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American Horror Story Cult

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Anyone else watching it tonight? 4chan got a shout out and they are totally shitting on liberals who went batshit insane triggered due to Trump getting elected....
is there a link where you can watch it ?
Really? I definitely expected the opposite
It was a test to see if you could identify shills and marketers, yoy failed.
Ryan is shockingly conservative for all of his gayness. Nip/Tuck was all about the evils of degeneracy, Glee's breakout character was a right wing conservative who got elected VP of the US (and expected to become President in the future). Also, a lot of conservative elements to AHS (most notably deconstructing the interracial marriage myth last season)
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>person I voted for didn't win: The Show

I have hard believing this anon after the lady gaga season.
Enjoy your category 4 and category 5 storms joining to form a Voltron style Fuck You Trumptards America weather system!
>deconstructing the interracial marriage myth

How so? I never bothered to finish the last couple seasons.

8 years paco ;)
>"She was supposed to win"

Holy shit this is cringy writing.
The Hotel season's tranny was red-pill family values and bitchslapped the SJWs whenever they started playing the triggered card.

Also, Gaga's vampire character was a blue pilled degenerate who got a horrible death for her trouble.
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Honestly, they were talking about these anons and not the majority of 4chan. I was there and everyone was horrible.
The white woman left her beta black husband for the actor who played him on the TV show, because her beta husband was a pussy. The beta black husband (who got raped by the forest witch) only returned for the reunion show, so he could have more sex with the forest witch because she was a better fuck, compared to his first wife.

So the wife murdered her estranged ex and then slit her own throat when she realized what her jungle fever had driven had driven her to do
Here you go family

In what context did 4chan get a shout out?
This season is REALLY gonna hit the spot for me. I'm glad they're moving away from silly and childish supernatural threats and digging into what actually has people scared these days.

The scene when trump wins. That tapped into a deep font of collective misery everyone felt that day. I'm latino, so seeing his face on that screen, it was like being issued a death sentence. The squads might not come tomorrow, or next week, or even a year from now, but you can feel the noose slip around your neck and begin to tighten. That scene nailed that awful sensation.

I think this will be their most successful season yet, IF the loonies we share the site with don't end up doing something drastic IRL against the directors and writers because they dared defy the "god-emperor".

(it really IS a cult, isn't it?)
Evan Peters is also gonna play cult leaders of history in flashbacks. Jim Jones, Charles Manson, David Koresh
holy shit
Evan Peters and his associates are referred to as "4channers" by the leader of a committee at a hearing and told to come out of the basement.
i can't get over how much that asian guy looks like the guy from early edition/friday night lights
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Just started it now. How I relish the saltiness of election night. But I think I will love this season. I mean, for one thing, Billy Lourde. Who the fuck doesn't love her, especially now? And Twisty is back!

Yup. Looking good, even though I know that it will end up being a piece of shit PC SJW shitshow.
Don't watch you fucking morons.
They want you to hatewatch it for ratings and to generate interest.
They're using you because they know you flip out over shit like this.
Stop taking the bait.
Goddammit, this made me laugh.
If it is a cult, I'm a member. I remember wanting to fuck my TV when the results came in, just like that one guy. Nobody wants to hang you. You're just paranoid and projecting. You think people want to kill you because you want to kill them. Calm the fuck down and accept reality.

Who would flip out at this? Its hilarious.
>Glee's breakout character was a right wing conservative who got elected VP of the US (and expected to become President in the future).
wtf are you talking about
You know who.
Who? WHO? Who could (((it))) be?
Sarah Paulson makes such a great victim.
Anyone else looking forward to tomorrow night's You're The Worst premier?
Man Sarah's wife is ugly but boy are those titties great.
Who is she? The actress? I know her.
>Houston and Miami are Trump Territory

You're an embarrassment.

It's Allison Pill
What a drama queen. You don't even realize the show is making fun of you.
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oh shit she was Kim in Scott Pilgrim
It's been done many times. That one nerd faggot on big brother did the costanza face, a bunch of tv shows namedropped 4chan. That one shitty adam sandler movie also namedropped 4chab
lol is she wearing a titty suit?
Bless her heart. She whipped 'em out like ten years ago.
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Oh baby

It was a short about body image or something
unironically tell us more
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>I'm latino, so seeing his face on that screen, it was like being issued a death sentence.

I'm a Latino and I was happy as fuck when he won. Then again, I'm a legal citizen :)
You're defending a tranny
I love Billy Lourd as Winter explaining /rekt desensitization theory to little Oz. "It's like a vaccination for your brain."
So? Get a life, transphobic bigot.
"You wanna be strong don't you?"

>goes back to watching
Wow, that's actually pretty good. I could take that, convert it into text, and use it as copypasta and it would trigger quite a few Trump supporters pretty well.
Same. My great grandparents were illegal but got their citizenship when given the chance, like all these dumb ass's should have years ago. Now I reap the benefits. feels good.
But you're right wing?
>all these people shitflinging and saying Trump is literally hitler now for getting rid of DACA
>But America was founded by immigrants!!111

Do... do these people not understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration?
No. American Horror Story is a shit show. They use every horror clichés and try somehow to wrap a story around it, and they change their plans mid seasons if audience falls.
>4chan got a shout out
Please no.

Didn't they have one where it was going to b aliens, but audiences hated aliens, so it was changed to something that was sort of involved aliens but not?
These people have the emotional maturity of toddlers.
yeah it was introduced towards the end of a season, i think it was at the end of Asylum or something, i stopped watching that show after
They'd be shitting on anything he did, no matter what. Even ignoring the legality of it, they still think that he was being disingenuous during all of the occasions in which he's said that he has appreciation for the various communities calling him Hitler.
>Still watching this garbage

Why? I dropped this shit at the beginning of season 3. At least season 2 was interesting, had a good setting, etc.



>that liberal meltdown at the beginning
how does Murphy get away with it?
I just watched it and it was pretty hilarious

I think they are kind of trying to make fun of both sides but the white 4chan guy literally did nothing this episode I wouldnt do.
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>come out of the basement
>literally lives in an apartment and fucks a hot girl

What did they mean by this?
Wow Michael Jackson is still alive!
So where can I watch this shit?
Gimme a link, nigger

My family is watching it and I'm not watching this season with them
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>implying these anons aren't the current /pol/cucks of 4chan
Hahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh.
Ever heard of the DOTR
There are people baying for lynchings
shit feels like it's gonna be another entire season of nonsense just like Roanoke

also great job making legitimately creepy looking clowns and cult imagery in all the trailers and then using a gang of ruffians in cheap halloween masks riding razor scooters in the actual show
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The asian guy who yells at his hetero wife for not voting in favor of dykes getting married makes a shout out to 4chan and says:
>"Come out of your basement 4chan guys. We're not scared, you are."
Then gets stabbed to death by a pack of rabid clowns, presumably the same people he told to come out of the basement.
Season 3 was easily the best season and if you do not like it you are a faggot
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Ever heard of satire? No? You must be very, very sheltered. But Kathy Griffin holding up a severed head of DT was just a great, artistic joke or something right? What is it with lefties and their double standards?

It was also showing his own hypocrisy for saying "I'm not scared, you are!" like three scenes after he sperged out at his wife and shouted about gay marriages being ripped apart.
Where can I watch this shit?

A tracker tomorrow
The only people that are really in danger of getting lynched/hung/killed are the communists. That's because federal law still has a statute that strips them of their rights and citizenship in the US and once the government gives a green light they likely would be dragged through the street by normal citizens and for very good reason. I mean, if that's what you're afraid of then don't be a communist I guess? Not our problem. You're the dumbasses spouting marxist bullshit and carrying around USSR flags on US soil, you should kind of expect to get shot down by the military unless you're really too stupid to think about that.
What did they mean by this?
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>nu-/tv/ doesnt know what a torrent is

Right? I thought it was funny as fuck. I thought for a second he was about to smack his wife because she didn't vote or something. And they brought up Jill Stein at least 3 times in the first episode, complaining about how it was their fault things are going to shit. I feel like lefties don't realize how much this show is mocking them in just the first episode. The best "joke" I guess for the Trump people was when the cult guy smeared Cheetos on his face but that was simple humor and we've been hearing the whole "hurr durr cheeto face" for over a year now so it's lost whatever value it had already, meanwhile these writers are tearing them apart.
>going on the dark web to find dead bodies

common now
>faggots that post sneed and CIA over and over in a Korean knitting forum
>an actual threat to the fabric of society

Pick one
It's a silly strawman which is easily rebutted, though.
I know what it is, I'm asking to be spoonfed
I think at the end of the day all that will go right over their heads and by the finale they'll just focus on how a trump supporter becomes a city official by using a gang of clowns to terrorize/kill people, and somehow this will be a literal parallel for Trump's victory to them.

Also there will be some kind of male on male romance at some point which will distract them further.

Also why did that detective at the end look like an anime character
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Thank you for this anon

cap the "I can't believe CNN didn't post a trigger warning" part
Yeah i don't know what was up with that detective. Very effeminate. Another funny part was how they showed how fucked up the little kid was because he couldn't grasp the concept of his "mother" and how the whole "having two moms" thing confuses the fuck out of children. I'll definitely watch it next week and hope it's just as good if not better.
I'll be honest though, that scene in the grocery store where the clowns are coming out of everywhere is actually a good look into the minds of lefties because that's gotta be how they feel every day since the election meanwhile the same normal people are just cruising around as usual doing the same old shit. I've heard enough from them before and after the election to know they're "literally shaking" about nothing.
Definitely, though I think the attempt to be topical or trendy with public clown spookings and whatever that dumb meme fear of holes is that gets talked about on /x/ all the time muddles the message somewhat.

Though most of the seasons suffer from idea overload.
Funny how people still watch this after 6 horrible seasons.
These entitled shitskins think they own our country, that they are "one of us" or superior to us, they most especially hate any white that shows a slightest bit of national awareness
kek'd good pasta
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Apparently sneed cia posters are all you need to stop the usual from happening in politics.

If that is so, then it shows how tenuous their control really is. This is why they're afraid.

1 and 2 were decent
the flashback episode for evil walt disney in the hotel season was also good
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Why read the thread then?


I liked Haunted house the coven, hotel and last season. I know its crap but its comfy.
soooo who is the leader of the cult

i don't understand y it's called cult

i want some Jim Jones/ David Koresh shit
didn't mean to quote, my mistake dood

cool webm though
anyone else notice when they killed the asian guy from the mentalist they drew a red john style smiley face on the wall?
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>implying I wasn't there during Chanology
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seems about right
yeah. and I thought some of the chanology anons were a buncha idiots...
Well... if it mentions my sekret klub, I gotta watch it!

Maybe I will actually finish the season unlike the last two I fell behind on.
fuck. it isnt ondemand yet and I forgot to set a recording.
>Blue hair

It's almost as if these fuckwits don't have any idea what they are talking about.
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He must be one of those anime con conservatives.
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meh, people can be idiosyncratic
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so, i can take a nice stroll with my white gf and my white sister in a ghetto now? good to know.
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mfw I love goths but hate Drumph
No, they've just failed at flipping the script the way they wanted to as far as the physical aesthetics of the show. Consider what they've done here visually:

Conservative character- lives in a basement, has blue hair, throws piss-filled condoms on people

Reality- liberals most everywhere are the ones with the colored hair, 70% or so still live with their parents, and the only people who have thrown bottles of piss at people are antifa (liberals)

It's projection at it's finest. Just have to learn how to recognize these things and stay informed.
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>posting Tosh
who is this four chan
So they match the maturity of Trump supporters, eh?
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
time to buy a dog
>are antifa (liberals)
Antifa aren't liberals. They are outright communists.
Most of those "Liberals" aren't actual Liberals either, but "social liberals" which is what socialists in America call themselves because outright calling yourself a socialist is political suicide.
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this. the /pol/tard should have been a 300 lb mongrel who hates "non-whites" and never leaves his basement.
While the mom should have been a 200 lb landwhale with blue hair.
This season actually looks interesting for a change, anyone know where I can watch last nights episode? Isn't on Netflix
why not just post the tiny url? so... how many omega ciruses will this link gibs me?
normalfags don't understand how the internet really be beyond goodgoybook and other social media cancerpits.
Additionally, one of the major points one can use to show this, these so called "liberals" are marching AGAINST Free speech, a major pillar and core philosophy which Liberalism is based upon.
Frenlo frogmoth judymonkey
Is Evans hair dyed because he's filming xmen?
>that black guy with nazi pizza
Shit's so surreal
I tried to watch this show once. Watched like the 6 first episodes of S1 and this was the most retarded, nonsensical shit I've ever seen. It's an anthology right ? Should I try season 2 ?
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>getting angry at liberals making fools of themselves
>implying most of us aren't just gonna stream the series anyway
When I said "liberals" I basically meant the "left." I know they shouldn't be used interchangeably but most of the time they are. They're as far left as you can get is basically what I meant and the premise of the show is to portray the far-right of Conservatives. They've literally pasted the attributes of the far-left on to the far-right verbatim to real life.
The tinyurl appears to be dead
There is not a single liberal that has condemned antifa or has stood for free speech. Liberals are communists.
How do you not realize that the show is taking the piss out of people like you?
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I'm calling it, The asian woman voted for Trump and the husband couldn't handle it and snapped; killing her and himself.

In heavily liberal areas, "i didn't vote" meant you voted for Trump.
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Asylum and Freakshow are the good seasons, thats season 2 and 4
I enjoyed the cashier putting on a trump hat and the scary music gets amped up to 10.
It was either the blue hair or they pull from real life Kekistani anime bullshit - that wouldn't play well on tv at all.
They all have such bad fucking teeth.
Holy shit I just read that other anon's post and I can't believe they don't understand how long people have been laughing at them honestly. Like that guy thinks anywhere even gives a shit enough to do something to some random writers of a tv show? Meanwhile you've got the left literally out the street killing cops and wanting to kill Trump. The cognitive dissonance is amazing in these people.
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Ideology subverted "useful idiot" or just plain moron, you decide. American "conservatives" and the Founding fathers are/were Liberals.

Stop falling for the propaganda. Learn what your country stands for and resist attempts from those who are trying to undermine it.
And apparently that's Cher's tranny child or something? This shit is funny as fuck on all levels.
The founding fathers were also slave owners sooo....are you admitting that liberals are in favor of slavery (they are clearly against ending DACA which keeps illegal hispanics in literal slavery by paying them $2 hour for 12+ hour shifts of farmwork)? The founding fathers were also in favor of States Rights, over a huge federal bureaucracy which is one of the cornerstones of being a Conservative. Your revisionist history doesn't pan out no matter how hard you try.
things cant change you say? yeah im sure the democrat party never used to be the white mans party and the republicans was for the minorities
The founding fathers had no concept of liberal and conservative you revisionist kike.
We are gonna get so many memes out of this season. i love it
Honestly don't know if it was making fun of liberals or Trump.
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interesting theory
By this standard, John Carpenter's Halloween is a right-wing morality tale about punishment for losing teen virginity. Yet Carpenter is a notorious liberal who made "They Live" about Reaganism.

Ryan is a Hillary fundraiser:


which means that you are a false-flag shitposter.

Kys /pol/
So this is a real man of America I'm always hearing about. Interesting.
Well that wasn't that bad or that good I got bored half way through and kept checking how long I had left to watch.

At least it's not a complete utter Trump hate pro-liberal bullshit like /r/ahs/ seemed to think it would be, making fun of both sides at least.
"Gayness" is always degenerate and fake. Hetero waterboarding therapy is the answer.
I found it funny that the liberals are 100% realistic, while they had to come up with this weird shit to represent the right winged guy.

They literally could have spent an hour on /pol/ to come up with legit cringe worthy shit, but decided to phone it in.
Trump is going to get this show cancelled, right?
I didn't say things can't change, but you're trying to muddy the waters on what liberals are today. I'm not going to let you do that.
Am I the only one who was laughing throughout the whole episode?
he is not a sjw snowflake.
Things didn't change. Democrats just found a better practice of enslavement.
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>he is not a sjw snowflake.

spoiler time: They will be popping up later this season along with Andy Warhol supposedly

Why it's not even anti-Trump, the episode was 95% anti liberal snowflake and 5% some made up bizarre caricature of what they presume someone who uses the 'chon looks like.
No, you were not. It was comedy plutonium. I don't even know why they're calling it Horror Story at this point.
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>They Live was about Reaganism

wut I always saw it as a critique on the eternal kikes
nigga they live is about jewish control of hollywood
This was the funniest show Ive seen this year. Honestly laughed my ass off. I loved it when he threw the piss condom at the mexis
I fucking loathe talking to these ideologically subverted dipshits.

Actually learn what liberalism stands for, Realise that American conservatives aka people who want to conserve the vision that the founding fathers had for America. Then realise these poeple who follow FDR's so called "social liberalism" which holds so many socialist positions like a constructing a welfare state and social justice that it can't in any way be called Liberalism.

>The founding fathers were also in favor of States Rights, over a huge federal bureaucracy which is one of the cornerstones of being a Conservative

Aka Holding individual rights as paramount over the collective group. Another key pillar of Liberalism.

Let's try this another way;
Liberal = Liberty = Freedom = America
Economic Liberalism = Free market Capitalism
Freedom of speech = The ability to speak liberally or with no restrictions.

The subversion is working on 2 fronts, turning those who hold the core American values at heart against those values, by tricking those people into believing that there ideology stands for something it does not.
Well, you were wrong.
/pol/esmokers BTFO!

No I'm not because that may be the initial aim but it's completely shifted in common perception.
There's been a concerted effort by the (((political establishment))) to blur the line between the two because it serves the interests of their (((corporate backers))) because their (((feminism))) gambit backfired and the productive western people are romantically impaired and reproducing way below replacement rates
No one's arguing over the classical definition of liberal, you fucking mong. The other anon's already pointed out that the Founding Father's had no concept of either one L or C, and you're avoiding the very real fact that people label themselves "liberals" today for the most part vote in ways that are in direct defiance of the classical ideals. That was the whole point. I don't need you to break down anything for me.
>he is not a sjw snowflake.

You sure about that?
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[citation needed]
Yeah, sucks Trump will be impeached before it's over though. :/
To be fair that is new york. It would be surprising if they were all white.
>implying any of you have ever risked it for the biscuit
They were also white nationalists.
goddamn that's a great meme
you cant impeach him for hurt feelings.
You can, however, impeach him for all of this:

Jeff Sessions lied to congress about meeting Russians in his confirmation hearing, and in his questionnaire. He also lied in his security clearance forms.
Donald Trump Jr. lied to the press about meeting Russians, and responded with "I love it" at the prospect of getting direct help from the Russian government.
Jared Kushner lied on his security clearance forms about meeting Russians
Paul Manafort didn't properly register as a foreign agent despite receiving millions of dollars from foreign governments including Russia. In the meeting at Trump tower he made notes about "donations".
Donald Trump partnered with Felix Sater on business projects despite knowing that he had connections to Russian organized crime.
Trump rented multiple apartments in Trump tower to individuals with known connections to Russian organized crime
Trump sent $25000 to Pam Bondi's fundraising committee less than a week after her office announced it was investigating Trump University. A month later the investigation was closed and no action taken.
Trump fired James Comey, and his spokespeople lied about the reason. Then Trump admitted it was because of the Russia investigation. Comey testified that he felt pressure from the president to go easy on Michael Flynn. Trump sought repeated assurances he wasn't under investigation.
In 2008 A Russian oligarch payed Trump 95 Million dollars for a Palm Beach mansion valued at half that much money.
Calling it now, anon, it's part of an overarching plot where the gruesome twosome play both sides of the field with the intention of [larger antagonistic plot device]
>and you're avoiding the very real fact that people label themselves "liberals" today for the most part vote in ways that are in direct defiance of the classical ideals.

I'm not avoiding that fact, I directly stated as such here >>87391185

Call a spade, a spade. Don't actively contribute to the subversion. What your doing is akin to recognising someone is a con artist, then handing over all your money while complaining about the con artist. It's fucking lunacy.

Based carpenter, knows full well what people will take from that tweet, KIKES BTFO
that was hilarious, thread theme music

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Things are so polarized these days, if trump is successfully impeached and ousted. People will take up arms and defend him.
Never seen these guys online. sure its not you your /pol/ friends playing a joke on you?
No, you can't.
I am. A spade is a shovel and a liberal is a communist.
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you've never seen an antifa?

>People will take up arms and defend him.
Good luck with that. They will quickly find that the cops are not on their side. And the cops are much more well-armed than some random alt-right losers.

It's actually kind of ironic. They want to portray him as unhinged as possible and thought colouring his hair blue was one of the ways to do it. They're dissing the tumlbrinas in a way.
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>They will quickly find that the cops are not on their side.

LEOs and military overwhelmingly voted Trump.

Also you might want to educate yourself on how terrible cops actually are. most cops only shoot about 100 bullets a year for training and testing.
That's right buddy the cops are going to side with side that's been chanting for their death for half a decade.
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Good luck with that civil war. You're going to need it.
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>g-g-good l-l-uck!

Don't need luck, when we have these.
>identity politics
Why are my countrymen so blind?
>le identity politics are bad meme

If you are against identity politics, you are against civil rights
I love how the left is now in full fledge terror mode, now that the right has low key picked up white identity politics.

paybacks a bitch
go back to normalweb, you normalshit.
I'm independent.

You suckers fall for meaningless hot topic bullshit, when both sides are robbing you blind.
I'm an ancap, anon.

To us, you are just as dumb asthe other two sides.
ancap, your the dumbest of all well maybe only commies are more retarded
How could you possibly believe that it would be anything but a complete massacre from the right-wing?
>To us

I am you. We are the people.
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I'm right-wing, and I think the left would win
I'm expecting it to be an hour of "Trump supporters are cultists!" and if it is, I'm not watching.
The country would lose.

Not you or them, America loses.
Well, go to Latin America if your that scared.
>source:retarded blogpost by a quendergeer otherkin

how can the right-wing even compete?
i cant find the antifa version, so you get the original.
If large scale weaponry were the solution to political uprising and guerilla warfare, the US wouldn't be losing in Syria. And they wouldn't have lose in Nam.
>retarded blogpost by a quendergeer otherkin
it's a blog written by right-wingers, for people on the right
>Nobody wants to hang you. You're just paranoid and projecting

really making me think trumptard....
Honestly the USA would collapse no matter what happened. The left would straight up die but the feds would have to fight everyone left alive and then it's all over.
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>To intelligent Rick & Morty fan: the article
eh...full out civil war, yeah. Random bombings by political terrorists, the U.S. has seen before
none of that is an impeachable offense.
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>I'm right-wing

sure you are
>t.someone who did't read the article

tell me part you don't agree with

Complete rubbish,it's the right that are well armed and actually know how to use guns, they practice, even children know how to shoot. A child could drop 10-20 negroes and leftists firing their guns side ways without even breaking sweat.
Ok retard
I mean it takes a million trucks running at full capacity to feed everyone in a city for a month. They aren't an easy target, they're just the consequence of any sort of disruption by anything.

Cities don't make food, city people are completely powerless in any violent conflict even one as minimal as some random militia larper group fucking with them.
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Nice try, commie. No one's fooled by your bullshit:

Police are overwhelmingly conservative.
Military conservatives outnumber leftists 2 to 1

It wouldn't even be a civil war, it would be a very precise slaughter of leftists that would end in a few days tops. Educate yourself you pleb. You think an Army Ranger is going to stop tearing your throat out because some commie fag waves a purple dildo at him?
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>antifa can form a big flash mob of gay college kids
>vs militias of ex military that have have been training with their assault rifles for a civil war for years

hmmmm who will win
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To an Ancap, you are all lefties.
Your problem is you think these whiney college dipshits with green hair are actually dedicated and willing to literally die for their cause like the guerillas in nam. You couldn't be more wrong and the second a few of them get their heads blown off all you crybaby children will scurry right back to class.
The article was nothing but a self-fulfilling power fantasy about the left being organised underdogs who could dismantle the right.
Lol, the best thing about this show, is now /pol/ is a valid /tv/ topic!
lol jews still control the world
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read the article and tell me why it's wrong
The article reeks of someone pretending to be right wing and is quite ignorant of right wing culture.
I'll wreck both you traitorous cunts.
Well cause political protests haven't been organized since the 60s, cities are dead zones, antigun people don't have guns, and the federal government is actually completely incapable of stopping anything resembling scaled violence.
It depends on how wide scale it is, we had the weather underground bombings in the sixties and anarchists in the 10's and 20's but nothing came of it.

not really, the point was the left has bureaucratic and administrative control of most of the institutions of gov., and the right doesn't
>right wingers just buy guns and keeps them at home
>left wingers have cuck partys and socialise with transpeople
>clearly left wingers will win a war
yeah right keep shilling
>the point was the left has bureaucratic and administrative control of most of the institutions of gov

not gonna mean dick when bullets start flying.
Weather underground were making a media show of it, not dealing any damage to anything. Food transportation is all that even needs to be dented before riots break out. There's no redundancy on most power stations or internet backbone connections or any of that. Could cripple a lot of a city with a cut cord.
The left always says, "Yeah, but we've got the military. Your militia can't stand up to the military."

While completely ignoring where most soldiers are from. Soldiers, cops, and emergency services are primarily from the Right.

The Left will have students, professors, politicians, and welfare lines.

I like our chances.
The electrical grid is so out dated it's ridiculous. All it will take is two months without power.
It's funny that you think it's so black and white.

It's not left vs. right. It's white supremacists vs. normal human beings.

Right wing soldiers will back us because they are not white supremacists.
Exactly. Administrative control means fuck all when the actual trucks are being driven by someone else. Someone who is going to drive that truck right home to feed his town and not your city.
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>haha isn't the left and the right so crazy
>administrative control
So they're going to stamp some papers while people are dragging them to the gallows? Sounds effective, really effective kid. Wew lad keep dreaming.
Okay. You keep telling yourself that.

White supremacists are are few hundred losers in Podunk nowhere, not the 63 million you've labeled as such.

It's Leftist scumbags and their puppets vs. everyone else.

And right wing soldiers are not going to back Leftists Scumbags. Speaking as one, we've been waiting for a reason to fill you with lead.
Only it is so black and white. The white supremacists aren't trying to overthrow the government, the communists are. If you think the military is going to stand aside and let you shit on our Constitution, you're going to have a very rude awakening coming you lanky-armed beta faggot. Now go brush your teeth, junior. You've got class in a few minutes.
I dont think Trump personally reviews every person's history that rents a room or apartment in one of his properties.

The south had no industry, the north had it all. Right wing gun culture exist and quality over quantity.

>4chan got a shout out

if you count the stereotypical "lol 4chan losers in their mothers basement" a shoutout, sure.

Liberal power fantasy 101 + outdated horror mechanics.
This is really bad. I'm halfway through. Fucking shit.

Ever heard of the countless militia groups and minutemen around the country? What a shit article, zero clue.
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> and they are totally shitting on liberals who went batshit insane triggered due to Trump getting elected....

Bullshit, just read the reviews, Poulsons character being insane with fear is later justified, because right wing trump voters are all literally 'killing sociopaths' which is the actual message of the show. It will be toned down initially because AHS showrunners wants the conservative right to watch it of course, but at the end of the day they will pour their hate on to them.
what are you talking about in that Glee sentence
The weak should fear the strong.
>Anyone else watching it tonight?
No. This show is shit.
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>not watching it because Best Emma is coming back
No, I don't have an opinion on the matter. I was stating the obvious, from past encounters. You idiot.
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This, only reason I'm watching this shit.
Man... what I would do just to see her ride some BBC.
they do what in comparison to anti-fa in moving the needle? what vanguard do the protect?
antifa isn't a real thing, just like blm it's standard spontaneous rioter types, only this time from the suburbs.

We are talking about what would happen if civil war broke out, the miltias are ready to fight and armed to the teeth, Anti-fa have what? They are decentralized to start with, that's not good in a fighting situation, if you think the "left" would stand a chance in a hot civil war you've got another thing coming I'm afraid.
I've never watched any of the AHS episodes. Are they one-offs or do I have to watch the rest of the seasons, as well?

No none of them are linked by anything other than little nods to previous seasons you won't even notice unless you are watching closely, apart from this season with the clown from Freak Show returning. Other than that it doesn't matter what order you watch them in or if you watch all the seasons at all.
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>Blue haired guy asking his sister about her anal experience
>Sarah Paulson saying erect penis and bare rbeast to 8 yo son
>Wife asking Paulson when she last came
Antifa consists of literal college students, most of whom have never been in a real fight and are going through their rebellious phase.
They aren't rioting because of deeply rooted and considered beliefs or values, they're there because they want to shout some slogans while occasionally throwing some bricks at windows.

If you want to see rioters that are actually fighting for something: take a look at Venezuela.
Excellent, thanks anon.
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Do americans really cry when the people they vote for didnt win?

wtf is wrong with americans?
because nobody wants public schooling they stopped teaching civics so people of the last generation or two have no idea what the fuck is going on and just swallow whatever tv/facebook tells them to. They swallow it so hard that it physically pains them to think critically.
Other than the comedic over the top because of Trump, it would have better if they didn't placed the election shit and just focus on the killer clown plot.
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Americans cry and freak out when their favourite character dies in a tv show.
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>A presidential election is a terrifying horror story

The absolute state of shitlibs.

That's sort of the point of the season, SJWs think it is catering for them but it's actually making fun of them.
Look carefully at that room, those are mexicans/south americans.
UK chanology was based.

Actually they are called dreamers :-)
>tfw leftmost guy seems not to give a fuck
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It's just leftists. They've been coddled and babied for so long that if something doesn't go their way for once it's the end of the world.

We were warned about these stunted baby people years ago.

He just wants them to leave so he can jerk the dog off again.
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>The episode starts with a montage of clips of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton from the presidential campaign. Ally (Sarah Paulson) her wife Ivy (Alison Pill), their son Oz, and their neighbors, the Changs, are watching, in horror, as Donald Trump is announced president of the United States

>Meanwhile, Kai (Evan Peters), watching alone in his basement, is delighted by the news while his sister Winter (Billie Lourd) is devastated by it, having voted for Hillary Clinton. Kai goes to Winter's room to gloat about the win and they proceed to lock pinkies.

>Next, a couple is seen about to have sex in the woods. The couple makes mention of the legend of Twisty the Clown when Twisty appears behind them and subsequently murders the boyfriend and then the girlfriend.

That's reddit actually.
prove it
you can't
It's simple, /pol/ is also reddit.
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That's not satire but rather a very realistic depiction.
I think their point is he didn't support Trump for political reasons but because he wanted to spread fear and chaos.
Kinda like how some people on /pol/ did.

Reverse image search is your friend. It's kekistani cancer from Reddit.

you mean that, where they are making fun you guys?
The author completely ignores the existence of the NRA, which is easily the most well organized and effective lobbying group in the country
the NRA would join the resistance.
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LMAO they completely made a joke out of liberals

And of course Evan Peters is meant to represent the 4chan users since they refer to him as a 4chan literally. That moment when he tries to redpill the court was so hilarious.

Loved this episode
there is no resistance
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those are larpers
those underage suburban commie larpers could use some diversity, might confuse themselves for racists.
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*freedom fighters
I'm watching it now. I don't know if its glorifying these mentally ill people or mocking them.
Why is the lesbian lady so upset?
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