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Thread replies: 372
Thread images: 76

what would the episodes consist of if hillary got elected?
Donald... Drumpf...
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I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he'd be going after and scrutinizing her just as hard but we all know that's not true.
yeah just like he did to obama
colbert is the worst of the worst when it comes to shills
>le it's just comedy!
literally brainwashing young americans
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Resist 45
she and her partners in crime are the worst humanity has to offer, he doesn't go after her or the rest of them now he wouldn't if they won, he truly is a bad person don't let the funnyman bullshit fool you, and no i don't give a fuck about muh republicans
he wouldn't touch her because of "muh female president", and he would still be doing hits on trump (or at least the people who voted for him)
What would happen if NK nuked American owned soil, would he still blame Dongrold Blomph for retaliation?
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How old are you?
Turned 18 yesterday, i love that i now can meme with you guise here and on /pol/, fellow pedes. The most based places on the internet.
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He was only funny when he had John Stewart making sure he wasn't being a fucking retard
now Stewart isn't there to hold the leash and look what we have now

Stewart may be liberal leaning but at least he makes fun of both sides, Colbert is just fucking pathetic
Based Trump working the obese leftcucks into an eternal shoot.
Does this work? I mean, if there being called Nazi's I don't think they would care about thier image consisting of fragility like "triggerd and crying". But if anyone has screencaps I'd like to see.
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>normie meems

Will the sheeple ever learn?
Okay little boy, do you think you can talk about colbert without acting like a child?
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We know you're butthurt, /pol/faggots, false flag shitposting doesn't mask that nor does it hide the fact that your life is pathetic.
He'd be cancelled.
Trump literally is the only reason he still has a show.
But that's what you're doing here right I thought that was the theme of the thread xD
>muh Colbert is sooooo mean REEEEEEEEEE
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>But that's what you're doing here right

No, it's specially and ironically different when we do it.
lol funny pic
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I thought op could start this thread with a harmless home to start a thread about Stephen Colbert and talk about the show but it seems you just to much of triggerd faggot to even discuss. And you say the right are babies.
>peace through violence
This can't be real

>File name fuck off cuckservatives
>Calling people butt-hurt

Also, nice fresh Simpsons meme.
Stop lying/deluding yourself about op's and your motives.
You know you're just trying to save face here.

Ps.: yes, at least /pol/ crossposters are babies
The file name of the pic in the op is literally "Colbert trump" don't act as if this thread was gong to be anything other than /pol/dancers jerking each other off and others dabbing on you haters
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Literal Fake News, you fucking idiots.
sorry about nu/pol/ /tv/, they have no tact or creativity.
lol Drumpfiskys
the guy lies about everything and you eat it right up
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So... Republican congressmen
But did CNN post "peace through violence" on Twitter?
Yes, they did. The deleted it after the backlash.
I'm really not, I wanted to see what Colbert would go with his direction of the show with the whole nk fiasco, and I really don't care about what side calls eachother babies.
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you might have just literally stopped political posting on /tv/ and closed /pol/ down once and for all

thank you for the service of complaining about /pol/ for 7 years, Its spiced up many a thread
None of that looks like false flagging though. False flags are subtler than blatantly making fun of the opposition.
I guess you right. It's just fighting to call eachother babies.
How's that wall coming up boyos?
This level of tryhard is just painful to watch.
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>after the election
>no lessons learned
>still can't meme

never gets old
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>wants to talk about his show
>starts the thread with an r/T_D meme
CNN's dive bombing crash in regards to reputability has been hilarious to watch.

If you put trump in the file name of images it must trigger some kind of plug-in for activist groups

because they flood the thread straight away, they don't understand the post counter though so it some times ends up as the same 10-20 people pretending to be their boogeyman while posting quips

you are going to get dog-piled when the ask for back up
It's funny watching the assmad morons act like total retards and think they're being witty though. Just look at this shit >>87300235 >>87300308 >>87300472. At some point the self-awareness has to kick in.
Still can't meme. Try harder.
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>Its literally an evil conspiracy by the dastardly /pol/ Alt-Righters!!!1!! They are out to get me!! Omg anyone who doesnt like the corporate prescribed media is literally hitlers!
Amazing how this fag gets btfo on a routine basis
>Try harder.
I think that's the left's problem in general. They either don't understand the joke or go so far overboard it's awkwardly unfunny or straight up fellow kids tier.
>it's literally an evil conspiracy by the dastardly /leftypol/ commies!!!1!! They are out to get me!! OMG anyone who doesn't like my narrow and autistic world wiew is literally Jews!

Same thing
Just like the pickle Rick meme? Or drumpfposting meme? Or sneedposting? Or the wewuzz posting when the black panther trailer came out?
>or go so far overboard it's awkwardly unfunny or straight up fellow kids tier.
you literally just described colbertposting
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>tfw your shitposting is so bad you delete it out of embarrassment
Aw shit! I knew I wasn't alone!

My friend has a hat with 45 written on it and all I can see is a swastika.
>Just like the pickle Rick


Yes. It barely exists on this board as is.

No. That's pretty old too.

The first part of my post didn't though.
So what you're saying is at least half of the conservative memes on 4chan are shit
>pickle rick
>half of colbertposting
So, does that mean conservatives don't know how to meme?
Man I wish all niggers were dead.
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>alt right memes
when do these get funny?
>iPhone poster
Reminder that this guy has gone on record saying that the waifu thing in 2013 is fake and never happened AND he's also an active supporter of anti /tv/ pro capeshit threads
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>the left can't me-
That projection
When you stop being a cuck! LOL
Not at all. The fact you think three relatively obscure memes that don't really go anywhere but /tv/ constitutes half of the conservative memes on 4chan is telling itself. The difference between overplaying a meme and the left's inability to meme is the fact the former gets stale after the 1,000th posting. The latter is often never funny to begin with.

The left is the cultural establishment right now and in addition to that it is also the side that purports to care about everyone's feelings, hangups, and insecurities to the point it no longer has any of the nihilistic apathy and autistic sociopathy needed for good spicy memes. The left is currently struggling with the fact that they aren't the counter-culture anymore and they're trying so very hard to pretend they are and it's just so obviously inauthentic astroturf.

So yes, there will be right wing memes that aren't funny after a while, but at least they were amusing at some point unlike an overwhelming majority of the left's which never get off the ground to begin with.
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Reminder of the cancer killing this site

when you stop being an emaciated commie faggot
Ah fuck you're triggered.
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>counter culture
>/theirguy/ in the president's seat
nope sorry doesn't check out. The left/social justice jargon might've been mainstream in 2013 but the right has become normie. Google "SJW cringe" and you'll get videos with millions of hits. "Hugh Mungus" was a normie as fuck meme.
Conservatism isn't the counter culture anymore. It's not mainstream either but to pretend like you're an epic contrarian in this day and age is just not accurate.
Why do you have received fappening increase labeled as gamer gate? We're you not actually here then?
AHAHAHA HE SURE IS TALKING ABOUT [current president/country leader] ITS UNPRECEDENTED THAT [satirical outlet] IS CRITICIZING [current president/country leader] CLEARLY THIS THE WORK OF [scapegoat]
>people thinking BLUMPFFF is a /pol/ meme
That shit was started right here on /tv/. I remember laughing for hours straight the first night me and others were spamming it.
Who is this strawman meant for?
He would just complain about how the Congress is sexist and won't give Queen Hillary everything she demands. Also, if there were any leaks coming out of a Hillary White House, then Colbert would be demanding public executions.
It's fucking unreal, the SD spamposters either get (you)'s and double down or get ignored and have an autistic meltdown and triple down on the shitposting because they are desperate cucks
Stop crying, Jesus.
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Why are Trump supporter memes so shit? They take a word that John Oliver used, crossed it with the angry face of Colbert (who didn't use the word "Drumpf"), the angry face which of course was an impersonation of the Trump supporter's beloved Alex Jones, and put a fucking red filter over the picture. Is that supposed to be clever? It just makes you guys look petty and easily angered.
You have to remember that most of these people are just game of thrones tourists
Are you illiterate or something?
It's not a /pol/ or /tv/ meme. It's a fucking r/The_Donald meme.
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Why would this guy ever criticize Hillary? They literally have the same benefactors.
>people go to /b/
>get the pics, fap and fuck off
>a small amount of peopel remains at the site

>endless butthurt that went on for months
>kids started migrating from /v/ to /pol/ and /r9k/ a little after

Sure thing newfag
You're the delusional one. You can't see straight because of your trump rage
>*hollywood shoves thier political agenda into every piece of media they distribute*
What's the problem? We're the majority, this is our site.
Nope I helped start it here and let it mature for a week or two. Then I took it to /pol/ and let the cancer spread.
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No, but it sure seems you are since you replied to me with some /pol/ strawman which only further illustrated my point. Maybe you should take a break from talking about politics and go outside. Hilariously enough the first half of that recommendation is also what Colbert should do.
It was started by the massive /pol/ infestation that we have had since 2016 beucase of the elections
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>i-its fake news. Drumpf supporters aren't being assaulted
>a small amount
So you're admitting you weren't here? Because even /tv/ got notcibly faster during and after the fappening
Mate, I was mocking the guy I replied to, learn to read
That explains why every board have people telling /pol/tards to fuck off back to /pol/
Praise kek brother! awoooo!
You are underestimating how easy it is to force memes on /tv/. Trust me.
Pickle Rick is left. No conservative would watch that shit liberal show.
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Who says the left can't make memes?
So leftists are making fun of their own show?
That's the point, pickleposting is dumb since 99% of those fags didn't watch the show
OH you're a fucking cross posting /v/eddit parasite

That explains everything
Compared to gamergate it was a small amount
Gamergate shit leaked fucking everywhere from what I remember
Even fucking /ck/
45 is he who must not be named, we can't give him any honour, not even by saying his name.
Yeah I got that, dumbass. The problem is you didnt do it well because you created some fictional argument that no one has even made in this thread. It is literally a quote of what I presume is something you see on /pol/
You need a break from the Internet, lad.
There's a lot of butthurt conservatives here that watch it though
They hate it but can't stop watching it
Same thing with black people, /pol/tards hate them but can't stop obsessing over it
It seems to trigger you pretty bad.
The guy created a straw man, I then flipped his joke to the other side, I don't get why are you upset.
No it's just a few alt lefties. Usually anytime some day whines about pol they get btfoed
>everybody who doesn't like leftist garbage is /pol/
Is /pol/ everywhere you look now? You do realize Trump is the president of the most powerful country on the planet. Do you think maybe there are millions and millions of people who support Trump that have never even heard of /pol/? Or do you just think it's all a Russian troll conspiracy?

chat shit get hit.
Hugh Mungus was a meme because Zarna Joshi, like many SJWs is full blown insane and thought recording her insanity would give her support.

Trump being president is a fluke. Every part of the American establishment was and still is against him, even his own supposed party. Every major tech firm in the US worth anything is centered through corporate welfare in a very leftwing city in a very leftwing state. The overwhelming majority of legacy broadcasting and media lean either somewhat or firmly to the left. The overwhelming majority of actors, writers, singers, directors, etc, are very leftwing and are not afraid to elucidate how vividly they hate anyone who opposes them. Nearly every single major American University worth mentioning leans so far to the left even they are beginning to admit the political groupthink is causing problems. Remind me when the right last rioted at a campus half a dozen times in less than a year (Berkeley) or took it hostage (Mizzou, Evergreen). Every bit of culture relevant to anyone under the age of 60 is heavily controlled by the left in the US, to the point a software engineer can, for simply saying men and women are different, have a witch hunt sent after them and be publicly fired for it.

The cultural establishment in the US is beyond leftwing. The social justice terminology is as mainstream now as its ever been. The fact you're knee-jerking on this makes it obvious what I said is true, that the left is having major problems coping with the fact they aren't the counter-culture anymore while the right is.
>alt lefties
Horrible meme
Just like that leftypol shit
People complain about muh /pol/ boobeiman but /pol/ themselves have like 10 different ones
Why did you guys keep spamming the meme when Trump got mocked?
Calling him 45 still legitimizes him as the 45th president.

Damn lefties are crybabies.
They want to shut down threads that contradict their narrative because they have no argument, but they know they'll look like the censoring cunts they are if they admit that it's the political views that bother them. So they act like it's everything BUT the politics that are the problem, to the point where they'll try to convince people that discussion of a politically charged films or television is not related to /tv/(even though we've had them long before the election or the boyega stuff that brought them here).

You already know this, and so does most of 4chan, but they seem to think they're fooling people so they keep doing it. It's pretty funny, and one of the main reasons to come to /tv/ still.
>his echo chamber told him this was insulting to liberals
Nop, I'm pretty sure it was started by the /pol/ infestation that we have had on /tv/ since 2016 because of the elections
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Not a meme.
At the very least he provides sources and tells people to decide for themselves.
shoot a criminal nigger, lefties get triggered
Everything is a meme for /pol/tards
>it's crazy how extremely obviously biased media outlets only report on the random violence of the side that i dont like!
You weren't here and now you've shown it. You're also /v/ which explains why the dates you've only posted your fraud image in is summer time
The alt left on here get set off so easy
>alt-right manchildren absolutely FUMING
Can you point me to one example of a Hillary supporter getting beat up? I'm pretty sure it would've been headline news for at least a week straight.
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>mfw libcucks think enforcing the law and deporting illegal immigrants means you're hitler
>Hey guys, I think this "comedian" is a hack and has no actual material. Its repetitive and sad, dont you think?
>Butthurt Colbertfags:"OMFG /pol/ its them thats doing this!!1! NO ONE COULD NOT LIKE WHAT I LIKE!
Jesus Christ

>a paraphrased quote of a post is now a strawman

So I guess that's one of the many words you don't actually understand.
I've never seen that only the contrary actually.
lol it's so obviously reactive to being called "alt-right"
MSM hasn't reported on any of these. That's why you didn't know about it until I just posted it.
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The same for /tv/ since reddit took over in 2013

But you're only here today because of that so this is the /tv/ you know
NO 45
The point is that both sides use the same fucking arguments you fucking mong
Reddit is full of lefties
What are some fun subreddits to troll?
i can point to lots of your neo-nazi friends beating people
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They posted it again this can't be happening.
Yeah and it's sticking. It's funny because nobody a month ago used it and now it's behind used by everyone, even the liberal media. It's enjoyable to see the left get triggered by it as well.
This one has nothing to do with lefthe or right
>Everything is a meme for /pol/tards
This is a post by someone that wasn't on /tv/ even 2 years ago
Delete this dude
Why does colbert make you so mad lol.
Why are you so mad stop posting him dude
>what scoopf posters think it is: sneed and chuck, bane, le forced ironic meme

>what it actually is: cunny posting annoyance

and this is coming from a /pol/tard
just ban phone-posters
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based alex's show is starting in a bit, since threads for political TV shows are allowed the mods wont mind if i start a /infowarsgeneral/ right?
>now it's behind used by everyone
lol everyone in your echo chamber, maybe. it's still being roundly mocked out here in reality
Then let's see it.
Bonus points if your actually find an example that want in self defense to a violent neo Marxist.
But /pol/ is reddit
Hence the /pol/ infestation on /tv/
Yes, I'd also like to see you post the dozens of Hillary and Bernie supporters getting knocked around for simply having opinions. Shouldn't too hard to prove, unless they're as real as that spat of totally legitimate hate crimes after the election.
Autoban anyone who has posted om /pol/, /b/ and /r9k/ during the last 48 hours
Autoban phoneposters
The site is fixed
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Stop it now conservashit I've had enough it wasn't supposed to be this way.

We all know the answer to this.

He'd be performing borderline fellatio on her and her administration and everything it did.

He'd simultaneously be taking limp-wristed pot-shots at anyone that openly opposed her in an attempt to character-assassinate them. This would most likely consist of parents questioning their kindergarten-age children being given "Genderbread Men" lessons about cross-dressing in public schools, and the hundreds of Americans who would have lost family members in the 3rd or 4th truck-attack committed by a migrant in the last 6 months.
>all the hate crimes were fake because of the handful of fake ones
man, they have you eating out of the palm of their hand lol you wouldn't dare believe anything they didnt want you to
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wewuz is funny as shit though, mostly because its true
Yeah the liberal media ignores these attacks.
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>a republican in the white house makes the zeitgeist conservative
Trans passing
deandre harris and heather heyer, for starters.
You know how I can tell you're a silly leftie? You think something being a reaction means its wrong by default. The Alt-Left label is a nice and concise way to turn Alt-Right around and make it stick because we all know Antifa is absolutely incapable of not acting like a gaggle of retards every few weeks.

And thats why youre retarded. You are so blinded by politics you only have knee-jerk reactions. Instead of being able to comment on a post you default straight to your political "sides" strawman where you created an argument for my post that doesnt exist. You should probably kill yourself and spare some detriment to the gene pool (lol jk virgin I can tell by your posts you wont have much luck there :^)

Go back to /pol/ byeee
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nice to see the left seizing the memes of production
Why so mad?
Pol isn't obscure anymore a majority of people in this sight and others conform with the ideology now.
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We're you on /tv/ in 2013 and before? Because if not then your entire posting career here is owed to redditors.

You can kick, scream and beg the mods to delete theses posts all you want, but this is a fact that won't go away until every old archive is deleted
>make it stick
oh man lol you must be so fucking deep in your echo chamber if you think that "alt left" is sticking more than "alt right"
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I'm sick of you fucking Nazis I fucking hate white people and I hate the west. Diversity is a wonderful thing every country should look like a middle eastern bazaar. How dare you have a differing opinion and act in your own self interests.
Not really.
this is what satire looks like when you don't actually understand anything about the position you're trying to mock
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>deandre harris
Started that fight and got his ass beat.b that nigger was a thug who had it coming.
Reddit is liberal. /pol/ is in no way Reddit.
>a handful
No. A shit ton of them and a worryingly large amount of them the kind that got a lot of press.
But the drop in quality from 2013 is insignificant compared to the drop in quality from 2016 to this day
I blame /pol/tards and newfags that /pol/tards embraced wth the advent of the elections
This was an amazing television moment. The audience cheered until Colbert reminded them that Trump did it, so it's bad.
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I fucking hate you you have no culture no identity and no right to self preservation, fuck off back to /pol/ and stay there you larping cunt.
Saying "Everything is a meme for /pol/tards" whilst posting on a board that's been completely destroyed by meme parasites since before the election even happened is pure dishonesty
That would kill the site. You'd be posting alone.
Trump = New outrage every single day

Obama = Scandal free presidency

Shane the racists couldn't handle a strong woman in charge
Left wing liberals are still upset that Hillary Clinton lost the US presidential election.

That's literally what Colbert's show is like at this point.

Stop getting mad that your unfunny Democrat-paid clown is getting shit on.
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>There are people who lack self-awareness this much
t. /r/_the_donald
>reddit is liber-

>if you think that "alt left" is sticking more than "alt right"

Funny how alt-left went from a term a single atlantic article used months to now tons of articles using it.

Even the washington post and nytimes have picked it up - if that isnt gaining steam then what is?
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Who is Shane the racist? He sounds awful.
Pol is anti reddit. Reddit is a liberal cesspool. If anything 4chans popularity has caused an increase in alt left types to try and "smash the fash" online.
>But the drop in quality from 2013 is insignificant compared to the drop in quality from 2016 to this day
You're a complete and utter fucking liar that wasn't here. 2014 was the absolute worst year this board has ever had even compared to all the spam with captcha
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>this is what his echo chamber tells him
>oh man doesn't he get that it's just like how the internet told me libruls are?
being used by people instead of thinkpieces, probably, lol
Does anyone else check for reddit and /pol/ boogeymen before they go to sleep?
>the resistance

I don't know why its so funny to me, but it just hits the right spot.

Maybe its the shitty name. Or the fact that there is no real platform except 'fuck trump'. Or that they have no actual plan of action besides shitposting on the internet.
the_donald is a tiny minority. They're not worth considering.
How do we stop white people, lads?
It is though. Just like the media's attempt to lionize antifa utterly failed thanks to the retards acting out in the middle of the process.
The funny thing is the media over the past few days has go all out to try and stop the growing alt left groups from gaining more press. They realize the monster they created.
>being used by people instead of thinkpieces, probably, lol

It is being used by people

Face it, alt-left is fake news all over again and no amount of semantic hang wringing can stop it.
wat. isn't it one of the biggest nonfrontpage subs?
With (((white people)))
This is our site.
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This reminds me of all those lefty false flag swastikas last year.
>white people have no culture
>he says this while wearing flannel and blue jeans

really makes me think

Modern leftist are just the orientalist of the past with a new vocabulary.
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Yeah start one I'd love to watch

That's a lie, /pol/ is infested with them, they even have a general there
>the fact that there is no real platform except 'fuck libruls'. Or that they have no actual plan of action besides shitposting on the internet.
>has to dig through the linguistic trash instead of coming up with something new
because when you try that it's shit like "cuck" or "centipede" or other nonsense
Even the anime subreddit has more subscribers.
Nope. It's banned from the Frontpage. A lot of reddit mods help subreddits keep a healthy flow of anti-trump posts on the front page. It's weird, you can almost tell trump has done something good when there is nothing anti trump on the front page.
Modern leftists can be both pro women's rights and pro Islam, they are inscrutable.

Why do liberals get nonsensical when they are angry?
true they are good goyim who will blindly follow zionist kikes into hell
im a lib and I find the drumpf meme funny
you sound like the angry one desu
>flannel and blue jeans
ah yes, we all know the many tales of these sacred garments that make up the rich tapestry of our White Culture
>pretending to be retarded
I guess we're all neo-nazis because /pol/ exists.
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Does fashion count as an element of culture?
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All three branches of government.

>It's not culture if I think its frivolous.

If it is so frivolous he should fuck off and wear his supposedly superior jew-clothes.
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Remember when we could laugh at the uninspired repetitiveness of Colbert's comedy that's desperately reliant on Trump without redditors accusing other redditors of being reddit?
>that cut off right foot

Is the real reason leftist cant meme because they dont know how to use basic image manipulation programs?

There are like 5 entry level mistakes in that image. Its just pure laziness or incompetence.
You are the one lying beucae you are obviously a /pol/tard
Not even /sp/ migrating here have been as bad at the 2016 elections
Stop deluding yourself
When those counter-protestors are composed of died in the wool communists who regularly attack people with even the most milquetoast of rightwing opinions like they have repeatedly at Berkeley, then yeah, CNN sucking their dick is just going to make me piss myself laughing. There are mountains of video evidence showing those precious little innocent antifa members acting more like the brownshirts than our supposedly real brownshirts. The fact the media that tried to lionize them is now backpedaling is just proof they either didn't do their homework (big fucking surprise) or couldn't make the lie stick.
damn what a non argument.
No, I don't
basically, yes
Maybe if you spent as much energy with real life as you do with memes, your life wouldn't be shit
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You're hilariously transparent. Are you this dishonest monger by any chance >>87302425
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>things have to be literally ancient and mystical before they can be considered "culture"

Holy shit, please sterilize yourself.
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>who regularly attack people with even the most milquetoast of rightwing opinions
source? sounds a bit like bullshit to me
>this defensive over fucking flannel
>calling everything you don't like jews is an argument
Um, excuse me, sweetie, but they're protesting peace through violence.

Antifa are the good guys in all of this; CNN told me so.

So do you have anything actually coherent to say or are you just here to cry and shitpost nonsensically in an attempt to make noise.
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Because it would explain your complete lack of knowledge of what happened to this board.
holy shit lol another one, do you get this aggressive about other stereotypically white things? what are your feelings on mayonnaise? lol
What are you trying to prove with your image?
>34 percent approval rating
>"there are gormillions of supporters!"
Or, maybe both candidates were abysmally unpopular and you faggots won a lame duck Presidency due to lower Den turnout and still losing the popular vote?
you can respond at any time, or have you become too confused by my usage of language and communication styles that dont originate from within your bubble?
thats not what I said tho.

My statement: t_d follow zionist kikes

What you twisted it as: everything jews hurr
Lol no he doesn't.

Antifa doesn't protest " LITERAL NEO-NAZIS".
They show up to "protest" things like G20. And by "protest" I mean literally light shit on fire and hit people with bats. That and assault homeless black women and journalists for being """"Nazis"""".
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>and put a fucking red filter over the picture
lol at the all or nothing attitude you people have had to adopt towards russia. like you're all just now ok with foreign interference in our election process because you like the result of the election
Does vehicular manslaughter count?
>tfw my brother is getting deported because DACA is ending

I hope all your memes were worth it /pol/, there are real people behind your cruelty, don't forget that
mmm astro turf
Was he a legal immigrant?

Actually I am confused by your incoherent flailing and your complete lack of familiarity of how to post and communicate in a direct fashion on 4chan.

Its something common to every fucking Reddit/Tumblr tourist. They type like a spastic chimp and respond to like 5 or 6 posts at once with some big, retarded semi-readable mess.
>Why are Trump supporter memes so shit?
>posts a image that hasn't been relevant since the election
Why do redditors do this?
>wee nothing i say is compelling so i will quote every post on the thread so they pay attention to me
Why ? why is this a trend now?
>he thinks liberals like Hillary
they're friendless and their families hate them, they dont give a damn for "real people"
if you stuck to your containment board you might be less confused by the normals on the rest of the site.
Tell your brother he's a stupid fucking spic and we are glad he's going back to Mexico. Get the fuck out of America you insect.

>Nope. It's banned from the Frontpage.

I knew Reddit was a creepy little Orwellian shithole just like SomethingAwful, but shit like this is just shallow and petty.

Trump is literally living rent-free in the heads of faggy Reddit-mods.
He came here when he was a baby, I was born here

He did nothing wrong. Our parents are dead

He did nothing wrong. He's probably whiter than you.
just recall the obama years.
It's not. Antifa has been beating people unconscious in the streets since Feb.

they're so deep in their echo chamber they still post I-IT WAS HER TURN 10 months later
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They've never been expected to be coherent inside their hug-boxes, so they don't bother being coherent in real-life arguments.

Hence why they get immediately triggered and start with the autistic screeching or the "UR A FUCKING WHITE MALE" shit.
How old is he now?
Why aren't you getting deported?
>random umlaut
Found the Krautcuck.
I'm sorry that Colbert didn't sperg out and call Obama a nig nog or screech about the grey poupon like you wanted.
>a crying MAGA wojak that was made to mock DRUMPFLETS when Hillary won
>can only ever point to antifa being violent at protests where pandemonium is already breaking out
i wonder if we can say the same about neo nazi/white supremacist hate crimes
Disregard second question
>How old is he now?


>Why aren't you getting deported?

Because I am a US citizen by birth
Didn't you get the memo? Nazis are poor victims and dindus now.
>this defensive over a fat SJW jew making a fool of himself in public
>mfw plebbit is still as butthurt as they were election day when trump won

lmao, I hope they crack your skull and rape your sister
Why didn't he apply for citizenship like a responsible adult?
>this desperate to turn around my insult on me
i didnt even watch the video lol im just laughing at you for passionately defending flannel as white culture
His ratings would tank and he'd be taken off the air. Trump saved his show *literally*
Not a single real person in your life has ever yelled at you about being a white male, I will bet money.

knowing how to use paint.exe is a really time consuming thing. Its why I had to drop out of college, ctrl-c ctrl-v is just that hard.


Have you been asleep for the past two fucking years?

>Antifa doesn't know how to bantz
>my source is a youtube video
Its like they fail to understand why they keep getting called reddit then they do it again >>87304354 but in here he calls others reddit while he is acting reddit... its like redditors don't actually understand the science behind calling something reddit.

banter would involve punching down, which is a no-no
>he's so retarded that he honestly believes calling someone "rebbit" is an insult.

>live, unedited recorded footage of an event is not a source

Are you also in denial that Arab Spring and the Ukrainian Revolution happened?

Wow, no wonder CNN and Buzzfeed Yellow still have an audience. Human cattle like you incapable of critical thought keep them in business.

100% chance you are from plebbit
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The poster was using it as his own reaction to the lack of good memes.
>mfw he doesn't know what mfw is
Because illegal Jose benefits more than legal Joe
>what, you need something more than anecdotal evidence of this thing that i claim to be rampant? U MUST WACH FAEK NOOZ
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>omg they dont engage in violence
>here is a video of them engaging in violence
>lol your source is a video
there is literally nothing wrong with being from reddit.
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what did he mean by this?
Yes, some literal who's, /pol/-tier YouTube channel is an example of hard hitting independent news. I'm just a steeple who obviously reads Buzzfeed if I don't just bend the fuck over and accept all the youtube videos as 100 percent unedited fact...

nobody said there were literally 0 incidents of violence from antifa, is that where you have to put the goalposts to feel like you're in control here?
>where pandemonium is already breaking out
The first example had none except for that caused by Antifa. The "other side," was just people who went to hear Milo the moron speak. There was no other side, it was their riot alone.

The only time Antifa has actually clashed with actual Nazis is in Charlottesville. They rioted in Berkeley numerous times against people who were just there to listen to speeches from idiotic firebrands.
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antifa dumpster stopped.webm
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>anecdotal evidence

You should learn what words mean before using them sweetie.
7/10 made me reply.

And once again we prove Liberals are the "literally triggered over facts"-party.
t. /pol/tard
>100 percent unedited fact...

Is it really that hard for you to tell if the video has been edited?
You kids still pushing this meme despite all the footage proving you wrong with this sequence of events?

Wow, that'd be a great argument if it had shit to do with what is being discussed here.
>they're attacking the metal box i am safely contained in, better murder them!
even if this was true, it would be a pathetic justification
Is this where I complain about /pol/?
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Daily reminder that r/The_Donald has been raiding 4chan since 2016.
>/pol/tards literally voted for a jewish plant


daily reminder that this site was called niggertits back in 2004

You can immigrate legally or not at all, faggot.

The USA, and any other country, has ZERO obligation to allow entry to anyone and everyone.
We would be fully within our rights if we shut the gates to every country tomorrow and just said "No New Applicants".

Go mooch off of some Eurohovel before it collapses.
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>SJW shills hard for Antifa
>is an illiterate stump that can barely speak in English

Every fucking time.
Do you actually listen to what other people say or do you just fill in the gaps with your shitty excuse of an intellect? There was one Nazi at the second event and the first example didn't even have another "side," beyond people who were just there to listen to that idiot Milo Yiannopoulos give a speech to a few hundred people at best. Just because Antifa is there doesn't mean the other side actually has Nazis in it. Their ability to accurately identify actual Nazis is pretty fucking shitty.

Thank you for confirming you're a fucking retard who doesn't know the difference between words and physical violence though.

>He genuinely believes that conservative culture is the main stream right now
Thats just sad, its so sad... SAD.
>the left thinks people wouldn't want to side with mecha-trump

>lol i never cared i am just here to shitpost :^)

This is why Hiroshima needs to ban Phoneposters already.
>>He genuinely believes that conservative culture is the main stream right now
>>Conservatism isn't the counter culture anymore. *It's not mainstream either*
Your reading comprehension is even more sad.
A crime is a crime, illegal is illegal, age doesn't matter. Blame your retarded parents to bring your brother into a no way out situation, it's their fault he's fucked.
Now help pack his bags and hop on the bus. Your brother is going back to shithole he came from buddy.
>sucks his own dick over periods and capital letters
congratulations, your grammar is on par with the average phoneposter using autocorrect. truly the intellectual titans of the white race have arrived
i didnt not watch it because im on a phone, i didnt watch it because i dont care about any of your LE SJW CRINGE COMPILATION-tier nonsense

>cars are magically impervious to beating-implements

Yeah, this is totally true.

Just ask Reginald Denny.
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>lol facts? who needs facts? i have the power of Colbert and Buzzfeed Yellow on my side!
daily reminder that reddit has been here since gamergate
Give it a fucking break dude. The guy behind the camera could be anything from a serial rapist to Mother Theresa reincarnated and it wouldn't make a single fucking difference with long shots. You're literally ignoring video evidence because of the bias of the fingers holding the camera.
are those the sources that your handlers told you to go after today? you keep going back to them
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true, but there was a larger spike in 2016
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>dude, this unedited footage of a real event is OBVIOUSLY biased

This is fucking insanity. Literal fact denial.

How many of you faggots were this incredulous over the Charlottesville video of those Commie hogs getting run over?

Were you accusing that video of being "Photoshopped" or whatever too?
Not that anon but Charlottesville is a bad example for your argument. /pol/fags unironically claimed Charlottesville was a false flag made by libtards to demonize the alt-right
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>performing mental-gymnastics this fucking hard to deny the veracity of unedited raw footage
>everybody flocking to the guy who said the video wasn't true instead of realizing that even if it is true, it's just a singular piece of anecdotal evidence
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wtf i hate kikes now???
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>Charlottesville is a bad example for your argument.
>because here is what some people were shitposting on /pol/

This is some grade-A deflection. Don't even bother trying to refute his point, just go straight to muh/pol/ reeee

>despite all the footage proving you wrong

ITT shit that didn't happen.

Be sure to keep defending the """peaceful protesters""" that were wearing masks and carrying bats, gathered illegally, that have attacked motorists in their cars on countless occasions before this.
>anecdotal evidence

Once again, know what words mean before you use them. Otherwise you come across looking like an idiot.

Again, never ban Phoneposters, Hiroshima.

If you did, we'd be denied the insightful contributions of mental-giants like this.
>singular piece
There's been three videos ITT alone showing antifa violence long before any neo-nazis came out to play with them. There are thousands of other videos where that shit comes from. Here, have another of an antifa tranny trying to attack a black dude and getting his ass kicked in return.

>wee semantics
ok then, it's a singular incident
lol i've seen lots of people clamp down on weird positions in arguments on here, but insisting that i'm using a phone is probably one of the weirder ones
>nuh uh it's not ONE it's THREE, and here comes FOUR
i could post singular incident after singular incident of violence going the other way if i was stupid enough to think that was how you make an argument
Your parents should of been more responsible adults and came legally so that they wouldn't have to put their child through this bullshit. Poor parenting at its finest.
>i could post singular incident after singular incident of violence going the other way if i was stupid enough to think that was how you make an argument
You're not going to because aside from the few flown fists at Trump rallies it doesn't fucking exist.
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>black guy takes a hit, nothing
>black guy moves a finger, police siren
>lol i've seen lots of people clamp down on weird positions in arguments on here, but insisting that i'm using a phone is probably one of the weirder ones

Just fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from nigger
Wasn't a police siren, it's an audio setting on the megaphone one of the antifa members is holding. They flash those a lot at protests to cause confusion and drown people out.
Well, they got me then. Didn't know it was a thing.
Thats 4chan in general though. Contrarian at its best.
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My worldview isn't formed by memes, it's formed by the fact I watched the left go insane from the inside before jumping ship. You don't need to be exposed to right wing nonsense to want off that disgusting bus racing straight for the cliff.
whoops, looks like i found 4 incidents as well
>mfw you'll probably take this to mean that now you have to post EVEN MORE videos
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>be on the road
>get run over
posts like these are why nobody takes you people seriously when you act appalled by antifa
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lighten up Francis
>act appalled
>throwing feces and piss bottles at cops
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really makes you wonder
I'm not the person you're arguing with but I gotta say you're coming off as insane my man. You're validating every point they're making about you. I'm not defending you by any means, you're crazy and none of your points have made any sense. But, since you lack the self awareness to see any of this I figured I'd point it out for you.
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So all the examples you could find were of mutual fighting? Three of those at Charlottesville with both sides fighting and the third from Berkeley where Nathan Damigo punched an antifa member throwing bottles laced with explosives into the opposite crowd? Listen very carefully after Nathan's punch hits, you can hear the bottles crashing from her pack. That woman also lied right through her teeth in an interview directly after that attack.

Find me an example of right wingers attacking peaceful people unprovoked like Antifa has been doing for the better part of a year and a half.
All you /pol/tards are pasty flabby nerds who are all talk no fucking action.
Personally I think the landwhale was killed by the attempt to resuscitate her because they were beating on her chest cavity for 10 minutes which kinda kills people before the ambulance could arrive.

If they'd bothered to transport her instead she might have lived she was struck by a breaking car that had been asborbed by over 21 other people were also hit by the car and lived (who didnt die because idiots didnt stamp on their chest for 10 minutes).

Right handed people are inferior, deal with it.
Real thing, wrong platform. It was on their facebook, and is still there
>triggered right handed man

Just because you are shit with your left hand, doesn't mean you should hate us.
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