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What do

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Thread replies: 509
Thread images: 197

What do
Send him the password, dumbass. Do you want to be terminated forever?
You mean "termination" forever?
Yes. The Micro's Fot database got OJ spilled all on it, just send in your shit already.
-Terry Crews
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>Zone: Recreation
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hey its me ur brother.png
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Fuck this is ancient
>if u ignore ur account will be termination forever
you better do what he says, OP
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>shut yo bitch ass up

top kek
>Work for comcast
>Get call from lady who says she got an email "from us"
>Said email asked her to enter her account followed by opening an attachment in the email
>Tell her to delete that shit
>"Well I already opened it"
>Basically tell her she's screwed and better call her computer repair peeps and get a credit block
post more
>Shut yo bitch ass up
Niggers. Every time.
with how jaded i am these days i would probably actually report the guy. drink a cup of coffee and take a nap.
They must fool some people, but who?

It got so bad we have mandatory steamguard to use any of steam's features now.
Children, which is why mobile authentication and trade holds are a thing now.
How you get blue text?
Clearly by being an admin
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you lie.jpg
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I'm actually legitimately sad that the Xbox Live Enforcement Team forums were closed.

It was like a yearly tradition to check it once and laugh my ass off.

I was crushed to see it gone.
Type up a response with excellent grammar stating that I work for the NSA and state that I will find out who he is then get in contact with his parents if he does not shut down his account and then say that I would be reporting his fraudulent message to microsoft.
Then do neither of course.

Alternatively I'd say "[email protected]"

you used to be able to do /me but they removed it because people actually fell for scammers using it to pretend being steam
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Sassy Tans.jpg
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>Shut up you Windmill, your just a hater , I'm going to get my friend to hack you with his iPad mini
did those zones actually do anything?
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They just served to tell others how much of a fag you were depending on what you chose
Does anybody have 'and several am radio stations'
thanks mate, I chuckled
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I love this one
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posting a classic
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fucking kek, i'm crying
Post more like this.

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>the guilty pay the price +tax
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Only one more year to go!.jpg
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I wish I'd have known better back then and saved more of the hate mail I got, some of it was real gold. If Xbox Live is good at one thing, it's offering a near endless supply of mad dipshits to laugh at.
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It's the Durant profile pic that brings it all together.
man why aren't pc gamers capable of these top tier bants?
There should be some good ones with GFWL
Rip ;_;
i loved that episode of the boondocks.
>Tfw got over $200 xbox cash and a year of live by scamming people over xbox
>Never got caught either
It's fucking hard to believe the amount of people who both believed I was selling exclusive preorder bonuses, and the amount who were willing to pay $20 a pop in advance for it.
Honestly amazed nothing happened to my account, and I still use the same one to this day
It was always hilarious
Nobody is capable anymore, MS/Sony ban you for any offensive messages so this shit will never happen again.
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>the guilty pay the price +tax
Recreation: shitty noob
Pro: Try hard/wanna be
Family: Cuck who shares account with wife's kids with 100% LEGO games
Underground: Edgy teen
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>I put the peanut butter and jelly in the ass
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I have a whole folder of hate mail, only thing that makes me laugh consistently.
Because you have to add people to message them in Steam, and making a group to invite random people you hate as a message is way too much work
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Adding to this, everyone and their grandmother has their profile comments set to friends-only or private. Can't ever leave banter because everyone is trying to hugbox themselves.
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thats actually pretty gud
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holy fuck why are these so funny?
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They're just hilarious. I will dump the rest
What happened to these threads? I forgot how amazing this is.
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it's anudda shoah
Send dick pics.
>34000 fucking gamerscore
Any messages on consoles now get you permabanned.
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Anyone got the God of war wallpaper one?
I think I chose Underground and I was an edgy teen at the time so it checks out. Today I would pick recreation. It's true.
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>hey its me ur brother

Holy shit I kekd hard at that.
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>the weak have no voice
how do you explain all these messages then?
in DS3 on PS4, it's super easy to get messages like this. just use the point down emote whenever you get a kill, and your inbox will be filled in no time.
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>the weak have no voice
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Not hate mail per se but Little Tom is essential viewing
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>died and pee on your bed
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A favorite of mine
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holy shit what mudworld did this guy come from?
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>heres a god of war wallpaper faggot
>actually fucking attaches something
these people are nuts
Was it really a god of war wallpaper?
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It appears to be
>Subject: Wheelchair balls
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>Only one great xbox game
>Gears of war
He's not wrong
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My favorite because of the profile picture and broken english
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You didn't ask for this, but just in case.
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Was he one of us?
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Miiverse whiff.png
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Classic Trevor.
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Another favorite
I love these threads so much. I miss being a kid.
what got me is not the message but the fucking smug ass face in the background
Me too
>Dead Rising
>Lost Odyssey

Probably others I'm forgetting but yeah I'm too lazy to keep going anyway.
the ones with the innocuous avatars are the best ones
This is what got /me removed? Jesus, people are stupid...
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oh no, he's also gonna tell all his friends
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Is Grand Kingdom any good?
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>and a few am radio stations
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>the weak have no voice
I used to be one of this kids and I got really pissed off this one time when some faggot kept invading my motherbase MGSV.
>Dead Rising
Good not great
Average not Great
>Lost odyssey
Not played it so it could be great
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>i will miss her
holy fuck
I like em and think they're great but that's just my opinion and respect that you have yours.
I had taken a picture on my old phone of the messages.

Hope green text will have to do.

>Make friends with 11 year old kid because I felt sorry for him.
>He had two other friends who only ever made fun of him.
>One day get an xbawks message from sad kid.
>"I'm gay, I hate girls and I like dick in the butt, I'm so gay hope dats okay."
>After I finished reading that.
>Get another message.
>"I got hacked guyz. I'm not even sure what gay is but, I'm not gay"

Yeah this is too good to pass up.

>Reply back.
>Tell him I was raised Catholic.
>Tell him that he is infact gay.
>And that he accepts 666 and dicks.
>Blocked him.

I laughed so hard!
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L M A O.gif
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>and a few am radio stations

Every fucking time.
I miss this so much

I'm fucking crying
You should take that story, type it into word, get the punctuation just right, revise it, make a final draft, save it, and then delete that shit from your computer and memory because you'll be smarter for not telling it ever again.
Dont care what anyone says that message is legendary.
>used to be
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>mfw town doesn't have a designated rapist
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>I laughed so hard!
>You should take that story, type it into word, get the punctuation just right, revise it, make a final draft, save it, and then shove it up your fucking ass because that was shit
Good for you,i hate gears now tho,Gears 1-3 all had atleast good SP,gears 1 MP is the best ,but now gears 4 has both trash MP and SP.
Still pretty funny, though i was looking for what I said, haven't seen that one in a bit
Please type like an adult.
I was bored and had a hearty kek from it. I didn't say I'm better I just said I used to do it habitually.

I'm still retarded anyway and I'm here now and that's all that matters.
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Le Right-Facing Arrow.jpg
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I'm at 70K, step it up son.


Fighting games are a treasure trove for salt. I used to only go to the Shoryuken to read people sending hate mail
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Sorry, posted the wrong one, I thought it was the one you are looking for. I think I deleted.
someone did a vocaroo where they read this in a bane voice once and it made me laugh until i hurt.
What episode of Boondocks was that? I really should rewatch seasons 1-3 again.
Thanks for the edit bro
110k here.

Blockbuster's gamepass did wonders
>son of a thousand rodents
Gets me everytime.
>Dead Rising
>Good not great

You shut your dirty whore mouth

>Average not Great

eh, that I can agree with. It was really fun for a bit but got old fast. Too bad the 2nd one was just a rehashed pile of dogshit.

>Tales of Vesperia
>Saints Row II (actual working version with non-kill online servers)
>Shadow Complex
>Civ Rev
>Chronicles of Riddick

etc, etc.

And most multiplats (especially ones focused on online multiplayer) were better than the PS3 versions (Skyrim and CoD games are easy examples)
Holy shit niggers BTFO
>beginning with 5
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>I will miss her
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the classic
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Je Suis Monte.jpg
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Is he "our guy"?
I fucked my copy up, but always here to help a boi out with an edit
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Even with my poor english I understood.
I am more confident now, thank you!
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>this guy probably got arrested for hate speech
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Butcher Bay is better than Dark Athena and it was pretty based of Vin Diesel to be involved plus the fact it had both games in one package.
Does anybody have the rest of these? There's like a dozen of them.

It was easy to fuck with people in game with chat/mics but its not that great unless you record or print screen everything.

XBL/PSN messages are gems of butthurt that anyone can send and save at any time

You have to get creative on PC to get the same effect
what game is that i've been seeing those characters a lot but i don't know from what game they come from
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I'm curious as to what the screenshotter said.
>'tis an awesome thing to see!
It's been a while
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Boku no Revolution 60
I see what u trynna do pham

Someone post the /fit/ comic
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As much as I hated the other player, I never sent a hate message. I think it's pointless.
Why people do this?
Really, I wanna know, have you ever did this? Why?
was he our guy?
Do all of them begin with 4?
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Oberführer is a timeless classic
greatest thread i have seen here in months, thanks to everyone involved
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Competitive Gamer.jpg
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Because salt.

It's like like the online version of two sports teams shit-talking each other.
I don't send them but I respond to every one someone sends me. Most of the time it takes like 2 or 3 responses until I'm blocked.
It looks like VA-11 HALL-A.
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Found it myself
He's saying youre a little kid still, which you are.
Do you not understand how card numbers work?
better reply
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How can the grumblings of a mud man be so profound?
I hate when people do this. I mostly don't add people like this because I know they just might be huge faggots.
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Being so butthurt after losing you can't help but send a message.

I've been tempted from playing fighting games, but never went that far.

Shame that party chat, and internet hugbox twats making it near extinct though
I work in a call center, all visa begin with 4 and all credit cards begin with 5.
I need a new job.
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That's the thing, It's online. You will never see the reaction of the person. I understand what you are saying, it's good to lay down your arguments when you are face to face, but online...there is just no pleasure.

Actually, I know this. I received hate talk before when I was a shit to the team and I was sorry. But hate talking about being good?
Nope, this will lead to a block, like you said it,

Huh, I guess I was never this buthurt then. I am shit in fighting games, if someone send me something like this, I will ignore.
5 is Mastercard, 6 is Discover. 3 is usually a temporary virtual card.
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rattle sack.jpg
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/fit/ has some of the best comics, I swear
Not too sure about this one, need the context behind it.
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I enjoy responding and making them more mad. I know they can't do shit to me and someone getting that upset at me beating them when they know that also makes me feel warm inside.

Even better is egging it on then blocking them so they have to see your message, but can't respond.
I should have said business card rather than credit card.
You have a higher rank than me. Are you in the same field or is that just something you picked up?
>playing skullgirls
Isn't that game in a perpetual state of dead?
nowdays the most anal people seem to be playing left 4 dead or vermintide
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This is the thing that I agree. You're right.
> someone getting that upset at me beating them when they know that also makes me feel warm inside.
I really, really like this,
SFIV hatemail.

Dude lost, sent a friend request, and when it was accepted thats what he sent.

I've had people try to send me friend requests or group invites for that purpose, but I just ignore them and let them sit in their ass pain.
how can you access an account with just someones email and username anyways
People still play L4D?
Not memeing, I thought this was dead.
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posting a bio from a guy I went to school with years ago
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>and a few AM radio stations

Every time.
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>White Knights
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This is fucking gold.
I swear a good quarter of players on Xbox Live had that Joker avatar in 2008

Fuck I miss xbox live
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L4d got some life when it was made free 3 years ago.

>3 years ago
>20% pain
>30% hate
>10% love
W... W-what's the other 40%?
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God, why these people can't just videogame?
I have very few friends on Live and Psn,(I don't play on PC, but I saw images where there is something alike on the Steam, sorry if I am wrong) but none of them is like this.
Videogames the Facebook of the future?
brute force it? try to find the same email used in less secure environment, like some shitty forum, and then try to crack it from there? chances are the password used is the same everywhere, so he'd just have to hack that forum account for example and then access the email address itself, and then the steam account

it's a bit of a stretch, but some people are desperate

I just tried to do that and couldn't make it to the end because I was laughing so hard. I would of loved to of heard that vocaroo though.
You're pretty autistic yourself
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>made free 3 years ago
I didn't knew this.
Explain a thing or two.
Thank you!
>tfw you will never get angry voice messages from angry preteens over xbox live anymore

Why even live?
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I think he actually likes you anon, and is just dealing with it in the most /v/ way possible.
Sorry, it was free only on christmas. A bunch of threads on /v/ were made.
I fucking hate this retarded shit and I know this is CS:GO and TF2's fault for the most part. I can't even gift a friend a skin he likes for a solid week because retards keep getting scammed
Absolutely confirmed as Strayan, cunts.
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>tfw just realized I spent over $35 on profile pics and avatars on xbox live years ago
I seem to remember that being a "thing" on live at one point. Everybody had their bio/motto just being a string of "inspirational" phrases.
reason to remember the name
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this name is censored online.png
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>someone getting upset at me beating them while they've stacked the odds in their favor then sending a message calling me a faggot.
>Tell them that they still fucking lost to one
>They get even madder

I rammed them into one of the passing trains in GTA V then took my sweet-ass time finishing.
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t. edgelord1998"#
Haaaa, I get the reference.
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Fuck, it must've been where Steam got the idea for it's trading cards/emoticons/profile backgrounds jewery

Most of them are from the same guy. I forget his name, but he is an animator on Rick & Morty.
A Date With the Booty Warrior is the title, great episode. Season 3 was the best, dayum shame how season 4 turned out though.
I would put quotes by dictators and attribute them to celebrities in mine
google translate bants are great
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OC from a long time ago when I played on the 360
Alright, /v/. Lay thy judgment upon me.

I insist on using low-tier characters/weapons/etc. in multiplayer and it genuinely upsets me when someone using something objectively higher-tier beats me in certain games. Am I a fag, and if so, what kind?

My sides
You're a fucking faggot.
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>but he is an animator on Rick & Morty

It's SIR, by the way.
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my sides
Gotta have my sipp.
Gears 1 had worse mp than 2, and 2 was dogshit. 3 is the best multi, unless you actually enjoy the gnasher doing random damage up close, clunky movement and a sticky cover system, horrible weapon balance (pistol the best long range gun, one shot active long shot down) and glitching out the dickhole with host advantage fun.
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>keep fucking with my girl
What a nice guy.
You're definitely that class of special snowflake faggot, but even worse because you know how much you are handicapping yourself and have the nerve to be upset about it.

The attitude you should take is seeing to it that you are the best at using low tier characters or items and seeking the brief periods of success you have with it over people using the good stuff.

Personally I'm guilty of picking lower tier or lesser used items mostly because I hate having to fight the exact same thing I use or I like surprising people with my ability to use something they don't see often. But, I don't get upset that other people don't take the same path as me because people are allowed to play how ever the fuck they want.
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yeah I have to visit /fit more. I've been literally crying for 5 minutes now.
>The attitude you should take is seeing to it that you are the best at using low tier characters or items and seeking the brief periods of success you have with it over people using the good stuff.
I know I should be proactive, of course, but (in the game I'm thinking of, Dark Souls 3) there are a lot of fights that just feel genuinely impossible for me to win given my opponent's playstyle and my weapon choice. As I'm typing this out and putting real thought into it, I guess I should suck it up and add a straightsword or something to my build or just stop playing.

Thanks for the earnest reply, anyway, anon.
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SIR didn't make the one previously posted, but he does have a few series of /fit/ comics under his belt.

The Zyzz one, the annual NYR ones, and the glutes for sloots are him others are OC from other people.
>mfw thinking about your hurting

every time
Oh how the time does fly.
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4chan in a nutshell
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holy crap, all the shit that went down in uno was crazy as fuck, all those naked boys dancing, people having sex and other guys doing coke on uno matches
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What a fag
>>Kevin Durcan't
that doesn't sound like Uno
why did a fucking Uno game have cameras anyways
Junji Ito? Good taste.
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fucking classic
The one on 360
Damn I got the reference
i did too and i didn't even realize that i did until i saw your post
yes, he's clearly redpilled
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>that silent hill game that will never be made with him
fuck why do peopel have to be cunts
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we did it reddit armie lolzortastic :^))))))
>just like pearl harbor
I cried laughing so hard I ahd an asthma attack fuck you
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Fucking dying over here
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Lol!! Funny!!!!!
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Still da goat
>great (inside) job

my sides are out of orbit right now
I'm sad I can't get hate mail for SFV on steam, I'm sure I pissed some people off with random EX mixers as Rashid.
ash a cute
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>set profile comments to public shortly after getting DaS3
>proceeded to do a bunch of Dickwraithing on two different characters
>not a single comment

People don't even bother to check if they can comment on someone's Steam profile.
>playing guitar hero 3 online
>beating other person easily
>other person stops playing
>other person sends message
>oh boy here we go
>the guy says I'm the best he's ever seen
>spends 5 more matches just to watch me play and he doesn't play at all

It was actually kinda cool
>that whole last message

What the fuck, I just don't understand how people get this bad at English.
I've sent rage mail before after getting my ass constantly kicked in MVC 3.

I told the other guy I was going to stop queuing for ranked for a bit since he beat me so bad 5 times in a row, no actual rage behind it.
That was the only fun I had in Grand Kingdom.

>Make a Squad that literally cheeses wins in the 1st turn
>Make a Squad that literally turtles with traps everywhere that exploits people who counter it with Valkyries that rush forward

God the salt was glorious.
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Shit, reddit got us.
Get out of here, guys, split
But I fucking love bread. Fuck you fit I don't give a shit!
I once got really salty playing SS13 and IC'd in OOC.
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>tfw they shut down uno's online multiplayer a year or two ago
That game was so much fun man, I miss when xbox live had the best multiplayer experience in town.
i remember playing xbl uno when my friend was at my house years ago and one of the players was streaming porn. that game truly had a legendary community of hilarious degeneracy
It's probably a Brit, actually.

>you aint ENGLISH
I work for the fraud department at a credit card company and actually see people fall for this shit every single day. People are fucking stupid.
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What did he mean by this?
It's from a thread. That's not an interpretation, those are direct quotes from the thread.
>and a few am radio stations
Yep, it's fucked. Utter shame.
So was Uno like some strange version of Omegle where you also got to play Uno?
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fucking Demo
never not be funny
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If you are retarded enough to believe /v/ about everything, I guess.
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That she be.
Any better res?
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>you abuse the same combo
>which i fell for

To be honest i quite like this. When i play Tekken and you smash a higher rank for one round and the suddenly get hyper serious and technical as if to say "you just goofed a lucky round you fucking faggot, let me show you how good i really am! IM NOT MAD!!!!"

Even if they win, i feel good knowing they had to get all showy for the final round to prove a point.
Huh, I always thought that panda was praying.
I miss those old 360 avatars.
this cant be real
There's also 2 checksum numbers. So 3 numbers are forced to be a certain combination. Which makes it easier to generate card numbers.
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what about reloadable pre paind card do u know how they work?
theyt arnt tied to a bank account so all the info is on the card yeah?
so you could load up money on it if you wanted couldnt you

>I will miss her
I'm fucking done
Why are these retards so good at those finishing lines?
Blockbuster? Is that what I see on all those cave walls?
black people I swear
epic bro
>In a thread full of buttmad from white people and others
>Points out the one possible case of a black person

Obsession is a terrifying thing
It's the one console feature I miss. You never get hatemail on Steam because you'd have to add the guy as friend first.
Good thread, thanks OP.
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This seems right on topic.
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>the town rapist

Just casual as fuck. Like it's a matter of course to just have a town rapist. I bet they have a town pedophile and a town dog fucker.
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How lame
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>tfw I was in that thread
>I was the "fuck you, bread is awesome" anon

Because bread is a fantastic source of carbs for energy, anon.
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ive had someone send me something similar after a couple of great rounds of guilty gear, felt awesome.
imagine playing a game of Uno like a normal game with whatever rules.

Now take all the players and replace them with cocks that was xbox live uno
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But, how do you know it wasn't sarcasm?
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sub-30 second turn-around from picking it up to the group invite coming in.
oh no...
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Im at 170k GS...
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>while I touch myself inappropriately
fuckin hell
Thanks senpai gonna share these withmy bros at r/4chan xD!
Check my 5
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I never understood why people yell LONDON

can someone explain me please? ;_;
>Work for comcast
Literally worse than Hitler.
No spoonfeeding for ye
Browse /fit/
>stopped by game mechanics
>actually was just bullying Kai Leng with shotgun and warp the whole time until the game made me stop

I hate forced losses in games, holy shit.

>bloodborne Fishing Hamlet hate mail
I don't have any of it saved but some guy called me a fucking cocksucking Kosm nigger or something like that for using Messenger's Gift near the Tidehunter mob in the town square.

I invaded him again like an hour later on the hill just after that and he just sent NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
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Some manlet tripfag that everyone made fun of for being a depressing idiot on /fit/ posted "please be in london" to a picture of a trap, so everyone started posting LONDON when pictures of women are posted

Sorry m8, but I just don't give a fuck
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I might just have a bad sense of humour, but holy shit did this make me literally burst in laughter.
Why does every PR and BR gotta put that shit in their name? Like no one else does it as much as them
Once a girl posted on /fit/, and mentioned she was in the UK

Someone, presumably hoped that she lived near him, and that, through his wit and general polite manners, might convince her to go home for a shag.

Unfortunately, all he manged to get out was "LONDON?"

And so, a meme was born.

oh my fucking god hahahahahaha
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Calm down. No need to go full chimp.

Thanks m9
Anyone got that "I will disconnect on you in court" image?
180k here. Was my primary console last gen, not that hard
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I identify as neo-cromagnid you homosapien faggot
Canacuck btfo by pajeet
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>1 star rep
>580 G
I love my 360, but saying the Crackdown games are good is pushing it.
Its got great concepts but it was in that awkward inbetween of gens so it had janky mechanics. Hope the 3rd is good
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For further refrence
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>Subject: Wheelchair Balls
That's how I'd describe everything about the game. Everything's floaty as fuck and horribly animated.
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r8 my rep
I think Dead Rising 1 and even 2 to a lesser degree had the same problem so casuals cant into the game properly and hate it. But I think all those janky early 360 games are beloved because theyre unique and not the same recycled shit like we see now
>bad animations and controls make games hardcore now
Now I've seen everything.
Yeah I have about a 70% negative rating and I have 5 star rep anyway. I dont really get it
You should stay there.
Im not saying that donkey brain. im saying the shit around it is so unique that people can bear the jankiness and shit. Stop being a cuck and go play your asscreed
That sounds strangely beautiful.
Yeah fuck off Demo. Empty Hero tier shilling.
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I mean I can understand where most of the bad reviews came from but I'm not sure about quitting early though that's not something I ever really did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I really hate this guy for whatever reason. He just comes across as incredibly disingenuous and sycophantic.
I saw some review he did of the Silent Hill HD Collection and he got angry at the moat unnoticeable thing. He's a different type of insufferable to the usual.
include me in the screencap guys
No way
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>tfw you will never be made fun
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>Canadian igloos
does such a thing even exist?
Nintendo babies will defend thid
I'd interject her GNU, if you know what I mean
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>tfw I got a sparring buddy on my level in UMvC3 after getting a message like this.
Still gotta wait two damn months for the Xbone version
I'd tear eat her asshole like an onion ring if you interpret what I'm implying
I spent 5 dollars years ago on the Avatar Lightsaber, and I still get shit for that, to this day.
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We need more Miiverse gold threads
based block merchant
as opposed to what?
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>Spending 5 whole dollars on cosmetics
>Spending 5 whole dollars on a single cosmetic

I bought a couple profile pic packs for like a dollar each way back in like 07 or something when I first got the system and that's about it.

Y'all niggas need jesus

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looks like a man
consider yourselves extremely homosexual
not that theres anything wrong with that
its 2017 after all
i used to think it made it so it would try to match you with similar zones cause the description made it sound like it determined the types of servers you wanted to connect to.
Will they come back next Friday?
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All this over halo wars
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If you ever had a game you were super passionate about, you would feel the exact same way.
I was so angry with every little change they made in the Pokemon Ruby Sapphire remakes, I could nitpick every single aspect on those games, like Demo did for his Silent Hill thing.
He seems like a cool guy though, does streams all the time but I never catch them.
For a 'fake weeb' he sure watches and streams a lot of weeb stuff.
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>wheelchair balls

Fuck i'm dying.
Stick in his cute little panda butthole.
Its the gamer pictures that make these gold.
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Sir, your son has been exposing himself in UNO.
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Why would you even reply, anon? Now he got ya.
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did he say "you lie" because he assumed it or did he actually fucking put 555555555555 in?
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Her sister is cute too!
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6 pretty sure this where he started to team kill me
So when does it get funny?
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Honestly just to show how people get angry over stupid shit
It's not so much he's a fake weeb rather he juat panders heavily to that audience. There is plenty of shit to get pissed off about in Silent Hill HD but i didn't even see what he considered the last straw and, it was that miniscule. Also he sucks up massively to other Youtubers which pisses me off (i.e. I deigned to give you praise now worship me type stuff). Also his fanbase is beyond insufferable.
Kids and shit. It's the same shit with old people on the phone. It's not that they're "retarded (they are) but there's that 1 out of 100 person who panics for half a second because they fear something and gives out their information in the heat of the moment.
>be depressed
>tfw when you are smiling after reading these stupid shit and you realize it
>I hate forced losses in games, holy shit.
It's not about skill, it's about narrative
I fucking hate ME3 for that, and I am still mad.

I will always be mad.
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you look like a tool in those and I hope you're underage so at least you can still grow out of it
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>people STILL don't realise he got this joke from Borat
1vs100 was so fucking exciting, especially with friends.
I don't get it either, you're only gonna make yourself even more angry.
so what if the person i am seeing for it is a heeb, she knows her stuff.
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>mfw I was in that thread shaming carb eaters and squatters.
fuck off with your forced botnet, it's not my fault people are retarded
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miiverse 1.jpg
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Oh, it's one of these threads?

Do you have a dick? I can't get off unless whatever I'm fucking also has a dick.
I love it when you manage to piss someone off in an online game so much they start speaking a different language
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Well /v/?
I miss Darkstalkers.
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Ehhh,,, no I dont have a dick anon but I can suck your penis so hard that you'll feel like I am about to suck your whole body through your penis, what do you think?

I miss you too, anon
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Around blacks, never relax.
Absolute madman
no way fag
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>hobo with a shotgun

I've played you, and I'm fairly certain you took a steaming dump on my face. Then again, I lose to most people anyway.
I'd go eat some fucking pancakes. I fucking love pancakes.
That sounds lovely, but I really want to milk my cock by riding it instead!
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ronnies mom.jpg
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I wish I had cool parents like Ronnie.
> senserly
Why are you trying to derail this thread? What's wrong with you?
Dibs on butt.
Y-yes, I got a bit too excited. Having your warm insides clenched around my cock must be the best feeling there is.
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Every time
Every time
Every time
Every time
Every time
Every time
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Didn't know Mark Wahlberg had an account.
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>I'm not trying to do anything wrong
You are. You're intentionally shitting up a thread that has nothing to do with ERP or the character you're ERPing as.

There are ERP generals on /trash/. If you're that fucking horny then shit up those threads instead of these ones.
I was already rock hard with anticipation. I haven't came in so long. I'm still fapping now though and it feels amazing!
Man this is fucking pathetic.

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Right in the feels.

N-no anon, that's lewd. Nofap is already killing me.
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Using the dart in BF3 before they patched it made people super fucking mad
report and ignore
it's not hard
>implying the mods do anything
>implying that asshole won't keep shitting up threads
If nothing's going to happen either way, I might as well tell him how much of a cunt he's being.

Kudos to him for killing the thread, by the way.
What is wrong with anime consumers?
I know that he meant "that's how they caught the guy who eventually turned out to have raped more girls around town" but it's just so fucking hilarious
>as your cock slides right inside my tight pussy
Th-that's exactly what I wanted. Come sit on it please, it's twitching so eagerly for you. Hopefully I can hold out for longer than a few bounces.
He's not going to stop just because some anon said mean things to him
He's ERPing as some lewd character, which means that he's bottom of the barrel attentionseeking trash and you're giving him what he wants
Your and my posts just further derail the threads
Oh man now I want pancakes, been ages since I had pancakes

Gonna buy some eggs and milk and make some right now
>Your and my posts just further derail the threads
True. I'll stop now, but he needs to know that what he's doing is bad.
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>I've had people try to send me friend requests or group invites for that purpose
That's the ultimate pleasure of denying them even to hatemail you and imagining them broiling in their own salt.
Calm down, let >>363051859 >>363071395 and >>363072658 have their inferiority complex in peace
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My fucking sides.

>make salty as fuck comment because you got BTFO
>hailed as a hero by retards on /v/
I chose pro and I'm pretty much a tryhard so I guess it works
God, I miss sex
I'm gonna screencap this and use this very post in another thread like this one someday.
Kubel stop
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Original OC.png
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Freshest OC on the market
more likely find and collect databases of passwords already leaked from just about any shitty forum or other webiste for almost no money at all, then find the email to match.
i dunno bro u should send him ur password with 3530 gamerscore he seems 2 b legit
Fapping scratches the itch but it's nowhere near as good by yourself
Why must you tease me so? You know how pent up I am!
You're making fun of me as well now? I'm okay with that.
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Tears of War.png
88KB, 778x609px
More OC
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wow good for you dude, I bet NOBODY got it haha wow that's amazing you are very smart
gee those sure are some big words you got there anon
>samefagging this hard
I bet you play Arbiter trash. Fuck you and the horse you came on.
I guess you got banned, Lilith-anon, but I want you to know I came really hard thanks to you~
Explain image. Where do they get the idea it's from 2000?
I don't have a pic, but this happened.

>white phantom in dark souls
>help some dumbass in duke's archives
>when we get to the crystal cave, he simply falls off the invisible bridge
>i message him to follow me next time
>this time i cross the bridge first
>he stops in the middle and casually walks off the bridge again
>tell him that go in a straight line
>"i dont understand im italian"

Fucking Italians
>Where do they get the idea it's from 2000?
The receipt?
Canada is pretty big
For you
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1MB, 1182x887px
translation m-maybe?
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>he doesnt think 4chan is on pc
it's just in chat log wich kinda kills the funside
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I liked it. You had a decent amount of fun shit you could do with squad customization.

Also you could give female units fairly masculine hairstyles and guy voices so I mainly had a team of traps and anime lookalikes.
God I miss steam hates groups.

I always joined the ones I got sent. I even set one as my main group for a while before the dude realized I was proud of it.
Hey, write in Japanese faggot, can't you do anything but stick to walls?
They seem like they get along really well. I'm happy for them.
It's salty as fuck but at the same time so fucking good that he deserves his reputation.
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