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Build a combo deck using this card.

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Build a combo deck using this card.
Prep prep gadgetzan charge minions board wipes and all the rogue burst damage, fill with good stuff removal.
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>have two cards left in hand
>replace remaining deck with two cards
>die from fatigue
great card
what class card is this? rogue?
Absolutely perfect with Doomhammer, Rockbiter nerf makes this card balanced in comparison to before at 1 mana.
you guys still play that rng simulator?

For real?
So you're telling me I can make 30/30 Jade Golem?
>Playing CCG's
that nigga is holding yugioh cards
Which class is it for, rogue?
If Gadge pulls a card AFTER Plan reaplces your deck:

Plan x 2 Prep Coin SinisterStrike TargetDummy Backstab
Gadge on board.

Play Plan.
Deck+Hand are both now Plan Prep Coin Sinister Dummy Backstab
Plan fetches 1, Gadge fetches 1.
Dummy, Backstab the dummy, Coin, Sinister, Preparation.
Gadge fetches 1 for each spell.
You've now fetched 6, your deck is empty.
Your hand is now the same as it was when you started:
Plan x2 Prep Coin Sinister Backstab Dummy
And the plan costs 0 because of the prep.
Repeat, and the sinister strikes will kill your opponent.
Note that the 0 mana minion is necessary to avoid pinging yourself with fatigue, and backstabbing it is necessary to avoid filling your board with it and being unable to play it.
>a card that can be great or worthless depending on usage

Yes, a good card.
Since it doesn't allow for repeated uses, you cast it and then it copies your hand (if we go by how hearthstone works right now). Tell me how that wouldn't be shit?
There is a one turn kill posted two posts above.
You can also combine it to have a lot of a legendary with Gang Up and this, or a lot of a specific spell you really want, etc.

The concern here is if its not overpowered, you a brainlet would think its worthless.
If you need to play one plan to start it all off, how would you have two plans after doing the rotation the first time? You'd be able to pull off the rotation exactly twice and that would be 6 damage. Way to one turn kill your opponent
Rockbiter x 2 + Doomhammer + Lightning bolt = 11 damage (3 from overload) x 2
You can deal 22 damage in one turn if the stars align.
If you already have Doomhammer equipped then:
Rockbiter x2 + Lavaburst x2 = 30 damage.
I am assuming you can have 2 copies of plan as it is not legendary.

The 1st plan will put a copy of the 2nd into your deck.
I'm confused about what this card does, does it replace your deck with a copy of your current hand added in. Or does it literally make your current hand the same as whats in your deck?
Discard entire deck.

For every card in your hand, copy it. Add the copy to your deck.
1. Have a hand with 2 plans and extra cards.
2. Play 1 plan, it copies the other plan and extras into the deck.
3. You now have a plan in hand, and a plan in deck, and if you draw the second plan you can do this infinite number of times.

Its like a less powerful Jade Idol, but more fun and strategic.
Oh shit, you are correct, for some reason I counted it as only one plan remaining overall

I should've studied some math
I can see this leading to some wild miracle rogue combos.
Theoretically you could OTK on turn 4 with this.

Hand is Gadge Planx2 Prepx2 Coinx3 (Cutpurse or going 2nd or whatever) Sinister Backstab, topdeck is Dummy.
Don't ask me how you managed to get 10 cards by turn 4. Both you and your opponent played a Coldlight on turn 3 or something.

Coin Coin Gadge Prep (Gadge fetches Dummy)
Hand is now Planx2 Prep Coin Sinister Dummy Backstab. Plan is free due to prep.
Proceed to OTK.
This is a very theoretical lethal, even for Rogue.
Devolve into a minion that heals when it does damage and Auchenai Soulpriest is probably a faster lethal, when I think about it.
Again it relies on your enemy also doing specific things. You have to Rat a 5 mana card too for the Soulpriest.
If you were going Max Theoretical:
Turn 1 you play a Young Dragonhawk
Enemy's Turn 1 they coin out Millhouse Manastorm

Your hand is Sprint VC Sprint.
Your deck is, in order:
Thistle Tea
Thistle Tea
Counterfeit coin
Counterfeit coin
Cold blood
Cold blood
Abusive Sergeant
Fan of knives
Fan of knives
Shadow strike

Tea Tea
6 Cold Bloods all on dragonhawk
Sergeant on the dragonhawk
Shadowstep it and play it again twice
Shivs and Fans of Knives to kill Millhouse
Shadowstrike face
2 coins

VC is now (If I'm not mistaken) 46/46
and your dragonhawk is 31/1 with windfury
Emote "Well played" until rope
Hit face with dragonhawk.
Theoretical as fuck, I appreciate it.
You could also get a Burgle (or a swashburgular instead of the VC) and pull Cabal Tome.
Cabal Tome then keeps pulling Arcane Int + Cabal Tome.
I suppose you could do even more bullshit if you were creative enough.

Like, your opponent is rogue and goes first, they counterfeit coin out dirty rat, and the rat pulls Gadgetzan Auctioneer from your hand.

You then proceed to "Wow" as your hand is a sinister strike, coin, prep, and 2 plans.
Unfortunately, this isn't sufficient to kill the opponent.
Playing Plan, then cycling Coin Sinister Prep Plan, actually kills YOU first.
Gadgetzan will try to fetch a card from the empty deck every time you do this combo.
So you'll end up hitting yourself for:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 <- ded
while you only hit your opponent for 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.

I guess it does count as a t1 lethal, just not on the player you'd prefer.
Wait that doesn't fucking work does it.
You'd need 2 coins to play the oracle, not 1.
Whats the point. This looks like OC, judging by the fact that it has rogue borders but a Paladin image. Also, nu-Blizz would not allow combo decks to exist, because they're toxic hence why they nerfed every combo archetype and enabler in existence.
is he holding yugioh cards?
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Playing 2nd. You start with 4 cards + coin, then draw a 5th.
But Rat forces one from hand to board (Auctioneer), so you have 4 cards + coin + 1 mana.

Novice Engineer, 2 Shadowsteps, Coin, and a Preparation.
Coin Novice.
Step, Novice, Step, Novice.
this draws 6, 3 from the novice and 3 from the spells.
Play Prep, draw a 7th.

Your 7 cards are: 2xPlan, Sinister strike, Counter coin, a 0-mana minion, Backstab, Preparation. These are the 2nd Prep and Coin in your deck. You have 0 mana, but you don't need any.
Deploy OTK.
I'm afraid not even Pannenkoek2012 could find a turn 1 lethal going first, though.
You replace your Deck with a maximum of 9 cards. Terrible in 99% of situations besides delaying fatigue 9 turns, which is irrelevant in the current Meta because of Druid.
Pure fucking cancer.
You replace your deck with 9 specific cards you've selected for the purpose though.
Unless one of those cards was Gang up.
>9 specific cards
9 specific cards you didn't end up using to survive this long. It'd be alright if it read:
>Replace your deck with copies of cards from your hand.
>Draw a card.
Then you can actually turn your entire Deck into what you want instead of having a useless card for the whole game that auto-loses to Jade Druid, never sees play vs. Aggro and is only decent v. other Controls decks.
This isn't real is it? Why the fuck is it epic?
>this one turn kill that could happen 0.00001% of the time
>heh its a good card
yeah. nice game kid.
No it's not real.
Because Arena balance. No Rogue would ever pick this in Arena. So the less it shows up, the better.
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That card is fucking memey as hell

I want it bad
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This however is real.
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>that sound file on the larger jade
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Sorry, I meant to show you this.

>artwork is holding yugioh cards
>is that a real card?
a better card would be
>discard deck
>make a copy of this card and shuffle it into your deck
Its almost as if a card called PERFECT PLAN requires some planning to work, fucking brainlet aggro shitter.
>check out this highly specific strategy!
>doesnt get card they want first turn
heh. keep shitting up my game by disconnecting because you didnt get your "perfect plan" kid
>game is entirely rng
what did he mean by this?
You are retarded. Do ramp Druids disconnect when they don't have Wild Growth in opening hand?
Do Shamans disconnect when they don't open with Trogg?

Stop being a shitter.
does this effect trigger deathrattle?
yes. you must not play at a high level.
I play at legend and no, this isn't the case. You are just a shitter.
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Why aren't you playing a better game
no. death rattle only applies to minions on the board.
I really wish more card game had more "all in" style cards like MTG likes to do.
Im 15 Legend kid. stop posting.
>15 legend by quitting if you don't like starting cards

No, you are not.

yeah this card is HORRIBLE design.

Literally enables a brainless shaman OTK deck with 0 board
my deck isnt based on one card... i dont need to disconnect. stay mad.
I play both, but MTG is so god damn expensive where I live. Magic Online isn't the same thing either
We must purge this deck uther
the mtg digital client has the worst interface of any game
worse than mount&blade even
Open blizz app + uninstall. 100% chance of winning
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>tries control or combo in a tempo centered CCG
>thinks he's better than everyone else
>complain that he doesnt win with meme decks
Go away johnny
Finally a use for ragnaros, overlord
>he builds a strawman for a delayed defense of his shittiness
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I want to meet who desings this cards to slap him. Seriously, heartstone has the worst card desing of any card game ever.
No need to be upset, you can expect to win with memes and you know it. Hearthstone is for tempo/aggro, get over it
tfw blizzard banned stormwind champion + blood manos combo from tournaments

Is that even real? I can't find it on Hearthpwn's front page at all.
Its a game. If a card can create a deck centered around it, and it has more than 1/3 chance to win, its a good card.
You are the moron treating it like a sport, insisting that unless it is THE best card in THE most successful deck, its shit.

And I did in fact meme my way into legend playing renounce Warlock and a taunt heavy Warrior.
Basically gut gut no need to be upset ur bad etc.
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how shit will brawl be this week
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best card
Regular constructed deck matches.
Twist: You can only play non-standard card, by the new rules for standard.
there is nothing wrng with the m&b ui outside of the papyrus...
>have to click through 10 menus to give your companion a new pair of shoes
>takes a full fucking minute to ask someone in a castle if they've seen the lord and where to find him, including loading the castle interface

Just the fact that I can't ask the gate guard if the lord is in, or where he is, is stupid enough.
Somebody explain to me why blizzard thinks that this is a fun or interesting card.
I'm more familiar with Yu-gi-oh so I may be asking a dumb question, but can you not end your turn when you want to anyways in MTG? Because unless you could do that, the only way I could see this being useful is if you use it to somehow skip a period of time where a negative effect activated in the middle of your turn or something.
>mid game card that removes early game cards from your deck, so you can reliably draw the late game

In theory its good. Its clearly meant to clean now dead cards, but I doubt it works that way.
The game is way over by turn 6. It is a pointless card with a shit body.
It's not real.
I would assume you play it if you're in the end game and want to increase the chances of drawing a big fucker. You could probably even manipulate chance further if you built a deck around this with a lot of smaller cards to delay until you can play hemet, remove basically every other card and then draw something massive.
>the game is over at turn 6
>half the cards in the game are 6+ mana
>some of the most outrageous decks in its history rely on 6+ mana combos
No, you can't say "i end the turn" when the enemy has something on the stack unless it's resolved. Cards that forcibly end the turn fizzle out anything that goes before them
>Having dead, bad cards in the deck in the first place.
This is why its not very good card.
Could work in some weird 4+ mana combo thing tho
Have you heard of ramp druid?
>Having dead, bad cards in the deck in the first place.
They'd be neither dead nor bad. Just inapproperiate for the situation. Well if it only destroyed minions that is.
I mean, Acolyte of Pain or Fiery Waraxe are not dead cards before turn 6, but they can be dead cards if you ate 10 mana and just want to draw your Gromm.
And card draw just dies in control matchups after a point. Thats why Elize was played, to replace cards you have in there to fight aggro during control games.
>why cant i just beat the game with one click
why even play games...
>asking the lady of the castle where the king was last seen is something you should go through loading screens and slow walk forward to achieve

You are excusing incompetent design here, reconsider.
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you still want shit like moonbeam and wrath in miracle jade druid, the good version of ramp druid.
maybe you should go play the witcher 3. it tells you were everyone is.
There is no difficulty in navigating clumsy menus. Its not a skill. You aren't l33tpr0 for defending bad interface.

Again, withdraw yourself from this conversation, lose the emotion, and reconsider what the fuck you are saying.
Mount&Blade has bad interface, everyone agrees, its a very obvious statement to make. Hurrr gitgud isn't an argument.
>thinks its about difficulty
>why cant i just beat the game with one click

Yeah man, no implications about difficulty here whatsoever.
I'll leave the thread, you are clearly grasping and have no indention to reason. Any third party readers will also have seen this by now.
>the implication is you actually have to do something
>bbbbuh muh difficulty
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