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Smash /v/eekend

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 287
Thread images: 97

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Game type: FFA
Tourney ID: 1412-1915-4252-23
Password: rage
Fuck everything
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I just wanna die...
English pls

What are you waiting for?
reminder to filter all the namefags for a quality thread
Your Roy sucks desu
I don't play Roy, but ik
Who do you play again?
Why is it so dead? It's 11pm, pussies.
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Question time, why is Robin so hot
the "stream", the tournaments not made in smash are killing the /v/eekend
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We took over
people have been streaming more and more. A lot of the old /v/eekenders went to streaming with each other instead

it's way more fun then this tho
yo spooks, ya gotta link to Fats stream
So what, one person makes a game and three other people play, then the rest of us are just supposed to watch and jerk each other off in the corner?
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mainly bowser jr lucina and dark pit i play ohers too, but those are the main 3 i usually go to

especially if you think this guy >>362338364 is super hilarious and will play street fighter 5 soon
Why are you such a bitch about it?

it's better to play and chat with people that you are somewhat familiar with then to play anonymously and then get bitched at by some faggots because you beat them a little too hard

There's always some sort of flame war going on because you guys keep learn to shut the fuck up and just play and and instead constantly eat up Spookys bait and scream at each other

thanks senpai
kill all namefags and tripfags

spooky is fun as fuck and SF5 sounds like a nice change of pace, sign me in
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So the solution is to kill /v/eekends with your autistic bullshit?
It's /v/eekend. I want to play with people. Not watch four faggots sucking each other's cocks live on stream.
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>in fg as mac
>mfw its a sonic

Jab didnt stop his blue spin, I couldnt catch him and my god tier frame data means jack if I cant hit him. How do I play this mu?

If you weren't an autistic lonely faggot you'd know how the stream works. Whoever loses first leaves, and whoever gets in first plays, repeat
>wait in line to enjoy your time in the super special club
>or just play matches with random /v/eekenders like a normal functioning person
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Reminder that VenomRoy is a piece of shiiiiiiiiit
Theres no need for streamers to shit on anyone who disagrees with them, grow up
I'm new here is it always this dead at night

have fun in your shitter tourney with 5 people, at least youre "normal"
No, normally everyone is in thread
I'd rather be normal then special
Usually no, but autists would rather watch other people play than actually participate apparently. There's still full matches in the current tourney if you want to play though.
Stop being retarded

it's no one's fault for the these /v/eekends to be dying
No one is forcing everyone to attend the streams. Sorry people would rather watch some people stream games then play with your autistic ass
Didn't expect to reflect that dair at the end
>it's nobody's fault that there aren't as many people playing
>sorry people would rather watch people play video games than play video games
people who played regularly starting thinking they "got good" and began naming themselves in these threads. suddenly there were reputations and diehard Sm4sh fans who didn't want to lose to scrubs decided to play in 4 man lobbies on twitch stream on team battles only, everyone waits their turn while fellating the others in chat

No, it wasn't always this dead.
It is now, because of the 20+ people that make up /v/kend, at least 12 of them don't bother playing ITT, they just stream their lobby but come here to say "come watch, but don't make fun of us!"

So yes.
I'm already in the tourney
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>something doesn't go spookys way in the first minute
>has a fucking crybaby fit and quits
people rather watch than play sad

>k bye

>it's no one's fault for the these /v/eekends to be dying
>only ever ~30 people
>don't thread split the player pool
>thread splits the player pool
yeah, there are a lot of factors but this is the swan song
that's not their fault

Had /v/eekend not turn into a mess of drama and bitching about the current popular-to-shit-on namefag, this wouldn't be happening

People just want to play sm4sh with each other without the constant raging coming from you autist's

but it's kinda cute having you try to use my own words against me


I guess this is what happens when you tell everyone you don't like to fuck off.
Everything falls a part
Nice 1v1 Megaman
Quit bullying Boney shit posting is cool! Trolling is cool!

Being a flowchart Cloud player is not cool
The problem is you guys still haven't actually fucked off, you're still in our threads advertising your bullshit.
Nothing is guaranteed to work but these are good methods against the spindash flowchart.

Walk slowly away from him when he does spin dash. Sometimes jab catch catches spin dash but go for pivot up angled f-smashes or pivot jump cancel U-smash to catch him in spin dash.

Shield his spin dash bait the next thing he does and try to catch the landing. This is very difficult but you can read and punish his flowchart.
If you lose to flowchart you shouldn't be complaining

they still lose overall to randoms they challenge anyway, which is the most hilarious part
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No one is making them go tho

That's your problem

As it turns out, it seems like namefags kinda hold these /v/eekends together in a way, dontcha think ;:^y
If you are the mac anon who helped me before, please help me here.
Who is the best black player?

Who woulda thought? It's the namefags who run this shit and not the nobodies no one cares about. Crazy I know.

Here you are, here's your thread, what stops you from making a tourney? That people want to play with other cool people and not bitter lonely autistic retards like you? well aint that just a damn shame.
The issue is anon, this sonic did

>run to the very end of the stage
>spindash charge cancel thing
>i walk or approach
>continues spinning
>i throw out a jab of tilt
>spin into me and tear me a new a hole
>continue to grab me on landing

If I landed repeat. Or

>run into me in 1 second from his spin in place to shield in my face then grab me

Its like punchout except more brutal and the character also is waiting for a tell from me for them to attack.

I have no consistent way to force him out of the spin either through an attack of pressure him. Thats the core issue.

I tried smashes too and even if armour worked he span past me taking no damage.
There's one going on right now, now all that needs to happen is for you fags to finally go instead of clinging to these threads to brag about your pseudo friends.
You know what just wander the fucking wander you chuck and stop memeing. YOUR the cancer of the threads. Please kill yourself
Guess that means you're a shitter if you lose to FG sonic's
Anyone else keep getting the can't connect to partners device message?
maybe if you retards didn't go ape at the sign of namefags, this whole thing wouldn't have happened and /v/eekends wouldn't be dying

kinda get's your noggin a cloggin
Where do you think you are? There should not have been names or trips to being with. People shouldn't have responded to them either but they should have been run out long ago.
>/v/kends aren't dying we are just using the streams later in the night when it's mostly just regulars on anyways. We can communicate with each other much more effectively this way as well.

If people aren't playing it's their fault not the streams the stream isn't stopping anyone from playing

best advice I can give you this Mac taught me lots.
If we let the people that complain about having tournaments on any day but Sunday and nor more than twice a month make the rules then streamfags are the same problem.

Don't let them win.
fuck off tripfag

God dammit, I always do dumb shit in the end
I shall not.

As long as i draw breath,
I shall fight for freedom and justice.
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I always wondered if there was a link between shit posting and cripping depression
>Autistic oldfag looking manchild mii zard team chokes and gets MEME'D ON

TOP KEK kys zard player
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You wanna play SFV?
So what if people join the streams. Sorry the streams are far more interesting to be a part of then this

If you didn't have an autistic ragefit over everything, people wouldn't be leaving

>There should not have been names or trips to being with.

Go bitch to m00t about that

or Hiro, he'll probably get rid of them like how he got rid of (You)'s

>Where do you think you are?

hey, that's a pretty good meme.

Sometimes i see it when i'm lurking. It''s a classic tbphwy
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Nah, just shit playing
I LOVE Street Fighter V.

Buuuut, my internet sucks BAD in that game.

I even posted a video of me trying to play online.

So, i will just watch for now.

It's fine just try, if there's too much lag you'll just get kicked.
Boy you don't gotta worry about bad internet with us, /v/kend is not known for good internet in the first place

I don't even bother with free for alls because they are lagfest. I just wait for teams
>So what if people join the streams.
Nice deflection.

>Go bitch to m00t about that
Retard. Learn the purpose of a trip. Everyone who trips on vkends does it for ego.
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Alright then, even if i am more of a KOF guy becayse if my mexican genes, i will give it a try.

Just you wait i get home.

I shall not apologize by text, we, as fighters, know that our answers lie in the heart of battle.
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Jigglypuff is cute
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Ryan here, I'll be gone for the time being so the next tourney is up to you guys
You are cute.
>>Nice deflection.
alright so translation
>"i have nothing of value to say anymore, so i will simply claim you are projecting or deflecting, whatever makes me seem like the smart one"

>>Learn the purpose of a trip.

The purpose of trips is so moot could earn extra money
Anons use it for shitposting, not ego. And before you say something like "SEE, YOU ADMITTED TO THE SHITPOSTING, IT'S ALL NAMEFAGS FAULT"
You can always just report them, spooky has been reported before and it worked
Or filter them
Or ignore them
But in the end, everyone is going to the stream, that spooky is in, so stop being a retard
>The purpose of trips is so moot could earn extra money

Not him but this shows how new you are spooky
banning every single tripfag and namefag in this thread would improve thread quality 100%
prove me wrong
>2 stock is the current ruleset
>zard guy in the stream wants 3 stocks so he can get fraud wins
>still loses to opponent's best overall
>Then they want to play SFV

No way i'm gonna watch smash babby's play SFV, too many keks. I've had enough laughing at you frauds later faggots.
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Don't try to smooth talk outta this...
APOLOGISE >>362339537

>claiming people are spooky

this is why people are leaving
Because you guys accuse everyone who disagrees with you is spooky. He's not here, he's in the stream. You guys eat up his bait and then foam at the mouth whenever he makes a post

grow up
which one
How about we find a more...scientific...method of discussion?
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Don't forget
Sure let's kill these threads even more with your unfun rules
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Rules are meant to be broken.

Hell, we are here to avoid society's rules.
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Jigglypuff is super kawaii just like oldschool Ariana Grande before she left Nickeldeon joined the Illuminati
desu desu senpai senpai desu tbqh imo
rules are meant to be followed
Why does spooky only hang out and shit in threads when he's not having fun? Like right now he's playing Street Fighter, and nobody is shitting in his chat.
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Not with that attitude.
How much time left in current tourney and how many are playing?

spooky actually posts very little, dude is a very busy person

t. someone who actually knows him
Well yeah, I got that much. Why do you think I am asking for help?

Thank you mac friend. Pity the smash 4 mac forums are dead on smashboards but I find help I get here is quicker in general.
>stream lobby switched to SFV
>Bellabean's lobby is full
Well fuck
you can take my spot if you want
(You)s are back.
If you guys are playing then I don't want to intrude.
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>No KOF14 lobby ever

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I'm just watching them anyways, you can come if you want
20 minutes
About 20 players in total
Sigh okay. Idk who I helped with my non mac main advice last thread but I guess I'll try to give little pieces of help since this guy

gave the jist of it, armor through them and punish his landing if you can.

But the one thing most don't say, Don't be afraid to use counter in the sonic MU, just for condition purposes. If you hit, even better.
Thanks man. Im also going to assume by running I was also doing it wrong and I should have walked instead. Never considered counter, thanks anon.
kill all tripfags
I'm not making the thread for tomorrow. Or ever again.
That's fine, we should take a break from this until the switch version comes out.
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W-why tho??
Np, your ayres right? or another anon? I just want to make sure who I helped. Since there seems to be alot of mac fanatics in this thread i'm not sure who is who... Basically counter will frustrate the sonic and will condition him to use it less, if he gets hit by it especially. He will try something else most likely, then that will be your chance to capitalize. Mac v Sonic Imo is the most patient matchup for mac in the game. To win you will have to punish his landings often. Good luck anon, sorry I couldn't be of more help since i'm not a mac main but I just call it like I see it based on instinct alone.

Oh and even if you know AT's and such, use them sparingly, you always want to keep your opponent guessing. Good luck anon.
Who is this
Up to you. I'll join up if I see an opening.
GGs ya'll, it's been real
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Learning Rosalina. Many questions.
> 1
Is there any faster way to cross Luma to the other side of me besides turning around and waiting?
> 2
Why does Luma turn back towards me if there are no enemies in his sightline? It's such a bitch to keep him facing the right direction. Is it because my Control Stick is sticky toward the right?
> 3
What determines whether Luma will be pulled back to you during hitstun? Does he only do it if he was synced to you?
> 4
When Luma's far, what move best covers the spot in front of Rosa's face?
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I love you boneyt! <3

go to bed
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Are you Mini Mac?
name fags are cancer
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Not ayres just someone who lurks and likes to post if a conversation comes up or just ask for advice.

Thank you and I think I am learning that. My logic was that Falcon is also fast and I normally fight him toe to toe and try to outspeed him. It works.

Thought same logic with sonic and got torn up and soat out like the scrub I am. Thanks again for your help and I will keep in mind counter as well as being patient. Sonic sohnds more like a punchout matchup akin to Mr Sandman than a straight up speed demon race of movement like falcon.
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>mfw you'll never have an autistic fangirl following you asking for you to notice her and teach her how to play Roy or martial arts.
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I love you too! <3 <3

make me
Nope. I saw him post like 4 different topics so kind of kept out. Its quiet in there. More so than the others I go to.
First question, so I can possibly answer the rest even though I don't main rosa either. Do you know how to semi desync/desynct the luma?

no i'm not mini mac

Welcome, I like helping people try to get better even though i barely play at all

>still using the thing I said

I didn't know you liked it that much
I wonder how it feels to literally play one character and not even be the best at that character here.
feels like voteridley
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Thread is dying.

Post mains.
>Do you know how to semi desync/desynct the luma?

Hold/release B to launch
Jab to creep forward, or while rising/falling to hold position
Jump to raise
Dair to drop
You can only have 1 main thats why its called a main fucking idiot spic
which character friend?

I have one and a sub, rest need brushing up
Oh, and dash attack to shift left and right
Who is a better Marth
Not Odd.god
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sorry if i abandoned you ayres, you still wanna have an ironman match tomorrow? Idc if its streamed or not, i just wanna have some fun..
>Desync, I believe
> Luma always is in front of you (back turned to you) unless you desync it
>If you shoot luma and you get hit, he will only come back to you if synched
>Jab, Side tilt. Most rosa's use tilts to wall people off them for luma respawn, others use nair. Depends on the situation and the move your opponent is going to throw

If someone else can cover it better, please do. I did my best to help.
ah sorry this was for

Alright, helpful.

On 2: If Luma is desynced, no orders are given and no enemy is in his sightline, will he always turn to face you automatically?
Luma I believe jumps around and does whatever he wants if given no commands

Try dabuz and youtube videos on desync to possibly help you more/better
Bowser but started out as my main in the original Mario Kartm
7 contradicts everything else ya fucking idiot, I play how I want
Cloud is for players who have no understanding of Smash 4's neutral game, can't adapt, can't react and want free wins
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You're on For Glory and see this

what do?
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kill myself...
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allright this isn't a joke you seriously need to get help if you are having these thoughts bro
hey boney and venom.
its the three amigos
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bro chill, it was just a joke for the dumb post..

i'm still sort of dissapointed/sad(?) about my shitty matches tho

Lets turn this into one of these threads
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For anyone who has played the Wii Punchout and is a fan of mac, how do you beat Mr Sandman? I just cant beat him, he is too fast!
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Right idea
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please bro..
He's probably just asleep dude, don't worry
go to SLEEP boney
Yeah go to sleep, wouldn't want your parents to come in on you again
I feel bad we messed up Boney's iron man thing with the crew battle stuff going on.
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yeah, probably
make me...
Bone! dont feel bad about the iron man thing it happens
it was fun tho
>tfw team won and didnt get to play
Boney messed himself up by changing it to a crew battle at the last second
We could've just waited until Sunday to do it
why are we feeling bad

it was a complete wreck, good thing spooky came and salvaged the whole thing and we got a fun crew battle
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it was becoming a mess anyways, its cool.
Because some of you guys are really fucking gay sometimes
make me...



now go the fuck to bed
Go back to street fighter Spooky
I hope all you tripfags and namefags die
you ruined these threads
oh yeahhh....

admit it, spooky saved the whole thing
don't remind me

our team kinda underperformed, and out choices of who to send out weren't optimal I think
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>releases shield
>pfffft nothing personal jiggs...
>Finishing touch
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Men want to be him
Women want to be with him

He beats up behemoth men several times his size when all odds are against him
He is fast, smart and powerful

You cannot even compare to him.
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The best.

Have a Cipher Card Fanart
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>battle against a Roy
>everything works fine
>i have the upper hand
>suddenly game lags as fuck
>get smashed
>also die a little bit inside
I know that feel
Your mama:^)

Are there actually people who played the chars' game like Awakeing etc ?
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ive beaten ff7 and played new super mario bros so i guess thaat counts
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You think you are hot shit with Mac, huh?

1v1 me, bro.
Mac only.
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Hey, aren't you that autistic Lynfag?
Lyn loves Hector by the way.
Some random from /feg/. Nothing special.
You mean Fe7, i guess?
That'd be Final Fantasy
Go fuck yourself.
final fantasy 7, ive never played any fire emblem...
too late, APOLOGISE!!!!!!>>362339537
No that is me, venomroy is a lynbro, and I will meme lyn in smash

also, nothing is really established because 6 is filled with holes and lyn was created for 7 after 6 to be a tutorial lord
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>worst pairing
No, thx. Farina and Lyn all the way


So you're playing SF5 with us or not?
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Yeah, also this.
Fuck Lyn and Lyn Mode
>says he's from /feg/

Your opinions mean nothing t b h, hector can be paired with anyone and it says a similar thing to

>>362351395 this

as venom said, go fuck yourself. I will meme lyn as playable not only for the brawlfag that killed himself, but for all lynbros
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Goodnight you pieces of shit

Sure tomorrow. I was just shit posting like usual but yeah I do main Mac. I've seen your tag on V'kend I'll add you for some games.
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>being this mad
(lol, how does it feel getting cucked Mark?
They literally get pushed through scenes in Hector Mode. Get over it.
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Night puffbro
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Means nothing because it isn't established in 6, y'know the sequel that fills the questions. But as long as she's playable in smash then I would be happy with it, AT is not enough desu

Again /feg/ will always be discarded by me as most of it are tripfags that talk about trivial things such as you are doing. You will not ruse or rustle me friend.
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Smash pretty much got me to pick up some games I didn't really care about

I picked up Punch Out on Wii but only got up to like Soda Popnski or Bald Bull I forget which. Picked up Super Mario Galaxy, but Rosalina doesn't do much there. I picked up Awakening and am stuck in the mission where you have to race to get to Walhart and there's fucking spawning on the left and right every turn
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hey /feg/ bros, thoughts on Lucina?
Lyn isn't that popular/interesting as a char. There are other Fe Chars, who have more chances to get into Smash

>second part
(Lol, that's one of my fav maps. Just be aware that reinforcements spawn on the enemy turn and you're good to go
corrin best waifu
Get the fuck out
who the FUCK is this
1v1 me
It's a shame she ended up as a neutered Marth clone, I liked her in Awakening (married her, although I was heavily leaning on Severa and Cordelia). I do have to agree with someone's nitpick years ago: they way she treats the other FE characters is totally out of character. She has the utmost respect for Marth, so her saying "THIS is the hero king?" was kinda not cool. But overall, I'm in the >got smash THEN got Awakening camp so I do fall under the waifufag label and not really an FEfag; I main her and I like her
I dunno maybe my units are not high level'd enough for this shit, but I'm having a lot of trouble, and this is coming from someone that beat Days of Ruin's last map with zero problems
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Honestly I wish that the Cipher cards had Robin in some of her alternate classes.
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Wrong. Your memes mean nothing because if that were true.

>She wouldn't be an AT
>She wouldn't be the only character not in smash yet on this chart
>You know nothing about her laido moveset and will keep memeing

Lucina is popular and she got thrown in, in fact all of the characters on this list are in smash in some way, if there is a remake of some sort she is guaranteed, but if there isn't she will have to fight the new main character whoever that is and will most likely get shafted, time will tell.

Again it isn't established. lilina's mother is never established and lyn wasn't a thought when 6 was made, but keep wasting your time.

Have a Cipher Card
Robin in my mind has been established as that nice guy/girl in the big coat so seeing her in anything but is weird.

I fucking wish I was as cute as robin omg
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Fire Emblem fucking sucks. Please play a good SRPG for once in your life.
>It's a shame she ended up as a marth clone

It was either that or she didn't get in, be grateful. And out of character? nah, she's a bitch.

Canon only
There are some AlternativeClasses!Cards.
Maybe, Robin will get one, too

We will see when we get a Elibe Remake (Fe6 + Fe7). I bet, they still get pushed by IS throughout scenes.

Anon don't you know? Fire Emblem Awakening has no canon.

Or rather they used to but no one liked it so now IS pretends that it doesn't exist.
>be grateful
it's not like I was asking her to be in the game, man.
>she's a bitch
To Robin, mostly. She revered Marth, if anything she should have positive win quotes when victorious against him
What was the canon marriage?
what I meant by canon, is it's original appearance only.

See i'm glad you finally she has a shot, not guaranteed however. Depends on things. As for the hector + lyn push in the remake we'll see. But at that point she most likely gets into smash as playable and my autism will go as my quest is complete.

Chrom x Sumia
Chrom X Sumia
Oh yeah I forgot about that. So now IS doesnt want that to be canon? haha, also any word on a new Advance War game?
>Advance Wars

Anon, no one knows what will happen for that series, it is more likely IS remakes paper mario TTYD, possibly 6 and 7 because of Roy resurgence, and SMT X FE 2 aka TMS 2. And of course the phone FE "game" and maybe that ties in to a new one? or not.
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>any word on a new Advance War game?
Anon...., Days of Ruin will be the last AW Game forever
Originally both Chrom and Lucina were intended to paired with a Sumia (who the game pushed hard to pair up with Chrom) and Lucina with a literal who. But both options were widely unpopular both with Nips and International gamers, as in so unpopular that you can't even find a single doujin featuring Sumia or Laurent, with Chrom or Lucina, so now IS just pretends that there isn't a canon.
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Do you mean in title defence or standard you made it to Bald Bull? They are hard in TD but possible. Granted I had to use headgear vs Super Machoman.
Well Sumia isn't exactly well liked in Japan
So they pretty much had no choice.

>Advance War
I fucking wish.
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You gotta believe my man
standard, like, first play through. I know now what to look for (kinda) but I havent gotten into it. it was just really fun to play it with my siblings, who just kept yelling shit like "DUCK LEFT!" "THAT ONE, THAT'S THE REAL TIGER" "OH MY GOD YOU DIED AGAIN!"
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>love SRPGs
>dislike FE because it's not very good compared to all the other ones I've played but is super popular somehow
>there's like no fanbase for these other SRPGs but fucking everyone has played FE
>try to get my friends who are into FE to play these other SRPGs because there's so much to find in this genre
>they never do
I'm so fucking sad, I wish FE was a regular turn based RPG instead of a tactics game so I wouldn't get my hopes up about people being into my favorite genre.
Who's this sex demon?
Ike's supposed descendant.
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Priam from Fe: Awakeing, Ike's descendat
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if it helps, anon, I freaking love Disgaea and I also picked up (but never actually finished) La Pucelle Tactics. pic related puppy I used to have and Prinny pillow I still have
plans for 2017?
I think this will be the next FE if IS does one, and the phone thing could tie into it

>Tellius saga is popular
>Already have a future lord that was established in awakening

Hints are there, too bad he'll be cucked by Ike and just be an alt or something
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Yeah, it's sad. I actually convinced one of my friends to play FE and he's now super addicted to it. We're "Fe Bros" now.
Holy shit talk about smash
>fucks and gets impregnated by her brothers
>best girl
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Super Crosslord.webm
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Oh, that's adorable. Disgaea is one of the series I try really hard to get people into but it never seems to work. I played FE for a long time, but after I started playing Disgaea I could never go back, it's as it gets. I wish more people played it.
NIS just made an announcement that they're developing for Switch right now, so I hope that breathes more life into the fanbase. I also dream of Laharl in Smash one day, though people are probably tired of blue haired anime swordsmen, even if Laharl is way cooler than Marth, Ike and co. can ever be.
I don't think anyones playing
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>implying Priam will be as cool as Ike
Never ever... give me Tellius Remake with Ike or give me death.

Not blood related
Disgaea is fun, most people who I got into it, aren't big on Fire Emblem. Once you go NIS you can't go back.
>Not blood related
You don't find that out until after Corrin wants to fuck them.
You actually find that out in Revelations or Hidden Truths DLC, but yeah. It's still weird
Of course Ike will be the coolest of the cool forever but I can see them doing Priam's story for the switch. Alot of telliusfags would like to see another chapter. Demand is there, unlike the poor Jugdralfags. Course neo IS can't pull off the best FE game like 5 ever again so it's for the better.
Don't suppose there's any 3DS players here is there? Went to check the shithole that is /ssbg/ and it seems like it's not around anymore
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I would find it cool if they do a Tellius Remake with 2 Parts.
Part 1: Ike's story
Part 3: Priam.
I would be ok with this.
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I am around anon. Whats up?
Just wondering if you or anyone else was down to play
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I can play for a short while. Like 12 games if thats ok?

Fc is 4141 5395 7192
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I love you /v/kend...
go to SLEEP
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sleepover WHEN?
added, you mind hosting?
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is this awoof? where were you today?? i missed you
Not at all. I will have the room up in a few minutes. Gl and hf.

Good to see you again anon. Havent seen you since the early days of ssbg. I went under a different alias back then but still, welcome back to smash.
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friggin furry
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Three day ban
forgot it was the weekend woopsies
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missed out on the crew battle loser
not sure what that is but it sounds scary
Teams 1v1s, but you have a limited amount of Stocks

A player won't stop playing until they run out of stocks once deployed
Never really left smash, just /ssbg/
God damn do I suck on 3ds now though, it's been a while also who were you before?
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Fair enough. I migrated to smashboards and anthers myself. I was Pher.
When was this? I wish I joined.
Today, around 7 hours ago
Oh shit nice to play again. You still play bowser at all? Or am I thinking of someone else
That graph confuses me greatly sounds like fun tho
you missed out on Boney actually being a fucking beast with Bowser Jr
fuck off boney
Two stock advantage on Chaos, unfortunately for him Chaos is the clutch master
Yeah I do, would never leave Koopa. Just focusing a lot on little mac lately to change things up. I will go Booze for a few so.
basically all the people on the left fought all the people on the right and the people on the left lasted longer and won
we ded
>you missed out on Boney actually being a fucking beast with Bowser Jr
>losing 3 stocks to a 2 stock chaos

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Ggs Hopy. Ye still got neat stuff going there. Slick rests. Thanks for the set.
Great games man, still wrecking my puff I see. Some things don't change I guessI blame 3DS :^)
3ds just dont cut it for most so fair nuff. I still love my 3ds to bits. Good to see you anywho and take care.
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