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clam the fuck down people, nothing is fucking happening
>inb4 don't click this link will hack you
i bet you thnik peoples are getting their bank account robbed too, morons
Nobody cares nerd
>tfw you realize that everyone on /v/ is just as prone to retarded hysteria as leddit army
>nothing is fucking happening
Except the personal data was still leaked.
fuck you
>viewing other people's home address, email and credit card details is just fine
nice damage control
This is all you need for identity theft.
you mean the last 4 digits of your card, and maybe phone numbers? that's nothing compared to what the morons in the sticky claim.
we'll probably get free games and stuff because of that.
or if you care so much about it and think your data got leaked, go sue them, i don't care, i just hate how this place is so filled with moronic man-child.
anyone saying this place is better than reddit is an utter moron, and i don't even brwose reddit
>home address
>credit card detail

It says right there that credit card info is censored. Also who has their home address in their steam account?
>Also who has their home address in their steam account?

It's a fucking billing address.

Oh god is that damage control from Steam?

It's because Totaliscuit is freaking about about this (as he should) so people are paranoid
>community moderator
What does he know? And it doesn't matter if certain things were censored. Full profiles and personal information were publicly accessible. It's not okay.
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You literally can open a phone book and get the same info.
so 4 digit from a credit, and email adress you can't access and an home adress is enough to steal people's identity? you're pretty stupid aren't you?
saying nothing happened is an understatement, but calm down. hell, just declare your card as lost. or don't save your cards info in the first place
Doesn't that go under credit card info though?
There's literally no context to that information in a phonebook, though.
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fuck me? FUCK ME?!
>you can't even buy
Is this true? How about all these screenshots with -3k $ expense?
The context is they have money.

So I can open a phone book, assume the person has money and just steal their info?

You are legitimately retarded
last 4 digits of a credit card is enough to hack plenty of accounts.
Just call up Amazon/Apple/Google or wherever and say you've lost your password and email. They will just ask you your birthday and last credit card digits and that's enough for them.

This has been proven repeatedly.
my billing adress isn't even my house, it's still my parent's because i'm too lazy to change it
nobody said it's okay, people are just over-reacting, posting false screenshots and feeding the mass-hysteria
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>clam the fuck down
sonyfag, pls go
Yes, this is Information Commissioner fine-level stuff right there.

But, we'll see. I've been stalked, and I'm not freaking out. If shit happens to the bank, call the bank, they're insured. If shit happens to my house, call the police, insurers, etc.
>your birthday and last credit card digits
They asked for my mothers maiden name but then i live in another country.
what about names, emails, and addresses?

fucking sjws
then what? you get a new crad mailled at the guy's house? and do you seriously use only one email adress for everything?
if you're so afraid, just declare your card as lost.
Not defending that tard but actually A home address and 4 digit credit card is exactly all I need to get in. you see with the email address given I now know where you store the real private stuff. So I take that info and contact gmail/yahoo/charter.net like mr. legoman5000.
Then with that info I can easily trick any min waged employee into giving me the true password and then with that I can look into your true email. PLUS I have your address which means I can find your zip code and other important things that you may happen to use as a possible password or what not to get into other things. You see all it really takes is an email,4 digit card to trick the bank and home address.
Have a nice day legoman 5000
>no unusual activity on my paypal, credit cards, or email
>tfw still worried that someone might brute force their way into my email accounts

Am I just being paranoid?
>After 9 years using steam, finally receive a shiny steam card
>Worth about 7 bucks
>"Cool I can get another game"
>This happens

Are you implying people blew it out of proportions because they wanted to have a good time/shitpost?

Honestly nothing really that can be done. We're all in the same boat. I'm just staying logged in an monitoring activity. Maybe change your password again in a few hours.
they're waiting until later when your suspicions are low
why the hell would your birthday be on steam?
besides, where i live, they ask for birthday, adress, COMPLETE CARD NUMBERS and sometime one or two more question, they also ask for a secret 3-digit number
Do you have a lot of money? Yes/no, there's your answer buddy
>tfw v is just pol with video games
>all that damage control
>steam white knights
the email address can be used to find any normies facebook and what do you know! A birthday!
>mfw two step auth
>mfw immune to credit card fraud

hahaha damage control consolefags
>tfw 4chan is just pol with different hobbies
that's literally enough info to compromise nearly anything the person has ever had
fuck YOU leather man
your fault for using the same email for everything and putting any actual info on any platform at risk of ever being hacked or compromised.
people are afraid right now because they didn't take enough precautions, but i've always been paranoid, and this doesn't bother me one inch, i've already taken the steps to secure myself
what can someone do with knowing my email and the last 4 digits of a cc number?

console fags are literally bragging and going wild over literally nothing
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If you've sold enough items on Steam's Marketplace they ask for your tax info too, which includes your social security number.
will they turn my computer into a bomb
> it's your fault your bike was stolen because you didn't use a strong enough lock
I hate this train of thought.

Did you stop reading at Amazon? People can get completely owned with this kind of info.

Plenty of shit. Lots of customer support staff will only ask your last 4 digits because for security reasons they are not allowed to see more than those digits either.
What's with this influx of Redditors who unironically use ''nerd''?
ey same but i never gave steam real info
all fake and made up
There really isn't. Only if you've used a really shitty password for your email and a person actually attempts to breach it. Guess what, I have friends that know my email, name, and address.
who else /switchingbacktopiracy/
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what the hell, check your email guys. Im on the phone with VISA atm. Blocking all transactions
why would they need that, are steambux considered assets
That's illegal
>nearly anything the person ever had
yeah right, if you're a moron to begin with. when things like this happens, don't shitpost on v, protect yourself
you mean there are people who deactivate that security setting? why the hell would you do that
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Don't worry guys it's only your Paypal email, steam account email, steam account name, names of attached account, billing address, phone number, First name, Last name, last couple digits of your CC, Full purchase history and steam wallet info.
>you mean there are people who deactivate that security setting? why the hell would you do that

for security reasons

because the less info steam has, the better

as proven by today

fucking retard
Probably in case you sell something like 25$ thousand worth of crap, they'll report to the IRS that you made this money.
half of that isn't even true
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what the fuck did you just say to me you bitch
What half?
more than 200 transactions per year makes it taxable income in the US because you are then considered a commercial seller or something
you do realise two-step authentification is just an email to your account email when you want to log in from another computer? there's literally no more info linked because of that, shitposter
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So this is the power of PC...
For fucks sake, your country doesn`t have any type of ID combination that people ask to confirm you're who you are?
half of the stuff you just write
Except for all of it.
good thing when it asks me to save my payment information i always put no
they can't see your paypal email, that email is exclusive to paypal
your steam account email is a woopty do, that doesn't reveal anything nor does it give them access to it
>steam account name
who cares
>names of attached account
>billing address
public knowledge
>phone number
no it doesn't
>first and last name
>last couple digits of your CC
which is just 4 numbers out of 16, literally worthless
>full purchase history
>steam wallet info
what ever this means
>Implying /v/ isn't leddit army
I'm sure they'll get right on that with all that budget to track tax cheats they don't have anymore.

They don't even have enough resources to verify all millionaire tax returns, which is where they focus 98.4% of all audits and verification.
I saw someone's Paypal email, account email, account name, address, number, full name, last credit card numbers, purchase history and wallet info. So outside of 'names of attached account' which half is untrue?
>reset password
>what email do you have as an alternate?

one of the first questions asked

for resetting your password anywhere
All of this is enough to socially engineer your way into accounts elsewhere though.
Despite PSN and Xbox Live been down almost everyweek?
> this massive damage control
Hello Gaben
and then 5 years from now some IRS auditer will take a look at your files, and see it's not reported, and buttfuck you.

It's really not a risk you want to take since it can affect a ton of shit.
>implying people haven't lost all the money they had on steam balance
>this damage control

Don't get me wrong, it's not a huge deal, bank accounts are safe, but people that had ze money on steam have lost it.
>which is just 4 numbers out of 16, literally worthless
see >>321448495

Very valuable info if you want to impersonate someone and get into their accounts.
>You can see all this stuff
>No you can't because worthless
What email is it that's shown in the purchase options under "Paypal"? What number is shown if not the phone number that's shown in the picture? What name is it?
>account name
not true
last 4 numbers yes
>full name
not true
>last credit card numbers
literally who the fuck cares
>wallet info
If I wanted to socially engineer you right now I don't need any of that

all I would need is a fucking IP address out of a Packet Sniffer

at least pretend like you know what you're talking about

>say a bunch of untrue shit
>you're wrong because x, y, z
No. No they haven't.
What can you do with those informations that will harm that person? Sign him up on some trap porn spam list?
It's not like people who make 30 cents an hour in China, Brazil or Russia can cross-reference your email account with all the other personal info easily sold on the internet or anything which they have access to as part of their job.
look at the picture you retard, the steam community manager is lying. Anyone who clicked update payment info saw all of that info from some other persons account
Not me, I mean somebody could use those details to get password resets by phone to all sorts of places.
I only had my Paypal email in my Steam account, and I just un-linked that through Paypal.

Am I safe?
what does that have to do with two-step athentifications?
>people gifting shit from other people's accounts to their own
>no money loss

Same here, literally nothing for me. I'm kinda worried because there are $1000 USD in my card though.

I really should get a second card that I use for online shit and transfer funds into it from my main one.
>stuff that never happened
>valve is ruined
>look at the picture you retard, the steam community manager is lying.
lying based on what?

>Not me, I mean somebody could use those details to get password resets by phone to all sorts of places
they're need the phone itself, they'd need access to the email itself
I don't know why everyone is freaking out, it's impossible to see your CC info anyway other than maybe the last 2 or 4 digits or whatever it is. The only info that people can see is that and your address and email. No one can steal you money by knowing that.

>how is giving more info to a company which just had their security compromised a bad thing in regards to having further info compromised
Just use a two step verification on your email, unless the "hacker" steal my phone he won't be getting into my email
>literally proofs all over 4chan, reddit, steam forums

How is it even possible to get cucked by one faceless company so hard?
Fake or done without the steam fuckery
You realize how stupid that is?

>I stole someones CC then gifted myself shit

Its a big red flag that says "I STOLE YOUR STUFF"

You think you can just get away with that? Thats leaving the biggest money trail, a blind deaf nigger could find it
Even with a saved debit card on file they still need the 3 digit CVC code on the back of your card to buy anything
GENTLEMEN, BE BRITISH. It's just the cache going rogue, not a big deal actually.
Yes, a few transactions had been made with the wrong accounts, and someone found out he bought a copy of a game he didn't intend to buy. Yet after this happened they closed the store.
Nothing else can happen: no password reset, no credit card check, ecc.
Stop freaking out, you're just giving to the hacker group of losers the attention they want and don't deserve.
REFRAIN from giving them attention, and go play a fucking game of chess for once, if you feel you need to play something.
>I believe everything I see except things I don't want to believe
you really don't know what two-step authentification is do you?
it send an email to your account email address, an info it ALREADY have, to ask you if you really want to log from another computer.
>phone numbers are, as required by law, censored and not visible to users
>phone number is clearly visible
I never opted to save any of my payment information on steam. My personal info is thus save, right? I mean except for my email itself being shown to others randomly maybe
Emails are in the phone book now?

So, be toothless and stupid?
>>phone number is clearly visible
Its not


you literally can't purchase anything without so much of this information
>hey guys I got a bunch of information about someguy
>its all useless and worthless to do anything malicious with it
The info in >>321448739 was visible if you managed to the part where you can add a new credit card. It fills in your name, address and phone number automatically.
But posting with caps lock on saying that something is happening is funny, right? Am i part of the group now?
>giving steam real info
Where is the CC bill going to be addressed to?
this is why i only wake up after noon. all the hacks are handled and taken care of by the time i eat breakfast and shower.
That's strange credit card, paypal and email info aren't in my phone book? maybe you live in an alternate reality?
>an info it ALREADY have, to ask you if you really want to log from another computer.

Your email account can easily be compromised using the data in this shit.
you know not enough history kid.
Check what the captain of the titanic asked to the crew that day. He asked them to be british, AKA to keep their dignity and order.
like what?
i talked to everybody i know, and glanned a bit everwhere, people are making stuff up.
i guess people with linked paypall account could MAYBE ha
ve had stolen stuff, but linking your paypal to steam? it's like you want to double you chances to be hacked
>using cc
its like you want your stuff to get stolen
haven't been online since yesterday evening, does that shit even affect me ?
>first and last name

Yes, some anon posted data from a female user in his area here. He was planning to fucking stalk her.
Please respond i'm nervous as fuck right now :*(
You realize its more secure than ordering through the mail or over the phone right?
>incorrect login
What the fuck? I didnt get an email about a password change
Not home and using my phone btw
use gift card or shit like that
If they see your entire email they might figer out your password for paypal and others. So ya might want to change your emails related to steam and not listen to that retard.
I think they took the servers down, so it's just giving you an error.
I never saved my paypal info on steam and always have to type it in manually when buying something via paypal - This means it's not "linked" to the account proper right? Am i safe?

Then why did steam shut down their servers and store? You can't do shit with onyl that small info breach? ALL the proofs are fake for no reason right? Then explain that cucks?

Ok thanks man, i dont have any info saved, so i should.be ok right?
Look, i know you little kiddies aren't too sharp or good with technology, but all you need to solve a 12 number digit code is the 4 last digits. The rest is just simple mathematics.

Try not talking like you're obviously crossing from reddit and maybe people will listen
You should be 100% fine.
you have to confirm a purchase through paypal's servers if you buy a game with it, there is literally no way someone could have access to it from all this
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I don't want to clam down1 whatever that means!
Thank you anon, i feel better now, have a merry christmas
it's back up here and working just fine
Ok my last 4 number to my phone number are 2030. What are the rest?
>>Then why did steam shut down their servers and store?
Because you're not supposed to be able to log in into someone else's account, even if you can't do shit?

Like I'm not even defending this retardation from Valve, but are you really that much of a fucking dumbass that you think the only reason anyone takes a site down is if there's a noticeable risk?
>but are you really that much of a fucking dumbass that you think the only reason anyone takes a site down is if there's a noticeable risk?

it's a c-coincidence they took it down when this shit just now happened!!! heheeehe, yes, hehehihiihi
lol retard
>your info can easily be compromised with the leak
except two-step auth have nothing to do with it, if your email was compromised, it's not BECAUSE of two-step.
i'll give you an example of the worst case scenario
>have two-step on
>email is linked and somehow manage to be compromised(even as doubtful as it is)
>someone manages to log in with another computer, by putting the code given to my email

>no two-step auth
>email is linked and somehow manage to be compromised(even as doubtful as it is)
>some guy just log in my steam account because

and that's no accounting for the actual protection two step gives(like people not seeing my info on another computer), or thinking that they somehow have my steam and email password because they're fucking psychics.
fuck, and i'll stop replying to you and you fun-posting ass
Rollback when fellow steam users?
If I wasn't logged in before this, can I access the site safely?
you do realise they took it down because they were having problem?
or do you think they should leave everything up and let people be even more paranoid?
Nice selective reading, I didn't say it was a coincidence, they did take it down because of the breach, but they didn't take it down because the breach can lead to CC fraud

Here's my last (You), you earned it
You're just gonna pretend it's not your number anyway. I don't have time in my busy schedule to educate kids on how to be script kiddies
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No, I agree with you, it's just a cache problem and all the proofs are fake, literally ALL OF THEM, and they had to shut down the store because nobody can buy anything on it because of the cache problem only, sure. Also don't go to steam sites while logged in!!!!!!!!! But nothing will happen ;)
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I just want to play some divinity with a bro.

Can I do that?
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>4000 post shitposting/spam sticky from le /v/eddit army
Yeah, this place is fucked. Anyone who says /v/ was never good is obviously a newfag. It was never good, but it was never this bad before.

Everyone who gives a shit, please requisition hiroshima to enforce a 2 minute or greater post timer on /v/.
If you're already logged in, Steam works perfectly fine.
Whatever I just want a free dariusburst for this
someone else is already playing divinity with your bro under your account. sorry for your loss.
Lol ya ok
>>last 4 digits of a credit card is enough to hack plenty of accounts.
Burden of proof is on you to find examples of this from 2014 onwards.
Finding a post from 2009 about how you could do this is not sufficient because security against this type of shit increases greatly every year.
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>tfw my steam email was a relatively secret email that never got spam or unwanted messages and now that's probably about to change when russians sell my email
>Anyone who says /v/ was never good is obviously a newfag
>It was never good
I get what you mean bro but damn son, I had a quick giggle.
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the mod who made that sticky should kill himself, good fucking job stirring up a shitstorm for no reason
>it was never this bad before
i think shitposter are like in video games, they get stronger as they level up
Everyone is retarded except you and me anon.
Wanna fuck
Steam DB is referring to attempts to change Paypal settings WITHIN THE STEAM CLIENT
which can be disregarded anyway since Valve have closed settings/the whole store completely.
>using DRM
Your own fault, retards.
honestly my only problem with steam shitting itself is that I can't get my 20 cents from discovery queue cards
Steam is back including the store, looks like the ride is finally over, hope you enjoyed it. Valvecucks got rekt again and everyone went full dramaqueen shit for 2 hours.

Fun Christmas overall.
Can't get into my email account and the bank app on my phone won't accept my security code.

Also all the cash in my wallet has vanished and there's a man standing in my garden, just staring at me, grinning.

He has my face.
dumb frogposter
>having any credit card info tied to your account
Jesus Christ, why would you give up that kind of sensitive info just for a slight convenience when you buy a game every fucking once in a while?

Why do people buy directly from steam anyway? You can always get game codes on other sites for a cheaper price.
>there are only 9999 credit cards on the world
They aren't redditors, just everyday white trash and poor people.

There's truth to this, though.

The last 4 digits are the ones that matters - when ever your debit card is renewed, these are all that changed. The first 12 are tied to your account and remain the same from when it is opened.
It wouldn't be so bad if they made people put in their CVV2 each time.

>still signed into my account since I just put my PC into sleep mode
>still playing games
>no emails
>no CC charges
>no other accounts compromised

I'm glad I'm lazy and stay logged in constantly.
I'm done with steam. What the fuck is wrong with the valve retards ? They do jack shit all day, the very least would be my sensitive informations to be protected.
they did before, isn't it with trusted copm that you can skip it?
either way, i removed my cc from steam a bit before christmas, so i'm safe.
i did get an email about someone trying to log in from another computer, but since my email was safe in the first place i'm fine
thank good they only know my email and paypal mail address which i use every day
and im pretty sure they wont sell the addresses, and wont get any spam mails, r-right guys?
So official statement and damage assessment when? Have valve already acknowledged officially the amount of damage and harm this has caused to their customers?

Damn that made me laugh
I too would like to know this.

I have no information saved with valve apart from my email.
Yeah but is it visible on your Steam account anywhere? Because the issue here is regarding the server cache redirecting users who log in into other people's accounts. Whatever is visible from the front-end of a logged in account, is what can get stolen, nothing else.
"it's a cache problem and other than last 4 credit numbers etc.... nothing bad happened"

Steam and store are back and so is this whole thing no matter what actually happened.
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Based gaben.
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>its not

wheres your glasses gramps?
>There was an error communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later.

Fucking where? If you go to the account, it shows your last 4 digits. Does your phone number consist of 4 digits?
>tfw never saved payment info or billing info
>different passwords for Steam, PayPal, and all emails affiliated whatsoever
Thankfully I was not a careless retard.

Other than email yes. Literally nothing to worry about. If you have some money in steam wallet thingy others could spend it on stupid shit and that's it. Bank account is safe in any case.
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>people actually use their mailing address instead of their email
>people actually save their paypal/credit card info on a site.
I use my debit and dont save my info.
i also used some russian dudes info to buy him 30 copies of bad rats.
You mean the email being visible to others and shit? Passwords are safe too right?
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simply epin
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. I hope you know the people on YouTube and Reddit have taken to doing all of this because you morons encouraged them to and made a culture around it. They don't get that you're being ironic. Kill yourself you stupid fuck.
>someguy typed some shit in
>then censored himself
You can't get password from steam so yes. Just email name.

This whole thing is over anyway, if you can log into your acc and info and purchase history are fine nothing happened and you can relax.
>have profile set to private
>can't view own profile because it's private now for some reason

Too late steamcucks. Have fun with your mother being raped by sandniggers because Ahmed found her on facebook and thought she was hot. Serves you right for paing for games with hers creadit card.

>If you have some money in steam wallet thingy others could spend it on stupid shit and that's it.

No. That's just blatantly wrong. You were literally just seeing a wrongly cache'd page. Nobody was actually logged into anyone else's account, trying to do anything like editing the account just resulted in an error page because you weren't logged in. Hell, when I checked it, I was seeing some Cheney45 dude's account info, but when I clicked on the transaction history I was looking at blue_____'s transactions.
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>valve has ZERO customer support
>it is literally impossible to talk to a person in real time, you must use tickets
>this happens
>not a peep from valve, just shit from a fan run twitter
>took them hours to even notice something was wrong because it it is literally impossible for the user base to easily contact them

This is the worst company in the industry. Imagine if shit was actually going down.
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no shit you fucking retards. f I was trying to prove my point of them showing the actual number, I would of went and got an uncensored screen cap if anything.
Oh I see.

Anyway, it was a fun ride.
>people are already threatening to sue over basically nothing
Bunch of children.
Let this be a lesson for people that think /v/ is right and suck Gabe's dick and think their shit will forever be safe because valve is perfect.
It's a form you moron, the person typed in their info into the edit account details form and uploaded it and you just reposted it. If you can prove that that page is accessible from the bugged other accounts pages AND that the info is automatically saved within that page, do so.
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you get nothing

Information leak is sue-worthy. Noone will do it though.
Only fucking nigger neets aren't worried about this shit because they have no money to steal in the first place.

While I envy your carefree lifestyle I am simultaneously disgusted by it.
>We'll say that steam isn't being hacked, so we don't have to gift free stuff for the inconvenience
Call me jew or whatever, but If they don't give free stuff for this, I'll masturbate with EXTREME BDSM URETHRA FUCKING WITH GIANT DILDO, to release my anger
Holy shit, 8ch is down too! This really is the death of a great era!
let's not go too far now anon
>Holy shit, 8ch is down too
Fuck, they'll come here again
People defending Valve's (lack of) handling of the situation seriously disgust me.
Get some backbone you bootlicker shits.

Oh no, someone can EMAIL YOU. How terrible.

ok maybe I should have said "I would of went and made my own uncensored screen cap if anything"
I already knew the op wasnt real anon. Idk how you couldn't tell I was joking by reuploading the censored text box.
>issue lasted less than two hours (that is including the one hour in which they shut down the servers)
>within that time, people were freaking the fuck out, demanding explanations, apologies and fixes simultaniously
>as if Valve's priority shouldn't have been finding out what's going on first and plugging the hole
Kids are pathetic these days and only want to get their dicks sucked 24/7.
>your main email getting spammed isn't a big deal
>last 4 digits that are the only different from your previous CC isn't a big deal

Take of your Gabecummed glasses dude
>damage control
If you tried to edit a credit card payment type you could see the user's full name and address.
>your main e-mail
And whose fault is that?
>i failed to see he was meming so im gonna say hes damage controlling
>issue lasted less than two hours (that is including the one hour in which they shut down the servers)
>this time

There's no excuse.
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>using your main email for Steam
You deserve it.
Literally no "fault" in that. And literally no court in the world would care either.
credit card digits with a matching home address, e-mail and phone number are often enough info for a criminal to impersonate you over the phone. This info shouldn't be publicly available. If you disagree, please post your info here.
Well memed
I tried to click edit and it just gave me an error screen
That's because nothing happened that warrants an excuse.

Kill yourself
Wow, people are actually defending this shit. What the fuck.
It's OK when Valve does it. Didn't you know?
>E-mail being worth anything

Just move to another one if it gets leaked to scam/ad sites and don't use poor passwords.
Just like DRM and mod fiasco and whole jewy Gabe Q&A.
There are apologist for everything. I love the ones who act like Valve employees are fucking heroes for working to fix their own goof.
My issue is the fact that its impossible for customers to quickly contact valve customer support in the event of an emergency. It will take hours to get a reply at the very least, days on average, weeks or even months at most. Sometimes never.

This is completely unacceptable for a company with billions of dollars, and a userbase of over 20 million people.
people will do anything to generate more shitposting
I could understand if people were upset, but they skipped that phase and went straight to VALVE IS FUCKING RUINED I'M GONNA SUE THEM FOR EVERY PENNY THEY HAVE THIS IS LITERALLY ANOTHER HOLOCAUST.

Irrational bullshit begets irrational bullshit. Yeah Valve fucked up but nothing happened besides someone out there maybe knowing your e-mail address now.
That's subjective. Objectively it's worth something (which is why spam is punished by law in most countries) and that's all that matters.
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>ad hominem
merry christmas anon
Yeah, because everybody will have fun cancelling their CC tomorrow of christmas on a saturday. Merry fucking christmas from valve.
There is no position on your part and "meming" has nothing to do with your posts. You're just using the word to ironically shitpost. If you want to make the claim that you were joking, do that instead of acting like a kid from reddit who just found 4chan.

Kill yourself, I hope your tree burns down
If nothing happened how did they fuck up?
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So how does this stack up to Sony's security breach from a few years ago? I don't recall /v/ freaking out quite as much about it as this.
I know I'm the security guard for this store, and I know I left the door unlocked all night, but nothing was stolen, so how did I fuck up?

It's like that.
Maybe because few people are console only and most people here have a steam account.
Their services were not working properly for a long time. That's a fuck up, just because people didn't lost their life savings doesn't mean it's not a fuck up.
because sonyponies now have some shitposting ammo at last
>Pretending only email-addresses got leaked
This is how you spot the valveshills
Except some information about companies' clients gets stolen. You get found for that shit you lose your job and get a lawsuit from the company.
A lot of shit was different for everybody. Some people were getting access to admin accounts, some could use payment methods to buy games on another account, etc
you dont have to be this mad anon. I simply made an epic joke, and you took the b8. Why the fuck would I even repost op's censored picture with editible text boxes. Its almost 2016 be smart anon
1. Add something to cart
2. Purchase for X
3. Change payment method to Visa
4. The 'form' is shown, full name, address, phone number automatically filled and fully visible.
This screen was accessible and I managed to see some Brit's info.
The point is that even IF literally nothing was stolen, it was still a very bad thing to have happened. Right now, it's definite that last four digits, names, emails, and addresses were leaked, and there's a very real possibility that more info and money could have been stolen.

Of course, Valve won't suffer one bit. I doubt they even release an official statement, and even if they do, they'll give a shitty fake non-apology and nothing else and everyone will go back to sucking their dicks in less than a week.
They're just mad the PSN never actually went down and the precious service of Gaben that can do no wrong did.
this people are going to sing me up for gay porn and my email has my full name. how is valve going to take resposibility for this?
You're the only one who's mentioned this ever happening. As far as I can tell, every option to do anything led to error because they were only cached pages of the profile and edit account pages.
Why do people keep making these fakes?
>how is valve going to take resposibility for this?
They failed protecting the sensitive informations they were entrusted with.
Maybe if you'd get that gaben dick out of your mouth for 2 seconds you'd realize you could also see full name, address and phone number.
Gabe Newell is probably stuffing himself at a familly dinner and doesn't give a fuck about you. You bunch of retards, that's what you get for using DRMs.
They will make a written apology soon.

That's it. You can privately sue them if you wish.
that actually is my legit balance, just wanted to funpost
I guess someone saw my info and he sent me an email asking if I will be his GF, wtflol?
>being this much of a fear mongering asshole

I work in a call centre for HSBC and there's no way we would fucking change details on an account based solely on that info. You realise that info is on EVERY receipt printed when you buy something with your card? Dumb fucks like you root through shopping centre bins hoping banks are dumb enough to think that just because you know the name and last 4 digits of the card, that you're the owner. There's about 5 security steps you need to get through, most legit card owners fucking struggle to get shit done over the phone.

Get out
He liked your taste in vidya
What did I do wrong? :(
You exist.

Except after step 2 it asks you to log in. Nice meme though.
Trying to continue from the payment method screen didn't work, but the payment method screen itself was definitely accessible, at least if they had something in their cart.

So I guess technically one guy's info was leaked since I'm pretty sure >>321448739 is the same guy I saw, assuming the screen was inaccessible if they didn't have anything added to cart.
>Nice meme

Fuck off
How would you even test it out now that it's fixed?
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Literally nothing.
> implying that shit flies in European courts
Indeed there is a european "amendment" telling they're under consumer right of Luxembourg.

Nobody wants facts, they want to pretend that seeing a cached page allows someone to take over your account and buy things.
Also, with Amazon at least whenever you log in from a new browser you have to re enter your cards security number and expiry date, so again, not much use. I swear you people think it's still the 90s or something. This kind of shit happens daily, but you never hear about it because it's safeguarded as fuck.
Check section 11, it's all about arbitration. You can easily sue them and win. Nobody will do it though.
>we are not responsible even it it's our fault
Must be nice to be a lawyer.
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>Being a literal burgercuck
>Being proud of jews owning your boypussy and the boypussy of any of your kids because no person has time to read the shit ton of contracts companies throw at you and even if it was possible you either accept like a good goy or live like a fucking monkey on 1200 AC
It's not even last 4 digits, it's last 2, 2 of them display as **.

Phone number is also partially censored.

All someone could get from my account details page as it stands today is that my 16 digit credit card number ends in 28 (good luck with that), my email and the fact that I live in Canada.

Good luck with your hacking me, guys.

Go ahead, socially engineer me in the hour using your packet sniffer. Can you even explain how a packet sniffer works or have you only ever used wireshark to gain some Skype kids IP?

I'll be genuinely surprised if you can even tell me what Comcast uses for an IP lookup which is the easiest one as they use it for everything.
shut the fuck up, you are spouting shit from some dumb twitter account that isnt even related to valve in any way.

this is more to do with sessions being improperly handled. and the FACT the site is leaking PII is a big deal

It doesn't even fly in American courts.
>this is more to do with sessions being improperly handled.

Except it doesn't, it's Varnish serving improper caches because Akamai is pushing through wrong requests.
>'socially engineer'
>ip address

if you are going to try and call people out, you should at least yourself know what you are talking about you fucking dumb shit
How can someone log into my account when you need to confirm and copy paste the code you got from an email in order to log on a different computer?

Could someone explain?

Why do you have so much shit in your account details?

On both my Account Details and my Payment info page, the only info saved and displayed is my email and my country.
still basing your shit off of that twitter account page is showing
Can't they just buy random games for your account though?

While you base yours off asspulled false flagging because you want to fear monger.

Go ahead, toss out some CompSci 101 buzzwords to make yourself sound like an expert now.
It's not the account details, it's the page where you add a new credit card.

If you listen to retards on /v/, yes. If you listen to reality you'll understand what cached pages are and how that doesn't give them access to your account.

Yes, I said that, I went to that page and it's all blank except, again, my country.

Between all these pages people are showing all of this info on, I have email address and country. Everything else is blank. Why are you people saving so much info on steam?
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>every year most websites always get hit hard by heavy Christmas traffic
>OMG STEAM IS KILL senpaitachi
What's really happening? I am not good with computer.

Post your address, email and CC digits here, if you think it's so safe to leak it.
no you fucking faggot, caching doesnt even make sense if you do a fresh login since it should be retrieving a new version anyways.
>inb4 don't click this link will hack you
The issue only affected people who accessed the store while it was a problem. People were suggesting that you stay away from the store because accessing it added you to the pool of people others could log in as. This was factually correct even if it wasn't a huge problem.

It is actually possible, the guys still a retard as per my comment >>321461134

But however it is still possible, you'll need an employee ID including a companies specific employee number and knowledge of what systems a provider uses to view information but with that it is entirely possible to retrieve someones personal information via just an IP. A couple of years ago you could find employee information posted all over the internet so it wasn't too difficult to gather, not sure if companies have become aware of this fact.
I know but I guess I'm giving in to panic a little bit. I wish valve would just come out and say something.

I actually got logged in as some French guy but I couldn't really do anything ( not that I wanted to, I didn't even know about the thing that is going on, thought it's some bug). Thanks anon.
People were getting access to the wrong accounts when they logged into the store, letting them see random people's information that's normally private. The problem and what people are arguing over is exactly how much information people could potentially get and how hard they could fuck you over with that information.

The scale of this issue is blown out of proportion by the omission of the fact that this is not being driven by a malicious force.

If there was a hacker group intentionally causing this, it would be a serious issue, as they would be intentionally harvesting info.

This is accidental for most end users. When Tommy opens his page and sees someone else's account info, he isn't going to go and write it down to spread anarchy, he's going to likely freak out that his account was hacked, reload the page and wipe the false cache and nothing happens.
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So I can relax and play video games now?
>searched my username to see if it had been posted anywhere

>there's a reddit account that has the same user name as my steam

Kill me
Yeah, people are blowing it way out of proportion. It could potentially cause you trouble if you're very unlucky but I'd say there'll be a relatively small amount of people that actually got information stolen and have it be a problem.

Hey bro, same for me

>Make up a name in the early 2000s to use with the old browser game Ogreisland
>Use it since then
>For a good 13 years, only stuff I made was ever showing up in Google when I searched my name
>2013 hits
>Now there is a Twitter and Reddit account using the name, and a ton of various forums users and even a few characters on WoW armory

I fucking HATE this. I now go and park my name on every new social media I ever hear about.
Exactly. What the fuck are the chances that, out of the hundreds of thousands of Steam users, not only was your account info even shown to anyone else, but also that it was shown to someone who is actually knew what the fuck was going on and intended on doing something malicious with it?
Every time you accessed the store or community you would be logged in as a different account, and the account changed every time. It was only whoever else was accessing the store at the same time as you.

It was a glitch to do with the Steam browser cache. You were treated as already logged in, you couldn't log in as other people intentionally or with any precision.
>change my username to random crap every other week
That is complete bullshit, I was able to find people's complete phone numbers, names, and addresses. I should have screencapped it or something.
Yes, log in again and look at account details and it'll be yours.

>Hey look I did something that isn't possible with this issue, but no screenshots lol just trust me.
Steam itself has always been safe to run, it was just accessing the store in any way that was a risk
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>Every time you accessed the store or community you would be logged in as a different account, and the account changed every time. It was only whoever else was accessing the store at the same time as you.
So why was I constantly logged in as the same user when accessing specific pages? In "Videos" I was logged in as one user, in the store as another, in "News" yet another and so on. And these users were consistent the whole time this was going on.

Screenshots have been posted already, but don't let that slow your shitposting down
>This is all you need for identity theft.
All the replies haven't directly told you this so I'll go ahead and say that you're a fucking idiot.
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>this people are going to sing me up for gay porn
Implying you aren't already signed up.
>Screenshots have been posted already,

Do show me the ones with full phone numbers even though that is not displayed anywhere on Steam.

Remember, the burden of proof is on you, and failure to respond to this post with anything but proof images shows you are a faggot shit stirring liar.
It wasn't even that you were logged into the other user's account, it's just that the cached user info displayed on the other person's account was swapped in the place of your own. As far as I can gather, if you had made a purchase while experiencing this glitch, it wouldn't show up on the other person's account and they will literally never have any way of knowing if anyone else had access to their info.
You mean how did people highlight the text, right click, inspect element, then change the value to thousands of dollars?
Because it's literally that easy, don't be stupid.
Because it was saved in your cache as an active login. If you visited enough pages it would change next time you visited.
Flamethrowers have always been safe to use. It's just the fire part that's dangerous.
>credit card details
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Faggot, it wasn't hard.

While I was on someone else's account I went to their wishlists, then tried to purchase games as gifts. It gave me all of their personal info, only the credit card numbers were missing.

Many others did the same, they have posted screenshots.
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Only thing I'm worried about is my email. I used one of my main emails for Steam and I'm going to be pissed if some fucker got my email address.
And exactly how are you gonna get games on your steam if you don't access the store?

Think before you fucking post.
There has been exactly one screenshot that has no proof of being associated with this incident or a different account at all.

This is your second time responding to me (You forgot the "totally not him but.." opening to your post by the way) claiming their are screenshots of full phone numbers, when they are not shown anywhere on Steam.

And again, with no proof of your own, just vague claims that the proof exists somewhere.

You're fooling no one, you're a fucking faggot who thinks he's an epic shitposting superstar, leave the thread before you embarrass yourself further.
Cool. That info isn't visible.
Totally not him, but that's totally not me.
Yeah pmt this right there
>There has been exactly one screenshot

No, /v/ has been flooded with threads for the last five hours about this bullshit and in that time there have been many more than one. Just look around.
is there anyway to know you didn't got fucked because reloading your CC,Paypal or email every 3 seconds?
>This is your second time responding to me

Uh, no, it's not. I've made one other post ITT which wasn't responding to anyone.

There are 130 posters in this one thread you drooling retard.
I've been in several, >>321448739 is the only one and like I said, there is not proof it is related to the incident. If you've got another, post it, I'm not going to wade in thousands of shitposts.
He asked if he could use steam, the program itself, not if he could buy games you retard. It was perfectly reasonable to assume that he thought steam as a whole was compromised.

Running steam and opening the store are two completely different things
They could see your email at least. If you didn't access the store while it was going on you've got nothing to worry about. If you did there is a small chance a couple of guys saw your email.
So I had to actively access the store? What if Steam was just running in the background?
Fuck this shit. I'm gonna find a way to sue that fatfuck if my info got leaked like this.
>Running steam and opening the store are two completely different things
Except by default the store is the very first thing to load when you launch Steam.

You had to access the page. This was caused by Varnish, Valve's cache provider sending the wrong caches to people.

So you had to load the page on your account, thus caching it, for that cache to be sent to anyone else accidentally.
No issues then. You had to visit the page so that the Steam browser stored your login in its cache, or more accurately it fucked up and broke and displayed you as logged in as someone else.
Really? I guess I must have set mine to open to library years ago and forgotten about that
>Running steam and opening the store are two completely different things
Do you even fucking use steam?

It's the first thing that opens up when you log in.
I guess I'm safe then
You weren't in a lot of danger to begin with, but yes, you have completely sidestepped the glitch.
not like it was even a huge breach anyway, about the worst thing that was exposed was your billing address
It's a big fuck up but if some fuck in Russia managed to get you CC info, most banks/cc will reject out of country transactions.
If I make a payment out of country I would need to call tell them what country and they lift an international block for a half hour or so.
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If the problem is with their cache server, why would it matter whether you login or remove your payment info?

Seems like some dumb fucks are just panicking and screaming advice that doesn't even make sense.
I had my paypal linked since forever and now when i go to my account its not there anymore... did i done goofed or what?
You can access the full number if you go into the shopping basket and try to add a new credit card. That will show you your full name, address, and non-censored phone number already filled in for you.

So what the fuck the guy in OP's picture is saying I don't know.
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>mfw when I thought something was happening yet nothing did and it turns out nothing actually happened.
Full number to what? Your CC? That number will never be displayed anywhere.
Someone might have unlinked it. I did that to one of the accounts that came up earlier, out of curiosity. Doing that took me to my own account page weirdly enough

Maybe they just don't want to put up with pissy whiny customers?
Full phone number* sorry
>damage controlling this hard
Dude, go to your billing page, check payment methods, they've all been wiped, you want to know why? Because they were compromised, and yes, your billing information contains your first and last name, your phone number, and the rest of the information he listed. Don't be retarded.
A credit card is worthless without the CVC number or the expiry date
thats not damage control you faggot

retards like you think "OMG THEY HAVE AN EMAIL THEY KNOW EVERYTHING" are literally facebook tier retarded

Talking about the phone number, fully visible. Unlike what the guy said "as required by law not visible".
the phone number is useless
How so? I can call you if I get yours.
Yep, i'm sure we're all fucking retarded like you are, and that we believe that. It's either OH MY GOD STEAM RUINED EVERYTHING, or STEAM DID NOTHING WRONG. no "wow isn't this a really stupid thing that shouldn't have happened"
post your phone number here faggot
and what are you gonna do with it? call me and tell me you stole my shit?

>Call me

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spoken like a true friendless cuck who never gets any calls
Post your number dude, I mean it's no problem, we can't do anything with it right?
thats literally this thread, you're fear mongering like a bitch
>the point
>your head

Go ahead and post yours then
>Seems like some dumb fucks are just panicking and screaming advice that doesn't even make sense.

It's more like a "JUST in case it's something more" kind of thing
>thinking people will post their phone numbers like it means anything

>what personal information do they get out of a rando's phone number
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>mfw CUKSTOMERS have to deal with valve's unbreakable wall of no support while they whine in impotent rage
Put your money where your mouth is faggot, post your billing information :^)
I don't know, sign you up for spam text messages or some shit. Use it for shit services that would definitely get telemarketers calling my ass. Annoying shit desu.
>phone number means anything
>what are you gonna do with it?
still waiting for your number, you gonna post it here soon? i mean a number is useless to you so why not post it?
>I don't know, sign you up for spam text messages or some shit.
do you not know how phones work?
This reminds me of the Sony hack where people were blowing everything out of proportion when it was the exact same thing.

Post your number then if you think it's harmless.

Come on ;)
>pretending that shit wouldnt be annoying just to save face
>He thinks he can steal someone's identity when a POTS line
I'm not him but I used my work phone on steam, don't ask me why, but for me personally it's a reason I wouldn't want anyone to be able to see it.

If you're fine with it that's cool, but there are legitimate reasons to not want your phone number out there.
It's not about identity but about annoyance.

Same reason why you don't post your real email anywhere because some asshole will sign you up for spam email.
>call verizon
>yea can you block this range of numbers?
>thinking you can spam call a POTS line

Steamdrone samefag at full damage control
>I can annoy the shit out of you!
>yea Time Warner can you block this range of telephone numbers?
>sure thanks!
How do you know what range to block when telemarketers and text spammers are global?
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k senpai
And you know this from hearsay, With no evidence.
because phone numbers are universal to their area of region

blocking a range of phone numbers the same way you blacklist IP addresses. You bock a certain subset of numbers that all telemarketers share which would probably start with their international lines then focused down to regional lines

Numbers can be blacklisted across the world, this is why telemarketers aren't a problem like they were in the 80's and 90's. When you number becomes blacklisted, no phone company is obligated to connect your phone call especially if its regiospecific
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>2 (you)
>I'm not a samefag

you just got memed, kid.
I managed to delete my CC via the Steam app. I'm safe now.
>I made two posts in a thread
At least Sony had their shit encrypted so nothing got leaked.

Valve didn't even made an effort to give a shit.
You didn't even need to do that, you can't use a credit card without the CVC number
I have a long and fucking stupid username that I use for most things.
It's always kind of embarrassing to use it. But I did it specifically to avoid shit like that.
I also never have to worry about my name already being registered preventing me from using it.
>because phone numbers are universal to their area of region
Right, but what I'm asking is how do you know what range to block? In my experience they call from pretty much anywhere in NA so you'll end up blocking large swathes of numbers. That alone is already hassle enough.
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>I was merely pretending to not read your spoiler

8/10, nice metabait.
Sony didn't have their shit encrypted until they lost like 200,000 customers credit card information because it was all stored in plaintext

Like an IP address, when a phone call is routed, there is two sides to a stick. You can't call someone without calling from somewhere to begin with

Since the phone company regulates and routes all these numbers, it'd be effortless to look up one customer's information and find all the regions and all the places and all the everything of a telemarketer
So um pc master race am i rite guys
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>Since the phone company regulates and routes all these numbers, it'd be effortless to look up one customer's information and find all the regions and all the places and all the everything of a telemarketer
You're not getting what I'm saying.

I'm saying telemarketers come from all over NA and that you won't get called by the same person at the same phone number 24/7. You either have to manually call up Time Warner or whatever and tell them to block each number that calls you, or end up just blocking large swathes of area codes which could be a detriment in the future.

It's an annoyance that I wouldn't want to deal with.
>I'm saying telemarketers come from all over NA
The phone company won't route phone numbers from known solicitors. Understand that people have tried this before/done this before, it doesn't work and hasn't worked since the 90's

Once a number gets blacklisted, thats it.
What you're describing already happened.
Will Steam Guard protect me?
Thing is, it's not about getting access to the Steam account. People were able to access the profile and account details pages regardless of Steam Guard. The info available ostensibly is not concerning, but it those who claim you could attempt to make a purchase are correct, your full name, phone number, and billing address potentially were available along with your email. Your only concern right now based on what we know is if someone really really wants to get into your email and tries to brute force your password. Not much you can do other than change your password to something complicated.
If the steam cache is compromised, why the fuck would you go and force your cc info into that cache? Are you people retarded?

In this situation it's best to avoid going to steam altogether.
Shee-it, I'm one of those losers on Steam with over 3000 games. How fucked am I?
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