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/tpg/ Twin Peaks General - Goodbye Lorraine Edition

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Thread replies: 400
Thread images: 74

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Meanwhile >>83838828
I missed most of the discussion but last night, particularly the first half, was excellent. Some intstant classic Lynch moments. Should have ended w/ Diane.

Dougie looking straight out of American Hustle in that photo.
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reminder that this is the EXACT MOMENT s2 turned into unwatchable garbage. Notice anything?
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Wtf, I hate Lynch now.
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he actually does look fat af in that picture
did they shoop his face onto a fat guy?
the dougie stuff was cool for a few episodes, its old now. How much longer will it go on
I didn't expect Diane to look like this.

Oh my fucking god
Can't believe how dead this general is already. I bet it won't get 20 posts before being bumped off the board
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who /tard/ here?
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How about 12 more episodes
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Reaction image goldmine. I hope we get a lot more scenes of this idiot.
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Who the fuck eats a sandwich at midnight? And why did it crunch like that? Also Lynch used the same take twice. What did Lynch mean by this?
What is is this hairstyle called?
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Janey-E uses fresh lettuce that she grows herself in her many, many sandwiches she keeps on hand for her family. She's a tough mommy.
You really need to get laid.
I'm pretty sure she started to eat the other half of the sandwich, this could have also been intentional
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Read my book.
The wavy curly douche.



What did Mark Frost mean by this?
I like how he subconsciously doesn't want to stab her face. Hes a good guy.
The fact that all Dougie's shit has been sorted (debts paid/job saved) tells me that his arc is probably gonna come to an end soon.
hack. i wanted a complete lynch nightmare. instead frost is still there trying to impart his influence. what a faggot. i wanted 18 hours of inland empire
a kid haircut

Jade give two scoops.
>av club
remember when one of their writers got her leg broke by nogs & she didn't learn a thing?

There is also the small matter of a screwdriver wielding midget assassin coming to murder him very soon
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Lynch is a cuck who can't simply say fuck off to him lmao
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I feel bad for laughing at this scene but the midget running was so gosh darn funny
will somebody finally put the text above the finger?
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What did Mark Frost mean by *this* ?
It's an icepick you fucking normie
contemporary criticism is a cesspool of tokenistic petulant outrage written by vastly under-qualified writers, both in term of their knowledge of film and their writing ability. Based Armond is more correct than ever when it comes the the minimum credentials for a critic
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Fuck lynch what lazy fucking film making i cant believe you chucklefucks gobble this shit up weeks after weeks like it's you gramonboba life source or whatever the fuck

Season 1 was nothing like this it was cool and mysterious, theres no subtleness, now it hits you in your face like that scene with the midget like wtf lynch lol you stupid fuck we get it you hate micheal j anderson because he knows you raped your daughter and now so do I, so well done you HACK
>every bad character/scene is Mark Frost
fucking lynchfags
Twin Peaks needs Frost to work.

Cuz, ya know, it ain't Inland Empire

Did anyone else catched the shot when Sonny Jim looks back down at his book and it's reversed footage? It's happening again. It can't be unintentional.
Richard Horne is the best new character. He's just another better funnier Bobby


there was an implication that the woman was saying free speech is a problem because it allows mean nasty bigots like Chad to exist
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my son
that's not what she was saying at all
>i feel bad

That scene was pure black comedy, don't feel bad

There is one scene in Mulholland Drive that is like that too
if you haven't eaten all day, eating a sandwich late at night isn't too odd anon.
January Jones wife is best wife.
This is sort of correct though, they had an excuse in the old series but this time it takes place in the US in 2015 so at least 40% of the characters should be non-white to match reality.
I just want Lynch to make a horror movie is that too much to ask?
quad confirm Lynch needs *someone else* to make a coherent narrative
The True Detective
with a broken weapon.
The kid getting hit by the car made me feel sick. Come on Lynch, you cut away from three car thieves getting blown the fuck up but show a kid getting wiped off camera by a car? I'm fairly desensitized due to 4chan but nobody wants to see that shit. Well maybe /d/ does.
>Lynch browses 4chin
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>119 119 119 119 119 119
>119 119 119 119 119 119
>119 119 119 119 119 119
>119 119 119 119 119 119
>119 119 119 119 119 119

That's not what I said.

I said Lynch needs Frost to make Twin Peaks work.

Surreal doesn't fucking mean incoherent.

Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, etc etc etc all work on their own.
Are you retarded?
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woah...so this is the power...of...quality...b8!
His head was made to knock people the fuck out with it.
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he was never actually hit by the car. he was absorbed into the electrical wires
Holy shit you need a psychiatrist
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>fuck you numale KEK!
Should have been original HM instead of HM2. He's using a melee weapon and nobody shot him from a mile away through six panes of glass.

A true beauty.
>Richard introduced last episode
>the fat guy next to Harry Dean Stanton mentions Linda getting a new wheelchair
>"Richard and Linda... Two birds with one stone"

Shit's happening bois.
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my top waifu
>*blocks your path*
Is this show post-post-irony?
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That was repeated footage right?
I hope we see more of the giant going forward
your book is shit Mark.
why did the little guy stab that woman again?
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It was the muslims fault
I didn't know Vin Diesel was in TP
it was cool to see that guy from lost again
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just open this one if you are tought
Are you stupid? He's an assassin
Barry Gifford was co-writer on Lost Highway
Watching season 2 for the first time now, does s3 have recurring characters?
she was a redditor like you, kid
>mfw people yesterday were saying lynch knows how to utilize violence without going over the top
You're fucked up, m8.
possibly, I would have to analyze both scenes side by side. it is definitely a repeat of the lines.
>tfw no koksal lodge spirit
>Jade gives two rides

Holy fuck I was crying
Your taste is shit anon.
she snorted the lines
Those are the type of people that voted for Trump idiot. Also the series was filmed when Obama was still Kang.
Tha's a point.
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Kid was ugly anyway. I would cry if based Sonny Jim died.
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>They're unironically building up a fight between a manlet and an autist
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Jacoby stays noided.
they both looked the same
yeah, I got that. But why her?


Need a webm of his reaction
>no one can even muster up a "L-LYNCHED" because they got so thoroughly BTFO
>Verified. T.P.
but seriously, the footnotes and the newspaper snippets just don't work for me. real FBI case files are going to quote from the newspaper article and provide analysis of everything. this just skims the surface, no real analysis of any kind.
no fucking way

Is she trying out for the role of that mouthplate nigga in Black Panther here?
Non english speaker here, what is the second meaning of "giving a ride"?
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I honestly would have preferred if Diane remained unseen.
What did the stairs and ladders all over the case files actually mean? Was he trying to say that everyone was claiming insurance on purpose because that other dude in Dougie's office is conning the company? I thought maybe Dougie was trying to draw a slide, so they go up a ladder and slide down the stairs on purpose, or something.
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She ordered the failed hit on Dougie. Cleaning up loose ends I guess.
She didn't look like she was enjoying that sandwich all that much.
having sexual intercourse in the woman-on-top position
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>what you don't like how she looks?
>we drive shitty cars!
>drive two gigantic gas guzzling cars
What did she mean by this?
Such an irritating character
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its a wig.

i cant be the only one who thought it was clearly a fuckin' wig.
like you lie down in bed and the woman rides your dick like she's riding a horse. that's what i've heard anyway and watched in porn
She worked for DoppelCoop and was in charge of killing RealCoop, but his luck buff protected him, so now she dies for being a useless bitch who listens to the same shitty song on loop.
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sometimes life is a mystery anon. i believe truth itself is a mystery, drawing all of us into its light. i see you in the light, happy in knowing the truth of your life.
Mom's gonna freak when she sees this
inland empire phantom face. absolutely horrifying. that scene where laura slowly runs toward the screen is terrifying
no shit genius
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is this film CANON?
No anon, everybody apart from you thought that's Laura Dern's actual hair.
When that mother and child were chasing each other it reminded me of how coop was being chased by boop in the black lodge. When that kid died it felt nostalgic. Don't why (if it turns out to be true) why Laura Palmer's diary's pages were stuck in there?.

I don't really have an opinion on those beyond that they were hard to read in my digital version.

However, I loved the Jack Parsons stuff. For the most part, it's all historically accurate.

Weird as fuck.

I actually felt crazy after reading two biographies of the guy.

>wait...the JPL and the US Space
>program owes a lot of its existence
>to a practicing Thelemite that had
>his cash and wife stolen by L. Ron
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is that JUDY?
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>tfw you are french and you discover that at 3 am /tpg/ is watching the new episode on a live stream together.

Never bought one of these, but if they make Bob-Coop, Dougie-Coop and Coop-Coop I'd buy them desu.
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>this scene happens in the first half of the episode and is like 30 seconds long
>expect them to come back to it later in the episode
>doesnt happen
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>And why did it crunch like that?
It had cereal in it.
Is that same women who's doing the shit acting?
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ofcourse its not LAURA DERNS hair dumbass.

I mean DIANE is wearing a wig.
live threads suck anyway. Everyone spams the thread and barely watches the episode.
Except Coop and DoppelCoop only stopped to look at each once in that hallway, then Coop was just hightailing it. But yeah it was a fucking weird chasing game, but that's Lynch for you.
Beautiful Laura Palmer runs towards camera screaming= horror
Ugly Dern runs towards camera= lolwut get that manface off my screen pls
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>tfw we will never get to see Jade shoving her ass into Dougie's face while Janey-E watches
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>HAHA fucko gotcha again
so did mike put the pages in the stall or what?

I wish SWERY would make a cameo appearance. He'd probably be pretty confused since he has no idea what Twin Peaks is, though.
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well, it could have been Leland too
before the matches scene
why would leland put them there
>He's just another better funnier Bobby
Has he walked backwards yet?
It's more generic than that.

You can say "yeah dude, I totally rode her all weekend" or "I gave him a great ride Marsha" regardless of the position(s).
They should have ended the show after season 1
I wonder if people unfamiliar with Dern legitimately thought that was a transsexual, especially after Duchovny came back
some misdirection

>Janey-E and Jade keep trying to one-up each other and please Dougie harder
Even Australia has it stream the same time the US of A gets it.
True, Jack Parsons was very interesting. And the circumstances surrounding his death during a time when people were mysteriously murdered by people unknown are very suspect. So I suppose I was harsh on the book, I just expected a bit more.

Yes, fuck man, I noticed that as well. The way the mother grabbed onto the child's back it was eerily similar.
what kind of retard opinion is htis?
What game is this?

a bait one
How will Coop hilariously and accidentally thwart the mercenary midget?
Blair Witch - Rustin Parr
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Mr. Tojamura's young assistant
Deadly Premonition
So we're never going back to the Ruth Davenport case are we? Lynch just wanted to throw in an unsolved murder because he couldn't do it with Laura Palmer 30 years ago?
the boxer chief will

>Ruth Davenport
Fresh lettuce.
Why are so many people forgetting that she was the woman from the last episode who ordered the hitman and called the blackberry in the wooden bowl at Argent?
What was going on with Dougie and his Boss? Like I know I am retarded but I didn't understand what the boss understood about his work
The right one

Season 2 sucks because they were forced to reveal the murderer. So far this season has been complete shit

There is literally no plot 6 episodes in, it's just a bunch of random images for Lynch to jack off to

Coop will spill hot coffee onto the midgets eyes and Coop's boss will punch him the fuck out
He'll throw hot le coffee and pie on him and the midget will say "haha that is damn fine coffee and pie thank you"
He'll know that carry muncher's stack of hot coffee onto him and scold him then he falls out a window or something
stupid chad
Those aren't the diary pages.

Harold Smith had those, they were found when he committed suicide, everybody already read them.
The damage to the stall door looked way too recent. it even had a fairly fresh coat of paint on it.
boo hoo too much to be a soldier
It goes to show the kind of casual moron we've got here, the "nothing is happening" types, who can barely follow a conventional show without needing their hand held, let alone Twin Peaks

It shows that Dougie's lying co-worker is committing fraud with other cases. It linked his name to multiple reports.
Nah Kyle spend 3 months gaining weight and another 3 to lose it just for that photo
Because this show has terrible pacing and editing with forgettable characters
that there was fraud involved. something to do with the addresses and the detectives investigating the claims.
if you read them all, you see a Judy there
He was telling him in coded messages how that other dude in Dougie's office is making money by submitting fraudulent claims
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Stupid magic motherFUCKER

I'll show you, kid
no need to get snarky i mean they could also have shooped his body to look fatter

or put him in a fat suit

there's many possibilities
If you really want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes watch this
Diane IS Laura Dern you absolute ball of fuck
fuck off, m8. my memory is just shit.
We already know the high school principal killed her under possession of a lodge spirit, and Dark Coop had something to do with it. I just want to know about Major Briggs.
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>WTF is this fucking Indian doing? I am going to tell on him.
Dougie must have a ten inch personality.
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So if there not the diary pages, what could it be?
those were the other missing diary pages
So what the actual fuck was with that drug lord's coin trick? Was it a side effect of that new drug which the boss knew about and was just fucking with Richard who was hallucinating the whole thing?
Thanks anon, I do...

use the ladies room chad you stupid fuck
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literally Fargo: the scene
Chad and Wally episode when?
lewd fanfiction involving your waifu and johnny horne

How does this faggot not get his shit pushed in by every other cop? He's a tattletale who shits on soldiers. That would get you fucking wrecked in any police station.

i thought it was just a weird way of trying to freak richard out
Annie's message to Laura
is RED, Becky's father?
why do you faggots watch shows with actual niggers in them? I will never understand a white man that can look at a living nigger and not burst in flames. Holy shit.
Terrible fake. You can see which letters have been copied/pasted. Back to Photoshop school for whoever the lazy faggot is who made that.
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I think the guy doesn't have any powers and was fucking with him. Killer Mike in the back knew he was fucking with him and was laughing
David pls
I did
I;m thinking that Ike's attack will not bring Coop back. If he turns to normal hell just go to Twin Peaks immediately, which nullifies the buildup from Hawk's investigation and the room key being mailed.
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N-no Donna (fwwm version) is pure.
harry dean stanton lived in south dakota, didnt he?

did he switch trailer parks to one in twin peaks?
Chad is gonna die in a bad way, hopefully by magic motherfucker
Didn't you know? Twin Peaks always was a sequel to Blue Velvet. She was always Diane, anon.
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>Midget is about to die
>"Who the fuck are you?"
>Coop smiles at him and points at his chest
>"Mr. Jackpots!" "Dougie Jones!"
>Credits roll
Or is the drug lord possessed by an evil spirit and feeding on the garmonbozia of the lives he destroys?
He's in a small town, and his dad is probably powerful or something.
How in the Seven Names of Fuck should I know?
It's the same trailer park, Lynch just doesn't give a fuck anymore
I'm not one for these crackpot theories but I have a feeling that it's all about Twin Peaks somehow.
his types that voted Trump
Don't forget that he's also corrupt and participating in drug trafficking.
Whole lot of shaking going on down in Bend
I think your onto something there I honestly do.
because in the book is said he and log lady were fuck buddies
About geography autists? No, thank god
Frost pls go
Twin Peaks and FWWM always had rekt geography.
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love the diane casting
yes, they are middle america represented perfectly
no, in The Secret History of Twin Peaks, they state that the trailer park is just outside of Twin Peaks in a town called Deer Lake. I was confused about that inconsistency too, but it is a retro-rewrite to bridge FWWM to The Return.
>So we're never going back to the Ruth Davenport case are we?


And he's doing everything he can to make all the other cops hate him. It's like he's trying to get investigated. Cops REALLY don't like it when you go around shitting on the military and threatening to snitch to the boss for everything.

thats just, wow
>geography autists
It's a completely different state, why didn't he just move Twin Peaks in this season to Hawaii while he was at it?

You're one of those who would bend over backwards to explain it away l m a o
>3rd of the episodes are over
>nothing has happened yet
Bravo Lynch
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so what the fuck was this about?

Sexy Dern.
centerr piece of S4 or the Spin off
>no manface
good webm
yeah fuck drumpf and FUCK twin peaks
But the entirety of Dr. Jacoby's past is centred in hawaii
it will all come together anon, we are still in the setup phase. by episode 9, you will begin to see the correlations. remember, the military intelligence officer is on her way to investigate.
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What was happening here?
Also why is this guy giving the contract to kill dougie and the woman to the dwarf?

Lynch said wait and see, faggot
Did Stanton say "god" when the kid's spirit flew away? It reminded me of MIKE who said he chopped his arm off after seeing God.

Also did the 5 on the lamppost mean anything? Made me think of the 3 and 15 on the furnace type thingies in nonexistence. Have we been missing other numbers? Is the shown counting up to 15 and that's when we get Coop back?
lynch being weird for the sake of weird so pseudo intellectuals feel good and superior about watching this shit :-)
About that guy, you just keep watching!

lenovo bloatware fucking up

That actor was just wanted to remind you that he's in everything.
it is 6, Darya room was 6
>originally from tp
>move back to town in his twilight years
what's so hard to understand? They even made a point to show that the trailer park looked different, and had a "new" on the sign
Get cue to send envelope.
Send envelope.
Assassin receives envelope.
Assassin kills targets.

Pretty straight forward...
>show with a worldwide audience of 50 people getting a spin off
It's not Killer Mike
quickstarter money done in a black room like the movie DOGTOWN
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Subtitles say God
The spirit who possessed the principal to kill the librarian, when the principal has an emotional breakdown it feeds on his garmonbozia then leaves

im fine with all that, but for some reason i really thought the trailer park was in buckhorn, SD.

I'm just confused by everything right now
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>I've been smoking for 75 years, every fucking day

yeah i know :^)
He never topped After the Gold Rush
Never seen that kind of cue.
Also at this point the show should be renamed "Las Vegas".
no it isn't. have you read the book anon?
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David Lynch has absolutely no idea what the fuck he's doing. 80% of these characters are throwaway memes and there is no plot at all.

Episodes 5 and 6 have shown that this show will have absolutely nothing substantive to offer. 12 more episodes of David Lynch's 20 million dollar Youtube Poop starring whatshername, whowasthatguy, and Agent Dougie Strokevictim, the most frustrating character to ever be shown on television.
stick with something a little more simple to follow, like Big Bang Theory or Mr Robot
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pleb filter to get rid of the normie fleas

say that to his fcking face and not online next time you fukin cookie cutter weasel
but what was the plot of Big Bang Theory?
looks like you just got ZIMBABWED
>have you read the book anon?
Fuck off, Mark
I think I'm starting to like Dougie more than original Cooper. I mean without the real Sherrif Truman to be bros with, Cooper is kinda boring.
You could say that introducing PoC is not important, but you must admit he's right...
The Sopranos has conveyed more complexity of character and theme in 45 minutes than Lynch has done in 6 hours.

Fuck off with your "I'm so smurt" pretentiousness
maybe you would be better off watching a Disney movie or some capeshit. let us enjoy our dystopian nonlinear narrative.
>seeing some blood splatters and stabbing motions
>over the top
OP of the last couple threads here, I'm not making a new one so someone else do it
>plot of Big Bang Theory?
women can spoil anything, the show
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>there was an implication
>t. Mr Robot fanboy
Twin Peaks s3 is literally sub-Big Bang Theory, But keep telling yourself that it's experimental and avant garde and that you're special for watching it and better than those who don't
Actually, the more episodes they release, the more it's obvious that the plot is immensely complex. Everything is connected some way. Try to write something like that, it's very hard.
what show does not got a revival?
>midget literally stabbing fuck out of a woman's stomach and dragging the blade around inside isn't over the top
not that i give a fuck
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>Dougie is at peace. Dougie is happy. Dougie is enlightened.
Coop was always searching
>Dale Cooper is the character from Blue Velvet after changing his name for protection
>frank booth shows up in Twin Peaks
Lol, have you even watched Mulholland Drive? The cues in that movie are 100x more far-fetched than this.
Except it isn't. See you have the assumption that a lot of these things are going to be revisited and come together at the end, but they won't, because I know Lynch and I can smell his bullshit a mile away. Once you realize that your tune will change too.
Yeah and when it all comes together no one will give a fuck lol

Made me erupt with laughter. It looked like something from a Troma movie. The wide shot is fucking hilarious.
This, it reminds me of a lot of the throwaway scenes in Mulholland Dr.because it was cobbled together from a tv pilot
That's just bad special effects.

In case you haven't noticed, the special effects in this show are done like a college graduate did them with a few exceptions.
I predict a particularly gruesome and undignified death for the midget.
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What kind of weapon was that black dude holding?

The drum and ejection port made it look like an automatic shotgun, but the barrel looked too small.

WTF is it?
I'm actually really glad this Dougie storyline is playing out. People seem so eager to have their nostalgia itches scratched and I for one am so glad Lynch and Frost haven't given into nostalgia much(some little sprinkles are perfect)

Lynch does not give a fuck what anyone wants. He's going to tell the story his way. If you don't like it thats totally fine but don't expect the 90's twin peaks cause Lynch isn't that kind of storyteller. He's not interested in giving you what you want. I love that about this new season, it's honestly the most refreshing thing on television in a long long time..
Lynch did them all on photoshop
>Final episode is just David Lynch dancing and singing to "IM BLUE DABADEEBADIE IF I WAS GREEN I WOULD DIE"

I missed the "new" part.
>not getting it
>He's going to tell the story his way
What story?
kek thats The Force Awakens level of writing
a heavy machine gun with a drum magazine
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I see more and more LYNCHED anons with every new part, what the fuck is going on?
The Great Lynching
They only watched like half of the first season for muh cherry pie donuts XD.

Plebs can't handle Dougie and are starting to crack. The day of the Lynch is near.
massive influx of reddit users.
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Looks like I was wrong about the barrel.

It does seem to be a shotgun.

Specifically, an Atchisson Assault Shotgun
It's not about nostalgia at all. I watched Twin peaks for the first time a year ago. It's about creating something that is enjoyable or meaningful to watch. And the only meaning I've gotten from Dougie is "getting old sucks and also your favorite characters are all gone forever"
>He thinks 18 hours of "OMG DOUGIE WTF LOL" is somehow refreshing
People thought that S3 would be nostalgia pandering "le cherry cake XD" like their Tumblr memes, since that's what modern nihilistic postmodern media has got them used to and now they are angry and confused at Lynch doing Lynch things
He was in the lodge 25 fucking years. Of course hes gonna be shell shocked when he gets out. Plebs just wanted Coop to come out normal and go straight to twin peaks.
and he's right
>delusional fans incapable of thought use the same old defense mechanisms because they can't handle that The Revival is a mess
there are definetly a bunch of scenes that will never be followed up on, like the chip has got no phone guy and possibly shaggy, but some of this stuff is definetly going somewhere
You don't carry a "heavy" machine gun.

I was wrong, it's an Atchisson Assault 12 combat shotgun.
>He thinks "Twin Peaks: The Return" is "The Dougie Show"
It's an AA12, it's every kids favorite meme shotgun since Call of duty MW2 came out. How do you not know this?
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we are seeing levels of Lynching that have never been seen in the history of human existence. if you have been Lynched, please assist yourself before helping others that have been Lynched. we need to stick together to get through this in once piece.

Even MIKE seems frustrated now

That nigga might be able to.
This. Lynch also said he planned it like an 18hr movie cause why not? So we are only starting to get out of the "first act" if thats the case.
Hola reddit.
i don't know guns. i don't own guns. i don't play shooter games. i have never played call of duty.
Viewer's getting fed up with dougie, characters here and there with plots that probably won't go anywhere. We're not going to get coop till the very end my guess or maybe dougie arc will be over next ep >spolier it won't
This. Plus Coop was driving in the trailer. Dougie wont be thr whole season.
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I haven't even turned on my PS4 in three months.
He's not "out". He's merged with Dougie the same way Cooper is merged with Bob.

Bob will probably end up trading places with Cooper and possess Dougie at some point.

Powers from the Black Lodge (like what BOB and Dougie have), he is probably possessed
>implying /tpg/ isn't the most reddit shit on 4chan
mmmm damn fine coffee
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hahaha fucking noob

Andy will beat his ass
>Hating on Retard Coopers, the best part of the the return.
Seriously I love this "slice of life" of Dougie, it's true Kino. Also the jazz music makes it even better.
lol, these generals are a mess
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He could try I suppose.
Interpret it however you want! There is no wrong answer :^)

I have faith in big nig. He does have magic on his side.
You mean damn good Joe

Exactly, if we continue with the "end of act 1" thing, Coops back in his suit, Hawk found the pages, shits about to really kick off, as things tend to do. At the end of act 1.
Blue Velvet had a non-conventional narrative and was still interesting and meaningful.
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>don't beat me Joe, pls don't hurt me, AHH JOE DON"T KILL ME
Why didn't they have this guy replace the arm/the midget instead of having a neuron tree?
Looking into it some more the barrel looks smaller than a 12 gauge because it is.

Apparently AA12s use some kind of internal choke.
>Blue Velvet had a non-conventional narrative

Boy comes home
Boy finds trouble
Boy falls in love
Boy saves day
Evil is vanquished
So this is the 6th EP which makes it the end of arc 1
EP 12 end of of arc 2
18 end of arc 3?
Cause it's an even bigger fuck you to the original
>like a college graduate

You need to work on your insults friend
she predicted the future
>See you have the assumption that a lot of these things are going to be revisited and come together at the end, but they won't

Ah, good to see you've already seen the whole thing.
>runs over child like a minute after
Richard confirmed for reaching the highest caliber of edge
i had the same opinion, it HAD to be black comedy
like the other poster said, don't feel bad. Lynch wants you to laugh.
It's hilarious. And the long, drawn out reaction shots of all the townies is hilarious as well. All those people looked so weird lol.
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