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/got/ general

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Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 68

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Refuse the cawl edition
She ruined the show, but if im being honest id still fuck the youth out of her.
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>tfw you were drawing up clues as to how varys is a blackfyre supporter and a bloodraven vs varys sub plot could have taken place, bringing such a deadly but truly based rivalry to the present and possibly connecting past events with the present events, shedding light on how a series of events from two half-targaryan bastards have reshaped the course of westorosi history then realize it WILL NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN
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a thread

a new one
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Just finished the latest episode. Why does she keep getting these 'cool' final scenes? This has to be the 15th time at the very least.
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> there are plebs ITT who don't worship Alys Karstark
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How would things have turned out if Ned took his entire family with him to King's Landing?
It's so fucking dumb, I can't imagine what it must be like to the the kind of person who thinks scenes like this are good.
reminder that this show has been on a freefall since the pilot
dont give them your money, pirate it
I'm still laughing at that anon who posted the alternate version of lord glover and mormont conversation yesterday. I forgot how it went but he shut her down for good.
faggot op
Because normies love her and need to see her being """badass""" but the showrunners need her plotline to advance at a snails pace so it stretches to the end. So they show her doing a little thing at the end to remind you she exists and to 'build suspense' or whatever
muh general rules

haha loser
shes the main character duh
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Ned + Ashara = Jon
Aerys + Lyanna = Young Griff
Aerys + Joanna = Twins
Daenerys = Blackfyre
Varys = Brightflame

Greyworm = Nigger
Missandei = Slave feet
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Is there any swordsman in Westeros that could beat him 1v1?
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yes, but it would have to be a brand new one
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it's a little too much for me, since season 3, the scenario has gone full feminist propaganda, it's annoying as hell
the book is so much better
Sansa > Fetal alcohol syndrome Sansa
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Sansa fags out

Post more of the rightful Queen in the North.
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>womyn can be cool to! just look at this supposed 14 year old girl who gets all the cool ending shots
past 6 seasons of dany's storyline lead to this moment. yes she's d&d favourite but there is nothing wrong with this scene
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He could have taken the Hound, right?
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Me mam always said, "life is like a box of chocolates, Stannis Baratheon is the one true King".

>Ed Shireen sings Who are You
3 of those will die next episode.
is ashara dayne alive?
which 3?
He's the kid from this is england, stop memeing him, you're obviously not british.
Along with 39 of the important male characters.
The Mountain if he was nice to his mam in a scene beforehand.
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>they can't fit her forehead in the shot.
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I wish it could be true, but d&d will change the scenario to keep them alive
so it's confirmed he has a thing for redheads?
No way, he actually turned out a fraction of the ugly I thought he would.
is there any good dany porn?
every pornstar that attempted it so far is ugly af
Worship your queen, /tv/
Why are you all still watching?

Is ANYTHING major in the plot supposed to happen this season?
I'm wrong but they will die by episode 4 mark my words. ellaria gets captured (with sand snakes too) by euron and ollena drinks her poison ordered by jaime when he sacks high garden. He lets her drink poison rather than capturing her otherwise cersei would no doubt make her septa ulenas and the mountains new friend in the dungen.
i alredy posted the link retard
that's all. NO MORE
Also requesting Macie porn, before she went full on puberty uggo.
>every pornstar that attempted it so far is ugly af
Elsa Jean is a pretty good Dany lookalike
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I don't think so
spencer scott
Also yara is captured I forgot to add.
doesn't look like her at all. also no tits
> Sophie hides her man chin with her man hands
>spencer scott
but it's lesbian
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/ourguy/ gets one of Danys dragons, Viserion.

Dany n Jon bump uglys on a boat in the final scene.
>literally faceblind
Probably from too much masturbation
Did anyone make a bingo card for this season or did we not bother because of the leaks?
this desu
>Dany n Jon bump uglys on a boat in the final scene

War of 3 queens and a generic whore.
Fall of the wall probably.
Azor ahai revealed
>Azor ahai revealed
Is this confirmed or will they keep dangling it for the next season?
>"Some people theorise there's an ice dragon underneath the wall"
>"That's so fucking stupid"
lol Preston
kek I've just realised the only characters I like are the people who are trying to ruin all the other characters and get everyone killed

Frosty and CIA eternally /areguys/
gentle reminder rhaegar was a batty boy and lyannas baby daddy was based bobby b
Guessing you haven't read the leaks then

What do you mean: confirmed?

Do we get any confirmed info about this season?
Reminder she was raped as a cum dump and then bred relentlessly, to be tossed aside when she couldn't even produce a child.
Since they completely butchered the politicking in the show I'm just looking forward to dragons fucking up WWs.

I don't even care if Dany finds out about Jons lineage. It doesn't matter.
at first i thought about that he should stop doing podcasts with that normie, (who doesn't seem to be furthest on the normie spectrum either.) but I guess it wouldn't be much of a show if there was just 2 people sitting around agreeing with eachother.
i fap to this
Based on the leaks matching up with the show thus far
>ded sneks only hours away
I'm kind of hyped.
Is it just me or did anyone else really really want to become a maester after seeing last episode?
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>you will never pound young sansas tight virgin pussi while arya is watching and touching herself
Why even live?
would it matter if bran died? he's not really done anything at all to contribute to the main plot
if you have a weaker chin than sophie turner then you aren't a man biologically
it's pretty good. i've been trying to remake it in HD but can't find the source or some similar porn scene with similar lightning
He might be useful due to him being able to tap into the weirwood net.
You just want to look and smell old men's shit and piss, right anon? You're not alone.
Only 5% of the population is male, then?
>that is a man chin

Good lord what do you have?
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your faces when dany walks up to the throne to this

she is the soiled septa on a boat named after ned called the shy maid looking after young griff
Wait what? No I mean talking with professor slughorn and reading those secret books.
Braavos Sansa > *power gap* > most women > Sansa >/= Alys
>implying it won't be king jaime and queen brienne with this playing

Alys > power gap > Melisandre > Ygritte > Meera > Lysa > power gap > Others > Power gap > Arya > Sansa
/r/equesting the
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here friendo
I can't wait for todays shitposting :-D
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thank you friendo
We'll be all cheers when the episode ends with the Sand Snakes dead.
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>everyone arguing about dany at winterfell
>suddenly lyanna mormont stands up again and tells him to stick his tiny white cock back inside his body and shutup
would be cool. and you have the king arthur, king midas inlfuences for jaime.

king with the gold touch and the arthurian influences you have him not wanting the throne or to be a lord or kings hand. what he wanted as he states to be the sword of the morning but along the way he became the smiling knight. essentially wants to be arthur dayne.

you have shady conception. uther pendragon on the night of a red comet glamoured himself to sleep with his enemies wife to sire arthur.

you have arthur who produced offspring with his sister resulting in mord. and you have a love triangle between gwen, arthur and lancelot as you have the triangle between cersei, jaime and lancel.

all hail king jaime
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Stupid fucking character
>tehehe fuck you stannis we only support the starks as kings
>season 6, tehehe fuck you guys i dont care about rickon
>tehehehe you lords are all cowards for not coming to the aid of the starks
>teehehehee Fuck you Lord Glover i dont need no man to tell me what to do
this is literally the worst character i've ever seen on tv.
she was annoying even in her first scene.
and she's one of the reddit's favorites
>I am not blind, nor deaf. I know that you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better. Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes. Your father and I worked more closely than you know … but now he is gone. The question is, can I trust his daughters to serve me in his place?


>weak men will never rule Dorne again

Who did it better /tv?

I wish...
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What went wrong?
blatant racism

>''Shut the fuck up little girl.'' mumbled Lord Glover as the other lords cease their arguments and all attention falls to glover and mormont.
>''Lord Glover, I am the ruler of bear-'' sarted Lyanna but Glover raises his hand to silence her.
>''Shut the fuck up. At first sight of a wight or white walker or even a wildling charging at you, your undergarments will be soiled and you will shrivel into a ball.'' mumbled Glover.
>''I am the lady of bear island, lord glo-'' shrieks Lady Mormont.
>''Shut the fuck up.'' grumbles Glover as he unsheathes his sword and points it at Mormont.
>The other lords all stand up clearly shocked as Lord Glover walks slowly towards Lady Mormont who is wide eyed and clearly shaking now.
>''You see, princess, you're scared now and i'm your ally. You will not fight in any wars and you you will shut the fuck up.'' proclaims Glover as the other lords cheer, littlefinger whistles loudly and Tormund raises a floagon and winks.
D&D don't like people who read the books.

She kind of has a dude face, no?
I like Jaime Lannister the best. he and Cersei are real complex characters, perhaps the only ones left
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Dorne had such promise. If it goes that way in the books I might cry
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Alys on the front page!
id honestly love to see you do better than d&d little fuck
I'd have been happy if atleast ellarias actress was different (disliked her in Rome also and she's also annoying in Luther) and the sand snakes had better actresses too and better lines and maybe two more scenes of political goodness BEFORE elleria does the coup and kills doran. Also have tristane be merged more with quentins character so he could be roasted by drogon, but the whole thing feels like cheap, quickly thought out filler.
would be great if jaime and cersei kill off daenerys, take her dragons, burn down the north and establish the age of the golden lion as they become king and queen.
Dabid get off 4chan don't you have some colouring to do?
How the hell do the Lannisters capture Highgarden?
>but the whole thing feels like cheap, quickly thought out filler
Alexander Siddig said he was signed up for four episodes in season six, then just before filming was due to start D&D told him he'd be killed off in the first episode. So all very last minute and a bit of a botch job really.
I at least wanted to see him kill people with that spear before he got stabbed by a shiv by a woman one quarter his size
So George is just kidding around with his latest blog post right??? He hasnt been writing a completely different book to winds right??? Hes about to releace winds right???
because d&d write the series around headey, clarke, Goblin, Snuh and Little man.
lions and huntsmen vs flower people. work it out.
And Salsa
Winds 2019 delayed to 2020 then again to Q1 2021. Dream then set to come out 2025 but will be constantly delayed until 2030 where George will die
I was ready to not like the guy, but he knows his shit and isn't just a cheerleader for the show. I'm into it
Fuck that fat cunt. When he dies im gonna go to his funeral and demand my money back from his grieving widow
I will be 50 fucking years old when these books come out.
can't wait for her to become a wight
But FAS Sansa got blown up in the sept of Baelor, why are you mentioning her when the conversation is about fivehead sansa?
I'm waiting for Stannis to show up again
can't wait for her to become a corpse.
See you in 2022
The books are never going to be finished and I'm already invested in the story. The show is the only way I get to see the ending.
hes a fat piece of shit and seeing people eat this up disguists me.
that's more characters than some people can remember though.
my sister literally doesn't remember jorah, and she's seen all previous seasons
Are you kidding me? George will die next year when what ever small amout of drive and determination flees his body when DnD reveals the end to his Magnum Opus.
>Dungeons and Dragons said Euron will make Ramsey look like a cute-eyed puppy

What would he have to do for that to happen? Some flailing torture? We already had that. Castration? Already had that. Mental breaking? We had that.
I just realized that nobody bothered to mention resurrecting Rickon with Melly's magic. Why not? Is resurrection only for lead characters and one no-name to set it up?
He will use a racist slur
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if you were stuck in an elevator for one hour with her what would you do?
Or from cheeto overdose.
puke until I die
Shhhh! Dont think about it too much! DnD certainly didn't.
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in her interview for esquire emilia admitted she cried after filming one of the scenes in season 1.
it must be after this scene
i'm sorry for her 2bh. directors really didn't show her any respect in first season. guess that's how it works when you're nobody in hollywood.
Isn't that scene in the books though?
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it was probably the death of karl dragon because she couldn't be handled by Jason Momoa anymore
lick her anus for an hour straight
dear lord

i bet he will sit with his legs spread too

and ignore everyones pronouns
No. In the books he lets her go on top the first time
It was but it was more consensual iirc
i ain't scrolling trough all that shit
>believing D&D's lies
Course they can't come in and say "Well, our villains pretty much all suck from this point because it's win-win-win for the good guys now with only minor setbacks, no-name armies killed off but they'll not lack men anyway so it doesn't really do anything, and characters nobody likes, like the snek".

I mean this is what's happening, but they can't openly admit it.
afaik the first one was consensual and more sensitive, but the following ones were full on Fucktoyette of the house Cumdump
Ok anon we get it you really like the new flavor of the week girl with the forehead. Take it down a bit okay?
snek deserves to live
Calling it.

Dany will die in season 8 and Jon will pass on his fire to her to bring her back to life.

This may or may not give her her fertility back/get her pregnant
He's gonna go to his room and play his music real loud
It will make her immortal.

She will make a fine addition to Butterface threads on /s/
no she said it was sex scene
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don't forget he will sing while doing it and they're beyond the wall

then davos looks at the camera and says
>someday people will talk about this.... of the song of ice and fire
>Jon impregnates Dany's corpse
I'd watch it
That is after Jon has given her a through dicking of course.
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sexy _________ woman
>When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before
Because they're trying to make you like her. Because queen slay is so cool to watch when you don't like her
Did that happen in the show?
here a quick summary of the entire story of GoT

>daenerys gets treated bad
>marries a good looking guy that rapes her
>is sad that guy dies
>gets an army
>gets dragons because of reasons
>wanders through the desert for years
>comes to Westeros
>conquers Westeros without any real resistance because MUH DRAGONS
>John Snow comes to Dragonstone because MUH DRAGONGLASS
>tells her about the White Walkers
>there is a lot of tension but Daenerys believes him
>Dragons and Daenerys army defeat White Walkers
>John and Daenerys marry
>they all live happily ever after

some cameos from sidecharacters but in the end the story is about Daenerys just steamrolling the world because she has Dragons.
>When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child.

Exactly, Dany has to give birth before she dies
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A classic example of a sequel trying and failing to recapture the magic of the original
Need would still be executed
Robb would be dead as would catlyn
Arya might still escape, no northern rebellion involving the Starks though
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Because this fucking show needs 7 seasons of foreshadowing 'muh stronk woman' is going to win everything.
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>I'd hate to die like your son. Clawing at my neck, foam and bile spilling from my mouth, eyes blood red, skin purple. Must have been horrible for you, as a Kingsguard, as a father. It was horrible enough for me. A shocking scene. Not at all what I intended. You see, I'd never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.
>steamrolling the world because she has Dragons.

What's wrong with using what you have?

Is having a massive army to conquer the world more honorable? More virtuous?
She will die in childbirth. This season ends with her shagging Jon. She will become preggers from this.
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if all you people do is talk about this show and not post pictures why the fuck are you here?
>Actually, it was mentioned that Sam is writing a book. The Chronicle of the Wars Following the Death of King Robert I.
nothing wrong with it desu
>I was born at Dragonstone. Not that I can remember it. We fled before Robert's assassins could find us. Robert was your father's best friend, no? I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. Not that it matters now, of course. I spent my life in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. I have been sold like a broodmare. I've been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing, through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any god, not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries, until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea, any sea. They did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and I wil.
>no garrison defending Dragonstone
>nothing wrong with this scene
honestly this is great speech and 100% correct
Roose takes over Winterfell, because if you leave you leave for good.
only the cute one.
and only as Euron's salt wife or Gregor's new toy.
He should be wearing chainmail beneath that leather attire, so should someone sneak up on him, he'd merely recieve a pleasant poke in the back instead of getting stabbed in the spine. It would be hilarious if he were to turn around to that sand snake and bitch slap her after she tried stabbing him.
it would completely ruin the scene. and dany would take dragonstone no matter how much army was there anyway.
maisie is cute! super cute!!!
But how is that an oh shit moment in the series finale?


>Dany dies giving birth
>Jon gives his fire to bring her back to life
The fat man will die in 2019. It's been known.

No really, people did some math. I made my peace with the books never ending, but I always hoped for at least winds. With this delay, he'll die before it's out. We may never know Stannis' fate.
As far as her speeches go, that one is probably the least cringe. Which I know is like saying that this piece of shit is the least foul smelling, but still.
Armies don't terrorize the land devouring any livestock it sees and burning villages to the ground once the war is over.

Sure some of the army will become bandits and broken men due to no longer being needed but they would never cause the same damage as a dragon.

There is a reason why they were culled to extinction.
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>no bran in this episode
lol enjoy the lowest rated episode of the season
How the fuck would dany take dragonstone, her army is dothraki and unsullied, none of which are good at sieging castles.
reminder to report the quasimodowhale spam
>inb4 she wasn't born to rule the 7 kingdoms
she doesn't mean it literally. she thinks it's her destiny. and after everything she's accomplished it's completely normal for her to believe she's special
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She also took that Stannis flag down in the most dramatic way possible.
>Sure some of the army will become bandits and broken men due to no longer being needed but they would never cause the same damage as a dragon.

Someone didn't read Arya's chapters. Or Brienne's chapters. Or really anyone's chapters whose in the riverlands.
Queen slay?
Does she even have any engineers that know how to create and operate siege equipment?
how would someone with 3 dragons and biggest army in the world take dragonstone?
you're kidding right?
>I had faith in myself!
>When I told Viserys I don,t give a fuck about Westeros I only want to go back home, to the house with the red door/Illyrio's manse
I have no problem with that but assuming GoT is some complicated story with a lot of different players is a meme. It's the story of Daenerys getting Dragons and fucking everyone up, the rest are just side characters and irrelevant.
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>it would completely ruin the scene
>implying the scene isnt trash already

just turn your brain off bro!
You seem to think all dragons are wild and do whatever the fuck they want.

Is Dany handling her dragons perfectly? No

But they aren't just flying around killing and burning anything and everything, nor have they in the past.
Weren't there siege engines during the conquest of one of the cities?
no. varys and tyrion are stupid and don't know anything.
How do either of those things help her take a fortified position.
Her army is made for fighting in open areas, ad dragons dont do shit if people are inside.
>there is nothing wrong with the scene because if the castle wasn't empty it would ruin the scene because Dany wouldn't look badass enough or something if she couldn't just waltz through the gates unopposed

These are the people who made the show what it is.
No offense to Maisie Williams, but is arya suppose to be unattractive in the books?

>Dany not going mad and becoming a villain
>Jon not stabbing her to save the world

>if people are inside.

Harrenhal disagrees
you're confusing book dany and show dany
for dany in the show dragonstone is her home. and it was never implied otherwise
Last I remember she chained them because she couldn't control 'em, what changed?
The lady whose face was stolen must've been lovely to look at.
naomi woods
euron will steal a dragon for her blah blah blah who cares
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no reason was given but she can control them now
No, she's getting hot actually

No pedo, ephebophile at worst

Dany's Fire and Blood now. Did you miss season 6?
Do you think that Danys conquest will be shown as peaceful liberation of Westeros?
I mean, the only way her plotline could be redemed is showing a shitsow of dothraki raping entire villages and frezing to death because of winter.
but she never did any dany porn.
she's just blonde
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You're blowing our cover
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I guess you forgot the whole scene about the dragons eating goats and then someone's infant daughter, before Dany locked them up to make sure this didn't happen again? I mean it wasn't a HELLA FREAKING EPIC! scene so I can get why you don't remember.

But it's all good I guess they'll behave now for no reason whatsoever, just like the dothrakis and eveyrone else who should NOT behave and should DEFINITELY cause some havoc, but just won't because Dany is perfect or some shit.
might be GRRM version of the plot but the feminist outrage when Daenerys gets killed by a man would destroy GoT in the public eye. I have been to a public screening of the new GoT episode and you wouldnt believe the amount of fat women with a Danerys wig that LARP as the mother of dragons...
Sandor Clegane is Azor Ahai. He'll plunge his sword into Lord Berric's heart and it will come out as Lightbringer.
ahahah no
we're lucky if monarchy isn't abolished for a democarcy with universal subfrage
>dragons ate some goats and one person's kid = devouring any livestock it sees and burning villages to the ground

white hair
and acting skills
help me get where I belong
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she can control them now. just like arya can change faces. they never explained it and never will. that's one of the reasons books will never come out. gurm doesn't know how to expain it either.
>But they aren't just flying around killing and burning anything and everything, nor have they in the past.
Dany never mentioned Dragonstone in 6 seasons.
And that scene was in the show too.
>You're going to marry him and we'll get his army and get to westeros!
>I don't want to, I only want to go home

She didn't mean "Go home to Dragonstone, just me and you and no army".
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Your funniest moment?

When catelyn slaps roose after discovering the chainmail armor beneath his arm, roose runs off like a scared bitch away from her, always make me laugh
>no bran in this episode

Thanks for these excellent news, can't stand that cunt
>a flaming stannis runs out and beheads dany saving the seven kingdoms

ramsay was great because he looked perfect for the role. euron looks like a fucking retard
>jon will never stay dead for the whole season
>they will never give up and drag him from the ice cell after several revival attempts
>they will never burn him in despair and have him be reborn revealing his targ blood.
hey, she looks close enough to look like dany and the dany porn i've seen so far has someone that looks jack shit like her
Shes called 'horseface' numerous times in the books, so she's not exactly the best looking girl however I don't think she's supposed to be as scruffy/goofy common looking as arya
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>one kid

Drogon's been free this entire time, where are all the villages and civilizations he's burned? All the cities he's ruined and turned to ashes?
That scene actually was good, I remember that small time actor with the small head nailed it
aw :3
>they will never burn him in despair and have him be reborn revealing his targ blood.
>targaryens are immune to fire

Oy vey
It's hard to tell because they never bothered to give him a personality or goals, but Bran is dead. His body is alive, but only as a vessel for knowledge.
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fuck it
Thats when Drogon is only small what happens when he continues to grow over the years?
His appetite is only going to increase and even if daenarys has complete control of him what will happen when she dies?
What will happen if Drogon does not accept her children as its riders, that if she even has any.
>dragons have proven they make no distinction between eating animals and eating humans
>they also are like 5 times larger now

5 times larger = more or less 125 times the volume/weight, and food consumption, and yes they LITERALLY were shown eating any livestock they saw in season 4 or wtv... Why would you think it changed?
we'll do it LIVE
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Wait that "i was born to rule" speech wasnt a copy pasta??????
>What will happen if Drogon does not accept her children as its riders, that if she even has any.

He'll probably retire to dragonstone like the other wild dragons before the Dance of Dragons did where they don't bother people much and live off of sheep
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I was born to get dubs
do you even read leaks bro?
>I was written to rule
Alright fair, I still don't like the dragons though.
No royal family should have sole control over an animal that powerful.
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Peggy is actually kinda cute though
So you're point is that in an alternate universe where Dany did not, as she does now, control her dragons, they'd be a menance where they destroy everything?

What about the other wild dragons from before the Dance? Why weren't they burning and destroying everything with no riders to keep them in control?
I'm willing to bet that while doing so, Jon will transform into a fetus and move into Dany's now-fertile womb. Dany will marry Tyrion and when Jon is born, she's greeted by Dany "welcome to life my non-bastard son" to which Jon replies "I am so happy now, dear mother". That's the final scene of the show.
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>sunday again
>have to suffer trough another garbage episode
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The Waif chase was pretty great also Hold The Door
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What purpose does theon have now in the show?

I really like him in season 2 he's great but damn he's done nothing for ages. Will he die saving sansa or some shit?
Yeah the majority of soldiers without jobs will become outlaws,
But the scale of damage they do I doubt could be actually compare to fire breathing monsters.
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Giving that power up to multiple families will just breed more civil war though.

If they'd at least started off at the same stage like the Valyrians did where you can have multiple families, it can work.

But Targaryens have no reason to breed with all these other families and give them dragons.

Imagine if they bred with the Starks a long time ago. Some dragon back then might be fuckhuge now while all the Targaryen dragons could be smaller and younger, now whoever is bonded to it is a a threat.
>What about the other wild dragons from before the Dance? Why weren't they burning and destroying everything with no riders to keep them in control?
because they were controlled by competent people

>an alternate universe where Dany did not, as she does now, control her dragons
What makes you thinks he does? Because they don't keep showing scenes with the dragons eating whatever the fuck they want? Because she flies drogon? (that's 1 out of 3).
>no eyepatch
>no mute pirate crew
>no chests of treasure and doubloons
>no dragon horn
>no shade of the evening
>no prophetic visions
>no molestation
>no torturing priests
>no enslaving noble families
>no tying up his one night stand AND his brother on the prow of a ship like the madman he is
>no being a madman in general
Take all that away and what have you got? Just a random dumbfuck in leather
to be shit on and be window dressing whilst they give other character's his dialogue
Which is why the Maesters poisoned all the dragons
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Even if they did have knowledge of that kinda of stuff they would need actual engineers to create and maintain the devices.
>But the scale of damage they do I doubt could be actually compare to fire breathing monsters.
I won't just requote what I said... But if you think that, reread arya/brienne stuff in the riverlands.

They walk for days in burned fields and villages.
Dragons won't do that... They burn their food and eat stuff, but they don't just fly all over the riverlands with their flamethrower at "on" for no reason whatsoever.

Because the more the show writers take over, the more they feel the need to fill the screen with 'moments of badass'.

It's no longer about a harsh and brutal world where only the underhanded can survive, it's all about gushing over your favourite character and hoping they have a "HELL YEAH!" scene. This is despite the show establishing early on that you don't get glory, you try to be brave and noble and you get fucked.

For example almost every female character in the first episode in the first ep out of the blue suddenly had a "WE ARE STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMEN/MEN ARE PIGS" moment. Despite most of them not expressing any sentiments to this end up they all independently tarted expressing this. Heck in the case of Arya, all the most supportive people in her story have been men and all the ones trying to drag her down have been women.

The writing has just gone totally to shit now.
>because they were controlled by competent people

They literally weren't.

They were wild before the Dance, and weren't doing a damn thing to anyone.

>What makes you thinks he does?
>he hasn't read the leaks where they follow her command and fly North and only attack the wights
>or watch the show where literally no scene of the dragons burning ships in Dany's fleet just because
>and missed dragons flying and fighting by her in season 6

>no one cut her in half with a greatsword
F/10, apply yourself
Maybe the unsullied were trained to use them.
Which is a bit dumb because they would be more useful as soldiers,
But desperate times call for desperate measures.
Still doesn't explain where she got them.
Reminder that you will never lick the filth off of Maisie's feet
it's also like the 2nd time in 3 episodes she's asked Tyrion that.
on a related note im sick of boyega and sam l jackson whining that blacks aren't represented enough in film and tv. 14% of america is black and 3% is black in the UK and I think for those tiny numbers they are represented ENORMOUSLY well. It's fookin stupid.

Boyega even complained about the lack of black characters in GoT, even though it's set in a medieval society similar to medieval europe which had 0 blacks. What a dumb shit. I want to slap him.
wew, better watch what we say about dorniggers now
>''Shall we begin?'' asked Daenerys
>''Yes, your grace.'' replied Tyrion.

>''Shall we begin?'' quipped Daenerys.
>''Of course your Grace.'' sighed Tyrion.

>''Shall we begin?'' said Daenerys.
>Tyrion pours wine.
>ramsay was great
Ramsay was Gary Stu the villain

Worst character on the show
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>the daughters will fight, we won't sit at home knitting!

This stupidity actively made my ears bleed. Want all your bannermen to desert you? Take their daughters away and send them to fight zombies or barbarian hordes.

Assuming they somehow don't revolt you've got a completely demoralized and angry army with 1/3 of it being composed of people too frail to realistically fight and hindering more than they contribute.

Oh, and if the war is won, good job, there was no one to look after the land. All the cattle are dead, homes are buried under snow and all your food stores have been eaten by vermin or bandits. Have a nice winter lasting multiple years!
>janitor is a redditor cuck
what else is new?
what that attached to his shoulder?

>Who was Harren the black
It's not like the books
They fed us on fan-fic shite
prince doran goes around telling people he's the last king of the north
A cup of tea
I hope they show Lyanna Mormont train in the yard.

Morbid curiosity.
>cut to the gigantic army of the dead marching toward winterfell
>''Go on then, M'Lady, you said you'd fight.'' said Glover.
>''I-'' muttered Lady Mormont, tears in her eyes.
>''You said you don't want to stay at home knitting, now is your chance.'' smirked Glover.
>''But i'm 10 years old-'' Glover raises a hand to silence her.
>''Shut the fuck up.'' he mumbled as he unsheathes his sword again.
reminder lyanna mormont is older than how old arya is supposed to be in the books

now you realize how ridiculous arya is as a character

Is this series just remade every 10 years?
I wonder why Arya reaching puberty was so important to George?
>now you realise how ridiculous most characters in books are

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You know
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Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever?
arya is beyond ridiculous though. jon and robb being like 16 years old is way more acceptable than an 8 year old girl stabbing people in a battle while shouting winterfell and slitting a grown man's throat at the end of the second book
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To provide business for the fabled cock merchant
Yes, she is often described as unattractive in the books (and regardes as such by others), even though she shares features with her dead aunt Lyanna, who was supposedly beautiful. Might be she'll turn out hot when growing up.
Loved this guy, he was great in Lost as well
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