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/trek/ - Star Trek General

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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 81

The new Klingon Bat'Leth's look ......interesting

I wonder what Worf would think of them
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I have to say I do not like a single thing about this new show.

And just like a lot of things these days they're overdesigning literally every aspect of the show.
Worf preferred the mek'leth
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>What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more. Woah-woah-woah-oh-oh, ooh-woah-woah-oh-oh, oh-ho! Woah-woah-woah-oh-oh, ooh-woah-woah-oh-oh, oh-ho! What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
Well good news, we have those too
>I have to say I do not like a single thing about this new show.
The Klingons will speak authentic tlhIngan Hol and the audience will have to rely upon subtitles.
I haven't watched the 3rd JJ Trek movie

Should I?
I hate them both. I watched the new Discovery trailer with my friends whom are not serious star trek fans. I was mentioning how the klingons look "Fucking Retarded",to which one friend chimed in "They changed Klingons once, this isn't different.
Who cares what that stupid nigger thinks?
I reckon even now Michael Dorn could kick your ass
Imagine if the TNG or DS9 crew had the budget of STD. I guess those were just different times
I only just realised that Rom had a different voice in the first season, at least when he's talking to Keiko about sending Nog to school.
That's breakout characters for you
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Reminder that Discovery will be remembered 25 years from now as Trek KINO.

It will run for 20 seasons and win multiple Emmy awards.
Terry "I'm just a pair of walking tits" Farrel
Terry "I blew the chance of a lifetime and now my career's in the toilet" Farrel
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>"You're mad!"
>"I'm Mudd."

>"Wow, you rock!"
>"I am Ruk."

>"You're hardcore!"
>"No, I'm only Kor."

>"Are you a king?"
>"Sorry, I'm just Kang."

>"You're appalling!"
>"Actually, I'm Apollo."

>"Ha ha, you're funny!"
>"Thanks, but I'm Finney."

>"Surely you must be drinkin'."
>"I assure you, I'm Abraham Lincoln."
t. Rick Berman
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Friends, the flight plan omitted
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Temba, at rest

Don't ever link me or my son ever again
At least it's in the original continuity? Even though it's gonna fuck it up
Can someone post the pic that shows what all the actresses look like now?
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say something nice about Discovery.

I... I like this D'k Tahg.
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Looks so garish, the orginal looked so much better IMO.

it's supposed to be ceremonial, so it is appropriately garish.
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Why have Klingons always been the mall ninjas of the Alpha Quadrant?
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>You will never be the station tramp and have a role of importance like Jadzia.

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It wasn't just a ceremonial blade, it was used quite frequently throughout Star Trek as a weapon.
Ancient Klingons confirmed for Franklin Mint suckers.
thats not a mek-leth not even close, Dan Curry must be prematurely rolling in his grave
doubt it, kingonese is complicated af and they don't have a kingonese adviser
Why are they doing that? Don't they know their audience?
If the original fans hate the serie & the design, there is little chance the word of mouth will be positive & the global audience will see that.
What? What happened to the UT?
cause becker was a complete failure yea?
thanks berman
>Producer Gretchen Berg said that the Klingon cast will be speaking Klingonese in the snew series, and that “you’ll have to get out your glasses, you will be reading” – meaning lots of subtitles for the warrior race! She continued, “we’ve gone to great lengths to be accurate with our Klingon language.”

UT is for when Klingons are speaking to humans, not when Klingons are speaking to other Klingons.
lol who gives a fuck about 30+ year olds, we want the young audience who loved the edgy, dark, queer-positive JJ films
I like James Frain thats about it
Lol. You can't make this shit up any better.
>we've gone to great blah blah stick a dick in my ass
no they haven't klingon is a complicated fucked up language and they have already gotten it wrong, just hire someone who actually knows it its not that hard
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>and they have already gotten it wrong
When, where?
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>BDSM-tier canon restrictions
>gayass sheliaks
the etchings gretchen, do your fucking homework
Which etchings? What's wrong with them?
everything, look at it nothing makes sense you might as well have sneaked 47 in their at least it would have showed you cared
Be specific, please.
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>Franklin Mint
no gretchen, consult those 'experts' you claim to have employed, its pretty glaring
So you have nothing, got it.
cool, keep making shit with gold inlay and nonsensical writing
You can read Klingon?
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To be honest, this >>85322047 looks fine in terms of the writing, so I don't know what >>85323134 is on about
yes, welcome to trek, u clueless bitch
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>instead of hiring someone dedicated to get it right they hire another tribe member to just make up some new shit to sell more books about fictional languages.
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Can you translate this for me?
>looks fine
why? cause its in klingon, its a random series of symbols that mean nothing, go ahead and try and translate that shit, its pure nonsense
So it's authentic Star Trek then, since written Klingon has always been bullshit.
>Michael Okuda, who led the TNG-era art departments in creating the Klingon language as seen in graphics or script, starting from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home onward, has admitted they are randomly arranged symbols, which he based on the small number of Klingon writings visible in Star Trek: The Original Series and the first three Star Trek films. The original script was designed by Matt Jefferies, also responsible for the very first visual representation of the definitive Klingon emblem, for use on the D7 class model as used in the Original Series. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 6, p. 70) These graphics and writings do not reflect any possible spellings or translations in what Okrand's non-canon works call pIqaD, the native Klingon writing system.
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I'm not the expert above, however I can translate it roughly. (bear in mind I am new to klingon)

First line
A guttural quailty to this one, so i may be wrong, but it's
" I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas".
Second line
I like to ate, ate, ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays.
It goes on like this for the rest. Quite interesting
not really thats voy, le ancient klingon, a little bit kinda makes sense
>tfw 2013 was 10 years ago
Timeship Relativity, one to beam up, please.


I said I know klingon, and you really think I don't know this? Matt created an entire language and yes while many of the symboles are untranslatable some of them are, and std got it all wrong
>I said I know klingon, and you really think I don't know this?
I really think you're a terrible bullshitter.

Written Klingon will be nonsense like it always is. Spoken Klingon will be authentic and subtitled, just like in the TOS movies. TOS movies are the highest form of pure Trek, so I see no reason for you to keep bullshitting about this.
>spoken klingon will be authentic
nope it'll be the same nonsense thats etched into their um 'weapons' wait and see
Yeah, sure, whatever.

By the way,
>Matt created an entire language
Matt Jeffries only created the script. Marc Okrand created the language.

You're such a fucking casual. Quit pretending to be a hardcore nerd for e-points.
It's all nonsense anon, they're not fucking real
k, enjoy your shitshow brah
true, sad it took this long for someone to post this, I announce i'm retarded enough to actually know klingon and people start asking me for translations
>the absolute state of this board
>bringing up Marc
you really are casual eh?
Did they get the idea from a mall sword kiosk vendor? Because that thing is ugly and edgelord as shit.
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Literally you right now. The absolute state of your life.
Dan is probably upset
ok hab soslI’ quch, fucking pleb
Nobody cares that you know some words in a made up tv language anon. Maybe /tg/ might care, but the rest of the world doesn't.
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Fucking casual, fuck off.
your point? if ya know you ever had one
Stop whining and trying to show off your completely pointless skill. It's ruining an already very shit thread
you um, you don't know what that says eh?
It says "Laugh Out Loud", casual.

Posts to Craigslist. What a fucking moron. I hope he got his young ass caught.
it is pretty shit, not my fault stupid etchings and golden crap triggered me, I don't usually dump all my trek trivia at once still haven't, maybe OP shouldn't have been suck a faggot
Hey, I never sucked a faggot. You can't prove that
What Trek trivia? You couldn't even get the name right for the inventor of Klingonese.
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>The Sword of Kahless was the first bat'leth ever forged. It was designed and created by Kahless the Unforgettable and was dated to the 9th century AD.
There was an entire fucking episode about this thing, how did they fuck up the design of the new ones
nope, it doesn't, closer then you might think though
lol, debating between matt and marc, you really are new eh?
It astonishes me how easy it is for aliens to sneak on board the Enterprise

You can just be chilling in Astrometrics and nobody will ever notice until you kill someone or try to take over the ship
Matt didn't create a language. He created an alphabet. Marc created the language. Who are you trying to fool? For what purpose are you trying to fool? You're anonymous, you don't have a reputation at stake. You can simply stop replying, and tomorrow nobody will remember how wrong you were today.
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It says "Laugh Out Loud". Why are you so dishonest about everything?
like I said arguing about matt and marc
>pure unadulterated autisim
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eh kinda, its close
Nah it'll be the biggest failure since TOS and only run a single season.
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I love Morn.
Such a great and in depth character
all without saying a single word
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Garak, come here, come quickly, I think there's a secret message encoded in this transmission!

B-E-S-U... wait, is that right? Did they mean Desu? R-E-T-O... Yes, yes, that's it Garak, we're on the right track! I'm sure of it now! I'm so excited, I'm dizzy with anticipation! D-R-I-N-K-Y-O-U-R-S-L-U-G-O-C-O-L-A!
Shit will be DOA, JJ trek works in the movies but trying to replicate it in a series just doomed it to fail
Discovery will be Trek KINO and /tv/ will be wrong once again.
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/tv/ is never wrong
Here's my compromise: It'll be a good scifi series but it'll be a terrible Star Trek.

And I can live with that. I can live with it.
This show determines the fate of Stargate Origins

I'm not sure whether I want it to succeed or not
Stargate Origins will be Stargate KINO and /tv/ will be wrong once again.
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we can try, we can live with it, we can
nah sorry origins is doa before it ever left the embarkation room, sry brah
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>the first word is FUG
>Dax wants to fugg Morn

Trill are dirty
Shit is HOT
>MC of STD is Spock's adoptive sister


>adoptive sibling

It was all me Spock, the author of all your pain.
remember getting mildly annoyed at mccoy?
>me spock, all me
everyone loves morn
>guy won't leave
>burn his fucking house down and blow up his oven he spent 40 years building

Jesus, Kira doesn't fuck around
>Crusher says the Ferengi bury their dead and don't want the body autopsied

Very thinly veiled antisemitic commentary aside,that's incorrect. DS9 already established that Ferengi are vacuum desiccated and sold

Fuck you Crusher
>crusher says the ferengi buy their dead
>ds9 shows exactly how that happens
>fuck you crusher
She says they BURY their dead, you fuckwit
>DS9 already established that Ferengi are vacuum desiccated and sold
Close: important/famous Ferengi are. Quark probably wouldn't have tried it himself if he didn't need the money to pay off his debts, and as we see nobody was actually interested in his corpse except his brother, and that seemed to be more about cheering him up.

You don't bury memorabilia.
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but she also says they sell the remains, what did she mean by this?
this is 100% fan-fic, maybe only important ferengi sold their desiccated remains, maybe all of them did, your posr is nothing but postulation
You just don't pay attention, in the episode the concept was introduced, the explanation begins "When a Ferengi of my father's stature dies".

Embarrassing post, friend-o, maybe you should have looked it up?
>maybe only important ferengi sold their desiccated remains, maybe all of them did
Who would buy 'vacuum desiccated unknown hobo'? Who would pay for the procedure to be done? Why?
>maybe look it up
nah, i'd prefer to rely on my shoddy memory, maybe tng fucked with the continuity a little bit, but not much, I remember enough
tradition and profit
There is no profit in providing free services to the dead.
but their is is selling the remains, i mean if you have the lobes to do it right, who say its was a hobo? maybe that was once the CEO of ferengi swamps incorporated, you don't know, goddamn read the fucking rules
It's even more shit than 1&2 and even more of an action adventure cookie-cutter video game movie but there's a few references and small scenes and dialogue that looks and feel like old trek so people are going apeshit for it.
guess I'll give it a go
that is just to make it hard on all the great kick starter fan stuff from ever coming out. This is just a anther badly done rebot
next gen, tried men in dresses so .. And no the edge lord stuff is done everywhere. It not going to bring in new blood.
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>me spock. me
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Not to mention that Klingons are Klinger than ever before.
It's a longbow with no string. How is that a sword?

What do you mean, the guy couldnt shup up ever, always babbling about his heist stories
The true hero of DS9.
Adami did nothing wrong except get tricked by Dukat who was in league with the devil.

>Majel Barrett trying to get her leg over random alien guys

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I thought the captain was supposed to be a white guy. Why are there only kangz and qweenz in the trailers? Somethings not adding up.
Captain is a Chinese lady. She dies and the first officer takes over, she's a black woman

Black lady is first officer to Chinese Captain on USS Chinesename. Chinesename gets blown up, black lady and other survivors reassigned to USS Discovery under Captain Malfoy.
Remember that time Miles realized he was in a failed relationship and actually loved Kira
I love how Troi's first reaction to there being two Will Riker's is for her eyes to light up as she thinks about the imminent threeway
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> I wouldn't say I sense a threeway exactly, sir. But there's definitely some sort of presence, we should be careful
God she's useless
So Troi is clearly down with THomas Riker, but she ends up marrying Will?


Thomas Riker is busy rotting in a Cardassian mine
It's such a joke how unadvanced ground weaponry is in Star Trek

Somehow near the end of the 24th century we're still using point and fire rifles, and they're only semi-automatic
As opposed to what? It's hard to shrug off UAVs with hellfire missiles and chain guns as for defensive purposes only.

Perhaps anything with tracking or the capability to fire more than one shot every few seconds

I mean shit, the stuff we're developing nowdays are more deadly than the weapons Starfleet pumps out
Ground fighting in ST feels weird because if they have the technolgy to beam people in and out surely they would be able to disintegrate entire companies with the push of a button
>This is an entirely different animal. Federation standard issue. It's a little less powerful, but it's got a more options. Sixteen beam settings. Fully autonomous recharge, multiple target acquisition, gyro stabilised, the works

I think target acquisition is targeting, and I bet one of those beam settings is rapid fire, it's probably just plot/budget constraints that stopped them showing it.
You don't engage an enemy with transporter tech in a ground fight without shields/scramblers, that just goes without saying.
>multiple target acquisition, gyro stabilised
Maybe this means you can mount it on a tripod and it'll function like a sentry gun?
How often do you think Miles regrets racemixing?
Wrath of Kahn: A Review

+Kirk/Bones bantz
+Nimoy's acting
+a lot of the practical effect props look amazing
+Genesis isn't the stupidest Sci-fi plot device I have seen
+pacing is better than most TOS episodea
+Chekov's acting while mind controlled
+All of Kahn' s crew look like Kurt Russel

-All of Kahn' s crew look like Kurt Russel
-Kirk wear a fucking condom
-that mannequin ear a slug crawled into
-Kahn needs a bra for his man boobs
-Shatner's acting

Overall it was a comfy movie. Liked it better than most episodes of TOS I've seen.
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>Didn't bother to flip his mouth

>still depressed

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Kurt Russellization should only be a positive though, you can never have enough Kurt Russell.
Rewatch the original Stargate movie and see if you re-evaluate
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>They only complain, without fixing it either

You're part of what makes poor O'Brien suffer.


I can't dislike the original Stargate film, regardless of how shitty it may have been, I was only 3 when it came out, it was one of the first sci-fi things I ever watched.
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Mary sue lead confirmed.

it wasn't even his daughter
Don't be like that, he and tiny hana hatae were adorable together
>woah one of the characters is a special individual
>this has never happened in star trek ever
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Jake Sisco is such wasted potential.
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Tell me /tv/, how can there be war crimes if there wasn't a war?
Maybe and I am not the best Trek fan but each Klingon House has a signature Bat'Leth? I could just google this...but nobody else seemed too.

So they might be going for an "Evil House" so they tried to make that Bat'Leth super creepy looking but the one in this photo was for a "Heroic House". Maybe I didn't need to use all these quote marks oh well.
Gul Darheel < Gul Darsneaker
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Let's RP as if there were five lights -w-
Go look up where the name Mary Sue came from
Why SHOULD Discovery it have to stay true to the established style? Every age will have its own take on classic stories, and Star Trek will not be immune to this. I'm not putting Trek on the same level as Shakespeare for cultural importance, by any means, but think of this as being analogous to versions of his plays set in times and places other than ancient Rome or 1200-1600s Europe. Some of the best and most influential Shakespeare adaptations we've got have completely flipped the script on this, and have worked amazingly because of it.

Or think instead of how other cultures interpret one another. There are amazing 19th c. Japanese illustrations of Dutch/English/Australian/American people that are familiar yet different. Nothing wrong with that.

I have no problem with someone telling a piece of the wider Star Trek story through a sort of nightmarish lens. The galaxy at large is not safe, or fun, or kind.
CBS shills are definitely on /r/startrek (inb4 >reddit)

Just saying, be on the look-out for them
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Now that the dust has settled can we all agree:

Sisko > Picard > Kirk > Archer > Janeway
>below Kirk

Fuck off
Why are they making another prequel? The original series is kind of dated as it is due to it being made in the 1960s, so that means they have to go with a dated style for it to make sense in the context of that Universe. Making a sequel would also allow for a more flexible plot, as they wouldn't be doing anything that could accidentally retcon the whole series.
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Picard > Archer > Sisko > Kirk > Janeway
I'm watching ENT right now, why did they change the theme song in season 3?
It's awful, it shits all over the dramatic or dark openings the episodes have.

Only sisko was a special person straight out of the womb with his "muh prophet mother".

Kirk was a maverick, picard a diplomatic wanker, Janeway a crazed starfleet officer and Archer was a guy who was trying to prove humanity aren't a bunch of violent degenerates
What's happening to Star Trek threads these days? People were always retards but they used to at least be able to respond to arguments instead of getting absolutely buttsavaged and shitposting.

Her character bio is exactly the same as Mary Sue, and you suck at reading comprehension, debate, and Star Trek trivia.
>Kirk was a maverick
>Picard a diplomatic wanker
>Janeway a crazed starfleet
Ah yes, memes.
Sisko > archer = Kirk = Picard >>>>>>>>>> Janeway
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>b-b-ut akthually! *snorts violenty* you are a meanie!
I already told you to fuck off.
Obviously correct

Why haven't you posted your pasta yet?
In the history of television, has there ever been more of a wasted opportunity than Voyager?
Watch the fucking shows.
Kirk bends the rules a shit ton and doesn't do too much exploring, whereas Picard took on a more diplomat role apart from fighting the Borg.
Imo the whole TNG bridge crew has a huge stick up all their asses

And Janeway is just plain irrational because voyager is a shit series staffed by people who hate writing
u so mad. y? :(
Not him but Archer isn't actually that bad of a captain.
A little bland perhaps, but he's alright.
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>Maybe and I am not the best Trek fan
Yes, that much is obvious.

>So they might be going for an "Evil House"
All houses, including the "evil" house of Duras have the same style of Bat'Leth. In one episode Dax gives the specifics for a Bat''Leth on the holodeck and of course the whole sword of Kahless thing. Just face it, STD dosen't give a fuck about canon
Reminder that Riker was objectively a terrible first officer
>Kirk bends the rules a shit ton and doesn't do too much exploring

> not acoochimoya
> not majel Barret
> hurr durr
Although likely due to the writers' ineptitude, Chakotay inadvertently was easily the best crew manager we have ever seen, successfully integrating a criminal organisation into a federation regiment in less than a year with almost no hard feelings between the two crews. I'd go so far as saying that Chakotay was the best first officer of any of the series in that he did his fucking job
Kira was objectively worse at the start, however she actually had some character development whereas Riker never really developed even when growing the beard.
First Officers in Trek rarely have the traits of a real military first officer, which is mostly being feared enough that the crew will obey you and respected enough that they won't mutiny.

Kira was probably the closest in that regard, if only because she seemed to manage the first respect better than the rest. Nobody was scared of Riker except the brown noser in lower decks. And nobody will ever match up to Tigh.

Chakotay handled his rebellious crew well enough, Starfleet were just professionals and didn't need handholding, he didn't have to talk to any of them to keep them working or prevent them stealing.
t. never watched TOS
Kirk is the one that followed the rules more than anyone else
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Giving women the vote was a mistake.
Odo's laugh is endearing as fuck.
You are all bitching about really petty shit. Klingon lore is fucking incoherent anyway and you sperg over okayish designs. Whatever.
The real problem is that they didn't cast anything as fan service which is a bad sign. I mean couldn't they get Jeffrey Combs or something? I bet even Bren Spiner would return the call.
>Kirk bends the rules a shit ton and doesn't do too much exploring,
Objectively wrong.
You are confusing show and movie Kirk.
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They really just don't get it, do they
Spock's OC Donut Steel sister is in it, Leonard Nimoy might have a cameo
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>fighting the Borg

Have I mentioned the fact that Picard was an incompetent piece of shit who threatened the very existence of humanity on more than one occasion and left it to Captain Archer to clean up his mess for him?
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>I play the first openly gay character in the history of TV Star Trek. I’m very proud of that & he’s a scientist






>he did his fucking job
Sadly we never saw him doing it since they are only 3 or so episode featuring Marquis conflict.
>CGI Spock
Please don't.
>love Star Trek
>hate diversity
Pick one.
Say ONE thing nice about STD

"X character is attractive" does not count
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>mad alt rightist detected
They thing with the subs is nice and might scare normies away.

Thank-you for CBSetting The Record Straight!

0.01 minutes of FREE viewing time have been added to your CBS All Access account!
Nobody has a problem with diversity in Trek, but Star Trek diversity is pointedly different from modern-day hollywood diversity, which is using diversity as a cudgel for wedge issues.

See >>85340243 it's not going to be like old trek where the diversity was treated with a shrug and everyone just got along fine but instead it's going to be LOOK HOW GAY WE ARE AREN'T WE SO GAY THERE ARE GAYS IN THE FUTURE WOW SO GAY
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No. They really don't.
Yes, you post this all the time.
Star Trek was always about confronting social issues of the time. Did you even watch the TOS?
>Star Trek was always about confronting social issues of the time.

Clearly homosex is the most pressing issue of our time and we need at least 20 episodes and an entire main character to solve this pressing issue
>Did you even watch the The Original Series?
>>CGI Spock
>Please don't.
it can't be cringier than the DS9 episode set in the TOS era
Yeah, through allegory, not shoehorning characters in for no reason other than "diversity"
America just elected a President with a VP that wants to shock gay people to "cure" them. It is a very relevant matter :^)
>7 years
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I don't even know what you are talking about. I will get the show on BTN where, you know, I get all my show.
>Nobody has a problem with diversity in Trek
Tbqh senpai a lot of people do in ST threads here.
> it's not going to be like old trek where the diversity was treated with a shrug and everyone just got along fine
Yeah, okay. This could be but we don't know cause it hasn't aired.
The thing about the gay character is cool tho. Star Trep tip-toed around this in too many episode it has gotten ridiculous. Pic related.
Are you one of those autists who think that everything is cringe?
Hahaha the origin so bridge crew didn't have shoe horned diversity hires!
Can you please stop same fagging or go back to your containment board?
Fuck off that episode was great.
Can you go back to yours?


They LOVE STD there, you'll fit right in!
>doesn't like one "le quirky" reference episode
tribbles are the most memeist thing from the entire Star Trek
Their reactions are pretty disgusting desu, i'm certain there is a fuckton of shilling going on there.
> i'm certain there is a fuckton of shilling going on there.

I check it out occasionally and they were all shitting on STD until this new trailer and then did a total 180 today
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>not even denying the same-fagging
>implying you are not a reddit cross poster faggot
>implying I even know how reddit works
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Don't forget equality. We're all absolutely equal, you know.
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>hating light-hearted fun
There are no faggots in the far future. They will have found a proper cure by then. Why does this bother you? Do you enjoy the social misery caused by homosex?
Whose smart idea was it to make a non-humanoid autist whose entire brain could be re-wired via wi-fi the second officer of the fleet's flagship
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>literally stop liking what I don't like
>max autism
The episode was nominated for a shit ton of awards and appears in every DS9 Top 10 list that I have seen. Since you didn't state a single reason why the episode is bad I just have to assume that you are filthy casual who likes his shows to be mega edgy.
i think he had a really long star fleet carreer before he got that kind of authority.
Data was 26 years old at Encounter at Farpoint
t. autism
Did I say that the episode is bad? I said I dislike it, don't get triggered snowflake.
>omg dude this reddit tier epic reference episode is LOVED therefore it's great and you must love it too!
>surprised that a meme episode with the tribbles and epic reference is a fan favorite.
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t. Someone who never watched Enterprise

What does Malcolm have to do with homosex? He got laid more than Trip, you moron.
as opposed to humans that can be easily mind controlled?
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and with good reason
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>Many austic people understand this better in theory than in praxis
I bet

>don't get triggered snowflake
You seem mega triggered over this, seriously.
about 21 of which he was working for starfleet, according to memory alpha.
At least humans can't do this

I am perfectly fine unlike the usual triggered redditors
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>making a Star Trek episode that Star Trek fans like is a bad thing
You should stop talking about reddit while using epic CAPS bro. I makes you look mega mad.
Man you people are annoying. The actor literally stated that he played him gay.
Watch the first season. They make a lot of allusions to him being gay. Then the writers got cold feet and forgot about him.
I know, right? Love that cap.
You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.
>cheap and mindless pandering is bad
Yes it is
>inb4 it was for le anniversary meme just turn your brains off and enjoy the references!!
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Does anybody have the interview Roddenberry gave where he compared the relationship between Kirk and Spock to Alexander The Great and his butt buddy Hephaestion? I feel like making people angry for no reason.
go trim your fucking neckbeard.

Seriously just watch the show. They also announced there would be a gay character in Enterprise before the show came out. I remember that time.

>n light of Star Trek's long history of representing characters of all races, genders, and creeds, some fans have petitioned Paramount for years to include a gay or bisexual person as a regular character. In the development stage of Enterprise, it was reported that producers originally intended for one of the main characters to be the first openly gay character on Star Trek. This theory was proved false as early back story clearly stated Reed's orientation (as well as everyone else's) as heterosexual. Actor Dominic Keating, for his part, stated at a science fiction convention that the possibility that his character would be gay was discussed, and rejected, although it is unclear what was the context of this discussion and who made the final decision.
This was one of the most expensive episode ever tho.
I bet you enjoy the walking pleb. I don't know why but I can sense it.
Is everyone forgetting Dax in these inane discussions about faggots?
I didn't mean cheap as in a monetary sense.
>bringing up the walking dead out of nowhere
What the fuck, never watched a single episode of it
Both Daxes in the main cast were men

Jadzia was a post op tranny. Ezri was a twinky little boy
that doesn't count
according to fans DS9 was redpilled racist, homophobic, transophobic etc. show
Dax was mentioned a few times already. I'm surprised nobody brought up Garak yet.
It's subtle but Reed clearly was hiding somehing in the first season and we never got to know what it was. Word is the executives and the writers had different opinions about Reed.
The actor stated that he played him gay tho.

Not an argument but there was a fair amount of gay Reed fan-fiction.
>literally lying
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>Watch the first season.

I've watched the entire series multiple times. I am intimately familiar with every episode, storyline, and personality of every character in the show. You, on the other hand, are a blithering idiot who has no idea what you are talking about. Moron.
>fair amount of gay Reed fanfiction

link please
>Keiko being a stubborn intolerant cunt is going to destroy the Federation-Bajor alliance

Well DS9 season 1 is ending on a high note

This >>85342064 goes for you, too.
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Keiko, her plant missing.
And yet you fail to respond to any of my points.

So are you saying that Reed wasn't hiding something or that he was hiding something and we just never got to know what it was?

Look I am not saying he was written gay in the show that we saw but if you look in the first season only he clearly has no sexuality, avoid places like titty bars and was played by an actor that was initially told that he would be gay. I already stated why he later turned out to be a pussy magnet.
I don't know why are you in denial so hard but since you are not only in denial but also using le epic insults at me I must conclude you are a closet homosexual yourself. Fucking look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHhI5v_N09E

Just search for Hayed+Reed+enterprise. It's not the darknet.
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You appear to be suffering from acute homosexuality. Luckily I've devised a cure. Quite an impressive feat if I may say so myself.

Bend over please. This will be over shortly.
does Bashirfaggot just F3 'Garak' and 'gay' over and over again just so >she can show off what a boring faghag >she is?

Early speculation and the opinions of faggots has nothing to do with the fact that the heterosexuality of Malcolm Reed is unquestionable canon. You, on the other hand, are free to go eat all the dicks you want and no one will care but your poor father with whom I sincerely sympathize.
>F3 opens the search bar

>something something Seven of nine's nanoprobes.
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No way. There is only one doctor in Starfleet I will allow to shove shit up my ass.

I don't need to respond to any of your faggoty points. You're wrong. Period.
F3 goes to the next match when using the search.
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>the heterosexuality of Malcolm Reed is unquestionable canon.
You clearly can't read. I never disputed this. Never mind then.
Also you are ignoring the fact that the actor said he played him gay an instead you go strawmanning; cause I literally stated the fan fiction stuff is not an argument. You also didn't answer my very simple question.
>You, on the other hand, are free to go eat all the dicks you want and no one will care but your poor father with whom I sincerely sympathize.
>lose the argument
>hehe I will just insult him some more to look tough
I don't know you but I know I had more pussy than you and could easily beat your ;-^^
Pathetic. I am literally laughing.
why is this ENT faggot so triggered by actual faggots
Just ignore it, it's the same every damn day
I don't know. Horny ass fangirls have been making gay Trek shit since the 70s. Slash has been a part of the fandom for as long as there has been a fandom. People just need to calm the fuck down about it. This shit has been going on for literally 50 years.
Mentally healthy people aren't obliged to accept perversion as the new norm just because a bunch of faggots want them to.
>mentally healthy
>wastes his time spamming the same stuff in trek threads
>has an irrational hate against a fictional character and obsession about the actor playing him
Why do they keep making Klingons into Niggons?
So it is actually shilling.
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>I am ordering you to commit genocide if you ever get another chance at it

I lie this bitch. Unfortunately I suspect that means she's going to die very soon
check out this thread.
sort by controversial to see the opinion of what i assume are real people.

Was Roddenberry a gommie?
No, just a hippie
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Nobody wants you to accept anything. The majority of people who write and draw slash are straight women in their mid 20s to late 30s who do it because they think it's hot.
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>Data got pleasure from killing a Borg

oh my
Sharpy points but no blade like
Is shit
they turned her into a cuck in DS9 because they hated TNG
damn, I almost wish she'd died
Oh god, Brent Spiner talking in his own voice to the Borg instead of Data's is creepy as fuck
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It's not fair, she was initially supposed to be the captain of Voyager, but we got Insaneway instead.

Actually it might have been for the best, if the script had remained the same I'd have ended up hating her.
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Why is Geordi such a creep?
She doesn't die and Anon is lying to you. She's fine in DS9.
Even in the 24th Century, nobody wants to date a cripple.
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>Stardate 44379.1
>not having a waifu
Sexual frustration. Women don't like engineers.
>Women don't like engineers

Scotty, Torres & Trip seemed to do ok. And Geordi's waifu was married
Engineering is for society's rejects in starfleet
>leaving Crusher in charge of the shit

Picard you fucking madman
>that episode where Tasha Yar filed a sexual harassment claim because Geordi called her beautiful when Q gave him eyes
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In a uniform

Holding a phaser
Yeah, to hear faggots tell it, everyone who is disgusted by faggots are actually secret faggots.



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