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Path of Exile

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Thread replies: 522
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How to play this game without paying GGG for a stash tab?
Make 40 characters, retard
Stop being poor

Very slowly. The game isn't worth playing if you aren't going to pay. It is P2W, but not significantly, overbearingly so. It is enough that I'll never play it again, though.
The same way you did with Diablo 2.
>needing to trade
Casual much?
outside of stash tabs, how is it pay to win?
Loot filter
Multiple clients/characters
Realize you're playing a game and if you're enjoying it you're doing nothing to reward those who've provided this to you by avoiding the stash tab mechanic
If you don't have a spare $5, you need to stop playing video games entirely and go get a fucking job.
>It is P2W
I'd pay4you2fuckOff
i made a vow never to spend a single cent on (((microtransactions)))

sorry for being principled, faggot
>giving a random third party app found on GIT your steam ID and password

Are you fucking retarded?
>i made a vow never to spend a single cent on (((microtransactions)))
>sorry for being principled, faggot

being this stern on video games
such edge
nice shitpost, chris. still not buying your goytabs.
It isn't microtransactions if you only have to buy one item.
fine. charge $5 to play the game then and stop lying about it being free.

just cause you're dense as lead: that wasn't an advertisement towards you, it was an insult
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>just cause you're dense as lead
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
They should make it possible to earn buy points just by playing the game.

They would have a significantly larger community, which would end up generating a lot more money for them.
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jesus christ
He's calling you thick, anon. You cannot be this stupid.
Game looks like ass, but I'm pushing on anyway because I like the leveling system. Bad guys are mindless zombies.

If I end up loving it then I'll definitely buy something. Doesn't make sense to not fund a thing you enjoy
>and stop lying about it being free
But it actually is free you mongoloid.
sell your items and stop hoarding them like an autistic idiot then
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lead isn't dense, you can bend it with your fucking hands, being malleable with your hands means it's not dense
>tfw love to collect uniques
>most of them are shit
>stash tabs are cancer
On a molecular level, the atoms of lead are very compact and close together. They are "dense". This is why lead vests are used to protect you from X-rays when you go to the dentist. The lead protects you from the X-Rays, none of them get through.

In this instance, anon is using the molecular density of lead as a simile and using that simile to insult your intelligence.
>no matter how hard you try to put knowledge into his brain, nothing gets through
Lead is one of the densest materials on earth you uneducated, pathetic, malignant tumour of society. Density does not correlate with malleability.
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>this entire post
what if you tried learning things via beaming gamma radiation into your brain?
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>Density does not correlate with malleability
third world education detected

>User was automatically filtered for posting a blacklisted image
i love this thing
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Fucking twat.
Diablo 2 didn't have 20 different crafting materials, flasks, and endgame content that is stored as consumables
density directly correlates with weight. lead is one of the lightest metals. where the fuck did you read that it's >DUDE SO DENSE LMAO
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>look at this list i just made without any cited sources or peer reviews to confirm it as valid, you'd better accept it as fact
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This fucking post. Jesus.
Stop being a faggot
why can't vee stay on topic for more than 10 seconds
Why outside of it? It began and ended there. If the only way to get more space is to spend money that is a form of P2W. It's an advantage.
But what Diablo 2 did have is the most cancerous and shitty inventory system in the history of video games, all thanks to charms.
>random ass arab company
>implying sandniggers can into science
You get 24 character slots for free on a new account
Are you saying you need more than 4 tabs and 24 character inventories worth of storage?
Because if that's what you're saying, you're wrong
>jf industries
i'm not going to trust metal statistics published on a website that sells metal, because those statistics are skewed so that potential customers will be more inclined to purchase their products.

Try again. I said, give me something with cited sources that is PEER-REVIEWED

Pretty easily, actually. If you stick to playing one or two characters you'll have more than enough storage to work with. There is no good reason to hoard like 3 tabs of currency, and if you ever play long enough to get to that point it's not going to kill you to finally pay $5-$10 for a game you are clearly invested in and enjoying at that point.
You can have bunch of account and GGG intentionally make poe.exe limit open is 2, which mean you can have 8 stash tabs
I 36/40 and bought a skyforth in 3rd week of perandus with multiple 9x chars, stop being a shitters and learn to play the game
No. We're saying that once all of those slots become full, it's what are you going to do with all of those items?

>it's nearly impossible to sell items without using a premium stash tab to list them on poe.trade because trade chat is nothing but bots and no real humans use it.
You're totally missing the point of this thread.

This thread is about how difficult it is to sell your items without a premium stash tab. It takes HOURS just to sell one item.
>what is acquistion
The poe.trade is already a 3rd party program, using 1 more wont kill you
see >>375537389
I've been playing for many years with only one stash tab dedicated to trading, Acquisition or any other 3rd party program is free, the premium tab is only a bridge to what is a freely open API

Conversely, the argument that you have an advantage past a certain amount of premium tabs quickly loses any value considering all the time you lose micromanaging your virtual shop is time you didn't spend actually playing the game
>don't worry you can go through the hassle of managing different characters and accounts for shit you want to keep
Okay. Dunno why you fags wont just admit that it's P2W. Could be worse, but it doesn't change the facts.
did they ever fix the security leak in acquisition?
I actually make a test with acquistion, premium tabs and the 3rd party with gcp recipe add-on
Items on 3 account actually listed randomly, its 20% depend on your luck and 80% depend on price you list/the actual value of item

You don't NEED to do that, though. Saying it's some kind of requirement for winning is downright stupid. Thus, saying stash tabs are "pay to win" is equally stupid.

And again, if you get to that point in the game what the shit does $5 or whatever matter?
You don't NEED to take the elevator to the 23 floor, either.

You could always just take the stairs.
>using steam version
Use the browser cookie like in the instruction of those program
What security leak ?
YOu mean the conspiracy of those ledditor saying those people with multiple HH scan your stash tabs to see if you have a mirror and buy them as fast as they could?
Because you're not winning anything. It's a PvE arpg, not some kind of competitive PvP game where getting a paid edge over your opponent would obviously tip the game into the p2w territory. Things like game knowledge, game experience, and your playstyle efficiency are much more valuable and meaningful in your progress than shaving 10 seconds by dumping your trash gear into premium tabs instead of learning to separate the good from the trash.

Not sure how the guy paying money for the elevator is winning anything.
So basically you want GGG to provide you entertainment for free?
Who did you win against though ?
Because as far as I know, people with skyforth in 3rd week of new league >>375540420
is like 1% of those people who bought stash tabs
You're like 18 and don't know what P2W is. When you market a game as F2P but sell advantages, no matter how minuscule, that counts and has counted for years as p2w. Context such as PvE and PvP do not fucking matter. Both can and will be competitive in some form or another.

Read up on it junior. I'm not going to sit here and spoon feed you facts all damn day.
See >>375541624
You mean Im better than 99% of those people who bought stash tabs ?
>Who did you win against though ?
Not how it works, again you retards take things too literal while knowing absolutely nothing.

If you save time by spending money, you have paid for an advantage, thus you have paid to win.
Why do you shitpost on /v/?

So what you are saying, is that you are literally bitching about semantics and nothing else?
you're arguing with two different people. not the pay to win guy here.
I did see it and he's just as retarded and ill informed as you are. The only people who don't see it as paid to win are the very people who play and defend the game every chance they get.

You're a shill and you do it for free. So booty bothered your game has P2W elements?
>you retards take things too literal
>Proceeds to take the term P2W as literally as possible despite connotations and context

This is what we call autism.
An advantage that 99% of people with it cant use to be better than me ?
It's not an advantage meaningful enough to be considered as unfair compared to free players. You could argue it's not even an advantage at all, as micromanaging more stored gear can easily end up being a net loss of time/currency if you don't know what you're doing. Is the game p2w because game knowledge matters? Does the game requiring you to be literate and having some time invested in it to learn the ropes count as being p2w?

>You're like 18 and don't know what P2W is.
You're like clueless and trying to conveniently label games you're not proficient as p2w.

GGG's entire income should come from voluntary cosmetic purchases. You shouldn't be required to take the stairs. Everyone should be allowed to use the elevator.
I'm not bitching, I don't have an issue with it. But it IS P2W. I accept that, time for you to do the same.
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It's called "trolling"
"Shitposting" is a term used only on reddit and nu-SA
But I'm not taking it literal you fucking dunce. P2W is a very loose term, I'm just applying it properly, while you're busy sperging over the "win" part of it.

Nigga you are full retarded. You keep responding, like how badly do you want to suck my fat dick anon?
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>how badly do you want to suck my fat dick anon?
I'm not the autist you are arguing with but holy shit that statement doesn't put you in a positive light lmao
>It's a very loose term I'm applying properly
really makes you think
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>I'll suck your dick but you are gay
Say that while sucking my dick.
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>User was automatically filtered for using a banned image
>You shouldn't be required to take the stairs. Everyone should be allowed to use the elevator.

This. It's the reason I stopped playing.
So in LOL you can buy champions directly instead of spending time getting them, does that mean LOL is P2W game?
Answer this honestly and I will know if you are just another shitposter or not
This thread is a perfect example why free textbooks exist whether it be chemistry, physics or economics.
Yes anon, that's exactly what I said, thanks for confirmation. It's loose in the sense that it doesn't necessarily mean you've won something while applying to advantages even outside forms of competition.

I knew common sense was rare, but holy shit you might actually be retarded.
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I don't want to give acquisition my steam login and I don't want to pay for a premium stash tab.

How do I sell my gear?
Buy account w/ stash tabs
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>trading is an integral part of the game
>ingame options for trading are terrible, a core aspect of their game is basically being outsourced to 3rd party sites

>the trade improvements they do make are gated behind a paywall

bunch of lazy kikes
You don't.
>So in LOL you can buy champions directly instead of spending time getting them, does that mean LOL is P2W game?
Yes, you are bypassing time spent on the game.
Read the instruction ?
Just login on home page of poe with steam acc and copy the shit instructed to acquistion
All this bitching over selling crap to other players.

OP, to play this game without buying stash tabs just stop being a little bitch and play the game self found. Maybe make some fucking friends and trade with them specifically or have them trade shit for you. It's really not worth crying this hard over.

THIS. This is why Path of Exile sucks.
Ok you are actually shitposting
Nice rebuttle retard.
>this term has a loose definition but I will now force my own specific and arbitrary interpretation of it down your throat and act as if I'm not being a butthurt shitter
God yer dum.

>how do you sell gear WITHOUT using acquisition?
>you do it by using acquisition, derp

Fucking moron.
>I don't know how to quote look at how new I am
As for being my own interpretation of the meaning. Again, that's what it has meant and been applied for years, okay squirt?
some xrays do get through dipshit, google half value layers
Who are you talking to?
Don't collect any gems (except for corrupted / special ones you can buy all of them at act 3 in merci) and don't hold onto junk just because it's orange. 1 tab for currency, one tab for super rare stuff (really rare stuff) + corrupted gems, and one tab for skill jewls and maps.

It should hold for like 4-5 characters at least.
>not having entire mule characters filled with pgems
cool story bro.
>having more storage space is an advantage in and of itself because the more gear sits in your stash the more powerful your character becomes
That doesn't explain how to sell items without either giving your steam ID to some unknown guy on github or paying GGG to link your account to poe.trade.
There is more than 1 way to login into your acc without giving your steam login to it
But since you cant read its instruction, I dont think you will be able to read wiki about hundreds of items, mods and gems and be able to get past merciless let alone reach end game maps
>It is P2W
Sound like you haven't played this game at all. It's far from p2w, all the transactions are cosmetic bullshit and while extra tabs are nice if you want lots of characters, they don't really improve the power of the characters themselves.

Instead of tabs you can just delete characters you don't use.
nothing in the OP indicates it was about selling, not managing inventory
No there isn't.

If you installed PoE via steam, the ONLY way to use acquisition is to give acquisition your steam ID and password. The other methods don't work.

The only way to use the other options is to complete uninstall the game and reinstall it by downloading the game for the PoE website, which means completely starting over.
you just being willfully obtuse. there isn't any other reason to buy stash tabs.
With my most advance char I'm on last difficulty end of act 3 and never used poe.trade. not once. so I wouldn't say it's mandatory.

And I doubt the endgame maps gonna change that.

Pretty sure nothing is stopping you from having the game installed twice.
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>implement trading systems that removes the appeal of tabs
>no one buys shit
>game development ceases, servers close
>faggots like you complain devs didn't have sustainabile business model
So, how do you sell your items?
by the same logic, PoE cannot be considered p2w since you're just bypassing time by facilitating trading instead of using slightly more tedious options
You can also contact the support and they will link your steam acc with another email for PoE main client
Except you are. You are taking the term P2W to its most literal and strict connotation with no regards to context. The way you are arguing, there is no way it's a loose term. You haven't made an actual argument, you're just arguing semantics. People keep replying to you because of how dumb you are. But if you want to believe that there's only one definition of P2W and then call the term LOOSE while restricting it as much as possible, go ahead and c-


Oh, that explains things. Carry on, Reddit. Le 4chan is for shitposting. I remember that epic meme.
How does league of legends make money?
>the ONLY way to use acquisition is to give acquisition your steam ID and password
That's just not true. You can use your sessionid from PoE's forums as well.
And Procurement is better than Acquisition, anyway.
To vendors, getting literally shit currency in return and happy with it. Maybe I just don't care all that much about trading, I understand if for some people it's important.
Again, that doesn't work if you installed the game through steam.
Storage space? which is conveniently provided in the form of free character slots you can use as mules. Is everyone here under 15? Does the name D2 ring any bells in your millenial head?
hey newfag retard, the OP was made over an hour ago, on 4chan only posts made in the last 10 minutes mean anything
>have $40 cosmetics
>don't make money

lol fuck off retard
>How does league of legends make money?

Topic is Path of Exile and GGG not LOL and their business model.

If you want to make the argument that LOL has a business model that would work in PoE, make that argument. Otherwise fuck off.
You vendor your 5 socket uniques?
>tabs sales do not fund development only cosmetics do
>You can also contact the support and they will link your steam acc with another email for PoE main client
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Is trading available to everybody? Does it require you to invest money?
>Except you are. You are taking the term P2W to its most literal and strict connotation with no regards to context.
Except I was referring to the "win" part not being literal. I'm using the term properly, the problem is fucktards like you look at "win" and take it literally. Reading comprehension.
>muh safespace.
What's your excuse for not understanding a staple term in video games? Casual? Mental retardation?
You're implying that GGG wouldn't make money if they adopted LoL's business model. That just isn't true.

You're beginning to sound like you're financially affiliated with GGG.
PoE can be considered P2W for sure.

>have 4 stash tabs
>can't hoard all the loot and potential sales indefinitely vs if you had infinite stash tabs

it's easier to see it's P2W
>have 1 stash tab
>vs having 100 stash tabs

you'll be limited and while there's no certain point where it stops being a weakness to your storage and vending it's still P2W because it punishes you enough to make you want to spend $$$, 4 stash tabs is not enough and when none of them are premium it's even worse.


>game is only living because it relies on a 3rd party site as a marketplace which is absolute cancer
>because no one has any obligation to sell any items they list leading to blatant and constant scamming
>lower price with my X item for 5c instead of 7c norm
>buy some retard who put theirs for 4c cause they didn't look

and this happens often enough, even with flippers who just buy cheap and sell higher all day, easily the best way to gain currency, don't even have to play
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>people literally give them thousands of dollars to have their shitty idea for uniques butchered by ggg or have a divination card made
>people buy hundreds of dollars worth of mtx
>people wear their supporter pack flairs with pride

yeah those $1 stash tabs sure do make all the difference, better not improve the game because it'd remove such a vital source of income :^)
It actually worked with steam version.

Just ignore the shitposter
>GGG will help you avoid paying them for premium stash tabs and make acquisition work for steam users because they are super nice.
>No counter-argument
>Basically just boils down to NO U and then uses insults to hopefully obscure bad argument

Have you ever been so mad that you start spamming facebookfrog? This is good.
>Is trading available to everybody?
Sure, you never have to pay a cent.
>Except I was referring to the "win" part not being literal.
That's a cop-out. Either you think there's something to be won in PoE, a casual PvE arpg or you don't. If there's nothing to be won, then your definition of an advantage has no objective or logical basis to ground itself. What you view as an advantage means nothing to actually experienced players, it means nothing to casual players who are disconnected from the meta-game and couldn't care less about trying to push top 50 or any similar worthless goal.
Not sure if I had 5 socket uniques, I had a lot but the ones I remember using had 4 (I think).
Anyway it makes no difference, when I need to get rid of a unique I usually give it for free to some random dude, but if no one wants it I'll vendor (I guess the uniques I vendored were shit anyway if no one wanted them)

You may find it stupid as fuck but I managed to get very far in the game, I don't feel too challenged by it, I don't do a lot of pvp (occasionally it's nice but I don't focus builds around it) and I generally enjoy the game.

So I don't see a problem with it.
Shill detected. Are you a GGG partner? Do you own the game?

I can't believe someone would be so protective of GGG voluntarily, without being paid.
Easy. Just don't buy any stash tabs.
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just wait. eventually, you'll have an entire tab of items you know deep in your gut are worth WAY more than the vendors will give you for it.

Then you'll want to sell it to players.

You'll try trade chat. You might make a sale or two over the course of one week, but eventually you'll begrudingly accept that you've been shouting at bots for hours and no human players use it.

Then you'll try acquisition. You'll install it. And then, acquisition will ask you for your steam ID and password.

And you'll either give it to them, buy a premium stash tab so that real human players can see your items on poe.trade, or quit playing.

Those are your only options.

It's been a while since you've tried to do this, hasn't it.
or see >>375544285
>I'm bad at the game and my experience in it was awful therefore you must also be bad at the game and experience the same disappointment
That doesn't work.
And what changed since then ?
The support now is the same guy, why dont you try it yourself ?
trade chat is a huge scam, it's literally just scammers or bots

>selling [bunch of uniques and probably a tabula for 2x market price or 1ex]
>selling [top tier unique that is required for your build that has no alternative like 6L Shavronne's] 1000ex which is an amount of money 99% of players will never ever see
You retards realize premium tabs are a relatively recent addition and people traded for YEARS with a public indexer listing their forum posts? Was poe not considered p2w then?
Obvious shill detected. Are you the owner of GGG?

You seem awfully defensive of it.
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by bumping this thread, you're giving GGG free advertisement thus being a shill yourself

keep going champ
>And what changed since then

They started selling premium stash tabs. Acquisition directly undermines the sell of them.
it's not just premium tabs retard and even then they came over a year ago, hardly recent.
would you rather have 4 stash tabs or 50? okay pay me money, no? enjoy having a worse-off experience until it pushes you to the point of handing me your wallet because you can't play the game

>b-but muh mules
>but inventory management
and you wouldn't have to deal with it if you paid :^)
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How is having a stash tab going to help me kill monsters quicker?
>implying this proves anything
I would rather have 4 tabs because I don't have to deal with all the shit you hoard in 50. I'm also better at you at this game so I don't need the comfort of knowing I need more storage space to succeed.
less time figuring out which items are the toppest tier ones you should keep in your very limited space = more time killing, stop being contrarian
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>but inventory management
>in a games where end game contents only have 6 try
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>I'm better than you at this casual children's game
>bragging about that
then how do people do 50 atziris retard
I'll bump the shit out of a thread that reveals the GGG scam.

More people who have never considered playing your shit tier game will learn why they shouldn't even bother.

THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY POE!!!! >>375542948 >>375543068
>needing 6 attempts at a map
It just mean you are not stupid but just another retarded shitposter
It's not bragging, it's stating I'm in a position of authority to claim that your view is wrong based on your inexperience of the game, or willful trolling, whichever it is. You might see a kid who runs faster than you and whine you need to buy his shoes to run as fast. Spoiler alert, it's not the shoes.
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I played this game for about 3 weeks.

I'll start playing it again when the default game comes with at least one tab linked to poe.trade
Until then, I'll consider this game broken.
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>had so much fun playing Legacy league that I bought $20 in tabs
>/v/ gets butthurt and calls this pay to win
D3 being a failure has given PoE more players (thousands) than your own little crusade will ever lose them (less than 5)

keep going though, you'll achieve something someday
>You're implying that GGG wouldn't make money if they adopted LoL's business model. That just isn't true.

They're two different games with two different playerbases.
You're assuming practices would carryover without issue.
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>being proud of being economically retarded
You're obviously affiliated with GGG
>virgin neckbeards with a degree in shitposting think they can tell a successful company how to run their business
I don't have a picture for this, but imagine two smug anime girls laughing at your retardation
You don't have a
>laughingsluts.jpg ?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I lost my computer in a fire and didn't think of backing up my reaction picture folder
>be given a free car
>the car only goes 5 mph
>the guy who gave you the car offers to make it go as fast as any other car if you you give him $5,000

>tell him to fuck off and continue to go everywhere 5mph
>still thinking the car was free
>spot out shitposting is now shilling
Like seriously I dont think the kind of shitposters who cant spend extra 10 minute setting up shop with acquistion will actually play the game where you spend hours or even days reading wiki and guide or reroll a completely new char after first char failed

There are so many problem in the game right now (mainly optimization) yet you complaint about most retarded nonexistent thing
>successful company
>giving away a broken game for free and then charging players to fix it.

lol'd. They could be making so much more money than they are currently making. I guess you just can't stop people from shooting themselves in the foot.
theres actually very little worth picking up that drops.

If you only pick up upgrades, then whenever you need an upgrade that isn't dropping you craft what you need. Other than currency, always pick that up.
>not customizing your AE86 Trueno so you can beat Ferraris with it in speedracing
Do you even Tokyo Drift?
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>giving an unknown entity your steam ID and password
>terrible car analogy

I hate you all so much.
>Hurr stash tabs dont help killing things faster it is not p2w?

Anything that gives an advantage over a non-paying player is P2W
>see other people using the elevator to go to the 22nd floor for $5
>convinces himself that the stairs are better
It's not an advantage though. The more gear you store, the more time you have to manage it, the less time you have to actually kill monsters and earn loot. It doesn't follow a linear progression of more tabs = more wealth otherwise that guy with 2500 tabs would be richer than everyone else, but he isn't.
fix your fucking business model you stupid jew.
Im actually surprise how big GGG has become, but thinking people will spend money on the game that punches you in the face when reaching merciless without reading a guide first is actually delusional
unironically this
see >>375544285
>more tabs = more management
that guy with 2500 tabs doesn't have to do any management, he can just throw anything he wants in the stash.

Meanwhile the guy with only 4 tabs has to do actual managing deciding what to keep and what to delete in order to make space
the more gear you store the more you can potentially sell retard, the time it takes to manage a billion items in 4 stash tabs is much higher than just tossing things into whatever stash tab you need that's all color coded and setup for you.

and people with more stash tabs are typically richer so fuck off
he's right thou. that's exactly what PoE is.
by that logic if stash tabs aren't P2W they could cut the size of your inventory in half right now and charge you $20 to double it again

it's not p2w because it has no affect on you killing or leveling faster or survival

>main features of the game is loot
>>>severely limits the amount of loot you can hold

wew lad
Premium stash tabs automatically list your items on poe.trade.

Selling your unique is simply a matter of putting the item in the premium stash tab, setting a price and then waiting for players to whisper you.

NOT buying a premium stash tab will make selling your uniques much, much more difficult.
>Meanwhile the guy with only 4 tabs has to do actual managing deciding what to keep and what to delete in order to make space
>that guy with 2500 tabs doesn't have to do any management, he can just throw anything he wants in the stash.
Your post actually make the game sound like pay to lose
The game is all about knowledge, the more you recipe, price of combination of mods, how rare some mods are,.... the more advantage you will have
Your post literally saying that a guy with 2500 tabs will have disadvantage because he doesnt have any reason to learn about the game, doesnt know actual managing deciding what to keep and what to delete
Inventory size has a direct effect on your gameplay, as you're limited to 6 trips a map. Stash size has no direct effect on your gameplay. What you choose to store or not is on you. Turns out trying to shift the argument to something else means you implicitly admit you've conceded already.
>Turns out trying to shift the argument to something else means you implicitly admit you've conceded already.

Argument is F2P vs P2W
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oh sorry, i forgot to mention
im SFO
See >>375540420
The guy with 2500 tabs can carry as much loot in his inventory as the guy with 4 tabs. Not p2w.
the guy with 2500 stash tabs can offload 2500 stash tabs worth off loot from his inventory and the guy with 4 stash tabs can only offload 4 stash tabs

fuck off retard
I just sell everything I get so who gives a fuck about stash space? Seriously autistic mate
>people will 4 stash tabs will NEVER be able to just hoard for chaos/regal recipes and rare recipes

lel enjoying being poor hoarding those ammies and rings
Water is wet and bears shit in the woods

Do you have anything substantial to say or are we down to stating the obvious? We've already pointed out that more stash space means more stash managing which decreases your trading efficiency. You have yet to refute that.
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>>>more stashes mean more managing

you mean more stashes mean LESS
you can literally toss shit from your inventory into your hundreds of stashes if you have only 4 you have to manage space

>>>y-you gotta btfo me pls anon;;
On the bright side the remade game comes out in a few months with like 10 acts
>10 acts
>4 stash tabs

Tabs cost less than most games in this genre do anyway, so why the fuck does this have to be some huge gay debate? Just graduate from your free trial and buy the fucking game if it's that big of a fucking deal to you.


And what fucking good is that going to be to anyone?
So I guess GGG should reduce the default amount of stash tabs to 1. Anything else is just a disadvantage for the players :^)
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You can actually have unlimited stash tabs
But you have to create new account, run multiple instace of poe to trade between them -> more RAM consumed -> have to pay for more RAM to get those extra stash tabs for "free" -> P2W
Anything you don't vendor is less raw currency.

Any time you're letting items rot in your 2500 stash tabs instead of selling them, you're being inefficient. Items don't have a fixed value in a changing economy.

Any time you interrupt your mapping for a 2c trade, you're being inefficient.

Any time you choose to ignore the skill of assessin an item's value in 0.5 second, you're being inefficient.

The guy with 4 tabs and game knowledge will beat you. Every single time.

the guy with 4 tabs won't beat anyone at anything because he has shit capacity for currency. Meanwhile the 2500 guy can have tens of thousands if he bought a couple of currency tabs

>it is pay to lose because you do not have an incentive to learn the game
the mental gymnastics you are performing here are fucking surreal
don't mind me just capping the amount of money you can put in your bank!

you'll need to spend $10 to expand per $1000 dollars you want to deposit into your checkings account anon!
Oh look, another freeloader won't play our game. Soooo going to lose sleep over it.

Fuck off. We don't want you anyways. You were never going to buy anything.
Having more space means you can sell higher since you don't mind if it sits around for a week.

Also storage space for currency itself becomes a serious issue with only 4 tabs.
You are implying these shitposters have reached tier map high enough to ignore most of <5c trade offer and all rare trash dropped in map, only care about rare base to actually know about efficiency
These retards will give up the game after reaching maps and getting 1shotted, then found another reason like "muh shitty balance", "muh shitty optimization" to blame the game for their retardation and then process to never play it again
I have seen this happen so many time
It's so obvious that GGG is run by jews

All of these results are from like 2013.
How about you show me your 4 stash tabs and let me see how many shav/skyforth/headhunter what you store in those tabs that you dont have enough space :^)
Or you can do >>375549150
Just don't hoard a bunch of useless shit if you're not trading. It's not hard, I do it every few months when playing. Only downside is not having a currency tab, because that is useful.
This mentality is so god damn stupid.

Even if she was never going to buy anything, her playing the game is just one more player in the total number of players. Increase the number of players playing your game and word of mouth will bring you a lot more paying customers.
If something sits around for a week, how is it any different from using a mule?
Are you saying a static storage space you check once a week matters whether it's in the form of a stash tab or a character inventory?

If you do not understand the concept of value depreciation especially in the volatile context of the first 2 weeks of a league where "winning" matters, how are you at an advantage?

>Also storage space for currency itself becomes a serious issue with only 4 tabs.
No, because currency is constantly consumed if you know what you're doing. Mapping itself is a constant currency sink. Upgrading gear should be a constant currency sink. If you're at the point where neither of these are relevant, the league is already over.
How do you trade without buying a premium stash tab and without giving third party software your steam id and password?
A jew will never be able to comprehend that. They can't see beyond the $5 right in front of them.
They won't since it turns into a spreadsheet instant trading that from a design point of view shits on what you find. From a business perspective people stop playing much earlier. That's why the auction house for D3 took a massive shit on the game and most games don't want to implement it outside of MMOs.
See >>375549889
People seem to forgot how retarded this game's learning curve is
People who cannot afford some extra minutes to learn about setting up shop with acquistion or simple google "sessionid" wont spend hours reading wiki/guide to learn about the game and will be shat on when reaching maps, they will quit the game afterward and never play it again
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dunno, I don't trade when I play.
In a game that offers a shit ton of content for free along with constant updates, is there anything really wrong with shelling out a couple of bucks for some tabs? I mean shit, you already get like 24 player slots each with their own tabs. I understand the whole trading thing, but still.
it's just the edgy thing to do around here

people here are bad at games so they have to cling to cheap excuses to justify their shortcomings

"this dude had more tabs than me!! not fair!!"
just buy a premium stash tab, goy. it's literally p2w, but who cares. it's like $5
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Why is this game English only? I mean obviously I'm fluent in English or otherwise I wouldn't be able to read the constant shitposting on /v/ - but I got some real dumb high school drop out friends who just cannot into English at all. I wanna play this shit with them, come on you jews, give us some localization already
Oh, its weight down by a cash shop?
I was just gunna start playing it too now that I'm waiting for FFXII in July after Nier/P5.
thanks for the save anon.
trade chat
It is a non-cosmetic microtransaction. it is p2w by definition. I don't understand why this is accepted without issues when talking about any other game but when it comes to PoE everyone spergs out about it
just play it. People who complain about stash tabs are faggots
>They won't since it turns into a spreadsheet instant trading that from a design point of view shits on what you find
the game is already like this, people just buy gear from poe.trade. the odds of crafting/finding anything worthwhile are incredibly low
Sounds like you're the one spergin'. I'm just trying to see what the huge deal is with buying stash tabs in a game that already gives you so much for free. Call it whatever term you want.

Because it is in no way required to get anything important done. The 4 tabs you start with give you ample time to experience the game, and selling items to other player adds very, very little.

No one calls GW2 pay to win, despite being a paying customer giving you way more shit then someone playing for free.

Its in like half a dozen languages. If you arent one of them, you arent relevant enough
>250 posts of people baiting PoE autists into sperging

Absolutely quality thread, was laughing from top to bottom. Well meme'd indeed my friends.
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Come again?

its just like the general, really. Cant even talk about the game properly without 10 posts calling you various insults
>Make retarded posts
>People call you out on it
>Get BTFO multiple times
>LMAO I was only PRETENDING to be retarded

Every time. Whatever helps you sleep to pretend you didn't lose.

The shit has clients in other languages too, i know for sure its got at least a chinese version
>How to play this game without paying GGG for a stash tab?

1- Start the game (I assume you are playing from steam)
2- Click "Log in using steam" (or something like that)
3- You will be presented with various characters, choose one, name it and create it
4- Kill things that try to kill you and help people with exclamation marks on their head
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>that one guy that is afk when you want to buy something from him
Until you are able to pay for more inventory space/ speed up experience gain or even recoded to cant have more than 1 instance of poe.exe running at once it is not P2W
The dev official stated that you can make multiple account and trade item between them as freely as you want and they will allow that,meaning you will have 4x(the amount of email you have) as much as stash tabs
And as long as they allow you to use 3rd party trade program and the "Auction house" is another 3rd party program, trade will not be the P2W aspect of the game
"Auction house" is another 3rd party site I mean
>one guy
Try all of them.
Why does anyone play this? It's like a weird poor diablo clone.
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you stupid cunt
does it hamper your experience of the game if you don't buy it?

it's p2w
>and selling items to other player adds very, very little.

This is so blatantly wrong it's obviously trolling.
>How to play this game without paying GGG for a stash tab?

Multiple instances

>but I don't want to do that

It's a legit option since you don't want to give GGG any money.
You want GGG to give you a better option while not giving them any money.

Fuck you and your entitled attitude

To be fair tho PoE is horribly optimizer and you need a beefy computer to run multiple instances.
K. I did that.

Now my stash tabs are full of items too valuable to vendor. What now?
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it's free
Keep playing, why would a full stash stop you? Does your character stop moving when you run out of space?
No it isn't.
At one point I had more than an entire tab full of exalted Thanks fuck I cashed out before they absoulutely casualized this game.
>what is opportunity cost?
Real life is P2W, so why don't you do everyone a favor and stop living if it's such a big deal?
It is.
There are non-cosmetic microtransactions that give you advantages over someone who didn't buy them (Even if it is only tedium-removal), which makes it p2w, but you actually can access all content without paying a dime
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it's worth reading since the poe devs likely make money off of unofficial rmt sites meaning poe is unofficially p2w
>I cashed out

>holding more useless shit makes you win harder

I don't even
>what is opportunity cost?

You better be multitasking your balls off anon.
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go on ownedcore and sell your shit whenever you quit an mmo/online game that still has an active community. I got about 80cents still for each ex and I had like 1200 or 1300.
If you know how to play a new league you can easily make money off it because the first few days currency is stupidly expensive, you get like 5-10$ for each ex
The opening paragraph depicted in that picture is the reason I don't use reddit.

>walking into a room bowing profusely after every step, begging for permission to state your opinion
>reddit removes links to other sites because reasons
>no issues taking money from Net Neutrality shills

Reddit really is the worst thing to happen to the www
i don't use reddit either. i just saw it posted in /poeg/ awhile back and just googled around for it, hence the reddit filename
Not an argument is not an argument.
You can make a new character and store items in the characters inventory.
there was an unedited version that /poeg/ might still have. like i said to the other anon, i just pulled this one off jewgle
You're all fuckwits. This game isn't balanced or directed at PvP, and if you're playing competitively to rank on the leaderboard you're equally stupid. The game is nothing more than a timesink and theorycrafter. P2W doesn't even exist in any context since there is no winning to be had.
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google this
Trade chat. You fucking idiots.
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Ey /v/, what's a super easy nigger faceroll build that doesn't get one shotted and doesn't require some fucking uniques that costs a gorillion exalts?
Just grab a ton of life and craft some decent rares. Rares are better than uniques more often than not.
nothing but bots.

trade chat is literally nothing but bots and scammers tricking new players
>used acquisition to trade without premium tabs on steam version
>never was asked for steam id and pw

what was I doing wrong?
flameblast totems

you'll die from boredom before anything kills you ingame
It doesn't have to be. why would i provide something that is an argument to answer to something that is not an argument?
a juggernaut earthquake build is ez mode
Not an argument. If you want to sell your gear, this is the traditional way to do so, it always has been and you can do it in PoE just fine. The problem is that people aren't retarded or poor enough to not use acquisition or spend some money.
FUCKING INVENTORY MANAGEMENT throw some shit out you literal retard
>Not playing Solo Self-Found
As someone who hasn't put any money into PoE and has a headhunter, 100 odd exalts and a few decked out character this league, which is by no means a great deal admittedly, stash tabs are definitely pay to win.

In order to compete with the advantage that stash tabs give you you have to devote a lot of hours into arranging your inventories. A lot of hours. Dozens. So tell me how freemium games with pay-to-not-wait is pay-to-win but PoE isn't. Stash tabs is a very big advantage over other players simply by giving GGG money. It makes getting endgame items like Headhunter or Skyforth or mirror-quality gear ridiculously more time-consuming for a free-to-play player.

While players are not in direct player versus player competition they ARE in economic competition. Players without stash tabs have to put in more hours to acquire the same amount of currency items even if they work efficiently, consequently they are likely going to be out-competed when it comes to buying items they want for their characters, meaning it is much more difficult for free-to-play players to suit up their character.

There's worse than stash tab advantage in this game though. RMT groups frequently market manipulate, exploit or bot which makes items much harder for other players to acquire so that they can sell the items online. For the first couple of weeks of this league people were essentially duping chayula breachstones for instance.
>As someone who hasn't put any money into PoE and has a headhunter, 100 odd exalts and a few decked out character this league, which is by no means a great deal admittedly, stash tabs are definitely pay to win.

You say this as if it makes you an expert on the subject. It doesn't, it just means you have done or have the items you stated. The rest of your post asks others to provide an argument for you to refute; you want others to counter your nonexistent argument.
the game is balanced around trading. the only way i would ever play ssf is if they made a specific league with massively increased drop rates
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Can someone help me?

I have ZiggyD's Loot Filter installed. I have increased item rarity on every single piece of equipment I'm wearing that is possible, but I haven't gotten a unique drop in over 14 hours of farming. Nothing but blues and yellows.

You stopped reading in the middle of the second paragraph and declared the entire post baseless based on nothing.
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>have no rarity at all
>get a unique every half hour
damn nigga, shit luck
>buy currency tab
>buy premium tab
>total of $10

Litterally never ran out of space and can sell shit easily.
10 fucking dollars. If you don't want to invest in the game then don't. But don't fucking whine when it's that cheap easily upgrade your storage.
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So basically this game is vanilla diablo 3, without gold as currency, better crafting, marginally better endgame, seasons and better passive tree and build diversity but you pretty much just mash 1 button on every build you play and there is no mechanical skill?

Idk if I see the appeal, it seems kind of fun to learn the game, but endgame just looks pointless?
\>give away broken game for free
>charge players to fix it

fuck off shill
actually endgame is the only fun part of PoE. And carelessly building your character will mean getting 1-shotted in merciless
> just mash 1 button on every build you play
POE is even more about building everything around one skill that most other ARPGs simply because of the limited sockets, and how right now most support gems are just used to boost damage only.
>You have to devote more time compared to people who can just buy more tabs and clean more!

No shit. If I could have a maid to clean all my shit, I can devote less time to cleaning. Life isn't F2P either, you manchildren. I don't understand why people are mad at GGG for releasing a free game and then make it so they can actually stay alive as a company to keep moving PoE better (or worse). Between server costs in like 9 different regions of the world, paying employees, technology costs, management and maintenance; what the fuck do you people want? You have options. Pick one instead of whining because it isn't defined for you.
you have to farm mobs within 5 levels of your character to get a decent chance at uniques.
Because it is possible to stay alive as a company selling cosmetic things and not p2w shit.
You can either make those mash 1 button builds, something ridiculously technical or something facerolly. PoE's strength is that you have true build diversity and people act like there isn't because the best builds happen to be the ones that people craft to abuse shit. Remember how firebird was pretty much the only good wizard build in D3 for a while? It's like that. You don't HAVE to play firebird but it's just really fucking good.

How exactly is the game broken?

You can play it totally for free. If it's a game you are going to invest a lot of time into, why not pay a few bucks to make your life easier?
lol you still get 1 shotted in merc unless you're ES build
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speaking of poe, its a weird game full of traps
i've talked to like 8 traps so far
>boku no pico
In a game like PoE? No, it's not. You obviously don't understand or underestimate the cost. PoE is designed for the higher end of players to have these tabs. Every single time you go into a high end map, you are going to be able to fill one tab unless you're being ridiculously selective (Which happens anyway even if you have 50 tabs or not) and GGG knows this. There's a reason why tabs are on sale so often, it's because it is what they make the most money off of. New players are not going to dump $20 into the game just to get MTX when they can't even make it end game but everyone can make use of more stash tabs. GGG is also not a company that has other constant, high level streams of profit; they are not Riot or Blizzard. PoE is their main haven to keep their company afloat.
Just ignore communist college kids who don't understand how the world works.
maids are cheap. Worth every penny.
If you're not getting a maid to clean your house, you need to relearn what it means to be white
>In a game like PoE? No, it's not.

Yes, it is.
maids are not cheap. clearly you're a spoiled rotten brat who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
lol is p2w
>You stopped reading in the middle of the second paragraph and declared the entire post baseless based on nothing.
>The rest of your post asks others to provide an argument for you to refute; you want others to counter your nonexistent argument.

Factually incorrect.

My maid costs me $40 a month.

You do realize that you can hire them for just a few hours a week, right? You don't have to give them full time employment you idiot.
maids are still worth it
even if you only get one once a month
Evidence? Ok, you have none I guess. Good talk.

What is this trying to say? It's almost like you didn't even read what I typed.
>My maid costs me $40 a month.

bullshit. now you're just making up lies to win an argument.
how are you at all comfortable with a stranger coming into your house and cleaning your shit, something you should be doing yourself?
see >>375559252

Fixing the trade problem would dramatically increase the amount of people playing PoE.
>something you should be doing yourself?

laborers' mentality.
>I'm a good person because I work hard
dota 2 is p2w
different items have different win rates
White people do not clean toilets. It's menial labor that is beneath us.
if the maid only works 2 hours a month that is correct
why waste time doing it yourself?
a maid can clean it far beyond what you could
>Fixing the trade problem would dramatically increase the amount of people playing PoE.

This is not a good thing.
>dramatically increase the amount of free loaders straining our servers.

There is no win scenario in the game, therefore there cannot be a P2W mechanic. It's that fucking simple.
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I think that's my biggest problem with PoE is that the end game is just sooooo boring.

That's why I'm looking forward to the expansion this summer, so they can remove the thought of "end game" and just made a fun game throughout.

Adding End Game content was a mistake.
the win scenario is killing any mob
killing shit faster or killing shaper
all of that can be made easier thus bought with tabs
>a maid can clean it far beyond what you could
no, cleaning is pretty easy

you're clearly a spoiled little kid

white people clean up after themselves. you're not white, likely a juden
>if the maid only works 2 hours a month that is correct
nope. I pay a wetback $5 an hour to clean my house. And they take it because I pay cash.

>inb4 she steals from you
>what is a nanny cam?
Quantity is better than rarity, but a combination of both is best. Think of it this way: You have 3 rolls of a die, you have to roll a 6 to win. You have two cups to use, one slightly increases your odds to roll a 6, the other gives you one or two more rolls.
>you're clearly a spoiled little kid

I'm a lawyer.
White people get paid for what they know, not what they do.
You're clearly a shit skin who doesn't understand the true value of an hour.
It's not P2W. There is literally a mode called Solo Self Found where you cant trade anything.
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>the true value of an hour.
>in a PoE thread
>no, cleaning is pretty easy
a maids profession is cleaning
you think you can do a better job? lul
You don't personally get to define the win scenario. The game is nothing but a grind simulator with gamble mechanics. There is no way to win, you only set goals for your characters development. The game has no end, and there is no built in competitive mechanic in it short of fastest lab run which can be achieved regardless of inventory space.
ssf is actually harder than normal poe if you don't have a shit load of tabs
touch this *unzips dick*
>expecting a free car
If this game was $40 for the base game with 8 stash tabs, no one would be complaining. But because it's "free", all you autistic fucks expect to get everything out of it for nothing.
This isn't Hearthstone/HotS hiding game content behind a paywall, it's an inconvenience that can be circumvented with money.
>thinking cleaning is hard
yes, cleaning is very easy. your parents should have made you do it as chores. you're talking about a job millions of 80 iq mexican females in california do daily

>I'm a lawyer.
so you're worthless scum. worse than a nigger. i'm also positive you're living off dad's money. the job market for lawyers is massively over saturated
League of Legends if free to play. I've give Riot Games over $40
it's because it's easy that it is beneath us.
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>I'm a lawyer.

I'm an ogre nice to meet you
My father left me $840k after taxes. I make $155k a year.

Why the fuck would I clean my own toilet?
If you find pride in cleaning your own toilet, you've been conditioned by your parents to live a life of poverty.
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Can you give me 10$
>My father left me $840k after taxes. I make $155k a year.
>You're clearly a shit skin who doesn't understand the true value of an hour.

The funny thing is you have opportunities you're not seizing yet you waste your time on this board like a commoner.
I can.
It's my day off. I find arguing entertaining, which is why I chose to do it for a living.
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>Can you give me ten units of dollars
My paypal is [email protected]

>claims to be a professional
>that logic

Not buying it.
in D3 people are literally begging for stash for cash and PoE is doing it the right way by providing it. However, there should also be another way to get stash without having to pay cash.
To entertain doubt is to dance with death.
>If you find pride in cleaning your own toilet, you've been conditioned by your parents to live a life of poverty.
This hits the truth of the matter. I can't fathom how people can do that disgusting shit. I don't even drive myself anyway let alone do menial work.
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>I don't even drive myself
>Im a lawyer
>Claiming others do not know the true value of an hour on 4chan, on /v/, and on a thread about a grinding game

I don't know which one of these is more kekworthy
Would you if you had someone do it for you? I have a driver's license but why bother to do it yourself when you have hired help that gets paid to do it? I mean how I see it is I'm keeping America going by employing these people to do trivial tasks.
I meant more along the logic of having people do things for me aka my mom does my laundry
if you get to the point of needing more than 4 tabs, you should probably throw them $10-20 for tabs. I'm biased though cuz its my main game. They've made it harder and harder to play without buying more, but you can also mule on alts (annoying).
Because once you have $20-$40 of stash tabs you never have to spend money on them again. It's a one time fee. Buying extra tabs after that gets you more of a headache instead of any benefit. Where as in pay to not wait games you typically end up having to do it constantly without end.

A one time payment to play a game isn't a problem. It's like saying Nier is pay to win because you have to buy the game.

PoE is like this except it just has a incredibly extensive demo.
the forum, you stupid fuck
>spend $5 for convenience of fast food
>won't spend $5 one time for endless convenience

I'm not saying you should drop money on every f2p game, but if you're looking to spend 50 hours on a game you might as well make life easier for and buy a stash tab
What's wrong with paying 20$?
> you might as well make life easier for and buy a stash tab
you are literally admitting it is p2w by saying this. It was the point of the entire discussion, whether stash tabs give an advantage or not, not whether you should buy them
You know what p2w is?
Pay To WIN
Define "Win" in games like path of exile
I don't live with my parents but they do pay for my condo. I don't think my mother has actually done a day of work in her life because she is something of a trophy wife for lack of a better term.
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>complaining about p2w
>in PvE
If I have 30 premium tabs and another guy has 100 what advantage does he have over me?
you are literally admitting you're a cheap jew and/or child that won't drop a couple bucks on a game that you wish you had the patience and drive to be good in, but aren't, so you come here to complain about the "p2w" aspect when its your own impatience and lack of discipline preventing you from enjoying it like all the youtuber faggots you spend all your waking hours watching.

Nut the fuck up, read a build guide, follow it, get to end game, learn the mechanics, make your own build in 3.0, stop being a bitch, and if you like the game by then, buy a tab you cheap fuck.
Obviously, he can hold more shit.

are you jewish or chinese perchance?
if you think you can play this game after the story with only 4 stash tabs and without a currency tab, then you are being delusional
And what benefit is that? I can barely find use for more then 25 of my tabs and even then that's just me being anal with my map sorting. there's no point in holding onto vendor trash and you just need tab or two of chaos/regal recipes.
At most the benefit would be for item hoarders who public all tabs and place gear in them for 1c and get constant people wanting to buy/sell. But even then thats a niche thing.
Again, the point of the argument was whether stash tabs constitute a p2w microtransaction or not. Being a 'cheap jew' or being bad has no bearing on that. Stop moving goalposts
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I have completed 36 challenges in every league since Perandus (Talisman were 32 so I got 28 for the whole Rigwald set), I play with 4 stash tabs, ask me anything.
>stash tabs constitute a p2w microtransaction or not
they don't, my counterpoint still stands, you're butthurt and trying to make excuses, which I saw through plain as day, git gud
1) what's your favorite build of all time
2) which one are you using now
I reget not getting the rigwald chest. How does it feel having one if the nicer sets in the game?
>"You are cheap and bad, thus stash tabs are not p2w"

If that's what you consider a counterpoint, then send my condolence to your parents. Must be really hard dealing with someone with such a crippling autism
1) Dual Bino's Flicker Strike Trickster
2) Varunastra EQ max block Gladiator
premium stash tab is p2w b/c of trading restrictions that are locked behind this paywall. undeniable truth.
>ad hominem

this board used to put effort into trolling
You can trade without premium tabs. And acquisition is actually slightly faster.
Whats the rarest currency you've found? I've got nearly 1k hours and never seen anything higher than an EX in my time of playing.
Well there is actually a bonus to finish in the top of a race or a league.

But yeah Stashes are not P2W.
>You can trade without premium tabs

doesn't change facts: trading is locked behind paywall
they are p2w
It serves it's purpose, specially when a character looks awful if you're trying wacky equipment (hubris on marauder, etc), they look good with the Breach Wings, but I believe they look even better with the gore set since it gives you a red aura that would match the wings.
If that's ad hominem what's this post of yours? >>375564869

Make an actual argument if you want actual arguments for an answer
It's not. It does not even give an advantage. I play SSF. I never traded once in the game. I never had a problem with the game.
Only exalteds sadly, I got 5 this league, and 2 reliquary keys, never got a mirror, not even an albino rhoa feather.
try again
Trading is not locked behind a paywall. You do not need to pay a cent to list items.

yes you do. trading is locked behind a paywall. this is fact. every PoE player knows this. it's the main advantage (ADVANTAGE) to premium tabs
If I got a mirror I know I would end up wasting it on stupid things. But I would kill for one thats for sure.

Speaking of stupid gear, does anyone know what set the guy is wearing in this image? Its too large to upload.
Premium tabs just let you list from in the game.

You can list them with acquisition. Which updates one poe.trade faster than with tabs and lets you list equipped items.

>Premium stash tabs can now be set as "public", which makes them accessible to third-party trading websites.

from developer website
PoE trade mechanic locked behind pay wall
undeniable truth, like I said
every PoE shill said this was not true but developer says otherwise

PoE is pay to win
you lose
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>implying the game is not pay to win
>I paid to be able to win
>Make an actual argument if you want actual arguments for an answer
Git Gud, then we'll talk. Do you even play the game? Have you even gotten a character to mapping content? Or are you just another 5hr play time shitter as I suspected?
Gee I wonder how I traded before premium tabs were a thing
I would definitely buy a headhunter if I found a mirror, I always wanted to try a crazy flicker strike with that belt on.

The wings are Seraph wings, the chest is the unique Atziri's Splendour Sacrificial Garb, no idea about the sword though.
>playing on steam
are YOU fucking retarded?
It's not like headhunters is overly expensive.
is it a demigod's item? Doesn't quite match the dominance chest piece
I have, actually. With and without extra tabs, which is why i can safely say extra stash tabs do give an advantage.

I am still waiting on an actual argument on your part, however
>Atziri's Splendour
Thats what the damn thing is, It looks so nice I want to do a skin transfer with it someday. I know what the sword is, its an alternate art Queen's Decree (probably what I would spend a mirror on because it looks sick as shit)
Alt Art Queen's Decree!
>what are trading forums
there's a like a 25 char limit soo use that
and you are free to make how many accounts as you want, with 4 tabs per account
>not playing on Steam
Steam is the best console out there.
A single mirror couldn't buy you that sword mate.
>PoE trade mechanic is locked behind a paywall.
You can literally just go in Trade chat and say "I want to sell X"
how do you sell your shit to human players?
It could buy me a copy of the sword couldn't it? Im fairly certain that would be good enough for the skin transfer anyhow.
Probably with acquisition
>stash tabs aren't p2w
>here let me change the argument by changing the argument to avoid the p2w stash tab mechanic

you lost
What? Explain how Stash tabs stop you from trading stuff.
>stash tabs aren't pay 2 win when you don't use them

You can't mirror uniques since they're already considered mirrored by lore
>You don't NEED to do that, though. Saying it's some kind of requirement for winning is downright stupid.

players who pay have a material advantage. therefore, it is pay-to-win
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Yeah I love that chest, I used it back in Prophecy on my Elementalist Oro Flicker, witch is so sexy grabbing a 2h sword.

Too bad she sucks now cause they changed the ascendancy and she can't ignite as often as she previously did.
Well fuck me, time to go shoot myself.
You seem awfully devoted to arguing this p2w thing
dare i say you're some diablo 3 shitter?
Yeah, acquisition, just use your POESESSID so you don't have to type password and shit
>I spent $1,000,000 on stash tabs I clearly have an advantage over people who only spent $10
Yeah, I found it while looking up stupid alt art shit I wanted to work towards if they ever added perma skin transfer slots and that chest came up and I just knew I had to have it, its such a lovely piece.
Tell me
1. How stash tabs stop you from trading
2. How trading make you win more.

You dont have any advantages over anybody. It's literally just a time saver. That's it. It does not give you better gear or increase your health.

It's like saying that an alternate art for a Magic card is pay to win.
It you've put that much time where you run out of tabs and wont pay a little money for extra space then you're a broke nigger and should fuck off anyway.
>saving time is not advantageous
>paying for stash tabs
you can have two clients open with two separate accounts, with 24 characters and 4 stash tabs each
you do not need to buy stash tabs, they're not a necessity just a convenience so you don't need mule accounts or a second game client open
>Trading doesn't get you better gear
I've just started playing and what items should I always pick up to sell as vendor trash?

Just finished act 1 and all I've been picking up the 3 square daggers and 4 square helmets to save inventory space before I portal to the town to sell them.
Not really not.

You dont have to trade. At all. Go play SSF if you mind people saving some time. In SSF there is no way to trade at all.
Honestly having a mule logged in with a seperate account just for trading is a major time saver
You trade ressources you own to get an item you want. You can already do that.
>You dont have any advantages
> time saver

The game is designed and balanced with trading in mind. GGG literally stated this
Unable to trade won't stop you from playing the game though.
1. Get a filter because you shouldn't be picking up white items unless they have an RGB link which a filter will point out to you
2. Always pick up currency, which a filter will point out
3. Pick up and ID rares to sell. That's all you should be vendoring really.
4. Pick up gems with quality and flasks with quality (superior prefix when they're on the ground), which a filter will point out.
5. Get a filter. Literally just google PoE filter and you'll get Neversink's, of which you should use the basic version.
In general rule, pick up only yellow (rare) to sell.
You should at least activate the Loot filter to clean up the trash.

Do not pick up whites unless they have a good socket pattern.

Go in Settings, UI, at the bottom, Loot Filter, and set the Default one. It will remove from your sight the useless garbage items.
If stash trabs are pay to win does that mean as long as I buy more than anyone else I'm going to have the top character?
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A free-to-play game does not mean that everything is free, it just means that the barrier to entry is free. People are delusional to think they should be able to get everything for nothing.

Can't you justify giving GGG $22.5 USD (currency + premium stash bundle) if you've played the game for dozens of hours and still looking forward to playing dozens more? If anything, that'll enhance your experience not having to deal with stash management.

The currency tab is the biggest QoL tab since storing currency takes up a lot of space that can be used for other things. I've played this game on and off for 3+ years now and given them $60. I barely even use half of my premium tabs now because of the currency tab.

I did online surveys for the money to buy stash tabs because I'm a poorfag.
I had the full red, blue and gold seraph sets from challenge leagues but that account got banned

I got everything in talisman except the helmet. Everything after I completed 36 challenges. I actually miss those seraph sets.
This desu, its like you never played Diablo 2 or Grim Dawn

If anything, SSF with 4 stash tabs becomes very much about management
Invite someone to your hideout, which was a colossal waste of fucking time.
Thanks, it was kind of a hassle having to portal back to town every time my inventory gets full with items to sell.

Kind of wish they had a system like in Torchlight where you can send a pet to sell your stuff for you.
F2P should mean that you can experience all the content as a free player, even if it takes grinding and time. Content being defined as like the things you would interact with on a gameplay level, not dumb shit like cosmetics or a premium only guild or whatever shit.
It's just useless grind unless you want to play boring/shit builds you dumb newfag.

It only takes hours if your items are shit/expensive.

>if you're playing competitively to rank on the leaderboard you're equally stupid.

> P2W doesn't even exist in any context since there is no winning to be had.


Nobody follows trade chat except flippers and new players and people who are desperate to exchange currency.

tfw Chris released SSF league to prevent too many people complaining about the garbage trading system.
>That's why I'm looking forward to the expansion this summer, so they can remove the thought of "end game" and just made a fun game throughout.
>Adding End Game content was a mistake.

endgame isnt going anywhere
they're just getting rid of cruel and merc
mapping, lab, atziri, atlas, shaper, all that stuff stays exactly like it is now
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how many forum titles y'all niggas got?
>all this arguing about stash tabs
>not about how trading is done outside of the game itself at mostly the behest of a 3rd party program

That's the real flaw here. 3.0 supposedly is bringing something, but it's inexcusable how terrified of being the next D3 prevents auction houses.
>Stays exactly like it is now
Except I imagine the maps switching up in the atlas seeing as there's new tilesets/bosses

More than I can display
>People think that having 4 stash tabs is what's stopping them from killing Shaper
you dont pay to win
you dont even pay to avoid grinding shit like you do in league of legends for example
you pay for convenience
with massive amounts of content and the ability to scam and fuck with sensitive souls, and it is free. I played for like 2 years before I bought stash tabs, and if you play scrubcore you can easily beat all the endgame content with just 4 tabs.

Hardcore I dunno, Ive never played like 90+ content.
>playing babbycore

Hope you guys aren't doing this.
Him and the guardians having immunity to chill is whats preventing me from attempting since I'd loose the majority of my damage.
There's no 90+ content, it's just long grind of same maps you can do at 80-90.
Not being able to get out of normal on hardcore because of a string of bad luck and hardware issues is what's preventing me from killing Shaper.
>playing Alt+F4core
I dont care what you play, I play SSF to challenge myself but I dont want to play hardcore at all. Losing 20 hours of playtime because of a Reflect monster critting? Nope.
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>tfw i got my first exalt after 5 years of playin
did i win the game????
Trading will always have the benefit or "hey this item has kinda low rolls, would you be willing to sell for less?"
Just like all ARPGs. They will probably add 90 level maps in 3.0
Hardware issues I can understand. But what the fuck else could possibly kill you in normal?
>Dying to reflect or volatiles

I've found 15 exalts this league so far
Been playing shitty Witches with no currency invested into them because I keep dropping builds at like 50 since they don't click with me.
I'd be highly doubtful of that
Dunno why they wouldn't. They've got new tilesets coming in with the new act so they'll probably shit out another tier or two of maps.

Yeah I feel bad for never getting them, I was pretty much a noob at that time and it felt impossible for me to complete them in 2 weeks so I didn't even try, also wanted the blue and gold headbands from another league.
I miss old reflect
>tfw skipped the league with the headbands
I really regret that since I like it more than the aurite halo
They'll probably switch up the essentially duplicate maps and duplicate bosses instead of adding onto
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>When it pays off
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They really need to increase the base amount of stash tabs to 6 at least, and maybe have one of those be a premium.

Trading is so essential to the game if you intend to reach any form of late late game without grinding for weeks or even months. Sure Acquisition is a thing and it works fine, but I don't think a game or the player for that matter should have to rely on a third party program for trading when the developers themselves consider it an integral part of the game.

Four stash tabs isn't nearly enough anymore either. It might have been enough to just get by back when the game came out. Nowadays though we have divination cards, essences, splinters, sextants, etc. There's basically a lot of stuff that's been added that the player is encouraged to collect for either trading or crafting purposes but the amount of available space you start with was never expanded to compensate.

The argument is more about convenience either way. Yes you can sort of circumvent all of these issues by using several mule characters. But the player experience is hampered by a very limited trade system that is only endurable through paying for improvements to it despite trading providing huge benefits for all players.

I personally don't think UI and logistic mechanics should be handled that way personally. There's better ways to provide incentive for people to purchase MTXs than locking pure convenience behind a paywall.
Don't divine it
I already sold it for 45 ex, it was a good roll.
The free trading is more responsive and has more features than the paid premium tabs.

It's more about having to go out of your way and install a third party program for a mechanic that should be integral to the game in the first place.
>not cheesing the fuck out of Shaper with some ridick double-dipping CA build

C'mon mang
they already stated you would never get baseline premium tabs because of mules

I'm aware. I just think it's bad game design is all. I own like 16 premium stash tabs myself since I play the game so much. The game is much less enjoyable without them.
the same way you play d3 without giving blizzard your money
its not bad design
its a way for them to make money
if premium tabs were baseline everyone would run like 30 mules
lol has a terrible business model for any small company. They are making money out of the sheer amount of people playing.
>if premium tabs were baseline everyone would run like 30 mules
>Not having 30 mules with acquisition price manipulating disfavor cards and bypassing GGGs reasons for not giving you premium tabs

Bad game design. I never said it was a bad business decision. It probably garners them a shitload of money.
No where near as much as thier cosmetics
I haven't bought a tab in years (outside of the currency and div)
Not as much as those ridiculous whales do. Every single time I see someone with the 1k supporter thing I have to stop playing for a while.

I'd argue that the div box is worse than just storing them in a regular stash tab. Too cluttered.
div is handy cause you can scale the size of it now and search easy
None because I'm not a shit eating retard and I recognized how far downhill the game was heading way back in the first open beta.

Nice cherry picking, retard.


>I would like to mention that the use of the public stash tab system is entirely optional. We are not preventing the use of any of the old tools, and they will continue to work so long as the third-party websites continue to index the trade forums.
The card box and the mega tab are like glaringly bad design choices. The currency tab is fuckin' great though.

but the game was shit in open beta
I'd have to use more than one tab then.

I have a little over $3000 in PoE. I have less than $1 spent per hour of play time. Better than the majority of other games I play.
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>your fucking face when

The only problem with quad tabs is that when you have an item on your curser you want to store in it it doesn't shrink it when you hover it over.

nigga i love the game but damn son
that's like a year worth of rent
Reminds me of exalts on my old magic find eker
the quad tab is amazing
so good for chaos recipe
the div is good too if you know how to search
Can't kill bosses for fuck.
Still cheaper than a AAA game for the average person if you go by $/h
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