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/cbu/ - Comic Book Yuri

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Thread replies: 302
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Previous thread

Everything DC, Marvel, Indie related belongs here.
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Betty and Veronica are conformed to "experiment" in Riverdale. But it'll still be hetshit so whatever.
all het girls must similarly conform.
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While I certainly don't hate the sudden influx of pictures featuring Spider-Woman and the assorted variations of Carol Danvers, I am curious as to how this pairing came about.

Aside: Oh boy, do I need to update my collection.
It's from a time when Carol actually had personality.
Riverdale's actual /u/ content is going to come, probably, from Ginger Lopez, but don't expect anything more than a bit part here and there.
Also, the show sounds terrible.
Eh, Carol's in a pretty decent place right now. Her current solo is surprisingly good and she's in the Ultimates, written by Ewing, probably Marvel's best writer when it comes to consistent characterization and giving service to a characters history. Just have to hipe she makes it out of Civil War 2 with her character in one piece
>Character in one piece.
>Brian Michael Bendis
This. If anything it's setting Carol up for another mindwipe when her movie comes out so they can just forget the shitshow that Civil War 2 is ever happened and give her the personality of her movie version.

Also >>2051098
>Carol being het with Rhodey of all people just for diversity points
>In a pretty decent place
They also need to fix her look to at least pic related. The dyke cut looks more often than not pretty shit because the artists can't get it down.
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I had forgotten about her actually. I'm not the biggest Archie fan. Only ever read Afterlife and a few random issues here and there.
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Is Spider Gwen worth reading for the /u/?
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Not specifically for the /u/. I think it's a pretty neat and creative comic overall.
But pic related is really as gay as it gets. It's not very homo at all, but that's not going to stop me from shipping Gwen and Tsundere Em Jay anytime soon.
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anyone else read Welcome Back?
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>Comic book yuri.

>No batwoman.

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>Not posting the best Batwoman

Shame on you.
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Was She-Hulk ever noticed in something /u-related?
I am still suprised that that ship exist. Damn
>Golden corn-silk hair
>Sparkling lagoon blue eyes
I guess MJ is just naturally attracted to spider-people regardless of universe?
She-Hulk is probably one of the straightest characters ever given her VERY exstensive list of men she fucked, which she once had to count of in court by the way.
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Oh damn, what a loss. I have less and less reasons to like her.
She's pissing off Medusa, that's enough reason to like her. Besides not all character are bad just because they are hetero, same as a character being lesbian makes them suddenly amazing likeable persons.
I got enough of butthurt seeing her in love with that pathetic waste of space aka Zapper. I think I won't survive a
>VERY exstensive list of men she fucked

>same as a character being lesbian makes them suddenly amazing likeable persons.
Of course, but there are less chances of "why the fuck is she into that unworthy piece of meat" rage (thou the possibility still exists).
>I got enough of butthurt seeing her in love with that pathetic waste of space aka Zapper.
I personally think Carol with Rhodey is much, much worse.

Also She-Hulk is a slut. She pretty much the female version of Tony in that regard.

> (thou the possibility still exists).
Yeah, like with Karolina.
> Carol with Rhodey

>Also She-Hulk is a slut.
I don't mind her being errr promiscuous (?), but she's just too good for males. It's like random average asshole lifting Mjolnir.

>Yeah, like with Karolina.
My personal pain is Undyne (unrelated to comics but still).
>Yeah, like with Karolina.
Are we mad about Xavin or Julie Power? Because honestly I always thought Nico was a cunt and they were better off as friends. I liked Julie and I was glad Marvel eventually followed through on that.
Anon, She-Hulk is a slut, so much of it that Logan refused to have sex with her because he "wouldn't want to get Juggernaut sloppy seconds" (his own words btw)
It would be ok for me if she was lesbian slut (or maybe not, I'll never know).
I found both pretty meh.
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I'm hoping for a scene where MJ comes out to Gwen, but she takes a long time to assure her over and over again that this won't affect their friendship. Hanging out won't suddenly be weird from now on. In fact, Gwen won't have anything to worry about, because MJ totally doesn't feel that way for her at all. Zero attraction. Nada.
They're simply best band buddies, as always.

She's just got a hard crush on that Spider-Woman, though. Like, have you seen her? She's sooo hawt, let me tell you...
Afterlife and Sabrina are awesome too bad they are stalled, i'm pretty sure Ginger is going to be a lesbian because Aguirre-Sacasa is one of the producers of Riverdale and apparently the original idea was to adapt Afterlife or a version of it.
Too bad that it ended being what it is now.
>They're simply best band buddies, as always.
That must be some vitriolic friendship considering MJ's kinda a bitch.
Now, now, I'm sure she's a very multifaceted individual with many loveable attributes.
Are there any more pics featuring MJ and Spider-Gwen doing the upside-down Spider-Man kiss?
Probably. Gwen just needs to tickle those out of her.

I also wonder who will be the new artist once the current one retires
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>tfw no one remembers Jazinda.
That a Skrull there?
Doesn't count. They can also be dudes. Remember the whole Xavin deal?
I think this is it.
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This should be a thing.
But Marvel is ass backwards with everything.
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Thing with those are that's not HER MJ. Her MJs hairstyle is different.
Here's one that you can actually read.

To be fair, >>2052072 looks much younger than the rest and her hair is drenched.
Squint and you've got it.
I'd like to see a drawing of Spider-man and MJ's wedding cover, but replacing Spider-man with Spider-Gwen. I've tried my hand at it, but it doesn't come out right.
What did it said originally?
"Going to kill Superman"
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Who will win the Gwen pool
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So will this come back because of Black Cat and Silks budding friendship.
Harem ending.
>yfw peej wins the gwenb owl
Wrong universe
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Peej can't win that but she and Starfire can duke it out over Atlee
It will be a lesbian crossover event and sell millions
In the hands of an actual writer, perhaps. Comic book writers will maybe give her some nice lines once every few issues and otherwise maintain the status quo of "bitchy passive-aggressive bandmate". Maybe even have MJ be Gwen's rival in some other romance. They are hardwired to do that, maintain status quo.

Also, Gwen is too profitable with the waifu crowd to be even slightly lesbian.
>Also, Gwen is too profitable with the waifu crowd to be even slightly lesbian.
She's actually way more profitable with the tumblr crowd.
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That's something I never understood everyone complains when nothing changes in comics but as soon as something does people bitch even more it's an endless loop.
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That being said I hate X-23 in her new "Wolverine" outfit yellow is not her color.
It looks great without the mask.
Agreed, black suits her better.
Comic Newbie here.

So apart from Batgirl, what western comics have the best /u/?
DC Comics Bombshells, I guess
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Has anyone given this comic a try? I recently stumbled across it and I'm wondering if it's worth checking out.
Batgirl and Batwoman are separate characters, Batwoman is the lesbian one.
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Anybody knows artist name?
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Name of this webcomic please? Tried to find it on 8muses, still searching.
Why do you think I asked for artist name?. I couldn't find shit
How did you find this then?
Some dude on /v/ posted it. I asked for source but I didn't get an answer
I think you should post it on /r/, maybe there will be answer.
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HMB from mindcontrolcomics. The comic itself, confused, isn't yuri though and is maledom.
>Isn't yuri

Awww crap
Anon pls.
God damn, there needs to be more squirrel girl yuri.
Pic related for you anon. Unfortunately, the rest of this comic is HET
The lack of Harley/Ivy smut comics is disturbing.
>Curvy Supergirl & Spinner cutie Batgirl.

Source? Can't find anything from reverse search.
Shade's unfinished comic "Gotham's Nights". I don't know if he ever finished that but you can find others no /u/ pages in comicartfans.com
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More spider-women.
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From "Small Favors"
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Do naked boob hugs feel better with or without your cloths on?
Do you guys ever think we will get gay Ivy and Harley in main comic aside of their Bombshells versions?

That bait is just so bad in the comic which was posted.
How on earth is that bait?
Imply something more between Ivy and Harley, not giving even a kiss on-screen, but then for whole issue Harley is after her ex-bf which she kisses and promise to meet again, and of course Ivy accepts that fully, bad yuri bait in my opinion.
>Rock Solid Abs
>No arms
This shit gets me every time.
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The writers for the main Harley and Ivy have gone on the record saying that they'll never be a thing. Further they write Amish every female character the same fun loving, a little dangerous, but unwilling to commit to anything.

Just compare how they wrote the girls in Harley's comic with the girls in Starfire's comic.
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On an unrelated note best thing to come out of Teen Titans GO.
That's like asking if we're ever getting a lasting relationship in a comic that's not part of the status quo (like the Reed and Sue in Marvel's case)

We should make #GiveHarleyQuinnaGirlfriend trending on Twitter. I bet DC will listen
Yeah, we should do this. It seems like a nice idea
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Anyone in the mood for some blackpeppers?
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Pepper's got legs for days.
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im still mad hopeless and marvel dropped a perfect chance to make them a couple and create some science babies
>it's another "ew! breast milk!" joke
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Don't worry, they'll be fighting in Civil War II instead! That's what everybody wanted, right?
I think it's safe to say that no one wanted Civil War 2.
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Maybe Young Jean
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How big are the chances that it will get ignored in a few years?
Pretty good? Event comics are sales boosting ephemera. No one's ever in character and the consequences rarely last more than a year. And you can't imagine most writers being pleased at some big crossover event dictating the status quo of their books.
At least the premise this time isn't as stupid as last time.
Can confirm they do anon.
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This is not news to me.
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That reminds me I should read those issues of A-Force I bought weeks ago.
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I still think this is a great idea, you guys
Then start it. Get some of your friends to do this, too. Let's get this rollin.
Suicide Squad sequel already comfirmed. So maybe they will put in Ivy.
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The #LoveIsLove hashtag is trending now its' the perfect chance to make #GiveHarleyQuinnaGirlfriend if we use some of that space. It's the perfect opportunity. I am already doing it
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I need more pictures of Gwenpool and Kamala!
C'mon you idiots. Help me here
Everyone's too mad about She-Hulk biting it like a chump.
What's new?. She-Hulk always loved to took the huge load to the tits with pleasure, but this time it was deadly. Big deal

My deal is more important than that
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>spidergwen and gwenpool will never be a thing like spideypool
it hurts
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Don't stop believing.
Hope keeps this GwenGwen fire burning.
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So reading the new Detective Comics Rebirth thing, I got the feeling that Batwoman is single now. Is this for realsies or am I dumb?

Is she and Maggie not a thing anymore?
If so, what do you expect from this series? What're your first impressions like, /u/?
Her and Maggie weren't a thing since the Nu52 started iirc. Could be rectified by Rebirth though, seeing as it's about fixing shit. And I bet Dr. Manhattan hates lesbians so he removed that relationship
Actually it feels like they are restarting Superman's cop crew in Metropolis and they needed Maggie back most than anything.
Which it feels like 'synergy' considering that the Supergirl show is looking to add Maggie and the Science Police in season two.
Nah, or do you see Green Arrow having Arrow synergy?
Well yeah, Lemire's run lifted a bunch of stuff from the show and made it better.
Also Supergirl's new comic looks like the fucking show except that instead of black Jimmy they have a black Winn...
And Lemire's run was dogshit and is being retconned most likely.
On Supergirl: to be absolutely fair they didn't know what to do with her anyway in the last few years, because ironically the only Kara they actually did something with in the past was Earth 2's
Lemire's run was pretty good, what are you talking about?
GA was absolute shit before and after he was in the title.
Also this keeps triggering me: >>2069763
>Her and Maggie weren't a thing since the Nu52 started iirc
Kate and Maggie were a nu52 thing, their entire relationship was build from the reboot on.
>Kate and Maggie were a nu52 thing, their entire relationship was build from the reboot on.
Weren't they together before the reboot, complete with wanting to marry?
No, no at all.
They meet during Rucka's tec and that was pretty much it.
The nu52 Batwoman title started the relationship and ended it when the title was dying and they ran off JHW3.
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I personally prefer her with Renee
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More like "the Flat"
>Her and Maggie weren't a thing since the Nu52 started iirc
And you clearly haven't read any Nu52 Batwoman run.
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So, considering she's now single, is pic related a real possibility?

Yes, please.
Not that one could blame anon for not wanting to read Nu52.
Supergirl's N52 run was amazing.
So was Sterling Gate's run pre-fp albiet to a lesser extent.
Let's agree to disagree on that one.

RIP Renee's ponytail.
What didn't you like about her N52 run?
I pretty much dropped Supergirl once she started having that affair with, uh, whatshisface?
I think that was rather early in the Nu52.
>I think that was rather early in the Nu52.

Wasn't that late in the run in the 30s? After she became a red lantern? Prior to that her only possible love interest was Siobhan. I seem to remember they cancelled Nu52 Supergirl just a few issues after meeting the new love interest.
Yeah that was cringey as fuck. Let's hope the new Supergirl rebirth run will be better.
I'm actually kinda weirded out they are going back to the whole skirt thing. Aside from the weird boots I really got used to Kara's new outfit. Reminded me of the good old days of Carol.
I'd be fine with it if they kept the hair.
Yeah. Or have it be like in the new Injustice tops.
I didn't mind the nu52 costume but I personally prefer the skirt. And they are basing the rebirth costume/character design on the tv show one which I grew quite attached to.
Funny how the DC shows have way less problems of having their characters run around in a bit more goofy looking shit. Because let's face it there's no way Marvel will put Carol into her Ms. Marvel outfit for her movie.
Those are pretty great designs. Love the braid.

I'd like to see a team-up with some flirting, but there's no way they'd have anything serious.
Maybe if it were Holly instead of Selina. If Holly even still exists, I've no idea.
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Some witty, snappy lesbian as heck flirting back and forth is all that I want from my comics, really.
Why can't Batwoman be as fun as she is in fanart?
No fun allowed in the bat family.
Because Midnighter is the only gay allowed to have a good writer.
Kate has been written well though, and so has Renee. >>2071694 Just wishes she would be a bit less serious.
She's a bit more fun in the wacky elseworlds. I hope they'll do more Catwoman/Batwoman lesbo banter.
Or just a whole lot more of >>2051217

nsfw abs probably
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Spider-Gwen #9.png
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Check out these gaymers.
Looks like they made Emm Jay look more like our traditional MJ in this issue, at least.

And is it just me, or does Dangerous Street Garbage II sound like the best video game?
Noice. I was already wondering how those two could actually be friends with the way that Emm Jay acts around the band. Maybe that's a front she puts on and if she's alone with Gwen it's all different.
I'm thinking she's probably a good person overall, but she's still a teenager with a few self-centred tendencies.
You know, with the whole under-developed frontal lobe issue.

I really liked this issue, though. I hope the band is incorporated a whole lot more as a supporting cast as the story continues. I'm much more interested in Gwen and co. in her own universe than the inter-dimensional antics Marvel likes to push.
>I'm thinking she's probably a good person overall, but she's still a teenager with a few self-centred tendencies.
Some anon once explained it. She's basically how MJ used to be in the comics, who also was an 'it's all about me' kind of character until she befriended Peter (who due to his Spidey morales became a good influences for her) and Gwen and then Gwen died, which changed her too. In this verse Peter died, and Gwen is always ditching band training, which rightfully pisses her off.

>I really liked this issue, though. I hope the band is incorporated a whole lot more as a supporting cast as the story continues. I'm much more interested in Gwen and co. in her own universe than the inter-dimensional antics Marvel likes to push.
Well this is the issue where Gwen doesn't have her powers anymore, right?
What's the name of the ship by the way?
>Well this is the issue where Gwen doesn't have her powers anymore, right?
Yeah, and so far I'm really digging it. I'd like a few more grounded issues that explore Gwen as a character. That's kind of where her books need to go at the moment, I think.
A more human story.

>What's the name of the ship by the way?
I have no idea. Does it have a name yet? Should we name it?
>Spider morales
Oh, you
Has a nice ring to it.

Haha, oh shit I didn't even notice that.
Sauce ?
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It's literally in the filename.
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I suppose it's official, then.
I'm pushing GwenJay for summer slam.
Anything from that Teen Titans pack Temyx put out?
Woow, this thread is seriously lacking Harley/Ivy

Let's fix that
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God, I hate these designs so much. Especially Jess' "costume"
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You really don't have to dump your entire Harley/Ivy here. Especially since pretty much every single one of those images have been posted before.
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Ooops, sorry
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double date.jpg
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I actually really like butch Carol.

Jess's street thing is awful, though, yeah.
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Dat toe curl though.
Had to get rid of the guy on the computer screen in the background.
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Reminder that Raven impregraped Kory once.
That scene was hot.
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Thank you for purifying this great pic anon
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Hot. Been reading a fic where Starfire nearly impregnates Terra fic is/u/ but has the occasional bizarre alien physiology.

You're welcome.
Oh darn I wanted Gwenpool to be into chicks only.
Who is she crushing on now?
She's down with the strange, if you know what I'm saying.
I thought she was walking (or will walk) the long miles
Isn't that just in character for her seeing as she a literal fangirl getting transported into the comic world?
So probably just a celeb crush. That being said her know how comics work would also make her know things like that never last.
I don't know. I don't read Marvel, I just wanted to make that pun
That's next month, this month she's rocking the bat.
Batwoman!?...I know she's a big fangirl of comics, but betraying Marvel like that will get herself killed
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