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Persona vs. Danganronpa hinted at?

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Atlus CEO made a comment today stating that a crossover fighting game between the two series is "very possible". If it happens what characters do you want in? Or characters you could see get in?
None, a fighting game sounds terrible.
Gundham or bust. The Four Dark Devas need to shine.
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>not disgaea vs danganronpa
Keep your Shittyronpa out of my Persona.
>not Persona vs. Disgaea
Danganronpa is F level trash.
i'd rather see two series that haven't had a fighter desu
Munakata vs Yu hope versus despair
>Atlus vs Spike Chunsoft
>Persona, SMT, Etrian Odyssey, Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Mystery Dungeon
Proof or it didn't happen.
Danganronpa doesn't deserve one and its not like the creator wants to make his own.
>Danganronpa doesn't deserve one

>its not like the creator wants to make his own
Nah, that's wrong!

>"KK: I don’t know if Spike Chunsoft would allow Dangaronpa to be put into other genres, but if I ever get the chance I would like to. There’s been talks about maybe seeing Danganropa in an RPG or a fighter. [SPOILERS] After you complete Danganronpa V3, you will see a taste of a Danganronpa RPG."

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>no NIS fighting game
So here's who I could see making it in IF it happens.

>Yosuke or Teddie

Oh well its probably gonna end up being shit anyways. When will it happen? When PS5 becomes a thing? Lmao.
Where did you get that info? Sorry, but you need to link the source so we can know you're not a troll...
>no mondo
dropped harder than you were at birth.
DR is literal garbage.
Why do people hate Danganronpa? This is from a place that regularly claims that the East makes better games than the West constantly.
>he thinks they'll put Mondo in
Maybe if DR was big enough to make its own fighting game then sure he'd be in.
I liked the first game, but after that the series kept getting stupider and stupider
People have different tastes, and since this is /v/ detractors are more vocal. It's the same for everything, really. Don't take it personally.
I could see this roster being what gets in.
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The 16th student of course
It's a literal Ace Attorney/Persona reject with absolute garbage gameplay and even more garbage characters. Don't get me started on the story.
>no Peko
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How would that even work? Do the DR people get personas or can't the persona guys use theirs?
You think a potential DR fighting game would be on the PS5?
Persona people have stands
DR people outside of like 2 or 3 kids are all normies who'd get curbstomped in a fight
not like fighting games need to make sense
you can beat up literal gods with phoenix wright in marvel 3
The first was rough but with fun ideas and the second was genuinely amazing. Then three retroactively shit all over them with a pathetic explanation of the event that kicked it all off and its attempts at closure. It was never going to make sense so they shouldn't have tried, but anything was better than mind control anime. It's a total copout where the heroes are absolved of any past wrongdoing and also get to go on to live happy lives free of consequence. Didn't play V3, but I've heard equally awful things.
Not sure honestly. I'm assuming they're just going to either give the DR characters Personas of their own based on their SHSL talent or just overpower their talents to the ridiculous levels.

Well seeing as Kodaka is taking a long break and his team is working on something else that will take a while, it's not impossible that this possible game could wind up on PS5 or something but probably also on PS4 too just so the PS4 players won't be left behind.
OP is obviously trolling. He didn't even bother to cite his source.
They could just do like this anon says >>371898331 and have it not make much sense. Like with MvC or Smash Bros.
This. I don't get why everyone is believing this guy without any proof.
Pretty much this. The first game was the only remotely decent one. Everything afterwards was dogshit.
That sounds horrible. I also haven't forgotten the last crossover Atlus was involved in.
V3 is amazing, but then chapter 6 happens and ruins everything.
>mind control anime
So you didn't watch it?
Yeah especially with Danganronpa there. It will ruin everything.

It was pretty shit with the chapter 6 usual shit making it even worse.
Fucking even Nagito gets a happy ending. Nagito, who even sans mind control bullshit is a crazy hope terrorist
Not really, the twist was controversial that meaning you might like it or dislike it but it was executed well.
Why would Peko get in?
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Komaeda did literally nothing wrong.
Why should Nagito get fucked over? He only goes full hope terrorist in 2 after he learns the others were despair.
It really wasn't. It felt like something a 10 year old would come up with.
Probably because she has a sword. Nice trips.
This. Best character deserved a good ending
Juzo vs Akihiko when?
>it was executed well
No, everything about it was a mistake. Kodaka literally threw the HPA saga to the trash.
He kickstarted the killing game. He manipulated a person into killing another person. He convinced Mahiru to play the murder video game. He killed himself in an attempt to kill five other people. He planned a bomb threat so he could get out of having to take a test in the anime. He had a loaded gun pointed at the fucking devil and still failed to kill her because he spent to much time monologing.
He was going to kill someone in Chapter 1. Still did nothing wrong though.
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>all these danganfags
Ew. Keep this shitty series away out of Persona. I'd much prefer Ace Attorney over Danganronpa. Post Fuuka.
it felt like they jumped the shark on the sequels, but there wasn't any need to
>He only goes full hope terrorist in 2 after he learns the others were despair.
someone didn't play the first chapter
I wasn't talking about the content, (you obviously disliked for whatever reason) I'm just saying the execution was satisfactory.
But she's not an DR All Star. Hell she's not even popular.
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What. You know V3 happens in an alternate universe right? It didn't invalidate anything about the HPA saga

Think of a Digimon tamers / Digimon adventures situation.
>Kodaka literally threw the HPA saga to the trash
Where it deserves to be
>alternate universe
>V3 happens in an alternative universe
No it doesn't.
I said full, before that he just helped start shit and was still helpful
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Are you retarded?
So what happens if there were more than one person that becomes the sacrifice for the 2 survivor rule?
that was the ruse, he's still the one who made the death threat. He went to the party 100% intending to kill someone he just failed. He was full blown hope terrorist
It does.

Did you watch the ending?
Who fucking knows? Nips think the other person becomes the next mastermind, but that's just a theory.
Yes I did. It doesn't happen in an alternative universe.
No, he wanted Teruteru to kill him. It's why he told Teruteru of his plan
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DR1 and 2 being video games =/= alternate universe. And Saihara implies that the events of the first two games actually happened in real life.
One becomes SHSL Survivor and the other becomes mastermind.
He admits in the class trial that wasn't the case. He was just telling Teruteru that he was going to get the game started whether Teru did anything or not. He even says he had no idea of knowing that's how it'd play out.
Anon, I watched it too
DR HPA arc is fiction in our world too, V3 existence doesn't invalidates it, it's just another world where fans took DR to a bigger scale

You're waifu is not real. It was never real
>ace attorney
persona localizations are bad enough on their own
Is it confirmed the other person becomes the mastermind or is it just speculation?
So with V3 over what kind of material will we get now? Any spinoffs? Prequels? Anything? hopefully nothing?
Speculation. There's no way we can tell for sure.
He doesn't implies shit. He merely raises the possibility like Naegi did in 1

"Maybe Junko was lying"
>OP doesn't post any sources
>I actually want this to happen
Don't do this to me anon
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SHSL qtpa2t
>Trusting Nagito

>This shitty taste in waifus
Nips are begging for V2 so the chances are pretty high we will get that.
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Mukuro thread
Shirogane implies when speaking to Kiibo and you have this person who played the game which basically said Shirogane was in the last game. The assumption is her thinking that she was mastermind in that game. http://kaibutsushidousha.tumblr.com/post/157593920854/chapter-6-spoilers-asks-2-of-themmore-no
Probably a V2 game for PS4/PS5 like nips keep yammering about. At worst it will be a LN.
What's significant about this one? Curious and I don't mind spoilers.
Why not Jojo vs Persona? I think that would be pretty good.
It was Amami's first killing game.
A character in V3, Amami Rantarou was in a previous killing game and got put into V3 as a punishment for sacrificing himself to follow the "The killing game will only end when there are two people left".
>implying Persona would feature anyone outside of 3/4/5
"The killing game will only end when there are two people left" RULE*
I'm an idiot.
Oh I see so I'm assuming he was the former protagonist in that game? Does he have an ahoge?
> He planned a bomb threat

That was no threat, anon, he brought C4 into school.
Well, Kodaka said something about wanting to make a DR fighting/RPG game if he has the chance but overall he just wants to take a break and enjoy life for a while.

>DS: Once V3 is released in the west, what are your plans?
>KK: In Japan we recently had the Danganronpa play, anime, and video game. I’d really like to just rest for a bit and enjoy life.

We'll definitely have an Ouma spin-off of some kind since he's really popular. And maybe... maybe a V2 game? Most nips are claiming for a v2 game with Amami as the protag... so maybe? Spike is the one who has the final say on what is done, so if they see they can make a good profit from developing a V2 game, it might happen.
This. Atlus hardly remembers the P1/P2 characters as sad to say. The DR roster is fine but I think someone is gonna have to do some adjustment on the Persona roster.
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lets not go overboard, I'm playin vidya right now
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That's what people are assuming. He has two ahoges actually.
Which do you think SC would let happen? V2 or the DR fighter/RPG?
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He has 2
Oh nice. Two ahoges. That's something new in DR. Guess it would make sense for him to have been the previous protagonist then. Where is he seated in the V3 class trial? Maybe it could also be a hint.
>sacrificing himself to follow the...rule
I'm not sure but if SC really wants the fujobucks, they might go with V2.
I'm going to need a source on that senpai

Honestly, with those two series, basically any Persona party members and any notable Dangan Ronpa character would be fair game
He sits in the real Junko/Twogami's seat which is facing directly at the MC seat. His seat is in front of where Monokuma sits basically.
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fucking this
Not him but it could go either way. If they go with nips then it would probably be V2. But it could also be the spinoff game instead. It's a huge toss up.

What systems do you see it coming on if I might ask? You still think it will be on Vita?
It's always a bad a idea to discuss V2 since we know almost nothing about it, and the bit we know just comes from Saihara's speculation...
That's like telling people not to discuss theories. As long as nobody is taking it as fact then it's fine.
>no mondo
>no peko
>no sakura
Vita will be dead by the time the next game comes out. I'm putting my money on PS4/PS5
Ah I see so let's say this. What if the previous game had him stay in the same seat but the whole class trial got flipped 180 so Amami's seat would be facing Monokuma? That would basically put him in the MC seat right?
>Half of the Persona reps are from P1/P2
There's a rule now which dedicates that the killing game will only stop when there are only two people left. Saihara speculates that he sacrificed himself in his killing game to follow this rule, so that the others two could escape. It's not confirmed, but a strong possibility.

Also this. V2 is pretty much an enigma. We can't really say anything about it for certain.
I'm just saying this because V2 discussions always end in fights between Amamifags and the rest of the general
>You still think it will be on Vita?
With how Kodaka is taking a break and the team is working on something else the next game won't start development until like 2019 or something and Vita will be dead by then. PS4 and PS5 even since it will likely be unveiled around then are the hardware that will likely be where the next came goes.
>he sacrificed himself
But he lived through the game.
His punishment for sacrificing himself, wasn't to die, but to be sent into another killing game. And in that one he was pretty much set up to get killed.
>I'm just saying this because V2 discussions always end in fights between Amamifags and Saiharafags


This. To be honest it's not even certain if Amami actually sacrificed himself or not.
A Danganronpa fighting game?

Spike Chunsoft working with Atlus? Why?
That seems like such a weird crossover
And all the audience confirmed was that the ones who stay behind have to participate in another killing game as punishment. They never specifically said Amami sacrificed himself for hope. Saihara just assumed that. It's possible but not confirmed. That's the mystery there.
>Amamifags and Saiharafags
Come on now, this whole Zeussufag vs Saiharafag is done by falseflaggers at this point.
Hello Zeussufag, let's just end it there and not start a stupid fight please.
>Bringing up Saiharafags for no reason at all
Oh boy, don't start it now
Where do you see Dubs?
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I've.... never actually thought about it like that before. You're right. If the class trial seatings from V2 were flipped around 180 to V3 then that means if Amami did stay in the same seat then he was in the MC seat V2 then it got switched around fo V3 so the new MC could take the seat.
>trying to start shit
But it's the truth though.

I'm not even that shitposter but at least I know now you're probably one of those shitposters who argues with him too.

That anon brought up Amamifags so I brought up the characterfags they argue with.
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Stop right there!
>he wasn't here for the Danganronpa 3 threads
We don't hate it. We are just fully aware of its faults.

Think Tarofags
You know if Shirogane was in V2 as well and also stayed in the same seat then wouldn't that mean she got Sayaka's seat in V2? Because she sits next to Amami.
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And she does look like Sayaka.
Hey they could still put those guys in you never know.
Amamifags are arguing with everyone nowadays considering their latest debacle with Tulpafags.
It's mostly Saiharafags and Tulpafags who start those arguments though.
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Those Tulpafags were shitposters who started the argument.
The fault is equal on both parts. Now I wonder why you are defending Amamifags so much.
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It's the same shit the past two games have done, the characters the game follows all game aren't even their real personalities. Not even worth spoilering it because it's fucking series standard at this point.

The twist at the beginning of the game will piss people off more if anything.

Danganronpa RPG could be fine. I genuinely don't think they could pull off a decent fighting game.
And the Amamifags were retarded enough to get baited, they also used to start that same kind of shit in pre release threads.

I repeat both sides are at fault, why are you defending the other side of the shitposters?
It's pretty obvious you're one of those Tulpafags who were shitposting or the Saiharafag. So it's no wonder you're consisting on pointing the finger solely on Amamifags.
Yeah it's pretty obvious you're one of those shitposters. Not sure why you've decided to spread your cancer here.
I knew it, you really are the zeussufag. Nice job outing yourself though, this is the last (You) you're getting from me.
Saiharafags aren't worth wasting a reply on lol, really disgusting people
>Danganronpa RPG could be fine. I genuinely don't think they could pull off a decent fighting game.
This. Then again I don't think Kodaka can handle any of it right.
I said both sides are at fault.
So why do you think I am one of them?
Ok nice to know you really were that Saiharafag. Later. Glad you've been outed.

They are. They ruin threads like these all the time.
>initially keeps shouting Amamifag Amamifag fighting the general until someone corrected it
Yeah no don't damage control now. You're clearly one of those shitposters.
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Why did you reply to yourself? In any case, I like Amami, I just posted that picture to bait you into using one of your zeussufag bait pics considering you claimed you weren't him but I doubted you. Have a nice day, my autistic friend.
>Kodaka literally threw the HPA saga to the trash.
Why do people care that he did this even. HPA Saga is done regardless. People were treating V3 as a reboot which implies that the old games mean nothing anymore anyway.
What? No, I never blamed only Amamifags. I said they're currently arguing with more people than just Saiharafags

When I talked about blame, I especifically said both parts are at fault. You're the one trying to excuse Amamifags for some reason.
It'll turn out to be a Persona fighting game with jpop idol OCs summoning Personas named after DR characters.
>being this autistic
Bye shitposter-kun.
Yeah, thanks for confirming my suspicions
>What? No, I never blamed only Amamifags. I said they're currently arguing with more people than just Saiharafags
Amamifags only argued with Saiharafags and the shitposting Tulpafags. Please tell me who else.

>When I talked about blame, I especifically said both parts are at fault. You're the one trying to excuse Amamifags for some reason.
No you did not say that. You said it like Amamifags started the fight with everyone until you got corrected then went on damage control to say both are at fault.
>still responding back
Thanks for confirming my suspicions. This is just how you operate.
DR characters should just stay back in their shitty games.
Why PS4/PS5? No Steam?
>Jack Bros: Can I Really Be the Hee-ro?
Steam release could happen further down the line, it's not happening simultaneously though. Won't even be released in english simultaneously.
>Another Atlus crossover game announced
>It's just Idolshit characters dressed as Danganronpa characters

Fool me once
It probably won't hit Steam until much later on.
He got a 7
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Describe what's going on in this pic.
Ah I see. Man I'm still torn on what the next game would be on those platforms. V2 or the DR fighter/RPG. I mean Kodaka himself said he wanted to do the latter if he got the chance but....idk. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
>Amamifags only argued with Saiharafags and the shitposting Tulpafags. Please tell me who else.

Literally anyone who doesn't thinks V2 will be a game

>No you did not say that. You said it like Amamifags started the fight with everyone until you got corrected then went on damage control to say both are at fault.

This is what I said >>371905145

The one who brought up who started it as an excuse is here >>371905426
Me? Are you implying I am someone you know, zeussufag? Sorry but I am not one of your lovers.
>Literally anyone who doesn't thinks V2 will be a game
So no specifics then. Then you're just trying to overexaggerate.

The amount of damage control you did is ridiculous. You started off by saying they argue with the whole general over the V2 thing when it was mostly Saiharafags they argue with and most of them were shitposting.
Do they interact?
Yeah. Sonia basically offered to show Amami around her kingdom because she knows he travels. And knowing how slutty she is....
By that I meant basically everyone who goes against some of their opinions.

>The amount of damage control you did is ridiculous
I'm not the one who tried to excuse one of the shitposters here
So it's just you overexagerrating. Saihara and Amami did nothing wrong for you guys to continue starting wars like this.
So she was going to fuck him?
>Mikan going after Kaito
>Touko, Sayaka and Hajime hanging out
I don't get some of these
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That's hilarious. Danganronpa is already Persona by way of Ace Attorney. Funny to see their desperate apeing of senpai actually got them noticed.
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Why is V3 so fucking terrible?
It's the same old shit really. In that sense it's terrible I guess because it squandered a good chance to do something new for once.
Besides Sakura and the samurai girl from 2, can any character in Danganronpa even fight?
It's their bonus mode interactions.
So now we're stuck for what will happen next game. V2 or DR fighter/RPG. Idk which one I want.

Pretty much this.
I assumed that much, I'm wondering about that being how those characters have been grouped together.
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Mondo can fight.
Yeah that's the case. Pretty much everyone in the pic is with the person they interact with. So you can already see some new bonus mode ships.
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This is your protagonist.
So Sonia and Amami really did get down and dirty like those japs said? Fucking hell Kodaka. What the fuck.
Well Sonia is a slut and Amami looks like a playboy so it's not that shocking.
Why are you repeating my arguments? The one defending one of the shitposters here is you.
Guys guys what if V3 was made by a copycat TDR because the real one was canceled
Whatever man since I actually respect those two protagonists I'm ending this debate with you now.

This is most likely what happened as Amami probably stopped TDR in V2.
>Amami probably stopped TDR in V2
Yeah Rantarou probably put an end to the real game but the fake TDR brought it back up.
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