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Show how you'd use your vidya skills to overcome this obstacle.

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Thread replies: 64
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Show how you'd use your vidya skills to overcome this obstacle.
uninstall java
>delicious pizza
>covered in pepperoni and sausage

I go to a pizza place and get a pizza that is actually delicious
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>uninstall java

also, adblock
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3MB, 2000x1959px
Are you one of those faggots that gets a few shreds of cheese, tomatoes, spinach and some sort of white sauce and thinks you're a pizza connoisseur?
>java [sic] uninstalled
>website is a white blank page because the entire thing is one big javascript app
What now?

Not that anon, but pepperoni is shit.
u r shit
scavenge the depths of the site's source code, then
>search pizza
>get DOM Inos.com
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31KB, 505x431px
>anything to do with java

spotted the non-techie
hes rite tho peperoni is for plebs
Uninstall 'You'
yeah I haerd Maddox say so
>source code
You don't get access to the source of the website, you're not even guaranteed the source of the javascript
Seduce Unfree Javascript, Impregnate Pizza
Search the pizza places phone number through duckduckgo and call them to order instead going through their website and not being able to view anything because noscript is working properly.
lol embarassing
rape javascript, eat pizza
Sandbox javascript.
Let it play with the sand and build castles.
Retrieve pizza while he's not looking.
just google
I put in my credit card information and pay to unlock the Delicious Pizza immediately.
Eat the javascript. Looks a lot tastier than that pizza.
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>No pineaple, ham, cheese or chicken with cream

Mate what the fuck.
More like, plebberoni
>I just ordered a pizza because of this thread

Thanks, /v/
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>you can't use adblocker software on this site
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366KB, 468x449px
>a prompt asks me to disable adblock
>disable the prompt with adblock

I'm trying to figure out how Forbes does this when I have ALL scripts on that site disabled and blocked.
Alright /v/, let's see if you have good taste.
Always local
>please disable adblock to view this video
>looks like it's only going to be a few banners
>"sure what the hell"
>refresh page
>15 pop unders and one huge screen filling popup reading some bullshit about how I have a virus and must contact this number
>alt f4 and never use site again

probably some query of another website just before you request theirs.

idk i dont care enough about forbes to take a look.
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>You don't get access to the source of the website, you're not even guaranteed the source of the javascript
That's literally impossible. The source of the website is the instructions sent to your browser, and if the javascript is inaccessible there's no chance it will ever execute.

Excepting some PHP wizardry the source of the website should be easily accessible even by a drooling tard, and if there is slow PHP fuckery afoot, reverse engineering it and outputting what you need should still be possible.
I dunno where you live but sometimes local is utter shit

dominos is garbage

pizza hut is like I may as well be drinking a bucket of oil and grease

maybe I'm just bad at cooking freezer pizza but it always tastes like eating bark off a tree that is on fire.

depressingly enough little caesars is the best where I live. Also, it's cheaper than the alternatives (besides freezer I suppose.)
>frozen pizza even an option

Jesus why. Literally anything is better.

Otherwise >>323067157
This, if you already know a great place or are feeling experimental and this doesn't go for just pizza. Chains for when you're learning the area or just feel like playing it safe. Dominos is my choice in that regard though Papa Johns is pretty alright too.

Pizza hut is shit.
nigger I don't know I'm just trying to learn Python

if OP_is_a_fag == True:
print "ISHYGDDT"
print "fug :DDD"
Source code is defined as the preferred form of modifying a work. This definition has been accepted for years and years. Javascript with 1 letter variable names and no whitespace is not the preferred form of modifying the JS on the website, so it is not the source.
>b-but you can deminify it
You can decompile binary programs as well, but we don't call every binary program the "source" because we can translate it into an easier to read form.
Little Ceasar's is poorfag-tier pizza, but damn if it isn't good. Probably better than most chains desu
I don't know those places.

I'm not one of those who has a muslim foreigner as a president who cries like a bitch
I roll to seduce the Javascript.
In my experience, Little Ceasar's has really poor control over consistency. Some place I go are pretty good, others are absolutely garbage. With the other major chains there's a lot more consistency. Not to say you don't get lemons but I've never seen two little ceasars run the same way.

The one five minutes from my house is terrible and I hate going there. There's one ten minutes away that is fucking great though and it's always worth the few extra minutes if I want cheap pizza.

I can back this up 100%, though the one that's good is actually closer. That said consistency isn't just from store to store but day to day. Sometimes it's actually pretty good but others it's pretty much what you'd expect for cheap poorfag pizza.
Not a whole lot of choices, eh?
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Oh I understand. You're just a faggot.

Obfuscated sources are still sources.

>source code is the preferrred form of modifying a work
Where the fuck do you people even come from?
install funny pizza land
>American thinking he can discuss pizza

Plain pathetic.
>Source code(also referred to as source or code) is the version of software as it is originally written (i.e., typed into a computer) by a human in plain text.

>Obfuscated “source code” is not real source code and does not count as source code.
>yuropoor thinking he can afford delicious pizza
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>no delicious, greasy Costco pizza option

the fuck's the matter with you m8?
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You've been kicked out from /g/ for a reason.
>slices are fuckhuge
>2 fat slices and a drink is less than $5
Ave True to Caesar
Please bring back pretzel salt game proper

what is this bell pepper epic meme, i've seen it a few times now
God-tier pizza right there my friend.
lurk moar
Green is my pepper.
Yeah I don't know what that anon is doing. Costco is pretty great. Always used to get it for birthday parties when I was a kid.

i've been here since 06, i've just had less time as of late to keep up with the fresh new memes from the current memelords
Oh well in that case
lurk moar still

oh it's a stock brush in gimp

i never go to /g/, explains why i never hear of it
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