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Monster Hunter XX Switch Stream in 4 hours.

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Thread replies: 520
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Will Capcom announce a localization?
I hope not. give us a fucking new one
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You are getting a new one. Didn't you see the other stream earlier this morning?
>Will Capcom announce a localization?
On a Japanese stream, right after Worlds announcement? Are you an idiot?
I hope they release the demo soon.
Why would they announce a localization in a Japanese stream?
For Switch?
on a Japanese stream?
also in 5 hours will be Dragon Quest XI Direct

Lol who gives a fuck about casualized baby anime monsters hunter now that we have a proper realistic hd monhun without cheap supermoves bullshit?
I was talking about World
>Will Capcom announce a localization?
Do you honestly really think they'll announce a localization on a japanese stream?
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This is a Switch thread tho
The difference is that actually requires skill to pull off where as arts are just press button to win.
A new one is at minimum a year off. Hopefully there is at least a portable line, but if World fails I'm fearing that Capcom collapses because of losing their only cash cow, and the entire series just dies. It's pretty obvious Capcom understands they can't neglect the Switch, or they would have never announced a port of XX for it in the first place.
>charge and run off a slope

hammer arts require you to down or stun a monster if you want to use it to full effectiveness, you don't even have to down a mon to use this. this looks more like an aerial super pound from one of the styles
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If that was all it took to stop shitposting by the Sonyfags things would be a lot more peaceful.
They have no plans to release XX in the West on either 3DS or Switch. Period. Import or live with Generations.
Generations would still be on 3DS, which is ass.
That's just areal style + jumping on a ledge.
they said no arts but some stuff was internalized it seems

I really hope the IG kept some Aerial style stuff, like the aerial pole vault and the modified aerial attacks
You can also press a single button to leave this thread instead of baiting, you should try.
There aren't any dumb aerial or adept style bullshit in world, only guild which requires effort.
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I just want an MH game on Switch so I can be comfy in bed
This is a Monster Hunter thread. Take your consolewar bullshit elsewhere.
>you don't even have to down a mon to use this.

Maybe because the monster was getting beaten to death by 3 other players?

Since when playing MH with 4 players require skill? The monster literally targets you 25% of the time instead of 100%.
>MH limited edition N3ds

Good lad. I would've gotten that one but they sold out, got the Majora's Mask one instead.
>Monster Hunter Switch Stream

learn to read bro
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>Tfw it got scratched up a bit
I'm still sad about it.
Same, I'll play world next year but I still want to do some comfy grindan in bed
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>"consolewar bullshit"
>replying to the guy being calm instead of the shitposter
The only way I'll buy World is if they don't gimp the PC version. Capcom says that the PC version is delayed for some reason, so we have to wait even longer. At the very least, Rainway has announced that Nintendo approved their app, so if World doesn't suck ass, I'll probably stream MHW to my Switch.
imo they wouldn't change an integral part of the IG. I dont think it will be changed much, interesting to see how they handle insect movement and aiming
pretty sure its coming on console first to gain more sales
it's not so much integral and more "why is Aerial IG pretty much just a better version of the normal one"

most aerial styles lost some critical moves to compensate for the aerialness but IG only lost like 1 attack.

their aerial pole vault is a billion times better than the normal one due to its speed and distance, and the aerial attack normally is the normal red boosted version, while the red boosted aerial attack is a kick ass somersault
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Yeah, mine got chipped BY a protective hard cover. Sigh.
I dont think its your case,
i think its known that the N3DSXLs chip often
Well, it's been fine for a while now at least. It just had chips once I took my hard case off, but it never had them before.
Probably. Just not at the moment.
rainway kind of looking like bloatware with little customization, but hey if it works
You're getting one with World :^3
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Fuck Crapcom, I wanted XX localized so bad they blew it. I was also gonna buy World on PC but I am gonna pirate it unless XX is also localized.

Fuck Crapcom, I hope World bombs.
I don't know if I want to pick up the game, X was the first game that I've played that didn't have G rank because they kept telling me "There won't be a G version because it's a spinoff", yet here it is. I skipped Tri and we never got 4(and I was on the verge of importing it too), how do people put up with having to spends hours grinding through a game they already played before just to get to G rank?
Really? I haven't done too much research into it. It is free, so how does bloat play into it?
Are those real joy cons? I want those.
This looks like absolute shit. Fucking inexcusable.
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>Switch, 3DS, and PC master race
and people cried of X/XX having arts
That looks horrible. It looks more busted than some of the arts in XX, ffs.
I'm not too sad about it, i pirated fan-translated XX anyways
mine is very scratched, the back side is losing all of it
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>tfw pc is garbage
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Oh boy, here we go again. Fuck off with your consolewar shit, this thread is about XX on Switch. Have a (you) while you're at it.
Yeah, the One S is mainly for 4k bluray and RDR2.

Gonna upgrade RAM this year. Not sure what to do about GPU. I think I'm good with 1440p for a while.
If you have a bluray drive, all you need to play blurays on PC is a free program called "Leawo Blu-ray Player". It works well and it doesn't have ads or anything.
Hey /mhg/ bro ;)
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>you have to posts specs and proof you own consoles so people dont reply to you dumb console war shit when talking about a game or criticizing it in any way now

what has /v/ become
I hear Generations is decent so XX will be an improvement. I really hope it gets localized. I want Nintenbros to enjoy Monster Hunter too and stop shitposting. And if they can't, there's always the PC version. Everyone should have a decent PC now.
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I'm very tired

/spg/ - Shitposting General
Well, if you own a Switch already, I recommend you not buy any other consoles and just upgrade your PC. DDR3 isn't bad but I'm not sure you can buy it anymore, so if you plan on upgrading RAM, you're going to have to switch to 16 gigs of DDR4. If your mobo is compatible, I recommend you either go in for one of the new AMD cards or just buy a 1070 for cheap. Your processor is pretty bad though, so you should probably hurry and upgrade that to at least an i5.
I built this PC few years ago without an optical drive and can't say that I've ever felt the need for it.
Honestly, I don't understand the claims of "easy mode" when it comes to arts and styles. Arts can be cheap, but Styles can be easily balanced. I think the main problem comes down to guide style just not having enough of an obvious advantage over the others. Brave is very powerful for some weapons, but the charging mechanic and lack of skills without a charged gauge are clear drawbacks. Guide is like a mediocre "jack of all trades" that needs to have something going for it, like having CB in guide style being 4U tier or something.
I built my PC in 2012.
The only consoles I actually paid for were the 3DS' and Switch. The PS4 was a gift from my dad so we could play Destiny, and I won the Xbone in a raffle.
Thanks for the advice though, anon.
Well, if you didn't already own the One S, a bluray drive would only cost about 30 bucks compared to the price of a whole console.
IIRC Monster Hunter World will run smoothly in garbage PCs because it was coded in black magic (MT Framework engine).
No problems. And it looks like you got pretty lucky with getting a PS4 and Xbone. If you do plan on upgrading your PC at some point, I'd start with the processor or mobo. Mobos are for futureproofing.
Meh, I also bought some games like FH3(loving it), Final Faggotry 15(JUST), sunset overdrive(pretty good), RDR(missed out on this last gen) and some more.

Might trade it in for a One X to experience RDR2 on it.
Don't forget about getting a decent Power Supply too.

On topic, what are the chances of them announcing multiple languages and ability to transfer save from Generations to XX?

Well if you still need to pay more than 100 bucks after trading in, I wouldn't recommend it. I still don't get why Rockstar refuses to port so many of their games to PC.
>and ability to transfer save from Generations to XX?
might be painful, considering "exclusive" DLC gear
On the stream today, probably almost zero. I'm hoping they at least hint or casually drop info about localization being in the works or being done by Nintendo though.
Honestly I really don't think that they would announce a localization on a Japanese stream.

Fucking hell, more than half the game is already localized and fans already localized parts of XX.

I'd even be content with a digital only release even though I prefer physical. Fuck you Niggercom.
>They have no plans to release XX in the West
They even came out and said this isn't completely true. They have nothing to announce yet, and i doubt that will change with this stream, seeing as it's in Japanese.
I bet Nintendo would be willing to do it for them if they asked.
So they can get people to double dip and to squeeze every last sale out of people not patient enough to wait for a PC port.
>>Fucking hell, more than half the game is already localized and fans already localized parts of XX.
At this point it's just laziness. I really fucking doubt XX would hurt World. World is the one that requires far more translating anyway, considering voice acting is now a thing.

MHXX+Stories bundle for Switch when?

I don't want to start consolewar bullshit but I wonder if a certain company had something to do with it.
but don't you wanna get Stories, guys?
And including the budget and putting on 3 different platforms they may want to try and get as much as they can out of Worlds to cover costs
Doubt it. Its probably just about money.
This, it's total horseshit that they're not localizing XX and I would have enjoyed both it and World a lot. Now I don't want to give these fuckers any money unless I know I have people to play World with on PC, and even then I'd like to pirate it if there's a server connection workaround. I'd even go out of my way to buy it on one of those key reselling sites if I knew my payment information was secure.
I still think the rumor was right about that part. Why else would the Japanese version not be on PC?
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Fucking Atari!
Worlds not coming to the Switch? Definitely, it was part of the leak.
XX not coming to he West? Nah, it's just Capcom thinking they can smell the money with Worlds, and being too lazy to do two things at once.
Agreed. The announcement of Worlds and zero news on XX much less a Switch version of Worlds put me off from Capcom for the forseeable future. It doesn't help that they just killed MvC as well and STILL haven't ported RE7 to Switch, despite saying they could.
Because the average nip doesn't buy games for Xbone or PC?
yes please
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Honestly I really doubt that localizing XX would cost them that much money, considering most of it is already translated. They're just being lazy as fuck.

I don't know why, considering I'm an idort, but no news of XX being localized and the whole "no plans" thing made it so I'm more turned off for World honestly.
Also find it kinda funny out of the two games they bothered onto the Switch they only released SFII which wasn't a smart move seeing as fighters aren't as hot as they used to be, skipped out on Megaman with Nintendo, and ignored the west with MHXX which they know fans have been looking forward to and would have sold better than SF2.
They won't localize it because Capcom is focusing on us real gamers with PS4/PC with Monster Hunter in the west now.

Buy a real console and you can play the best MonHun ever as well. No more children's toys.
I was turned off it at first, but I've warmed to it now. If/when XX comes to the west on Switch, I'll get that too.
PC has actually been gaining steam in Japan for a while.
The reason Sony is blocking it there is because they can with no other competition to say otherwise.
Sony hasn't been blocking western PC releases because they've been focusing on pushing Microsoft out first. Once they gain a large enough edge over Xbox to where it doesn't matter anymore then they'll begin pushing absolute exclusivity and their userbase will be too large for dissenters to do anything about it.
It would cost them barely anything compared to the profits they'd make from the combined 3DS and Switch audience in the west. It's just printing money to localize XX and they're refusing to do it because they want to push World really hard, which is fucking ridiculous. Just put out both, it's not like they're on the same consoles and competing with each other. I have a PC, I can play World and would like to, but what the fuck is this company doing? I bought 4U and Generations, as did a ton of people in the west, and this is the thanks we get for it? I totally understand when Capcom doesn't localize games that cost a lot of time and money to localize, like the three Ace Attorney games they haven't localized (and won't), but XX is easy. Stupidly so. This dumbass company looked like it had actually learned something, but it's still pulling the same shit as always. Completely pathetic.
I'm getting both I really wanted to try all the Grank stuff for XX and also transmoging armors which they announced plus being released on Switch and 3DS it was guaranteed a big community since crossplay between the two platforms is possible off and online.
Yet at the same time they already stated that XX is not going to be localized outside of Japan, for either version of the game.
Prove that Sony is blocking it there.
Which that statement was immediately retracted by "We currently don't have any plans RIGHT NOW" which is basically saying to fans that they're going to tie them by their dicks and string them along for the ride.
They're fools if they really stated this in certain terms. Right now I'm certain they're tiptoeing around the issue because they have nothing for the Japanese market, and they still haven't cemented sales in the West either.
According to google translate, they are gonna show ace attorney and megaman collection as well.
Nice, I really want to see Dai Gyakuten. I really wish Capcom promoted the series more rather than abandoning it in the West and in general. It's so niche compared to when it was on the DS.
You've played XX?
Mega Man Collection for Switch????!

Let it be true, please
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That is NOT a bad thing, unlike those pesky arts and styles!
Probably not, Crapcom really did 180 with Nintendo.
i'm unironically getting stories, just because having pet monsters is one thing I've always wanted.
>Honestly I really doubt that localizing XX would cost them that much money, considering most of it is already translated. They're just being lazy as fuck.
And getting World to the Switch shouldn't be more than a quick porting job for a few million sales, Capcom is apparently being deliberately retarded at the moment.
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The best case scenario is Capcom survives but their board of directors get impeached
They said they hadn't made any official announcement about XX localization at all. They won't confirm or deny anything about plans to localize it
I think the word you're looking for is sudoku'd.
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Yeah, after helping Nintendo build the Switch to run Capcom's games. It's fucked.
I really don't want to buy 3DS games anymore. I might pick it up if I have the budget for it, but Stories, Metroid, and any AA games would be all I buy for my 3DS this year.
Death is the easy way out
Living with shame is a fate worse than death.
That would be impossible without hacking into Sony's servers and finding private emails or something.
The easy answer is simply why wouldn't Capcom put it on PC?
Unlike Xbox, PC is completely digital so there's no lost cost for having physical copies or licensing or anything and other recent Capcom games like RE7 and SFV released on steam in Japan no issue. There's no other reason why Capcom would not release MHW on PC in Japan and lose out on additional money no matter how small unless Sony was paying them too.
As someone who owns a Switch, World is going to be far too advanced for Switch. Still bummed over XX not being localized.
Let's talk about the youtube shills like projared and gaijinhunter. They promised that World was a revolutionary amazing titles which turned out to be false with the leaks and the stream.
I sure the Switch could handle worlds maybe not as high as the other consoles but worlds really didn't look like it was breaking any barriers graphic wise.
What are you expecting? Capcom is literally using them as promotional mouthpieces, specifically whitelisting them so they can make money on vids. Gaijinhunter literally just tweeted about it a few hours ago.
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>Balfark joycon
Lolno. It can absolutely run World. Don't get fooled by the non-interactive background foliage.
It runs on the most potato friendly engine in existence, and it doesn't have anything impressive going on physics- or AI wise. Lower the model and texture detail and it'd run just fine.
Hasn't it been stated that Sony's getting exclusive content not found in the Xbox or PC release?
This looks great, why are people acting like its the most op bullshit ever when its basically the same as charged hammer spin and requires a high ground?
Worlds doesn't look as good as something like Uncharted 4. I highly doubt they couldn't tone things down for the Switch. Capcom also stated they were only aiming for 30 FPS on consoles.
Capcom COULD have made a very good looking HD MonHun that could run on Switch, PS4 and Bone no problem. But they said no to easy money with a project that would have satisfied everyone. Even after Capcom made Switch more powerful for their games.

What did Capcom mean by this?
Speaking of which when was the Sony hack where they had their emails stolen? Maybe if it's within the time frame there'd be some thing in those emails about MH Worlds. Just seems like something fun to do.
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>Switch can't run Monster Hunter Wo-
True. MHW also isn't "Open World" so it's using pseudozones.
MH World is considered the next mainline MH, so all we can really hope for on Nintendo platforms is a MHFU type compilation of the previous generations. We next-gen nao.
not even that only, engine is MT framework, that shit is black magic as far as I care
>empty field with nothing in it
That's how it makes up for it.
So you don't actually know shit but you're just going to push the rumor anyway.
>implying monster hunter isn't already empty field until you've found the monster you want to hunt
>That's how it makes up for it.
>Im a fucking Faggot who didnt Play the Xenoblade X
remove yourself please
But they could also release World and WorldG both on the Switch for an easy extra 2 million in sales. It's just baffling all around, it smells like the work of Kaz.

That's just one area dummy. XCX world is full of diverse areas. I am sure someone can post some lush jungles.
>implying you're not a fucking faggot who didn't even see the World gameplay and is a lying sack of shit
So you're saying that, they've should've done a 1:1 rehash of 3U instead?
nice 10 fps there
It's a gif, shitposter-kun
Previous games, yes, World, no.
if it's anything like mainline, you'll ignore every single part of the map that doesn't have the monster you're looking for, ignore every small monster that comes your way when fighting the larger monster and dung bomb any invading monster that enters the zone so no one fucks with you and your kill.
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Reminder than WiiU is 2.5x as weaker as Switch
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Why do people get so hostile over a goofy Japanese game about hunting fantasy dinosaurs

It's deductive reasoning dummy.
But sure, Capcom just decided not to release on PC in Japan just because.
so fluid 25 fps then?
Console-based sour grapes (or related shitposting)
Purists who hate change and do this with every new MH game
People who like to pretend they're "hardcore" so they can dismiss any change with a broad strawman

Nah, it'll probably be smooth 30 FPS like PS4 and Xbox versions :)
Yet it runs BotW worse than a Wii U.
Has this been proven yet? The Tegra is a shitty piece of hardware for video games, as it was designed for streaming.
a blend of street creed, pride and elitism making a barrier against shit players

>Runs better on a system it was originally designed for.

It's been patched twice to improve the performance. Try and keep up.

>Splatoon 2 1080p60fps
>MK8 1080p60fps
>ARMS 1080p60fps
Except it won't because you're NOT getting it.
Realismfags trying to ruin the series since Tri.
>MK8 1080p60fps
MK8 still runs at 30.
Docked Switch also has a resolution of 900p, not 1080p
Stop lying about your console to make yourself feel better.
>announcing a localization in a JP stream

Are you retarded?

Proven how? WiiU games running way better on Switch? Yes.

I think it's pretty difficult to compare console hardware using similar scale


fuck off retard
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Because change is always an exclusively bad thing and series should always hold onto their archaic mechanics to scare off new players--because I hate when more people like something I like!
>Accusing people of lying while lying at the same time

Top tier hypocrisy, friend.
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Because Capcom will fuck it up.

It's fucking Capcom, of SFV, DMC RE6 etc. fame. Them trying to change a tried and true formula is absolutely certain to lead to MASSIVE fuckups.
So, wheres the part where you prove it wrong, mentally defective-kun ?

I probably didn't need to but here you go, from digital foundry


Where are you moving goalposts next?
You know why. Nintendo fanboys are real ass-chapped because their lives revolve around Nintendo being da best, so if MHW isn't on a Nintendo console, it must absolutely not be good.

Also Super Mario XCOM is a pretty ass game.
*I hate when what I like becomes mainstream trash and makes for good shitposting bait where the threads devolve into nothing what the OP was about.
>no disney collection on switch
>no megaman collection on switch
>"100" guys working on mhw no resources for anything else
no, nothing from capcom
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NOOOO! The switch is supposed to be weaker than the PS3!!!!!
because its my goofy japanese game about hunting fantasy dinosaurs
>Digital foundry
Why anyone would want this is beyond me. It was such a rancid piece of shit that marginally improved MHX, which was a even more shitty piece of shit.
Capcom has bad blood with Nintendo.

This is nothing new.

There is no bad blood.

Capcom just does stupid shit that harms themselves and others.

Where did it stem from?
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And they had bad blood with Sony in the past
What you're trying to prove here?
Between SNES and N64

If it's any consolation, MH will never be mainstream, not even after World. At best it'll sell as well as a Dark Souls game in the West--which isn't bad at all--but it's not going to get rocketed to heights like we've never seen before. And before you say, "Dark Souls is mainstream," it's really not. I talk to countless self-described "gamers" who've never even heard of the series despite the numerous marketing blitzes about how difficult they are, "prepare to die," et cetera. So THAT is the level of "mainstream" MH aspires to be.
Its not bad blood, they are a failing company so they'll whore themselves out to whoever throws the cash around
I really doubt XX won't be localized. They're just doing the same PR bullshit Bethesda did about Skyrim coming to the Switch, they don't want to detract from sales of their newer product on other consoles by announcing they're making something that'll cannibalize the sales on Switch.
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>Every MH thread has to devolve into shitposting
It's fucking almost 4 in the morning, quit it

>Tfw this is one of my wallpapers
The main problem is that the budget for DaS and MHW are vastly different, as well as sales expectations. Capcom needs MHW to sell well enough to prop up THE ENTIRE COMPANY.
Capcom are heartless mercenaries.
Is that why Capcom heavily supported all their handhelds since always?

Fucking retard.

Nintendo is famously stern with third parties, dating back to their NES days. And while I'm sure they've loosened up over the years, Capcom as a company is old enough to remember when Nintendo leveraged itself against them.
It's really weird that they're ignoring the guaranteed Japanese audience for a chance at the Dark Souls audience when the former is significantly larger and way more likely to pay full price for yearly releases.
Mine too actually. On my laptop.

Bethesda made it clear that Skyrim is coming. It's anything else Bethesda related that's the question.
You sound bitter
More like brainless. How do you kill a franchise as iconic as fucking Megaman?

How else am I supposed to feel? Do I come across as happy?

Yeah, I am bitter and mad. That's why I won't be buying World.
In a recent stream they announced new Megaman stuff.
Phoenix Wright is going to mobile
Mega Man is dead
It's over.

Techincally true, but "the West," specifically North America is a far, far larger market than Japan. My guess is that Capcom is rolling the dice, knowing they'll be forsaking their Japanese audience in hopes of gaining the far more lucrative North American market.

They won't, of course. Best case scenario is that it sells as well as any other MH game, just in a different market.
A collection is not really new. They need to continuously introduce new generations to their IPs and franchises like Zelda and Mario have been doing. How many kids today have never HEARD of Megaman?
No, despite showing it in the Switch announcement trailer, they said they "didn't currently have any plans" for Skyrim on Switch at first, coincidentally when the PS4/XBONE versions were coming out right around that statement.
phoenix wright has been on mobile for ages you fucking retard

Related to the cartoon or is it just about Legacy 2.

Isn't it 3ds first then mobile down the lines?

It was shown at E3, replete with Amiibo compatibility.
Does capcom think it can really recreate the hand held market in the west with consoles.
They are really retarded or someone is money hatting it, see sf 5
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If Capcom are Heartless, then who's their Nobody?
>over 130 different Megaman games
>still not satisfied
How the fuck do you play the overall same game this many times and still expect more?
But they fuckign showed it

>he owns an Xbone
>he hasn't already downloaded and played through XX with the English patch
This is how I know you're retarded
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Didn't mm collection also came later to the 3ds? I would just wait tbqh.
Square enix
To be fair, Capcom was lazy with Nintendo ports from day 1. They outsourced their early Famicom games to the shitty developer Micronics just so they could get a piece of the home ports pie.

>Not owning Xbone S as a 4K bluray player
This is how I know you're a poorfag

>implying Switch version of XX is out and will get fan translation
Fuck off retard
>Not Konami
XX does have a fan translation
The West might have a bigger theoretical market, but it's an audience that buys Battlefield, not Monster Hunter. Horizon is probably what Capcom should be going for. It's fighting big monsters, open world, story driven, and relatively short. Everything normies should love, yet it only sold 2.6 million at full price.

>Switch version
konami are brainless
>he fell for the 4k meme
>he spent months refusing to play the perfectly good 3DS version of XX and is now crying like a baby over his Switch version
Switch owners are as braindead as Vita owners
Konami is unversed or dream eaters
No one gives a shit about them
How fucking lazy do you have to be to outsource Famicom game ports? Literally one guy could port a game in a lazy weekend.

Yeah, I'm enjoying 4k movies on my 70" TV. It's pretty nice. I went through Generations on 3DS but I wanted to transfer my data from Gen to XX. Nothing wrong with waiting. I guess I'm waiting forever.
That dude never brought up the Switch

That's kind of what I'm getting at. I think there's something intrinsic to MH that just makes it not very appealing in the West, even with this new makeover.
Yeah and I specifically said that Switch version of XX isn't out yet and won't get fan translation.

Learn to read.
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>PC 4K Blu-ray drive
Actually every attack art is weak as fuck and impractical to pull.
The only ones that are actually useful are the evasion ones and the counter ones because are basically a invulnerability button with no downside.
Arts are a mess that's not even fun to use.
FFS just get it through your head that the Switch is too underpowered to run the damn game.
He means from the first Switch trailer to E3
>Switch isn't getting Monster Hunter Wo-

There's nothing perfectly good about 3D action games on the 3DS.
The IG one was pretty sweet though. Getting all the extract in one attack and having them last longer than the default extract is a life saver. Specially when one of the extract in on a hard to reach part.
Name me one thing in Worlds that the Switch can't run. Hallways? Canned environmental trap animations? Incredibly simple monster AI? Foliage that everything can clip through?
Well Micronics is rumored to have been a college student who probably did them in a weekend. It really shows in the quality of early Famicom Capcom games like 1942. The game looks like it's stuttering at all times with things moving on different frames, and the sound design was completely awful. The power ups don't even work right some of the time with shit like only one of your two partner planes appearing or the game saying you picked up a power up that was on the other side of the screen
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It's the only way you can keep the shills from trying to invalidate your criticism by calling you a X console/company cocksucker.

1080p 60fps
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>/mhg/ died

It's 30 fps on ps4 xbox one
What engine is MHW? It's all about engines and optimizations.

Unreal Engine 4 runs on the Switch
The entire game without a severe downgrade.
Same as the PSbox then
MT Framework
>drop shadows and resolution a bit
>oh no the game is unplayable now!!
MT framework.
>Canned environmental trap animations? Incredibly simple monster AI? Foliage that everything can clip through?
You could not be any more butthurt.
Nice argument
Yeah, that's a nightmare of an engine with tons of problems. Makes sense why they can't optimise it.
Yeah, I'm aware IG was kinda overpowered in 4U but cutting the extract extender bug and making the only thing with a similar effect as an art to take forever one space was a dick move.

MT framerworks
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Voice chat.
Why are there only chairs in your picture? It doesn't make any sense
>Yeah, that's a nightmare of an engine with tons of problems. Makes sense why they can't optimise it.
Is this sarcasm? It runs butter smooth on everything and has been confirmed to run on Switch already.
So guys I didn't catch the stream yesterday, is MHW looking good? If it is, why?
There's more to it than just dropping shadows. The game is chock full of particle effects that the Switch can't run properly.
Arguing against salt-driven fallacies is a waste of time.
Looks great as long as you're actually locked into the animation and have to commit to it. But MHfanboys are the biggest shits out there, they'll just blindly hate on everything first
I hope not so you can cry louder>>381298658
>It runs butter smooth on everything
I'm not even the guy you originally replied to, just pointing out your pathetic failure to come up with further reasonable comments on the matter.
To be fair it already was only threadly shitposting since the reveal of XX.
At least 300 or 400 posts where commonplace in every thread made.
It is, but nintendogaf will tell you it's not

As for why, literally watch the stream
>further reasonable comments
>implying it started out reasonable
Listing off a bunch of angry rants on a game that are half-truths at best isn't reasonable, you shithead.
That doesn't mean it will just run on everything. DMC4 is just corridors and DD looks like an early PS3 game. Not saying that hte Switch is the weakest shit out there, but just by the model detail in MHW and the way the vegetation reacts to wind and hits and shit i doubt it would run on it.
Just because a game is running on a certain engine doesn't mean every game on that engine runs great
>no /mhg/
jesus man
not that one too
Well I saw that healing is free now so it's looking pretty garbage at the moment.

Already posted XCX which is a HUGE open world and that runs on the WiiU.

Just stop posting. Even getting World down to that level would be more than ok even though it can run better.
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>Thread about an MHXX stream
>Devolves into consolewar shitposting
This is getting old
What half-truths? He asked you for a reason the game couldn't run on a Switch and you haven't done anything but called him angry, among other immature insults at this point.

It was going great until certain people started instigating shit.
>3DS + Switch
I truly think these are the ultimate combination. PSP used to be part of the equation, but it died when MH went to Nintendo. You get the fun games of Nintendo, the PC games on PC and the few normie console games you like on the Xbox. Everything is there.
>Capcom takes a popular franchise and makes major changes to it nobody asked for
>Game performs poorly and they stop supporting the franchise due to a "lack of demand"
How many series can you name that this applies to?
>i'm so mature and smart xd
I'm referring to his list of shit related to Worlds that are flat out wrong or anger-induced hyperbole
>You slow down considerably
>Need to finish the animation to heal the full amount
>Monsters are considerably faster and more aggressive in World
But accounting for this somehow makes healing free.
You know what does make healing free? Changing zones to heal.
When did I imply anything about my maturity? I'm just pointing out that you seem to be unable to hold a discussion without throwing out shitty attempts at insults every other sentence.
>Canned environmental trap animations? Incredibly simple monster AI? Foliage that everything can clip through?
Those are all true when it comes to Switch being able to run it.

>Changes nobody asked for

People have wanted open world--or at least partially open world--MH for ages.
Looks really fast to me senpai
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Where can I apply for Worlds?
>Just stop posting
Nah i'm fine. I loved XCX and it looks good, but in terms of technology and visuals it works way differently than MHW. The combat system is totally different, the animations of the monsters are static as fuck, the lighting isn't as good, the vegetation is mostly static or doesn't react to characters/hits etc. and it was made specifically for that console. Just because it can run XCX and it also only ran at 720p. But hey you're the pro here after all.
>I truly think these are the ultimate combination.
You are a complete fucking moron if you think the ultimate combination should include an Xbone which is just a PC lite with 0 exclusives instead of a PS4 which actually has games you can't get anywhere else.
Only a fanboy would be this blind.

You probably think the WiiU can also run Witcher 3
But none of that has to do with performance except maybe the foliage bit. And a lot of that is exaggerated at that
>7th Gen - God Combo = X360 + Wii
>8th Gen - God Combo = Xbone + Wii U
>8.5th Gen - God Combo = X + Switch
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>Shitposting about consoles at 4 in the morning
Literally pathetic. And here I thought nighttime /v/ could have some decent discussions.
>Changes nobody asked for
People wanted a living and breathing ecosystem since Tri. The biggest appeal of MH is undoubtly the monsters themselves.

Believe it or not there was a time when /v/ liked open world games, until Skyrim came out and became popular, so then /v/ hated open world games.
Witcher 3 looks so much better than monster hunter tho

>can jog while healing
>considerably slow

>monster are faster
no they aren't, they look same as before.
Which is exactly why he is right and you have yet to prove him wrong. He could say "What can't the Switch run? an item menu?" Which has next to nothing to do with performance and he would still be right.
Bullshit, although /v/ liked open worlds back in the morrowind days NO ONE, NO ONE asked for monster hunter to be open world. It does not benefit the game at all. Even MHW isn't a true open world in a sense, its like xenoblade without loading screens
Just filter the roaches yelling "yes we ebic won swetch is ded XD" and the rest of the thread is actually surprisingly fine.
>I thought nighttime /v/ could have some decent discussions
Ok, I laughed pretty hard.
It doesn't matter BECAUSE Capcom isn't doing anything special.
If the game was full of intensive procedural monster animations the Switch might legitimately not run it.
If the game had an intensive physics system that has foliage react realistically to all the monsters the Switch might legitimately not run it
If the game had dozens of monsters running advanced AI systems the Switch might legitimately not run it.

But as it stands an easy downgrade should do.
>xbone over ps4

Best combo was ps4 + wii u

Ps4 had better games
I know most people buy the PS4 for more games, but I literally cannot justify paying for a Bloodborne machine. The rest is just garbage. Every PS4 exclusive is a 3rd person GRAPHICS no hud "cinematic" experience. I had to pick one, and I picked the one with the MCC because that I at least wanted to play.
Have you ever thought that they don't want to go through the trouble of downgrading the game just so they can port it over to the Switch? When every other platform can run it just fine they don't need to do that just because you can't play it.

Literally everyone wanted it, because it makes perfect sense for a series about going into the wild and hunting shit. A full open world is the next logical step for the series if World takes off. And it's one of the few series where an open world make perfect sense.
Sea of Thieves.

Wii360/BoneU/XSwitch is all about having fun with friends.

The only times when they cited lack of demand for a series either there were no major changes that nobody asked for (Darkstalkers), or the series was actually not popular (Mega Man Legends)
>We're looking at an easy 2.5 million sales in Japan, but we're not going to take them because we can't be bothered to lower the shadow detail.

>Combat system
Combat system has nothing to do with performace. Try harder

Even the 3DS MH animations are amazing. Again, this has to do with the capabilities of the studio, not the hardware

can be turned down and it's nothing special

It was clipping everywhere in the stream. were you watching?
>implying you care about general sales number
You're just upset that you're stuck on a Switch.
The Japanese playerbase has a lot of interest in World as is
>Halo baby
>Can't justify paying for a console for one game yet buys one for another game which is a broken pile of shit that still isn't fixed

Oh, I get it now. You were born retarded in the 2000's.
>Combat system has nothing to do with performace.

You are an idiot if you think an action game doesn't take up more resources than a fucking RPG.
If a game like FFXV can just barely scrape past 1 million sales on the PS4, what makes you think a MH game will?

>Only 5 million PS4s sold in Japan so far
>Only 1 (ONE) game sold over 1m (FF15)
Please. The console market is still dead and Switch isn't doing too hot either.
>false equivalencies
XV's problems go way beyond its platform. You don't know what you're talking about.
Fuck off. We already got MHW, this game is irrelevant now
If it's black magic then why does MHW world only run at 30fps on PS4 and Xbone and why does Dragon's Dogma drop into single digits even on 360.
Just because DMC4, a game that is just combat corridors and has a very specific artstyle with a world that basicly doesn't move at all, runs at 60 doesn't mean that every game will run at 60 on every hardware out there. You can heavily modify engines and MHW already looks different from anything we've seen on MT in the past
Buy a PlayStation 4 anon wtf
>>You don't know what you're talking about.
Neither do you.
>If it's black magic then why does MHW world only run at 30fps on PS4 and Xbone and why does Dragon's Dogma drop into single digits even on 360.
cause capcom is fairly incompetent
People are standing in line every week for a lottery ticket to have a chance at buying a Switch. By the time World comes out the audience will be large enough for 2.5 million easily.
The only other games that broke one million in Japan were MK8 and Splatoon. Consoles are fucking dead there.
Again, none of you actually care about overarching sales. The only reason you even care that it's not on the Switch is because you made the poor decision of locking yourself to one platform, and as such are personally upset it's not on the Switch.
>b-but the series will die!
Tri sold terribly. Frontier sold terribly before that. And yet here we are.
Be honest with yourself.

I certainly hope so
You're fucking retarded, you're the one that should stop posting. A game like XCX had some good mech animations here and there, but other that that they're basic as fuck and once you enter battle you're basicly just to sacks hitting each other without much interaction at all.
Yeah but we were talking about XCX and MH on 3ds also looks like a PS2 to PS2.5 game at 240p with loading between each area.
Of course it was clipping, just like every vegetation ever, that doesn't mean it didn't react to character movement, wind, the shockwaves from hits etc.

Just stop already, i don't even dislike Nintendo if that's what you think. But you're retarded if you think every MT game will just run the same

>lock yourself to one platform.
>>381301140 Here, fuck off.
Me. I emailed Ryozo myself 6 years ago.
>muh superfast aerial hammer combo attack
Looks like absolute shit, don't deny it. You're also committed to arts, and everyone agrees they're shit
The switch is absolutely doing hot in japan right now.
Then you're butthurt over nothing.
Even worse, I guess?
I'm an idort, see >>381299549
Just stop.
Sure man
did any journo ask them about a stories english release date at e3
ur a faggit

But I am butthurt over XX not getting localized. How hard is that to understand?
t. I know nothing about hardware.
Literally what's your reason for being angry.
If sales don't matter when it hasn't killed the series before despite dipping notably twice before and you can play World, you have no reason to care that World is not on the Switch.
It has already been confirmed
More than you at least "t." poster
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I don't think anyone cares about Hanako's game
stop posting right now you havent made a single proper point in like five posts

fuck off
I would care if XX got localized
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>why are you mad when you can play the game
I'm still surprised by the kind of spergs that inhabit this board.
When did the MH community become a bunch of crying babbies.
Am i the only one that played the previous games and is still excited for this one?

No you don't. There is nothing in MHWorld that can't run on Switch with downgrading some things.

You can say that Crapcom doesn't want to put an effort in that but don't say that Switch can't absolutely run it. Just shows how biased you are.
Your "shitposting" isn't funny or amusing the slightest
Stop embarrassing yourself
We can't have MH threads anymore because of people like you
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>Buy a fucking underpowered device that is like one year old (tech wise like 15).
>Rumors of PS4 MH are going around for like 2 years

You fucking retards are like DSP
Okay okay, stay insecure and ignorant and move on.
>more autistic screeching and raving deflection
Go outside more, anon.
Stop posting nigger, nobody cares about your garbage posts.
One of the things that I'm worried about is that World does good in the west, but it doesn't meet Capcom's sales expectations. Like every other game they've had recently. RE7 comes to mind here, as that game had incredible word of mouth and rave reviews, but it STILL didn't meet its sales goals. And RE is a much more popular series!

The main thing to worry about here is Capcom once again mismanaging another of their series because they always find a way to fuck up simple things. A XX localization should have been a no brainer because the fucking fanbase would double dip without question. Instead, they fuck over their western fans (again) to push World and are somehow shocked at the ensuing backlash.

It's so hard being a fan of Capcom's IPs when Capcom is so fucking incompetent.
Press F to bid farewell to skillful combat
It says live in 2 hours. whyd you lie to me
Bunch of sociopaths.
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>this is the audience that capcom is pandering to for world
You can always just play older titles you know, a new one doesn't magically make them disappear
>that's a nightmare of an engine
MT runs on fucking anything.
their expectations are absurdly high on stupid gaijin games like tomb raider and hitman
glorious inhouse nippon games can do no wrong anon
especially not mh
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stay jelly nin10yearold
We said farewell to that the moment it switched to Nintendo consoles though.
But I'm sure you thought it originated with Tri
What games? You mean like Dragon's Dogma that run at sub 10fps on consoles?
>b-but that doesn't count
Oh you mean DMC which is literally just static hallways?

>Static hallways

Are you talking about MHWorld?
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>want to say something in the chat
>can't because pic related
That's the reason no one wanted it on a Sony system.
They're literally shitting up every thread about Monhun.
So glorious that it completely tanks it's guaranteed to tank in Japan and not pull anywhere near what a MH title would usually bring!

It's no surprise that Capcom rushed out an XX port for the Switch over there, because they knew that World would more than likely bomb there. The strategy is quite a bit suspect though: sacrifice the JP base to chase the Western one doesn't really seem rational.
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If threads are going to devolve like this, then they might as well be purged on sight
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You're a gay
Is that greentext quote with no evidence supposed to invalidate his point MT Framework has literally been ported to everything and runs solid as fuck

the engine is good
>static hallways
This is the kind of """quality""" posts we get to see in every Monster Hunter thread now. Surely by the same person complaining that others are shitposting too.
>muh Sony
You're part of the problem you fucking hypocrite


Breath of Fire
Mega Man
capcom is watching???
A game with that lighting system running on 2006 hardware is nothing short of a miracle.
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>So glorious that it completely tanks it's guaranteed to tank in Japan

Thank god planet Earth doesn't consist of only Japan you fucking weeb faggot kill yourself
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This is a port of one of the weakest MH games that also sold poorly

Why even care about this when MHW is on its way?
The only thing I'm seething about is Monster Hunter threads being ruined by falseflaggers, people falling for falseflaggers and thus adding to the problem, and the logical fallacies that people make up about this game just as they do with every new Monster Hunter.
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>This trend continues
>Hitzones are done away with because "now you won't need a venn-diagram to know where to hit the monster"
>Inventory space is done away with because it constricts your choices
>Damage types and element are thrown out because it's too hard to keep track of
>All weapon motion values are scrapped due to them creating imbalance between the weapons

I don't think I have a lot of faith in the general public when it comes to games like this.

Yep, their shills are on youtube neogaf, reddit and even 4chan.

Paid for by sony ofcourse
its still tiny tho
anyway there is no reason to release the game for other platforms in japan because the game is funded by sony to stimulate japanese console market
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I think it's hilarious that you think normies will buy this game, they avoid MH like the plague
>western players = all normies
Wow you really are a dumbfuck weeb.
The past few MH games sold great in the West
Second is spot on except for the good western games part.
Because I'd rather have this than MHW desu.
Optimally I'd want both.
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hilarious thing is every of this """reviews""" is true
Yeah, on a heavily promoted and cheap platform, the 3DS. Nintendo gives MH free advertising. Capcom cannot expect the same from Sony, Microsoft, and Steam.

Except DDON and DDDA both ran on my toaster with a fucking old 9800 at 30 fps.

MT Frameworks is a retardedly good engine.

If you want a glimpse at how seamless zones will work and monster grappling, play some DDON. It also has grappling hooks, sort of, in one class (Seeker). I guess that explains some of the changes in World.
You know being a deluded idiot who thinks MH needs the 3DS to live doesn't help with the console war faggotry.
Like, you do know the series existed before the Nintendo games, right? Actually, maybe you didn't know that.
Do you know that the series hasnt sold for shit before it moved over to portable platforms?

Fucking poser.
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>Yeah, on a heavily promoted and cheap platform, the 3DS.

The PSP you fucking retard
>Tri sold terribly
Tri is the best selling console MH.
Just because it existed on other platforms before doesn't mean that it was popular. It's only when Nintendo got their hands on it that it started to actually grow in the west.
>best selling CONSOLE MH
AKA still shit sales
Way to show you're a Tribaby. It took off with the PSP first.
Uh the PSP games didnt sell that well here anon
It sold well on the PSP.. in Japan.
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>mfw i will import XX and will play MHW too
So what did they show?

MHXX for PC and PS4>>381311380
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>It took off with the PSP first.
In Japan yes

its a good thing you were paying attention to when he specifically was talking about the west anon or you wouldve missed that!
>Caring more about sales than having a good game.
That's nintendo mindset, ok.
I personally don't care if it has more or less players online, World definitely looks better than XX, if after world MH dies I don't care, there's been already 2 shit games before and world is going to be the last chance I give to this franchise.
>Freedom and 2 sold less than 3 million
How embarassing.
>World definitely looks better than XX
It really is a shame. The fanbase Sony fanbase was more tolerable in the early gen 7 days, if they were still like that then we could have had some decent threads still.
>I'm losing this argument, better move my goalpost
>I don't care if the series dies :^)
Then please fuck off. This is the worst argument in the history of arguments.
Got my MH 3DS too. Sadly played so much on it that the coating is coming off on the side. Switch MH outside of XX (not much of a fan of Generations and don't think XX change enough to make me care about it) would be great. I get why it's coming on PS4 and PC and can't wait to play.

I'm honestly only upset over lack of Cross-Play since not all of my friends has good PC and play mostly on PS4 while others play PC pretty much only.
No, it was caught in a trap that was already in the environment. You don't even have to set your own traps.
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>he's not already playing

get it together anon
Don't pretend XX is suddenly not mediocre as fuck just because it's on the 3DS.
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>moving the goalpost
The console plus portable of the Switch has made me think about just selling everything else, keep it and my PC
MH looks like a proper MH game still, not some cinematic dam breaker monster kiting garbage.
>feeling a need to play video games in your bed
Ultimate Autism
yeah im just gonna pirate it on PC

>They turned MH into a cinematic Uncharted tier game from an arena based boss fighting game.
The normal combat gameplay is the same as it's always been. There was gameplay posted prior to the Japanese demo that showed people playing together and it was the same as it ever was.
Keep conveniently pretending that extra gimmicks tacked on around the base combat's existence hasn't always been a thing the last few games though
I was expressing my opinion, not making a point.
Also, that was my first post in the thread.

XX and Gen are already a atep in the wrong direction in MH history, World may be in a lot of ways different than both FU and 4U but so far it's less a mistake than XX which already arrived and it's terrible.
XX is not mediocre, is shit. That's why one should not use it as comparison. Every fart looks like pure gold near them.
Where's the goalpost moving? You claimed it sold well on the PSP and ignored that we were talking about western sales, and it turns out that the game sold like shit besides FU until the 3DS saved the series. Get fucked boyo.
If Rainway eventually becomes a thing for Switch, PC+Switch is the GOAT
>>I was expressing my opinion, not making a point.
>>That's nintendo mindset, ok.
fuck off retard
Why would I ever bother with combat when I can just lure the monster to some ebin rathalos where it will autimatically take off a huge chunk of the monsters HP?
Can we agree that at least both XX and World are not Frontier?
that's fucking cool
>X and XX are shit because animu weeb trash
>World is GREAT because animu weeb trash is part of the moveset!!

If you like this, then clearly you'll enjoy Monster Hunter XX even more, which did this but even better.
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>hour before the Switch MHXX event starts
>60 waiting
>hour before MHW event starts
>was at like 2-3K people waiting
>Stream itself peaked at 100K

ok who thought it was a good idea to have the MHXX switch showcase a day after the MHW gameplay world premier?
>having more options is bad
>because option B now exists I will pretend option A still isn't a thing
You have the exact same logic as people who hate Generations yet here you are defending Generations yet hating World.
What makes you believe your ebin rathalos is even there in the mission?
Rainway is confirmed as authorized by Nintendo.
Capcom is retarded.
How is "That's nintendo mindset, ok" not an opinion?
As many people already said you don't have any reason to be mad to World or it's supporters, at least no more reason than to be mad to Gen and XX like a lot of MH fans where already more than a year ago.
So they are going to try sell this now.

Sasuga Capcom
>This is a port of one of the weakest MH games that also sold poorly
You realise it's selling on par with the other revisions in Japan right?
It's already crossed 1m.
Fucking ace.
I wanted it to stay portable because I have mates who play, all go over to one persons place, talk shit, hunt, eat lunch, hunt etc.

Can't do that online.

I DGAF if it's Switch of Vita or stays on 3DS
Capcom has no idea what they are doing 99% of the time.
It is part of the environment, it is always there.

Open world, baby.
This is honestly nothing compared to when Tri came out for the Wii.
Not him, but I have no clue what you are saying, your English is very poor.
Who said I hate Generations?
I use arts in Generations all the time because not using a core mechanic of a game like that is fucking retarded especially when it looks as broken as that.
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>new game getting released world wide gets way more views than a port of a 3DS game that is getting Japan only release
>people care more about real MH than shitty frontier MH


It's not open world though
>XX and Gen are already a atep in the wrong direction in MH history,
Not really no but let me guess, you think it's "anime, sure fire kill weeb shit" don't you
>than shitty frontier MH
If you're okay with the shit Generations added then the stuff seen in World shouldn't be a massive problem for you as it's far less required than Generations's new content. But of course, the key difference here is the system they're available on. Really makes you think

nice backpedaling faggot. Before World gameplay was leaked, all of you faggots were saying that it'll be nice to go back to "realistic" monster hunter. Then you got BTFO by the "animu trash
gameplay of world and are now backpedaling.
Oh you're just a console war shitposter.
Alright then.
Explains the absolute lack of arguments.
>as it's far less required than Generations's new content.
It's hilarious that you think that seeing as Gens new mechanics can be entirely ignored while Worlds is intrusive as fuck to the point where the monsters can activate half of this shit and trap themselves
>lack of arguments
>literally is fine with Generations added shit but has a massive issue with the less mandatory stuff in World
Your entire argument is a double standard, don't deflect now you faggot.

This. HA and Styles are completely optional whereas all these flips and shit are PART OF THE MOVESET for the weapons

Just like everyone in this thread. As soon as someone says "i like/ don't like [insert] game they'll be thrown into one platform department. Because it's impossible to like more than one thing on /v/
Its actually terrible.
As if people didnt have a fucking PC here.
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>People seriously have nothing better to do than shitpost and start console wars at 5 in the morning
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And yet people complain in threads all the time that Generations balances the monster health in a way that makes you use the arts or take forever.
Wow you sure know a lot about a game that's not out yet and we've never seen the monsters just spring the traps themselves yet
God, it's faggots like you that are actually shitting up these threads and making it impossible to discuss, not any of the people you point fingers at. Blind hatred and presumptive bullshit is the oprimary thing that makes these threads so shitty.
For a series you faggots claim to love you are DESPERATE for this game to be bad with the constant exaggerated assumptions being made. I have yet to figure out why, but it's frustrating.
Delete this
Please point to the version of X where arts and styles are mandatory.
Now point to the part of Worlds where environmental hazards are optional.
Loving a series doesnt mean that we want it to turn into Uncharted faggotry.
Success at any cost is a garbage mindset.

Most used arts are absolute evade/readiness which does no damage.

Keep going though. All this SEETHING sonybro rage is cute.
So basicly just just want the most simple shit ever without additions, forever?
Nah, I even wish to have officialy translated Frontier and enjoy valfark fight.
No, it's the terrible game design,
>How deviant quests work
>How deviant rewards aren't even worth the grind
>HP sponges as endgame, just that this time isn't a bigass static dragon to cheese but little faggot regular monsters who are hardcoded to flee every minute.
>The upgrading system that requires tons of extra mats
>Let's not lie, half the styles are useless thanks to butchered motion values and let's not start with Alchemy style.
>No slots, and no compound skills.
There's a lot to hate while playing XX.
Arts and Styles were cool in Gen.

Adept LBG with Full House was the fucking shit.
>Uncharted faggotry
Yes, more exaggerated stupid bullheaded assumptions, I love it. You faggots' favorite fallacy is taking x franchise and calling the game that.
Keep making these threads awful with your stupid fucking "opinions" while continuing to point the finger, you sperg.
>proceeds to mention Sony out of no where
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>falseflag and paranoia the thread
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I hope they decide to have two lines.
MHW series and an MHP/F series.

Portable/Freedom is more traditional MH, no styles though, more punishing etc.
MHW is the more casual friendly version.

I would probably end up getting both, but still, it would be rad. Release a new one alternating.
2018 MHW
2019 MHP5
2020 MHW2
2021 MHP6
There was literally a 30second cinematic in the game where the hunter gets washed down from the mountain to automatically do an ebin grapple hook save in the next area.

Literally Uncharted garbage.

And yeah great "options" when even the announcer said that Rathalos did more damage to the monster than you ever could.
>but sony
>And yet people complain in threads all the time that Generations balances the monster health in a way that makes you use the arts or take forever.
Anon, shitters complain all the time because they try to tackle online on their own without making a decent starting set.
This is the same for every game the fact of the matter is that it doesn't take any longer than any other monhun game.

Hell the only monster that takes longer than usual is Gog and he's not in Gens.
These threads are 50% falseflaggers and people calling everyone a boogeyman and 50% people blindly being angry at the new game just as they did with 4.
There's no reason to go to Monster Hunter threads anymore, just add it to the pile of ruined threads
>they're both exactly the same game
>only that P has removed features
Wouldn't put it past capcom 2bh
Style-exclusive moves/combos are unironically cool though
The moves they added to the movesets aren't even as drastic as the styles and arts were either.
I don't get the complains about healing. If you were good at the games you didn't really need to heal anyway and if you were bad you now can't just escape into the next loading zone anymore
And yet they're mandatory and far easier to pull off.
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what year is it
People who complain about the healing also like to conveniently gloss over the fact that the healing effect is more gradual now, balancing the added mobility.
And they're also not as powerful as arts or styles from what we've seen so far. But who am I kidding, you're content to blind hate like the rest of the vocal minority.
Worse than Dark Souls threads ever were at this point.
Anon, if you fell into either camp you could still heal reliably in the same area as the monster with a little bit of common sense.
It's more a matter of "Why was this even made" than anything else.
>lost planet
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arts and styles ruined certain weapons like switchaxe, which became 100% sword.

no, brave style in XX did not fix this, you still spent 90% of the time in sword.
>muh change
Why don't you stick with MH1
Resident Evil
Street Fighter
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Have you seen MvC?
>And they're also not as powerful as arts
Arts aren't all that powerful anon.
>blind hate
>being informed and passing unbiased judgement is blind hate.
I love this shit. I really want XX to get localized dammit.
>these are bad because I say so even though we don't know the full details yet
Sure anon, sure. You're certainly not the same kind of fallacious faggot that shits up all these threads.
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>4chins is only for amerikangz

Makes sense you're this retarded
>which became 100% sword.
It was always 100% sword you tard because it gives you a free minds eye.
This thread is literally about XX you cuck.
jesus christ
This is literally 100 times flashier than the new hammer spin, yet people like arts but hate the hammer spin.
I don't get this double standard.
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These complaint aren't even understandable.

I made fun of scrubs getting hit while flexing and I learnt how to deal with it but if we now get a walking cure it's fine, no reason to imply your e-dick will shrink for playing like that.
>mfw I noticed in Gen you can change directions and even do a little step while sheathing.
>NOBODY minds that.
>these are bad because I say so even though we don't know the full details yet
Yes because we totally don't have a ton of gameplay footage now.
False, people are pointing out the hypocrisy of liking hammer spin but not Arts and Styles.
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Honestly, Switchaxe's axe form is legitimately still good. The R finisher out of hack-and-slash in Guild style lets you do GS damage output with ridiculous reach, and it's super easy/quick with roll -> upswing -> one swing of hack and slash -> finisher.

Combined with Evade Extender like any SA should have, I felt like it did a great job at swatting things out of the sky and being generally pretty good, even if the sword is better (which it has ALWAYS been better).
Gameplay footage which has not been indicative of how good/bad these new moves are at all. But people are all too happy to assume the worst about everything like with every new game.
But you have to belive in perfect balance, devs said it was balanced not casual! You can't blindly hate it you have to pray under ryozo photo every day and go to the capcom church every sunday!
Beliving is not the same as hating because beliving makes people happy and hating makes you feel bad!
Because the spin is too easy to pull off anon.
Why does it always come down to the irrelevant visuals with you lot?
People are just laughing at the "Omg MHW is saved from anime!" crowd.
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in prior games axe was used because you needed it to build meter, it had better mobility compared to sword, and the damage gap between the two modes wasn't as big.

thanks to arts and styles, you get 100% sword uptime and a special sword damage buff. Demon Riot and Energy Charge. arts and styles ruined certain weapons.
>implying arts were hard to pull off
>Because the spin is too easy to pull off anon.
>he magically knows this from minimal levels of gameplay
If you're such a fucking seer can you predict how many dicks you'll be taking up the ass tonight?
>steam, xbone, ps4
>not heavily promoted
>not cheap
>Capcom cannot expect the same from Sony,
Sony is already astroturfing the shit out of this game on popular gaming social media sites.
New thread, come on
>in prior games axe was used because you needed it to build meter
Do you even know how the switch axe works?
One requires a long ass meter and has a long recovery wheter you hit or not. And it was for an already flashy weapon.

The other one doesn't require anything and you can attack almost immediately after.

Christ, try not to be so fucking biased.
Let's not actively promote cancer
Probably not, he doesn't even play the games it appears.
>try not to be so fucking biased.
The hypocrisy is real.
>he doesn't know that you can get a free half charge of you attempt to switch modes while in the red
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the axe builds meter, reloading can only get you to 40% bar

stick to your 240p deviantart "monster hunter" 3ds games
>gets BTFO
>e-enjoy your shit...
You sure showed us anon.

>axe build meter

AHAHAHA, did you just watch videos before shitposting? M
the axe builds meter, you are incorrect.
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axe mode literally builds meter, nice bait :)
Look dude you've already outed yourself as someone who doesn't play
The Switch version has sold that much? That's impressive if true.
>he doesnt know that axe mode builds meter
Look dude you've already outed yourself as someone who doesn't play
You could have your weapon sheathed and it would still recharge you retard.
new thread

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