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Anyone else miss the little guilds and communities that used

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Anyone else miss the little guilds and communities that used to exist for games?

Discords have replaced them sort of, but they are so hard to find compared to the old ones.
I think you meant they became easier to find OP.
>hard to find
>Anyone else miss the little guilds and communities that used to exist for games?
never cared about those nor joined any of those.
only faggots went to those places.
>go on discord expecting everyone to be using it as a mumble/teamspeak
>instead everyone just treats it as a glorified IRC with avatars and meme smileys
>get spammed with javascript errors while ingame and get tabbed to the desktop
I want to go back
>join discord to connect with teammates for a game
>people post Reddit articles for tips and habbenings
>"le funny deenk meems xD" every two minutes

If it wasn't for their support in game for raids, I'd have left ages ago.
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>join discord for certain game
>they are all homos
okay this needs to stop
Discords fucking suck. It's an abomination of reddit/normalfag/weeb/gaiafag trash that festers in one place and jerks each other off worse than the worst ircs I've seen.

>just join a discord brahhhh
>i find plenty of games/players in discord, you can too
Then it's fucking stale, 3 year old memes and unironic "GANGNAM STYLE"-tier references.

No thanks, I'll keep soloing or working on my own stuff.
I've been to a few /v/-made discords and they always turn to shit in a matter of days/hours. I don't know what it is about it, but it feels as if having an identity in a community brings out the absolute worst people around here.
Do go on
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Discords are basically the means to enable tripfaggotry and circlejerking. If you're not a part of the initial formation, joining the discord is basically volunteering yourself to be involved in drama or an exercise in futility as the circlejerk pays no attention to your efforts and contributions.

While it might serve a purpose to help you find people to play video games with, you have to literally lie low and demonstrate no personality in order to get by unscathed.
>Application that lets you stop being anonymous brings out attentionwhores
i used to enjoy guilds and communities until i realized that the majority of people using them are using them as surrogate social lives instead of just wanting to enjoy their hobby... if you're coming to a hobby to "make friends" instead of "enjoy the hobby," you should really reconsider your life choices... now i'm just a misanthropic asshole, but i HATE people like that so much. it's the same as the classic steam friend that adds you after a game then the next day spams you about how fucking depressed they are irl
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Why is miku the discord logo?
Idk this isn't always true. I've been in a few quality discords and while they fall to circlejerking a lot, they've never been shitty at answering questions about the topic game or providing some sort of assistance.

It's one thing if somebody claims to be wanting to play games but instead just wants friends but at least they're being honest and forthcoming. Some people just have a hard god damned time making friends IRL and it's more comfortable meeting people online. You should take some sympathy pills my dude

Pretty sure it's a controller icon
If anything, I have a hard time finding /v/ based discords. Most of them seem to be on /vg/ and even then, it's only a handful, but the one I did go to was what you could probably call 'the worst example'/
Also, does anyone have any decent /v/ discords that tend to talk about actual vidya? I tried /vg/ but they're always centric around a certain game and thus create that circlejerky atmosphere about certain e-famous players of said game or friend circles/cliques.

Yeah there's only been like two decent /vg/ discords I've been in. The /tg/ one isn't too bad.
I'd love a discord where I could find people to play just about any kind of game. Maybe if you take out the whole /vg/-single-game focus, the circlejerking might be diluted a bit.
i have no problem with people making friends in games, i don't even care if people want to heart to heart about their feelings because i know that some people need emotional venting like that.. it's actually really hard to explain lol.. like, i used to run a starcraft group for my state and it ended up devolving into people posting about wanting to go clubbing and get fucked up instead of anything related to starcraft... so i told them to go make a new group because it was choking the actual STARCRAFT content and they were like "dude i mean we're all friends through starcraft who cares..." eventually it just all became normie RL stuff and the actual SC players moved on so i deleted the group, but that's what i mean
People usually make discords to play with their friends anyway
>easy to use IRC ripoff
wew this brings out faggots who could have guessed??
I'd suggest making a discord right here right now but that usually ends in circlejerks or just dead empty discords nobody talks in.

I wish discord never added emotes or fucking bots. Just a clean UI with voip and navigable chat
But teamspeak is better for that
All discords I've joined end up dead in a matter of hours.
I don't mind though. It's better than having it end up in a giant circlejerk
yep, i use it as a skype alternative since skype is so fucking invasive.. although dolby axon was better
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>join discord for games
>in servers for both personal games, livestream games, and casual games
>people are nice as fuck
>aside from the occasional douchebag
I'm pretty satisfied with discord's game communities

plus I'm in a couple fetish servers where the artbros really like me and draw me any porn I want for free
end yourselves your boring cucks
>go on discord expecting everyone to be using it as a mumble/teamspeak
I like Discord exactly because it's not used as a fucking voice chat.

I have no issues with my voice, nor am I afraid of talking because I pretend to be a girl or some shit. I just hate sitting in voice chat all day not being able to do what I want and actually having to pay attention to shit people say. I just want to listen to music, watch a stream, watch a show or whatever while grinding.
What communities are you joining? Now that I think about it, fucking NSFW discords tend towards people posting content. I guess it's easy to be content minded when the content is what you fap to

Keep emotes in fucking facebook
Post some fun discords.
/v/ is filled with unstable and insecure manchildren. /v/ communities ALWAYS turn to shit, not just in discords but in any multiplayer game with a clan system. Every single one of them except for this particular one I've been in for years but seriously all the others are just fucked.
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I rather not, I bet you are probably one them. homosexuality is wrong okay. seek help.
>have to install discord to join a game
>"ugh the fuck is this shit"
>join guild discord
>they are all bros
>we realiably party everyday and have organiced engagements and pretty much kick everyone's ass unless ther eis a huge difference in numbers
>run on the fields picking up enemies running away
>uninstall skype and everyother messaging app as discord is bastly superior
Give us a link.
Then why the fuck are you using Discord?
haha don't be a broom be a vacuum amirite
Because people use it as a substitute for IRC in an era where all the newshits don't even know what IRC is? It has a good chat UI for a reason.
To which, the gaming community discord or the porn is awesome discord?
Which do you think.
>having an identity in a community brings out the absolute worst people around here.
No shit.

Pretty much what happened to me. Skype is ass these days and cant be assed to deal with vent or mumble anymore
>hard to find
>they all moved to Discord
>they usually advertise their Discord invite links
Anon, are you okay?
>javascript errors
The Desktop client uses javascript?
>join a game community
>every group of players have their own discord
>join one of them
>its fantastic
>shits really fun
>autistic kike owner of the game's server tells everyone to SHUT IT DOWN otherwise you'll be banned
>shills his ts instead
Discord is arguably the best way for players to communicate, everything else is shit.
Discord needs to implement server specific avatars and a server browser that servers can opt in to with the ability to set your own tags or something so you can actually find communities relatively easily rather than trying to find some random reddit
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Someone post discord links already, I need new friends.
You know how I can tell that you're new here?
Because this exact shit proved to be a trend with /v/ Steam groups years ago.
If you're on /v/ begging for discord links, you're not the kind of guy i would want in my discord.
That's quite the assumption there. I don't use Steam.
That means you weren't going to post your discord anyway, you fuck.
Not him, but I personally have never joined any Steam groups because I know the /v/ Steam friend threads are full of ronery faggots, actual faggots, and trapfaggots and the like.

The Discords on /vg/ actually talk about the games.
Its called push to talk
Mumble and Teamspeak are just superior to Discord

But discord is the hip thing for the 2017 twitch kappa cancer kids crowd
Well obviously i wasnt going to post a link to a good discord on /v/ off all places.

>not being part of /v/keend

Best /v/ discord desu
How dare you
Yeah, it is, but how the fuck am I going to make out what anyone says with music on or while watching something?
Then why the fuck are you even here?
Discords on /vg/ are clique havens. They might talk about the games but only in a self contained group, which is ridiculous since the Discord itself is already a group off the board.
>thinking I wouldn't screen every discord link before joining it
>server specific avatars
I can already hear the adulation of the ERP fags.
Neither of them have a proper chat. Who gives a shit about muh codecs and audio when the voice chat is only used occasionally.
>Then why the fuck are you even here?
To laugh at the anime autists that ask for friends on /v/
The client is a chromium based browser. Goodbye optimization
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>play a relatively small MMO
>discord hype wave washes over it
>all in-game public chats become disgruntled, clueless new people
>capital cities are dead silent
>lose grasp on the state of the community because everything's practically a secret by now
>have do deal with those millions of @everyones and @heres

pretty gay
How dare you
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Yeah, Discord being an irc chat fucking sucks. The only reason that I use it is to communicate to some of my friends that uses it and even they, themselves, only use it for private messages. I also find it annoying that everyone just post "le ebin emojis xD" and cancerous maymays. Don't forget those people who act like a total hotshot. I miss using old online forums.
If only you knew of the before times when Steam friend threads weren't really a thing just yet and anybody who was on Steam and /v/ all tended to congregate together in a single Community group.

Friend threads really didn't become a thing until a year later when that group was falling apart.
Stop that.
Chromium hasn't abandoned Javascript by now?
>Discords on /vg/ are clique havens. They might talk about the games but only in a self contained group, which is ridiculous since the Discord itself is already a group off the board.
Literally every single organization or social community that's not anonymous will always have cliques. It baffles me that this somehow comes as a surprise for some anons. People learn to know each other over time and generally get closer to each other through continued interaction. They can't possibly keep interacting the exact same way they once did as complete strangers.

New people may feel left out at first but that's just something people have to deal with both in real life and in games. It happens when you join a guild in an online game. It happens when you get a job in real life. There will always be established social circles and hierarchies that you just have to deal with and find your own place in.

If this really bothers some anons so much, they should just stop being laggards and pick up new games as they're released. By being in the general (and potentially, the Discord) from day 1, they can ensure that they'll be a part of the terrible circlejerk if they actually want to be there.

I do but why I can't fathom why anyone would ever have wanted to be a part of that. Most of you fucks have terrible taste in video games and I have absolutely nothing in common with you. It wasn't as bad in the past, though.

By limiting myself to communities revolving around one game or one genre I at least meet somewhat likeminded people who I have something in common with. Ironically, though, the meta threads on /v/ have always been the best, as I still have more in common with the average /v/ poster than, say, the average /b/tard.
>I can't fathom why anyone would ever have wanted to be a part of that.
Because it used to be pretty chill and we all played TF2 together in the days before microtransactions and HATS became a thing.
>Most of you fucks have terrible taste in video games and I have absolutely nothing in common with you.
Holy shit, Weeg, is that you?
But the fact is, Discords are already kind of a clique concept if you're trying to hang at a /vg/ thread. So when the Discord has one single clique, it confuses me why they bother leaving it open for people to join when they'll just end up memeing to the same people over and over.
I'm in one discord server which is made up of a bunch of irl friends and some Internet weirdos / foreigners we've picked up over the years. It's pretty nice honestly, they insist on using the voice part though even though it is garbage.
>Discords on /vg/ are clique havens. They might talk about the games but only in a self contained group, which is ridiculous since the Discord itself is already a group off the board.
Show them that you are worthy to be one of them. I used to get ignored until I carried the whole team in the game that we are playing. Also, it is approved that using an anime character and edgy name gives you a higher chance to get recognized since they will only talk to people that can get their attention.
/vg/ discords give me a giggle
>okay our thread is dying and needs bumps every minute because of how fucking DEAD they are
>lets make a discord
>yes good idea
I only use it with my small group of personal friends.

Clans were never good.
/g/ here
why does anyone use this bloated botnet
because it's free and better than skype/ts/hangouts/etc.
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>you've been invited to join cute boys with attitude
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use mumble
squad is fuckin gay
>no anime girl in the avatar
discord is where grown men ages 20-30 go to pretend to be anime girls
but muh memes and emojis!
Has no proper chat. Has no proper chat channels. Has no users.
mumble is better suited for a group people you know personally.
also actually functional chat channels with the ability to embed videos, and far superior UI and the ability for profiles/names to have personality as opposed to just text in mumble
Has no style.
Has no grace.
how DARE you insult the unofficial official game of DaC
Has no spirit or presence of place
>can't even test what I sound like over the microphone
>have to go into a voice chat and blow out everyones ears
what kind of cavemen invention is this shit
>and the ability for profiles/names to have personality
Yeah really cripples your method of ERPing if you can't slap on your furry avatar.
How dare you steal my catchphrase.
use irc for chat and mumble for voice
t. /g/ here
value ur privacy
A quick Google search usually finds you a Discord for the game you want to talk about, but it's usually a Reddit Discord. The Betterdiscord third-party addon adds a server list to find public servers too. Don't think it has EVERY public server though.

I'm glad that Discord became popular though. It's a good service (so far), and it's nice to have a quick and easy way to be able to make something as vast as an entire discussion board in one server and then a little basic friend hangout on the next tab. The porn Discords are pretty good too.
>Value your privacy when your fucking hardware is used to spy on you with nothing you can do apart from using outdated hardware
Thanks, /g/, but this is a lost cause.
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Yes yes goyim use discord. Let us siphon all of that data. Dont worry its a fair trade right? You get to spam "proper" chat channels with stale facebook memes and change your username on each server.
Lacks convenience.
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Is there actually any /v/ discords out there or is it all just a myth?
Why the fuck would there be a /v/ discord?
Internet privacy is nothing but a mere concept by now.
I stopped giving a shit about it years ago and now I use whatever's the easiest thing to use, that being Discord.
For people to meet up and play video games?
I don't care if discords have cliques but then they always have to bring their shit onto /vg/ and then nothing ever gets discussed except the personal lives of a handful of faggots.

Then their drama gets posted and derails the conversation so you can't even ask have a discussion about the game without some nigger going "who cares about this game lol".

>it gets even worse when you find out they're shitposting anonymously or samefagging so they can talk about their day
I've noticed that happening in some of the generals I've browsed.

In MMO generals it's inevitable because everyone knows everyone at some point.
Here's looking at you, /dbg/.
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>join yurop Blade and Soul group someone mentioned in a thread
>everyone has a great time there
>most people stop playing the game but still hang out there playing other vidya together
>time comes that the admins never login anymore to administrate the group
>create another group
>everyone that was active joins the other group
>we have a great time everyday
>even created a Discord Bot for them to fool around in chat
>eventually make the bot go live worldwide
>has almost 5k users now
>everyone still hangs out there today

I dunno man, maybe you are the problem?
Turbonerds, poltards and flaming attentionwhoring faggots are in every groups, once you weed those idiots out you get a 10/10 group to hang out with.
here you buddy discord.gg/h2ApSt6
I use discord with my small group of friends. Most of our usage of it is just text discussion and sharing news/video links. It's nice to have voip in the same application for when we do get together and play games though.

Why would anyone want to join a discord with a bunch of randos?
The only people who actually speak in /v/ Discords are trapfaggot attention whores. They usually drive away legitimate discussion. Then the other hundred or so people in the server are just in it to have it on their server list and almost never speak.
It's funny because that was the Discord I was talking about. We fame now.
Still rolling with it, huh.
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>dude, get on discord
what is this shit, anyway? the numale variant of ventrilo?
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It's IRC combined with Ventrilo, gramps.
I just want a discord with zero memes and everyone is 25+
Skype but good and server based.
It's an IRC client and people tell you to get on it because it's good. Is eevrything new some librul conspiracy to you, faggot?
It's not just a /vg/ thing. I've seen it happen on other boards as well.
I used it to replace Skype.
Skype pissed me off one-too-many times.
Discord is yet to bug me once.
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how long have you been a good goy?
its a vacuum xDDD
no really now
it also works seamlessly between devices, or through the web

it essentially replaces SMS/IM among my group of friends
Skype was so shit that Discord is a gift from god in comparison. And Skype kept getting worse while Discord still has a ways to go before being unusable.
Maybe in a few years something will replace it.
I think League of Legends general has turned from occasionally ok to complete shit, but I haven't been there in a year or two.

>screenshots that showed namefags there were trolling and they weren't run off
>some whore on there dated some namefag and ruined it by making drama for fun

This is why I never stay with one community for long.
So how many of these do you have? Or are you just looking them up over time to shitpost?
wtf are you talking about
I wish it did for me but I'm the gramps myself in reality. >>374542239

Seems like I'm already at the age where my friends are reluctant to use anything new. I'm stuck using Skype, and they're only using Skype because MSN dying forced them to. Then again, that's the only reason I'm using Skype too.
>the average discord user OF DOOM ecks dee.mp4
holy shit this
I remember maplestory general having threads upon threads upon threads of drama that is literally only in the discord, and people using the fucking general in an attempt to anonymously shitpost about someone in the discord/shittalk someone in the discord after they had gotten banned

Might as well rename discord into "Magnet for faggots and attentionwhores"
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just look them up over time using steam community group search.
>join the Gundam Breaker 3 Discord on /m/ hoping to play the game with them
>nobody actually plays together
>they rarely discuss shit, sometimes post their in-game Gunplas in a separate channel
>Discord eventually dies altogether, yet there's still a lot of people in the group even though nobody ever says shit anymore

>join a Discord for an SS13 server using a new gameplay mode/mapset that's in beta because it's the only way to get the server details so you can play on the weekends
>dumb controversies happen, host leaks everyone's IP address just to get back at two fags who DDOS'd the server, everyone's pointing fingers at everyone
>stop wanting to play with those guys after that

>Why would anyone want to join a Discord with a bunch of randos?
You know, that's a damn good question.
Which terms?

I'm looking to pick up some cute ass.
People are a cancer.
lewd/kawaii/cutie, another easy way is to find someone with a high steam level/over top profile and look at their groups and look at the group members and see their groups and so on.
this group for example. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/748#members/?p=1
>>join a Discord for an SS13 server using a new gameplay mode/mapset that's in beta because it's the only way to get the server details so you can play on the weekends
Neato. Hopefully I can get some cute boys to send ass.
Discords have been a godsend for fighting games, especially the smaller ones.

Shit like "/v/ discord" or "/vg/ general discord" are retarded though and shouldn't exist.
If you try to weed out all the obnoxious faggots and idiots you inevitably come across people who take issue with you doing too much moderation and think there should be as little moderation as possible just because it's a 4chan group. And then there are a whole bunch of different people who have different ideas of what constitutes obnoxious behavior and what's banworthy and what isn't. It's just a big fucking clusterfuck of people with opposing views and coming from 4chan they sure as hell will make their contrarian opinions heard.
The secret is to not actively weed out those idiots, it's to just ignore them, they eventually leave or break some rules to get them booted out of frustration.

It takes some time, but it's worth it.
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>see thread
>download discord
>no friends
>nobody to ERP with
w-what now?
>>nobody to ERP with
You can start by hanging yourself. You're part of what ruins most communities you fucking degenerate.
congrats u have just downloaded botnet #123
fbi cia and nsa are watching u fap to traps and cp
ull be beheaded in crimes against allah
Discord has revived dead games
>I'm going to be a huge ERPer on this service by pretending to be a cute trap!
lamo you're too late for that faggot, shit is overran
pretend to be a girl or find an obscure fetish faggot, because your writing style is already garbage and chances are you're terrible at this.
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>friend tells you to install discord
>60k memory running in the background
>he fell for the "all u need is 8gb" meme
I never understood why the trapfags are so loud about it.

I'd be interested if anyone ever happened to share my fetish but it's just lol traps and other boring shit. I consequently also never say anything about it.
>discord runs lighter than browsers, skype, and steam
You bitch about nothing unless you're literally using an IBM from 1980.

I hope none of you whined when the law was signed allowing ISPs to sell your info, because Jesus Christ, so many people use this "GAMER CRED" cancer.
Maybe, but that also runs the risk of allowing the idiots to form a clique with the other idiots, and then you have two opposing sides in the same community and that's just going to lead to tons of drama and eventually the community disbanding entirely or splitting into two new ones.

Now that I think of it, the community I've been a part of did end up doing just that, before I joined them. They were in a community half filled with idiots so they left and made a new one with the ones they knew were cool. So maybe you're onto something.
More like 200 megabytes, occasionally creeping close to 500 because god knows why, and as the icing on the cake it needs to spawn a 20-megabyte child process with non-zero CPU use just to pop up that little notification window that goes "beep boop". No, really.
No one even knew that took place, really important issues get ignored. Half assed bullshit gets full attention.
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Why is this app opened three times?
Why is steam open 5 times, you don't know about a bunch of lazy programming that compounds API.
1 for fbi 1 for nsa 1 for cia
One for the Chinese secret service
One for the American secret service
One for the Israeli secret service
>Pretty sure it's a controller icon
I'm pretty sure it's cliche anime girl #587346583
Oh my god, I might have to spend 50 bucks or less at newegg, assuming I'm always running a bajillion other things.
Nigga are you for real?
Discords are also some of the most cancerous communities I've ever seen. If you thought reddit was bad, oh boy. Everyone feels the need to make one and spam links everywhere because there's no money barrier or basic computer skill barrier to creating one like ts/mumble. Just click the create button and you're ready to amass your circle jerk, assuring that the vast majority of discords are ran by power tripping degenerates of some sort.
There is always a risk, but it mostly pays off since the rate of decent to full-blown-retard is like night and day, even if we're talking about a 4chan spawned group, unless it's a /pol/, /b/,
/s4s/, /mlp/ or any other cancerous board group

Who knows, maybe you're in the group I'm talking about :^)
Dys is that you?
It's not.
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>join discord some faggot shilled on /v/ a few times
>play CS and BF4 a couple times with the people there, have a bit of fun
>forget about it for months
>check it now
>they kicked me out
It shouldn't feel bad since I was never there but it does
because they crave attention
you can't use mumble as a trapfag because you're going to sound like a huge disgusting faggot
you can't use IRC because sharing your anime reactions/pictures of legs in stockings and you can't grab peoples attention with a porn crop

so now they're all forced onto one platform and they have to fight really heavily to be noticed so they try to attentionwhore in every nook and cranny
/v/ is especially good because it's filled with horny teenagers
What is considered the best discord bot?
>tfw comfy forum of dying mmo turned into multiple discord circlejerks
i want to go back
I don't even know if there's a Lifeweb Discord.
But the general has like 3 active bns discord and I only know if 1 active EU bns discord that has people from the general and it sounds like you mean a different one. Seekrit club?
The one that fits your needs the most, personally I'm using LewdBot, qtChan, Spoopy and Aru
Genuine recommendation. /ERP/ and /ftt/ have Discords catering to all your faggoty ERP needs.
>t./r9k/asocial shut in
Too gormless to even communicate with other players. I bet you refuse to use mic as well because you're embarrassed about your voice.
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>tfw only ever been in one discord server with friends I already knew before discord

How do people even find new ones? Aside from /vg/ discords but those really aren't appealing to me.
bns had another Discord before the one you're talking about, where most people went as crimson-fags into the same guild and a handful of others went as cerulean-fags into another guild, all in the same server.

Since that Discord died mostly due to inactivity, the general has a new one now.
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Google and BetterDiscord server finder.
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Not him but you're right, I can't handle being in a non-anonymous community for very long so I'll usually just leave without saying anything, and I do have anxiety about using my mic.
How do you guys even find good discord servers? I'm not even asking for links just methods on how you are supposed to weed out the shit ones.

My personal experience with discord is that you literally MUST know people irl to get invited to good private servers because all the ones that are shared online quickly get infested with meme spamming retards.

Do you people just go through hundreds of public servers until you find one that isn't complete shit?
But the EU discord is very alive and has 50+ people online right now? The current NA one is also very active with 80+ people in it.
I met some cool people on some random discord I joined on /v/ months ago. Its the only one I'm in though.
>all the ones that are shared online quickly get infested with meme spamming retards

Completely true, you answered all your own questions.
People who want to identify as someone who browses any board on 4chan are the worst people on this site and this comes out whenever they're put in a room together so to speak.
My nigga, I checked the general, the Discord I'm talking about isn't even being listed in the pastebin anymore, neither is the guild.

Server was Windrest, everyone in EU was there, now there are like 3 servers.
I want a discord I can find people to play EDF with.
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>join /v/ anything
>unironic ironic unironic kowtowing to a trap/tranny every time
This gay shit is getting so old.
Most of the ones I'm on are groups that migrated from Skype. But they're cunts so I don't really go on voice that much, I just like to shitpost to annoy their autism.
>gears 4 comes out
>theres a gears general
>not enough users to actually keep general active
>kill general and just stick to discord
>still friends with them to this day
That's why I avoid 4chan Discords like the plague unless it's from /vg/. Too many ultra-ironic spergs. At least plebbit servers have thousands of users and moderation to keep them tame and have discussion on track.
Pretty much. Just look at 4chin meetups, that's the sort of people that identifies themselves as board X users.

I'd be down for some earth defending as well, though I generally organize sessions the old-fashioned way by messaging lads through Steam.

Alright so you need actual friends to find a good discord server and not the other way around.

Thanks for clearing that up. Time to uninstall then.
>I want an external group to something that could work as an internal group to the software/DRM that is already required for the game that also has a communication feature
Steam groups fail to amount to anything other than requests to ERP or memes. Either that or they're dead.
>Alright so you need actual friends to find a good discord server
Not really
And Discord, the official software used by many healslut groups and general ERP resource locations doesn't?
God damn do I hate discord fanbois.
At least they're more lively. Every steam group I've joined has literally been dead on arrival because nobody fucking remembers they exist.
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>pretend to be a girl before it catches fire and everyone starts doing it
>quickly jump off to "trap" pretending when it does
>once pretending to be a trap/boy being a girl kicks in, start pretending to be a motherly figure
>all the desperate trapfags are fighting eachother in attempts to get attention
>meanwhile I get tons of emone and attention just by listening to people and helping them out
>make discord
>lots of people join
>that feeling of power you have
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>tfw you want to join a decent discord but have no idea where to look for one.
I think they call this social retardation or something.
lmao there's addons to just mass invite people from other channels
you're not a forum moderator/admin
Mumble looks like shit, doesn't have inline image display. It's like using IRC. It's fucking garlic to normies. Discord despite being a piece of shit gets them away from skype which is a far bigger piece of shit.
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>start pretending to be a motherly figure
Holy fuck my nigga, I thought I was the only one. Love that shit. It's amazing how easily they cling onto you and become dependent on your attention to even work properly through their daily life.

Something I like doing is helping them to "fix their live" by making them get a job or learn a skill and then they start giving me stuff without even asking after that because I'm the "reason" their life has improved so much.
Vocaroo me something nigga.
Does /v/ have a discord?
Someone please link it if there is one
So you're basically RPing a PT/Manager/Guidance Councilor? That's a job anon. Why are you working for tips in your spare time for random faggots?
There's a big difference between getting a degree for something and being good on a professional level and telling some faggot "You can do anything if you believe in yourself, gib monE pls"
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>Make discord server for my MMO guild
>only people from the guild can join it
>always have fun and now I can chat with my buddies all day everyday when we're not playing
if you force people to hang around each other before joining the discord then they'll adapt better than adding a bunch of random people.

The problem is that most members of the guild are normalfags who never login
You have an idea of how much goes into getting a job such as that properly? Plus, finding desperate lonely randoms it's easier on the internet.

Honestly, I just enjoy listening to people. Despite everything, I do this stuff because I like being needed. Even if they need me, I'm probably the one who needs them the most.
Yeah and it pays shitloads and you have a bottomless client base because modern society fucked up not one, not 2 but 3 generations of people with a 4th in progress.
I do it while playing gook MMOs, the money part isn't even my request, I'm being paid to play armchair Psychiatrist for some reason, although that might be a bit irrelevant with the whole "motherly" concept.
I like people feeling comfortable near/with me and that's all there is, I have an actual job and I only do this while playing certain games.
How would someone even go at becoming one of those things properly anyway?
>projecting this hard
PT/Manager/Guidance Councilors don't make you feel safe or extend a saftey net, they don't constitute as a fetish and they sure as hell don't fill the void of a motherly figure for most people.
This. You cannot play pretend with any of those, specially when you "know" it's their job. If if it's some random person online you can pretend they actually care about you and your situation.
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how the fuck do you even find victims to be "motherly" to?
you don't

Please join ;_;
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>old /ss13g/ community
>terrible admins, stagnant codebase good community
>current /ss13g/ community
>pretty decent admins, regular content updates, terrible community

SS13 goes through phases but once you find a good group, it's great.

>tfw your roleplay server dies
>no one goes to a new one, everyone plays other stuff now
>all other servers dont come close to how your old server used to run
>stop playing
>no compact view
>can't fucking minimize sidebar

literally the worst
My only problem with discord are the notifications freezing my desktop

There is no excuse for that shit
Turn them off?
I need them or else I can't see shit. Drawing is a pain in the ass when I have to wait 5 seconds for the notifications to disappear every single time.
do people do vent harrasment style shit in doscord?
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>people join reddit discord and normie shit
>are surprised people in those rooms act normie and reddit
Why are so many people here retarded? They actually blame the platform and not the people.
So many people here are acting like it's discord fault they hang out with Reddit people.
There was a group of people who would join random Discord servers and spam the users with PMs of child porn, but they got banned.
I prefer Reddit people in non-anonymous environments anyway. Having a name attached to 4chan's shitposting ruins the novelty.
>reddit reddit reddit reddit
you what
I use Discord because it's popular. That's the only reason I have it. There isn't a single server I like. It attracts too much cancer.

I want to make my own comfy community with a little IRC channel and/or TeamSpeak/Mumble but it's so hard to find like-minded people who want to play the same games as me, even on 4chan. It's such a shame.

>You will never have a comfy community that just hangs out in voice chat all day and even if nobody's talking it's nice knowing they're there
>You'll never hear random typing sounds or ambient noise as somebody's mic goes off when it shouldn't

Steam friend threads never lead to anything like this.
Just read the thread, I was just parroting the shit people say here.

>There isn't a single server I like. It attracts too much cancer.
You can keep blaming the platform all you want, but in the end it's all on you. Just because you're unable to find any good communities on the platform does not mean they exist.
The shit you're saying is like saying everyone that used Skype is a cancer, because most people you talk to is.
Hello chips.
>Just because you're unable to find any good communities on the platform does not mean they exist.
How the fuck are you supposed to find them? Literally every 4chan Discord I've joined has been full of the same shit people are complaining about ITT and nobody I know is a part of any good ones. Help me.
>Something I like doing is helping them to "fix their live" by making them get a job or learn a skill and then they start giving me stuff without even asking
had that happen to me too. talking to someone over steam for a week trying to help out and be supportive and stuff. mentioned without thinking i didn't have a lot of money and she immediately offered me some. didn't take it though and never will. i genuinely care and would feel really scummy if i took any.
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>nu/v/ normies unironically use shit like redditcord
People who hate discord are usually autistic and hate that other people like to talk to each other outside of voice sometimes.
People who dislike discord also seem to have trouble making friends in games.
You don't join 4chan discords/servers, why the fuck would you ever do that?
The point of 4chan is that you post anonymously and the moment you attach a name to yourself you remove the whole point of 4chan.

You say that it's Discord that attracts cancer, so why not join a 4chan TeamSpeak/Mumble or IRC channel if that's so much better?
>The shit you're saying is like saying everyone that used Skype is a cancer, because most people you talk to is.
But everyone using the bloated shitpiece that was Skype are cancer.
because muh 4chan secret club integrity and muh epic internet meme culture.
>The point of 4chan is that you post anonymously and the moment you attach a name to yourself you remove the whole point of 4chan.
That's true, but, at the same time, I've spent a decade of my life here. I can't relate to people that haven't done the same. It's too difficult.

>so why not join a 4chan TeamSpeak/Mumble or IRC channel if that's so much better?
They're hard to come by and many are pretty shit as well. I'd rather start my own but I doubt that will happen.
What do people even do in them? Meme and voice chat?
You are all wrong, its a pig Im serious
Talk, share stories, share porn, talk.
You know, the usual things.
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>threads about facebook tier underage normie shit are generally considered acceptable on /v/ now
the fuck is a discord
>not using IRC 4chan imageboard edition
I don't know I'm straight.
You've never hung out in a group chat? You just log on, leave it in the background, and occasionally rant or have other people rant about something and suddenly you have paragraphs of back and forth between each other or just simply pose a question you'd like an answer to and it'll probably work. Or you just share silly or cute stuff. You basically just get to know the people and spend time with them for enjoyment.

I've been a part of a /vg/ group chat for like four or five years now and it's mostly people who have been around from the start but that's what we generally do. I mean, as long as you don't talk about politics or religion it's generally a good time since you're just having fun.
>getting into a circle of friends is hard
Do you know what getting to know someone is? You can't instantly become someones friend just because you want to.
Not for years. None of my friends really play on PC any more.
Actually scratch that. I moved to PC and only one friend really was there with me, then he got a gf. The rest are on consoles or don't do voice chat
I understand how it is, I didn't have a group to talk to for like four years prior to these guys, it's just not an easy thing to find but once you find one you like you can stick with it. Sadly it'll probably die once people get older or get jobs, the one I'm in already went from 12 people average to 8-10 now.
>I don't know what thing is so it must be facebook normie shit

Being someone who likes obscure things doesn't mean you have to act smug about being retarded.
Probably doesn't help that I'm 26 and full time employed.
But what if getting to know people is compromising to your own views? A lot of these circlejerks have very disagreeable individuals at their core and while you may appreciate some of the folks, you are forced into liking all of them if you want to get in with them. One disagreement with someone in the middle and it ripples outward and your reputation is in shambles.
>you are forced into liking all of them
>no proper discord link posted yet
Confusingly, the beat Discords tend to be circlejerk servers from Leddit (ie zeroescapecirclejerk). A lot of users are secretly /v/ users (assuming from the talk), they don't take everything 110% seriously, and there's serious discussion on certain channels.
>use discord to talk to one friend
>realize too late that private chat history can't be cleared
>can't switch now cause he likes it
Jesus, if they can afford to do this, how many organizations are they selling data to? Every single one that exists?

They're selling your ERP session logs to companies in China.

it has come down to this
>low RP
might as well be deathmatch servers
>high RP
elitist circle-jerks.

If only there was a way to remove the elitism from HRP servers.

yes but there's the thing.

Websites try to both make you watch ads AND sell your data. I say: pick one. And if companies can't pick one well it's okay because I know how to choose. I'd rather have them sell my data than see fucking ads. But that's also because I know what to do to circumvent any real tracking of me and the data would be useless.
>people actually bought nitro
how long until discord goes belly up
they were hemorrhaging money like crazy and I don't believe they fixed this with nitro.
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