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Console Repairmen Explain Why Cockroaches Love PS4s

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>The PS4’s design accommodates roaches better than other consoles’ because its ventilation grates are wider. Those vents are located at the bottom of the console, so roaches can get in with ease. Also, according to repair professionals, the PS4’s insides gets hotter than the Xbox One’s because of its internal power supply. Warm, in an enclosed space and close to the floor, PS4s are great roach nesting grounds.

>PS4s are great roach nesting grounds.

It must be selling really well in Turkey then
I hated working at a gaming store back in the day. People would trade in disgusting systems with bugs in them, then get mad when they didn't get a lot for them. Psones and gamecubes were the worst.
Wait that's a thing?

I just moved to the deep south and have an open backplate on the pc, which always ran hot. How fucked am I? I don't want to look.
I have a pro, is it safe?
ya for the roaches rofl

You'll be getting pro roaches.
i don't recall ever seeing a roach in any of the places i lived in

how filthy do you have to be in-order to achieve this
>i don't recall ever seeing a roach in any of the places i lived in
because your mother cleans the house
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>it's too hard just to spray pesticide around the perimeter of your house
Reminds of when I traded in 20 games and got something like 5 store credit dollars. I was like, "You fuckers will put up each of these for $20 and I'm getting less than 20c a game?"
Sony wins again'
they rarely work and can hurt your pets
t.worked at terminx
I've seen exactly 2 roaches in 5 years of living in my current apartment, and it was during a short stretch in which I had niggers living below me.

So the answer is, as filthy as a nigger.
Snake oil.
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This is fucking true, cockroaches crawled into my PS4 so I had to get it fixed. Now I'm so fucking paranoid I put it in a bag or box every night
i don't see anything wrong with this. it also implies you're a filthy person
In the north U.S if you get roaches it means you failed and need to try again essentially...I hear in places south thought there is no fighting it but I wouldnt know for sure
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>Used to give me parents shit about the roaches in our house for years
>They never took anything I said seriously because they didn't personally see them
>Despite my efforts to clean my room they still showed up at night because all it takes is one person in the house to be a pig to infect the whole house
>Gets progressively worse to the point where the roaches don't give a shit and roam the house in broad daylight
>Now everyone is panicking and afraid of eating food in the cabinets when they've been eating roach shit for years

The Mexican neighbors that brought the roaches here have long since moved but their gift to the neighborhood is still here.
I remember that, and I was like "You're trading in madden 05 and it's 2017, we have 80 copies of the game and will have to sit on it for about 5 years before we maybe sell it at the price 10x less that what we gave you"
get this man 50 yous
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I fucking hate roaches, they survive literally anything.
>found roacches in my monitor
>found roaches in my laptop
>have a clean a fuck room but they STILL like poping their little heads out when I'm eating at my desk
blame your filthy parents
nigga why you have roaches in the first place

dirty ass nigga
That does nothing. They will walk right over it and be fine, or they will evolve to be resistant to it within days. They are already in your house, too. Under it, in the walls, behind the dish washer. The only solution is to quarantine the areas they don't normally reach, like your room. I spray the underside of my door with repellent and then block it with a rug every night. It keeps them out of my room while my mother and sister are dealing with roaches trying to eat the moisture on their vags while they sleep.
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My country don't have roaches haha
you won't get bugs if there's nothing in the house for them to be attracted to

clean your fucking floors, quit leaving food everywhere like a teenage slob. they aren't going to come knocking just because they happened to be scuttling past your window and heard you playing persona 5.
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>Gets progressively worse to the point where the roaches don't give a shit and roam the house in broad daylight

That's the fucking worst. But I got rid of them a year ago.
Can confirm in the south.

We dont have roaches that equate to being dirty, they dont even eat your food/scraps or anything.

They just love your sink, and the cleaner, the more they love it. They are FUCKING insanely smart as well. They want your water and eat each other. Its impossible to get rid of them 100%, even the bug guys who come say this and say the best you can do down here is poison entry points so they dont come out, also some weird goo paste they put inside your electric outlets and cabinets.

Seriously, the roaches are so smart, they play dead, they scout, and know not to come out. They learn your living patterns, etc...

Northern Roaches=Dirty people

Southern Roaches=They want your water and live in your electric outlets.
Alright, sonyroaches it is.
If you have roaches at home you might have bigger problems to begin with
It's my sister if anyone, she's the kind of person that puts a dirty plate in her clothes drawer because walking to the sink is suuuuch a bother.

don't get it
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Good shit
Kind of related, I saw flying roaches for the first time recently, they were really fucking small and cute compared to the non-flying ones. What kind of roaches are you "used" to?
They flew in through my window all the time when I had no fly screen. My window is two stories up.

Okay that can't be true, they're bugs you're making them out to be like some impossible to get rid of pest

Just clean your house, poison, seal up entries.
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what.. in.. the.. fuck..
>The Mexican neighbors that brought the roaches here have long since moved but their gift to the neighborhood is still here.
Your family is probably disgusting.
I think the goo paste is to chemically castrate them. May be bullshit since that seems terribly advanced but that's what the bug man told me. That way you don't get multi-generation infestations building up, just stray wanderers.
All roaches can fly. They fly more when they are young. Those small roaches will get bigger soon.
People like that exist man, and a disproportionate amount of them are women, as /r9k/ as that sounds.
Roaches are the only creatures that will still be moving after nuclesr fallout.
top ebin
>tfw never had a roach problem
>spiders create fucking bases around my house
>have given up trying to fight them

Maybe they eat the roaches, but I generally only see flys or bees in the webs
Cleaning does nothing, as I said, the cleaner your kitchen area, and sink, the better for them.

Yes, we poison and seal with the weird goo paste, I said that aswell, its just IMPOSSIBLE to 100% get rid of them. I see maybe one a month even after getting bug control every few months.

They are NOTHING like northern roaches.

Why do you think so many houses in the south are concrete? Its because of bugs.

You just cant completely eradicate them, that and Roaches are insanely adamant and intelligent.

Its similar down here to seeing some house flys honestly in the north, and ive lived in both places, but the roaches are less common than those when sprayed.
Spiders are bros that eat other pests, keep em.
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>tfw had a horrible roach infestation because of my disgusting slob of a father
>call exterminator several times, always come back
>make same exterminator bullshit call about a year ago
>mfw i didn't see a single roach even several months after
it feels good knowing i will never see another roach in my life so long as i keep everything in check
least you got spider bros to play video games with, unless they don't bite you at night.
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I used to let all spiders stay in my basement, they werent big, and made webs out of the way.

Since I did that, never saw any fly/mosquito/bee ever. They are seriously amazing.

Id also let them chill in my stairways if they had a web in a decent spot.
Ok but your dumb ass accepted that deal right?

How is it their fault if you're not willing to go out and do the legwork yourself?

I've had two ex's that were like that, despite putting on airs of being clean, proper types before we got together.

I've basically given up on relationships because I'm tired of having to babysit every goddamn woman I get together with for one reason or another.
and here I was complaining why they don't cook or clean

I've seen some bitch's photos when there's clothes littered everywhere. But the plates in the drawer just struck a new low
>tfw here in florida the roaches are too big for the spiderbros to eat them
Would rather have spiders, since they keep insects under control. Unless you're talking australian spiders
I dunno, some spiders we have in FL are pretty fucking big, but I wouldnt want those chillin in my house.

>Not just catching those lizards that are everywhere and letting them loose in your house.

Free bug control.
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I see palmetto bugs every summer and I've never seen them fly.
First post best post.
Living with roaches... that's fucking gross.
>Maybe they eat the roaches
I leave small spiders alone for this exact reason.
If they're big though, I try to capture them and put them outside. They're still kinda creepy at those sizes.

I prefer them over fucking roaches or other horrible pest, however.
Have you tried fire

literally ripping off comment in previous post
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anon is telling the truth. I live in Florida. When I was younger, every year we would bomb the house and the floors and counters would be littered with roaches. We're a clean family, but I think that just drove them in more.

>tfw meeting a palmetto bug for the very first time
>mfw they can fly
how fucking dirty are you to have roaches living in your place?
shes actually getting rammed by a happa
everyday i walk down stairs there is a fucking spider with an egg sac or babies on its back and it always hides in the corner of the very last step, one time i spooked it, it ran over my foot and dropped its babies on me, i slipped and dropped into another spider with babies.
>burning my electronics to kill cockroaches

Fuck off idiot.
roaches just come into my house from the street. It isn't that extreme, but they are around. Exterminating them won't do anything.

Sucks. I might as well capture them and eat their proteins.
hate when that happens
Consider that a blessing.
You've never known the fear of trying to kill one, and it just goes completely kamikazi on your face, and you become the one being chased.
Didn't roaches outlive dinosaurs?
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>mfw never even seen a roach due to proper living conditions and the marvelous power of the canadian winter
nigga roaches come from the bottom of the ocean.
>deathly scared of spiders
>fucking spider sets up on the hallway skylight
>it's like 15 feet above the stairs
>can't reach it so I just deal with it
>he never leaves that spot
>one day notice like 8 ants in the web
>spider grows stronger and larger over the weeks
>one day its just gone

>this year
>ants all over the hallway walls
>huge winged ants fall from the skylight onto the stairs
>spider was keeping their numbers in check
>he's gone now


These fucking ants go all over the place I hate them so much. They bite and don't let go so if they go on your arm and you brush it always it embeds itself into you and you have to pick it apart and pull its decapitated head out of you.

He looks full chink to me.
Are roaches the ultimate life form?
yeah, ho
Sony ALWAYS wins, baby!
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they can't outlive the planet so I don't think so.
What's the funnest way of killing of roaches and other pests? Lighter and spray can combo or hot glue treatment?
Call an exterminator, you third world shitter.
get a few more spider bros around the house
But why would a roach go in my PS4 when I never turn it on?

Checkmate, Turks.
cheeky cunt
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>TFW Don't have to deal with roaches but plenty of flying insects
>TFW Now have a habit of spraying air freshener at bugs to stop their wings and then smash them on the ground
Dirty southern niggers detected

>Capture webspider from yard
>place in jar
>let spider establish new nest
>tape jar in desired spot
>Place stick so spider can crawl out of jar
>No ants
Head to like Southern California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona; roaches live here naturally. If you're getting roaches in a place where roaches are really just an invasive species or come via imports, yea you fucked up man. But you can see flying roaches in the night out in the desert without even looking too hard during the summers, and if you have a connection to the outdoors you can bet your ass they'll be coming through there like refugees the first chance they get.
Can confirm, my sister is just like that. Clothes, dirty plates, dirty mugs, beer cans, coke bottles, old cds, etc all over the floor and desks or any flat surfaces in general. My parents usually ended up cleaning her shithole of a room every few months
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>they aren't going to come knocking just because they happened to be scuttling past your window and heard you playing persona 5.

They might if I'm playing this.
"hot glue" treatment

attract them with semen and pour boiling water on them
>close to the floor
u wot m8
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>One of my professors at my college is from Turkey
>All I can think about when I'm in their class are /int/ memes about Turks being roaches
>Almost lost my shit in class one day when an actual roach scuttled across the floor and the teacher didn't really care

Goddammit /int/.
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>Sony ponies are teaching themselves to love roaches so they can claim the PS4's proneness to infestation is a feature
I guess when you've got no games you have to find other ways to entertain yourself
>roaches are attracted to the PedoStation4

Sounds about right.
i'm not proud of it, but i do that.

There's ustensils in the sink that have been there for more than a year and a half.Someday i'll wash and unfuck my life.

Probably tommorow
T. Pajeet
disgusting fucking dirty cunts
>be that guy that never lets out a sound of surprise
>feel something around by buttocks while reading this thread with lights off
>literally jump and let out a little scream
Fuck insects.
>one day see spider bro in room
>don't care because he's probably killing shitty moths and fruit flies anyway
>one morning wake up
>laying on my back in bed and rub my face
>open eyes and see a thing falling from the ceiling
>straight above my face
>spider bro was descending towards my mouth

to this day I don't know if he was going to kiss me or suicide. I captured him and stuck him outside after that
Not that anon, but seriously, they have ant-like intelligence with the bonus effect of being hunter-killer cannibals.
got 'em
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is the ps4 slim safe
please seek help anon, someone loves you and will take care of you.!
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Deep down, I don't have faith you'll change

happens all the time to me my bros, dont hurt them tho they are harmless, just wanna nice place to stay warm and cozy thats all!
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I bought a poison that kills them when they eat each other, worked like a charm.
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Other random information about roaches you may not know!
i live in a los angeles suburb and i haven't seen one in years. but yeah, los angeles city is fucking filthy. even with that said, i've only seen cockroach in our shop in LA. i'm sure it's because we keep it extremely clean because other shops in the same area can have lots of them
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I have ants on my bathroom sink. I have a shit ton of filth in my room no roaches but I've seen some pupas?, I claned up a little today, will finish tomorrow I don't want roaches.
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if a spider crawls on me I send his ass to the shadowrealm
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>Not using this
being this gullible

>It's not your fault! Call Terminex!
Why the fuck do you idiots think I'm third world just because I know that fucking pesticides around the house do nothing? You retards must be the third worlders because I have no idea what causes you to think that.
>tfw literally just heard crawling noise at my ps4 pro
S-Should i do somethinng or am I imagining...
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>PS4 being the one with no games
Take a fucking hard look at the libraries of the other platforms and tell me the PS4 is the one with no games
Shut your mouth Abu bin-abar
Go deal with your roaches
I've only opened the thread to make this joke, I'm glad it's a first post.
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>implying any of the current consoles have games
>tfw life in Finland
>only get some small moths, flies and spiders during the summer
>they all fuck off after the temperature drops a bit
Not a bad place to live for someone who hates all these little bugs
We finna talking about the PC bruh?
Odds are yeah, the shop is either super clean, or you could just be too deep in the city for any naturally occurring atomic holocaust survivors to bug you.
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>mfw this thread
>Capable of taming

To ram, you would have to pull back to build up force.
There is no way an Asian would have the meat to spare, without completely taking it out and hoping for the best that her messy ham sandwich would catch his pretty little peen.

Seriously, though. I checked out Asian porn, just to see if it was true, that good dick was so small.

Well, not only do Ching-Lengs have weird, misshapen bodies, their dicks are literally the size of a thumb.
I repo furniture all the time

one time i picked up a couch and placed my hand in an entire nest of bedbugs, had to have been atleast 50 in palm sized spot, I hate those bastards.

took one home with me once and thank god it was a male cause heda spread em like wildfire, hes dead now.

i got banned for posting porn but you make me want to do it again.
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The PS4 is the one with no games
Alaska here same thing the only bothersome bug are mosquitoes but as I've gotten older they bite seem to bite me less and less
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Mad that you went unnoticed when you ripped it off first?
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Came here to post this. YOU STOLE MY JOKE
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>close to the floor
we used to have some ants in our home, too. i don't know what we did, but i haven't seen any for awhile. i guess we just don't leave food lying around or on the floor
>tfw memes are coming true at an increasing rate
It's 2 late already
>mfw live on a hot island
>there's a shitload of roach-like bugs in the parks
>I've seen a couple of them in my apartment even though it's clean as fuck
>got myself two cats and the roaches disappeared since
>keep my PS4 on my desk

What are the chances there's something inside? I don't want to look.
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just block your vents, sonybros
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My best friends apartment is infested with roaches. They inhabit his ps4. Whenever they come out and run by the power button or eject button, their presence turns it on/off

He won't do anything about it because he's just accepted them as roommates
It's the same here in Canada.

Summer is my fucking bane, though. Why can't there be a place like Vancouver but it's never summer?
holy shit

is this a birth of a new era of shitposting?
>they aren't going to come knocking just because they happened to be scuttling past your window and heard you playing persona 5.
Happened to me a few nights ago. Was playing P5 with nothing but the TV, PS4 and fan on and I see one of these fuckers scuttle past the arm of the couch. Hate these assholes. There's one in my car that hangs out near the pedals that I haven't been able to clear out even with a vacuum.
>buy a ps4
>get infested with roaches
>buy a wii u
>get infested with spiders
>the spiders kill the roaches and even eat them so they gone
>you become the spiderman
>ps4fags on suicide watch over their roaches
Who's laffin now
>he paid money so he could make make posts like these
Even bugs prefer the PS4 compared to Xbox 1
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>Who's laffin now

Owners of consoles that didn't flop.
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>love bugs
>buy ps4
>get no roaches
>get two jungle tits instead
reeee leave my house
Maybe if you actually tried to clean, instead of fucking around with a banjo and drinking moonshine, you may get rid of the creatures that literally crawl around on filth,you disgusting inbred.
Better close your mouth then, or a fly might pop in for a spell.
Who knows, it can camp out with the rest of your roach friends in there.

My roomate is like that, thank fuck my other roommate (her boyfriend) has been cleaning up after her. Still doesn't stop me from finding a dirty plate and cup in the closet next to the bathtub occasionally.
Well there's a friend I wouldn't be visiting.
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PS4s are gross but having roaches in the first place?
>them dang'ol raches are extremely intelligent, yuk yuk! Beats me every time!

Just get a fucking bath and stop shitting on the floor, Cletus!
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freeze with can of compressed air
Waiting for your parents to do something not taking matters into your own hands.
<fuckin up the meme text
"Here's how to do it#
put me in the cap, Reddit!
Put me in the screencap.
>get two jungle tits

What? Are you saying a black woman moved in?
Current GF lives pretty much like an animal, will wear the same shirt for days if she isn't going anywere girls only put out any effort when going out in public. Everything they do is an illusion to make everyone else think they are perfect in reality they are more filthy than the filthiest neet.
What the hell is a jungle tit?
That's because its not meant as a meme text you basement dweller
i have a pet lizard that eats any pest

fucking bro tier
<you basement dweller
How about you make like a member and get more people to join the club.

#You do it like this.<
The finest porno National Geographic has to offer the desperate.
They're attracted to success.
#you forgot the hyperlink at sign fa.m<
So why do they infest the hovels of failure?
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Can confirm because sister is trashy and her PS4 died in less than a year of owning it. Saw her open it one time and there were what looked like a hundred of them inside them. Disgust

> tfw have leopard geckos crawling all over my apartment building.

Some get in sometimes but I just let them chill since I tried to catch one and it just gave him some kind of mini lizard heart attack.

i think i found a solution v/ros
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Oh my god.
I think I found the better and cheaper solution.
"Clean your fucking house", with no shipping and handling!
I hear all these stories of Spiderbros but I've been unlucky as fuck with them. Instead of living in the basement or in a corner they make webs in the bathroom and keep trying to climb on me when I'm taking a piss. They don't even eat the ants
I don't know how what the fuck is happening over there in the USA but here in Spain we never get bugs or roaches. The most I've seen is a lizard in my garden. We don't really use pesticides either so what the fuck. Do you guys leave food on the floor for days or what
Your affinity with them is too low. I recommend red and blue spandex outfits.
For yourself and the spiders.
>Buying into the spider bro meme

Silly anon, you should know better than to trust spiders in the internet.
>cockroaches love to nest in PS4s
I have a friend to yell at now, maybe this time they'll listen.
>he doesn't age his food by leaving it on the living room floor for a week

And you consider yourself cultured.
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I used to be creeped out by bugs, but video games have helped me become desensitised to them.
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>buying into the roach meme
Maybe next time you'll stop listening to PS4 shills on the internet ;)
Shitty monster girls don't count for anything but making you a furry.

5 star post
>warm inside
>good for bugs

itw not good for most bugs anyway the orken guy told me there was no way bed bugs wher in my computer cause it gets too hot for them to live in it
Nice try spider, im onto you.
The Xbox one is designed much better in this case.
Although they get in the vents, the plastic part is only a shell.
When you open it up the real guts are encased in a metallic case thing where roaches can't get in.
I live in LA and roaches are always present, no matter how clean.
If you live in a dense area or the south you're fucked with roaches.
So I clean my PC and Xbox one out every month or so.
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[_] not BTFO
[X] blown the fuck out
>Seven vaganias
Call me a pussy and everything but I can't fucking stand lizards or any reptiles.
This shit is a lifesaver. My brother moved back and brought along some german roaches from the boat he was living on. Turned into a full blown infestation. All over the kitchen, the ceiling, the bedrooms, etc. Killing every one in sight did nothing. Bought that and they vanished in two weeks. Still a couple stragglers in the kitchen once or twice a month, but like others have said, that's normal for Florida.
It's really only an east coast/southern thing. Bed bugs and all sorts of shit. Fuck that.
Fuck you roach, come on up here and say it to my web.
Weak ass piece of shit.
i think you should stfu no matter how clean you are if u have dirty fucks for neighbours it's almost gurantee clean house or not you got some roaches.now i don't have a swarm thank god and keep my apartmen as clean as possible.

>inb4 move out it's not cheap and the next place could be worse
Off yourself, redditor roach.
So we should masturbate to better monster girls or just to the insects themselves? It doesn't help that every time I masturbate ants pop up. Do they like me?
It's a drider deadra, from Oblivion. Fighting them helped me stop being creeped out by spider legs. The feeling extended to cockroaches. I used to be scared of touching them, now I go ape shit on them. Same with the frost spiders in Skyrim. Those other bug things in the game still creep me a bit.
>not drawing incantations of protection around your precious hardware in boric acid
Are you even wizards.
>all life is scared and should be treat as such
spider are bro tier bug until the moment it drop into your face then its on
Redditor roaches get laid with hookers. They have no power.
I had a little roach infestation when a neighbor fumigated his house.

Thousand little ones, at one point i stopped to give a fuck they multiplied like hell.
Bought 8 of them and gifted some to neighbors too.

Man, 4 days and from 70 roaches daily to nothing in a couple days.
Western EUfag here.
I only ever saw roaches in american movies. They make it sound as though you're pretty much guaranteed to have roaches if you live in the city.

So, I never saw a roach but that might be because of the rat sized spiders in our cellar.
>Japan called Sonyfans Sonyroaches for years
>Sony finally listened
>al;l life is sacred

bed bugs are not sacred they are annoying pests whos only natural predators have about 1000 other options
Double that.
Also dark messiahs fucking spiders and black headcrabs will do too.

Nah they would just live with ten feet of you. Bed bugs used to be extinct in the us, they need another shoah
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Do you guys not have roach poison all over the house? Prevention is easier than cure, after all, and this shit is easy to tuck into different corners of the house.

Genetically modified acidic blood to end mosquitos and bedbugs fucking when?
no we need to allow DDT again long enough to wipe the bastards the fuck out
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There's shit on this planet that can survive being in the vacuum of fucking space for extended periods
Tardigrades survived being in open space for ten days.
They tried that once
look at lovebugs
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You might have some serious problems if you are turned on by things like this.
Oral must be a pleasure...

That stuff doesn't work too well.
You need something like killmax to murder the nests, and boric powder the entryways to murder them and their children.
Worked fine for me. Moved in and found them in the kitchen all the fucking time. Started hiding them behind knife blocks and tucked up under the floor cabinets. Literally disappeared, and have stayed gone since.
Not him, but I would presume it is a chemical that killed roaches that was banned.

Literally typed in DDT into Google, and this was the first result:
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Work at FUCKING Gamestop! Some Gypsy fuck tried to fight me tonight because I wouldn't take his roach infested console.
its like that show CatDog.
i live in the woods and we don't ever really have roaches, shitloads of spiderwebs around though

sometimes we have scorpions that climb up through the drains though

once my brother woke up with like 20 scorpion stings because i guess one got into his bed

DDT was essentially the environmental pesticide equilivant of a nuke. Destroyed pest populations, but the poison in those pests also poisoned the animals preying on them. Birds had significant issue in wild of egg shells too thin
My apartment's got roaches but I'm pretty sure even if I move I'm going to have to dump all my electronics because I'm pretty sure they have nests in my Wii U, my Radio, and my PS3 I'm so fucking paranoid of roaches but I'm such a slob so I deserve this fate.
You guys are dumb. Most roaches live in the woods and only a few types live in homes. Plus they do a lot of good for the environment and aren't going to hurt you. They are better than spiders.
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Why do eurosluts always think all of America is the same? You can nearly fit the entire European Union in fucking Texas. So many variations of what being amreeki is about.

The south and the east are bug infested shit holes.

That's because in the wild most roaches are fucked, in the suburbs they own the sewers and only get eaten by rats.
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>enter kitchen in the middle of the night to grab snacks while my parents are asleep
>walk up to cabinets right next to sink
>open up cabinet
>roach flies out
>run out of the kitchen
>peer inside
>see a second roach along the sink
But they look scary
Pretty fucked anon
One of my friends has his PC running with side panel open and runs pretty hot as well. When it started having trouble running and I went to look at it. Bugs, bugs everywhere
Technically there is a difference between furry and monstergirl. With furry it's just an animal. With monstergirl it's half monster, half girl.
I my house I try to kill them and my parents got pissed for being woken up.
I would just have those roach traps with the poison that kills nests fucking EVERYWHERE.
Back in like the 50s they would have dudes come through your town and spray fucking clouds of that shit every where to kill bugs,kids would fucking play in the clouds because it was supposedly safe for humans. Birds would get concentrated doses of the shit eating all the dead bugs and had a population crash because their shells were to soft for heat retention or some shit.
well in the wild roaches have to right things like this
I have been, doesn't kill them that much.

I just try to go to bed before sunset and go "out of sight, out of mind."

If only I wasn't so lazy, I should start cleaning up more, putting out the new traps I have, and spraying everything again. Probably open up my computer and make sure it isn't bug infested either.
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>7th gen consoles actually lost way more money than they let on
>Sony and Nintendo have been run by competing insect hiveminds since 2011
>Microsoft discovered that keeping their customers placated with mediocre dudebro games diverted the bugs attention away from them and have been desperately working a on cure ever since
Actually, that shit works. It just means that your apartment is overloaded with nests.

Presuming you don't have pets, just pick up like 10 boxes of that shit, and put them EVERYWHERE.
i remember one 4th of july we were doing fireworks and i went to light a bottle rocket and the fuse lit the ground and there were hundreds of junebugs around it and around me

ill never forget how fucking disgusted i was by life in that moment
>live in a forest
>bugs aren't a problem
lol man up city fags, just wait until you got giant birds attacking you
You can report it for breaking the cropped porn rule if you like.
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>one time i picked up a couch and placed my hand in an entire nest of bedbugs, had to have been atleast 50 in palm sized spot
Yeah I need to take a trip there to see the wonders of murrica myself one day.
Until then, the east coast is a bunch of FBI agents killin civilians, the midwest is a giant wasteland with route 66, highway killers and filthy motels, the south is inbreds hunting for teenagers and klansmen hunting niggers, the west coast is oranges and the american dream
Yeah I need to take a trip there to see the wonders of murrica myself one day.
Until then, the east coast is a bunch of FBI agents killin civilians, the midwest is a giant wasteland with route 66, highway killers and filthy motels, the south is inbreds hunting for teenagers and klansmen hunting niggers, the west coast is oranges and the american dream
Birds aren't so bad. They have claws and beaks, but if you can grab them they are fucked. Their light skeletons crush easily under the force of your hands.
Why wouldn't that guy have just gotten a shoe and stomped all the bodies, just to be safe?

Nothing in that post references anything accurately. That was American levels of bad geography.

If you weren't a Manley they wouldn't attack you. Wingspan mothafucks
Nice samefag.

Also when you actually live here for a while you learn that mostly the opposite shit happens what you described.

Considering I have a shotgun and a deep-seated paranoia of roaches, I'd rather take the thing I can shoot at than the thing I'm terrified of and can't shoot without destroying my house.
Can roaches get into the Switch?
Probably. Those bugs can get into almost anything that isn't vacuum sealed.
Roaches are literally not that dangerous and you guys are overreacting. We skulk in the shadows and they try to stay out of your sight but it's always met with death.
I think I've seen maybe 2 roaches here in Pennsylvania in like 10yrs. When the weather gets warmer I seem to always these little tiny as fuck ants. I put up a few terro bait stations and they're gone in 2wks but it's still just annoying to deal with.
>super scared of cockroaches

What experience caused this fear?
When I was really little, maybe like 6 years old, my parents and I were cleaning out the backyard, and we had just gotten to the pool toybox. We got the hose, my dad grabbed the back of the box, and the minute he budged it, hundreds upon hundreds of roaches of varying sizes started scuttling out from behind the box in every direction.

I already don't like bugs to begin with, but roaches are the worst.
Include me in the screencap
not that anon but i remember when i was like 5 or something waking up in the middle of the night to find a roach crawling in my mouth
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With all that talk about pests, what's the easiest way to life capture a small field mouse?
My cats are both lazy, my room has too many nooks and corners and i couldn't bring myself to harm that cute thing.
>tfw anglo and the worst you have to deal with is fucking wasps

and thank fuck our insects typically don't deal well with the kind of heat I like.
Oh yeah, I AM that anon and then when I was like 8 I woke up in the middle of the night and found a roach crawling on my body, and that's after the paranoia had already set itself deep inside me.
I remember working at a McDonald's years ago and when you went to make a Frappe you'd see 2-3 roaches moving behind the touch screen.
do roaches bite?
Shit, it all makes since now. I live in the south too and this explains a lot.
Not really.
get a cat that isn't shit
Do you not know what a Frappe is?
I assume you are referring to a frappuccino?
You know they can still wash it, right?
same shit but frappuccino is a starbucks trademark

Found the conservative
I fucking hate wasps/hornets all that shit. I'm 26 and I have a mini panic attack when I see them. Was 7yrs old and was drinking a sprite. Picked up the can and there was a hornet in it. Stung my mouth all to shit. Then I was 10 walking through the woods and I unknowingly disturbed an underground wasp nest. Stung 312 times. That shit traumatized me for life.
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>exterminatus is for idiots
The meme came out of /pol/
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Holy fucking hell

Did you died

It can be fruity, too.
Try northern china
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>Stung 312 times
Never had a roach come close to mine. But I found a beetle yesterday and it flew behind my TV and ended up near the PS4 as I tried to get it out safely. It died. Having a small colony of ants nearby seems to significantly drop the number of pests you see around. Despite their numbers my ants seem to want to avoid humans, so much that they even stopped coming to my coffee sugar supplies.
>Make ramen
>Put bowl on sink
>Notice ants on sink and one on the bowl
>Put finger in front of ant
>Ant turns around
>Come back later
>All ants are gone

But if they make babies their numbers are much more noticeable and they contaminate food.
>Stung 312 times.
Do you have superpowers now?
They had to stick a tube down my throat to allow air to pass through more easily. Spent the next 5 days in ICU.
>eat like a complete slob all my life in my room
>crumbs and shit on the floor and table
>got roaches once because of a neighbor's incredible infestation
>Sprayed up room
>forced neighbor to get apartment fumigated
>zero roaches/ bugs since
>still eat like a slob

who /beatingthesystem/ here
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>JoJo Reference

Yeah I can run extremely fast if a wasp is near me. Bolt aint got shit on me if I know there's wasp around me.
They're terrible. We had an outbreak of them at my apartment complex a few years ago. They multiply like crazy and can get into almost anywhere. They poop on everything and leave legs behind. They also can carry diseases from place to place. It was a horrible experience.

They had to do several strong sprays of pesticide in the whole building just to get rid of them. Turned out, there had been someone who moved in and kept their apartment pretty filthy. Either they brought them or they attracted them and the roaches just spread out from there.
That will help you avoid future bee stings. Those things can't fly very fast. You must have stood there for ages the first time, thinking they would get tired of stinging you.
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Cockroaches are truly evil
That image was already posted.
Ever see the movie My Girl? Just flailed my arms around. I began running eventually but I was 10 and out of nowhere just 100s of wasps.
what the flying fuck clickbait is this? Just keep your house clean at all times and don't leave food out
Thank god I'm not turned on by shitty spiders.
Wasps don't build hives, and you said hornets at first.

You're making this all up, aren't you?
Them tits, though.
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How about this?
>dont anga tha warboss ya git
I never really thought it like that.
I live in the country and the wood roaches get in every winter.

I fucking hate them so much, flying fucking bastards
Spiders are worst arachnids
He said he was stung by a hornet the first time. He walked up on a wasp nest the second time. He was describing two different experiences.
There are arachnids besides spiders?
Why would you give up because of a couple of bad relationships. Man the fuck up, everyone dates shitty people in their life,men and women.
So is this real or not? All I see is people acting like children and making sick jokes instead of saying anything meaningful.
Yellowjacket. Still a wasp and they build nests. I mentioned about the hornet when I was talking about one being in a can of sprite.
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>he doesn't know

t. American in charge of humour

Why is it burgers can dish out the bantz but never take it?
>That was American levels of bad geography.
>t. American
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>11 limbs

Pick one.

A bin (trash can?) big enough so he can't climb out with a stick taped along the top like a tight rope. In the middle of the stick put a toilet roll tube with peanut butter smeared on it. Hopefully he'll go after it, it spins and he falls in.
He described two different experiences. Also wasps build nests. Were the hell did you hear they didn't?
Sticky pads, if you would be able to hear it scream in terror.

Then you use peanut oil to free it. Won't hurt it at all, but you'll have to be fast. They can get scared enough to where they try chewing their limbs off.
I said HIVES, you dumbass. He made it up. Wasps build nests, not hives, and they don't swarm. Wasps are solo predators in the insect world. He made up everything. calling it now.


Is much more risk free.
>tfw daddy long leg bro in the shower corner
>tfw they get wet and can't move under the weight of the moisture or can't catch any adhesion

always feel bad
"There's one in my car that hangs out near the pedals that I haven't been able to clear out even with a vacuum"
He sounds p cool

Semantics. Also: settle down, it's only video games
It's not relevant to you if you don't have roaches. And if you do, you PS4 isn't gonna be the only place they're gonna be. Article is stupid shit click bait, like most of the OPs on this board
Yeah, but if you do that, they will shred the bag if you aren't fast. Then they'll get out when you lift the bag up.

Best thing you can honestly do is use a traditional mouse trap and just accept that all life is really just a spiral towards death.

We used a plastic bin - no bag. Next morning three little chaps just chilling out. Was cute
In my original post I said unground nest raging autismo plus wasps do swarm if they feel their nest is being attacked. Get some reading comprehension god damn.
This is one of the first posts every single time this thread is made. Pretty sure the message is the exact same too.
Half animal half girl. You're still fucking an animal, anon.
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>tfw the worst pest infestation I get are ant trails when it rains
One of the only perks of living in Canada is that you virtually never have to worry about this shit. I don't even see any bugs literally anywhere for half the year.
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Is this roach shit!!??
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Hey, what's going in this thread?
>tfw i live like a slob and my only problem is a roof rat because my landlord won't fix the fucking soffit
looks like it
>not animals
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I know that feel
>Tfw my kike landlord won't FIX THE FUCKING DOOR
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I want to say no. Periplaneta Americana and Smokeybrowns leave behind small "pellets". Even if it got wet, it would still slightly resemble the pellet and not dissolve into whatever that photo is.
Because I have a ghetto air conditioner held into the wall with wood planks with small gaps through out it i can't gel seal because i need to take the cunt out for inspections and in my yard is an aviary with 40 odd birds in it, the food attracts them and the heat draws them towards the house, drives me fucking insane in the wet season.
Gives a whole new meaning to the GKburi/roach fanboy name from Japan
>implying there's a difference
Sounds like a good idea anon. I'll try that.

Oh hell no, i ain't going to touch that filthy thing.
Wisconsin is like this too, I have to imagine anywhere cold is like this.

I visited Atlanta for a conference and the roaches were everywhere outside. They act like rats.
If you write him a letter and deliver it certified, if he doesn't fix the door, you can leave without notice at literally any point without any repercussions, as he has violated the terms of his contract.

Another thing you could do is deliver the letter with your rent check. If he cashes the check, he got the letter.
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why are humans so afraid of bugs
>Oh hell no, i ain't going to touch that filthy thing.
You literally pick up a huge sticky paper, take it outside, and dump peanut oil on it (that way it wonk ingest poison when it gets away). You never have to touch it.
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>Roof rat

What the fuck is that?
Screencap nigga
a fucking cunt rat who lives in your attic and scurries around making a fuck ton of noise
Squirrel, I would presume.
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I for one love playing on my Roachstation Portable
I believe spiders don't eat roaches cause they are too dirty/poisonous/unhealthy for the spider to eat.
>consoles are supposed to be cheaper
>have to pay for online and bug spray

There's species of cockroach that are apparently good for the house, which are those again?
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i've gone through 3 PS4s because of this

just fucking stop

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I opened the thread expecting this. Well done
>mfw people live with rats in thier homes
>mfw when there are people who will defend rats and call them cute

Fuck that, I have a crippling phobia of that filthy vermin. The very idea of one being in my house makes me want to burn the fucker down.
Wasps definately don't swarm.
If you're ready this post, you should be aware there is a fuckhuge cockroach crawling around somewhere in your bedroom
Stop killing spiders.
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But I'm still kissing a woman and feeling her womanly boobs. That's what sex is really about.
It started in /int/ after a greek shitposted it arround. It spread on /pol/ after turkey shot down that russian jet.
Fortunately I know this is not true. I've never even seen any insects inside here apart from a few fruit flies one time years ago.
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I've seen roaches eat flies, caterpillars, house spiders, moths, crickets, and eachother; while they were alive.
Try knocking down their nest. See what happens.
fuck flies desu
wish they'd all die
Put some fucking mesh over the vents, you retard. I must be retarded if you didn't do this after the second PS4 got roaches.
>PS4s are filled with roaches
>Wii Us are filled with spiders
What are Xbones filled with?
Is it bad that when anyone says "roaches" i think of turkish people before the actual insects?
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>tfw I live in a mountainous region
>tfw cold weather
>tfw I only have to deal with flies and mosquitoes
Probably bees, they can make hives hot as fuck
look it up
I've never seen a cockroach in my entire life.
>their nest

A wasp's nest is a tiny ball of shit built in the corner of a gutter or something. Only one wasp tends to it.
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>Dude, what if we had mothra fight godzilla
>we put them in a tiny jar so mothra can''t fly!
Gee I don't know, what's the next Xbox called?
You don't stop roaches, you temporarily inconvenience them, there's a reason they've survived all of Earth's cataclysms
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>mfw Wii U had roaches clogging up the fan

One of my aunts moved into my house and she brought a microwave. A week later our whole house had roaches. We've had roaches for 4 years now, and I fucking hate my aunt. Roaches are persistent fuckers.
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I saw something similar to pic related in the door of an abandoned car in a field as a child.

It was filled with red wasps, though
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I found a red wasp nest as a kid, too. Those fuckers don't play around with their nests.

I would NOT want to have to deal with one of those. I would rather just pay some kid 20 bucks to soak it with that wasp killing spray.
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>console literally made for roaches
>Is the most defended thing on /v/
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I fucking hate roaches. My mom's old ass house had to have the entire kitchen removed and remodeled entirely because roaches were starting to be a fucking problem constantly.

We had roaches in the fucking microwave, roaches on the counters, roaches in the fucking cabinets, roaches in the fucking bathroom that were the size of my goddamn thumb. Shit was ridiculous. Roaches are fucking disgusting and now that summer is coming around I'm gonna be seeing more of these little faggots running around outside. I absolutely despise the cold, but I'd be willing to make a sacrifice and live somewhere cold as fuck to never see another goddamn roach ever again.

I haven't seen one in quite a while actually because we clean stuff around the house more often nowadays, but this thread is giving me some seriously bad vibes.
>Wasps definately don't swarm.

>Red wasps definitely can defend themselves. Try to get into a wasp nest or catch it and you will find out! This is especially true with the red ones, because they are what I call “community” wasps that create huge, round nests and organize themselves into huge families.

It might not be a proper "swarm," but you can have literally dozens of the fuckers on you if you fuck with their nest.
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Fuck that shit i didn't ask for their help
Did you try >>374220009
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kotaku is such garbage tsk tsk tsk
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>Big as my thumb

So? That's average size. American cockroaches are as big as hotwheel cars.
And you're definitely incorrect. Did you know that there are dozens of species of wasps? While the vast majority of them are solitary predators, a small number of the species are social, building nests near water, up high, in rotting wood, or even underground. Stumbling on underground wasp nests is a big concern in many parks if you deviate from a nature trail, and they will chase you for incredibly long distances.
tell me more
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I don't know why but nothing bothers me more than roaches and bugs and shit like that i can't even think about it i'm a fucking pussy
>American is the fattest

>people scared of roaches
Literally the only reason to get scared of them is when they start flying.
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I like geckos. They aren't afraid of cockroaches.
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But they are cute, like little doggies.
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delet this right now
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Kinda hehworthy, but all those
replies prove it wasn't funny and make me feel bad about hehing at something that retards enjoy
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>We skulk in the shadows

Does RAID bug spray kill wasps?
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sounds like something someone from Turkey would say
>live in apartment on the 10th floor
>never get a single roach

ground level living plebs ITT

you don't know how awesome it feels to masturbate with a big beautiful view in front of you
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pretty cute actually tbqh
Raid will eventually kill them, but not before they kill you.

You need that stuff that shoots out 20ft and never try to kill more than one at a time.
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Fucking destroyed
if you get the kind made for wasps

that shit works great on spiders too
With the wasp killing kind, they have about 5 seconds from the time you hit them to the time they drop to the ground and start twitching.
>Those Things literally survive scorching desserts, hummid jungles, nuclear detonations, probably were around when astroids struck earth.

That shit does not work
Yeah, it takes a few sprays though because they are flying

You can kill hornets with it too, so satisfying to see those fuckers just drop out of the sky
Not fast enough, what you should do is to use ant dust. Take a spoon of it, and toss it on the opening of the nest and leave it for a day or two. The wasps will walk in it and then get it in their faces when they clean, so you don't have to worry about them getting angry and stinging you.
Still remeber my last house that had a family of 3 rats living in the quarry in the center, monthly roaches coming to visit (had one crawl up my leg once) and a nightly raccoon to eat the untouched dog food.
It's great as a form of pepperspray too. Blinds the fuck out of people.
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>tfw it's almost summer
Fuck bugs
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>living in a shithole country that has roaches in the first place
>living in a house infested by roaches

Shit that's horrifying, I'm a snownigger and I loathe bugs, I wouldn't last a year like that.
literally buy a a insecticide gel called advion if you have roaches

its literally the best

like $20 for 4 tubes
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If your monitor has roaches in it, then you should probably get rid of it
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That's pretty spooky.

I see similar species on hikes in CA. They make weird hissing sounds if you get too close that sound like blowing air through a tiny straw with water in it.
Fuck you /pol/
>tfw only have the german roaches around here
i dont know what i would do if we had those giant ass roaches
>this whole fucking thread
Gee, I sure am glad I don't have any roaches in my home or my electronics.

delet this
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It happens if you don't close your windows or something
Sometimes they follow you in when you come inside the house
Probably see one big bug a year in my house, it can be a roach, a grasshopper, whatever
Still there's a bunch of pigeons in my town so they probably have a hard time surviving
We think you're a third worlder because you willingly live with roaches.

Bitch I live NEAR stinkbugs and I fucking bugbomb all the fucking time.
If monster girls are half monster half girl then why are vampires and succubi considered monster girls?
>6 years old
>put in underwear after getting out of the bath
>feel something spiny crawling everywhere

That's how. Another time, a roach was flying around in the kitchen and chased me, smacking me in the head.
Half bat, half human
Half demon, half woman
>Wonder why shitty bait thread has so many replies
>fpbp BTFO

wew what a fucking blast
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The big ones have spiny legs and can climb on many surfaces. When you turn off your light at bedtime, they like to crawl on the ceiling and are attracted to the warmth of your breath, so they hang out right on top of you until you wake up.
i haven't seen any roaches in my country before, only when i was abroad
t. turkroach
This is true. Whats worse is that I won't be able to sleep until I leave a greasy smear on the wall with my size 13 shoe. Fuck roaches.
>look up
>big roach right above my head

Then it drops into your mouth.
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This thread was a mistake
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>Daimon second form.
Their unpredictable movements paired with their drastically different body designs make them very alien and scary to humans because of how we relate to things to calm ourselves down. Bugs in most cases are the furthest thing from "human looking" so it's hard for people to sympathize with them. Horror movies/Monster movies also take quite a bit of cues from the bug world, designing creatures with exoskeletons, extra appendages, or other buglike features.
>live in the orient but the roaches around here look American

T-thanks burgers.
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God damn.
would have posted this if no one else had.
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i want to be in the screen cap
Tail isn't a limb and the claws are pedipalps which spiders also have.
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my house has roaches like everyone elses, but I don't have this issue with roaches in my electronics, in fact my room is so clean I only see about 2 of them per year in my room and I stay up all night long some times.

Most of the roach activity is in the bathroom or near the garage, if they are in my electronics they literally never fucking come out, but thanks to this bullshit i have something new to be paranoid about
the real answer is that you live such a dirty lifestyle and never clean up. Hence roaches.

It has nothing to do with ps4. Shit is entirely clickbait material.
>mfw the only infestation I've had is ladybugs in a shitty student flat
I didn't even know that was a thing at first
Pick up these:>>374224116
And just put them around the house, in hidden corners. Prevention is easier than cure.

Those are dirt cheap, too, so you can replace them once every 3-4 months.

Alternatively, those plug in hypersonic sound things seem to work in my friend's place, but they can drive dogs and cats nuts, so if you have pets, I would avoid them.
>be on vacation in rural Spain
>find big roach-like insect dead in the swimming pool
>he comes back to life a few hours later like a little black jesus
>chills in my pockets the whole week at the disgust of my family
>You can nearly fit the entire European Union in fucking Texas.
>EU: 4,475,757 km2
>Texas: 696,241 km2
American education
>when I was younger I always left any spiders i see alone in my room
>one day I go to grab something under my bed at night and feel an odd tickling all over my hand
>shine a torch down there and literally all I see is a mass of fucking spider webs covering the entirety of the underside of my bed, from floor to bed, with loads of spiders of all sizes just chilling
>remove my bed sheet from the mattres to be greeted by a swarm of baby spiders
>grab the hoover and have one hell of a hard time destroying the spider civilisation that had been built up under my bed as they all start to run and try get away

I don't even fucking know, man. I'm not even a dirty person, I learned a lesson that day to never let them roam unchecked. This is in fucking Scotland aswell so at least I knew they were harmless.
Spiders aren't vermin though.
I never had any problems with roaches either. Saw them a few times in the kitchen at night, bought some poisoned bait and they never showed up again.
But I had some tiny red ants living in my house for quite some time. These little devils are nigh impossible to get rid of. They were resilient as shit and there were tons of them. Thankfully one day they just decided to move out on their own.
That's funny considering sony fans are called "cockroaches" in Japan
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That sounds like water bugs rather than roaches.
Posting in epic post.
This. Women are fucking filthy disgusting pigs that apparently think cleaning up their own filth is beneath them or oppressive patriarchy so they live in disgusting conditions. They also refuse to learn how to cook. 3D is indeed PD, never forget.
>europeans too autistic to see the point
Entered the thread expecting this to be posted
>I'm tired of having to babysit every goddamn woman
That's what dating is, you basically becoming the surrogate father of the girl and getting to clean up all the messes she makes, not just physical messes but also financial and social ones. That's why you just date a younger girl who isn't too tainted yet that you can basically raise into an acceptable partner.
>cockroaches love the ps4 because its an electronic device that is warm, and it has big vents.

so the only difference is that it has big vents?
Cockroaches fucking love all electronical devices.
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I don't have roaches it's too cold where I live and I'm not a slob. Also my PS4 is on the highest shelf in my entertainment unit.
This is fucking nasty.
Nice. Fuck turkey
The only roaches I ever see are the freaky flying outdoor ones, and that's only in the summer and only when the porch light is on. But my kitchen sink does get ant attacked every time there's a heavy rain, I've tried cutting off their every possible point of entry, but they manage to find a new way in every rain storm.
>Are roaches the ultimate life form?
Not even close, this puppy in pic related, this is the ultimate form of life.
That's not even true. There's tons of bugs even more resistant to radiation than roaches.
>Bed bugs used to be extinct in the us
But thanks to diversity they've made a come back! So progressive!
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> spider as big as my outstretched hand lives in my house somewhere
> only ever see him rarely, can never catch him
> one day he's going to crawl on me and I'm going to die of a heart attack

Australia is a scary place.

Pic related: a little bigger than that. Missing 2 legs.
>having a relationship with a dirty woman
where i live roaches are very common on warm summer nights. they're everywhere outside and occasionally a couple will make it inside.

There are harvestmen like daddy longlegs that aren't actual spiders.
t. urk
Why is wearing the same shirt for days in a row bad if you don't go out in public? Hell, I do it even when I go out in public if I'm not doing anything fancy.

I once went out with a girl doing stuff one night, then the next day ran into her on the street and we were both wearing the exact same clothes.
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>will wear the same shirt for days
But that's... normal?
How many days?
Factually wrong. Roachs can live up to 20k rads( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rad_(unit) )
for comparison Hiroshima bomb was 34k rads. So no.
The one plus side of living in the cold midwest. No giant goddamn bugs
I'm in no way racist but the only time I've seen roaches was when a black lady lived below me. I do think she wasn't very clean.

I do occasionally see silverfish though.
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