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Black Desert Online thread

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Thread replies: 230
Thread images: 47

Why aren't you playing BDO /v/?
because its shit
I don't play korean grindan garbage.
>/v/ tells me game will be amazing
>buy game
>half the content locked behind cash shop
>dead in a week

thanks /v/
It costs way too much and knowing me I will drop it after 10-20h of play time.

Not worth it
mouth looks turrible
Is it still subscription based? Never paid for MMO and never will.
The game feels too much like singleplayer, not even endgame feels like you are in a group unless node wars (Which you have to be geared as fuck to even be accepted).

World bosses always feel like a zergfest, the only part that I don't know how is it is the pvp in the desert and the 2 dungeons it has. Also I always like playing support and this game won't let me do it. Everything else is very good desu.
Because once you get a character a few levels past the soft cap the game gets boring as fuck.

Most of the side content is based around afking or time locked. No reason to party since there's no dungeons and you can't help each other collect resources. World bosses are just a constant string of dying to random attacks and running back. Endgame is nothing but hours of gathering mobs and grinding praying for that .01% drop, and than fighting a few more layers of RNG to upgrade your gear. Also there's only a few gear visual styles for each class that aren't cash shop, so 90% of players will look identical.

Shame because it looks pretty, I liked the fake sandbox direction they went, and the combat is fun.
Stop talking about BDO.

What are some good MMOs?
what. Its been on sale for like $5 and there's no monthly fee

because there's nothing to really do as a group or socially other than get zerged by guilds in pvp. Everything is either actively grinding for money or afk grinding for money. Singleplayer was fun for a dozen hours though.
It's just too much grinding man. I'd just gotten my Ranger's awakened weapon to max level before i quit the next week. It's just too much for too little, and not even playing it with friends could alleviate the grind because the "Co-op' aspect of the game is so fucking bare-bones it's honestly shocking. The PvP Was shit because you'd get raped by people who'v been playing since day one that have full Tri-Tet level gear at +15 or they simply bought it with cash. I enjoyed the combat though, but when you learn you basically spam the same 3 moves over and over and over again because the whole end-game revolves around rounding up mobs and AoEing them down, I lost all enjoyment because the combat simply became I hit a button and a piece of cheese drops onto my plate from a hatch on the ceiling.
>half the content locked behind cash shop

Seriously what the fuck was this all about?
My friend bought this game and sent me a trial and I was excited to try out the character creator.
Turns out there's only one real armor skin available and everything else is locked behind the cash shop.

So much for that amazing character customization.
The bad graphics make my eyes want to bleed.
I tried to look past it, I really did, but I can't handle the constant popping everything does, the monsters, trees, grass, god damn everything thats more than 10 feet away is like watching a magic painting that switches between davinci to picaso.
Its completely jarring and I couldn't take it.

Other then that, it is pretty good an enjoyable, but fuck my life the constant popping.
High end mode does nothing!
This mmo has the biggest grind I've ever seen. Not having a level cap is a bad idea for a PvP game. Only the lonely round men in their mother's basement can stay top tier.
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Because I got tired of rolling for better gear and getting fucked every week.
>8+ different "Currencies im being told i shouldn't throw away or touch, just build them up
>money is worthless
>combos dont even work half the time
>global spam you cant leave out of
I got to 40 for my cousins sake and never looked back
I'm only looking forward to Camelot Unchained and Star Citizen, but they still have like 1 year to be released. I was thinking of resubbing to FFXIV and try to get to endgame once and for all.
dungeon fighter has amazing side scrolling gameplay if you pick the right characters and a great east asian aesthetic with a very interesting back story

late game content is pretty cancer though and promotes whaling, but i would recommend playing through the story like its a single player game
Because I played it on release
XIV is actually starting to get decent
Legion is still pretty shit, but at least they're trying
ToS is only good if you hate yourself/want to scratch that ragnarok online "itch"
ESO and LotRO im told are decent

I'm more of a sandbox fag, so waiting on Chronicles of Elyria Alpha
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playing a better managed mmo
Well if you can snag it for $5-15 BDO would be worth it just for the early game. Not as an mmo, just as a SP game though.

The Secret World if you want 10/10 story, setting, and quests. 2/10 combat and skills though.

Elder Scrolls Online if you want a themepark in that setting. Solid game but I'm sick to death of typical fantasy themeparks.

Guild Wars 2 if you never played GW1 and are ultra casual. Would have been rated a lot higher if GW1 didn't exist, and they hadn't ignored everything that people loved about it when they made GW2.
It's not F2P.
I'd love to just fuck around with the character creator though.
You can setup your own chat filter ingame. Fucking genius, not sure why no one else has implemented it yet. And my combos worked all the time?

Otherwise, yeah I agree.
Wish they had the choice of installing the character creator seperately, I only use it to fap and 40gb is a waste of space.

Last week I spammed screenshots and uninstalled the game so hopefully I have enough to play around with.
Considered it, then I saw the cash shop.
When the list of "must haves" is 80 dollars long, it's too much.
I got a few cash shop items for free from /vg/, i was one of the obnoxious avatarfags at release and some beta bought me items
I swear to fucking god if you were that terribly made Tamer with that shitty whisker tattoo, you were the reason I began to image filter on 4chan.
The texture pop in.

Seriously, I wanted to love this game, I tried, I really did. But in the end I just couldn't deal with the pop in.
I wish I could find a sucker like that. I need pets
BDO is great if you're playing casually.
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>playing MMO's
>2016 and beyond
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Because it's a waifu simulator for genetic dead end basement dwellers to take pretty screenshots with.

That's all there is to it. PvP is garbage, PvE is non existent, the grind is the most surreal you'll see in any MMO and it's pay to win. The entire budget was blown on character visuals, the rest of the engine is trash and there's no atmosphere anywhere whatsoever.
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>tfw no playable Orc

They ruined potential chance for ERP
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Im not such a degenerate
I just started The Secret World yesterday and the setting seems really interesting.
>there's no atmosphere anywhere whatsoever.

you can fuck RIGHT off with that. Everything else you say is true but atmosphere is definitely a thing it has going for it

You can spends days just wandering around, exploring cities and mountain tops and islands etc. hell just sitting in a pub listening to people chatter is nice
There are none
How is the PvP balance in BDO?
Is there ANY MMO on the market that has combat that's on par or better than BDO's, but minus the fucking grind and P2W?

Like, everyone raves about Final Fantasy, or WoW or even Guild Wars 2 and it's like...

But, tab-targeting combat is fucking gay.
P2W over the top grinding garbage.
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>good mmos
even the kickstarted ones will die within a month

PvP is gear based. Skill has very little factor for the most part

Unless you're a Wizard or a Berzerker then you enjoy free cheap kills no make what you're in
Entirely based around level and gear. Skill has no part in it unless you are about the same gear and level as the other player, and than it usually comes down to class.

Back when I tried it pvp just sucked balls.
it's free in russia, but it installs a fucking bitcoin miner.
>he's still grinding
>not making 100kk daily with lifeskills

Enjoy your tri shit gear.
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You know when in an MMO you generally avoid people rolling female characters because they're obnoxious and mentally deranged? Imagine a game filled with them. That's Black Desert online.

Just look at some of the posts in this thread to prove my point.
>extreme grind
>extreme stupid rng
>you failed to upgrade gear? no problem, just let me BLOW UP YOUR GEAR FOR FAILING FUCK YOU GO GRIND FOR TWO MONTHS AGAIN
>gear > class >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skill
>pvp has no meaning
don't forget to be hyped for the next korean turd for manchildren
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>Scam Citizen
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t. nu-gamer
>tfw city of heroes is dead
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>Legion is still pretty shit, but at least they're trying
>at least they're trying

To be honest, some of these looks to be really interesting. Especially Maple Story 2, because I'm such a huge faggot for the first one.
lotro WAS decent
eso is boring, if you want to play a single player game just play one
I'm not Korean or easily parted with my money.
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You mean the game with next to no ambient songs aside from bird chirping in the middle of a busy street filled with NPCs?

The game with a non existent soundtrack?

The game where NPCs stroll casually along the road in the middle of a battlefield between Humans and Giants that never evolves and that you can't make evolve?

The game with trash google translated dialogue ,horrible voice acting and next to no story?
opinion invalidated
he's right though

the only good you'll get from this game is afking lifeskills while you do literally anything else to make silver to buy gear to grind to 60 faster which takes a literal 720+ days from level 56
>trash music choice
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>14 hours 20 minutes until episode 80 is released with subs
Only thing I liked was the black spirit. I didn't give a shit about any of the characters in black desert except my bro the black spirit. He was funny sometimes. I also liked exploring the world in this game.
yes AI and pathing is shit but if you dont hear music everywhere you're literally deaf

>horrible voice acting
really nigga
FFXIV is probably the best one.

and I'd only call that "ok"
because the 30 dollar costumes are basically manditory to do a lot of things because they offer such crazy benefits

because the only truly appealing thing about the game is it's character creator

because the game has literally no interesting or appealing story / characters to make me care about the game and it's world

because doing the same 30 dailies to get .5 of a bar to buy a house in a city that really does nothing in the long run because all the endgame gear comes from other things that aren't crafting isn't fun

because the economy gets so overinflated from events that hand out millions of silver like candy and because items have a locked price that is far lower than the actual value of the items nobody sells anything on the market so there is no horizontal progression to be made by working on other things and selling extra stuff you get on the market

because hunting could have been a cool craft where you stalk a bunch of wildlife in a massive open world to get good meat for food which confers great combat buffs but you only use it to shoot whales

because it's shit
This is the most autistic video I've seen since the start of 2017.
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>Entirely based around level and gear. Skill has no part in it unless you are about the same gear and level as the other player, and than it usually comes down to class.
So it's an actual mmorpg with a world to explore instead of trying to copy wow arena and attracting elitist dipshits like
>muh skill
>muh rating
>muh pvp

Gonna give it a try then.
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Because I don't like the taste of cock...ehm meaningless grinds/pay to win shop with no real endgame.
>elitist dipshits

WoW is way better.
Bdo has no dungeons, real raids, real fast travel, good story, good devs, pet battles, cool world and flying mounts.

kys edgelord
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I'm sorry but in spite of your desperate cry for attention I can't seem to be able to care for you. Play a shit game and cut your veins for all I care you live in a free country I'm sure.
Because I'm sick and tired of MMOs, they're fucking timesinks that don't let me clear my backlog.
24 hours in a day is not enough for this shit.
t. my first mmo was wow
>really nigga



>if you dont hear music everywhere you're literally deaf
No I just ended up muting it because I could bear to hear the same repeated 3 notes over and over copy pasted on 4 zone types.
>opening sequence for an MMO

yeah try that INgame. I'll wait

>same repeated 3 notes over and over copy pasted on 4 zone types.

so you played for 30 minutes? Good to know
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>not using kr/jp voices
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It's a game that could be awesome but because its target audience is what it is it will stay garbage with garbage development priorities.

(case in point go look at the /vg/ thread)
>yeah try that INgame. I'll wait

Don't even get me started.

Nice try about the music tho. Won't bite into your retarded rethoric.

Why would I listen to a language I don't even understand.
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oh but i am, anon
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>japanese imageboard
>can't speak japanese

>Don't even get me started.

you're just deflecting now because you have no clue what you're talking about

>Won't bite
you mean Can't. You very clearly never made it to level 50. Probably not even level 30
>Why aren't you playing BDO

B2p yet it still has p2w elements
The trial i played was boring as fuck, a good character creator does not make a good game
Don't get me started on the fact that the few in game voices you hear are obnoxious like that one shitty black spirit that kept pestering me until I muted the sound altogether because the quests he offers are garbage and a waste of time. Do you even hear voices in the cinematics? I can't recall because story was such trash once I reached level 50 I stopped caring about story quests altogether.

>You very clearly never made it to level 50

Hahaha oh wow. If I post a char above level 50 with over 150 contribution points will this be enough to make you kill yourself?
ffxiv is unironically the best, non sandbox mmo available right now
post it
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I tried it but it's incredibly boring. I fapped to my character twice so I got my $10 worth.
>do the same dungeons till cap every week

trash like bdo.
The ones in development such as Camelot unchained, Crowfall and Chronicles of Elyria seem promising but right now you could try something like Uthgard.
Only if you promise you'll fuck off the thread right after and hopefully jump off your window.
im not him, i just want to see it
>that one shitty black spirit that kept pestering me
that one? as opposed to?? 1-50 you don't get another Black Spirit. You'd know that if you played the game

>Do you even hear voices in the cinematics? I can't recall
no of course you can't recall because then you'd have to prove yourself

>If I post a char above level 50 with over 150 contribution points will this be enough to make you kill yourself?

why you think posting someone else's character will prove something is beyond me
>chronicles of elyria
woah....is this...the power....of kickstarter
Because I'm not buying an expensive PC just to play shitty MMOs with slightly better graphics.
>The Secret World if you want 10/10 story, setting, and quests. 2/10 combat and skills though.
I'm just in the training dojo of the chaos faction and yes, the fighting systems attrocious.
I also can't get out of the fucking combat.
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>that damage control

You can message me in game if you want. Are you up to the challenge you mongoloid?
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I'm about to pull the trigger someone please tell me if this game is shit
nigga im on Balenos 2. Meet me in the pit outside of Heidel and we'll see who's doing damage control
Because its boring, the only thing it has going is the character creator, and if I want to make fuckdolls I already have Honey Select.
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Black Snore Online is more like it
It's worth the $10.
Who said I wanted to play with you retard. I'll just show my level and contribution points so that you can fuck off.
When I played ArcheAge, everyone in the general chat was talking shit about the game and saying how Black Desert will destroy ArcheAge. Poor devs
Nah. The body creator sounded like the only part, with Nexon Monetization Managers being so greedy that even the Koreans were turned off by how fucking cashgrabby they were being. And Koreans love pay2win cybercafe shit!
Not much to go on but that is good news I guess.
Been looking for an MMO and monthly payments just never works for me. Sometimes I randomly drop games for whatever reason and come back a week or two or more later. This kind of shit doesn't mix with paying to play a game every month.
It's not even worth getting paid to play it. Read the fucking opinions in this thread.
>board full of overwatch cucks
>knowing shit about games
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The texture/geometry pop is beyond annoying. It ruins all immersion. The guy who did the Lod:s missed the basics of 3D 101. Model the lods after the Silhouette you fucking idiots. also why do you need to change lod of objects 2 feet away. The Pc:s in Korea must suck ass
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You have my permission to fuck off now.
I have been reading them. The cash shop for character gear is a no go. Who the fuck does this in an mmo this is cell phone tier.
>they're doing the same with revelation
It's a neverending cycle of bad games and overhyping kids.
I'm waiting
Nearly all of them now. But BDO recquires at least 100$ worth of investment if you want to play seriously.
>posting pictures from the bdo forums

Woah, youve got me.
It's cosmetic with minor boni. You can buy them ingame for the money you get in 1-2h grinding.
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Also there is way to much shit on the screen. Remove half of the Hud so you can see whats happening. Whats the point in trying to create a beautiful world if nobody can see it
I think you just pick up a weapon on leave. Than come back to grab a second weapon right after you leave, than continue on with the quests.
it's a good game if you want to play casually and always have something to do

Dont bother if you're lured in by PvP. Alternately, Get a guest pass from the cancerous general. It only takes a few hours of grind to get to 50 then you can see what its like for yourself
You can currently buy cash shop items on the market for in-game money. I've never spent a dime on this game and own two pets and three outfits.
Also all the characters look asian and its hard to make them look like anything else. And the black spirit looks stupid as shit. Weeb game
>chronicles of elyria
>kickstarter YOU CAN DO ANYTHING
>no magic
nope, fuck right off m8
It's never been sub-based. It's always been "Pay-once, Own-forever."
Uh, what?
>That damage control
At thi point everyone can tell you're gonna try to pull 'I was just pretending to be retarded'. But do link the post in the forums where you saw that screenshot I just took 5 minutes ago.

Family name : Dividiacus
Char name : Johann_Bach

I'll post the screens of the convo here to further humiliate you.
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How good is the ERP on this game?

It's a serious question. I choose my MMO based on how active the ERP community is on the game.
I don't expect it to be the holy grail or to be amazing, I just hope Revelations has enough sandbox and side content to be fun and doesn't fuck over anyone that doesn't want to pay a sub fee too badly.
In that dojo one of the early quests is to pick up weapons and try them out. It's rather poorly worded and always fucked up any friends I got to try the game.

Try TERA or FF14
well then you're in luck. ERP is the real endgame if you're a GROWN ASS MAN playing a female character looking to ERP with other GROWN ASS MEN pretending to be female

go check out the general on /vg/
Prepare to be harassed by variations of Uchiha Sasuke if you make a female character, just sayin

Dear lord there are some thirsty people in this game
How is Revelation Online?
utter garbage dont bother. It was dropped before it was out of its first beta

wait for Bless Online and pray
the only good thing is the character creator faces
too expensive
just pick a doujin game instead
>because the 30 dollar costumes are basically manditory to do a lot of things because they offer such crazy benefits

The only benefit is a 10% EXP boost. This is on all costumes and you can buy costumes on the market.

>because the only truly appealing thing about the game is it's character creator

And the worker system, and those that enjoy grind-heavy content, and those that enjoy open world PvP...

>because the game has literally no interesting or appealing story / characters to make me care about the game and it's world

This is fair.

>because doing the same 30 dailies to get .5 of a bar to buy a house in a city that really does nothing in the long run because all the endgame gear comes from other things that aren't crafting isn't fun

Houses are free. You literally just pick the place you want to live in and pile in all of your shit.

because the economy gets so overinflated from events that hand out millions of silver like candy and because items have a locked price that is far lower than the actual value of the items nobody sells anything on the market so there is no horizontal progression to be made by working on other things and selling extra stuff you get on the market

Market is currently very active. Prices move up/down based on how fast an item sells when sold at its max/lowest price.

>because hunting could have been a cool craft where you stalk a bunch of wildlife in a massive open world to get good meat for food which confers great combat buffs but you only use it to shoot whales

I currently have a musket that I use to hunt bears and deer.

>because it's shit

>no dungeons
Because it's not a PvE game

> real fast travel

How the hell is this a negative to you?

"Hurr Derr, I love having this big open world that no one ever gets to see because you can teleport to exactly where you need to go in ten seconds!"

>good story

This is fair.

>good devs


>pet battles

Fuck your pokemon rip off.

>cool world

World's awesome. Fuck you.

> flying mounts

Yes it fucking does.


What's wrong anon? Not up to the challenge? Did you finally quit the thread?
>it's not a PvE game
>PvP is gear based

What a great game
>waiting for Bless

It is worse than both BDO and Revelation. The only sane option is to wait for Moonlight Blade.
only one of those is me and ive been in Heidel for 20 minutes
>Because it's not a PvE game
>World's awesome.

Exhibit B, a retard in his natural habitat.
>Try the game
>Combat is nice
>UI is god awful with the usual freemium shit that you see in games like these, with messages of "Fuckface McGee opened a Box of Oy Vey and got a Big Black Dildo +15!"
The other classes are so bad that people reroll into one of these.
>Meme Citizen
You know you can just message me right. I'm not moving from Calpheon and gear up just to answer your dumb challenge, retard.

But you already got btfo after claiming I never levelled to 50 and now you're trying to save face by hoping you'll beat me in PvP. It's time to give up and get the rope.
I do not like repetitive grinds for currency/rep/etc.
>But you already got btfo after claiming I never levelled to 50

are we moving goalposts now? DO you hear any music where you are? Too busy ignoring your second black spirit? If you actually came here from Calpheon, you'd her that music and see that atmosphere that you pretend isnt present.

But whatever, stay where you are because i'm coming for you. You'll see me in 5 minutes at the Bank of Hope
I love BDO's world and it doesn't need dungeons nor raids nor grind nor any bullshit the 99% of the players cannot live without.
>including Tamer
>leaving out ranger

you can turn all of those messages off
It needs to not be static piece of exposition though. Fucking TESO feels more organic and alive than this piece of shit.
>are we moving goalposts now

>Moving the goalpost this fucking hard

Your spend 5 posts claiming I was not level 50 and that's why I obviously didn't understood your feelings. Now you just got curbstomped after I warned you several times not to go there. You saw it coming.
BDO replaced wow for me desu, always have an itch to start grinding now

Thankfully BDO is free and I usually quit after a week

>its a "stop liking what I don't like" episode
Currently downloading again to make a Dark Knight in the char creator and take fap screenshots.
if it has wings as cosmetic option its dead in my book


you hearing that music m8? How many Black Spirits have you seen again from 1-50? Will you ever address this?
you made me move all the way from my house. Hope you're proud of your baiting
>ranger in 2017
>Nitpicking a sentence this hard

Just come to the calpheon bank of hope and gaze upon my level 53 character. And then go and kill yourself.

>I was just baiting
I'm waiting for it anytime now.
>he doesn't know
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This sorta, black spirit was a killer idea:
>Always with you AND has all your main quests sparing you the backtracking marathon quest fetching bullshit
>Humorous and cute
>Appearance changes over time
Would be cooler if the black spirit changed in appearance directly relating to the type of player you are.

On the other hand the nonstop graphical pop-ins, shit optimization, UI, ugly NPCs, bad VA, nonexistent character customization beyond creator, horrible character creator controls, lack of meaningful explanation for the obtuse game design mechanics, jewish cash shop prices/practices in a B2P game, ever so slightly wonky combat controls cluttered with intrusive effects, etc etc. Really is a shame considering the great world building and task diversity to have it all fall flat because the systems running it are trash. It's like Daum doesn't have a proper lead designer to keep things streamlined and say NO to unnecessary shite. Just look at the art style, beautiful, detailed, but nothing pops and you can't see shit in battle.
this. All of that post.
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still waiting anon. If I don't see you in 5 min I'm leaving.
Why do I never see anything about Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen? A game thats a callback to original EQ that focuses on the social aspect of the game that made old MMOs so interesting. Something I figured /v/ would actually mostly like in a game.

Get out of here Brad you shill But seriously i have no idea
Shill me your shit game shill.
I waited for you for 10 min. You didn't show up because you're all talk and probably even lower level than me. I hope to see you again in one of these threads anon I was joking about the suicide. I'm sure your single mother really really loves you.
Open pvp and sandbox. The most shit things you can put for a MMORPG. Go and play a survival if you want that. Also, cultivate flowers is more money rewarding than killing mobs and do quest.
>People responding to shitposts with shitposts
>Some people here making good arguments left un(you)'d and ignored

Thanks for reminding me what a shithole /v/ is. Do you even play videogames?
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>considering the great world building
Might go back later to just explore the rest of the world. Fuck the cash shop, the contribution mini game and the end game upgrading bullshit though. No interest at all in that stuff.

Probably not just enough here that actually played EQ or MMOs before 2004 for that matter.
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>Implying most of those won't bust here
MxM is sorta fun and I could see whales keeping NA Maple 2 alive despite its endgame flaws
I mean I get the he fucked up but seeing all the shit people are actually getting hyped about like mmos with no PVE. Isn't that just like playing a moba?
I'm shilling a game I legitimately want to play though, so its really no different than anyone else in this thread whos talking about Crowfall and CU.

I guess. But shit I'm only 24 so its not too farfetched
Probably Bless Online will be good. Also Revelation Online. Right now, only FFXIV
This game is literally only a character creator

Me neither that endgame grind and whatever is the worst. I literally only explore and fuck around if and when I do play. Owning an old timey ship is fun
So this is what a wowbabby looks like when grown up

revelation is shit
>Might go back later to just explore the rest of the world. Fuck the cash shop, the contribution mini game and the end game upgrading bullshit though. No interest at all in that stuff.
This. I have a level 20 and level 6 character and they'll likely stay that way forever. Exploration is max comfy though.
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Can't make this shit up.

Speaking of bless what's going on with their combat system? Different blurbs on their site and social media implies they're making the combat full action for western releases. I don't see it happening but if that's the case I would buy it on principle to avoid more WoW clone combat
>I'm shilling a game I legitimately want to play

You still didn't show any screens or tell anything substantial about it.
>falseflagging this hard

jesus christ you live a sad life
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The log farm is beyound hell
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>Revelation Online
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>f-false flag
You just got caught with your pants down after going silent for 20 min when I challenged you to come meet me. I think it's time to leave the thread.
Planetside 1

I think the last one is still alive.
Ive been standing here this whole time. You'd know that if you actually showed up or knew the location to begin with. I've waited for you twice only for you to not show up at either and then your own image pops on /vg/?

Please spare me. You STILL refuse to address the fact that you're deaf and don't understand the basics of what you're arguing against
It's a horrible game I can't stop playing.

The body mods aren't helping.
Its boring.
I posted a screenshot of me waiting at the bank of hope as we agreed. Meanwhile you took my previous screenshot and called for a hit on me, which I couldn't possibly care about since I'm barely above my current level and in the middle of Calpheon.

If you're that deep in denial we can meet again at the bank of hope in exactly 5 minutes from this post.
Inb4 you move your goalpost, you initially claimed I was not level 50 and my screenshot was from a forum (that you havent linked yet) which started this whole debacle and you offering real money to get someone else to kill me (something which you can't do on your own apparently)
if you don't reply to my post I'll just assume you're not coming and stay in my house.
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>I posted a screenshot of me waiting at the bank of hope

and didn't link nor did you post the channel you're waiting on. It's Bal 2 by the way

>building a conspiracy to save face because you can't stand admitting you're deaf

>you initially claimed I was not level 50 and my screenshot was from a forum (that you havent linked yet) which started this whole debacle

nah >>368550431

try actually showing up on the right channel this time
>It's Bal 2 by the way
I'm in Balenos 2 and have been since the start. Are you at the bank of Calpheon right now? If yes than I am coming.
t. babby pc
>fite me 1v1
>im coming
>u coming?
>im coming
>u coming?
This is some autistic fucking shit
The best part is that these retards are meeting in a safe zone where they can't fight.
They'll have to hold hands and walk somewhere outside the city first.
>that damage control
The only one who looks retarded in this shitfit is you anon

>'I am coming'
so you werent there

I already told him to meet me in the ring but is too lazy apparently to travel from Calph to Heidal
I've waited there for 10 minutes anon. >>368554885

And you know it. Are you at the bank right now? Or are you going to keep delaying your inevitable suicide?
>guys im here for real!
>but no i'm not going to include the channel in the screenshot

why am I doing this. You're deaf and full of shit

Oh are you sure, because
>You'll see me in 5 minutes at the Bank of Hope
>nigga im on Balenos 2.

Stop your bullshit and meet me at the Calpehon bank in 10 minutes max. If you don't come within the timeframe you'll out yourself once and for all for the bullshiting weeb that you are.

From the screenshots and less than a minute of gameplay I've seen the world looks pretty bland.

Are there fantastic looking places there or is it all different shades of green, grey and brown?
I actually forgot I bought this.
There's a few places with interesting topography but they're completely empty. As in, empty, devoid of any purpose of things to do.

90% of the world is empty and only worth exploring once if you need the node manager or collect knowledge.
Because I'm playing Blade and Soul.
It is okay I guess.
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It's over anon. I'll pray tonight for your soul but I'm afraid the lord doesn't take kindly to suicide. RIP.
because elder scrolls online is better and cheaper
Isn't it still like $30 without DLC? Black Desert is only like $10
P2W... you can just have some good gear first, if you pay. That is Pay to Progress Faster, not P2W. P2W is, you pay and you have exclusive things that you can't have otherwise. P2Progress is reaching the level faster than others. Having the best gear faster than others. Just that, FASTER, you are not "special" because you pay. When people learn the difference? Also, one of the best MMORPG that i played, PSO2, was a REAL p2w. You literally couldn't do a lot of thing without paying money, like buying 10+ stars gear or selling them on market, for example. So instead of complaing, git gud.
you can have mine
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What is consider best classes nowadays in BDO?
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well that was cute
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>heart pupils
it's $20 with all the dlc and like $10 without dlc

www g2a com / the-elder-scrolls-online-gold-eidtion-cd-key-global.html

$24 to be exact.
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Is the hide and seek still on then?
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shill post
Doesn't Bless have shitty combat or something?
Now i understand the bronze in LOL and all those shitters in multiplayers game. "It's not that I'm bad, it's that they P2W!!!!! Look, they spend money so they have more champion and use IP Boost!"
Quit dressing like a slut/playing on Balmung. I wear slut glamour and hardly get any thirsty fags.
They say that will be "more action" for European release.
Because I need a guest pass.
still there? I'll slip you one

be aware the download is like 40 gigs though
>being able to get all the characters and runes + rune pages
>not an advantage over someone being crippled with a lack of runes or lack of champions + two selections of runepages at max without having to grind a fuck tonne
BDO is a shit game because its PvE content is a joke and the PvP has been dumbed down time and time again, to the point where the only viable PvP selection is GvG. And that GvG is heavily reliant on grinding from the PvE which has literally no point of being there in the first place considering what a pushover the whole games content is.
It's fucking awful and I'm mad because of it.
Yep, that's it. Now i have the proof that people complain about "P2W" are just bad at the game. Diamond player and never used money on the game. Even Bjergsen reached challenger without using money in season 2.
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>diamond player
>doesn't link profile
lel no enjoy grinding your 10000 games just for the IP for runes and a single extra runepage
>Having the best gear faster than others.
There's literally 0 point in arguing with someone who says this, they are literally and unironically okay with the concept that having a 0.1% drop be boosted into a higher percentage, or getting the item in the first place by using money to be okay.

Pay2win isn't a literal term and never has been a literal term of "pay to win a game", as MMOs that started bringing up this term never had an actual winnable endgoal allowed by money.
How exactly linking my profile helps you understand that i didn't pay? Well, look
Not exactly the best player, still, with only the 2 pages of runes and only few junglers, he reached diamond 1. And yes, i'm okay with boosters. Don't understand what's wrong with that. They just spend money instead of time. Stop whining and stop considering yourself entitled to everything. Is almost the contrary of your shitty graphics. Kids nowadays think that they are entitled to everything even in a free game. That's bullshit.
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