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/cbu/ - Comic Book Yuri

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Previous thread
Everything DC, Marvel, Indie related belongs here.
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Did Jubilee and X-23 ever ave any interactions after these two issues?
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Carol is for Jess.
Why not call it /cou/?
Never mind. This >>2287571 makes more sense to be called that.
I kind of prefer comics and cartoons stay separate.
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Here's some more Xena&Gabrielle love
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How's Giant Days?
Wow, I didn't know Kitty was racist.
Please for everything holy, go get the non-sample ones.
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This doesn't make sense. Kitty is jewish.
Any good?
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So what do you think will happen with the new Quasar? Forgotten after Secret Empire? Supporting cast or background fodder for a cosmic book? I don't think Marvel would give her a solo at this point.
Considering they're trying their best to ignore their last LESBIAN Quasar I'm gonna go with shuttled after the event then killed off for more Wendel wank


Any of these worth buying?
It really pisses me off that basically everything in the "LGBTQ" section of that website is disgusting yaoi shit.
I've heard good things about Giant Days

I think Red Sonja had an arc with /u/ in it, but I don't remember which and most of the relationships are het from what little i've read

Maybe Xena as seen here
>literally posting a picture with a "please do not repost" watermark
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I just read the first volume of Insexts and would like to warn people not to read it. Even if you look past the tumblrisms (and believe me there's a lot of that), its writing is really terrible and the art isn't the greatest either.
Well I never heard from it, but thank you nonetheless.
shit opinion
Alright, can anyone of you recommend me some good /u/ related comics, preferably not by the big two?
Also no Jem, I already read that one.
Sunstone is really good, ya should read it. Is about a BDSM relationship
Uh, you couldn't name a few more than just one?
Y: The Last Man has /u/ content, but it's mostly about a dude (obviously).
Your criteria made it few to begin with. Getting one at all should indicate that.
Figured with all the indi stuff by Image and co in the past years that there'd be more now.
If Vertigo counts as not the big two, My Faith in Frankie is a short fun read. Girly is a good too. Also, when I was teenager Strangers in Paradise made an impression on me, but I don't know if that holds up well these days though.
Did something happen in Marvel that I'm not aware of?

Well, they concluded that readers don't want diversity, so we probably won't see any more lesbians for a while.
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To be fair their lesbians were horrible.
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Why is she always looking like a zombie?
She's a bat. She's deprived of sun light.
Bats aren't white though. At least the majority of them aren't.
She's albino, I think. It's present in the actual comics that she's super pale. Enough that she's paper white compared to batman and even her father.
The writer and artist for her Detective Comics issues first issues and eventual solo used a very horror heavy style to differentiate her from the rest of the bat people. In those comics the really white skin went really well with tight and dark suit and red hair. The look has caught on so she's canonically really pale.
If that's so, how are people stupid that they don't realize it's her when they meet her without the suit? Another Lois-Clarke thing?
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Not all of them.
Her hair and the mask. It could also be a case of the audience being the only ones who see her that way as evidenced by >>2308058 explanation for the style.
Too bad Phyla got character assassinated and both got forgotten by Marvel long before now.
Necessary sacrifice to diminish all the other forced diversity bullshit they've been vomiting out.

Also, DC has been getting away with Harley/Ivy, Batwoman and those two chicks from the Supergirl TV series for a while now. It's not about the lesbians. Marvel just can't wrtie for shit nowadays outside of just token representation for their tumblr audience. Now they're finding out that audience doesn't exactly buy comic book en masse.
Hey fuck off to /co/.
>Also, DC has been getting away with Harley/Ivy,

Now Timm is trying to destroy them. Hmm, he won't succeed clearly, dunno why he tries
Let's not lose hope, after all if it weren't for his show there would be no Harley/Ivy. That Nightwing shit is just to throw people off, I bet we'll get Ivy/Harley old-school team up towards the end of the movie.
Nah, Ivy punching Harley it's a sign that nothing between them will happen. Timm already said that the movie is about Dick and Harley romance and reffered to Harley/Ivy in the past tense: "Bruce and Dick will search for Ivy's past acquaintances"

Harlivy is dead is that movie, as is my respect to Timm
Why did you even have a shred of hope in the movie? You should've been on the internet long enough to have hopes of something happening.
I am a person of faith. I can't help having faith in anything or anyone. Doesn't pay well
I'm with you, sis.
The movie doesn't even take place in the DCAU universe, it just uses it's art style. Otherwise Dick and Bruce wouldn't even get along by the time Dick is Nightwing. It'll probably take place in Timm's special Timm verse where he can ship Bruce and Babs to his hearts content :^)

That being said Harley/Ivy is a thing that won't go away entirely, no matter what happens. It's already too intigrated into the characters and we've got AU versions of them hooking up rather happily (Bombshells)
I know but still the fear that it'll affect them in the long run is there, y'know?. Timm can go fuck himself for all I care
That's over though isn't it? Bombshells that is. At this point they can say it hasn't happened precisely because it's an AU more or less.
The ship existed longer than some fans of it are alive. It won't go anywhere precisely because it's easy brownie points and makes sense.
Maybe true, but the numbers are dwindling so I think it's only a matter of time before it's relegated enough so that it doesn't really matter all that much.
That's why we need to show DC that Harlivy will ALWAYS have support. That they aren't something to throw out when the writer feels like. Hell I consantly send tweets to various DC writers with exactly that, to show them that Harlivy isn't a fad or something like that
When that happens you can bet your ass they are relegating Ivy and Harley entirely too.
Which I can't see with a Gotham City Sirens movie being made.
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So these two were lesbians, huh. You don't say. Guess I'm going to read superhero comics again after a decade.
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Timm is just mad that everyone hates Bruce/Babs, so he has to destroy something beautiful and loved in return.
It's pretty obvious, isn't it?
Especially since he also goes and shits all over the only other character that stands in the way of his beloved ship: Dick.
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Not exactly.

No one really goes to comic shops or anything and why buy a comic when you can just read it for free.

Coupled with how utterly convoluted and difficult it can be to get into something that could have been going on for years. I personally just pick and choose comics that feature my favorite characters.

Some have concluded that comics overall dip in sales is because of diversity cause that's the punching bag of the decade.

But outside of events and some movie releases I honestly don't see comics sales spiking much.

Coupled with the simple observation that comic fans complain that nothing changes and then flip out if the big two do try something different.

I only see DC and Marvel using comics to see what characters and concepts stick for their multi media products.

Apologies for the long post.
>Coupled with how utterly convoluted and difficult it can be to get into something that could have been going on for years
I think you're wrong about diversity but this is why i'm not into comic much, mostly don't know where to start and when i do it's a pain because sometimes you need to have read another issue featuring a different character to get the full picture also the artist and writer changing constantly is annoying as fuck.
Do those frenco-belgian comics have yuri in them?
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I'll admit Marvel has occasionally dropped the ball with how they handled their diversity attempts but I will say I thoroughly enjoyed some of the issues of A-Force that I read. Felt all the girls were handled pretty well.

I certainly haven't read every comic in Marvel's "diverse" line up but I'm sure we've all seen the "Tumblrinas" bitching about every thing.

However there are those who get upset when any character who isn't white or straight gets even a little focus. And use that to claim Marvel shouldn't put such characters in focus.

Anyway the issues of A-Force I read I think take place after that whole battle world thing and they were fighting Antimatter.

Anyway as for getting into a comic I'd suggest looking stuff up on wikis and /u/ and /co/ can be surprisingly helpful. Although on /co/ you might get a rare snide remark if you mention you seek some /u/.
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There are some lesbian themed comics, yes.
I think Marvel's whole replace an established hero with a minority character is what harmed them and have people bitch about the diversity thing. Because it's just lazy. Them replacing Tony Stark with a black teenie girl was bound to gather shit. And don't get started on Bendis clearly wanting to perma replace Peter with Miles as THE Spiderman if not for Slott of all people.
Is there some master list of /u/-approved western comics? if not, should we make one?
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The optimist in me wants to say that there attempts to push such characters to the fore are for the movies hell I love Albino Domino but I'm digging the black Domino they seem like they're going with for Deadpool 2.

Instead of forcing characters to be replaced they should focus on teams that are already varied like Runaways. I think they're actually planning on making a series for them after the movie fell through.

That being said I can certainly understand what it might feel like for a young kid tosee someone who looks like them don a classic character's outfit.

Given Marvel's relatively consistent quality it might stick.

On a more /u/ note did they ever do anything gay with Singularity or are they sticking to their guns and saying she's to young mentally?
>The optimist in me wants to say that there attempts to push such characters to the fore are for the movies hell I love Albino Domino but I'm digging the black Domino they seem like they're going with for Deadpool 2.
So why didn't they just push Falcon as, you know, fucking Falcon when he appeared in the movies instead of making him the new Captain America and not long after bring back Steve Rogers as Cap Hydra?

>Instead of forcing characters to be replaced they should focus on teams that are already varied like Runaways.
Or the X-Men, which were THE to go diversity team, but lo and behold, the movie rights are with Fox and Disney can't make any money out of them.
Why do you think they tried to push the Inhumans so much, only to realize no one gives a shit about them and in turn also alienated one of their biggest fanbases too?

>I think they're actually planning on making a series for them after the movie fell through.
If it's gonna look anything like the Inhumans show it's gonna be crap.

It's really hard to defend any of Marvel's decisions right now, since they aren't even willing to admit that they fucked up. Unlike DC who pulled the brakes hard.
Yet Batman comics always sell around the 100k mark while Marvel struggles. And DC doesn't have such a big stake in movies unlike Marvel, who get told by Disney what to do.
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Is Kate Bishop gay?
She's not straight.
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It really feels like a /co/ thread now the overt bias is real.

My guess? the people Marvel is trying to appeal to aren't avid comic book consumers. Given the elitist sense of some comic fans with the whole "if you don't know this little bit of obscure trivia your casul". It can be understandable why some gravitate more to slightly more coherent and readily available media other than comics.

Amusingly reminds me of middle school where not only did you have the usual problems with being an outcast but you also had to flash your nerd creds or be ostracized by your own bottom of the clique group.

I love comics but they're on the decline and have been at least in the traditional sense. It's not just one thing, as discussed above it can difficult to get into a series that has been going on for years especially if the authors or artists change. Poorly attempted implementation of diversity can upset both fans who want a more varied line up and will upset fans who see the sjw boogeyman( sorry boogeyperson) anywhere.

On a personal note as someone who hopes for more /u/ in comics I know I'll most likely be disappointed by the comics themselves.
That's why /u/ is probably better off sticking to indie comics instead of mainstream cape. Because in mainstream the author and artist will definitely change while with indie ones you're far more likely to have creator owned stories and characters and a far more easier time to follow any given comic.
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That reminds me I was following Spinnerette for awhile even got the first issue and then shortly after my attention span went out the window never to return.

A pity I loved the girl abs.
What would be on it and how would we decide whether or not something goes on it?
Like what if there's a good book with a lesbian protoganist, but the romance itself isn't the focus?

I do think it would be good to make one, albiet a little difficult.
Spinnerette does go full /u/ though, and the comic overall is fairly decent. If that's any argument for you returning to it.
Yes, she is.
>Is there some master list of /u/-approved western comics? if not, should we make one?
It would be hard to do, some comics end, some go on hiatus never to come back, in some lesbian baiting stops and some characters came out of the closet as bi/poly for guys too, in some bi/lesbian fanservice baiting begin for a chapter to never come back, it's hard to make one list as objective one.

You can check this one, but beware the lesbian tag is so much overused in there and applied even to transexual before transition male characters so it's quite a minefield, not mentioning that the lesbian tag is also used for bi or poly characters who end with guys too in there.
America would beg to differ.
>Like what if there's a good book with a lesbian protoganist, but the romance itself isn't the focus?

I think that would be okay to include.
>So why didn't they just push Falcon as, you know, fucking Falcon when he appeared in the movies instead of making him the new Captain America

Comic book fans are mostly characterfags and completionist collectors. They're much more likely to buy comics titled Captain America than the Falcon. It's why so many of the new minority characters are replacing established characters. They're more likely to stick with name recognition. The problem is they're doing it all within a small frame of time, so people are getting mad that all of their favorite characters are gone.

Basically, Marvel, fans and retailers are blaming diversity instead of the fact that comic fans are characterfagging retards although there is definitely a non-insignificant racist/sexist element sperging out about too much change. There's also issues of mediocre/bad writing that makes it all worse.

So, basically, everyone is learning the wrong lessons and nothing will ever be good.
America is either teasing Kate, refusing to admit she's attracted to a straight girl or is trying to win a toaster.
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I knew it, I knew if I kept reading Gold Digger I'd eventually find lesbians! It took over a hundred issues of this crap but I did it!
A banter-remark to shrug someone off of annoying does not a lesbian make.
Is there more to that, or just that page?
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There are few that are really lesbian centrered instead of bisexual/transgender/ etc

The Infinite Loop: A time travelling agent erases time paradoxes until she falls in love with one.
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InSeXts: a couple of lesbians had o endure the oppression of the XIX Lndon. They eventually gain insect powers and kill men. Also, lots of fucking
View's Scrub Diving wrapped up recently.
There's some het in there, but the main couple is gay, and it's a cute story.

Does Batwoman change her voice like Batman does in the movies?
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It's a running thing.
After this incident, Barbra, the blonde, was headed to solitary confinement after a stop by the prison library with an old copy of Playboy, with Xane, the dark skinned one, as the centerfold.
After she gets parole, she joins the same organization and constantly teases Xane with flirts, innuendo and other advances.
Could I get some Stargirl and Cyclone pics?
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they are going to break up aren't they?
also rip quasar
>they are going to break up aren't they?
Maybe, Marvel can't have long dating lesbians after all or one of them will try to date a guy or something next.
Reportedly there's a scene from the Black Panther where two female characters flirt with each other, but Marvel quickly responded with a no gay when asked about it.
Is Jim Shooter back?
*Black Panther movie
So which Marvel/DC books have lesbians currently? And do any of them have trannies? Because I'd like to avoid those.
Batwoman for DC, some individuals here and there with little focus.
And you should just write Marvel off completely.
Read the first issue of the reboot today, it's generic trash and will probably get more SJ later, considering who's writing it. So definitely don't read the current run.

The JH Williams stuff is excellent though, both visually and in terms of writing.
there is america, but that's beyond trash
usavengers does have 2 lesbians dating but we barely see them
and no quasar book ever
stick with dc and batwoman
You're better off trying to find something creator owened.
Theres nothing 'SJ' about Bennet's Batwoman...you people just see whatever the fuck you want, don't you?
Probably confusing the upcoming movie with the comic Black Panther: World of Wakanda. Two of the main characters in that one are in a relationship.
>will probably get more SJ later, considering who's writing it
>will probably
>considering who's writing it
DC Bombshells. Lotsa gay shit happening in that one.
Are you still trying to cling onto the hope that the comic might not be shit, anon ? I tried too, but it's bad, and not even fun-bad. Kate's inner monologue reads like Snyder's Batman, only the jokes she makes could be somewhat Kate-like (but they feel out of place and forced), the pace is uncomfortably quick and confused, and the whole thing is incredibly generic.
Bennet is trying to make Kate into lesbian-Batman-so-better-than-him when Williams had established her as much more than that.

The lesbian community has hyped up this run too much, telling me how it'll be wonderful to have a """queer""" disabled woman writing Batwoman. I wish we'd simply have a good writer instead.
Disabled how? Is she missing a leg or something? I mean, she's obese, but not to the point of massive health issues.
Is it a mental disability?
In the Autostraddle article about the new trans character Victoria Otober :
>October also is shown using a cane, so it looks like she’s also representation for disabled trans people, which is excellent. Bennett herself uses a cane, so again, I trust her more than most writers to write a character who also uses one.
They don't use the word "disabled" to describe Bennett but they do act as if using a cane makes her an authority. I assume her using a cane means she has some sort of need for it.
I don't think we've even gotten any erotic fanfics with Aikku and Toni yet, this shit can't be over.
>the pace is uncomfortably quick and confused

So pretty much the same as the New 52 run. I liked the pre-Andreyko run, but let's not kid ourselves.

>Bennet is trying to make Kate into lesbian-Batman-so-better-than-him

Pretty much everything Kate has done so far has been poorly planned and Julia has been telling her to stop being an idiot. I don't know where you're getting this.
These people really are retards, aren't they?
The ""lesbian"" community
Pic related is what I mean, it's too meta. It's like Bennett herself is asking this, because it feels out of place for Kate. My analysis is also based on this terrible interview
>sending her on a global mission to track down villains out of even Batman’s jurisdiction
She didn't need to bring up Bats, she chose to compare Kate to him and use "even", emphasizing her point.

I definitely didn't like Andreyko either, it was ridiculous. I'm not defending that run, just saying this one doesn't seem like it'll be any better. I admit first issues are always hard to write because of how many things they need to establish, and the later ones could get more interesting. I'm not very hopeful though.
Speaking of Batwoman, how is she in Detective Comics? I see her in the covers a lot.


Daisy and Ingrid are adorable.
She was alright. I stopped reading when Steph left.
I was planning on reading that run just for Steph. Is it worth it? I miss Batgirl Steph
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It was okay. She had some good moments and they were building up her and Cass' friendship again. But her reasons for leaving were pretty stupid, it also hurt because they had just given her the classic Spoiler mask back.

It also seems like kind of a missed opportunity to give her another solo. Her Batgirl run is getting reprinted soon, and she's shown to still be active by herself in Gotham.
I wish Kara and Steph would get to team up instead of Kara and Babs. I mean KaraBabs is good and all but KaraSteph is the superior World's Finest pair.
Steph should stay Spoiler and Cass should become Batgirl again. That's the only true course of action.
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She's not going to be Batgirl while Barbra's around.
But I wish she would at least go back to being Black Bat.
Orphan? Fucking seriously?
Black Bat is what'll most likely happen. Just with her old Batgirl mask.
I think I want to kick ass of the writer for Supergirl tv show, suddenly Lena Luthor was revealed to have long romantic relation with some random guy out of nowhere for years just to kill him off next and just to show she's straight excuse and as some evil change in the making.
Maybe the writer witnessed too much Kara x Lena shipping.
>Luthor in her name
>Turns out to be evil
Surprise surprise!
More surprising is not that's she's evil but that her evil side was shoehorned and born in one current episode over losing long time lover in form of a guy who was not around till now.

It's shitty writing.
lbr the writing went to shit went they moved networks. the only saving grace was introducing Lena and giving Alex a LI. I'm expecting them to fuck up that second part soon.
I stopped watching SG the first time Kara and Mon-el fucked.

I remember hearing something about Kara getting fired but what the actual fuck has been going on?
Tell me about Strangers in Paradise.
They both fuck men repeatedly, what more do you need to know?
Why would the main actress get fired?

But for off-screen SG news the actors of SG and Mon-el are fucking irl. Don't expect for manboy to leave or die
>thinking CW can do anything other than token representation for brownie points

Forgot about The 100 already?

>It's shitty writing

What exactly changed?
I meant her getting fired in story is what I heard about.

And that spoiler is fucking terrifying.
It's good. Drags in the middle though. And Terry Moore's clearly got some kind of "I hate my own gender" thing going on.
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So how much /u/ was/is in Vampirella comics?
I hope you like disappointment.
Should be right up /u/'s alley then.
At this point, I couldn't imagine my life without disappointment.
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I've been reading the first TPB of Monstress and there seems to be some lezzing going on in it. Also it has a seriously cute foxgirl, just like in my animes.
And they end up being ripped apart, blown up, or devoured by Lovecraftian abominations.
They did?
Nothing like that has happened so far.
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Can someone tell me if this is good? I don't think it have something /u/ but it have any straight relationship?
All the relationships so far have been straight in the games. You shouldn't expect anything other than that.
I would actually content myself as long as there were no loving relationships here.
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Who are these people?
Lena Luther and Super Girl.

I'm embarrassed at the typo.
Wasn't Lena recently outed as evil as her brother or something on the show? Or did they twist it around and made it misleading?
Yeah, I thought this >>2329825 happened and everyone finally decided to abandon this show for good.

I mean, it's the CW. What were people expecting?
I jumped ship when Kara banged Mon-El, so I only heard about Lena turning out to be evil or something.

Also all I expected was for the writers to not unlearn how to write and decide that teaching their viewers awful lessons was a fantastic idea.

I expected too much.
She hasn't turned Lex Evil. But chances are she might. She basically had to kill her boyfriend because he lost free will and so the nanobots controlling him had to be destroyed.

This could either go with the writers putting Lena in these gray situations or making this the path towards evil. Or maybe something even shittier, they are CW writers after all.
That's a depressing thought.

I miss all the cute chemistry that Lena and Kara had.
Supergirl in the Bomshell universe is a lesbian science baby
Who apparently has three mommies. Gracious the fics write themselves.
faora just was the scientist who made lara pregnant with allura's baby.
Still if you want to interpret it broadly three mommies.
I can't shake the feeling that the science lady did all of that so she could eventually bang Kara herself.

I mean look at that smirk! Like I've heard of some people being called cradle robbers, as well as the idea of wife husbandry, but this is just a bit further than both those things!
I need to catch up with Bombshells
You could say she was playing the long game.
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Is anyone reading the chapters?
The cover of volume 1 looks pretty gay
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Is this the webcomic thread now too?
So..I saw in amazon that a new batwoman comic by DC is coming out.
Does anyone know the content of gay?
The writing is from Marguerite Bennett
It's not super gay so far (only 2 issues are out), but the plot does involve one of Kate's ex-girlfriends.
Not as gay as you might think, but there's enough subtext and tension to pass around.
It's the best of the rebooted Archie titles, but it only rarely comes out.
>The writing is from Marguerite Bennett

Avoid like a plague.
The opposite, actually.
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This is the writing you're recommending to anons. Even disregarding anything political, this writing is plain immature, non-sensical, full of pop culture references and pandering. Pace is atrociously fast and characters have no depth.

Seems like her Batwoman is just going the generic boring route instead, but recommending Bennett's work as a whole is dishonest.
I don't think I've ever cringed so hard before reading those panels. Not even Princless is that tacky.
>Seems like her Batwoman is just going the generic boring route instead, but recommending Bennett's work as a whole is dishonest.
To be fair tell me the name of one other active DC or jokingly Marvel related writer who isn't afraid of putting lesbian/bi female main character in her or his work.

I don't like everything Bennet writes but she's basically last sore thumb of lesbian/bi related content in the big two worlds.
That's actually pretty funny.
You shouldn't accept to eat shit just because there's some lesbian sprinkled on top of it.
Bennet's work isn't for you, we get your hate boner. I'll continue to enjoy DC Bombshells and Insexts.
I wasn't just talking about Bennett, I'm talking in general. It's pretty terrible how some of us (and me included at times) consume bad or mediocre media and thus perpetuate it because we're so starved for lesbians.

Gotham Central is great and focuses on Montoya at times, if you haven't read that yet.
>Gotham Central

I have first two trades and the one with dead Robin, and I can second this recommendation. The second trade even deals with someone outing Montoya.
Ian Churchill needs to draw more girls kissing girls.
That looks like an edit. Especially the reference to Unsolicited Opinions on Israel
It is not edit, but I don't want to get off the topic of /u/, so that's all i'll say about it.
It isn't.
Hey /co/, why do you people hate lesbians so much?
>hating lesbians
Where the fuck do you get this idea?
I will never cease in my pursuite of all lesbian Power Girl stuff, as hopeless as it may be.
Yes anon, I date girls, read comics about girls dating girls, and browse a board about girls dating girls because I really hate lesbians. And I'm also all of /co/, of course.
Why do you love tumblr so much?
/co/ hates everytinig, just like /a/ and /b/
Have any of you been reading Batwoman by Marc Andreyko? After the old editors left I stopped reading but would like to go back
I wouldn't bother. It doesn't have any of his old Manhunter magic.
>Gay man is better at writing straight women then gay ones.
Surprise, surprise.
So after the good editors left batwoman is very finished, huh?
It's pretty bad.

The annual that Andreyko wrote to wrap up the loose plot threads from JHW3 and Blackman getting fired is a fucking travesty.
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I was not aware America's solo was out. Currently #3 issues. Some appearances of Kate and Lisa (America's gf) in issue #1 that I liked but it goes downhill from there.

It's not good to be honest. America feels very out of character and immature. She goes to college to discover herself while dishing out cringey comebacks. So if you like that this solo is for you.
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I usually don't agree with /co/ but man this book is trash.
It's not the writer that is the problem, it's the fact that some of these female solos contain cringey tumblr dialogue that completely ignores characterization or is trying to pander. i.e. angela and princeless (which is written by a guy)
I think anon was being facetious with his comment. No need to explain the obvious. Especially when some idiot put up 4 pages
What's wrong with posting the relevant /u/ pages?
>the writer's not the problem
>the writing is the problem

Korrasami happened what, three years ago?

/co/ is still butthurt about it, and seems pretty triggered any time someone posts a panel that has both Harley and Ivy in it.

/co/'s Monster/Ever After High threads like lesbians, but the rest of /co/ is not fond of /u/ at all from what I've seen.
what does the writer's race has to do with the writing? think idiot. inb4 called a sjw
Because it was sudden and tacked on at the end for liberal brownie points.
If they'd had the balls to have a romance instead of a few blushes, you'd see a difference.
Well I can agree on that. That being said it's disappointing that this is how America's book is playing out.
I gotta call bullshit on that by all accounts I've heard /co/ has become super angry towards lesbians so I doubt that'd make a difference in their hatin.

As for tacking Korrasami on at the end well they couldn't simply make it blatant. Nick airs in some countries where depictions of homosexuality are illegal unfortunately.

Hell I remember a few decades ago when even suggesting they might be lovers would be considered scandalous.

Now if it was on a different network or even time slot then they'd certainly have more freedom. I think it's after 6:30PM that you could depict things considered risqué.
Okay /co/, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it was tacked on. There's also a Korra thread that you can complain in since you feel like spouting shit.
Except that it didn't even air on TV, the last season was online exclusive.
I like Korrasami, I enjoy them together and I like the idea that Mako turns women into lesbians. But you didn't even get to see them actually kiss, just close in for it, then pan to the sky.
>I've heard
so you've "heard" somewhere /co/ hates lesbians ? You don't even browse /co/ but declare this a fact ? And for some reason you choose to argue this here on /u/, when you could very well make a thread on /co/ if you're this mad. /co/ has regular and popular lesbian threads, which surely you'd have seen if you went on the damn board.

In any case, a whole board isn't homogeneous, it's not one person, and you're a retard for thinking it is.
I used to go on /co/. I no longer do so. I have fond memories of some conversations unrelated to lesbians we've had on /co/ my favorites were discussions on the nature of The Force in Star Wars and the nature of magic in the MCU.

Further not once did I imply my word was law and if I hear enough people say don't jump off a cliff it'll kill ya I'm inclined to believe em. I've heard from enough people here that /co/ was on an anti-korrasami bender that I decided to stay away for the time being.

I'm sorry you got so triggered by my post I apologize.
>you're this mad
I don't think anon's mad, I'm not sure you even have a good grasp on what mad looks like.
So wait you think it's tacked on because they didn't kiss? I guess subtext has been lost to the sands of time
I think it's tacked on because there was no build up.
>no build up
That "excuse" was old and busted 5 minutes after the finale when everyone started trotting it out after korrasami became canon.
Except for all the subtext /co/ had spent the last two seasons talking about, of course.
>Except that it didn't even air on TV, the last season was online exclusive.
America maybe. Ran on TV in my country.
"Better than The Cure and MCR!"
>Except for all the subtext /co/ had spent the last two seasons talking about, of course.
Are we at the point where friendship is subtext?
Friendship was firmly established in S3E1. The bulk of the rest was the slow progression to lovers.
We're at the point where idiots can't remember what subtext is and think romantic build up from being acquaintances then friends is nothing despite being subtext.
What's cringiest to me is Usa's obsession with their flag.
A girl named "America" who always wears clothes with the usa flag? I mean, is she a character supposed to be taken seriously or a self mocking of american patriotism? Wasn't Captain American enough?
Your heart is supposed to swell with progressive sentiment every time you see her because America is now brown and gay, I guess? Americans are so bizarre.
If anything it just clashes with itself, having on one side the progressiveness of being brown and gay, while on the other an emphasis on patriotism more akin to right wing pandering (and such emphasis that really appears ridicolous to most of western countries outside of usa).
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Here's to hoping All-America Comix is better than the current book.
The scene where Asami took Korra's hand at the end of Book 3 would have been seen as romantic if it was a dude. Hell, Mako did it in Book 1 and that was clearly not just a gesture of friendship. They also spend way too much detail on that scene in Book 3.
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>if it was a dude.
Korra was clearly pursuing Mako in a romantic sense up until that point and Mako had scenes were he was debating on whether he wanted chocolate or vanilla today.
Neither Asami nor Korra were looking for a deeper relationship in terms of romance when Asami took Korra's hand.
It can still be taken as foreshadowing. Especially since Book 3 and 4 were made back to back.
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Did somebody say usa?
Korra dropped Mako entirely at the end of book 2. The first ep of book 3 makes fun of how awkward things are between Mako and the girls and how Korra and Asami get along well.
>/co/'s anti-lesbian bullshit ruins another thread.
>people arguing whether /co/ is anti-lesbian ruins another thread
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So anyone who can justify this?

Harley x Ivy is dead
Boon is a Batfag that made everyone a retard in the game. There's your justification. There's literally nothing of the characters that actually made them good. Well maybe Ollie and Dinah.
From what I've read so far since this is set in the Injustice-verse the only character I might like is Supergirl since she wasn't on Earth when Superman went berserk.

Maybe Starfire too but I don't know what her deal is yet.
That's some horrific modeling. AAA don't give no shits no more.
>Harley x Ivy is dead

NetherRealm wish it could be that way but nah, if anything they are gonna have to face a shitstorm once the public sees this. Boon is headed towards some pain. I hope Taylor fixes that shit in the comics but somehow I doubt it
How is H x I treated in the injustice comics? I stopped following
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So far it looks like Ivy will flirt with almost everyone including the girls but who knows how that'll go. I do like Supergirl's cute design tho.

I really should try to get a figurine or something of cute bobcut Supergirl.
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Only Injustice Ground Zero acknowledge them and it ended pretty good for them, with them even kissing and just being happy

Shame it ain't canon to Injustice itself

It's cute how they try to destroy Harlivy so hard but in the end it won't matter
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Good thing we have Bombshells on the side
Bombshells >>>>>>>>>>>>> Injustice
Starfire isn't canon to the game since she's DLC
What am I looking at?
Some game that some dumbos think is relevant to the canon apparently.
Ivy killing Harley in Injustice 2

First the comic, then the Batman & Harley dtv ano now this, is dc trying to ruin this ship?
>is dc trying

It's DC. They're never trying.
They aren't succeeding either, if anything this will give us more power to challenge DC and demand for something better
And you have confirmation that the DLC characters are in fact non-canon? As in there are no story elements to them or anything?

I don't think you know what that word means. Both DC and Marvel use multiverses and each cartoon, cinematic universe, and comic are considered a canon universe even given a universal designation.

Earth Prime, Earth 616 etc.
>thinking that multiverses matter
>And you have confirmation that the DLC characters are in fact non-canon? As in there are no story elements to them or anything?
Same deal as with MM, Lobo, Zod and so on in Injustice 1.
Injustice doesn't matter because it shits all over the characters either way.
Harley helped killing millions and here we are with Batman forgiving her and having her lead Brother Eye just because she apologized.
Given that they can and do pop up in the stories yes they do.

I accept this as more of a reason to write off Injustice as well as the lack of yuri of course.
I have to admit I was expecting Bombshells to turn out super cringey, but so far it's basically DC-lesbianverse.

>That moment when Louis Lane sees Supergirl for the first time
>That doki doki
I need to see that.
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How many issues until it is over?
Heck if I know. There's more than a hundred so far but i've been reading them as digital releases so the individual issues aren't very big but they release pretty frequently as a trade-off.
I'm getting less "doki doki" and more "fuck me against this wall because you're just that gorgeous"
Where's the place you read 'em?
I just get them off comixology. 99c a piece.
Since I know how /u/ is sometimes, there are some hetero couples in Bombshells. Wonder Woman gets some implied past experience with Aquawoman, who seems to fancy her but doesn't seem choosey about her partners' genders, Zatanna is with Constantine, and Batgirl is with Lucius Fox, but Batgirl has Maggie and Renee (who, infuriatingly enough, does not have a trench coat or faceless mask), Hawkgirl is with Vixen, Cheetah is with a Baroness lady, and of course, Harley has Ivy. There's also a black lady leading the Suicide Squad now who fancies herself a ladykiller charmer sort, and she's as suave as they come.

Spoilered those last ones in case you want to be surprised by the canon(ish) ships. I might've also forgotten some.
>Wonder Woman gets some implied past experience with Aquawoman
meant to continue that as "but Wondy's with a guy whose name I forget"
But it was batwoman who got with Renee and Maggie, not batgirl. Plus there's like three batgirls.
Sorry, you're right, I didn't realize I'd typo'd like that. Batgirl - Barbara Gordon, is with Lucius.

Batwoman - Kate Kane - is with Maggie and seems to be rekindling a past flame with Renee.
>Kat with Maggie while trying to get Renee as a mistress
Man even in the good universe, she's going above and beyond the call of duty.
Godamn I love that oldtimey reporter look for Lois I ship it.
Steve Trevor. The original dude in distress.
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Did they forget about Harley's immunity?
gameplay and story segregation.
Jesus christ...wtf is going on with char design on the west?
muh realism
Netherrealm should hire some nips. They've shown to pull realistic off already.
If a seductress like Ivy doesn't even look remotely like one you should know you've screwed the pooch.
>caring about Barbara
Excuse you. I care about Barbara. DC doesn't but I sure do.
Why do you think DC doesn't? Cass and Steph weren't even allowed to exist for like 3 years because they wanted to push her and she's always the Batgirl they use when they do other media.
Anon, please. Just because they push Babs into everything doesn't mean they care about her as character. They only use her so much because she's the most well known out of all the ladies from the Batfam and many peopel grew up with Babs as Batgirl so they are betting a lot on the nostalgia factor. But they have no idea how to use her character properly and if they truly did care about it, they would have kept Babs as Oracle or at the very least they would stop trying to bend and shape her character just so that they can fit her into stupid plot lines or worse, shove her into useless romances with every male member of the Batfam.
The N52 was supposed to be a reset and an introduction for new readers, so you of course would want use the most recognizable Batgirl.

Meanwhile DC editorial actively tried to suppress anyone from using Steph or Cass during that period. Forcing Brian Q. Miller to change Smallville S11's Nightwing to Babs when he originally wanted to sue Steph and changing covers that even referenced her.

The use of her character falls to the writers, yeah editors are there but the majority of a character's direction comes from the writer.

It makes no sense to say DC doesn't care about Babs when they actually push her and give her a book, while other characters are actually neglected.
she's not albino, she's just a super pale redhead.
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i don't like this not one bit
please don't separate them marvel
and give back quasar
Aikku and Toni can't break up until I get good fan art of them together.

I hope you mean Phyla and not the new character whose only traits are gay and SHIELD agent.
The newest Quasar was also gay?
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Yep, she had a single page with her girlfriend.
Huh, the gf looks kind of looks like Monica Rambeau (same hair, headband, and color scheme with the white shirt).
Might be a reference to everybody guessing Avril was going to be Carol's love interest post-CW2.
According to this thread >>>/co/92536679 Bombshells is getting concluded but also getting a relaunch according to

Guess it does have a following
New thread.
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