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Xenoblade 2 characters

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Thread replies: 317
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>everyone shits on them
>they are actually decent/normal

Am I too old for memes or what's going on? Not every game can or should have 10/10 Kozaki or super realistic character design, I'm sure.
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That artist has honestly improved a lot. Pic related is his work from like 4 or 5 years ago
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I like them. But saying this draws the wolves.
The bunnies, anon. Those jaded shitposters are the bunnies.

>has a belt to hold her longer belt

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I expected more from Nintendo than to have character designs that would be embarrassingly generic even for a seasonal anime.
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They're factually much better than Xenoblade 1 characters (except Dunban and ONLY Dunban) and obviously X too.

People are just retarded. It seems like /v/ has higher and higher standards every yearh, of course truth it /v/ just shitposts more.
Every character looks good except the main character. What a shame.
Kozaki did this with Travis and it's awesome.
I agree the character design is fine. I'm not super worried about their physical design, though. I have faith the writing will make me love the characters. Xbc had one of my favorite parties in any game and it sounds like they are doubling down on the character/story focus.

Between this and Mario having a Switch is going to be amazing this year.
>X1's characters have their own distinct style
>XcX's characters have their own distinct style
>X2's characters look horribly generic and lifeless
>somehow X2's characters are better
>except Dunban and ONLY Dunban
>the only character whose design was mostly stolen from Gears/Saga
Who would have guessed?

Also, that HD texture pack is dreadful.
He is using his belts for his swords, though. It's not just Final Fantasy tier deco.
>the front part of the shirt is actually just a flap, you can see it's not connected in any way to the side of her chest
>you can also see she's not wearing anything underneath
>a strong enough wind would expose her DFC
Once a hentai artist, always a hentai artist.
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I loved Xenoblade but all the characters were ugly monsters with this weird nose and eyes.

I prefer "generic".

That's nice, this way gamers can immerse better.
You would rather have the main characters have no nose instead?
>Also, that HD texture pack is dreadful.
>everything looks the same but sharper


It's almost like people were just OK with Xenoblade characters because they couldn't even notice how ugly they are due to low res textures.
I see many beautiful noses in the OP pic.
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X had amazing characters, too. People were just overly focussing on two characters like autists.

Definitely better than your generic Tales of idols and Final Fantasy emos.
Not on the main characters.
There's a reason why it takes work to make originally SD games look good in HD. Those plastered-on face textures from XB1 don't.

They don't look good in SD either, but I never claimed they did.
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It is a more generic anime style, but I honestly don't care what it LOOKS like so long as the gameplay and story are fine. And from what we've seen so far I'm optimistic.

Plus, honestly, X's models just looked really weird. I'm glad they didn't continue in that style.
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>combat got casualized and gutted
X's women were fucking awful and had really bizzare faces.

The old men were pretty well done.
from: anon
to: 380463008

Dear anon

Read the thread before sperging out, theres more skill slots now and you can actually customize the artes of your party members
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Xenoblade armor has never looked good, it's just par for the course.
Can I shit on it because the story looks seems to be generic trash with waifus sprinkled on it?
>combat got casualized
Nigger its Xenoblade. How far up your own ass do you have to be to think that the old combat wasn't casual as shit?
>10+ options down to 4 options
>not casualized

You're really clever.
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>4chan shitposters dont understand fashion
color me surprised
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>People are calling bullshit on Pyra's design when its no worse than what Fiora wore.
And if you wanna know how I'd rank the character models in all the 3D Xeno games, it'd be:

XSIII >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XCX > XSII > XC > XSI

XC2 will probably end up inbetween Saga III and X (closer to the latter).
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I can bet you, most of the haters are furries
>It's not needlessly complex therefore it's casual
Whats the story faggot? Considering we dont know shit other than SWORDS and assholes from other titans invade.
>There's so few options that combat will be incredibly boring especially compared to previous titles

Try that on for size.
Fiora's tits did not contain 90% of her body-weight
The designs are fine for the most part, though the protagonist's half-Space Marine half-Japanese school swimsuit outfit is fucking retarded.

The real problem I have is the fucking dub. We better get dual audio.
Each Blade gives you three arts and a talent art but you can switch between one of three equipped Blades mid-battle for a total of twelve arts and three weapon types.
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You're right, I should have posted Sharla instead. They even jiggled too.
>down to 4 options
You mean 12 nigger
Tell me more how generic is synonymous with being bad.

I'll take generic, good looking characters over ugly, distinct looking characters.
They already said we aren't. Better start hoping for a BotW-style multi-audio patch.
>Whats the story faggo

Boy finds magical sword-girlfriend and helps her reach magical tree place

Now be fair and compare it to the reveal information we had in X and XcX

>You live on the corpse of an ancient God that is being invaded by mechanical monsters living on the corpse of a mechanical God
>Earth is destroyed, humanity now orphaned must flee into space to find a new home as they are chased by alien invades
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You can have 12 arts and 3 weapons with Blades, you dumbass.
You're the main character of your life. Are you a pointless piece of shit now because you don't have a perfect nose?


But this world surely would be kinda shitty if everyone was ugly.
>Tell me more how generic is synonymous with being bad.

It means no effort was put into them
I mean maybe, but ho shit that primary protagonist is incredibly obnoxious. I hope he ends up dying or something and the narrative continues with the girl.
>>Earth is destroyed, humanity now orphaned must flee into space to find a new home as they are chased by alien invades
How the fuck is that not generic?

XB1 was pretty unique granted, but come on dude.
No, saying anything about the story at this point just makse you look like a retarded Sonybro or a self-harming Nintendofag.
Most americams are ugly.

fine to me
I dunno OP, suddenly in the last few years everybody suddenly thought their opinions on "anime" and "japan" mattered.
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Are you stupid? NeoGAF SJW cancer aren't people.
Don't know how that was related, but I love me some Nintendium demonstrations.
Not really. We have an *only English* disclaimer on the UK video to make it clear that it's not going to be dubbed in Italian and all that jazz.
>Earth was destroyed and humanity needs to flee
>Anything but generic
Anime was using this storyline since like the 70s


Please tell me it's always the same guy.
The narrative states that if the Driver (Rex, the MC) dies, so does the Blade (Pyra, the girl) bonded with him.
>Boy finds magical sword-girlfriend and helps her reach magical tree place
You're really simplifying the story my man. Given what we know about XB2's plot from the trailers

>There was a being called The Architect in which humanity lived alongside
>People live in established colonies on the backs of numerous living giant serpents
>You discover a mysterious girl who wants to go to a magical tree
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Endgame right here bros
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I must've misinterpreted then. Let's be hopeful then.
Why do you keep posting this webm anon, you proved your point already
I like you
Earth being physically destroyed (not just the environment being hostile aka post-apoc) is not that common.

And it's certainly more interesting than "Find waifu, help waifu reach location X"

Try a 20 years Xenofan, brought the brick that is the WiiU just to play XcX and the story is shaping up to be bottom of the barrel JRPG garbage
Damn. I can stomach a whole lot from JRPGs, but that kind of protagonist just pisses me off. Still better than player avatars, I guess...
So... Why can you make characters do this in this game?
Could still go either way. All we can do is trust the architect.
>generic weebshit
Never could get into ahneemay. It always seemed like something an autistic person with no social skills would like with all the cringy edginess and over-designed flashy shit.
Sounds like Megaman Legends 2, down to the forbidden paradise being called Elysium, kek.
You are confusing plot with lore an setting
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there is still a cooldown for changing blades making it slower than having 8 arts at the go
That's funny because the guy I'm responding to must be doing the same thing.
Custom animations for the online play, but you can also use them to take pictures in various poses.
>spin circle right in front of enemy
>doesn't notice you
>walk behind enemy
>notices you immediately
Elysium is a fairly common word in JRPGs.
Because the game has nothing to do with stopping the conflict.

It takes place years after it's already happened, without any game having to do with it, with humans trying to eke out a living on a new planet. Even at the end of the game, you haven't stopped either of those alien races that went to war and got your planet in the crossfire, and you barely know about one extreme group of one of the alien races involved.

When the fuck has that been used before?
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it looks like a vita anime game
Zelda and P5 were dual audio so it could be companies are finally starting to pull their heads out of their asses. The switch being region free gives even more credence to this.
But honestly who fucking knows, localizing companies are the most unpredictable shits.
It's almost like generic weeb trash isn't popular or something.
It's called Paradise, but the localisation team, as always, is afraid of religious references
I hated the characters in XC1, Shulk looked like a nigger in game and they all have horrible faces.

XCX was more of the same, even though I liked Lynn everyone had a stupid early PS2 face that doesn't even look good.

In XC2 characters have an actual pleasant design, I want to fuck the Pyra/Homura and the cat girl is cute af.
Yeah, but then you have the Architect who sounds like MML2's Master, the various settlements on the backs of titans which are like the islands in MML2's water world (each monitored by a potentially destructive system) and the mysterious girl connected to Elysium the MC meets at the beginning (Sera in MML2). It's just a series of amusing similarities.
And you know that you can't upgrade/alter this cooldown somehow throughout the game or do similar things, get even more arts/sets and whatever. That's cool.

Tell us more about the game, please.
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Really makes you think isnt?
Well yeah, Elysium is the one they opt for because they love using mythological references in general whether it's Christian, Norse or else.
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There is no game on any of your Playstation consoles with this sense of scale and awesome OST, though.
But that's not something we knew when we first saw trailers. The first trailers gave us a generic starting off point to the plot, just "aliens destroyed Earth, we got onto a ship and left."

X subverted the generic expectations once the game actually came out, so getting mad at 2's apparent generic plot when X's looked just as generic from the trailers is pretty hypocritical.
What word is used in Japanese, rakuen? Isn't that a generic word for paradise, not just the Christian one?
I'm from NeoGAF.

I will tell this Nintendo and get your game censored.
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Does anybody else get Eureka 7 vibes from XB2?
It's more linear based in the story, you acquire more blades the more you play and you explore Titans
Those hacks at 8-4 already did that in X

Elysium is specifically the greek paradise.

Remember how they changed "Gods" in X to Mechonis and Bionis

Or Testament in XcX to I forget what
>Remember how they changed "Gods" in X to Mechonis and Bionis
I'll be devil's advocate, they sound much better than directly translating Kyoshin and Kishin. Also they still used "gods" to refer to them and to Zanza/Meyneth a ton anyway.
>they actually and literally did this to this game

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>There is no game on any of your Playstation consoles with this sense of scale and awesome OST
>and awesome OST
>awesome OST
Trails of Cold Steel
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>The entire industry is vomiting all over itself in a MUH DIVERSITY frenzy
>Meanwhile Nintendo makes an amazing game about the difficulties and rewards of creating a multicultural society
How do they do it?
thanks for reminding me of this song anon


i totally forgot about Eureka 7
Those are better names than just Kyoshin and Kishin, and Mechonis even keeps the pun of Kishin.
Meyneth and Zanza were still called gods quite a bit.
If we're just going off of initial trailers, then humanity are space refugees trying to make an alien planet their new home after their first contact with alien species being two warring super-advanced alien races got Earth caught in the crossfire of their own totally unrelated war.

I legitimately don't get what part of that even approaches generic. Not even the same person talking about XB2 at all, but just saw the comment about XBX being generic and thought that's totally wrong.
Most of these look alright, the problem is that the MC looks like crap and that's the guy you're going to see most of the time
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You're going to spend the entire time looking at his pocket Mercy anyway.
Didn't you hear? "Generic" is just a buzzword for "I find this boring and everyone else should know" around these parts.
I guarantee there will be a Shulk costume for scanning the Shulk amiibo. Screencap this post.

Also >>380466658
If the same rules as the original still applies I'm not going to use him in my party at all. But I'll still have to look at the little nerd in every cutscene. Dude looks like he belongs in kingdom hearts. Why can't he look like someone in the OP pic, like wolf Raiden, or Gutsu or the guy with the eye-patch? Fuck this world.
>implying implications
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The light and medium sets look fine. It's when you mix and match individual armour pieces that it starts to look like a mess
>make a Baten Kaitos meets Xeno hybrid
>call it Xenoblade 2
>Shulkfags and Smash babies remain forever buttblasted
Everything is as it should be, plus the new artstyle reminds me of Xenogears opening cinematic. Which makes it even better.
I'm getting tired of saying it, but I would take a generic anime art style over the old art style every fucking day, the models looked awful in the past 2 games, now they don't look awful, hell Pyra makes me horny and the cat girl is waifu tier.

How is this at all related or similar to BT?
Holy shit!! Is that a motherfucking Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann reference???
No, it's a Drill Dozer reference.
>all this shitposting about Xenoblade 2 today
Is FFXV-kun still mad his game is shit and massively inferior to XCX?
That is distracting as fuck.
What part of Homura's Homuras would you Homura?
I don't know why it makes so many people mad, just embrace it, Xenoblade has become the best current jrpg franchise by its own merits. Why the fuck not just enjoy it? Shitposters are really missing out.
The new characters they showed off look a lot better, but the boy and his waifu look like generic ass moeblobs.
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>Current Objective: ZR
This game knows what I like.
I know, she's going to make me miss sidequests and probably be blindsided by enemies.
>Shulk costume
>Not a Shulk blade
Ys is great, but that's not of the same scale or quality.

Yes, the character models in 8 have a better style, but not technically, unless there is a PS4 version with better visual quality.

As far as the music is concerned, while XCX's OST was serviceable, it was hit or miss with the fan base. I don't think anyone will disagree with the current state of XC2's OST

Ys's OST is always solid though. I'm getting through Nightmare Ys II right now and it's a challenge.

Reminds of a Tales game honestly. Nothing really wrong with the designs just very cookie cutter and bland for the most part.
Given the way armor has worked in the last two Xenoblade games I really don't think it's going to matter much here. We'll see their default costumes for the first 20 minutes then probably never again.

For Pyra, that's a damn shame.
How fucking weird is it that Xenoblade got critical acclaim? FF is an industry darling and this niche open world game on a dead console destroyed it on Metacritic.
FF hasn't been an industry or critics' darling for a long time.
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Pretty sure you can't change Pyra's armor, anon. She and the other Blades aren't traditional party members.
>Scan Shulk amiibo
>Shulk stands behind you in battles yelling "Pesky thing!" and "This'll leave a mark!"

I want a Reyn amiibo now.
We're still going to see his big-ass fucking feet
>Faggots here are actually settling for generic trash instead of a unique art style

Miyazaki was right all along. Anime was a mistake.
The demo had Jap audio.
That's true. Still, Rex'll probably have a ton of different armors.
>10/10 Kozaki
>Samefacing is a 10/10
They said at the end that it was an early build, we'll get only english voices and no dual audio.
To me every FF game since XII feels like a fucking mess of ideas that don't blend together, feels like all their focus goes to make the combat system more flashy and automatic and also graphics.
Please no. Pyra's English voice sounds way too old.
All the designs that aren't kids looks closer to XBCX design's and look better. Honestly if the cast wasn't mainly pre-teens that show off like 90% of their skin and a nopon i'd be more okay with it.
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I'm really not sold on the new artstyle, story and combat, but at least the new soundtrack sounds amazing just like the previous two entries in the series. Still wish we'd have gotten a proper sequel to X.

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Did you hear the "TAKE THIIIIS" from the MC?
Or the scottish accent?
Now this is a generic anime art style.
The girls are shit, and the kind of designs people typically deride JRPG's for.
It would be nice if Blades had special equipment of their own. Or maybe even their own HP bar. It seems weird that they don't seem to suffer damage during battle as they're supporting their Drivers.
I can't get over the fact that half the characters will just be standing fix a fixed pose in the middle of battle.
*with a fixed pose
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>you will never fuck red sword girl

They also summon stands from their swords like jojo
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Hot off the presses.
Protag has an annoying voice and looks like a 10 year old boy.
I played every Xeno game since Gears but Blade 2 looks really generic. I really liked X because of how much it looked (And sorta felt like) Saga 3.
Does Pyra feel it when Rex holds the sword?
>Having to dig where the collectables are
WHY?! What made the collectables at least somewhat fun was just running over them so you never have to stop.

She looks so fucking retarded, do straight people find this hot?
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Are the only party members we know so far - Kid MC, Cat Girl & Nopon?
I assume the eyepatch dude in the bottom left is also one, pic related.

I'm alright with "playable chars" so far except that generic brat MC.
You must be a faggot then.
That sounds really fucking good, I love it.
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Because before collectables were literally a way to fill the empty world. They decided to make the world less empty and fill it with more stuff and make collectables individual instead of 100% generic.

That you have a problem with this shows that people really don't deserve good games anymore. They are wasted on you.
I don't get why there's not more outrage. Perhaps the console warring during E3 is still so fresh in people's mind that people who like Xenoblade are hesitant to speak up against the god awful design of the MC. Well I own a WiiU, will eventually buy a switch, bought Xenoblade and Xenoblade X and I fucking hate it.
I'm a straight well adjusted male with a 9/10 girlfriend and I can't stop getting boners for Pyra. My gf says something like "omg how can they make a character that dress like a prostitute in a videogame" but she was half joking, I bet she loved the big tits too.
Good, JRPGs with children were the best and maot adventurous.
>I don't get why there's not more outrage
Because in Xenoblade armor changes the model. He won't wear the default outfit for very long.
There's also possibly a child. Can't tell if it's a boy or girl.
I was just saying that why change something that was fine. Adding the whole digging to it is a awful change because it just wastes time.
Does xenoblade X on the wiiu or 2 that was announced have anything to do story-wise with xenoblade chronicles on wii?
>projecting this hard
>everyone else
>black afro women
>hot anime girls

Loving every second of it.
Xeno games all have terrible design. The only acceptable one is Xenosaga 3.
X isn't related to it, and 2 doesn't seem to be either.
X and Chronicles 1 are completely unrelated. 2 probably isn't either, but they may do some plot twist.
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Judging by the party screen, there's about room for two more party members. So eyepatch dude, and I assume whoever the blonde girl's Driver is.

You talking about eyepatch dude's Blade behind him there? Or the character on Tora's back here? >>380467371 Because that's his Blade.
Nothing yet on 2 but X is pretty much it's own world.
Some aliens talk about their mythology and it's kind of the story of Xenoblade 1 but that's really it
Xeno series has never had good character models. I'll happily take this over Xenoblade X potato models.
It was not fine.

What am I projecting?
That won't change his undersized body and oversized feet. Oh well, I shouldn't complain, game will probably still be good. Although I haven't finished X yet.
I agree. Plus all the girls look fantastic.
>I assume whoever the blonde girl's Driver is.

I think given how the first trailer highlights her, Rex and Pyra the most that Blond will become another one of Rex's blade later in the story.
The only issue with the collectables was that they didn't tell you where they were so you needed a faq to know where they were. And doing quests with them was awful because of that. If they are taking away quests whatever but why add you digging them up when it literally worse than just running over them and collecting them?
It's still missing a black. I don't get it.

At least XB1 had one cool one.

Looks like the type of cookie cutter shit you'd wank to on vndb then forget instantly.
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I really wish they stuck with Kunihiko Tanaka. I love his art and Monolith Soft were making improvements on bringing his style into 3D.
Because it isn't. Helps you get immersed and the world seem more interactive and the gameplay more intuitive all-around. It would be bad if everything else stayed the same and things still require the same amount of those collectables and they are still everywhere randomly, but I assume this is not the case.
That was in the first Xenoblade, in X all of the hard ones to find were talked about by NPC and the ones that weren't you could figure it out by yourself since they were in caves or unique places
They have full body artwork for the characters in the pause menu now and no sight of changing armor in gameplay. I would love to be proven wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if they did away with it.

It's also something I would of expected them to show off in gameplay if it existed like they did for X's treehouse segment years back.
I like how his style looks in drawings and all, but the models just looked bad.
Compared to the first Xenoblade is an upgrade since the world had nothing to interact with, compared to X is a big fucking downgrade
The art of X makes me hard.
It's a shame that the faces looked kinda poor in the 3D models.
But everything else looked great.

I was really hoping for some kind of X port to the switch but I can't see it happening any time soon.

Since this is pretty much confirmed, can we also expect a black dude in Xeno?
And unfortunately we play with the models, not the concept art, so they had to do something.
>They have full body artwork for the characters in the pause menu
Lots of games do this but still let you change the models.
In X they just said what area they were at. But not what part of the area. When X came out pretty much everyone kept sharing the collectible images. Fuck those mandatory quests that force you to find the collectibles.
You actually have a point there, I'm actually worried, maybe they dropped the armor changing in the game, hell not even FF does it.
how can you say that when the model is art in 3D?
What is Rex's Japanese name? i assume it's a lot better like how Homura is better than Pyra.
Besides the abundant treasures in X that barely contained anything worthwhile, there's hardly anything to interact with.
Rex was always just Rex.
Have you not seen the faces in X?
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Yes the models weren't the best but they were an improvement. Looking back at Xenosaga 1 to X, Monolith Soft were definitely getting better and I would love for them to keep doing so. Hopefully next game.
That franchise goes all the way back to the 80s fampai
>hardly anything to interact with
If you didn't like don't say it as a fact
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Fuck off underage KHtards. Xenoblade was GOTY, Xenoblade X was GOTY, Xenoblade 2 will be GOTY.
yes, if you can't tell don't waste my time
Nomura designed the character in the middle in OP pic.
Nomura only designed the guy in the mask, not the entire cast.
I think what's most worrying is that in cutscenes there's this cat thing that hangs around in Rex's helmet/hoodie looking thing that's clearly attached to his armour. Should other armour sets not include that component, where would that cat be?
I know that that's why I told the KH fags to fuck off. Nomura "designing" one irrelevant NPC doesn't give them the right to post in our threads.
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I-I legit want to know too
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Why do we hate FFXV again? Not only does it have better better dungeons, characters, villain, dungeons, monsters design, story, music, lore, animation, combat than every Xeno game, it also has som of the best character design and models of all time.
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that's a big claim, do you have any fact to back that up?
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The trailer showed her wincing in pain when Rex's sword got hit.
>Tales of Xenoblade
Post more hot pyra, I'm collecting it.
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There's precious little right now. All I've seen so far is just what's in this thread.
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t-then what happens if he's stroking his sword gently
Haven't been really following it but has they shown off different armors? Really don't want to see Rex in that all game.
Berseria was as bad as ffxv
No they haven't
They haven't but I expect it given the last two.

Expect Shulk costume by scanning his amiibo too.
Wait, is it really simplified? I had to quit XCX because it was way too fucking simple I felt like my brain was melting. It was just raw numbers with progressive numerical upgrades and absolutely zero strategy.

Here's hoping this apparent menushit simplification is an adjustment to them implementing some actual speck of strategy here and there. Not going to buy if it's isn't deeper than the previous titles.
there is literally a thread going on that's doing that
Upload your folder please
No, in fact I don't think we've even seen monsters drop anything in terms of equipment.
>Rex polishing the sword.
>Pyra moaning and panting.
You can equip Blades to swap to in combat, for a total of 12 arts and 4 weapons.
Yeah, I went back to watch the trailer. It's his sword.
The MCs have retarded featureless moeblob faces.
Everyone else is fine.
So who would you guy's hire to design chars for XBC3 if given the chance? I'd hire Hidari.
There's an ero bath scene, I believe there's a chance we get to see that
The only strategic thing they added was different Blades and Launch status effect
I dunno if it's going to be deeper since arts charge doing auto attacks now and you can't even have auto attack going while you move so you will stand still most of the time
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good taste
That'd partially cover the quantity I suppose. However I'd happily give up quantity for quality as I stated.
This game looks like a ton of fun. Can't wait to get lost in that comfy town. Love the design. Battle system looks and sounds fucking dope! Love all of the different Blades you can collect. Like collecting your own PokƩmon. Heard there's crazy hard unlockable ones in the game. The music. Those titties and asses. Story looks fucking chaotic. This game. THIS FUCKING GAME. So comfy
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fucking explain this
shit taste
This is the most obvious paid shill post I've ever seen

Shit design for a shit series
This is a 18+ site
I like grinding and cozy towns, this looks like a comfy game
Fuck off talesfag cunt
Right. Everything is perfect and flawless.
Reminds me of the drones from the XCX hype threads claiming it was going to be the definitive best game ever.

Well, at least this time around the game won't get abandoned to work on BOTW since that is already out of the way, so you have we at least have a chance to get a finished title now.
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Stay cucked Xenocunt. The gameplay in the trailers was trash and you know it.
I wouldn't be too hopeful.
I believe the reason for the dumbification of the aesthetics is that they want the game to come out as soon as possible to give the Switch a robust early library.
So this looks like it could be yet another alpha stage game rushed out of the door missing one year of polish.

I cannot explain this objectively shittier chibi aesthetics otherwise. It's just simpler for the sake of simplicity.
Yeah man, people need to chill and get comfy and just enjoy things. Gonna 100% my Blade collection!
XCX is the definitve open world RPG, name a game that makes you explore in the way X does. Where literally everything you do helps you somewhere else, that being collecting materials, killing monsters or just plain exploring the world
>Played a ton of Tales games
>Can never get my combos off like everyone else can
Maybe I just suck but I just can't seem to do it.
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Ken Sugimori
Even FFXV had better exploration, combat and optional content. Fuck off fanboy
>being this dumb and choosing not to experience the best JRPG of the year
>not wanting to suck on best girl pyra's nips
If you were "too old" you'd think the majority of these character designs look like retarded anime garbage for teenagers, it's cringey as fuck and anyone who actually legitimately likes them is underage and/or autistic.
>XCX is the definitve open world RPG,
You really need to have played a minimum of 10 videogames before trying to argue those sort of things, Timmy.

>vthat makes you explore in the way X does.
You mean games that give you an overpowered flying mech that trivializes 100% of the exploration rather early in the game? Thankfully I cannot name any game that decided to ruin themselves this hard.
I can take all the designs, even MC's armor chaps. Just not that english dub. I don't care about dubs vs subs and it doesn't matter much usually, but this is over the line
He designed one guy in the game
Someone named Torna
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>complains about xenoblade faces
>posts image of HD Texture pack mod that make them all look retarded

Well no shit they all look bad to you. You're using a mod that makes them look worse.
>someone in the studio made a dare
>"i bet it's physically impossible to make something that looks shittier than xcx's characters!
Destroyed that cunt.
>They're factually much better than Xenoblade 1 characters (except Dunban and ONLY Dunban) and obviously X too.
As a low tier artist making a living on anime commissions, it looks like you're the retarded one here. X1 anatomy and facial structure is infinitely superior than this pathetic garbage.

Some of the bad faces manage to be even worse than X's, which is an incredible accomplishment in and of itself.
>overpowered flying mech that trivializes 100% of the exploration rather early in the game?
You can't make a point if you rushed the game, you know what the plot of the game is? Find the Lifehold, and you do that by exploring and being a member of BLADE at the same time, meaning you have to go around Mira and NLA doing division work.
On top of that the Mediator work you can do in NLA gives more angles to the plot of being stranded in Mira and being against the clock trying to find the lifehold
By the point you get the Doll is when you are at a level that will need bigger enemies to be killed, only improving the gameplay against the enemies
The only thing trivialized is your experience since you decided to go for the higher level stuff, if you are retarded enough to rush things it's your problem. Levels and size mean a lot in this game, specially since it's a RPG. At the end the only thing ruined is your mental ability
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>Some of the bad faces manage to be even worse than X's
Kek, I saw nothing in there that even approached that shit.
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How badly will NOA censor this game?
what's so bad about having facial features?
>it's your fault that the game is poorly designed
What the fuck am I reading?
Xenoblade never had good characters in the first place

They were boring caricatures
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Yeah it's not looking good right now for changeable armor.
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I think having someone standing behind you the whole time you're fighting is f****** stupid.
Who thought that was a good idea?
And your post only proves why you will always be low tier artist.
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Is this a JoJo reference.png
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It's a JoJo reference
Just import it if it happens, Switch is region free.
I'm glad I don't have crippling autism so this shit doesn't bother me.
1/10 made me respond
Takahashi likes trying new things. It's as simple as that.
>That instant turn around
Holy shit
The Skells had issues especially in regards to combat, but I don't think they tivialized exploration at all. You'll already have the bulk of most of the areas explored before you get the ability to fly, and when you are able to, you finally get to plant the Frontiernav thing in that previously unreachable spot. It was timed pretty well.
>chibi aesthetics
You have no idea what "chibi" means, do you? There's nothing chibi about the aesthetics here. Even "moe" makes more sense.
I like Sugimori's art style... But would it fit in a world like xenoblade?
It's you fault for being retarded, playing the games wrong and later sperging against others who don't follow your autistic ways. You don't know how to play
This does seem like it will be annoying, especially when you consider your waifu is a weapon so having her out constantly likely won't be plausible.

Also it seems like a gacha system to roll for new blades.

It may be a cool and nice new take compared to teh previous systems arte wise, but having 3 people standing around doing nothing and trying to get the better ones will likely be a hassle.

And you know Xenoblade games have been had any mechanics that were a hassle.
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>literally every character has a decent design except the protagonist

I cannot believe this wasnt intentional.
So it's 4 character artes + 4 blade artes at a time?
please rewrite that last sentence, I can't make head nor tail of it
No wonder you're "low tier".
not really, now combat is more cooldown and chain attack oriented
No, from what I understand, it's four blades you can switch to (similar to Xenoblade X's melee/ranged switches) that each have three normal arts and one talent art (similar to Xenoblade 1), and if multiple party members have talent arts at the ready, you can execute combos.
>The 2 MC's look absolutely dreadful
>Everyone else looks ok

Why the fuck?
it's Getter Robo you shit
Been = never, not sure how that happened.
That's typically how things go. Since MC tend to be over design to stand out.
They are certainly better than XCX. Fuck does anyone itt even remember how godawful everything but the skells and monsters were in that?
fuck off, I miss potatoes
X was great, and seems that X2 will be worse
I don't speak Japanese, you fuck.
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Anyone else scared that Xenoblade 2 will completely eclipse X, robbing us from X stages/character/songs in Sm4sh Deluxe/5, from a proper sequel developing from the cliffhanger to X, from expanding and tweaking up mech combat in future Xeno titles and so on? I feel like X put the foundations of a great sci-fi universe I want to learn more about and I'm afraid its lukewarm fan reaction and the team deciding to go back more toward fantasy means we'll never see it again.
>I miss potatoes

Fucking how. And this is on top of Lin being the most fucking annoying character with the million "haha let's eat Tatsu" jokes.

Thank fuck the Nopon party member this time looks good.
The only design I donĀ“t like is the main character, I like the others.
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>I want to play a game in a language I do not comprehend
>Then buy the game in that language, no one's stopping you
that's just you hating kids, Lin and Tatsu are supposed to be just 2 kids
>Thank fuck the Nopon party member this time looks good.
to eat

But no I agree with you that one of the annoying parts in X was that dumb joke. But I mostly blame Tatsu for being so god damn annoying and useless. His family was a better fucking character than he was.
I would still like an X stage in smash at some point but I wouldn't mind if Rex gets in over Elma or who have you. I'm still praying for a continuation of the X series though. Maybe in 3 or 4 years.

If you are nintendocock sucker maybe
I hate the MC's pants but I like his scuba diving helmet. Everyone else's design is fine
I actually like Rex's design. It doesn't bother me at all.
Don't they draw porn?
Akihiko Yoshida.
He literally never, ever said that you retard. He doesn't want the game to be censored. He wants an English release that isn't censored.
My only issues are those dumb pants. Other than that he seem fine to me. But I don't mind the super anime style.
The worst part is easily his pants, completely detracts from the rest of his design. I like the diver motif he has for the rest, like the helmet, wetsuit, and harpoon, but the pants just look ridiculous.
Yeah, he does. All the time.
You can ask that about literally any japanese artist and the answer will be yes
Japan treats porn as any other art. Hell nearly most major artists started in porn and moved on to other things only to move back to porn.
Calling it now, Rex will go through a time skip in the story and be older for the rest of the game
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