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/got/ Theon General

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Thread replies: 375
Thread images: 80

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Theon will take the Iron Throne. Mark my words.
Read the leaks little Theon :^)
After Jon throws it away to buy an ergonomic chair?
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>dick gets cut off
>becomes much stronger

What did D&D mean by this?
But he has no claim or reproductive organs. Danny's womb might still be in tact and they are teasing the possibility of Jon being the one who gets the throne assuming Danny doesn't try to kill him or he passes his turn for succession because ITS HER TURN. Another possibility is that Danny dies leaving Jon and Gindry and Cercie the only remaining options with Jon having the strongest claim.
Cut off your dick, mate.
>he hasn't read the season 8 detailed leaks
senpai, just give up
That men are still men regardless of mutilation.

Very transphobic desu.
>has no dick or balls
Why even live? His bones would get weaker and his muscle would waste.
No I have not because unlike you I still want enjoy life and see this ride to the end.
Manlet memes aside
Emilia Clarke is 157cm/5'2
Kit claims to be 173cm/5'8
But he is a maximum of 5-8 cms/2-3 inches taller, how tall is he really?
Why does liana stark look like a latina?
Most of you have no use for their dicks, so you can cut of, GIGA VIRGIN
the one good thing about this season is Jaime's acting and that he finally got his book 4 redemption arc (about 4 imaginative books too late)
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Euron will be
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so why does Daenerys hate Cersei ?
Getting kicked in the crouch with a sailor's boot is still pretty damn painful even without a dick
>wasting your time reading reddit fanfiction when there's dozens of posts pointing out a laundry list of everything wrong with it in the catalog
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dany is going to win m8. yass queen already wins with a landslide victory
TFW you're 189cm tall but you wish you were 160cm talls instead.
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she broke apart Daenerys' kingdom
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Alright i need a shortlist of who died in the past 2 episodes
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IS bobby posting dead ?
Season 1–4 Thrones would've had Arya or Sansa get duped into killing the other (or one of the Northerners would've taken it into their own hands like with the captive Lannister kids), which would've made Littlefinger's later execution more blatantly justified and impactful and Littlefinger a better character by showing just how manipulative and a liability to order he is. This show has no teeth anymore, the cast is being whittled down to all the big players you KNOW won't die.
some nobodies

so basically nobody
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The shame was too much after the last episode.
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I thought a lot of people kicked it in the frozen north on the island battle
Did petyr die a virgin?
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Why does Lyanna Stark look like a latina?
Fuck this dickless general

Aren't eunuchs supposed to get bigger and stronger? Granted my knowledge mostly comes from Mel Brooks movies.
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theon will probably die fighting euron while helping the starks

a pottery ending for him
no he fucked lysa
>episode 7
>no Stannis
I'm disappointed
She's the first to not give her what she wanted on a silver platter

Or did she fuck him? I'm sure he took more that a little finger up the bum.
No, being without balls would really fuck a man over in terms of strength, they even state in the books that unsullied are short and weak compared to westerosi knights etc.
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The actress is half Italian, I guess she just had a tan at the time? She looks way whiter in anything other than Thrones.
But she knew Jon since like episode 3.
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The only thing I could think of.
GoT post S4 is like zombi simpsons
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> Won men's trust by banging his head against their leader.

What did Dabid mean by this ?
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was it as romantic as you hoped?
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
kit is 5'7'' max
emilia wears heels most of the time though
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Why did he go out like a bitch?
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>how do you answer these charges... lord baelish.
he paid the iron price
and now it beginz
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>Greyjoys fractured ready to be exploited
>Dorne ready to be exploited
>The Reach without Tyrells and Tarlys ready to be exploited
>Cersei emotionally unstable ready to be exploited
>A Targaryen with mad queen tendencies ready to be exploited
>No I'll just sit in Winterfell and do jack shit for a season
>Trial by combat? What's that?


>season 8 leaks

Are you a homo? You really think they are real??
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>laedi shansha...aihm ah littl conphewsd
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When did Cersei and Euron have the conversation to head towards Essos while pretending to head to the Iron Islands? How does she know he didn't just do that?
Le cool ninjaa XDDDD
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MVP this season?
Will the Night King get all 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons and summon this?
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>19 ironborn
>1 theon
you know what that means
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>muh CIA mastermind
Face it, his masterplan got EXPOS'D
Is the hound still on aryia's list?



>they think euron heading for the iron isles
>they end up completely missing him while he gets the GC
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Why did Tyrion stand in the corridor like a fucking cuck listening to Dany and Jon getting it on for several minutes?

Was he about to stroke himself or something?

It was a quick slash, it probably didn't even have blood on it.
>If they cut of your cock, you win
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Maybe he'll just upgrade the Blue-Eyes he already has.
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>and your OTHER Aegon?
how good a fighter actually is jon?

who's slightly better, who's slightly worse?
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i know it would've been cringy and cliche as fuck, but i kinda would've liked a close up of theon and him whispering what is dead may never die
Looks Welsh.

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>they didnt show Rhaegar and Lyanna interacting more
>not even show the front of their faces

What was the fucking point of even showing that scene
>going from BDC Drogo to Playboy Daario to fucking Jon "Manlet" Snow
Unrealistic unless this is supposed to represent a roastie settling for a beta after fucking a bunch of Chads in her 20's
He probably doesn't want them close since it may cause problems
glad they didn't make her shave her arms
That's what happens when you chill in Dorne for months
Theon has no cock, he doesn't count as a good man, or even a man.
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>Jon Aegon Snow Stark Sand Targaryen
>Theon Greyjoy Stark
>Sansa Stark Lannister Bolton


>Hey, you pretend to walk out over something

Thats literally all she had to do
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Come on someone help a retard out. >>87004046
can you guys believe that battle for the north will be over in ep1-2 and then it will be battle for the iron throne? i wasn't expecting this
I was really surprised they didn't drop the line during that scene.
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>secret marriage
He was making sure Jorah didn't kill himself in the next room over.
>cannot be destroyed
>double piercing battle damage

what the actual fuck is this shit

Why don't you just go to their forum and look through the versions until you find the one that says for ck 2 2.4.2 ?
I thought there was pressure in society for women to stay thin.
not even dumb and dumber would be that retarded
where did he go?
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Damn straight
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Because it is completely in character. He has been threatened before and always acts like a weasel when he is cornered.
That would have been a nice touch. That scene with Theon was one of the few scenes in the episode that actually had something behind it, along with the "the pack survives" speech. Shame the preceding scenes were clumsy and awkward.
Thoros and a bunch of nobodies, star trek style.
the whole WW ordeal will last around 4 episodes to
then its targs conquer the throne and live happily ever after
Its a card game for kids and they need something for that retarded kid who cant win with strategy.

Although really all the powerful/insta wim cards im that game can only be used if you're pretty much set to win anyway.
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If you go to their ModDB page, there are multiple downloads for different versions of the game and as it gets updated. Downside is that you won't have shit that gets added in latger updates.
Power creep. There are now countless ways of getting rid of monsters without destroying or targetting them with effects.
>the dead can't swim, we'll be safe on our islands
Can't the dead just build ships?
What a retarded fight scene

So, that guys tried to kick theon in the balls like 3 times and just.. died? What the fuck?
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>tfw Jorah was furiously masturbating while crying in the next room

Away from the falling part of the wall. The entire thing didn't collapse, only a segment. They could run to another castle.
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What the fuck was his problem
>skinny beta cucks massive chad
Is Bobby OUR guy?
he was toughing Theon up
how does it feel to know that Euron is now more cunning than littlefinger?
He got given the Aurane Waters arc and Theon had to go fuck it up.
He activated Theon's trap card
Testing Theon
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For you
No, Tyrion and Sansa will
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theon wouldn't stay down

i thought it was pretty obvious. i think he even said it a couple times..?
Swinging his big fat hands and lifting up his legs was too taxing
link to these """leaks"""
Reminder that a 130 pound lanklet cucked and wounded Bobby B
Cyber Dragon was where this all began.
At least the elemental heroes required polymerisation spam.
Like poetry

Ah, yes! Here it is! The Friendzone meme! The Cuckold meme! Proudly said by a Internet dweeb that has never even touched a woman that wasn't his mother in his life! But hey, at least he was never friendzoned, which is the single worse flaw a man can make!

Such sunless troll convinently forgets that there was a time Jorah was the greatest war hero in all of Westeros. Such happen during the Greyjoy Rebellion, during which he was second breaching the walls of Pyke, and knighted for bravery. Afterwards, he won a tournament against Jaime Lannister himself, and after that had his second marriage to a member of the Hightower house, the most beautiful girl in the continent, who marry him, not for a startegic alliance, but for love. Sure, eventually the marriage ended, and he disgraced himself because of her, but at least he can say he bedded the most beautiful woman in his continent, which 99% of the people that will ever read this will never be able to say so.

Now, it seems that he is making the same mistakes, and only following Daenerys in hopes of bedding her. But such is not the case. He already accepted she will never bed him, but he still thinks of her as the most politically suited candidate for the throne. That is the reason he follows Daenerys now, and has diagraced himself for her. Something you would have noticed if you had actually watched the show.

But no, you see him getting rejected, and think of him only as LE LORD FRIENDZONE WHAT A KEKOLD LOL XD!!!, whitout getting to know his reasons and story, and without admiting how much more of a man he is when next to you. You even think he is the most friendzoned guy in the show, when Littlefinger exists. And yet you pretend to watch the show.

But then, you may have never have touched a woman, sure, but at least you aren't a cuckold like Jorah.

She really does look like an Older Arya. By the seven...
Why the fuck are there over 30 got threads up?
The only downfall to his plan is that the iron isles can't grow much food but you'd figure they could just relocate to some isles off the coast of essos or something, especially considering their rate of ship production
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Fuck off
>have no use for their dicks
I beg to differ, my dick is seeing a use of 6 times every single day. It's being used more than a random cuck getting his dick wet once a week.
Hey, copypasta-poster. Please post the image where he looks through the window of the boat.
He just wanted to follow his people's proud traditions of killing, stealing and raping.
Pls respond >>87004757
Did they really give him Viserys' wig?
Jorah the Explorer is one of the worst characters in Game of Thrones. All the men in game of thrones are dickless, bastards, cripples or autistic and crippled.
Jorah is none of those but is the most pathetic of all of them.
Nice b8 btw
Dragonfire is super magical.
>no use
still gotta piss don't i
red wedding was an inside job
>All this character development to have Theon fatally job to Euron in episode 4

It's so D&D I can believe it.
alright thanks

It didn't even melt the wall, it blew massive chunks of ice off it. It was more like some sort of air drill.
the guy in the bottom right just looks happy to be included
No, of course not.
Stop thinking, it's magic
The season finale just aired, it's always like this. The mods tolerate it because it's a special ocasion and because like Hydra delete one thread two more shall take its place.
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Jaqen hit her when she tried saying that she hates the hound while they were doing the game of faces thing
The word cuckold doesnt apply to a guy that has a crush on a girl that doesnt like him back. It literally specifically refers to an actual significant other fucking someone else.

The memes on this board used to be clever, in like 2007. When did missapropriated definitions become comedy?
Special blue fire tho
Nah this guy had a more serious issue I think he was bullied in raiding school
>peanut untouchable
the fuck kinda name is that
>throw in a gratuitous 90s children film-tier ball shot scene
>not going to catchphrase the shit out of it as well

Well, I was surprised.
Well she thinks he's dead so right now probably not. Depends on how edgy she'll be when she meets him again in S8.
>army of short and weak men is considered the best in the worst
That's the face of a man who won a lot of participation awards.
That's possibly the most retarded meme yet.
We know the wall itself is magic, not ice and snow. It's a fucking magic seal the White Walkers can't move past even if they could climb over it.
The Knight King just used ancient dragon magic to break that seal.
OK question here: I'm a Tolkien fan, have never seen anything GOT yet, so I am curious, should I read the books, watch the show, do both, or neither?
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From S1 to the end of S7, Jons travelpath looks like the number 9.

What did they mean by this?
Don't fight for a janny. Don't fight for his boards. Don't fight for the big guys, don't fight for cunny, don't fight for bad pussi, because you won't get any. This is your general shipperfags and redditors mean to ruin. That's your meme theyre reposting. If they get in it will be your image they copy on tumblr. Your pasta they will steal, your waifu they'lll insult. Those are memelords knocking at our general.
Rally the banners!
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My sides, holy shit
He was known for his gigantic cock so it's possible he has a few little bastards running around.
Guys, so we had those alleged S8 script leaks which everyone said are fake but they somehow mention mercenaries with elephants. And now Cersei mentioned elephants.
>last season, bran gets marked by the night king, and crosses past CotF wards, allowing the night king to pass those same wards
>This season bran crosses the wall, laced with magic wards to prevent the night king from crossing
>perfect opportunity for the night king to reveal he's a clever planner and just stroll across the wall
>nope, instead we get a dragon tearing down a wall with ice breath because we have to send a message to drumph
More importantly, did Tormund make it down?

Will we see little Tarth/Giantsbane babies soon?
or walk like in Pirates
>no quick rundown with meme arrows

how do you expect me read this garbage
8000 Unsullied vs 8000 Dothraki
Who wins?
>inb4 meme replies
You are completely ignoring the fact he's been way further north than that.
>autistic screeching intensifies
viserion needs his riddlyn

Jon would definitely back Gendry instead of claiming the throne for himself. Gendry could easily be killed off though.
Is the Hound and brienne going to create perfect offspring?
I'd say both but read the books first. D&D fucked a lot of things up on the show.
>grey worm survives being an unsullied
>grey worm survives the harpy attack while barristan the based gets off
Maybe just a little plot armor...
>grey worm survives another harpy attack
>grey worm survives being "sieged" by Euron in a place with barely any food and no real worth for miles along with his pack of cockless friends
Really makes me think
>ancient dragon magic

You can't just pull words out of your ass to make something more grandiose.
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>mfw acting like a bookfag to my friends when all I do is just autistically read the wiki without ever reading a single page of the books
Books first. If you could, read ALL the books first. But that's going to be impossible without running into spoilers, so read all the published books, then watch the show.
Unless that's a trick question and by saying Dothraki you are just talking about the wives and children and not the Bloodriders they would obviously win. By quite a huge margin too.
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Where is the night king headed?

I too wish college books would be condensed into meme arrows.

How fucked would Jon have been if he ended up having silver hair?
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>Emilia Clarke originally wore violet contacts, but the showrunners decided they made it difficult for her to portray emotion. #GameOfThrones
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8000 unsullied because GRRM made them into supersoldiers and the Dothraki are just dudes on horses
>THE Tywin Lannister died on the shitter

>greyworm survives shoving his face in Missandei's rancid cunny

>"sieged" by ships
>with land on the other side
>literally just walk away lmao
confused me too her face is very expressive
>not PrimalTaboo.com

He heard the brothels in KL are better
Let's be honest considering how fucking long it took them to go from hardhome to the wall, Cersei's baby is probably gonna die of old age before they ever arrive at kingd landing.
It's canon that 3,000 unsullied kicked the shit out of 50,000 Dothraki
She can do expressive, just not expressive in a way that doesn't scream "bubbly but relatively down-to-earth bimbo".
lel same with me but without the friends part
>huge manly cavalry that employed selective breeding and has their entire civilization staged around survival of the fittest vs infantry made up of slave boys that were trained to twirl spears and not feel pain
who the fuck do you think?
looks like shailene woodley here
>sansa kills her evil mentor because he taught her too much just like palpatine did
>the night king is literally arthas/lich king
>theon is brad pit from snatch

Have d&d ever had one single original idea?
Is Game of Thrones the biggest anti-male series?

All the faction leaders are female queens (Sansa, Cersei, Dany).
Castration is promoted to hell and beyond. Dickless men are regarded as either very strong (unsullied) or very smart (Varys). Theon won his fight in the last episode solely because he had no balls.
Most men are considered either stupid or evil, with the exception of Jon because they needed a male protagonist to marry Dany.

Having all these in mind its no wonder that so many women watch this show like nothing else.
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Someone shop a dick in her mouth
Can you please provide link for alleged S8 script leaks?
Dothraki don't even have armor, their only real advantage is their huge numbers.
You first
>>theon is brad pit from snatch
Wait, what?

Yeah but all the good characters are men.
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Tfw dragontits disregards Sir' Jorah's advice
>ywn look down to that face with your cock in her mouth

Why live
Seems Tyrions plan wasn't so retarded after all.
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Are White Walkers smart? Like, I know that they are smart enough to realize by a rock that water is frozen even though their brains are rotten. But what about a smart war strategy?
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I mean, the Unsullied beat back a seemingly unstoppable Dothraki advance in the setting's canon, so Unsullied it is.
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*interrupts your truce negotiations*
>The drowned god will rise up and kill aegon the conqueror
What does it mean
They didnt walk directly from hardhome to the wall.

Until dany gave him a dragon the night king was presumably still working whatever plan he had to get through the wall. Probably trying to find the horn of winter, but that entire plotline got dropped so now it seems like he was just wandering around with no concievable way to achieve his goal for years.

They would be individually quite strong, because their society is based on a sort of escalated survival of the fittest. Not to mention extremely good riders.
They are still the best cavalry in the entire world. I don't think you understand just how fucking powerful cavalry is. Realistically speaking the Unsullied couldn't do shit against them, they'd very quickly get routed.
About as fucked as Varys.
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>the absolute look of devastation when she chooses his reckless plan over his but doesn't want to speak up because he respects her too much
stop posting this bullshit, it's proved to be fake
I wish Jin snow stayed dead, why even kill him to have this corny ass revival
The gypsyboxing match in snatch. Big george knocks brad down like 3 times and tells him "You wanna stay down"

Then brad gets up and literally kills him with one punch.
Nice fan theory
>All the faction leaders are female queens
>(Sansa, Cersei, Dany)
>faction leader
Also what's NK?

>Cavalry v. Spearman
I was disappointed when this happened, it set a bad tone for the rest of the meeting.
>meeting seven seasons in the making
>all the main cast are there
>most horribly miscast character rewritten into near-irrelevance starts yammering about another shittily rewritten character as part of a shitty D&D subplot that won't be resolved for two more years
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Holy pay to win
>What's going on, Aunt Daenerys?

I'm pretty sure the plan was for Jaime to recapture King's Landing after they had secured Highgarden and returned to King's Landing for a few days rest, but when Dany destroyed the supply line and killed most of the army they could no longer support another siege.
So that he can leave the Nights Watch.
That was literally the only reason.
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>what's NK
how do theon piss, sitting down like babby or girl?
Name a better anti-hero in GoT than Sandor Clegane
Pro tip: you can't.
Make it darker pls
>NK about to deal the killing blow to Jon
>Davos trips and drops a shit ton of flaming dragonglass on the NK
>Davos proclaimed King of Westeros.

How would this make you feel
Now I'm going to get erect every time I see a raw chicken.
Ugh not King's Landing. Casterly Rock.
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What did she mean by this?
its so you can read it easier, having just a block of text makes people skip it
>what's NK?
a monster?
Why Jon isn't blond?
Moon Boy
Rhaegar Targaryen
google is your friend
The seed is weak
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>tfw even the actors think it's disgusting

Honestly thought normies would be okay with it but most of them seem to be grossed out as well so far.
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>mfw based Rhaegar killed Bobbyposting with his magic dragoncock
Because he looks like his mother
No,if its done to a man before he hits puberty then he wont develop and grow up properly,it does nothing to a grown up man tho besides taking away libido
This...This shit has been pissing me off since The Tower of Joy scene...was it too much to ask to get some dark haired Nordic looking girl?
It was

It seems that having darker hair always overwrites the lighter hair colors in this universe without exception.
Source on the interview?

>its so you can read it easier, having just a block of text makes people skip it
You don't need redditspacing to prevent that
>a monster?
A male and the most powerful faction leader of them all.
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>mfw we finally have rogue jaime
it could have been done better but i'm pleased anyway
It will cause a grown man's muscles to grow weaker and looser. You need test to maintain upper body strength.
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Where you guys even have gotten episode from? All piratebay mirrors seem to have been down all day
Where is Bronn at the end of this episode?
Anglo genes
targs rarely bred outside of targ blood
dark hair genetics are stronger
If the setting was the least bit realistic cavalry would absolutely destroy them, yes.
Remember what the Romans went through when the Huns invaded? The situation back then was pretty much the polar opposite number wise too with a handful of mounted riders devastating Roman legions.
I don't think she looks like a latina but the actress is way too ugly to play Lyanna
because not all targs are blonde. and there have been targs who've sired non blonde, non silver etc when breeding outside of the family. and there have been targs who've bred outside of the family who sired classic looking targs.

it just fits the story with ned taking jon in etc. something harder to do if he weren't stark in appearance. though he could probably have claimed him to be a dayne etc.
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Cersei knows the dragons are vulnerable and that if anything the dead just killed one.

But she thinks it's smart to let Dany and Jon fight by themselves where they could die and now it's 3 undead dragons vs her own armies and mercenaries
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>yfw if jon and danny just ignored the white walkers they would've been stopped by the wall, allowing the war in westeros to be fought as normal

this whole time discussing the 'white walker threat', why didn't anyone go "hey dude what about the purpose built wall that has literally stopped this from happening for hundreds of winters in a row without fail"

fucking sheeit
Don't you mean a literal white male that is the most evil and needs to be destroyed?
He's going to die if he's still in King's Landing, he needs Jaime to protect him or Cersei will kill him for treason (arranging the meeting with Tyrion)
Not even him but I hate that redditspacing meme. Its not an argument in the first place and it helps readability, so what is the problem?

muh secret club
Thanks famalam
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false. they've outbred and sired targ looking children throughout the bloodline
Robin Aryn
Grey Wurm
how did they know that littlefinger was guilty of all that shit

why did they need to put on that pantomime last ep if he wasn't listening
where and when did these leaks come from?
where are proofs of them.
Why are her legs so thicc here?
We are never going to see the Stormlands ever again.
>also wants to break a wall
I don't know how polturds see these things.
So what were the leaks for the next season? Can someone please post that link. I don't even care if its real or not.
just as fake as season 7.
Was Rhegar played by the guy that played Viserys?
Im not that guy but

I was typing my posts with line breaks since before reddit existed. If you want to insult people maybe try having an original thought.



Well, the Romans didn't use Phalanx, and the Dothraki don't appear to be hit and runners. The makeup of unsullied and dothraki are stupid, pure spearman and pure light cavalry.
Lyanna was a Darkie skin.
the writers forgot about the magic that is imbued into the wall
Emilia is faking it.

For years she's been saying she wants Jon and Dany to hook up. She just finds it awkward to do sex scenes with kit since they're friends and Rose and all
>in boatsex
No but it was the same wig that he used.
HBO aint spending more money on this shit

even fucking redditors know that it's full of shit
drawn by a tumblrina
No, both actors wore the same wig though.
>she could've merged the two ideas and rode WITH Jon on a dragon
>she wanted to rub that shit in by blowing his idea out of the water entirely

Dany is a savage.

>oh wait are you serious lol? he's a targ? lemme double check

>lmao sorry man my b

3 eyed raven is a fucking hack
A friendly reminder that bar scenes like this HAVE to be set up, I never once walked into any bar where the majority of the patrons were hipsters, social rejects and SJWs, bars are literally kryptonite to those types

Because in the books there was a known object with the power to bring down the wall. They left it out of the show. They didnt even have to use it, but it provided a possible means for the nk to go south and wouldve made the undead dragon just a shortcut for his plans instead of the only way.
I love /tv/ even though it's a shit board into the trash it goes I'm a big guy for you
>cut you dick off to beget stronger
fucking feminists

what is testosteron
Why is the Night King literally piloting the dragon? Aren't they controlled by some sort of telepathic mechanism? If he's riding on its back he can't throw spears at the other dragons to support.
also how the fuck is dany supposed to be pregnant for 9 months? the war against the dead won't last nearly that long, no matter who wins
Because it looks cooler
Why? Its just an event at the bar that drives them out in droves, with friends. Nothing strange about that.

based israelis right again
Looked like the same outfit too. Just in case anybody had any doubts about who it was supposed to be.
nigga just wants a drink at molestown
Can you see things you aren't looking at?

The ability to see everything does not mean that you have actually seen everything. Bran had no idea to look at that location at that time.
>the same group of people every time
>yelling and screaming as if they are actually on the wall getting btfo by icey darth maul and his pet zombie dragon
How dragon fly with holes in wings?
This is so dumb. So they're telling me Cersei's plan from the very beginning was to have him feint a retreat? I mean they literally just found out that the ice zombies were real, but he totally was going over to pick up the Golden Company the entire time?

For such a shortsighted idiot S1-S5, she sure is out smarting everyone else, now.
So does Theon have a hole he pees from?
thats what happens when morons need to be shoehorned information

same reason he only killed one dragon
bragging rights
this desu
>tfw i'm actually mad jelly that i'm not stupid enough to enjoy things like they can
Well they were already getting the Golden Company regardless, she said she wants to hire them when speaking to the iron banker. But yeah, this charade with Euron is retarded and served no purpose.
I get together sunday nights with my friends to watch it
no body reacts in such an autistic and obnoxious matter
>Literal MIB tier kick in the penis tier comedy
So will Yara ahve no tongue as she was boarded on the Silence?

Not to mention she no longer has a small council and doesn't tell Jaime anything. So these plans are just all her and Qybern.

They're obviously hamming it up.
make him look more bad ass
Its the mob mentality man. The more people in a location the more retarded they all get.
They're speed holes
hopefully next season we see her fresh after a rape, bruised, bloodied, broken and unable to speak.
>oh he's the child of rhegar and lyanna
>maybe i should use some of my autistic superpowers to peer into how this happened, look at how this whole war started and see if there's anything going on here
>nah lol imma chill
>dude cocks lmao
>dude whores lmao
>dude podricks dick lmao
>dude crotch kicking an eunuch lmao

did i miss anything this episode?
Unsullied , the show proves that cockless people are stronger
I dindt mention it but yes if u have no test and balls u become a weak faggot
you missed dude crab people living in the sewers

He has access to every instance of sex that has ever happened and ever will happen. He's pretty busy. Even if he can't fap, he can experience it through others.
In fairness, when there's an army of undead marching towards you and you're the only one who can stop it the circumstances of your cousin's birth aren't really a massive issue. It's more stupid that Bran has a 'oh he needs to know the truth' mindset to begin with.

>Remember what the Romans went through when the Huns invaded?

Didn't the Huns specialize in horse archery? They'd pepper the romans with arrows and then retreat, ride back, unleash another volley, and ride away until the roman soldiers were either dead or worn out. I don't think the Dothraki or the Unsullied have any archers at all
He's been watching the white walkers and ending LF. But yeah, Bran is being pretty useless in relation to his capabilities.
Wait, what?

In ep 4 some of the Dothraki crouch on the back of the horses and shoot bows at the Lannies. They do this after they've already charged and it's not needed, and it's like a 2 second scene, but still.
Its literally magic. What other reason do you need. The entire point of magic from a literary standpoint is so the audience doesn't have to rationalize shit thats not technically possible.

I'm not defending this shit at all anymore, but that is one of the few things that they really don't need to explain. Flying with holes in your wings is more realistic than them being able to breathe fire at all.
Dothraki have confirmed horse archers. They're basically the mongols.
I was gone for a week, avoiding leaks if there were any. Did bobbyposting die?

The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

This is the final straw, I can't support such a sexist show
They do have archers, the show just doesn't really show them since bloodriders rushing in with scythes and heads flying looks cooler.
You're assuming he can just think of general events and see the entire history of how those events unfold.

He literally has to look for this shit, he cant know to look for a marraige that 3 people in the entire world knew about and theyre all dead
yeah they were firing from horseback. the dothraki are just the Huns - skilled horsemen and combatants. Huns mastered the art of horseback archery.
>they are brother and sister, so they can now fuck
I was impressed.

Dothraki have not been shown to use hit and run tactics. They shoot a couple skirmishing arrows as they charge in.
all those characters die? that's retarded
>makeup of unsullied and dothraki are stupid

Well she did have ironborn (yara's loyalists), dornishmen (sandsnakes faction) and andals (Tyrell supporters). Those plans kind of got fucked up.
mentally too. Test have important role (effect indirectly) in the papez circuit and other brain nuclei.

Thats because it looks cooler than actually making someone reasonable.

I doubt D&D even know how the mongols fought. Much less know that a horse will not charge a spear wall anyway. And even if it did, nothing short of a charger with barding and a fucklong lance is going to do anything.

The Dothraki have the worse possible weapon for fighting from horseback, with the exception of a dagger.
>wut brings you here,sam ?
You tell me 3 eyed faggot
new bread
I'm pretty sure that's heavily implied. Cavalry's very nature is mobility and speed. Tacticians generally don't send their cavalry in and have them just sit within the enemy's rank-and-file. Add to that the fact GRRM noted the Dothraki are inspired by the Mongols, among others.

Also, D&D are hacks.
How will the normies ever learn to call him Aegon rather than Jon
The same way they learned to stop calling Dany Khaleesi, that is, they won't.
well hopefully he's addressed as aegon through formalities and those that are close to him still call him jon. or jon becomes a nickname for him etc.

I'd like him to become both and not decide between the two.

everyone calls him aegon but you get to know the guy and he's like 'ugh just call me jon m8'
>pikemen formations vs literal mongol raiders
gee I wonder
new bread?
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