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Just realized that the scene where Chuck is walking down the

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Just realized that the scene where Chuck is walking down the stairs of the HHM building for the last time while people applaud him is pretty much Vince and the rest of the writing crew applauding how God tier of a character Chuck was. It's them saying goodbye to one of their top 5 best characters in the breaking bad universe with a roaring applause.

Where does Chuck rank in your breaking bad/better call Saul character rankings, and where does he land on the list of all time great TV show characters?
Enough with the memes, where is he on your rankings?
Chuck is not dead. He will survive the fire
im glad hes dead
>goo goo ga goo goo eletriwity hwurts me
fucking faggot
so half the season is him trying to defend against disbarment and then this season ends with him admitting to dozens of former clients that he defrauded them and there's no consequence
Bigger question was why did Howard pay him all that money? Was he trying to show his gratitude, like a retirement gift?
He was well acted and original. But ultimately its just an old sick lawyer with sibling issues.

Im not going to miss Chuck. Now that his arc is over, maybe we'll finally see Saul Goodman in all his glorious double dealings.

I would have been much more upset if they killed off Mike, but we know how that ends anyway.
Michael McKean confirmed Chuck's dead
Probably 4 behind Walt Jesse and Todd
Do you even watch the fucking show?
>and there's no consequence
He has to give up Elder Law and change his name.
No he didn't.
He says so in no uncertain terms in a New York Times interview.
ive just remembered
what was the mike digging holes whole day about?
>www nytimes com/2017/06/19/arts/television/better-call-saul-finale-michael-mckean-chuck.html
Yes he did
>maybe we'll finally see Saul Goodman in all his glorious double dealings.
it will never be this, its simply a study of a handful of characters. i think vince's philosophy is pretty much that since we already know the fate of jimmy and mike that the show doesnt really need to "go" anywhere, its just collections of well written scenes and watching these characters live their lives. also theres like a 95% chance that season 4 opens with Chuck bursting out of house wrapped in the space blanket
trying to find walts barrels
>I am. I know they want to bring me in for some flashbacks this coming season, but that’s kind of beside the point. One of the things that made Jimmy Saul Goodman is the burden of, if not guilt, then that nagging feeling of having being somehow involved [in Chuck’s demise]. So that’s what he has to deal with, and it’s one of the things that made him wind up in a Cinnabon in Omaha.
was the chuck/jimmy plot worth 30 episodes?
He was trying to find the body of the good Samaritan who was killed by the Salamancas after trying to help the driver who Mike ripped off.

What they didn't explain was why there were other guys dressed just like Mike out there helping him dig.
So show me his body!
chuck rhymes with duck and we all know what jerks ducks are
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More importantly, why the fuck did Jimmy ruin the career he spent 2 seasons building just for one old lady who will die soon anyway?

He is nothing like Saul Goodman, has no job and has lost the settlement money and for what?

This series is 1 step forward 2 steps back, back to square 1 now
Would you sniff Kim's butthole?

We're actually 2 steps back before square 1.

With Chuck dead, and Jimmy not able to practice elder law and having to change his identity. 2 seasons and he's lost more than he's gained, and that's the point.
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Got a hearty kek from this
True. Apparently Peter Gould took a lot of convincing to let Chuck go, as he loves the character and loves writing for him. Honestly it's pretty unexpected and it's pretty much a true blue twist, I really fucking didn't expect Chuck to die this season, I kinda thought it was gonna be Nacho. But I'm glad, it's a smart choice. But I would agree, Chuck is a great character in ever way, McKeans performance, the dichotomy of his personality and what he represents for Jimmy and the moralistic themes if the show. I guess my top five would be
5. Skyler
Hank instead of Skyler and that list Is perfect.
1. OK
2. OK
3. OK
5. Puh-lease
Yeah, it was kino
Yeah Hanks a great fucking character, I considered putting him on the list but Skyler is a character that despite getting a lot of hate for being a whoreish kill joy, I don't think the writers denied themselves that fact either, they knew Skyler was a mega normie idiot who had dumb emotional decisions and Walter was a million times smarter than her, that's what I love about the writing, every character has a lot of rough edges and reasons to dislike them (except Kim, I mean wtf) and yet we come to sympathize with their emotional world deeply, even Hector all of a sudden I'm really feeling for, even though he's a cruel idiot, I can't help but now understand his pain. Anyway, I honestly think Skyler and Anna Gunn are both a more eintertaining and interesting character and a better actress than the character/actress for Kim, who I love and think is a great character, and over the rest of the show is only going to flourish more, right NOW I'm really still more over all impressed with Skyler and the scope of her character and the performance of the actor, blah blah. If Hank had gotten as much screen time and character study as Skyler, he may have made the list too.
Jesse I have to put there because even if he is a walking meme, I can't deny how much I loved him and feared for his life with such anxiety during the final season.
He didn't lose the settlement money. He just has to wait.
>why the fuck did Jimmy ruin the career he spent 2 seasons building just for one old lady who will die soon anyway?
probably because that's Jimmy's character you fucking idiot
recall back to when he was discussing the bag of money they didn't dip into with Mike and told him he'd never let that hold him back again. and of course 3 seasons later, he let it hold him back. because ultimately, Jimmy is a good yolk in a bad egg
holy shit why do you people even watch this show
well any decent person would have enough of a heart to fix Irene's situation
Press S to spit on his ashes

Howard is easily my favorite character now
The man known as "Chuck" is dead. However, he now lives under the name of "Sneed."
He just accidentally left the mic on and the old folks heard him.
Any decent person wouldn't bother spending thousands of dollars to pull such a stunt Jimmy did to her. And only a retard would completely reverse it just because all of a sudden you don't like how the fire was burning.
yeah it was totally an accident
Sniff, lick, and eat. In that order
He did that on purpose you dense fuck. Watch he and Erin's conversation in the very next scene
well it was a shitty move to begin with, but he thought it would all blow over once she settled

when it didn't, he felt bad and did the right thing
Man i loved hating him!
The rant in "Chicanery" was what the entire show had been building up to at this point. It was so good.
Yeah, exactly. Man these kids suck at thinking, I swear to God. Its like watching the show I'd expect to hear them say "wait is he a good guy or a bad guy" but yeah Jimmy's character is very realistic, it's really how that personality type is, I think i can relate a little bit myself.
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Not the way Jimmy did though.
>Jimmy: I'm not good at building. I'm only good at tearing down.
>Jimmy: Hey wait that gives me an idea

>literally the very next scene
>Jimmy tears himself down
>B R A V O

>hurr durr why jammy ruin career I wouldna done that bad show
>Jesse I have to put there because even if he is a walking meme, I can't deny how much I loved him and feared for his life with such anxiety during the final season.
More like every fucking season. I liked Jesse but goddamn he did so much stupid shit that could have resulted in him getting killed. When he wanted to kill those 2 guys that killed the 11yo, the one that Walt ended up running over. When Gus was after Jesse I figured Jesse's days were numbered.
I can't wait for Jesse and Walt and Andrea to make guest appearances

that's gonna be so totally awesome
Did you guys know that the guy who plays Nacho is actually white?
Yeah it's true, it's a great character, he is such a scum bag and does horrible things, and is just fucking a douche but also a sweet heart and very child like and innocent and yeah, it seemed like the perfect candidate to be killed, Walter was the only thing between Jesse and death, but Gus really wasn't after Walter for very long. Most of season four was Gus after Walter and Jesse was the only thing stopping Gus from out right murdering him. But man, during the build up to the final season I remember thinking there's no way they won't toast Jesse, he's gonna drown while being electrocuted or some shit, they are gonna tear our heart out with his guy, and even they do torture the kid, it was the right decision that he make it out of there. Fuck, I wanna watch breaking bad now
Don't forget the nazi's, 11 year old Walt jr played by the same guy, and the ghost of Maxemino Arciniega in the three stooges based Hector/Chuck bodyswitch hospital episode which will be the first episode of season 4.

I keep lurking these threads and they're dead by the time I can explain to people.

Chuck even told Jimmy to "play to his strengths", meaning burning bridges. So what did he do but burn bridges in order to right things.
Part of Chuck's contract with the firm is that if they want him to leave they have to pay him eight million bucks. Howard would rather bankrupt himself then let the firm continue to suffer with Chuck.
>something actually happens in BCS
>We won't see the bulk of it because it happens in the gap between seasons
You really want to see an old man get cremated?
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>tfw you realize that Jimmy basically killed Chuck at that insurance company
Howard is a fucking top bloke looking back at all that's happened I really like him

Jimmy is still GOAT
>He do it just to fuck Chuck More.
>He killed him.
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Yeah I was thinking this. I wonder if that will ever have any effect on Jimmy. I imagine Chuck's death is going to cause some serious fucking shifts in the dynamic between Kim Jimmy and Howard
Andrea will not be in this show and whi gives a fuck anyway
Only if Howard tells him why they got rid off Chuck. Because the last straw was when he told the insurance people to fuck off.
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It's not over yet Jimmy
>well written
Post your screenplay

A daring synthesis
Actually come to think of it it's going to effect kim and Jimmy more. Howard will tell kim or Jimmy that they let him go and it's because of his insurance. Kim will either tell Jimmy that or Jimmy will come Kim and tell her but either way Jimmy's guilt is going to cause him to try and talk to Kim about it and confide in her, but because Jimmy told Kim that he was done with Chuck and to put him in the rear view and then right away go and rat him out, combined with the fact that it ultimately led to his death, I think she will find that repulsive
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>even Hector all of a sudden I'm really feeling for, even though he's a cruel idiot, I can't help but now understand his pain.
Me too. I loved his speech before he died. It really felt like there was a lot more to his motivations outside the scope of BB/BCS than we'll ever know.
I actually have thought even back during breaking bad days that the natural conclusion for this world would be a show from the view point of the cartel. It'd be sick if they set it in the 60s in Mexico and the ABQ, have a different actor playing young Hector. It's like first we have the story of humanizing a guy who becomes a criminal late in his life, then the humanizing of a life long petty criminal who tries to do the right thing but circumstances turn him into a cancerous corrupt law man (another crime film and western staple), and then finally humanizing the big bad, humanizing the cartel and the mob, it would be their ultimate statement as artists and would be their true successor to the sopranos, or even the god father itself. Call it La Familia Es Todo
>baby doesn't understand basic cinematic storytelling
Just stick to the walking dead and game of thrones faggot
>Jimmy finally proves Chuck wrong showing he can make things better and made others hate himself for who he really is
>Chuck, being too smart for Jimmy, realised he would do this and burned himself to death before Jimmy told him in order to get the last laugh
Genius desu
That's stupid, that's not why he killed himself
yes it was. Chuck is playing le 10D chess
U b trawllin
>He died before spending all that cash
He could've called a contractor to find the power consumer, with 3million in his pocket he could've demolished the house and build it from scratch.
Yes he was clearly thinking with reason and should have known there was a more practical way to achieve the goal of his utter insanity
>this season ends with him admitting to dozens of former clients that he defrauded them
Convincing someone to settle in a lawsuit is not illegal or fraud. It is simply unethical.
So did he commit suicide by fire because he finally lost it or was it an unfortunate accident? Because he really seemed hellbent on kicking the lamp down.

your post contradicts itself
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So it's pretty much confirmed that Kim ends up being Wendy, right?
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It ends with Trump deporting all them personally.
Jesus fucking Christ.

He might have done it like that because he wanted it to look like an accident, either a cry for sympathy, insurance $, or because he feels bad about everything
Ironically, it's you that doesn't get 'it'. Saul in BB is an unremorseful degenerate con man - miles away from Jimmy at the end of season three. People are frustrated - and rightly so - because the fucking character arch has not moved an inch. Season 4 could simply overwrite seasons 2 and 3, and nothing would change.
he didn't even have 3 mil. he never cached it
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>Season 4
>Kim achieves work-life balance and her law firm thrives
>Jimmy settles down with Kim after losing Chuck
>Kim spends more and more time at the office due to her newest client...
3mil was sitting in the bank he could've cashed it whenever.
Probably what they would do if not for the danger of a ratings collapse.
in howard's bank. never got transferred to chuck's tho
>t. Chris Dorner

Mike has the ability to replicate himself, like how Chuck has the superpower to sense electrical currents.
Not his bank you dumbass, his account.
Still they he would've paid or Howard would've fucked the firm.
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At other thread I said he's a bad actor and got a lot of reptile and didn't manage to answer.
He's ok for the role but It's remind me of another actor from my country(that only play in one show) who can only shout he's sentences and its sound like he's recites more than playing the role.
It's ok becsue In BCS salamanca is an old geezer so you don't expect much for him.
Also I still don't see the reason for Kim the leave Jimmy, what will it be?
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What's Vince's end-game? Why is he so reluctant to let Jimmy embrace his Saul persona?
I feel like it's supposed to oppose how easily Walt slipped into Heisenberg from the first couple episodes of BrBa. Jimmy is just a genuinely much more good hearted person, and he has Kim as the angel on his shoulder.
I would give anything to fuck Erin silly.
It was an emotional reaction to his brother calling him a wrecker and basically disowning him
Exactly. Jimmy isn't bad enough to be Saul. The writers obviously thought Jimmy needed to be likeable, but they've unfortunately reinvented who Saul is in the process.
youre right, she did say all they did was tear down a sick man, so shes not going to take it lightly when she finds out they made that man even sicker to the point where he kills himself
Was Saul a truly evil person in Breaking Bad? I know people will mention examples like him advocating for killing witnesses and Hank, but did he ever do anything truly evil himself?
There was no suggestion that he wasn't totally evil and scummy. There's even a scene where he hits on his fat secretary, as if the writers wanted to illustrate how much of a degenerate he was. Hard to see the Jimmy from seasons 1-3 of BCS becoming Saul.
Remember when Kim slipped Howard that fat check to humiliate him and show that she'd come into her own? It's basically the same thing. A power play.
>Howard would rather bankrupt himself then let the firm continue to suffer with Chuck.
Based Howard.
I like where this is going

Probably because Kimmy is the plot device that is supposed to turn him into evil and scummy.
She's his moral compass and while we don't see how she vanished from his life (if she vanished at all, we didn't see much of his personal life in BB), it's hard to picture him as saul goodman.

For all we care, saul goodman was just a character he was playing while in his office in breaking bad and he still kept a life as jimmy with Kimmy until Walter fucked it all up and forced him to leave abq. Which makes Walter even more antagonic.
It really isn't. I think him hitting on Francesca to the point that she's used to it just shows how far he fell. He becomes someone who literally only cares about money and grifting people. I think the transformation is very clear, we've seen little sparks of it in him several times.

Keep in mind that the point of Jimmy is that he keeps trying to do good and all he does is hurt people, like chuck says.

Don't forget that it's indirectly his fault that Mike and Gus are exposed to Walter and killed by him. Saul even indirectly lead Walter into his grave. Forced Kim to work herself into a ditch by losing his law license and making her feel like she had to pick up the slack for him. Howard lost his best friend and mentor. Chuck lost his fucking life.

Slippin' Jimmy is the only survivor every time. He "slips" out of a house of cards he built and comes out alone EVERY time. Even in back in Cicero.

Personally I'm not sure how they do it.
Chuck is a top 3 character with Walter and Gustavo.
Nacho is climbing the rankings for me.
Kim isn't his only moral compass. Jimmy feels bad when he dupes Irene and, ultimately, even attempts to apologise to Chuck. Even when Jimmy's in character as Saul Goodman in BCS he doesn't behave like Saul from BB. The show is failing because the writers are trying to make Jimmy likeable in a way that he never was in BB.
None of those houses of cards were built by him at all. Sure he might have been involved one way or the other, you can't really put the blame on him.
I guess not, but I'd blame him for them as much as I'd blame Walter for the plane crash.

After the 7th or 8th person you introduced each other to and they end up worse off or dead, it stops being a coincidence.
He's not a determined criminal in BCS and, at least thus far, his forays into his split personality, Saul Goodman, have not come close to the Saul Goodman of BB. At three seasons in, this should not be the case.
I don't know man, the events are still 5 years apart. Why are you assuming that's even the point of the show? I bet it'll get there, but it feels like it's pretty independent.
I believe the show is failing because no walter white and no jesse pinkman desu, people want their cameos

or because there was no mention of walter and pinkman during the post bb black and white sequences. People are stupid like that.
Nothing Jimmy has done in BCS is comparable to Walt watching Jane die.
>Howard in the dark
>Chuck in the light
>This was the last time they met

bravo vince
What other point could the show have? To watch Saul's lawyer antics? Clearly not. To document Jimmy's love life? Also no. The point is to show his evolution into Saul Goodman. That's a fine objective but, after three seasons, the story has really not moved very much.

What's with all the plebbit responses
He's actually black and british
That's not my point, my point is that particular action (in this case watching Jane die) is as related to the plane crash as say, Jimmy cucking Chuck's insurance and him killing himself.

There's no way for them to know the set of events that would cause what happened to happen, but that doesn't take away their culpability, in my opinion.

I think I just disagree with you about this. The point of the show is to chronicle the change of the main character. I think that's progressing just fine, if a little slower. I'm personally okay with that. I don't think the goal is necessarily to link the two shows directly anymore. You might be limiting your enjoyment of what's become an altogether different kind of show by expecting it to be like or become BB.
>BCS cast is so likeable it makes me retroactively hate breaking bad
Bravo Vince
I am extremely attracted to the chubby brunette lawyer that Jimmy was talking to on the mic. Anyone else?
So with Jimmy at the current state of fixing what he's been fucking up, or at least trying to

Doesn't it look like we're still too far from Saul, the fat fuck who everybody dislikes around town including Francesca?

I'm not sure at all that Chuck's suicide is going to turn him around.
>Season 1 Mum who faked her kidnapping
>Mike's daughter
>Mesa Verde chick
>Student filmmaker girl
>Chuck's ex wife
Official ranking
Yeah, but the fact that Walt would watch Jane choke on her own vomit informed the viewer that he had become a severely twisted individual. Jimmy will also become a hardened criminal as Saul Goodman, yet his conduct thus far (after three seasons!), does not indicate that he is close to becoming a cold-blooded criminal lawyer who hits on his overweight secretary and suggests that people be murdered.

But that's just the problem - the show hasn't become anything. Right now it has no identity. I don't want to force it to be a 'breaking bad' kind of show, I'm simply being pushed to that conclusion, based on what the writers have decided to write about.
Everything is set up. Helping that guy out during community service will bring him clients, the sand piper shit will make him trade under a new name, mike and all that shit will get involved too, we're literally ready for it
BCS illustrates what a piece of shit person walt is.
I hate bb with a passion now.
At this point vince should just split the timelines.
Mike, gus and jimmy are so much better than walt and his dysfunctional family.
A few questions, why are you stuck on him hitting on his overweight secretary like it's the equivalent of watching a junkie OD? Jimmy was NEVER a hardened criminal even in BB. He was the man inbetween the man, he knew a guy who knew a guy, and would help actual criminals in court. That's it. He was a huge sleazball. In my opinion, Jimmy is not far from this right now, and the death of chuck will make that even worse.

And again, I disagree about the show being about nothing or not having an identity. It's just very different. The show has been about a lot, maybe you just don't like what it's about. It's about the people Jimmy interacts with and what happens to them. The show is about Jimmy. That's it.

I think the point is that the few times we see him in BB, it just turns out we never really knew him. I'm fine with this.
Imagine that you have forgotten everything you knew about Saul in BB and then watched BB with your conception of Jimmy/Saul from BCS. Can you honestly still say that everything is still set up? I know I can't. Jimmy is too likeable
After watching all of breaking bad again earlier this year I couldn't help but feel that Walt should have suffered much, much more for what he did. At every chance he had he would turn into a greedy piece of shit or become a little bitch and use excuses. The show is about a really terrible, terrible person. I dislike Skylar a lot, but I think that's the kind of wife he deserved.
I am
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Would fug
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'The show has been about a lot'...'The show has been about Jimmy, that's all.'

You sort of reiterated my point, while saying you disagree with me. The show lacks focus. If it brings back some BB nostalgia for you, that's great, but I wish people would stop pretending there is something profound here.
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Reminder Skylar didn't do anything wrong at all and was only ever trying to keep her children safe from Walter's life style, but casual plebians who don't get that the point of the show is that Walt is a piece of shit get mad that she tries to stop le epic Heisensperg fun times.
It's really tough to explain if you don't understand, and I guess I didn't feel like typing it out to an anon on the internet, but here goes:

The shoe seems purposely misleading. You aren't given a clear track of progression, but the progressions is there. We aren't told what all these different events will lead up to until they happen. If you don't find Kim's life being ruined, Chuck descending into suicide from an psychosomatic electricity disorder, and those amazing Kain vs. Able confrontations the point of the show, then I really don't know what to tell you. Just sounds like the show isn't what you want it to be.
Yep. On second watch it totally becomes clear what a bad person he is. Walt uses everyone and show virtually nil remorse as the series progresses.
This. People are absolutely blind to the fact that just because Skylar was a naggy and bitchy, she was 100% victimized and ruined by Walt.
Holy fucking shit learn english next tiem faggot, I have no fucking clue what the fuck you were even attempting to communicate
>Even taking the time to reply with so much hostility

Funny how you seem more retarded than him.
>and got a lot of reptile

I miss Walter. She was an amazing character performed by an amazing actor.
Those subplots are catalysts for Jimmy's character development, and I'm saying there hasn't been much character development in three seasons. If season 4 proceeds at the same pace, it will basically be a Jimmy McGill and friends soap. The show has had good moments, particularly in the first season with Mike, but it has become self-indulgent to an extreme. Again, not a bad show, just not something that should be celebrated.
She was an all day fencesitter waiting for the perfect opportunity instead of picking a side, while being extremly bitchy it's like the only sport or personal skill she managed to fully master in her life. That much should be clear by now.

I unironically like Mike less after bcs. It's like I overdoes on Mike does x for 49 minutes memes.

episode 5 was the best episode of the whole show. episode 10 was a snortfest.

glad he got served, more glad he is dead. he fully deserves it to be fair, always undermining his brother.

he is the reason for Saul Goodman. he prevented Jimmy from a legal career and he continued to destabilize him.
She had more loyalty to her family than Walt ever did. Really baffling how people call her a bitch, even though she doesn't immediately turn him in to the DEA.
fuck google Translate, I didn't notice.
Even though I didn't write it well, I'm pretty sure It's can be understable. The fact that you got mad over this show how stupid you are
Walt is the worst piece of shit ever.
Killed gus, tuco, mike, ruined jimmys career. What a piece of shit.
Deranged serial killer.
Where's Francesca?
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>more drivel from the Jimmy dindu nuffin crowd
What a fuck lazy ending
>the mic was hot lol whoops xd
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>I don't want to hurt your feelings... but the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me
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that's actually her
I expected a fight in this scene. Like that scene with Walter and Jessie.
Jesse and Skyler, yet no Mike Nacho Gus or Hank?







Good list. Now remake it removing Walter and Jimmy because it's cheating
She gets addicted to painkillers, then heroin, then meth.
Then smushes her new boyfriend's head under an ATM
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We are many, Anon. You missed yesterday's thread (which I got a warning over creating, kek)
Chuck obviously didn't include Jimmy in his will, why would he get the shekels?
Why on earth would Chuck ever care about money?

One of the tenets of this show is that people aren't what they seem. We've seen a different side to almost every piece of shit in BB (Jimmy, Mike, Gus, Salamanca...maybe not Tuco or Don Eladio) and seen that their motivations are never pure evil. It's well-established that Jimmy is a conman, and in literally every episode he tricks someone or puts on a show that makes him look slick; in BCS you see that all the lying wears on him, while in BB the scene changes before you get to see that.

I don't think this show is for you if you think that every second of Saul's life in BB was him being a larger-than-life caricature.
>vince gilligan cinematic capeshit universe

You know, wouldn't be bad.
Now that he's dead and we can't call it Better Cuck Chuck, what will /tv/ call BCS?
If there's no will the estate is automatically inherited by the closest family member.

Chuck'd have had to make a will specifically excluding Jimmy, which is certainly plausible.

And HHM had just paid Chuck $3 million and owes his estate $6 more. Him being dead doesn't erase the deal to sell his share of the firm. HHM owes $6 million to Chuck's estate, to which Jimmy should be the sole inheritor and administrator once Chuck dies.

Unless Chuck specifically made it a point to demonstrate to everyone that he was better, so that when he fucked with the will and fucks over Jimmy nobody could argue he wasn't of sound mind etc.
>wanting BASED Nacho to die

This shouldn't have made me laugh, but it did anyway. Kek
So for you guys, did Jimmy redeem himself at the end by "telling the truth" to the old ladies?
I mean, he still made best girl Irene cry.
You display incredible patience and discipline not to dive straight in tongue first~
>You lied to them
>I never lied
>You severely exaggerated the state of the case

He didn't do anything wrong, legally. He definitely did morally, but you can't sue for that. At least that's what the dialogue implies.
better close stream

because it's such a worthless wank series for redditors and "i like things i already know" crowd

Tuck had his loving side which he showed toward Hector in BB and his grandmother in BCS. Even in BB there where times when Saul seemed to display genuine emotion, like when he talked to Brock.
Chuck is a vindictive cunt and he's intentionally trying to haunt Jimmy forever
Saul in BB was one of the more 2-D characters. But that's ok, he didn't have a huge role, and the BCS writers have artistic license to expand on his character. The problem, at least how I see it, is that there haven't even been flashes of the evil shit that Saul seemed to be capable of in BB. Fucking over Irene really crushed Jimmy, in a way that was alien to Walt, at least once he was well on his way to becoming Heisenberg.
I expect kim to die as well
Redditors have better taste than you desu
kim can travel forwards in time
>just because you know the end (a little bit) you can't enjoy the journey there
>calling other people redditors

It only "crushed" Jimmy once Chuck said all that shit to him. He wanted to prove him wrong.
If Chuck never said anything, Irene would still be friendless. Jimmy never really cared about her.
I'll grant that Saul had his moments of decency in BB, but these always played second string to his criminality. I thought Jimmy's character in BCS was finally moving in the direction of Saul but, after the season finale, the writers seem to have attempted to make him likeable once again. Even if Chuck dies, I'm not sure it's logical that Jimmy would immediately revert back to his criminal ways. There seems to be a better chance that he would vow to never engage in that behaviour again, as it was one of the causes of his brother's mental - and perhaps physical - demise. Chuck's line that Jimmy should just accept who he is feels like the writers helping the plot along and not something that Jimmy would actually take to heart.
Prefer her pusy
Is Jimmy still gonna get the Sandpiper $$$?
That's simply not true. Jimmy felt bad about Irene. You see it on his face, as he sells her the shoes, and he even mentions during the bingo that he's 'selling his soul'. I'll grant that what matters is that he carries it out, but the viewer hasn't been given enough evidence - independent of Saul's character in BB - that Jimmy is a monstrous person. His criminality consists of ripping off the occasional asshole and his immorality mostly consists of playing fast and loose with the truth. Hardly the makings of an unrepentant criminal - at least not after these three seasons.
Yes, it will just be delayed
This show is such a fucking cocktease. He's moral until he's not, then they say "Oh yeah, time for Saul Goodman!" and then they say "Psyche! Back to Jimmy."

At the end of season 1 with his friend dead and the pinky ring he literally says "(morality) is never gonna stop me again!" and then season 2 he goes BACK TO THE SAME SHIT, HELPING OLD PEOPLE AND SAVING CATS FROM TREES. Halfway through the finale Chuck says "Just embrace it! You hurt people but then have remorse. Just be what you're going to be" (basically). THEN HE FUCKING FUCKS HIMSELF OVER FOR OLD LADY. YOU GOTTA MAKE HIM BAD AT SOME POINT, VINCE! HE CAN'T BE JIMMY FOREVER! THIS SHOW HAS TO FUCKING GO SOMEWHERE AT SOME FUCKING POINT FUUUUUCK
Chuck's death is what sets his real transformation in motion, whatever happens to Kim will finish it, I think.
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>He's coming for you
Pretty weak plot device, imo. Better chance that Chuck's suicide on top of Kim's car accident would make him want to stop his bad behaviour. Does not follow that Chuck's death will spur him on to greater criminality.
>There still are some loose strings at HHM/Sandpiper
>Mesa Verde as well
>The cartel has a power vacuum to solve
>What happens to Nacho?
>Something/Someone have to turn Jimmy into Saul
>What happens to Kim?
>Mike-Gus bonding has to grow in order to drag Saul into the money laundering business

All this before the Gene phase. They are going for more 4 or 5 seasons, aren't they?
This exactly. Writers either don't know how they want to write his transformation to Saul, or they are under network pressure to milk this for as long as possible. I'll watch the first episode of season 4, but if it's the same tempo as seasons 1-3, I'm done.
He has a good story arc. I wish he's dead in the next season. Having to see again an other season of Jimmy feeling guilty or not might be rather boring to watch. I hope Chuck's death even if terrible, will help him move on and actually realise he is finally free to do anything.
Jimmy was being an idiot because chuck guilt tripped him.
Those old ladies would have been pissed for two more months and then gotten together again, at least when the first of them died they'd be all sunshine and happyness again.
Chuck is only good because he is wonderfully acted. Nothing his character does ever makes any sense.
Got any examples?
I've just realized how truly different Saul is from Jimmy. It's going to be tragic whatever it is that really gets the Saul baul rolling. Probably Chuck's death? Also I like how seamlessly he's able to blend back into the world as a poor sap in the flash forwards.
Why was Mike out in the desert a few episodes back with a metal detector?
>Kim that low
yeah no

Fuck off, retard.
He was looking for treasure because he can't spend his dirty money.
Jimmy is way too soft, feels like transitioning into Saul is gonna be pretty hard to pull off.
Season 4 was so laughably bad.
They had no reason to be after Walter and then to do the complete 180° and go after Jesse
It was litteraly shitting on character motivation to further the plot
Classic Vince Hackery
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Kim is best waifu and probably smells amazing when it's a hot sweaty New Mexico night and she's cuddled up against Jimmy
What's their age difference supposed to be? Can't really tell how old they are.
Bob is 54
Rhea is 45

The BrBa wiki says Jimmy is 41 in BCS and Kim is in her mid 30s.
Holy fuck, Bob looks good for 54
I really hope season 4 is completely insane. The show desperately needs it, and I don't see how else Saul can plausibly come into existence.
His brother just burned to a cinder, I'm sure that registers somewhere on the emotional Richter scale
>completely missing the point of Howard publicly shitting on Chuck on his forced way out the door

the best "fuck you" of the series yet
Chuck burning especially after Chuck being selfish and awful enough to say what he said to Jimmy before doing it.

Remember when Chuck didn't tell Jimmy their mother's last words? What a fucking selfish baby monster Chuck was.

And then there's the fact that Jimmy doesn't have a license and has basically sacrificed all his current and potential clientele for some settlement money that'll probably get thrown away immediately.
>>was the chuck/jimmy plot worth 30 episodes?
Yes, I hate this meme of "nothing happens", how is character development not something?
>Howard won't have to give him a dime now
Best boy gets the best ending.
I hate this meme
I think most people are just memeing. The show is inexplicably fucking good without being you over the head with what's happening.

Howard is great. He's done nothing wrong except enable Chuck.
I don't get it

sauce on this
His entire "record Jimmy and testify about the tape" plot.
Wtf, I love Erin now
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He hated his brother and he was literally mentally ill.

He has to give up elder law. Also, what he did with sandpiper isnt illegal.
>maybe we'll finally see Saul Goodman in all his glorious double dealings
How do you guys still not understand? This show isn't the story about Saul Goodman, it's the story of Jimmy McGill and his downfall. The moment he finally becomes Saul Goodman is the moment the show ends, the finale.

Five star post
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S4 leak:

Howard blames Jimmy for Chuck's death and tries to have him killed. Jimmy goes to Mike for help, which brings him to Fring.
>1 minute of him kicking the table to make the lamp fall
>it was totally an accident bro
Not everything you disagree with is a meme. 30 episodes was way too many for the plot progression that has taken place. It's a good show, but come on. It's not BB.
Thats right, BCS is more comfy.
Mate they've been hinting he's gonna burn to death thanks to his imaginary condition and penchant for gas laps since season 1.

He's not coming back as anything but a charred corpse.
Well, if that's the case, we aren't that much closer to a downfall than two seasons ago.
He's a Mexican/Canadian

>uptight smart lawyer lady turns into a used up crackwhore

Muh dick
"Better Feed Sneed"
help i'm retarded

Jimmy did that scheme to restore the old ladies friendship and it was nice, but what the fuck Erin and the money had to do with it.

I'm asking this because from what I understood, Irene and the others agreed on taking the money now and well, even after 'unmasking" Jimmy, they had little to no reason to go back on the deal and wait for more money and I don't think those ladies would agree on delaying the money just to "punish" Jimmy.

They would just forget Jimmy and move on with their lives: with their pockets filled before dying and fuck Davis and Main.
Skyler?!! But she's ffemale REEEEEEEEEEEE
>>>Mesa Verde chick
I love this one, that short hair hnnng
>Speech before he died
Yeah it was a great speech
Chucks ex is blazing for her age
Pls don't bully Irene
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kinda qt
How do you still not undestand this that this show is called Better Call Saul and till the very end people will rightfully complain about this incredibly misleading title and how it is not delivering what it promised.
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>Jimmy and Kim get together
>Kim can't get over the carcrash, can't work, Jimmy has to support her.
>Kim gets pregnant
>Jimmy goes full slippin', uses legal trickery to get out of child support
>Kim has to make a career change to support her son
You know it's true
he was paying him the value of half of the firm which they had partnered ownership over.
stop pushing this retarded synthesis
Tuco is loyal to his family to a fault. He won't let you insult anyone he knows or you die, he is very protective of his family too. Tuco is a guy you would love to be friends with tbqh but nobody to casually know.
Tuco is unstable as fuck and a meth addict. Loyal meth addicts don't exist. They are one schizophrenic paranoia attack away from smashing in your face, no matter if you're their BFF or family.
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>Howard blowing Chuck the fuck out in the last episodes
nothing has ever felt so good
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Will Howard and Jimmy work again? Howard always liked Jimmy and he know who's the real bad brother
Thank you. Show is slow af. Defended it all season, but that finale was awful.
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>walt (2,3,4)
>good character
I dont even think he's dead. He'll probably be fucked up, but I'd be shocked if he's dead. This show is pretty lame like that.
Chuck destroyed the house; producers loves to destroys sets when they are not going to used it in the future. so no house no chuck
Oh shit! Mike was helping Chuck this hole time!
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>I kinda thought it was gonna be Nacho.
Literally who?
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Sneed's Seed and Feed
Formerly Chucks Suck and Fuck

it's a forced meme
Howard's been getting pretty sick of Jimmy's shit too. He liked Jimmy, but Jimmy's been fucking things up for him and a lot of other people pretty non-stop out of selfishness and thoughtlessness. Howard's sick of it.
Why would it be Chucks Suck and Fuck? The joke is that the new owner has a name that rhymes with the rest of the name of the store.
I don't really know what it is Nacho did with the pills some episodes ago. I ask because Héctor did take these fake pills and nothing happened when he did.
Better Plead with Sneed
It's an
>Old Simpsons
joke, so it's supposed to be Suck and Fuck, because it keeps the rhyme
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The guy that made the call that saved saul

Neo Nazi from the end seasons of BB
The old pills were supposed to prevent the heart attack or whatever. The new ones did literally nothing.
what makes him a good character? He's just a sad old hikikomori who's scared of electricity and blames his problems on his little brother. I was jubilant seeing him burn to a crisp after telling jimmi he never cared about him.

If I ever met the actor in real life i'd be tempted to knock his ass out. I guess he must be a somewhat interesting character to make me feel such annoyance.
So does this show ever get interesting or is it just "le character development" till the depressing shitty end? Saul Goodman is easily one of the best characters in BrBa and in this he's just a boring normie. Jimmy can't do elder law any more so he will either become a criminal lawyer or Vince will do a giant proverbial fuck you and make Jimmy go pursue a career as a tax attorney or something equally tedious.

>inb4 muh slow burn

kys yourselves
What about the Hank cameo?
Meth Damon
I think you mean Isaac.
>mid 30s

Even in fiction women lie about their age
Ibuprofen can increase risk of heart attack and stroke, actually.
"Nothing" is misleading.
Lots of shit happens each episode. It's not their fault you have the attention span of a 5 year old retard.
He's an amazing character. I fucking hate him though. Fuck Chuck. Mentally ill messiah. He's the one who fucks everyone, not Jimmy.
already happened.

It wasn't awful. It was a fantastic episode but frustrating as a finale because you know it'll be at least a fucking year before it continues. If it were only a 4-5 month wait like regular shows it would be different.
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wait... are you saying chuck will survive because he slipped underneath a garbage dumpster?
I fucking hated Chuck. I hope you're right and Chuck's character was also being forced out of the show mirroring his arc. True Vince brilliance.

think he means before the stroke

> *heart explodes*
It was awful as a finale. Slow burn is fine, but it implies there is something at the end of the fuse. Episode 10 was no powder keg.
jimmy didnt rehearsal anything, he got exposed for not having turned off the mic
now his reputation as a lawyer will nosedive badly therefore hell have to change his identity to saul
>frustrating as a finale because you know it'll be at least a fucking year before it continues.

Absolutely agree. Why can't these people just make a continuous series with no notion of "seasons" ?

because producers, actors and directors need to get their months long vacations in

I really hope the show isn't that dumb and plays with the idea the house was wrecked and the lighbulbs put away. Even after a fire this stuff can be discovered. Chucks illness is what killed him, no one should think otherwise.
another season of nothing

that's just great
Has anyone else been kinda predicting a lot of shit before it happens this season? Like last week, as Kim was driving, I was like "fuck, she's gonna get tboned" and then she slams a rock. Last episode as Chuck is looking for what is making the meter spin, I was like "fuck it's gonna be the hard wired smoke & fire alarms" and then he blazes himself off.

I have no issues with seasons. But as >>84148406
says, there should be some semblance of closure in a season finale. There is none in Lantern. It felt like a penultimate ep rather than a finale.

but why did he push the lantern over? what was going through his mind at that moment, regret for ruining his home exacerbating feelings of regret for his losing HHM, for shunning jimjam?

this is not the kind of cliffhanger I like to be left on

>what was going through his mind at that moment
>this is not the kind of cliffhanger I like to be left on
dude, he's gonna be dead start next season. it's never going to be revealed exactly what was going on with him
god damn she looks goddess tier there.
Edit: my prediction for the final season - it will be in the present, Cinnabon Manager Jimmy. And he's gonna have a change of heart again for whatever reason, and go back to ABQ to tie up loose ends, kinda like he's been doing all series, and like Walter did at the end of BB.
>it's never going to be revealed exactly what was going on with him

well if that turns out to be true then that's just crappy writing, i'm better of buying a copy of Wish it. Want it. Do it.
he's confirmed he's only gonna be around for flashbacks.
I see the show continuing from the point after everyone figures out he dies without showing his final moments or anything of the sort.

He lost it all. He made this play against his brother to try to make it so he couldn't be a lawyer, it ends with 1 one year. It also embarrasses Chuck in front of his ex-wife. It makes Chuck lose a large amount of credibility in his illness and as a lawyer.

Chuck tries to come back and be a lawyer again, but he's a huge liability. He's reputation tarnished is a big headache for Howard. Chuck loses HHM

What's he suppose to do? He's forced to retire. No wife, no family, nothing to work on, nothing to fight against. Chuck likes a fight, a challenge. It's why he was a good lawyer. He has nothing. "You won" is what Howard says to Chuck. Chuck did not win though. He see's making Howard spend his own money and use loans as an act he did not want to happen.
Questiin re the bug that Mike installed in Chuck's house that likely was drawing the power: if the fire department finds it, is there any way they can trace it to Mike?

Trashing the house was a metaphor for trashing his life.

wow, I completely forgot about that, mike didn't remove it, though he did

doesn't seem like mike, i think he mentioned something about those bugs being expensive and wanting them back

yea i get that, but what thoughts were in his mind as he kicked over the lantern is what irritates me

was his intention to burn/suffocate to death? just seems like sloppy writing
>mike killed chuck
The bug is powered by mains electricity? What the fuck?

good point
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she's something special
The raw truth is Jimmy should've institutionalized chuck the second the doctor showed him, to his face, that he was mentally ill.

That's the only way Chuck could've been saved.

There was nothing drawing power. The disk spinning was in Chuck's head.
What bug?? Mike took pictures of Chuck's house but I never saw anything to suggest he'd planted anything.
Ok. Wasn't sure if Mike had planted a bug that could have caused the drain. Reading too much into little things - forgot this show is miles away from BB.
was rhea this pretty when she was young? looks like that 5/10 girl that you was your friend and you never considered hitting

You were just reading into wrong things. That's not the show's fault.
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