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British Panel Shows Thread

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 61

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Gooooooooooood evening, good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening and welcome, to a British Panel Shows Thread.

Post some of your favourite British panel shows, favourite guests on there, favourite moments etc. Share your thoughts on popular panel games or share some hidden gems that deserve more attention, or talk about older panel shows that are sadly not with us anymore and deserve to be recommissioned.

British/UK Panel Shows Thread
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Are radio shows allowed?
I fucking loath Stephen Fry.
fun fact: he's going to die before 2020
He doesn't even host QI anymore its Sadny "did I mention I'm a woman and a lesbian this second" Tovsig

Alan Davies wanted to quit
You forgot 'and Danish'
Fuck panel shows. Bunch of socialist twats and their PC humour.

I bet you're not even British OP?

Fuck the superwholockian tumblrites shitting up this board
British humor is, for the most part, awful
and went to boarding school
Yeah. It's such garbage compared to the class that is american humor. Remember when Larry the Cable guy said "GITURRDUNNNNNN" and then the puppet muslim guy said "SILNCE KILL YU"? That was great. Anyway, make america great again.
Stephen Fry is a paedophile.
Pretty much. Mainstream British humour is dictated by public schoolboys who went through the Footlights so find the most inane shit funny and tell the rest of us to laugh along with it
She's somewhat witty sometimes but she really is an insufferable cunt.
Stewart Lee is british no?
Yeah exactly.
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Mock The Week - On tonights show we're going to take the piss out of Theresa May, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin! And of course we're going to be sucking the cock of Jeremy Bourbon.
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>obligatory blacks/women on panel shows now
>quality of comedy takes dramatic nose-dive
What a surprise. Also there's a guy with fucked up hands, that I see all the time now. He isn't even remotely funny.
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Panel shows are shit
Obsessed with Never Mind the Buzzcocks.

Loved Simon Amstell as host. Really like the seasons with him and everything after.

Two favorite guests I can think of are Paul Foot and Stacey Solomon.

That show just cheers me the fuck up.
Is New QI worth watching?

Fry was so perfect. The QI YouTube channel doesn't even upload the new host's clips...

he can't have long left. big fat bastard. his limited obituary showreel will be a couple of fry and laurie sketches, a bit of melchett from 30 years ago and a couple of scripted QI clips where he calls someone my dear.

can't stand him.
The Sex Pistols. You dick on them.
Dara O'Brien was a mistake
nice reading
But they're always making fun of Jeremy's cock-ups and general oldfaggyness and weird hobbies, replaying his failed high five's etc.

If anything he gets more jokes about him than he should, since he's not the one running a country like the other ones.
>boohoo he mocked mummy may for being a retard who commit political suicide :(((
Mark Lamaar was much better
I'm a centrist and I find the last leg to be painfully liberal nonsence. The Aussie is the worst, so unfunny.
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>hey I'm smart
>hey I'm dumb lol
>hey I'm a Welsh manlet

I love it.

Americans would get utterly shredded by the banter on panel shows Tbh.
Shit thread
Whenever he's on a show they have to have a talk before the shooting starts to tell everyone how to greet him, right? Like, do you shake his little lobster claw? Hug? Just nod your head to be safe? It's something I could definitely find myself not thinking of before the moment comes, at which point I'd panic.
I always feel really sorry for Lee Mack when I see this.
Holy shit when that squeaky voiced deli slut opened her mouth I wanted to fucking die. Is this what Americans consider "comedy"
It used to be so fucking good, now it just feels like the lies get more and more ridiculous each episode, and not in a good way. Most of the guests are utter cunts, I'd just watch it if it was David and Lee on their own.
Tfw rob made an excellent satire on panel shows then made a shit panel show. What did he mean by this?
What is wrong with her?
What the fuck was that? It's embarrassing.
If it's a panel show, sure.
I really like The Unbelievable Truth hosted by David Mitchell. If you haven't heard it yet, try it out.
4 panelists read a pre-pared short lecture about a subject that has to be completely factually false but they also have to sneak in 5 very improbable truths as well. It sounds boring on paper but the format works and it's been going on for a while so they know which guests are good on it so they book them more.
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What an annoying cunt, and whats with american comedians having to mention Trump all the time its fucking boring now.
>plays a dumbass
>routinely shows himself to have the quickest wit on the entire panel

Dude's always quick at making a joke out of some phrase someone else said, rather than doing a scripted monologue.
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exactly he's an unfunny cunt

t. britfag
Bad opinion much?
He's not dumb, just northern and less middle class
which episode/segment has Bob Mortimer saying "Sniper's Dream we call him"?
I need to watch it again.
Carr is the only good host.
jimmy must be quivering in his boots holy shit
Eh. Each to his own I guess.
mornington crescent
Sandi mentions her lesbianism just as much as Stephen did. It doesn't bother me much. I think she did a good job taking over from Fry and I enjoyed her first series as the host.

She's basically a female version of Stephen Fry. Both revel in their sexuality and can be witty when they need to, but both have a tendency to over-indulge in the fact that they're quite smart and well-read.
I could suffer it from Stephen as host and I can suffer it from Sandi as host. QI is still entertaining to me. The real humour comes from the guests and Alan is still on top form and they usually get one or two decent comedians on who can all carry the show while token minority makes silly jokes in the background.
show me his funniest clip on youtube, it's all bollocks

he appeals to the middle class simpleton who thinks lee is a bit more down in the dirt but still classy and funny but he just isn't it all falls flat desu
>at least I got it all out!

Literal participation trophy

Literally just googled the phrase.
Didn't he take a ferry to Calais and drink and smoke in a cafe on one of his depressive escapade moments?
Bill Bailey
Sean Lock
David Mitchell

>Would I Lie To You?
Bob Mortimer
Greg Davies
Richard Osman
Rhod Gilbert
>She's basically a female version of Stephen Fry.

She's a child rapist?
People like things you dont. Wow.

a bit of fry and laurie was genuinely great.

my favourite thing he ever did was rapping on whose line is it anyway. with based peter cook dancing beside him.

>and Alan is still on top form

If anything I felt like he was better in the Sandi-season than the previous ones. Felt like the new paradigm of the show had rejuvenated him.
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am fat and muh husband
I hate them. I hate their smug London bullshit. I hate their constant, unwavering criticism of anyone who doesn't get on board with their mental politics. I hate the fact they all show up on each other's shows, which are all identical. I can imagine them sat at a dinner party working out who gets to go on which show next.

Every single one is fucking pump. QI, HIGNFY, the lot. Inane rubbish cobbled together by people who have a pathological hatred of anyone that disagrees with their world view.
Bob is the GOAT Would I Lie To You guest. He's fucking amazing.
WILTY is great, one of my favourites.
The whole smart/dumb thing is a huge charade/stage persona thing they developed early on when Deaton still presented, but it works so they built on it.
Mitchell is working/middle class but they make him out to be extreme upper class which he just isn't. Mack may be working class and Northern but he really plays it up for the show and like some other anon said he's actually the one with the quickest wit and can turn any sentence someone said into a joke.

As for Rob Brydon? Who can hate that little Welsh guy? I actually feel bad for him now that his top two impersonations are dead. No more Ronnie Corbett or Terry Wogan impressions I'm afraid Rob.
>Inane rubbish cobbled together by people who have a pathological hatred of anyone that disagrees with their world view.
Then why don't they do better in America
There were people who actually wanted her to take over after Fry instead of not Sandi. Just imagine the kind of lives those people must lead.
HIGNFY has declined particularly steeply in the past 5 years

Used to be kino
Paul Merton and especially Ian Hislop are painfully unfunny.
Paul started to voice his pleb-tier political opinions instead of just being a comic figure, Hislop just became more pretentious as he got older.

Private Eye is still good though
>they didn't laugh, better pull a zany face and walk away funnily!
>IS IT....
is there a bigger try-hard in the universe?
It's dire. A very left wing guy I know went to a screening and even he said it got a bit tiresome. Hislop just ranted on about Trump to the audience. Merton, apparently, was still quite funny but shilled hard for a show he was doing the next month.

Hislop is going through life in reverse. He started out as a switched on, principled and shrewd man and turned into a 20 year old student union candidate.
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Soon Michale Caine will be gone too, leaving him with no impressions left.
Russell Howard? More like Russell Howmadareyou?
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Jack Dee is a subtle master of comedy. Most of the time he's on panel shows he's just being his miserable stage persona, not really contributing much but then BAM, he comes up with these:
WILTY, quick as a flash:

QI, on the subject of why there aren't many female comedians. Que two female comedians jabbering some nonsense and then:
Look at the state of his fucking head
used to love this guy until I started browsing /pol/

protip: don't browse pol it sucks the fun out of everything[/spoiler
After all the WILTY I've watched this was the best episode.
wow this is probably the slimmest david has ever looked, I can almost make out his chin from his neck for once
Seems like /pol/ matured you seeing as Russell Howard is the biggest pleb filter I'm aware of
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>contributes maybe two lines the whole show
>yes that is deemed acceptable comedy
now this is a pleb filter
>If anything I felt like he was better in the Sandi-season than the previous ones.
I felt the same way. He also wins a lot more often and guests joke on how he's finally free now that Stephen's gone.

The real reason is that the last couple series of QI were littered with scheduling problems. Davies did an interview where he said it came to feel like a slog. Sometimes he had to film three episodes a day (and that's like 2-3 hours of filming which they cut down to 30 mins, then 45 mins for QI XL) for scheduling reasons like availability of guests, studio time etc. Hard to be on your comedy A game when you've been filming for 8 hours straight. I heard they stopped doing that now and they film one episode a day and an entire series over the span of two months or so.
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i'm gay and i want to suck cock haha not really though i'm just zany and millennial
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that background looks super masonic
>this guy actually achieved success but only within the BBC

Is he jewish?
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This guy tells a joke so goddamn slow that by the time he gets to the punchline you've seen it coming for five minutes. It's infuriating to sit there waiting for him to catch up to you with every joke.

Still, marginally better than this waste of semen.
Yeah Jack Dee is still great, even though he's been going a long time. Hasn't been over exposed too.
Comedians you have literally never even cracked a smile at?

Hard mode - No women
>tfw he got visibly depressed when Amy Winehouse got wasted during the show
Phil Jupitus
>Thread about favourite panel shows, favourite comedians, favourite moments
>people just post the comedians they hate the most

Come on, keep it civil chaps.
biggest product of nepotism ever and he's banging this chick

tfw no middle class privilege
>he got the job through nepotism his dad television producer Michael John Whitehall. His father was an agent for Judi Dench, Colin Firth and Richard Griffiths, and wrote the memoir Shark-Infested Waters. Whitehall has a sister, Molly Louisa (born 1989), and a brother, Barnaby William (born 1992). He had two godfathers—Nigel Havers and the late Richard Griffiths, both actors.[2]

>He attended Tower House School in East Sheen, west London, where he was a fellow pupil with Twilight Saga star Robert Pattinson
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Fuck I hate this guy. He's way too old to actually be considered a "youth" yet he loves to portray himself as a fucking 10 year old. He's like the equivalent of a girl gamer for British panel shows, he spends all of his time telling everyone about how crazy and cool his youthful activities are.

If I was ever in England and I saw him I'd honestly call him a fag and kick him.
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i act like a weird hobo but i'm too normal to actually do or say anything too weird
He's a 'mumcore' comedian just like this guy.
I'm a massive sucker for puns and even I don't fancy him. Probably because rehearsed puns just ruin any wit involved with them.
Isn't he like 30? Why the fuck does he still act like he's 17?
Needs to be said, lad.
You don't want someone opening the trap door when it's built up some steam
Oh god he's so appalling. Literally can't get on any show outside of Buzzcocks because nobody wants him.

>go to prep schools and a boarding school
>best uni you end up going to is Manchester to do history of fucking art
>drop out after 2 years
>become successful anyway

because he's a PONCE!
>Hard mode - No women

I don't want to derail the thread into some whinging about whether its sexism or not but jesus I just don't GET why most of the women on these shows are so unfunny. Like there are funny women out there, there are women who do things other than "haha im a woman but im FAT!!!" or "hahah MEN" but they never seem to work their way up to shows.
I grew out of him he just kept repeating the same shit with that dumb look on his face

liked this
Fuck him, I'm very jealous of his extremely lazy lifestyle but he can still go fuck himself.
Now you understand why ideas like communism take hold
Hoe can you not like Michael Mcintyre?
Seeing as he works for the beeb he probably unironically shills for gommunism

Nah, I just want muh day of the rope
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I actually really like Michael McIntyre's style of observational comedy. He gets a lot of hate from people and even fellow comedians. His comedy is accessible, but it's still funny.

Now Peter Kay I really don't understand.
I don't think he's that bad but god 30 is really pushing it for joking about the lads at uni or school.
If you're blind, maybe. Spotting actual masonic imagery isn't exactly hard, anon, there's no need to try and spot them in things that don't look anything like masonic imagery unless you squint and turn your head. No, interpreting a curved line as the square is not fine. Interpreting the compass as regular lines that don't even join up isn't fine either.
More like upper-middle class really

Plus that's how so so many bong actors and comedians and musicians become successful. They're all posh fucks from rich families. That's why they go over to america and steal their roles like in get out. Because lots of our media stuff is so difficult to get into without money so it ends up really elitist
top kek, forgot all about him. I wonder what he's doing now?
That manhole comment made me cry with laughter when I first saw it. Absolutely amazing
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>Now Peter Kay I really don't understand.
Who /Cats Does Countdown/ here? New episodes when?
Who are you doing an impression of???
>They're all posh fucks from rich families
I was surprised when i was doing a wikipedia binge on pre 2000 british bands and seeing how many of them had private education, guitar lessons and great upbringings
>he finally stops doing his unfunny skits in Cats Does Countdown
>they bring in the puppet lady to do skits instead

For a moment I thought she'd be a regular and started believing in monkey paw wishes.
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How do people like her even get comedy jobs?
>complains about PC and lefties
>posts Mark Kermode
>when you find out pretty much ever comedian of worth since the 80s went to Cambridge University and did routines in that one comedy club

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>Now Peter Kay I really don't understand.

Phoenix nights was great, anything he did after that was shit though. Similar to Gervias ans the office
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>tfw painfully unfunny but kinda qt
Yeah I think it's just the state of our state education and the extracurricular stuff that goes with it compared to other developed countries. Pretty dire. I can see why they go for private school people most of the time
Burgers on suicide watch
>that fat jamaican woman on mock the week sometimes
literal quota ticker
Poor kids can afford good equipment, don't have houses big enough to practice drums in etc.
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Don't mind me, just being the best British comedy show on TV right now
It's especially annoying when they all go off on one with their lefty winging.

meant can't
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>this is Al Murray's background
>formulated his entire career on being a pastiche of a working-class character

The media class need to be gassed
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Garlic bread?
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Private schoolfag here, yet still ended up sitting around being a waste of space posting on here.
You jealous /tv/?
I honestly think it's because of a form of low-grade sexism from previous decades that we're still catching up with. The women who DON'T do the "Haha I'm a woman!" jokes do the same jokes as the blokes. But when it comes to the people hiring comedians they'd rather hire the bloke doing bloke jokes than the woman doing bloke jokes, because guys are still more accepted in comedy circuits and you don't have to risk having people go "ugh female comedians aren't funny, I'm not going" when you book a bloke. On the other hand you can't have a bloke do the "Haha I'm a woman! Periods!" jokes and so to fill that slot you pull in the female comedians that are fine with just filling that slot. Then those women end up writing material that'll get them more jobs and before you know it they've built up a massive catalogue of jokes they know will get them further jobs and it's too late to change your whole act.
>it's been 5 minutes since the last one, better make a UKIP joke
Even these two are Cambridge graduates
her on big fat quiz of the year was weird. like she had a couple of okay comments here and there but for the most part it was just like....whats her THING, you know? like is she meant to be witty or make puns or tell stories or what, because I was getting a whole lot of nothing from her being there.
Well yeah they both come off as pretty smart.
I taught briefly at Durham School, you're most likely not even "middle class" just scummy new money.
Why? And don't say because he's a gay Jew, that's not a critique
I love The Unbelievable Truth. Miles Jupp (from The News Quiz) was hilarious in the episodes from last series a couple of months ago.
Top tier comfy, this is what I listen to at work: http://justaminute.radio.net/

I remember one episode where the subject was "radio" or something, and Clement Freud got the subject and just said "Actually, I prefer I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue", made me laugh like mad, and I totally agree with him.

I fucking love the early shows though, Kenneth Williams + Clement Freud = GOAT episode, and boy was Kenny right about not having women on the show, I love some of the old birds but Sue Perkins and Jenny Eclaire fucking ruin any episode they appear in by challenging "repetition of I" so they can be unfunny and talk about muh vagina for a few seconds.
There's something about Milton's delivery that makes me like him a lot
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i'm black, i have nothing more to add other than white people act weird sometimes
fuck me pub landlord more like m'lord
You sound pretty bitter. Why did you get sacked?
She's hot until she starts talking
>given a great chance in life
>fucked it up

Why would I be jealous?
Shooting Stars is such a great show, whenever I'm in a bad mood I just put the whole show on shuffle

>Ooooh what a feeling, we're dancing on the Sealink
based michael caine working the elites
CP, not joking
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I'd probably watch anything with David in it tbphwyf. Lee can fuck right off for all I care. Don't have patience for people that make it a schtick to pander to dummies
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But that's fucking wrong, you mong.

He's also American and can add stuff about how American or Brits act weird sometimes.
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>that time when based working-class David Starkey BTFO David Mitchell's wife on Question Time

watching him on cats does countdown is pretty hilarious how he clearly doesn't know even basic math and tries to coolly blow it off every time
>this is what I listen to at work: http://justaminute.radio.net/
Looks like they removed the listing, the stream still exists though: http://stream.beatradar.com:8007/listen.pls
Does your surname begin with h or p by any chance?
Didn't get sacked, just on cover there.
Most kids there were decent, especially the old money types.
There's no entry test to get in, so there's a good few in there who are literal dolts / scumbags. Shame really, I'd love to go back, though it's probably a chinese colony now.

Sunday Bloody Sunday. Really encapsulates the frustration of a sunday
when the fuck is would i lie to you coming back? i need my fix.

also who else has claudia winkleman as his british panel showfu here?
They have an entry test I think. Just not enough people try to enter for them to be able to choose
Beware of his web of sin
That's clearly an inverse diagonal, what kind of moron do you take me for?

Jack Dee took over for Humphrey Lyttelton on ISIHAC and has been doing a pretty decent job of it. He was great on Shooting Stars too.
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>those noises she kept making during the big fat quiz of the year
Her entire comedy is about Hollywood gossip. She reads all those magazines, watches all those shows, Kardashian stuff etc, and uses her vast knowledge of (alleged) celebrity life as comedy....somehow. Most of her jokes rely on celebrity gossip and she often takes a real world event and compares it to Kanye West's love life for some reason. I don't get her either, but she's nice to look at.
I guess teenage girls like her comedy? In any case, we're obviously not her demographic.
stop using that term
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>taxi for rachel

since when did being a shit dad constitute comedy?
I'm not a huge fan of him but he's alright. I like puns and that's all he does, so he usually gives me a couple of laughs. Also I know it's stupid but he's done some routines about family and every other pun starts with another grandfather
>My grandfather recently....
>random pun
>My other grandfather from....
>random pun
>random pun
>My other grandfather went to...
something's off about her, it's like she's not actually alive, but a corpse reanimated poorly, is it a plastic surgery fail or she is just that bland?
All those generational categories were based off Amerikkka and do not necessarily apply to the UK. You also are quick to assume he's gay and use the word zany, which both point further to your americanness so I understand why your post was so shit
she's a leaf
Sometimes I feel like the audience only laughs at him because it would be awkward not to. He's a bit forced and generally not that funny
I like him but I can't recall him ever making an actual joke. I just love his style and the way he talks and changes the mood by addressing something

Also his WILTY bit was great
>"The D in my name stands for Delicious"
As funny as a mass grave. Do not find him funny on panel shows at all and his standup is awful
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>tfw no young claudia winkleman gf
That makes sense. Like I said when I watched BFQOTY she was just sort of there and I kept thinking like...she's not funny or unfunny enough to get a strong impression of her, but if all she does is these sort of slightly amusing comments once every 20 minutes then any random bloke from the pub could do that? But if her thing is american pop culture and that didn't come up very often then thats fair.
More like D stands for diversity hire
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>French Golden

Fucking Lee, man.
>Ooooh what a feeling, we're dancing on the Sealink

>I love some of the old birds
Pam Ayres is best

Remarkably easily actually.
HAHA he compared the black community to her white world HAHAHAH he's so funny.
HAHAHAHA. Hilarious

He's basically their pet that they can bring out and laugh at his blackisms. Very patronising
>Share your thoughts on popular panel games
The ones that spring to mind when I think of shows I enjoy the most are
Cats does Countdown

>share some hidden gems that deserve more attention
Not sure if these are that hidden but Dave's been pumping out some good original programmes, though these aren't panel shows really
>Alan Davies : As Yet Untitled
Really comfy viewing. It's like a chatshow but without the guests trying to plug their latest show/film/book. They literally sit around a table and talk and have banter and it always ends up great
I really like this one. Some of the tasks are really imaginative. Watching it makes me wish I could play as well.

>or talk about older panel shows that are sadly not with us anymore and deserve to be recommissioned.
Shooting Stars is glorious and whoever decided to cut that from telly deserves a fist in the face. Vic and Bob at their glorious, surreal best.
Buzzcocks had some great moments. The Amstell Years were great and even after he left it was still a lot of fun with guest hosts for a couple of years. Wouldn't mind seeing it back again.
>Shooting Stars is glorious and whoever decided to cut that from telly deserves a fist in the face. Vic and Bob at their glorious, surreal best.
Have you checked out Bob Mortimer's podcast Athletico Mince? I love it.
wait people actually like mcintyre?
she was funnier than the other women
>Alan Davies : As Yet Untitled

Fuck yeah this is good.
middle class mothers do
I remember that clip. First episode of Would I Lie To You I ever saw I think.
>Well, there's Brenda, there's Cathy, there's Oliver, there's Scrumptious...

That's his whole shtick though. Guess it doesn't work for you but I like it.
>He's basically their pet that they can bring out and laugh at his blackisms. Very patronising
That's a very negative and extreme way to feel after watching that clip.
The only woman who managed to be less funny than Jo was the puppet lady.

That one just has fucking issues. Marrying a dude who's the same age as your dad? What the fuck.
s w e a t y
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Yeah her stint on the BFQOTY wasn't that good. She gets a lot more opportunity to do her whole "this reminds me of how the Kardashians..." stuff on topical panel shows and the like. Again, it's not my thing because I don't know a lot about all that gossip that her comedy relies on, but she's on telly a lot so she must be pleasing some demographic out there.
Oh ,and picking Reggie Watts to replace Greg in the american version seems like a weird choice. The dynamic will definitely have to be changed.
The original Room 101 with Paul Merton/Nick Hancock is goat, the new version with Frank Skinner is a steaming pile of shit, and I'm furious about it because it guaranteed that the original would never get broadcast again. A great deal of the show is lost because of it.
I'll have to check it out. I'm always happy to see Vic or Bob appear on a panel show, they always get me going.

It really is. It's a simple format but it worked out really well and it's on its 5th/6th series now? I'll be honest and say that half the time I literally have no idea who half the guests are (think most of them are still up-and-coming on the comedy scene), but it's always good viewing.
Fuck, I thought the 5th series had started airing. Don't do this to me man. Do we have an air date?
Yeah, it's not just that clip. It's every time he's on one of these panel shows (they do it to other people to). Everyone treats him a bit like a child and if they weren't laughing they would probably be sneering at him. It really gets to me for some reason desu
Also yeah, it doesn't work for me. I don't remember ever laughing at his stuff. His 'jokes' always seem to simple and obvious and he doesn't have the best delivery
I quite like Frank Skinner but recent Room 101 has been shit. When Skinner's version started it was still alright, they had some decent guests, wild card round etc. Recent series is just a line-up of "whoever the fuck is available", just two rounds, and they even got rid of the silly props in favour of an awkward 5 seconds of silence as the guest's pet peeve slowly appears on a digital screen in written form.
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Good Evening and Welcome to QI 2017!
Where women are the superior beings and all men must die.
Here's something that's started to bother me recently, watching the most recent season of Mock the Week.
It seems as if all the original talent has left, and now they've wheeled in these new guys, and Mock the Week has been on air for a long time. I feel as if most of the comedians who appear on it nowadays would've been watching the show back when it started, and basically built themselves to be a similar kind of comedian.

I mean this is really autistic but there's this fat red-headed girl who is on it nowadays and I've noticed that her speech pattern seems to emulate the way I remember people talking on the show way back when. She starts talking about something, but then takes a pause halfway through without having made the point. Like last time I saw she said something like "which they acting like is something we're.......not supposed to be mad about." It was like that's the part where you are supposed to nod along but she hasn't actually said anything.

Also comedians these days are too good looking and I hate them.
What an awful post I'm sorry if you read it
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>Well I for one would like to tell everyone to go out and vote for Jeremy Corbyn to make a Britain for the many, not the few â„¢.
Thanks for that BBC.
I used to love 8 Out Of 10 Cats. Sean Lock and Jon Richardson were great as team captain and the guests were pretty decent. Then they started the Countdown spin-off and we didn't get any regular Cats episodes anymore.

But now it actually IS back but they fucking got rid of Lock and Richardson and replaced them with "ugh, aren't my teeth big" and that sexy Irish comedian and the guests are all entry-level comedians who played in the local pub that afternoon and can't believe their luck that they're on telly.

It's a good thing the Countdown version is reliably good entertainment. But all I wanna know is why Sean Lock and Jon Richardson never appear on the same episode again. They plucked them away from regular Cats but now they don't even show up every week for the Countdown version. It's either Sean or Jon and a guest captain. I don't wanna go all conspiracy theorist but what's going on there? Did they have a fight or something?
>I don't wanna go all conspiracy theorist but what's going on there? Did they have a fight or something?

You know how big of a deal they made out of Jon finally having a girlfriend? Sean got there first. Jon found out when his kid turned out a lager-sipping ginger at a month old and since then can't be in the same room as Sean without throttling him.
I never found any of the women funny, jo was cringe for the most part but had a few moments.
Jon Richardson is insufferable.
>What an awful post I'm sorry if you read it
So am I. But you're kinda right. Mock the Week's gone to shit in recent years and I have no idea why I even bother watching it these days, or why it gets recommissioned.
That show died the moment Frankie Boyle quit. He was the only regular who was actually funny. Hugh Dennis is just there for his pension now and doesn't give a fuck. Andy Parsons was never funny. The sight of Russell Howard's face alone just makes me angry. Chris Addison never did much that left any impression on me.
The only funny moments these days come from banter between Dara and Ed Byrne, who play really well off each other. As for all these new faces they keep bringing in every week, I can't stand them. The show is terrible and unfunny and again I have no idea why I put myself through the effort of watching it
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Face it - this was the best British comedy show since Monty Python
>Come with me, if you will, on a visit to scenic Mandalay...
I like him but I can definitely see how people can't stand him. I like his self-deprecating humour and OCD tendencies even though I don't suffer from them.

Sean Lock on the other hand is an amazing comedian who always gets me laughing. His "mascots" on Cats does Countdown are brilliant.
Monty Python? Oh that shit remake of Q.
Curved like a scimitar it was!
I'm so sick of this shit, its all so incestuous and clubby
It's amazing how much Frankie did for that show. He wasn't just funny, he elevated everyone else around him and he had great chemistry with the regulars, especially Dara.
Sean Lock carred Cats for years. I wouldn't be surprised if he became sick of it.
I could never get into The Mighty Boosh or anything Fielding did sitcom-wise. The nicest thing I could say is that it's not for me, but what I want to say is what's funny about Fielding covering his face with shaving foam and pretending to be the moon? Boosh always came across me as goofy and "random for the sake of being random".

no date yet, wiki says 2017
oct/nov probably
can't wait
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There hasn't been a good one since Shooting Stars.
They are just quota-led cringe fests these days.
Q? Oh that shit remake of The Goon Show.

Just kidding, Q is pretty good, but it can't make me laugh every time I see it like classic Goons.

Is superwholock still a thing
Legendary taste bro. Did you know there was a Hamish & Dougal spinoff show?

anyone see the recent episode where they had a literal retard on? Each joke took her about 5 minutes because of all the stuttering. Had to turn it off in the end.
He does look sick of it. If you rewatch old episodes of 8oo10c and compare his facial expression and general attitude to newer episodes you can see he's done with this shit. He's said multiple times on Cats does Countdown that he sees no point to it because he's shit at it and Jon's pretty good at it, and he makes a point of telling his team member that it doesn't last as long as you think and you can go home. I've always taken his grumpiness as part of some stage persona he plays for laughs, but now I'm starting to doubt myself.
He's been touring more and more in recent years which explains his long absences from episodes, and I think he just had a moment where he thought "I'm not fucking doing this show forever" and decided to fixate more on his stand-up career.
I'm sure that being a team captain for 12 years can get into your head a little. You don't wanna be known as "that guy off 8 out of 10 cats" all your life.

I wish he'd do another sitcom. 15 Storeys High was brilliant.
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>what's funny about Fielding covering his face with shaving foam and pretending to be the moon?
I would hardly say that's the funniest part of the show. I think Howard is the funniest character really.

>Boosh always came across me as goofy and "random for the sake of being random".
I don't think so. I think it's very clever. Very deadpan.

It's just a very original show, at the time there wasn't really anything like it. I think the first series was the best. Probably because they had honed that material for a while because it's the material they had used on their radio show.

But yeah I just think it was really original, didn't take itself too seriously, just had some really good jokes in it. And I disagree that it was random just for the sake of it.

>anything Fielding did sitcom-wise
The Boosh isn't just him though. On his own I can see why you might think "he's a bit too over the top and I'm not really into that", but Julian Barratt balances that with some really deadpan comedy. That's why I think Boosh is so good. And of course it's got the supporting cast of Fielding's brother and the other guys.
That was terrible. I mean, I'm all for giving people opportunities and that, and I've accepted that 8oo10c has now become a show where new up-and-coming comedians get a chance to be on telly while Cats does Countdown gets the well-known and familiar, good comedians.

But a 30 minute topical quiz panel show is not the place for someone with such a major speech impediment. She did two jokes that took literally 5 minutes. 3 minutes was getting the set-up out and then we all had to endure 2 full minutes of her trying to pronounce the punchline we already know and saw coming three minutes earlier. Christ almighty. Worse than ventriloquist woman.
Richard Osman is great on WILTY. His story about how he hit a badger with his car while on holiday with the banker from Deal or No Deal was great. "I say badger I mean Nun".
>lmao arent all christians dumb xD fuck the tories amirite *audience sharts in laughter*

If you're into Boyle, the BBC finally gave him another shot at telly. His 4-episode series Frankie Boyle's New World Order just ended. It's all political, but there's some good Boyle action in there.
state of this thread, deary me
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alri lads
*cracks open a tinny*
whats on the tele?
>but there's some good Boyle action in there.
No there isn't, it's fuckign awful
Why is The Last Leg still on television
Nah lad he's great. Superb delivery, but like Sean Lock he seems to be better in panel shows than his stand-up
Love Island lad
I find it really weird that you'd go into that type of work with that impediment without working around it. Stephen Hawkins is apparently a pretty funny guy despite delivering his jokes with a goddamn computer, so why not do something like that if you have trouble talking? Build your act around that like Bill Bailey builds an act around playing music.

Or just get a job writing jokes for other people. At its height a punchline isn't just some words you say. You need the right cadence when delivering it and it needs to fit the rhythm of the entire joke to make the delivery fit. There's plenty of comedians who just write jokes for other people to tell, because they can't do that, or they can't stand being up on stage. She could easily be one of them.
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haha got your snapchat last night, well funny lads xx
>Stephen Hawkins is apparently a pretty funny guy despite delivering his jokes with a goddamn computer
In a lot of cases that's a good thing because people find understatement funny. For an incredibly common example see donation TTS on twitch streams.
>>lmao arent all christians dumb xD

But they are.
Is it a dolphin in a bathtub?
Actually in the UK the average religious person is better educated than the average nonreligious person
Love Island is quality lads init haha x
oh christ who linked /brit/
Olivia's a right cow isn't she
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>me in the middle
l o d n o n?
Can't believe I had to scroll this far for this pic
me as the asian vomiting in the background
>Just A Minute
>I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
>The Unbelievable Truth
>Does The Team Think? (original only, remake can go fuck itself)

Am I missing any?
If you loved Fry you'll love Sandy, she's not overly political like some feared (since she founded her political party)
He's a doctor.
Well it's not Boyle at his best I admit. He's obviously playing it safe a bit because he just got a 4-episode series commissioned by the BBC for the first time in years. If he wants to keep a career in telly he'll have to wind it down a little.

He's best at stand-up though because he can say whatever the fuck he likes and that's when he's at his best.
I never got this guy. Is he a character? I mean, it can't be genuine can it? Must be some kind of terrible example of someone trying to be "down with da kids" or an unsubtle attack on modern British youths. Either way he's terrible. What is his demographic even supposed to be?
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Only decent comedian out there atm and he doesnt even do stand up.

Fuck off back to plebbit
Some anon recommended Kevin Bridges to me a while ago and he was right, that guy's going places, he's really good
I'd seen him on panel shows and thought he was ok but his stand-up is pretty damn good stuff
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>was about to give Taskmaster kudos.
>you already posted the image I was gonna use
>Some anon recommended Kevin Bridges to me a while ago and he was right, that guy's going places, he's really good
Hahhahahahaha. He's fucking shit nasty observational crap comedy.

What a pleb
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>tfw you're a lil white manlet

Anyone else who's /ashamed/ over watching Love Island?
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shut it you fanny
Absolute gayboy
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Why are British women turbo slags?

state of british police
This. In the last three seasons he's been much funnier than Mitchell tbqh
Observational comedy sells though, anon. Michael McIntyre was the highest earning comedian in the world about two years ago.
You don't get year-long sold-out big venue stand-up tours if people don't find you funny. Now it might not be your thing, but obviously you're in the minority there.
Well you see it isn't genuine or trying to be 'down with da kids'. It is in fact ... a joke
One of the best presenters on it. My favourite episode is probably the one with Warwick Davies hosting. Gonna see if I can find it online now.
>sells, therefore good


>but obviously you're in the minority there
more people didn't watch him than did, you fucking idiot.
Shit post.
Shit face
So Dave and Taskmaster are getting some praise in this thread. Does anybody watch Dara's show "Go 8-bit" about video games? Seems like a fun concept but some of the trailers just looked like I wouldn't enjoy it, for whatever reason. Is it any good?
Lee Mack is quick as a shot and a lot of fun. I still enjoy David Mitchell's rants (even though some of them feel forced now) and the way the show makes him out to be the poshest thing since the Queen by giving him certain lies to do.
But Mack gets the rough end of the stick I think, because he always gets the most implausible lies he has to convince the others of. I think the producers liked it and saw that it worked great for laughs, but now every episode they give him stuff like
>I write Christmas cards with both my hand and my foot to save time
>I can smell a dead fly in the room
>I can tell the circumference of your head
Absolutely everyone knows its a lie and they're all going to enjoy the monkey dance his way around this absurd lie

This one was especially cruel
I watched the first episode but had to switch off. I like Dara and I think a show about vidya is an interesting idea but I couldn't stand that Susan Calman woman screeching. I think they had to play Tetris with the player blindfolded and her giving instructions or something.
But don't judge it by me I only saw like 15 minutes of it, maybe some other episodes have tolerable guests or interesting video games
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Clearly an Outlier.
>witch king dies.jpg
This. 100%. It was the last TV show that I watched regularly. Haven't seen the latest series as I was getting sick of its blatantly left leaning anti brexit anti Trump propaganda.
>make a persona turning Neds into the running joke of your shows
>retards actually think you're trying to be down with the kids instead or think you're "attacking" the youths

Fucking hell mate, sort yourself out.
I don't know what's going on at Dave but suddenly they're going from "that channel that shows repeats of everything" to actually making decent, good tv series of their own. Taskmaster is a fantastic format and Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled is one of the best chatshows in recent years, also because of its format being "no plugging, just talking". It's just Alan chatting with four people who prepared one anecdote and that's it. No one's there to promote their new book or tour or whatever. Just talking. And somehow it really works and they all play off each other really well. I don't think there's a bad episode in there
I think they just realised that Lee was the one that was quickwitted enough to be able to make sorta-funny shit up for long enough. The lies themselves are obviously just there for when they need a certain amount of screen-time eaten up, to fit the runtime of the episodes and you couldn't ask Mitchell to routinely do that for each episode.

I'd rather have them cut the episode down in time if they can't get enough material, honestly.
They often end on Mitchell or Mack and I think it's to fill time yeah. Or they didn't get any good material from a guest and it was cut, so they have to do more.

And yeah, Lee's the one quick enough to pull that stuff off while still being entertaining. The key ring one is one of my favourites because he didn't make a single mistake
i really fucking hate this cunt, and the other one...and the whole show...never even sharply exhaled outta my nose from it
The state of have I got news for you.

I hated that shit for years but then it grew on me ironically and now I unironically quote larry and achmed the dead terrorist all the time and giggle to myself, its classic comedy desu
In our time is great. The one they did recently about Seneca was really engaging.
if you're a SERIOUS gamer it might annoy you, if you like the people on it and have played a game at least once in your life you might think it's fun.

it's an ok concept but really depends if you like the guests on it and if the games they pick are actually suited to competitive viewing.
This desu. Amstell was very good but Lamarr was just superb.

On shit comedians, fucking hate Millican and Stephen K Amos. How those two get regular appearances is beyond me.
>Achmed the Dead Terrorist
>you now remember all those Jamster adverts that used to appear on TV in the adbreaks where you could get "SILENCE! I KILL YOU!" text tones
paul foot is a goddamn diamond peacock, need more praise
as yet untitled is the comfiest show I've seen on tv in ages, it just works, put a bunch of comedians/actors around a table and get them to talk random shit, a few signposts to push things along but not scripted, great.
Blue Rat
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>oh christ who linked /brit/
Best moment on Cats does Countdown.
bye brit x love cute boys x

did you know achmed had an animated movie where he saves america? it came out years after he was a hit
Sean at his fucking best.


I've never even heard of Stephen K Amos.

>pulls face and walks awkwardly before he even reaches the mic
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