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Star Citizen

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Thread replies: 149
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So 2.6 just dropped. Thats the update with the Star Marine Module. Has anyone tried it out yet? How does the gunplay feel? Better? Do we like it /v/?
/v/tards BTFO with no recovery
Still doesn't change the fact that this game is going to be canceled
This shit won't be out of alpha for at least another 10 years. I shit you not.
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Haven't played it myself yet but it seems pretty solid
Shekel Citizen
Why do you think that?
What is this meme? I never understood it.
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It's over /v/tards he has already won

Yeah he won vs. all the retards who backed his game and gave him millions.
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>this guy blew over $100,000,000 so far on a tech demo that will never come out and there are still people giving him money

>Literally a hundred million
>barely any game content
I can't wait for all the salt when scam citizens goes bankrupt
>on a tech demo that will never come out

The current builds are already playable and fun. Calm down bro.
Surprisingly gunplay is actually decent. It's slightly heavier like Battlefield rather than CoD and guns have decent weight and feel behind them. Movement feels smooth and responsive and mantling over obstacles is fluid.

It's still kind of arcadey though, enemies show up with a name tag when you see them so you instantly know where enemies are and such, and being shot at in zero G is fucking hell because everything is muffled so you can't hear where the shot came from, and being shot at has the hit marker thing that all other FPS has but in zero G it's useless
>it's the same "small one planet area and also some instanced vs modes" thing that has been out for over a year

Don't even until 3.0 is out
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Why are /v/tards so insecure? Maybe you are afraid of a CHRIS SURGE

When the full game is released next year get ready to apologize
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Nice "patch"
Are you the OP of both threads?
How does it feel living in a third world country?
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And who are you the meme police? Chris is going to make you his bitch cuck just wait for next year
Kek, why'd you make two threads loser? Keep sucking that Chris dick faggot.
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here is some money for space game you want to make ok

>thank you, here is gun game


I did not ask for this

>too bad
>tfw you got a full refund in 2015 after helping starting this on 10/10/2012.
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I do not want refund

I want space game

why are there guns and men
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Don't be salty /v/tard just wait for next year till Chris "motherfuckin" Roberts makes you his bitch
sold my package (boxset + hornet) 3 years ago tho

see ya in 3 years if they even honor in realese it
Go play even then

I gave money because I want full first person universe simulation
fucking traitors
What will the inevitable furry race be like?
>help starting it up on day one
>get money back, when they have more than enough, not even asking for some interest
>"fucking traitors"
And that's why we call that a cult.
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I hope you like fish, bird, and lizard pussies
He's right, but idiots buying "digital" games and hats and whatever on Steam make exactly the same mistake.
The scheme only worked, because Valve prepared the audience for it.
This literally is "PC gaming" now.
Whats the update that fixes the lag in the PU? 3.0?
I'm getting a pack for Christmas. 3.0 convinced me.
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3.0 includes the new netcode, new patcher no more 30GB patches, basic professions, planets, more ships, mission system, and Ai.
>changing the game engine four years into development

This is probably one of those faggots that jumped straight into the deep end right at the very start. Why else would he be part of a guild that's modelled off an IKEA lamp
My friend has sunk over $1000 into this game, it's like he's become a jehovah's witness or something because it's all he ever talks about nowadays and he's constantly trying to get me to play it.
>People were bitching about not having star marine last year

This nigga....
Where when
>linking reddit, ever
why don't you go back there?
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Your friend just help fund the game I"ve been waiting on for over 20 years.

I see Something Awful has arived.
>Where when
You are going to click it anyway.
Chris Robert playing 4d trans dimensional chess!!!
Lumberyard is based off a fork of Cry Engine as is SC.
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>Still need a beast of a computer to run it well
So it's not an entire gutting. It's an upgrade. if it's based off cryengine, I doubt the transition would be that extreme.
>So it's not an entire gutting. It's an upgrade.
They have to throw away five years of work on CE 3.7 ("StarEngine"). Anything done in those "Bugsmashers" episodes: Completely wasted.
This de-motivates developers. Expect high profile leaves in 2017.
They still have access to the source code, if you think they're abandoning massive amounts of work on their version of CryEngine, you're insane.
Wake me up when 3.4 hits a year from now. Might be fun to actually play then
You'll be lucky if you get 3.1 this time next year
Dunno, senpai. People learning from their mistakes in a shitty engine and moving on to a much more efficient engine doesn't seem too bad to me.
>Star Citizen’s latest update, referred to as the “2.6 Alpha” in today’s press release, will run on Lumberyard.

So they've already made the transition over and have been doing it for some time now then? I don't get what all the doom and gloom is, obviously they're switching for a reason
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>implying this was anything but a quick move to Amazon's AWS ecosystem because Amazon offered them a sick deal to act as some sort of showcase for AWS game hosting
2-3 of those years were spent developing significant tools that streamlined a lot of development. Tools that were developed to work with Cryengine which will still be applicable with some modification as Lumberyard is the same architecture.

If anything a lot of those development videos seemed to give a glance into the frustrations the developers had on working within the limitations of Cryengine. This could also server as motivation that the game's about to finally open up and really let them freely develop.

It took them fucking 3-4 years to get rid of the USE prompt, that's how deeply embedded it was within Cryengine
>armchair dev the post
>Switch to "better engine"
>Runs like shit
Yea nah, Chris is scamming everyone
Is it an actual update or am I going to have to download 30 some gigs again?
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The guy you gave you (you) is a troll.

Cig's already rewritten Cry Engine and now partnering with Amazon they get free engine updates for the next 10 years now that Crytek is going under.

Lumber yard is just a fork of Cry Engine V but expanded upon by Amazon.
It is an update that requires you to redownload the whole game because of the new engine
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It's an actual update but you will have to download 30gigs again, 3.0 the next patch will include the delta patcher which will change how files are handled and fix the massive updates.
>if you think they're abandoning massive amounts of work on their version of CryEngine
That's exactly what an "engine switch" means.
As a software developer who has seen development hell projects from the inside:
If management made such an decision this late usually leads to everyone competent jumping ship. Nobody likes to see years of his own work being trashed.
Then it's just interns left trying to build something from the ruins, before the entire thing is finally scrapped.
It's not an engine switch in the way that going from Unity to CryEngine is. Lumberyard is a modified version of CryEngine with AWS integrated

I've moved projects from CryEngine to Lumberyard myself, sure I wasn't dealing with massive amounts of custom source code edits, but I didn't have Chris Roberts' resources either.

This is no big deal at all. They could have changed without letting us know desu and no one would have noticed
Fine, here's your (You)
>That's exactly what an "engine switch" means.

Except Lumberyard is an offshoot of Cryengine
Its a video game not a bank.
>I didn't have Chris Roberts' resources either.
It was not con artist Chris Roberts who did these edits. He WILL lose manpower over this. He already lost a complete team of artists.
Nobody enjoys working for the trashcan, even when getting paid.
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>kickstarter says completion day is 2014
Waaagh all of those games took a long time to make and so they were scaaaams.

Everyone is stupid.

$35 dollar original Kickstarter backer reporting in.
>He already lost a complete team of artists.


fuck year turtle and bird people
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>patcher stuck at 99%

This post is why you don't believe everything you read on 4chan.
Why do they make you redownload the entire FUCKING GAME. The "Update" is a fucking 30GB download. God fucking dammit this is so FUCKING STUPID
>Why do they make you redownload the entire FUCKING GAME

Because they'rve switched over to the new engine
Because they're still working on shit.
restart your network via Network Connections
>Because they're incompetent and fucking suck
>why is this alpha test like an alpha test!?
I fail to see what this has with pushing an update. Oh and by the way, it's done this for every fucking update since they've starting updating this "game". Braindead cultist.
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>next year

>next year

...holy shit. People still think this?
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I guess one could say that these ships are "out of this world"

Because this show is run by idiots, idiot.
new patching system is coming with 3.0
>accelerating backwards
>RCS is spraying forwards
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>I hate this game so much
>I'm going to go into a thread about the game and tell everyone how much I hate it!

For what purpose
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I don't need a purpose. What I do need/want is a functioning way to push updates so I don't have to redownload this entire fucking game.
>but this is all besides the point of this thread.


Then stop playing until 3.0 which will have that as part of the patcher
Stop trying to play an alpha then you retard. Do you also go to half constructed restaurants and complain that they haven't shat out food into your mouth? :^)
>it took this long to figure out how to properly update the game

How can you even defend this? Star Citizen supporters really are cultists. This entire system is so illogical, it's a wonder they've even been able to come this far without filing for bankruptcy. Every game in existence has been able to figure out how to push an update.

Hey, you dumb faggot nigger. Listen closely, okay? THEY CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT HOW TO UPDATE THEIR GAME

Kill yourselves.
>Figure out how to update their game

But clearly they know how to update it, you are complaining about the updates :^)
If you could comprehend a sentence you'd know that I'm complaining about their lack of ability to update the game without redistributing the entire game, with minute changes.
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If you could comprehend how much of a raging autist you are, you would be knowledgeable of this subject already :^)
No u. :o)
ITT goon baiting since their recent plan of hacking in game got squashed by the new engine network integration
M8 if you followed the game you would know they have had this in mind and have been developing a delta patching system
What does her hat says?
It says thread derailment and shitposting aka Maga
>it's a wonder they've even been able to come this far without filing for bankruptcy
As long as drug lords are laundering their money through them, everything is fine.
Business model is the same as Valve's: Sell hats for money.
This is PC gaming now.
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>everybody bitches about rehashed games coming out every single year
>everybody bitches about a developer that tries taking their time with a game
and you wonder why people have negative opinions of "gamers"
>everybody bitches about a developer that tries taking their time with a game
>taking time
>not taking money
I think, you confused something here, anon.
After I finish HL3 I will play this game.
They were busy bitching about the lack of space sims in the past 10 years, now they spend their time bitching about space sims
if they were just taking money then they probably shouldn't have built a game that they show updates for 5 times a week
>if they were just taking money
That's exactly what they do since 2012.
Taking money and creating propaganda. Just like a charity.
I dunno man, SC's more entertaining than sending money to some black kid in africa.
>Bumping this thread

>replying 3 minutes after the latest post is bumping
Because it's one of the few non shitposts
and what is the worst thing that could happen if you're right?
everybody in the community knows exactly who the developers are so if they try to run with the money they'll get raped physically, mentally, verbally and spiritually
I really hope we can get the full game by some time in 2018
>so if they try to run with the money
They can't run with it, as they burn through it.
At the end they will simply close shop with nothing left, shut down the servers and 2000 idiots will commit soduko.
>This shitposting
>Anyone responding to it seriously

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Stealing artwork has been a long tradition for Star Citizen.
Concept artwork that's been lazily hashed, nothing to bitch about since designs get scrapped anyways in eternal development.
Plus the head is from one of the SOCOM games cover

Look it up
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Here's the original image with filename after doing some reverse searching. Turns out, it's an homage.
Scam Citizen has 2-3 large dev teams working on game so that comparison seems irrelevant, the only dev team that is larger than them is EA's Bioware and Bioware Austin. Also Blizzard, Bethesda, Sega and 2k were simultaneously working on improving their game engine so it took time, Scam citizen already has a game engine and they just wasted a shit ton of time and money when they switch to LumberYard
If anyone one wants to try out the game in spite of the shitposting going on in this thread, there's a 48 hours trial going on.

Sign up here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist
Free credits on sign-up: STAR-V7K3-6WZ5
Insert trial code on next page: WELCOME2SC

2.6 is a great place to start imo.
>Amazon’s focus aligns perfectly to ours as we’ve been making significant engineering investments into next generation online networking and cloud based servers. Making the transition to Lumberyard and AWS has been very easy and has not delayed any of our work, as broadly, the technology switch was a ‘like-for-like’ change, which is now complete.

Nice job shilling your code
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Hmm its close, its been changed quite alot if it is.
>Still Believing on their PR BS

They told us the game would release soon. all we got is a change in the refund policy
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So I just dropped $2500 on a PC.

What is the best ship currently available for purchase.
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>Nice job shilling your code
it's what I do best
Depends what you want to do. Do you want a fast ship for racing? Do you want an agile ship for fighting? Do you want a good cargo ship for hauling? Do you want to waste money on some giant behemoth that requires NPC or human crew members to use?

Do some investigating of your own.
And I was told that there was going to be 8 years of change. Video game development takes time. Especially when the people who backed the game demand more.

Starter package, don't be a retard
Reminder that the new engine Lumberyard doesn't even have the 64 bit coordinate system they worked on for two years.
They literally have to start over.
>this engine that is a slightly modified version of the engine they were using that they moved to means they will have to COMPLETELY REWRITE EVERYTHING

Whatever you say armchair gamedev anon
hey guys,

have you bought your daily ship yet?

pls buy more ships
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there's only one ship that will truly represent the game
>Tortanic poster

Ah, a subhuman I see.
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Fucking SWTOR ruined this board. Now every game is going to be TORTANIC 2 and every shitposter under the sun comes to threads and ruins them.
>slightly modified version of the engine
>overhaul of the entire coordinate system to increase map size 32fold from 8 km
>local physics grids
>slightly modified version of the engine
Star Citizen is a failure though.

Should've stopped being so smug, PCfags!
TOR turned this place from a shithole into a nuclear dumping ground, with ugly, grotesque creatures doing nothing but screaming memes and REE at each other all day.
>Not being a citizen of the 4th Stimpire

Shiggy diggy
Thread posts: 149
Thread images: 36

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