>a new unit spawned, a pegasus surrounded by enemy archers
>Pent and Louise turned out to be a pair of OC DONUT STEELS
>With a self-insert's love at his....groin, Kent could only decide on one fitting weapon: a ludicrously broken sword that he stole from an enemy unit
>What's going on?
I'm blindly playing through one of the most infamous romhacks ever: MK404 Emblem. While I do, you're along for the ride, and will be deciding who gets supports, what items to use, and who gets fielded.
Previous threads:
Here's Kent's new weapon.
>Where's everyone from?
Raymond, Megan, Edmund(dead), Raphael, Heather, Katherine, Chris, Jenny: OC DONUT STEELS(Raymond is the author's self-insert)
Eliwood, Sain, Kent, Matthew, Ninian: Returning FE7
Leaf, Altenna, Linoan, Nanna: FE Thracia 776
Marcia: FE9
Glenn, Karsh, Kid, Stenna, Viper: Chrono Cross
Sanger, Kyosuke: Super Robot Wars
Mia: Golden Sun
Sakura(dead): Cardcaptor Sakura
Shion: Xenosaga
Cruz(dead), Milanor: Yggdra Union
Plum: Tear Ring Saga
Luna(dead), Tempest, Kyle: Lunar
good lord, this scene has ZERO punch now.
Great start Nigger,
Oh boy it's time for autism emblem
remember how Jaffar's redemption came when someone treated him like a human for once?
Yeah, that shit didn't happen.
The Yggdra union characters being in their original artstyle kinda reminds me of pic related and is equally out of place with or without contextfor those who don't know, this is a Pokemon ROM hack that's suppossed to replace all the pokemon with Touhous.
speaking of, I think I decided on my next game: Pokemon Clover.
Time to see how painful 4chan branded autism can get.
The kicker is that you get her after winning an unavoidable fight with a trainer who uses another level 5 vocaloid with Legendary tier BST pretty much right after you get pokeballs for the first time.
oh boy
any party changes?
We're looking good
So wait did his crazy sword turn into a killing edge or is it still his super OP sword once you got it.
alright, then who gets this?
nah, that was me trading around.
Kent has the sword, as seen
Thought I forgot the GETs
What the FUCK is going on here?!
Stream when?
>teenager waifus hard for Linoan from Thracia 776
>is also a bizarrely huge fan of the game
>decides to self-insert himself, make linoan his canon waifu, and retell FE7 shot for shot with characters from all his favourite games
>instead, his waifu gets cucked
not tonight.
>That smirk in the last panel
Gets me everytime.
Kent is almost ready to murder.
Wew lad
Why is Kent a fucking GOD again?
Can he ever be stopped
Hey, you guys remember the race against time to save Nino in this chapter?
Thread looks pretty slow tonight.
I started late and am not streaming.
jaffar just ate a crit and gave NO fucks.
Such a well balanced hack.
He must be strong. How else will he lead his tribe from the plains?
For the record, she references Kyosuke at least once every time she speaks.
Welp, hardest map in the game, done with zero effort.
This game is so well-balanced.
I'm getting close to this chapter for the first time, not really looking forward to it.
Can't Nino just get fucked over by RNG and die without you being able to do anything?
she sure can.
I don't think I've ever routed this stage, even when I had god-ninian.
This self insert bullshit is cringe as fuck, but the dude was a really good spriter and iirc he made another romhack which was way better.
Man, I really miss FE romhacks, I played a fuckton of them back in the day. Do you guys know of any recent good hacks?
Why won't he shut up?
>Kyosuke in some shitty looking armor that attempts to look like the Alt
>Excellent in her normal clothes
tacthack/the crimson arm
the creative team actually has posted in these threads consistently, and I demoed the last build.
It's really damn good.
Sounds fun and I'm not gonna let her die because I always fall for the Est archtype meme.
>Raymond proving once again that Hector is better than him
so somehow Zephiel still comes to exist apparently, despite none of the political intrigue and battle before dawn not existing.
>Do you guys know of any recent good hacks?
Tacthack as nigger mentioned or whats done of FE7x (not actually a ROM hack).
This fucking image.
>that Eliwood
That is atrocious.
Wait, where's Hector?
I think at this point I've just gone numb.
He's sir not-appearing-in-this-game.
(He and Lyn went to New York City)
Another donutsteel joins the party!
Jesus Christ, when is this ride going to end?
>Please let me come with you
Alright, well, time for the gaiden chapter, let's see how dumb it gets.
....well, we'll see on Saturday. I'mma call it early tonight, and tomorrow I'm working until late, so no thread.
>tacthack/the crimson arm
are they still working on it?
I haven't heard of any updates from them
one of the guys was in the thread on Tuesday saying they've got an update coming up soon
yup, they're actually working on the updated release now. Tact and his crew have been posting in the thread and in my stream.
anyone made an edit of this with the self insert yet?
>tfw I actually like OJST
>tfw they do shit on fursuits and cucking
fe7x if you can stand hit or miss writing
it includes harsh language which really doesnt suit the gba era aesthetic, but some of the humor actually made me laugh
>Fucking Lycians.
>Fucking Lycians!
Has Nigger done TLP yet? Would like to see that.
so you doin pokemon next eh, you gonna stream that so the people who dont go to /vp/ can also find you?