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/bb/ Big Brother 19

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Thread replies: 312
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He's Literally Dan Gheesling Edition

HOH: xmas
Veto: paul
Nominations: jason/kevin

previously on /bb/ >>87408693
was that Josh DR the worst thing this season?
serious question
i want to marry melissa and grow old with her
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reply to this post if you like tiff!
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when is this season going to be over?
I tried to tell you stupid fucks this was Paul's plan but you all doubted it

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Assuming Paul wins this season, where do you rank him among winners?

He's bottom 5 for me, above Jordan, Lisa, Adam, and Drew and right below Maggie.
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am i the only person in the world that actually liked adam?
youre the only one who remembers him
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>yfw next year tiffany is a returning vet and production only casts tiffbros and the entire house theme is carnivals and bumper cars and we all get carnival admission wristbands instead of friendship bracelets
this is after she does OTT2 a few months prior of course
I won't watch another season with a mix of vets and rookie
>a fat unfunny snl """"comedian"""" is the most entertaining this shows been in weeks
haven't watched feeds all year because of paul, do they actually say "gumpy" in the house?
gumpy is the new friendship
what does it mean?
top 3
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name one other winner who got 3 weeks of safety and an 8 person alliance gifted to them before the first comp. and replacing someone else = free eviction

if they exist paul is better
the prison system certainly knows him well.
i just find it impressive that he smuggled enough drugs into the bb house to ward off sickness the entire season


biased af, paul is the best reality tv star in history
nobody knows, but its provocative. it gets the people going
senpai I just got one of them stupid expensive stay cold mattress pads and put it on my bed and washed my sheets and I'm in bed and it's bliss
only 12 more days of /bbg/
what one did you get? i've been looking to get one for awhile now
take your viral marketing elsewhere

jk sounds comfy af

had to get a fitted sheet with an extra deep pocket because a regular sized one would slide off but so far so good
I miss Elena titties
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That is art
Here is some more art.
and they aired how stupid the cast was...
>cbs knows they fucked up
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>mfw CBS let's the star of a soon to be canceled show shit on the current BB's houseguest for being dumb af
who cares
thoughts on the veto comp?
Pretty great. It further proves Paul is a comp beast and can win whatever challenge production throws at him.
>man jaw
>hank hill ass
>decent rack
>whiny, needy personality
Why does this slag ever get posted here? She's the kind of girl a gay guy would pretend to like because he thinks it's what guys are actually into. Actually, nevermind.
i liked watching panda being physically abused. i know everyone did, but she looked like she was really getting blasted in the face and it made me chuckle.
the comp was pretty cool desu
This I was so hard I almost had to jack it right there but I made it through it.
i think shes cute. to each his own
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due retard
>>man jaw
are you mistaking tiffany for bridgette?
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did tmz write stories about aaryn?
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>not liking autistic tomboys
you're the gay one
why is rapey clown so high on jokers? comparatively to the remainder of the cast
because everyone else is that unlikeable
DE HOH Predictions
Alex wins; Josh or xmas out
Josh wins; alex out
Kevin wins; ??????
Paul; alex out?
Raven wont win
because muh pregnancy
>even roaches have kids
seriously, what a faggot

>in /bb/
>not using the shelby version of the gays not welcome pic
i shiggy diggy
if alex doesnt win she is out
Alex wins: Raven
Josh wins: Alex
Raven Wins: Alex
Kevin going to throw
Paul going to throw
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>hes a double waifufag
at least Shelby is attractive I guess
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ya boy is going all the way
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How are you feeling today /bb/?
id say boned
my only waifu is xmas tbqhwyfampai
what's taller, a clown doll or paul?
boys and gumpy needs to be added
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did we ever find out what d hay meant? I always thought it was dickhead
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>you'll never choke xmas during sexy time
are they keeping kevin in the dark about voting out jason?
i want her to choke me with her big strong arms and force feed me painkillers desu
i knew i recognized the guy from bb tonight

he was on the derrickcomedy "bro rape" video that i watched back in high school
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anyone have the raven boob jiggle webm from the veto comp ?
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I dont watch the show anymore, but i have this.
what's that gross fucking bulge sticking out of her gut?
her pacemaker
she talks about it all the god damn time
Paul is going to throw every comp except the final hoh.
coagulated sperm. she's had a busy summer
do you really not know or are you baiting?
top 5 t b h

>raven boob jiggle

lmao her thor is jiggling more than her boobs
how different would this season have been if xmas never broke her foot?
more feet pics
incredibly different. she probably would have beaten alex in all those physical comps and she would go on a power trip and might not even be working with paul

also alex wouldnt be seen as such a threat. jason wouldnt be with alex. no hinky hospital vote. less anger towards cody due to him not having to say her bone is poking out.

night and day
thank you for a legit answer, unlike some people...

i agree, i think she wouldve dominated the physical comps. im not sure if she wouldve felt she needed paul if that were the case too.
maybe if he won a comp or two she wouldve felt he was a threat and targeted him.
well mostly i think if she won comps legit paul would see her as a threat and probably would have got the minions to take her out instead of how it went. it probably benefitted her as people just see her as a goat and a vote
>reddit spacing
>legit answer
You're dreaming buddy.
dont be such a nigger.

i just meant he wasnt a footfag.

does this bother you though?

i bet it does, buddy
Josh seriously doesnt know what a brothel is? Is this just mist or he just really that retarded?
2 of the 3 are true
good night /bb/ im gonna go dream about xmas manhandling me in bed.
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i like tiff
It does. It bothers me quite a bit. Flawed formatting and syntax when it comes to writing is quite bothersome. Your simple use of excessive spacing isn't the only thing that bothers me in your post: your lack of capitalization is another bothersome aspect. You also did not end your last sentence with a period which is strange. Sentences should end in some sort of punctuation indicating a full stop. Improper use of acronyms are also quite troubling and cause me great stress. Acronyms, as you know, are letters that stand for a sequence of words. However, people tend to fail to define such acronyms on their initial use. Quite troublesome indeed. Excessive capitalization in an attempt to emphasize certain words is annoying and unfortunate: it shows a lack of understanding when it comes to basic sentence structure and shows a blatant disregard for the rules of capitalization. Sentences should be structured in ways to emphasize the words you want to emphasize; anyone who has basic proficiency in writing should be able to do so without resorting to the bastardization of the very structure of language itself. I feel nothing but enmity towards such people.
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night anon, i too enjoy xmas.
Are you the guy who bangs his head against his desk whenever someone makes an early thread?
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is /bb/ racist?
i have a black friend
Yes. Early threads are quite bothersome and I have trouble dealing with such sudden cases of stress. I have found physical pain related to the head helps me calm down.
Kek, you had it ready to go.
I like the cut of your jib, Anon.

Is my capitalization and punctuation more pleasing to you now? I aim to please.

Fuck off nigger, we don't take kindly to your type around these parts.
kek we're not racist here at reddit. We're an accepting site of all people and nationalities :D
yeah i was p sure this was a reddit general but i had to ask
It's okay Ian, we love you here

I thought I told you to leave, boy.
what the FUCK has jason been thinking? I didn't start watching this show until halfway through the season and i know more about how this shit should work than he does
God she is just so fucking perfect
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glad I cud halp fren :DDD
x-mas just said her snatch is 150
bbad poll

95% think raven is bullshit about her ailments
I have that much cash laying around
these people are so dumb. paul is so obvious when he is lying. how can they all be this bad at reading body language
didn't she say that her mom convinced her all this shit is wrong with her? i think someone in her family is addicted to webmd and raven is too stupid to think for herself why she might not have 2 terminal diseases.
xmas is going to make it to F3.... isn't she?
She had to endure Munchhausen by proxy when she was young and it shows.
"Gumpy" is a term he made up when they were talking about the movie Forest Gump. Forest Gump is a character who is pretty much retarded. Since they really can't call things retarded on live tv anymore due to sjws and cat ladies shrieking, Paul uses the term "Gumpy" instead. The cat ladies and sjws are too gumpy to realize what the term means to protest about it, so CBS lets it slide.
>everyone shit talking about a girl thats going to die in 2 years

gumpy will forever be big brother newspeak in the house
why do people hate alex more than xmas?

xmas attacked cody alongside alex. she controls josh in the way that alex controls jason. xmas is at least 2 inches further up pauls ass than alex. xmas hasnt legitimately won a comp

alex has been upfront with her displeasure of kevin wether its valid or not. xmas just talks shit behind everyones back including alex. alex genuinely like xmas but xmas talks mad shit about her when she isnt around

xmas is literally just as petty as alex but is getting a free pass
Raven is strong. STRONG!
i would go with "munson"
probably because she is a drug addict. which makes her more endearing than a straight up whore
Xmas is a dried up cunt.
cbs should do these onscreen polls like bbad on the live feeds
kevin warning jason if it comes to a tie xmas will clip jason and they both agree
kevin woke
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no doubt
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Full disclaimer, this is my first season of Big Brother so I don't know if I'm missing some kind of secret plan, but Christmas might genuinely be the most retarded bitch I've ever seen. Josh, who is incredibly fucking annoying and generally useless, is actually being perceptive and noticing Paul's jewish tricks. But that dumb invalid is only concerned with being 2nd or 3rd, and she's going to let Paul steamroll everyone this season for a consolation prize. They should have never let her stay on. Fuck this.
She's a pathalogical liar. I hope she really does die, though.
60% on bbad poll wants to see kevin evicted tomorrow

jason 40%
he did the same shit when paul told him to cast hinky vote
he went around and told everybody that "you know, it's probably not going to be unanimous, somebody will vote differently to stir the pot"
and there was no reason to tell Jessica after the veto that Ramses was going, dude just can't keep his mouth shut
He's the pound for pound best player in big brother history on paper if he wins a perfect game this season. With this runner up finish last season he would tie a record of dan. I don't remember if dan played a perfect game his winning season. I know he struggled week 1.
>4 weeks safety
2nd time playing vs first time playing as well. ffs even da'vonne improved her placement by 5 places
did jason tell paul yet?
paul is a better player than dan. dan is overrated AF.
I'm not saying I'm a Paul fan. I'm just looking at the FACTS on paper.
>he didnt earn those 4 weeks
are you clueless?
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Best player in the world period
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Who else nut to alex today?
do you tell yourselves the fan vote is real and not determined by cbs and grodner?

thats funny
The level of CIA niggers in this thread
I can't contain myself I almost had to nut in front of 5 other people while watching the show.
her latest instagram pic shows her boob size -- either big b's or c's
Ask her, she'll tell you all about it....
panda is so cute
I can't wait for Alex to wake up
the queen of /bb/
haha yeah paul is still #1 in our books, wish I could grow a beard as full as his. I heard that he has a killer jawline under that ladykiller facial hair as well! We should attach a rocker guitar to a drone and drop it into the backyard for paul to shred on since he isn't a rockstar poser like the other losers.
>I don't remember if dan played a perfect game his winning season.

Dan created the "perfect game".
Also fun fact JT from survivor achieved the perfect game the same year as him a few months later.
I would debate that if Paul didn't get the temptation and hit the block in place of Xmas the exact same week would have played out and Jill would have gone.
Everyone loved Paul at and didn't want him to go and Cody and jess would have stayed in the HoH without talking game like they did because they assumed it was a sure thing Xmas leaves
go away
>Tfw the reasons these houseguests refuse to backstab each other and/or their ride or die is backs BB gave them season 16 to watch which everyone that season did
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ugly rat face
I've had her. She's completely batshit insane, blew my phone up for two weeks afterward.
Dr. Will interview

>Paul is implementing a dirty version of Derrick [Levasseur] or Dan’s [Gheesling] strategy – preying on the naive and impressionable. And that strategy can obviously work. See, those guys mastered their respective season because they crafted alliances with people they knew they could manipulate. Just like Paul, they weren’t born with good looks or charisma so they sharpened their predatory skills to trick the mentally vulnerable. It works. And kudos to all of them! Mad respect to them and all winners!
>Just like Paul, they weren’t born with good looks or charisma

the rest of the interview is PR bullshit

I deliberately use "Reddit spacing" in all my posts on /tv/ even though I've never posted a single thing on Reddit.

I just like how whipped up you autismos get over it.

Oh look, blog bro is back. Thanks for posting your personal blog here tard!
Anyone complaining about 'reddit spacing' is a fucking slow witted memer dunce who needs to stop posting in this thread or know continue knowing they are looked down upon for being whiny bitches
>slow witted memer dunce
reddit spacing is original 4chan spacing

le meme won't die kek
That's why he's the best
this thread and one other thread are the only reasons I post on 4chan anymore and it's getting worse, we're going to need to move to another chan
i want to kidnap shelby and make her my sex slave
>sitting next to wannabe paul
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What other thread?
I just post on /bug/ these days
muh dick
She's like Bronte. Hot body but, but face? Eh..
who are you quoting?
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>Tfw paul forgets if it wasn't for you he wouldn't have been in the final 2
Who do you think?
Do you think Corey and Tomi Lahren hooked she up?
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third time in a row that 7th place will be evicted by HOH after tie vote
jill would have probably gone but it wouldnt have fractured the larger alliance. cody putting paul up would have been seen as just trying to get the vet out. where it went sour was when he re-nominated xmas instead of someone from the "other side". that is what made everyone turn on cody, not putting paul up.

you cant argue ifs, that didnt happen. i could say what if cody got the friendship bracelets instead of paul and paul wasnt safe for the poison apple comp? he could have easily been on the block cause he never would have held on longer than alex. that is IF alex got a bracelet and didnt have to compete.

the second part of your logic is based on the terrible game play of jessica and cody isolating themselves in the HoH. paul had no control over this, you are giving him credit for their own stupidity

you sound like the nicole-fags who can crawling out of their moms basements last year with around 4 or 5 weeks left to suddenly claim she played a great game and was one of the best of all time
Not an improvement
No matter what people here think, CBS will promote Paul as "certainly one of the best" with strong indications of him playing the best. His interviews from then on will mention be "wow I don't think I've seen a better game" and shit like that. He'll be a constant regular for years on out as an interviewer/guest etc. It's all over people.
Literally none of that matters at all to me as long as they break the next season with rigging like they did with this one.
Is Jason still in the dark about being voted out?
I dunno man, did you ask paul?
the tone between kevin, jason and alex last night was that of seeing the writing on the wall. while they dont know directly they see whats happening. they were all talking about jury and even alex made it sound like she just wants to get out of there now its so toxic
He's on lunch break before filming candy crush right now
cbs doesn't force them to watch anything, Donny on RHAP said that when he was in sequester he could request one of five seasons that they had, it was 10, 12 and some others

this season they had 12, 16 and 18, maybe 8 (some of them mentioned Evel Dick) available, but i suspect that handlers always recommend 16
a birdie told me kevin family segment tonight
Why can't that birdie confirm what the hoh or veto comp is instead?
>Thu 12:10 AM BBT Christmas knows if they press it Paul will get rid of Alex because that is what needs to be done. Says game is crazy. Your feelings go wild. You are super sensitive and attached. She is having so much fun with Alex but then she is the next target. Calls herself a black widow. Says everyone who has targeted her has gone or are on their way out

delusional. does she actually think she is running shit? who even targeted her lmao
She really does. But then again so does everyone.
she's a crossfit superstar
Quit spamming your shit Twitter here
its incredible how afraid the all are of alex but so willing to help paul
Alex is scary. SCARY!

feelings for paul?!?!?
Knows Paul is securing jury votes, doesnt want to do anything about it
she thinks he is her only way of getting to final two.
shes the next vanessa

When in the video does she say that?

As I assumed, this is stupid fucking clickbait.
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she said it in woman speak, obviously
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Melissa >>>>>> any female HG this season
how can you guys still watch bb19 when it's just railroading paul to 500k?
joke's on you, nobody's watching it
Wow, if Alex leaves tonight Josh winning final four veto is the only way they can evict Paul.
she is definitely more jewy and looks like chanel santini
No way the cult is almost over, you see the breaks and cracks everywhere now, Josh feels disrespected by Paul and Christmas, Xmas thinks she deserves to win the game now and can't win against Paul, Kevin is going to go along with any deal to defeat Paul, next week will be a shock Alex boot then a 3v1 Paul with a Josh HoH and Paul going home.
jury segment
i just want cody to see alex and jason and laugh in front of their faces
Do you think Paul will throw the final five HoH (so he can compete in both final four HoH and PoV) or do you think he is too paranoid about Josh to throw him the HoH?
thats pretty sad that you still have this big of a hard on for cody and wouldnt rather see him laugh at paul

pathetic desu
yeah what an exciting final 5 amirite?
So you think it Josh wins HoH tonight he will put up Paul?
Imagine being so misted you develop feelings for a lying manlet?
watching 6 adults believe in the script that paul has given their lives is pretty entertaining besides being infuriating
no its a double, they wont have time to think for themselves they will just do whatever paul tells them to do

alex might if she wins cause he wont have time to explain himself as to why jason just got voted out
lol what the fuck easter wants to fuck the midget?
they should all have contingency plans and the votes should make sense for them. but it's going raven+josh+xmas to jason.
Josh said multiple times to the cameras that he won't turn on Paul until F3 and kevin doesn't have relationship with anyone but paul after jason leaves, so all fo what you've written is complete fan fiction

yeah, F5 POV will be BB Comics, he will win it 95% so he doesn't need F5 HOH
paul didnt mentally prepare them for the DE. he has been telling them all week that its going be a sunday eviction because he is really smart and has played the game before and knows how things work

it doesnt matter that paul throws his stupid vote to evict kevin, it should be painfully obvious what happened. those 3 dumbfucks would never go against what paul says and alex will know it was his call

but it doesnt even matter if alex puts up paul and kevin, paul will stay
she would have to do paul and josh is the only possibility



even then, still a stretch. kevin might vote out josh
i didn't know it was a DE

what happens if kev wins HOH?
that seems like the biggest fantasy scenario ITT but he would probably put up alex and raven

alex goes
raven/josh or raven/alex
last night kevin said he doesn't think paul is talking shit about him
wtf? he has such clarity when it comes to understanding jason's perspective
>kevin winning anything
>alex might if she wins cause he wont have time to explain himself as to why jason just got voted out

What does this mean?

You aren't implying Alex would go against Paul ever right?

Jason just gets evicted, Alex wins HOH. Paul doesn't need to say anything or can just say "Well that was weird... why would Josh do that, what the fuck? So gumpy." And Josh is gone.

Paul could cast the vote against Jason himself and Alex would be okay with it.
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>all those words you wrote
Imagine caring this much about this season lmao
People wrote more words just a few posts above mine - I don't care about the season, I basically used the quantity of words to stress how shit it is.
he might get away with this if they have a few days to discuss it but it will happen so fast if he says it, josh will be standing right there and call him out and blow it all up

its a really dumb flawed move by paul. he should just vote jason out with the rest of them and tell them before it happens
>the quantity of energy this post took
I am so done with bb19 oMG!!
Well yes, it's dumb and flawed just like Paul is as a player, as he's been making dumb, flawed moves like this all season long.

The fact of the matter is, this isn't a normal season. You have to remember that all of these people, INCLUDING Josh, were cast specifically because they want to be loved by America rather than win and because they are die hard Paul fans.

Josh won't be calling out anybody. He'll just sit there, cry, and take it like a bitch.
prediction for tonight. HOH -- pics flash, how many HGs wearing sunglasses? how many wearing hats? POV -- ball pit. 2nd HOH -- face morph bbott style (easy set up)
ott facemorph had a 20 minute limit per HG

its always head to head on a DE
>yfw Kevin wins HoH
>puts Paul and Xmas on the block
>Josh wins PoV
>Doesn't use it
>Josh and Alex vote to evict Paul
2nd HOH after the double eviction is over, when only 5 HGs remain, when the feeds are down sometime later tonight. only 4 HGs will compete
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such an amazing Final Seven, the most DIVERSE and STRONGEST maybe even EVER

fan favorite returning and surviving through NASTY attacks from disgusting people (i won't name them but we all know who they are)

three POCs, two old people proving that age doesn't matter, it's a social and mental game after all, three strong females that persevere through misogyny and have destroyed douchey all bros alliance

i am literally shaking when thinking that we are losing TWO of these amazing people tonight

wish this season of Friendship would never end
vegasforsure said there is a suprise TUESDAY eviction next week LMAO
This is my dream scenario as well
posted by vegasforsure 22 min ago

Usual 'rules' apply (see my other posts please), and above all, be kind. I am but a messenger to the sub, I DO THIS FOR YOU ALL!

Next Tuesday will be a SURPRISE EVICTION in the house
Now I know there are often a surprise eviction leading up but hey I'm sharing actual Intel vs just an assumption!
s the season winds to a close, if you have been impressed with these unparalleled spoilers all summer consider throwing this wo/man some gold, eh? I tease (sort of) but truly I've made some pals this summer. I've been a lurker for a while and I am not much for chatter, as you all know I do not engage in other posts or only if summoned to it, but I wanted to contribute to the sub.

I might have a few more before the season comes to a close of course but this may be the last 'big' spoiler. But who knows, expect the unexpected? Maybe?
My first post on this headline had a bad subject line so I deleted it. Apologies just did not want anyone expecting something that wasn't.

I DO THIS FOR YOU ALL. Please upvote for visibility purposes
i didnt watch last night or sunday. did julie mention a double tonight or is that not happening now?
yeah and james and caleb are hosting it
This snap makes me so fucking angry lol

This is what happened the past 2 seasons which is why I don't know why Paul kept fucking it up. They always have an off-day eviction on the last week - I have a feeling it has to do with Fall scheduling etc.
so paul is finally right after saying "surprise sunday eviction" every week this year, except the eviction will be on monday but tape-delayed broadcast on tuesday as it is every year. feeds will be down and return after wednesday's show (PST)
Isn't final five eviction always a pre-taped episode? This is hardly a leak.
I figured it had to do with jury house
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Damn Jeff is still chad
Best Timeline:
Paul wins 500k and immediately goes into BB OTT2
Paul would tell her that Raven and Josh must have voted Jason out. Panda isn't smart enough to piece it together quick enough during the de. Realistically she won't ever piece it together until she goes back and watches the show edits.
>paul gets people to pretend they're his friends for another few minutes
he would enjoy that
Cereal man and a few others said they only watched 16 in sequester
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kidwell's getting a sex change?
all you do is parrot rhap you're so boring
She mentioned last Thursday it would be a DE tonight. But she didn't mention a surprise eviction next Tuesday which she might tonight
His dad died
an hero'd because his son is getting a sex change?
yeah nobody answered so i begrudgingly looked up the preview for the next ep on youtube and it confirmed it... jesus christ that paul puppetmaster thing. cbs actually thinks people are into paul still

thanks tho, still not going to watch
Thu 2:17 PM BBT 1:45 PM- Jason walks into the Green BR to get clothes ready and pack for tonight. Kevin says to Jason, " You alright, Pal?" - amIsane
Jason- " Yeah, why? Do I not act alright?"
Kevin- " No, I'm just worried about you man. What do you mean? (pause) You take things harder than me, that's all."
Jason- "I'm just tired of them running their yap."
Kevin- "Have you heard what's happening? What's it look like? Am I leaving? I think Alex and Raven are a vote against me. They are out to get me."
Jason- " So those are votes for me (laughs)".
Kevin- "Paul is a vote for me, and Josh; he has already been told what to do."
Jason- "Yeah"

>he has already been told what to do

and when he votes to evict jason instead, they will still know he did what he was told to do
How do you know that? Are you making it up?
You've got to be fucking kidding me lol
I mean i've given up on Pauls' ego being hurt a while ago but this should at least be a nice insult for the puppet houseguests
cbs really shilling paul hard. he must have proof that a cbs exec thought paul was a little boy since he's so short and sexually abused him or something. that would actually really explain why paul is such a faggot and why cbs shills him so much
>getting your hopes up

Don't do this to yourself ay-non
dayvonne got really drunk at a bb party and told paul that they gave her extra money to cast her vote for nicole

paul called them out lmao
cool story paul
I don't believe this. She voted Nicole because she was female, wanted to see a girl win, and deep down knew she played a great game
...Holy shit lmao
you forgot to post a picture of nicole, nicole-fag
i dont understand how they can do BB comics on a DE???

is this going to be a promo shown for next week?
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we capeshit now
after the double maybe? BB comics for F5 HOH?
F5 veto?
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judy chop
>we have to have paul and frankie on the same episode
who is the black? zakekyah?
watch the video and ask before/after yes/no questions
whose load is she holding in her mouth? hayden, corey or vic's?
>replacing one of the best HOHs slip n slide with one of the worst Veto's BB comics
yep that would be bb19
thats not bb comics
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paulfag detected
it's nobody's favorite player ever but she lives nearby and she's black and willing to do anything for a dollar davonne
trick question

all 3
it's BB Comics - The Revengers
Le false flag meme
>Thu 2:39 PM BBT 2:33 PM- Kevin in the Green BR, he says he can't wait to get home. He wants to see his girls, his son, and his wife. He is in the Green bedroom with Jason. Jason says 13 days and winks.

how fucking worthless do you have be as a human to purposely not play a game for an entire summer just for 13k?
Davonne "Just blow up Tiff and Frank's game and still get evicted a week later" Rogers
Eh think of the Instagram followers and funny Tinder conversations
sup bbo
cant believe they created good filler
>such a gutter cast they have to bring in all these people
>they brought nicole back on paul's season not once but twice
manlet is gonna be pissed
How the fuck did you know?
I guess I'm retiring "Eh"
And to answer your question, nmu? Pretty low energy day for a DE!!

new thread
the only thing BB19 had going for it was Frankie not being on it, now it doesn't even have that.

Now officially the worst season ever.
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tiff a cute!
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>No Zach

fuck this
hopefully paul goes home
haha yeah paul is still #1 in our books, wish I could grow a beard as full as his. I heard that he has a killer jawline under that ladykiller facial hair as well! We should attach a rocker guitar to a drone and drop it into the backyard for paul to shred on since he isn't a rockstar poser like the other losers.
Jason still getting evicted tonight???
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