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How's your game going, /v/?

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Thread replies: 148
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How's your game going, /v/?
very good it's called fucking you're mom lmao
My game is going shit as I have the drive but not enough skill. I can't even assemble a semi complex landscape shader to continue on my environment, that's how much I suck.

I'm doomed to just play video games and dabble in the skillsets, nothing more.
Working on art of the characters to help refer back to when I start animating pixel art of them. That goes alright, I guess.
I tried to make a holiday-resort momcest hentai game where you two work together to solve a murder mystery at the resort, and I got a bit through but my old laptop got trashed and I cbf starting again.
>make good progress
>play Persona 5
>scrap everything because it's not good enough
fuck I'll never get out of this hole
I gave up on ever making a game years ago. I just accepted I'm too dumb and unmotivated for it, despite my passion for game design.
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Even Persona started out with shit games. Keep going anon
I don't understand the cult over personal5 it's an old tired recipe of a game. If your game really look shallow near it, then you should just drop your project because it's probably the next revolution 60.
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Not good. I want to make low poly mecha like pic related but I can't into 3D.
Where's the löve?
What are you having trouble with? That looks like something fairly easy to model.

It doesn't look low poly either.
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Anyone like bullet hell bosses in their shoot em ups? Should be easy enough, huh?
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I drew a temporary asset lol
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I don't know. Every time I try to make shapes they just don't end up looking good.

It is low poly.
zelda is old and tired
on the subject of these, are there any good low poly tutorials for blender out there? i've taken a glance every so often and can't find anything decent

i'm also completely inexperienced with blender and have little expereince with 3d

i just want to make some decent looking assets for a silent hill/resident evil ripoff, y'know
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All I can make is average art, I won't ever make any game by myself.
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I finished this yesterday and I'm trying to figure out a way to do a music-themed sword, but nothing's coming to me. Any ideas?
tuning fork dagger
I'd really rather not copy a mediocre nostalgia bait show
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Shit, wrong pic.
You don't understand what low poly is. Every model you see in any game is low poly, with normal maps baked on to make them look high poly. I doubt the model you posted has many more polys than the mechs in armored core.

Start watching BornCG's Blender 2.7 Tutorials and Blender Guru's Beginner tutorial.
Saxophone Kopesh
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How do you uv unwrap for low poly?

Every time I did it the pixels became non-uniform or it looked wrong.
its low poly. its not hard to do it manualy
>nothing personnel sword
>robot heels
>clipping on angles
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Low poly is completely a relative term. Most models in modern games are more like "medium poly" with normal maps to make them look high poly. Low poly is used for LOD models in those sorts of games.
Those pics they posted look low poly to me, most of the detail is in the texture, while the model itself looks fairly simple. Here's another example.
Is there a non-manual uv unwrap? But point still stands, it created issues when I did it.
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they're obviously talking about the actual low poly models that are about ~1000 tris
also you're blind if you honestly think armored core models have that few polys
These guys are faggots. Make a guitar sword or don't try at all.
>Is there a non-manual uv unwrap?
yeah that chicken skin button does that

relax the fucking thing anon
make sure everything is on the same size
there is a button that does that
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Spooky old monster man, now featuring pants.
Didn't actually know much about Armored Core so I googled just now to double check. Yes, they're higher poly than what was posted, but the poly margin still isn't nearly as big as some people think.

What are you waiting for?

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>chicken skin

Switching games yet again. Was working on a beatemup but having art issues, than randomly thought of a way of making the gameplay of one I have been brainstorming a long time work.
Still ironing out the specifics on paper before I start working on it though.

Fuck I wish I was a neet, working full time and hitting the gym after kills a lot of my free time to work on stuff. Especially if someone fun came out that I want to play instead.
the type of model i'm referring to is something like the original silent hill or original resident evil trilogy. i'd like to achieve an effect like that, but i've got no idea where to start.
Keep the UVs as straight as you can.
In Blender's UV editor there's an option to use pixel snap, which will help make the UVs straight.
This video has some helpful tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiQOHSzyooc
Use "follow active quad" unwrap on rectangular faces, this keeps those faces straight.
Don't be too much of a perfectionist. You will never have completely square pixels that are all uniform across the model unless your model is a cube. So don't worry too much about it.
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a tutorial doesn't exist for everything anon, sometimes you gotta grind it out. Try first ripping ps1 models from the internet and study how they're constructed. Then straight up copy them when modelling. You can firgure it out from there
I literally just told you where to start.
>autodesk applications
Not him, but goddamn does that interface look nicer then blender.
For those learning 3D modeling for vidya, pick up whatever you can from this:

I'm glad Blender doesn't look as shit as this software
>spend a whole day trying to get it to run in a browser
>5 FPS and controls only work half the time
html5 was a mistake. Can't believe Java applets died for this.
Here's the ""game"" as proof if anyone was thinking of making a browser game in LibGDX. To get it to work you have to spam click that refresh button and hope for the best
So what is this Unreal 4 is bad meme? What's wrong with it, unoptimized or something?
Unityfags are butthurt there is a free engine that isn't a giant "THIS IS AN ASSETFLIP FAKE GAME" banner like Unity.
Unreal is primarily for AAA games.

While it can be used for more cartoony or less detailed things, its not friendly for the "indie" crowd.
nah just harder to use compared to Unity
Unityfags and enginefags extremely butthurt UE4 gives great results. Obviously there are issues with the engine but it's pretty great overall and boasts some of the biggest indie titles on Steam right now. Player Battlegrounds, Squad, and Ark come to mind which use UE4 which also have grossed many, many sales.

UE4 is not bad, neither is Unity to be honest. UE4 is just having substantial success in terms of titles launched.
Is Unity overkill for a 2d quasiRPG with shit Newgrounds graphics?
>Visual scripting
>Easier than Unity

>Literally all early access titles
I know they're good games, but dude.
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If you want to do anything substantial in UE4 you need to do it in C++, otherwise you're in for a world of hurt
If you want to make a game you're gonna have to use C++, unless it's something like Flappy Bird.

The thing that matters here is sales. Ark is shit, but it sold a lot, and that's what most people making games are interested it.
Is this what a game looks like
That's what happens when there are no re-route nodes or node collapsing.
Learning JavaScript so I can build a text adventure. I just need to figure out how I'll make the UI. Dedalus lets you do that kind of shit with CSS/HTML, but for some reason I'm not really feeling okay with having my game essentially be webpages -- it feels cheap.
You really shouldn't be basing engine success on sales though, that's silly. Plenty of successful games are made in Unity, eg: Hearthstone, Superhot, Kerbal Space Program, etc. They obviously are not as high fidelity as UE4 game but that's beside the point. Use the engine that best suits your game.
Dude just use Twine/Inform
For a text adventure this is perfectly fine. You've got one, maybe two possible screens you'll be showing that can be designed in HTML and you'll be giving it different content to display.
It's very cheap but that is literally exactly the point of web pages. And why I presume you'd write a game in javascript.

Twine doesn't give me the kind of user interface I want.

Inform was a clusterfuck I never got working.

Well fuck it. Dedalus it is.
if its javascript html and css then its extremely portable. theres essentially no platform, mobile, or os that doesnt run html javascript and css.
Inform is the most radical fucking shit thank you very much.

I'm an addict to text adventures though and I've always wanted to program some cool engines for it. What specifically did you have in mind?
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This is a humble reminder that learning how to develop your game from scratch (that is, not relaying in game engines such as unity and GMS) will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors.

Because games and game development are so popular, and you are competing against other games for attention, it is in your interest to use more performant tools that allow you to program your game without cutting any feature or depending on closed software.

If you are interested in defeating your main oponents (those using game engines, like the ones listed in the op poster), here are some tips:

- Use efficient and performant programming languages, such as c++, rust or nim.
* cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
* doc.rust-lang.org/book/
* nim-by-example.github.io

- Learn algorithms:
* coursera.org/specializations/algorithms

- Learn maths and physics:
* khanacademy.org/math
* khanacademy.org/science/physics

- Learn how to get the most out of your cpu:
* dataorienteddesign.com/dodmain/
* learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/79-the-stack-and-the-heap
* fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/08/07/why-do-cpus-have-multiple-cache-levels/

- Learn how to do graphics:
* opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/

Good luck.
I don't, I only dev for hobby and don't expect to make money off of it (though I'm not going to shy away from it if I do). However people generally will see big games and see them as examples of what the engine can do. It's a lot harder to convince people on the capabilities of an engine if you don't have any examples of it.
You're probably better off using a 2D-focused engine
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>Defold not on the list
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At this point you might think that nothing of this applies to you. Please, reconsider it:

- Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)

- Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming

- common OOP game engine development pitfalls

- Three Big Lies

Think about it in this way: understanding how your computer work might not secure you success, yet it gives you a huge advantage in this race.

You might say that the latest famous indie game done in unity didn't put any effort into engineering at all, but this is only illusory. You cannot see how many hours, days and months the developers behind successful unity (and GMS) games had to put to work around its inherent limitations.

You can say to yourself "I don't need anything else, i'll relay in my luck" or think wisely and increase the likelihood of being success by expending some time learning more about computers.
Everything depends on you.
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this is a mockup of the ui I'm going for
unity 2D is just as easy to use as any other 2D program, it's not 2015 anymore, their tools work.
Is GameMaker Studio fit to make a racing game?
Or is there a better option?
You can also do it in Visual Studio, but it'd be a Windows only program. I did some shit like that when I was learning C#.
Well even then, for people here who are likely to make small games it's more likely that Unity will be suited to what they want to make. Sure you can take something like Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and say THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN MAKE IN UNREAL ISN'T IT COOL? but it's not within anybody ability to actually do so.
If I wanted to make a game similar to Medieval 1 with 2D sprite units on 3D landscape, what engine is best for me? Should I make my own?

Unity handles 2D ok and can handle 3D fine, but I really dislike the component system. UE4 handles 3D great and I greatly prefer C++, but it doesn't do well for 2D nor 2D performance.
what kind of racing game
Still working on the engine
1v1 through a simple course.
Visual Studio is an IDE silly anon, you don't really make stuff in it. You probably used the .NET framework or something like that
Is there any specific reason you're shooting for javascript HTML? Are you planning on hosting it online?
Because many games shy away from this just for some of the reasons you're probably bumping into right now. I'd definitely be willing to help with questions, but firstmost you'll want to be sure you're using the correct tool for the job. Like maybe looking into using WPF for your first interface like
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>spend some twelve hours tearing my hair out over some parts of my model refusing to move with the rig after joining all the objects together/shitty multi-object unwrapping plugin not working
>realize I had deform turned off for the bones
Implemented jumping, but not actually jumping just grabbing on to low ledges and climbing up.
I mean 2D or 3D?
Mario Kart or Burnout?
3d, burnot.
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Working on the fourth chapter's overworld, just started today so nevermind the placeholder assets. Hopefully the entirety of storymode will be done by summer, we'll see. I just have to keep moving forward
Unity then
Show something you've made or fuck off

you copy paste this garbage every thread
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Tried designing a new enemy. Ended up drawing something stupid
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does this pass as pixel art?`
Try something simpler. Maybe 2d or rom hacking? Then advance from there
>bashes useful development abstractions
>expecting him to have actually made something
Try something simple but motivating.
I don't think so. Did you actually mke that pixel by pixel?
no. I didn't make it. a friend of mine wants to make pixel art for my game and gave me this as reference
Everyone knows a true developer chisels their code directly onto the disc by hand
"Building something that works" is not the end goal, it is the absolute minimum baseline from where the real work starts (this for the unity fags and their "muh just finish the game" meme.)
>not sending weather balloons up to direct cosmic rays to your integrated transistor punchcard machine.
That isn't even a blueprint
it's pixel art but it's pretty crap
>Favoring abstractions in spite of performance.
Enjoy your metroidvania-undertale clone while you can. Once the bubble for clones bursts you'll have to actually innovate.
what kind of game?
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i'm always making progress
That data oriented design article is very vague. Is there something more concrete I can read to get an understanding of data oriented design? Preferably with some code snippets perhaps?
I'm sure innovations are just tumbling out of your asshole
Here, a whole book on the subject http://www.dataorienteddesign.com/dodmain/
>programming the same Mario/doom clones for the rest of eternity because c++ has too many scary tools :( I don't mind writing the same thing over and over for half my development time!
Anyone have a decent tutorial on making low poly models?
Thanks m8
If you can't even write your own language for your game, you are literally pathetic.
Horror. I'm using 70s horror films as sort of a reference and inspiration, but I think I have a concept that is actually pretty good and actually somewhat original for the horror game scene (I think so at least), so fingers crossed it's not shit.
Show something you've made or fuck off
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>Let's program a game with a huge number of enemies!
>Oh oh! unity is not able to handle that many ... well, remove some of them. Now, let's make a mp game!
>W-why so much lag! It doesn't feel like this engine is good for anything other than turn based online games. Well, what about a game with an actual huge world, perfect for exploration!
> D-damn! no plugins for that. And i really don't know how to do that. What can i do on my own?
> yay! I have a good idea. Let's make the next undertal! I'm sure i'm the only one that thought about that.
Get the fuck out of this thread, Jonathan Blow
absolutely epic board culture
>I can't code, it's the tool's fault
You had to invent 2 imaginary games to make your point to begin with. Think about it a minute.
nothing you will program alone or with a group of 3 people will require performance. That's bad programmer's excuse to explain why they cancelled their MMO project.
Didn't say he didn't use them, I said there are none.
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Sure my friend?
>God of vidya made by the incarnation of perfection itself
Why is this thread deader than my grandma
That doesn't require performance. That's Toady being a shit coder making something computationally simple like that chug on a fucking i7 7700k.

Look at Toady's past projects that are open sourced, his code is AWFUL. I don't even want to think what DF looks like, it's also likely why he wants to work on it alone.
I can post the gondola excel game again, but nobody is impressed anymore.
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I know and that's the point, you won't expect your average engine-kid knowing better than Toad.

Whoever comes out with a more optimized DF will make the grade. But it doesn't have to be DF, squeezing your CPU gives you more room to innovate.
this is what a guy who has never used unity or know what he's talking about looks like
Point and Click detective games are dead, aren't they?

I just want to write small fun episodic stories and punish my cute character.
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Reception on Greenlight was mediocre, but I got a couple more votes these past days for a total increase of 3% in the approval rate.

Still, the first impression is what counted the most.

Hire An Artist.

tfw have the skill but not the drive
Have you thought of having an enemy cast spells the same way? So you have to counter spell, spell of the opposite element it, or put shields around it. Make it a bit more dynamic other than an enemy hopping all over.
time for you to bring them back anon
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a lot of enemies cast spells, yeah. you can counterspell by casting a faster spell or you can hit them with a strong attack to cancel it.
I'm not good enough for that. That would require making a good game. I just want to make the idea I think would be fun but with the genre dead there's no one to help make content.
Something tells me life/development shouldn't be so awful.
The genre is still around, it's just hanging around on sites like kongregate
>squeezing your CPU gives you more room to innovate.
i bet you're one of these shitposters who make "What's holding back video games?" thread with realistic liquid simulations in the op, with the supposed answer to the question being "Why, duh, consoles hold back video games!"
your pasta is shit and i hope no game development greenhorn falls for it - if you treat game development as a race, spending 2 years before you can shit out something comparable to what an engine user can do sure as hell isn't winning it and i don't expect people who go on 4chan of all places to have the drive to completely follow through it for so long
tl;dr fuck you
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Just combat progress today:

+Added another fist attack; this is a "post-finisher" Combo+ attack on the primary alt branch. Just the first of three, though it may end up merging into the flurry finisher at the end. It's like a double-overhead roundhouse thing that shoots fists from her feet. Why not.

+Added more heavy attack crossover points; ideally, every attack has a heavy crossover so there's never a point in the combo where pressing heavy doesn't do an attack. I'll need a generic "heavy finisher" for all combo+ attacks, too, I guess.

+Redid the speed indicators for ALL fist-based attacks so that the "unarmed" weapon had a base speed stat of 1, rather than 2. Just for consistency's sake, so all the basic weapons can have a speed stat of 1 and there's consistency. I could use this to recycle certain animations as well; for example, some of the kick attacks/strings work fine with any weapon equipped.

+Added another sword attack, the first "finisher" for the main (no Combo+) string. Also added a sweeping summoned fist animation, and added that to some of the fist finishers with kicks as well.

+Changed how the swipe effect works a little bit so that it goes with summoned fists as well. Heavier use of the "unarmed swipe" effect, so that you get the weapon-colored trail AND the larger fist trail, which looks nifty

+Gun-hand sword attacks implemented. Also piggybacked on the "charge alternator" effect I used to have optionally two idles for each melee weapon; used here for each side the sword can be on pre-swing.
how does that require high performance computation?
Looks better than Mighty No 9
>killing yourself after learning from a mistake
maybe you should just die.
>why so serious
..thanks, I guess?

That's a bit like saying "looks more fun than getting rabies shots".
what's the game?
Making games is too much fucking work
Making anything is too much fucking work, it's just a bigger bite.
Thread posts: 148
Thread images: 35

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