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ITT: overrated shit

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Thread replies: 371
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ITT: overrated shit
I can't make it past the first level. Game is too hard
Lets not do this.
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>Pic unrelated
it's really not
sure the s0nyggers can be obnoxious but the game actually is really good
Spot on.
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>ITT: salt
if you can afford that 1080 Ti or whatever the fuck then you can afford a PS4, PCfriend.
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just waiting for the "under 10 days" retard to come
/a/ go home, spend Easter with your family.
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leave the souls fags to me
If anything, the fact that Bloodborne isn't being widely declared as the best video game ever made means that it's UNDERrated.

Not that you'll ever know, because you clearly don't have a PS4 to play it on. :^)
Bloodborne is a great game in the same vein as Dark Souls, with enough differences from the aforementioned series to feel fresh. It's definitely not 10/10, GOTYAY, best game ever made, etc.
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t. pc gamer
Geralt already completely destroyed Souls though like the series will never recover m8 I think his work is done.
Why does /v/ hate Witcher so much?
I like video games which means I don't pit them against each other like a very small child. :^)
Ooooo, well aren't you fucking special?
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No game can ever be more overrated thanks to millennial nintenbabby journalists.
Diablo 3 is my pick.
Shill on /v/ convinced me to buy the edition with RoS.
Its the worse game I played in at least 10 years.
I want my money back.
Fuck everything.
Sony fanboys are probably the worse among PCMASTERRACE retards but nigga, this game is great.
My only complain about it is that its basically a souls 2.0 that doesn't really innovate on anything, but its just so polished in every part of it that you can't avoid having a blast playing it.
on my way to finish it now and it feels great.
>Diablo 3
/v/ hates Diablo 3, man. What are you talking about?
Anyone else hyped by that rumoured bloodborne 2 announcement at E3 this year.
I'll be hyped when it's actually announced, for sure. Miyazaki has said straight up in the past that there would not be a sequel, so while I realize that things like this do change sometimes, I'm refusing to get my hopes up.
not really. threads are equally divided in shills and people who hates it.
Also /v/ is not the world
General consensus on D3 is good, and I cant fucking understand why.
Both critics and players seem to like it for some unknown reasons.
>I haven't played the game: the post
I actually hope they don't do it.
While I do love the game, its a great experience that doesn't really need to be expanded.
I would love to see something new from FROM instead of a rehash.
Didn't he say that about dark souls and dark souls 2 and now dark souls 3. At the very least I remember him saying he didn't want dark souls to become a franchise that outstayed its welcome.
Oh I don't know about that one. If he said that about DS2 AND DS3, then he may now have a history of being a lying faggot so that would mean you could disregard what I said and go ahead and get hyped.
Honestly this.

>muh good music

it's shit
Hello millennial
how does it feels to be 16?
I bet it would feel fucking awesome to be 16 tbqhwy. I can't even remember though because it was 20 years ago.
Yeah found an article from eurogamer where he says he won't be directly involved because he doesn't like the idea of sequels
I hope that doesn't mean he wouldn't be directly involved in a Bloodborne sequel. If BB2 sucked as much cock as DS2, I don't know if I could continue living.
I agree. and it ruined dark souls 3 because dark souls 3 is inspired by bloodborne's fighting style (no poise and flippy flipping all over the fucking place).
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DS2 was the first game to fuck up poise and there is way more influence from DS2 than bloodborne in DS3
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>he has a 'gaming' PC

Ayy lmao you actually fell for the 'gaming' PC meme, and now spend more time begging for games than actually playing them. End yourself.
a little blown up here, yeah
but a good game in its own way
pic not related
Mega Man X
*on /v/
It's fucking terrible.
When did things become so terrible? One minute is was Legacy of Kain and PSO1 and bam, swirling sea of diarrhea.
because it took all the goty awards that were meant for bloodborne
Bloodborne wouldn't be complete AIDS if they were just honest and called it Warhammer Fantasy.

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stay mad pcbro
>falls all the "God's gift to man" memes
>doesn't know its just to piss off people who limit themselves on what they allow themselves to play because of their faggot morals
Wtf are you even on about? Are you just making shit up at this point and ignoring the real reasons people are praising the game? Because it sure as hell aint difficulty.
God that combat is so fucking slow, how dumb do you have to be to enjoy this?
Get a load of this faggot.
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>being this mad
were those spastic combat moves in the face of retarded enemy AI and shitty blood fx supposed to paint the game in a positive light?
Meh, I had fun in Bloodborne, there was some unfair bullshit (stunlocking enemies that steal your insight)
>The game isn't shit. Y-you never played it!!! Stop critizing nintendooooo!!!
Not unless JapanStudio is involved. From is less creative without them.
I hope for another team up but with a different game.
It sold like 2 millions, if anything its underrated while cinematic bullshit such as Uncharted and TLoU is overrated.

It's just fucking sluggish, ugly af tard flailing.
>N64-era RARE game
>Bungie game (except for Oni)
I dont understand /v/'s love for bloodborne either. I got it expecting it to be really good, but it ended up being my least favorite souls game.
He had no say. They were under a contract. It was a cry for help.
The atmosphere looks nice, but when you use it for some shitty boss fight (I'm assuming since he's the only one on screen) against some dumb monster you're just rolling around and spamming attacks at what's the point? What is enjoyable about this?
Changes i would do to Bloodborne:

>i wish you could finish grounded beasts, as in the announcement trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G203e1HhixY
>i would made it so you could only carry one weapon for each hand at a time (you can only change them in the Hunter's dream)
>a more "realistic" animation for several actions, like interacting with stuff, using blood vials and climbing ladders (i don't like that your right hand weapon dissapear from your hand in such actions)
Terrible taste, terrible post
The grimdark atmosphere had face value appeal, with a broad spectrum of colors ranging to everything you would find in a diseased rectum.
Literally name me a more overrated game than Automata.

You can't.
It's an exclusive
Sonyfags will make everything they can to make it look good
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>slow, sluggish
>spastic, flailing
make up your fucking minds. Are things happening too slow for you, or too fast?

never mind that the axe is a pretty slow weapon
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Horizon Zero Dawn was pretty fucking terrible as well, from the manly main character to the Cabela's Dangerous Hunt with a terminator robot twist, fuck that game is piss.
Automata is fucking elder god tier you literal nigger.
Your player controlled character is spastic.
The enemy is slow.
The combat seems sluggish because despite your PRESS A FOR AWESOME attacks don't seem to be doing much of anything besides that shitty blood spray.

How long does this shitty fight go on for anyway?
You can have all four dumbass, just look at your video, make it a fucking turn based and it would get a 2.5 out of 10.
I know this is bait but I just wanna call out the autism anyway

Just get the fucking consoles for the exclusives you insufferable PCbro. Maybe then you'll stop trying to justify your platform of choice on /v/ by mindlessly shitting on popular games.

Inb4 I get called a Sonybro when my PS4 is my least used platform
>Weeb garbage

>that 8-bit version of the track that plays when you hack

Fucking great

What does the weebs from /v/ think of that game?. I haven't played it, and i'm not planning to.

I heard that it has Batman combat, which i bet only works for Batman.
I only bothered with the first one, the sword combat initially has a rock/paper/scissors feel to it with the three stances, however given how fucking crazy combat can get with 1v10 and the use of bombs, alchemy and switch stances it can get pretty interesting to be honest, but again that was just the first one so idk about the others.
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>The combat seems sluggish because despite your PRESS A FOR AWESOME attacks don't seem to be doing much of anything besides that shitty blood spray.
probably because you can't see the boss's health bar with no HUD on. Yeah the blood spray is not necessary.

>The enemy is slow.
he's really not. And he's like the tutorial boss anyway. The first you have to fight.

This is basically just you saying "I don't like well-animated games!". Most of the weapons have at least 32 unique attacks with their own animations and modifiers
Also there was combat spells as well, although they were more for utility when I played, but with them and alchemy combined I could set up stunlock combos, only issue I had was with ranged characters.
I really love all these quality builds in BB such as
BB is too easy in comparison any other of the DaS games.
>not starting with BoTW
You had ONE JOB retard, one job.
I have a PS4 though.

Thank you for the responses, but watching that webm I think I might just not be very into these types of action games.
It's the pace of it.
>Side Jump
It's weak.
Well I for one shamelessly love weebshit so fuck you. You don't have anything to prove to anyone here on this Laotian dog meat recipe exchange board, anon.


I hate that complaint. I bet it cames from turn based combat fags.
literally redddit the game
And mustards will shit on everything they can to make it bad until EMULATORS happen or they get a port decade later, and then the game is perfect 10/10 again but only on PC.
This is Shitposting 101 on /v/.
Yeah how are you enjoying your first Taro game you fucking casual.

I will never know how you fucks are so impressed by fucking high school philosophy.
>Cabela's Dangerous Hunt with a terminator robot twist
>i saw 5 minutes of random let's play on Youtube so that makes me an expert
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It's not an action game anyway, it's an action RPG

There's nothing weak about it. The pace supports furious clashing between the player and the boss. That's why you are allowed to regenerate damage taken by hitting the enemy back for like 2 seconds after you're hit, and why using a potion only takes 1 second and restores 40% of your health. And why most hits will take away 30% of your health at minimum
I'm not out to prove anything, it's my personal judgment of the game, it has the sameface faggotory that's been infesting Japanese animation for years and tries to redeem itself with fighting lame af robots and ass shots, which really is the sole reason why poor slobs like you even like it, what a damn shame.
I've taken the time to play it for a few hours, the only enjoyment I had was challenging myself to kill the hardest shit with only the spear on the highest difficulty, without that self limitation it was cookie cutter as fuck.

Also felt like a modded skyrim so, you know, extra bad.
>it's baby's first this
>it's high school tier that
How the fuck can you still play video games with that 'special and exquisite' taste you have is a mystery.
Or do you just shit on everything on /v/ 24/7?
Witcher 3 is way more overrated. Bloodborne is just PS4's only game so it gets shilled by /v/tards. Literally everyone else knows it's crap.
Doesn't really look that furious dude..
Too much emphasis on a 1-3 shot punishment system, not broad enough, considering most fights are all the fucking same but with just different timing.
'For a few hours' you don't even get access to 'hardest shit'.
Stop pretending, it's embarrassing.
Hint: wage bullshit and buzzwords won't get you anywhere so off you go to read some wiki so you can pretend to have played the game better.
>'For a few hours' you don't even get access to 'hardest shit'.

So I have to wade through all the shit for a few hours just reach some semblance of enjoyment in the entire game? Fucking stellar, completely changed my mind about the game good job!
I think I'll do a Dex playthrough soon
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I played the first Nier too, nigger.
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>ITT: Mad as fuck
PC cuck

You're gonna be EXTRA fucking mad when they unveil their new Japan Studio game at E3
Who gives a fuck..? So long as people like you attach your lips to the shit tube they're going to keep shitting them out.
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yeah that's what it all boils down to: you hit them and you try not to get hit yourself. You could say the same thing about the combat of innumerable other action games that don't even have any RPG aspect to them.
but anon, only the third build is a quality build
the other two are just str or dex builds
While I agree completely, you best brace yourself for the blizzcucks anon.
Except it's slow as fuck.
you're fucking retarded if you think that is slow
dark souls 1 is slow
is it really that impossible to think that someone might not like bloodborne?
I have a ps4, nioh is pretty fun, but I didnt like bloodborne that much.
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Looks to me like you just have incredibly shit taste. That, or you're just a lying, assblasted, PKEK. Either way, consider suicide, cuck.
You're fucking slow if you think that's fast.
I wish Diablo 3 was the worst game I played in the past 10 years. Must be nice.
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>watching retards play to represent the entire game
where is the rpg part? this looks like some devil may cry type game.
what did he do that was so retarded in those 9 seconds? Not predict the boss' every action perfectly?
I never said it was "fast". I just said it wasn't slow, and that you are a retard for thinking that it is
Missed the point completely.
Yeah no, it's fucking slug speed compared to what I'm used to. Praise it all you want but there is quite a lot of people who don't buy the grimderp hype and mediocre combat.
if your point was that the entire game can't be represented in one webm, yeah we all already know that

You gain points (called Blood Echoes) to upgrade your stats. You lose all your Blood Echoes when you die, but you can recover them (unless you die again).

I actually don't know myself what else makes an RPG, besides the stats.
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alright enough baiting, we can all find some common ground here
i mean every game has stats now, but seems like combat depends way more on player skill than anything related to character skill.
so shitty it killed Irrational Games.
that's the difference between an ARPG and an RPG
Why did you even bother posting then you faggot.
The original Bioshock is worse and much more praised. Already out classes Infinite as most over-rated
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But so well renditioned that the sfm porn flourished to new degenerate heights.
well aren't you hardcore. You won't even touch those babby games that are too slow for your epic twitch skills because you can tell that they're just won't challenge your superior intellectual processing capabilities

fuck off
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To show a clip of the gameplay? Why do you think
Never once did I say I played hardcore, but in that same statement confessed Bloodshit as 'babby' game, how about that huh?
Like I said stay fucking jelly and mad and salty PC cuck because that is all you're doing right now.
>is it really that impossible to think that someone might not like bloodborne?
No and yet that isn't what this is thread is about since OP calling the game shit != someone not liking the game
Also you have shit taste
Next time be a little more perceptive before coming on here to get BTFO Tim
Coming off New Vegas to this was one of the more brutal turn arounds I've ever had with a franchise.
I think thats why I didnt like bloodborne.
I went in expecting a souls game, but got a shitty version of devil may cry instead.
>the greatest video game ever made

Nice b8
Actually a retrofag, look kid when you compare one (older games with a few exceptions) to the current trend (Overshit, Bloodshit, etc) You find out.. They are shit, if I could show you PSO 1 on the Dreamcast back in its hayday you would understand, but alas all you have is shitty image macros, memes and garbage games.
yeah I was being sarcastic you fucking moron. You're not hardcore and BB is not a "babby game"
Sorry, I was taking you so serious at first, I didn't want to assume you were a sarcastic little shit, i'll refrain from making that mistake again, promise.
I played BB first and I can't get into Souls. Went in expecting it to feel like BB since people who've never played say it's all the same shit, and everything feels so slow, floaty and restrained in comparison
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if bloodborne came with The Old Hunters as part of the base game it would have won
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I agree.

It was painfully linear, it had no music, no story, the combat was repetitive and basic.

The thing that annoyed me the most was how easy it was. At least if there was a challenge I could have enjoyed it. I platinumed it in 10 days, having never played a souls game before and went in blind.
kek >>373998042
It's not really overrated (unless we talking about /v/), but the fanbase is just the worst thing to ever grace mankind and they pretend it's "10/10 best game of all time forever" when it's really just a good game.
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i'm mostly PC, but i also have a PS4

PCfriends would thoroughly enjoy bloodblorne and all its comfiness. big fucking shame it's not on PC
Please do not give up learn from me, my mistake.
The first ever soulsborne game i have ever playd was bloodborne, I was full of anger while playing through the game I too couldn't get pass the first boss the cleric beast so I quit and refund the game. I totally regret that decision. After bloodborne I waited, I decided to give the series another shot for dark souls 3, I still love the game with the variety in the builds that you can create, DO NOT QUIT THE GAME, push forward through the game, it is tough,you have to keep going. In bloodborne death is life, it will happen many times, experience is what matters most, practice will show and you will start to enjoy the game and accept it's difficulty. PUSH FORWARD and do not quit, good luck.
>he thinks Bloodborne is hard
retard detected
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Dark Souls was the perfect game for me until I played Bloodborne. Then I realized (after playing) that Bloodborne was basically Dark Souls, without everything I hated, with more of what I loved.

Just the fact that they removed the retarded equip load system is enough for me to think high Bloodborne.
Here he fucking goes...
It's much harder than DeS, DaS or DaS2. Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are faster with relentless enemies that have more complex attack patterns. Just because you can dash/roll to no end doesn't make the games instant easy.
Dash is way more punishing than Rolling in Dark Souls 3. Not only you have less iframes, there's instability frames, bigger recovery and limited direction. Dark Souls 3 roll is ridiculously overpower, and then they try to make bosses difficult around it resulting in that shit show of people rolling all the fucking time during a fight. I couldn't look any more silly.
its gotta be pasta at this point
It is now, I just saved the picture and text.
This was the only fight in a video game that ever made me feel fucking ENRAGED.
It felt so fucking good to beat him, though.
It's my own profile, Cloud__ffvii message me and I'll message you back if you don't believe me
so you're saying BB is the hardest game in the whole soulsborne series?
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If so that'd make me laugh at the others. I platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days so can't imagine how easy that'd make the others.

Here's my first trophy if you want proof.
nobody cares
I care.
actual this, youre a fucking retard lmfao shut up. 10 days doesnt mean anything thats literally 240 hours
That or Dark Souls 3, just because of more aggresive and complex AI.
Once per thread is more than enough, thanks.
You keep posting this. Nobody cares that you platinumed the game years after release by following guides
Name 1 (ONE) better game

Chrono Trigger literally has NO FLAWS
now go try devil may cry , vanquish, ninja gaiden,
you have to be kidding.. its seriously so fucking average in every way like christ the only character i liked was the frog and thats cause hes a frog with a fucking sword
Gravity Rush 2
Name one (1) better game and one (1) objective flaw
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i cant deal with this pressure, just stop pressuring me
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Devil may cry is much faster, but it's so fast that it gets into the "cuhrazy" tier, and not everyone wants that because some people think it looks cheesy. But despite looking faster, it's not really all that much harder once you get good with it. In fact I'd say that to the casual gamer, both are about equally difficult. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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>Even uttering the implications of DMC3SE and DMC4 along with Ninja Gaiden Black in a garbage Soulsborne thread

Bloodborne is a game for fucking normies who want to pretend they're good at cuhrayzee with limited two button movesets. It's still OBJECTIVELY slow trash in terms of gamespeed, the game's idea of fun and challenge is slapping a massive HP bar on the bosses and a tiny one value-wise on you so it feels difficult, thus trial and error.

The only enjoyment I got out of this shilled ass game by a retarded fanbase is a Bloodtinge playthrough, which I recommend as a way of feeling variety.
>That blood squirt

A game for highschoolers?
Okay For once i will show respect for this game. Please Tell my why the fuck should i care about this game and why should i justify buying a console just for this game. why is it good. please explain in detail because i've never played this game before. and please dont say " MUH ATMOSPHERE" because i dont find atmosphere is really important to call a game a 10/10. any way thanks in advance, cheers.
Nah this is bullshit, Chrono Trigger actually makes every JRPG played after it worse and makes every single one you've already played drop one star
There will never be another dream team like this and a masterpiece like this.
I dare you to mention a single objective flaw in this game.
while all that may be true, you cannot say that bloodborne does not have some pretty solid atmosphere and aesthetics.
>the game's idea of fun and challenge is slapping a massive HP bar on the bosses and a tiny one value-wise on you so it feels difficult, thus trial and error.
No, just no.
Lol retard I obviously didn't play for 24 hours straight, 10 days running.
it's like SOTN in 3D except it's actually hard
I didnt follow a guide. I question why anyone would need to given how painfully linear it is.
It isn't, they're just drumming up platform warfare. The game itself is a solid 7/10, and not on the IGN scale. But to think it is a console seller is fucking ridiculous.

If Soulsborne is your thing and you like say any of the Dark Souls games, then you might like BB. Try them first, if you don't like them, you won't like BB, because it's the same shit.

There's a reason why Miyazaki stopped. The series has been a milked rehash after DaS1.
I actually really enjoyed the first DMC, the combat was great fun. I'll try and pick up a newer release on pay day actually.
You sound like a faggot who has done too many Holy Blade based builds. Try something new, sweetie.
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>2 years have passed
>still butthurt
>If Soulsborne is your thing and you like say any of the Dark Souls games, then you might like BB. Try them first, if you don't like them, you won't like BB, because it's the same shit.
this is exactly what people who've never played any of the games in the series say, or have only played one of them for a few hours
i dont recall implying you played 24 hours a day straight for 10 days? you dumb fuck
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>Bloodborne is a game for fucking normies

i gave bloodbrone to my normie friend and 1 week later he said he didn't like it.

admit it bloodborne is a good game and you can't change that fact.
>ITT Soulsfags and Bloodfags rip eachother apart.
>one guy doesn't like it
It's honestly not.

The combat is basic and very similar to OoT, which is obviously 20 years old.

There is no story.

There's no map music, you only experience and kind of music in boss battles.

If you lock onto a target it auto aims for you, making accuracy a pointless commodity.

It is the most linear game you will have played this decade.

The PVP is laughable.

When you realise you're able to just summon people to beat anything difficult, or just run past every enemy, you'll realise how atrociously easy it is (I didn't summon however).

There are spectres and notes to literally show and tell you what to do every step of the way.

It's no surprise that I managed to platinum the game in 10 days, going in blind, having never played a souls game before.

People only call it a 10/10 because they think through association they're a hardcore gamer, but they're not, it's easier than most NES releases.
as opposed to what, a game for adults? IE a porn game?
You said 240 hours. I said I completed it in 10 days. That would imply I played it non-stop for 10 days.
you are mentally retarded, holy fuck. things from das2 in das3 does not mean das2 cause das3 to have no poise. lmao. you are seriously fucking stupid. dark souls 2 had real poise while dark souls 3. shut your fucking retarded mouth you piece of shit.
i said there ARE 240 hours in 10 days, implying there is a lot of time in 10 days to 'platinum' the game considering youre acting like youre special cause you did it in a 10 day time frame lmao
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how can u not enjoying a good game
Is it okay to post in a thread if you haven't read all of it?
Jesus, stop with the "I platinumed it in 10 days", it' embarrasing.
Also, the only reason they pump it up to a 10/10 is because it's a fucking exclusive, most shitposter say that the game is easy themselves.
anything goes
I've never touched DeS, I've done a few playthroughs of DaS1 (my first experience with this), got frustrated as fuck with DaS2 for some reason and left it after a few hours, and recently finished DaS3. Already completed BB twice.

Sorry, but they ARE all the same shit with minor discrepancies that some /v/irgins who jerk over this franchise love to stretch out like straws.

Guess he was a normie who didn't like it then. Not all dudebros love Call of Duty.

Also that is a fake image. Show me your Heaven Or Hell gameplay, son.
It's a problem in NG+++++, but the first run?

Nope, bosses don't have enough HP.

This so much. Only US nostalgia is keeping the game up there. Japan and Europe on the other hand, celebrate the better game.: Terranigma.
A game that did much more in terms of storytelling, worldbuilding and progress.
Chrono Trigger is a good game for a classic RPG. But its just that: a classic rpg. Which is why its overrated by US citizens.
>Tfw when you will never get a ARPG that lets you have sex with monsters.
>Admitted he never even got to Amelia

Seriously? You blew it son.
Have you ever played a souls game? BB is the souls formula brought to excellence.
So basically, if you love souls games, then BB is a must play.
Everything souls games offer is brought to excellence in BB.
>attention to detail
>general mechanics
>world building
>level design
It got its great reviews for good reasons. But if you only like souls games , then there's absolutely no reason to buy a PS4 for BB. It really only matters if you HAVE to play souls games, since its obviously the peak of the "genre/franchise" so far.
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>Show me your Heaven Or Hell gameplay, son.
sorry no video recorder cause im poor.

time is on my side ; cause im NEETTTTTTTTT
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this one (pic related) is pure trash. /v/ told me to get it... not sure if people were recommending it ironically or not. I hope they were; I can't imagine how anyone could seriously think Devil May Cry 3 is anything more than a shit game.
It's alright. Nearly ruined by being open-world for no reason, would have been a much better game had they expanded on TW2's segmented areas, but it wouldn't have been as successful because open-world games are casual bait.
>Nearly ruined by being open-world for no reason, would have been a much better game had they expanded on TW2's segmented areas
This is such a load of shit I can almost smell you
wtf i love DMC3 now
Oh fuck me, you're a trophy whore. Guides out the ass, amirite? Just like the guy who plat'd Bloodborne in a small time frame.

Get DMC3 Special Edition you fucking retard. DMC3 is a shit. DMC3 is buggy in some aspects (hinting to that webm, somebody post it please).
oh I'm sure there will be... just give it some time
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You go in here OP
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what's wrong reading a guide ?
its saved me a lot of time to accomplish something

wouldn't you read a book to pass an examin ?
sorry its for >>374021397
Bloodborne is definitely overrated. I mean, the game is completely dead on PS4, everyone dumped it long ago while you can still find people on Dark Souls. It's even worse than Demon Souls
I play it every day and there are still tons of random players on multiplayer
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I have no problems against guides, unless you use them to get bragging rights bullshit like trophies. That defeats the purpose.
>no one plays it anymore so it's overrated
you don't know what you are talking about, don't you?
>. I mean, the game is completely dead on PS4
wat? nonsense
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one game i plat without guide its Vanquish

>everyday for pc port
when i play ds1 i find no one to play with.
it has something to do with the shitty pc port or what? game is like the desert for me.
ds2 is full of people though
Yeah because a world filled with repetitive tasks really warrants the space. Half of it is a backdrop and nothing more. There's a lot of fucking nothing in that game.
God, I fucking hate this board.
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The weapons are really cool, so are most of the enemies, it's very satisfying to parry and do a visceral attack on them (where you stab them in the torso and drain a good bit of their health).

And that's it, the only part of the game i really liked was Central Yharnam, the starting point, beyond that it was kinda meh. it's a 8.5/10, a pretty good game, but not the masterpiece my fellow Sonyfriends want you to believe. So it might not be a reason to buy a PS4. Haven't played the DLC, so it could be better.

>tfw i'm still trying to platinum it after 6 months

In my defense, i only got one ending and lose interest. But i will platinum it without using guides, i swear.

If you aren't lying, how did you platinumed that soon it without used guides?.
At this point I think most people are just flinging shit to piss eachother off because their own favorite game was insulted and they feel wounded. They don't even believe or actually know anything about the games they are shitting on

Good theory.
He did use guides. He was overleveled, like 170+ after grinding, used summons, and uploaded his save to the cloud server just before finishing the game so he could pick 3 different endings in one playthrough. He admitted all of this in earlier threads, claims differently now because his autistic shitposting is the only way he can get attention.
>It is the most linear game you will have played this decade.

Nice meme.
70% of the game is completely optional.
>Good theory.

I second this. As a Dark Souls shitposter I do legitimately question what it is people like about the game. I'm actually playing a second time to try to figure it out. I'm convinced people's fondest memories of the game are all in the first 20% because after that there are parts that are just straight up poorly designed like darkroot.

Is grinding that easy in BB? It takes forever in DaS.
Yeah DMC4 is so hardcore when literally every enemy can be stunlocked in the air to death and you can beat all bosses without ever touching the ground just because of how badly designed/ unbalanced anime shit the "game" is

go kill yourself retard, anyone who not only doesnt like bloodborne but is ACTUALLY stupid enough to pretend like it isnt the best game released in the last 20 years should be shot in the back of the head. go fucking kill yourself
It's the first required boss you faggot.
Souls bosses might look easy in the 3rd person, but once you're in the driver's seat they feel alot harder
>DMC4 is so hardcore when literally every enemy can be stunlocked in the air to death

Well... yeah. That's called killing enemies. Can I have an actual argument now, or will you just feed more more (You)s?
>designing a game in the way that the enemies are literally helpless shitbags if the player learns to use the game mechanics even a little bit is just "killing enemies"

go back to /a/ and then kill yourself
If you set out to grind there's easy ways to do it. I know there's a chalice code for a good place to grind, and an area in the DLC that makes it easy. His excuse for overleveling was 'They never tell you not to, and you get given loads of echoes', which implies he used one weapon, probably a starting one like the axe. Upgrading multiple weapons costs.
Regardless, he's autistic as fuck, I stomped him in PvP when he first started shitposting, he kept running away and letting his summon try to fight for him. His PSN ID is Cloud_ffvii or some shit.
>designing a game in the way that the enemies are literally helpless shitbags if the player mashes dodge with a few R1s

go back to /lgbt/ and then kill yourself
>the player mashes dodge with a few R1s

literally impossible seeing that not only do you have a stamina bar but youll be dead in seconds by attack strings that will come through from some animeautistm mashing O and wondering why he died when the iframes are only at a part of the dodge animation
>BB is easy
>so play harder games
The fucking autism here is astounding.
>they're good at cuhrayzee with limited two button movesets

DMC4 has literally one attack button, two when you have the correct JRPG paradigm "style" shit equipped
I have this theory that every souls fag is so fucking fat they can only enjoy souls cause their fat makes them slow and the game is slow combat as fuck.
Bloodborne and Yakuza 0 are the only two PS4 games I've really enjoyed so far. Not just exclusives, but games overall.
>Bloodborne is a game for fucking normies who want to pretend they're good at cuhrayzee with limited two button movesets
>it's this meme again even though BB is a completely different genre
I bet you're the same autist who ruined DMC/Platinum threads with "MUH NINJA GAIDEN IS SUPERIOR TO YOUR CASUAL PUNCHING BAG GAMES"
anon, a game can't be overrated if no one rates it high
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>Gets frustrated when mental gymnastics are used against him

>Implying Soulsbabbies even want to play them or care

>Conveniently forgets the part where it says "limited" and focuses on a red herring

>Mentions autism again and solidifies his samefaggery since the poster count didn't go up
>Hasn't even played DMC or any Platinum game that isn't MGRR or Automata since NG(B) is Izuna Drop 24/7

At the end, all he did was give me (You)s.

all me
>Conveniently forgets the part where it says "limited" and focuses on a red herring

and you conveniently forgot the part where youre retarded. Ive played every DMC and ninja gaiden game and the only ones that are harder (and arguably on around the same level of quality generally) as bloodborne are DMC1 and NGB. Go fuck yourself kid

All that can be deducted here is that youre a retarded kid who is too bad to play bloodborne properly even when youre apparently such a hack and slash guru. There is nothing "limited" about around 30 move movesets on each weapon that you can have 2 equipped at once. There are separate attacks for different dash/roll directions, backsteps, sprints, charge attacks, transformation attacks (ludwigs holy blade/ the kirkhammer both have more than 3 transformation attacks that are timing and context controlled)

the problem is that retards like you genuinely believe that having X amount of moves makes an action game good and not the enemy design, in which bloodborne curbstomps literally every hack and slash in existence
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>Ive played every DMC and ninja gaiden game

You clearly have not.

>same level of quality generally) as bloodborne are DMC1 and NGB

You're parroting a popular opinion and the first game of a critically acclaimed franchise which got surpassed quick. You have not played either.

>too bad to play bloodborne properly even when youre apparently such a hack and slash guru.

Butthurt detected that his shilled game isn't that good.

>There is nothing "limited" about around 30 move movesets on each weapon that you can have 2 equipped at once.

Uses two weapons (technically four) to justify the 30 notation movelist in a way to hide how limiting each weapon is.

>There are separate attacks for different dash/roll directions, backsteps, sprints ---

Holy shit no fucking way.

>the problem is that retards like you genuinely believe that having X amount of moves makes an action game good

Straw man argument. It's about the mechanics coming together, the dial-a-combo shit only hurts it further.

>and not the enemy design, in which bloodborne curbstomps literally every hack and slash in existence

From looks, maybe, but this is a game, not a movie. Most bosses are uncomplicated and can be beaten with gimmicks like shit hitboxes a la BSB. Try again, son.
This is a lie. Ive played nobody in pvp off here.

Dont just lie to impress anonymous people, it's ridiculous.
Dont make shit up.

In lying about this stuff makes me think that you believe what I did was actually very impressive. Thanks, I suppose.
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>You clearly have not.
>You're parroting a popular opinion and the first game of a critically acclaimed franchise which got surpassed quick. You have not played either.

how fucking retarded are you? are you actually stupid enough to think that this is an "argument"? DMC1 is the only DMC with actually good enemy design, hence why it is the only good one

>Straw man argument. It's about the mechanics coming together, the dial-a-combo shit only hurts it further.

you also have no clue what "dial-a-combo" means seeing bloodborne has no "combos" at all

>From looks, maybe, but this is a game, not a movie. Most bosses are uncomplicated and can be beaten with gimmicks like shit hitboxes a la BSB. Try again, son.

only proving your retardation further. Every boss in bloodborne barring gimmicky shit like witches or micolash is more complex and has a bigger moveset than anything in DMC. Ludwig alone has probably a more complicated moveset than everything in DMC4 combined and thats not even talking about the 3 phases and the RPG stat modifiers regarding the boss

go back to memeddit or youtube comments or whatever LE COMBO MAD XDD shithole you came from
I got right to the end and realised i only needed a couple of trophies to get platinum. I checked what they were online and picked them up shortly after. I didnt go through using guides, i just checked the requirements for the last couple because the descriptions were hidden.
>claims dmc1 is good and better than everyone of the dmc games he has played
has anyone outed themselves as this big of a shitposter this fuckin quick?
How do I get this good at BB?
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>DMC1 is the only DMC with actually good enemy design, hence why it is the only good one

Bahahahahahaha! Only someone trying to be a contrarian THIS hard to falsely prove they have played the franchise would say this shit. DMC3 is objectively the deepest game out of them all, sorry, but that is a fact.

>you also have no clue what "dial-a-combo" means seeing bloodborne has no "combos" at all

I was referring to action games overall, not to Bloodborne. Bloodborne for this reason has a MOVElist. There are no combos as you have stated, Sherlock.

>only proving your retardation further. Every boss in bloodborne barring gimmicky shit like witches or micolash is more complex and has a bigger moveset than anything in DMC.

Still thinks I ever went with the "more moves == better" argument when he created a straw man out of it. I was talking about how predictable BB bosses are. They look generic (generic fucked up monster #9294, and people give DaS2 shit for the Knight armour syndrome) and they are easy.

>go back to memeddit or youtube comments or whatever LE COMBO MAD XDD shithole you came from

Are you done being a 4k projector?
It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the ShitStation 4, I won't buy it.

Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:

Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).

THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.

As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.
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Objective truths:
1) Nioh is better than Bloodborne except for the art style
2) DMC4 is better than DMC3
3) DMC2 is a lot better than DmC
4) Dark Souls III is the only decent Dark Souls game
5) Demon Souls is better than Dark Souls 1 and 2
go kill yourself
Except for 2 (arguable), I completely agree.
I can't vouch specifically for BotW, but
>WW 96
>TP 96
>SS 93
All 3D Zeldas are way overrated with all the flaws they have.
No one gives a fuck what you think faggot
one of the reasons I like DMC4 better than 3 is because 3 had artificial difficulty. I'm not sure if they fixed in the PS3 collection but I remember the first boss(the 3 head dog) taking lots of time to beat just because they wanted you to get tired of dashing
Then that vampire boss which Dante plays guitar after beating her. In the last moment she goes to kiss him and her speed is so fast even in normal it doesn't make any sense because she is not strong before that moment. It would be a lot better to make her stronger instead of killing you in the last moment with a fucking kiss
Shitpost: The post : The movie.
It's not bait because he doesn't have your opinion you stupid porch monkey
Its literally grimdark dark souls with no shield, I'm a huge souls fag but every souls game include my Bloodborne is over rated except des which nobody played and das2 because it sucked
>Everything souls games offer is brought to excellence in BB.
>attention to detail
I found it was my easiest souls game except for martyr, Ludwig and orphan
>general mechanics
Wasn't much different than a souls game besides the rally mechanic
>world building
>level design
Unseen village the second time was amazing
Was less convuluted than dark souls, I hate how no bosses had souls that they dropped so figuring out their lore was bullshit for me, I have no clue who the fuck martyr is or why he's up there, same with ebriteus
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more like
leave the shit gameplay to me
>seething PCbro
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>Why does /v/ hate Witcher so much?

Witcher 3 sold more copies than all From Software games combined. And since /v/ is full of underage shittards it's their teenage protest against a popular product.
because it's popular

no matter how good a game is, if it falls into mainstream media, it'll be counted as shit by some guy with a keyboard looking for replies.

all they want is attention
Is there a single review that isn't written with nintenbro glasses on?
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I find it's the only lowest-common-denominator game I can enjoy. I get sick of it if I play too much but for me it's less frustrating and has fewer tryhards than Lol and TF2 is just shit.i could never get my friends into cs1.6 or dystopia so it became the default fps i can just turnt brain off and play. Nothing really frustrating about it if you mute mic, and it's chaotic enough that everyone can have a good time. It's like the smash Bros of fps's.
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>ITT: overrated shit
More like way overrated, but still pretty good.
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pseudo intellectual trash like automata can't be good, kid
As an idort Bloodborne is absolutely the best game of this gen.
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>souls trash
>good gameplay

Stay mad faggot
there is one review without nintendo bias but it's one hour and 52 minutes long.

It has 80 score on metacritic

>Tell my why the fuck should i care about this game and why should i justify buying a console just for this game. why is it good

1. There are plenty of good games on PS4, you don't buy system for one game
2. There is no reason why you should care about Bloodborne. Game is great for most people because of gameplay, design, atmosphere, music, graphics so basically everything, but no one should care if you buy game/system or not.
Bloodborne is probably the easiest of the souls games. Enemies might be a little more aggressive than DS 1 or 2, but you have the health recovery by attacking thing, and 20 fucking heal pots as a baseline.
I can't find action RPG with faster paced combat. Game is also too core, non hand holding and difficult for average daily normie gamer. You are wrong in everything you said basically.
wow you sure convinced me with that hot webm
>playing game with good gameplay
>you must be mad

That's not how it works
How is a video of someone that doesn't know what he's doing supposed to show anything?

First you are supposed to use the tree to the left to short-cut-jump onto that roof and secondly that's not even something one has to do unless they try to save 10k souls
>20 fucking heal pots as a a baseline
And in DaS 1 and 2 you can have 99 humanity or 99 healing gems
In DeS you can have 99 grass
A lot of BB mechanics make up for having less defensive options
They should have made the ledge bigger otherwise it's just bad game design because it's retarded.
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Daily reminder that peacocks wake up every single day with tears in their eyes. They have literally been denied the game of the millenium
Why are souls cucks so insecure? They were cucked by the superior Witcher 3 and they can't stand it.
So the problem is that you are autistic? That ledger is literally the perfect size to show that it's too high to jump onto.
Payday 2
Genuinely cannot believe that anyone over the age of 10 would consider this an actual full game, never mind a good one.
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>this is what weeb neckbeards actually believe
Because you touch yourself at night. That's why.
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Sex truly sells and memes
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Not my problem that your shitty game doesn't let you climb small ledges.
Well if Witcher came with its DLC it still would have won over Bloodborne plus old hunters
I totally agree.
Sonybro are so starved by games so when Sony throws them a bone once every 2 years:"goatyayayay!!!omfg!!".
Want prof?
TLOU: OMFG 96 Metapoints,bestest evar!!!
Uncharted#:Jesus Christ, did you saw sand is sanding, 99metapoints,10/10,bestarest evah!!!
Blood borne: nignogs jump,eyes pop out, total madness, mothers shit babies too soon so they can play what's basically 3rd person fight an gaem with boring Victorian/lovecraftian theme + dumbed down souls (or,as sonybros seeit, aggressive)
>sad part is, ps has actually some great exclusives (the last guardian)
Weebs have access to both games, PCocks not. Only asshurt neckbeard can be you.
You first

Did plat it in 6 days though. Having said that, those 6 days were some of the most fun I've had with vidya in recent years.
woah...game of the...year...just like....skyrim and dragon age....

go back to playing your "game" retard. TW3 literally is on all relevant platforms, making it laughable when peacocks try to use it as some form of a counterargument for not having the actual GAME of the generation. It honestly baffles me what kind of a manchild does someone have to be to be able to tolerate the generic high fantasy dogshit that TW3 is, let alone pretend its good
Because Witcher 3 is a completely different genre.

Skyrimfags got cucked by Witcher 3 because they both are RPGs with mediocre combat, but Witcher excels in every regard.

Dark Souls is a action-RPG with a focus on combat and only very little RPG elements. No one cares about the fact that there are stats and it wouldn't even really matter if the RPG elements were gone.

That's like saying "vegans got cucked by the newest McDonalds burger". That's not even the same target audience so why would they care?
>Sonybro are so starved by games so when Sony throws them a bone once every 2 years

Damn, so PCbros must be already dead from hunger
>generic high fantasy dogshit that TW3 is

Isn't Soulsborne basically generic dark medieval dogshit? Or am I missing something...
Yes, there is not much action RPG with core difficulty set in victorian Lovercraft stylized cosmic horror. Oh wait, I can think only of one.
You've only seen the trailer and haven't seen the eldritch horror of the second half of the game.

It starts as a regular vampire/werewolf game set in a victorian time (Van Helsing), but then throws that all under the bus for cosmic horror (Lovecraftian)
Jesus, calm down your autism.
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how are people so painfully unaware of how much they come off as a tool

no one gives a shit that you play ninja gaiden you fucking baboon, wow good job at playing videogames you are truly magnificent
I honestly can understand that you can be tired of genre,or its just not your piece of pie, but if you played witcher 3 ,you just can't in right mind nullify scope/quality/even graphics of the w3.
I'm one of those butthurt pcbros who shat on cdpr for straying from what tw1 was and took consolitis way and still tw3 as an whole is one of the best games ever made.
That shit is just an objective fact.
There is so much incredibly hidden shit in that game that if you really "fell" into all the required mats and figured out the painfully stupid chain of finishing all the chalice dungeons/finding the required mats in 10 days without using any sort of help from the internet than you sir are impressive and should be making money playing games
Faggots who believe Bloodborne is "Lovecraftian" have never read a Lovecraft book.
pay them no attention. kids need some meme buzzwords to spew.
The good thing about being me is that unlike PC only cocks I have both games and enjoy them both. Comparing W3 and Bloodborne is retarded because they have different approach. Using scores and awards as argument is even more retarded. Congratulation because Skyrim literally destroy your favorite game in terms of critics reception and popularity.

I'm waiting for another hot counter argument like "u mad?"
>is too dense to understand the deep implications and scattered around lore

It's much more than that.

One the one hand you've got a religious blood cult that is responsible for the outbreak of a werewolf plague and on the other hand you've got extradimensional beings and mutiple parallel dimensions. It's great if you enjoy piecing together conspiracy theories or ARGs because only through careful observation you will fully understand the story and what is actually happening.

The first time you play it you might miss what it is even about and might think that there isn't even a story, but then you realize that every item placement is part of the story telling and such.

In order to fully understand the story of this game you need to have read all the works of Lovecraft (especially Shadow over Innsmouth, At The Mountains Of Madness, The Call of Cthullu, Charles Dexter Ward, The Nameless City, Nyarlathotep and The Color From Outer Space) and need to have a good understanding of European history, various myths, Berserk, etc etc

Odd, myself and many of my friends that played the game have all read Lovecraft and all picked up on his influence on this game.

Maybe you're a mong?
Only souls kids get mad at Skyrim being more relevant and winning more GoTY awards than Dark Souls
>dream cycles isn't Lovecraftian
>cosmic horror isn't Lovecraftian
Have YOU ever read a Lovecraft book?
Faggots who believe Bloodborne is not Lovecraft inspired have never read a Lovecraft book.
How are they complicated?

>finish first chalice dungeon and gain access to the next one
>open every chest and kill every enemy
>have enough material for the next one
>rince and repeat
>if you should run out of materials just repeat an earlier one or just buy the materials with one of the 99 insight you already have
>myself and many of my friends

souls cucks don't have friends. no need to lie smelly weeb
>Only souls kids get mad at Skyrim being more relevant and winning more GoTY awards than Dark Souls

It looks like you got it wrong because it's Witcher cucks like you use GOTY awards as argument and something defining game. >>374035932
The DLC is literally straight up Shadow over Innsmouth. Every detail fits
>u don't have friends!
>u smell

Wow, btfo. You showed him.

Interesting. Tell me more about ""myself"".
Honestly it's mosly due to the style not really the content. Eternal Darkness did actual Lovecraftian horror better than Bloodborne.
go kill yourself, just like any other retarded kid who calls bloodborne "lovecraftian" should

its the equivalent of calling new FPS games "CoDian" when they are first person shooters. Lovecraft wrote cosmic horror and just because he mainly focused on it doesnt mean he automatically deserves to be attributed literally everything that retarded kids liken to his stories
Souls is best played with friends. Every other minute someon dies and online is great if you are stuck at Orphan in NG+ or a cursed Undead Giant
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>Insert le popular and critically acclaimed game picture
>G-guys, le overrated/actually shit/shilled/ games thread?? XD
>Hehe, better go to reddit and post to all my friends how I le trolled le 4chan
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So I guess you haven't read Shadow over Innsmouth and haven't played through the Fishing Hamlet

It's the same setting, the same town, the same shadow over the sun, the same fishmen, the same government conspiracy, etc etc
Everything from Nintendo.
He probably don't even know what are you talking about.
>It's the same setting, the same town, the same shadow over the sun, the same fishmen, the same government conspiracy, etc etc

go kill yourself you fucking retard, if youre retarded enough to think that lovecraft invented the concept of a haunted town you might as well compare it to central yharnam in the first place instead of being wowed by surface level similarities like the fishing angle like the retarded child you are

the fishing hamlet was ruined by the hunters defiling the corpse of a washed up sea monster, a setup that is completely different from le shadow over mememouth. Its hilarious when memedditors throw around lovecrafts name as if it would make you seem cultured or well versed on the subject. Go actually read some books instead of memeing over cthulhu
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This shit right here. Played it a few years back when /v/ was creaming themselves over it. Thought it was supposed to be some sort of hidden gem. Gameplay was just shit and the humor didn't nearly make up for it.
Projection 101
What part of "inspired" not "word to word adaptation" raging autist like you can't understand?

Haha I did the same thing when it came out. I might have been able to enjoy it had it not been released AFTER Ninja Gaiden and Viewtiful Joe, it plays like a PS1 ancestor of those titles.
Oh no the sea monster wasn't washed up but was underwater in the original story. THE HORROR

check your autism levels. I think you need a new neurotypical pill
It's ok pc cuck, if bayonettas any clue you just have to wait one more gen and we might be done beta testing bloodborne for ya
ITT: mad PCcu*ks
How fucking stupid are you? I own bloodborne and its my favorite game, exactly why I dont want retarded memedditors like you constantly whining about how its "lovecraftian"

Nice backpedaling you fucking retard, I thought it was "literally straight up Shadow over Innsmout"?

Not one other genre has fans retarded enough to think that a singular person invented each and every concept in there and everything that is even slightly similar will be forever attributed to that person apart from lovecraftkids
It's 2017. Literally means figurativelly since a few years.

Dont take "literally" literally. By now it's just a subtle hint that a hyperbole will follow.
>Nice backpedaling you fucking retard
Literally me

>jurassic park movie is not based on book because they have changed couple minor things

You need theraphy.
>jurassic park movie is not based on book because they have changed couple minor things
>You need theraphy.

if you actually think any part of bloodborne is "based" on lovecraft then you need to be shot in the back of the head. It takes inspiration from lovecraft just like it does from all other sources of cosmic horror, dark fantasy and gothic horror it can pull from. Only lovecraft kiddies are obnoxious and stupid enough to think that he invented literally everything with aliens and bloodborne must be le memecraftian because of it
>. It takes inspiration from lovecraft just like it does from all other sources of cosmic horror

Like? Name books and authors.
>worse combat than souls by far
>a shitty story that nobody gives a fuck about
The City of Yharnam - The Shadow Over Innsmouth, "The Horror at Red Hook,” “The Doom That Came to Sarnath”

The Pthumerians - “The Nameless City”

Hemwick Village - “The Picture in the House”

Yahar’gul and the School of Mensis - “The Dunwich Horror,” “The Haunter of the Dark”

Micolash - “From Beyond,” “The Other Gods”

Provost Willem - “The Whisperer in Darkness,” “The Strange High House in the Mist”

Gehrman - “The Silver Key,” “Hypnos”

The Moon Presence - “What the Moon Brings”

The Nightmare Realm and the Hunter’s Dream - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (This one requires some extensive reading of Lovecraft’s prior work.)

The Beasts of Yharnam - “The Lurking Fear”
>Bloodborne creator says he based it on Lovecrafts works

>autists freak out due to minor differences and say it isn't based on ovecrafts work at all

Here from an Interview

>What was the main inspiration for the game's visual setting/style?

>"Classical works of gothic horror, Lovecrafts Cthulhu Mythos, plus a few board games and TRPGs based on such themes. This isnt the first game of mine to draw on these roots, as most of my ideas are actually text-inspired. I guess that there were no curveballs regarding that, this time around."

But of course it doesn't matter even if he literally directly says that he loved to read his works and that they were an influence

The retarded assumption that lovecraft invented aliens or weird tales probably automatically means he was the sole, singular inspiration for bloodborne as well when half of the game is about the same shit that someone like edgar allan poe (who again was lovecrafts inspiration) would write about
How fucking retarded are you? The issue is not with taking inspiration from Lovecraft which is obvious, the issue is with retarded kids calling the game "Lovecraftian" as if lovecraft invented these ideas. Go kill yourself
Stop with that autistic dichotomous black and white logic.

"Lovecraft was an influence" =/= "there were no other influences" especially because everyone said in this thread that it starts out as a regular victorian werewolf game
>"Lovecraft was an influence" =/= "there were no other influences" especially because everyone said in this thread that it starts out as a regular victorian werewolf game

so stop calling it "lovecraftian" in your childish need to (mis)label everything like the retard you are. the call of cthulhu game is "lovecraftian". the post-lovecraft ctulhu mythos shit is "lovecraftian". yet another cosmic horror work like bloodborne is not "lovecraftian"
>The issue is not with taking inspiration from Lovecraft which is obvious, the issue is with retarded kids calling the game "Lovecraftian" as if lovecraft invented these ideas. Go kill yourself

So the issue once again is your autism.
>durr I do watever I wann!!!1 fuck of elitist I call fps games CoDian!!1 fucking autist!
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100% agree
Now that is an actual overrated shit right there.
I have to say that Bloodborne is indeed overrated shit.
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