to play really unoptimally because of a shitty meme of a terrible game
True suffering.
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delet this pls
Are you guys really so socially unaware that you think covering your mouth when laughing is an "anime thing"? Jesus.
lttp has been the best
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Say what you want about Earthbound as an RPG, and whether or not it holds up, but it still has really great music and atmosphere. I always enjoyed the ambient sounds.
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kill yourself

That dude with the blue hair is disgusting
How many guys do you think she was passed around to that night?
Haha, my man.
I remember when carts used to be like 30 bucks.

I still somewhat regret selling my EB cart.
Sup Proto.
Loli olev volleyball
I thought you meant they were doing a Depression Quest speedrun.
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Why is Homura kissing her eyeball? Is this pleasant for either party?
>Favorite game
>Hold WR
>Know the game by heart
>Have to deal with all of the Undertalefags that latched onto the series
>Made even worse by GAME THEORY
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No pls
>Stomach larger than tits
>Extreme knee valgus from being too weak for how fast you are

Good she just smell putrid
I would literally rather have had Yetee as the main character's name rather than this Sans shit.
Same here, probably gonna play some tf2 till I pass out. I really am gonna miss these threads though.

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Almost didn't catch this girl barely trip over her own feet.
...Looks like him!
am i the only one seeing chibi sitting on the floor
>come for the bantz
>can't take 12 seconds of someone being completely nice on stream

cosmic irony at it's enduring finest
I fed niisan because he can't feed himself, much less a loli.
The amount of autism in that webm is palpable.
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Gosh, everyone looks kind of uncomfortable.
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Sorry, but I like paying lots of money plastic that wastes space on my shelf.
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Get a good sleep.
The settings and atmosphere were really well done. Even when you arrive at Twoson and Fourside, you knew something was offputting despite it looking like a normal location. It was really well done for its time
More than there are actual female runners.
>first guy brought in to a hug
>second guy giddy for it
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That's nothing
>Listen to official guide about gusty bat dropping from kraken in magicent
>It was a total fucking lie
>Learned this years later
>Hours later
>DAYS later
sleep tight fluffer
I'll continue the girl dump in the next thread. Then after that the collection of people doing stupid shit.
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/u/ anon will never say something
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that doesn't answer my question
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Why are women so beautiful? Why must I love them so much? Why do thy all despise me?
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world's coziest man.webm
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for me, it took about half an hour

Twoson isn't exactly offputting, but it has a nice podunk kind of vibe to it. Fourside just had your traditional big city thing going for it.

Threed was something else though.
well mang, if that makes you happy go for it
>by cutting 500 calories
You're massively underestimating the amount that girl eats.
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Don't harass the /u/ posters, Ace. He's just doing his thing.
Y-Yes anon.
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Cloud Live Insect.png
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Just go gay. Don't be a faggot, anon.
How do you track down thtis shit
You can get it for like $150. That's less than what the game cost in 1995 when you account for inflation.
Gyaru looking ass
I think i would just drop the run if i was the runner and go home. Fuck handling all this cringe.
Jedi outcast for hight energy runner and sanic speed
New bread?
you're overestimating for a woman as a man
Damn, Elijah Wood is a midget.
sleep tight fluffer
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>that matpat donation
What a fucking tool.
First time was like regular run through that dungeon. Didn't even know it was a special drop
A $1,000 :)



... And another one :))
>all those donations trying to be funny
lol all these shitters before saying they weren't going to get to 2mil.. IT'S GETTIN THERE
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king cat.png
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>MatPat donating
Fuck off
>exactly $1000
shout outs to the tech crew
That's literally how she makes her living.

She's a gyaru black prostitute in Japan.
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>I need to grab some tissue in preparation for the ending
Um, how did this get read?
Who is this Barbie girl and why she carries a mini doggo around?
Too bad Puncay didn't get a haircut
I hate this runner enough that hearing edobean is somehow less painful.
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me too, anon
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I'm not attracted to guys, I've tried and my dick just sunk up inside of me.
The ending is sad. Normies use tissues when they cry.
This week went by fast,
6 this year, and some of them made couch returns/played a second game.
Her legs are not enormous... Makes ya think.
I use tissues to collect my semen and snot.
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Emotional support dog or its her dinner I don't know
>using tissues on your eyes
Had to make sure his immortality was still safely secured forever.

Couldn't resist showing off the size and worth of his e-peen.
Looks a lot like my collection. Never could find Secret of Evermore in stores.
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That's a nice variety of games. I like them all.
Does this mean that crying and being awake are not the same thing to normies?
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>every good game on the snes and also jurassic park
Hell if I know.
That's bullshit, I totally fap to the symbolic winding map that repesents a baby's umbilical cord, mother's uterus, and the abortion that is giygas

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How did it come to this.jpg
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It's gonna be okay, anon. /v/ is here for you.
We need a new fucking thread!!!!
I forgot to include my copy of MegaMan X and I feel bad now.
Yeah, looking online it isn't too bad, but I get paranoid about picking up a dake copy for too much.
I'm also debating on getting the Uncut repro for the uncensored content.
semen is mostly mucus anyway
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How is ESA compared to GDQ? This is the first I've watched any of this.
Agreed. I've got webms to dump.
I'm going to need you to stop posting cartwheel girl videos please.
I guess I could do it ff no one else will in a bit.

Worse accents. Less clapping. Same autism.
Hey, /vr/.
What did MatPat say in his donation?
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>mfw I got a perma ban from chat for saying there are only 2 genders
Annoucer girl bad
>tfw lost my lttp box
cut my life into pieces
4chan boards are not ask active, the show is generally of lower quality.
@0:09, so cute.
Damn nigga, this is your first gdq? Watch the 2013 AGDQ and SGDQ playlists on /v/
2014 too

They're as comfy as these kinds of events get
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still remember the day i saved up enough allowance and bought it from TRU like fuckin...20 years ago. jesus. i'm such an oldfag. sorry for the blog post.
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>yfw theres pony and female gigyas porn
>Donate $1,001
>"Ness is not Sans."
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>mfw I won't be so comfy in my sleep anymore after this run.
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thanks anon
what can i say, anon. i was really into dinosaurs as a kid and i still enjoy the game for nostalgia primarily and for being a serviceable contra clone secondarily
I put all my birthday money together and bought Earthbound from an Electronics Boutique in 1995. Zero regrets.
Last ESA was cool, the Lands of Lore run is hilarious. The after show was great as well which is super comfy, better then gdq I could say.
What is a 40 year old still doing on 4chan?
I'm not that damn old yet. You'll be in your early 30s someday, too.
What the fuck is wrong with these kids.
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