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Really, unironically makes you think

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Really, unironically makes you think
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what's her name, /tv/

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it unironically made me pause and rewind to hear what he said to think about it
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You are pathetic
im not even him but gas yourself closet fag
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Best ep this season and you all fucking know it
Pickle Rick was pretty funny just saying
not even edgelording
>rick killed this guy because "our bad parts are important too"
Well, this was Rick with his unhealthy parts mixed in. This means he'd feel a need for an unhealthy Morty to constantly tag along with him.
It was a funny twist to the "evil clone" trope and you really had to think about yourself after the episode ended. Not only because of OP picture but because of the toxic counterpart - what would you remove? It was a good episode at its core.
>rick killed this guy
he subconsciously lead them to where he was
Yeah, he also accepted it by saying "do what you gotta do"
song from here is still in my head daily
I was like this, i got a GF Now and she just told me that she loves me. We will all gonna make it lads

break it down for me brehs, i wanna feel.
not much to brag about

I get triggered by every Hannah I met now
>actually having a girl that lusts over you in the first place
Fucking normies in disguise, the lot of you.

it hurts more than being a wizard sometimes breh
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this. like more than a dozen times.
>Im not sick anymore

fuck. kinda heavy. made me realize I may be sick and what I think are deep feelings are just my projections and I need to just cut that cunt out of my life.
you don't know YOU DON'T KNOW
I can't imagine it, unless she is sick in the head.

whats wizard mode like?
Having a girlfriend is the best most uplifting experience you can have. Just imagine waking up with someone that cares about you in your arms
Because he thought Jessica finally cared about him, which she didn't.
>women caring about men
lol, good one
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From which perspective am I supposed to be relating to this?
You can shape the reality with your spells.

Also it's different for various people. I am a wizard because I gave up on people. I don't trust them and I don't feel like anyone can fulfill me. I don't need a supportive person, I need someone that can make my life more interesting but in a good way. I can't stand status quo and most people don't improve and are fucking boring.

If a woman cares about anyone, it's only because she cares about herself.
This. Women care about what you can do for them/what they can use you for, nothing more. That is all.
wizard in training here, it is hell. a few years away from true wizard status, and i can't tell you how much i want to die every day.
Morty said the line if that is what you are asking about
Spot the /r9k/weenies
let's see
the big 3
Oh sweet summer child. Get married, then talk to me.
I saw one episode in S1. Is the show even a comedy anymore or just an extended Simpsons/Futurama forced feels scene?
is this another family lesson episode I'm getting tired of shit shit.

Even Pickle Rick barely managed to fend that off.
She's a lot happier now, sometimes we laugh at you between fucks.
Shit, Rick and Morty is some Jon Brion-tier whining now.
It has its moments but it's mostly shit on a stick with a side of more shit.
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No one.
not our fault you married a self absorbed psychotic bitch m8
your mom
it's funny cause there's girls like this, to me (i.e. they're the ones who love me on unnatural levels), but I don't really care about loving them back (not like they've actually dated me...it's a really strange type of friendzone)
All women are self-absorbed psychotic bitches. They just hide it until they have you by the balls.
That's no way to talk about your mother.
Surprise surprise, this >introspection episode was once again written by wahmen.

Getting real tired of Dan Harmon's bullshit.
it will eventually end
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>feel bad about girls
>time passes
>no longer feel bad about girls
>now feel terrible, crushing pressure of time passing, day after wasted day slipping by as you watch your world shrinking, your few possibilities decaying, the walls seemingly closing in on you as you grow further and further from any chance at a normal life, few remaining loved ones inevitably growing sicker and older, their bodies and minds pleading out for the time you have in such abundance but freely and wantonly waste
>want to go back to feeling bad about girls
Just wait. The powers you gain are worth it. I'm about to turn wizard level 2. Its like being a pure god. Untouched by dirty whore hands. You will shine forever like a star in the sky if you succeed! Do not give up brother.
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Pic related, it's you in 8 months.
This episode was written by a man, though.
>tfw no Voltron drones

Fat chicks are the worst
I know that feel pretty hard. Never do the oneitis dance, because it always leads to this realization. Providing male companionship in what amounts to a lower investment for the girl is too great a high for many of them to pass up. It can damage your view on romantic relationships pretty hard. Not as bad as being cheated on, but pretty bad. What I previously described can be recovered from, but a cheat from a relationship that had a significant time investment is irreversible shit.
No he's right, you're a cuck.
>all ___ are the same
really made me think
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>been in love with the same girl for more than a decade
>vicious cycle of she gets out of a relationship, uses me as a band aid as the only guy who really cares
>gets my hopes up, I visit and spend a few days with her
>month or 2 later
>anon Ive met someone, Im sorry
>this has happened six times by now
>calls me all the time to use me as an emotional tampon
>has a guy staying with her right now, but wont come visit me
>cant talk to anyone about it because they all know the score and I know they are right but Im so fucking weak I cant just cut this girl who to her own admission cant stop herself from using me
>Block the number
>less than a week later unblock it
>get drunken screaming calls at 3 am telling me what a piece of shit I am for not answering my phone
>laughs about how fucked up she got and how she fucked some guy in front of people at a party

I just need to get over this sickness. Ive been with prettier. nicer. but this one is the one thats only ever made me feel understood.
help.... let me hear what I need to hear bruh's.
it really is a sickness. just like my drinking.
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I literally feel sick every time I hear that name now. I talked to her a few months back and I felt like vomiting the entire time.
Lauren. The Michelle

Both turned into insufferable wannabe hipster pot smoking trash and gained weight, nothing of value was lost.

At least I banged them when they were still in their prime, one when she was still a innocent loli huehhebuebhu
>laughs about how fucked up she got and how she fucked some guy in front of people at a party
>being in love with a literal whore
>they're not even fat (one's kinda chubby)
>one is a solid 7-8 but is also an unashamed "sugar baby" (escort for rich older men)

I must have been less autistic in high school cause this shit perplexes me till today
Women are wired to be like everyone else you dumb fuck, they are like that because they don't or can't exist as individuals with distinct characteristics. They aren't deep characters and never will be.
>inb4 r9k

It's ironic because I have a lot more experience than you with women and it's pretty obvious to me what they are.
you gotta quit cold turkey

there is no weaning off this girl

move away if you have to

you can't keep her in your life and be healthy, there's no way
>brags about girl that talks to him
>has anime saved on computer to post as pic

Something isnt' right here
High school will get better, fellas.
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There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my oneitis.

Broke my heart over 3 years ago and I still think of her daily. I cut her out of my life but holy shit it's like a permanent feeling of shittiness that I never recovered from.

Not only that but women I used to think were cute no seem shitty and boring. she ruined everything...
maybe the problem is with you then mate, maybe you're just too easy to take advantage of. Every serious relationship I've been in the girl would've done anything for me. Sounds to me like you've never been in a mutual loving relationship, and I'm sorry to hear that.
he is clearly miserable and pathetic
This. Toxic relationships aren't something you can just fix and this girl keeps using you and REELING YOU IN.
sorry for offtopic but this personally frustrates m
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Don't remind me
[SPOILER]a mega of EP 6 that isn't inside some shady ass .rar[/spoiler]
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>phone goes off
>new text
>rush over to the phone
>it isnt her, its just spam
feel like shit just want her back
That's life. I'm learning to live with my oneitis and using is to fuel my life.

I've already formed a 10 year plan with VERY strict financial objectives. My goal (if I can reach it in 10 years) is to get a woman similar to her, and have her look identical to my oneitis (hair, eyes, identical tattoos, and any necessary plastic surgery and above all, name change)

Get on my level
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why do people like this exist
Hey me too, but that's mostly because she had a mad crush for me and I was like "naw nigga I'm in a relationship" then I find out 2 months later gf cheated on me and Ashley is now with another dude and I haven't gotten laid in 6 years now

Biggest regret of my life because she was super hot
I am kind of a wizard too but not a true wizard still feel pretty much the same way. I just want to die soon.
>not just spending weekend nights trolling omegle for lolis to spread their assholes for you

Worked for me, 15 year old Asian girls with emotional problems are hot as fuck
its a lot easier than you think. like the heat being turned up on a frog in a pot of water.
Im on it. but man recurring dreams of her 3 nights of the week since I was 20 (33 now)
I dont watch anime bruh
you think youre frustrated?

I dont know. I recognize it as a sickness. but its just I romanticize the situation so much. I need to go cold turkey I guess. if it hasnt changed by now it never will.

>the real tragedy is Ive thrown away things with some really good looking girls who just kept waiting for me to get my shit together, girls that treated me right
god that rick and morty line got to me.
is yamero actually mean something or is it a "bazinga/botswana" meme?
it means stop.
thats an old woman name
yeah ok fuck you sheldon. whatever sorry I asked
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Chelsea. 616. Took me 10 years to finally get over her. I don't even want to love another person again after all that. Including friends and family. Really fucked me up.
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>girl comes over last week
>gets into bed with me
>try to make a move
>she says no she's on her period
>2 days later she accuses me of attempted rape

I blocked her and am pretending nothing is happening....it's going to be ok right guys?
>Took me 10 years to finally get over her.
You're an embarrassment.

Hope you'll be ok anon
at this point its a fucking right of passage. you cant really swim in the social waters without catching one of those nowadays.
girls have the ammo to just decide the next day that guy was an asshole and I regret what happened, what a victim I am now, you know what? he tried to rape me. Im sure of it.
I am
I was not prepared for these feels when I entered this thread
I've got that too. In fact theyre the only people I've ever dated (except 1 which only lasted 3 days) since I didn't need to work for it. I still dont know how to improve myself to become datable, or even sociable
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>salty over some slag with tats
Jesus. I'm so glad to have been in the cut off before the rape-accusation generation. All the millenial guys now that have to worry about going to prison after every lay have it so bad.
the thing is I feel a lot of this episode of Morty is very relatable to me, but I am still not sure on what exactly the messages the episode was supposed to send

Here's a protip:
Save her number under the name "SHE WILL NEVER FUCK ME"

It'll help you with not picking up or dialing
why so sensitive friend
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well she does fuck me though. she's pretty good in bed. what with being a whore and all.
but not the best Ive had.
I really dont even know what it is.
I just cant put a tourniquet on it. Ive just invested so much for so long it doesnt make sense to just let it go.
Dude this has gone on wayy too long for people on the internet to help.

You need to see a serious therapist to help you out with these issues, I thought you were like early 20s and this was a girl you've known for a few years, this is not good.

For yourself you need to stop ever talking to this girl again and talk to a therapist.
This. Watching it again now because of this thread
That's a dude
Yes it does, it does make sense to let it go. Just because there's a sunk cost involved doesn't mean that you should keep sinking more of your life into this girl, that's retarded, that's what doesn't make sense.
Keri. Wasn't a Morty/Jessica situation though.
>I just cant put a tourniquet on it. Ive just invested so much for so long it doesnt make sense to just let it go.

Look up "sunk cost fallacy"
okay but calling me a faggot would have helped me more Im sure.
You're not the only one in the unrequited love pit. I share a similar story. Decade of longing but haven't seen her in 7 years or so. Have had gfs since her but they feel like band aids
my right hand
fuck off normalfags
I had a girlfriend but it felt like I cared more about her than she did about me so I broke up with her

The amount you've sunk into is precisely the reason to let it go. You're sick, she's sick, and the two of your are just prolonging the disease by doing whatever it is you're doing with each other. By being the safety net for her in between guys you are effectively preventing her from taking the requisite time after a relationship ends where you're alone and reflect as to why things ended the way they did. She'll never grow if you never let her get off the merry-go-round of dicks she's riding.

and YOU
You're stumbling along after a person that you know full well is objectively awful because she makes you feel something ethereal like "being understood". You know what feels 100x better? A stable partner who doesn't take loads to the chin in front of a crowds of spectators every time she has a few drinks. Get away. Run as far away as you fucking can. Block her, delete her, pretend she died in a fiery car wreck if you have to but for fucks sake GET AWAY. You'll never find anyone healthy if you attach yourself to someone that sick.

Nothing gets better if you resign yourself to living like that. You have to choose to get healthy.
I-i'm scared to say.
>a self absorbed psychotic bitch
>not his fault he got married to a woman
>she fucked some guy in front of people at a party
top kek

Last time a chick tried to assert dominance over me like that I straight-up removed her from my contacts list because I only talk to girls on the internet
I added her back a week later and she tried to do it again so I blocked her forever
>Used to have this girl as my best friend
>We were REALLY close, like there was some legitimate tension between us at times
>Never had the balls to actually ask her out despite talking to her about pretty much anything
>She moved away a while ago to go to college
>We still talked to eachother but got increasingly distant as time went on and I moved too
>Tried texting her the other day after not talking to her in a couple months
>Got four replies, all one word
Wew I fucked up somewhere
Honestly I don't even know what it's like to have female friends. The idea of a girl not being instantly repulsed by me is insane and getting a girlfriend seems like a total fantasy.
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I spent 7 years dwelling on the same oneitis. You think you're doing something noble and selfless, but you're just wallowing in your own misery and cementing your low self-esteem. Whoever they are, it's never worth making your whole life revolve around them.
Exercise, eat right, and get a decent haircut.

Learn to be personable, practice at the grocery store or something.
Bro, please see a therapist. This is not healthy
Bitch who told me she wanted to be with me after two years of talking on the phone, or on MSN every single sight and then texted me next morning that "we need to talk". She had issues with commitment so she broke it off. Funny part is that a month later she fucked some random ugly dude she only knew for a couple of months. Fucked me up for a while, she kept using me and I hated myself for it. Then I blocked her number and blocked her on every IM service, never talked again. I think she eventually moved away for college. That's 7 years ago now, and I never felt that "in love" feeling after that. I see women for what they are now. I will die a virgin and I'm 100% okay with that.
>people on /tv/ have emotions
lol fags
What was the word, faggot?
Haha what are you doing wondering out of /r9k/?
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Natalie, what hurts the most is that she didn't even try and keep in contact when she left
He probably just implied that she was too excited to type a full message so she sent the messages one word at a time
No I think he means the chick couldn't send a proper response back, other than "yeah", "ok" and whatnot.
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thanks man. I needed that. honestly. thank you. I think its gonna be a one day at a time kinda thing.
honestly opening up on here about shit is kinda fueling some resolve in me.
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Pickle Rick
I can empathise as far as knowing its next to impossible to stop loving someone, however if shes fucking some random guy at a party because "woo so fucked" you need to move on.

the hardest part is coming to the understanding that they do not give a fuck about you, find someone who does.

>rick forced the evil blah blah
Yeah I'm >>87080285
That's what is was
nice ant picture
Say nothing to her, say nothing to police, say nothing at all to your friends OUTSIDE of an initial text or two just "haha yeah she said she was on her period so we stopped."

Nothing is going to happen unless she files a police report and even then nothing will probably happen.

Just don't fuck up and engage her in her bullshit delusions
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that fucking line came out of nowhere. hurt me.
Sounds like she's fucking somebody now and happy about it.
Better move on.
Holy shit all these white girl names. My girls were Supriya, Urangoo, and Carmen. Looks like I'm more cultured and have better taste than you plebs.
Maybe it's because nobody is interested in urangoo-tans except for fetishists
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Bitch McTits is her name.
Loved her more than anyone in this world could, and she is gone now. Don't even care anymore, I realized women are materialistic as fuck and also physically attracted to fuckboys. I'm not a stud but neither is a landwhale with warts on her cuchy, yet they try to get their "prince charming.

>tfw gonna live alone
>Die young of depression or random disease

Don't even care, fuck this gay earth and the women in it. Who knows maybe I find a trap to live with me instead.
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funny cause she doesnt remember you at all
Formerly Chuck
>staying friends/lovers with someone who does this to you
Literally the best thing I've ever learned how to do is walk away from people that are unhealthy for me
What the fuck does "oneitis" mean?

t. Not an ugly faggot
Anon I'm sorry but do you expect people to feel badly for you when you do this to yourself?
This is me. Fuck you for making me realize it
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>be living with gf for 4 years now
>she's a good girl, not jealous, cares for me
>she has anxiety, panic attacks, goes to therapy and has improved but still has lots of anxiety
>at the begining i thought i was helping her through the attacks and anxiety
>now i know its shit only she can work out
>people tell me anxiety is contagious
>the daily stress of trying to help her takes a physical toll on me, have moderate gastritis, bags under eyes, on and off insomnia and have had panic attacks of my own
>i learned that you cant always be the romantic hero
>i stopped trying to help her when she gets sad cause i've been worn thin from every failed attempt
>feel like moving out but got no place to go
>slowly feel the resent building up under all the love
>love doesnt heal shit, at least the personal things
>we want to be together but we're scared that's gonna pull us apart in the end
Some roastie that a beta male will obsess over for an unhealthy amount of time. Combine "she's the one" with "-itis" equating it to some kind of sickness

Fuck I miss watching her eat a banana while she complains "i shouldn't be eating this" since she was slightly allergic and would swell up if she ate more than 3-4 bites

lurk more faggot
You basically have the perfect set up to become an appreciated poet/author long after you die
Please don't ever say that again in the context of /r9k/ shit on /tv/.
I don't browse /r9k/, at all. No thanks shit lord
I make music and teach kids for a living, it satisfies but doesnt leave enough money in my pockets

please enjoy the culture and learn about the ins and outs of the board before you post, therefore stifling discussion due to you needing an answer for a simple question


kind regards,

Even more perfect! You have the "dying in poverty" box checked off then
Pretty much just waiting to be a modern Lovecraft or Poe
in all seriousness consider attending therapy or focusing these feelings into a medium of expression
why did american psycho (((morty)))) do it?
Have you fags considered not loving people that are unhealthy for you to be around?
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i've had plenty of crushes, but end up forgetting about them after a few months of not seeing them.
might be some deep seeded mommy abandonment issues or might be something else, who knows?
Been there man. With friends.

It's been nearly two decades in a "relationship" and you just get fucking tired of when their brain betrays them. You can't just entirely stop inviting them out no matter how many times their problems ruin everyone else's fun to the point where I'm the only reason people tolerate them. It comes out of nowhere and now every outing is tainted with the feeling of what if this time you're excited for is one of those times where they just need someone to keep them together; then a fun time becomes a shit time as you try to manage their anxiety.

I don't know what to say man. 4 years is nothing. 20+ fucking years man. Sure I don't live with this person but the feeling is exactly what you're feeling. I can't just abandon this person because this is where my life is; I'm not going to sacrifice my life just to get away from this person.

You just got to sit down and talk to your girl. Just fucking talk about it from a position of love. It's going to trigger their fucking anxiety but you have to let them know their shit is really getting on your nerves. And you have to be sympathetic about it and make it clear that one day this will be the thing that is the cause of the break up and if that day comes you'll both have to be adults about it because you both saw it coming and talked about it ahead of time. Because you've been strong throughout this and now you're going to need them to give a bit back and police themselves. Because even if their brain chemistry is fucked they can still sit there and tell themselves to keep their shit together while they suffer through it. And if they can't do that, then they've got to learn because otherwise it's just selfish.

Good luck. Talk about it with their friends if you have to.
this hurts deep, anon...
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no. I just wanted some courage wolf inspiration guys.
I just needed to hear what a fucking moron I am.

so far one of the replies has helped me.
post it
This is what you do anon. You block her number and you let her go. Ezpz.
I know that sounds like a meme answer but if you learn to just let go and move on with your life like she never existed, you'll be better for it. Don't hate her, don't even bother thinking about. Just move on.
Your life is more important than hers, start thinking about yourself.
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Talked to a girl named Erin for about a year and a half. We had sex a couple of times but i noticed after about 5 months it never went beyond that. We would talk about anything and everything, i always felt as if she was the one for me. I asked her why didnt we just start dating already and she said she didnt think she could give me what i wanted, but continued to lay her emotional baggage on me, telling me that she needs a guy like me and still constantly wanted to fuck. It confused me to all hell. One night she texts me that the feels lonely etc. I ask her what does she want exactly and she tells me she wants to be with someone. That shouldve been the first red flag as she didnt specify that she didnt want to be with me. I kept orbiting around her, going on dates and whatever thinking that i was making progress when really i was just wasting money. Eventually I said its fucking with my head and I need to stop lusting after her and we needed to stop having sex. She threw a shit fit but eventually calmed down. I found someone else that I started to talk to on an emotional level and she got jealous as fuck. She tried to reel me back in sending me nudes and saying how she missed waking up to me sometimes in the morning. One day I told her that I was dating another girl and she asked to see what she looked like. She saw that my girlfriend looks ten times better than her and from that moment on she barely talked to me. The more emotionally stable I became the more she pulled away. It hurt at the moment but im glad I didnt waste more time with her and learned a huge lesson.
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Man, anti-love drugs can't come soon enough

thank you for the words, cant imagine if it was a friend, those relationships mean a lot more. but yeah, living together seems to be the problem
Thats kind of the fucked up part. She's been handling the anxiety well, she's on her way to become a SFX artist and has gigs now.
It just feels like we've switched seats and now im alone in the apartment when she goes out to live a little. Im happy for her.
And yeah, we've talked, but the conclusion is the same in all cases "you help yourself while i do the same with myself" because we really want to be together. I just need time to myself really, away from having to give all my attention to her. I0m gonna have to take therapy I guess.
But ADD meds already do that anon
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Wasted six years of my life imagining a future with her; it was such a vigorous autistic fantasy that it feels like I'm still young.
nobody else read this dude's blog @87082488
it's really boring
More you invested in something, harder to cut relationship with it.
Even if you are starting to feel very bad.

So best way, cut everything and never look back.
Same episode, restaurant scene. She leaved and Morty just moved forward and in the end found a better woman who actually cared about him.
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I never had one such bad case of unrequired love since middle school, but fuck if I dont have trouble getting over my first love. It was like 6 years ago and I got by every mistake in the book, from trying to get her back to trying to stay friends, before finally cutting her out.
3 years without any contact and like 10 girls after I was still thinking about it on a daily basis. People say it will go after I fall in love again but it didnt happen, mainly because I get into panic mode if I ever get too close from somebody again.
Fuck you too get over it
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I can tell you this. what no one else here has said.
let me take a few guesses.
>you fight all the time. sometimes physically
>she is flirtatious in public just to make you react
>she uses crying and helplessness as a weapon
>she has threatened to kill herself

just run bro.
please give me this feeling. nay, outcome.
thanks for tricking me into paying for all your stuff
I completely fell for her right before we both left for college. She goes to school on the complete opposite side of the country.
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yume nikki <3
please dont remind me
what? its not like she'll ever know you came on 4chan to express your feelings

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>tfw you zone out when characters talk really fast and were unaffected by this
also u guys need to stop putting pussy on the pedestal
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giv her back
Cats lick their asses, you know.
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Early in I fucked it up by being too gropey, she had some issues that I probably could have tackled/addressed, now two gfs and married w/kid later, I still have the odd dream about her

Oneitis is the worst, wish I could quit it
wow shitlord
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this was by far the worst episode of reddit and memey, and i'm willing to admit that most eps this season were decent
You need to stop thinking you are an anime character
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>Mary in Secondary School
>Becky at University

Never had the balls to ask either out because the very high possibility of being rejected is too embarrassing for me.
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r9k get out
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Is it possible to fall in love again, /tv/? I haven't felt anything for anyone since /her/.
I had to give my dog insulin shots every day too, before she died. So I know that feel, bro.
Oh shit. It's a toothbrush. lol. Nevermind.
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I have 2, Amelia and Melissa. Both of those names hurt, but it's not so much because of them, more because of me. If I were more successful things would have worked out. They would have stayed around.

>tfw everything I think about growing as a person, I always think do I genuinely want to grow for myself or do I want to grow out of spite

I shouldn't be nearly as emotionally invested in them as I am, but I know I'll always feel something about them because they were those rare girls that caught my eye and made me put caution to the wind and approach them without thinking twice. They were that pretty to me. I guess the fact that I feel that way about 2 different girls shows you how fickle feelings can really get.

When I met them, I was basically an unemployed NEET. Now I'm back in school and working towards a shit degree just to finally fucking get one, but I still feel inadequate as fuck.


Literally everything about me is toxic; My laziness, porn addiction, sex addiction, how okay I am with mediocrity, my general apathy towards life. My entire person as I know it would be in that toxic universe. They're both career women; Movers and shakers while I'm back in Community College working at a barely above minimum wage job.
How much of a pussy do you really have to be to think like this? I grew out of this shit when I was like 14. You sure your 'oneitis' isn't masking something far more real (like actual clinical depression)? Quit lying to yourselves; it's tragic.
humans lick other peoples asses, you know
There is no practical, erogenous or sanitary, reason why we eat out assholes. Just zero reason to do it. And if you do do it, you're in a minority that is wired at a brain level to like it moreso than through the sensation of getting your asshole eaten out.
I don't give a shit. Just pointing out that we are as disgusting as cats.
If you feed a cat from your own plate, with your own silverware, you might as well lick a cat's nasty ass, or eat out of its litter box, because the cat's ass bacteria are always present in the cat's nasty mouth.
maybe it was the cats birthday and it got it's own plate
I don't know man, it's been almost five years since I broke contact with her and I'm still empty inside
Then again, maybe the person in the picture is either beyond retarded, or simply stupid.
could be, friend
That's why cat bites are so dangerous, because of the bacteria. It often causes infection and blood sepsis which can be fatal if left untreated.
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you triple nigger


Imagine being such a numale that Reddit and memey challenges your emotions
Night King ;_;
>oneitis from high school and I actually date, she's emotionally manipulative and abusive
>cheated on me and I forgave both times
>inspired me to become Chad so she would love me like I loved her
>I succeed and realize she is nothing special
>now I am her oneitis and she's just another Stacy to me
>7 years after I dump her she texts me the night before my wedding to tearfully wish me a happy life

I'll forever be grateful to her for helping me break my conditioning. We can all make it bros. Take the ironpill.

she's my gilfriend, whom i love and we life together. Life is good :)
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>>laughs about how fucked up she got and how she fucked some guy in front of people at a party

are there any vids?
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I forgot.
>greentexting about it still
>I'm totally over it and notmad bros

Also, in your fantasy you've just become a terrible person. Kek
Same, one of my coworker is lusting after me but for some reason I have 0 interest in her, I'm a 23 years old virgin and I want to bang 90% of the girl I see but not her when she's the only one I can get now.
get a hobby?
avoid girls, it is not worth it
I greentext on occasion to help others see past the oneitis vision. And if my life sounds like a fantasy I feel really sorry for you anon. It's attainable even for the least of us. Also, working out and gaining self respect doesn't make me a terrible person. Sounds like you might be a crab in a bucket. Change your attitude and you can do it too.

That's low self esteem and only chasing what your can't have
"I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me"
talk to a shrink

Only way you can revive your soul is to kill her. There's literally no other option.
My father and mother were the greatest people I've ever known. All I've wanted since a young age was to raise a huge family and be a great father. When you find the right woman to raise your family with, it's a small sacrifice to give up the fleeting pleasures of chadhood.
the state of this thread

toughen up biatch boys
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I was instantly reminded of those jpegs of quotes high schoolers post on Twitter and Instagram
ye, sounds like a cow name
>Tfw a RandM thread accomplishes more than memes and reddit shitposts for once.

Niggad just decide if you are ugly or not and if you are stop wasting time thinking about it. Women arent in the cards for me and now its not so bad.
This actually makes me feel retarded for liking that line.
Shaniqua and she has a BIG BLACK THICC BABOON ASS
i miss her smile
It's made up because it's the internet, shithead. Now back to /r9gay/ with you
>you share a board with these people
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Sure you feel a lot better now lad....
>invested so much for so long
that's like investing in cigarettes and alcohol desu
what a gay name,
I had one drunk text me recently that barely knows me about how I'm perfect and shit.
I tried to gently tell her that I'm just a guy and she's just imaging the most ideal version of myself. I know this because I've pulled the same shit with girls. It never works.
The alternative is to be so afraid of getting damaged emotionally you don't let people get close to you at all, making it impossible to form real connections. You can decide for yourself which is worse
>'Yeah, im forcing all those memes like rapists'
It was a brilliant day. That line alone was so edgy it might as well have been in the show itself
You did good, son. You shouldnt grow depended to a cunt that doesnt love you
As my dad says 'women are a necessary evil'
If someone is way more more annoying than they are before. Sure I miss the old them. Doesn't mean I loved the old one to begin with. Am I understanding this quote right?
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>tfw I let her go because I thought it was the mature thing to do
>Regret that decision every day for the past four years

I would rather have broken up with her when the pity ran dry and we both got sick of each other instead of wondering what could have been.
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Lauren. I had to see counseling because of her.
god isn't *burp* real morty the church made him up for money
mitch jones?
Jesus Christ this thread is pure cancer

Cute, sexy as fuck hair and most of all she was smart. She was the only girl I ever loved but she just viewed me as a friend. Which was fine, I wouldn't love me either. I think she's in the air force now, which is odd since she was a flower child hippie when we were in high school. I figured she would have been those super SJW types, I guess wrong.
What's impure cancer?
Sayid pls
For me? It would Shansha; the best raped sandwich.
The Virgin Mary
See how much a woman cares about you when you hear someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night and she doesn't even flinch at the idea of sending you down to go confront them.
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Except it made no sense that good Rick was honest, guileless and not brilliant.

Clearly he values brilliance and pragmatic dishonesty over simple stupidity and guileless honesty.

It was interesting, but not well enough thought out.

But that's to be expected. Women earning their full 66%
How the fuck can people do that to themselves? Get out of there bro, now. block it and delete it. Do not look at here ever again, she's a literal piece of trash and youre wasting your time and heart on the wrong person, she doesnt deserve it. She will look for you cause youre her back up and safe place but fuck her. Be strong
Lance? What the fuck?
What about option 3? The one where nobody has ever wanted to be close to you? The realization that reality isn't a story. You're just a waste of space with no plot at all.
It was fun watching Morty in this episode as I could relate to every part of it.

Eventually I got fed up with being negative all the time and ended up reading self help books and just sort of blossomed.
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I've never felt romantic attraction to another human being
>be me in highschool
>some 16 year old loser who likes videogames and hardly ever socializes
>quiet and alone all the time
>spend most of my days in class looking out the window while classmates have fun with each other
>feel pretty depressed most of the time but at least I'm not getting hurt
>don't really get bullied, people just seem to pity me and don't interact with me
>meet a girl one day in school that takes my breath away
>muster up all my awkward teenage courage to talk to her
>stammering, cosmic spaghetti, trying to be cool
>she just smiles at me and then says she needs to go
>people in school find out
>get a text from her saying she wants to date
>get a text a second after that it was her friend playing a joke
>people poking fun at me for liking her
>she's mortified that she's associated with me now in some way
>hates my guts and avoids me for the rest of my school days
>withdraw as much as I can and never speak again
>Kelsi Anne
It's honestly quite good. I'm now at a place where my friends are starting to fuck up things and there are really not any problems in my life.
Compared to my 20s when I was fretting over stuff and feeling weird, becoming a wizard was oddly reassuring and now I wake up every day feeling glad my life turned out the way it did.
No, I said Nance. That's what I said.
Haven't had one since junior year of high school.
Don't even have access to enough girls to even have a proper crush on one anymore.
Hey it's okay. It's /tv/. Everyones gay for a little while
I dare not say it for she has a unique name and I know she browses this garbage site.

Let's say it's close to Diana.
Sorry, I'm not a degenerate normie.
but it feels like hell when it's over
Underrated post
Imagine being such a numale that numales' emotions being challenged by Reddit and memey challenges your emotions
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Put me in the screencap

fuck are you me...

>it really is a sickness. just like my drinking.

drinking kills you slower
Carolini but I went over it
Fuck you bitch
>men caring anout women besides using their holes
the only reason i am my girlfriends significant other is to fuck her pussy hole. you think id spend so much time effort and money making her happy if i couldnt dump my cum in her pussy?

face it, everyone does everything for ultimately self serving reasons. even charity or volunteering, people do it because it makes THEM feel better. No one is a selfless automaton.
Apparently Chads like rustic looking girls with freckles and rough brown hair, too.
codependent relationship,

you'll be to blame for not being a proper emotional punching bag for her, when you yourself are going through stress and anxiety.

get out while you can.
Stop putting pussy on a pedestal.
Who do you mean by "her"? My middle school crush that was mildly autistic and whom I annoyed to oblivion, just to realize that she was irredeemably fucked in the head? Or that hipster bitch with fat fingers I've tried to bang, but my friend banged first?
Or some girl whose photos I collected from her social network called my waifu and "dumped" later by deleting folder with her photos?
Wait, this happened to you? Story pls.
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