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Directly from the livestream.

The hype is real. Post expectations, no shitpost please.
Insta buy. Looks great, but I'm still concerned about the amount of content. We'll see.
>Monster Hunter QTE World
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I want to play it right now.
What's the point of repositioning around the monster during a mount?

Will there be monsters that sprout spikes or emit poison clouds or something and fuck you up if you're in the wrong spot?
>People saying theres a monster health indicator
Where, i am watching the gameplay right now and am not seeing this shit
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More like Monster Hunter QT World.
When the monster slams into a wall it prevents you from getting flung off.

However since it seems every fucking object in the environment traps/snares the monster I don't see the downside to having it slam against walls.
Demo when?
>25 minutes
felt like 3
I want to mount a Gobul.
Buying it as soon as physically possible.
I kinda hate this feeling of hype because i want it right now.
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>the guy in the stream using the lance is so shit it makes me want to use the heavybow gun

i have never not used the lance in a MH game but damn that guy sucked

longsword and heavybow gun look great
always been a fan of the longsword too
Tail and other destructibles
They ran around a lot to show off the map, they spent a lot of time dragging the monster around to keep knocking it into environmental effects because the "world" is the new gimmick.

If you look at the damage numbers the Rathalos attack did almost as much as the Hunters did the entire time.
Looked like it tried to knock the hunter off by slamming into stuff with certain parts of its body, which is a nice addition to mounting.
Tsu = Great Sword

Ronaldinho = Hunting Horn

Mess = Long Sword
Wait nevemind i see it now, thats pretty fucking stupid, damage numbers alone ok i guess if the minmaxers want that shit go ahead, but really? at this point you may aswell add a health bar.
Do you have a timestamp? I missed it.
It looks pretty cool. Grappling hook turned out to be nothing, it seems it's only specific points and you have to aim at them, it's not some Arkham get out of jail free mechanic. That said, moving while chugging is a pretty casual change, I feel like taking that one thing away makes MH way easier. Whatever, maybe they'll do the Dark Souls thing and make later monsters faster and more aggressive to compensate. Or maybe this is compensating for monsters chasing you to the ends of the earth so you can't leave the area to heal anymore.

As a GS main I was kinda worried until the guy downed the rath with the water and did the charge combo, good to see my crit draw/boost build will still be viable.

There were QTEs? Which ones, didn't watch the whole thing.
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>numbers when you hit something
>crappy, uninspired "new" monsters that just reuse other monster's animations
>everywhere is DENSE with shit all over the screen and feels cramped
>everything looks dull and has a shit/gray filter over it
>that COD machine gun sound effect for HBG

It looks like a cheap knockoff of MHO (the chinese mmo) but somehow made it look worse.
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Whenever he is fighting the monster, its the heartbeat indicator under its image beside the minimap, 52 minutes in for when he is full health, 1 hour and 7 minutes in for low health
I see. That's pretty cool
it's the pulse on the large monster icons in the bottom left corner
OP here, forgot to say that a semo is coming next week in japan, with online and 3 hunts.
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I want to play Nene's game right now.
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I'll be posting some webms now
>Grappling hook turned out to be nothing
It's also a free retry if you fuck up a mount.
I hope these people shitting on the game isn't doing so for being biased towards a certain company and is actually doing so for their own legitimate concerns about the game
>crappy, uninspired "new" monsters that just reuse other monster's animations

Yeah, the flagship monster really should have a new moveset. But then again, maybe Trex with a nose isnt the flagship?
I wouldn't care if it was on fucking Vita I just don't want them to fuck it up.
*demo, fuck me
Also no subscription for japan, only PS+ like us.
Its not the flagship, Rathalos is the flagship.
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I fucking hope not. It's a terrible design.
They said this one has the most content of the series so far.
yeah monster hunter should just be double gold rajang arena simulator #switchedon
It looks like the punching bag monster to rope newbies in like G. Jaggi or Kut-ku. None of the attacks seem remotely threatening
So that pulse thing is the new health indicator like that shitty limping animation was? So now we can consult the pulse on the capture moment instead of running around monster doing insane somersault before it suddenly pretends it's a crippled pensioner and drags their feet they were spinning on away?
Is it Armor skill or just a new addition for everyone?
He's referring to the mounting mechanic. It now actually tells you which button to mash.
Plus it now appears that in addition to holding onto the monster when it thrashes around, you will have to jump to its different body parts, so it wouldn't shake you off if you stay in the same spot for too long. Kinda like Dragon's Dogma lite.
Why are they not speaking wyverian?
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Western audience loves voice acting :^)
Kut-ku is absolutely savage for newbies though.
Fucking finally MH wont be held hostage on some underpowered piece of shit system.
The hammer spin.
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good shit
looks lik shit, but can you expect from a westernized franchise that doesn't have the support of those who made the game great
You can voice act in wyverian, the klingons did it!
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>Blowing up a wall to divert a stream behind it to wash the Rathalos off a cliff
>Get caught in the stream too and fall after it
>Grapple at the last second to regain composure
>Wail on the downed Rathalos for like 30 seconds

That was pretty cool. The game looks a lot better than I thought it would. I expected it to look really janky and awkward, but it looks good.
Because they're not wyvernians?
It's made by the original devs you dumb fuck.
Will this have crossplay?
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>>numbers when you hit something
That can be turned off

>>crappy, uninspired "new" monsters that just reuse other monster's animations
We've seen two new monsters, which both (I'm assuming) are low level targets. All the low level monsters in MonHun look plain.

>>everywhere is DENSE with shit all over the screen and feels cramped
Doesn't seem that different to the previous games to me, other than the separate 'areas' are a bit less arena-like.

>>everything looks dull and has a shit/gray filter over it
Doesn't look that different to the design and colors of the old maps tbqh

>>that COD machine gun sound effect for HBG
Now you're just grasping at straws m8
they said during the stream that you can switch VA
>crappy, uninspired "new" monsters that just reuse other monster's animations
Is this only okay if it's on a 240p screen?
that thing is just a ludroth but with gross greasy "hair" instead of cute fluffy sponges
Cross-region, but no cross-platform online.
Perhaps, but I mean it's not the auto-swing thing that people were worried about initially. Like you can't just slam the hook button and instantly avoid attacks, it's only certain grappling points and you have to aim at them.

Oh, that sounds totally fine. They made mounting more interesting then.
Thats some really fast animation for eating well done steak.
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Wheres my Dragons Dogma 2
Also, it seems that you start the mount attacks with the carving knife, but move onto your proper weapon for the final blow that knocks the monster down.
The huge Greatsword stab to end the mount! 54:33
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sure thing man, whatever floats your castle of lies
>crappy, uninspired "new" monsters that just reuse other monster's animations
REALLY? You're gonna complain about reused animations in MONSTER HUNTER?
i was planning to make webms but the stream quality was shit and all the gameplay is covered in the e3 trailer
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This one?
jaggi and the dromes are almost always the first large monsters (after that one staple gathering quest where you run from the flagship), quru and kutku are usually well after that
jesus dude
It's confirmed there's an option for monhan-go
I really, really hope those obnoxious QTE prompts disappear after the tutorial.
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For a game that plenty of retards who don't even play the series are saying looks great and a better take on the previous generations.

It's just a shit redesign that looks inspired from MHO. Go look up MHO footage if you don't believe me. I've played a fair bit of it and I can tell you MHW is looking to be an inferior version of MHO.
I'm just really not feeling this game, man. Lots of "additions" feel like downgrades to me.
Hell ye, cheers m8
Great, it just isnt monster hunter if people are not telling me "hey hoi!"
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Doesnt feel like mh at all...
Nice meme
basically only 3 was actually hunting monsters, the rest was walking through corridors
the combat looked pretty MH to me

I'd see how you'd think so at first though
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Skip around this video to see some of the fights.

Anyone who saw that vid blindly wouldnt know its a MH game. Doesnt look like MH AT ALL
Haha guys its an epic bait shitpost! Next he'll say "its just not MH if its not on a 240p screen" so that we can pretend all criticism is invalid since the game got a graphical upgrade!

It's not like Capcom has burned every franchise they currently have or anything! Thank GOD its just not on those dumb NINTENDO consoles!

Remember to PREORDER NOW FOR PC! So you can experience it in full HD glory and don't bother looking up any information that might point to valid criticism cause its HD now!!
First day buy.
I've never played a Monster Hunter game before, can I jump right into this game and understand everything?
Yeah, good thing it has changed, because Mh 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same. Only new monsters, new weapons and swimming/climbing has changed.
Now we are really close to what it should aim for
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co-op might be neat
yes, they've pretty much made the game for people like you (not in a bad way)
You are literally the target audience. For better or worse.
>sloped terrain and ledges everywhere again
Fuck 4U for ever introducing this cancer
Fuck off astorturfing shill
Was day/night confirmed? If it was, hopefully it isn't real time or something. The desert was pretty cool when you needed hot drinks when hunting at night due to the abnormal temperatures
>No blood
>What are hitboxes
Jesus fuck, man.

>most content
>will probably have Tri levels of monsters
>confirmed no G Rank(unless you pay for the Season Pass ;)
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>That camp tent
Comfy as fuck
Well yeah, they finally moved away from 240p screen with 11 yers old models and 16x16 textures stretched across them
So yeah.
The part when he runs away from the monster while healing.
>Now we are really close to what it should aim for
Yes, forget all those changes those past sequels brought, grappling hooks were what MH needed to go next gen.
>false open world
>scripts all over the place
>casualised gameplay, visible damage, traking quest markers and gear change whenever you want
Hoping for better tuning for the PC version.
Here's a Rajang fight even.


Looks loads better than MHW.
>it just won't feel right on PC
AUTOMATED grappling hooks, mind you.
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>le held back may may

when the fuck has mh even been known for graphix? even on ps4 the only thing modern is the engine
So, the consensus is they're making MHO for non-Chinese audience?
You can have a dissenting opinion (look that up by the way. I can tell you don't know what it means) all you like. You can have discussions about things. Shouting CAUSAL is not a discussion. It's shitposting. You're a shitposter. You're the people fucking up these threads. You can discuss what's shown in the demo. What YOU did was take how they played in the demo as if that's what you're only going to be doing (leading monsters into traps forever). That is obviously not a true representation of what you're actually going to be doing.

I can't believe I had to explain this to you. You're a shitposter. You got BTFO multiple times. You backpedaled like a baby after getting called out. I know you're here too. Just stop posting.
Looks like they're integrating bits of pieces from each hunter style into the core gameplay.

I guess Gen really was a testbed for new mechanics.
>when the fuck has mh even been known for graphix
Never, but the devs have expressed a clear interest in making a MonHun that uses the current technology to it's limits.
A shittier knockoff of MHO.

>it can be turned off

nice source faggot. also no one is going to because it's a crutch.
>will probably have Tri levels of monsters
literally no proof but ok
>confirmed no G Rank(unless you pay for the Season Pass ;)
preferable to having to buy an entirely new game.
I'm just worried that the environment did the same amount of damage as sleep bombing with 4 barrel bombs, seems like something you want to optimize in your runs, but is really annoying when people want to force it in multiplayer like mounting is/was
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The Community Managers from Capcom answering questions for the project specifically said they can be turned off.

Issue is as >>381207923 stated that because of damage numbers the old hit context information is gone meaning playing with them off is putting you at a distinct disadvantage because you can't tell zones with blood splatter or see affinity hits.
I dunno. I think MHO is much more of a knockoff. It doesn't even have friendly fire.
Sure as hell isnt showing, lol
Can someone explain to me why the character is making the monster follow him instead of just fighting him then and there?
To show things off obviously.
Each bomb did 90 damage with the sleep bonus (provided that still exists)
Rathalos hit him for like ~1200 damage.
I think they mentioned it in the Q&A after the gameplay, I only know weebspeak from watching chinese cartoons though so I am not sure
Comfy camp 1:02:21 to 1:02:53
I'm worried about the amount of walking around and tracking they're showing.

It looks like they're focusing on the "experience of hunting" rather than actually fighting the monster. I don't know about everyone else, but the reason I like MH is that it's pretty much a boss gauntlet game, under everything else. I get that they're trying to shift the focus a bit to encompass more stuff, and pulling more people in with flashy sequences and environmental shit, but I hope the focus of the game will still be the fights.
Wow Im really hating the environment stuff. Thats the new "je suis monté"
I've always viewed MH as like a perfection of the MMO raiding formula
>fight a boss to get items to fighter bigger bosses
So I'm in the same boat as you, I don't want to ferry a monster around the map because the damage I do is pitiful compared to hitting it with a big rock or calling in another monster to actually attack it.
Don't use it then.
Exactly, I don't really like that. It encourages people to force that shit to happen instead of just smacking the moster a bunch

>"uh excuse I have valid criticism and concern about this game?"

I know I am generalizing but to pretend that legit concern isn't there just screams hollow fanboyism.
I like how an criticism is now countered with "DURR 240p" screaming as if it invalidates anything.
This guy is actually mad and thinks lots of sarcasm (the reddit of language) is a valid substitute for an argument
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Given that the "World" is the gimmick this time around I feel like that's going to be the point.>>381208484
>nice source faggot.
Either you're baiting hard or you're just here to troll because they've stated multiple times that the damage numbers can be turned off.

>also no one is going to because it's a crutch.
I will. I don't need to see the damage numbers because I didn't need to see them in the previous games. Also so fucking what? How does that affect your gameplay?

>to it's limits
>still looks worse than a launch ps4 title

so why isn't it on Switch again?
While I agree that it could be monotonous and boring, especially when it's just following green lights, it could still be fun if it takes you on an interesting path through the environment. I hope that you have to actually find the monster first before the fairy lights can show you the way, so you actually do some tracking.
>for the longest time players have been complaining that there's not enough actual hunting
>new game gets more tracking and other hunting game aspects
>"wtfI hate hunting now, I just want to 1v1 monster in an empty white room"
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What does this mean? I don't follow commie sports
So you're gonna play the game with absolutely 0 feedback on whether or not you've hit the monster? Because the damage numbers are literally the only tell right now.
But then you've got pissed Rathalos on your ass and no "zone out of current arena" option. Not to mention the time it took to lead the bitch there could be spent just killing it yourself.
Seems like it's a nice option when you want to hunt multiple monsters - lead them to each other, then finish the job. If you just want Anjanath spending time walking it around place and ending up with another monster seems counterproductive.
Whoops didn't mean to give >>381208484 that free (You)

The old system is gone meaning you have no way to see how effective your swings are without turning the numbers on. At least before you could tell if you were hitting a resistant part outside of bouncing because no blood/small blood splatter.
>constant handholding
>it's still there in multiplayer
I have never once in my life enjoyed tracking down a rathalos when it doesnt have a paintball on it.
I absolutely dont want more of that.
>>for the longest time players have been complaining that there's not enough actual hunting

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>Kinda like Dragon's Dogma lite.
I can tell when I'm hitting a monster because I'm not actually retarded. Trust me, I've played enough MonHun to know this shit.
environmental hazards are going to just be one off events each hunt so its not like you can keep abusing them if you're consecutively hunting monsters.
>unless you pay for the Season Pass ;)
Except they just ran away from it, zone transitions still exist there just isn't an actual loading screen. Not to mention if dung bombs still exist you just fling dung at the guy after he does his damage till he leaves.
Because it was poorly implemented before.
Yeah thats not gonna stop shitters from trying to force it just like the French hunters in 4U, retard.
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I liked this part alot
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Bullshit. Shit that should've hit in the gameplay shown didn't and shit that shouldn't have did.
and having 100% psychoserum with the firefly tracking is better? This game was never about actually hunting it was about killing monsters.

>no proof

if Horizon Zero Yawn can't have more than a dozen or so large robots what the fuck makes you think there is going to a gorillion monsters in a brand new engine?


it's obvious they spent the most time on the enviroment. Prepare for about a dozen new monster and MAYBE a few returning.
I'm not sure how this will work for the multi, will people all hang out in a city hub like in guild wars, and keep f5'ing a single window to check who called for help? I feel like they are over selling the "world" part, in the end hey are just loading the whole map in the RAM and offer the same game, without local coop.
One room areas like Tower Summit, Sacred Pinnacle, or the Battlegrounds are the best though. No bullshit, just the fight.
>what is hit stop
>what is blood splatters
>what is animations that feel the weight of cutting through a monster
Have we been playing the same game?
Good thing you can now keep attack the mounted monster unlike in 4U, retard.
Looks even worse than I thought
What he's saying is that the new game doesn't have that tell if you are hitting a weak spot like in the previous games. If you turn off the numbers you will have a harder time knowing where to hit the monster compared to the previous games.
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Fuck knows. All I know about Soccer anon is its watched by scumbags and played by pansy faggots.
And said scumbags cant help but always mentioning it in shit that has nothing to do with soccer.
>>what is hit stop
>>what is blood splatters
>>what is animations that feel the weight of cutting through a monster
I'll tell you what they are. INEXISTENT IN THIS GAME
I didnt really see any blood splatter in that livestream
The CM's on Twitter said it still has "lobbies" I think but I've also heard people saying that cities are gone and its just small hubs now.
no blood in the demo.

You are comparing an endgame fight with people who know how to play MH to a tutorial level. Might as well post MH4U double rajang compared to MHGen gathering/fishing initial stage.
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>Comparing MonHun to Horizon
If people see this and don't get hyped, I can confirm they are out of their damn mind.
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"IT'S CASUAL" is not valid criticism at all. Here, let me teach you how to have an actual discussion since you appear to have autism.

>There seems to be quite a lot of environmental traps in the area that hurt and/or stun the monster. I hope this doesn't trivialize things.
And then someone else responds.
>It could be. However, it seems to have taken a lot of time to actually lead the monsters to the traps. Who knows if it'll actually save time compared to just whacking the monster to death. I'd like to see some actual gameplay rather than this vertical slice meant to show off new features before making my final conclusion.
If you need more help for how to talk to human beings and talk about subjects hit me up.
What about Blood splatter size, weapons bouncing off, and the hitsparks?

I've only played 4U, but IIRC, the blood splatter size changes based on how much damage you dish out.
>what is hit stop
Pretty sure i saw it a few times in the gameplay, will have to wait for a more HD stream to tell
>what is blood splatters
There were 0 blood splatters in the gameplay
Then it's not a well-made game. I thought the original anon was referring to previous games, so I brought it up
Where's the hitstop? The greatsword doesn't look like it has much impact.

>players have been complaining that there's not enough actual hunting

said no one ever
Not saying the new system is perfect, but it's definitely better. It's not as much about tracking mechanically, as it's about the presentation. World definitely feels more like a hunting game, than some Dinosaur Souls. The seamless map, comfy hunting camps, environmental and monster interaction - it all helps to make the game feel like a better hunting experience.
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From what i see, it seems like that this game is heavily influenced by phantasy star online 2

There's no such thing in the gameplay for World, have you even fucking watched the stream?
Watch the gameplay demo, those are gone probably so its not obscuring the damage numbers. At most you have bouncing but that's just an indicator your weapon isn't sharp enough.
>hurr why arent people hyped for this QTE
Might as well call it Monster Fighter at this point
Not him but I'm pretty sure there was some blood splatter in the E3 footage.
I'm on a different boat. Over the years of multiple installments it feels more and more like a routine. Especially with all the old returning monsters, 80% of the fight is relegated to spinal cord already.
Me and my hunter friend had a talk a year ago where we pretty much both expressed that we won't be buying new MH if it's not 90% fully new roster and how it'd be cool to have a more "dinosaur hunter" game then rehashed arena boss rush.
Who'd even fucking knew they were already doing that. It's fucking weird
Some monsters will take higher damage when mounted and stab in the right spot.
Additionally stabbing destructable spots can damage them.
Monster thrashing around to knock you off can be avoided and directed by being in the right place on it ie. I want the monster to slam into this tree on the right, so I hold onto its right side.
Show it, then.
>distinct disadvantage
only insofar as before you learn where those are

>because you can't tell zones
except it has the same hit delay mechanic it has always had

Is this your first presentation or are you just acting retarded on purpose?
I dont see how thats counter to his point
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People, let's not forget that this game will still be more than six months in development. Many of the minor details absent currently could very well be added and many of the issues could very well be fixed before the game launches.

>inb4 "I-IT'S JUST A BETA"
>a fucking script

>implying Jewcom isn't going to gouge you for microtransactions and paying for costumes and quests now

this is how they are going to make up for less than average sales.
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This WEBM shows how your friends can help you
Might have been mistaking the fire longsword effect, i know i did a couple of times.
How do you learn where they are without damage numbers or any discernible way to see if you are doing more damage hitting X spot vs Y spot?
>I've only played 4U, but IIRC, the blood splatter size changes based on how much damage you dish out.

Not in this game. There's no blood, just big numbers that show the damage dealt.
Jesus christ, the image quality is fucking horrendous. I hope they release a direct feed footage.
Let him be, there's 0 point going now, he's just gonna deflect whatever you say.

HZD did not have the benefit of 2 decades of monster animations, attacks, models, and design to base off of for their game and even then they were able to make like 20 unique enemies with a bunch of individual moving and destructible body parts.
>Being this mad

It doesn't even have a single QTE prompt you fuckwit. You can't even get being mad right.
>so you're gonna play the game with 0 feedback n whether you hit the monster
how new are you to the series??

are you people joking? Is giant flashes how you've been telling if you're hitting the right part or not

good lord
Literally nothing wrong with damage numbers besides that they look ugly. In older MH games there was frameskipping when you hit a critical zone. That's a problem because some monsters had more than one critical zone but one zone is weaker than others. In addition, good luck figuring out elemental weakspots. And how would you figure out ranged weakspots? Also, how would you know motion values? We can pretend we all searched out weakspots on monsters and guessed motion values, but let's be real here. Having to look things up isn't hardcore.
>tracking the monster sure was hard, huh?
>lets just fast travel to the fight :^)
Great design choice there
Scripted, QTE, same difference, in the end it's not something you cause.
it's pretty clearly the same demo
>See Lance
>they barely show Lance player
Fffffffffuck you
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Lance looks unfucked so I'm in.

>that hideous hud with commands everywhere
>5 minutes of trailing
>anime isn't dead yet
>tutorial lady won't shut up (probably just demo/early game)
>borderline instant gathering and item use
>what appears to be a lock-on camera
>gs user playing retarded making it hard for me to tell if they've changed motion values at all

At least we got a solid amount of gameplay, and the Monsters killing other monsters things was actually cool, even though I'll probably never take advantage of it. Overall I'm happy with what I saw, I have a few nitpicks but that's it. MH isn't dead. But please let me change the HUD.
Let me explain it to you then. In 4U mounting the monster was often considered "wasting time", because you "lost DPS", since attacking a mounted monster could knock off the hunter riding it. Despite everyone getting plenty of free hits on the downed monster afterwards. Now, you can can continue attacking the monster while it's mounted, so it's not "wasting time" at all anymore.
It's not a valid complaint the mechanic is there, since you can safely ignore it and not use it. Unless of course other people enjoying something that you don't somehow makes the game worse.
>How do you learn where they are without damage numbers or any discernible way to see if you are doing more damage hitting X spot vs Y spot?
Blood splatters and Hitstop my dude, all the previous games did this very well without damage numbers.
look closer retard
They're not in World, do we have to spell it for you in fucking Chinese?

>B-but it's a demo
It's also fucking Capcom, you know thely don't fix shit.
They obviously removed them because it would obfuscate damage numbers. Why would they re-add them?
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>it looks like shiiit!
>well looks certainly better then on 3ds
>not a valid counter-argument hurr!
kys downie
No, if they plan a release early 2018 they are in the debugging phase now (or they will sell you a beta with a year of patches incoming)
They're not in the game, cuntfuck.
You mean running through every area until you find the monster and then never having to guess where it is again since it always starts in the same spot?
It looks like it to me, but only because of numbers and how there's like no fucking hitstun whatsoever. He slams his big ass GS into Rath and there's no blood or even a tiny slowdown as it's supposedly carving through flesh. That's what really has me put off.

Maybe I'm just autistic
Post a picture of all the different blood splatters available.
So I'm trying to get into Monster Hunter but fuck, this shit is hard.

I downloaded the Monster Hunter Generations demo and struggled to beat the Great Maccao fight which said it was just beginner level. Also it just feels like there aren't enough buttons on the 3DS
So..... where is the gameplay?

All I see is the Hunter chasing bugs, running away from monsters and occasionally taking out a weapon for 5 seconds before sheathing it.
there was blood mixed in with the longsword actually
>how do you learn
hitstop and bouncier areas, also looking up what zones are optimal, like everyone does right now
go suck somebody's dick fag
There are no blood splatters.
That bow is fucking awesome, i'm getting magic archer vibes.
So, where's the mounting gauge?
But the player directly causes it by laying down barrel bombs to blow the damn and igniting them with a smaller timed bomb.
Apologies, probably should have read the reply chain, i thought he was talking about the older games.
there's still visual feedback, even from the elemental-less greatsword
Multiplayer is the tutorial mode of monster hunter.
Yes, MH has had lock on since the 3DS is shit.
You normally just had to continuously mash a button to target the camera to the monster though.
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>Scripted, QTE, same difference
world has hazards to help with hunts, stop crying, you're going to buy a ps4 and play it anyway nintendobaby

The fuck are you talking about? You see the hunter literally PLACE A BARREL BOMB on the dam to blow it up. Are you implying as soon as you go into that area with a monster, the game takes control of your character and moves in into that location and uses a barrel bomb without any input from you?
I know they're gone, that was half of my point

learn how to read you fucking autists
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Better start with 4U if you have a 3DS.
>numbers when you hit something
You're supposed to use the touch screen for more buttons.

Also the demos are kinda shitty since they don't really ease you in to the gameplay. They are more for veterans to dick around with and test out the new arts.
That was the fire effect from the Longsword.
Like what? I'm looking at him swinging his greatsword and there is nothing hinting at him potentially doing more damage by hitting X zone. There was a KO effect when he pommel struck the head.
As an avid bow user, it looks like its firing way too fast.
Either the player doesnt understand charging, or they fucked up the bow entirely.

okay asshat I'll play ball.

what if i have a problem with

>damage numbers being the ONLY way to tell how hard you are hitting the moster regardless of if you can toggle them
>running while eating
>paid DLC
>enviro traps being OP
>grappling hooks being get out of the way free card (in b4 BUT IT'S ON A COOLDOWN)
>the game lying saying there is no zones when there are scripted transitions everywhere
>no real info about large monster count implying either it isn't going to be a big amount it is going to be paid dlc fodder
>despite being a "new mainline" game no new weapons
>still no fucking reason why XX isn't being brought over

or is the answer still DURR SALTY HUH?
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>that moment when a monster is able to trigger environmental effects and/or is smart enough to use them against you
Its on a PS4 purportedly using it to its maximum. It looks like shit for that alone.
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its all done by eye it seems, see a monster moving heavily and you stop? then stab at it when it chills out again.
>there are no blood splatters
wrong, it's just very subtle now
see the dust when he hits the wing >>381209007
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>Hitstop and blood is non existent in the gameplay
We also have an indicator the the monsters health now aswell, so thats something.
Its been a good ride, but i guess this is the end for Monster Hunter.
>People, let's not forget that this game will still be more than six months in development. Many of the minor details absent currently could very well be added and many of the issues could very well be fixed before the game launches.

Anon, that's not how Japanese games work.
In Japan, they have a tradition to never show unfinished content.
If it's shown on video at a presentation, you will get the very same thing down to the last detail in the released game, because their boss would never allow to show a part of the game that is not 100% done yet.
>gullible retard watching his first demo "gameplay"
Enjoying that No man's sky?
The leaked footage from E3 had a bow user that was charging shots and was not firing nearly as fast as this.
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Is this the Healing webm anons requested?
Why the fuck does everyone say there is no hitstop? Just watching him hack at the Rathalos tail when it is down has NOTICEABLE hitstop when it connects with the tail.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the hud either.

Like, even aside from the noise, it looks all clean and minimalist, and I prefer the whole tribal/stamp look they've always had. It's charming.
>"press X to place bomb at the dam to defeat the enemy monster"
thrilling gameplay
Looks great.
That's really weird. They introduce the useless button mashing prompts, but remove the gauge that actually helps you see how close you are to toppling the monster.
You've already played Monster Hunter world? How's it like, time traveler kun?
>apparent gimmick is tracking the monster via it's footsteps and other signals
>the world is the main gimmick
>nah I don't wanna waste time I wanna hunt nao! >:( pterodactylmon use FLY!
Really cooks my steak
>for the longest time players have been complaining that there's not enough actual hunting

Literally since when? The main complaints have always been graphics.

>new game gets more tracking and other hunting game aspects

You mean the worst part of Monster Hunter, that MH clones like God Eater omit entirely?
>this looks like shit
>hurrdurr there isn't any poop on screen, how can you say it looks like shit :^)

They aren't complaining about the graphics, you moron, they're complaining about the GAMEPLAY.
>We also have an indicator the the monsters health now aswell

What? Where it is
>that was the fire effect
no, blood was mixed in

around 18:50 has the best indication iirc
>wanting to take your time to savor a well done steak
shoulda just threw it out tbqh
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>that moment when monster mounts you!!!!
>its queen vespoid laying eggs in the female hunters
>need to use female hunters as bait for pheromones for other monsters

i just want to see female hunters raped at this point.
Maybe this is still an early build and will have UI changes, i hope
I just want them fireflies to be on a timer or something
Under the monsters icon beside the minimap its the heartbeat indicator, look at it when he starts fighting the monster and near when they kill it.

they already said the old animations are GONE. even rath looks like he has new shit.

you really think they are going to program even HALF of Generations roster with brand new moves, new AI, and taking into account the new environment focus? This is the mh devs we are talking about here. They rival Gamefreak in terms of laziness.
Thank you for at least pointing that out. I was watching him fight the new T-Rex thing and seeing jack shit. I don't really see how it helps but hitstop is obviously still in just not blood splatter.
The monster starts limping and goes to sleep when it's low on health. It's over, MH is finished.
That wasn't full blown lock on though, and I never used it, I just went for the virtual d-pad, worked fine.
>hitstop is still in
>aka the way people who aren't retarded have been relying on what does the most damage have been using for years
Dude... That's fire.
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so your source is your nigger ass, good job

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>Remember how people joke about how casuals cheese the game with pitfalls and bombs?
>Let's remove actual fighting and replace the gameplay with that
>can cancel healing/eating
>no more flexing
>pulsebar too see when the monster is about to die
>anime shit is back, but just less flashy
Fuck this game, this shit is going to be even more casual than fucking generations/XX
>My argument is weak but I call you retarded in advance if you disagree
Virtue signaling is so 2016
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Are Nintendo babies still pretending that the game is bad?
That's one shit opinion right there.
Glad devs aren't sharing it.
You mean like Code Vein gets fixed after every gameplay trailer? Not saying that you are completely wrong, but let's not exaggerate.
Interesting. there are things I like about it and things I don't like. Biggest gripe I have is that fights seem a little to "on wheels". could just be because of the presentation but it seems like there isn't variety in how a fight plays out which, if true, would be lame as hell. Hope it's better in the final game
>hitstop is nonexistant
>hammer spinning has obnoxious hitstop
>gs clearly has hitstop
>blood nonexistant
>except it's not just fountaining out

there is no monster health and he's being autistic
There is a pulse on the monster icon on the minimap that hints at monster health.
But where's the mounting gauge though?
instant gathering is the best thing that could happen. I've played through years of monster hunter with people complaining about the 60% gathering 40% hunting shit and now thats finally gone. just grab it and go and go whack the monster. Lock on is the same thats its been since it was introduced. just pinpoints the monster and goes away. They need to add the regular charge noise cause charge attacks feel empty right now. Waiting for charge blade and gunlance to be shown off to see if they retain their fucked state from generations
That's why it's weird that the T-Rex monster doesn't appear to have hitstop, or very little of it.
Fuck off. If you scrolled through the thread, you'd know there's more than enough valid complaints about this game.
>M-maybe if i shitpost i can pretend the heartbeat indicator doesn't exist
look closer for blood idiot

it's just not splurting out like in previous games

They will have new shit but you are fucking blind and dumb if you don't think the staple attacks are coming back. Everything will have charges, tail swipes, hip checks and the works. The rath flying in place wing animations are the same and his basic attacks are the same. Even if the animations are smoother and transition better, they still base on the same "template".
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ITT: People who have never played Monster Hunter and/or lack the ability to use critical thinking try to make wet towel arguments against World.

>What are options menus
>What are playstyles
>What is balancing
Gone, I really hope its not just tied to Stamina or having a HH in the party means you can mount 24/7 on top of all the other innate traps built into maps.
>another time traveler
What's your favorite monster from world, anon?
>there is no monster health and he's being autistic
Look at the fucking heartbeat indicator underneath the monster icons dumbarse.
I might actually try the bow this time, it looks so good, holy shit.
>hurr if you dont like game X, you must be a console Y fanboy
get a job so you can afford multiple systems and can stop being a blind fanboy who refuses to see flaws in games because they're on the system you own
Lots of things hint to the monster's low health, like multiple body part breaks, quicker enrage etc.
Honestly, what's the big deal? You were hitting the monster until it dies, while trying not to get hit before, and you will be doing the same thing in World.
Even if it's the monster health indicator, how exactly does it affect you?
Please, stop embarrassing yourself.
Can someone explain why the monsters arent responsive? i loved the feeling of getting spotted by a monster and trying my best to hide before the tense music set in.

why is the hunter running next to monsters without them noticing or showing any sign of aggresion?
>blood around the fire is dark red
>dude that's fire
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here's the comfy camp anon

>everyone has Auto-Tranquilizer Guru now

>What is balancing
Fuck i hope hammer will be buff a little this time

It does though. Go to the part where the hammer user is playing and watch the hitstop when he is hammering the new monster.
look at lancebro at 1:05:10 if that's not genuine lock on idk what is, it clearly isn't regular camera movement
>damage numbers being the ONLY way to tell how hard you are hitting the moster regardless of if you can toggle them
Sounds solid to me. Nothing wrong with this inherently. The old system forced you to look up a wiki. Some monsters had more than one weakspot with different resistance. It was also hard to tell elemental and ranged weakspots. The damage formula was always convoluted and there's no way you'd know motion values without having to look it up. This isn't really a valid criticism because there's no discussion here.
>Running while eating
Not a valid criticism. You didn't say why this was bad.
>Paid DLC
We don't know all the details on this. Not a valid criticism.
Not a valid criticism. You just spouted a word.
>enviro traps being OP
Not a valid criticism. Why are they OP? Are they saving you time versus just whacking the monster?
>grappling hooks being get out of the way free card (in b4 BUT IT'S ON A COOLDOWN)
Not a valid criticism. Why is the grappling hook bad?
>the game lying saying there is no zones when there are scripted transitions everywhere
Might be valid? I'm not sure what scripted means to you because you're plainly retarded.
>no real info about large monster count implying either it isn't going to be a big amount it is going to be paid dlc fodder
Not a valid criticism. This is pure speculation.
>despite being a "new mainline" game no new weapons
Somewhat valid criticism. I would argue that quality > quantity especially when you have to balance all that shit
>still no fucking reason why XX isn't being brought over
Not a valid criticism. Wrong game entirely.

Hopefully this helps you learn how to have an actual discussion rather than just spouting things into the blue because you want to fit in. I hope they find a cure for your retardation soon as well.
I think it is tied to stamina, looking at the footage where the guy's mounting, the stamina bar's edge is glowing and draining,
>MHW shills defending this hard
Holy fuck i tried defending this game too but the heartbeat was the last straw for me, and we haven't even seen the full game yet.
Woah there nintendo buddy, no need to be mad.
looks like a grunge version of ludroth
Good. Maybe shitters won't be failing their capture quests now, because they didn't bring a Cap Guru set. Because I'm most certainly not doing it for them.
Kek, people gave Gen and XX the same treatment.

>Wah, anime shit
>Game specifically has a Style that plays like regular MonHun
>No u
>No u
>No u
You're a fucking hypocrite.
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you're blind
You didn't answer my question though.
How does the heartbeat indicator actually affect what you're doing during the hunt?
have you ever played a monster hunter game before? Not implying anything. Just curious if this gameplay sold the game to anyone new
Only time I've ever seen people fail capture quests is because the monster got knocked around so much nobody gave it the chance to limp.
>Even if it's the monster health indicator, how exactly does it affect you?
A lot. Now you don't need to look at the monster itself to know how close it is to dying. It was the big part of the game, and it seems like most at the team completely fucking forgot what made Monster Hunter unique in the first place.
What about when the GS user is playing, though? The hitstop is barely present when he does a spinning strike.
>Please explain why this is bad. You need to explain why something is bad for it to be a valid criticism = NO U
What the fuck am I reading?
That's pretty much every hunt with 4 people. Full room is an overkill. 2 man hunting with your best bro is the best.
The series prides itself on using the monsters actions and reactions as indicators to tell how you are damaging the monster, how tired it is, how close it is to death.
Adding a god damn health indicator takes away from that.
At this point you may aswell add a healthbar above the monster.

>not a valid criticism.

not an argument
this. maybe it's an early build but the monsters seemed so lifeless and unresponsive
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Check this out, /v/.
you see him using the same lock on camera theyve had since they put it in. hit the button and the camera swings to whatever monster you have selected.
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>after a long and arduous day of fast traveling to a monster and hunting it down, lemme just take a quick break
>sure would be intense if I had to go back through the environment and have to sneak past or fight through encounters on the way home to ensure I keep my spoils
>oh wait I forgot I have my Pokemon with Fly
It looks like you can just use fast travel willy nilly. Where's the thrill?
Monster Hunter gave you all the information you needed through smart, in-game context clues. It didn't rely on blatantly throwing that information in your face all the time. That is GOOD design, degrading those systems to cram random numbers and health meters in is BAD design.
>barely present
where in the video?
>X is bad because I said so
is an argument now? Only on /v/ I guess.
It's the same team
I'm pretty sure they have a better understand of that then some random fag on 4chan does
>Heartbeat only changes when monster goes into Rage or sleeps.
>Hurr it's the health
Literally fucking autism.
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>damage numbers being the ONLY way to tell how hard you are hitting
>implying he wasn''t just checking kiranico
>implying he autistically checked every limb, suspicious protrusion or outgrowth, on broken and full parts, in enraged and calm mode, with cut\bash\gun attacks for splash-size on every monster, and counted how much shots each element takes on each body part to enrage monster, because element has no fucking feedback whatsoever
Just fuck off already
people keep crying about wanting new weapons... what kind of weapon is even missing from the game, some kind of blunt stick weapon? anything else? Really don't see what they could even add
yeah i saw the 3U lock on at a different point, but at the point i told you to look at I also saw the camera automatically following the monster for 30 or 40 seconds, what do you call that?
Monster Hunter was always:
>buy "base game"
>oh you want g? Then buy the game again
>criticism of an unknown
>"you don't know that"
>"that's not an argument"
Oh the ironing
>Not a valid criticism
>Hopefully this helps you learn how to have an actual discussion
>easy to know when to capt the monster
>don't need capture guru skill set anymore
>don't even have to bother knowing if the monster is limping
>>Heartbeat only changes when monster goes into Rage or sleeps.
Except for the part where it gets weaker and weaker as the hunt goes on.

Hell if I know, maybe hitstop is more prevalent on certain moves? Maybe they haven't applied it to all attacks yet?
Are you really saying people went through all that effort? You just check the monsters armor to see what element its weak too then use the bloodsplatter/screen shake/parts breaking to tell you've been doing good.

That information was all provided in-game.
Whlch style is that?
just stop. we've had this convo a billion times. they could add a shit ton of weapons and they should at least add 5 more
>this is what nintenbros actually believe
really insightful
There's hitstop on the player's end, I noticed. when he was hitting the monster after he fell off the mount, the swings that actually hit has a hitstop to them, and one of them lasted for couple frames longer, maybe for a crit, or some sort of combo finish bonus.

It's called nuance mate. There's a difference in seeing there's 20% health left, and going "oh shit, it's limping". Feels like you're underestimating the series as a whole, saying the hit and don't get hit thing.
But how does that change anything? You were wailing on the monster until it dies before, you will be doing the same thing still. What changes?
It's not like you ever need to do something different because you know the monster is on low health. UNLESS it's a capture quest. And Capture Guru let you do the exact same thing.
Looks good to me. Happy i;m not going to squint at my 3ds anymore.
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Is this the hammer spin you were talking about anon?
>What is balancing
That's a concept the MHW haters seem to not understand at all.
>fight my way or sneak through encounters
lol what game have you been playing?

are you people schizophrenic?
Alright, it's a badly designed UI, that's something I can agree on. How does it make the actual gameplay any worse though?

The second bit here is meant for you
yeah but i know this, doesn't mean the fireflies wont be up all the time, we dont have anyone saying "its ok they have limited use to track and you need to use paintballs too"
I'm not really defending this new mechanic, but let's not pretend older MH games were a work of art. 99% of monsters were binary when it came to damage. They were either fully active or limping when they hit a threshold. That's it. Plus capture guru.
>want to play the pc version
>have 2 friends that will play the ps4 version

Why does it need a health meter? Why does it need damage numbers? Why aren't the contextual clues of the game enough? What benefit does those things provide when the game already supplied that information in a more nuanced way?

Why do you keep deflecting a valid criticism with "lol it doesn't matter you are just hitting the monster till it dies anyway"?
him moving the right stick. I'd think if there was an actual lock on the other players would be abusing it too and not just the lance man for those 40 seconds
That's the area he used it in, but it was on the main screen and he mounted the monster. This webm shows the Lance.

MH has NEVER given you in depth information for shit like motion values, elemental damage, or critical damage. The fact that the ingame values even CHANGED throughout the series to do shit like normalize damage values is evidence that the devs had no idea how to convey this shit to you. Throw in stuff like color values that are NEVER shown in any meaningful way about how much of an increase they give or shit like armor skills like artillery or normal up, etc.
Looks way more like Monster Hunter than the trailer did. I still think the fireflies are dumb and I lament the cooking jingle, but I'm cautiously optimistic now.
>Where's the thrill?
It's just to save your time.

Have you played Mass Effect Andromeda?

Every time you want to travel to another planet you have to wait until the mandatory travel scene is finished (they have patched this). Nothing is more boring than going the same fucking way again. Fast travel is a must on an open world. You can still travel again the whole way if you have too much free time.
>quantity over quality
no thanks, they've added enough garbage

>literally defending streamlining for the mouthbreather

also I'm a plus decade scrub of the series and I never checked kiranico for fucking damage indicators.

>Go raw first hunt
>check armor for what it is weak to most
>assume that is main weakness
>nine times out of ten it is dragon then

Lets watch this together guys
The best you can hope for is for crossplay
>just stop!
why not just answer my question instead of saying
>lololno ur wrong


seriously. what is missing?
Is this your first MH thread, shithead, or do you actually know how the game is played?
chubby luddy :3 I want to rub your belly
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>But how does that change anything?
It literally changes everything about telling when to capture a monster, when to tell if you are hurting it, when to tell its close to death.
Previously you would use its various and well designed animations to tell all those things, now you just look at the indicator and go "Oh its nearlly dead", it undermines good design.
Guild Style. No gimmicks, pure classic gameplay.
Only saw "looks better than 240p" as an answer to those whining that it looks like shit, not plays, but then again i'm reading this diagonally and only pay attention to well-spoken and formulated leveled arguments and your hysterical tears and bawling, so soryy bby

>still no whip sword from the manga
>Why does it need a health meter? Why does it need damage numbers? Why aren't the contextual clues of the game enough?
I most certainly agree that they're not REQUIRED.
But does adding them actually TAKE anything away from the game?
You can fast travel in the other MH games by using the Farcrafter item, and "sneaking" has never been a thing outside of egg quests, and even there it's just a gimmick since the large monsters are scripted to follow you anyway. Go play a MH game.
that's the point. only about half the weapons are usable and we know they won't fix them. Which is why we want new weapons. also who doesn't like new toys?
why would they implement paintballs when they're going for a game more grounded in reality?

the bugs are a great replacement, my only problem with them are how much of the screen they take up
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The hammer spin.webm
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Is THIS the hammer spin you are talking about?
>sneaking and running away brought up in trailers
>not a gonna be a play style though haha
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Nintendofag here - that video is so pretty i will probs buy a PS4
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See you in heaven, i know for sure there is a monster hunter there for switch in HD 60FPS and every cross over dlc ever made.
>Rathalos is the flagship
It might be the monster of the series but usually every new MH had a different flagship monster for it. I hop this doesn't turn out as 1st Gen redux here.
It's not an open world though. Hell, the zones aren't even THAT much bigger than old MH, it's just all seamlessly connected now. These zones really aren't that big, even looking at the demo now.


How? It truly isn't a valid criticism if you just shout that something's bad without explaining why.

Yes. Do you have brain problems? Do you need help? I'll try to explain things for you. I was trying to teach this retarded anon that you can't just say BAD and expect it to be taken as a valid criticism. You have to explain why it's bad. If you just shout into the blue that something is bad, you can't really argue against it because they'll just come back and say it's bad again. No discussion can take place.

I hope that wasn't too much for your low IQ. Speak up if you need me to slow down. You'll probably be chewing on this for awhile if you can even read it properly since you can't use logic.
>But does adding them actually TAKE anything away from the game?
Yes, why have the other things if you have damage numbers and health indicators?
Theres no reason for all those other ways to tell if the monster is damaged to exist.
Because Capcom has never lied before
>when to capture a monster
True. But only like 2% of all the quests are explicitly capture quests. On normal "hunting" quests nobody really cares if the monster's limping or not. They just kill them asap.
And those various and well designed animations are still in the game. Nothing was removed.
Farcaster is a single use or multiple if you bring mats for whatever reason

This teleport is free and infinite.
>free and unlimited farcasters* to and from a monster
Sneaking and camouflage was in the trailer, so it is likely it's gonna be a thing in world. What's the point if you can fast travel to the monster anyway?
Saw some guy in a previous thread justifying all the flaws with this game because "now he can play it in a higher resolution than 240p".

Might have been a falseflagger though.
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then why make the map so fucking huge? if they made more concise map and made more varied map variety then you wouldn't need to fast travel.
that was a shit part of the monster

legs are almost always shit

>you can fast travel in the other MH games by using the Farcrafter item

yeah back to base only and it's a one time use item unless you bring ingredients to make another. You literally have a cell phone to call a flying mount to take you anywhere your buddies are in this one.
Yes, that's it, thanks.
assault rifles
those secret agent piano wire watches

shit nigga i could go on and on. MH needs these to stay fresh
There are different loot tables for capturing vs killing you idiot. You can run Tranquilizer for bonus capture rewards even. Holy shit why are you defending adding systems that don't need to exist and just add UI clutter.
Just because something that was added didn't remove anything that doesn't make it a good addition.

There has ever been only one animation, and that is when it is limping. And then that is ONLY if it decides to run away. It can be in constant rage and just fucking die in the same room it started at half health or higher in with multiple people without ever leaving. Otherwise you have 0 clues visibly about when you can capture a monster.
>we know they won't fix them
>which is why we want new weapons
>we know they won't fix them
they've been at the very least attempting to do so every iteration, this one looking like the most fluid and fun implementations yet
>God Eater 3 and Toukiden 3 are going to be better than a console Monster Hunter game
>And are going to be better Monster Hunters than an actual Monster Hunter game

Holy shit, how the mighty have fallen.
Still concerned about monster v monster combat.

Ls for example was hitting for 6-20 or so, depending on the move. Sure, whatever. But when los dropped that turkey it took 1100 damage. Bombs were hitting for 60, so with 4 players with two bombs that's 480 damage.

There's gotta be some downside or catch, cause why the fuck would I not just stand there and watch lost 4 shot the fucking thing?
Sneaking has actually always been a thing, but nobody used it. It was achieved by simply crouching. Now you at least need a mantle that's on cooldown.
I think there's a reason it's not a numbered title.

It might be the start of a new generation yeah, but I think this is a testbench similar in a way that Gen was. But instead of focusing on experimenting with what the player can do like gen was, it's playing around with the world around the player, hence the name.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see a proper MH5 with this engine, but with a different nuance to the mechanics, based on the input and reactions to this game.
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Wait, is nobody else fucking mad that you can just roll cancel an eating/healing animation?

It's bad enough that you can move now, but you now you never have to commit to any of your choices! YAY
I'm fine with it as long as I'm not forced into playing a character the story tells me to because of 'deep and rich storytelling'
Certain monsters had other tells like Kut-ku dropping his ears down.

Also how is something like Gypceros's feign death suppose to work in a system like this?
It's on PC, you retards.

A season pass would be a blessing compared to buying the same game a second time.
But a ps4 for Bububorne, Yakuza 0 and the other games.
So, you agree with me then? There's no reason for all the doomsaying.
I hope there's a Tundra and/or a volcano area or something, so far it looks like very basic open world greenery.

Rest is okay I guess, I wanna see more monsters.
>tfw Kut-ku raping my ass as a newbie back on the PS2
That's not contradictory. either way. a few more weapons won't kill anyone. It'll happen eventually anyway. only a matter of time before 2 new weapons are announced and then 2 more after that and so on.

You mean God Eater with overpowered bullet or rage arts or whatever they were called killing things in less than a minute? Or Toukiden with grapple arms that break shit in 1 hit and topple enemies and AI that kill everything for you?
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I imagine it'll dupe the signal but I'm not defending its existence
If they wanted to streamline the game more they should have implemented more mechanics like Kut-ku's ears dropping when its about to die.

A "pulse-bar" is just lazy.
did you even read the reply chain moron?

he's criticizing not having to evade monsters on the way back as if that's ever been a thing

>sneaking and running away in the trailers
>literally present in every trailer

even when being an idiot, your criticism has been dead for 2 days, there was no running away in the demo other than trying to force the monster toward rathalos
There's no doom saying, i am saying its a fucking bad addition and it shouldn't exist.
>Blangonga in MHFU
>Barroth in Tri
>Zinogre the first time
>MH:W will never make you hate a monster as much as you hate MHFU Chameleos for stealing your map, shrugging its paintball off then disappearing in the Ancient Forest.
>because it was so difficult before to wait 10 extra seconds for the monster to go into an attack animation before you healed
Haven't had time to watch it, but is it good?

4U is the best MH game, how much is it like that?
Well to be fair the past monster hunter installments had free dlc and no paid dlc what so ever. Yes they were time gates for the most part but you also had cosmetic event dlc like link,marth,samus,ect.
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Are you fucking serious? It's releasing on a home console in Japan. What and you think it will be a success? Lol my ass off jesus christ
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The Capcom shills are coming out. Was a good discussion until then, I'm very cautious about this game at this point. Might have to hold off until I see how it shapes post-DLC
Considering World is halfway there, yes.
If you cancel it stops the remaining amount of healing you'd get, and burns the item. No big deal there. Takes about 2x as long to heal as well, and it's a heal over time rather than instant.
My immediate guesses are that in general gameplay it will either be very hard to pull off (gotta remember that this was a demonstration meant to show off all the new features, it could be much harder to do in the actual game) or it will be very time consuming (as in you spend just as much time luring the monster, keeping it's interest and leading it to the other monster as you would just killing it the old fashioned way, therefore as a reward the monsters do much more damage to each other).

Of course it could be something else but those are my 2 main guesses.

>defending season passes

neo-/v/ ladies and gents
less time fighting. more time doing other stuff. also fights look like they're on wheels. does look fun though.
It's not the best because it looks like dogshit

Nintenfag truth
>obnoxious hitstop
>"there is no hitstop in this game"
are people functionally retarded?

like how is this anything but indicative of mental illness?
Still no proper sequel to MH4U.
And when you needed to cap before, you brought Cap Guru and it let you do the exact same thing, no, actually even better, it told you exactly when you can cap, even if the monster's not limping yet.
If anything the heartbeat indicator will prevent the other hunters in the hub from killing the monster which you want to capture.
Unless of course, you see not failing the quest as "casualization", and would like even more RNG when it comes to getting rare drops, because of some randoms who kill the monsters you wanted to cap.
And my intention is that it COULD be a thing where you have to get back to camp safely after hunting a monster. Sure, it wasn't like that in previous games, but if they're changing this much then why not add this as well?
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Yeah no, Nintendo fans aren't retards like Sony fans, Nintendo fans have PCs too and don't pretend they're console and a smart phone is good enough.
>that you can't use in combat
if you think fast traveling to camp when not in combat is broken you're fucking retarded
Am I allowed to dislike the constant button prompts, the casual guide fireflies, the damage numbers and monster health indicator, moving while healing, and the ez mode grappling hook now? Or will I still be a salty Nintendo drone if I say that? The game looks nice, base combat seems to be fine, moving while mounted and more destructible environments are nice, and changing gear at camp is interesting, but I am stull pretty lukewarm to this at best.
The footage had crawling, MGS style. Capcom's gotchu covered senpai
don't be so defensive about it

does it actually consume your item?
I see sonybros keep bringing it back to Nintendo when everyone with a brain knows for a fact that Nintendo+PC is the best combo.
Can someone translate you can SWITCH OFF the fireflys and voice over right?
If the presentation is anything to go by I think farming monsters would get even more tedious with all these extra mechanics.
Fucking all might in this shit
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Coordinated groups killed monsters so fast you really needed to go out of your way to say "wait let me cap it"
Random groups might just kill the monster because they didn't read the quest/can't read when you said "wait I need to cap it"

Cap Guru was never a requirement, however it gave you the flexibility to build a set based around capturing a monster. Things like the Baggi set so that you could say "hey I need to farm X part and its a higher droprate from capping so I'm going to run a baggi set so I have better bonuses for that"

Almost as if the game is rewarding various playstyles and having armor sets for specific endeavors instead of just lumping all the shit together.
I mean if it wasnt, why change it?
>Nintendo fans aren't retards
Stopped reading there
I feel the same way. Was actually excited before I watched that gameplay. There are things that are good but overall it just seems..empty
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>DMC5 (Renamed DmC)
>MH5 (Renamed MH World)

I don't want it to be bad I really don't but this doesn't bode well.
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>entering a timeline where Generations will be the patrician's MH
Hypocrisy at its most embarrassing.
Not when 4U still exists.
Fireflies no, VA people are saying you can toggle between English/Jap/Wyverian but dunno if anyone said you can flat out turn it off.
Impossible since Generations is garbage and didn't improve upon MH4U at all.
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>rolls BACKWARD with GS

What the fuck
I'm not sure how I feel about this
Yeah. Kept tabs on it in the stream today.
it's not a dangerous element for the same reason it isn't in the other games

the monsters aren't designed to run faster than you and it would only make the game more tedious

I wouldn't necessarily be against it, but they clearly want the focus to be on hunting

which is funny when the criticisms literally a couple days ago were that they were forcing stealth and running away
That's impossible, they have to make all from cero (models, animations, movesets...) and adapt the monsters to some scripts in the enviroment.

The game will have at best 20 large monsters in release (expect large support of dlc instead realeasing a new version through mid 5 gen)
>nintendo fans aren't stupid
>paid an extra $300 just to rebuy remaster games
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nintenkid can't handle some fireflies
>muh monhun
get over it
Stay on /v/ you fucking cucks.

Ronaldo and Ronaldinho are egoistic cunts who rather pull out 4 tricks, bypass the goalie and try to goal a score themself. Messi just makes goals and gives people the opportunity to strike.
>like sony fans
what tribal little autist
>nintendo fans aren't retards
clearly they are
Sonygros are the ones that shit on Steam and PC all the time. They're the ones who live in this fantasy world where PS4 is just as good as having a PC that can actually play games. Nintendo fans know you play Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, and use your PC for everything else.
This demo was 90% running away to lead the monster to some environmental trigger.
They explicitly said DmC was not DMC5, though.
>anything in the 4th gen holding a candle to MH1 or unite
>running around for 5 minutes until Rage Mode wears off to see if it's finally limping or not
>good design
cute meme
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all this shitposting and I'm just posting my webms
>"wait let me cap it"
>"wait I need to cap it"
Are you telling me you haven't been saying that BEFORE starting the quest?
>a higher droprate from capping so I'm going to run a baggi set so I have better bonuses for that
I fucking hated those goldian set niggers that ran capture master every hunt with no offensive skills in 4U.
Then where is DMC5?
This. Who the fuck doesn't have a PC?
I've noticed that Monhun tends to attract two main types of fan.

The type who like to play the game and just enjoy the process of fighting monsters.

And the type who enjoy bragging online about their MH e-peens that those casual nomies could never be good at THEIR HARDCORE MH GAME.

These types of fan tend to want the series to be as impenetrable, unforgiving and unintuitive to new players as possible in order to keep their sekrit club intact.

They don't want the game to be fun, they want it to be tedious and hard and annoying for new players to get into so that no one other than the existing members of that sekrit club can play the game.

It is pointless to argue with these people. They are faggots.
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It's on PC so nobody has any reason to complain.
>I ONLY have a switch and nothing else for vidya
see pic related
delet this
I can't believe they're removing having to randomly walk around the map until you find the monster.

and it's pretty obvious to anybody but the mentally damaged here that running away solely for environmental hazards is just a waste of time

it's called "showcasing"
>Fireflies no
I dont believe you. Fucking DROPPED if so
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>people saying paintball isnt realistic
>a storm of fireflies is realistic

They could have just had you paint ball the monster and then have it drip onto the floor for tracking untill it wore off
I was implying saying that before the quest but I've had to use that preset before to spam that I need to cap it.

The set exists for people who want to run it, I always ran it in tandem with support set ups like LBG/HH because I wasn't offensively focused. Just up to the player on that one.
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Its far better design than gluEing your eyes onto an indicator for it to say "OK U CAN CAPTURE NOW"
What are you shitposting about now?

Oh, we're to the point in the thread where Sony fags start pretending they aren't Sony fags already? Kinda hard to do after the multiple "now I'll have to buy Sony's PlayStation 4â„¢" wojak posts ITT, but I guess no one ever claimed GAFers weren't shameless.
And yet it stull looks better than World by a pretty wide gap.
I'm a bit of both. I enjoy the challenging experience, but I don't mind some more casual elements that would help new players to get into the series. As long as the core gameplay isn't made easier, i.e. the actual fights themselves. And as long as the new players don't keep wearing that Def Up L/Health+20 armor up until High Rank.
Environmental traps sure, Rathalos doing ~1200 damage when sleep bombs are only doing 90 a pop, that's a pretty big deal. I sure would love to drag X monster to Y nest because its going to shit out more damage than I can do in that time frame.
what? I mean, of course I'm gonna pirate and play for a bit but even then, we can talk about the shittier aspects of the game. This is a board for discussion
>What are you shitposting about now?
Huh, i'm just saying nintenbros are stupid as fuck too
Ludroth's stoner cousin
>People want the game to be well designed and not a shitfest
When will the shitposters leave?
Fireflies are literally a core aspect of the "hunting" gameplay they are pushing.
The problem with that set is - only one player gets the benefits. Those who don't have it get fewer carves.
Gore for example doesn't even have its plate in cap rewards, unlike Raths. You actually HAVE to kill it to be able to carve it at all.
>MHfags thought they were safe from casualization

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA first DmC, then SFV now it's your turn
How often is that Rathalos going to be in the same area as your monster for the mission though?
In regards to ______
What the fuck are you talking about with "$300 for remaster games"?
the design you're praising has been getting less and less prevalent throughout the games

it takes a way more abrupt stop to gameplay than it used to. You have to stop what you're doing and sit there jerking off while waiting for the animation, and because the zones are smaller and player damage is obscene, the window to even see limping is almost nonexistant

I don't necessarily like the heartbeat thing, but let's not kid ourselves here
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>Sonygros are the ones that shit on Steam and PC all the time.
They are the main anti pc shitposters because we pc fags get mostly their esclusives which make them fucking mad. What you are ignoring is that after cemu and botw happened you nintendo fanboys showed us that nintendbros are even worse than them when put in a similar context. So don't try to use that to sell your retarded meme and stop pulling us into your shitty squabbles with the niggers every fucking time.
>Rathalos Nest
It spawns there, every time. It's triggering an event. It's baked into the map.
Ok, i'll bite:
>>damage numbers being the ONLY way to tell how hard you are hitting the moster regardless of if you can toggle them
>Sounds solid to me. Nothing wrong with this inherently. The old system forced you to look up a wiki. Some monsters had more than one weakspot with different resistance. It was also hard to tell elemental and ranged weakspots. The damage formula was always convoluted and there's no way you'd know motion values without having to look it up. This isn't really a valid criticism because there's no discussion here.
it's taking away some realism and my immersion forbids for flying numbers
>>Running while eating
>Not a valid criticism. You didn't say why this was bad.
No need for timing your heal breaks right, get's too easy
>>Paid DLC
>We don't know all the details on this. Not a valid criticism.
implying any game after 2015 won't have DLC
>Not a valid criticism. You just spouted a word.
from all i've seen the game get's MUCH easier, this is hella valid. some people want a challenge
>>enviro traps being OP
>Not a valid criticism. Why are they OP? Are they saving you time versus just whacking the monster?
we'll see on that, idk
>>grappling hooks being get out of the way free card (in b4 BUT IT'S ON A COOLDOWN)
>Not a valid criticism. Why is the grappling hook bad?
because it's a get-out-of-jail card
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You're late to the party.
Obviously its a group game so if you are running capture guru/tranq and other people need something off the carve loot table you are just being an asshole.
>that those casual nomies could never be good at THEIR HARDCORE MH GAME.
ok, but MH is pretty exclusively a game for people that invest lots and lots of time and energy into the series and have a higher than normal proficiency at playing games
the series has like zero casual appeal
>rathalos doing 1200 damage
>takes 5 minutes to get the monster to him
>rathalos might not even be there
>we don't know how scaling will work with bombs and environmental hits
keep blindly hating the game without thinking, it's getting more desperate by the day
>BoTW (which is also on PC and the wii u for FREE)
Only game they have is arms, but even that is fucking shovelware trash
>I don't necessarily like the heartbeat thing, but let's not kid ourselves here
I understand the window for limping is small, but the solution for that shouldn't be "ahh lets just dump an indicator for everyone"
It should be to look at limping itself and how capturing works.
Why the FUCK was a Japanese stream - one of the highest average internet speed countries in the world - capped at poor bitrate 720p? Was it streamed anywhere else in higher quality or were they really THIS stupid?
>They don't want the game to be fun, they want it to be tedious and hard and annoying for new players to get into so that no one other than the existing members of that sekrit club can play the game.
Oh, I see, go back to the place that spacing belongs to.
We saw how much damage bombs did, we saw how much damage each player was doing. The fucking obnoxious damage numbers are direct proof of the ratio of damage a hunter can put out versus monster vs monster.

Given the fact they are pushing for this living breathing world and they've gone out of their way to create unique monster vs monster animations its a pretty safe bet they consider it to be an important design choice. Will it be better than late game gear? Who knows, I'm talking about the information we have right now.
Lul, this. Nintenbros spent $300 on a switch in hopes of not wanting shitendo to die
It can still be played casually though.
Like playing online and not soloing. The quests only take a few minutes, so you can hop in, do a quest or two, turn it off and then do some other stuff if you're busy.
>>the game lying saying there is no zones when there are scripted transitions everywhere
>Might be valid? I'm not sure what scripted means to you because you're plainly retarded.
the waterfall thingy basically is a transition, but i liked the areas, could give more fucks
>>no real info about large monster count implying either it isn't going to be a big amount it is going to be paid dlc fodder
>Not a valid criticism. This is pure speculation.
he's right tho. we barely saw anything, which means a) there isn't anything b) they're hiding it for a purpose, which should be money
>>despite being a "new mainline" game no new weapons
>Somewhat valid criticism. I would argue that quality > quantity especially when you have to balance all that shit
better than forced new weapons IMO, fuck insect staff, axeshieldsword and axesword
>>still no fucking reason why XX isn't being brought over
>Not a valid criticism. Wrong game entirely.
he's right tho
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Wow Guys!

The game is called MONSTER HUNTER, so obviously a more HUNTING themed game is exactly what we all want, right? It's not like it was just the name of the series, which was mainly about 1v1 combat against huge Monsters. No, we definitely wanted the fantasy of tracking down a Monster and observing it's behaviour. I MEAN FOR GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE, THE GAME IS CALLED MONSTER HUNTER, HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT ACTUAL HUNTING? And the hunting is fucking AWESOME too! You use your Witcher 3 Batman Senses and then walk over to the glowy shit, until the scouting bugs "level up" and just lead you to the target. HOLY FUCK, THE GAMEPLAY! I'M LITERALLY GOING TO BURST FROM EXCITEMENT! I FUCKING LOVE FOLLOWING SOME GREEN SHINY SHIT INSTEAD OF JUST HAVING THE MONSTER ON THE MAP! HOLY FUCK I LOVE THIS GAME! I ALSO LOVE HOW THERE'S AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF SHOCK AND OTHER KINDS OF TRAPS IN THE ENVIRONMENT. I ALSO LOVE HOW FIGHTING ISN'T EVEN WORTH IT BECAUSE IT'S 50 DAMAGE FROM AN ATTACK AT A WEAK POINT VS. 1200 DAMAGE FROM SOME FUCKING ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD. YES, I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I FUCKING LOVE RUNNING AWAY FROM A MONSTER AND KILLING IT WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SHIT, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT IN A MONSTER HUNTER GAME!
To make it smoother amd more fitting towards everything else? It looks like he opens a bottle and drinks potion instead of smashing it against his head, much like he also opens a small container to put monster trails he just scraped off with a knife inside instead of dropping bug net on the floor. It's a bit more elaborate and modern.
>you must be a sonyfag
you must have a mental disorder to be this obsessed

I haven't owned a sony console since ps2, I've had a wii and a 3ds only for MH, and I'm a pc fag

keep projecting you angry retarded autist, you've ruined the board, so there's really nothing more you can do to bother me
You could Launch your friends before but now it looks like every hit will stun them.

Doesn't look like they take damage from friendly fire though
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What is this "us" shit? I play games on PC too, dumbfuck.

And I have no idea what you're referring to with the CEMU shit. What I've seen with CEMU is shit tons of people going "HAHA SUCK IT NINTENFAGS NOW WE CAN PLAY BOTW ON PC TOO*", half of which are probably false flaggers anyway.
Dumb frogposter.
See the original MH trailer >>381211589.
Maybe I'm just blind but it didn't seem like tripping was as big of a deal however launching still exists.
actually being a drone for consoles is just cancer regardless

kill yourself
Except this time we saw it in actual gameplay (Like, uh... The 25 minutes gameplay demo above?)
Part of me believes Capcom saying "this is the game we've always wanted to make"

However that means they accidentally made a great series and are now realizing over a decade later they need to make a worse game that follows their original intentions.
MK8 and Pokken have additional shit, but also are mainly for people that didn't get a Wii U, which is a lot of people.
I have a Wii U, and so have played those games on that. I have not gotten a Switch yet, but plan to when more games come out that I want.
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>It spawns there, every time. It's triggering an event. It's baked into the map.
>>It spawns there, every time. It's triggering an event. It's baked into the map.
lol, these retards aren't up to date with their lies being btfo
Heavily scripted stage demo. You can still just start wailing your weapon at the monster the moment you find it, if you chose to do so.
Weird how you aren't commenting on the wojak posts.

Yes, and? That's kind of exactly what I'm saying.
>a worse game
This shit again... How exactly is it "worse"?
Has there been a source stating otherwise? They've been specifically calling that place "Rathalos's Nest"

They've said the monster spawn points are random but that's been about the initial monster you are hunting.
>who knows
literally everyone who's played this game before

bone shit has always been bad moron

the environment does maybe 10x player hits (with fucking bone), needs to be set up, and isn't repeatable
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Here's the final one guys, if I missed anything let me know.
>MK8 and Pokken have additional shit
Damn, it's okay to rebuy games for retail price, because nintendo is doing it! Of course shitendo didn't sell any wii u's no one fucking bought one because it was shit but nintenbros on/v/ during 2014-2016 kept shilling it lmao
As soon as you walk out
These tiny screens would have been acceptable if the stream was at 4K but at 720p potatovision you need a microscope to tell what's going on in them (in the non-webm video)
>bone shit
Dude has a rathalos longsword at the end and the other players aren't using bone anything.
The greatsword he was using was bone you fucking dumb nigger
yeah hopefully they release an HD version
Note how I said "Rathalos Longsword" at the end. You know, the thing the guy with the bone greatsword swapped too.
>occasionally give a passing glance sonewhere long into the hunt when you feel it's time
This is a better mechanic.
Although i do hope it's armor skill
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>Have MHW showcase Japan
>Don't show all the weapons

How about you read the whole post before you respond, dipshit.

I do not own a Switch, nor do I intend to until more games come out that I don't already own.
>it's just the same shit gameplay we've already seen

They'll be releasing a $40 season pass. Plus a day 1 edition and limited edition with exclusive dlc. More details to be revealed on a later date.
I don't recall the source, but iirc:
>monster you hunt is in, the other ~3 are random
>monster spawn points random
>rathalos specifically mentioned to be flying around, in the nest, sleeping, etc.and you don't know where he could be, but there are places he frequently visits (like the nest)
the entire point is that the monsters are doing shit all the time, like the iguana
You could make the same argument about Destiny. It's about patience, and can almost basically replace the need for skill. Most monsters can be beaten in 35 mins if you just hit every once in awhile.
Note how you said "and the other players aren't using bone anything."
>They'll be releasing a $40 season pass. Plus a day 1 edition and limited edition with exclusive dlc. More details to be revealed on a later date.

Why lie?
>And I have no idea what you're referring to with the CEMU shit.
And that says everything, you are nothing more than a crazy nintendo fanboy with a PC, which was my point.
Once again, find a way to have your nintendo fanboys Vs niggers squabbles without pulling the pc fanbase into that shit, you clingy cheerleader. For any not-console-fanboy pc user those two groups are basically the same trash.
because the guy using a bone weapon fucking swapped you idiot. The longsword still did fuckall damage and when they viewed the other hunters point of view which was mostly iron weapons so not really much better its STILL fuckall damage.

Bombs are also fixed damage regardless of HR and they did 90 with the modifier.
I'm not so good with webms but I hoped you all liked them
Not him but dude this is capcom trying to westernize a franchise, look at all their western games in recent years.
It was removed from the game due to being highly obstructive online and doing no damage.
where did i say you bought a nintendo switch you fucking nintendo slut, i'm calling you out for saying it's okay for nintendo making people pay retail price for a remaster game.
wow looks like the same shit I've been playing for 10 years
Thank you anon.
even with the lying shitpost, it's still preferable to what we've been getting

can you even shitpost correctly?
So he was using a bone weapon you fucking retard?
How was this game any worse than any MH?
Weapons are back, they are mostly the same with some differences (like heavy bowgun who now has different firing rates for different ammo) monsters are mostly the same (Just see the Rathalos part) and no loading between areas.

The game barely changed.
>And that says everything, you are nothing more than a crazy nintendo fanboy
Because I don't know what you're obliquely referring to when you say "CEMU shit"?

>without pulling the pc fanbase into that shit

You have brain problems, my dude.
Holy shit I don't understand what you fail to grasp, the fact is the RATHOLOS LONGSWORD did fuckall damage while RATHOLOS grabbing the enemy did around ~1200 damage which was considerably higher than anything the hunters were doing.
MH is literally one of the most popular game for fucking jap kids, it's their cool of duty.
>the monster gets wet when you fight it in water

That's a nice touch.
So he was using a bone weapon, holy shit sonybro you're retarded.
Where did I say it was okay? I have twice now said that I have no intention of buying games I already have and this makes the third.

If you're going to argue with your imaginary friend that's fine, just stop giving me (You)s by mistake.
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>i-it's okay because it has extra dlc's!
>A-Also it's okay because no one bought a wii-u
Holy shit try harder nintenbro shit
>Complaining that a demo where the players are using literal beginner weapons aren't dealing 500 damage.

Have you played ANY monhun games? No?
Every monster hunter game has Rathalos as a 5star monster. He is the end of low rank. You can't just take a beginning bone/iron weapon and expect to deal anything other than chicken scratch to him. Just stop shitposting.
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