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Love Live: NcMk edition

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Thread replies: 361
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Old Thread >>2287828

Upcoming birthdays:

April 17th: Watanabe You

April 19th: Nishikino Maki

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Hope I didn't fuck this up too bad
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Is Mack a bit of a lolicon?
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I still say it was a mistake to make Umi the lyricist. All their texts are either too lewd or perfectly idol-like to have been written by her. The logical picks for main writers would have been Hanayo and Nico, the idol fans who definitely know what idols lyrics are supposed to look like, and who surprisingly contribute very little to µ's despite their expertise. Besides, it would explain so much.

>Nico-chan, would you mind explaining why After School Navigators sounds like a transcript of you, Hanayo and Rin arguing where to eat, complete with munching noises, and why it is written on a WcDonalds' napkin?
>Oh, so the great and cultured Maki-chan hasn't heard of found art? How unexpected
>That is not what found... Fine. Just to confirm, your least favorite genre of music is metal, right?
>Oh yeah? Well, that sensitive Printemps ballad you wrote is going to be about murdering a cheating lover
>Da-dareka tasukete!

Besides, Garasu no Hanazono was obviously written by Hanayo.
Maki is Nicosexual
tbf, Nico assists Kotori with costume production and is in charge of running the club, so she's probably busy with the managerial aspects of the club. Besides, there's probably a reason she doesn't get to write the lyrics, you know, probably because they'd all sound like Nico Puri Joshi Dou
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Hanayo is the group's idol wikipedia, and basically the one who can exposit facts about Love Live to both µ's and the audience.

Nico is more like to jack-of-all-trades, who can has alot of skills she can contribute likely earned since she takes care of her family. Most notable on that is when she is around Kotori sewing costumes with her.

The only who I am not sure contributes anything is Rin. I think she might be a substitute leader when Honks is not around? I'm only basing that on her own character episode in season 2.
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Don't we already a NicoMaki thread on /u/?

this is the general thread
Just got this in the mail. Great book, but it seems like she has completely moved on to YoshiMaru now ;_;.
I don't think that's still contributing much to the band, as opposed to the series. Any of them could presumably read out e-mails, and her talking about idol stuff is usually treated as a joke.
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Where were you when ChikaRuby became canon?
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Found this on /o/'s dbt. Some more of Maki itabaiku I can post if oneesans are interested.
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This one is pretty neat too.
That's amazing.
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learn to save images
I want an Aqours to get Yoshiko in bed and then discover that's the one area where she actually is demonic.
If I understand it correctly, Maru purposely scratched Yoshiko's back symbolizing of tearing away her wings and capture the angel for herself.
It became canon in the live action movie where Chika kissed Ruby.
How will Ruby react when she finds out Dia and Hanamaru are dating? Will she go full 'once again, something that was Ruby's has been taken away' mode?
>NcMk edition
Ew, no thanks.
Worst ship of the series.
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Thank you for your contribution, its my favorite ship too!
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The way they're handled is kind of weird, you know. They're perfect foils for each other, their pasts and futures have such great possibilities for drama, and the show leaves it all for the audience's daydreams and fanfics. It's like the opposite of Chechkov's writing advice about guns and shooting them.
That's because all of the idols have to remain pure and single for the greasy otaku dicks.
Think about it this way.
The more set in stone a relationship is, the less room for interpretation there is for fan artists to depict them in their fanworks. So in order not to kill the fanwork output, things are left open ended so the imagination of fan artists can roam more freely.
Sure (though I'd prefer slightly less graphic language), but none of the other pairings in Love Live get those implied road blocks thrown in front of them. Most shippers probably assume that NozoEli and RinPana will just move in together after graduation and that's that.
New headcanon.

Tumblr sure is a bad place to host comics, though.
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I just saw that video of Sunshine's live concert where Riko's VA had a panic attack while she was playing piano. I thought it was very sweet how the other girls rushed up to comfort her.
I like to think that recent official art, like the pic from a few months back of Nozomi and Eli in wedding clothes only serves to reflect the tone of the continued fandom.

So it's, personally, of no concern to me whether or not they hook up in the anime as long as the wind is blowing in the right direction.
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Tags: Futanari, Transgender

Da fuck?
Hold up just a moment is that You with a dick I'm seeing
Yeah, it clearly worked pretty well for them, given how incredibly popular NicoMaki is. It's just interesting how in this particular genre, a text that would traditionally be seen as incomplete and faulty is actually good. I wonder if anyone's written a study of this and how it mostly happens with gay and lesbian stuff.

Anyway, I think a certain amount of stone-setting is good for a pairing. Nico and Maki have more definite things about them that must be dealt with in any continuation fic than the other pairings put together, yet there's more continuations starring them than the others. I guess people want to answer those questions.
>tags: read left to right
You forgot the most telling one.

also that discussion thread is pure cancer
This is close but almost close enough to my head canon of You sleeping with random women in a futile attempt to get over Chika. However, whenever she is in bed she cannot help but imagine Chika is beneath her leaving her an increasingly frustrated mess unable to have a normal relationship.
For whatever it's worth, at the last LL doujin event there were over a hundred yuri circles and the het ones were in the single digits.
I think they've realized by now where the majority of the fans' interests lie.
Perhaps that's the beauty is the untapped potential? To an extent I think part of it stems from the fact that there's certain things left unresolved with the characters, like, they definitely grow closer over the course of two seasons but you never get to see where it ends.

In a way, I never really got the whole NicoMaki ship though, I mean, it's cute and it's not unworkable but something about it gives me "sisterly" vibes. I think it's the fact that they clash so often and also just the sort of weird disparity in their relationship. Like the fact that Nico wants to look cool in front of Maki even though she's usually being kinda dumb and Maki wanting to join in on that even though she struggles to be honest with herself or admit that she likes being with Nico (though perhaps not for the reasons Nico would like to think).

I mean, idk, NozoEli actually strikes me as being the most feasible ship, even from the most cynical of perspectives. You know, not so much on a "I wish they were gay" level like most ships but a Uranus/Neptune "Is there any way they aren't gay?" level.
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Let You be happy dammit
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did that anon hurt your feelings? or you just want (you)s
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Wow did NicoMaki kill your mother? Calm down, have some official art with alternate shipping. We're all friends here.
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I never liked You. She seems like one of those waifu-bait characters, like Maki for example, with her being this flat, perfect 'everybody loves her' character with virtually no flaws while being the least actually useful in the group most of the time. Also her catchphrase is annoying.

That's why episode 10 and 11 was great for me because they finally made her more than that. Seeing her being frustrated, depressed and a bit selfish made her seem more human to my eyes.

Though she's still my least favorite Chika ship so I hope she'll fuck off to Dia or something, whatever.
General "themes" don't mean anything. You can still post whatever ships you want in the thread. Don't get so upset over silly things like this.
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Those tags really turned me off but
I cant say no to that. Surprisingly it was pretty good little short.

I like how hadsome women he/she? draws.
>at the last LL doujin event there were over a hundred yuri circles and the het ones were in the single digits.

That is actually incredible. The bigger the yuri fandom the more likely they'll confirm couples at the end. I noticed that Precure mostly gets yuri doujin too even if a lot of them are futa.
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According to the twitter account depicting the person itself it appears Pito is a guy.

I like the stuff where he pay attention to muscle features. Imagine Kanan with a six-pack.
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There can never be enough.
I don't really get your initial reaction (how is designing the costumes and being Chika's stalwart ally not being useful?), but I agree on those epsodes doing a great job of deepening her character. They made You my favorite Aqours, but I still don't want her to get together with Chika.
What I actually meant is that she does very little memorable things in the anime besides in those episodes. Even less than the 1st and 3rd years after their focus episodes. Though now that I think about it, my main gripe for her is actually because of her 'she can do everything' and 'flawless' traits, which made her too unrelatable to me. Those episodes made her a bit more relatable, though she's still my least favorite by a long shot.
>The bigger the yuri fandom the more likely they'll confirm couples at the end
I don't think this has any chance of happening though. While there are the "main" ships, there's also people who, while they like /u/, would throw tantrums like the anon above.
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I feel like muscles are kind of wrong when it comes to yuri. It reminds me of men.
Well, the show is more or less implying that Nozomi and Eli have started dating by the time they're writing Snow Halation and Eli treats her so tenderly.

Also, if you look at Love Live from Nozomi's instead of Honoka's POV, it's the story of a lonely girl who gets everything she wants (the girl of her dreams, a social circle, several close friends she will probably be able to talk into a threesome with the girl of her dreams) through scheming, manipulation and multiple counts of sexual assault. She's such an inspiration.
Sounds pretty Machiavellian, if you ask me. It's hard to think she's in the wrong for it though, given how many people benefit.
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I found You awfully charming from the start, and my appreciation for her only deepened when it turned out that even with all her natural charisma and competence, she still had to suffer the pangs of unrequited love.
would you be happy if in the 2nd season of sunshine youyo and zuradia ended up being a thing?
I only want You to be happy
>she will probably be able to talk into a threesome with the girl of her dreams
please no
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I love toned girls. It reminds me of strength and vitality.
The post was great until they forced the threesome stuff in.
yeah, I don't know why anons want to keep pushing that kind of stuff
Anons are not a collective singularity.

It really is quite annoying though. Why can't we ship and let ship without forcing things which may not be to other people's tastes.
Threesomes are part of shipping, though. You can't say 'Why can't we ship and let ship' and then complain about such things.

Personally I don't particularly like the idea of the girls occasionally bringing one of their friends to the bedroom, but I'm fine with (exclusive) polyamory.
Here's the thing: nobody should be stopping you from shipping whatever you like. What is grating is when you (general, nonspecific you) presume everyone ships the same things or dislikes the same things. "I like [ship]" is different from "[X/Y] is the best ship ever and [Y/Z] sucks".
Sure, I agree with that 100%.
I don't see anything like that in the original post that started this though, hence my reply.
>you (general, nonspecific you)
The word to use is 'one'
For example:
>What is grating is when one presumes everyone ships the same things or dislikes the same things
>with all her natural charisma and competence
Yeah that's what turned me off from You I guess. It made her way too flat and boring.
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Because it's Nozomi, who for all her undying love of Eli keeps flirting with and groping other girls.
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I've really come to love ZuraDia recently, I blame that april fools video.

in fact i think I just ship Dia with everyone
>Nozomi, who for all her undying love of Eli keeps flirting with and groping other girls

Did you mean "Nozomi, who for all of Eli's gargantuan crush on her keeps flirting with and groping other girls, because she hasn't noticed after three years' friendship"
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>Dia with Everyone

Interesting Onee-Chan
>You devolves into yet another Unlucky Childhood Friend (Jp Patent No: 3480291) moping about losing her crush like 999 other anime
>This is good character development
It's somehow really calming to see these two together.
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You can present any character arc like that and make it sound trite. The interesting thing about You is the contrast between her outgoing and high-achieving normal self and the inner insecurity and pain.

I don't think Eli's crushing on Nozomi until she joins the band, while Nozomi fell for her at first sight.
Just because it's a commonly used plot device doesn't mean it can't be a good way to develop a character.

Until that point we only saw Chika's view point, and seeing You's reaction to what was going on between Chika and Riko was nice.
I don't like ChikaYou so I'm glad it happened. Fight me.
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> A childhood friend MUST be a love interest because it's a completely original idea that has never been done before.
> A childhood friend MUST get the girl because knowing someone automatically means she deserves to get it all

Childhood friend cliches have completely left me numb to any investment in romance. The primary reason why I enjoy ChikaRriko so much is we actually see the relationship build up from the ground up as opposed to having to continuously remind everyone (including the audience) that Chika and You are close.
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Since you're referring directly to the period before Eli and Nozomi joined μ's, here is the very second page from Eli's SID where we see her jealous that Nozomi is paying attention to Kotori instead of her. Whether or not either of them developed a romantic interest in the other "first" is not the point; rather, it is the fact that Eli has, in multiple canon sources, expressed the interest in some form. Meanwhile, Nozomi is comparatively oblivious, even if she might also feel the same way.

Funny, the pairing the audience is repeatedly hammered over the head with reminders about how close they are is Chika/Riko, not Chika/You. We actually see from You's perspective that she feels left out because her best friend (or more, depending on how you look at it) is captivated by the "miracle" of a new transfer student. Terrible writing aside, Chika and You's closeness is "shown" and not "told".

It is not, in your words, a MUST for You to be a love interest, or to get the girl, by virtue of being Chika's childhood friend. It's that they have the grounds to be romantically compatible because they finally have found a common interest after trying for several years, have learned to work problems out together, etc.

Compare, for instance, the other childhood friend pairings of Kanan/Mari, Kanan/Dia, or Dia/Mari even. The viability of them as ships isn't just from having been friends for a long time.
I just don't see a threesome happening at all, except for maybe HonoKotoUmi.
Who would be the third person? Nico? Even if Nico wanted to participate for some reason (and I can't imagine that at all really) it wouldn't go over well with Maki
Maki will get into Tsubasa's bed when she finds out.
I feel that's even less likely.
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ChikaDia is a personal favorite of mine.
>It's that they have the grounds to be romantically compatible because they finally have found a common interest after trying for several years, have learned to work problems out together, etc.
What common interest? And what problems they've learned to work out together? Honestly all I see is You being a jealous bitch because Chika is spending more time with Riko (nothing wrong with that), and in the end Chika fixed it because she doesn't want to lose a friend.
Towards the end of season two, Nico's gotten very close and cuddly with NozoEli. I could definitely see it. Nozomi just needs to get her in bed before she starts going out with Maki, or choose to live her life heroically and go for the full BiBi.

Alternatively, Rin's pretty flirty with Nozomi in non-anime stuff, though Hanayo's a problem.
I still don't buy it, if not purely for the reason that I like to think Nozomi is pretty good with seeing how the girls feel towards each other and she would know if she tried to get Nico in to a threesome Maki would be really upset even if they hadn't started dating yet. But that's just me. If you like shipping threesomes go for it, I just don't see it happening.
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> What common interest?
At the risk of making us both look awfully unintelligent, you do realize Aqours exists because the members all are interested in school idols and being school idols, do you not? Or do you think You only stayed for Chika or something?

> in the end Chika fixed it because she doesn't want to lose a friend
Chika didn't actually "fix" anything other than checking on You (who she already was concerned about despite not knowing what the problem was), it was You getting over her own frustration. Of course, in an ideal world where a better writer than Hanada was helming the script, they would talk about it further beyond Chika showing up and You being touched by the gesture, but we can't all have nice things.
I haven't seen the movie and I don't know if there are any other interactions between Tsuba and Maki but based solely on this scene I don't Maki thinks anything of Tsubasa, rather I think she's embarrassed her face is close. Also I think the scene advocates for NicoMaki more than anything else.
>I like to think Nozomi is pretty good with seeing how the girls feel towards each other
Well, the movie showed that Nozomi knows that Nico is into Maki, so I don't see it happening either.
I interpreted as Maki just being shy at the fact that Tsubasa seemed to be flirting. Maki doesn't really show any interest. And yes the part with Nico, and what Nozomi says is definitely more NicoMaki.

Also watch the damn movie.
When you said a common interest, I thought you meant something that would make them romantically compatible, not something they shared with the other 7 members.

>Chika didn't actually "fix" anything other than checking on You
Yeah, by biking all the way to Numazu at night. And You should have gotten over it on her own because her insecurities have nothing to do with Chika herself.
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I'm pretty sure its just because its Maki. Everyone just loves to invade her personal space space like >>2311203
I guess that's up to which canon you go with. I don't think the anime was implying anything like that.
Suwawa, Aikyan, and King (whose characters ranked top three for the second poll) appeared on the agson radio show last night (JST).


About the first 20 minutes is of the hosts reading what the other Aqours members wrote in and them responding to the mail, which mostly is the other members making use of the opportunity to spill silly or embarrassing stuff. Of particular /u/ relevance is Ainya addressing all her letters to Suwawa and making them sound like declarations of love. The hosts, Aikyan, and King even start joking that she's "like [Ainya's] boyfriend" because:

- she will consciously walk on the side of the road closer to passing traffic when they're together
- she hugs Ainya all the time (Aiai has a letter complaining she wants to be hugged too)
- Ainya will zoom in to look at the photos she posts on Twitter more closely
- Ainya claims Suwawa doesn't need to change to improve herself, ie. she's satisfied with her as she is already
- Shukashuu says Suwawa is cute when she winks, so she demonstrates in the studio. King starts yelling "Aina will be jealous"

For the longest time the image they gave off was a one-sided crush, or at least unbalanced degrees of affection, on Suwawa's part so it's as if everything we know is different now.
It depends on how you see NicoMaki developing. If you think they're going to start dating soon after Nico graduates, rushing in to sleep with her would be a bit of a dick move. If it takes a lot longer, like I think it probably would, it's really none of Maki's business what Nico does in her spare time.

Does it really count as shipping if I don't see it involving a committed relationship, though?
>Funny, the pairing the audience is repeatedly hammered over the head with reminders about how close they are is Chika/Riko, not Chika/You. We actually see from You's perspective that she feels left out because her best friend (or more, depending on how you look at it) is captivated by the "miracle" of a new transfer student. Terrible writing aside, Chika and You's closeness is "shown" and not "told".

Nothing strange about that. The numbers don't lie and it spells disaster for You at Love Live >>2311746
I think I've said all I can say about this topic, I can't really come up with any new arguements right now. Though I don't think even if NicoMaki would take a while to happen I still don't see Nozomi wanting to get in the way at all, I would think she'd rather try to help Nico, rather than fuck her.
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I guess you could sort of see it as Nozomi definitely fell in love with Eli at first sight (cuz how else could you take that flashback scene wew it was mad gay) but is actually insecure as hell when it comes to pursuing it out of fear of alienating the first and only real friend she's ever made. And even though Eli has opened up as a person because of their friendship she's still pretty bad at expressing herself and is still an insecure mess herself so she's unwilling to voice her crush and gets mad jealous over little things.

I feel like there should be more fanworks exploring Eli getting insecure and jealous over Nozomi groping other girls and moping over her crush supposedly not finding her attractive.
In a way, i took it that Nozomi groping other girls was just her playing around or just messing with them rather than doing it out lust. Like, idk, the fact that she never really seems to grope Eli says a lot about their relationship.

Oh yeah for sure. Her groping essentially doesn't really mean anything serious. But it's fun to imagine neurotic Eli being angsty about not being on the receiving end of it when LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE can see what's really going on
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At least we know from Dengeki G's magazine that Nozomi has groped Eli's boobs at least once. Interestingly, Eli has also groped Kotori before, but that was way back around the time of the Natsuiro release.

The NozoEli SID is a good showcase of the finer intricacies in their relationship and how they both can't stand being on unhappy terms when they already are so close to each other, as well as how much of a wreck Eli becomes if Nozomi deliberately ignores her.
I don't really see Nozomi wanting to play matchmaker, beyond giving advice and the occasional small push. Besides, giving your dear lonely friend a nice and loving experience is helping.

In my experience, a person who keeps making the same joke over and over again isn't actually joking. Plus, look at some of the faces she makes when she gropes Nico.
Well, desu, usually when Nozomi was groping people is was to coerce them into being honest with themselves.
>Besides, giving your dear lonely friend a nice and loving experience is helping
while doing pretty much the exact opposite of helping if the end goal is NicoMaki
I don't see how it would hurt, as long as no one sends Maki the tape.

But it's not that interesting to talk about exact scenarios. I just like how everyone in the group seems to have romantic chemistry with at least two other members and no one ever minds, as long as people from outside the band aren't involved (cf. Tsubasa flirting with Maki). Isn't it a little unseemly to bring jealousy into ther garden?
I guess I could see a very depressed Nico doing it once but I think she would feel even worse afterwards. And I think jealousy is very much a thing with these girls as seen how Nico reacted to Tsubasa flirting with Maki.
Though again this is all my headcanon and how I interpreted things.
I don't think it's any indication of romantic feelings. She's just using any opportunity to feel up the girls. Doesn't mean she'd go all the way and have sex with them.

>I just like how everyone in the group seems to have romantic chemistry with at least two other members
I don't like that actually. Makes it feel like it's all just friendship.

At least it's fine when it's three close friends (like HonoKotoUmi) because then I can just imagine that they could end up in a polyamorous relationship.
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Yeah, but Tsubasa's an outsider. No one ever objects to Nozomi groping their crush, nor does Eli mind it when Nozomi's fondling a girl right in front of her. Nico getting Umi to stay so Rin and Nozomi can have their moment on the roof in the SID manga is depicted as a nice thing, rather than a nasty trick on Hanayo and Eli. Rin constantly flirts with Maki in SIF and Hanayo doesn't bat an eye. The only times anyone gets jealous that I can think of involve a person from outside µ's: Tsubasa flirting with Maki, Honoka and Kotori thinking Umi might have a secret lover in the Snow Halation episode, Maki thinking Nico might be seeing someone in the episode with her family.
Eli got jealous that Nozomi was spending a lot of time with Kotori.
Wasn't that only because Nozomi was avoiding her?
I don't think anyone ever objects to the groping because they know it doesn't really meaning anything. I just find it highly unlikely Nozomi is some kind of insatiable sex loving titty monster.
Also SID's and SIF stories are a different canon all together from each and the anime so I don't know if you can really mix it all.
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from each other*
I accidentally a word, seems to be happening a lot today.
It was a combination of her avoiding her and spending all her time with someone else.
Tbh, Nozomi is probably the purest in the group
>I just find it highly unlikely Nozomi is some kind of insatiable sex loving titty monster
Really? She's a hormonal teenager surrounded by very pretty girls for the first time in her life. She's basically a sympathetic version of the stock lesbian pervert character. See her "What you like" side story: http://decaf.kouhi.me/lovelive/index.php?title=Toujou_Nozomi

>Also SID's and SIF stories are a different canon all together from each and the anime so I don't know if you can really mix it all.
It shows that the lack of jealousy for people within the group is a consistent element within the franchise. As for mixing elements, I think you are more or less encouraged to do it as you like. There wouldn't be much point in having several slightly divergent, internally inconsistent canons otherwise.
Fine, lets say Nozomi is interested in having threesomes and whatnot, I still find it hard to believe she'd try to rope in one of her best friends to one knowing how that girl feels about another girl. Now I've really said all I think I can say about this topic, its pretty clear to me there's a wide variety of interpretations to be made with LL and its cast and their relationships toward each other.
I think those varied interpretations are the point. That's why the franchise gives fuel for all sorts of ships, including self-inserts and threesomes, without ever fully committing to anything. Anyway, I had fun.
>I still find it hard to believe she'd try to rope in one of her best friends to one knowing how that girl feels about another girl
this, so much this
Eli's jealousy at Kotori was pre-μ's. Nozomi avoiding her was in the NozoEli SID, which took place around winter, when she spent more time with Umi and Maki than Eli. These are separate instances which reflect a consistent tendency of Eli's; in the former, student council business is "their thing" so it is as though Nozomi has neglected that for Kotori, while for the latter, Nozomi doesn't tell her the reasons behind it (she wants to be less reliant on Eli) so from Eli's perspective, it looks like Nozomi would rather study with their underclassmen than with her.
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Good thing You isn't Yaya.

From around the web
1. The silhouettes for PDP have been revealed. As rumoured, they are Emma, Shizuku and Kanata from the game. The webpage has been crashed. I don't have a clear answer on what will happen now but hopefully it will be their H-A-J-I-M-A-R-U-T-A.
2. TW is shutting down and merging with WWKREN on May 17.
3. Happy 4th Anniversary to SIF.
Emma will be the the best girl
I'm look forward to this, the normie manga is so gay I was surprised the EN version wasn't redrawn.
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Posting some of the highlights from the past 29 4koma
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With accompanying fanfic
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HitoShizu confirmed
>Good thing You isn't Yaya.
She's still the childhood friend going up against the conspicuous new girl. That's always been an unfavorable matchup. Being a Yaya just makes it several times worse.
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関係ないけど気になる つい横目で追いかけちゃう
君に目で送るテレパシー 気づかないのに

このままじゃ we can't change 変われない
ほら knock knock knock 新しい扉の向こうで会いましょう

誰が好きなの? 私を見て

いつか二人で 星に願いを 祈ろう

君が好きだよ 驚かせて
ごめんねって 私じゃダメなの?

誰が好きなの? 私を見て

Do you suppose Chika will ask Riko to wear the Otonokizaka uniform during sex?
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Nozomi is is gay and perverted, but she's the type of pervert that becomes awkward when dealing with real romantic prospect . We see it on the NozoRin chapter, where she was genuinely surprised the Rin would just casually hold hands with her. We see it again on the HonoNozo chapter where Honks manages to outgay her and leave her completely flustered and spending a long time thinking about what just happened.
I don't think the Rin situation ever gets awkward. She's surprised, but she recovers quickly and they continue having a nice moment. In one of the audio dramas, Rin flirts back to her and Nozomi just keeps going rather than become flustered.
Which chapter is this?
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If Emma, Kasane and Shizuku are the MCs by virtue of being the first characters to be revealed, how does it feel to know that of the 3 none of them remotely resemble Honoka or Chika?

The closest we have is Kanata but she has all of Honoka's laziness with a responsible (siscon) sister to boot without the energy when needed.

As a reminder, Haruka's hobby is literally 'taking care of her sister' and the Konoecest is probably more intense than Kurosawacest.

"Haruka: An outfit that matches Onee-chan's! Did she prepare this just for me?

Haruka: What should I do...? I'm so happy! Do you mind if I change into this?

Haruka: I'll have to treasure this! I'm going to go thank her! "
"Haruka: Huh? It's almost Valentine's, so I wanted to give Onee-chan some chocolate.

Haruka: I'm actually really bad at cooking... but I'm going out of my comfort zone just this once!

Haruka: Coco-chan did most of it for me though... I can't give Onee-chan something poisonous after all... Ahaha.

Haruka: What!? I'm not confessing my love for her or anything! "
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If you brought the BDs, remember to use the serial codes and use them soon. Round 1 Ballot closes at 11:59pm JST.
A breeze of fresh air, I'd say. If they're making something out of this I would love to see an MC that's not a genki 24/7 airhead.
Off the top of my head, you may want to check out WUG if your primary concern is seeing a Idol MC who isn't a 'genki 24/7 airhead.'

Mayushii is level-headed and for most of Season 1, more depressed and self-loathing than genki.
I haven't seen the movie, I've watched a few WUG episodes, it has a great story telling but it's a bit 'too real' for my shit taste. I think I stopped at episode 3 or something.

Seeing them getting screwed over by their boss hurts.
Eh, it gets about as real as a soap opera after that.

From that point, it's just random, episodic forced drama such as Minami's random old friend (whom we don't care about) getting sick.
It's already 17th in Japan now.
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Happy birthday You

Where can i read the rest of this?
quick post your fav fic
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This is probably cheating
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I fucked up
Damn, this is my favorite fic too.
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Gay puppets.
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Happy birthday You
It's really good. I really like how chapter 19 went down; not too much melodrama, no one got disinherited, Maki's dad didn't make a scene despite not approving. The focus was instead on self-acceptance and Maki's relationship with her mom.
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It's actually not my favorite fic, but I like it a lot. RinPana tends to to be taken for granted and appear mostly in the background in fics dealing with the more exciting pairings, but it has its own definite charm. This story captures it well in showing their transition from friends to lovers, and the awfully sweet sex scene in New York.
>Maki's dad didn't make a scene despite not approving.

maybe he didn't do anything because Maki's mom is the one with the moneyz (I liked this), remember that she told maki to not worry.
>The Language of Flowers
I like fics with that topic, like http://archiveofourown.org/works/6350665
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Author here. I'm so glad my writing is appreciated, thank you for the kind words. There's nothing more I want than for readers to enjoy my story.
Thank you anon
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your fic is one of my fav nicomaki fics, it's been a while since a read something that good
btw, I had a feeling that you lurked these threads or well 4chinz in general because of some key words in your fic
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I started popping by now and then after someone sent me a very kind review on twitter when they found my fic being posted here. I'll check in every now and then as I continue my story I think.
I kinda liked your story but I couldn't help but feel like Nico seemed a little bitchier than she's wont to be?

Also, your characters swear a lot, like, idk, I can't help but feel like you should avoid mixing expletives and melodrama, like, it just makes your characters sound like hyper-emotional teens and kinda undermines the tone you're trying to strike. If possible, you should try to convey those same feelings with a touch more subtly or nuance?

Also, it seemed like a bit of a cop out that Maki's mother was the one holding the cards in the end. Like, I appreciate that an actual matriarchy isn't unprecedented in the setting (since I believe Umi's mother is the head of her household?) and to some degree I did appreciate how you resolved the 19th chapter, much to the point that it felt like a feasible outcome, though I couldn't also help but wonder if you potentially missed out on something by not forcing Nico and Maki to face that conflict with Maki's father a little more head on?

Also just keep in mind that it's more important to "show" the reader rather than "tell" them about, well, basically anything. But particularly thoughts and feelings and don't be scared to embellish the truth if necessary. If say, you're writing a character who is slowly becoming aware of their romantic feelings, rather than simply having them them propose the fact to themselves as a literal and flat question *Am I in love?*, word it in their voice. Especially, in your case, when you're writing about a first love and a gay one at that, then it's worth thinking about, amongst other things, defence mechanisms, especially "rationalisation" as people don't always realise or accept the truth immediately, especially if it's something that upends their self-perspective.

Really I just worry that you write a little to literally. If you resolve that, you have the ability to be a cut above.
>I couldn't help but feel like Nico seemed a little bitchier than she's wont to be?
When have you last watched the show? Nico is not a very nice person.
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I haven't watched the show in a while but wasn't Nico's thing that she's bitchy on the outside but deep down she's probably the most caring and loving person in μ's?
Anyway I haven't read your fic yet either (half because I want it to be finished first and half because I am scared it wont have a happy ending) so I can't really compare source material Nico to your Nico.
I'm not the writer, I just didn't get the objection.
Perhaps outwardly, sure, especially during the first season. But the point of her character arc was learning to work past her emotional baggage. Sure it doesn't have an explicit resolve by the end of the series but she is also a teenager, so she is slightly emotionally immature, it makes more sense to think she still has growing to do.

I mean, really, my biggest issue was really with how the writer depicted Nico's relationship with Nozomi, which felt somewhat contemptuous, even though A) Nico's biggest issue isn't with Nozomi herself but rather her ability to see through her veneer (more so at the start of the series) and B) by age 20, Nico has both (presumably) matured as an adult somewhat and at the very least, come to accept Nozomi as a friend (this much is apparent in the film), so Nico should be somewhat accustom to Nozomi's "little pushes" and thus, shouldn't bother her to the degree that it does.
My bad, you responded so defensively so I thought you were
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I actually can't recall anyone other than Nico swearing, and she does it much more near the beginning than at the end. Perhaps I just don't remember though, I actually have quite a bad memory. You should see my notes for this fic, very long so I don't forget details.

It should be noted that this isn't the end of the story and rather the end of the arc where Maki comes to terms with how she's feeling about everything and learns to let go of everything holding her down. I don't want to talk much about it but this is part one of three, so in terms of plot resolution, the last two chapters are the end of part one rather than the end of the story. Could make a difference.

I appreciate the criticism though, and I'll take that into consideration. I don't really write much at all (see the abandoned fic on my account) so I typically don't get much critical feedback outside of my editor, who is primarily there for grammar and other technical bits. I would love to go back and revise as much as I can in the future. This whole thing originated from wanting to read something like what I wrote, and being unsatisfied with what I found. Gotta do it myself. It's a learning process, and I'll do what I can to break free of being too literal!

I see Nico and Nozomi as best friends, but one of them knows too much and really wants to push the other in the right direction. My Nico knows this but she's too scared of what acting on how she feels might mean. I'd go into more of my thoughts about it but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read yet. I recently re-watched season 2 and the movie and was pretty satisfied with my interpretation but I perhaps didn't convey it well in my writing. I've got a long way to go, so all I can do is keep writing and trying to improve. Thanks for the help anon!
Oh and to add to this, I'd love more critical opinions or suggestions on how to improve my writing either in the comments section of the fic or elsewhere. The biggest problem with writing such a popular pairing is that many people are going to love it anyway, regardless of the quality or if they might have a different interpretation of how the characters might treat each other. This means I don't get feedback so much as praise, and while praise is nice, I also want to know what I'm doing wrong. Sure it's just a fanfic I wrote for myself, but if I could be better then I'd want to know how.
Well, /llsifg/ is just shitposting and image spam and "kys yourself Fuuko/crackshitters/flopfags"
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Happy birthday You!
I didn't mean to be defensive so much as amazed at what the hell kind of Nico that Anon has in their head since she's practically a saint in that fic. After Anon clarified it was about her relationship with Nozomi, I do get what they mean.

I think Nico and Nozomi's friendship feels more like something from the middle of season two rather than the end, where Nico's running through hallways holding hands with her and being generally very close to both her and Eli. I think it's fine if fanfic characterizations differ a bit from the canon if it suits the story, though. Similarly, Maki's implied to be much more of a daddy's girl than in the fic. A scene of Nico and Nozomi having a less tense interaction might be nice now that the Maki situation has been solved, though.
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Riko, pls.
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Happy Birthday You.

Today, just for one day, you are the winner of the Chikabowl.
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Lucky Girl becomes Mistress for a day.
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This is a separate anon from the others who had replied to you prior.

I think you might also, perhaps at a point after posting the final chapter, want to check through the chapters already up and see where you could make revisions and/or improvements. One thing I found slightly jarring, though not to an extent which was too disruptive to the reading experience, was that some characters would address others in ways they did not in canon. Eli, for example, only ever calls people directly by name, eg. "Nico," "Nozomi," and so on. By depicting her addressing Maki as "Maki-chan," the "voice" of Eli in the reader's mind sounds a little less like how we are accustomed to the Eli we are familiar with.

I'm not so much of a stickler as to stop reading just because of a small thing like this, but it would feel more accurate if you nailed down speech patterns of characters not Nico or Maki more closely.
I just hope I don't seem like I'm being too harsh. But I look forward to seeing the next parts of your story then. Like, I do agree, praise seems to be ten a penny on the archive, which is troubling because most stories kinda suck, fortunately, beyond my criticisms, I do think your doing a good job, so you at least, have earned it.

Also, as the other anon said, it might be cool to have more Nozomi/Nico interaction down the line.
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Oh you all already know that. Funny that /llsifg/ didn't until I brought it there.

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Noted! They do have a scene in the final chapter of this part and I love writing Nozomi, so she'll be around more now that Eli is back. Time for third year shenanigans.

Absolutely, I actually didn't have a serious editor until more than half way through, so there are places early on where I simply forget words. Everyone should be using honorifics the way they do in the show, save for Nico and Maki who only use "chan" for each other (Maki because she's mocking Nico, and Nico because she got really desperate and tried her best to drop hints). So if Eli misspoke somewhere along the line, that's my fault entirely. I'll go back with my editor during my break between parts. Thanks!

Absolutely not harsh at all, you've gone out of your wait to point out what could be fixed and you've told me how to fix it. Couldn't ask for anything better, to be honest. Nobody improves in a hugbox.

Much appreciated everyone, I'll keep working towards that cut above.
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*out of your way. God damn, this is what editors are for...
You know, I always wanted to read a story where Honoka returns to Japan after travelling the world for a few years as a semi-hobo and has to re-establish her relationship with Kotori and Umi, who feel she abandoned them.
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Only to find out that Kotori and Umi have already been married, and they've been wondering where the hell she's been all those years since they couldn't contact her for their wedding.

And that Tsubasa has been waiting all along for her.
Maybe that's why Honoka left. Why attend a ceremony that would lock her out of their lives.

And Tsubasa wouldn't wait, she's too busy seducing the pro Idols
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It quickly becomes apparent that Umi and Kotori are having marriage troubles, because they both know something is missing. The story's climax is a raw, emotionally draining duet of Anemone Heart they sing to Honoka.
>travelling the world for a few years
Doing what? Opening schools for orphans in third world countries?
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Not that anon, but I think street performer.

I prefer to think Honoka birthed Tsubasa's child, then ran off travelling immediately, leaving Tsubasa to bring up the kid, but obviously she has no time, so she hired that onee-san we saw calling after their daughter in that one episode.
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What? They discussed it one or two threads before. I would know, I posted the latest PDP character reveal.
Sonoda Honoka and Kotori.

Although I always preferred Kousaka Kotori.
Unless you are referring to the greentexters who are either trolling or the LL equivalent of genwunners (hagfags) who cheer on anything that would displace or smear Aqours.
Make that street performer/time-traveling special operative.
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Happy birthday Maki
Will being the nominal head of the family make it less painful for Umi when Kotori sides with Honoka every single time?
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Happy birthday to my beautiful princess
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Happy birthday Maki~
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So.. I guess Kurosawacest is canon
What present would a financially-challenged super idol give to a girl who has her own hospital?
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marriage proposal
More like You/Making things awkward again.
Something heartfelt, either a stuffed toy or something unique like homemade biscuits.
Fuck the current Eng SIF event. Why use storm in lover?!
Why not?
Must be the violation of the sanctity of anon's preferred ships.
If Nozomi can flirt with Nico and Rin, Eli can have a summer fling with Umi.
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Funny that was actually touched upon on the EliUmi SID chapter. It should be noted that this is the same chapter that establishes that Eli ships HonoUmi and Umi ships NozoEli
Her body.
> playing on EN
Congratulations on being late to the neverending party.
How could Nico give her what she's already yielded to her countless times in their bed, and a couple of times in the music classroom?
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Would Maki make Nico watch Mizoguchi films with her? I guess Nico might actually like some of the ones about financially insecure geisha.
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Happy birthday, Maki!
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>It's like the opposite of Chechkov's writing advice about guns and shooting them.
I know it's days late, but If we're going to bring Crit. Lit. into this, then I'd argue the opposite.

Wolfgang Iser was one of the first lit. critics who focused on the reader/audience as a part of the experience that is "reading", and how it's authors/creators who leave certain things up to the audience that captures them and makes them "active readers", who "fill in the blanks" when reading and experience the literature in a personal way.

Making Nick and Mack perfect foils and teasing their relationship (valentine's day stuff, the odd opening of S2 where they seem to be on a date with no explanation, so many of their interactions in S2 in general, various single covers like Sakkaku CROSSROADS) without showing it purposely sets a flame under the ass of fans and fan writers/artists all of which helps to make them some a popular and well-loved pairing.

t. an English major finally able to use the esoteric knowledge of both literary criticism and anime lesbians
how it's good* authors
that capture*
I think what they did with NicoMaki is a little different than that, or at least an extreme version of it. The way NozoEli is handled fits your scheme perfectly; there's the implications they like each other and scenes that suggest their relationship is advancing. Perfect material for blank-filling day dreams. NicoMaki, however, almost demands that you write a fanfic. They don't have an implied romantic arc*, just lots of sexual tension and issues they would have to deal with (money, family, careers) if they were to have a romantic arc. If they were the heroines of a yuri manga, we'd be maybe two volumes in with at least five worth of story left. It absolutely did light that ass-flame, but it is a peculiar approack. I at least can't think of another case like that.

*I don't think the 'date' scene is really a date, just Nico inviting Maki out to talk about the band's future and dressing nicely to hit on her a little.
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Is anyone translating SID 2nd season?
More like Riko being a whore again
Even You wasn't that bitter when she lost.
Riko and Chika roleplaying high-end escort and imperious businesswoman would probably be very cute.
Which is the escort and which is the businesswoman?
Riko would make more sense as a businesswoman and Chika as an escort, so obviously the other way around. Imagine Riko trying to project worldly sexuality through her nervousness, and Chika struggling to stay in character as a ruthless corporate raider.
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So how come no one's doing anything worthwhile on the Sunshine fic front? It feels like it's all just 600 word stories about futa handjobs. Is there just not enough canon material to get the ol' creative juices flowing?
I think it's something that's somewhat affecting Sunshine in a larger context. The muse girls were almost universally loved and extremely popular. Regardless of the fact that they "retired", people will still want to write, read, and draw things about them.

As it stands now, the Sunshine girls simply haven't been able to achieve even nearly the same popularity or staying power. Now sure - they've been around only for about a year now so things might change - but overall they're just not as well loved. Not yet.

Doesn't help that there's a bit more in-fighting about the pairings. Who Chika gets with, who Hanamaru gets with, and who Kanan and Dia get with are a lot more variable than just about any of the muse pairings were by the end.
I read this au recently, and while there are some flaws, I like it overall

>. Who Chika gets with, who Hanamaru gets with, and who Kanan and Dia get with
more like bitter fans who dont like 'established' pairings like chikariko and marikanan
>Doesn't help that there's a bit more in-fighting about the pairings
this only applies to the rest of the girls, although it wouldnt surprise me at all if >>2315465
ends up being the final pairings
The ships are just not that great I guess
Also this one

If you can only find 600 words futa handjobs, them you probably only looking for 600 word futa handjobs
Second year threesome and Kurosawacest? I'd rather not.

I rank AUs below 600 word futa handjobs.
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On the whole I actually like Aqours more than Myooseu just as a group of characters. For instance I don't really dislike any of them and all of their gimmicks are things I enjoy, unlike the OG girls where I still don't give a shit about Hanayo, Umi and Kotori.

However a lot of LL fanfiction was written after season 2 at a time when the franchise had sort of been around for a good long while and there was lots of material to draw upon. It also seems to me that Nico, Maki and Nozomi have always gotten more western fanfiction than the other girls and this might be because their circumstances are a little bit more interesting and more compelling than the other girls, but this includes the Sunshine ones too. That's not to say there weren't compelling things going on; Riko's depression/lack of motivation, You's insecurity, the 3rd years rebuilding their friendship, but it hasn't seemed to have landed with the same level as impact as how certain things in the original series did.

Whether that's fair or not I don't know, Dia and Mari certainly could have parallels to Maki's life situation, but a lot of works don't seem interested in exploring that. I don't think Sunshine did itself any favours by referencing and copying the original series so directly at times either.

That said I want more Dia fanfiction. She is a beautiful cinnamon roll.

Also going deeper into that 2nd paragraph a lot of westerners creating fanworks for LL got into the franchise after season 2 had finished, a lot of them after the movie had been released. So despite LL being a 7 year old franchise at this point they got into it when it had, for all intents and purposes, finished. And then the moment they were really getting into it, suddenly new girls were going to show up when they hadn't even spent a lot of time with the original girls. Fans tend to hold onto stuff for a long time, fandoms can be very long term things.
Use your keyboard properly.
>Nozomi have always gotten more western fanfiction
are you sure? you're talking about the pairing nozoeli because fics in which nozomi is the mc arent that common
Why is Kanan so erotic? Is it the ponytail?
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The whole /fit/ but gorgeous thing she has going on might help with that.
On another note, why is the third year OT3 so underrated?
>Nico, Maki and Nozomi
Maybe Eli as well? I wonder how a show about just those four forming a band would have gone. Maybe Maki being doted on by her three big sisters would have been enough to offset the sadness.

>Riko's depression/lack of motivation, You's insecurity, the 3rd years rebuilding their friendship
I guess that's actually more plot hooks than the first season of OG Love Live gave, since it only implied Nico having family stuff to deal with and Nozomi being lonely.

I thought everyone liked it.
>On another note, why is the third year OT3 so underrated?
Because OT3s are the worst.
>On another note, why is the third year OT3 so underrated?
it's not underrated, I think that said OT3 could work, also regarding sunshine fics my fav one is about this OT3
You can't say Mari wouldn't want to give it a go.
Before the group formed in the Sunshine anime, people were pushing 3rd Year OT3.

Then afterwards the anime kept going with KanaMari, leaving Dia to feel like a 3rd wheel or having Kurosawa-cest.
You can't seduce the daughter of the town's most prominent family in a day. Mari's working on it.
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Chika's Birthday Set now on pre-sale.


International Poster Girl outfits have been released.

Preview of CYaRon's new single
>Uchichii in the background

Almost as sad as making Chika Taiwan and You China.
It's pretty impressive how well the creators have been able to maintain interest and sales in this franchise. Most moeblob shows wither away and die shortly after the BD releases.
Love Live is a multimedia franchise meant to among other things sell CDs.

Of course, they want to keep it alive.
It's not "only" a show, even without watching the show at all, a fan could engage in the series by consuming other forms of media. Can't say the same for those other "moeblob shows".

Do some research or you'd make yourself read like a scrub.
I don't think you know what that word means

lurk moar
I'm curious about which Muse ships are popular in this neck of the internet.

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>KotoUmi not even on the list
But why
1. and 2. place should be obvious, but you fucked up by forgetting >>2319560
I made one for Aqours because why not.

To be fair, no one actually likes KotoUmi.
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I resent that.
It's more popular than half the options on the list though
are you the same anon who did the vg poll?
I have no idea what you're talking about. Also we're two different anons. I only made the Aqours
Love the designs
>The USA’s Poster Girl: Mari Ohara
Holy shit, the biggest upset of the century.
>inb4 Chika's embrace of Taiwanese independence causes an international incident
>She doesn't want a Puchim@S-esque LL version of Hetalia about the girls and the countries for which they act as representatives.

Come on nee-san
BiBi a best
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>No HonTsu
Shit list
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Which of these ships do you believe is the least likely?

>those choices
this is bait
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I did this poll, >>2319557
but not the other ones.
RinMaki is an abomination, but yeah, they all have some canon support.
Actually, taking a cursory glance around the major Taiwanese discussion platforms, most are of the opinion that while there are far more suitable outfits to put Chika in, the general stereotypes for China and Taiwan more or less blend together in non-Mandarin-using areas.

A shame, because Taiwanese culture has several other distinctive clothes or accessories which would distinguish Chika and You further. But let's not get too /pol/ up in here.
What's the actual crackiest pair you can think of?
EliRin? UmiPana?
KotoMaki. They're generally not very shippable with anyone other than their one popular pairing, have nothing in common and don't even have personalities that would clash in an interesting way.
This probably flew under /u/'s radar, but a NicoMaki fic won the Hayawaka SF special award last year.
Not exactly LL related, but this article reminded me: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-feature/2017/03/13-1/feature-found-in-translation-why-kemono-friends-is-great-sci-fi
Interesting. Do you know what it's like? I'm guessing scifi AU.
I haven't read it yet, but it seems to be a distopian SF setting.
Here's a sample of the original work in case you can into moon:
>Even [Kaban]’s age and sex are unknown
>Because s/he don’t even remember his/her name, s/he were named after the bag they s/he carrying.
Don't start that shit here.
That's just, like, your opinion, sis.

Seriously though, don't feed the troll. There are better things to discuss than basically "lololol look at this so randumb".

As it were, their SIF UR pair, Easter cards, etc suggest Kotori would take the lead in the event of a possible pairing, with Maki giving in to her. That's pretty cute. They might not be on a flagship mainstay material level, but they could still work.
>They have a few cards together, they could work
I really hate this argument
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They have a short story together. Also, Maki capitulates to everyone. Its not surprising that even Kotori can take a lead.
Then I guess it's time for You to take what is her's one way or another.

Taiwanese Culture is pretty much Chinese Culture although I guess they could have chosen a more commonly used national dress for both sides of the Strait. For all of Japan's obsession with the Qipao, I can count the number of people I've seen wearing it on one hand.

I suppose they could gone with one fan's option and depict Chika wearing indigenous Taiwanese clothes but then that would lead into an odder discussion over whether the colonised minority people can be wholly used to represent the majority. Consider Kanan dressed in Australian Aboriginal warpaint attempting to represent Australia as a whole. The Aboriginals are around 600k and the total number of Australians is 24 million. So you'll have Kanan for 600k people and calling it a day rather than attempting to represent 24 million.

It isn't to say Indigenous People experience should not be taken into account but if you're trying to represent a nation/country, it just looks odd if you're representing a minor group and then trying to say 'this is a representation of the majority.'
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It's not that "they have a few cards together," it's that the cards tell us more about how they interact with and think of each other.

Learn to understand words and what they mean.
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If you told a random Taiwanese person "your culture is pretty much Chinese culture" where "Chinese" would be interpreted as "associated with Mainland China" instead of the connotation to do with their ethnicity, chances are you'd have a very annoyed Taiwanese person on your hands.

Also, with so many "tribes" among indigenous Taiwanese, it might not be feasible to pick traditional clothes characteristic of just one of them, in any case. Kanan's design might actually be the right decision, paying obvious homage to Steve Irwin rather than having to deal with the dilemma you had described.

My favorite jokes are still those claiming Chika should dress like the lady in this image, or like a betel nut beauty, or wear blue-and-white slippers. The ones where people aren't too embarrassed to poke fun at their own local culture.
When it comes to things like this, you're best of sticking to something cute and uncontroversial. Trying to tackle indigenous people will just get you accusations of cultural appropriation or something.

I think we can all however agree that foistering Ruby on the people of Korea was an act of deplorable racism.
Then that 'very annoyed Taiwanese person' will have it explained to them that they are ethnically Chinese but that their culture is very much associated with Mainland China from Mazu to the food they eat and their beliefs to the language they speak.
You sound awfully white. Or maybe Mainland Chinese, but your grammar patterns don't suggest Mainland Chinese.

Really though, why don't we just enjoy the designs for what they are and not make it all /pol/, please. This is getting off topic.
>I think we can all however agree that foistering Ruby on the people of Korea was an act of deplorable racism.
Why do you think that?
Just a dumb joke about Ruby being worst girl.
where can I read the original?
Do they usually give out awards to fanfics or is this a new thing?
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Lewd Youby.

Youby is underrated. I liked it at first because it fit well within my ChikaRIko/YoshiMaru/KanaMari ships, but the more I see it (even though it's pretty rare and I don't know the pixiv keyword for it), the more I like it.

You is a cool senpai and can teach/lead/love Ruby, who certainly needs the confidence that can be taught, as well as the exposure to love/sex/etc.

I'm sure it's not going to catch on - it'll be like MakiPana or something - but I like it nonetheless
It's part of a collab doujin called "School idol fictionally".
You can call me a nigger for all I care.

I have been there, I have seen it and I am convinced that Taiwanese culture is an offshoot of Chinese Culture.
The names where of course changed when he submitted it.
But it's pretty impressive because the people at Hayakawa didn't even consider Gundam novels to be literature.
What's going on in these comics? Seems like Maru is provoking You.
We're talking about You here, a girl so unassertive she lost to Riko. She'll probably end up getting a 'Property of Mistress Ruby' tattoo on her ass.
one of the things I don't like about AO3 is the amount of tumblr tags, I just found another fic about trans character and shit, and you guessed right it was rin said character
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What proportion of of the UK's population are maids, then?
I like these before and after situation.
Apparently AO3 is sponsored by one of my favourite authors Novik. It is not a bad service but when users can tag their own work it can get very silly especially, when, tagged, like, this.
And what proportion of the US's population are cowgirls?
Shouldn't you be happy about 'tumblr tags', since they kept you from reading a story you wouldn't have liked?
After Theresa May and Brexit, they'll probably have no choice but to convert the entire country into a Downton Abbey theme park for American tourists.

I should probably admit that at least the MMO one is shaping up to be a pretty nice story. It just updated too.
While a badly written fic might not have countless tags, fics with countless tags are basically guaranteed to be awful. They're a tell of authors who either think they are funnier than they actually are, or who are of the shitty Tumblr breed that spend more time talking about things than writing/doing those things.
Really hoping YoshiRiko does not make a rumoured S2 NicoMaki style boost.

Doesn't help that a certain tripfag I hate likes it.
Same here. The nice thing about Love Live is that it at least appears to take its yuri undertones seriously. If they backtrack from where they left ChikaRiko, I'm going to be forced to go to /llsifgen/ and make nasty comments.
You newer know what happens in the future and there are obviously still the few hardcore YoshiRiko shippers but compared to the beginning this ship has really died down. To begin with, the main force of this ship were the seiyuus, and with how much the staff has driven ChikaRiko in our skull there isn't much left. YouRiko seems to get traction from the fans as well recently.
To be honest, I can see why people ship YoshiRiko but I will never understand the popularity it gained. The nicknames coined by the seiyuus is to weak in my opinion.
It was was the surprise breakout YohaMaru ship that hurt YoshiRiko the worse though. ChikaRiko just rubbed salt on its wounds.

YoshiRiko was just really loud and obnoxious hype on Sunshine's early months. Especially with the baseless claims that it would be the next NicoMaki, anyone with half a brain would know that is impossible.
>To begin with, the main force of this ship were the seiyuus
> The nicknames coined by the seiyuus is to weak in my opinion.
Remarks like these are baffling. If you looked at things posted by shippers for the pairing, they may happen to also ship the CVs, but liking Yoshiko/Riko and liking KyanRika are mutually exclusive. Shipping one does not equate shipping the other. Somebody could like either pairing without having any interest in the other, as well.

I recall coming across a rather fed up post of a KyanRika shipper who took offense to a shipper for another pairing dismissing Yoshiko/Riko and You/Chika as "popular only because of KyanRika and AnShuka".
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Why this thread is doesn't have YohaRiko

They don't make scene in the anime well.
I'm still happy that some artist continue to draw them...

Well i know it's kinda good before the anime comes out
YoshiMaru is far more popular now so they won't.
I think they meant that the seiyuus provided fuel for the pairing by coming up with the nicknames and stuff.
Maru's better for her anyway. I feel that Chika's shenanigans are just about the maximum amount of shenanigans Riko's willing and able to take.
Also inaccurate, Kobayashi and Aida only started using their characters' nicknames for each other when the nicknames had appeared in canon materials.

No offense, but at times I have to wonder if the anti-YoshiRiko types are so against the pairing that they will use any excuse, real or imagined, just to inflate their own self-importance.
Sorry, I don't care about Aqours, so that's only what I gathered from these threads.
No offense, but you pretty much described what the YoshiRiko fans have been doing.
>a girl so unassertive she lost to Riko.
Blame the ol' childhood friend thing. It's a different circumstance.

You is so alpha she's got roving bands of fangirls.
She never once tried to make a move on Chika, not even when it became clear that Riko was a major threat. That's You for you, full of charisma and no idea what to do with it.
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She has done so plenty of times. Its just that Chika has been dumping her since middle school. Its not really her fault, Chika was pretty much an introvert before she became a Honoka fan. Its why Chika gets along so well with Riko since they have very similar predispositions.

You is that popular, atheltic jock who can get any girl she wants but is unlucky enough to want the one girl who already met her soulmate.
Again, childhood friends are kind of their own level when it comes to something like this. They're always a weakness, or a more vulnerable experience.

Chika might be the one girl You can't get - but this doesn't make You some kind of wallflower lacking confidence when it comes to any other potential ships.
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That's actually a really nice take on their relationship. I guess it's why Chika was so insistent that Riko not skip the piano competition; she knows that the piano is to Riko what being a school idol is to her. (I hope this wasn't made explicit in the episode because that would make me sound like a dumbass.)
Are Russiapan doujins fast sellers or something? There was a ChikaYou doujin on Melon I was thinking about getting but next time I checked it was sold out and I can't find it anywhere else.
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EliUmi event is almost over.
After all of Nozomi's conquests, I guess Eli can't slack off on bringing girls to their bed.
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It was never an EliUmi event. Just Eli only.
I love Eli's dykey suspenders.
SIF's new Aqours Valentine's story was disgustingly non-shippy.
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You suffering never ends.
But the suffering is sweeter if Riko's a kind girl who feels bad for You, as episode 11 suggests.
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>ends in three-way
That Riko bullying You cover, tho

RikoYou content where Riko is the dominant one is patriciant taste.

> new
It's been 2 chapters and several events since Valentine's/Setsubun, anon, it's not the game's problem that you aren't caught up.
Don't let your guard down, everyone. We're dealing with a badass who plays on the Japanese server.
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