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/cbu/ - Comic Book Yuri

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Everything DC, Marvel, Indie related belongs here.
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>s2e3 of Supergirl
>kara continues to have a massive ladyboner for powerful human girls
Life is good.
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Currently reading The Infinite Loop.
It's about a time-cop falling in love with a time-girl and time-fascists trying to kill them
>The editor's name is Gaydos
Actually, don't read it.
It turns to complete shit in the second half
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This is a yuri board, ma'am.
That's Catwoman, you dimwit.
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>issue 2 never ever
Fuck you, Joe
I wish Fred Perry would draw musclegirl lesbians. CATER TO MY FETISH DAMMIT, YOU DRAW EVERYONE ELSE'S!
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DC Bombshells #66
I see Selina is still after Bats not matter the universe
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I... context?
I should have bought that Bombshells card deck.
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Oh that makes all kinds of sense actually.
I hope that the DCEU fandom really starts being more productive after Justice League. I just hope they have balls to do Harley/Ivy canon.
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> I just hope they have balls to do Harley/Ivy canon.

After the big bucks they made after romancing Joker & Harley? No way, it'll be like always, baiting and the typical "will they, won't they" bullshit
I hope they put all the abusive shit back into the extended cut, seeing as those were the majority of Leto's scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor.
They will. And I wouldn't worry too much about Harley/Joker on the big screen. If Margot Robbie gets her way and eventually does that Harley spin-off movie she'll most likely make it a Gotham City Sirens vs Birds of Prey type of movie, with lots of female characters as the focus and we'll surely get Harley/Ivy since Margot said on numerous occassions, everytime she gets the chance actually, that she does not like the Harley/Joker relationship and she would rather have Harley look at someone else from her girl gang and c'mon we all know who that someone is.
God bless Margot Robbie.
This halloween is an absolute nightmare. What the fuck why a couple ever dress up as Harley and Joker, thats messed up, why are people like that?
You're putting too much faith on what an actress said, at the end of the day what WB is what matters, if WB see that there's too much profit to make out of Joker & Harley then they'll try their hardest to milk that cow for much as it's worth

Romeo and Juliet, Twilight, shit like that. People see Joker & Harley like that type of relationship, the bad guy in need of a fixing and the right gal to do it
>You're putting too much faith on what an actress said
I wouldn't if it were just a thing she said in passing in one interview or two. But this spin-ff talk has been going on for months before Suicide Squad was eve nreleased and Margot always mentions it in interviews. Not only that but she has reportedly already signed the contract to co-produce the spin-off and seeing how it all started with her wanting to do the thing and that she managed to persuade WB to consider giving it a go, yeah, I do have faith in Margot. I think she can make it happen. A female-led comic book movie and canon Harley/Ivy on the big screen. I want to believe.
Does it really matters how many time Margot has said that if WB says:" Okay, find us a way to shoehorn Joker in this movies as much as you can"?. Margot ain't putting money and sure as Hell doesn't have creative control over the supposed Harley movie. If WB says one thing goes then that shit goes, man. WB won't let that sweet Joker money getting away
Being co-roducer means she does a have a say in the creative process. Of course I don't expect WB to just ditch Joker or the Harley/Joker altogether, but that doesn't mean we can't get Harley/Ivy eventually. I can see them doing it just to spite Disney (Marvel) in the race for who can be more "progressive" and have more representation in their movies or whatever. WB is doing the female-led Ocean 11 reboot so them doing a female-led comic book movie is very likely, especially if the Wonder Woman movie makes some big bucks.
Well for the sake of it I hope you're right
Oh, I know there's a good chance WB will fuck it up, but I'm happy that she's at least trying.
>WB is doing the female-led Ocean 11 reboot

This'll end well....
Unlike Ghostbusters it's not that big an issue.
It wasn't an issue that it was women in Ghostbusters.
Oh yes it was.
It was MADE an issue, to deflect. It wasn't the issue most sane people had with it.
nice, ty for finding this
Yeah, I bet there was a massive online hate campaign against it and the people who made it because it had a mediocre trailer.
Sony made it an issue because they realized the power of viral marketing, and because the film had nothing else to market itself on because it's mediocre and forgettable.
At least if the extended trailer is anything to go by the scene with her holding him at gunpoint is back.
I'm glad because Leto got fucked over hard by the cutting.
Sweet conspiracy theory.
desu so is the original for the most part
I feel the original has more heart in it and it has it's pretty serious moments too.
Also the Fallout Boy cover of the Ghostbuster theme is just sinful
>I feel the original has more heart in it
I think that's just nostalgia talking. What has more heart than Kate McKinnon utterly reveling in getting to play a gay-ass scientist? That would have meant so much to me as a kid. But yeah, the music is general is pretty godawful.
Does Sakimichan ever draw hardcore stuff?
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I need more Raven/Starfire in my life.
The comedy in the new one is also very much shit.
It was fun, but a lot of the stuff was 'meh'. Editing in a couple of places made me do a double-take, making me think if they really missed/do what they did. Holtzmann's actress was monotone for a lot of her lines and stereotypes left and right (which ties in with the comedy being blah). And probably a few more things I can't think off the top of my head.

But we're getting sidetracked.
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>Holtzmann's actress was monotone for a lot of her lines
But that's why she was funny, along with the rest of her bizarre acting.
I am hype classy Batwoman is best.
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Classy as heck.
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Hey, maybe this means she'll get a cute bob with bangs in the next arc.

Although, at this point, anything is better than that fucking buzzcut.
Well I sure didn't expect Roulette to show up.
Alex and Maggie also got pretty gay. Also Mon-El thinking Kara would be an excellent person to learn about human women from is also kinda gay if you tilt your head and squint.
Also another taste of Lena/Kara. Which is always welcome.

I swear to god if Mon-El ends up as a love interst I'm going to blow a fuse
DESU they were rushing Alex and Maggie, but I also feel that it's in character for Alex because she is pretty desperate to get laid.

Also, I have this terrible feeling they're going to hook Alex and Mon-El up, because Kara has to go back to Jimmy. Would greatly prefer Lena/Kara to Kara/Jimmy, hell I'd rather Kara hook up with Mon-El like it's being teased right now to Kara/Jimmy again.
Kara has said fuckall to Jimmy for ages and her obvious ladyboner for powerful human chicks is harder than her thick solar-powered kyrptoian skull.

Also yeah they did kinda rush the two, at least up till they cut the legs out from under the ship with Maggie turning out to have a GF.
I'm just pessimistic about the whole Kara thing, and it's arguably more fun and interesting seeing where Alex's relationship woes take her.

You can literally see the exact moment where Alex's heart breaks in that scene. It was tough to watch cause I liked where things were going even if they were rushed.
Being pessimistic is fair enough. I'm not truely expecting anything to happen, but the subtext is more than enough to keep me watching on top of the mildly interesting plot.
I honestly like the Super-family mythos first and foremost and the yuri is a nice cherry on top of that. The CW has made the most faithful adaptation of the Super-Mythos in the past decade. I was very excited when they went to the Fortress the first time and it had the super heavy key under the doormat and a Legion flight ring in it. They're also adapting STAS stories (Livewire, among others) which I really like since the DCAU is the precursor to the "MCU" connected universe idea.
>They're also adapting STAS stories (Livewire, among others)
They are also going into Justice League, JLU and Young Justice territory and old Supes films and tv shows (like the Christopher Reeves movies) and I really really like all the references and little shout-outs they do outside of comic book material. It's always so much fun to try and catch them. And I agree on you, the femslash undertones are definitely just like bonus points to my viewing experience.
Oh yeah, it's great. I currently rate the series overall being Supergirl>Legends>=Flash>>>>Arrow (Season 4 was abysmal and ollicity made me drop it before the midseason break).

I was also like "Oh yeah, this was in YJ.." with the Miss Martian stuff.. truth be told I have only seen a few episodes of YJ since it wasn't directly related to the BTAS/STAS/BB/JL/JLU stuff.. Though the line from Winn about Lex trying to blow up the San Andreas fault in Superman The Movie was great.
Fair enough. I've not ever really gotten too deep into capestuff so I don't really ave that deep of a connection with it.

Also on the fanworks side, I'm started to get really fucking sick of the lack of stories with Kara as supergirl being involved with another lady without them knowing her secret identity or people just dating kara and finding out she's supergirl really quickly or having already known and them already knowing is revealed super quickly.
>Maggie has a GF
I kind of expected that to be honest. No way one of the main characters will get a female lover. And if they did, precedence dictates, that the love interest would have a 90% chance of dying sometime soon or they would have an epic fight and never get back together.
A girl can dream. Espcially after Alex looking so hearbroken at Maggie not being single.
I personally think they added the whole "Maggie has a girlfriend" detail so that it'll be more obvious for the casual audience to get a clue about where they are planning on taking that subplot. Like having Alex be visibly salty and jealous about the whole thing is like telling people "hey look a gay alex is gay"
While I hate to say this, it is kinda necessary. Some people just can't take a hint.

dumbass sleep deprevation fanfic idea: Maggie and Alex in an established realtionship end up having the "celebertiy cheat pass" conversation. Maggie pciks supergirl, not knowing kara's secret identeity
At least they're not beating you over the head with it, I noticed it, but it was extremely subtle for a CW show.

That is an excellent fanfic idea and I might writefag a short blurb or two for lulz later (I'm not a terribly good or bad writer, but that prompt tickles my fancy a bit).
So if you could choose for one of two pairings to happen which one would it be? Kara/Lena or Alex/Maggie?
I would go for Kara/Lena for two important reasons:
1. Kara is for the ladies; she don't need a man. She needs a girlfriend, or better yet, a harem of ladies. Kara can get it.
2. Maggie belongs with Kate.
Realistic (less disappointment) choice: Alex/Maggie

Shooting for the moon? Kara/Lena

I choose both, I'll have my cake and eat it too!
Do let us know if you do write it up.
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Hope it cool to ask here, but would you guys mind giving me some indie/underground comic recs?
Am I the only one that thinks Maggie has changed to Renee's personality. Not that I mind, it helps me cope with her abysmal treatment in Gotham.
not too sure how exactly indie it is, but Spinnerette is pretty good and the main couple is /f/ and not looking like it's gonna break up ever.

Though the writers are currently doing a sorta prequel story-thing of a flashback character atm, so nothing of interst is really happening atm.
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Heathen's cool. There is side het though, but it's a small part of the book.
The Spire by Si Spurrier. Only 6 issues long.

Princess Princess Ever After is short but very cutesy.

Princeless: Raven the Pirate Princess, only 10 issues in and it's great fun.

Insexts, not sure how indie it is? From Aftershock by Bennett.

Hope that helps! You have any /u/ comics to share? I'm always on the look for more.
Maggie is literally early Renee right now. That's OK, since Gotham is pure shit.
I'm mostly manga, unfortunately. Tried webcomics for bit, there's not much worthwhile and finding anything good and not hiatused is a pain in the ass.
>The Spire by Si Spurrier. Only 6 issues long.
Considering how he managed the "lesbian" content in Cry Havoc (protagonist labelled as lesbian in pr stuff was actually bi, she cheats on her girlfriend with the first guy who flirts with her and gets pregnant; explicit het sex scenes, not even a kiss shown between the protagonist and her girlfriend) I'm not sure I want to read anything more by him.
Oh hey, I think I have that one. Still in its packaging and all.

Say, how much do you think your soul's worth?
I absolutey don't blame you, I agree with you. However, I think he realize his mistake. http://simonspurrier.co.uk/post/149462752567/a-contrite-note-on-sexuality-and-marketing-re

Because of this, I am willing to give him another chance.
It's one thing to make an honest mistake, he was a duplicitous cunt who knowingly misled readers. Fuck him, my money is better spent elsewhere.
How is Stranger in Paradise received in /u/?
That is why I always read comics and stuff for free to see if it's actually worth buying.

I can't see the DCEU being popular, Suicide Squad aside. The fanfic, fanart, and (positive) Tumblr post revinue is so small compared to the MCU and CWverse stuff. I bet Harley/Ivy could help but I can't see that happening. The DCEU writers already screwed up Harley's and Joker's abusive relationship.


Why isn't she mainstream yet? Get this lady a cartoon already.
>The DCEU writers already screwed up Harley's and Joker's abusive relationship.
Eh, it reminds me more of the DCAU version than the comic one.

>21st century
>people still think Romeo and Juliet is a romance



The DCAU writers had the Joker pummeling Harley every few minutes and obviously wrote it as dysfunctional and inappropriate. DCEU is more like The Batman if anything.
Even if the markething shit was an "honest mistake" (of which I'm not sure seeing how much he played the "lesbian" card before the release while in the story the same sex content is in laughable low amount: the girlfriend is there just to be cheated on, all kisses and sex scenes are het and one of the main story points is that she's pregnant with a werewolf baby) the content of the book is still the usual shit we always get: stereotypical bislut in a lesbian relationship cheats on her girlfriend with literally the first asshole guy she meets.
The Infinite Loop has an interesting scifi world and it is entirely about a girl saving a girl because she loves her although there is a little too much heavy-handed exposition in it. Sunstone is decent too.

>Princess Princess Ever After
Were you also annoyed that they never kissed? I kept waiting for it to happen. It was a cute book and the marriage was a nice touch at least, but still. What couple doesn't kiss in a wedding scene at least?
>Princeless: Raven the Pirate Princess
An all-girl pirate crew adventure with actual lesbian couples? That sounds great, why haven't I heard of it before? Is Princeless (without the subtitle) required to understand it? Also surprised to see up to volume 6 of the paperbacks up for preorder already.
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Idk about the main series but Raven the Pirate Princess is pretty bad. Mediocre art and awful writing.

Granted I only read the first three issues, so it could get better.
I don't think it's bad (I've read the first two collected volumes) neither for art or writing, not a masterpiece but there's much worst shit around, even among the non-indie stuff.
It's actually probably my favourite "indie" series running right now, but probably I'm biased since for once the lesbian is the main character instead of one of the many.

The main Princeless series is referenced just in a couple of lines (like "Yeah, I got captured, some girls rescued me and now I'm here").
>actual lesbian couples
There's actually a lesbian triangle, since Raven has both a tsundere-ish childhood friend and a sly half-elf thief who have the hots for her.
>sly half-elf thief who have the hots for her
Ah that reminds me. Don't the Pathfinder comics have a yuri couple too?
I like DC Bombshells
>my library has Lumberjanes

I didn't realize that was mainstream.
Thanks for explaining. It has been a while since I read it, and being relatively new to /u/ material isn't helping. I know that is a bad excuse, but I failed to see the problem with it until you pointed it out.
Your page choice had the opposite effect and makes me want it even more now. I know it probably isn't like this in the story but an illiterate homeless lesbian giving her pirate savior a kiss would make an awesome start to a romance.
>PPEA That scene was odd for me, it felt like the author was trying to rush the ending after maintaining a perfect pace for the main book.

>PRPP Perosnally the writing isn't that awful for me, it's decent for the rating which is all age. The art gradually improves. But the real catch for me is the lesbian triangle (Raven x Sunshine FTW) and the amount of diversity the all femae crew brings. I have a deaf niece and you would be surprised how difficult it is to find a deaf character for her to relate with.
The entire first issue made me ship them so hard.
I don't mean to discourage people from reading it. It's just not for me.

But the page is kind of misleading because of what happens afterwards.
Kimber and Stormer are honestly sickeningly cute. They're so heavy on the pda and snuggling and... Bleh.
I like it, and the later stories are pretty good. If i had one complaint it goes a little too hard on girl power themes, but i never found it insufferable.
You mean were they chase each other through the streets and fight. It was fun
Yeah but she did it to still her coin purse. Not because she was thankful like
was scared the ladies would die with all their killing shenanigans but turned out for the better. thanks for the rec
No problem! I don't blame you for being nervous but almost everything Bennet writes is gay as hell, and she is queer. So it's always a safe bet with her.

Angela Asgard's Assassin/1602/Queen of Hel
Soon to be: Batwoman
Haven't personally read Josie and the Pussycats yet
For the love of my life, I can't get through the comic because it is so teenager-y. Does it become better later on?
Are there any good fan-fics/stories to read? I don't care from what company (DC/Marvel) or what pairing. Bonus points if its Dom/Sub, Age-Gap, or good story and smut
There's plenty of good fics on Ao3 for Kara/Cat (it's an age-gap ship) from the Supergirl TV universe.
I'd have dropped that long ago if the art wasn't so pretty

Kimber is the only teenager. I don't see how it is particularly teenage. They have jobs, adult romance lives, etc.


Go to Ao3. Pick any comic character. Look for f/f.
Here's some Cass x Steph ones.




I also loved this one where they moved into the same building, and Steph kept getting Cass' mail and had to return it to her every day. But I can't find it unfortunately.
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Have some Carol x Jess.



Shame that pheromones more or less don't affect humans.
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Looks like a disgruntled kitten.
Yeah but these are SUPER pheremones
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bless dc bombshells. I thought the only gay content would be Ivy/Harley and Batwoman but I was proven wrong. I just dislike how bloated the cast is.

Wondy and Zatanna's story line was uninteresting and so was Kara+Stargirl's until they got with Mera
That seems like a really inappropriate time to make out.
Who kisses who there?
Dr. Hoshi and Big Barda issue #33? You don't see them much after this though.
>bloated cast
That doesn't seem to be a problem in the current arc.

My only wish is to see Selina being with somebody for once!!
Yeah I spoke too soon since I was in the middle of it. Hopefully it stays that way.

I like where it's going so far. need more Batwoman ex-lovers/flirty women business going on
I sorta want less Batwoman after the current arc because she will get her own series by the same writer.

BUT YES, I agree! I want more flirty shenanigans with Batwoman.
A few days ago on /co/ there was a SBFF thread. It's a real shame that never got made into a show. Imagine the /u/ content. Babs/Donna/Kara ot3 is obviously the best.

I remember a page from Harley & Ivy that implied people in-series gossip about Supergirl and Batgirl together. It makes me wonder what type of gossip exists in the DC universe. I bet there's a lot of speculation about WW's sexuality.
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>I remember a page from Harley & Ivy that implied people in-series gossip about Supergirl and Batgirl together
Do you mean this one (pic related)? It's from that one Batgirl Christmas special and it's set in the BTAS continuity. Still, one of my favorite comic pages to date. Just too good.
Though I'm more of a Kara x Steph gal myself, but I'm diggin' the Kara/Babs too.
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I think it was in Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, she was at a press conference and someone asked her if she was in a relationship. And a lot of women raised their hands, then she said she's not looking for a relationship and they all put their hands down.

Hiketeia also had a lot of imagery, but nothing actually happened.
It seems to me that Jubilee is chasing after X-23 who is tragically straight. Can they at least toss us a bone here?
Laura just doesn't know she's gay. I mean she went for Warren.
The worst choice. Thank god he only appeared for one and half issue.
Young Justice season 2 is a thing now. Hm... Sadly I can't think of any canonish /u/ related stuff for that series. I used to ship Artemis/Megan but s2 killed that ship for me. I know Artemis/Zatanna has a following (for some reason).
The cast is waay bloated in s2, you have more choices. But yeah Artemis and Megan is the best ship.

S3 where?
Alex is confirmed gay, not bi. This new episode was hella gay.
Wow...how mad is /co/?
Also, too bad they stopped Supergirl's digital series, it was pretty nice.
Not Bombshells, Batmanga or Smallville S11 tier, but i liked it.
What about her saying she's gone out with guys before and the whole thing with Lord?
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>Young Justice season 2 is a thing now.
Season 3, you mean.
>Sadly I can't think of any canonish /u/ related stuff for that series.
In the tie-in comics, it's revealed that Beast Boy's mom is bisexual (and maybe so is Queen Bee), but that's about it.
Also, there really wasn't anything with Lord outside of the shippers being hilariously like the usual femslash shippers are...just this time they were hetshippers...
I mean even if Alex were straight, Maxwell Lord was literally everything a character like her, with her story and characterization would hate or at least never trust.
Bitch is insanely protective of Kara.

Not mad at all, but then again the talkback thread is really small (Gotham has like 3x posts).


She mentioned that she didn't actually like the guys and pretty much thought she was asexual until meeting Maggie.
They are actually pretty chill tonight...i guess they thought, like the rest of the fandom, this ep was going to be 90% about James being a shit cape instead EVERYONE IS FUCKING GAY, EVEN MOL-EL THAT IS STRAIGHT AND FUCKING A GIRL.
I swear I hate Mon-El even more now.
Alex confirmed for gay by spilling her spaghetti all over Maggie and Winn the entire episode, almost spilling it over Kara but then stupid sexy Luthor shows up to hit on Kara in a very Luthor-like manner requesting a date with Supergirl and interrupts Alex coming out of the closet to Kara.

Mon-el is a dick, but is gonna end up being Golden Age Superman by the end of the season.. which is perfect, because Golden Age Superman is kind of a dick. He's just gonna be called Superboy, because WB still has Superman somewhat embargoed because of Snyder's horrendous adaptation for the big silver screen.
That aborted coming out speech was great.
Apparently she is going to try again next ep and Kara is going to be deep in her own problems to care or something like that, accoding to the producers.
>He's just gonna be called Superboy
I doubt they'll give him the Superboy mantle. They'll go with the Mon-El from the comics, that's what I hope for.

But damn, this was a gay episode. Lena is thirsty for both Kara and Supergirl and it's great.
Depending on how broad your interpretation of comic book characters is, he may have.
YJ SEASON 3!!! That's something good that happened today.
Kinda wonder hwo Lena would react to finding out they're the same person now.

Also slightly off topic, but how does everyone here feel about sub kara?
>Kinda wonder hwo Lena would react to finding out they're the same person now.
Something tells me she already knows or has her suspicions at the very least.

>Also slightly off topic, but how does everyone here feel about sub kara?
I dig it. There's something very appealing about The Girl of Steel having the power to crush everyone and anything but she's still very much so a clueless innocent space puppy at heart and needs someone to dominate her in bed. She does seem to easily attract and gravitate around the dominant type of women so far.
If Lena does have her suspecisions, I think she'd probably be refraining from looking too deeply, as to avoid becoming her brother.

I don't see her as a sub or a dom, just normal neutral. Personally I already see Clark as the sub when paired with Lois so it seems unlikely for both Super characters be subs in their relationships.
I don't see it. Sure Clark has the whole thing of spending pretty much his entire life as an amped Kyrptonian and thus has the whole world of cardboard sort of thing ot be mindful of, but his general upbringing and nature just don't jive with me towards being a sub.

Kara on the other hand knows very well what it's like to be without powers and also has a lot of feelings for powerful earthling women that we see with interactions with Cat and how she was feeling about meeting the president as well as how she interacts with Lena after she accepts that Lena isn't going to be another Lex.

Clark not seeming like a sub is particularly why I enjoy him as one. Him as a dom is just weird honestly. Kara is more dorky than Clark but that doesn't necessarily mean she's a sub.
Anything interesting in Bitch Planet?
I'm not saying Clark would be a dom. Hell he'd probably be vanilla as fuck. And it's a combination of things that differ Kara from Clark that make me consider her a sub.
I love it.
As a series, Bitch Planet is great. As a yuri comic, it's okay. Not that many /u/ characters in it.
Oh that's nothing.
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Gwen x Goth chick... oh I want this so bad now I've been wanting a cute lesbian goth since Nico x Karolina and Nico x Singularity ships.
It is a "title"pool after all.
Pls yes
It's just not a ______pool without some homosexual tension. Make it happen, Hastings. You haven't done wrong by us yet!
Any good /u/ scenes in this week's comics?
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First issue of World of Wakanda came out
I swear I read somewhere that Mother Panic was gay. But there was nothing in this issue.

A new issue of Raven: Pirate Princess also came out this week. But I haven't read it.
I was watching the Hero of the Year episode of DC Superhero Girls when I saw lesbian subtext. Harley and Ivy have never interacted afaik but when it was time to find lab partners they gravitated towards each other and hugged. They're obviously... close.
Probably not since the witch isn't a Big Name and Gwen is a groupie slut.
Mother Panic had a couple of pages gave off the air that it might be gay. One of the variant covers had her holding a woman, but we later find out it's <spoilers>her mom.</spoilers>

Despite that, I'm still maintaining the hope that Violet is gay, I mean look at her entire outfit and attitude. Plus she has mommy issue, how often do we see that?
Anyone have a copy of Raven #11?
I hope they have bigger roles in this compared to Black Panther.
How is T'Challa taking it that some of his people love to fuck their own gender?
Who cares? They all ugly and irrelevant
She is bi, according to the bio in Doom Patrol.
Or at least she does the Bruce Wayne Playboy thing with both genders...
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>but we later find out it's her mom.

There's nothing wrong with mother/daughter incest, anon.
>Probably not since the witch isn't a Big Name and Gwen is a groupie slut.
Well then our job is to make the Terrible Eye an A-lister.

Write to Marvel and tell them that you enjoyed her appearance a lot. Tell them to focus on her instead of Carol "Human Disaster" Danvers. Tell them to rename the comic The unbelievably terrible Eye.

At that point Gwen will notice her diminishing presence, panic at the thought of being written out and begin seducing Sarah in order to stay relevant.

It's the perfect plan.
But I like Carol Human Disaster Danvers. Can I shit on Spider-Gwen or Jane Foster instead?

Carol can only be saved if she sticks her tongue in Jessica's butt.
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Perfect pic is perfect.
It's happening!
It won't have a Batwoman cameo?
Who knows, it might. But for now the most certain to appear (aside from Harley) are: Poison Ivy and Catwoman (so they can have the Gotham CIty Sirens thing going on, also because I think they'll want to introduce Selina in the DCEU one way or another anyway and this is a good opportunity)
And the classic Birds of Prey formula of Babs as Oracle, Black Canary (WB did say they want to introduce her in the Justice LEague team up too) and Huntress.
Theres also a Batwoman/Nightwing script going around, its called Bludhaven.
Seems ok, thou it reads like the kind of stuff the original BoP tv show did, like adapting stuff to into a tv show format way to hard, which feels weird considering how things are done now in cape adaptations.
Like Batwoman is the defender of Bludhaven, Dick takes off after Babs got shoot and him and Batman had another falling out.
Helena seems to be his love interest, she is not yet Huntress, and Batwoman is with Montoya from the start.
From where are you getting the Batwoman/Nightwing stuff, nobody has reported on that
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just found this french comic

too bad it's a gender bender
So you're saying African and Black people are ugly?
Does Batman 66 have any /u/? I love the comic but haven't been able to read much.

Tbqh, I am starting to miss the days when Harley/Ivy was a bittersweet pairing. Now it's too fluffy. I am glad we're seeing them kiss onscreen finally, but I always preferred the original concept of Ivy being second fiddle to the Joker. DC is too into making Harley an independant woman nowadays to use it though.
January issues of Harley's solo seems to be coming back to that status-quo ..sort of. I don't read her solo but by going by solicits that seems to be the direction it's taking
is it translated?
Oh god drunk Kara is adorable.
From today's issue of Injustice (yep, that's still going)
At least she's not running to Harley like she's an idiot.
Better than nothing, at least Poison Ivy seems to act and think as most of us here does.
Love and Rockets, bit complicated to get into but they one worth it, Strangers in Paradise by Terry Moore and Wet Moon by Sophie Campbell
They keep dangling them under our noses. Damn it.

Why are they using their names? I am pretty sure I have never heard Ivy call Harley her actual name.
Because in the Injustice game Harley starts going by Harleen after Supes killed Joker, like she ditched the Harley persona

Why Harley calls Ivy by her name it's simple she was about to ask her to marry her
Has Babs/Dinah ever been canon in any series? I am surprised no one has gone with that yet. They'd probably be broken up quickly because DC is sweet on Dick/Babs.
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unfortunately, no. simone was going to make dinah canonically bi in bop a million years ago, but royally fucked up a line in post and it was never printed. as to whether or not they will be, it really depends on what series they get featured in. bombshells? I'd bet my ass. current dcu? probably not. dc is riding that dickbabs/olliedinah train till they die
If I can say, this week have been high on Harley/Ivy shenanigans
I love that they are being included even in kids properties
>touching her boobs while she is injured
priorities: in order
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The new Birds of Prey run is not so bad; I enjoy it more than I thought I would.
Though I hope that one artist from the first three issues doesn't come back. His style is kinda bleh. He draws the women too man-faced for my tastes. Issue 4 is considerably more pleasant to the eyes due to the change of artist and I hope it stays that way.
>claire rowe
>having that shit of taste

I remember reading my first comic too...
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Not that anon but Roe is pretty bad, I can' read that book thanks to her, after the first issue and specially this page I dropped the book. It ain't Squirrel Girl-tier but still pretty bad looking
Wouldn't you?
can someone explain to me how oracle exists? when they talk about what oracles means to them, are they referring to pre-52?
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Okay that's pretty bad, but a lot of that looks like it's a bad colorist/artist match. I actually enjoyed her on we(l)come back. her art looks a lot better with muted colors. Sorry for the asshole reaction, but people with a hard on for same-y house style annoy.

Babs was paralyzed (but now she's not) and was oracle (but now she's not) and now there's a villain named oracle I guess. Basically dc wants to have their killing joke cake and eat it too.
annoy me*

im in a bitchy mood this morning, I'll see mysef out
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Man I just wish he did more /u/ content in general.
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I wish he would color his /u/ material.
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I must admit I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to America Chavez.
Is this old news yet?
>Not Ivy

FUCK YESSSS. She is a badass, which the lesbian community need more in pop culture.

If you want to know more about her, read Young Avengers and the Ultimates (although that one is okay imo). Don't bother read the comic that she originally appeared in, it's completely shit.
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Her appearance in A-Force (2015) is like one time appearance, don't bother read it. This panel is the best part of it.
I don't usually get my hopes up but that's kinda awesome.
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Hasn't been canon yet, but tons of people ship her with Kate Bishop, AKA Amerikate.

A vanilla one-shot comic called Secret Wars Too by Kate Leth is basically about them going across dimensions for pizza. Really cute.
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Kate Leth ships it so much that she added this one panel shot in her current comic, Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat.

Which is a comic you should read, not strictly /u/ but it is so gay, everyone on the spectrum should read it either way.
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This is the vanilla comic I was talking about. Same team worked on this as the Hellcat comic, that's why the artsyle and writing are the same.
Even tho it's not canon but everyone basically ship them.

In Ultimates, one time appearance by Kate. The blonde chick is America's current girlfriend... Probably not in her solo comic judging the article.
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In Jeff Lemire's Hawkeye, she was the supporting role for Kate. Not worth reading it, and the comic isn't that great.
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In Civil War Choosing Side #2. More Amerikate.
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Phew, I think that is all. For a comic to get an idea of her personality, read Young Avengers and Ultimate. All pics I have posted above are one time appearances or really short comics.

Onee-chan(s), I am so hyped for her solo comic!! I have been waiting 84 years.
Everything about her is awesome. Praise Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie.

That is why her first time appearance was shit. Everything about her was completely remade in Young Avengers and is better because of it.

She was a slut, not queer, not capable of being related to. That is why I'm ready to disregard the existence of the the same author's "reboot" with America Chavez by this new comic, All America starring America Vasquez.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more lesbians in my funny books, but this says more about America being a smug bitch than it does about Kate's sexuality. It's kinda warped that this is the scene people use to justify the pairing.
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Absolutely disgusting.
I heard that Amerika's crush is supposed to be adressed in Kate's series. Which probably means that in their usual hamfisted way Marvel is gonna make Kate bi, why else mention it?

Can't be a blonde woman in Marvel comics without getting blacked at least once these past years.
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That's the thing about her. She is a fully dimensional smug bitch.
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Who is /u/ 's unofficial mascot?
Nanoha and Fate
Paul Dini's Love is Love story just got released by CBR

It ain't much but it makes my heart happy, so please buy the book /u/
Ugh, this is too cute. Hope there are more /u/ in the book...
>Going vegan just for her.
Ivy confirmed for practicing cannibalism.
I intend to get a digital copy. I buy most, if not all, of my comics digitally like a good gay consumer.
I also bought the first five issues of Young Justice. Fingers crossed for gay shenanigans.
>mon-el expressing interest in Kara

Fucking fuck.

At least Kara considers herself to be close to Lena, and Momma Luthor not liking Kara is a fun thought to play with.
what's going on here?
A mistake, that's what going on in that WEBM. A horrible sin upon humanity that must be purged from the face of this Earth

Harley is for tender plant-love making ONLY
I'm conflicted about Supergirl, we have Sanvers and J'onn/White Martian subplot. OTOH, we have fucking Moron-El and the Guardian subplot.
Yeah. I pretty much only watch the show for the main plot and the cool powerful human chicks that Kara seems to like just enough for /u/ shipping to feel comfortable.
It sucks that the writers want to go there with Mon-El when we could have delicious SuperCorp instead.
Mon El and The Guardian plot aren't really even that bad, the problem is how in your face they are being pushed...on a second thought, The Guardian plot is really shit...
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Snotgirl keeps dropping hints. But it's purposely written so that you don't really know what's going on, so it's not confirmed or anything.
There's also a lot of het.
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>harley and ivh broke up because ivy wants to be an eco terrorist more

At least ivy broke harleys heart this time
What are you talking about? Which run/issue
the issue that just came out today of harley's solo. harley and ivy go on a vacation together to a nudist beach and harley asks if ivy has thought any more about moving in together and ivy says she needs to be true to her first love aka plants and maybe she might someday settle down with harley. harley is then depressed and crying while ivy flies away
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you can see the exact second her heart breaks. ivy finally got her revenge
That's bummer. I don't keep up with Harley's solo since I'm iffy about the whole "polyamory" crap they're trying to sell us there.
It's fine though, Harley/Ivy will come around again, they always do. And meanwhile we still got Bombshells.
Apparently fan favorite harper row is bi. so now the countdown to her and cass hooking up is starting.
or she will hook up with steph on the rebound. either way steph/cass will never ever happen
Well, Harley ought to learn not to take Ivy for granted, one way or another. Hopefully this will be good for their relationship in the long run.
Yeah right, who am I kidding, DC will find a way to fuck it up so the best we can hope is that they'll forget about this soon enough and bring Ivy back soon and things are back to normal between her and Harley.
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No, no. It's time for KaraSteph to rise! Let me dream
Neither will Harper with either Cass or Steph.
Harper's hooking up with Jean Paul and Cass with Clayface.
>Cass with Clayface
Dude, no. That's gross.
why not the girl clayface at the acadamy
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Palmiotti said that Harley and Ivy remain friends.
How nice, friends.

This is worse take than japanese class S or japanese version of yuri friendship.

Now we just wait till we will get that new Batwoman comic with her being bi/poly changed than a lesbian.
Don't be an idiot. They broke up, just like thousands of couples do every day. It's in no way comparable to that "lesbianism is a phase" bullshit.
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This is bullshit, this is completely grade S bullshit. Harley have asked Ivy before to move in with her, Harley have ask Ivy before to spent time with her and forget about her plants for a while and Ivy accepted, all the times. Ivy putting her "mission" over Harley is grade A bullshit. Hell this happend before in pic related and she accepted glady to go to Metropolis with Harley instead of being stuck in Gotham with her plants

Fucking Palmiotti. He and her shit-ass wife need to get out of the book ASAP

Bottom line is Harley will ALWAYS put Ivy over her plans and Puddin, and Ivy will ALWAYS put Harley over her mission and plants.
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Palmiotti was a mistake and DC is fucking it up by keeping him in there. Damned the day Harley book came out
Relax, Harley and Ivy have always been "friends" with benefits and this retarded decision to break them up is most likely only temporary because DC can't handle keeping them in a "stable relationship" kind of deal. They'll always have this kind of on-off relationship, it's been like this since the very beginning, it's how they roll.
I know that, I've been with them since I started reading comics back in 2012, I know their stories in and out, how they play and how they've played in the past, the on-and-off friendship/relantionship. But since Bombshells, I've looked them differently because since then I knew DC could do it if they wanted, because I saw that DC had what it takes for making it happen, because I knew that if that happened there then it can happen anywhere, and I stopped being conformed with baits, and subtexts. Since then I wanted full-on explicit relantionship, it happened once it can happen again
>putting all your hope and dreams in a spin-off that will never become main and/or real canon.
I know it was foolish, it was retarded. But it gave me hope, guess I was wrong
Well, Bombshells isn't canon and there are also trannies in it.
I've been on board with Harley/Ivy since way back in 2002 so you can imagine the kind of emotional ride I've been onto over the years. I am also frustrated with how flippant DC can be with their relationship but then again, they do that with a lot of other predominant relationships in their ever-changing universe and if I've come to realize one thing from my long history of reading comic books is that it's better to just go with it. Hope for the best, expect the worst. And for what it's worth, we still have Bombshells on the side so hang in there, anon.
But it gave me hope, hope it all that I have left... Damn


Ouch, guess I was wrong when I thought my pain was greater, if you can stand it then I can too.
>Ouch, guess I was wrong when I thought my pain was greater, if you can stand it then I can too.
Of course you can handle it. You have to grow used to it. Pain is part of the Harley/Ivy package.
>Pain is part of the Harley/Ivy package.

Guess that's why nobody is doing anything and keeping quiet. I thought I just used to it but everytime it pissed me off... Oh well
Stop being a faggot, Palmiotti and Grey absolutely HATE Harley/Ivy shipping, its not an editorial thing, its not a company demand or anything.

Batwoman's new writer is literally the woman that made the Bombshellverse into a femslash fic and one of her original books is about lesbian victorian bugwomen.

You people are literally trying too hard.
>Palmiotti and Grey absolutely HATE Harley/Ivy shipping

Do you have a single fact to back that up?. I ask becasue I could use the source of that to rile up some people and see if something can be made, can be change
Palmiotti loves Harley/Ivy, what the hell are y'all talking about.
He's a fetishistic fuck. He's like DC Claremont, he's doesn't "love" any pairing, he just wanna write about his fetishes and what turn him on
Sounds like your typical comic book break up that will eventually be turned into them getting back together once the writers decide it's marketable again.
So don't be so dramatic. I'd rather save all my blistering hate for Marvel these years.
>I'd rather save all my blistering hate for Marvel these years
Exactly my way of thinking
>Sounds like your typical comic book break up

That the thing, Harley/Ivy should be the LAST pairing to suffer from something like that (if ever), Harley could do a lot of shit, Ivy could do a lot of shit, but in the end the end up forgiving each other because that's what friends do.

They never break up because they know they are the only thing they have. Ivy without Harley would just comeback to that self-loathing, man-hating, destruction self that she was, Harley without Ivy would be in an endless cicle of abuse that would end with her dead. For better or worse they are the only thing that can keep them in line, in check. That's why they NEVER break-up. Their friendship lasted this long just to end like this

You know who apply those rules to them? Hacks. It happened at the end of Sirens with Peter Calloway and it happened today with Palmiotti & Conner
For >>2196462
>Sounds like your typical comic book break up that will eventually be turned into them getting back together once the writers decide it's marketable again.
You're talking like they were a legit couple at some point. They've made very clear that Harley is polyamorous with a preference for men, remember that horrible issue where she had to save her boyfriend Mason? Ivy stood there smiling at them and when Mason's mom asked how could she just be there like that, Ivy was like "as long as she's happy".

Maybe I'm just not into open relationships.
>Their friendship lasted this long just to end like this
Their friendship didn't end nor is this THE end for them. Sheesh, seriously, you need to calm down. This situation isn't so dramatic, it's just a bump on the road. Harley and Ivy will always be Harley and Ivy, nothing will ever change that. At the end of the day, they'll always gravitate towards one another.
>Sheesh, seriously, you need to calm down

Sorry, it just that I recently came out of a bad break-up and this shit didn't help
Well this time Ivy was the one breaking Harley's heart, maybe it's kind of a wake up call.
Considering the solicitations, there are THREE consecutive issues about Harley and The Joker and the one after those is about her flirting with Red Tool (Ivy appears though). I don't even know.
Like I said, they bring it back again eventually. That's the nature of cape.

Until then, just take Bombshells. Sure it's not mainline canon, but still canon in one universe. If anything we should be happy it's not the main verse, because main verse = everything goes back to the status quo eventually. As much as they like to pretend it isn't the case (looking at you Marvel with your ever status quo changing yearly events)
This Palmiotti and Conner write pretty much every female character as a polyamorous slut who will screw anything with a pulse. Compare their Harley book with their Starfire one there's very little difference.

Except that it fits Starfire being a Tameranean and all.
Also they wrote Dick as a Batman-lite who torture people for information, which it's pretty far-off of what Dick Grayson is
As much as I'd like to them to hook up: not under current Marvel.

I wonder who of them has the reigns in the hands though so to speak, because Palmiotti sure as fuck wasn't like that during Power Girl.
Palmiotti had Grey who acted like a filter for every idea he had, same with Jonah Hex. Grey was the factor that made Palmiotti writing seem decent
Don't forget that Harley and Lobo get stranded on a planet together naked. They're pulling all the stops.
At this point nothing surprises me, except for the fact that DC allows that to happen.
That... that's literally something I'd expect from a low tier fanfic.
RIP X-Men.
Can you rec any good graphic novels I should buy for Black Friday?
Is Aydis ever gonna meet her sweetheart and rescue her from the clutches of marriage with Bryn and Sigs help I wonder?
The next 4 issues got funded but I have no idea when they're coming out. I wonder if it would have been more worth it for the creator to publish through Image or something else.
Well here's hoping, I'd like for them to get together, especially after Freyja was all "I'm sending you on a mission for love" and now Aydis wants to kick Odin's ass.
Imagine she beats him and that will make her the All-Mother by rights and all she does is hooking up with Liv in peace.
>happy endings in grimdark-ish comics
You poor soul.
Heathen doesn't look that Grimdark-ish to me.
From what I've heard being discussed about it (haven't read it myself) I wouldn't expect a true happy ending.
* Then again I'm a bit of a pessimist so take that as you will.

Why the hell did it cut off my sentence?
So far while it's not flowery romance it's also hardly grimdark. In fact for what it is it seems pretty hopeful in some aspects.
It certainly ain't no Vinland Saga.
Nah, I wouldn't rule out a happy ending at all.
Was waiting for Page 10 but
So what is up with She-Hulk and Titania?
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